113. House of Pain House of Pain

Episode 113 September 18, 2024 02:36:55
113. House of Pain House of Pain
Barely D&D
113. House of Pain House of Pain

Sep 18 2024 | 02:36:55


Show Notes

Like Beetlejuice Beetlejuice ya know

--> www.patreon.com/barelydnd

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: Hi. [00:00:05] Speaker B: Welcome back to barely D and D. You're sort of dungeons and Dragons podcast. [00:00:12] Speaker C: Podcast. [00:00:13] Speaker B: I'm your host, McGillicuddy, and I want you to take a vote. What should this episode be named? Should it be Megillacuddy fights back two times? [00:00:25] Speaker D: It should be House of pain. House of pain. But you can't say it three times or you'll go to hell or something. [00:00:29] Speaker E: I love that idea. I love that idea. Let's do that one. Let's do that one. [00:00:33] Speaker B: And this is your example of when Billy Cuddy fights back. [00:00:38] Speaker D: We need one more vote. Kids, can you vote? [00:00:41] Speaker E: The battle map voted yes. [00:00:43] Speaker A: This is your reminder to register to vote listeners. [00:00:48] Speaker C: I did that today. [00:00:49] Speaker A: I did that today. [00:00:51] Speaker D: Nice. [00:00:57] Speaker E: If you're in I Texas and you think you're registered to vote, go check again because maybe you're not. [00:01:02] Speaker C: Go make sure. [00:01:03] Speaker A: Yeah, go make sure you're taking people. [00:01:05] Speaker E: Off for some reason. [00:01:07] Speaker D: That's so normal and doesn't make me worried. [00:01:11] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. [00:01:15] Speaker B: Any questions from the sky? [00:01:19] Speaker C: You have to not. You have to not do that specifically. Maya. [00:01:23] Speaker D: No, she's. [00:01:24] Speaker C: I want to say something really quickly while. [00:01:25] Speaker E: I mean, what's your question? [00:01:26] Speaker A: Yeah, so the letter to her question is a good one, I believe. I don't know who came up with it, but I don't think it was me. But I'm gonna say it. I think it was like a mix of Landon and. Zach, if you were. Were you there? [00:01:46] Speaker C: No. [00:01:47] Speaker D: I want credit. [00:01:48] Speaker A: If your character. What are. Just fire off some first date questions that your character would ask. Like, what are a couple things that your character would ask on a first date? [00:02:03] Speaker E: You like bees? [00:02:05] Speaker C: Who's the DMN beast? [00:02:08] Speaker A: I gotta know. Tell us. [00:02:09] Speaker C: It's gotta be telos so good. [00:02:11] Speaker A: I wanna know his moves, man. I wanna know his secrets. [00:02:15] Speaker E: Yeah. Zach, what are your moves and secrets? Cause that's what it's gonna be, I guess. [00:02:19] Speaker A: No, tell us. [00:02:20] Speaker C: Oh, that's weird. All right, so first up is. [00:02:23] Speaker E: Pause. How is that weird? That's a first date level thing. My Mandez. [00:02:29] Speaker C: I want to know your moves and secrets. Egg. [00:02:32] Speaker A: I want to know your secret. Bob's burger song, anyone? [00:02:36] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. Bob. His first question is, you like bees? What's his second and third question? Why not? His second question is, why not? [00:02:50] Speaker A: I know you like bees. [00:02:54] Speaker E: And his third question is, do you have any money? [00:03:00] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:03:02] Speaker C: Do you have $5? [00:03:04] Speaker E: Show me your checking account. That's more of a statement than a question, but I feel like that would be it. [00:03:08] Speaker C: His third question is, did you bring your wallet? His first question is, do you like? The second question is, why not? And his third question is, do you think you should leave? [00:03:25] Speaker E: He doesn't go on any first dates. [00:03:27] Speaker C: No, I don't think so. They tend to just rope him into dark contracts. Craig, what were the three first date questions he used on cat? [00:03:41] Speaker B: That's funny, because I was going to open up with. Hey, Kat. So I'm going to say what's your favorite part of your routine? Like out of your daily routine, like, what's your favorite part? [00:03:56] Speaker D: Good question. [00:04:01] Speaker C: Micah's cutting out. [00:04:03] Speaker A: Uh oh. [00:04:04] Speaker C: Micah got laggy. Bye bye, Mike. Okay, well, he really only asked Kathryn one question, and that's why their marriage is now on the rocks. Ro, what are you. [00:04:16] Speaker E: Ask her to marry her. [00:04:17] Speaker C: Marry him. What was the. What were the. What's. [00:04:20] Speaker D: Rose. [00:04:21] Speaker C: Oh, Micah's back. [00:04:23] Speaker A: What. What just happened? [00:04:26] Speaker C: Micah's gone again. All right, ro, what was Ro's fiance's name? Ex fiance's name. [00:04:34] Speaker A: You don't know Sterling. Yeah, sirloin. [00:04:38] Speaker E: His name was Sirloin. [00:04:41] Speaker A: That's why she's vegan. [00:04:43] Speaker E: Was he? [00:04:43] Speaker C: Or that's why she said. [00:04:49] Speaker D: Roe was. [00:04:49] Speaker C: A pescatarian until sirloin, and then she said never. [00:04:53] Speaker E: That's why she's so big. [00:04:58] Speaker C: No, no, no, no. So, sirloin, what were the three questions? [00:05:01] Speaker A: I refused to have been engaged. [00:05:06] Speaker E: His name's Lloyd. His title is sir. Respect him. [00:05:12] Speaker C: What was your exfion? His name? Crotch. Was it Crotch. [00:05:18] Speaker E: Mister Crotch. [00:05:19] Speaker C: Mister Crotch over here works up the courage to talk to him again someday. And she says, she sends and she goes, crotch, are you there? [00:05:34] Speaker A: I hate that. [00:05:36] Speaker C: Anyway, sorry, Micah, what were the other two first day questions? [00:05:44] Speaker B: So funny. Funny story. Do you all remember that one time that, like, I did. [00:05:49] Speaker C: I think I did. [00:05:50] Speaker B: D and d. This house I was dog sitting for. Well, now it connects to their wifi constantly because it's my name, neighbor, and I have to constantly turn off my wifi. I now have it back to my personal hotspot. And that doesn't change, so that's okay. Anyways, I think the next one would be like, do you prefer coffee or do you prefer tea? [00:06:19] Speaker C: All right, what's the third? [00:06:20] Speaker B: That's it. [00:06:23] Speaker C: Okay. Only two? Excellent. [00:06:25] Speaker B: No, I had three. [00:06:26] Speaker A: I was three. [00:06:27] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, we didn't hear the second. [00:06:28] Speaker E: Oh, we heard it. [00:06:29] Speaker C: Oh, what's your favorite one? Okay. [00:06:31] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:32] Speaker E: Okay. [00:06:32] Speaker C: All right. That's all three. Ro. When Ro was on her first date with sterling sirloin crotch, what were the three questions she asked? [00:06:43] Speaker A: Well, I was gonna. I was gonna. I was gonna say what she would ask now, but I, um. [00:06:52] Speaker E: Oh, dude, I want to know. [00:06:53] Speaker A: His name is not sirloin. [00:06:57] Speaker C: Sir Loin. [00:06:58] Speaker A: He's a knight. Um. [00:07:02] Speaker C: Hey, that's one step away from a king. [00:07:03] Speaker E: Am I right, ladies? [00:07:05] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:07:07] Speaker E: That's king crotch to you. [00:07:11] Speaker A: Stop. [00:07:14] Speaker E: Wait. [00:07:15] Speaker A: I gotta write that down. Step backstory. [00:07:18] Speaker C: The kitchen is when the Kiefken general king crotch comes to fight. [00:07:24] Speaker E: Hey, it's the crotch man. [00:07:26] Speaker C: How you doing? [00:07:27] Speaker E: No, I hate that, man. [00:07:30] Speaker C: The big crotch. Oh, my gosh. [00:07:40] Speaker E: Oh. Oh. [00:07:42] Speaker A: Well, I was gonna say, one of her first questions now would be, what are your feelings? Things on the calves? [00:07:52] Speaker C: An important question she learned. [00:07:59] Speaker A: I guess maybe when. Okay, when she was dating, like, ten years ago, one would be like, what's your family like? Because she probably wants to date someone that, like, has, like, a big family. And then second would be like. [00:08:27] Speaker C: You. [00:08:27] Speaker A: Guys are still just laughing. And then the third would be like. [00:08:35] Speaker C: Why are you a big crotch? [00:08:37] Speaker A: No, the third would be like, what kind of music do you like? Because, like, this is, like, she would. She couldn't date someone that, like, didn't have the same, like, music tastes, you know? And, like, if they didn't like music, or, like, she's just, like, singing all the time and playing music, right? Like, she. She's like, I know. [00:09:01] Speaker C: Good pairing. [00:09:04] Speaker A: Yes, Zach, thank you. [00:09:08] Speaker C: And you know what? If you're trying to figure. I mean, when you're trying to figure out whether or not you should date sirloin, a lot is at stake, you know? And you have to have good questions. You have to come ready. You have to be prepared. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Okay? Right now. Right now. I will let you guys. If Zack's okay with this, I will let you guys decide if Sterling's last name is either crotch or loin. I'll allow that. [00:09:34] Speaker E: Sterling crotch. [00:09:36] Speaker A: Sterling crotch or sterling loin? You guys can decide. And just so you know, that way, it's your fault. It's your decision, and it's all your fault. [00:09:46] Speaker E: Zach, you have to write someone whose name is legally Mister Crotch when you're. [00:09:51] Speaker C: On a first date with with with the crotch. You don't want to piss the bed. You got to come with good questions. You got to come prepared and ready with the crotch. Okay. [00:10:01] Speaker B: I laughed so hard. [00:10:02] Speaker C: So sirloin crotch. [00:10:05] Speaker A: No, not sirloin crotch. Sterling crotch. It's not sirloin crotch. [00:10:16] Speaker E: This joke is very funny. I would like to fight a monster. [00:10:25] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, what's Greta's three date questions? Holy crap. Beat that, Abby. [00:10:32] Speaker D: I can't. Mine are serious. Um. Wow, that made me laugh so hard. [00:10:39] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm crying. [00:10:41] Speaker D: I know. I'm crying. I can't catch my breath. Really? Um, greatest question would be, what's your favorite bug? Um, do you have a favorite biome or the equivalent word to what that is in this medieval, scientific, pre enlightenment world? And then she would ask, do you have any family? Like kids? Maybe because she's old and she's dating people her age. [00:11:13] Speaker C: Honestly, Greta's question should be, how many grandkids do you have? [00:11:16] Speaker E: Very mindful. [00:11:19] Speaker D: And then her last question would be, if you had to settle down somewhere, where would it be? [00:11:24] Speaker A: Oh, I like that question a lot. [00:11:28] Speaker D: Am I supposed to have three? [00:11:30] Speaker E: I thought it was three. [00:11:31] Speaker C: That was great. But that was great. [00:11:32] Speaker E: Oh, but I like four, though. [00:11:35] Speaker D: I like four, too. Thank you, Levin. I appreciate your support. [00:11:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:11:41] Speaker C: Okay, tell I thought that was gonna. [00:11:45] Speaker E: Be the funniest joke, but I was wrong. [00:11:49] Speaker A: What was gonna be the funniest? [00:11:50] Speaker C: Anything. Tell her would say, sirloin crotch. Okay. Tello would say, if Tello was on the first date, he would say, teller would have a set of, a set of questions for sirloin crotch and tell us, sirloin crouch. Sir, this is your fiance. [00:12:35] Speaker A: This is not my fiance anymore. [00:12:39] Speaker E: Hey, Ro was in row crush. Ro was in row crotch. [00:12:43] Speaker A: Oh, you know, roll on Rocky. You know, Ro would have kept her last name doing a green crotch crotch. Especially with a name like that. He'd be taking my name. Nah, Rose. Not taking no man's name, especially not named Crotch. [00:13:06] Speaker D: I'm going to be crotch. [00:13:09] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [00:13:10] Speaker A: You know, that's not happening. [00:13:28] Speaker C: On a first date. Tello definitely asks a lot of questions. He spends a lot of his time asking questions. So I don't know if he has a standard three, because he changes it a lot depending on who he's with. But I'd say that all three of his questions would be. I'd say the first two questions would always be contextualized in a shared experience that brought them to the point of a date. So, like, the first question would be something involving how they met. The second question would be something about their role in the situation that brought them together. And then the third question would be something personal based off of an observation. So the first question would be like, like, let's say they bumped into each other at a tavern. The first question would be like, oh. [00:14:08] Speaker D: Do you come here often? [00:14:09] Speaker C: You always do. You always walk into people you find attractive and then, like, you know, like a flirting. [00:14:15] Speaker D: Like, it's giving Bridge. [00:14:17] Speaker C: He went, and then Micah immediately went, fire. [00:14:20] Speaker D: I always give it Bridgerton. [00:14:22] Speaker A: I always picture Tello as that guy from Bridgerton. The same guy that played the Paladin. [00:14:31] Speaker D: Yeah. Makes sense, actually. [00:14:34] Speaker C: I know it doesn't sound the best out of my voice, but, I mean, come on. If you're already sweet on Tello and he drops the line, like, I think it would work. [00:14:41] Speaker A: You're not wrong. [00:14:41] Speaker C: The second question would be more personal and would probably be something along the lines of like, or, you know what? Instead of, like, do you always bump into people you find attractive? It would probably be more like, do you always wear your wine on your shirt or something like that? And then the second one would probably be something along the lines of, like, so why wine instead of everything else the place offers? Like, saying they had spilled wine. So, like, why do you like that drink? And then he's learning something about the personality. And then the third would probably be, like, based on something off of the interaction they'd had. It would probably be something along the lines of, like, you know, how long have you worked on the shipping vessel or something like that. Based off of, notice something small. So the first question is, like, flirty. [00:15:23] Speaker A: Haha. [00:15:24] Speaker C: The second one's, like, getting to know you a little bit, based off our interaction. And the third one's like, I've been carefully paying attention to who you are. I noticed this. What role does that have for you? That's probably Tello's, like, routine. [00:15:36] Speaker B: Smart. [00:15:37] Speaker D: Smart. [00:15:37] Speaker C: Because the skills. Teller's not. Teller's not like a real tailor. Is not like, a real, like, he's not like, a womanizer, but he's got, like, a lot of his skills are based off of his, like, not only does he have to, like, not only is he, like, good at flirting with people, but a large part of his job is just winning over people he doesn't even particularly like. So he's probably got a pretty good routine for, like, how to schmooze somebody quickly. Anywho, welcome to episode 113, Sirloin Crotche. [00:16:14] Speaker B: Has to be subtitles for lone crotch. [00:16:17] Speaker C: Should we make that? I could change my boss or Landon. Is that a terrible idea? We probably shouldn't. [00:16:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I missed it. I'm sorry. That's all. [00:16:28] Speaker C: We probably should make it episode 113, sirloin Crotch, right? [00:16:32] Speaker E: No, we're not. Episode Sirloin Crotch. Yeah, I'm gonna put on my HR. [00:16:37] Speaker C: Hat right now. [00:16:43] Speaker A: For five minutes. [00:16:46] Speaker E: Casting crotch show up in the same SEO lineup. [00:16:51] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. Abby who suggested that? Okay, for the note taking, nerds, this is episode 113 of the Accidental Adventures, houser of painter. [00:17:02] Speaker D: It's gotta be House of pain. House of pain. But you can't say it twice, or else you got a trial or something. We could. Do I look like a floating right. [00:17:14] Speaker C: Now when you're that close to the camera. [00:17:17] Speaker D: We could. You know what we could do, guys? We could shorten it, like they do with song titles. We could pretend that we're a fallout boy. We could be fallout boy. [00:17:28] Speaker C: We could make it House of pain. House of pain. [00:17:31] Speaker D: Yes. House of pain. House of Pain. [00:17:33] Speaker C: Okay, listener, episode 113. Nerds. House of Pain. House of pain. It's a level eleven adventure. The date is 3488 PBD. And that's the year. The date is Kalai lan first. You guys just passed midnight. [00:17:50] Speaker A: How you spell that for the listener? Landon threw me off. What? [00:18:03] Speaker C: Colilan is c a l apostrophe e l l a nde. And the day of the week is monic. M a o n e c h. [00:18:15] Speaker D: I'm so happy. [00:18:17] Speaker C: All right, so you got a question? [00:18:19] Speaker D: What's the punctuation between House of pain and House of pain? Is there no punctuation? Or is there, like, a comma or a semicolon or a colon? [00:18:25] Speaker E: There's no punctuation. It's one word into another. [00:18:28] Speaker D: Thank you, laden. [00:18:32] Speaker E: Unless Zachary do song. [00:18:36] Speaker D: House of pain. House of Pain. [00:18:39] Speaker C: I'm gonna wake in the. I'm gonna wake in the middle of the night laughing about Sirloin crotch. Okay, so fun. Guys, you are in the house of pain, and I'm a big kid and I can freaking do this. You're in the house of pain, and Craig has just had a thunderous victory. Craig, you've just had the year on sea woman whisper that perplexing and disturbing them. Through here. Dang it, Micah. And you've also just been delivered serious winnings, Craig. So you have a bag of platinum in your hand. I didn't know you could do this. I didn't know you waited three years in to start dropping these on me. I didn't know you could weird dance, Daniel. So you've been given platinum, and that bizarre statement has been whispered in your ear, and everyone's cheering around you, and you're in the house of pain. You probably have, like, five or ten. Might I just try to swallow her? But you probably have five or ten minutes before the next fight starts. [00:19:40] Speaker A: I keen over to someone real quick. That's someone around me. To someone that looks not as odds or even intoxicated odds or evens odds. [00:19:55] Speaker C: 17. [00:19:56] Speaker A: Okay. [00:19:57] Speaker C: A fairly sober person. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Cool. I say, hey, do you know. Do you know what her name is? The one that runs the club? [00:20:06] Speaker C: Holy crap. I gotta check my notes. [00:20:09] Speaker A: Cause I ain't asking her. [00:20:13] Speaker C: It's this. It's this young woman who. She's dressed in clothes that look like they really used to be. Take it, Abby. She's in clothes. Oh, deep breath, Zach. Deep breath, deep breath. She's in clothes that look like they used to be very nice. And she's got, like. Like, hair that's been, like. That literally has, like, sweat caked into it. But you can see what used to be a nice do. And you can't tell if this is someone from a good part of town going on a hard bender, or someone who used to be wealthy, who has fallen out of it, or someone who, like, from this, like, part of town who has gone and, like, spent some money on getting themselves done up and then come back. It's. But one way or another, they are. They're wearing two different cultures on themselves at once. And she turns around and she just says, um. Oh, my goodness. Drawing the cream butter. That was incredible. Your friends are amazing. Did you really give. [00:21:15] Speaker A: Thank you. Um, you know. Well, he's not around anymore, is he? So I guess that's your answer. [00:21:23] Speaker C: It's amazing. It's amazing. That's amazing. What? [00:21:27] Speaker A: What? Do you know the lady's name? [00:21:29] Speaker C: Where are you going next? Are you going to save the entire world? What are you doing with the Kevkins? [00:21:33] Speaker A: I know. I mean, you know, we're always working on something. Do you know her name? [00:21:40] Speaker C: The lovely Sagiv. [00:21:43] Speaker A: Sagiv. [00:21:44] Speaker C: Okay. Have you killed the ember? When are you going to fight him? [00:21:48] Speaker A: No, no, no. We have. [00:21:49] Speaker C: Is it true that you can turn into a dragon? [00:21:52] Speaker A: Who told you that? [00:21:55] Speaker C: She. Like, you're suddenly beasting incredible? Yes. Her name is Sagiv. She runs Emma. [00:22:03] Speaker A: Wait, who do you think can turn into a dragon? Me. [00:22:06] Speaker C: You. Can you not? [00:22:09] Speaker A: No, no, I can. [00:22:12] Speaker C: And then she turns to her friend. I told you she could. And then that rumor is officially gonna. [00:22:16] Speaker A: Start spreading, and Ro winks at her and walks us off. [00:22:23] Speaker C: And then the two start arguing, and then soon. Oh, yep. They're fist fighting each other. [00:22:30] Speaker E: Can I put bets on that fight? I want to put bets on that fight. [00:22:33] Speaker C: Right there. The most hammered people in the. In the tavern start betting coppers. Cause that's all they have left. Anybody else doing anything else? [00:22:45] Speaker A: Did I. Did I place a bet on Boz. And, like, you did. [00:22:50] Speaker C: You did. [00:22:51] Speaker A: How much? I don't remember. Two platinum? [00:22:55] Speaker C: I believe so. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:56] Speaker C: Okay. [00:22:56] Speaker A: I just wanted to remember that. Oh, it might be in my notes. I apologize. Okay. [00:22:59] Speaker C: You did functionally place a bet on. Yeah, because a platinum is functionally ten gold. Ten gold is functionally $300. So you did. You did functionally place a $6,000 bet on Boz? [00:23:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:15] Speaker E: Can I place it? [00:23:16] Speaker C: That's a reminder, because you guys are stupid rich, that everybody's always like, oh, a gold. A gold is functionally $3,300. So when Boz early the campaign was tipping people with platinums, he was just like, here's a clean beef 3000, which is why people were treating him so well and giving him such good drinks. What were you asking, boss? Sorry. [00:23:33] Speaker E: Can I bet on myself? [00:23:35] Speaker C: You can. Well, you don't know, but this place doesn't look like it has a lot of rules, so probably. [00:23:44] Speaker E: Actually, I don't. I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that. I'm just gonna go in and have fun. I don't want any pressure. I want the vibes to be good. [00:23:54] Speaker C: Does anybody watch my other betting? Craig has the bees. [00:24:00] Speaker E: These. [00:24:01] Speaker C: The bees knees. [00:24:02] Speaker E: It's one of the finds I would use. Okay. [00:24:04] Speaker A: No. [00:24:08] Speaker C: Also, it's halfway through this exchange that, Greta, you're standing nearby, and as Craig is speaking with someone, or, I mean, he's. I'm sure. Tell me if I'm wrong, Mike, that Craig is just now talking to everyone in the tavern because everyone wants to talk to him. Or in the fighting arena, you watch as someone, like, kind of small and quiet comes up behind Craig, and you didn't really notice it, but starts trying to pick one of Craig's pockets. And the only reason you notice is because tell us standing nearby and goes and just puts a hand on a crossbow. Oh, Craig has no idea, but tell us, nearby, watching very much suspecting this kind of crap. And he just. The person. Oh. And then, like, looks like they dropped a bottle and starts looking for it. [00:24:51] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness. [00:24:52] Speaker B: Can he tell good and evil? [00:24:56] Speaker C: When you use that one feature specifically, you can decipher celestial fiends and undead. So, no, you can't. Anyway, that moment of flavoring is gone. Anybody doing any other betting or role playing or. You're muted, Abby, as always. [00:25:13] Speaker D: But so I see that. And tell her, like, stops it. [00:25:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Teller just. And the person, like, startles and looks like they dropped something on the ground poorly. [00:25:20] Speaker D: Okay, can I, like, keep an eye out for that. [00:25:24] Speaker C: Yeah, do it. [00:25:25] Speaker D: I move. I move my valuables into my dimension pocket. [00:25:30] Speaker C: Excellent. Understood. [00:25:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:25:34] Speaker A: I just put my hand on that. [00:25:38] Speaker B: I forgot money in my hand. It's not. [00:25:42] Speaker C: You still have the bag of money in your hand? [00:25:45] Speaker B: Is he gonna pull out? You better not find nothing. [00:25:50] Speaker A: What? [00:25:51] Speaker C: Nobody stole from you. [00:25:53] Speaker D: When there's, like a. But when there's, like, a lull in the conversation, I go to. I go to Craig and I kind of, like, whisper, like, talk in his ear, kind of like. [00:26:03] Speaker C: Yeah, whispering in this place right now is just full volume talking because it's still an insane year. [00:26:11] Speaker D: Yeah, but I, like, I try and do it, like, as discreetly as I can while still being heard and say, hey, Craig, I can. I can put. I can put that in my. I point to his bag. I can put that in my pocket if you'd like, just for the time being. So it. When we're, you know, just for now, Greta. Yeah. [00:26:30] Speaker B: Craig, after being in an adventure party with you for this long and knowing your tendencies and just, you know, knowing you, I completely trust you. Here's a bag of money. [00:26:48] Speaker D: Okay. [00:26:49] Speaker C: It sounded like it was going. Tyler just goes, man, that really sounded like it was going somewhere else. [00:26:53] Speaker D: Yeah, I. Okay, that was a weird way to say that, but if your sentiment is genuine, I appreciate it. [00:27:06] Speaker B: And she feels you are a great person. [00:27:11] Speaker D: You kicked butt out there, Craig. You really killed it. That was incredible. [00:27:15] Speaker B: Technically, I kicked crutch, but that's okay. [00:27:22] Speaker C: Somebody wrote that quote down. Somebody wrote, somebody write that quote down. [00:27:28] Speaker E: Wow. [00:27:28] Speaker D: Technically, you're so right. [00:27:29] Speaker C: Craig Crotch. But eventually, Craig returns to the living tapestry and just gets good tattooed across his chest. What'd you say, boss? [00:27:39] Speaker E: Said, what did you do to Rose, Beyonce? [00:27:44] Speaker A: I never told y'all a last name. [00:27:47] Speaker C: It's true. You don't know about Crocker? [00:27:49] Speaker B: We made it. [00:27:51] Speaker A: Y'all don't know your character. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Crocker or something? [00:27:55] Speaker E: Yeah, Crocker. All right. [00:27:58] Speaker A: His mother's name was Betty. [00:28:01] Speaker E: Betty Crotcher. [00:28:02] Speaker B: That's funny. [00:28:05] Speaker C: This is my mom, Teddy Crotch. Let her cook. [00:28:11] Speaker E: Let her cook. [00:28:13] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:28:15] Speaker C: This is my dad, Dave Crotch. This is my sister, Susan Crotch. This is our cat, snuggles crotch. Anyway, pauses. You, what's up? [00:28:30] Speaker E: As I'm preparing for this fight, I cast Cunedin. Formidable foliage. [00:28:39] Speaker C: Oh. [00:28:41] Speaker E: At the spell slots do I. I cast at the fourth level. So it lasts for an hour now, just so I don't lose it. [00:28:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:55] Speaker E: And I. And I say the sylvan word for shield. And so the shield comes up, and I think that's about it. [00:29:04] Speaker C: I am dope, man. Could you describe very briefly what both of those things look like? [00:29:09] Speaker E: Yeah. I feel like the vines are now, like. I don't know. The more I think about, like, I wanted to, like, you know, I can, like, make vines and stuff. That's true. Me, I feel like it. Like, that comes from me, but it's not from me. You know, like, it's like. It's like, it's wood and vines, and they're kind of, like, semi sentient entangling and, like, swirls. [00:29:28] Speaker C: Like. [00:29:29] Speaker E: Yes, yes, yes. And out of that comes, like, this, like, bracer shield on my fore, one of my forearms. And then on the other one, I'm holding a bladeless hilt. [00:29:42] Speaker C: And. [00:29:43] Speaker E: And I just. I just kind of glowing green. I'm shimmering, and I just kind of wait to be called into the ring. [00:29:51] Speaker D: Linden, remember that you still. You have aid? [00:29:55] Speaker E: I do. I have 120 hit points. [00:29:58] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [00:29:58] Speaker C: Just wanted to make sure you also still have the temporary hit points. [00:30:02] Speaker E: That's including Rose. [00:30:04] Speaker C: Okay. Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. [00:30:06] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:30:06] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. Okay. Anybody else got any final business, or does it wiggity? [00:30:11] Speaker A: Where? Yeah, I was, like, to give him some bardic inspiration as well. [00:30:22] Speaker C: Okay. Robotically inspired. What does that look like? [00:30:25] Speaker A: Rope. I play a little. A little? It's a d ten. And when I do that, some, like, gold flicks and leaves fly up around boss. [00:30:42] Speaker C: Oh. [00:30:45] Speaker A: That'S your new theme song. Balls. [00:30:49] Speaker E: I love it. [00:30:50] Speaker C: I love it, dude. [00:30:53] Speaker B: Hey, Zach. [00:30:55] Speaker C: What's up? [00:30:56] Speaker B: Craig is arm wrestling guys a drunk man? [00:31:00] Speaker C: Oh, we are. [00:31:01] Speaker A: Oh, no. [00:31:02] Speaker C: Definitely coming back to that. Okay. Okay. Excellent. [00:31:06] Speaker E: Oh, wait. [00:31:06] Speaker C: What? [00:31:07] Speaker E: Uh, Zach, I. [00:31:14] Speaker A: Wait. Oh, sorry. [00:31:19] Speaker E: I'm good. Nothing. Nothing. I'm good. [00:31:21] Speaker A: Can I say something? Is Zack frozen? No, he's just doing that again. [00:31:25] Speaker C: What's up? [00:31:25] Speaker E: Waiting on us. [00:31:27] Speaker A: When I do the vardic inspiration, can I also give vasette my arcane inspiration with my new subclass? I'm gonna do that. So, bozzy boy, that means that. [00:31:45] Speaker E: You. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Gain advantage on your next saving throw against a spell or magical effect for the next minute. And once you're chosen, once you use it, it's better. What's it say? Oh, no, I'm sorry. It's not 1 minute because I'm above level nine. It's 1 hour. So you get advantage on your saving throw against a spell or magical effect for an hour. Sorry, I have not used that yet. So that was fun. [00:32:11] Speaker E: That's once, right? [00:32:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:13] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. Next time you run into a speller. Magical effect in an hour. Well, you have. [00:32:19] Speaker E: Which is someone has on me my constitution saving codes with advantageous. [00:32:24] Speaker C: Yeah, you are worth poop power word. Poop. That could be a third level spell. Power word poop. Anywho, Craig. Yes, you can command someone to. [00:32:50] Speaker E: That's true. Okay, what are we doing, guys? What are we doing? What is this becoming? [00:33:11] Speaker C: Sorry, I'm really tired. Okay, so pause. You're a menace, dude. So, Boz, as you are headed toward the fighting pit and the. [00:33:26] Speaker A: No. [00:33:28] Speaker C: You know, this is the kind of humor that's gonna keep you from being able to focus. No, potty humor will get me every time, kids. Or crab. [00:33:39] Speaker A: Dragon poop. Steamy poop. [00:33:43] Speaker C: Okay, okay, okay. Focus on as boss is heading toward the ring. Craig, how have you invited people to our wrestle with you? [00:33:53] Speaker B: I'm gonna say that, like, it started as, like, me and a guy went, yeah, you know, kind of like I'm shaking people's hands. And then it was kind of that moment of, like, pretty strong. Like, I don't know, it just kind of happened to, you know. [00:34:10] Speaker E: And then squeeze, enemy. [00:34:11] Speaker C: Squeeze, start. And then the fragile max enemies me. And then you guys, like, walk her to a table and slam it down. So now side bets are running on Craig with this guy arm wrestling. So let's take care of this really quickly. Craig, could you give me an athletics check? [00:34:26] Speaker B: Yes, siree. Except, where did the dice go? [00:34:32] Speaker A: I cast in invisible on them. [00:34:36] Speaker B: What happened? I found. You know, I'm gonna use my inspiration, which was a good idea. [00:34:51] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Why are you inspiration on this? [00:34:54] Speaker D: Your choice of inspiration is my inspiration. [00:35:04] Speaker C: Craig is arm wrestling someone quite literally twice his size. And the guy's leaning over the table, just a huge arm. He's just. And Craig is just. Slams his arm backward so hard, you knock him out of his chair. And the crowd goes wild. And Craig, you make. Well, you weren't taking bets. People were betting on you. And people are excited. Money is exchanged around you. Excellent. Okay, so, boss, Craig, this is really fun, and I would spend more time on it, but we do have to get to Lana's combat. So, boss, you slide down into the chamber, and hush. Comes over the building again. And what did I say the lady's name was? [00:35:47] Speaker E: Nikki Jessica. [00:35:49] Speaker A: Sagiv. [00:35:50] Speaker C: Sagiv. Yes, Sagiv. Clients, back up onto the topic pillar. What's funny, Micah? What? [00:35:59] Speaker D: No. [00:35:59] Speaker B: Zach, I'm going to protect you from this. [00:36:01] Speaker C: Keep talking to Landis. I'm going to protect you from this. So Zaghiv climbs back up the pillar. And, Boz, how do you get down into the pit? [00:36:15] Speaker E: I feel like it's not pretty. I feel like he accidentally trips a little bit getting in. [00:36:20] Speaker C: Okay, so you slide down, and you, like, trip a bit as you land into the pita. [00:36:26] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. [00:36:30] Speaker C: Okay. [00:36:31] Speaker E: Then I stand back up, and I walk into the middle. [00:36:34] Speaker C: Okay. All right. So the crowd is like, yeah, yeah. But then people are kind of cheering again. But people are so excited because you're literally covered in plant armor and have, like, a buckler shield on one arm made from twisted oak roots. But people are confused, and there's a lot of whispering because people were very impressed. Like, when you cast the plant armor, the crowd got excited, and there's more murmuring, guys, and. Okay, focus, Zach. But the. The confusion. You guys can. You guys were standing at the side of the arena are, like. You're hearing a lot of murmuring as people are discussing, like, how he's holding, like, a sword without a blade. And, like, half the people are like, oh, he's. He's the fool of the group or something that other people like, no, you know, they killed dog, or, these are the fun guys. You know, there's a plan. This is magical or something. And there's a lot of whispered and, like, people are shouting because also because there are people, there is a background radiation here of incoherent, drunk screaming because there are just enough hammered people here that are just, like, they're not sure what's happening anymore. And every once in a while, they're just riding the vibe and going. So there's that happening all the time. For the most part, the crowd has gotten really quiet, and there's, like, an electric anticipation discussion of what might happen. And Zagief has climbed up the pillar and is sort of, like, waiting for you to enter the middle. And as you do, she gestures her hand, and she says, the final fight. And she points out toward you, Baaz, to announce yourself. [00:38:08] Speaker E: I say, I am boz. I'm a druid. And I raise up my swordless hilt. [00:38:17] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. [00:38:17] Speaker E: And as you do, look. [00:38:21] Speaker C: The crowd. I mean, the crowd is just too electrified for anything other than people are cheering, even if they're not exactly sure what for. [00:38:29] Speaker E: Everyone here is capable of being good, and I believe in everyone here more. [00:38:36] Speaker A: Okay, I saw. [00:38:42] Speaker C: People are already into it. [00:38:44] Speaker E: I fight for you. [00:38:48] Speaker C: More. People are like, okay, all right, okay, shut up and fight. But Zagi raises her hand, and she says, let's see what last blood is spilled here. And then she, like, the electricity crackles and the gem brightens and then the last gem flares. And. And in the middle of the battlefield this time, there's like a little shock of lightning and then like a little. A little cloud of dark gas appears. [00:39:21] Speaker E: Stop it. [00:39:22] Speaker C: And it grows outward. And it grows outward until it condenses toward its centaur, its center. And what's left there does not precede, precipitate to the ground. Boz, in front of you in the air is about a, like a four foot diameter orb floating about 5ft off the ground. But it's like a soft whitish pink and it's fleshy. You start noticing that it has kind of like nubbed ovate, sort of spade shaped like flesh flaps hanging off of it, sort of at like dodecahedral points. And there's like a, like a sort of lump at one side. And it's just sort of like floating there, rotating the air. And I want to send a little reference image here because this one, of all the things I've described, this is the hardest to mentally envision. What'd you say, lando? [00:40:20] Speaker E: I am afraid. [00:40:24] Speaker B: Keep that to yourself. [00:40:26] Speaker C: And as it floats there for a moment, watches as it's rotating, it stops and it turns. And that one raised lump on one side splits in the middle and reveals a very pale eye with a red center. No, the flaps move into long tentacles that reveal open, like sort of lobed points. And as they open, they're covered in what look like spines until you realize they're teeth and there are tiny mouths in the center. I'm gonna send an image in lore in reference. [00:40:57] Speaker E: No, this is spectator. [00:41:02] Speaker C: Something else. [00:41:02] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:41:05] Speaker C: And Boz, I would like you to roll initiative. [00:41:13] Speaker E: This is the bad dream of a beholder. This is a nightmare of a beholder. Someone gave a beholder a nightmare and this happened. I don't know, Zach. Dexterity. Yeah, I always forget how to t. [00:41:29] Speaker C: 20 plus dex D 20. Okay. [00:41:32] Speaker E: Eleven. Oh, no. Kinky's gone back to the legend of new ones. [00:41:39] Speaker C: So I got a 15 axe. Holy crap. Dude, that's really good. It's a shame that it loses to a 21. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Oh, gosh. [00:41:52] Speaker C: So I'm gonna put it on the battle map. [00:41:56] Speaker E: Zachary, stop it. [00:42:00] Speaker A: He's just a little guy. Lantern. [00:42:03] Speaker E: He's right. Why is it right in front of. [00:42:08] Speaker C: Because it has a hover speed of 30ft. So it moves at you. [00:42:11] Speaker E: Oh, it moved to me. Got it, got it, got it, got. [00:42:13] Speaker C: It, got it, got it. So pause it just sort of like. Like rockets towards you without any movement. And the tentacles, like, move behind it, and then when it gets close to you, all the tentacles just, like, lash towards you all at once in one sudden, rapid whipping movement. And it's gonna make three tentacle attacks. [00:42:35] Speaker E: Oh, no. I'm gonna use a reaction spine shield. [00:42:40] Speaker C: Okay, this. Excellent. What's the save I need to make? [00:42:44] Speaker E: There's no save. It works. [00:42:46] Speaker C: Oh, that's right, that's right, that's right. Thank you. I forget that every time. So I rolled pretty badly. I assume we're gonna have some misses here. The first one is a 13 to hit. [00:42:56] Speaker E: That misses. [00:42:57] Speaker C: Okay. The second one is also a really bad roll. That's a 14 to hit. [00:43:06] Speaker E: That misses. I don't think I'm gonna be able to cast bindingshield, actually. [00:43:10] Speaker C: Why is that? [00:43:11] Speaker E: Because it has to hit for me to cast it. [00:43:14] Speaker C: Hmm. Well, the third one is a 21. [00:43:19] Speaker E: That does hit. I can cast it, yes. [00:43:22] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. It's kind of the best scenario for only one to hit. So, Bonz, before you say anything, could you describe to me what it looks like as you dodge or deflect the first two tentacles swiping at you? [00:43:36] Speaker E: I just. I brace one off my shield, and then I feel like I duck below the other one, and I just look away for a moment, like, as I duck, and I. They miscounted the tentacles, you know? [00:43:52] Speaker C: Excellent. So the first tentacle whips out, and you block it with the shield. Then you duck below the second one, and the third one, as you look away, reaches up, and so little of you is exposed, but your neck is. And the third one. [00:44:04] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:44:05] Speaker C: And as it slaps around your neck, there's this, like, pull of suction, and then this piercing around your neck as the teeth pull into you. And then there's a really sharp sucking from the incision point. So go ahead and tell me the effects of the spiny shield. [00:44:17] Speaker E: So I'm casting it at second level. So that means I get to roll. Three, d, four. So that's a four. That's a. That's five. And that's seven. So it reduces damage by seven, and it deals seven damage back to it. And that happens again every time. It attacks me until it's next turn. [00:44:38] Speaker C: Excellent. Okay, so it rolled. [00:44:44] Speaker E: Hold on. [00:44:44] Speaker C: I have to do some math here. Twelve. So it dealt you 24 points of piercing damage. [00:44:56] Speaker E: Wow. [00:44:57] Speaker C: No, no, no. My math is wrong. Very wrong. I did the math for three attacks. That's wrong. That didn't happen, and I'm wrong. [00:45:09] Speaker E: That would have bloodied me in one turn, if at all. Three had hit. [00:45:12] Speaker C: It dealt you 14 points of piercing damage. Okay, I'm very sorry. I added the Dex modifier three times. Very sorry. 14 points of piercing damage. So that's reduced to seven. [00:45:27] Speaker E: Okay. [00:45:29] Speaker C: And then it takes seven. Yes. Give me a second here. Okay, excellent. And then, so, Boz, as it pierces you, your armor, it's like a part of you now. And as it reflects, it pierces back into it. You stab into it. But when you cut it, it's not red blood that flows out of it. It's like a thin gray spray. And the blood sprays, but then aerosolizes, it immediately evaporates. Like, the blood is a density or chemical composition not from this atmosphere. And when exposed to the pressure and temperatures of this atmosphere, immediately evaporates. So it just. And as it evaporates, that gas hangs you around you for a moment, and then a little light, a little electrical potential charge zaps out from it. So because you pierced it, you're going to take two points of lightning damage. Yeah. She called this one the worst fight. This is the hard one. All right, Boz, your next initiative. What are you doing? Oh, and also it uses reaction summon ancient dragon. [00:46:46] Speaker E: Oh, no, no. I am going to break away from it. [00:46:57] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. [00:46:59] Speaker E: Probably. [00:47:00] Speaker C: Oh, also, this is important. Since it hit at the beginning of your turn. You need to make a DC to escape its grapple. [00:47:12] Speaker E: Oh, it has disadvantage on grappling, though me. [00:47:16] Speaker C: It does? What's your easy right now? [00:47:22] Speaker E: 19. [00:47:24] Speaker C: Okay. It does what disadvantage? Nope, fails to grapple you. You are not grappled. That's sick. [00:47:32] Speaker E: That's sick, my friend. [00:47:36] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. Sorry. Please continue. That's awesome. [00:47:38] Speaker E: So I break away from it, and I'm probably gonna move back about 10ft. And it has disadvantage on the opportunity attack because of human. [00:47:43] Speaker C: Okay. It's gonna make disadvantage. So as you, like, as you. As you turn away, your roots, literally, like, slip up, slip under its pseudopod and push it off of you. And then as you duck away, disadvantage is going to miss with a 16, it takes another swipe at you. And, like, as you're running away, you're. I mean, unless you want to play. [00:48:04] Speaker E: No, I. It's all gonna be about how, like, this just kind of, like, viney mesh around me is just, like, grabs that. It probably grabs that and breaks a piece off. [00:48:13] Speaker C: So, like, reaches out and, like, the vines produce pieces for it to rip off. Very, very Peter Parker and the, like, the, like, iron spider armor where, like, it's like, there's like, nanotech, but it's druid plant stuff. [00:48:27] Speaker E: By the way. I'm keeping track of the formidable foliage as HP. It has a 103 right now. Damage deals double damage to it. [00:48:36] Speaker C: And so where did you say you're moving to? [00:48:38] Speaker E: Probably about before I decide that. 1 second. Let me consult one thing. [00:48:48] Speaker C: Quick flavor check in. Oh, never mind. Go ahead. [00:48:51] Speaker E: I am going to move back 10ft and I am going to do something. I'm gonna say, I'm trying to do this very succinctly. I'm going to, like, basically I'm gonna summon my familiar, okay. And then I'm gonna wild shape into a brass dragon wormling. And we're just gonna, guys, we're gonna. [00:49:29] Speaker C: Fight something incredible, but buckle up. [00:49:33] Speaker E: So I feel like I like, reach into like almost like an inside pocket, but the vines kind of move around with my hand as I reach in and I just kind of pull out in a motion, just kind of toss in the air. And you see halifax just kind of like do the little swimming thing. And then as I leap into the air and turn into a brass dragon wormling. [00:49:51] Speaker C: The crowd has been excited, but then Boz turns into a dragon and everyone loses their collective rap. There are screams. Some people flee from the room. Other people, like, like, there's pounding. People start, like, you watch as some people start pulling out like sheets of canvas and start trying to sketch. Like artists are trying to like take down a moment. Cause they find this, like historic. Like they're trying to sell pieces here. Like the crowd is losing. There might. One person has a heart palpitation and passes out like this is. There is a dangerous amount of excitement. Please continue, boss. [00:50:30] Speaker E: So how big is the space? Like tall wise as well. [00:50:35] Speaker C: It goes up 30ft before you meet the top of the objurg field. [00:50:40] Speaker E: Okay, so probably meet the objurg field. Okay. [00:50:42] Speaker C: The building goes up like, like 40, but the field goes up like 30. [00:50:48] Speaker E: And I can't pass through the objurg field, can I? [00:50:51] Speaker C: You can start to try. [00:50:53] Speaker E: I am going to. Cause that was my action and my bonus action to some of my familiar. So I'm going to fly up and if I remember, oh, what happened to it? [00:51:08] Speaker C: Also, this is important. Fun, guys, you just watched Baaz. You had no idea he could do this. I mean, you know, the deep magic changed him, but you just watched Baaz turn into like a, like a. Here, I'm gonna send you guys a reference image here. You just watched him turn into like a nine foot long metal dragon. [00:51:35] Speaker B: I want to say that Craig was too busy arm wrestling that he looks up and there's just a dragon there now. And he's like, crap. Like she summoned a dragon. Like, where's Boz? Did the dragon eat him? You know, like he's trying to catch up. [00:51:50] Speaker C: So you all can see that image there. That's it. That's a good reference image. You can also just Google brass dragon wormlink also, as if it didn't get any cooler. This is a young version of the same kind of dragon that Velek is. But anyhow, that's awesome. That's so cool. [00:52:10] Speaker E: The fairy dragon is gonna go make an attack against the spectator. I don't know what it's called. Okay, the death kiss, not a spectator. Yes, death kiss, it's a death kiss. Spectator is a different thing. [00:52:23] Speaker C: Yeah, spectator is a different awful thing. [00:52:26] Speaker E: A plus seven to hit. And I guess I never rolled with this familiar before, so it's just, I guess that and then 20. Okay. [00:52:38] Speaker C: But I mean, you know, the plus seven, so. [00:52:40] Speaker E: Okay. And I'm flying in the air probably. Oh man. No, no. Okay, so here's what it does. Here's what it does. It is going to cast minor illusion and it's going to be the sound of the lady that summoned it. And it's going to scream, get on the ground, get on the ground, or something like that. As we like, fly as high as we can away from it into the ceiling. [00:53:13] Speaker C: Let me check some mental stats on this thing. Give me a you're familiar. When you're familiar cast spells. It's your spells, right? [00:53:24] Speaker E: No, this is the fairy dragon spell. [00:53:26] Speaker C: Okay, then with its spell save DC, I'll make an intelligence saving throw. [00:53:34] Speaker E: I think it has to choose to investigate and then it is its own investigation. Oh, against my spell save DC. I don't know what the spell save DC on this little dragon is. [00:53:45] Speaker C: Twelve is like a standard spell CFDC when you don't know one. So I'll say that this thing makes an intelligence saving throw. Oh my goodness. And fails. So how high upward do you fly? [00:54:00] Speaker E: I fly 30ft in the air, and this thing probably flies 15ft. [00:54:16] Speaker C: I'm gonna have to get some more dice as little markers for myself on the height of everything. So y'all do some quick like commentary and role play, please. [00:54:24] Speaker D: I am personally curious to know if the salt will affect this little guy's like, because there's salt on the ground. I'm curious to see if the salt will be bad for it when it gets on on the ground for the nikes. Yeah. [00:54:41] Speaker A: Interesting. [00:54:42] Speaker B: I love how creative this fight is. [00:54:46] Speaker D: Yeah, you're killing it. [00:54:48] Speaker B: Yeah, you're. Oh, my gosh. [00:54:49] Speaker E: It's my first time wild shaving for combat. I'm a level eleven druid. I've never done it before. [00:55:02] Speaker A: So cool. [00:55:04] Speaker B: Like, I feel like with the melee weapons, you can always kind of guess, I don't know, like, the way it's gonna be like. But when you like, hey, get out. [00:55:14] Speaker C: Of the ground, sir. [00:55:15] Speaker B: It's just kind of crazy. [00:55:16] Speaker E: Nevermind. Makes sense. [00:55:19] Speaker C: So you. You and Xalafax fly upward and the death kiss just squeeze, squishes itself down to the ground. And you all watch as it touches the salt and, like, recoils from it. The creature with the skin, not from this reality, who subsists entirely off of blood. Yeah, salt is pretty unpleasant. In fact, it takes a point of damage. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Poor guy. Poor little guy. [00:55:46] Speaker C: Okay, that's your whole turn, right, boss? I assume? [00:55:49] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [00:55:50] Speaker C: I mean, you did like seven things. It was awesome. Dude, that's crazy. I did not see that coming. Okay, so next initiative is the death kiss. This presents an interesting scenario because you sent it down 5ft and then you went up 30ft. Yeah, it can only get to Xalafax. It can't get to you. This turn, it's gonna fly up at XYFX. So from where it is in the ground, you watch it rotate and that eye in the middle, like, that red eye turns, like an even more sanguine red. And the white sclera around it, like, pulses with red veins. [00:56:38] Speaker E: And it just. [00:56:40] Speaker C: And it has no noises. It's so unsettling how silent it is. And it just flies up and the tentacles just fly up at Xalafax and it's gonna make three rolls to hit. Oh, well. Better. [00:56:53] Speaker E: Now, 15 hits. [00:56:56] Speaker C: Okay. All three hit. [00:56:58] Speaker E: Oh, no. He has 14 hit points. So I don't know if you need to roll for damage or if the minimum will get that. [00:57:08] Speaker C: Yeah, the minimum will do it. The tentacles all grab on and then you watch as Halifax just like, compresses, just like, as it sucks, it dehydrates him half his body and then he roar very loudly, disappears in smoke and. Boss, just from above and zalapaxes off the field. That's everything that the death kiss can do. It's your turn, boss. [00:57:35] Speaker E: All right, I'm going to use my. My sleep breath on it. [00:57:40] Speaker D: Awesome. [00:57:43] Speaker C: And this is important, boss just uttered the words, I'm gonna use my dragon breath weapon. So that's pretty insane. [00:57:48] Speaker E: Zachary, here's a question with wild shape. I still get my stats. Unless the creature stats are better than mine. So is the saving throw my saving throw or it or. Or what? [00:58:07] Speaker A: You. [00:58:08] Speaker C: Oh, man, that's such Landon. You do nothing but ask the best. [00:58:11] Speaker E: Questions. [00:58:15] Speaker C: Whether or not it's your spell save deceit. Does it? Does it? [00:58:20] Speaker E: It says your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you gain. Retain your alignment, personality, intelligence, wisdom, and courageous scores. You also retain all of your skill in saving throw proficiencies in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as you and the bonus and its stat block is higher than yours, use the creature's bonus instead of yours. But you can't use legendary actions. [00:58:41] Speaker C: I feel like it's your spell safe DC. [00:58:43] Speaker E: And it has to succeed on a crazy, crazy high spell c. Is it wisdom or congeste? It is con season saving throw. I believe it's 18, but it might be 19. I'm trying to find my. It's 18. [00:59:01] Speaker C: I just rolled a 27. Oh, really? I rolled really high. Like, it totally could have failed that, but I rolled. I rolled a 19 on the die. [00:59:11] Speaker E: All right, then I'm going to burrow into the ground 15ft. [00:59:18] Speaker C: You're going to. [00:59:21] Speaker A: What? Zach said you're gonna what? [00:59:26] Speaker C: Didn't see that coming? Cause you have a burrow speed. [00:59:34] Speaker E: Do you have a burrow speed? [00:59:35] Speaker C: Yes. [00:59:39] Speaker A: Huh. [00:59:40] Speaker C: So you all watch as dragon boss draws and goes, and instead of, like, fire coming out, it's just this. It's just this white mistling gas. Just like a white sparkling. Yes. Yeah, yeah. [00:59:53] Speaker E: And as it goes through the mist, and then I just dislike. I. [01:00:00] Speaker C: Mist flies over it with those rainbow hues. The death kiss closes its eyes and wraps itself up in its tentacles. And then boss flies past it. And you, like, you like your momentum flying by, like, spins. It goes, like, rolling, and then flies. Plummets to the ground, like, not flying. Tucks his wings. And as he lands, you watch the incredibly. I mean, he's like, the size of, like, a. This brass dragon wormling is, like, significantly larger than, like, a savannah, like, male lion. And he just slams into the ground and then just starts pulling at the rock, which begins caving and breaking under it. Watches. The crowd is going crazy, and the dragon just starts disappearing into the ground. And by the time the death kiss is done spinning, it's, like, spinning, looking around for him until it turns and sees the hole in the ground. How far you go? 15ft into the ground? [01:00:54] Speaker E: Let's say ten. I go 10ft. [01:00:56] Speaker C: Okay. [01:00:56] Speaker E: That way I can get back up easy. [01:00:58] Speaker C: Insanely, I'm prepared for this. [01:01:02] Speaker A: Did that, like, shake the arena or anything? Or, like, compromise the structure? All integrity. [01:01:12] Speaker C: It's not going to destroy the entire building, but, you know, they're gonna have to fix the foundation. [01:01:17] Speaker A: Oh, sorry. [01:01:18] Speaker C: I mean, it's a huge building. There's damage in one section, so, Boz, I'm using the base of the platform as representing underground. And then I have a marker next for how deep you went. So you. You disappear under. I assume that's your turn. [01:01:34] Speaker E: Yeah, that's. That's all I can do. [01:01:35] Speaker C: That's freaking crazy. Really forgot about that. Um, you know what? I'm gonna make a saving throw for this thing. Yeah. The death kiss floats down towards you and then stops about 5ft above of the hole, just hovering there, because the space is really small and you're a big creature, and it doesn't like being near that salt above the ground, and it just stays floating above. It doesn't want to go anywhere near that hole you made. So it's just floating above it. Okay. [01:02:14] Speaker E: What I want to do is. [01:02:23] Speaker C: You really threw me for a loop. I thought I knew it was gonna happen. [01:02:26] Speaker E: Is it above the hole? [01:02:28] Speaker C: Yeah, floating about 5ft above it. [01:02:30] Speaker E: I wanna use my fire breath out to the left and shoot out through the hole. [01:02:36] Speaker C: That's sick. Flavor that for me, Lando. [01:02:39] Speaker E: So I. You know what? When you dig a hole into rock that fast, you know, it's probably going to come in behind you. [01:02:47] Speaker C: Yeah. Pieces are collapsed back in on you. [01:02:49] Speaker E: Yeah, but I want to come back, I don't know, to where I can, like, just, like, shoot fire through the hole and just up. Like, if I see it hovering, like, I head out and I do a little snarl, and then I just go. [01:03:04] Speaker C: That'S sick. Now, is that. [01:03:06] Speaker E: That is 5ft wide. So what is the brass dragon head? [01:03:12] Speaker C: Yes. Because you can do fire or. Yes, yes, yes. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I forgot ahead. [01:03:16] Speaker E: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I can only do one, and then I have to roll to recharge, so I may not be able to do this. Let me see if I can. [01:03:24] Speaker C: Okay. [01:03:25] Speaker E: I don't know if I could do this. Oh, that's a five. I can. All right. [01:03:29] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. So I'm saving throw, right? [01:03:33] Speaker E: Yes, you have to do a dexterity saving throw. [01:03:35] Speaker C: I failed. [01:03:38] Speaker E: That is four d six fire damage. And I keep my feet with wild shape. So I'm gonna. I just means I can reroll once. [01:03:48] Speaker C: Yeah. But, hey, still dope. [01:03:52] Speaker E: Elemental adept. [01:03:54] Speaker D: Cool. [01:04:00] Speaker E: If you take is. How much is it? Four d six. Okay. [01:04:05] Speaker C: Mm hmm. Dude, this combat's awesome. [01:04:08] Speaker E: Oh, there's one. One. Reroll that one. It was another one. All right, well, that is not very great. That is eleven points of damage. [01:04:19] Speaker C: Hey, what do we say around here? Damage is damage. So you watch as the death kiss, like, gets closer, inspecting the hole. And then this dragon head just dislodges some of the rocks, only enough for the eyes and the beaked mouth. And then it just. Just this burst of flame that has tinges of gold and rainbow in it. And the death kiss just, like. Just, like, shivers back and forth as its flesh gets burned and zooms back. Anything else? [01:04:47] Speaker E: With your turn, I am going to fly back up into the air. [01:04:58] Speaker C: Okay, how far? [01:05:00] Speaker E: It's 20ft in the air. It can get to me no matter where it is. I just want to be in the air again. Zachary. [01:05:09] Speaker C: Wait, wait, wait. [01:05:10] Speaker E: How much? What is your homebrew rule on fall damage again. [01:05:15] Speaker C: How so? I mean, it's a d six for every 10ft, I think, is the standard rule, but then we. We just have a higher cap, but. [01:05:24] Speaker E: Okay. Okay. Then I would apply. [01:05:26] Speaker C: And growing hundreds of feet. So your phone. Oh, you're on the. You're on the ground. [01:05:29] Speaker E: I want to be on the ground then, because this thing is fast, but it has no health. Yeah, I'm gonna be on the ground again. And. Oh, I don't have any bonus actions. That's just it. That's just it. I got one tack, so I'm just gonna snarl at it and, like, sprout my wings, and just, like, a defensive. [01:05:51] Speaker C: Display, the death kiss flies back towards you. Is it gonna make three tentacle attacks? Okay, well, bolts really high that time. The first one's a 26. The next one's a 27. The next one's a 25. So all three you're gonna hit, and it's gonna deal. Okay, this time it's gonna. Gonna be some demolish. [01:06:18] Speaker A: So. [01:06:22] Speaker C: Hold on. I have to do some math for myself really quickly, so twelve plus. Okay. [01:06:35] Speaker E: Where are. [01:06:37] Speaker C: Sorry. It's fine. Everything's going fine. You're fine. Okay, last one. Calm down. Okay? Commentary, roleplay, something. As I do math. [01:06:55] Speaker E: I didn't go out of wild shape so that I could have 16 extra hit points. How are y'all doing? [01:07:01] Speaker A: Oh, God. Rose. Rose. Just trying to get. [01:07:06] Speaker D: How many wild shapes do you have? Just two. [01:07:09] Speaker E: I have two? Yeah. [01:07:11] Speaker C: You take 51 points of piercing damage as the tentacles just, like, stab into you and just start digging at your flesh and trying to drink out blood. [01:07:20] Speaker E: What's 51 -16 40? [01:07:24] Speaker C: No, 35. 35. [01:07:28] Speaker E: Okay. How much damage did the first attack do? [01:07:35] Speaker C: 1818. [01:07:37] Speaker E: All right, after the first attack, I'm gonna cast spiny shield as reaction since I'll be back in my human form. [01:07:43] Speaker D: Excellent. [01:07:44] Speaker E: So going to do that at fifth level. [01:07:50] Speaker C: Holy cow. [01:07:53] Speaker E: So that is. So that's, that's good. 23456. D four. And so that's twice it takes this damage. Cause it's two attacks. So six D four damage. [01:08:11] Speaker C: Wait, so do you have to cast it twice for it to take the damage twice? [01:08:15] Speaker E: No, it happens every attack until it's next turn. [01:08:19] Speaker C: So technically, if you took like ten attacks on a turn, like spiny shield could deal like 50 or 60 damage. [01:08:28] Speaker E: Here it is. [01:08:29] Speaker C: Damaging. And coming in. [01:08:31] Speaker E: Here it is. An ethereal barrier. Spikes made a magical force interpose itself between you and an attacker until your next turn. When you are hit by melee attack, the barrier reduces the damage. You're dealt by two D four. And deals the same amount of piercing damage the attacker. When you cast this spell, using a spell slot above first level increases spells effect by an additional one. D four. [01:08:50] Speaker C: Right. [01:08:52] Speaker E: So it's like. So it's like a continual barrier of spikes. [01:08:57] Speaker C: Yeah. Until your next turn. Until your next turn. And I attack. That's crazy. It can keep dealing the damage back. That's nuts. I mean, awesome is. That's awesome. Holy crap. Yeah. Okay, so 16 four twice. [01:09:13] Speaker E: So that's 15 on the first one. [01:09:16] Speaker C: Okay. And this is the damage it's taking back. Right. [01:09:19] Speaker E: And the damage I'm getting reduced by. [01:09:21] Speaker C: Okay. [01:09:23] Speaker E: And then that is 16 on the second one. So 31 total. So that was 35. So I take four points of damage plus it's lightning. [01:09:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Holy crap. That's amazing. The damage reduction aspect of that, I think. I don't mean this complaining. It's not a bad thing. I think spiny shields is one of the strongest spells in fight e. It's crazy because in effect, you're dealing double damage. Like, that's nuts. That's awesome. So I'm taking. I'm taking 30 points of damage. [01:09:57] Speaker E: 31. [01:09:59] Speaker C: I'm taking 31 points of damage. [01:10:00] Speaker E: Thank you for. [01:10:03] Speaker C: That's amazing. [01:10:06] Speaker D: Wow. [01:10:09] Speaker C: So, boz, as the tentacles slash at you, it like, rips the scales off the dragon form until there's like this puff of like smoke and leaves. Then the tentacles get confused for a second, grabbing at nothing. And then as they find you, they start grabbing. But then the speed of the spines stab out of your armor and push the tentacles away, like, the dragon form. [01:10:28] Speaker E: Like, turns into leaves. Like, out of the leaves. As it stabs into me, I feel like. Like a giant, like, thorn like thing. Just, like, from this, like, barrier stabs into the tentacle. Yeah, like a second one stabs the second one. And, like, it still, like, sinks its claws into them or whatever. [01:10:42] Speaker C: It's barely getting you, and it's, like, flinching away. [01:10:45] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [01:10:46] Speaker C: That's sick, dude. That's awesome. That's. Man, you have an awesome, awesome, awesome character. Uh, okay, so you're just gonna take 914 points of lightning damage back as its blood spills, aerosolizes or evaporates, and then electrical charges just zaps you. That's. That's sick, man. This is dope combat. Okay, boss, it's your turn. [01:11:13] Speaker E: All right. [01:11:14] Speaker C: Oh, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. It's still three hits. It has three opportunities to grapple you at disadvantage. Oh, so I need an opposed strength check from you. [01:11:28] Speaker E: Wait, oppose, strength check to grapple. Oh, real quick. Let me refresh myself on the feature just to make sure I do it right. [01:11:37] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're good. Are you talking about the functions of grappling? [01:11:43] Speaker E: No. Just because both formidable foliage and my subclass give me. No, my boon and Hyundai's formidable foliage have grapple resistant features. I'm just trying to understand them before I have advantage on athletic checks on grappling things and. Sorry. I'm sorry. Yes, you have advantage to grapple creatures, but nifty. Not nfts. Humans from little foliage. It just says that if they attempt to grapple me, they do it at disadvantage. It doesn't say anything about a saving throw. [01:12:21] Speaker C: Well, but the way grappling works, like, there's not a standard DC when there is a grapple, you're attempting to escape the grapple. [01:12:29] Speaker E: Oh, so this is one of your custom spells. How does the disadvantage, I guess. Where does the benefit? [01:12:36] Speaker C: It's a standard grapple. [01:12:37] Speaker E: Got it, got it, got it. [01:12:38] Speaker C: I have disadvantage. [01:12:39] Speaker E: I've never done grappling before. Okay, that makes sense. [01:12:41] Speaker C: Yeah, well, not a lot of things in five e grapple. So it's not a common thing. So I it has to try three times to grapple you, but it has disadvantage on all three. So it's gonna be an athletics or an acrobatics check, whichever you want. [01:13:01] Speaker E: Let me look at my skills real quick. I'm sorry. [01:13:03] Speaker C: You can already roll the first one. [01:13:04] Speaker E: You can roll. I'm sorry. You don't have to keep doing that. Acrobatics. [01:13:08] Speaker C: My first one is athletic. So the first time you need to. [01:13:10] Speaker E: Beat an eleven, I got an 18, so. [01:13:14] Speaker C: Okay, my second one is 14. You have to beat a 14. Now. [01:13:20] Speaker E: That is a 20. [01:13:22] Speaker C: Okay, last one is. Oh, shoot. Dude, the thing that sucks about this is it has three sets of tentacles. The last one's a 21. You need to beat a 21. [01:13:30] Speaker E: Is that a disadvantage? [01:13:32] Speaker C: That's a disadvantage. [01:13:34] Speaker E: Okay. [01:13:34] Speaker C: I rolled a 17 and a 19. [01:13:38] Speaker E: Oh, that is a 20. That sucks. [01:13:41] Speaker C: I'm sorry, dude. That really sucks. [01:13:45] Speaker B: Landon, do you still have rose guidance? [01:13:48] Speaker E: Oh, I barter consortic. [01:13:49] Speaker C: Inspiration. [01:13:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:13:51] Speaker E: So I'm just gonna expend that to get out. [01:13:53] Speaker C: Micah, inspiration to you. [01:13:55] Speaker A: Yes. Go. [01:13:58] Speaker E: That's. That's 23. [01:14:01] Speaker C: You save. Inspiration to you. Micah. That's freaking sick. [01:14:06] Speaker E: You rock out of that. [01:14:08] Speaker A: I forgot. [01:14:09] Speaker C: I did. I forgot, dude. Micah, man, not that it matters, but, Mikey, do you remember when you were back? Like, wait, what's this ability? And now you're over here. Like, don't forget your product. Inspiration. That's awesome. [01:14:21] Speaker E: Dude, were you spelled? [01:14:22] Speaker D: Who. [01:14:23] Speaker E: Who are you? [01:14:23] Speaker C: Oz, it doesn't grapple you with any of the three attacks. It's your turn. [01:14:27] Speaker E: I feel like on the last one, as it starts to get a little handle on me. You hear like that and then it, like, doesn't. [01:14:36] Speaker C: And the substance that makes it lose friction is all of the sudden a couple of rose, golden, purple, golden flowers grow up where the tentacle is trying to grab and just simply create a friction on the surface. And it just. It just slips off. [01:14:51] Speaker E: Yeah. And then as I fall to the ground, I look, I look up at it and I say, vashti, vazi. And the phantom's blade just comes out and just stabs into it from below. [01:15:03] Speaker C: Heck, yeah. So when you say the vast of Ozzy, the hilt, that black, twisted hilt, this. This white smoke just into the vague, like, silhouetted shape of a blade, but nothing indistinct. And, like, white mist. So then roll the hit for me, man. [01:15:20] Speaker E: So what is the bonus to hit with this one? Is it myself? Like, it's not strength? [01:15:26] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, I think it's. I think it's your spell. Let me, let me. Let me pull it up really quickly. Items. What's. What are crowd party members thinking as we look this up? [01:15:40] Speaker A: I think. [01:15:41] Speaker C: Abby, as always, you're muted. [01:15:43] Speaker A: Ro's getting excited but nervous, so she grabs Greta's hand next to her. [01:15:49] Speaker D: I like, I like, I like, glue myself to Ro and like, like, I'm like, like, I'm. I'm like every, like, I'm like, tighter and tighter and tighter gripping her shoulder, and then I realize that I'm squeezing so hard, and I'm like, oh, sorry. But it happens, like, five times. [01:16:10] Speaker C: Okay, so, Boz, Micah, you can either treat it like this blade is a plus two weapon, or, I mean, I went ahead and wrote down that its ac is functionally too lower. So that's. That's how that works, because it reduces the ac. So I. Yeah, the death kiss, I just took a note. Functionally has an ac of 14 instead of 16. Okay. And then it's just the cold damage dice. Okay. [01:16:37] Speaker E: So I just. I just use my regular strength modifier. [01:16:41] Speaker C: Oh, wait, dude, that's the whole question you asked me. Come on, Zach. Come on, Zach. Okay. Phantom's blade. This make means that it has neither weight nor class requirement to wield sync up wire blade magical strike, an enemy disadvantage. Piercing slashing. So you don't need to use strength. You can use Dex. Okay. Because the weapon is like. Instead of. Instead of being like a. Like a 15 pound sword, it's like a three pound sword. [01:17:07] Speaker A: So you can use Tex noise. [01:17:10] Speaker E: That is an 18 to hit. [01:17:14] Speaker C: 18 will hit. [01:17:15] Speaker E: And I'm going to just expend every single charge this thing has. And. Yeah, dude. So that is going to be one d eight plus four d four. Yeah. Cause there's four charges. One d eight and forty four. [01:17:38] Speaker C: We're getting one charge for every creature charges on a hit. Mmm. Shouldn't you be dealing more damage than that? [01:17:49] Speaker E: What do you mean? [01:17:51] Speaker C: Have I. Well, hold on. I don't want to gunk this up right now, but I'm wondering if. Where is the file of phantom I've sent you? Hold on. Let me scroll up real quick. Let me make sure you have that, because every once in a while, I'll go back and rebalance something and then forget to a player. So. Quick roleplay. As I verify this detail. [01:18:14] Speaker E: Die, naked scum. [01:18:17] Speaker A: I say naked. [01:18:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:18:22] Speaker A: Why did you say that? [01:18:33] Speaker C: Just row things. [01:18:36] Speaker E: Quirky. [01:18:37] Speaker C: Row things. Die. [01:18:40] Speaker D: I'm pretty sure I heard Rose, clean that, like out of coming out of a nightmare. [01:18:48] Speaker E: Zachary, is this thing undead or from the fireplane? [01:18:52] Speaker C: It's not. [01:18:53] Speaker E: Okay. [01:18:53] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Oz. Oops. Big old stinky oops. Or poop. Sir, you have an old version of Phantom that I. And I never sent you the updated version, so. No problem. No problem. I'm gonna make this really easy. What I'm going to do is right now, I'm going to send you the updated version. Don't worry, it's just better. It's very similar math, but I realized that I had it averaged in the past so that the files came out at a lower. The math averages came out at a lower value. So I'm just going to tell you the difference. You can use it right now and then I'm going to send you the document. You don't deal a d four for each charge. You deal a d twelve. [01:19:28] Speaker E: A d twelve. Zachary? [01:19:30] Speaker C: Yes. I'm confident in the balances and changes I made. [01:19:35] Speaker E: That is so. [01:19:36] Speaker C: Go ahead and roll that damage. [01:19:38] Speaker E: That is 27. I think if I'm correct, I still have one more turn of my first flame. Extra fire damage. [01:19:49] Speaker C: You should. [01:19:50] Speaker E: So I'm going to use that. It is. Where is it? [01:19:56] Speaker C: Okay, I'm sending you the corrected phantom right now. Thank you for being patient with me. [01:20:01] Speaker E: As I did a stinky pooper duty for fire damage. [01:20:05] Speaker C: Okay, so what's the total it takes? [01:20:09] Speaker E: It takes, uh, like 27 cold damage and five fire damage at the same time for 32 total. [01:20:20] Speaker C: That's sick. Now here's the thing. Now, Boz would take all of that lightning damage, except Phantom is not a blade. It's a mystical piercing. So it doesn't deal piercing, so you don't take any lightning damage. I just sent you the version of Phantom. Basically, the only difference is the damage dice is d four s instead of d eight. The charges are d twelve s instead of d four s. But then that other piece of everything is different, and it's different to compensate equally for the increased damage. So. [01:21:00] Speaker E: Got it. [01:21:00] Speaker C: More ability, more trade off. And I got it. If you don't like it and want to go back to the other way, you can. But I think you'll like this version better. Okay. Okay. So just know that. All right. Dope. So you said it was 3132-3232 pause. Death kiss. Looks bloodied. [01:21:27] Speaker E: Give it a kiss as a bonus action. I'm gonna cast healing word on myself. [01:21:36] Speaker C: Heck yeah. [01:21:39] Speaker E: And it's a first level spell. [01:21:41] Speaker C: And so you jab the hilt of cold mist just as it flows over the creature. You watch as it, like, stabs in and, like, cuts a little bit just from the sheer like. Like the way a pressure washer cuts something just like a. Just like a sheer, like incision in. But then before any of the blood can spray, it just freezes over and the cold runs across its surface of the death cris just rides and vibrations its tentacles, like, rapidly spinning back and forth like an insect that's dying, except with flexible joints. How much healing do you take from healing work. [01:22:16] Speaker E: 15. So I'm back at full. [01:22:17] Speaker C: Excellent, dude. Excellent. Okay, death kisses turn. Big surprise is goal. Make three tentacle attacks. First one is a big miss with an eleven, but from there, it's a 19. Does a 19 hit. [01:22:37] Speaker E: That's my ac, dude. [01:22:39] Speaker C: I'm sorry. And then the last one is like a. Like a 20 something. Okay. Okay, so it misses with one attack, hits with two. Now we both damage. [01:22:52] Speaker E: I'm gonna do spiny shield again. [01:22:54] Speaker C: Girl, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And should I do this on separately, or can I just do all the damage at once? [01:23:02] Speaker E: Oh, no, you can do all the damage at once. The first one was just because I couldn't do it in the wild shape. [01:23:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:23:07] Speaker E: So that is gonna be 64. 64, I think. [01:23:19] Speaker C: Okay, that's pretty easy math. [01:23:21] Speaker E: Oh. Plus one for each level, so that's gonna be five more. D four. So that's gonna be 74 twice. [01:23:32] Speaker C: Okay. 30 points of piercing damage. [01:23:35] Speaker E: D four. [01:23:38] Speaker C: Is that on 100 furiously lashing at you. [01:23:41] Speaker E: That's both attacks, right? [01:23:43] Speaker C: Yes. That's both attacks. [01:23:44] Speaker E: Okay. [01:23:45] Speaker C: It'd be bad if that was one. [01:23:47] Speaker E: What was the total? [01:23:49] Speaker C: 30. [01:23:50] Speaker E: 30. Okay. The first spiny shield did 15. Okay, so this second spiny shield did 17. [01:23:58] Speaker C: So you don't take any damage? [01:24:00] Speaker E: I don't take any damage. And it does 32 damage again. [01:24:08] Speaker C: Kind of. [01:24:09] Speaker E: Maybe that's a little broken. [01:24:11] Speaker C: One of the strong. [01:24:11] Speaker E: We need to nerf it or, like, not do it anymore. I didn't realize how multi attack kind of makes it overpowered. [01:24:18] Speaker C: First of all. First of all, I don't. I don't ban spells in D and D. That's just. I just don't do that. We can talk about if it's too strong, but I'm not gonna make that your problem while we're playing. That's my problem as DM, to figure out outside a game so we can talk about it. But right now, I told you you could use it. Let's use it. And then later we'll figure out whether or not it needs to be balanced. But I don't want to do that to you. So, boss, as the tentacles lash at every single tentacle is refuted by the spines, however, this is piercing damage. So you do take 15 points of lightning damage. 15? Yes. And then some grapple checks. [01:24:52] Speaker E: So. [01:24:58] Speaker C: First one's a nat. It's two nat. Twenties. [01:25:01] Speaker E: Oh, my gosh. Zachary, I'm grappled. [01:25:05] Speaker C: Yeah, you're grappled. [01:25:06] Speaker E: Unless I can roll a Nat 20. Oh, that's a 21. So. [01:25:12] Speaker C: So this is where it gets worse. Okay, you're grappled. [01:25:17] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:25:18] Speaker C: So now it's your turn, boss. [01:25:21] Speaker E: I cast freedom of movement. [01:25:29] Speaker C: Holy crap. Is that a reaction or an action? [01:25:33] Speaker E: It's my turn, right? [01:25:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:25:36] Speaker D: Micah. [01:25:37] Speaker C: Sorry. [01:25:38] Speaker E: I think it's an action. [01:25:39] Speaker D: What the hell, Mike? [01:25:43] Speaker A: Grappled or embraced. [01:25:45] Speaker E: And that lasts for an hour. So I can't grapple me anymore? [01:25:50] Speaker C: You have functionally. You have functionally negated the feature where it does 4012 lightning damage to immediately. [01:25:59] Speaker E: Wait, does that happen on its turn? Cause if it does, then I take the damage on if it. [01:26:02] Speaker C: Your turn. [01:26:04] Speaker E: Oh, does it happen first? Cause I could still take the damage. [01:26:08] Speaker C: If you have just fully negated this creature's ability to deal that lightning damage to you. That's awesome, Landon. Don't apologize. You're a killer player. Don't apologize for being awesome at this. I've had the tentacles go to grapple you. What is it? [01:26:22] Speaker E: Stupid skeleton fight that took almost killed what's his name. [01:26:27] Speaker C: Yeah, man. Freedom of movement is a spell that doesn't matter at all until it really matters. What does it look like as you just completely slip out of this thing's grasp? [01:26:36] Speaker E: I feel like, just, like a vine just kind of, like, spread out and just, like, push away, and I just kind of, like. [01:26:43] Speaker C: It creates, like. Yeah, and you just slip out from underneath, and it just, like, shivers with rage. It's covered in, like, burn marks from cold, and it's got cuts all over it. It's looking rough. Okay, so it's back to its turn. It's gonna fly at you. [01:26:58] Speaker E: I have a bonus action, but I just. I don't know if I have anything. [01:27:03] Speaker C: I mean, you could do a healing. [01:27:04] Speaker E: Can I summon my familiar again? [01:27:08] Speaker C: No, I think you have to cast a day familiar spell again. [01:27:13] Speaker E: I don't think you have to cast. Is it a spell? Because it can only last for a couple of hours with the druid version. Because it's not a spell. It only lasts up to, like, a shorter amount of time than find familiar. [01:27:23] Speaker C: I don't. But I'm gonna. [01:27:25] Speaker E: That's okay. [01:27:26] Speaker C: Think so? [01:27:27] Speaker E: That's fine. [01:27:28] Speaker C: Because I think I have. Yeah, it's fine. Three attacks. The lowest is 19. I'm sure you're not gonna take any damage on this, but there are three attacks. Maybe you kill it right now. Who knows? [01:27:43] Speaker E: This is my last fifth level spell, so I'm not. I don't have, like. I only have third and below. Now this is like. Like I'm running out of juice. [01:27:51] Speaker C: Hey, man, the gamble is working. This is six. Okay. Holy. [01:27:58] Speaker E: So this is three of them? [01:28:00] Speaker C: Yes. So I now have twelve plus nine plus six plus. Okay. I rolled really high on damage. It might manage to deal some this time. This 42 total is. Hold on, what? [01:28:35] Speaker E: 42 total. [01:28:39] Speaker C: Thank you. That was helpful. Just having the math right out of the gate, it deals ten points of damage to you. Adult. 52 damage. So Boz, as the tentacles come flying at you, Hyundines armor just keeps piercing the bolts of just stabbing at it. And it only scrapes you minorly and it looks awful. It looks like it's a death's door. And you just take, let's see, 16 points of lightning damage as the blood evaporates and electrolyzes. How's Boz looking? [01:29:17] Speaker E: If we're using all the temporary hit points, I'm exactly bloodied. But I have two thirds if my regular. [01:29:24] Speaker C: Well, it looks much worse. And it's your turn. [01:29:27] Speaker E: All right, I'm gonna look at it. I assume it's singular. Eye is like reddish and angry. [01:29:35] Speaker C: The creature is shuddering and the eye is bloodshot. It looks manic. [01:29:40] Speaker E: I'm gonna attack with phantom again. [01:29:42] Speaker C: Heck yeah. [01:29:44] Speaker E: And that is plus eight hit 15. [01:29:52] Speaker C: Whoo. [01:29:52] Speaker E: Thanks. Phantom. [01:29:55] Speaker C: That wouldn't hit except phantom reduces the ac so that hits. [01:30:00] Speaker A: That's so cool. [01:30:01] Speaker D: Wow. [01:30:03] Speaker E: So it's a d plus a d twelve. Well, you know, I don't have any more charges, so it's just a d eight, right? [01:30:09] Speaker C: No, three d, four, d four. [01:30:13] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. Zachary, I didn't add my. I. My dexterity bonus to the. [01:30:19] Speaker C: No, the one thing that it's not three d four plus dex. It's just three d four. [01:30:24] Speaker E: Got it. [01:30:25] Speaker C: Cuz it doesn't have a blade. It's just the cold. Okay, so you're to hit can be dex, but it's like there's no. You're not. There's no momentum. Physically it's just cold, but 3d. Excellent. It's math I higher than almost anything else. [01:30:42] Speaker E: 84 plus no bonus. So it. I did seven damage. [01:30:46] Speaker C: Okay, what does it look like as you bring the death piston? One hit point with. With. [01:30:55] Speaker E: Oh my gosh. [01:30:58] Speaker C: Oh. [01:31:03] Speaker E: I feel like I cut off a couple of the tentacles just for flavor. [01:31:06] Speaker D: Oh. [01:31:08] Speaker C: Heck yeah. Well, the thing's got like eight tentacles. So you can cut off three and console its attacks. [01:31:13] Speaker E: Yeah. So I bring it down to one hit point and I don't know if they can hear me, but I look into its eye and I say, if you touch me, you will die. And then I then I cast healing word on myself at the first level. [01:31:31] Speaker C: Abby said, bonus action punch. [01:31:34] Speaker E: That sucks. I mean, it's great, but it's. It sucks. Okay, one d, four. And that's boss, that's freaking nine. And then that is a six again. That's 15. Plus one more d, four. So that's 18 points of healing. [01:31:52] Speaker C: That's awesome. 18 points of healing. That's a lot. [01:31:56] Speaker E: Level one, healing words. It is. It comes from, it comes from not only the boon of the mad prince, but also my subclass. [01:32:07] Speaker C: Also the subclass now. [01:32:08] Speaker E: And I have a plus sign. [01:32:12] Speaker C: You know, it's nuts. [01:32:13] Speaker E: What? [01:32:14] Speaker C: Your old healing record was 24, and with a first level spell, you almost just beat it. [01:32:19] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:32:19] Speaker C: That's how good you are at healing now. [01:32:21] Speaker E: All right. And then I just, I, I just kind of like, stand there and I just look at it. I drop phantom to the ground and I just look at it in the eye. [01:32:30] Speaker C: Buzz, make an intimidation check for me. [01:32:35] Speaker E: Oh, I'm gonna burn my inspiration. [01:32:38] Speaker C: Yeah, do it. [01:32:40] Speaker E: Okay, that is eleven. [01:32:42] Speaker B: I cast. [01:32:44] Speaker E: You'd have to get touch. You have to touch me. So that's twelve. [01:32:49] Speaker A: I like to think that Craig cast guided thinking. He can cast it on Boz, but he's like holding on to me or. [01:32:56] Speaker C: Greta and just guiding them again and again, just waves them at you going, Bonus. You get the feeling that the creature just doesn't understand you. Yeah, but it makes, this isn't a predator anymore. This isn't an intelligent attacker. This is just a desperate, manic creature fighting for survival. As the tentacles swing at you again, one is rebuffed by the shield. Two hit. This is twelve plus. I'm getting good at doing this math quickly. Five. So this makes this 31 points of piercing on the cast mine shield. [01:33:45] Speaker E: Only one attack hits. Because after the first attack, it takes six damage and dies. [01:33:50] Speaker C: Right, and Boz, how do you want to do this? [01:33:57] Speaker E: I feel like I reach out and like, grab the tentacle with my hand, and just like, one of the vine just like, shoots straight into it, its eye, and I just kind of hold it as it falls to the ground. [01:34:08] Speaker C: As the tentacle whips towards you, the only, like six points of piercing you take are where the tentacle wraps around your hand and pierces. And from there, you just open up your palm, and from the center of your palm, a hardened binder pierces back through the tentacle and through the tentacle. The creature flinches for 1 second before it goes straight into the eye and holds the creature as the, the entire creature just relaxes, and the telekinetic force quits holding it up, and it just becomes dead weight, and all the tentacles fall, and you're just holding it there in the air, suspended on the vine from your hand until you retract it, and the creature just falls into the ground and just melts into blood and baws. [01:34:52] Speaker B: Frank is roaring. He is roaring. [01:34:54] Speaker C: You have one excitement. Last round of the house of pain. [01:35:03] Speaker A: As fuzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz. [01:35:05] Speaker C: And Landon, I want to say this before we move on. I want you to understand something. You, a level eleven player character, just beat a cr ten monster. Wow. [01:35:17] Speaker E: That's crazy. [01:35:18] Speaker C: Wow. And you did it. Only reaching bloodied hit points. [01:35:24] Speaker A: Landon, that was. That was like. [01:35:26] Speaker D: That was awesome. [01:35:27] Speaker A: Yeah. That combat was like skill. [01:35:30] Speaker C: This game, you understand. I mean, it's not a competition, but maybe the most mechanically clever player I have. Boz the room, triumphantly. You guys, this legend is going to spread like this. This is going to spread like wildfire in porous one these. And no one will go into the pit, but people are clamoring over the pit to help you out, just to be the person who got to touch the druid. And as you're pulled out of the pit, people lift you up and start patting in the back and cheering. People are just shoving tankards into your hands. So much so that, like, people are knocking other tankards out of your hand and spilling it all over the floor. You're getting covered in other people's need. It's gross. The room is roaring and screaming and cheering. It's. It's insane. [01:36:33] Speaker E: I just. I say the. I say the power word first, phantom, and retract it and stick it back in mind. Whatever I put stuff at and, um. [01:36:42] Speaker A: Whatever. [01:36:42] Speaker E: And I just. I get out of the pit. I'm not saying anything. I'm just looking for my friends. [01:36:46] Speaker B: I. Oh, Craig's right there. He's ready. [01:36:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:36:49] Speaker B: He, like Rose, runs back proud moment. [01:36:53] Speaker A: To you and gives you, like, a big, bloody hug. [01:36:58] Speaker C: Still gross. Still all nasty. [01:37:02] Speaker A: Hey, she hasn't pressed to digitate it. [01:37:04] Speaker D: Good night, Michael. [01:37:05] Speaker A: Good night, Michael. [01:37:06] Speaker D: Love you, Michael. [01:37:08] Speaker B: Bye bye. [01:37:09] Speaker C: Bye. [01:37:09] Speaker D: Congrats. Congrats. [01:37:11] Speaker E: Thank you. [01:37:12] Speaker C: At some point, as all the bets are collected, whatever I named the snake lady, I keep forgetting she. [01:37:22] Speaker A: Sorry, go ahead, Jackie. I don't know what I wrote. S e g e v e is what I wrote, but I don't think that's right. [01:37:37] Speaker C: I don't know. Who cares? And it has to do with how uproarious it was with the crowd that was gathered Boz, for your winnings, you are returned 500 gold. [01:37:59] Speaker E: Wow. [01:38:00] Speaker D: Wow. [01:38:00] Speaker C: And you're willing to bet that this lady raked in, like, quintuple digits easy tonight, like, this was legendary. [01:38:12] Speaker A: How much did Craig get? [01:38:15] Speaker E: 250. [01:38:17] Speaker C: No, you got no 400. Row got 250. You got five. Wait, the party's walking away from this with almost. [01:38:26] Speaker A: Didn't you say that Craig got 400 platinum? [01:38:30] Speaker C: That would be. That would be insane. Insane in the brain. [01:38:37] Speaker E: In the 48 platinum. [01:38:39] Speaker A: 48. [01:38:39] Speaker E: 48. [01:38:40] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [01:38:42] Speaker C: Craig won a fight, and she said, here's a castle. [01:38:44] Speaker A: Yeah. I was confused. [01:38:47] Speaker C: Yeah. No, and then, Ro, you also bet on Boz. [01:38:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:38:52] Speaker C: So based on the odds of the winning, you are returned. You bet two platinum, you are returned. Nine. [01:39:01] Speaker A: Nine platinum. [01:39:02] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:39:03] Speaker D: Wow. [01:39:04] Speaker E: That's 90 gold, right? [01:39:06] Speaker C: Yeah. Some serious money was moved around here. Let's go, Bozzi Bowen, and I'll tell you what. Are there any other important interactions? I'm not trying to lead you guys any direction there any important interactions we want to have at the house of pain? [01:39:21] Speaker E: No. [01:39:25] Speaker C: Only in the interest that it is kind of late. And there, you know, there are important, other things to happen. The carousal continues. People are thrilled. You guys, this is the first time. You all have to escape some. Somewhere, and you can tell me whether or not that's achieved through intimidating the crowd, polymorphing and wild shaping away. But you are not allowed to leave. Nobody's trying to strong arm you, but no one is willing to let this moment end. It is fanatic ugly fandom in your face. So how does the party circumpath that? Circumcircumvent that? Um. [01:40:13] Speaker D: Um. Go ahead. Sorry. [01:40:15] Speaker E: I don't know. [01:40:19] Speaker A: I could turn into Ro. Could turn into something, and. And because I got one more slot left, I could turn into something and, like. Like. Like I could turn into a horse. In the middle of the thing, ro turns into a horse. [01:40:37] Speaker D: That's so dangerous. [01:40:38] Speaker A: I'm just gonna say it. [01:40:39] Speaker E: And how are you getting out the door? How are you getting out the front door? [01:40:43] Speaker A: Y'all are gonna hop on. [01:40:45] Speaker E: No. How does a horse. [01:40:47] Speaker A: Will a horse fit through the door? [01:40:49] Speaker E: Zach, I need to know before turning into a horse. [01:40:53] Speaker C: This is a huge building with bowling barn sarla doors meant to take in carts full of. But the building is packed out to 100ft out the street. It is a packed concert venue, so you can get out. You'll just need to physically trample some people, probably to death if you're a horse. [01:41:07] Speaker E: I feel like I turn back into a dragon and just roar loudly. [01:41:17] Speaker C: Give me an intimidation check at advantage plus five. [01:41:23] Speaker A: Because he's a dragon. [01:41:26] Speaker E: That is a 25, my friend from. [01:41:30] Speaker C: A legendary adventuring party who everyone just watched slaughter a monster. What was that? [01:41:34] Speaker E: That was a natural 20 with a 25. [01:41:37] Speaker C: Holy crap. [01:41:37] Speaker E: 26. [01:41:40] Speaker C: On nat twenties tonight. Boz. You had two nat twenties tonight. [01:41:43] Speaker E: I did. [01:41:44] Speaker C: No nat ones. Boz, you just. And the crowd just parts and everybody climbs onto Boz. And this is, we're saying again, dragon balls struck out and into the street. And from there we can just kind of briefly, nextly what happens next. [01:42:08] Speaker A: I'm not a horse. [01:42:09] Speaker E: I feel like we go to sleep, right? [01:42:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:42:16] Speaker C: Where the warmth. [01:42:19] Speaker A: How far away were we from the warm heart? [01:42:21] Speaker D: You guys get away? Like, DM are the crowds. At what point do the crowds stop following us? [01:42:28] Speaker A: Oh, that's true. Like, are we just walking around unsen as a dragon? [01:42:33] Speaker C: That's what I'm asking you. [01:42:35] Speaker A: How? Yeah. [01:42:36] Speaker E: I have a question related to dragon and choices. Is everybody on me? [01:42:42] Speaker C: Yeah. For the sake of simplicity, yes. [01:42:45] Speaker E: All right, I say we leave. And I, like. Does tello speak draconic? [01:42:56] Speaker C: No. [01:42:56] Speaker A: Does tello. [01:42:58] Speaker E: Abby, do you speak draconic? [01:43:01] Speaker D: No. I speak primordial. Wait, no, dm. I have my. I have my, uh. I can speak. I have tongues. [01:43:12] Speaker E: I start making logo runting noise out here. [01:43:17] Speaker D: Um, I use my. I use my tattoo. Dm that lets me cast tongues once, right? Or is that any. Any time? Or just once per day? [01:43:33] Speaker C: Well, I mean, I say ask tell. [01:43:36] Speaker E: If he knows a good place to go to in the city. Like, ask Tello for help. I say you should ask tello for help. [01:43:42] Speaker C: You should have details on that. But until you know them, let's assume it's once. [01:43:47] Speaker D: Okay? [01:43:48] Speaker A: So think it's once per long rest, abs. [01:43:51] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:43:53] Speaker A: I think. Oh, boy. [01:43:58] Speaker D: I'm sorry, I'm on the wrong website. [01:44:01] Speaker C: And I'll tell you what, we'll just. We'll streamline. Because the goal here is to move on to other content. And I don't mean that sarcastically. The party diverts. There is some clever hiding, and you all find, like, a small inn at the edge of town. And it's the sort of place where, like, you know, a night stay for this many people is like six copper. But, you know, you guys pay them a couple silver and nothing gets said. So are you guys okay with deducting, like, two silver or something? Yeah, mouth shut. [01:44:36] Speaker A: Okay. [01:44:36] Speaker E: Sounds like a great. [01:44:37] Speaker C: Should be your filthy rich. [01:44:43] Speaker A: Who'S marking it on their sheet. [01:44:47] Speaker E: I don't have any silver on my sheet. So if somebody else does, I will be great. [01:44:51] Speaker C: I don't want to say this, but I only hope I'll do it. [01:44:54] Speaker E: It's giving poor. [01:44:56] Speaker A: Okay, I took two silver out of my sheets. Bless you. [01:45:02] Speaker D: Sorry I did not sneeze on Mike. Oh, my gosh. [01:45:05] Speaker C: You can fire me. Boom, bam, boom, bomb. Long rest, next day. [01:45:11] Speaker E: Wait. [01:45:11] Speaker A: Yay. We're back, baby. [01:45:16] Speaker C: And you guys have the good Barry Bonsai. [01:45:18] Speaker A: So I just wanted to be known, but Ro did in fact, prestidigitate herself before she went to bed. [01:45:29] Speaker C: Of course she did. Nothing has ever been that tacitly understood. [01:45:33] Speaker A: No, but I'm letting Boz know that Ro didn't press to digitate herself the whole night. [01:45:41] Speaker E: Wow, that's impressed. [01:45:45] Speaker A: That's a character art. [01:45:49] Speaker C: So what that party do say? [01:45:51] Speaker E: All right, guys. Yeah. No. Go, Greta. You go. [01:45:57] Speaker D: Greta. The whole night, while she was there at the blood, the house of pain, was eavesdropping for anything that wasn't incoherent. Drunk babble. Yes. And we'll say that, like, in this morning, kind of like getting ready time. She is trying transcribing what she eavesdropped, just like. [01:46:18] Speaker C: Could you give me a perception or an investigation check? [01:46:23] Speaker D: Can I do a rumors. [01:46:29] Speaker A: But. [01:46:31] Speaker D: Okay, I have a bonkers. [01:46:32] Speaker C: Rumors is like what you know off of what you've heard. But this also makes sense. I don't get it up. Rumors. I'm trying to. I'm trying make it investigation. Perception, or rumors. Your call. Because it makes sense for this to be a rumors check. It's literally trying to pick up rumors. Yeah, that makes sense. Makes sense. [01:46:48] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:46:51] Speaker C: We haven't used it that way so far, but I think that's how it should be used. [01:46:55] Speaker D: Intimidation, percept. No insights. [01:47:02] Speaker C: Drunk man talking in the tavern. And Greta would just sneak up behind him. [01:47:05] Speaker E: Just. [01:47:09] Speaker D: Investigation for. I'm gonna use rumors. Come on, baby, give me some. [01:47:16] Speaker A: Bing bong. King Bong. [01:47:17] Speaker D: That's a twelve, actually. I'm gonna use my inspiration because. [01:47:24] Speaker C: Sorry, the DM is trying to get snackies, but I'm listening. [01:47:29] Speaker D: Oh, I need my eraser. Don't know how. Okay, this is not going well for me. Okay. I'm gonna use my inspiration because I want. Well, that's much better. I'm doing math. I'm also gonna cast guidance on myself. That feels like I shouldn't. That feels like cheating somehow, but it's not, doesn't it? [01:47:54] Speaker E: After you do it for a year and a half at feels great. I'll tell you. [01:48:00] Speaker A: I'm the only one that can't do that. [01:48:06] Speaker D: It's a 28. [01:48:08] Speaker C: It's old hat. Wow. It's old hat at this point. High level. Five e characters are very strong. You know, that's just how it works. The thing about five e is that by the end of the campaign, you just kind of want up being, like, the Avengers or the Justice League. It's just you get crazy strong. Or the Guardians. [01:48:28] Speaker A: What you say? Guardians of the Galaxy? Yeah, that is kind of a little bit more our jam, I feel. [01:48:35] Speaker C: I think you guys are a bit more noble, but yes. Not that you need to be a pretty big jerk. Craig is Drax. [01:48:47] Speaker A: Craig is, like, literally has the skin of gamora. [01:48:50] Speaker C: Yeah, I was gonna say it couldn't be less gamora. [01:48:54] Speaker D: And we have a raccoon. [01:48:56] Speaker C: You too have a raccoon? [01:48:57] Speaker A: We do have. [01:48:58] Speaker C: And a tree. [01:48:59] Speaker E: And a tree. [01:49:00] Speaker A: We are guardians of the Galaxy. [01:49:03] Speaker C: Is the raccoon with you, Greta, or did you leave it on the ship? [01:49:06] Speaker D: I left it on the ship. [01:49:08] Speaker C: That's right. That's a good choice. [01:49:09] Speaker A: She's just scrambling around the ship right now. [01:49:14] Speaker D: Well, say I told spring, I told Spiguber to take care of him, and I instructed the raccoon at the best of my ability to leave Nam alone. [01:49:25] Speaker C: Yeah, we're gonna see how that one would come back. Oh, no. [01:49:30] Speaker A: Nam is more like Gamora. [01:49:34] Speaker C: Nam is Gamora. Yes. I'll give you one better. Why is Gamora so the 28, Greta? I mean, it's a bar in the seediest part of town. There's so little pickup, so little save for. Well, the problem is you can't understand what was said because you don't. Wait, you do speak uncinian, so even. And in fact, Unsinian has gotten so good. Greta, why don't you go ahead and roll it? D four for me. [01:50:06] Speaker D: Oh, no. What does this mean? [01:50:08] Speaker C: Add this on to your incinean practice hours, because. No. You guys have been in ascendant for three days. Roll three. D four for me. [01:50:17] Speaker D: Wow. Okay, that's four. Oh, that's a one that's still happy. It's an hour. I was sleepy that day. And another one. I was sleepy for two days. But that makes sense. Cause Greta's a sleepy girl. [01:50:31] Speaker A: One day you were throwing up. [01:50:33] Speaker C: Add those. Add those on practice hours. Deciphering the drunkenness. Last night, you heard some sailors talk about how they haven't seen a Kefkan ship south of Holmkov in two weeks. [01:50:48] Speaker D: Okay, okay. [01:51:00] Speaker C: The other thing you pick up is with a 28, is you pick up that the rumor of the funguys and of the warriors of the well is just spreading. There's more and more talk of you all. You're being spoken of, and many people in these free lands are speculating when you will solve all the world's problems. People at this phase of the heroism. [01:51:21] Speaker E: Don't tell boss. [01:51:22] Speaker C: You haven't been around long enough for criticism. And at this phase of hero dome, everyone's very much like, okay, cool. You know, they're gonna fix everything. And that's the general sentiment. While everything's new and, you know. [01:51:36] Speaker A: Yikers. [01:51:38] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:51:39] Speaker C: We're not at phase two avengers yet. It's still phase one. Everyone's like, wow, they're so cool. Let's get a picture with them. [01:51:48] Speaker D: Yes. [01:51:48] Speaker E: A question before we leave. I'm sorry, Zachary. [01:51:51] Speaker C: You're good. [01:51:53] Speaker E: Would you like to be able just to talk to your raccoon, like, normal? [01:51:58] Speaker D: No. [01:51:59] Speaker A: What do you mean he doesn't want to? I already tried to, like, gets very like. [01:52:04] Speaker D: She's like, what? And then she takes a deep breath. What do you mean, boss? [01:52:09] Speaker E: Like, speak with animals? [01:52:11] Speaker D: No, no. I actively do not want that. My raccoon is. Is. My raccoon is his own person, and he is. I. It's like, if it's like, it would be like meeting. You know, it'd be like meeting your favorite king or your favorite poet. It's. I just. I can't. [01:52:38] Speaker A: Rob, when you say the word kingdom, I just. [01:52:43] Speaker D: I can't. I just get the feeling that Gomez is. Does not want that. [01:52:48] Speaker E: What if Gomez. Wait, what if he has a different name? What if you're calling him the wrong name? [01:53:05] Speaker C: Is now, canonically Gomez. [01:53:06] Speaker D: This is the first that me has ever mentioned. [01:53:10] Speaker A: We talked about it being. [01:53:11] Speaker E: Mmm. [01:53:12] Speaker D: That's his last name. [01:53:14] Speaker A: Gomez. [01:53:17] Speaker D: Gomez, I. [01:53:19] Speaker A: Guys, what is this party doing with names, man? [01:53:23] Speaker C: Hey, man, you were engaged just to sterling Roch. [01:53:28] Speaker A: My choice. [01:53:30] Speaker E: Yes, you were. Hey, guys, I have 27 platinum pieces from somebody. [01:53:39] Speaker A: Why? Balls. [01:53:40] Speaker E: I need to go buy an agate. [01:53:42] Speaker A: What's an agate? [01:53:44] Speaker E: The precious, precious gemstone. Okay. [01:53:48] Speaker A: For what? [01:53:49] Speaker E: I need to start a druid enclave. Okay. I don't expect you to understand. [01:53:53] Speaker A: Wait, what does that mean? Can I join? I'm, like, half of you. I'm like. I have to say. I have to follow before I give you money. [01:54:02] Speaker D: What's the truth? [01:54:03] Speaker E: Come to life. Okay, I won't do it. Your raccoon. [01:54:09] Speaker A: I want to preserve a plant. [01:54:14] Speaker D: Okay? [01:54:14] Speaker E: What a plant? [01:54:15] Speaker D: Raccoons are plants, guys, I'm very educated gnome. [01:54:21] Speaker E: Bonsai tree come to life. I want to make the bonsai tree come to life. [01:54:24] Speaker A: Okay, you want. [01:54:26] Speaker E: It could be our friend. He can walk around. It can talk to us. It could be cool. [01:54:30] Speaker A: Like a raccoon. A tree, a cat. [01:54:33] Speaker D: How many pets do we have? [01:54:36] Speaker A: You got your little dragon guy. [01:54:39] Speaker E: Need to check on him. [01:54:41] Speaker A: Your dragon guy? What happened there? [01:54:47] Speaker E: Yeah, he's fine. He's paddle pending. All right. [01:54:54] Speaker C: Um, okay, Greta, there was a third thing. Oh, the third thing you learned from your rumors is that nobody's seen the warriors of the well in a couple months. What? [01:55:10] Speaker D: Okay, so. [01:55:12] Speaker E: Okay, guys, guess who just become the number one adventuring party in unsenta. As soon as they leave the lane, we become the number one. [01:55:22] Speaker D: Um, I am going to, like. I'm gonna. Is this. I have a. I have a. I have a role play. Does anybody else want to do a role play before I do a role play? [01:55:33] Speaker E: I'm good. [01:55:35] Speaker A: No, you can go first. [01:55:36] Speaker D: Okay. Um, I have. I'm gonna, like, sit in the morning. I'm gonna sit and, like, scribble in my journal for a little bit, like, transcribing these rumors that I heard. Not in my journal, in my notebook. That's very professional. And then I'm gonna, like, scurry over and, like, jump off where Baz is, and I'm gonna say, hey, buzz, do you remember last night when you promised me that we could go to Sandor? [01:56:03] Speaker E: I do. I do remember that. [01:56:05] Speaker D: Wonderful. I. So I. When I was in the library, I learned that the order of. The order of Ioun. She lowers her voice, even though it's no one but the party in the room. The order of Ioun State. They kind in knowledge. I have a lot of knowledge. I hold up my. My notebook. I've been collecting it specifically for this. So basically, we have all of this knowledge. I hope. I hope that it's useful to them. I hope that it is of value. But you're like, we're very good at strategy, and you're very good at questions, and you're very good at talking to people. I was wondering if you could help me come up with some good questions to ask them. Like, to trade? I don't know. I don't know. Like, I'm a member, but I've never been there, so I don't know if maybe they'll be more friendly towards me, and maybe it won't be so transactional, but just in case. Just in case. It's like a business exchange. I wanted to have some ideas of good questions that we could ask. That would be helpful. [01:57:17] Speaker E: I love. I'm a business guy, so I can help with that. [01:57:22] Speaker D: And you're so good with money. [01:57:23] Speaker E: Yeah. So is. We should not. I don't know. We don't know what they know. Right. [01:57:32] Speaker D: Exactly. [01:57:33] Speaker E: And they could lie and say, oh, we already know that. That's not worth anything to us. When reality. It's, like, really good. So I don't know. What are you trying to know? Like, what do you want to know. [01:57:48] Speaker C: Dude? [01:57:52] Speaker D: Well, I don't know. I mean, for me, the joy of it is just learning all this stuff on my own. And I would love to talk to people and learn stuff, you know, there. But I figured that while we're there, we could use. If there's just. If there's anything that'll help us in our mission. [01:58:12] Speaker C: Okay. [01:58:13] Speaker E: Okay. [01:58:14] Speaker D: Maybe information about, like, the past or I think information about Shista. [01:58:25] Speaker E: I would be very okay with giving them information about our enemies as much as we can. What? I. I feel a little bit more worried about giving them knowledge about, like, the man of this Arcana who's in there right now, because, I mean, if once we get to know them, if they're, like, all chill, then, you know. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like it could be great allies. You know, they could be really great allies. But I feel like until we don't know, we probably should be careful about with the ones that we currently have. But I still think we have a lot of information we can give them. That would be pretty cool. [01:59:01] Speaker D: Yeah. And I have a lot of. We have a lot of, like, big information, but I have a. I hope that I have a lot of, you know, like, ecology. Zach, is that a word that Greta knows that is real? [01:59:14] Speaker E: I could. I could talk. [01:59:16] Speaker C: Them are probably not developed at this time. Okay. [01:59:20] Speaker E: I could talk to him about the feywild. I could tell about the shadow fell and the vampire lord's castle. I can talk to them about Shista and the wandering skeletons that are heading towards Zorgom. I could talk about the knowledge of Dorgram's last battle. Dorgrum. Yeah, but it's Dole. Got Dole gone. Glass battle. I feel like there's a lot of things in Dolgr, so. Yeah, I think there's a lot of things, and if they, like. If they offer something, maybe we can, like, huddle up, like, figure out how to get. [01:59:57] Speaker D: Yeah. Again, I don't know what to expect. I read this one I. Account. Um, but it was just some guy that went there, and he, like, didn't seem particularly tactful. Um. You know, I could be wrong, but I don't know what it'll be like. I'm just trying to know he didn't die. But what I. When I read it, it just kind of seemed like they were. They were eager to exchange info and, you know, talk with him until he ran out of new information, and then they were kind of done with him. I hope it'll kind of be different because I'm a part of the order, but you never know. I haven't visited them. [02:00:35] Speaker E: We never need to tell them that we're out of information. Even if we are, we should always have this illusion that we're holding back what's really important. [02:00:45] Speaker D: Okay. [02:00:47] Speaker A: Ro guer. She, like. She likes does that. She tries to be swashed. Like, she likes hand down. Yeah. She's like. I know things. [02:01:00] Speaker E: Yeah? [02:01:00] Speaker D: What do you know? [02:01:02] Speaker A: I don't know. I know. I know things that you don't know. [02:01:06] Speaker D: You're. Do you really? [02:01:07] Speaker A: Maybe. [02:01:10] Speaker D: Well, you're good at this already. Cause you've got me fooled. [02:01:13] Speaker E: I don't think we should tell them about the Westwood. I feel like that's one of my no goes, is, like. Like, the Westwood and the trees. [02:01:20] Speaker A: What about the maker? And she makes a face. [02:01:24] Speaker E: The face does not tell anyone about the maker. That is what Alondra specifically told us, is not to tell anybody about it. So I don't think it's a good. [02:01:32] Speaker A: Idea to tell anybody. Greta, forgive me if I'm wrong, but you're like. I mean, you're like a cleric. Like, don't you serve kind of a deity? So, like, that deity would know this deity? [02:01:45] Speaker E: Everybody worships a God, but that doesn't mean they know who the maker is. [02:01:48] Speaker A: I know some things about saloon, maybe. I don't know. [02:01:52] Speaker E: You spoke to Saluna. I mean, that could be something to talk about. [02:01:55] Speaker A: You can tell them that. I mean, it's not pronounced that way. Balls. It's saloon, but I think it's a more regional dialect. [02:02:03] Speaker E: I'm sorry? [02:02:03] Speaker A: It's called Saluna. I think they don't. I think they didn't teach you the gods. [02:02:09] Speaker E: It was senior vice arch priest of the Church of Saluna, so I think he knows what he's talking about. [02:02:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't. Whatever. Balls. Um, but, uh, I mean, I know some things about, like, the kefs and biscuit and stuff. [02:02:26] Speaker E: Yeah. Like, we can layer that on there. I feel like. And again, never. Like, that's the whole story. Always being, like, question mark. Like, what's next. [02:02:36] Speaker C: Ha ha. [02:02:37] Speaker E: You know, like, yeah, I could establish ourselves. [02:02:41] Speaker A: I could sing some songs to them. Like the chaos mage. That's real. Yeah, that's real. Like obscure and like, oh, is it real or is it not really? [02:02:48] Speaker C: You know, it's wild that the fun guys had to get to level eleven and all the way to the other hemisphere of the world to find out that saloon is correctly pronounced sirloin crotch. That's insane. [02:03:01] Speaker E: I think we should be careful about is we should note I lower my voice at this point. We should not tell anybody that Nifty is still alive. [02:03:09] Speaker A: Well, no, of course not. [02:03:11] Speaker E: Yeah, and we shouldn't tell anybody, the other friend that we met in the tower. Rtello's family. [02:03:17] Speaker A: No, I swore up and down not to those people. I just mean I could sing like, about the chaos mage and then be like, oh, we may know. We may not know, but we're not gonna say that they're alive. [02:03:29] Speaker E: I know, I'm just. I'm just saying I think those should be like, no go zones. [02:03:33] Speaker A: Oh, definitely. [02:03:35] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, I agree. I want to. Definitely want to like, privacy. Those people. I will say that this group is, I think, pretty, from what I can tell is in DM. Please correct me if there's something that greta would know that I'm saying wrong, if that makes sense. Okay. Okay. So I continue. I say this. I mean, I didn't know about it. I didn't know about this group until very recently. And I kind of am very nosy. This group tends not from what I can tell. From what I've researched and from what I've heard about them, they don't seem particularly active. They really seem to be collecting knowledge for the sake of knowledge and less about how can we knowledge. I feel, you know, I definitely want to, like, protect individuals, but I feel like. [02:04:42] Speaker A: Yeah, but what if, like, what if, like, some bad people went over there and like, we're like, give me all your information. [02:04:53] Speaker D: That's true. I mean, it's a God. [02:04:56] Speaker A: It's like, that's true. [02:04:58] Speaker D: You know? Well, it's like an order that serves a God. Yeah, but, yeah, that's okay. That's actually a good point. I don't know anything about how they keep their records or true anything about that. I'm excited to find out, but I just. [02:05:12] Speaker A: Hey, we play it by ear. [02:05:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:05:15] Speaker E: Then how do we make sure they don't trade that to somebody else? Like, we're going there to seek knowledge. [02:05:20] Speaker D: That's a good thing. [02:05:21] Speaker E: Somebody else is gonna be going there to seek knowledge. What if another piece of knowledge is worth more to them? What we gave them is worth very much to us. So I think that's why we should be a little careful. [02:05:34] Speaker D: That makes. Yeah, I don't know. [02:05:36] Speaker E: It could be great. They could be awesome. They could be the next man, you know? [02:05:39] Speaker A: Yeah. You know? [02:05:44] Speaker E: Well, we talked about it, though. [02:05:45] Speaker C: Wow. [02:05:46] Speaker E: We're like a whole team and stuff. [02:05:48] Speaker C: It's crazy how far this party has come. Just like, table, multiple variables. Okay, wait. Decision. [02:05:56] Speaker A: Speaking of. Speaking of things we know and don't know or greta, did you have more to. [02:06:03] Speaker D: No, that's it. I just wanted to touch base with you guys and get some advice. [02:06:07] Speaker A: Um, we still have the matter of these things, and she, like, reaches into her bag and pulls out the four potions. [02:06:17] Speaker C: Totally forgot about. [02:06:18] Speaker A: We still don't know what. [02:06:21] Speaker E: That's fine. That's fine. Those are probably good. Like, desk weights. We could, like, leave them. [02:06:25] Speaker A: Like, I would like to, like, figure out how we can. Do you think I would work on these, you guys? [02:06:34] Speaker D: I can try. Do you have. [02:06:38] Speaker E: Your pockets look heavy graded? You have, like, a deck of cards I could hold or something? [02:06:42] Speaker C: No. [02:06:45] Speaker A: DM would. I know Dm. [02:06:49] Speaker D: Can I take out Craig's bag of fluff it on your. It's probably your c boss. [02:06:57] Speaker E: No, no. I thinking of a deck of magical cards that can change the course of the universe that you keep in your back pocket. [02:07:03] Speaker C: Don't have. [02:07:04] Speaker E: I watched you get it. I watched somebody hand it to you. [02:07:07] Speaker D: Maybe you forgot. Maybe. [02:07:08] Speaker A: No one handed anything to her. [02:07:10] Speaker D: Nobody handed anything. I don't have hands. She puts her hands in your. [02:07:17] Speaker A: What? I know. [02:07:18] Speaker E: Draw a card right now. I dare you. Draw a card right now. I dare you. I double dare you. Do it. [02:07:22] Speaker D: No. [02:07:23] Speaker E: Bet you won't. [02:07:25] Speaker A: If identify works on potions, can I do it. [02:07:34] Speaker E: Rock hard. Draw a card. Do it. [02:07:36] Speaker D: No. [02:07:37] Speaker E: Do it. Suggestion. [02:07:44] Speaker A: That's a 25. [02:07:50] Speaker C: Probably would assume they have magical properties. [02:07:54] Speaker E: I just wanted to see Zach's face, Abby. I did. I would. I would just. That was all for Zack's reaction. I didn't want to. I was promising. [02:08:00] Speaker C: I'm fascinated to see what happens. But, you know, y'all live. Y'all. [02:08:04] Speaker A: Okay, guys, so we have a. I'm holding up. I'm like, okay, blue, red, green, yellow. Which should I identify? [02:08:12] Speaker E: First choice. [02:08:16] Speaker D: Actually, yellow. [02:08:17] Speaker E: I think it should be blue or yellow. Yellow. [02:08:22] Speaker A: I identify. I did. I cast identify on the yellow one. [02:08:28] Speaker D: Wow. [02:08:30] Speaker A: Wow. And do you need me to tell you the tears and all that we. [02:08:35] Speaker C: Did, Zack, what are the other potions you bought from him? [02:08:42] Speaker A: What do you mean? Those are the only ones I bought from him were those four mystery ones. [02:08:48] Speaker C: Didn't you all buy some other stuff? No, that was. Never mind. [02:08:54] Speaker A: What? [02:08:55] Speaker C: The warriors of the well bought something and I got. [02:09:00] Speaker A: You want me to tell you the tears we rolled? [02:09:03] Speaker C: No, I remember now. [02:09:04] Speaker A: Tier four, because I have them written. [02:09:06] Speaker C: Potion four. Yellow is tier one. [02:09:09] Speaker A: Yes. [02:09:09] Speaker C: Three. Green is tier one. [02:09:11] Speaker A: Tier one potion. [02:09:12] Speaker C: Blue and red are both tier three. [02:09:14] Speaker A: Correct. [02:09:15] Speaker C: And, sir, I have to make this all up right now. [02:09:21] Speaker A: Oh, do you want me to not. [02:09:22] Speaker C: No, no. Hey, hey. If we've learned anything, it's that this is where I thrive. [02:09:27] Speaker A: Okay? [02:09:28] Speaker C: So let's do this thing. Just be taking notes, because when I say I won't remember this later, I won't. [02:09:37] Speaker A: I got you. [02:09:39] Speaker C: Okay, so the green and yellow potions, both tier one. You identify that they are both. They're both well crafted potions for, you know, like, capable magical enchantment, chance by the path via imbibement that both failed their failed potions. [02:10:02] Speaker E: So. [02:10:04] Speaker C: The yellow potion was supposed to be a potion of strength. It would make a creature stronger, and the enchantment process spoiled. And when imbibed, it does not make a creature stronger, it makes them slower. So drinking the potion reduces a creature's movement speed to half for the next ten minutes. [02:10:38] Speaker D: Wow. I have a question. [02:10:42] Speaker E: That's a long time. [02:10:44] Speaker C: What's up? [02:10:45] Speaker D: Do you have to throw, like, if. Do you have to drink this? Okay. [02:10:51] Speaker C: Thrown in potions, that can be. That can be. That need to be ingested. But if it ever has, like a. Like, if it ever has an effect on an individual creature, it needs to be ingested. Okay. [02:11:04] Speaker D: Okay, that's helpful. Thank you. [02:11:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:11:06] Speaker A: Cool. [02:11:07] Speaker C: No problem. The green potion is another spoiled potion. [02:11:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:11:12] Speaker C: It was meant to through identify. You can tell that it is a badly spoiled potion. Very badly. You're not sure what it was ever meant to originally do because all it does now is give a creature life threatening diarrhea. Life threatening diarrhea. [02:11:40] Speaker A: Okay, so we should slip that into an enemy's drink. [02:11:49] Speaker C: You guys have a lot of things to use to poison people. The red potion is. And that's potion. [02:12:00] Speaker A: I'm sorry, that's. If it's. It has to be ingested? [02:12:03] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. [02:12:05] Speaker E: Arrows with these and shot them in to somebody. Would it work? [02:12:08] Speaker C: Oh. [02:12:11] Speaker A: Ha ha. [02:12:12] Speaker D: Diarrhea arrows. [02:12:14] Speaker A: Diarrhea arrows. [02:12:18] Speaker C: Yes. It would just less. It would have a lessened effect. [02:12:23] Speaker E: So we have to show, like, five times. [02:12:26] Speaker C: If you did the green one. Instead of ending up with a life threatening poison, you would effectively invent diarrhea arrows because you would never get enough into someone to kill them. But you would give them enough to give them very bad diarrhea, which is beautiful. Incredible that I've accidentally invented diarrhea arrows. [02:12:45] Speaker E: Don'T have to kill somebody to win combat. You should make them stop fighting. [02:12:49] Speaker A: Yeah. So they gotta leave. [02:12:58] Speaker E: It happened. [02:13:00] Speaker C: This is gonna wind up being a nifty spell or something. Power word. Poop. Okay, so then the red potion is a spoiled potion, but a potion that did not spoil so much as misform. So you call it a misfortune potion. It was intense. Oh, shoot. I had a good idea and then I lost it. It was intended to give someone divination abilities, but instead wound up just clouding the mind. This could be seen as useless except after identifying, you realize that the potion protects someone against divination. That would probe their mind for an hour. [02:13:50] Speaker D: Wow. [02:13:51] Speaker C: So when drank, I mean, like, maybe an incredibly powerful force, like a deity. But otherwise, nothing else is gonna be able to, like, read your mind. [02:14:01] Speaker A: Okay. So protects mind. Okay. [02:14:06] Speaker C: From divination. [02:14:06] Speaker E: What should y'all pay for these again? [02:14:09] Speaker A: How much did we. I think we traded some stuff. Yeah, it was just like. Like, we traded some stuff. And he was like, I don't know what the. Oh, he gave them to us because I was. Because I was. [02:14:21] Speaker C: Because you were so honest about the. [02:14:22] Speaker A: Other one and told them that they were really good. [02:14:24] Speaker C: These were freebies? [02:14:25] Speaker A: Yeah. He was like, here. I don't know what these are. Take them. [02:14:29] Speaker C: And then the blue potion is another malformed potion formula. The enchantment was supposed to give you self conjurational powers that would, like, you know, warp you to a place of your choice over a certain distance. The potion failed, but retained some of its conjurational qualities. So this potion lets you cast misty step on yourself as an action every turn for ten minutes. [02:15:08] Speaker A: Wow. [02:15:09] Speaker C: However crazy, you can't control where the misty step takes you, of course the potion went bad. [02:15:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:15:20] Speaker C: So if you were just trying never to be laid down in one position, it would be incredibly powerful, but you cannot control where you go with it. So in other words, we would be rolling randomly every time. [02:15:32] Speaker A: That's fun, though. Amazing. [02:15:43] Speaker C: Incredible. If you're dealing with a grapple enemy. [02:15:46] Speaker A: It'S like, ha, ha, you can't get me. It's beautiful. [02:15:52] Speaker C: And remember, the standard policy for our campaign is potions are a bonus action to drink unless otherwise otherwise specified by the potion. [02:16:01] Speaker A: Okay. [02:16:02] Speaker C: Because I really, really, really hate the action to drink a potion rule, because, one, since when? And then two, that really limits the action economy. Now, I want you guys to be able to have the session that you want, and technically, we only have 20 minutes left on our session time, so we can wrap up quickly. The one thing that would be super helpful for me, if you can, is if the party could decide where they're going next. If they can't, that's okay, but that would. It's very open ended from here. [02:16:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:16:32] Speaker C: So if you guys want to roleplay the party, working that out real quickly, that would do a lot for me. [02:16:37] Speaker E: Please go to the last lanes. I want to see my mom also. [02:16:43] Speaker C: Are you just being quiet, Landon? [02:16:45] Speaker E: Yeah, he said that quietly. [02:16:46] Speaker C: Okay. Just making sure, you know. [02:16:49] Speaker A: Well, do we want to go? Well, my question. Um, this is not Rose. Hold on. My name is Rowena Green bottle, and I play my mother's lute. Okay, guys, do we want to go back to the boat before. [02:17:06] Speaker D: I think so. [02:17:07] Speaker A: Before we go somewhere else, or are we going from here? [02:17:11] Speaker E: Where's the boat at again? [02:17:13] Speaker A: In the middle of the water. [02:17:16] Speaker E: Where is it heading to? [02:17:18] Speaker A: Took more water. [02:17:23] Speaker E: I don't know. [02:17:26] Speaker A: Just sailing the sand or. [02:17:30] Speaker D: I I don't. [02:17:32] Speaker E: I don't. I thought we were not. I thought we were going to the lost lands next. [02:17:36] Speaker A: Was. I know, but the question is. [02:17:38] Speaker C: The question is where you sent the ship. [02:17:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Where was the boat going? [02:17:41] Speaker C: I do think, and think is italicized, bolded, and underlined. I think you all sent it south toward the wildlands, where Sandor islands off of the coast of. So I believe that's correct. [02:17:56] Speaker E: I would. [02:17:56] Speaker C: If someone else has different. [02:17:58] Speaker A: I'm looking. [02:17:59] Speaker E: I would have tried. I could be forgetting, but I thought I, if I had known that was happening, I probably would have tried to, like, discuss sending it somewhere else, but I don't remember that happening. [02:18:13] Speaker C: I don't. This was literally weeks ago. [02:18:15] Speaker E: But I did just promise Greta. So, I mean, I am. Okay, like, if we want to go to Sandor, like, I'm. [02:18:20] Speaker C: I'll tell you what. [02:18:21] Speaker E: Let's do it this way. [02:18:22] Speaker C: I don't care where the boat's heading. It can be heading where you want it to be heading right now. This isn't that consequential. Where is the party going? Especially knowing that they can just. Oop, doopity bloop places. [02:18:32] Speaker D: I think we should go back to the boat and then follow the boat. Like, I think if I really want to go to Sandor, at least, like, at some point, maybe, like, if we go after the Lostlands, that's okay with me, but I do. I personally want to go to Sandor, and I. Greta would also be pushing for that. [02:18:54] Speaker E: Well, here's. Here's what I'm thinking. Why I want to go to the lost lands first is because I've gone everywhere. I still don't know what's going on with these bees, and I want to go regroup with the people before I go to the area that has all the knowledge of the world to know what questions I should be asking. [02:19:10] Speaker C: Okay. [02:19:11] Speaker E: I feel like that would be good. Cause I don't wanna spend, like, a ton of time in the lost lands. Like, I don't know, but it would be nice to go back and just be like, hey, I've gone to most of the continents, and I have not found answers to what's going on. I'm. Do you know anything that you did not tell me? Because I need everything I can get right now. [02:19:37] Speaker D: Also. That makes a lot of sense. I also. I mean, the people in Sandor might be able to help. [02:19:45] Speaker C: Like, that's true. [02:19:47] Speaker E: Go to Sandor. [02:19:48] Speaker D: They might be able to help so that when you go back, you can have more answers or more questions. You know? [02:19:56] Speaker E: That's true. [02:19:57] Speaker D: But I'm good either way. I just want to go. So the timeline came. Like, if. [02:20:04] Speaker E: Oh, bye, Jackie. [02:20:05] Speaker C: Jackie did not like that answer. [02:20:08] Speaker D: Honestly, going to the last lens would also be good, because I can just take notes on the last lens. So either way is good for me. Don't know what happened as long as we go. [02:20:18] Speaker E: I also don't know anything about Sandor, and that kind of scares me a little bit. [02:20:22] Speaker C: Also, helpful refresher, because I know that this is a big campaign with a lot of logistics. This is the current state of story and plot. Sandor is an option for Greta stuff. Lost Lands is an option for boz stuff and roe stuff. That's true. The drowned keep is a place that you have agreed to go for Bella Andrade this year to. [02:20:46] Speaker D: Is that where. [02:20:49] Speaker C: Off of the coast. So not far from Sandor, off the coast of Hasha. [02:20:53] Speaker D: I feel like that's where we are. [02:20:54] Speaker C: There is some drowned subterranean cliff where a sea hag, or like, a sea hag lives to go there and steal something from her and bring it back to Bellandra. And then the other fourth thing that you are still on the hook for is you promised a spurned princess from a destroyed, toppled kingdom who's now a high ranking member of the brass company, and is guild assassin that you would kill Lashla before the end of the year. [02:21:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:21:19] Speaker C: At the price of. I'll look it up really quickly. But a lot of gold or an equivalent and stronger bounty on your heads. [02:21:28] Speaker A: I'm still all for that. [02:21:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:21:30] Speaker E: How much time do you have left in that? [02:21:32] Speaker A: Till the end of the year. [02:21:34] Speaker D: It's fine. [02:21:34] Speaker C: It is Kali Lun. We got, like, a few months. Yeah. You have. You have three months to kill Lashley. [02:21:42] Speaker E: I have. I typically would be very like, hey, let's go. Like, I'm flexible. Let's go do stuff. But I would. I don't know if I'm gonna live or if we're gonna live past Sandor, past the drowned keep. And I would really love to see my family before we move on to the next chapter, whether we live or die. I just. I can't let them just see me go missing into a tree and never see me again. And I. I don't know. It feels like the right time, but. [02:22:24] Speaker A: I'm, like, 99% sure we just had the boat heading south. [02:22:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:22:30] Speaker A: But I know, again, that doesn't matter because we can zap anywhere now, but that way, I think we did that so that it was, like. So they would be close to us, depending on where we go. So what if. [02:22:46] Speaker C: What if we've also been gone for two days? So the boat, particularly far anywhere. [02:22:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:22:52] Speaker D: What if we just. What if we kept the boat going towards Sandor? [02:22:56] Speaker E: Because we can't. [02:22:56] Speaker D: We can't zap to Sandor. We can zap to the boat. [02:22:59] Speaker A: That's true. [02:23:01] Speaker D: To the lost lands. Right? So, yeah. Go from port resplendent song to the lost lands, and then back to the boat that's already in Sandor. [02:23:09] Speaker A: I think that sounds good idea. [02:23:11] Speaker D: So then it's lands, Sandor ground keep. [02:23:15] Speaker E: Go to hag land. Oh, Bosch lot. [02:23:19] Speaker D: I feel like we should do blush level for haglin. [02:23:21] Speaker C: That'd be. Is the other. That is the fifth thing. [02:23:23] Speaker A: I don't think. [02:23:24] Speaker E: I mean. [02:23:25] Speaker A: Okay, I'm just saying just as a thing, I don't think we have to for sure decide the order of, like, everything, because, like, what if, you know, we talk to someone and they give us information at the place of, like, on the hags, or they give us information on Lashley, or they give us information on fees, and we need to show somewhere in a certain order. I just think it's good to figure out, like, general. [02:23:53] Speaker E: General. [02:23:54] Speaker A: Like, just, like, if we're going to the Lostlands or sand door, and then we kind of work our way from there. But I think that's a good idea. What you said, dabby. [02:24:01] Speaker D: I say that we keep the boat, we send the boat to Sandor and just have them dock there and chill out. And then we can, right now we go to the Lostlands and then we go to Sandor and then we figure out from there. [02:24:14] Speaker A: And I think as ro, I'm going back into the conversation. As ro, as we're having this conversation, I would, I would really, I would quite like to visit the lost lands as well. Just as possibly a distant, my people might be from there, but I would like, like to see it as well. Maybe give us a little bit of some answers and just, I don't know. I agree. And I think that's a really good idea. [02:24:52] Speaker E: Keep the boat heading towards. [02:24:54] Speaker A: We might, we might call up Spragueber and let him know what's going on and say we're hopping over there for a bit and then we'll meet him back on the ship. [02:25:07] Speaker D: I'm a little, Sandor is just so unknown. I'm a little worried about them hanging out in the port. I think they should be fine, but I would like to maybe keep in touch with them. [02:25:19] Speaker E: Oh, definitely too. [02:25:21] Speaker A: Maybe they just hang off the coast or something. [02:25:24] Speaker D: I don't know. I don't know what the best action is. Just if I would like to tell Spaguber to inform the crew to not poke around too much, because I think there's, I think there's some organizations on that island that are a little touchy. [02:25:42] Speaker A: Organizations. [02:25:44] Speaker D: Oh, it's a secret. No, I'm joking. I just think as long as they keep to themselves, they should be fine. It's just an unknown. I'm sure it's a nice place. [02:26:00] Speaker A: Is it like a town, like other towns there? Is it civilized or is it just like a remote island with some monks on it? That research stuff, you remember that it's. [02:26:10] Speaker C: Not a highly, you learned it's not a highly populated island. There are a couple of small cities and then two, like, basically it's a remote island with a couple small cultures that are pretty disconnected from each other. And then there are just two dominant social organizations that have set up secluded shop on either end of this island. One end is the order of Ayoun. The other one is the blades of Sandoria, who are intense. [02:26:41] Speaker D: Yeah. So I relay this. [02:26:45] Speaker A: Interesting. Okay. That makes me a little worried there now. [02:26:50] Speaker D: Me too. [02:26:51] Speaker A: I mean, anyone with blades in their name seems to, you know. [02:26:57] Speaker D: Yeah. They're like the assassins that kill your assassin. [02:27:01] Speaker A: Oh, wonderful. I love that we're sending our ship directly there. [02:27:06] Speaker D: I mean, I think as long as they, like, keep it low key and we touch base with them every day, it'll be fine. [02:27:14] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:27:15] Speaker A: Is there an island nearby that they could, like, hang out at before getting there? [02:27:22] Speaker E: I think there's still a ways away. Right? Like, they're not. [02:27:25] Speaker C: Yeah, they're weeks away, and so that's a long sea to sail across. And you all know that Sandor is the head of the island in the island chain known as Sandoria. [02:27:40] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:27:40] Speaker C: And there are seven islands is part of it, all of which are pretty big, secluded unknowns. Greta, from your time in hishas at the Hags, you are aware that each island is basically its own isolationist culture. So each one is a pretty big question mark. [02:28:00] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. But they're weeks away, so even if we spend, like a week or two in the lost lands, they will be fine. [02:28:08] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I think we should. I think we should try to keep up with spaguber and get back on the ship before they dalk. [02:28:17] Speaker D: I think so. I think so too. That would make me feel a lot better. And I know that we, we didn't really do this while we were traveling, but at least I will probably call spaguber at least once a day. I just. [02:28:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:28:31] Speaker D: I would hate for them to get in trouble because I wanted to go to this weird island, you know? [02:28:37] Speaker A: Well, should we call them up now and tell them the plan and make sure they have enough supplies and all? [02:28:42] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. [02:28:44] Speaker A: And then, boss, do you want to go home? [02:28:47] Speaker E: I would love to. [02:28:50] Speaker C: Love to Guinness, guys, that's. [02:28:53] Speaker A: Are they gonna be chill with, like, you know, your weird friends tagging along with you? [02:28:58] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. They're gonna love you guys. You're gonna fit right in. Just don't eat the mushrooms, are you? [02:29:06] Speaker D: Surreal. [02:29:08] Speaker E: I'm being for real. Do not eat the mushrooms. [02:29:10] Speaker A: Well, we have. [02:29:14] Speaker E: I. Yes, but don't try, don't try. [02:29:17] Speaker A: Just don't try. We have two party members that are very susceptible to just putting random things in their mouths all the time. [02:29:23] Speaker D: Yeah, tell us the worst about that. [02:29:26] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that's tello, right? Don't put things in your mouth, tello. [02:29:31] Speaker C: Hello. Just smiles and pulls out a gold piece and goes, ah. [02:29:38] Speaker D: Wow, we're, like, so rich. That's insane. [02:29:42] Speaker C: No, he dusts it off and puts it back in his pouch. So the party's headed to the lost lands. [02:29:53] Speaker E: I can I have the Cindy stone real quick? [02:29:57] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:30:03] Speaker E: This will take a minute, but I want to do this. [02:30:05] Speaker C: Before we leave and hands it to me. [02:30:08] Speaker E: I dry it off and I want to. Zachary Shaw c. I want to call Shau. [02:30:15] Speaker C: See, it's. I. I can never guess. Okay, excellent. See you. Ring and ding and ding on the stone. You feel the connection made say shah si. Yes. Hello, boss. [02:30:32] Speaker E: I just wanted to follow up. We found the Lostlands another lost lands. That's where we're going now. Sorry. It's been a long week. I found the west. I found the well. [02:30:43] Speaker C: I mean, I would hope so. It has been weeks. [02:30:47] Speaker E: We got lost for a long time. [02:30:50] Speaker C: You do. You do that. [02:30:54] Speaker E: But I saw the spirit of Hyundai, and it wasn't him. It was like a shadow. It was a reflection. [02:31:12] Speaker C: Yes. [02:31:13] Speaker E: But he told me some things that I wanted to pass along to you. [02:31:18] Speaker C: Yeah. Good luck to know, boss. Thank you for the call. [02:31:23] Speaker E: He said he meant for things to go differently. And the reason that you can't find him is because he's gone on. He can't touch the coils that are on you because he's been freed. But he wants you to know that there's hope. He wants you to know that one day you will find him and the weights will not weigh upon you. That you will walk a better wood with him. That we see so much of what stands against us and we know so little of what is meant for us. And that it can be a tragedy to live our entire life and miss the story and not hear the song. [02:32:09] Speaker C: Buzz on the other end of the stone. There's just a long pause, and when the voice returns, she says, thank you, boss. I needed to hear a good deal of that. You should be careful, or you'll become champion of the first flame. With wisdom like that, you rely. And the kindness to share it. I am encouraged deeply both by what you said and also that what I said was true. You are surely welcome in our order. I am glad that I was not even correct about just how much you are the right person to find that flame and walk into that wood. I am excited to see what it is you grow into. Thank you for sharing this. [02:33:15] Speaker E: Thank you. [02:33:15] Speaker C: I needed to hear it, right. [02:33:22] Speaker E: That's it. I hope you're doing well. Thanks for all your help. [02:33:27] Speaker C: You changed things here. Thank you. Call on me if you're ever in desperate need again. I mean, I can only go so far, but I will be at your aid. Okay. I really have to call Padi, so I'll talk to you later. But it was great speaking with you. [02:33:56] Speaker E: Our word. [02:33:57] Speaker C: Poop. [02:33:57] Speaker E: Talk to you later. [02:33:58] Speaker A: Bye. [02:33:58] Speaker C: Hourward. [02:33:59] Speaker E: Poop? [02:34:09] Speaker C: You're calling Uber? Is that the session? Okay. Excellent. [02:34:12] Speaker A: All right. [02:34:12] Speaker D: Thank you. [02:34:14] Speaker C: Okay. Excellent. All right. Well, thank you very much for reaching the point where I know which of the three massive, nebulous places to plan. That's very helpful. I had also very much planned the lost land by boat, but I think I convert it to travel easily, so we shall make the shift. No, it's okay. I can still find a reason to send you guys around it. I have fun things planned for the lost lands, so that's. Holy crap. We're headed to the lost lands. Okay. Excellent. Great session. Very excited about the lost lands. Good stuff. Way to kick butt, Landon. That was incredible combat. I was worried I had given you too strong, and you walked into that fight with all the right tools. And. Maybe we should look at spine shield. I don't know. We'll figure that out. Yeah, that's for a later us thing. That's okay. [02:35:14] Speaker E: I think if it only works on one attack, that would even be a balancing. [02:35:17] Speaker C: That would really balance it out. [02:35:19] Speaker E: Multi attack is just pretty crazy. [02:35:22] Speaker C: Yeah, because basically, it's like free recastings of the spell, but. [02:35:26] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. [02:35:27] Speaker C: We'll talk about that later. That is not your issue. Great work, guys. I am thrilled for the party in the lost lands. Holy crap. I'm excited. That is very exciting. You guys gain. Hold on, I got to do some math. That's ten divided by eleven times 0.1 plus 0.02 plus 0.01. Okay. You guys gain another 0.12 levels. That is a lot of level gain in a short time. Holy crap. [02:36:05] Speaker A: We are 11.492. [02:36:09] Speaker C: That's insane. [02:36:10] Speaker A: That is insane. [02:36:11] Speaker D: That is awesome. [02:36:12] Speaker C: Big jump, but think about how many enemies you beat in one day. True. Huge xp gain. So, excellent sessions, everyone. Listeners. Life is an incredible adventure. You are a very important part of it. I cannot wait to see the fun guys in the lost lands. You guys can latch on to whatever you want. I have a lot of plans, so this is going to be fun. Trees and bees. Trees and bees, y'all. All right. Life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. Skew. What do you want?

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