Dear listeners of Barely D&D, we are thrilled to finally provide to you all a recording of our Live Show from October of 2022!
This has been a Patreon exclusive for almost a year, but with the great abundance of other specials and One Shots available exclusively to patrons, we feel that it is finally time to share this excellent, anthalogical, unique story with you all. Enjoy!
Support us on our Patreon to get access to the next episode early, plus a ton of other goodies! :)
Jaci Butler: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok
Twitter: @barelydnd
Instagram: @barelydnd
Facebook: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd
DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is Mika Williams
Gretta is Abby Lesage
Bazz is Landon Williams
Row is Jaci Butler
Music Credits:
Did you know Zach has a boss shirt? WE DIDNT! Upcoming Live Adventure: Support us on our Patreon to get access to the...
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