106. Pearls Before Fungis

Episode 106 August 02, 2024 02:33:26
106. Pearls Before Fungis
Barely D&D
106. Pearls Before Fungis

Aug 02 2024 | 02:33:26


Show Notes

Where should the group revisit in the city?

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Twitter: @barelydnd 
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Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: Hi. Welcome back to we barely d and D podcast every time. [00:00:13] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [00:00:14] Speaker A: I had it in my head, too. Hi. This is your sword of Dungeons and Dragons podcast, Accidental Adventures. I'm sorry, you guys. I tried. [00:00:29] Speaker B: I just like you. You hit all the notes. There wasn't anything wrong with it. But I love that 106 episodes in, you went, hi, accidental adventures. [00:00:45] Speaker A: You know how it does that. Go ahead now. [00:00:49] Speaker B: Okay. Thank you, Micah, for Jackie's message. If you just want to check in your voice and video settings on Discord. [00:00:55] Speaker A: I'm sure you can make sure I did. This is okay. [00:00:59] Speaker C: Okay, cool. [00:01:00] Speaker B: I mean, I think you sound like. [00:01:01] Speaker D: You'Re on your laptop, Mike, but it's okay. [00:01:03] Speaker C: Yeah, it does. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Who knows? So as long as you check sound settings, discord settings, and then also make sure that the switch is flipped on but unihoodle. Micah is correct. These are the accidental adventures. And before we get into today's episode, we'll do our legendary question. I'm just going to go ahead and suggest the one that I put in the group earlier this week, because I really like it as a question. [00:01:30] Speaker D: I don't understand it, really. [00:01:34] Speaker B: I will explain. I will explain. I mean, I'm not, like, going to force it. This is, of course, a democracy, but. [00:01:42] Speaker D: I'm down. I'm down. [00:01:44] Speaker B: Okay. I'm so confused what this energy is when you guys are like, is this a democracy? [00:01:49] Speaker E: Do we need a union? [00:01:50] Speaker B: Yeah, like, yes. What. What doesn't go your way? Tell me. I don't understand. But woods. Woods. Oh, okay. So my letter question suggestion was if Steve Irwin burst into your room or your office or wherever it is that you're at, like, out and about in the wild, if he just kicked in the door, wrestled you to the ground, and then turned you around to the camera, like he does with animals, but, you know, being gentle with them, so never hurting them. You know, he never, like, hurt the animals he was wrestling, always held them in the correct way. But if he wrestled you to the ground and showed you or the camera, and then he went, aw, look at this beauty. This. And then he had, like, a fact about you, the way that he'll, like, pick up a taipan and be like, oh, now, this beauty is the most. One of the most venomous snakes in the entire world. Or if he's like, oh, look at the size of that. Salty. These things can hold their breath for an hour or whatever it is. Like, what's the thing Steve would say about you or, like, your character? And then in the second episode, I want to say, what would Steve Irwin say about you? And then who's the DMNPC? And let me know if that question still doesn't make sense. [00:03:00] Speaker E: I like the question, but I feel like we should combine them into one. I think that that would make more sense if we did. What would you say about you that makes sense. [00:03:08] Speaker B: That makes sense. Who's the DMN PC? [00:03:13] Speaker E: She's, like, Norm, the mean lady from Bella Andra. [00:03:19] Speaker D: That would be hilarious. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Me too. [00:03:22] Speaker D: I third. [00:03:23] Speaker C: That's great. [00:03:25] Speaker B: This is a very good time for her. Okay, well, it has upgraded. Now. We can't hear Micah at all, so that is an improvement. [00:03:35] Speaker A: I was making sure it was my mic, because if. Okay, good. [00:03:41] Speaker D: She told you off, brother. [00:03:43] Speaker B: Yeah, she did. [00:03:44] Speaker D: Check yourself. [00:03:44] Speaker B: What she doesn't know is that I'm secretly very insecure about Mike. Can you talk again on your mic? [00:03:54] Speaker A: I'm talking again into my mic. [00:03:56] Speaker B: Sounds like Mike to me. Yeah. Okay, well, let's get. Let's get Jackie and Ron. [00:04:06] Speaker C: I don't know yet. I knows goes right now. [00:04:08] Speaker D: Yeah. Can Abby go first? [00:04:12] Speaker B: Apparently. Guys, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm thinking of a number between one and ten. [00:04:20] Speaker D: Zack, why don't you go first? You go first with the demon. [00:04:22] Speaker C: Oh, I know mine now. I know mine now. [00:04:25] Speaker B: Jackie, go. [00:04:28] Speaker C: I think it would be the same on both me and Ro. And I think it would be. What is it? This creature or what has what? [00:04:40] Speaker B: None of you guys grow up watching Steve Irwin, am I just pulling some of the blue? [00:04:43] Speaker C: It's been a while, my guy. [00:04:46] Speaker B: Dang. You know, like. Oh, like, this little beauty. Like, just, like, appreciate. Cause he was always appreciating animals and excited about. [00:04:52] Speaker C: Yeah, like this. Okay, so it would be like, if. [00:04:55] Speaker B: He wrestled you to the ground and then showed you the National Geographic, what. [00:04:58] Speaker C: Would you have to say about it? And Ro would be, this. This little beauty has a really loud mouth on him. And it would be. It would be me and rowe. [00:05:07] Speaker A: Like, let's be honest. [00:05:09] Speaker B: This little beauty can yell at 40,000 decibels. [00:05:13] Speaker C: Yeah, that would be for me and Ro. It's the same. [00:05:19] Speaker D: For Boz. He'd be like, this little beauty has green blood. And then for Landon, he would say, this little beauty was homeschooled, and that's good. [00:05:31] Speaker A: Landon? [00:05:32] Speaker B: Yeah, he rushes you to the ground. He's like, now, this little beauty has seen almost every single episode of veggietales ever true. [00:05:39] Speaker D: Even the Lord of the Rings, one which my mom wouldn't let me watch for a while. [00:05:43] Speaker C: Um, there was a lord of the Rings veggie. [00:05:48] Speaker B: Kept from watching it. [00:05:50] Speaker D: I don't know what's objectionable. [00:05:53] Speaker B: I don't know. Okay. All right. Um, uh, let's go with Micah. [00:06:01] Speaker D: Micah. [00:06:02] Speaker A: I feel like for the beginning of the podcast, Craig, he'd be like, this little beauty has an affinity for starting conflict when trying to resolve it or something. [00:06:12] Speaker C: That was a great australian accent. [00:06:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:15] Speaker D: Michael. Oh, my gosh. [00:06:17] Speaker A: And now it's just this little beauty likes to eat rocks. [00:06:21] Speaker D: That is awesome. You know what? [00:06:23] Speaker B: That's so good, because that is what you would say. Like. Like, now this animal keeps rocks to its mouth, but it's Greg. That. Yeah. And what about Micah? [00:06:31] Speaker A: That's what it'd be like. Oh, man. Oh, I get the second question now. Oh, shoot. Wait, I didn't think about that. I didn't think about it. This. This little bit can't get energy without her piano. Or this. This little beauty has piano withdrawals. [00:06:54] Speaker B: This species is entirely dependent on playing pianos. [00:07:00] Speaker D: I feel like it's like the darkest timeline. If Steve Irwin is pinning humans to the ground, lifting them up, shoving them into a camera, and saying, now, this little beauty, this one, I don't know if they consent. [00:07:12] Speaker B: That's pretty hilarious. [00:07:14] Speaker D: And it's like, how did you know that about me? How did you know that? And he, like, has, like. [00:07:23] Speaker B: The record. For the record, I've just given this description because it was. It was the funniest. Most of the time, Steve didn't even have to touch the animal. He would just, like, if he could get it to not move. Yeah, but to. I'll never understand how he wrestled crocodiles. That's insane. But anyway, Abby or grabby in this instance. [00:07:43] Speaker E: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would say for Greta would be. I would say this little bit. He's developed. What's an australian exclamation? [00:07:59] Speaker B: Just any curse word, but we can't do that here. [00:08:04] Speaker E: Developed a right. Crikey. Toleration of eating plants. [00:08:10] Speaker B: There you go. That feels very wild species. [00:08:16] Speaker C: Okay. It's bad that I couldn't tell at first whether you were talking about you or Greta. [00:08:26] Speaker B: What's Abby's? [00:08:27] Speaker E: Abby's would be. [00:08:28] Speaker B: Or was that Abby's? [00:08:30] Speaker E: No, that was. I was also not sure Abby's is. Which is. This could also go for Greta. I feel like. Be like, this little stinker right here one time, snoozed her alarm every ten minutes for 3 hours. Or, like, some fact about, like, this little stinker. It takes this little stinker two and a half hours to get out of bed. [00:08:53] Speaker B: This species covers herself in images of snails. [00:08:57] Speaker A: I think for mine, for Abby, would be the mold in her teacups in her room. [00:09:06] Speaker B: Gross. That's it. [00:09:07] Speaker A: That's it. [00:09:09] Speaker C: So it's not just a grout of. [00:09:11] Speaker B: Thing. [00:09:13] Speaker C: Moldy food around her. [00:09:16] Speaker B: Steve Irwin tackled Bella onto the ground and turned her over the camera. I think he'd say. I think you'd say, now, this little beauty looks beautiful on the outside, but it's a total prick. Like, I think that's just the. I think that's what he'd have to say about her. What would Zack's be? [00:09:38] Speaker C: What would Zach's be? [00:09:41] Speaker B: Oh, for sure. He would wrestle me to the ground and say, now, average members of this species fart about ten times a day, but this one can do it up to 40. And that would definitely be his fact about me. Without question. [00:09:54] Speaker E: That or the memory. [00:09:56] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, probably. [00:10:01] Speaker E: It's a fact about his memory seven times. [00:10:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:10:05] Speaker A: I would say for Zach, it'd be this little beauty wants to be me. Because y'all both love. [00:10:11] Speaker B: Oh, I know so many celebrities have died that I didn't care about, but the day that Steve Irwin died, I cried. I was devastated. One of the only heroes I've ever had. But anyway, it's fine because Frederick Richard is going to go to the olympics. Maybe we can change that. Welcome back to the accidental adventures. This is episode for my note taking nerds who are ever surprised about the notes. This is the 106th episode of the accidental adventures. Episode 106, pearls before fun guys. [00:10:52] Speaker E: Oh, whoa. [00:10:56] Speaker B: Gotta call it, right? Cause that's not the expression. But you're in the pearl of oonsid. [00:11:04] Speaker D: And the fun guys, the fighters. [00:11:10] Speaker C: What's the date? [00:11:11] Speaker B: Yeah, well, it is a level eleven adventure. And the date is 34 88. Police butter color drone 31. [00:11:22] Speaker C: You sounded like Matt Barry when you. [00:11:25] Speaker D: Said, that's the short and shorty. And he looks like. Am I my crazy? No one knows what the song is. [00:11:36] Speaker A: I only know the song cuz of you is that. [00:11:38] Speaker E: But. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Okay, what was your. It's. What was your question? Pop cuties. Cute. [00:11:45] Speaker D: Non duty. Go ahead, rest me. Okay, nobody knows the song except me, obviously. I'm too online. I got it. Okay, maybe Jonathan knows. Jonathan, if I don't cut this out. [00:12:04] Speaker B: Okay. [00:12:05] Speaker E: And hand. [00:12:08] Speaker B: Yes, Abby. [00:12:09] Speaker C: Pearls before fun guys. [00:12:11] Speaker E: What did you say that the day was? I forgot the number that you said for the day. [00:12:17] Speaker B: 31. 31. [00:12:19] Speaker E: Yeah, I've been hitting the head a lot, so, you know, I just like. It's kind of a. I'm sorry. [00:12:25] Speaker B: Every single time Greta tries to buy something in pour spontaneously. It's going to count. It's going to be one cop or more every. [00:12:30] Speaker D: Oh, dad gum, Greta. Tax. That's taxation without representation. And it's not fair. [00:12:37] Speaker E: Inflation. [00:12:38] Speaker C: And just so everyone knows, the day of the week is a mess. [00:12:42] Speaker E: Thanks. [00:12:44] Speaker B: That is actually really helpful. [00:12:47] Speaker E: Dm. That's a really cool addition to the world. Thank you. [00:12:51] Speaker B: Thank you. Oh, for the count. [00:12:53] Speaker C: Oh, thank you. [00:12:54] Speaker B: I wasn't prepared for that. [00:12:57] Speaker C: So my birthday is in exactly three months. [00:13:03] Speaker B: Rose, in the game, I was like, I don't think so. Also, for the quickest update in the world, for Abby and Micah, because we didn't give one, you guys blooped over to Porter's. Plenty salt, which you blew. And when you were there, the one thing you did is, uh, Boz went and tracked. He went to find the lady. Hey, the transporter. [00:13:21] Speaker C: He's saying, stop it. [00:13:22] Speaker D: Hey. [00:13:23] Speaker C: He's saying stop it. Diem. [00:13:25] Speaker D: We are going to explore the choices we made in the session, if that's okay. [00:13:29] Speaker C: Landon wouldn't let me tell them either. [00:13:31] Speaker B: Why? I mean, can they know? [00:13:33] Speaker D: Fine, you can tell them. Zachary. Does it. [00:13:36] Speaker B: Characters were there for it. Do you want that to. [00:13:38] Speaker D: Right, but Mike and Abby were not. Okay, fine. [00:13:40] Speaker C: You can tell Greta and Craig weren't there for you. [00:13:43] Speaker B: I'm just curious when you think gonna come up. [00:13:45] Speaker C: Greta and Craig. [00:13:46] Speaker D: We're not there. And I would explain it to him in character. [00:13:49] Speaker C: They went to go hang out somewhere else. [00:13:52] Speaker B: Okay. Yes. [00:13:53] Speaker C: It was just bon row. [00:13:55] Speaker D: Yeah, bon row. [00:13:59] Speaker B: Okay. [00:14:00] Speaker C: Did Micah know that we built a tree in the ship? [00:14:04] Speaker B: Hopefully. [00:14:04] Speaker C: Okay, I couldn't remember. [00:14:09] Speaker B: Okay. [00:14:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:09] Speaker B: Okay. Is this the song I want? No, let's go to a different one. Anywho, I'll figure out the music. You guys are walking around in port splendid. Lissa. And what we're going to do. Holy crap, you guys are back in port. Spondy sauce. That's so weird. [00:14:24] Speaker E: It's like circle. This is actually really cool. We're like, quite full circle. I love. Oh, go, Jackie. We're so circle. We're circle. [00:14:33] Speaker B: Okay, so what's happening today is you guys have split up the party. Tello. As I'm being suddenly and pretty forcefully reminded, Tello and Greta and Craig went off on their own path somewhere in the city, meandering a bit. I don't know. We can play around with that. [00:14:58] Speaker C: And quickly said they were going to the warm heart. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Well, except that I really don't want to deal with the logistics of half of the group getting there before the other half. So you guys all simultaneously tripped over the same crack in the city, fell over, hit your heads. Were all three knocked unconscious? Not a person touched you. You remained unconscious, face down in the street for the exact amount of time that Ro and Baz were doing something else. And now you've suddenly regained consciousness, and Ro and Baz are back on their. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Way to you actually bump on your head, Greta. [00:15:31] Speaker D: Hey, you got a big old Looney Tunes bump on your head, Greta. What's up with that? Did you, like, lay on the street for the exact amount of time that we were doing something else? [00:15:38] Speaker E: You know, I don't remember. I think I've been hitting the head a lot, actually. [00:15:41] Speaker A: I don't remember. [00:15:42] Speaker B: Some days your players wake up and say, I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm punishing that dm I'm getting. [00:15:47] Speaker D: We're existing in the world of which we were placed. I'm sorry if it's a problem. [00:15:53] Speaker B: And so once again, the largest in the world is all around. [00:15:58] Speaker D: I was trying to channel. [00:16:03] Speaker B: You think you fell out of a coconut tree. [00:16:06] Speaker C: You exist within the world. [00:16:09] Speaker D: You exist within the world of that has. I don't know, whatever she says. [00:16:16] Speaker C: Did you fall out of a coconut tree? [00:16:19] Speaker E: I don't think so. I think I exist and within the context. [00:16:25] Speaker D: I gotta look it up now. [00:16:26] Speaker B: I got. [00:16:27] Speaker D: I'm gonna be saying that all the time. [00:16:32] Speaker B: I mean, you guys are in porous bonnissa. I give up on describing you are there. [00:16:36] Speaker E: What is the rest of. Wow, there's a wicked. [00:16:45] Speaker D: You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. Do you think you fell out of a coconut tree? Okay. [00:16:53] Speaker C: Exist in the context. [00:16:56] Speaker E: Perfect. [00:16:58] Speaker C: The music. [00:17:00] Speaker A: So when we're in port los blendes on, are we in a certain, like, are we just now entering? Where is the story beginning? [00:17:09] Speaker C: It's been. Oh, man, in there about an hour. [00:17:12] Speaker B: Was trying so hard to open with that. [00:17:15] Speaker C: We're sorry. [00:17:16] Speaker B: Well, first of all, I'm really. It is russ blendy song. I appreciate that, Micah. I really needed that with an rheumatization. I'm not upset. It's just if it's helpful, literally meaning resplendent in sinian, but so that is. You guys are in porous plainsaw, and we'll say that you guys. I forget how we even said that you guys got into the city. I think you showed up at a tree some distance away and went into one of the side gates. So you guys are at the far northeastern gate of the city, maybe like four blocks in, and you're in sort of like an arrival district. So arrival is the wrong word. You're in like a, you're in, you're, you're at the far western or eastern edge of the market district, which leads into like, it's kind of like a series of bazaars spanning for like a number of blocks that they themselves grow later into like the larger market district. So like, you know, where you would go for like whole shops and all that. And basically there's just this, this huge like five or six block area which you guys have been to before. Literally like at the beginning of 3488 when you came together in Port spilling, this is the area you visited where you bought produce and purchased the horses that you wrote out, or at least the transportation from the dwarven lady like Bill. Oh my goodness, I forgot about them. So this is that whole area you've returning to. And just to give visual context, you are once again in porous Pon Nissan, the second largest city in the world, New York of Yalliburton practically, even though it's not the second largest, but anyway. And as the immense city sprawls across the sort of shallow valley of the bay where it rests in the valley around it, the shallow base of the bay where it rests in the valley around it, the giant city it sprawls around you, it once again has very diverse architectures and some of the largest in the world. There are towers and they're multifaceted, multi storied buildings here. But it is very diverse because it is a culture made up of 1000 cultures. And as always, the core, the heart of the city, features that sort of tudor english kind of architecture with a lot of like plaster and wood framing and thatch roof that many centuries later got replaced with like wood scale, a lot of gables. But then as the city built outward around it, it has more of that like sort of similar reflected design, but more use of limestone and a lot more granite implementation. And eventually the city is once again designed in that fractaling pattern of hexagons, so that all the streets like split and bifurcate. So instead of a grid, it's all that hexagonal pattern. And it is that shape so that like the districts sit nicely next to each other as the city realized that it would become this port metropolis and where you all stand in that far district, Greta and Craig and Tello have rejoined everyone else. And this like sort of agricultural selling district is like, some of the areas are, like, series of tented selling stands right next to each other, all built around, like, central trade buildings. And then there are, like, barns and hexagonal patterns and then large penned areas where they're keeping animals, and there's just all sorts of trade and bustle around, and there's even more increased traffic than usual, with lame libre being freed from the Kefkan empire. In their regression from the region, trade has set on fire again between the two nations, where they were separated for some time. And so you guys are in this busy, bustling district. You all are incredible figures to stand out. But as always, Port Nissan is one of the better places in the world to be, even for a celebrity, because there's just so many people here and just a diverse array of races, and people are pulling carts and folks are shouting. And I'm going to try and find some slightly more appropriate music as you guys greet each other and renew with the role play. [00:21:43] Speaker E: I have a question. [00:21:44] Speaker A: Ah, yes, me too. [00:21:47] Speaker E: Um, what was the nation that you. [00:21:48] Speaker B: Said that lame libre to the north. Lame libre. Okay, when you guys were first, when you guys were first arrived in port responding salon, it was in the process of being conquered, and that was General Vashnazon, one of the five fingers of Kefk, who had brought his army south, and he had very much all but toppled it and was moving to that Eric Cochrane kingdom in the far east that nobody knew about at the time, until somewhere when you guys were in the earthen bloom. Months later, in biasta, the warriors of the well got into a conflict with General Vashtrasson's army, apparently having magically summoned some sort of stone dragon and laid waste to a large portion of his army, at which point he fled. And that was in close temporal proximity. Not long after. No, just before. Right after that, you guys had your conf. So I guess you guys were actually in Narskana. Just after that, you guys had your confrontation with Dolgoth, where Janus came to your aid and he died. And so that much threat to the structure of the Kievkan empire spurred them to withdraw everything and concentrate more toward their center. And they have been less aggressive and expansionary since they're in what seems to be a much more defensive position. Man, I can't make my mind up on the music. Lamellibe, is that other, like, northern? Because, I mean, again, you can find the map in the maps channel if you go there, but essentially, maybe we'll go with this one. That's too calm. I don't know, I'll figure it out. [00:23:23] Speaker E: You got this. I'm sorry I interrupted. [00:23:24] Speaker B: Go ahead. I'll go with this one. I'll go with this song. I'll go with the original. And so. Yeah, that's lame libre is just that, that nation in the northeast. And remember, it's porous. Bon nissan lami libre over here. And then below is Ostelliria, the uncidian king. Or the wood elf kingdom in Le Bois, the forest down there. And then far south, the crater. And then far further south still, that spoopy forest. [00:23:53] Speaker E: Okay, and then there's. Who was the. Who's the general? [00:24:00] Speaker B: General Vashnazon. That's the guy that the countess sent you to go spy on way back when you guys had the boo boo with Le Palmaw and he was the giant. Oh, my goodness, what are they called? Half giant. Yes, the giant. Just ridiculously, impossibly big and buff Goliath guy with all the half ogre lieutenants and the vast army that Bosley barely got away from. [00:24:36] Speaker E: But he said now. [00:24:38] Speaker B: Yes, no escape. [00:24:40] Speaker E: Okay, he's kind of. [00:24:42] Speaker B: One general has died. Yeah, well, and Kisk is widely believed also dead. Except you all aware that. That he is instead Mia. No. But Vash Nazan has returned. Well, you don't know. So I should have already said what I just said. [00:24:58] Speaker C: So. So what is. [00:24:59] Speaker B: You can assume. You can logically assume he's returned to the empire. [00:25:04] Speaker E: I appreciate the sidebar. I'm trying to get back into note mode. [00:25:08] Speaker B: Okay. Micah? Micah, did you have a question? Oh, she's froze. Did. [00:25:17] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:25:18] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Are you there, Micah? [00:25:20] Speaker A: There we go. [00:25:21] Speaker B: Okay. [00:25:22] Speaker A: Yeah, so it's kind of a silly question. I just was wondering if there was a Walmart equivalent in the marketplace. [00:25:29] Speaker B: Walmart equivalent? Question. I was not. Like, when you mean Walmart equivalent in a fantasy world? [00:25:36] Speaker D: What? What? [00:25:39] Speaker B: What's the translation? [00:25:42] Speaker A: I don't know. Just the thought came to mind, and I was like, I just have to ask just in case it's okay to answer. No. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Well, I'll tell you what there is certainly you are surrounded by. A business is not quite that serialized. At this time in the world, there are many stands where you could buy food. There's even probably a number of people who own businesses in multiple locations within the cities. But nobody at this point in history has put together the concept of one massively large storefront selling such a wide variety of different goods, largely because the mass means of productions are not so mechanized at this time. So individual people skilled at their craft are still more responsible for selling individual goods and wares. Actually, I guess I did have an answer for that. [00:26:29] Speaker A: I love that your no was. I love that it gave me more like it still satisfied the question without just saying no. [00:26:36] Speaker E: Nice. [00:26:37] Speaker B: And you guys reunite with Ro and Baaz, who are standing just outside of a sort of tented structure where not long ago, in the past, you all rented your horses and also received brief travel from that lady who was on that drug. [00:27:00] Speaker E: I'm saying, hey, where'd you guys. Where'd you guys go? [00:27:04] Speaker C: Oh, bowls. [00:27:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:07] Speaker C: Do you want to. We made. We did. [00:27:13] Speaker D: So, you know, when we were leaving to go out into the place to find the general and not die, and we stopped by the horse place, and I told the lady, hey, don't do drugs. Go get help. And I cast a spell on her, but, you know, I don't know if that was good. We went to go check on her to make sure she was okay. [00:27:29] Speaker C: I don't. Wait. I didn't know that's what we were doing. I just. [00:27:32] Speaker D: Well, that's what I was doing. [00:27:34] Speaker C: I just followed him in there, and we did. We did some business with. With the lady. [00:27:39] Speaker D: Yeah. We walked in, the lady was not there anymore. She was gone. And we. We. [00:27:44] Speaker B: They could. [00:27:45] Speaker D: They're trying to sell us some stuff, and we're like, we don't want your stuff. You know, you probably sounds like you're. [00:27:50] Speaker C: Referring to drugs we're trying to sell us. [00:27:52] Speaker D: Yeah, but they were action figures. [00:27:55] Speaker C: Yeah, turns out. Venture figures. Turns out it was. They were trying to sell us off. [00:28:01] Speaker D: They were trying to sell us adventure figures of us. [00:28:04] Speaker C: They were little guys, so, you know, little guys. And their names. Their name. Their names were warranted. [00:28:17] Speaker D: Yeah. It was all, we're gonna fix it up. [00:28:19] Speaker E: How are we gonna run a business? [00:28:23] Speaker D: We're gonna take 51% of the profits. [00:28:25] Speaker C: I have one person. Yeah. [00:28:28] Speaker B: And then we're gonna thing that Boz has ever done. [00:28:32] Speaker D: We're gonna. I know everything equally. [00:28:35] Speaker C: Basically, this business, they're gonna make little adventure figures of us and the warriors of the whale. Yeah, it's like, as, like, a marketing thing. I heard this word recently in a newspaper. This is about marketing, and we're wanted. [00:28:50] Speaker A: So why are they, like. [00:28:52] Speaker C: We're like, people like us, right? [00:28:53] Speaker D: Yeah. Might as well make. [00:28:59] Speaker E: Little expansion. And Zedge, they love us. [00:29:02] Speaker D: There's. They make them in Zedge. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:07] Speaker B: They make family members from Zedge being transported across the entire world that you guys have been famous for. Like, never mind. That's not true. [00:29:19] Speaker D: You're right. I don't know, I'm just excited. Listen, we own a business. I gave them 50 platinum and they're going to use it to upgrade the shop. [00:29:27] Speaker C: I gave him one platinum and. [00:29:30] Speaker D: And we're gonna call on the city stone once a month, see how business is going. And they really excited. They. They're really nice people, really honest people. [00:29:39] Speaker C: We signed a contract. Legit. It's legit, yeah. [00:29:45] Speaker D: I notarized it all. [00:29:47] Speaker A: And business owners. [00:29:49] Speaker C: Yeah. Can't you picture? Can't you picture? And Zach Diem, is there like. Is there like some little kids around anywhere that I can point to? [00:30:01] Speaker B: Give me a perception check. [00:30:06] Speaker C: That's. Where's my sheet? That's a 19. [00:30:13] Speaker B: Okay, first roll of the session. Give me. So you definitely see some. Give me an odds or evens check. [00:30:20] Speaker C: Odds. [00:30:22] Speaker B: 19. Okay. [00:30:25] Speaker C: 1919. [00:30:26] Speaker B: You look over like, I mean, this sort of agricultural area is just packed with people. And not far to your left you see two different sets of children. There is one, a half dwarven family. So a dwarven parent and a human parent, and they have just this whole slew of kids and they all clearly work at this one stand selling goats. And there's just this huge gathering of goats and there's like seven kids there. And the funny thing is that. [00:31:00] Speaker C: Do you mean kids or kids? [00:31:04] Speaker B: The height is like recessive and dominant. Tyler Jean. So some of the kids are like 2ft tall and some of them are like 4ft tall and it's hard. And the ages don't match up with the height, but they're all sort of like, gathered around doing menial tasks while their parents are talking to customers who are coming by and gathering the goats, which are like, bleeding. And not bleeding, but bleating, bleating, bleating with a tiny. [00:31:38] Speaker A: Jesus isn't in this. [00:31:39] Speaker B: World eating the bones. But the kids are there doing menial tasks, like sweeping, and just kind of like two of them are pushing each other back and forth. And then maybe 6ft, 30ft to the left from them, there is an Arracochran woman walking around, leading this tiny little arrow cochrane kid by the hand. And the Eric Cochran kid looks like a chick. Like a bird chick. They are bird people. So the kid has this tiny little blue cloth vest on and all these yellow puffy feathers in this little beak, and just walking around wide eyed looking at the city. And these are the two sets of children you see within ranch. [00:32:18] Speaker C: I point at them and I say, see, wouldn't it be really cool to, like, see those, those children over there? Like, you know, have little figures of us and they're like, battling it out, you know? Wouldn't that be cool? There's no studies that contribute to that train politically. [00:32:40] Speaker B: She's like, I don't know if action figures are eventually, figures are a good idea. [00:32:45] Speaker C: I mean, look at us. We grew up fine. Like, I grew up around no violence. And look at me now. I live. Live with you guys. [00:32:54] Speaker D: Live by the sword, I guess. [00:32:58] Speaker C: Um, do we have, do we have any? Did we buy some balls? I can't remember. Did we. Or did we take some? [00:33:04] Speaker D: No, I didn't take any. [00:33:06] Speaker C: Gave us a few. [00:33:08] Speaker D: I don't remember. Dm, did they give us a few? [00:33:11] Speaker B: I'm checking right now. [00:33:13] Speaker D: I feel like we wanted them to keep it to sell, you know? [00:33:15] Speaker B: Yes. Ro got. Oh, that's right. A bow and a rock and a razz figure as roll. I assume. Ro, you pull. [00:33:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I pull them out. [00:33:29] Speaker B: Pulls them out and shows them the party. The best. The best translation I can think of is, you know how in kung fu Panda how Poe has figures of the furious five? [00:33:39] Speaker C: Yes. [00:33:40] Speaker B: They're like, so they're just, they're like little wooden dolls that have like, a central body, like, tube and then a little head cylinder. And then, like, the cool thing is, whoever's making them, they have articulated shoulder joints. So the arms can go like, up and down and then the elbows can bend as well. And it's just like a series of, like, like very simple wood pieces built around these slightly articulating joints. But the main thing that they, that they offer is that they're fairly well painted and very slightly carved where, like, the shoulders can be. You know, you can tell them apart from the hips a little bit. And like, you know, the hands have some dimension to them. And you can tell that one of, like, they're both intended to look like there's some sort of a magical color going up their arms. But exactly what they do or who they are is very up to artist interpretation. They don't look a thing like Rohan Boz. [00:34:34] Speaker C: I. I run up to the little chick, okay? Like, not in a scary way. [00:34:41] Speaker B: This mother is walking around with her child, and this other strange woman runs up and you approach her. [00:34:48] Speaker C: Hello, mom. I say that to the, to the mom. [00:34:51] Speaker B: Hello. [00:34:52] Speaker C: What are you, how are you? My name's Ronnie. And then she, I look down at the little guy and I say, what, what's your name? [00:35:01] Speaker B: The little chick looks up at you and the mom looks down and it's just her eyes get big and she froze her, like, feathered brow. And her beak kind of clicks a little bit as she looks at this. This green woman with bright purple hair with gold strings and multicolored flowers growing out of it, with golden freckles on her face, covered in a glistening armor with, like, almost kind of, like, silvery studs all over it, with a rapier at one side and a loot filled with, like, crystal fragments at the other. And she's just sitting there frying her brow, kind of studying, and the little. The little chick. Kid just goes. [00:35:38] Speaker A: You cut out, Zach. [00:35:41] Speaker C: He's still cut out. [00:35:43] Speaker B: Okay? He says in a really high pitched voice. [00:35:47] Speaker D: It cuts out, Zach. Discord. Filters cut out. [00:35:51] Speaker B: See, this is the one. This is the one area where Zencastr is better, is that he gets the sound. He says, I'm Evan. [00:35:58] Speaker C: Oh, hi, Evan. I'm Ro. Um, would you like one of these adventure figures? And she holds out, and she goes, which one do you like better? [00:36:09] Speaker B: And you pull out one, and the mom goes, oh, I didn't discuss that with you at all. And the child points and goes, that one. And points at the. The raz you're holding in one hand. [00:36:26] Speaker C: Um, would you like this? This is. This is a boss adventure figure in. It's. It's the very first one, and they're gonna be a really big deal one day, so I want you to hold on to this, okay? [00:36:42] Speaker B: Actually, uh, ro, could you give me, like, a. Could you give me, like, a persuasion check? Not for the child. [00:36:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I know. I figured. Oh, no. Oh, no. [00:36:55] Speaker D: Oh, can I assist? [00:36:57] Speaker B: How. [00:36:59] Speaker D: I want to talk as well. [00:37:02] Speaker B: You have to do that to do that. [00:37:03] Speaker D: All right, say, I. We're. We've traveled long and far, and we recently found these, and we're really excited about them. Wanted to give them away to people so kids can enjoy, you know. [00:37:18] Speaker C: I got it. I just work. [00:37:21] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess that counts as some very low grade assistance, but, yeah, we'll call that the help. [00:37:27] Speaker C: Well, I got a 23. [00:37:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, so I'll tell you what. You guys have successfully convinced the mom that you're not a threat. But these two strangers have come up, and I not addressed her at all and just started trying to offer her child. [00:37:43] Speaker C: I said, hello. [00:37:45] Speaker B: Oh, excuse me. And the hello fixes it. And so now she's just like, her brows fro, and she goes, I don't. We don't have any money to pay. We're not interested. [00:38:00] Speaker C: No, it's free. It's free. It's free. It's just. It's a new toy for. For children and adults alike called an adventure figure. And they're just little figures, you know? [00:38:10] Speaker B: Okay. [00:38:11] Speaker C: It's fun to play with. You can be like, oh, I got. I got. [00:38:17] Speaker B: I'm. Great music. And as you do whatever that is, she just pulls her child a little closer to her with a little. Evan goes, oh, mom, I really want it. It's. Joints move. Look at the karate chop action. [00:38:30] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:38:31] Speaker B: He's just like, okay, all right, okay. [00:38:34] Speaker C: I give it. I put it in his hand, or his little feather. [00:38:38] Speaker B: Oh. He just reaches out and get it. And he goes, yeah, thanks. And then he just starts. Hot. God. He reaches into a pouch and pulls out a couple, like, dried crickets. Eats them and then just starts going. And the mom just goes, okay, all right. Goodbye, ladies. Picks her child up and walks in the other direction. [00:39:00] Speaker C: Become an adventurer. I'm an adventurer. Little lad. [00:39:06] Speaker D: There'S power for you in the world. You have to grab it with a word, people. [00:39:11] Speaker B: The ball is moving away a lot. In fact, she, like, tucks her child toward her and then just picks up, just flying away from you all. [00:39:21] Speaker D: We're good things. [00:39:23] Speaker C: I think we did really good influences. I think this would be really good for children. Yeah. [00:39:28] Speaker E: When they come back, I'm gonna say, guys, really gotta start learning to respect people's boundaries and read the room. [00:39:36] Speaker D: I can't read. Never forget, I speak six languages, but I can't read. [00:39:42] Speaker C: I'm making a metaphor in my head that no one's heard before. [00:39:45] Speaker D: I can read. Zachary, I'm just teasing. [00:39:47] Speaker C: Better? [00:39:48] Speaker B: No, the quote was funny. Not like I'm gonna get you at that rule. [00:39:52] Speaker D: I don't know. [00:39:53] Speaker B: Sometimes you gotta be mean. DM do that. [00:39:56] Speaker C: After all this time and now boss can't read, even though he's read like a million things and just wrote up a contract for someone. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Say I'm a. Craig is action figures. [00:40:10] Speaker D: Oh, that's unfortunate. [00:40:12] Speaker C: What? [00:40:17] Speaker D: No, we can't hear your bedroom. Your bedroom connection is bad. [00:40:21] Speaker A: Do y'all have all the action figures? [00:40:25] Speaker C: No, we just have. Well, you get. Here you go, Craig. It's. I think it's me. [00:40:32] Speaker A: All of the action figures. [00:40:34] Speaker C: Well, they had some. Yeah. [00:40:36] Speaker B: Repeating the same thing again, Micah. It's not gonna mess with the way Craig records the audio. So just, like, disconnect from the call, reconnect and see if it works for you. Okay, so Craig just sits there and goes, do you have. Do you have the action? Where is that, Craig? [00:40:59] Speaker E: It was quiet for like a minute. [00:41:03] Speaker B: Everyone's standing around awkwardly. [00:41:05] Speaker A: I'm gonna say Craig takes the raz. No, no, wait, which one's the. Is it Bo? That is Raz. [00:41:12] Speaker B: You guys in the bow. [00:41:14] Speaker C: Yeah, it's. [00:41:16] Speaker A: And I'm gonna take my knife, and I'm gonna try and whittle it into Craig. [00:41:20] Speaker C: No, I'm gonna grab it back from you. [00:41:25] Speaker A: But you've already seen what you look like as an action figure. I want to see what I look like. [00:41:33] Speaker D: That's my question. How do you make Craig? By taking away from. [00:41:38] Speaker C: Does not turn into that. Craig. [00:41:41] Speaker D: You need minor formation. [00:41:43] Speaker B: I'm sorry. Who's standing silently beside him, not having Craig. [00:41:58] Speaker D: She did say that. Craig. [00:42:01] Speaker E: I said, craig. Muscle ro. [00:42:04] Speaker C: Yeah. You can't make muscles out of this. And she. [00:42:16] Speaker E: Warm hearth. And I want to go to the. Where they have cake here. [00:42:19] Speaker C: I want bread, I want cake. And I possibly want more. [00:42:29] Speaker E: Insane. [00:42:29] Speaker C: That's the warm something about a bathtub with you, Craig. [00:42:34] Speaker A: I don't want to relive that. Nope. I don't want to relive. [00:42:39] Speaker B: I'm a tender person now. I'm a cheaper. [00:42:41] Speaker A: I'm a. I'm a different person now. [00:42:44] Speaker C: You quite literally. [00:42:45] Speaker A: I would. I have a bad relationship with Tubbs. That's all I'm gonna say. [00:42:49] Speaker C: Is that why you always smell like that? [00:42:52] Speaker A: Why do y'all hate me? [00:42:54] Speaker C: I'm just kidding. I press you every morning before you get up and. [00:43:01] Speaker A: Understandable. [00:43:04] Speaker C: Okay. [00:43:07] Speaker D: Warning. Let's go to Magic Lane and then go to the later. [00:43:12] Speaker B: It is 03:19 p.m. oh, it's not the morning. [00:43:17] Speaker D: It's not. [00:43:18] Speaker B: Yeah. No. This is the same day that you guys teleported to the ship and then. Oh, no, no, it's not. [00:43:26] Speaker D: We had to. We had to. [00:43:31] Speaker B: It's 917 am. [00:43:33] Speaker D: Okay, who's got the keen mind now? What I'm doing for tattoo. I want to get more political lore from Devram, and I want to hear more about the factions. And you know, he's going to have some juice about the Kevkins. I want to hear the Kevkin juice. [00:43:53] Speaker E: To the DM, not. Uh, guys, I really want to make a stop at the. I actually. I turn and tell when I say hello. And do you think that they would. I know that I don't live here, but I know that you used to live here. Do you think they would let me into the library for, like, an hour or two? [00:44:10] Speaker B: Tyler goes, I mean, very possibly. I don't know where the library is here, but we can. [00:44:17] Speaker E: What, you don't read, you don't support the library? You don't read? She's teasing. [00:44:22] Speaker B: I think there's suddenly. I don't think I remember how to teach you more in Sinian anymore. [00:44:27] Speaker E: Oh, well, for me, I made known sin. Everyone speaks the language. I talk to them. They teach me. [00:44:33] Speaker B: Man, we better hope that I didn't teach you any words wrong. [00:44:39] Speaker E: She's like, well, I didn't think of that. Anyway. Anyway, you're so smart. You're so tall. You have nice hair. [00:44:46] Speaker A: Maybe. [00:44:47] Speaker B: I mean, we can only try, but I don't know where the libraries are here. [00:44:55] Speaker E: I don't know what the libraries are. [00:45:00] Speaker B: You guys haven't been to one of the past. You could start asking around before I answer that question. Before, why don't I let the group try and figure out what it is you guys are doing, and then I'll. Instead of just suddenly picking someone's thing to be done. So what that party did. [00:45:15] Speaker C: I saw you guys know Devram at the tattoo shop. We go there. Well, am I. It's Micah. Okay. She said her toes are numb. [00:45:28] Speaker B: You know, I don't know what. It was about six months ago, the episode two in one energy, and I don't know how and when, but it did. Let's do it. [00:45:37] Speaker D: Let's go to nut. Let's go to tattoos. Let's do tattoos. [00:45:40] Speaker C: I really want to get. [00:45:45] Speaker D: Are crazy expensive, so we need to figure out how much we want to spend on, like, magic items and how much we want to spend on. [00:45:52] Speaker C: I don't need a magic item. [00:45:54] Speaker D: If I need. [00:45:56] Speaker C: I want a magic tattoo. [00:45:58] Speaker D: Okay. I just. I'm thinking that, you know, like, we're all together. I'm just. I guess I'm trying to plan ahead to make sure that, like, if. Like, if, you know, Greta wants to go get a cool book from the library, and Greta also wants a tattoo, right, Greta? [00:46:11] Speaker E: Yes, I do. I really do. [00:46:14] Speaker D: That's okay. I'm just. Let's go see how much they cost. I'm okay with, like, if I spend all my money on the action adventure figures. That's fine. I just wanted to make sure that I have. [00:46:23] Speaker C: I have a couple ideas of tattoos that I want that I'm gonna see if Devram can cut me a deal on. [00:46:29] Speaker D: Plus, Devram likes us, so, you know, we. We brought his jewels back. [00:46:33] Speaker C: You guys gave him jewels? [00:46:36] Speaker D: Yeah, he stole his jewels, and that's how we found spaguber wild. [00:46:42] Speaker B: That's true. [00:46:43] Speaker D: I went down. [00:46:44] Speaker B: Micah, are you okay? [00:46:48] Speaker D: All right, let's vote. Raise your right hand if you want to go to the tattoo shop. [00:46:56] Speaker B: I kind of guiltily raises his hand. I mean, I kind of want one. [00:47:06] Speaker C: Oh, tell her. You and I, we don't have matching tattoos with them yet, do we? [00:47:10] Speaker B: No, we don't. I think. Or brand. Well, I think we can leave off of that, but let's take a look at the tattoos. [00:47:17] Speaker D: All right, so we start heading with magic lane. And I know where I'm going. I know my magic lane. [00:47:22] Speaker B: Yeah. The party. The party has been through well, and also, Ro lived here for, like, a year or two and has keen mind. So if nothing else, she's an excellent guide through the city, at least most areas she's been. Micah, I am so sorry for all the distress you're in, buddy. Stand up, do, like, four squats, and sit back down. It will help greatly. What you need is blood flow. Your. Your neurons aren't responding to blood flow. Yeah, so. [00:47:49] Speaker D: You have a desk. Micah, you have a desk. [00:47:52] Speaker B: My goodness. [00:47:53] Speaker D: God gave you a desk for listening. [00:47:54] Speaker B: What you don't know is Micah is dying. [00:47:58] Speaker C: I don't mean those. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Every time I sit at the desk, my. [00:48:02] Speaker C: My. [00:48:03] Speaker A: Everything else hurts. And then when I sit on my. [00:48:05] Speaker D: Bed, my feet go to sleep and my legs fall asleep and I cannot move. [00:48:12] Speaker B: Is this what you're just getting your. Okay, you're just not exercising your glutes or core. That's why everything hurts. You don't have muscular support at all anyway. [00:48:20] Speaker A: Stop calling my butt peak. [00:48:24] Speaker B: Well, maybe that's the truth, Micah. So the fun guys huddle up and start making their way through the city. You guys are aware that. [00:48:35] Speaker D: Yes, Lando, we passed by the monster selling shop, right? [00:48:41] Speaker B: It is on Magic Lane. If you are headed there. [00:48:44] Speaker D: When we usually pass by, it's usually the first place we pass. We pass by to get to the rest of the lane, right? [00:48:51] Speaker B: Yeah, it's at the start of Magic Lane. So if you're going to Magic Lane, you will go there. But, yeah, no problem. So it's like a two or three hour walk to that portion of the city. At some point, you guys actually gain the opportunity to. There's that giant, sort of, like, short haired, three horned ox creature that pulls those, like, public transportation carts. And you guys, like, wait for a second at kind of what is essentially a medieval fantasy bus stop at, like, a hexagonal street corner. And the paths for these creatures as they roll through the vast, teeming city is very, like, circuitous because it's not just straight road like, the roads are constantly diverting, and it's very easy to get lost in Port Espinisau if you don't know the way well. But you guys climb in and huddle up, and nothing crazy is happening so far. But you notice, like, you guys have always been a little noticeable. And now many of you guys carry incredible magic items. One of you is permanently sparkling. Two of you have fauna or flora growing out of your head. One of you is covered in battle scars and face wounds. You guys, I mean, you just look like magic. You guys just look like magical, epic adventurers. And you are, you're turning quite a few heads, and people are taking note. And Ro, with your extremely high passive perception, you do pick up every once in a while, like, people muttering and whispering to each other back and forth whether or not you guys might be the warriors of the well. And then once or twice, someone starts muttering, going, do you think those are the fun guys? And no one goes, no, of course. If someone else goes, no, of course not. But the conversation is being had abound. But you guys take this rolling path of the city, and you pass many interesting structures and architectures and fascinating landscape. And eventually you guys return to this one two block street at the center of the market district, kind of almost near the exact part of the city. And you guys return to Magic Lane for the first time in many, many, many months. And it is. I'm having such a hard time finding the vibe here. Oh, maybe this one. Yeah, sure. I don't know. That's fine. And Magic Lane is. The city is filled with varying architecture, but Magic Lane is the weirdest because it has that cobblestone street with the sidewalks at either side. But it's all of those different buildings, every single building sitting next to the next one is bizarre. There's that one half a block wide gothic three story building that's full of those, like, standing spires and connecting arch walkways and huge, ornate stained glass windows that you guys know to be Biroaks Arcana Academy halfway down the street on the right there is immediately at your left where the cart drops off and four or five people get off and, like, disperse with you all. There is the long l shaped, sort of like open market bazaar of big johns, where the open, hollow space around the long el desk holds this large series of wooden tables with huge cutting boards where workers are slaving away, ripping apart monster parts and carrying barrels full of scales. And above it, it's one first floor, narrow cut of a building, and right on top of it is just a whole different business stuck on top of that building. And then immediately behind them there's no alley. There's just another building pushed up against it a little down the way. You guys recognize like maybe four or five buildings down there's the broad, wide, sort of like saloon style mahogany storefront with the sort of like outpushed porch that leads down to the wide, broad like building. Wide wooden steps that lead up to the open like parlor. Swinging doors that have that wooden awning supported by six arches. And above it there is the giant wooden sign that has only gem inlaid glyphs carved into the sign. They don't say anything but they magically in illusion, magic project in front of them the image of that illusory hand drawing and writing and below it it says the living tapestry. And you guys remember this to be the magical tattoo parlor. Across the street in the opposite way, maybe only four buildings down the lane there is, well actually three buildings before the giant Arcana Academy. There is that dilapidated half fallen in wooden building that looks abandoned but a few of you all know to be the secret home of the blood bag. All the way down to the end of the street and halfway down magic lane on the left hand of the corner there is that tiny little like rose pink brick storefront with the wrapping display window, the green tiled roof and the white painted sign that has little roses and it says Rosie's potion parlor. And four buildings down on the right from the immediate most start of the street there is that really thin building only maybe 17, 18ft wide just sandwiched in between two others three stories tall. One window half the way up maybe like 20ft off the ground or 15ft off the ground with a sort of like slat thatched roof and a simple wooden door. No sign and a little wooden barrel with a monkey skeleton, purple flames in its eyes just sitting there curled up in front of it that you all know to be madame scores. Majestic menagerie you all are. Once. [00:54:50] Speaker D: Guys do I'll dare me to thorn whip the monkey. [00:54:55] Speaker C: No. [00:54:58] Speaker A: Y'all want to kill madame me? Score today. [00:55:03] Speaker C: Last time we were here, think of all the trouble we calls. I mean we didn't start. [00:55:12] Speaker B: I feel like you guys can do whatever you want. I have an entire battle map set up but that's only if you guys do it. Just. I am trying to be prepared today. If you guys go we're going to lop our head off. I have the map sitting. [00:55:26] Speaker C: I don't want to die. [00:55:28] Speaker B: Balls, babe. [00:55:29] Speaker D: That's session two. Let's decide session two now. Let's go with tattoos. [00:55:32] Speaker A: Let's go have a happy new balls. [00:55:35] Speaker B: We're talking out of the first. [00:55:37] Speaker D: What do you think? Bow map in character. Come on, Joe. Come on, everyone. [00:55:41] Speaker B: Roll initiative. You talked about it. It happens. Yeah, Micah. Just jump in there, dude. Just say your thing sometimes. [00:55:48] Speaker A: I can't. It's all good, though. Is there a bookstore in a near vicinity? [00:55:58] Speaker B: You guys do remember that if you go, Abby, you're still muted. [00:56:01] Speaker A: I remember there being one. [00:56:04] Speaker B: There's that one. Not a magic lane. Not a magic lane. There was a separate bookstore. Yes. [00:56:13] Speaker D: One you flirted way back. [00:56:15] Speaker A: I kind of. [00:56:18] Speaker B: Salted thrice, if I remember correctly. [00:56:20] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:56:21] Speaker C: Oh, Craig flirted, not me. [00:56:23] Speaker D: Yeah, Craig flirted. Ended up holding, and then when she. [00:56:26] Speaker B: Didn'T like it, he insulted her. [00:56:29] Speaker A: Oh, he was a chad. [00:56:31] Speaker D: Anyways, I was probably mewing while he did it. [00:56:35] Speaker A: Okay. [00:56:38] Speaker B: Is that what that's called? [00:56:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Isn't it where you just put your tongue up to the roof of your mouth? [00:56:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:56:46] Speaker D: You swallow a little bit, too, so that your cheat your jawbones. [00:56:52] Speaker A: Anyways, I really want to make it a book. [00:56:55] Speaker C: I go the door. [00:56:56] Speaker E: We can, Craig. I want to as well. Maybe we can do that after we get tattoos, question mark? [00:57:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:57:01] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:57:01] Speaker B: Okay. [00:57:01] Speaker A: I don't want to tattoo. [00:57:02] Speaker D: I think she might kill us, though, so we should make peace with ourselves before we go do that. Um, but I like Craig. You're at a score. [00:57:10] Speaker B: You're capable and responsible, dude. I mean, you remember the shops, like two streets down that way to the right. If you want, you can just go. [00:57:16] Speaker A: I'm going to go get a book. [00:57:18] Speaker B: Okay, well, we'll probably be at the tattoo parlor if it's going to take a while. If you want to meet us there. [00:57:24] Speaker C: I mean, it's fine, right? I mean, I got the proof of detection thing on, but I mean, like, if she's gonna know we're here, she's gonna know we're here in town. Right? Anyone? [00:57:38] Speaker B: Okay, Micah is slowly sliding a book into frame without speaking. And when she did, everyone stopped. It says. [00:57:47] Speaker A: Me, can Craig. Can Craig get this? [00:57:50] Speaker B: Look, I don't know what it is. [00:57:54] Speaker A: It's 3000 questions to ask people and he's gonna bother tella with it. [00:57:59] Speaker C: Oh, no, wait. [00:58:01] Speaker A: That's so fun, Micah. [00:58:03] Speaker D: I love that. [00:58:04] Speaker B: I guess I'm just gonna put some questions. Okay, so Craig walks away from the group toward the bookstore, and he's gonna go try and look there. And we're gonna see whether or not there is a book suddenly in the world called 3000 questions about me. The first shop on the left is big John's monster bazaar. If you want to have business there, you don't need to. [00:58:26] Speaker C: How bizarre. [00:58:26] Speaker B: Okay, huddle up, guys, huddle up real quick. [00:58:28] Speaker D: Huddle up, guys, huddle up. I grabbed a hag skull from the cave that we went to and I forgot about that. I have two options. One, I can go try to sell it to that guy over there, because I'm sure hag skulls are, are cool. Or I can leave it on escort door as a message. [00:58:50] Speaker B: Which one? [00:58:51] Speaker E: Door as a message. [00:58:55] Speaker B: Us taking her on is a really valid strategy if you really want to do that. But us aimlessly egging her on like it flies in the face of all of the experiences we've had over the. [00:59:05] Speaker C: Last year, I don't think we should. [00:59:08] Speaker B: We don't. [00:59:10] Speaker D: Money, I need literally, I just. [00:59:14] Speaker E: It would cost us money to do that. [00:59:16] Speaker D: It would hold on. [00:59:18] Speaker B: We all pile on to boss. I think we have to acknowledge that he has to be the responsible. Saying one devastant rate at the time. Everyone's wrong. You have an impulse, I feel you buzz. You know, you could, you could, you. [00:59:27] Speaker C: Could use the restroom in a bag and you could use the toilet on, in a bag and leave it on our door. [00:59:34] Speaker B: Tell us. Jaw just drops open and he just looks at ro real. Did you go? [00:59:42] Speaker E: I could probably make money by doing that. [00:59:45] Speaker C: I could go for free. [00:59:48] Speaker D: All right, I'm gonna go sell this to Big John. Can we do that first before we go to the tattoo shop? It'll be really fast, I promise. He loves you. Loves. [00:59:55] Speaker B: So, Boz, you and the rest of the. And we're coming back to you, Craig, you and the rest of the fun guys waltz up to that huge open bazaar. It's bustling with people. Let's go with how balancing is this one? No, I need something. I need something kind of bouncy. Yeah, here we go. So, Boz, you walk up to the big John's and there's shouting and bustling and people are, I mean, it's not full. There's maybe like seven different patrons around the edge of the counter. And just for everyone's refresher, this is like a long wrapped counter that goes across this. So it's like, that's kind of the only thing at the, at the storefront. And there's this wooden sliding, like, slat barrier that they could bring down to close the shop. And basically all it is is just this one open, like, kind of like windowless area that they could pull the sheet up and down and otherwise it's just open, and the place just smells. It smells bad, and it smells weird bad. There are 70 different spells coming at you guys right now. Like, I mean, you smell a caustic, sort of, like, acidic, heavy scent that's, like, deep and metallic, a constant burn. Well, there's a separate smell that smells like embalming fluid. There's another smell that smells like something being, like, charred. There's something that smells kind of like rotting flesh. There's a heavy, kind of dank, mossy smell. There's an oppressive, briny seawater smell. There are so many scents coming from this place. And there's noises you guys can hear, and there's like a. There's like, this little, like, goblin worker who is, they have some sort of a large monster bone, and it looks like they're trying to get marrow out of it because they have it set up on one of the flat tables in the middle of the room. And the goblin guy has his foot, which have little, like, the digits are slightly opposable on goblin feet with little claws. And he is holding the bone down with his feet and his weight grasping the bone with one hand, taking a bone saw and just cutting away at the middle of it. At the back of the room, this really large orc worker, she has this long, just, like, tendril, this tentacle in her hands, and there's this sharp blade in an arc shape sitting in a heavy stone base at the edge of one of the work desks at the back. And she's just taking it and just going to, trying to split it apart. And there's just workers bustling and patrons are shouting over the counters. And there's this, there's this thin water genasi woman with, like, blue, flowing hair that kind of, like, looks like liquid that drips down her back. And she's in this soaked cloak, and she's just shouting at some customer about what he can go do with something for the surprise, for the price he just suggested and where he can go put that price. And in the middle of all of it, there is this very large, very broad Goliath man who's wearing essentially only shorts, an apron, nothing else. He's soaked in the blood of different creatures. He has this, like, one long, thick, gray braid of hair going in the middle of his head. He has a couple scars at, like, random intersections of his body. He's like, maybe like, he's not. He looks big and strong, but he also, he's got, like, a gut on him too. And he's just walking around the shop yelling at workers. They're monster like their wings hanging from hooks and chains on the ceiling. And as you guys approach the edge of, he shouts something at a customer, and it sounds like he's cursing him out to you. But then, ro, you who speak giant, hear him shouting at a different customer in giant, a series of curses that, you know, among Goliath's to be essentially a way to say goodbye. And as you guys walk up, he gets to the edge of the counter. He's kind of like, he, like, leans over it, large and heavy. He's so big that as he leans over on the edge of the counter, the wooden bends just a little bit and creaks under him. And he like, looks around at his shop with kind of a wry smile, and then he makes eye contact. Vase. And his smile just melts. [01:04:03] Speaker D: It's the heart jar guy. I'm back. Oh, my goodness. [01:04:08] Speaker B: I don't want to talk to you. [01:04:10] Speaker D: You did business last time. You liked what I. [01:04:12] Speaker B: No, I sold. You didn't sell me a heart and a jar. That's what happened last time. [01:04:16] Speaker D: I brought you something else. [01:04:18] Speaker B: Yeah, well, what have you got? Because if it's not going to blow my mind, you can go. [01:04:23] Speaker D: Maybe, I don't know. It's a, it's a hag skull from before. [01:04:26] Speaker B: Tell me what you've got. [01:04:26] Speaker D: Just, it's. I put the hag skull on the counter. I say, huh? Huh? [01:04:31] Speaker B: You said it. Down on the counter. [01:04:32] Speaker D: The skull of the hag. [01:04:34] Speaker B: Two other patrons who are there with their own items lean in and also look at it. One guy, like, pulls his monocles down a little bit on his nose and rubs his, rubs his beard. Looking at it, he goes, it's authentic. [01:04:47] Speaker D: Yeah, I plucked it out the hat myself. It's not fake. [01:04:52] Speaker B: Show to me. [01:04:53] Speaker D: It's old. What do you mean, show it? I put that right there. [01:04:56] Speaker B: Okay. You slide it across the counter. And he picks it up. He opens up the skull and he looks inside the mandible. He starts tracing his finger along, like, the ridge line of the palate, and he goes, well, that's real. [01:05:06] Speaker D: He, it's real. [01:05:11] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. He, like, reaches into like a little pocket at the side of the shorts and pulls out a tiny little single monocle. Squints in his eye, starts examining it. Wow. I've never seen an Ernest Herg school. Entirely different formation. He sets it down on the counter, pulls out the pig, takes the monocle out of his eye, slips in his pocket. That's a pretty good find there. All right. I do actually have two or three customers who would be deeply interested in that. Your redeemed plant. Are you different than the last time I saw you? [01:05:43] Speaker D: I touched the wrong tree, and sometimes stuff happens. It's unfortunate. [01:05:49] Speaker B: You're shiny now. I've got questions. But what you want for the school. I got questions. [01:05:56] Speaker D: I don't know, man. I honestly just wanted to say sorry. You just give me whatever you think is fair and then call it even. I guess. [01:06:03] Speaker B: Ro. [01:06:03] Speaker C: Kinda. [01:06:04] Speaker B: Really? [01:06:05] Speaker D: Yeah. Like, if you can shake my hand at the end of it. If we can shake. If you can shake my hand and feel good about it, then I'll feel good about it. [01:06:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. [01:06:15] Speaker D: Right. [01:06:16] Speaker B: Fine by me. Five gold. He holds out a giant. [01:06:20] Speaker D: I thought we had better rapport than that. That's silly. [01:06:23] Speaker C: That's. [01:06:24] Speaker B: I'm trying to make all the money I can. [01:06:26] Speaker C: You know how much a hag score should be? I feel like you've been around the block with some. [01:06:31] Speaker D: How about you put it on my account and when I need to. Okay, Greta. Okay, this is our hag expert over here. Greta, come look at. [01:06:38] Speaker C: She's been around the block. [01:06:39] Speaker D: Have you ever seen. [01:06:43] Speaker B: You walk up to the counter that you're not tall enough to get over, and as you start walking out of it, he doesn't even blink. Like it's habit. He reaches down behind the counter, pulls out a little wooden stool, and hands it over the counter to you. You get the feeling that he. I mean, he has a lot of short customers. Yeah. You climb up and you can see over the counter. [01:07:00] Speaker E: Damn. What I know? Would I have any idea? [01:07:04] Speaker B: I mean, you know a lot about hags. The hags don't have. Typically make financial transactions for each other's bones. That's not a common part of living among them. But you can. Are you proficient in Arcana? [01:07:20] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm proficient in Arcana. [01:07:22] Speaker B: You can make an arcana check to try and approximate its value. [01:07:26] Speaker D: And I try that if you want. I don't. [01:07:30] Speaker B: People who are not as. As accustomed with haggish. Dry. [01:07:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:07:34] Speaker D: Okay. [01:07:35] Speaker E: I got a 16. [01:07:37] Speaker D: Minimum is not good. I'm not gonna say I got a 16 as well, actually. [01:07:41] Speaker C: Wait, I'm gonna try. Just to see. Before y'all say it, boy says, oh, no, never mind. [01:07:49] Speaker D: What? [01:07:50] Speaker C: I didn't roll. I don't know. [01:07:51] Speaker B: Roll it. You gotta say it. I got a one that's gone on the average. [01:07:58] Speaker C: Wait, I can't add to that, can I? [01:08:00] Speaker B: You like, you like. No, it's not one. Lean into it. And as you do like one of the, like. Like someone next to you is standing without bag full of something has soaked through the bottom of the bag. You're not sure a dark liquid and come out and spill on the bottom. And you didn't see it. And as you're leaning into look at this skull, your foot slips in the slick. And so as you guys are all discussing the price, ro slips and slams her head on the counter in front of you. And ro, you take a point of bludgeoning. [01:08:28] Speaker C: Wonderful. [01:08:31] Speaker B: Okay. That's a very hard item to gauge the value of. But you have sold monster parts before, so definitely north of like 100 gold. It'd be hard to pin down and say, what? But it's worth a lot. That's a very rare and valuable find for the right crowd. I mean, some people might pay 30 gold, but some people would pay hundreds of gold depending on who you're selling it to. Also, just a quick reminder for everyone. I put this up a while back. Just because gold can seem kind of alien. Remember that a copper is basically $3 and a gold is basically $300. So when I say 30 gold, I do mean like $9,000. It's a good reminder of how much a gold is worth. [01:09:17] Speaker E: It is helpful. [01:09:18] Speaker B: So when Boz tips people in platinum, he's giving them $3,000 every time. [01:09:24] Speaker D: I miss beast out here. Okay, so, okay. I know that you have to make a profit on this, and I. But I think you could probably sell it for about 200, 250. So I take 150 gold for it. [01:09:38] Speaker B: 200. Give me a persuasion check. [01:09:41] Speaker D: Okay. This is fun. [01:09:44] Speaker E: Yeah, I was gonna insist, but I can't think of a way that if. [01:09:51] Speaker B: You want to try and give me a slight of hand check, you could try and cast guidance on him without. [01:09:55] Speaker D: That is unnecessary. Unnatural. 20. [01:09:59] Speaker B: Unnatural. [01:09:59] Speaker E: 20 is pretty good. [01:10:02] Speaker B: I forget how good your modifier is. Like, rubs his chin. 225. [01:10:11] Speaker D: Okay. [01:10:14] Speaker B: All right. Holds out a big meaty hand. [01:10:17] Speaker D: I shake it with my little meaty hand. [01:10:19] Speaker B: He squeezes it a little hard, makes my contact. And he goes, Mars quid, pay the man. And walk away from the counter and. But that Genozzi woman comes out and just starts putting gold on a scale and weighing it out. And you are distributed your funds when you get done. She goes, do you have anything else you want to sell? Or is that it? [01:10:41] Speaker D: That's what we've got. [01:10:42] Speaker C: Did you want to show him? [01:10:46] Speaker D: I don't think this is a good idea. [01:10:48] Speaker C: Okay. I was just asking. [01:10:50] Speaker B: Tello leans in and goes, I don't know. What we're talking about yet, but I also don't think it's a good idea. He starts wiggling his eyebrows. He can do that thing where he independently wiggles his eyebrows. So he just does that a couple times. [01:11:03] Speaker E: He can do the Draco Malfoy. [01:11:05] Speaker B: He can do it. Yeah, I was going to say the Dwayne the Rock Johnson, but yes, the Draco Malfoy. [01:11:11] Speaker D: Oh, man. [01:11:12] Speaker B: Okay. [01:11:13] Speaker E: Hello. And do the. [01:11:18] Speaker B: I kind of regret telling you that now, mouth boy. Okay. Do you do a thing or not do a thing? [01:11:28] Speaker E: What monster parts do they have available? I just want to, like. No, I don't. Do I have to talk to someone? [01:11:33] Speaker B: Are you guys looking at buying? We have almost everything. If you guys are looking for something in particular, this is the wrong voice. If you guys are looking for something in particular, we have almost everything. [01:11:41] Speaker A: Okay. [01:11:41] Speaker E: Is there a place where I can browse or is it. Do I have to ask for something? [01:11:44] Speaker B: No, you gotta know what you're looking for. [01:11:46] Speaker E: Okay, well, I don't know what I'm looking for, so I'll come back later. Thank you so much. [01:11:49] Speaker B: Okay. All right, goodbye. And she just walks away. They're not very polite here. Mash. Cut. Craig, you have walked three blocks the other direction, taken a right, hung a left, and then gone past two different coat shops. And you are returning to the storefront of texts and tomes. I have not the slightest idea how I originally described this building, so I'm just going to redescribe it because I did not listen to all nine port spun these hall episodes in preparation for this episode. So you. Oh, okay. Jackie, you go to the front of an all. It's like an all stained pinewood building that has sort of like a base ridge buffer at its bottom and then like a sort of like ovular door. And the center of it is all hollow and it's just like a metal lattice with sort of like frosted glass. It's very simple, but it's lovely. And there are two display windows at either side with like a sort of stone frame around the building that has a slightly raised octagon roof. And the really cool thing is that the six businesses that make up this building are all pie slices of the same larger structure. They're hexagonally made into each other. And it's not actually like a straight pie slice. They come back to like a square prismatic back, and there's like a hollow area in the middle, you assume kind of like a shared alley, maybe it enters into somewhere else, but they rest up against the other cluster of buildings. And as you walk to the front, through the display windows on either side, you can see into tall standing bookcases with books aligned on them. And over the top, it says texts and tomes. And you remember this being the place that you first bought reading materials when you came to porous one. [01:13:44] Speaker A: They saw Craig's on a mission. He's not playing around. He opened. No, he, like, sprinted to the bookstore. And then he, like, opens the door and makes a, like a beeline for the counter. [01:14:02] Speaker B: Okay, so as you swing that door open and walk in the way every bookstore owner wants, breathing heavily and a little sweaty, you just beeline for the, the sort of arched desk at the back. And there's like, a door right in the center behind it that goes to, like, a back holding room. And as you remember in the store, it's kind of got like that, like, dark, sort of smooth. It's like the cobblestone outside, but it's all been smoothed down to one smooth layer and, like, polished. And there are, like, three or four tiny, little different scale colored cobalt workers there going around with books and repositing things. And there's two or three other customers in the store pulling scrolls out of, like, slotted sections of the shelves, opening them and reading them. And as you walk up to the counter, there is. There are stools of two different heights that a slightly shorter race and a much shorter nace would need to stand at either side of the desk, because the city, as a metropolitan, needs to accommodate people of wildly different sizes. And as you walk up to the only slightly helping stool and walk up it, there is a bronze dragonborn woman with sort of like a coppered patina to the edge of her, or like a green patina to the edge of the arch ridges that come off of her conical face and the horns that curve upward. She has a couple jewelry like bracelets studded and beaded up her horns. And she's wearing a deep green silk sort of, like, tunic dress. And she's, like, examining something behind you. And as you like, you ring the doorbell as you come in, and the time it takes you to walk from the door to the counter, as athletic and determined as you are, is like 2 seconds. So by the time you've turned around, she's turned around, you're already there. And she goes, oh, and I'd like you to give me an odds or evens, Craig. [01:15:40] Speaker A: Oh, oh. Can I say evens? No odds. I felt odds. I'm gonna go with odds. [01:15:46] Speaker B: It's a good call. It was a 15. She does not remember you from the last time you were here. So she turns around and you and smiles and says, hello, how can I be helpful today? [01:15:58] Speaker C: Hi. [01:15:59] Speaker A: I. [01:16:00] Speaker B: You're the best. Micah. [01:16:02] Speaker A: Hi. Need you. I need some help. Um, I need questions, and I feel like you might have a book that has good questions for getting to know people. You see, I have a friend, and part of me wants to befriend this friend even more, but also to slightly annoy him with the questions as a side effect of being friends. And I was wondering if you have a book that has questions in it. [01:16:39] Speaker B: Micah, you are. I can't imagine this campaign without you. She just looks puzzled, like people rub a beard. She rubs the horns coming out of her jawline, and she goes, that is a very specific ask, sir. Mostly people write books to fill them with information or stories. But let me go really look around the shop for a little bit. If you're okay, just. Are you all right? Are you in some sort of danger? There's a lot of intense energy coming off of you. [01:17:15] Speaker A: This idea came to mind, and I can't think about it. [01:17:19] Speaker B: Give me just a second. And she walks behind the sort of cloth veil doorway to the back. She walks out a second later with, like, a little glass with some water in it, and she goes, let's start by having you drink that. [01:17:31] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:17:31] Speaker B: She slides it across the. [01:17:32] Speaker A: I didn't need that. I am dehydrated. [01:17:35] Speaker B: Well, that makes sense. I'm gonna go look. And Craig just, boom, chugs it, stands out. Okay. And she goes, thanks. I'm gonna go take a. Like, a kid drinks water. Just like having a drink between the gulps. And she's just like, all right. And she goes and looks around for books. She's looking for about ten minutes. Craig, I want you. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to make this a thing of chance, because there's just no reason. I can imagine that the thing you're asking for would be in this world, but also, I love it. So we're going to. We're going to do a D 100 roll, and here's what we're going to do. I'm going to have you. If don't roll the D 100 yet. Remember, you roll both the D 100 and the D ten. If you get. You guys are 11th level. If you get eleven or lower, exactly what you are asking for will be in this shop. Like, exactly what you're asking for. If you get a 25 or lower, something very similar will be in the shop. If you get a 50 or lower, something vaguely adjacent will be there. And anything higher, she's just gonna bring back a different kind of book. So you can go ahead and roll. [01:18:50] Speaker A: So I rolled the D hundred and D ten? [01:18:53] Speaker B: Yes. Anytime you roll a D 100, you roll both. Cause the ten counts for the ones place. [01:19:03] Speaker A: I got an 85. [01:19:05] Speaker B: Okay. She walks back a little bit later. Yes, you can if you want. [01:19:11] Speaker C: I love you. [01:19:12] Speaker B: Micah. [01:19:12] Speaker E: Micah, you're the best. [01:19:17] Speaker B: Okay, so she walks back to the counter, and she lays a couple books down. She slides them out and separate them from each other. And he goes. She goes, all right, I have one book called getting to know yourself. And it's someone's. It's a memoir of recollections about someone who didn't realize that they were suffering from a magical curse, also about going through puberty. Then I have. That's, like, an awesome book I want to read that I have. [01:19:48] Speaker C: Sounds like that american girl book that everyone read in middle school was the. [01:19:53] Speaker D: Magical curse they were going through. [01:19:56] Speaker C: Basically, yeah. [01:19:58] Speaker B: Then she puts her hand on a book in the middle, and she goes, um, this one is called. [01:20:06] Speaker E: A world. [01:20:07] Speaker B: Of questions, and it's all about good questions to ask anytime you arrive in a new city, sort of a travelogue, and questions about where you can find important buildings. It has some travel advice and spends a lot of time doing a food review of Chech. Then we have this book here at the left, and she places her hand on the third binding. It's sort of like a slim, narrow book with a light green binding and scrolled in, like, black text. It has. This one's called I wish I knew you. And it just has a series of open ended questions. Truth be told, I've never been able to sell it. [01:20:53] Speaker A: Just open ended questions, like philosophical, theological, emotional, spiritual. [01:21:01] Speaker B: They range really far and wide. Like, it's a strange hand. [01:21:07] Speaker A: Like, can I look at it? [01:21:09] Speaker B: You can look at it, sir. Yeah. And Craig very creepily reaches his hand on the counter and slides it off and opens it up. What we're gonna do is, if you buy this book, every time you open it, it's got. It's got, like, a couple hundred questions in ithemenae. And there's a forward from the author at the beginning that, after a brief read, hints you into the fact that the author is a very strange person. They only talk about themselves in the second person, which is not a way you can refer to yourself. So they refer, and you have to get even what it is that they're trying to do at the beginning. And then you get the feeling that they think that they're very smart. The author feels weird, but the questions aren't bad. And if you buy this book, what's going to happen is you're going to roll a d 20 every time you pick a different question. And if you get your level or lower, you get to read a question out of your book that you want to ask. Hello. And if you get above an eleven, I'll make up a question that's in the book. [01:22:11] Speaker A: That's so fun. I love that. I love that so much. I'm getting this book. [01:22:18] Speaker B: Okay. So you can do that in role play now. [01:22:24] Speaker A: Yes. This is perfect. How much? [01:22:29] Speaker B: You know what? It's been on my shelves for so long, and you're so enthusiastic about this. Let's price it at two silver. Now comes the part of the episode where Michael looks at the money Craig has for the first time. [01:22:50] Speaker A: What is Ep? [01:22:53] Speaker B: Electrum. Electrum is worth a little bit more than silver. [01:22:57] Speaker A: Can you break an electrum? [01:23:01] Speaker B: Micah, give me an odds or evens, because that's a rare form of currency, but it's not impossible. [01:23:07] Speaker A: I'm feeling evens now. [01:23:10] Speaker B: Nat 20. [01:23:17] Speaker A: My intuition. [01:23:19] Speaker B: I actually can. If you have some. [01:23:22] Speaker A: Yes. [01:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. If you slide an electrum, I can break that. You have to sit there for a long time as she sorts through a drawer. But one silver is worth half an electrum. So she just gives you like. Oh, so the electron is perfect. Anyway, she does the concha. She does the exchange. Wait, that's not right. It's like five. Anyway, she does the necessary exchange. You can write off an electrum and she gives you back. I think that would be. You know what we're gonna say that she gives you back three silver and change, because ten is the conversion rate to gold. But electrum is half of a gold, so I think it's half. So you pay her an electrum, she gives you back three silver. You can put three silver in your inventory, and she slides you over the book. And so, Micah, I beg of you, in Craig's channel, type up. Craig has question book eleven or lower my questions. Twelve or higher Zach's questions. We just have that to reference in the future. And I'll let you tibity type that up. And I know that this is distracting while you're doing that, but could you give me one more odds or evens? [01:24:45] Speaker A: Odds. [01:24:49] Speaker B: Okay. Do you look for anything else while you're in the shop. [01:25:00] Speaker A: I'm gonna look for paladin books. We're not paladin books, but, like, things that pertain to more, like paladins. You know, like, obviously, like. [01:25:16] Speaker B: A pretty good amount for me. Just then. What was that that you said? [01:25:19] Speaker A: Just, like, things that would pertain to most paladins, more like. Is that such a thing? [01:25:30] Speaker B: Okay. Are you looking for something? Are you looking for something about martial combat? Are you looking for something about maintaining armor? Are you looking for something? [01:25:39] Speaker A: What's the maker's equivalent to a bible? [01:25:41] Speaker B: History about religion? What was that? [01:25:46] Speaker A: What's the maker's equivalent to a bible? [01:25:51] Speaker B: There isn't one. You are aware that yekala is one of the most hidden lore beings in the entire world, and you all have only learned about him through some of the most severe and incredible instances in recent reality. [01:26:06] Speaker A: Ah, yes, this is true. I think I'm good for today. I'm cute anyways. So cute. Zach's married. That's awesome. [01:26:19] Speaker B: I just. My wife came home and I kissed her. Cause she's really pretty. [01:26:23] Speaker A: He's wife. [01:26:26] Speaker B: Anyway, do you do something else in the bookshop, or do you go back to the party? [01:26:34] Speaker A: So I. I'm also. I am gonna start leaving, and then I'm gonna, like, pause and turn back to her and be like, you probably. You probably don't remember me. [01:26:49] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I don't know that I do. [01:26:52] Speaker A: No, that's okay. There was one time that I came into the bookshop, and I didn't treat you well, and I'm really sorry about that. And I'm really sorry that I was kind of a jerk to you. And you may not remember, but you still deserve that apology, so. [01:27:14] Speaker B: Well, I don't remember, but that's. That's very kind of you, sir. It's. It's much appreciated. Thank you. [01:27:22] Speaker A: That's all. I hope you have a good day. Everyone's nice. [01:27:25] Speaker B: I hope you have a wonderful day. What was your name? So I remember you for next time. [01:27:29] Speaker A: Craig. [01:27:31] Speaker B: Craig. I hope you have a wonderful day, Craig. [01:27:34] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:27:35] Speaker B: And she waves her hands out of. [01:27:38] Speaker A: The store, and then as he goes out of. Well, I was gonna say that as he leaves, she sees him skipping out the, like, through the windows. [01:27:47] Speaker B: Okay. Which sounds like. Because that's a man looking at his new book is 200 pounds of muscle skipping around, covered in weapons. And as you back down the street, it's a very athletic skipping, too. It's fast. It's got a lot of quad power in it. As you skip your way back to the rest of the group. Their time done on magician. Well, at big John's, not on Magic Lane. Where do you guys head next? [01:28:25] Speaker E: Tattoos for me. [01:28:28] Speaker C: Tattoos. [01:28:30] Speaker D: And then the hag. [01:28:31] Speaker C: Oh, wait, did Craig meet up with us or is Craig still on his way? [01:28:34] Speaker A: Yeah, he's going to find you. [01:28:36] Speaker C: Okay. [01:28:39] Speaker B: Is as you guys get to. I don't like your way further down the street. And eventually you make. As you guys make your way back down to that large wooden parlor sort of style building, you work your way through those swinging doors, not slinging doors, and as you guys push them open, that you guys are greeted with, once again, the living trap tapestry, where you have not been in forever. It's that sort of like 30 foot wide, maybe 50 foot long room. And the entire place is just. There's like one receptionary desk immediately at the left or at the right that no one's ever at. And there's no windows into the front of the shop, so all the light is held from sort of sources overhead and like, sort of candles and chandeliers and stuff. And there are those sort of eight reclining chairs that can, like, turn and twist and pivot that have, like, that sort of leather backing to them and sort of that stuffed leather that you guys can lay down in. And there's that long bank of mirrors at either side of the. The building running the entire length. And they kind of go from like 2ft off the ground all the way almost to the ceiling. Huge reflective surface. And it does create that incredibly cool illusion because there's mirrors on either side where it gets infinite going outward into themselves, which, given the rarity of mirrors in this world, is probably the only place that you guys see that illusion. A pretty radical, rare instance of that. And we'll say that there's like two or three other people in here getting tattoos right now. Several artists working on them with that sort of more classic pricking tattoo style. None of the artists you guys met when you were originally here are present. It appears to all be different artists because, you know, I mean, a lot of people in the city, a lot of variants and different people who are going to be working on shift, not always going to be the same artist. But at the back of the room, right before you get to a sort of mini hallway that culverts into the back and doors that lead to different storage areas on either side, there is that long desk, that wide desk, and there is a middle aged, very large and imposing gray skinned orc man, or half orc with, like, those shallow tusks sticking out of his protruding lip. He's entirely bald. And he has those thin rimmed circular reading glasses on either side. And he's today, he's wearing sort of like, a strongly lapelled white shirt that has, like, a little black vest over that. And it has, like, a little blue ascot in the middle that's tucked down into the vest. And you can see the bottom of just sort of like some black dress pants and then some black, like, very simple leather dress shoes that are almost kind of completely smoothed under that, that have little silver tips on the end of either of them. And he's sitting there just scrolling away on some parchment with a quill. And you guys walk on the front, and the doors behind you is there. I walk has not disappeared. He is there. [01:32:13] Speaker C: I walk towards. [01:32:14] Speaker B: And I'll tell you what. You guys walk right in the building, you take a breath, and then the moment you guys, oh, Ro is there, weirdly, Greta's knocked. And as you guys walk right in the front of the four of you, right behind you, you guys hear. And then Craig comes barreling in the back of you guys, Greta has returned. [01:32:38] Speaker A: And Craig is also there. [01:32:39] Speaker C: I walk up to Devram at the back counter. [01:32:42] Speaker B: Okay. You guys get halfway through the room, and Devram, who's like, sort of writing at the back there, looks up and smiles. And you all can see him with his regular pageantry that he must show to patrons. And he looks up and goes, the fun guys. And he sort of, like, stands up from his desk. And the two people who are being worked on look up from their respective positions. One looks up and studies you guys, sort of furrowing their brow, sort of like, oh, who are these individuals? And the other one looks up with some surprise on your face, and you see an amount of recognition gained. And their jaw drops a little bit. And you get the feeling like, ah, yeah, your reputation is starting to proceed you places. And as you guys walk through the space where you can see the reflection bouncing infinitely to either side, you recognize just how stunning you all look. This party of some of you magically armored individuals covered in powerful weapons, each of you with gold represented somewhere in your physical constitution. And as you guys look in, for the record, some of you all haven't seen your reflection in four or five months. And as you look at yourselves now, you have. [01:33:58] Speaker C: Yeah, because I have the mirror. I showed everyone what we looked like. [01:34:02] Speaker B: At least this is just in. Jim, it turns out I'm wrong, but sorry. Where you all were able to briefly see your faces yes, your entire bodies for the first time in quite some time. And you all can see, I mean, you all are struck as you walk through the space together, how look then where you started your journey, how at the beginning, you guys were just this sort of like, dissolved group of unlikely figures. And now, as you all look at yourselves in the picture. Wow. Those of you who had dreamed of heroes all your life, you fit the bill. And more so those of you who had grown up hearing of warriors. You certainly have that appearance. It's striking how some of you look older, some of you look younger. Some of you are, have. Are leaner now than when you left. Some of you were muscular. You are covered in scars you didn't have. You're just struck by your own appearances as you walk into space. And Devram walks the rest of the halfway. He's a big man you'd kind of forgotten, not necessarily like, lean in an aesthetic way, but very, like, burly and muscular. And his clothes are well suited to him. He's not too tall, kind of average height, about boss's height. And he walks across the room and he reaches out a large hand to row in the front, and he says, I can't believe you guys are back. It's a. It's an honor to see you all again. [01:35:35] Speaker C: Yeah, likewise. She shakes his hand. [01:35:40] Speaker A: You are the best tattooer in town. So where else, really, are we supposed. [01:35:45] Speaker C: To quite, well, yellow burn. [01:35:49] Speaker B: Both of the artists look up when you guys say that he's the best tattoo artist, and he just. He likes his eyes dart to either side, and he goes, no, without question. Absolutely. I am. That's the one. Without question. Well, it's. It's an honor to have the people who saved our city and who slew the kafkan general back at my shop. What can I do for you all today? [01:36:16] Speaker C: I think we're looking to possibly get some tabs. [01:36:20] Speaker D: Matching tattoos, maybe. [01:36:22] Speaker C: Matching, yeah, I was definitely matching. To look at possible magic tattoos. I don't remember exactly how much those, I know they're pretty pinny, but I'd like to. [01:36:36] Speaker B: He smiles broadly, his trusts, his tusks protruding further from his thick lip, and he goes, let's. Let's have you all take a seat and we can look over the numbers again. It's so hard to do big John's and then everyone's back to back. [01:36:50] Speaker D: You had the same problem when we. [01:36:51] Speaker B: First were here, too. It's really difficult. So he takes you to the desk, and he pulls up. He has a bunch of chairs. He often consults people in groups. I also really need to get some tea. My voice is getting thin, but we'll get there. And as he sits you guys in front of the desk, he goes. As Zach pulls up the document, he refreshes you all that. Here we go. So I have amended my prices on the magical. On the non magical tattoos. Actually, I've amended all the prices slightly. So he informs you all that. I mean, this is still the. Maybe the most renowned tattoo parlor in the world. This place is a big deal. The reason it's so few people are here is because not a lot of people can afford it. Yeah. And so the non magical tattoos, a small tattoo is three gold, which doesn't sound like a lot. Remember, a gold is the equivalent of $300. So, you know, and a small tattoo I'm describing is anywhere from, like, a tiny little design up to about, like, five inches is probably going to qualify as a small tattoo. Then a medium tattoo is 15 gold, and a large tattoo is 50. And that's something like, low. Large can be, like, half your body, almost like you could be getting like a. Like a leg sleeve for 50. And you all remember that the way that they do it here is they just. They just tattoo you till they're done. So there's no multiple sessions. If you're getting, like, a leg sleeve, it's like, okay, we're gonna sit down and do this for. Yeah, 8 hours. I assume you all would like me to go through the magical tattoos as well. [01:38:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:38:25] Speaker E: Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. [01:38:26] Speaker C: I have an idea of the one I want, but I don't know if they do them here. [01:38:31] Speaker E: Me too. [01:38:32] Speaker D: Are they still one attunement slot? [01:38:36] Speaker B: They are. Magical tattoos are still an attunement slot. [01:38:39] Speaker E: And so I can make sure I'm counting it right. Our attunement is equal to our proficiency bonus, correct? [01:38:44] Speaker B: Yes. Yes. [01:38:45] Speaker E: I've been playing this game for so long. [01:38:48] Speaker B: Hey, man, sometimes you gotta. Sometimes you gotta check. So, first of all, there are some standard magical tattoos that five e offers that he also offers the Illuminators tattoo life well, Shadowfell and coiling grasp. You guys can google those or pull them up. I think it's in Tasha's. And yes, illuminators tattoo life. Well, tattoo, Shadow fell brand tattoo, and the coiling grasp tattoo. Between you and me, I think that these are all kind of a little bit beneath you guys now, but they are options. I want to tell you the other things he offers. So, first of all, there some of this is five e, some of this is homebrew. There are magical tattoos here that can give you additional spell slots. So if you want another cantrip, that's a thousand gold. A first level spell is 2000, a second level spell is three, a third level is fourth, a fourth level is five, and a fifth level is seven. And then there are also tattoos here that can increase your ac. So if you want a plus one, increase to ac, that's a $2,000 or 2000 gold tattoo. And the idea here being that like, the reason you're paying so much is that you are getting a fine tattoo, but they are using the magical components necessary to enchant in your tattoo. So, like magical inks and powderized gems. And then on top of that, all the tattoo artists here are some of the most highly trained in the world because they are not only incredible tattoo artists with their own styles, they are, they are all of them enchanters. Everyone here is a different form of mage as well. And they. They magically enchant the tattoo as they give it to you, which elongates the time. So plus two to ac for 4000 gold. And if you want to plus. [01:40:47] Speaker D: Sorry, I'm trying to take notes and I. [01:40:50] Speaker B: So plus one to ac is what, 2000 gold. [01:40:54] Speaker C: Okay, and how many gold equals a platinum? I know we talked about this earlier, but. [01:41:01] Speaker B: Copper, silver, gold, platinum are all on a scale of ten. Okay, so a silver is ten, copper, gold is ten silver, and a platinum. And also not trying to be sassy. Remember, I made that whole table. No, no, it's okay. Not trying to be sassy. Just if it's helpful. So the plus two to AC is 4000 gold and then the plus three to ac is 8000 gold. Also, some of the price gating here is literally meant to keep players from breaking the game too easily. There are also the skill tattoos. So you can increase any of your ability scores by two by paying for a tattoo from this category. Each one is 4000 gold. And if they can go above 20, but then that's 8000 gold and that's going to take like 12 hours to tattoo. There are also. There are finally. Am I going too fast, Lando, or is that okay? [01:42:09] Speaker D: I'm good now. [01:42:09] Speaker B: I'm still. [01:42:10] Speaker D: I've got it. [01:42:10] Speaker B: Okay. No, no, it's okay. I'm just checking. They're also the resistance tattoos. Those are 2000 gold each. And if you get that tattoo, you gain resistance. Resistance to that kind of damage. And there's one for every damage type. So you can gain cold resistance, fire resistance, force resistance, lightning resistance. So on. [01:42:36] Speaker A: Love that you're be gonna turn on light. [01:42:42] Speaker B: Gotcha. [01:42:44] Speaker C: Um, I have a question. [01:42:47] Speaker B: Deverem just runs all those prices. Yeah. Okay. [01:42:50] Speaker C: If there's a different one from Tasha's, would that be available? [01:42:57] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm sure. What's the other one from Tasha's? [01:43:00] Speaker C: It was the masquerade tattoo, which is a pretty simple. And it's a common. And it does obviously acquire attunement. It's just it gives you once per long rest a or once pertain day. The disguise self spell, which I thought would be cool for Ro because she gave all of those up, but I thought it would be cool for her to have a tattoo that brings it back. [01:43:23] Speaker B: It's a common tattoo. So I'm gonna say you could get that one for like, it's disguised self. I'm gonna say you could get that for like 300 gold. [01:43:36] Speaker C: Okay. [01:43:38] Speaker B: Maybe like 3300 and 5350 gold. Now, it would still be in a two month slot because it is still magic. [01:43:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I know that. Yeet. [01:43:50] Speaker B: What's everybody interested in? [01:43:54] Speaker A: I'm interested in. [01:43:59] Speaker E: I know you. All the posh's tattoos available. [01:44:06] Speaker B: Probably. What one are you looking at? [01:44:08] Speaker E: I'm just curious. I'm looking at them. [01:44:11] Speaker B: Have they expanded it since when I last looked? [01:44:14] Speaker C: There's quite a few. [01:44:16] Speaker B: I'm probably gonna say most of them. [01:44:22] Speaker E: Okay, how about spell rot tattoo? [01:44:27] Speaker B: Um, okay. Would you mind reading it for me? [01:44:32] Speaker E: The bearer of spell rot tattoo chooses a spell and can cast it once per day without material components. For a cantrip or first level, it's considered common. For second or third, it's uncommon. For a fourth or fifth, it's rare. [01:44:46] Speaker B: Okay, then we would just scale it like that. So a cantrip would be like 250 gold. A common would be like maybe like 350. Then an uncommon, I would call. No. 200 and 5500. 750. A thousand. Probably from. [01:45:13] Speaker E: So for a third level spell, it would be 5500. [01:45:16] Speaker B: Wait, was the cantrip common? [01:45:19] Speaker E: I'm gonna send it to you. I'm gonna send in. [01:45:22] Speaker B: Okay, thank you. Thank you. [01:45:25] Speaker E: That's. Copy it. [01:45:30] Speaker B: Okay. Anyone else have any thoughts while Abby's working on that? [01:45:33] Speaker E: Unless she's already cantrip and first level is common, second and third level is uncommon. [01:45:40] Speaker B: Okay. If it scales that quickly, then I'll just price it at like 250 for common and uncommon, 500 for the common is 250. The uncommon is 500, and the rare is 1000. Wow, that took so much work to get out. [01:45:57] Speaker E: Okay, so uncommon is 500. [01:46:03] Speaker B: Yes. Wow. That was a ton of work. Sorry, Micah, you're interested in ac and ability scores. [01:46:11] Speaker A: Yes. [01:46:13] Speaker B: Specifically. [01:46:15] Speaker A: Well, I'm a little torn between how much was because my ac used to be like 15 and now it's eleven, which feels kind of stinky. But I was wondering how much it is to go up two. [01:46:35] Speaker B: If you want to get plus two increase in ace, that's gonna be 4000 gold. Yes. Yeah. 40 platinum. You could also go buy a set of heavy armor, a full plate, which almost. [01:46:54] Speaker A: All right, about that. [01:46:56] Speaker B: Where. [01:46:58] Speaker A: I forgot about that. [01:47:01] Speaker B: A lot less than 4000 gold. And that'll increase your ac to 18 team. Okay. [01:47:08] Speaker A: Okay. Ability scores. How much is it to increase? Is it the score or is it the. No, it's the score. Next modifier. I forgot about that. Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna look at that. [01:47:18] Speaker B: How much is it? Like 4000 gold for all the ability scores. [01:47:27] Speaker A: Okay, so that would be 40 silver. [01:47:34] Speaker B: No, a silver is worth less than a gold. [01:47:37] Speaker A: Not silver. Sorry. No platinum. I'm thinking both are silver color. [01:47:45] Speaker B: So a platinum is worth ten gold. So that'd be 400 platinum. [01:47:53] Speaker A: 400 platinum. Okay. I don't have that. [01:47:58] Speaker D: Wait, a platinum's worth ten gold? [01:48:01] Speaker B: I don't think it's a hundred gold. Unless I misremember. [01:48:05] Speaker D: Is it ten? I might be wrong. [01:48:07] Speaker B: I believe so. I believe so. Let me pull it up real quick. Yes. Yeah, yeah, I got it wrong. Which. And I truly do not mean this sassy and patronizing. There is that table in the Lauren reference. [01:48:26] Speaker C: I'm looking at it right now. [01:48:31] Speaker D: I refuse to look at tables, so. [01:48:34] Speaker B: And couches. [01:48:35] Speaker A: We don't. [01:48:36] Speaker C: I only like chairs. [01:48:39] Speaker B: We respect religious rights. [01:48:40] Speaker A: Here I have 200 stupid platinum and 280 gold. How much do y'all have? [01:48:49] Speaker B: So that means you have 2280 gold. [01:48:57] Speaker C: I don't just. I don't have enough. I don't have enough to get one of the big. The big guys. That's why I kind of wanted the masquerade one because it's kind of fun. Because it'll. It can change too. [01:49:09] Speaker D: I have 4830 gold on me. [01:49:11] Speaker B: Basically implies how much? [01:49:13] Speaker D: 4830. [01:49:14] Speaker C: Yeah. But not all of us can get. Like, I'm not getting all the big guys, you know? What do you want to do that? I think I want the masquerade one because I just think it would be cool for Ro to have, like an homage to her past self of doing the disguise thing. And she could do it every now and then if she wanted to for fun. But it's not like her identity anymore. But it's like an homage to it. [01:49:41] Speaker E: I like that. I have, like 3000 gold. If you need, like, I can help. [01:49:48] Speaker C: I have. I have enough ticket, uh, to get the 351. Um, because I didn't want to spend all of our money. [01:50:02] Speaker B: I didn't feel that was so what that party do. [01:50:10] Speaker D: I just realized D and d. The. I guess in Tasha's tattoos come from a single item, and the tattoos temporarily appear when you want them to, and then you attune to them, and then when they run out after a certain amount of time and you have to reapply the needle to make it happen. Is it different? [01:50:26] Speaker B: Yes, I do run it differently than Tosh's. [01:50:28] Speaker D: Okay. [01:50:29] Speaker B: Cool. [01:50:29] Speaker D: I didn't realize that. That's cool. [01:50:32] Speaker B: Yeah. I just. I do it this way because it's a lot simpler, but I'm not opposed. Yeah. Oh. [01:50:40] Speaker C: Although, I mean, would be cool, but I don't. [01:50:43] Speaker B: What was that? Micah? [01:50:44] Speaker C: Yeah, go ahead, Mike. [01:50:46] Speaker A: How much for one ability score? Modifier? [01:50:50] Speaker B: 4000. [01:50:51] Speaker D: I have. Yeah, 4000. That would be all of the goal that we have. [01:50:55] Speaker B: Dang. [01:50:56] Speaker C: You could get an additional spell slot, though. You do use spell. [01:51:00] Speaker D: Yeah, that would be. [01:51:02] Speaker C: Well, if you wanted just an extra cantrip, that would be a thousand gold. [01:51:09] Speaker A: Right? [01:51:10] Speaker B: There's also no pressure. You guys can go back here when you have more money. [01:51:14] Speaker E: I was thinking of spell raw. Is it okay? Is 500 an okay amount to spend? [01:51:19] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure. That's 50 platinum. [01:51:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:51:26] Speaker E: Yes, 50 platinum. And I had it. I can. I have that. So I can. [01:51:31] Speaker C: And I have the. And I have the amount for my. [01:51:34] Speaker D: If you want to get a tattoo. [01:51:35] Speaker C: Get a tattoo, says ro in her voice. [01:51:38] Speaker D: Now, you do know how the attunement slots work for. For magic items and stuff like that, right, Micah? [01:51:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:51:44] Speaker D: So if you get one of these tattoos, it will permanently take up one of those slots. So you won't be able to, like, have, like, a magic item or something like that until Bella Andre to remove it for you. And good luck with that. She almost stopped halfway through for me. [01:52:02] Speaker A: I'm just gonna go with a regular tattoo. I'm not gonna do magical. And y'all, you wanna know. Wait, wait, wait. Can we go and get the tattoo if we made up our mind? Now, is there, like, a spot that's open? [01:52:19] Speaker B: Yeah, most of the tables are open here. [01:52:21] Speaker A: Okay. I'm just gonna get a regular tattoo, and it's gonna be the maker symbol is greater than my highs and lows on my wrist. [01:52:33] Speaker D: Micah. [01:52:38] Speaker B: Would you mind? [01:52:39] Speaker D: Micah, would you be offended if that was our matching tag tattoo? Like, could we all get that matching? Like, it. Like, you would just want that to be a Micah thing, because I would 100% be down to get that as our matching tattoo. [01:52:48] Speaker A: Zachary, y'all can follow suit, but this is Craig's palette and tattoo. Now, this is reminding you that he's now different, and he thinks he's quirky and different. [01:53:01] Speaker D: The last time Craig got branded in port resplende song, we all got branded too, except for row. So that would make sense if Craig was picking that tattoo that we all got as well. [01:53:11] Speaker A: Anyways, it's okay if y'all don't. [01:53:14] Speaker B: You don't always want that. I was thinking about maybe some fungus, but I don't know if that's doing. [01:53:20] Speaker C: I would love that. [01:53:22] Speaker D: What if we all get a different mushroom and devram chooses? [01:53:25] Speaker C: Well, I had an. I had an idea for mine, but the one that I. The one that I'm looking at, I'll be able to. It'll change. It can change around. [01:53:35] Speaker B: I was thinking of a non magical one as well. Like, maybe all of us get the matching non magical, and then you get the magical one. [01:53:41] Speaker D: Yeah, we like that too. [01:53:42] Speaker C: I think that'd be great. [01:53:45] Speaker B: Though. [01:53:46] Speaker E: We have, like, some of the fun guys have bread tattoos, right? [01:53:50] Speaker B: Yes. Three of the fun guys have bread tattoos. [01:53:52] Speaker E: I forgot where I put mine. I. [01:53:55] Speaker C: Shoulder, I think. [01:53:56] Speaker E: I think I did, like, on my. [01:53:57] Speaker B: Collarbone, since it wasn't specified, will say that it's in between Greta's eyebrows this whole time. [01:54:03] Speaker C: She's at a baguette right here. [01:54:08] Speaker E: This is cool. I get to make a tattoo. [01:54:10] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, I could get a. I could get a small little touch. I mean, or even a medium of. [01:54:15] Speaker D: Like, we'll do a small. [01:54:22] Speaker B: I'm going. I'm going to get a small tattoo. [01:54:24] Speaker D: I'm going to get a small fungus, and I'm going to let Devran pick which kind of fungus I get. [01:54:28] Speaker B: I think I'm probably gonna do the same. Greta, could you subtract three or, Abby, could you subtract three gold from Tello's money also? I don't think anyone ever gives him money. [01:54:42] Speaker D: We all pull money. [01:54:43] Speaker B: He's. [01:54:44] Speaker C: How much money does he have? [01:54:45] Speaker D: I was gonna pay for him. I was gonna pay for his tattoo. [01:54:49] Speaker E: He's, like, pretty. Doing pretty good. [01:54:51] Speaker B: He has a lot of money from the beginning of the campaign because he never spends on anything. And then anyone who wants a small tattoo, go ahead and subtract three gold from your inventory. [01:55:02] Speaker E: Can I get two small tattoos? [01:55:05] Speaker B: Girl, follow your hearts content. I trust you all to keep up with the money. Just please make sure you you change and deduct it accordingly. [01:55:12] Speaker E: Um, note. Is that, like, I do that online? Is that okay? [01:55:17] Speaker B: As long as you have record, I don't care. Micah, is Craig getting the maker symbol is greater than as well as the fungus tattoo? [01:55:28] Speaker A: Is the fungus tattoo regular or magical? [01:55:32] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a three gold tattoo. I'll tell you what, Craig. As you're mulling it over, they just do it. Message Abby. Craig as well. Tello offers. You know, Craig, if you want, I'll pay for your matching tattoo with the group. Did you hear that, Micah? [01:55:57] Speaker D: Greg may not want to get a matching tattoo. [01:56:01] Speaker A: No, I just don't know, like, where to put that. [01:56:04] Speaker D: Like, put it on your butt. [01:56:07] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Put it on your butt, Craig. [01:56:11] Speaker B: It's right here in between your eyes. [01:56:14] Speaker C: You could do it on your thigh or something. [01:56:16] Speaker D: I'm getting mine on my butt. That's where I'm getting mine. I'm getting a mushroom tattoo on my cheek. [01:56:20] Speaker B: I was thinking I should get my ear. Oh, that's cute, Greg. Dang it. Like, that's so funny. Just a grown, middle aged manager. The tattoo vine is here. [01:56:35] Speaker C: What's wrong with having a tattoo behind your earth? [01:56:39] Speaker D: No, it's not. [01:56:40] Speaker B: Obviously not laughing at anyone who gets a tattoo behind their ear. I'm laughing at the anachronism of a middle aged dad with a tiny tattoo behind his ear. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just comical. It's uncommon. [01:56:50] Speaker C: I have a paw print behind my ear. [01:56:53] Speaker B: Yes, but you are, and this is an interesting fact, not a middle aged father. [01:56:58] Speaker D: True. That is true. [01:56:59] Speaker B: If Craig is interested, Micah tello offers. I'd gladly pay for it. [01:57:05] Speaker D: Oh, I dare you to get yours on your cheek, too. We could have matching cheeks. [01:57:09] Speaker B: Although I'm definitely not going to mon. Sorry, Micah. Your audio is back to not coming through, so I don't know what that's about, but that's just the rule tonight, I guess so I'll tell you what. So that everything clarifies very rapidly. Can everyone just tell me what they're getting? [01:57:26] Speaker D: I'm getting a mushroom. [01:57:28] Speaker B: Okay, tell us. Getting a mushroom. Okay. [01:57:31] Speaker E: Fellow's getting a mushroom. I am gonna get. I'm gonna get spell rot. [01:57:37] Speaker B: Okay. [01:57:37] Speaker E: And I'm gonna get a mushroom. And I'm gonna get, like, a little Ioun eye. [01:57:45] Speaker B: Okay. Oh, for the spell rock. Gotcha. [01:57:48] Speaker E: No, no, no. [01:57:49] Speaker B: They're separate. [01:57:49] Speaker E: I'm getting three tattoos. [01:57:50] Speaker B: Oh, three. Okay, that shouldn't surprise me. Ro. [01:57:55] Speaker C: I'm getting a mushroom, and I want mine to be gold. And green and purple. [01:58:01] Speaker B: Um, we can cross that bridge when we get to. [01:58:04] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. And then I'm getting the masquerade tattoo. And do, you know, do I need to tell you what it is across. [01:58:14] Speaker B: That bridge when we get to it? And then Micah, are you getting. Is Craig getting both tattoos? [01:58:20] Speaker A: Um, his. He's gonna get the fungi tattoo just because everyone else is getting a it. [01:58:29] Speaker D: Mikey, you don't have to get the funds. [01:58:34] Speaker A: But everyone else is getting it. [01:58:37] Speaker D: You don't have to. You don't have to. [01:58:39] Speaker B: Micah's. You don't. Peer pressure doesn't have to apply. [01:58:45] Speaker A: I'm gonna say it's gonna make it to where the. The maker is greater than your highs and lows. Has, like, this really pretty mushroom. Like. Like, surrounding piece a way. Like, he has mushroom, but it's, like, still meaningful and, like, a part of his other tattoo you should draw up. [01:59:06] Speaker D: Micah, he's not like your other adventurers, guys. He's different. [01:59:12] Speaker B: He's not. He's not like other paladins. He's really not. [01:59:15] Speaker D: Questions about himself, too. [01:59:18] Speaker A: He's got questions for tello, too. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Zach. While Tello is getting tattooed, let's say Craig got his done before tello, and then he, like, sits next to tello and starts asking him questions. [01:59:34] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. Well, okay. So has everyone recorded their transactions and everybody get on. [01:59:41] Speaker E: I know that we just talked about the money. Hit me with, dude, I am looking at the chart. The chart is confusing me. [01:59:48] Speaker B: Um, chart can be confusing. [01:59:50] Speaker E: If I have, like, if the number of platinum that I have, I just add a zero to the end of that. [01:59:56] Speaker B: Right? And that's gold. Yep. [01:59:58] Speaker E: That's gold. That's gold. Dude, that's like 500 gold. Is 50 platinum. [02:00:04] Speaker B: Uh huh. [02:00:05] Speaker E: Okay. [02:00:08] Speaker B: Okay. Is everybody. Does everybody know what they have paid to? [02:00:12] Speaker E: Yes. [02:00:14] Speaker B: Okay. So I am trusting that everyone has paid what they paid. I really trust you guys way too much to count your money. If I show up next week and everyone has a million gold, I'm not going to question if that happened. I probably would question it, but I trust you guys. So you've got it. So now to the actual role play of it all. Each of the different. There's two other artists there, and they sit down with, like, basically three of you guys can be getting tattooed at a time. And Craig, yours is first. So as Devram sets you in the chair, actually, I'll tell you what Devram says. If you guys have time in your day, I'd actually. I wouldn't mind tattooing each of you all personally, just as you saved the city, so I wouldn't mind doing that personally with each of you. So, Craig. Right. If you want to take a seat in this chair or to run, I'd love to get started for you. [02:01:08] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [02:01:09] Speaker B: Actually, sorry, go ahead. [02:01:12] Speaker A: Can I draw out what I'm kind of thinking? [02:01:16] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I'm absolutely down to hear you. The inspiration. [02:01:20] Speaker A: Awesome. Craig has, like, a piece of parchment and, like, pen and is trying to draw it out. He gets, like, the symbol kind of right and, like, the, like, lettering. But then the mushrooms just, like, look really weird. Like, they don't look right, but he's, like, trying to get it, like, the point across, like. Okay, okay. So that's. That's the main thing. But then those. [02:01:41] Speaker B: Everyone's nodding and rubbing his chin. [02:01:43] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. They get pretty, though. Probably pretty. [02:01:48] Speaker B: Well, how about this? And he resketches it, and he draws the maker symbol again. Now, was the. Was the greater than my highs and lows a joke? Making fun of us, or is that a genuine. Like, you really do want that. [02:02:03] Speaker C: Okay, why is that making fun of us? [02:02:06] Speaker B: Because a lot of people have that tattoo. So you could be like, people get that tattoo. Craig's getting that tattoo. Just checking. Okay, so he draws out the maker symbol, and then he. He does the greater than highs and lows things so that the, like, he takes the, like, kind of general high low position and instead draws it out to look like a mountain range. And he picks a bias in mountain range, because when you were here months ago, you mentioned that briefly. And this is what he does, is he pays attention to people and, like, you know, takes their tattoo ideas and makes them relevant. And then he creates a valley in between, and he puts the maker symbol in between the two of them. And then the greater symbol, he draws into the side of the mountain range, where it, like, ends at the side. So the maker symbol is facing to either side of the two shapes, like, presented as greater than. And then he takes the fungus, and he starts it, like, as this tiny little design at the bottom of the partridge, and then he draws it out so that it, like, grows up and around the edge of the valley. And then, like, each of the mushroom stalks, like, grow outward and split into more small mushrooms until it makes an entire circle framing the top where they bloom into a series of other, like, larger mushrooms. So they, like, frame the original tattoo design, and he goes, how about something like that? [02:03:16] Speaker A: That's really cool. [02:03:18] Speaker C: That's really cool. [02:03:19] Speaker B: Do you think you want that? [02:03:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:03:24] Speaker B: All right, well, and he pulls up this, like, this sort of, like, this rolling, wooden, like, working table that has a bunch of, like, glass cylinder metal tipped like needles. And he starts to powderizing a couple small gems with this, like, sort of magical crushing instrument, which is interesting because, you know. Oh, go ahead. [02:03:49] Speaker A: Can Craig pull out his very old mica? [02:03:54] Speaker B: Yes. [02:03:56] Speaker A: And be like, is there any way that you could put this in there, or is it gonna kill me if it goes into my skin? [02:04:02] Speaker B: This is absolutely what we work with. And you can remove that from your inventory. Micah. He sits there, and he does a smell to. He does a smell. I don't want to talk about it. He goes. He goes. And it turns into powder. No, he crushes it up, and he mixes it in with magical ink. And then he uses that to sit. And he sits there and just taps it into your skin. In design, it takes about an hour. Craig. And he types out all of. He, like, traces out just the clear design. And then as he finishes, and you get to take a look at it in the mirror, it's exactly as we described it. Where did you want it, Craig? On your body. Okay. He finishes it on your wrist as you lick it up and turn. It's easy because that's a thick. You got a lot of wrist to work with. That's a thick wrist. So he, like, types, taps it all in, and he goes, are you interested in color? [02:04:56] Speaker A: Yes. [02:04:58] Speaker B: Excellent. And then he pulls out a series of other magical inks. And what he does is he colors the base of the mountain like, a base gray, and then it transitions into a silver that he then takes into a pale aquamarine blue that looks like a kind of, like, water filling the valley below, which he doesn't even realize that that reflects your kind of ocean journey with old, but that's just like an accidental mishap. Then he creates a gold trim around the symbol that he doesn't understand, but he understands that's color people like. And then the fungus at the sides, he gives, like, pale gray stalks with, like, brown gray caps. And. Craig, could you make me your first ever Arcana check? Mm hmm. You spell casting paladin? [02:05:46] Speaker A: That was cocked. Connor. Check. [02:05:51] Speaker B: Arcana is under intelligence. [02:05:54] Speaker A: I have a negative one in intelligence. [02:05:57] Speaker B: That's okay. It's not the highest DC, so something's really interesting. He's giving you your tattoo, but he's muttering the whole time he does it. And every once in a while, he stops occasionally to kind of, like, trace designs out in the air and sort of like, ethereal color flows over the tattoo, and then he goes back to shaping it. Now, I mean, it's a beautiful tattoo. You're paying him a lot of money for it, but it strikes you that this seems more complicated than the first time you got a tattoo here. Much more. And by the time he finishes, he says he sort of, like, wipes it down. And you all have been sitting here watching Craig slowly get this tattoo, chatting about inane subjects, I'm sure. And as he wipes it down and finishes it up, the magical tattoos, like, kind of heal and solidify further. He goes, um, no, you've paid me for this. Uh, no. Always go back to big John. Um, uh, rise blights. Now, you've paid me for this, uh, tattoo, but, um, you've also saved all our lives. Um, so if you're right with it, there's only one last piece I need to do to enchant this tattoo, and it will, uh, go ahead and give you a magical benefit, and we'll just stick with the price for a non magical tattoo. [02:07:13] Speaker E: Oh. [02:07:14] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Thank you. [02:07:20] Speaker B: I'm not under military occupation right now because of you all, so thank you. Are you okay with me enchanting this? [02:07:30] Speaker A: Yes, yes, definitely. [02:07:33] Speaker B: Excellent. And he finishes some of the trim around the inner lining of the fungal ring, and it's just a tiny little trim of itty bitty glyphs. And as he finishes it, the tattoo pulses with a little bit of light and then all the colors look a little bit more vibrant than the colors on a tattoo should. Even though it's an abstract image, it looks kind of real. And as you sit there looking at the gorgeous tattoo, Craig, you can record somewhere on your character sheet tattoo boon. And it's small enough, it's not going to take an attunement slot, so I'm not going to spring an attunement slot on you because that's a real jerk move. So just tattoo boon and once prolong rest. You know what? I'm just going to type it up for you in your channel instead of making you write it down. Once prolong rest, you can add a plus one to a roll to hit before you know if it hits. So just record that somewhere on your sheet, which is a pretty dope benefit. [02:08:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:08:57] Speaker B: Okay, so that is craig's tattoo done. [02:09:01] Speaker C: Nice. [02:09:04] Speaker B: Um, we'll go to, uh, blaz real quick. Uh, baaz, you're offered to sit down in the chair next. I mean, he goes, and for you, sir, what can I do? [02:09:18] Speaker D: I'd like a mushroom. [02:09:20] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:09:21] Speaker B: I gather. Any other details? You just want to kind of go. [02:09:26] Speaker D: I wanted your creative just to go crazy. Just your choice. Also, do you have any questions about the world? When we first showed up, you basically told us everything we needed to know. So if you got any questions about. [02:09:39] Speaker C: Any words around the block. [02:09:41] Speaker D: We've been around the block. [02:09:43] Speaker B: And he. He pulls his card over and starts, like, putting magical inks into different or, well, vibrant inks into various vile pins and starts tapping your skin and egos. I do have a series of questions before I get started. Are you okay with it being here in your arm? Any points to the area that your other magical tattoo used to be? [02:10:01] Speaker D: Oh, sure. Yeah, I can do that. [02:10:03] Speaker B: Excellent. And as he taps out, you notice a little design. What he does is where the vein runs and pushes out of the skin at the side of your arm. He uses the beginning of the vein cluster, like the stalk of one tattoo, and then he draws it so that each tattoo is going on the outline of the vein. And it's interesting that he chose this, because more of the crystal density of the gemstones that are now permanently embedded in your skin are on the upper form than the lower form. So the way he draws it, the tattoo stalks begin on the lower forearm around the veins, and your. Your blood is slightly green colored, so under your green skin, it's a deeper green. So he lets your blood be the coloring for the stalks of the. Of the fungus. And then as it reaches the other side of your arm, he blooms them out into their. Their caps, and there he draws them around the already clusters of gemstones in your skin so that they, like, wrap around that and, like, configure the design. And so he ends up not really needing to do any coloring as he's doing it, because your skin winds up being the coloring, and it's not a giant tattoo. It goes up maybe, like, four or five inches on your arm. And as he's tapping out the tattoo over your skin, he goes, I mean, there's an obvious question, but you guys really killed Dolgoth, then. [02:11:23] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we did. [02:11:28] Speaker B: I mean, and you notice that when you say that one of the other customers has been done with his tattoo for an hour, and he's just sitting there over the side listening. And one of the other tattoo artists whose shift already ended, like, is still staying to listen, and the other people, like, the other person getting tattooed, she has to keep reminding the tattoo artist to pay attention to her tattoo because she keeps listening to you, and so he leans in and he goes, if it's all right, I'd love to know what happened with that. [02:11:56] Speaker D: Yeah, well, we kind of screwed over his plan when he came here to, you know, destroy everything, and he never forgot that. And so he just kind of followed us, I guess, with his lieutenants and just decided to attack one day. By burning down a villa? By burning down a city. And when we came. [02:12:18] Speaker B: That's awful. [02:12:19] Speaker D: We. Some of us were awake, some of us weren't. We rushed as fast as we could because we just thought it was a fire, you know? And it was him. And he killed Greta. He sent me to hell. I. We almost died. It was a rough. It was a rough fight. We called one of our friends, who's, after we got Greta back to life, we called one of our friends Janice, and she came, and together. [02:13:02] Speaker B: You say that name, and, like, all the other people in the shop go, and I'll, like, look at each other and gasp and then, like, lean in with wider eyes. We. [02:13:12] Speaker D: He made. He made some really dumb decisions, and he turned into dust. [02:13:19] Speaker B: And you turned him to dust. [02:13:24] Speaker D: Turn him to dust. [02:13:27] Speaker B: And, like, you're reliving in a traumatic event, but everybody in the shop, they're like. They're. They grin, and their eyes turn big. And even Devram has trouble controlling the smile that spreads across his face. And he goes, that's incredible. Is it true that Janice can fly? [02:13:44] Speaker D: I didn't see her fly, but I don't doubt that she can. [02:13:49] Speaker B: The artist from across the room who's working on a person says she can turn into dragons. Can she really do that? [02:13:56] Speaker D: No, but she emits a light that's brighter than anything I've ever seen. And when she speaks, there's hundreds of voices that come out, and everyone's just. [02:14:05] Speaker B: Eating up your word. One of the. One of the artists has gotten up from their chair and has walked all the way across the room with their arms folded because they don't know where to put them. And they're standing just a foot away, listening with rapt attention. [02:14:17] Speaker D: Yeah. Two of his lieutenants lived, and we got out alive. [02:14:30] Speaker B: Wow. That's incredible. That's incredible. Well, thank you for the service that you've done for poor resplendency, somber for all of yolobrin. [02:14:43] Speaker D: He killed my horse. So, you know, I'm sorry. [02:14:47] Speaker B: That had to be awful. [02:14:48] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:14:49] Speaker B: I had a screwing up that I was inseparable with. I really couldn't have cared for it more. So I imagine that must have been a really hard loss to quantify. [02:15:01] Speaker D: There's a good horse. Had him for a few days. [02:15:04] Speaker B: This sort of, like, wisp of wind goes by your ear, boss, and goes, oh, my gosh. [02:15:09] Speaker D: No, that horse survived. This was the, uh. [02:15:12] Speaker B: Oh, that's true. [02:15:13] Speaker D: That horse is somewhere. [02:15:15] Speaker B: And the Kafka loyalist horse died. [02:15:18] Speaker D: Yeah, the Kieff loyalist. He killed his own horse, actually. How's the shot been? Anything interesting happened around town since we've been gone? [02:15:27] Speaker B: I mean, give me an odds or evens pause on whether or not. [02:15:34] Speaker D: Guy. You don't have to ask. Exactly. I give you permission to just take odds every time, okay. [02:15:38] Speaker B: To auto do it. And he goes, well, I'm sure, but I'm sure you hit about the incident with the dragon a while back in the Kevin army. [02:15:46] Speaker D: I did hear about that. [02:15:47] Speaker B: It was wild. Um, but I heard through the grapevine that, um, a month or two ago, the warriors of the well came into town, and, um, they took place in a fighting ring somewhere in the manufacturing district. Apparently, they did something pretty incredible there. I haven't heard more detail than that, but. [02:16:14] Speaker D: We'Re interesting to attend a fighting ring every once in a while. [02:16:18] Speaker C: We've been to a fighting. [02:16:19] Speaker B: Do you really? [02:16:20] Speaker D: You like fighting rings? [02:16:22] Speaker E: No. [02:16:28] Speaker B: If you promise to tell me about anything that happens there and you come back. I've heard it's not my neck of the woods, but I've heard somewhere in the manufacturing district that there is, um. There's a place called the house of pain. [02:16:43] Speaker D: Okay. [02:16:45] Speaker B: You can, you can go put on quarter shock, is what I've heard. [02:16:50] Speaker D: I can do that. [02:16:51] Speaker B: I need to speak with the seedier people in town for that. And with that, he, like, puts in the last couple, like, ding, ding, ding. It finishes on your skin. And he goes, well, I think that looks pretty good. [02:17:02] Speaker D: All right. Thank you. What does it look like, zachary, as. [02:17:07] Speaker B: I described before, you're right. [02:17:09] Speaker D: I just wanted to get it finished. Typically, you don't get a description of the tat. Yeah, but I guess you're right. [02:17:15] Speaker B: Sorry. He invites Tello to sit down in the chair, and Tello just asks for on the back of his, or on the underside of his forearm, kind of halfway down. He just gets. He gets five fungi, and there's one in the middle, and all the smaller ones are growing up around it. And he gets each of them a slightly different color. One of them is brown, one of them is green, one of them is red, one of them is blue, and then the one in the back is yellow. And when asked why, he goes, I don't know, I always just felt like yellow for Tello, you know? And that gets done slowly, and that's completed. And then he offers and he says, miss Greta, if you're ready. [02:18:06] Speaker E: Yes, I am ready. [02:18:08] Speaker B: Okay. What would you like, ma'am? [02:18:13] Speaker E: I'm gonna get three. And I have little doodles. I have all daylight. [02:18:17] Speaker B: Hit me with them. [02:18:22] Speaker E: Do you have a specific mushroom in mind, Zach? [02:18:26] Speaker B: Um, I don't. [02:18:28] Speaker E: Okay. [02:18:29] Speaker B: Unless you want me to suggest one. [02:18:31] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:18:32] Speaker B: Okay. For the mushrooms, for you. He suggests. He asks you what you're interested in. You tell him a little bit about your life, and he says that, you know, he gets a lot of people coming in, getting tattoos of plants and similar. He doesn't know that fungi aren't plants. So he tells you about a kind of mushroom called cup mushrooms, where instead of having a cap folded down, they fold up, and there's one called Robin's nest that has, like, a brown cap and then lighter, little, like, kind of. It looks like bird eggs inside, except it's tiny and a bird's nest mushroom. And he doesn't know this, but in real life, what happens is the fungus builds up moisture at the base of the cup, and then when there's enough in it, it bursts all of the spores out of it. And the things that look like eggs are like the spore packets that dissolve and fly into the air, but it just looks like a series of mushrooms that are clearly mushrooms, but look like they're kind of bird's nest with eggs in them. [02:19:30] Speaker E: Okay, does he suggest that? [02:19:33] Speaker B: He doesn't give you the biology fact, but he suggests it. [02:19:35] Speaker E: Okay, is there a mushroom that's, like, native to zyllium? [02:19:41] Speaker B: Why wouldn't he know? He had. He had a zillion explorer from a while back. No, I mean, why not? I don't care. It's fun. There is one called, well, Greta knows it by heart and describes it to him. It's called a hilalian brown duster. And your family used to collect them when you were young, and you collected them in the wilderness with wallpaper. Because they are an edible mushroom. They taste pretty good in a soup. You can also mash them up into a paste, and they keep for a very long time. And so you can take that as a travel snack. But the best thing about them is that the spores, the millions of spores that come off of them have a good flavor. And what a lot of people do is they'll make a stew, and they'll bump the mushroom caps together, and the brown dust that falls down actually makes a pretty good seasoning. And then they'll cut up the mushrooms and eat that separately. [02:20:35] Speaker E: I love that. I want that one. [02:20:37] Speaker B: And it's got. It's just got, like, it's like, a thin little stalk and a really brown, broad rim with, like, kind of, like, a gray, gray gills underneath. [02:20:45] Speaker E: Cute. Okay, I'm gonna get that, but I am gonna get it in black and white. [02:20:49] Speaker B: Okay. All duster in black and white. [02:20:52] Speaker E: Yeah, probably, like, next to my little bread. [02:20:57] Speaker B: Okay. Goes, um. Do you want it growing out of the bread? [02:21:01] Speaker E: That? No, thank you. [02:21:04] Speaker B: Okay. [02:21:05] Speaker E: I like that. I like how you think. I like how you think. [02:21:08] Speaker B: Um, I just got a vibe, but it's no issue. [02:21:12] Speaker E: It is the correct vibe. Um, and then I'm, as you say. [02:21:15] Speaker B: That a beetle crawls out of a pocket. Oh. [02:21:24] Speaker E: Okay. And then for my. I'm gonna get spell rock. [02:21:30] Speaker B: Okay. [02:21:31] Speaker E: And that I'm gonna. I'm gonna. It's. I'm gonna do the five, the uncommon, I think, the 500 gold one, whatever we decide. And I'm gonna get hungs, and I want to get it. I want to get, like, thank you. Maybe you can help me with this. But I want. There, I'm thinking just, like, a dark green, like, emerald color, like, swirls. Lots of. Just, like, magical swirls on my neck, and then, like, there's, like, a couple swirly tendrils that come up and, like, comes right to the corner of this mouth. [02:22:10] Speaker B: Oh, Abby, that's so stick, dude. [02:22:15] Speaker E: So it's, like, on her. It's, like, on her neck, and it probably, like, creeps down to her, like, just the top of her collarbone, and then creeps up and, like. [02:22:24] Speaker B: Take inspiration for that. Okay, what's your third one that you're getting? [02:22:30] Speaker E: I think I'm gonna. I don't know. Well, I do know I want a symbol of iun, but I just don't know. Like, it's just an eye, right? [02:22:40] Speaker B: Okay. As you're describing. Yeah. Well, it's. It's an eye, but then in the central iris is another eye turned vertically, and then in the central, I mean, I'm making it up to be. And then in the iris of that eye is an eye turned horizontally and then vertically and then horizontally until it, like, revolves, and it looks like it twists inward on itself, like, sort of ever deepening knowledge. Awesome. [02:23:02] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna get that in just a center of her right palm. [02:23:07] Speaker B: Okay. As you're. As you're describing that, devram goes. I, of course, always want to listen to the customer. If you're interested? I could put that eye in the center of the magical swirl tattoo that's going in your neck. I could put it right at the base of the collarbone where it meets the neck. [02:23:24] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. That's a wonderful. [02:23:28] Speaker B: What color would you like the arthem? [02:23:31] Speaker E: Um, how about like a dark, like a dark, like an ink that's so dark green, it almost looks black. And then the tendrils are like a dark green, like a, like a more emerald with, like, some gold mixed in. [02:23:47] Speaker B: Excellent. You're gonna have to stay real silk. [02:23:49] Speaker E: Okay. [02:23:49] Speaker B: And what he does is he lays you down at the side of the chair, and what he does is he draws that eye at the base of the neck so that it, when you pull your, like, cloak up, it can't be seen. But if you pull it down, the symbols there, and he draws a broad, abstract eye and then does the rotating symbol inside and inside and inside. And the cool thing is, what he does is the center most eye, he uses black ink, and then he uses an increasing gradient of green in every eye that goes outward. And then when he does the swirls, they look like abstract eyelashes coming away. And then as they draw away from the eye, they swirl around it in that pattern, and they crawl up your neck and up to your mouth. And he checks with you before he starts, he says, you know, I tattoo hundreds at this point in my career, thousands of people here. So I've learned a lot of texts and a lot of languages. If you're trying to assign this to the spell tongue, I can make every tendril coming away from the eye a series of scripts in a different language. [02:24:41] Speaker E: That's perfect. That's perfect. [02:24:43] Speaker B: And so of the twelve interconnecting squirrels, each of them are like, they're tiny, so they look like lines. And then if you get really close, what he does is he does lines of green magical ink, and then he puts the text in melted gold along them, and then there's flecks of powderized emerald behind it. [02:25:01] Speaker E: Awesome. What does the text say? [02:25:06] Speaker B: He asks you what you want each line to say. Oh, he offers. He says, how about to know all peoples or to seek all truth? [02:25:26] Speaker E: Let me see. [02:25:28] Speaker B: I could write questions and answers in each of these languages. Greta decides, and it is returned to at a different time. [02:25:40] Speaker E: Yes. Thank you. [02:25:41] Speaker B: Thank you, Dia. And he lets on Tello's recommendation, if you're cool with it, he lets the final line that goes up to the edge of your mouth, which Greta permanently has a face tattoo that connects to her mouth now. So what if that she was really the only inconspicuous member of the party? And that can't be said anymore. So now every member of the party visually stands out a ton. The last line he suggests by Tella's recommendation to be uncinian, the one that leads up to the side of your mouth. [02:26:07] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [02:26:09] Speaker B: And then when he finishes your tattoo, he finally gets to row. Guys, this is so fun, giving everybody tattoos. Ro. He sits down in the chair. What would you like, miss Green Bell? [02:26:21] Speaker C: So, Zack a boy. [02:26:23] Speaker B: I did see the picture. [02:26:25] Speaker C: Okay. I wrote some stuff. So she has, like, she already has a bat on the inside of her wrist, so I want, like, on the top of her hand to be of that same on the left side still to be the way the mushrooms are for the mushroom one. And I want them to be the. I think you. How do you pronounce that? The Listeria. Amethystina. [02:26:48] Speaker B: Yes. Yeah. Wow. [02:26:51] Speaker C: But I was looking up different mushrooms, and I think these are cool. This is just nerd talk, but what's cool about those, besides them just being purple? And I wanted, like, five of them, kind of, like, tell o, but I want them all the purple and then, like, golden green accents. [02:27:05] Speaker B: But, yeah. [02:27:07] Speaker C: It's also called the amethyst deceiver. I wrote this in my channel, too, and it's. [02:27:13] Speaker B: I'm reading it from the chamber right now. [02:27:15] Speaker C: Yeah. It absorbs arsenic from the soil that it's in, and they are edible, but they're usually not the first choice in most climates because they absorb so much arsenic. And the spores seem, like, spherical and glassy and, like, crystal, like. But, like, on a microscopic level, they're, like, pointy and spiny. And I thought that was kind of a cool metaphor because Ro is, like. Ro is very, like, majestic looking on the outside, but she has a lot. [02:27:40] Speaker B: Of, like, monster diarrhea. [02:27:43] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:27:44] Speaker B: So he agrees, and he tattoos that all over the back of the hand, and he does it in, like, three different shades of, like, grayscale purple. So it looks gorgeous. [02:27:52] Speaker C: Sick. And then for the magic tattoo, for the masquerade or. Yeah, the masquerade tattoo, I wanted, like, I'm trying to think, do I want it above the bat or on this side of the. Like, on the top part of the arm is, like, a little something on. [02:28:12] Speaker B: The top part of the arm, because then it connects with the mushrooms really well. [02:28:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Like, an actual green bottle. And I kind of drew a little mock design, like, a green bottle with, like, the purple flowers coming out, and then the purple flowers turn into ivy that kind of wraps a little bit up her arm as the magic tattoo from masquerade. And it's kind of like. [02:28:33] Speaker B: She absolutely does that. [02:28:34] Speaker C: It's like an homage to her old self and also her mom for the green bottle and how her mom was very much like, thank you. [02:28:43] Speaker B: He does the green bottle, and then where the purple flowers grow out, they turn into crushed amethyst. And then the ivy that rotates around the arm is like a crushed emerald. And some of the individual ivy leaves terminate into song notes. And so, yeah, that's drawn all around. Okay. And with that, after the party has sat there for about 6 hours, maybe seven, devram is done. And you guys have guffawed and gossiped quite a bit with each other. And he, like, kind of wipes a little sweat from the brow. Yeah. [02:29:22] Speaker A: I really want to ask tello the questions. [02:29:26] Speaker B: And as Tello is sitting there being tattooed, Craig is asking questions. Let's do this for a moment, and then we'll wrap the episode there. [02:29:33] Speaker A: Oh, God. Where did they go? Where did all my dice go? Where do they go? [02:29:42] Speaker B: I don't know. [02:29:42] Speaker A: Micah, I found it. I found. I found it. Got a 14. [02:29:50] Speaker B: Okay, your question is. Your question is, which monster is the most kissable? That's the question you flip to in your book. [02:30:00] Speaker C: Bro wants to answer. [02:30:02] Speaker A: Oh, tell him hello. [02:30:05] Speaker B: He's like. He's like, wincing as Dev room's, like tapping in his army goes, yeah, Craig, what's up? [02:30:11] Speaker A: I just got a new book, and it's a question book, and I think that you're really gonna like it. What? Okay, here's a question. [02:30:18] Speaker B: Stings. [02:30:18] Speaker A: What monster is the most kissable? Hags. [02:30:27] Speaker B: Sorry, I didn't hear that correctly. What was that? Did you. What? [02:30:30] Speaker A: What monsters are the most kissable? What do you think? I'm feeling like. What do you think? Um. [02:30:38] Speaker C: Um. [02:30:39] Speaker B: As he, as he makes that stunned face, devrem also looks up and makes a stunned face. [02:30:45] Speaker A: I don't know. You're hoping for anyone? [02:30:50] Speaker B: Tell her. Tell her. Just goes, um, I don't. [02:30:57] Speaker A: You have to answer. [02:30:58] Speaker B: I mean, I don't think I. I don't think I actually. Okay. No, no, no, no. [02:31:10] Speaker A: Not humanoid. [02:31:11] Speaker B: I think probably, I think probably those rock guys that we fought in bias, they haven't, like, fluids going on, so I think I'm probably gonna go with those. [02:31:23] Speaker A: The what? [02:31:25] Speaker B: I think the rock dudes from Biasta that were guarding that tower, I have. [02:31:31] Speaker A: A piece of that if you were to give it a try. [02:31:35] Speaker B: Oh, no, that's weird, but I don't know. You might like that big lobster thing. We fought under the ocean. [02:31:44] Speaker A: I think the thing that is most kissing would have to be, oh, wow. [02:31:48] Speaker B: You're going to voluntarily answer? That's wild. [02:31:53] Speaker A: Huh? Probably. I don't know. Definitely. And then that's the end of the episode. [02:32:04] Speaker B: And that's where we will end. 106 of the fun guys. Also tune in for 107 to know. [02:32:14] Speaker A: What if we're ever stuck on questions for the starts of episodes. I can literally. I've found, like, probably ten. That would be great. [02:32:23] Speaker E: That should be the next question, the next letter. [02:32:26] Speaker A: So many. And. [02:32:30] Speaker E: Micah, you should. Micah, you should make a list of questions. You should write down all the questions that Zack's come up with and write them in the book. [02:32:40] Speaker A: Like, does your character believe in anything? [02:32:42] Speaker B: Thank you for listening to another episode of the Accidental Adventures. If you find. If you like our stuff, you can go take a look at the Patreon. We have all sorts of exclusive stuff there. Unique one shots, mini series, additional resources, maps. We're going to have another map soon. That's kind of exciting. So there's all that cool stuff. Players, you guys gained 0.03 levels for episode 106 and listener, we want you to know that life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of that. Skippity wat and dada. Bye.

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