107. Avashzar Did You Know?

Episode 107 August 10, 2024 02:32:45
107. Avashzar Did You Know?
Barely D&D
107. Avashzar Did You Know?

Aug 10 2024 | 02:32:45


Show Notes

If you know, you know.

--> www.patreon.com/barelydnd

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:09] Speaker A: Recording it, though. [00:00:13] Speaker B: Every. [00:00:14] Speaker C: Welcome back to brilliant, everybody. This is your sword of Dungeons and Dragons podcast, the accidental adventures. Today, we're not going to fight Madame East Corpath. [00:00:26] Speaker D: Yes, we are. [00:00:27] Speaker E: They just don't know it. [00:00:29] Speaker C: Everybody's eating something with a spoon. [00:00:31] Speaker B: I'm not. [00:00:31] Speaker C: And we just. The majority is eating stuff with a spoon. And now we're gonna do our letter question. [00:00:40] Speaker E: Micah, I really. I really hope that at the beginning of the recording, the. But we're not recording now. Recording comes up on the recording, but it might not. [00:00:49] Speaker D: That happens so much, but, like, once every five episodes, it's. It's. It's like. [00:00:55] Speaker E: It's. [00:00:56] Speaker D: It's. [00:00:56] Speaker E: It's just like. Okay, once every five episodes, right when it starts recording, someone saying, crunchy, stale poop. [00:01:05] Speaker D: Well, one time. Most times, because Zencastr has a countdown after the countdown. So we try to do a countdown. [00:01:11] Speaker E: Zen Caster Way is very confusing. [00:01:13] Speaker D: And then we'd start talking and realize. Oh, wait. [00:01:17] Speaker E: All right, Micah, hit us with that letter question from your book of questions. [00:01:20] Speaker A: Oh, I have a question. And it's so good. And then I realized that rose, and it may not look like. [00:01:30] Speaker D: All I heard is Rose and orphan, so I love where this is going. [00:01:34] Speaker B: But, yeah, Rose and Orphan came out. No, it's fine. It's fine. [00:01:41] Speaker D: I love stop motion. It's my favorite form of entertainment. [00:01:46] Speaker E: We gave Micah the question when she's having all the technical issues. Micah, hang up and come back in. [00:01:55] Speaker D: You've got off the deep end. You can hear us. [00:01:59] Speaker B: Jonathan knows what I'm talking about. [00:02:02] Speaker E: I'm an imagination grabby. [00:02:04] Speaker D: You are now the questioner. [00:02:08] Speaker B: Something about parents. [00:02:10] Speaker A: No, sorry. [00:02:15] Speaker E: Text me the question. [00:02:15] Speaker D: It's not better. [00:02:16] Speaker E: Micah, your bedroom is chopping it out again. Real quick. [00:02:21] Speaker B: If your character was a chapel roan song, what would it be? [00:02:27] Speaker D: Doesn't she sing that one song? [00:02:36] Speaker E: We have listeners to think about. [00:02:38] Speaker B: Yeah, I am thinking about him. We're talking about Chapel Road here. [00:02:43] Speaker E: Okay, I know my audience. We can see you now. [00:02:49] Speaker C: Aw, that's cute. Micah. Micah's letter to question from her awesome book is, how did your parents meet? [00:02:57] Speaker D: Okay, thanks, guys. I was literally telling Zachary today, I have no idea. I don't remember anything about boss's family. I don't know which one of his is a dryad. [00:03:06] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:03:07] Speaker D: The other half of Boz is. [00:03:10] Speaker E: Like, when we go to the lost lands. I don't know anything about my family. And I was like, yeah, we haven't talked about that long time. We should sit down. And talk about it. [00:03:16] Speaker D: Let's talk about it. [00:03:18] Speaker E: I think since Landon doesn't know anything about boss's parents, and since Ro is an orphan, we should go with this question. Who do we want to know? [00:03:29] Speaker D: Cause Ro doesn't know anything about her parents. This is hilarious. [00:03:33] Speaker E: I love this. [00:03:34] Speaker D: Who? [00:03:34] Speaker B: I would like the TMMPC to be Ro's dad. No, wait. That wouldn't do anything. We don't know if he's alive. And that would just be my grandparents. That wouldn't help. [00:03:44] Speaker C: The TMNTC should be rose. Secret siblinghenne. [00:03:48] Speaker B: I think the DMMC should be Ravina's ghost. [00:03:52] Speaker C: There you go. [00:03:53] Speaker B: She was in there just a couple episodes back. [00:03:58] Speaker E: Seriously, who's the DMNPC? [00:04:01] Speaker D: You know more about Shree guru's parents. Let's not choose him. We know about Tyler's parents. Let's not choose him. Nom's told us about her parents. Let's not choose her. Let's choose bill. Free and ploph. [00:04:11] Speaker B: Because I feel like that's another just sad story. These are all really depressing. [00:04:18] Speaker D: Okay, Zachary, write some happy stories is what Jackie's saying. Tell us about Zorgram's parents, Zachary. Tell us about my mom and dad. I want to go back to his early childhood traumas. [00:04:28] Speaker C: Nifty spares nifty spirits. [00:04:30] Speaker B: What? Whose nifty. [00:04:32] Speaker E: Okay, okay. I can't believe we're doing this. We're going to vote. [00:04:35] Speaker D: Do we do Zogram's parents? [00:04:39] Speaker C: Nifty's parents. [00:04:40] Speaker D: Zorgram's parents. [00:04:42] Speaker E: Okay, everybody vote. Landon land, invoke Micah. We can see you. Can we hear you? [00:04:47] Speaker D: Oh, we can't hear her. [00:04:48] Speaker E: Oh, Micah, just go ahead and let's do this. Let's do this. It's really cool when you get to use your fancy mic, but it's really cool when you use your fancy mic. But if you want, you can just go ahead and make your audio input your laptop and unplug your. What? [00:05:05] Speaker D: Just unplug the mic. Completely. [00:05:07] Speaker E: Yeah, because it's. It's better to get some audio from you than no audio, that's for sure. [00:05:13] Speaker B: Snap. [00:05:15] Speaker E: Well, you're still talking. No Mike. Okay, I don't think she got what we were saying. So, has she rejoined? Mike, unplug your mic. And this intro is a mess. [00:05:35] Speaker A: Hello. There we go. [00:05:39] Speaker E: Okay, cool. I'm sorry. [00:05:43] Speaker D: Which is perfectly fine, but you don't have to talk into the other mic now. You can just talk at your laptop. [00:05:47] Speaker A: No, I unplugged it and plugs it back in. [00:05:50] Speaker D: Oh, it's working. Okay. [00:05:51] Speaker E: Okay, cool. All right, so we're voting since. Since we're going with. How did your. How did your character's parents meet? Everybody is voting on whether or not the DMNPC is Nifty's parents or Zogram's parents. Okay, so we have Landon votes for Zogram. Abby votes for Nifty. Micah, who do you vote for? [00:06:10] Speaker D: Jackie voted for Zorgram. [00:06:12] Speaker B: I voted for Zorgram. [00:06:15] Speaker E: Okay. We're waiting to hear from Micah. [00:06:17] Speaker A: I vote I have more emotional attachment to nifty. [00:06:23] Speaker E: Okay, so here's what. Here's what we're gonna. [00:06:24] Speaker F: So here's what we're gonna do. [00:06:26] Speaker E: Here's what we're gonna do. Jackie and Landon elect one representative. Abby and Micah elect one representative. I'm not doing it. [00:06:33] Speaker D: Nose goes. [00:06:34] Speaker B: I'll do it. I don't know what we're doing, but I'll do it. [00:06:37] Speaker D: I'd rather. I only have an hour to play Jackie. I'd rather just give it to you. [00:06:41] Speaker E: Jackie, you and Abby are going to play rock, paper, scissors. [00:06:43] Speaker A: No, it's okay, Zorgram. [00:06:44] Speaker E: Excellent. We're doing Zorgom. Okay. Abby, how did Greta's parents meet? [00:06:52] Speaker C: They probably met in the same way that any. Like. It was probably pretty standard. They probably met, like, just when two groups of traveling people were passing. And then they met again, and they. [00:07:03] Speaker E: Exchanged two hurts families. [00:07:05] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:05] Speaker E: I'm just going to canonize right now that her parents, who I believe we have not named. And I was thinking the other day, considering how little we've talked about it, given that Greta is 247, are very old or dead, but that her parents, who were probably once very cute and alive, I'm going to say that they met by. Because Greta's kind of grandma age for a gnome. So I'm gonna say that her parents did meet, just as traveling herding families went by each other just the classic way. But it wasn't like, once and then met. The families run similar routes. And so, slowly but surely, over the course of many years, they got to know each other better and better. And they had this romance that had to, like, no magic, no letters. It just had to, like, once a year, when they met up with each other, they would, like, get some time together and then apart and then together and apart. And maybe that's why I, Greta first heard the moons together in a part thing. [00:08:04] Speaker C: That's so sweet. I like that. That's perfect. [00:08:09] Speaker E: Okay, well, that was a great answer. Top that. Micah, what did Craig's parents meet. [00:08:16] Speaker A: I feel like Craig's parents met in the way that, like, in the thirties. Sorry, like, maybe in the twenties of just, like, the guy meets the girl, like, for maybe two weeks, and, like, okay, I'll marry you. And, like. Cause, like, I think that they grew up in the same community. It was very small community. Again, I'm gonna say that Craig's rocking business has been, like, a passed down trade of work. [00:08:49] Speaker E: I mean, you guys have worked in the mines for generations. [00:08:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:52] Speaker A: So I'd say that, like, we met his wife, that I think that it was a very quick decision and then a lifelong, lasting commitment, as per tradition and. [00:09:10] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah, I think that's absolutely the story we're going with. And it's beautiful and deep. All I can think is Craig's dad seeing a lady eating rocks and going, that one. [00:09:22] Speaker C: I'm. [00:09:25] Speaker E: Ro. How did I even know what you were supposed to do with. Your turn? What's your answer? [00:09:36] Speaker B: How about you tell me, Zach, how did my parents meet? [00:09:40] Speaker E: Okay, so how do you think your parents meet? [00:09:43] Speaker B: Okay, so Irvina was walking down the road after she dropped old in the river, and she was like, la, la, la, I'm going to college. And then a tree opened up, and some really hot dryad dude walked out. And she was like, sup? And he was like, you're cute. And she was like, you're cute. And he was like, I came out of a tree. And she's like, I play music, and I'm going to be famous one day for no particular reason. And he was like, nice. And then they fell in love and lived happily ever after until, like, a month later, when, like, crap hit the fan. I don't know. [00:10:25] Speaker E: Um. [00:10:26] Speaker B: I imagine. [00:10:27] Speaker C: I imagine, like, your dad coming on, looking like, um. Like, do you remember the scene in the D and D movie where that guy was like, he, like. [00:10:38] Speaker D: Like, the. [00:10:39] Speaker C: The guy who pulled the fish out of the kuo toa, or pulled the ku'toa out of the fish or whatever. The tabaxiano. Whatever. And he's, like, walking down the words. [00:10:49] Speaker D: So many different words. [00:11:05] Speaker C: It's wild. [00:11:07] Speaker E: 105 episodes later, two years later, Abby's still, like, kua toa. Any other fish. What's the difference? Fish racism confirmed for Abby. Yes. The way the paladin walks in the D and D movie. [00:11:25] Speaker F: Yes. [00:11:26] Speaker B: Well, I hope that's how my dad. How ro's dad walked. Oh, no. They wrote a song together. They've. Maybe they met at college and they wrote a song together after he walked out of the tree. [00:11:37] Speaker E: Okay, Bozeman. [00:11:40] Speaker D: My parents met the root pole. It's like a school dance. You know, all the people in college. Let's keep it at college just because it's fun. All the people in college, they, like, they have like, a. It's almost like a formality, like a ceremony. They all meet up, and there's, like, the people organizing the pole put all the roots on top of together, like, in a jangled mess. Like, they're more like vines. They're not connected to anything, but there's. And there's so many vines. And you grab onto one, and then, like, other people grab onto one. And whoever is pulling on the same vine is. Gets matched together. You know, they get matched, and nobody ever gets matched. Cause there's so many vines. It's almost like a joke. [00:12:24] Speaker B: Haha. [00:12:24] Speaker D: Am I gonna eat? But his parents grabbed the same vine, and at first they're like, it's a joke. But then the village elders, like, this has not happened in, like, 25 years. We have to look at the laws. And they said, oh, no, you guys are actually married now. [00:12:38] Speaker E: It's an arranged marriage. [00:12:40] Speaker D: Nobody intended it to be that way. But, like, an ancient. It's all like, no one's, like, gotten matched on a vine in, like, however many years, Zachary. But they accidentally did it. But, hey, it worked. They're making it work day by day. [00:12:53] Speaker E: I love the concept of ape group of friends. Does everyone want to get together and play that one game where we're probably not going to suddenly get contractually married to a stranger? But we could. [00:13:08] Speaker D: Oh, no, Micah, we can't. [00:13:13] Speaker E: Just unplug it. [00:13:14] Speaker D: Micah, just unplug the mic from your laptop, please. Oh, she's gone. All right, Zachary, let's keep it rocking and rolling. She's gonna get back. I have faith. [00:13:25] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:13:27] Speaker B: Orgrom parents. How'd they meet? [00:13:29] Speaker D: Yes, I know you spent the last 30 minutes hiding it, but I need you to start. [00:13:35] Speaker B: What kind of people dragons birthed that evilness? [00:13:43] Speaker D: Other. [00:13:44] Speaker E: Okay, well, first of all, can we hear you? We can hear you. That's great. So I've just written it down because I'm canonizing this right now. Jorgram's parents were Avash czar and so Vekna, two red dragons from the elder age. These are things your characters don't know. [00:14:09] Speaker B: Yeah, I know. [00:14:11] Speaker E: So Avashar and Savak were two ancient red dragons, and they met. They met at a communal meeting between a council of chromatic dragons in far southern Choskin, debating the movement between separation of culture from other humanoid cultures and integration into larger tuscan cultures. [00:14:42] Speaker B: Yikes. Was it love at first sight, or did they hate each other? [00:14:49] Speaker C: First lovers to enemy. [00:14:52] Speaker B: Like, were they against each other? Like, were they against each other's beliefs? [00:14:56] Speaker E: How did your parents meet? Well, they got in a fistfight at a bar, and then they were like, you have a kid. [00:15:00] Speaker B: Enemies to lovers is a fake genre. [00:15:04] Speaker E: And now I'm gonna write down enemies to lovers. [00:15:08] Speaker B: Yes. [00:15:10] Speaker D: Was it cenothec or something like that? [00:15:13] Speaker E: Avash, czar and Savak. [00:15:16] Speaker B: Those are cool names. [00:15:17] Speaker D: Did you know that you're baby Boyd? [00:15:27] Speaker B: Terrifying. [00:15:28] Speaker E: Inspiration. Landon. [00:15:29] Speaker F: Inspiration. [00:15:30] Speaker E: That's. I swear. Jackie, you and I need to come up with, like, at Christmas time, we need to release just a little cover. That's just Avashar. Did you know? [00:15:38] Speaker B: Wait, but isn't that a little backwards? [00:15:41] Speaker E: Would rain blow? [00:15:45] Speaker A: Let's just talk about, you know, let's take a song that was about show something good and make it just about the devil. [00:15:52] Speaker B: Like, you know. Yeah, no big deal. [00:15:54] Speaker A: Worship song, and then just make it about the devil. [00:15:59] Speaker E: Micah, you don't understand. It can't be copyrighted. It's parody. Okay, well, it sounds like we're good. Let's get into. Let's get into episode 107 that I had a name for. That doesn't. It's not. It's not great. And then I didn't know if you guys were gonna fight Madame Escor, so that doesn't count anymore. I'm just gonna come up with a name later. [00:16:22] Speaker D: Did you know. Can we just name it that with no context? [00:16:26] Speaker B: How do you spell that so we know how to. [00:16:33] Speaker E: That is. That is Ava. S H z A r. I'm right. I'm writing down alternate title. If we. If I come up with a better, more appropriate one, we'll use it. But if I don't, we're naming this episode 107 Avashar. Did you know. [00:16:56] Speaker D: Mike is about to leave the podcast? [00:16:58] Speaker B: Mike is like, I hate this. [00:17:00] Speaker E: This is what my parents warned me about. [00:17:10] Speaker A: I was thinking, like, ink and Link. I don't know. [00:17:14] Speaker E: Let's get the episode link. [00:17:16] Speaker B: Login I. [00:17:18] Speaker E: Okay, young guys, you have just gotten some sick ink. [00:17:25] Speaker B: Sick. Now I have some business I want to take care of with Craig. [00:17:32] Speaker E: Okay. I have Craig. [00:17:36] Speaker B: It's not bad. It's not bad. [00:17:38] Speaker E: I'm sorry for Devry. [00:17:42] Speaker B: Oh, can I. [00:17:43] Speaker E: And you guys are not out of that yet. [00:17:45] Speaker B: I'm gonna. I'm gonna say I tipped him another five platinum just cuz. [00:17:52] Speaker E: Holy crap. Okay. [00:17:56] Speaker B: And I mark it on my. [00:17:57] Speaker E: Understand that's. He is very thankful and requests that if you guys want any more magical tattoos in the future, to please come back to him. [00:18:07] Speaker B: Of course. [00:18:08] Speaker E: Um, that's, like, $1500. That's amazing. [00:18:12] Speaker B: Well, he's a cool guy. [00:18:16] Speaker E: Go ahead, Abby. [00:18:17] Speaker C: I'm gonna say, um, hey, do you. Is there a library around that I could go and read at? [00:18:25] Speaker E: Yes. Dang it. I forgot about that. I gotta plan one now. He goes, rise of blood. Yeah, of course. I mean, what sort of a cultural fixture and purveyor of room and knowledge in the city in which I've lived my entire life? Would I be if I. I didn't know a library of great importance, central significance would be. In fact, I'd even know the name and where it is in the city if I was that person who I definitely am. So I have to know that now. [00:18:57] Speaker C: We don't have to do the library today, Zach. I can wait another time for the library. How about we do office hours activity? [00:19:06] Speaker E: How about we do the library in office hours? Or next episode. Text me about that and we'll figure it out. I don't have one plan. I have a document with, like, 15 businesses and not one library. I tried, but, um. I tried. I tried. So I've got a furniture store. I've got a furniture store. [00:19:27] Speaker C: Well, we should go to the furniture store, actually. [00:19:30] Speaker E: And I have a fine clothing store. I have two different fine clothing stores. I have two different underground fighting places, but I don't have a library. And honestly, that's on me. Anywho, what does the party do? Instead of that? [00:19:47] Speaker B: I have. Ro goes up to Craig. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Hey. [00:19:53] Speaker B: Hey, Craig. I have a proposition or a trade that I'd like you to consider. You don't have to answer right now. It's just something to think about. Um, I was wondering if you'd like. Okay. [00:20:11] Speaker A: I'm just kidding. Go ahead. [00:20:13] Speaker B: Um, I have. I have this. I have no AI memes again. I have this. I have this ring, you see? And she. She holds it up on her finger. She goes, it's got, um, three. Three slots on it, and, uh, basically, you can silence people with it. Um, and I would be willing to trade this ring for your. Your faber's clasp ring if. If you'd be interested. [00:20:56] Speaker E: Praying. [00:20:56] Speaker D: I'll give you 25 platinum for Faber's clasp right now. [00:20:59] Speaker B: Are you kidding me, boss? [00:21:02] Speaker D: 25 platinum, right? Class. [00:21:08] Speaker B: I just. I feel. I feel like I connected. [00:21:12] Speaker E: I had money. [00:21:13] Speaker B: I had a. I had a connection. I had a connection with Faber. And, you know, I'm all about the black cats and bats and, you know, I like things like that. And we talked a lot. [00:21:26] Speaker A: I have a connection to you. [00:21:30] Speaker B: I do with you as well. [00:21:38] Speaker A: Tell me a bit more about this ring that I can silence people with. [00:21:44] Speaker B: So as me, the player, I'm telling you, it basically, it gives you three slots, and you can use one prolong rest, and you gain one. What? I bought it at a magic store in zedge. It slots prolonged rest. Three, and you gain back one a day. One slot a day. And you basically have three slots of using the silence spell, which means you can silence enemies. You can silence anyone around you that you want to, but you could silence an enemy, and they wouldn't be able to cast a spell if they have to use verbal components. But you could also just silence one of us if you're mad at us, which would be funny, because this ring. [00:22:38] Speaker E: Is going to get you. [00:22:39] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what's gonna happen. But anyway, Craig, it's. You don't have to decide right now. It's just a train. Yeah. Here. And she holds it up, and it's like. It's, uh, kind of silvery electrum ish. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Look at it. Um, I was gonna ask the description. She's already got it. I. I would love to make this trade. Honestly, I'm doing favorite disservice by just not knowing what to do with him. I'm a dog person. Honestly, I'm really not a cat person. [00:23:15] Speaker B: I get that vibe. [00:23:16] Speaker A: That's so true. [00:23:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:20] Speaker A: I am much more dog. So I am gonna let's do that trade. [00:23:24] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, and it does. It does require attunement, though, just so you know. Micah. That's me telling you that. But Faber's class so does favors. [00:23:33] Speaker E: Class. [00:23:33] Speaker B: Yeah. So it would just be switching the slot. [00:23:36] Speaker E: It's a one to one. You're still good. I saw the fear in Micah's eyes. [00:23:40] Speaker A: So I missed a. I miss my fire item. [00:23:46] Speaker B: Well, I mean, you can't set anything on fire with this, but you can if you really want to stand up and talk, and you don't want anyone else to. I mean. [00:23:56] Speaker A: And she just leaves it at that. This gives me a voice. This. [00:24:12] Speaker B: It takes away other people's. But yay. [00:24:17] Speaker A: Bullying accomplishes. [00:24:22] Speaker E: Okay. Do you guys make the trick? [00:24:24] Speaker B: You sure? And I'm asking as Jackie, like, are you cool with that? Okay. [00:24:30] Speaker A: I've already been planning to get. [00:24:31] Speaker B: It won't hurt my feelings. Like. [00:24:35] Speaker A: Okay, this is good. [00:24:36] Speaker E: Cool. Okay, ro, you can put favor's clasp in your inventory. Micah, you can put ring of silence in Craig's inventory. And then please share the game statistics with each other. I think that's the first time I've ever had a magic item swap on recording. [00:24:56] Speaker B: Really? [00:24:56] Speaker E: Which is kind of cool. Yeah, no, that's not true. The wars of the world did it once. Anywho, Irm. What the point you now. Oh, Greta. Devram feels bad about not being able to tell you where a library is, so he does tell you about instead. He can't remember where a library is at the moment because all the magic ink fumes have gotten to him. But he does tell you where you can go to the Musee des Bours, the finest art museum in pour is van Dyson. He also tells you about Le Volpier, a marble stone carving studio, as well as the divine mark, an incredibly swanky painting studio. There's also an institution for the fine arts in music, as well as the Doche d'or, which is the jewelry, the finest jewelry shop in the city, as well as three different super nice hotels in this area. Esmeralda's crown, the Velvet throne, and la promise de Balanieu. [00:26:33] Speaker C: What's that last one? [00:26:37] Speaker E: La promesse de Balanio. The Velvet throne. [00:26:49] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:26:52] Speaker E: Which is. The velvet throne is obscenely opulent. And Esmeralda's crown is also incredibly nice. [00:26:59] Speaker C: I'm so sorry. What was the name of the jewelry place? [00:27:03] Speaker E: I can't believe you got any of that down. I said it so fast. Touche. Dor. So t o u c h e r d. Apostrophe o r. Man in these memes. Apostar. Did you know? [00:27:23] Speaker C: Okay, cool. It's exciting. [00:27:27] Speaker E: Okay, anywho, what the party do? [00:27:34] Speaker B: What do you guys want to do? [00:27:40] Speaker E: I went. [00:27:42] Speaker D: I want to buy some cool stuff. I want to go visit the empress. We got to go talk to the empress. [00:27:47] Speaker C: What products do you want to go look at the jewelry store with me? [00:27:51] Speaker B: Oh, I like jewelry. Really? Thinking lately I needed a new necklace. [00:27:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:01] Speaker A: Hey, cool. While the ladies go look at jewelry, all men want to go look at armor so that I can get some better ac. [00:28:12] Speaker C: I mean, that silencing ring is really, like. That's like, really. That's like changing something about your. The way that you interact with the people around. That's crazy. [00:28:23] Speaker A: Sorry. [00:28:23] Speaker C: I don't know if that landed. [00:28:26] Speaker E: What? [00:28:27] Speaker D: What? [00:28:30] Speaker A: Silencing other people? Putting them down. Aka dividing and generalizing women and men. I got it. [00:28:40] Speaker E: Me. What? [00:28:42] Speaker B: I don't know what's happening. [00:28:43] Speaker A: Me and Ava are on the same level. [00:28:47] Speaker C: The wavelengths are going at the same wavelength anyway. [00:28:50] Speaker B: I do want to go with armor, Micah. I gave you all the details in Craig, and I even put the spell. [00:28:58] Speaker D: Should I go talk to the empress by myself or should y'all want to come with me for that? [00:29:03] Speaker C: Come with me for that? [00:29:04] Speaker B: Yeah. I've never met her, so I'd be down. [00:29:07] Speaker D: Okay. She might try to brand you. It's not that bad, honestly. [00:29:11] Speaker B: Yeah, if I. If somebody tries to brand me, I'm gonna be really peeved. [00:29:15] Speaker D: Yeah, we were, too. But you kind of get over it. I got over it. [00:29:18] Speaker B: I don't think. I don't get over things as easily. You know, this. [00:29:22] Speaker E: That is true. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Pattern that I keep getting burned, huh? [00:29:32] Speaker E: Well, it's just all of y'all is getting you back for that field, is all that's happening. Yeah, slowly but surely. Pew, pew, pew. [00:29:43] Speaker A: It's smokey the bear behind it all. That's what this is. [00:29:49] Speaker E: Okay, so Tello says, yeah, I'll go with you to the armory, Craig. So really, Tello, it's just really buzz. It's just a question of whether or not you want to go look at armor with me and Craig, or if you want to go look at the fun jewelry with them. [00:30:07] Speaker C: Raton rock to the emperors first. Oh, I'm just thinking, cuz maybe someone has to get off the coast. [00:30:21] Speaker D: That is true. [00:30:23] Speaker E: That is true. Are we going to look over? [00:30:26] Speaker D: Go to loco of air? [00:30:28] Speaker E: All right, fun guys. [00:30:33] Speaker F: Hey. [00:30:33] Speaker E: And then Tello does a couple cartwheels and starts walking in the direction of Le Corre. Everyone here remembers the way well, except for Ro, who did not get briefly brought before the wait. [00:30:46] Speaker B: But I did play there. [00:30:48] Speaker D: That's where we met her. It was la cour. [00:30:50] Speaker B: That's why I did meet them. So I know everybody walks to the. [00:30:54] Speaker E: Place that everybody knows. Sorry, I didn't think that would work. And it did. Sorry, Jackie, I wasn't ready for the. The fun guys travel together out of Magic Lane, down the market district, and you guys pass all the way into the financial district because the Cueva is in the center of the financial district for the brief moment that you guys leave the living tapestry and pass by Madame Miskors, the tiny little monkey skeleton that's sitting on the barrel that does its little chattering gibber to everyone who passes by, just gets quiet and watches you all and stillness, its head following you for as long as you remain in sight. [00:31:42] Speaker B: Don't like that. [00:31:44] Speaker C: That is creepy. [00:31:48] Speaker E: But anyway, you guys head down the street and eventually you start making your way to old Le Corvette on the way over. Tela goes. All right, so is there any really important items of business we didn't know before we get here, or. [00:32:08] Speaker D: I spoke with her on the phone a while back. It was nice. [00:32:14] Speaker E: Okay. I mean, we're going to meet the most powerful figure in the nation here, so I'm just making sure that we know what we're doing, but we feel confident. Pause. [00:32:23] Speaker D: Oh, okay. Okay. No, no, you're right. I probably should figure out what we're doing. [00:32:26] Speaker E: Um, no, I mean, I didn't mean that sarcastically, if, you know. I mean, you've been good in these situations before. [00:32:30] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't even talking to her. Let me see. Let me think. I'm sure there's a reason I want to talk to her. [00:32:37] Speaker E: We probably should have one if we're going. [00:32:39] Speaker D: That's it. That's a rule. [00:32:40] Speaker E: That's a fair point. [00:32:40] Speaker A: I mean, what. [00:32:44] Speaker E: That laugh is. Tell. Oh, tell o. Actually, I don't know why Craig's coming. [00:32:48] Speaker D: After me so strong right now. [00:32:52] Speaker E: You know? I guess frozen again. I've noticed that you talk to that Bella, and I talk to noticing, and. [00:33:02] Speaker B: There'S no thing for. Are you in the empress, like. Like, an item or. [00:33:08] Speaker E: I mean, she branded me strong women, so there's always, you know, it's just different patterns for different people. [00:33:16] Speaker D: Listen, we're the only two people who survived dual goth. You know, that's. I feel like that's something big in common. [00:33:22] Speaker F: What do you mean? [00:33:22] Speaker B: The only two people? All four of us are standing here. [00:33:25] Speaker D: Yeah, but, like, that's, like, four more people. Two of six people. [00:33:30] Speaker E: Well, that hurts. I think he just said that. Neither of us is like. That's kind of hurtful. [00:33:34] Speaker B: Yikes. I'm offended. Are you offended? [00:33:38] Speaker E: Yeah, you've offended. Well, look how offended she is. Fine, let's just go. [00:33:42] Speaker D: Let's just go get jewelry. [00:33:43] Speaker E: Let's just go get jewelry. And as the party doesn't talk out any strategy, you guys walk for, like. [00:33:49] Speaker D: I'm not walking in without knowing what I'm gonna go talk to her about. Track and into the freaky. [00:33:56] Speaker C: You can ask her if, like, she has any jobs for us. [00:34:01] Speaker B: Or if she's got a boyfriend. I was just saying, like, we did an awesome job for her last, and she waited. [00:34:13] Speaker C: Maybe we could tell her that we're in town. [00:34:15] Speaker D: We picked up two more fun guys that need brands. Brand deals. Actually. [00:34:21] Speaker E: We'Re just swinging by to brand some people. Hey, I was in the neighborhood, and my friend hadn't been burned yet. [00:34:30] Speaker D: I can't believe he branded us. Figured out who the chain smokers were. Okay, I don't like this chain smokers. Isn't that the chain something? I was trying to do a plan. [00:34:38] Speaker E: Words. [00:34:49] Speaker D: That brand on your shoulder. Okay. I don't know what. I just was gonna say hi and see what she had to say. That was my whole game plan. What do y'all think should say something else? [00:35:00] Speaker B: That's how you flirt. I don't think it's gonna go very far. [00:35:05] Speaker C: She get her a gift. [00:35:06] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:35:06] Speaker B: But get her a piece of her glory. [00:35:09] Speaker E: You know what? I have a question. Okay. Greta, you still have Tolga's hand, right? [00:35:16] Speaker C: I do. [00:35:20] Speaker E: I mean, we found out. [00:35:21] Speaker D: Give it to her. [00:35:22] Speaker E: He was here. [00:35:23] Speaker B: Very romantic. [00:35:25] Speaker F: That'd be a pretty. [00:35:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:35:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:27] Speaker D: I'm not trying to be sweet on this woman. I just wanted, I'm not. I think we're misunderstanding the assignment here. [00:35:33] Speaker F: It's okay. [00:35:33] Speaker D: There's nothing to be embarrassed. [00:36:13] Speaker E: I think you make a good point, Craig. I think probably the mask is a little more. [00:36:17] Speaker C: I think the mask puts the hand in her. [00:36:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I think the hand, though. [00:36:22] Speaker E: I like that. Craig made a suggestion, and Landon was like, I don't know. And then, and then tell o repeated the suggestion, boss was like, dang, that's kind of a really good point. I didn't hear the suggestion. I don't know what's going on in my toes. And it was like, dang, he's right. I didn't hear my, oh. Oh, my goodness. [00:36:48] Speaker A: I got younger sister. You heard it here first, y'all. [00:36:56] Speaker D: I literally did not hear my gut. I could not hear. [00:37:00] Speaker A: It's so funny, Landon. [00:37:05] Speaker E: I'm just sitting here thinking about the meme I'm gonna make later of the one where Pam's, like, big corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures. There's one that has a kua toa on one side and one that has the fish from the D and D movie, and it just says Greta in the middle. Okay, anywho, um, the party. [00:37:26] Speaker D: Let's go ask for information. Let's see how she's doing. Let's give her the hand. Let's get brands for television. [00:37:33] Speaker E: A couple blocks in the distance, a couple blocks in the distance where many of the banking. Where many of the banks start to rub up against their fine granite shoulders with each other, and many of the marbled structures begin to expand outward into guild headquarters and trade franchises. Nestled among them, safely in the bed of so much finance and wealth, is the wide property of Lecoywe looking sort of like a pale gray stone interpretation of a greek temple. All of its fenestrations and grooves covered in emerald. Thin sheets of emerald and jade patterned back and forth with each other. The tall iron gates have speared tips at the top, and a dark iron with little trims of gold around there, just an opulent sign of wealth. And in between, the cobblestone basin leads up those like highly mounting stairs that end up. I mean, it's a single structure building, but where it stands, it's almost two stories off the ground just for the walk up to it. And as you all approach the gates, there is a. With the pizza. Okay, there is. You know what? Give me. Somebody give me. Sorry, I just saw Landon's message about. We left $20 in that bag. Somebody give me an odds or evens. [00:39:08] Speaker B: Odds. [00:39:09] Speaker E: Odds. Okay. As you all approach the gates, there's always a different member of La Pommelville sort of on guard. Oftentimes they're assigned guards who just do that duty. But sometimes to create favor, a different member of the organization might be there. Standing at the gate is a tall, thin, drow woman with a rapier at her side and tight leather armor, a symbol of la Pommavier on her left shoulder with a half cape draping over one side. And you all immediately recognize the woman who you had the confrontation with in the street. Standing there guarding the gate as you all approach. As you walk up, she's sort of, like, looking around and there's this really interesting moment where, like, she's. She, like, makes side eye contact with Tello. Like, nods to him, briefly realizes who tello's walking with. She kind of, like, pauses, does a double take and looks back at you all. And she's just standing stunned, staring at you all. For a moment, I'm gonna pretend like I don't know her. [00:40:24] Speaker C: Me too. [00:40:25] Speaker D: I've forgotten her completely. [00:40:30] Speaker B: Know this. [00:40:31] Speaker E: Teller immediately picks up on the vibe. [00:40:33] Speaker B: Hello. Ro waves and says hello politely to her because she has no idea about this. [00:40:39] Speaker E: She looks around at everyone and at Ro, who she doesn't recognize, and says, hello. What are you all doing? Return there. [00:40:52] Speaker D: The gift for. [00:40:57] Speaker E: The countess. [00:40:58] Speaker D: The countess. Thank you for forgiving my brain wires that have switched those around. [00:41:03] Speaker E: It's okay. [00:41:04] Speaker D: I got the count. The countess. We have a gift for the countess. [00:41:12] Speaker E: Guys, we are in a laughing mood. She just nods and says, you came here on interesting terms the last time you were prepared. Present. [00:41:22] Speaker D: What do you mean? [00:41:25] Speaker C: What do you mean? [00:41:26] Speaker B: Yeah, we fought Dolgoth in the city. Rose, oblivious. [00:41:32] Speaker E: And she furrows her brow. Bro, give me a persuasion check. [00:41:35] Speaker B: Okay, well, that sounded good. Did y'all hear that? Um, no. [00:41:42] Speaker E: Do better. [00:41:46] Speaker B: 24. [00:41:48] Speaker E: 24. She. She, like, chuckles for a second, and she goes, that's not you. Are those fun guys? [00:41:59] Speaker B: Is there another fun guys? [00:42:07] Speaker E: Move on. Cover for me a moment. She slips inside the gate and different guard walks and stands there watching with a crossbow, kind of watching you guys, weirdly. She walks all the way up the steps into the building, disappears for about 15 minutes. You guys are left there waiting at the gate. Tello is just kind of humming to himself, gets kind of wry smile, and. [00:42:27] Speaker F: He goes. [00:42:30] Speaker E: Ever seen the countess before? To the guard. Guard makes a weird face and goes, yeah, I've worked here a long time. [00:42:43] Speaker F: That's cool. [00:42:43] Speaker E: That's called Mito. [00:42:45] Speaker F: So. [00:42:47] Speaker E: Guards just like, okay, okay. [00:42:52] Speaker D: Does he try to figure crossbow? Zachary. Does he try to do finger crossbows? [00:42:56] Speaker E: Tello. Tello. Does. He goes. [00:43:02] Speaker A: I don't get. I don't get it. [00:43:05] Speaker E: How tall do you think I am right now, Michael? [00:43:09] Speaker D: He's mewing so hard. [00:43:13] Speaker E: The guard, like, looks more confused. And tell. Oh, just looks at Craig and goes. [00:43:18] Speaker D: This is the guard he was sweet on this time. [00:43:21] Speaker E: No, he's messing with people the way that you used to, Craig. And after a short time, Micah suddenly gets it. The lady walks back out, whispers something in the ear of the guard. The guard departs, and she goes, you all are free to enter. Thank you. I guess she looks confused. I'm. [00:43:44] Speaker B: Nice to meet you. [00:43:47] Speaker F: You say that, Greta. [00:43:48] Speaker E: And she just goes. And then she looks more stunned and confused, and she just stares forward. And as you guys walk by, her eyes aren't following you. She's just staring at the cobblestone, lost and confused. [00:44:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I have a question. A a lore ish question. [00:44:12] Speaker D: She was on the same plane of existence. [00:44:13] Speaker E: Zachary, what's the question? [00:44:16] Speaker B: Freezing. Um, my question is, because I don't remember how it went down, is it safe for, um, for tello to be here? Because, like, I know his count doesn't, like, live here, but, like, this is where they met with tello, right? So, like, did he have, like, a. [00:44:36] Speaker E: Business with La Palma ve, but is also an independent organization? So, like, it's a line to walk. [00:44:46] Speaker B: It's tell a line to walk. Does he seem nervous or anything that we're here, or, like, can I do a. [00:44:52] Speaker E: Give me an insight check? [00:44:54] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I was gonna. Ooh, that would be a 19. [00:45:08] Speaker E: Oh, ro. Only having known tello for so long. Can you tell that he is a bit nervous? That's actually kind of why he's cracking so many extra jokes and trying to be a bit extra charismatic, because these paths could lead back to the count. But you can also. But he doesn't seem, like, freaked out the way he usually is when things involve the count. With a 19 insight, we'll say that you can put together that he just, he feels confident with you all. And what you don't know is that Boz told him a little bit about his previous conversations with the countess. He's a little aware that the countess and the count are a little at odds. So he's like, okay, I'm on the right team here. [00:45:56] Speaker B: Gotcha. [00:45:56] Speaker E: But as you all tread step by step up the steps, you eventually reach the fine gilded doors, which are opened at a heavy creaking before you with more guards. And you enter into that, like, really classy, like sort of twenties gala, but fantasy. Art fantasy. I don't know why I said, like, fantasy. Yeah, fantasy. I could do that with you guys. You would trust me, and I appreciate that. But that, like, art deco fantasy, like gold and silver mahogany trim room that has that, like, sort of like lower central eating area. And then at the, there are those fine, rather plush boots with all the emerald inlaid pillars around the room. And that bar at the far end, it's extremely nice with the mirror background and the stage off to the left, the place where you all first met. [00:46:49] Speaker B: Ro gets a little tearyotic and squeezes whoever's closest to her shoulder, maybe like Tello or Craig. She just kind of squeezes their shoulders like goshen. [00:47:03] Speaker E: Tello reaches down a hand, wipes away one of your tears and goes, don't worry, Ro, we can get you a drink. [00:47:09] Speaker B: I really need one. Hello. [00:47:13] Speaker E: And Tello looks to one of the guards at the corner because the La cove is very populated by people just doing business with the organization. And people who have come to it is bizarrely like. It's like a fronted building where at the top it's a fine restaurant. Beneath, it's the belly of the organization, except it's a completely open secret. Everyone in the city knows that because remember, La Palmave is an illicit international organization to many, and also the informal central body of our governing body of the nation to many who live here. So it is the completely open, hidden organization. And so many people here are just here on common business and many people that eat in the restaurant. There's a guard poster at that opposite corner. The door on the far left that leads to that spiraling staircase that you guys know, go to the sort of like the chambers beneath. And tello, like, signals the guard, and the guard signals back, slips within the door. You get the feeling that he's checking on whether or not you all are ready to enter. And after a minute or two, the guard returns and waves to tello. And tello nods and goes, all right, boss, just remember, tell her how you really feel and you're a catch. Don't touch yourself. [00:48:26] Speaker D: We're giving her the hand, I thought. Or am I crazy? [00:48:28] Speaker B: No, the mask is what y'all decided. [00:48:30] Speaker C: Was so much more normal in the hand. [00:48:32] Speaker E: It is in Craig's inventory. [00:48:35] Speaker A: I gave it over to me. [00:48:38] Speaker D: Yeah, I have it now. [00:48:39] Speaker E: As you have it. Right. You all walk across the room and the guard ushers you. Bye. [00:48:47] Speaker C: No. [00:48:48] Speaker E: Oh, my gosh. [00:48:48] Speaker F: Wait. [00:48:48] Speaker E: No, no, wait. [00:48:49] Speaker A: Can I cast. Can I cast a present prediction, predator. Make him smell nice. [00:49:03] Speaker E: Yes. Precise. And boz smells boss smell like. What does boss smell like? [00:49:22] Speaker A: Well, most colognes have vettiver in it. Some. When I say, like vettiver, it's got this really deep, like, leathery vetiver. Like, it's kind of gravelly, like basically what a really, really deep voice sounds like. [00:49:37] Speaker E: You smell like a deep voice. And Craig, what does it look like for the first time in this campaign? Prestidigitation. [00:49:45] Speaker D: How is prestigious digitization this powerful? I don't. [00:49:50] Speaker B: Have you not been listening to rope? [00:49:53] Speaker E: How do you cast it, Craig? Okay. [00:49:58] Speaker A: And it comes out as like a little poof. [00:50:02] Speaker E: Craig blows you a little on his hand, and as he. The symbol of the maker on the back of his hand, that, like, jewel tattooed crystal symbol now in his hand, like, lights up briefly with like, a blue gold, and he just over you and all of a sudden, wow, boz smells really good. And he does that right as you guys pass by the guard. And the guard just goes brown, looks confused and just mutters something to himself in insinium. And you guys start moving down the increasingly tight stairwell, down layer and layer and layer, down the three or fours it takes, and eventually you arrive at the heavy stone doors that lead to that, uh oh. [00:50:49] Speaker D: Oh, oh, no. [00:50:53] Speaker A: Not boss. Not boss. Not the envoy. [00:50:58] Speaker D: That can be now. [00:50:59] Speaker B: Now we can. [00:51:00] Speaker E: Okay, what did you guys miss? [00:51:03] Speaker B: Everything you said to the door, and then you froze to that big stone door, and then you froze. [00:51:09] Speaker E: You guys walked down to the largestone door and stationed there, just as that person was so many months ago, is the emerald knight, a very tall, broad, imposing figure in full plate armor, where the helmet even meets across the armor on the neck, so you can't make out any distinguishing features. It's just this heavy. Heavy, very intricate, sort of like, smooth, wide plates laid over each other. And the edges, the trim of all the armor looks like it's inlaid with emerald. Probably not very functional in armor, so you can't tell if it's that or like, a very clever paint job. Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't. And that the mask still only has a. A very thin slit for the eyes and then a couple, like, breathing holes at the mouth, but still no clear, no clear way to see who lies beneath. And emblazoned into the center of the chest piece. The breast piece is like the open hand of la paume. And the only difference is the knife. Who stands before you just as he did before, looks all the same, long sword at the side, except the armor is beat, ize up. It's still polished. It's still gorgeous. But there are. There are, like, carved marks that have been, like, kits enable, like, remelted back together with different alloys and metals. And there's this deep impact gash on the front of the helmet, and there's, like, abrasion marks down the side of the gauntlets. That occurs to you that this figure, if it is the same one, has survived incredibly harrowing event some time ago. And you all just walk down to the figure, who is resolute and unmoving and unspeaking. The guard walks back up the stairs just as the last time. The figure stands in complete silence until there's a knock from the other side of the door. Then he steps to the side, and the door slides open. He walks in, and path passes all the way across the immense, white marbled, concentric tray shaped room with the dome rock ceiling above where that has that single, long, red fabric walkway going all the way out to the three throne dais. And the knight stands by the central throne. And it is worth noticing that again, there is that very large, broad, sort of, like, thickly haired, muscular, well armored figure standing at the left or sitting in the left throne. In the center is the countess. And all around the room, there are, like, 30 or 40 armed, leather clad, knife bearing, bow armed individuals. And one of you guys can give me a perception check as you look around the people at the room. [00:53:53] Speaker D: I got a 17. [00:53:55] Speaker E: The center throne. Wow. That was everyone who made it at 23. Okay, are we all doing that? And what'd you get, Ro? [00:54:08] Speaker B: I got a 15. [00:54:11] Speaker A: Okay, you got an 18. [00:54:13] Speaker C: I got a 14. [00:54:16] Speaker E: Okay, so much. Craig, you got an 18? [00:54:19] Speaker B: Yep. [00:54:22] Speaker E: Uh, Greta, you got a 14. [00:54:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:54:26] Speaker E: Ro, you got a 23. [00:54:27] Speaker B: No, I got a 15. Ro's perception isn't as high as it usually is because she's so proud that she saw Craig cast prestigitation and she's tearing up a little bit. [00:54:38] Speaker E: None of you guys pick up on it. Tello and Boz, clock it. A couple of the individuals at the left side of the room are not carrying crossbows, they're carrying flintlock pistols. Oh, and hit the left side of the room. Sitting in the middle throne is the countess. She's wearing a very different dress than the first time you saw her. This one is like a deep black with a silk black, so it reflects everywhere. And the trim of it all around, like the raised fluffed collar and down the shoulders and then the arms is silver, and then down the middle is just this one deep red velvet strip of fabric that eventually tapers into like the bottom of the pencil dress. And her pale skin with the deep freckles and the sort of like almost blood red hair spills around her shoulders. She sits there quietly in the throne at the right throne, the top of the throne. The two on the right and the left are smaller than the one in the middle, just like last time. You're here. That right one, the front of the throne is broken and there's no one sitting there. And the knighthood goes and stands behind the countess at the back of the room. And you all are permitted to walk into the center of the red carpet and speak to the countess. Maurice Anglois, head of Le Paum Ave and unofficial ruler of all of port respondison. [00:56:01] Speaker B: Do we know or what? I don't know because I haven't been there. So would Ro know? Could I do a roll to see if I know? Are we supposed to bow or curtsy or something? [00:56:12] Speaker D: You messed this up last time. [00:56:13] Speaker E: Give me a rumors check. Row. [00:56:14] Speaker B: Okay. [00:56:15] Speaker F: Mmm. [00:56:16] Speaker E: No, you guys remember this is whether or not Ro knows. [00:56:19] Speaker B: Yeah, cuz I have never met her or been there. [00:56:21] Speaker E: So basically Jackie just walked in and said, dm, I know everyone else knows whether or not there's a homework assignment, but I would like to elect to know whether or not there is. [00:56:29] Speaker B: Well, I'm being true to my scared. [00:56:30] Speaker E: Would you get Ro? [00:56:31] Speaker B: I got a twelve. [00:56:35] Speaker E: Okay, ro, you're not really sure what the formality is. You never got down. So as everyone approaches and enters that sort of like mid stopping point clearly before the space, what is it that. [00:56:46] Speaker B: You do I look at my other. [00:56:51] Speaker E: No, no, no. [00:56:52] Speaker B: What is it? That I look at them just a little bit and notice they're not doing anything yet, so I just kind of just. [00:56:58] Speaker E: What happens? No, no, no. What happens is, as everyone approaches the lines and does, like, a little, like, kind of nod, ro stops looking at everyone else, and then, as everyone else is nodding, goes, oh, okay. And then nods after just cause Jackie said, hold on, hold on. I think I could fall over here. [00:57:15] Speaker B: No. [00:57:19] Speaker E: And so the fun guys stand there in a line, and Tello has kind of clasped his wrist at either side in front of him, and you all are just standing there before the countess, who, just, like, her hands are sort of templed under her chin, and she smiles at you all. [00:57:36] Speaker A: I look over at Boz, I look. [00:57:41] Speaker D: Over at the countess, and Zach. I'm sorry. She said. What did she say? One more time. [00:57:50] Speaker E: She didn't say anything. [00:57:51] Speaker D: She just smiled. She just smiled at us. [00:57:53] Speaker E: Oh, my God. Okay. [00:57:56] Speaker D: I don't know why I'm so nervous all of a sudden. [00:57:59] Speaker E: Well, it's boss's first crush. Well, second crush, it's a big deal. [00:58:04] Speaker D: I'm surprised y'all didn't get on with boss in a long sense. Girl and the lady at wide investments. We get it. We get it. Okay? [00:58:17] Speaker E: Yeah, but it's funnier when we razz you about this. [00:58:19] Speaker D: But anyhow, I say it's. We brought something for you. We're just passing through the city and glad to see that it didn't fall. Yeah, we wanted to bring you something. [00:58:44] Speaker E: Her eyes narrow. She takes a deep, inhaling breath. It is good to see you again, Baas. I'm glad the fun guys are constituents of Lepamov. Clearly, we were wise where we made our bonds. It seems that fate brought you to my throne that day. You bring me a gift, but you have already given me one. Do you know what purpose for which Tolgoth came to the city. [00:59:26] Speaker D: He wanted? He was coming for a slight number of people, I think you included. [00:59:36] Speaker E: He came to kill the three people who sit in these chairs. She gestures to the left and right of her, even to the empty throne. She says he succeeded in one count, but he failed in the other two because your group inadvertently gave us time. I was able to depart before he came. You saved me from the wandering death, and soon after you found that that was not enough, and so you saved me from him again. I am well aware that I owe part of my thanks to the renowned, brilliant sorceress, but it is not lost on me. That your group is an important piece in the fabric of my continued life. Present your gift to me. [01:00:36] Speaker D: Zach. Does it seem like she's asking me to bring it to her or just to hold it out? What I have. [01:00:42] Speaker E: She's vague, but you are in good enough standing with her that you could probably get away with either. [01:00:49] Speaker D: I. Out of respect, I don't. But I pull out his mask and I hold it up there. [01:00:56] Speaker E: You pull from the fold of your satchel, the sort of like front of the human skull carved with. It's cool because you have. You have the skull where it sits at the front of the mask with the broken black leather strap on the back. But it's also. It's not just the white ashen mask. It also has burn marks, black burn marks all around the edges from where Janus burned his body into crisp. His burning flesh seared the sides of the mask. And as you hold it out, there's a murmuring all around the room, and that huge man to her right, y'all's left, sort of like is a studying face, and leans his hand onto his fist and leans to the right of his throne, studies it carefully, and ro, you can't help but see the subconscious smirk at the side of Tello's mouth as Baaz presents it. And the countess smiles softly and says, I sit before some of the preeminent warriors of Jahlebrun, don't they? Please bring it to me, would you? [01:02:04] Speaker D: And I walk up slowly and I. [01:02:09] Speaker E: Hand it to her as you get maybe ten steps from her throne before you've stopped. Before you've stopped walking. She doesn't gesture, but the mask lifts up out of your hands and begins floating toward her as it floats through the air. [01:02:25] Speaker D: Shut up. [01:02:27] Speaker E: Make a deception check for me. [01:02:29] Speaker D: Why am I. Why am I getting forced into this? It's a five plus a nine, so that's a 14. No, six. Sorry. Plus six. That is eleven. I don't want to sniff. I'm not sniffing. I don't sniff. [01:02:45] Speaker E: Nobody write that quote down. Somebody write that quote down. Somebody write that quote down. I don't want to sniff. I'm not sniffing. I don't sniff. Focused on the moment. You don't detect a strong perfume from her. But as the mask floats up and away, it lifts over to her throne, and again, she doesn't gesture at all, but it just floats in front of her, rotating slightly. She eyes it up and down and she looks away from it and it floats and just lands on that throne to her left. And your right. And she says, thank you, and you are permitted to walk back to the line with everyone. And she says, sadhenmi, what do the saviors of La Palmave. Desiree. Oh my gosh. [01:03:34] Speaker D: Um. [01:03:35] Speaker B: Oh my gosh. [01:03:41] Speaker D: Want. [01:03:47] Speaker E: Okay, sorry. Such an important moment. All that popped into my head was, girl, can I get your number. [01:03:57] Speaker D: For you? [01:03:58] Speaker E: And I'm so sorry. Oh, my goodness. Jackie's done. [01:04:00] Speaker B: Did I get your number? [01:04:04] Speaker E: She waits in silence, listening. [01:04:06] Speaker D: I say. [01:04:09] Speaker E: We. [01:04:14] Speaker D: Want to help beat the empire, but we also just. [01:04:23] Speaker E: Want. [01:04:23] Speaker D: To survive it as long as we can. We didn't come here wanting anything other than to. [01:04:35] Speaker E: And yet you have my favor. It is not easily earned. Should take advantage of it, boss. [01:04:41] Speaker D: All right, what do you want, guys? [01:04:54] Speaker A: Oh. [01:05:00] Speaker D: Everybody else knows anything about it. Not just me. [01:05:02] Speaker E: From many enemies. [01:05:04] Speaker A: No, I know. [01:05:04] Speaker E: Am I correct? She asked. She said, you seek shelter from any enemies. Am I correct? [01:05:14] Speaker D: Yes. [01:05:15] Speaker E: Yeah. She nods and she says, unun sinian, which none of you can understand, except Greta can understand. She says in Uncinian, around to the room. She says, you want me to leave? And all of the 30 or 40 other people in the room, like, slowly walk all out of the back together in one mass movement. They all shout out and she remains only with the army armored individual to the right and the knight behind her. And then she says, are any of you all specifically skilled in powerful conservation or magics? [01:05:59] Speaker D: A little bit. Depends on what it is. [01:06:04] Speaker C: Damn. [01:06:05] Speaker E: What would that. Huh? [01:06:12] Speaker C: Nevermind. [01:06:13] Speaker E: Okay, she continues, and she says, you all have saved my life once directly and once inadvertently. I am certain that you have perceived I am a developed arcanist. If one among you is familiar with conjuration of binding circles, of teleportation, I have one. I could provide you a map. You see, there is a residence. [01:06:44] Speaker F: My. [01:06:44] Speaker E: Castle in the far south, Lo Chaun. It is only to be used in the most grave of circumstances. And you are to tell me the moment you are there and the moment you leave. But if you need save for avoiding its restricted sections, you will be able to understand which I would offer you the teleportation circle to my home. [01:07:14] Speaker B: Wow. [01:07:14] Speaker F: Wow. [01:07:16] Speaker B: Um. I I'd be able to do that. Um. [01:07:23] Speaker E: The daughter of Rowena Greenbutton. Or she gets it right? Of Ravine Greenbutton. [01:07:28] Speaker B: Uh, yes, that's correct. [01:07:32] Speaker E: I know your mother. She was almost as skilled as you are. [01:07:40] Speaker B: Well, thank. Thank you. [01:07:47] Speaker E: Well then, do you need something to record with? [01:07:52] Speaker B: Um, if. If I can see it, then, uh, I'll. I'll be able to remember it. [01:08:00] Speaker E: Impressive. She lifts a hand for the first time and starts gesturing. And where she waves and writes in the air in front of her, like 5ft out, the lines of light begin to. And slowly but surely, she spends two or three minutes, right, drawing out the entire detailed map of a teleportation circle you've never seen in row. You can put down teleportation circle for the countess's castle in your list of teleportation circles. Wow, that's so cool. [01:08:36] Speaker B: What was the location? Didn't you say it had a name? [01:08:38] Speaker D: The deep south. The deep south. [01:08:52] Speaker A: No, that's worse than Ashbar. [01:08:58] Speaker E: Did you know? Ashra? Did you know? [01:09:01] Speaker B: How do you spell that, Zachary? [01:09:04] Speaker E: I sh. [01:09:06] Speaker B: No, not. Not. [01:09:11] Speaker E: Long. Give me a second here. I'm opening it up. [01:09:16] Speaker B: Okay, and I'm just gonna say it out loud here, but obviously ro records it down in her songbook once she. Yes, once they get back. But, like, I mean, because she'll remember it for a month, and then, you know. You know. [01:09:29] Speaker E: So that is in the very far south, almost the southernmost point of it, beneath the crater, but it is l e h a u t c h a t e a u. So le. And then the h a u t is one word. And then. Shouto. Like a chateau. [01:09:55] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [01:09:59] Speaker E: You now have the ability to teleportation circle to the countess's private domicile. Have you picked up the magic talks for that spell, by the way? [01:10:08] Speaker B: No, not yet. [01:10:09] Speaker E: I need a great thing to do before you leave this thriving metropolis of the magic lane. So back to this interaction with her. I have been pleased to see you all again. Is there additional business you had in seeing me? [01:10:32] Speaker D: I had something else I wanted to give you. I'm kind of glad that you cleared the room because I didn't know if you wanted other people to know about it. I honestly don't know how we would use it. But when we killed Dolgoth, he had this stone on him, and I pull it up, the stone that I pulled off of Dolgoth's body. [01:10:50] Speaker E: And Baaz pulls out the teleportation stone. [01:10:52] Speaker B: Holy crap. [01:10:53] Speaker E: That doloss had. [01:10:56] Speaker D: This is how vash Nizam escaped or uses the well. Every single kafkan general. Every single Kafka general has one of these stones. And when they crush it, it takes them back to the Capitol. [01:11:16] Speaker E: Intriguing. You offer this to me as a gift? Yeah. [01:11:26] Speaker D: You can't do anything with it, but if you can figure out how it's made, if you can figure anything out about it, if you have someone you just would love to send to the center of the Capitol. I. [01:11:42] Speaker E: I made an attempt on the emperor porter's brandy. Song would never be safe, but it is an invaluable item. You are well traveled. Do you know anyone more specialized in conjuration magics? Micah. Yes. He's a powerful arcanisthenne. What she is intimating is that if there is anyone you know who is more aware of powerful conjuration magics, they may be better sued for reverse engineering this. [01:12:17] Speaker D: Okay. Okay, good. [01:12:18] Speaker B: That be the man of. [01:12:22] Speaker E: The. [01:12:23] Speaker D: I don't know if the manifest. I don't know if the manabus would be. That's something they want to do. They're very kind of like hands off that the world happened, but we're kind of good. You know, maybe I just don't trust her not to let the kafkins know, you know, he's not powerful enough. I don't think to that out. He was level 13. We're two levels beneath. Um, I can check around. Uh, but also just to let you. [01:12:57] Speaker E: Know, you find no other use for it, return to my castle and I will take a off your hands. [01:13:02] Speaker D: Okay. [01:13:08] Speaker E: You said this all fun, guys. Connor. Me impressed yet once more, and I have not forgotten about our previous conversation about account boss. I would bear it in mind if that is all. Le pame bids you adieu. And know that you are always welcome. [01:13:32] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:13:34] Speaker E: Good to see you. She nods her head. Um, I need to check something really. [01:13:44] Speaker D: Quickly about my favorite face Zachary makes is the one when he realizes he forgot that you had something. And then when you pull it it out, he's like, suddenly like, oh, that changes a couple of things. [01:13:58] Speaker E: Well, it's actually something to do with Craig. [01:14:01] Speaker D: Oh, no. Craig gonna make you do an Insta death roll again. [01:14:05] Speaker B: Insta death? [01:14:07] Speaker D: A well check, a wellness check. [01:14:14] Speaker B: His brand starts lighting up and it's gonna explain blowed. Since you walk back in the place. [01:14:25] Speaker D: It'D be doing it to us all. [01:14:28] Speaker A: I'm chewing on that rock, bro. [01:14:35] Speaker D: I love that Micah. [01:14:36] Speaker E: So great. [01:14:37] Speaker B: Whatever it is. [01:14:39] Speaker E: Whatever it is has to be done willingly. So never mind. We're okay. [01:14:47] Speaker D: Anywho, probably involved your oath that you. [01:14:50] Speaker E: Took and breaking it to the fun guys. Uh, do the fun guys. Do anything else there? [01:14:58] Speaker D: Um, no. I'm taking Dolgoth Stone out of my inventory. [01:15:07] Speaker A: No, I'm just kidding. [01:15:08] Speaker B: Wait, did you give it to me? [01:15:10] Speaker D: Oh, no, no, I still have it. That's right. That's right. She let me. [01:15:12] Speaker E: She told me to keep it. Okay, well, you all. She like, nods and the knight walks you back out of the room and there are like 30 la Palma ver members awkwardly waiting in the stairwell and they have to pass down by you all and back into the chamber room and you all are walked out. [01:15:32] Speaker B: I feel like we do that thing where it's like, oops, oh, sorry. Excuse me. [01:15:36] Speaker E: Oh, sorry, sorry. [01:15:37] Speaker B: Excuse me, sorry. [01:15:39] Speaker E: Tell her keeps on going. Oh, my bad. Sorry. Sorry about that. Oh, my bad. [01:15:43] Speaker B: Okay. [01:15:44] Speaker E: And as the fun guys leave la Culver, back out in the street, Lando, is that your cue to diggity dip? [01:15:51] Speaker D: Um, I mean, I could probably play for 30 more minutes or so. [01:15:57] Speaker E: Okay, I just follow your heart. Don't let your dreams be dreams. In that. In that vein of chikunga bonguang, where does the party go next? [01:16:09] Speaker B: Do we want to hit up the jewelry store, y'all? Or the armory? Or. Actually, you know what? I need to buy some components. Dm. Do I remember where a little magic store is? [01:16:20] Speaker E: Yes. And here's what we are going to do. [01:16:22] Speaker B: Okay. [01:16:22] Speaker E: Yeah, Magic Lane is further down. I don't know. We'll figure it out. Yeah, that's a little better. Magic Lane is back down the way you guys came. You walk an hour down that way because you guys need to go to the market district for your different stuff too. We're not going to worry about the shops. We had a bunch of good role play here. I'm sure you guys are going to do more crap and ports when we saw next episode, so we'll have more fun play with cool NPC's. I don't have all like 30 buildings on Magic Lane fleshed out, but there are shops. There's like a basic component shop. And I'm sure someday I'll flesh out a weird and quirky and strange vendor. But until such a time, just make an investigation check for the different. Let me know the components you need, make an investigation check. We'll figure out the cost and we can work from there. Also, if we have. I mean, I'm not singling anyone out. I don't know if we do, but if we have any clerics in the party, it would be a great time to go over the very often costly spells and the components they need and make sure that you have all those. Again, I don't know that we have any clerics in the party, but just if we do, this would be a good time to do that. [01:17:31] Speaker D: I need a jewel encrusted bowl and I need a dragon egg speckled wine goblet. [01:17:38] Speaker E: Yeah, and if somebody needed one of those, I need two. [01:17:41] Speaker D: I need those. You made these spells, Zachary. You can't give me the look of. [01:17:46] Speaker E: Then let's do this. Let's do this. Let's do this. As Craig and Boz help you look as they need components as well. You. Advantage. Either the three of you guys can all roll investigation checks uniquely, or one of you can get advantage with the help. Action. [01:18:04] Speaker B: What do you all want to do? [01:18:06] Speaker D: Is it going to be a group check? Like, average? Just one person who has the highest roll out of four rolls versus who has the highest roll out of two? Let's roll investigation. [01:18:22] Speaker B: I can if you want me to. [01:18:25] Speaker E: And then while you guys are doing that. [01:18:27] Speaker B: Me too. [01:18:28] Speaker E: So either all four of you roll, or someone rolls with advantage. [01:18:33] Speaker B: I thought you. [01:18:36] Speaker C: Wait, all four of us? [01:18:38] Speaker B: I just rolled mine. [01:18:39] Speaker E: Aren't. All four of you guys. Hold on. Before you tell me Jack. [01:18:42] Speaker B: Okay, I won't tell you. [01:18:43] Speaker E: Are four of you guys looking for components? [01:18:45] Speaker B: Yes. [01:18:45] Speaker D: Yes. [01:18:46] Speaker E: So you guys need to pick whether or not all four of you roll or one of you rolls with advantage. [01:18:50] Speaker C: I say all four of us. [01:18:51] Speaker D: All four of us. [01:18:52] Speaker E: Mathematically, that is the right answer. [01:18:55] Speaker D: It depends if you're taking an average. [01:18:57] Speaker E: Of the four it's caught. Well, go ahead and tell me. You guys, your rolls got a three. [01:19:05] Speaker C: I got a 15. [01:19:09] Speaker E: Tello rolls as well for no reason. [01:19:11] Speaker B: I got a 24. [01:19:14] Speaker E: Oh, my God. I got a three. So what do we have? Investigation. And Craig, I don't say this to pick on you. I think that is literally a stat you've never used before. Picking a different class has immediately influenced your role play. It's pretty cool. What'd you get? [01:19:36] Speaker A: It was originally an eleven. [01:19:40] Speaker E: Better than Craig used to have been. Okay, well, you guys are able to locate a pretty basic shop, but not exactly what you're looking for until Ro's on the case. And then you find exactly what you're looking for, which, gosh dank and poop and stink it, I'm gonna make up a new shop right now on the fly. But before I do that, would someone roll a D 100 for me? [01:20:04] Speaker D: Yes. Me. [01:20:05] Speaker C: That's fine. [01:20:06] Speaker D: I haven't rolled a D 100 this episode. [01:20:09] Speaker B: No one's rolled a D 100 this episode. [01:20:13] Speaker D: Yes, they have. Micah. [01:20:15] Speaker B: That was last episode. [01:20:16] Speaker C: That was last session. [01:20:17] Speaker D: Can I use what? Am I shooting for Zachary or are you not telling me? [01:20:20] Speaker B: I don't think I've ever rolled a D 100. Yeah, I have. [01:20:24] Speaker D: Trying to decide if I want to use my inspiration. [01:20:29] Speaker F: Hey. [01:20:34] Speaker E: You hear me? What'd you get? [01:20:37] Speaker D: I used my inspiration. I got a 37. [01:20:41] Speaker E: Okay, you got a 37. I'm gonna roll a D 100. And if I get within 20 of you, something you really want is gonna happen. Now, if I roll and tell you what I roll and you're not within 20, you can use your inspiration. Roll if you want. [01:20:57] Speaker D: That's very cool. [01:20:58] Speaker E: Like, I rolled a 70. [01:21:01] Speaker D: That's 40 away. I want to use my inspiration. Let's reroll it. [01:21:06] Speaker E: Okay. What you get? [01:21:16] Speaker D: Oh, I have to reroll again, or I keep. Okay, sorry. [01:21:18] Speaker E: Or do you want me to reroll it? I thought you were gonna. [01:21:22] Speaker D: I can keep the 37. Yeah, I thought you were gonna roll. I'm sorry. [01:21:24] Speaker E: My bad. Sorry. I misunderstood. Seven is a good 137, but you. [01:21:31] Speaker D: Did not get 37. [01:21:32] Speaker B: Are you serious? [01:21:34] Speaker D: That's the second time that's happened to me in this campaign. [01:21:37] Speaker E: And so because it happened that way, I'm gonna make it even better. So you all return to Magic Lane and you find someone with a small component stand that has what you essentially need. But while you guys are there, Ro starts asking people around and finds out that there is, down the way, someone who has exactly what you're looking for, someone with the finest component shop around. And you all see the name in the distance and you head to the shop, but before you do, you heard, and there's the sound of rolling wheels and a little cart going. And walking behind the cart is a guy going, I have what you need. Maybe, I'm not exactly sure, but I could have it. And just out of pure coincidence, in this vast city, you all happen to pass by a man approaching in the distance, not looking at you all immediately, but just walking by, a tall mandehead. He's late, middle aged, with a balding head. He has a large mole on his face, simple gray silk clothes with a white artisan's tabard. And he's pushing this little metal and wooden cart, as you all see, slightly spread eyed in the distance, Clannis Blandin is approaching, and as he's rolling his car, he goes, if I have stuff, does anyone want stuff? Anybody at all? I have stuff to tell. And he pulls out a little Bell, and he goes, bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing. Puts it down and he goes, stuff. I have stuff. [01:23:16] Speaker D: Excuse me, sir, what's your return policy? [01:23:20] Speaker E: He, like, walks up, and as you all, as you say what he says, one eye turns and looks at you, and then the whole head turns to meet it, and he goes, all sales are final. And there are no returns. [01:23:33] Speaker D: The stick you sold me turned to a real stick thing and ran away. I don't even have it. I don't even have it anymore. I want a refund. [01:23:43] Speaker E: He opens up his cart, pulls out a whole bundle of pet sticks, and goes, puts one in his mouth. No, I don't think they do that. Sure. Put your back in the bucket. [01:23:56] Speaker B: Sir, I'd like one of your finest. Sir, I'd like one of your finest sticks, please. [01:24:01] Speaker E: Ma'am, I'm sorry. I'm dealing with a disgruntled customer. Okay? He looks right of you, Boz, and. [01:24:07] Speaker D: He says with him, I don't know. [01:24:09] Speaker E: No, no, I can tell. And his eyes separate. Look at both of you. Two different people. They refocus on Boz, and he goes, sure. I think you're confusing me. A different person with different pet sticks. [01:24:21] Speaker D: Your client is Blandin. Pet sticks. [01:24:25] Speaker E: Are you saying there's someone else with pet sticks? Is somebody imitating me? I am the one. [01:24:30] Speaker D: You sold me this stick, and I used it to make jam for a couple months, and then I went, what's them for? [01:24:37] Speaker E: It was consensual. Yeah. Do you use them for if you have to poop too? [01:24:44] Speaker D: No. After what? Excuse me. [01:24:48] Speaker E: What was the issue with this dictionary, bro? Please, reggie, I promise. [01:25:00] Speaker D: Both opponents I know. [01:25:12] Speaker E: I'm dealing with. And he turns to you. Row. No, he was saying that to Greta. And he turns to you, and he pulls out. He. He pulls out a bundle of pet sticks, and he says, which one do you want to row? [01:25:24] Speaker B: Which one is your favorite? [01:25:25] Speaker D: They run away. [01:25:27] Speaker B: Which one is your favorite that you'd like to sell me? [01:25:31] Speaker E: And he pulls out, like, a slightly stronger one that's kind of nubbed at an end. And he looks. And he's gone to the trouble of this one has, like, little joints in the knees, and he's done little fingers on the hands. [01:25:41] Speaker B: Oh, I love the fingers. [01:25:43] Speaker E: And it's got, like, a really wacky face. And he goes, this one's my favorite. [01:25:46] Speaker B: I love that one. How much? [01:25:47] Speaker A: Do you have any with hair? [01:25:50] Speaker F: Hold on. [01:25:51] Speaker E: Sure. I'm with a paying customer right now. Okay, this one. This one's my favorite. [01:25:56] Speaker B: Okay. [01:25:56] Speaker E: Do I have to sell it to you for a lot? Maybe five copper. But, um, he's a really good conversationalist name. Uh, he never. Just hold on. He never says anything mean about you. And he's really good for when you have to poop. His name is Acber Acre. [01:26:16] Speaker B: Okay. [01:26:18] Speaker E: Julian Smith reference. [01:26:23] Speaker B: How about I give you a silver for him? [01:26:27] Speaker E: I. Silver. No, ma'am. A silver is much more than five copper. [01:26:30] Speaker B: No, I know, I know, but he's your favorite, and I feel bad taking him from you. [01:26:34] Speaker D: Oh, are you a silver series? [01:26:38] Speaker B: I'm currently talking with a man somewhere else. [01:26:53] Speaker E: Oh, thank you, ma'am. He puts it in his mouth real fast, switches around between his cheeks, pulls it back out and goes, that's real. [01:27:02] Speaker B: Do you want me to clean that for you? Okay. [01:27:04] Speaker E: And he just puts it in his shirt, and it slides on his shirt. [01:27:08] Speaker B: Oh, sir. Okay. [01:27:11] Speaker E: No, no. It just disappears into his shirt. Okay. And then it falls out. And then he goes, okay. And you, ma'am? And he turns towards you guys, and then he turns toward Craig, and he goes, one moment, I'm with a paying customer. [01:27:22] Speaker C: Give me songs. [01:27:27] Speaker F: I mean, yes. [01:27:28] Speaker E: And he lifts up on his feet and he goes, I'm rather fond of them than using them. Oh. He reaches into the cart, and he pulls out, like, 20 knitted socks. And he goes, do you want socks? Now, importantly, I did forget, and I made them all in my size now, but you could use them as pant legs. [01:27:49] Speaker F: Small. [01:27:50] Speaker E: He's a big man. [01:27:54] Speaker C: Uh, how much for one? [01:27:58] Speaker E: I work really hard on these. They're expensive. Six copper and gold. One gold. Okay. You give them six copper. Deduct that from your inventory, and you can put. You can put wool socks the size of pants in your inventory. [01:28:15] Speaker C: What else does he have on his cart? [01:28:18] Speaker E: There are little broken bells all over the carta. [01:28:22] Speaker C: Two. Okay. Okay. [01:28:24] Speaker E: Are you looking for anything else? [01:28:25] Speaker F: I'm selling, ma'am. [01:28:26] Speaker C: Um, no, but that was perfect. You're perfect. You're wonderful. [01:28:31] Speaker E: And you, sir? And he turns toward Craig. [01:28:34] Speaker C: Yes. [01:28:35] Speaker E: Oh, that's terrifying. [01:28:37] Speaker A: Do you have any with hair? Do you have any hair? [01:28:46] Speaker E: Clintus Blandin's moving shop. We say, I will go the extra mile for you, and I don't even have to poop that bad. And then he reaches into the cart, pulls out. And then. And then he puts it down. He, like, closes the lid of the cart and puts it down like a workstation. And then he pulls out a knife. He reaches over to his left arm and just cuts part of his sleeve. Cuts the other side, puts it back at his side, rips the sleeve open. And then. Hold on. Give me a second, sir. Hold on. And he rips the rest of the sleeve off. And then he sits there and just rips off the sleeve. And then he takes the top of the stick, and he goes, look away. And then he shoves the top of the stick through the fabric and just goes, I'm sorry, Clarence. And as he wraps, he, like, shows it down the fabric and then wraps it over and over on the top of the stick. And then he hands the stick back to you with the frayed fabric all over the top. And it does look like horrible hair at the top of the stick. I sell them now. And his shirt sleeve is just split down his arm. [01:29:54] Speaker B: Would you like me to mend that for you, sir? [01:29:58] Speaker E: No, I just made it. [01:30:00] Speaker B: No, no, no. [01:30:00] Speaker E: You're just back out to Craig. Excuse me, ma'am, I'm with a paying customer. Sir. [01:30:07] Speaker A: I'm gonna say Craig quickly goes like. He precipitates it, you know? [01:30:18] Speaker E: What does Craig's presiditation look like? Is it more just of the kissing? [01:30:23] Speaker A: No, no. I think this time it's gonna be, like, kind of a disgust. It's gonna be like. He's gonna like, okay. [01:30:34] Speaker E: So Craig disgustedly draws out a couple. And charisma is your casting. So for you, it's not about knowing and understanding the components. It's about beseeching the force. So you just clench the symbol on the back of your hand, and then you kind of point toward it. And as the symbol lights up, that blue and white light just rushes up the stick. And he goes, ooh, like lavender, and says, are you interested, sir? [01:30:57] Speaker A: Your name is now Claire. He says to the stick, and then. [01:31:01] Speaker E: He hands the stick away, and he goes, I'm sorry, as he whispers the stick, and then he hands it to. [01:31:05] Speaker A: Craig, you will be married to this stick. And then he, like the other stick that they got, Claire is now married to that stick. [01:31:17] Speaker E: He goes, that'll be five coppers. [01:31:22] Speaker A: Wonderful. Hands him a silver. [01:31:26] Speaker E: As he hands over the silver. [01:31:28] Speaker A: I don't have copper. [01:31:30] Speaker E: Clannis. Blandin puts it in his mouth, swishes it around, pulls out, goes, that's real. Puts it on his shirt, and he leans over to boss, and he goes. [01:31:36] Speaker A: I know, I tasted it, too, to make sure. [01:31:40] Speaker E: And then, and then he whispers to boss, you should be careful. Those two sticks hate each other. That marriage is not gonna work. He seems like up, and he goes, can I do anything? You fine folks? [01:31:50] Speaker B: Can I mend your shirt for you? Can I fix it? [01:31:56] Speaker E: Have a great day. [01:31:57] Speaker B: No. [01:32:01] Speaker E: Guidance. Okay. Guidance is a touch spell, okay? So you walk up and touch him, and he goes, give me a stealth check. [01:32:13] Speaker C: Can I do it while I'm grabbing the. The socks? [01:32:21] Speaker E: He's. You already got them from him. Do you walk back up and touch him for guidance? No. Okay. Anyway, so he walks away. And you guys have encountered the great Clannis Blandin? [01:32:36] Speaker B: Heck yeah. [01:32:37] Speaker E: Just beyond him. Man, I love these stupid little NPC's just beyond him. You see, in. And Ro consulted briefly with someone on the street because many of the people. People pass through magic lane all the time. People shopping. There are often practicers of the magical in arcade. So as Ro briefly speaks with someone you are told about. Get your pens out because I am making this up right now. I need you to record it. It is hot off the press. I'm gonna need these notes back. Hot off the press. You guys had a to Ergberg's stuff. [01:33:14] Speaker C: How do you spell that? [01:33:14] Speaker E: That is e r g. Oh, b u r g. Ergberg. H apostrophe S. Ergbergs. And then stuff. And as you all approach it, it looks quite. Man, I. Look, I am not trying to sit here and two tith my own horn, but I love this song so much. Laughing about is so good. Anywho, it's just. It's. I big welded it, you know, I saw a need and I filled a need. So up ahead to the left, four buildings down from Madam Meescours majestic menagerie, you all see this building, and it is. It's this stone front edifice with a white plaster. You guys don't have to take notes on the visuals. If you want, I could listen back, but follow your dreams. It's a stone edifice with a white plaster. And there's like a Broadwood sign over the front in the way the building is designed. It has like sort of a flat, squared roof that clearly goes into like a dip or recess behind. And it has carved apertures where this, like, lip meets the rest of the root level. So water can clearly meet here and run off. But to the top, it just looks a perfect square shape. And then it doesn't. It doesn't like, go down to a door or recess to anything. The front edifice just goes straight down to a stone wall that has an arch carved into it with a walkway going in. So there's sort of like this portico patio area, but entirely housed within the stone. There's a couple cut squares there where sunlight can come through. So it creates this really secluded feel. And there is inlaid into the cobblestone over where the sidewalk meets the storefront of this property. Like a tile, sort of like a decahedral tile pattern going back and forth. And the edges of it have a blue trim that's made of more triangles. But it looks really faded and chipped in time. And it looks like there were red strips colored on the building. Very striking, but they've all, like, faded and shipped with time. And on the front of the sign there is a finely carved in scrawled text in sylvan that has been almost entirely sanded away. And you can only see the top of the letters, the top and the bottom anymore. And instead, painted very roughly over it in red paint is Ergberg stuff. So this was once a very different, finely carved title before, and now it's Ergberg stuff lazily covered over. And as you all pass into the front, that interior area has stone tables sitting to the right and the left with, like, chairs, metal chairs that could be moved in and out. And a couple of them are sitting right up against the table. One of them is laying over on the ground and the other one is pushed into a corner at both sides, like kind of randomly strewn about. And beyond that is a glass, like a glasses cut into the wall behind that. So this is like, like a sort of like inward eating area before the front of the building. And beyond that is a square stone door or a square stone door frame with wooden doors this dark brown that have no writing or text on it. Just two very worn brass handles. And there are display windows each side over which have been hung heavy mahogany or like, heavy burgundy drapes that look very frayed and worn at the edges. And could you guys give me, um, a insight or a general intelligence check? Whoever wants to. [01:36:44] Speaker B: I do. [01:36:45] Speaker C: I'm rolling so badly today. This is, um. [01:36:50] Speaker E: Everybody's average has come down a little bit today, except for ten. Still doing great. [01:36:54] Speaker C: I got in twelve. [01:36:56] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:36:58] Speaker B: No, that's okay. You said insight or general intelligence. 18. [01:37:05] Speaker E: Okay. This was DC ten. Everybody puts together. Okay, you've been told this is the best component shop to head to, but this definitely used to be a restaurant. Stemly used to be a magical restaurant on Magic Lane that failed and now it's a component shop. And where's here has either not the resources or has not worked very hard to refine it. I mean, they have. They redid the sign and then hung some drapes. And it looks like both were done badly a long time ago. And that's the outside. And then there's just the doors before you. [01:37:46] Speaker B: I go in. [01:37:50] Speaker E: As you guys passed a. As you guys go up to the doors, you, as you slide over, they have a catch on the hinge, but as they go forward, you all are all immediately frightened out of your minds. Because as you push the doors through, they do not touch, like a little ringing bell ahead. Sorry, 1 second. I'm responding to micah. They don't touch a little bell. They don't ding a little gong. Somebody has hung a two foot wide metal brass gong over the front of the doors that they just smash into as you open them. So you open it up and they go, that rings out, and a bunch of people jump on the street and look over. And what lies before you all is a space so dim you have to adjust your eyes to it as you all walk in. And then the doors close behind you. You all walk into what can only be described as an amateur hoarder's nest. There are, this is very clearly, once upon a time, a restaurant. The tiled floor continues everywhere. There's shelves where food must have once sat. At either side. There's a central, like, a surface curving square stone desk in the middle. And then, like, all the walls come together, and it clearly leads to a kitchen in the back, over the entrance of which someone has clearly, again, hung a heavy burgundy drape that has all these, like, sort of gold tassels that have all, like, worn and frayed off. And the tables are fixed to the floor, so clearly whoever bought this place couldn't move them. And the chairs are all pushed to the sides of the wall, and the place is covered in stuff. Every single one of the tables has different, like, boxes and bowls and crates of components stacked up to them. One table just has various bowls of unidentified powders all over it. Another one is covered in leather pouches. One of the sections of the walls that probably should have displayed, like, breads and cakes a while back is just full of glass jars that all have different, like, viscous fluids and things floating around in theme. Another one has cages with, like, parts of animals stuffed into them. Another one, like, up ahead, where, like, pots were supposed to hang to look nice. Over the front of the kitchen, there's just like a hundred dried herbs. And the place smells so deeply musty and is lit by no more than seven heavily melted candles. And you all just walk into the place that, like, everyone has to squint their eyes. I mean, it's hard to see in here. Those of you with dark vision are getting a little more. It is dim. And as the doors close behind you, all the outside light closes and that reverberating noise just goes. [01:40:41] Speaker C: It's giving Madame Misko. [01:40:46] Speaker E: From the back of the story you guys just heard. [01:40:52] Speaker F: Oh, man. [01:40:55] Speaker B: Okay. [01:40:58] Speaker E: And tello goes, ring the gong if you're dying. He walks back out of the shop. You hear him muffled through the door. He goes, I'm gonna go sit in the chairs outside. What was that, boss? You're muted. You're still muted, Lando. [01:41:17] Speaker D: Pretty dark, huh? [01:41:19] Speaker E: Yes, very. And then after a moment, you all see just dimly in the shadow, the tapestry at the back. You could do that if you wanted to. The tapestry at the back, like parts and has those little metal shower rungs that it slides over the metal bar with. And out walks this dense, thick shadow of a figure. At first so dim that it just looks like a moving, lumbering mass. But as the figure walks across the floor, you'll be able to see them more clearly. This. Oh, my goodness. Hold on. I forgot what the race is called. Somebody quick. Entertain the audience. Okay, we're good. I just had to get humble wood out. [01:42:11] Speaker B: He's a little. [01:42:12] Speaker E: If anybody can help me remember the. Oh, my goodness. What is it called? What are they called? They are hedges. I was thinking the, like, hedgehog race. Except we're gonna get a little biological with it. It's not a hedgehog person who walks out. You guys can google golden mold if you want. [01:42:38] Speaker C: I shall, actually. [01:42:40] Speaker E: Golden mole also. Micah, I'm aware that. I'm aware that we're gonna stop at some point soon. So I'm gonna make a note about getting you armor next time, and we won't forget it. Okay? [01:42:51] Speaker A: Okay. [01:42:52] Speaker C: I'm gonna make a little golden mole. [01:42:55] Speaker B: He looks like the little nibbler. What he looks like. [01:43:07] Speaker E: I don't know. But if we've learned anything about Jackie and Niebuhr, she's probably gonna kill the students down the toilet. [01:43:14] Speaker B: Oh, Niffler. [01:43:15] Speaker D: He was Nieblin. [01:43:17] Speaker B: I'm in a niffler. [01:43:18] Speaker E: Yo. She be nibbling anyway. [01:43:21] Speaker B: I'm in a nifler. [01:43:24] Speaker E: This head man walks out. [01:43:25] Speaker B: Fantastic beast. [01:43:27] Speaker E: Okay, this hedge man walks out and he's maybe four and a half feet total. He is just one ball, just a ball of cotton blonde fur with this giant round, pink squished nose at the front like a mole's knoll. And he has these tiny stubble little arms that end in these huge, ferocious looking like hands that have these blonde colored claws. And his arms are tiny. And stature to him, and his face, he's covered in wrinkles. And you can't tell if it's the squish of his fur or maybe he's got, like, extra weight on him. But you cannot see his eyes where they're in his face. The skin and fur is so closed around it. He has this tiny little mouth, and he's covered in these red robes that after a moment. Yeah, those might just be red bathrobes wrapped around him. And they're tied in the front, but they're not tied, like, temporarily. It's got, like, a knot in the front, and he's just padding across. And as he walks out, he, like, walks forward, but you don't see him talk. Like he doesn't look at you as he talks to you. And from the darkness, he goes, what. [01:44:30] Speaker F: Is it that you all want in my shop? Are you looking for stuff? [01:44:43] Speaker B: Yes, sir. Um, we're all here looking for certain, uh, components. [01:44:48] Speaker E: Uh, that is good. [01:44:50] Speaker F: I am a proprietor of stuff, and. [01:44:55] Speaker E: He'S talking with his hands every time he talks. [01:44:57] Speaker B: Can I do a nature check or animal? Ha. I guess it would be animal handling. A nature check to see. Is he like. Does he like. Is it kind of like how moles, like, kind of see in the dark? Like he needs the dark instead of light? [01:45:12] Speaker E: Um. Since you got it right. Bye. Bye, Landon. [01:45:17] Speaker B: Bye, Landon. [01:45:19] Speaker E: Landon, how much did that egg you need? [01:45:21] Speaker D: That egg bowl you need cost a thousand gold pieces. I don't know if I want it anymore. [01:45:27] Speaker E: Okay. [01:45:28] Speaker D: I do see the egg? Dragon egg encrusted chalice, silver chalice. [01:45:34] Speaker E: How much? [01:45:34] Speaker D: Dragon shell? It's 500 gold pieces. [01:45:37] Speaker E: Okay. If you want to deduct that from your items, he has it. [01:45:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. [01:45:42] Speaker E: I will deduct it from your inventory, and then put the thing in your inventory, and then good night. We love you. We'll see you later. [01:45:49] Speaker A: And because I don't need components, I think I'm gonna go as well. [01:45:54] Speaker E: Micah, I'm gonna stop you right there before you can leave. I'm just kicking you out. So goodbye and good night. [01:46:00] Speaker A: Oh, fired. Understood. [01:46:03] Speaker E: But before, you were just so. You were so triggered by the ashfazar. Did you know song that we're just gonna have to ask you? [01:46:10] Speaker D: That's gonna be the title of the episode. Still, there's no other suggestions, so just to put that out there, y'all better come up with something, unless you want ashfar. Did you know? [01:46:18] Speaker E: Okay. Bye, Micah. And later. [01:46:19] Speaker A: I love you guys. [01:46:20] Speaker B: Bye. [01:46:22] Speaker D: Have fun with the components. [01:46:24] Speaker E: Okay, so he's so ro. You can put together. Yes. This place is like this because anything else is too bright for him. [01:46:35] Speaker B: Gotcha. [01:46:36] Speaker E: But anywho, he goes, what do you need? [01:46:40] Speaker F: I have so much stuff, it's coming out of me. [01:46:47] Speaker E: And then he lazily reaches into the left side of his coat, pulls out like, a couple wads of crumpled paper and goes, and then they just fall onto the floor. And you get the feeling that that's a pizzazz sales tactic for him. [01:47:02] Speaker B: Abby, did you need to. [01:47:07] Speaker C: I think so as well. Is there. Can I either message you or discuss an office hours components? [01:47:17] Speaker E: Sure. Do you note, do you need to leave? [01:47:21] Speaker B: What? [01:47:22] Speaker C: I think it may be what time otherwise will be. [01:47:26] Speaker E: I mean, I assume we're leaving after you guys get components, and I'm probably not gonna play with one player, so if you go, that's probably the episode, but that's okay if you want to rude. [01:47:38] Speaker B: Zach. No, I'm just kidding. [01:47:39] Speaker E: I figured we were just gonna get components and end the episode. [01:47:43] Speaker C: I just didn't know if we were gonna go till, like, 1230 or something or what. [01:47:46] Speaker E: I mean, if you guys want to go absolutely ham on components, I guess we can, but I haven't planned on it. Okay. [01:47:53] Speaker C: I know what I need, I think. [01:47:57] Speaker E: Okay, so what do you guys tell Erdberg? [01:48:00] Speaker B: Do you want to go first? Abby, it's up to you. [01:48:03] Speaker E: Um, yeah. [01:48:10] Speaker C: Dame, I have some questions. [01:48:12] Speaker E: Um, Larry, I have some answers. [01:48:14] Speaker C: In legend lore, it doesn't quite specify whether or not I think that the. [01:48:28] Speaker B: Focus. [01:48:28] Speaker C: No, that's the wrong incense worth. [01:48:32] Speaker B: Blah, blah, blah. [01:48:32] Speaker C: Gold, which the spell consumes, and four ivory strips worth at least 50 gold pieces each. [01:48:39] Speaker E: Then that means that you need to replace the incense, but not the ivory strips. Cool, cool. [01:48:44] Speaker C: Okay. [01:48:46] Speaker B: Okay. [01:48:47] Speaker C: My computer so much. [01:48:50] Speaker E: Don't let it do that. [01:48:52] Speaker C: Okay, so I'm gonna do some real quick math. [01:48:59] Speaker E: Okay, well, if Abby's computating things, you can lean in. [01:49:06] Speaker B: Um, I would like. She says in rose accent. Um, I'm I'm looking for some rare chalks and inks, uh, for teleportation. [01:49:18] Speaker F: I have chalks and inks coming out of my pores. [01:49:23] Speaker E: Wonderful. He's. He's still not looking at you. And he just falls over to all fours. And then on all fours, he starts just waddling around the space. On all fours, just around the space. And you all watch that he still hasn't opened his eyes, if he can. As he's walking, his nose is, like, sniffing the air. And as he walks over, he walks right over toward a shelf on the opposite side. And then stands up, and he picks up a box, moves it, picks up a box, moves it, picks up a. A crate, moves it. And from behind it was an area of shelves you couldn't have seen because it was so stacked behind stuff. And he just starts pulling out vials and everything he pulls, he feels in his padded hands, and then he smells and then puts to the side and feels in his padded hands and smells. You get the feeling that's why this place is so stacked, because he can just. He doesn't need to organize it. He can sniff out where everything is. It also occurs to you, well, shoot, you don't have to hide a lot of stuff in a place like this because who could find anything in here if they didn't have this ability? But eventually, he returns to where you are, and you all realize, well, actually, ro, with your stupid high perception, you didn't notice it at first, but you notice that as he's walking, he's making the faintest clicking sound. So as he walks, he. With his mouth, he opens his mouth slightly, and he goes. [01:50:48] Speaker C: Super cute. [01:50:49] Speaker E: And as he does, he'll make a click stop and then walk around something. So this guy can smell. [01:50:56] Speaker B: Is it like, echo? [01:50:56] Speaker E: You can feel everything, has it all memorized, and he's echolocating a little bit. And he walks over to where you all are. He pushes some stuff aside on a table, and he sets down this big glass mason jar with this huge cork stopper shoved into the top, and it's just filled with dark black reflective ink. And then he walks away from you again, starts sniffing, sniffing, and walking around the. The shop eventually picks up the smaller nate wooden box, returns to it, sets it down. He opens that, and as he goes to open it, he whispers something and waves his thick fingers, and there's this little, like, puff of white magic. And then the box just opens itself. Oh. Things in here are magically locked as well. And inside are these strips. It's not like drawing chalk like you're used to. To. It's like. It's like. Like rock, like a mineral just broken in various shades, and they're, like, reflective at their edges, as if it's, like, pulled off of a mineral deposit. And there's a whole stack of them in that box. And then he says, I have magic ink. [01:51:56] Speaker F: Ink that is magical. And I have chalks that are also of the magical nature. [01:52:05] Speaker B: So he's still not looking at you. It says, rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth 50 gold. [01:52:13] Speaker E: The way they both sparkle, you get the feeling that these are those. He probably deals with spellcasters all the time. [01:52:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:52:18] Speaker E: So you just need to tell him how much of it you need. He would be accustomed to the currencies. [01:52:22] Speaker B: Okay, I'm trying to do the math in my head. 50 gold pieces. It's a little late. So 50 gold pieces is five platinum or right? Okay. [01:52:38] Speaker E: And so help us, if episode 107, ashfazard, did, you know, teaches us anything, it's gonna be how to divide and multiply by ten. [01:52:45] Speaker B: Yeah. So I would like. I would like 200 gold pieces worth of the rare chalks and ink, please. [01:53:00] Speaker F: He just goes, whoa, we got a big spend. [01:53:05] Speaker E: As he's doing, he's doing, like, a little shimmy dance back and forth, which is weird and unsolicited. [01:53:10] Speaker B: I do it with. [01:53:16] Speaker F: Weird. [01:53:17] Speaker E: And then he walks away to another part, picks up these scales, comes back with it, and he starts pulling out all these measuring instruments, uncorking things, transferring things, and he. He weighs out the differential, and then he has, like, gold measurement ways, and he equalizes those. You're used to this trade method, and he portions them out to you, and you can put 200 gold's worth of both in your inventories. And then he says, the money, please, baby. [01:53:43] Speaker B: 20 platinum. Correct? Yeah. [01:53:45] Speaker E: Okay. You lay him in his hand, and he goes. He, like, rubs them around in his. [01:53:49] Speaker F: Hand, and he goes, wow, you are a big deal. [01:53:52] Speaker E: And he opens up a little leather pouch. It is like he, like, just reaches into his robes, pulls out a leather pouch, slides them in, ties it and closes it. [01:54:00] Speaker F: He says, can I do anything else for you, ma'am? [01:54:06] Speaker B: Dm for the dream spell. It says a handful of sand, dab of ink, and a riding quill plucked from a sleeping birdhouse. I feel like, because I know we're a little lenient with components, but the quill, I feel like, needs. [01:54:22] Speaker E: If an item does not have cost component, you do not have to replace it. If you have a spoke casting focus. Now, if you just wanted to for funsies, you could see if this guy had that. [01:54:31] Speaker B: Yeah. I'm gonna ask him if he has a quill plucked from a sleeping bird. [01:54:37] Speaker E: Oh, that's a ridiculous request. [01:54:39] Speaker F: Who would have that? Ergberg does. [01:54:43] Speaker E: I think it's waters around sniffing. And then he comes back and he holds out six feathers, and he goes. [01:54:51] Speaker F: Take a ya pick. [01:54:54] Speaker B: What do they look like? Are they all different? [01:54:59] Speaker E: Yes. And for Abby's sake, I won't, because if you let me, I will describe six different bird feathers. [01:55:04] Speaker B: Okay, I take. [01:55:05] Speaker E: You pick one. You pick one that looks like a blue, blue j one. It's a blue with black ribbing and a white and a white trimmed edge. [01:55:13] Speaker B: Okay, cool. Oh, how much? [01:55:17] Speaker F: We have a deal here. You spend 100 gold or more. One set of minor components are for free. That one's on the house. [01:55:24] Speaker B: Oh, beautiful. Thank you so much. [01:55:28] Speaker F: Always pulling feathers off of sleeping birds, so. [01:55:31] Speaker B: Oh, interesting. Okay. [01:55:32] Speaker F: It's okay. He's a bird guy. [01:55:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Makes sense. Makes sense. I think that's it for me, Greta yang. [01:55:43] Speaker C: And you mean, I need some incense to burn. [01:55:50] Speaker F: There is nothing I have more of than incense. [01:55:57] Speaker E: And he starts, like, sniffing around. He walks to that, like, sort of central area that should be for selling food items. He walks by on a counter, and you hear him go. And then there's this sound, and he's pushing this, like, three foot by three foot crate, wooden crate, just. And he just pushes it all the way across the room to you. It takes like, a minute and a half. It's very awkward. And then when he gets to you, he goes, and there's this little flourish of white magic, and then the top goes, lifts up, and he picks it off. This dude has thousands of gold worth of incense in this crate. And they're all in, like, wrapped boxes. And he goes, I have them partitioned. [01:56:41] Speaker F: By fifties and hundreds of gold worth. What do you need, little lady? [01:56:47] Speaker C: I need 750. [01:56:52] Speaker F: Wow, that's a lot. [01:56:55] Speaker E: What do you need 750 gold of incense for? [01:56:58] Speaker C: Uh, it's so that I can cast three legend lords. [01:57:03] Speaker F: Oh, we got a nosy nelly in our hands. [01:57:07] Speaker E: And he starts counting out blocks. He counts out seven blocks and then pulls out a half block, and he. [01:57:11] Speaker F: Goes, that's 750 incense. I trust you're skilled with partitioning. [01:57:18] Speaker C: And I hand him over the 75. [01:57:20] Speaker E: Platinum, and he goes, he rubs it in his hand. [01:57:23] Speaker F: He goes again, I must have some pretty impressive individuals on my hands. [01:57:28] Speaker E: And he pulls out the little bag and clings it in there, puts it beneath his clothes. Yes. Abby, your eye is twitching. [01:57:38] Speaker C: I don't want to make a mistake. Okay. Um, and then I'm gonna ask, um, uh, I'm looking for some more. Uh, I have some old. And I hold out. I have. I think I have, like, a set of augury sticks, bones or tokens. [01:58:03] Speaker E: You know? Like, you have augury bones? [01:58:06] Speaker C: Yeah. Um, do you have any? Do you? I was maybe looking to get, like, a different set. [01:58:12] Speaker F: What are you looking for? [01:58:14] Speaker C: Like, do you have, like, a fancy set? [01:58:17] Speaker B: Fancy. Fancy. [01:58:21] Speaker E: And then he disappears for a little bit more crawling, more sniffing, and eventually you hear the sound of him opening up a crate and then some metal clinging. And then he comes back out and he sets out this, like, uh, this rather, this red leather cloth. Uh, or red. Red, like, um, I don't know, velvet wrapped around something that looks thin and cylindrical. A number of them. And he puts it out on the table, and they clink lightly as he sets it down. [01:58:50] Speaker F: And he goes, how fancy are you looking to get? [01:58:53] Speaker C: Medium fancy. [01:58:56] Speaker F: Medium fancy might be exactly what I have for you. [01:58:58] Speaker E: He rolls out the cloth, and these. These four metal tubes roll out. They're each about the length of a pencil, be twice as wide in diameter, and they're like a thin rod iron. And they have holes punched in them at different intervals, and they're covered in runic glyphs, and they have metal caps on the end. And he says, you pick them up. [01:59:22] Speaker F: You mutter the words of your spell into them, and you drop them. Go ahead, try it. [01:59:31] Speaker C: Okay, okay, okay. [01:59:35] Speaker E: So you mutter Iounia, and it's cool. As you mutter tongues for ioun, you just find yourself able to speak in different languages, you know, rather than that foul hag tongue that would come over you. And as you speak, what question do you inquire of with augury? [01:59:50] Speaker C: Oh, I'm thinking. I'm thinking, and I'm thinking so fast. Also an action that I plan to take within the next. Oh, I'm gonna ask, will I find any books about Sandoria? [02:00:06] Speaker E: And as you whisper that into the tubes, and then, like, praise the runes with your finger, he says, drop them on the cloth. As you drop them, they fall on each other. And the sound they make, that resonates through the holes, because then it keeps. It keeps ringing out. And as it does, they reverberate into the room into cacophony of metallic sounds and nothing else. But they reverberate back to you in your ears. And in your ears, you hear them say, which you can interpret as wheel. [02:00:44] Speaker C: That's cool. That's awesome. [02:00:46] Speaker F: That's incumbent upon your actions, but they are good for that process. [02:00:50] Speaker C: Thank you. These are perfect. [02:00:52] Speaker F: I will need you to pay for those. [02:00:55] Speaker C: What? [02:00:56] Speaker F: I could let them go for 50 gold. [02:01:01] Speaker C: 50 gold? [02:01:05] Speaker F: Unless you're trying to make me a deal. [02:01:07] Speaker C: A deal? [02:01:10] Speaker F: I happen to have smelled some arthropods on you when you came in here. You carrying bugs with you? [02:01:18] Speaker C: I am always. [02:01:20] Speaker F: I happen to be a connoisseur of bugs. [02:01:23] Speaker C: Okay. [02:01:26] Speaker F: Give me your best bug. We can reevaluate the price. [02:01:29] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Greta reaches into her pocket, and she pulls out. [02:01:37] Speaker E: Now play her. And I would like to remind you that 60 episodes ago, Bulgog did give you two dead cockroaches. [02:01:53] Speaker C: I pull out my day cockroach. [02:01:56] Speaker F: That's what I'm talking about. I love him. Jerky. I'll drop the price down to 35. I haven't had anything from outside the continent in years. [02:02:05] Speaker C: Perfect. Absolutely perfect. [02:02:09] Speaker E: He holds out a handful of roaches and a handful of the 35 gold. [02:02:12] Speaker C: Put in the roaches. Um. [02:02:16] Speaker F: Make change if you need it. [02:02:19] Speaker C: That's okay. It's okay. And I give him four. Four platinums, right? [02:02:24] Speaker E: Okay. He gives you five gold back, and then he pops the dried roaches into his mouth and crunches on him. [02:02:30] Speaker C: You're so nice, sir. Thank you. [02:02:32] Speaker F: No, you're so nice. Those were divine. [02:02:40] Speaker B: I would like one more thing. I'm so sorry. And I'm so sorry to Abby. [02:02:44] Speaker E: I don't know. [02:02:44] Speaker C: It's okay. [02:02:45] Speaker B: I've got a lot of time because I'm thinking in my head, we only have one revivify diamond now. So, sir, could be a good idea. [02:02:52] Speaker E: Could be a good idea. [02:02:53] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'd like to get a second one of those. Sir, do you have any? I'm sure you do, because this place is amazing. I would like a diamond for the revivify spell, obviously. 300 gold piece worth of diamond adventurers on my hand. [02:03:07] Speaker F: Smart investment. [02:03:08] Speaker B: A little bit. Little bit, yeah. We're running low on our diamond stock. [02:03:13] Speaker E: There's more searching and rummaging. And he comes back and he holds a diamond in his hand and he. [02:03:18] Speaker F: Says, this is very fine. Well, cuthenous mine's in the far south from dwarm. [02:03:23] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [02:03:25] Speaker F: It's obviously 300 gold. [02:03:27] Speaker B: Obviously, yeah. [02:03:29] Speaker E: Okay. [02:03:30] Speaker B: Yeah. I just. I give him the 30 platinum, right? [02:03:34] Speaker E: Okay. You can deduct it. He pockets it, he gives you the diamond. You can put it in your inventory. [02:03:39] Speaker F: Anything else you find. Ladies. [02:03:45] Speaker B: I think that's it. Greta, do you have anything else? [02:03:50] Speaker C: Um, I don't think so. I think that is it. [02:03:53] Speaker F: We do have a sale. [02:03:56] Speaker B: On what? [02:03:57] Speaker F: Potions. Give me a moment. [02:04:07] Speaker E: And, uh, he waddles into the back, behind the curtain, and you all hear glasses clinking around, and Zach is going to go. Set of notes. Give me a second. [02:04:16] Speaker B: Okay. So, Abby, just so you know, so if I go down, we have two revivify diamonds. And they're in my inventory. [02:04:26] Speaker C: And they're in your inventory. [02:04:27] Speaker B: Okay. I can cast revivify. Um, because I took. I know you and Boz can, but I also took magical secrets for bards, which gave me the ability to take a first or second level spell from any other class. And so I took revivify. So all three of us have it. [02:04:47] Speaker C: Now, is revivify the second level spell. [02:04:51] Speaker B: Third or second or third level is what I can take it's a third level spell. Sorry. [02:04:56] Speaker C: Okay. No, I didn't. Yeah. Cool. Okay, so it's in your inventory? [02:04:59] Speaker B: Yes. Two diamonds. We have two now. So if two people go down, we can get them. [02:05:05] Speaker C: Awesome. Awesome. [02:05:08] Speaker E: Give me a second. Continue. [02:05:09] Speaker C: Have one. And should I have one? [02:05:11] Speaker B: Maybe. So I give you one. [02:05:13] Speaker C: Okay. I don't. I don't want to. [02:05:15] Speaker B: No, I think that's a good idea for. Because, like, what if. What if my body is way over here and you're way over here, you know? [02:05:23] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:05:24] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:05:25] Speaker C: So now. [02:05:28] Speaker B: So put one in your inventory, and I'll have one in mind. [02:05:31] Speaker E: I don't know if I have more spells. [02:05:33] Speaker D: That's insane. [02:05:34] Speaker C: I'm gonna be so on. A digital inventory is, like, really working really well for me. [02:05:42] Speaker B: Do you have a digital inventory? [02:05:45] Speaker C: I have it on. I have just, like, a document. Well, it's on onenote, but it's just, like, a document with it. And I have my tattoos and the languages I know. [02:05:53] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [02:05:54] Speaker E: Yeah, it's nice. [02:05:55] Speaker C: It works for me. [02:05:58] Speaker E: Okay, I'm ready to talk and pork. So. Talking pork. Check, check. Red. No. [02:06:17] Speaker B: What? [02:06:19] Speaker E: Pour magic. New, new magic items for episode 108. [02:06:36] Speaker F: Okay. [02:06:37] Speaker E: Can't forget that. Anywho, I didn't realize that I used to write down spare ideas. It's where I got 20 of my ideas for the Osmo drayacon when I was driving around at wilderness in my red binder that was supposed to be for work notes. And I didn't realize I had 14 magic items written down in here that I could put in next time. [02:06:56] Speaker B: Oh, wow. That's cool. [02:06:59] Speaker E: But I have tinctures in here. So he pulls out this little crate of potions, and he goes, okay, first. [02:07:08] Speaker F: Of all, are you ready for this? Okay, I need to know. [02:07:12] Speaker A: You ready? [02:07:13] Speaker B: I'm so ready. [02:07:15] Speaker F: Good. You smell ready. I have a potion of frost breathing. [02:07:20] Speaker E: And he pulls out this thick glass bottle that's entirely square that, like, pulls up to a tight lip at the top and has a stopper. Yeah, that definitely used to be a liquor bottle. And the outside is frosted over it. At first you think it's just frosted glass, but in the low light, as you squint your eyes with dark faces, you can tell, no, it's. Frost is gathered on the bottle. The cap is, like, pushed in, but it's clasped on the side and frozen to where it is. And it's full of this very pale blue liquid that you could barely make out in the dim light. And he goes, this is a refined. And then he tells you the mechanics. And he tells you that if you drink this, it's an action. You can take it as a bonus action to drink, because. Bonus action to drink potions in our campaign. And then on following turns, you can use an action to breathe a 60 foot cone of bitter cold, forcing creatures to make a DC 15 dexterity saving throws. It deals ten d, six cold damage and half as much on a failure. [02:08:28] Speaker D: Wow. [02:08:29] Speaker E: You can use the Frostez breath three times within the span of an hour and then the potion's done. [02:08:39] Speaker C: That's awesome. [02:08:43] Speaker F: I know, it really is. I'm good. I'm good. What can I say? [02:08:48] Speaker E: I'm good. [02:08:49] Speaker B: You made this? You made this? [02:08:51] Speaker F: No, but I found it. And that's the part that matters. [02:08:56] Speaker C: That is the part that matters. [02:08:57] Speaker B: That's true. [02:08:59] Speaker F: Who cares about them? I'm the one selling it. [02:09:02] Speaker B: That's true. Yeah. Yeah. [02:09:03] Speaker F: Isn't that kind of about me? [02:09:05] Speaker E: And he's still not. Look, he's looking past you all. [02:09:09] Speaker B: How much for the cold potion? You said you're doing a sale? [02:09:14] Speaker F: Yes. Well, truth be told, as incredible as it is, I've had it for a long time. It was originally around 250, but I'm knocking it down to 105. [02:09:25] Speaker B: Wow. [02:09:26] Speaker F: It's been here for two years? [02:09:28] Speaker E: I didn't say that. [02:09:29] Speaker B: Bad. [02:09:29] Speaker F: Berg Gerk. [02:09:30] Speaker E: Ben Erkberg. [02:09:32] Speaker F: I forgot my name. Are you interested? [02:09:37] Speaker B: What do you think, Greta? [02:09:40] Speaker F: He'd even do a trade. Or maybe I'd bring down the price. If you have something someone else would want to buy. [02:09:48] Speaker C: Bugs? [02:09:50] Speaker B: You want more bugs? [02:09:51] Speaker F: I like more bugs. I do like bugs. [02:09:55] Speaker B: I have, um. I have. I have these. And she holds out the eleven sprigs of St. Alfever. [02:10:04] Speaker C: It's awesome. [02:10:06] Speaker E: You hold up the dried sprigs and he sniffs. He sniffs it and he goesworth. [02:10:11] Speaker F: That's valuable. [02:10:11] Speaker E: I need that. [02:10:13] Speaker F: This helps. I will reduce the price to 90 gold. This is valuable. This is very rare. [02:10:20] Speaker B: Okay, well, is this the only potion you have or is there. [02:10:27] Speaker F: I have another. [02:10:28] Speaker B: Okay. [02:10:30] Speaker E: And he pulls out this thin, like, like it's a small vial, maybe kind of as big as like a, like a jar of like hot peppers. A weird analogy make. And it's got like this smooth, kind of like lobed bottom that comes up to a tight neck with a little glass stopper. And it's full of this silvery, dense fluid. [02:10:48] Speaker F: And he says this is a tincture of discombobulation. [02:10:54] Speaker E: And he explains to you that what you do is use an action to throw it at a creature. Just making like just a ranged attack. Check with dexterity, and you can call it a simple weapon for the sake of proficiency if you want, but you just throw it at someone and it shatters on the ground. And whatever point it shatters at, it casts confusion on that point. The spell. Confusion. The fourth level enchantment spell. [02:11:23] Speaker B: Wow. [02:11:28] Speaker E: Yes. Yeah. Confusion is a good spell. I'll never forget, because it is the spell that Caleb's character used to almost get me killed by a vampire. So I'll never forget that spell. [02:11:48] Speaker C: What? How much did he say it was? How much did he say it was, Mister Ern? [02:11:51] Speaker F: I haven't said yet. [02:11:55] Speaker B: I. [02:11:56] Speaker F: This is 60 gold. A vial. Oh, I got four vials. [02:12:01] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [02:12:05] Speaker F: Give somebody a bad day with this. [02:12:07] Speaker B: That's very true. Okay, okay. [02:12:13] Speaker F: But if you buy them in bulk price, I'll give them to you for 70 gold each. [02:12:20] Speaker C: Wait, how about they row? [02:12:23] Speaker F: Okay, so you're not gonna fall for that. That's okay. It's 60. [02:12:25] Speaker E: Cool. [02:12:26] Speaker C: Okay. [02:12:28] Speaker E: Hey, look. Okay. [02:12:29] Speaker F: Gotta make a buck. [02:12:30] Speaker B: I know. We understand. Yeah. Yeah. [02:12:32] Speaker F: What are you interested in here, ladies? What are you looking at? [02:12:34] Speaker B: Uh, what are you thinking, Greta? [02:12:42] Speaker C: I feel like it could be a fun gift for. For Craig. And. And Craig and Vaaz are still in here. They're just secret mode. Right? [02:12:53] Speaker E: And Craig and Vaz are both standing in a corner, just staring into the darkness, going, oh, I feel like. [02:13:01] Speaker B: I feel like Tello would have fun with that confusion thing. [02:13:04] Speaker C: You think so? [02:13:05] Speaker B: Because he could, like, useful for me. [02:13:08] Speaker E: It has zone control and could be used as well. [02:13:10] Speaker B: I thought you weren't in here. [02:13:11] Speaker E: I just have this. He emerges from behind you and he goes, but the problem is that sometimes I just forget to use things in my repertoire that don't involve shooting a bow. There. [02:13:19] Speaker B: You get nervous. That's okay, tello. [02:13:22] Speaker E: I get nervous. It's just performance anxiety. [02:13:24] Speaker B: It's like you're thinking for two people. [02:13:27] Speaker E: Sometimes, you know, sometimes I feel like. You know, sometimes Greta is so discombobulated. I feel like I have to strategize for the both of us. And it's just a lot of work, you know? [02:13:35] Speaker B: It makes sense. It makes sense. [02:13:37] Speaker E: Abby, come back. You can play me all on Steve. [02:13:46] Speaker B: How much. How much would the confusion bottles be if I gave you the sprigs of St. Alfers? [02:13:58] Speaker F: A clever lady. I said I'd give you 15 gold for that. That doesn't change. Okay, so you can either pay 45 for one or 225 for all four. [02:14:12] Speaker C: What do you think, girl? How many? [02:14:14] Speaker B: I don't. I don't know. If we need all four. [02:14:17] Speaker C: Okay. [02:14:18] Speaker B: Unless hello wants to buy it, but it wants to pitch in. But, cuz I don't. I don't. Well, I mean, I guess I have enough, but. [02:14:26] Speaker E: No, it's okay. [02:14:29] Speaker C: No, it's okay. Okay, so you think just one or two, tello? [02:14:34] Speaker E: Maybe, maybe we buy one or two, see how they work in the field. If I remember to use them, I get scared in combat. And then if it works, well, we come back and buy the rest. [02:14:45] Speaker C: Okay, tello, but I'm telling you, sometimes it seems like you never use the stuff that you have. So we'll get you one. [02:14:53] Speaker E: You know, I realized the other day, I can cast spells. [02:14:56] Speaker C: I know. Oh, no. Yeah, and you're all sparkly anyway. If you use this one, well, maybe we can come back and get you another one. Okay. [02:15:08] Speaker E: Okay. [02:15:11] Speaker B: Um. Okay, yeah, we'll take one for the 45. And here's the sprigs. [02:15:18] Speaker F: Thank you. [02:15:22] Speaker B: Okay, so I need a mark 40 off of my. [02:15:25] Speaker C: Wait, no, I give him. I'm sorry. I give him five platinum. [02:15:28] Speaker E: Okay, he gives you back five gold. [02:15:31] Speaker C: He's so big. [02:15:32] Speaker B: Oh, you paid. Okay. [02:15:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:15:35] Speaker E: And then I will type up the tincture of discombobulation. Do you want this in Greta's channel or Tello's? [02:15:44] Speaker C: Okay, I'm gonna put it in his inventory. [02:15:47] Speaker E: Yeah, and I can type that up later. [02:15:55] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:15:57] Speaker E: Of course. [02:15:58] Speaker F: Is there anything else I could do for you? Do you want the potion of frost breathing? [02:16:03] Speaker B: I think we'll hold off on it for now. Or Greta, I mean, hold on. [02:16:11] Speaker F: I don't get big spenders in here a lot. Except that I do. I don't mean to brag. So I got one last offer. Okay. [02:16:17] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. [02:16:20] Speaker F: I have these. [02:16:22] Speaker E: He pulls out a crate, and as he sets it down, there's a bunch of. And there's like, six glass vials in here. He sets them out on the table in front of you. [02:16:31] Speaker F: Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I don't know what any of these do. [02:16:38] Speaker B: Oh, no. [02:16:40] Speaker F: And the thing is, sometimes a potion's constructive, sometimes it's not. [02:16:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:16:52] Speaker F: So I don't know what they are. I really can't sell them for too much. [02:16:59] Speaker B: Now, that makes sense. [02:17:01] Speaker F: You could have one of the most powerful potions ever made in front of you. That is possible. And statistically speaking, most potions are pretty good when they're magical. And I love these are magical for sure. [02:17:17] Speaker E: So it's a good. [02:17:19] Speaker F: You're gonna get more than your money's worth. But because they don't know what they do, they miss in my inventory forever. I'm not gonna get stuck in a sunk cost fallacy. So I will give you each one of these potions for five gold. [02:17:36] Speaker C: I have a counter. What were you gonna say, bro? [02:17:40] Speaker B: I was. [02:17:41] Speaker E: I. [02:17:41] Speaker B: No, I would. Go ahead. [02:17:43] Speaker C: No, wait. What was your reaction? [02:17:45] Speaker B: No, I was just going. [02:17:47] Speaker E: Wow. [02:17:49] Speaker C: Okay, how many are. [02:17:51] Speaker B: What was your counter offer? [02:17:52] Speaker E: There are six. [02:17:55] Speaker C: So that's. [02:17:57] Speaker E: Do you want me to describe them to you? [02:17:59] Speaker B: That's 30. 30 gold. [02:18:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:18:05] Speaker E: Um. Could one of you guys make me a perception check? [02:18:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Can you, um. Can you cast identify on potions? [02:18:13] Speaker C: I was just thinking that. [02:18:15] Speaker B: You can certainly try. You can certainly try. I got a 21. [02:18:20] Speaker E: Okay. [02:18:24] Speaker C: Okay. Well, I got an eleven. Dang. [02:18:28] Speaker E: Just did that to yourself voluntarily. Did you squint the darkness with your keen eyes? Oh, two of those are more discombobulation potions. Do you say that to him? He can't see them. [02:18:46] Speaker B: I feel bad. No, I. Don't say it. [02:18:51] Speaker F: Okay. [02:18:54] Speaker E: Okay. No, I think that. [02:18:57] Speaker C: I think that a potion can. I think that if I cast identify on a potion, it can. I mean, I'm not gonna argue with the DM, but I. Reading the spell. [02:19:09] Speaker B: Sir, I. Okay. Sir, I. I'm usually a pretty sneaky gal, and I. Oh, wow. [02:19:16] Speaker F: You really shouldn't say that to someone. You turn up. [02:19:17] Speaker B: No, I mean, I. No, but listen, I wasn't gonna say anything, but two of those are the discombobulation potion. I was gonna give that here for five gold. Yeah, I know. I was thinking about taking that offer, but I felt kind of bad about it. [02:19:33] Speaker E: What's your name, lady? [02:19:35] Speaker B: Us. [02:19:35] Speaker E: It's. [02:19:36] Speaker B: It's Rowena. Rowena. Green bottle. [02:19:39] Speaker F: Okay. Holy crap. Is it. [02:19:42] Speaker E: He touches the shape. Oh, wow. [02:19:43] Speaker F: I keep looking. Is that. Is it these two? [02:19:44] Speaker E: And he holds them up. [02:19:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, it is. So. [02:19:49] Speaker E: Make a persuasion check for me, ro. [02:19:51] Speaker B: Okay. [02:19:54] Speaker E: That'S a. [02:19:55] Speaker B: Not 20. And that would be total 25. [02:20:02] Speaker E: Heck, yeah, dude. Ro, take inspiration. [02:20:08] Speaker B: Okay? [02:20:08] Speaker E: And he says. He says. [02:20:14] Speaker F: It works out mathematically. [02:20:15] Speaker E: He puts one of the discombobulation potions side with the others, and then he gives one to you. Aw. [02:20:20] Speaker B: Oh, thank you so much, sir. Thank you. [02:20:22] Speaker F: I mean, mathematically, you just saved me money, so. [02:20:26] Speaker B: Okay. Thank you. [02:20:27] Speaker F: I do my work off of repeat customers, you know. It's good to have a customer. [02:20:30] Speaker B: True, true. I agree. I agree. [02:20:36] Speaker E: Guys, I just made this guy up on the spot. This is one of my favorite NPC's, and I give. [02:20:39] Speaker B: I give the second one to put in Tello's inventory. Abby. [02:20:43] Speaker E: Okay. [02:20:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:20:47] Speaker F: And then he goes, okay, these other four, you want them? [02:20:50] Speaker B: Great. Five. [02:20:52] Speaker F: One of these isn't another potion of frost breathing, is it? [02:20:54] Speaker E: And it's not. [02:20:55] Speaker B: Uh, no. No, sir. I promise. Scouts on her. [02:20:59] Speaker F: Now, there's four more. [02:21:02] Speaker B: I fire for, so it'd be 20 gold. I'll take it. I'll just do it here. Here you go, sir. [02:21:09] Speaker C: Jackie, that's awesome. [02:21:10] Speaker F: Okay. [02:21:11] Speaker B: We'll figure it out. We'll have a fun game of figuring out what they are later. [02:21:15] Speaker F: Does that be careful with it, though? [02:21:17] Speaker B: Yeah, definitely, definitely. [02:21:19] Speaker F: Stuff is not liable for any maiming injury. Painful. [02:21:21] Speaker B: No, I get it. Yeah. Yeah. [02:21:24] Speaker F: No pooping either. [02:21:25] Speaker E: Okay, well, we have 20 gold, and then, Jackie, I want you to put four mystery potions in your inventory. [02:21:34] Speaker B: Cool. [02:21:36] Speaker E: And then before we end the episode, what we're going to do is, right when we get off, you guys are going to go bye bye bye night. And then, Abby, I'm going to type up in your inventory the definition for the tincture of discombobulation. And we'll, you know, you can output, like, times two and all that. But before we go, the last thing I want to happen is, is, Jackie, I want you to take notes on the following, and then, Abby, if you could, too, that'd be helpful as well. We are about to do four potion rolls. Oh. [02:22:12] Speaker B: Okay. [02:22:14] Speaker E: And what this means is that we are going to determine these potions. Aren't I just a mystery to you? They're a mystery to me. [02:22:21] Speaker B: Oh. [02:22:24] Speaker E: So what we're going to do is we are going to have a tier of results. So we have pier one, potion one, potion two, potion three, and potion four, we need to roll for all four. [02:22:51] Speaker F: Guys. [02:22:52] Speaker E: I love d and d so much. Okay. Okay. Let me write this down. Sorry. I know I'm writing a lot of stuff for myself here. And here's what we're going to do. Potion red is. I'll do better at this later, but potion red is. Potion one is blue. [02:23:32] Speaker B: Okay. [02:23:33] Speaker E: Potion two is red. [02:23:35] Speaker B: Okay. [02:23:37] Speaker E: Potion three is green. [02:23:39] Speaker B: Okay. [02:23:40] Speaker E: And potion four is yellow. [02:23:44] Speaker B: Okay. [02:23:45] Speaker E: And I will do much better visual descriptions later. But for now, we're going with that. So here's what we're gonna do. There are four tiers you can roll in with these d 100 rolls. [02:23:54] Speaker B: Okay. [02:23:55] Speaker E: If you roll a 32 or lower, it is tier one. [02:24:05] Speaker B: Okay. [02:24:06] Speaker E: If you roll a 33 to a 65, it is tier two. If you roll a 66 to a 95 is tier three. And if you roll a 96 to 100, it's tier four. [02:24:29] Speaker B: Okay. [02:24:32] Speaker E: So we're gonna do a tier roll for each potion. [02:24:35] Speaker B: Okay. [02:24:38] Speaker E: So for potion one, blue. Jackie, would you go ahead and roll me a d 100? I knew I'd be sitting here with my dice goblins at the end. [02:24:46] Speaker B: I got an 84. Okay, so tier three. [02:24:51] Speaker E: That means that potion one is tier three. [02:24:56] Speaker B: Okay. [02:24:58] Speaker E: Potion two, please roll again. [02:25:01] Speaker B: Abby, do you want to roll for it? [02:25:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:25:05] Speaker E: Jackie, for sharing the rolls with someone else who really loves rolls in these moments, I want you to give yourself a second inspiration. I love that attitude. [02:25:14] Speaker C: In D and D. I got a 77. [02:25:19] Speaker E: Okay, that means that we have another tier three for potion. [02:25:22] Speaker B: Dang. Let's go. [02:25:25] Speaker E: Well, you don't know which one is good and which one is bad. [02:25:27] Speaker B: Well, that's true. You're right. [02:25:30] Speaker E: I mean, it could be great. [02:25:31] Speaker B: I got wrong. [02:25:35] Speaker E: It's certainly further to one end. Potion three, the green potion. Jackie, could I get another roll? [02:25:42] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll roll for green for sure. 23. [02:25:49] Speaker E: Okay, that's tier one. Okay. And then, just because I really like the collaborative behavior that you guys have been displaying on this session and how nice. I don't know. You guys are just great players, and I really like playing D and D with you. Abby, you can get the last roll, and I'm gonna let you make it twice. And I'm gonna let you pick which of the two rolls you wanna keep. And you don't know which is which, but you get to pick. [02:26:24] Speaker F: So go ahead and make two rolls. [02:26:25] Speaker E: For me and decide which one you want. [02:26:29] Speaker C: Okay. [02:26:32] Speaker E: Also, I really like this about ergburgs, and I think we're gonna do mystery potions every time we come here because this is so fun. [02:26:38] Speaker C: That's a 27 and a 43. [02:26:45] Speaker E: Oh, okay. Which one do you want? [02:26:48] Speaker B: So that's what, tier one or two? [02:26:52] Speaker E: So you could either have a second tier one or a tier two. [02:26:57] Speaker C: I'm gonna do the tier one. [02:26:59] Speaker E: Okay, thank that. We have two tier threes and two tier ones. [02:27:05] Speaker B: Sick. [02:27:06] Speaker E: Potions one and two are tier three. And potions three and four are tier one. [02:27:10] Speaker B: Nice. [02:27:13] Speaker C: Cool. Okay, I'm excited. [02:27:15] Speaker B: Yeah, that sounds fun. [02:27:17] Speaker E: And with that listener, Eric Burke goes, okay, that's great. [02:27:21] Speaker F: Get out of my shop. [02:27:21] Speaker E: And then everybody pays and leaves. And as you guys walk back out into magic lane with the components you need bought. Oh, and then Boz goes, wait, sir, I need that magical thing. I need that component. I need that thing. He goes, okay, guy, calm down. [02:27:34] Speaker F: Jeez, quit peeing. [02:27:35] Speaker E: And, um, how much did Landon say that thing cost? [02:27:39] Speaker C: Very funny, because Erdberg could probably smell the pee. That we can't see. [02:27:47] Speaker E: That's. [02:27:48] Speaker B: Did he say, I feel like he's had 501. Was 501. Was 150. Cause there were two things. The thing he said he didn't know if he wanted anymore, I think was 500. [02:28:02] Speaker E: That sounds right. I really, really wish he had typed that somewhere. I'll tell you what. We're gonna leave with you guys going out into magic lane. [02:28:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:28:16] Speaker E: If someone wants to make a note next time, we can remember to come back here if he really needs it. Okay. But with that listener, that is the end. Well, in players, that is the end of episode 107, which at this point is probably going to be ashfazard. Did you know D and D. So much of the accidental adventures. So thank you for listening to another episode with us. Uh, guys, anything? Shouter plug. I don't know anything about the. [02:28:51] Speaker B: Or should it be called. Wait, I have. I have just a couple. Just a tiny bit. Couple of quotes. Fish. Racism confirmed. My parents met at the root. Pole. Boz, you smell like a deep voice. I don't know this woman. And, uh, osh. Avazzar, did you know? Oh, and medium fancy. Medium fancy might be exactly what I have for you. [02:29:22] Speaker E: That's a lot of really good stuff. [02:29:23] Speaker B: The title should be medium fancy. [02:29:27] Speaker C: Oh, I actually love that. That's actually super cute. I like medium. [02:29:32] Speaker E: Can you do polls in discord? [02:29:35] Speaker B: Yeah. No. Maybe. Don't know. [02:29:38] Speaker E: Oh, I know how to do it with reaction emojis. Okay, so when we're done, I'm gonna post a message in general asking people to vote on medium fancy or Ashfazar. Did you know? [02:29:49] Speaker C: Okay, those are both so good, though. [02:29:52] Speaker E: The quotes I wrote down from this session are I speak six languages, but I can't read, and I want to hear the Kefkan Jews. Those are the ones I wrote down. [02:30:02] Speaker C: The kefkin what? [02:30:04] Speaker E: The Kefkan juice. Ask Landon. When he said he wanted to go to the tattoo parlor, he was like. [02:30:11] Speaker B: He'S gonna need the Jews. [02:30:13] Speaker E: The Jews. About the Kafkans. I wanna hear the kafkan Jews. [02:30:15] Speaker B: Okay. [02:30:18] Speaker C: From. I have. From last session, I have. I have a bad relationship with Tubbs. Stop calling my butt weak. And the author feels weird. [02:30:34] Speaker E: Guys, at the end of this campaign, we should have, like, a barely explained or a third watch where we just sit down and read all quotes from the campaign. [02:30:42] Speaker B: Yes. [02:30:46] Speaker E: Okay. One last anecdote, and then I promise I'll close this episode. When I was. I went and worked out at the park today, and when I was on my way back, I was, like, listening to episode two. Episode two of the podcast, trying to prepare for this one. And. Cause that's when you guys first got to pourrespond the. And I mean, it was actually really great, but that's where you guys found the warm hearth. And I listened. I mean, we reference it so much, but I listened to the Craig bathtub scene again, and I've heard it two or three times. We've talked about it so much. I was just like, it can't be that good. And I was like, I'm really tired of it. And I've listened through what we have so far. The campaign, all the way through. Twice. Well, kind of. And I heard it again today, and I was walking around in public in my neighborhood, just laughing out loud, slapping my stuff. It was so funny. The part where Micah's crying and, like, crying. Laughing and talking about how Craig is just crying face down in the bathroom and Leon and is just stammering. I don't know how to help you. This is amazing. Anywho, okay, well, listener, thank you for listening to 107 episodes of the Accident adventures. That's crazy. That's crazy. Soon we're going to be at 110 episodes as well. [02:32:03] Speaker C: It's going to be 125, hopefully. You guys want to see the noodles? [02:32:08] Speaker E: I made doodles. [02:32:11] Speaker B: Noodles. [02:32:12] Speaker E: Well, I'll tell you what. Let's. The listener cannot participate in this, so let's end the episode. [02:32:17] Speaker B: And unless we put them on the patreon. If Abby wants us to put doodles on the patreon. [02:32:22] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna leave that to someone else's responsibility, having it to you. But anyway, listen, life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. Everybody together now.

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