124. Only One

Episode 124 January 23, 2025 04:32:29
124. Only One
Barely D&D
124. Only One

Jan 23 2025 | 04:32:29


Show Notes

Identity theft is not a joke Jim.

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. [00:00:06] Speaker B: Subscribe hi and welcome back to Fairleen dnd. We are your sort of Dungeons and Dragons podcast. Your neighborhood friendly spider man kind of sort of Dungeons podcast. Wow. We are having a great, great time and we are hoping you are also having a great time. I never know how to transition, and at least I didn't say, here's your host. [00:00:35] Speaker A: It feels like a part of the charm at this point, just the being, like, I don't know what to do now. [00:00:41] Speaker B: Before we go on, we just want to let you know that we care about you and we think that you're doing great. Wherever you are in life, you're doing awesome and we hope you enjoy this because we are too. We're enjoying this. [00:00:56] Speaker A: I love that messaging. Well, we are. We are back from the Christmas break. The accidental adventures have returned in the 120s. And so. Oh, okay. Abby did a big old barfing emoticon in the chat. Well said. Landon is always like that intro. [00:01:13] Speaker C: She didn't like the intro. [00:01:19] Speaker D: It was something I said. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Completely not related. [00:01:24] Speaker D: Jackie and I are on a journey. [00:01:25] Speaker A: All you understand is that every message sent in the chat today will be about you. So interpret it all personally. Take it all for you. It's Micah's birthday this weekend, and so she is. She is the last teenager. She's turning 20. Wow. And in honor of that, the questions. Why? And so the question. Yeah, go ahead, hit me with it. [00:01:58] Speaker D: To share with us. [00:02:02] Speaker B: Your mom's probably right. [00:02:04] Speaker D: That is so true. That is absolutely true. [00:02:07] Speaker B: I don't know your mom, but she's probably right. [00:02:10] Speaker D: That's adult teenager. Wait, that's advice for teenagers. [00:02:15] Speaker A: That's the advice. [00:02:16] Speaker B: I'll figure it out. [00:02:17] Speaker A: And then the advice for your late twenties is your parents are wrong. And that's okay. [00:02:21] Speaker B: Yes. [00:02:22] Speaker A: Because they're people too. But anyhow, emphatically from the age of 19. [00:02:30] Speaker C: So funny. I laughed and I was muted, but that was Zachary. That was hilarious. My parents are probably really great. Are really great. [00:02:36] Speaker A: But I mean, you realize you're like, oh, wow. They're right and wrong about as many things as I am. They are also people. Anywho, Great question. Well, shoot. Now I. Okay, I know what the letter question for the second episode should be, but back to the first one. [00:02:51] Speaker D: You gotta write it down so you don't forget at the end. Yeah, make sure you write it down right now. So you don't. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:55] Speaker A: Oh, man. Points onto things. So the editor question for today is, if it was your character's birthday, what would they order for a Birthday cake, like, and it can be. It can be the flavor. It can be, like, what they want it to look like. It can be the nonsensical thing they substitute for it. Are you carrying Maya in the blanket? That's so cute. Here. Sure. You want to show everybody on the. No, the camera's not over there. No, it's still. So that's my phone. This is the laptop over here. Look at Maya and a blanket that Hoffa's carrying. [00:03:27] Speaker E: I can't see. [00:03:29] Speaker B: It's so cute. [00:03:35] Speaker A: They love her. Okay, so what would your character order for a birthday cake, however you interpret that question? And who. Micah, since it's your birthday coming up, who do you want the DMNPC to be? [00:03:47] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. Feel free. [00:03:52] Speaker A: Oh, great answer. Great answer. [00:03:54] Speaker B: Feel free. [00:03:55] Speaker A: I like how much important the crew has become over the years. [00:03:57] Speaker B: But actually, wait, would that be bill free and cloth. [00:04:01] Speaker E: They're not twins. Oh, because they're not. [00:04:03] Speaker A: They have, like. They have, like, a decade between them. [00:04:06] Speaker C: They're not twins. [00:04:07] Speaker E: Oh, I didn't realize it was a decade. Dang. [00:04:10] Speaker B: Dang. [00:04:11] Speaker A: Yeah. She is very much his older sister, but anyhow. Well, it's not quite a decade. It's like eight years. But nobody's ever asked. Okay, understood. Micah, since it is your birthday coming up, Greta, what would you get for your birthday? [00:04:27] Speaker D: I would think I would get thinking probably, like, like a berry cake, like a strawberry cake with, like, some like, probably like a buttercream frosting and like, strawberry, like, strawberry cake with, like, dark berries on top. So, like blueberries, blackberries, maybe like some pomegranate. Yeah. And like, leaves. [00:04:54] Speaker A: Freaking amazing. [00:04:56] Speaker D: Like maybe some mint leaves or some rose lavender leaves. Not rosemary. Rosemary is a savory spice. That's what I would have. I mean, that's what Greta would have. [00:05:04] Speaker A: Those her spices. Well, that sounds amazing. That actually made me kind of hungry. Also, this is a random. [00:05:11] Speaker D: There's any local yellow green berries that are akin to like a pomegranate or a BlackBerry or a blueberry. Those would go on top. [00:05:18] Speaker A: The Greta Berry. She'd have a Greta Berry. Greta Berry. On all of my sessions, I have the sections go player characters. I don't know why I put that in there. It never changes. But I record it. Then I have the adventure level, then the adventure date with a time, the non player characters, and then narrative goals, story beats and options, long term impact. And then I put in a couple more sections and that's how they're all ordered. And I just look down at the narrative Goals. And I have. There's usually two bullets, and the second bullet says what the narrative goal of the session is. But the first one just says, fun guys. That's it. I didn't finish it. I just looked down at it, and it just says fun guys. And I'm like, well past Zack, you're not wrong. [00:06:03] Speaker D: That is a narrative goal. [00:06:04] Speaker A: That is a narrative. We are focused on the fun guys. Ro, what will your birthday cake be? [00:06:14] Speaker E: I like to think. I don't know. Okay. She likes. She really loves. Sorry, I had a thought, and then I didn't like that thought. So I think she would. She would want, like, a cake, and. Because this is kind of like, how I like my cake. She loves. She has a sweet tooth, so I think she would get one with, like, just a crap ton of roses, and she would want the piece with all the icing roses. But I think, knowing Ro, she would want it to, like, be, like, the flowers that are, like, in her hair and so. And it would be, like, she would want, like, a. No, like, she would want the flowers on the cake to look like the flowers in her hair. She would want really fancy cursive that says happy birthday, Rowena. And. And I think the flavor would be, like, lavender and white chocolate or something. Like, I think that would be really good. [00:07:16] Speaker A: Sounds really freaking good. That's why I love a lot. I love the piecing. The piece of cake with the most icing. That's. I eat cake 4. It's just an icing vehicle to me. [00:07:24] Speaker E: It is. It is. [00:07:26] Speaker A: Yes, Jackie. [00:07:27] Speaker E: And Ro firmly believes that in her soul. [00:07:30] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:07:30] Speaker C: Come to me because I got to deal with a stink bug. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Uh, oh, okay. Understood. I want that. We should. We should get that on, like, a plaque. Like, don't go to me. I have a stink bug. Mickle. What. What would Craig's birthday cake be like? [00:07:46] Speaker B: To think that he makes his. Like, this is the birthday that he's not with his wife and son. And so I'd like to think that he's making his own birthday cake somehow, but it's, like, for the first time. So he doesn't really know how to make cake, but, like, he went to a bakery and got, like, a recipe written down of, like, hey, how do you bake a basic cake? And so he's, like, trying to follow it for the first time, not having any baking experience. And I'd like to think it's, like, a dark chocolate. Some, like. Oh, what are they called? Pecans. Like, crushed pecans in there and walnuts. And stuff. So it's a very rocky, like rocky road. But is it wore cake? [00:08:25] Speaker E: I love that. [00:08:27] Speaker B: But it doesn't set right because he doesn't realize you have to put it in like a pan that like makes a cake form. [00:08:32] Speaker E: No. [00:08:35] Speaker B: So it's probably just very like it just didn't work out very well. And then he wait for it to cool down to frost it. So it's just very melted frosting. So it's like a lava cake, you know, kind of a thing, I guess. [00:08:48] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:08:52] Speaker A: This is what cakes are. [00:08:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. I think he's very proud of himself and it kind of is a hot mess, but I guess that kind of related to him so early, early campaign. [00:09:04] Speaker A: Craig was just the worst example of like a sudden forced bachelor because he's so like dependent and you know, and like, and like selfish and now at this point, like forced bachelor repaired Craig. It's just everything's so sweet because it's all like, wow, I accept the consequences of not having these skills and I'm going to give it my most honest try. And it's just, aww. I don't know. So many things about Craig are so sweet at this point. [00:09:30] Speaker B: I think it makes him more grateful for Catherine. Yeah, makes him more grateful. [00:09:34] Speaker A: Makes sense. [00:09:35] Speaker D: I love it when people are grateful for their life. [00:09:38] Speaker A: Blaz. [00:09:42] Speaker C: Oz probably never had cake until he went to Unson. [00:09:46] Speaker A: I never. [00:09:46] Speaker C: I know he didn't actually go get cake in unsen, but I'm going to say that he did. That was his first time and I feel like he tried one. A chocolate cake with a cream cheese frosting and now he just gets that one. [00:09:59] Speaker E: Nice. [00:10:01] Speaker C: He tried it with sprinkles this last time and he hasn't even been around for a whole year to have two birthdays in the world. But in this imaginary letter question world, he's had it twice and he tried it with sprinkles and he liked it. So now he's just going to start doing that chocolate cake, cream cheese frosting and sprinkles. [00:10:18] Speaker E: Man cake now. [00:10:20] Speaker D: Me too. [00:10:21] Speaker A: We shouldn't have done this. [00:10:23] Speaker B: I have a cake. [00:10:25] Speaker A: I'm doing a fast with Hoffa right now. And this was a bad. I shouldn't have done this. [00:10:31] Speaker E: Why didn't you tell us? [00:10:34] Speaker B: Just think about. Just think about cake with worms inside and be disgusted. Exactly, Exactly, Exactly. [00:10:42] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:10:43] Speaker A: Bill Free. Okay, not to go all standard 5e sad childhood backstory, but Bill Free has never had. [00:10:49] Speaker D: Was he an orphan cake? [00:10:51] Speaker A: Well, no, but remember his parents kind of orphans they were poor and then but like, you know, meager and existing. So his idea of cake is probably really simple. It's probably like, like shortbread with like some like cinnamon on top, you know, maybe some honey, which isn't bad, but that's probably his idea of cake. It's probably not something rich, which to be fair, I mean Craig was moderately. He's as close as fantasy world comes to middle class. Greta was like bread and butter, sustenance, existence. Other than the fact that the one. The one thing that his family probably would have been rich in was food. [00:11:31] Speaker D: Traveling nomadic. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Yeah, so I mean like Greta is probably not particularly. Until working in cities. She's probably not particularly familiar with like standard practices of hygiene or like new and fancy clothes were probably the one things. I'm not sure. Food was probably one of the things her family was rich in. But then like Rose exposure to fine foods would have been just almost non existent until she got out on her own. [00:12:02] Speaker E: But I thought I had. There was a bakery down the street from the temple that I went to. [00:12:06] Speaker A: Yeah, you were an orphan, so sometimes you could get some. But this, even though you had dancing classes, money for kids. [00:12:17] Speaker C: Feel free to say no to this Zachary, because this is not normal. But I feel like it'd be a crime against this character's backstory if we didn't hear what Nam's favorite cake was. [00:12:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I do too. [00:12:27] Speaker D: That's a really good point. [00:12:28] Speaker E: The baker. [00:12:29] Speaker A: That's a good. That's a really good point. Oh, I like that. Okay, well, so anyway, to Bill free. So that's his idea of cake. And I think it's probably been 15, 20 years since he had cake. Like, I don't think that's, you know, because he's just been just a sailing. A particularly unwealthy sailing deckhand for like a couple decades with his sister. So I don't think he's had really fancy. And I'm willing, I think, I say I'm willing to bet I write the character. I think they do not get cakes for themselves on their birthday. Like I think childhood isn't remembered fondly. Like even the parts of their childhood that were really good until it was really bad because the beginning of their life was great. But I think the bitterness and the unsettled emotions there. I don't think cake is really something he feels comfortable with at this point in his life. For the baker Naan, that was a great suggestion. Boz Landon, whoever you really are. I think her favorite, you know, I think her favorite cake would be something non native to hashas, not something her family prepared. I think it would have been something she would have picked up in Zhdzgi when she went and lived in tundra. So I'm gonna say it's something kind of like. Like, I'm gonna say that her favorite cake is like three cultures removed and something she just ran into while living there. I think it was probably like some sort of like a kind of like a. Like a sweet roll. Like a very thick, rich, creamy Russian. Yeah, less. Less vertical roll and more horizontal. But yes, it's like a thicker, thick, creamy, like kind of like a. Like a. Like a very creamy pancake with a bunch of like cinnamon and like a. Like a sweet kind of jam ish rolled up together and then with a little bit of icing on top of that. I think that's her favorite and I think just because it feels. It felt when she discovered it. So otherworldly to have this thing from across the world. So. [00:14:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I love that. Exactly. [00:14:45] Speaker E: Thank you for that. [00:14:46] Speaker A: That's a great question, Lando. [00:14:47] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:14:48] Speaker A: Well, that lady tour question wrapped up. No taking notes. You ready for some notes? [00:14:54] Speaker E: No. I'm scared. [00:14:57] Speaker A: This is the 124th episode of the Accidental Adventures. Only one. [00:15:05] Speaker E: Like, only one or only? We won a lottery. [00:15:10] Speaker A: Which one do you think. [00:15:14] Speaker E: I'm gonna use my context clues? [00:15:16] Speaker A: It is I ask that you do when you. [00:15:19] Speaker D: Jackie's like, we don't have the lottery. [00:15:24] Speaker E: You don't know. There could be a yellow brid lottery. [00:15:27] Speaker A: Jackie, we dunk on you for no reason other than we're friends a lot. But I want to say that I really respect how positive and ever hopeful you are. I think it's a wonderful quality. [00:15:36] Speaker B: I'm scared. [00:15:40] Speaker E: Hear that? [00:15:41] Speaker D: I'm scared. [00:15:43] Speaker A: It wasn't a farewell compliment. So It's a level 11. Why is there not these things? [00:15:51] Speaker E: Episode title is only one. [00:15:53] Speaker C: So I'm like 15 minutes do big secret stuff and made us promise not to look. [00:15:59] Speaker E: Yeah, Zach's like. Zach's like. At the end of this session, there's only going to be one party member. [00:16:04] Speaker A: To be fair, there is BND battle map in the left side. You guys can see that. Okay, never mind. This is episode 124. Ro dies. But this is a level 11 adventure. The date is 3488. PB Kalilan, 17 just for Micah because. [00:16:21] Speaker E: She wasn't here last. The level exactly is 11.903. [00:16:27] Speaker B: Also 11.903. [00:16:29] Speaker E: Yes. [00:16:30] Speaker A: Yes. People were asking because we had a Whole break, people were asking about the recap. So the simplest recap in the world is you guys left Foo Foomph, where you had spent all that time with Jath, and met Ro's father. Ro in a very short time, forged a young but meaningful relationship with him. And as a token, a really immense token of that. Of that connection. [00:16:54] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, I hope this is okay, Micah. [00:16:56] Speaker A: And gave the ring to her dad. So Faber now lives with Jath. And armed with her double wielding enchanted lutes, she. She wears them like an X on her back, which is so metal. Armed with those, you guys set off to the island for which this whole venture was spurred Kurftan onto Lomuloth so that you could head to Kurft and onto Lomuloth. But it ended the bewildering keep the fabled tower of the Mad Prince. Man, there's so. [00:17:30] Speaker D: I can't hear you. [00:17:32] Speaker C: Oh, Zach. [00:17:34] Speaker A: I clicked. I clicked mute when I sweeped my hand across the screen. Swept. So anyway, you guys have flown to curved alumuloth. And when you got there, it was this big swirling, like cinnamon roll of an island. Like this big strip of long land moving upward in topography, just barren volcanic rock with a bunch of lichen ocean in between. And you guys were like, what's this about? And you couldn't find anything there until you started looking for holes in the rock. And as you guys dug down, you found out that there were basically like long abandoned lava tubes leading down. And there was white light coming up from them. Not like red light like lava, but like, like as if there was light below. Because you guys were like, we're looking for a whole island and tower and there's none here. So as the group went down to investigate, Boz went to Spellcast and finally received a negative consequence from the wild magic of the Lost Lands. It took a very long time and only happened because Ro reminded me that he needed to roll. [00:18:39] Speaker E: You didn't have to remind everyone that I reminded you. [00:18:45] Speaker C: You did it out of spite. So we do have to remind everyone. [00:18:48] Speaker E: I did do it out of spite. [00:18:51] Speaker A: And through a long, like slapstick Three Stooges Rube Goldberg series of consequences. Ro wound up also polymorphing into a starfish falling down a giant tube. Everyone went after her smash cut to her making. [00:19:07] Speaker E: I did redeem myself mat of plants. [00:19:10] Speaker A: At the bottom that held everyone. And then. And then creating Liam and's tiny hut over that, then cutting around it to drop them out of the tube, at which point they fell out of the tube. And through the sky. And so the party found themselves falling out of the sky. And they were like, that's unexpected. And they realized that when they went down below the surface of the island, they found the island. So they went through the surface of the island, fell through the bottom of it, and found themselves falling out of the sky. And above them, just sky. So they went through the portal, hiding the real island below plummeted down to the surface. The whole party almost all died at once. It was Almost one big TPK from like 300 points of fall damage. But some very quick thinking saved everyone. And this is where we return to the party. Everyone is exhausted, almost died. [00:20:03] Speaker E: Didn't we decide to take a rest. [00:20:07] Speaker A: Or take a full rest when everyone was sitting down to rest? And then the last two really important reminders before we get rolling is that there were more wild magic consequences in between. And I want to make sure we don't forget those. Ro was fully bald. She lost all of her hair on her head, including her eyebrows. She's bald now. And then also, she got the farts again. And I want to remind you that it's four days of that, so it's Bald and Gassy. Which I almost wanted to make the title. I almost wanted to make this one Bald and Farty, but I felt that there was a more important thing to title it after. So we could add Blue and farty and then Bald and Farty, but I don't know. Maybe. [00:20:51] Speaker C: We'll see. What's the name of the episode? One more time. [00:20:56] Speaker A: No, you're good. Only one. [00:20:59] Speaker C: Only one. And that's one is in one singular. Not one is in. Like the lottery. [00:21:02] Speaker A: Yes, I'm joking. [00:21:05] Speaker C: I was listening the whole time. I just wanted. I just wanted you to roll your eyes at me, but it didn't work. [00:21:09] Speaker B: Because you're so patient. [00:21:11] Speaker C: I forgot to write it down. But I did want to roll. [00:21:16] Speaker B: The ball themes. Could you imagine. Could you imagine if I came back to dnd? Oh, my gosh. No way. That's right. Now, you guys. [00:21:32] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:21:35] Speaker C: This bald. [00:21:37] Speaker A: So come on, guys. Here you all are. There we go. Also, remember that you can control the volume of the music in your. [00:21:48] Speaker E: Yeah, it got real loud for me today. [00:21:53] Speaker A: Could you imagine if I came back for yourself? [00:21:56] Speaker B: In the left hand, I have my second try. [00:22:00] Speaker D: Go, Micah. Try it again. [00:22:02] Speaker B: Could you imagine if I came back to dnd? And you were like, oh, you're struggling with real life loss, character loss. And, like, I wasn't present for, like, could you imagine if Craig died? [00:22:15] Speaker D: If We. [00:22:16] Speaker B: I wouldn't have been there for Craig's death. That's terrible. [00:22:20] Speaker E: I don't know. Zach would have done that to you. Like killed you while you were gone. [00:22:26] Speaker C: Really stupid. Unless we did something completely. [00:22:29] Speaker A: Completely. Rest assured that I would give you. I. I want. I mean I like to think that this is what you guys assume of me after three years of this, but please rest assured I would pull out every opportunity on an off screen death for some or like a care. Like you guys would have to be like, we push Craig off a cliff. And then I would give you four opportunities for that to not happen. And then you guys would need four times. And I'd be like, no, this is what we're doing. And then I'd give another opportunity like, I don't know, I'd really fight that. [00:23:03] Speaker B: And then be like, okay, smash cut. Not there. [00:23:07] Speaker A: So party. You are gathering yourselves on the high, broad, spiraling mountain spine of Kurtantalamulath. Does anyone want me to spell curtain onto lamuloth again for the next I. [00:23:20] Speaker D: Would like that taken, nerd. And I would like that. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Okay. Also know that I'm going to spend probably 10 collective minutes of this playtime getting a young cat off the table today, so she's going to have to have to be constant interruptions for that. But curved on to Lamulath is K u r P H Kurf K U r p H apostrophe T N a N T N a N T a n T curve to nant another apostrophe. There's endless apostrophes. A l l a m a l l a m curved and untalam. Then another apostrophe, apostrophe Y l o t h Y l o t H. Yes, Pixie Sylvan is a messy and ridiculous. [00:24:21] Speaker B: Can you spell taunt again? The taunt part was a T a. [00:24:25] Speaker A: T N a n T. I misspelled it. [00:24:30] Speaker D: Apologies to the listener and also to my fellow players if I sneeze on Mike. I'm trying hard not to, but I am quite sneaky. [00:24:38] Speaker A: Girl, do what you gotta do. Also, apologies for my podcast has ever been about. We call it a Sword of Dungeons Dragons podcast. It's never been about being polished. [00:24:46] Speaker D: I just wanted to apologize. [00:24:48] Speaker B: Well accepted. [00:24:51] Speaker A: So the party gathers themselves on the high broad spiraling mountain spine of Kirtan's true revealed landmass. They are granted a moment of reprieve from the near fatal mishap of minutes before. The strange landscape is all around you all a loosely winding trail of Mountainous landscape. Miles and miles and miles of long. Oh, miles and miles and miles long. It towers with height of sheer craggy slopes at either side of the broad life laden tops upon which the party now stands. I knew Micah was getting excited when I said craggy basically, Craig, but also you guys, it's just the flat mountain type mountain top. Oh my goodness, I can't talk. That's like at this tall ridge. And so if either of you all looks off the side at any point, it reveals that the flanks of this spiraling mountain chain in this cinnamon roll shape. There's a lot of space in between each section, like a. You know, you can see long lengths of navy ocean in between, but if you look over the edge, you see that each cliff drop off on either side is hundreds of feet high, winding upward along the island's staggering length at a steady incline to reach higher and higher heights in the distance, like a winding broadly spread staircase of natural formation to some distant ambiguous peak. Far off the slopes are harsh, reaching almost sheer drops at their most severe locations, plummeting to no beach landings, but instead harsh sea smashed cliffs peopled only by dense forest of lichen that paint their walls in an awe inspiring abstract artistry. This long passed landscape before the group stretches outward in a deeply improbable span of what seems to be low sparse woodland less than half a mile wide to either side before reaching the terrible plummets that drop off. The trees of the space are thick and broadly canopied, rising from twisting nodding trunks of an almost kind of like bronze smooth bark color. Their crowns stretch widely outward, creating lakes of shade from the cloudless sky above, under which groves of shallow forbs sprout queer flowers minute and hundredfold, spiraling in strange shapes all up and down the lengths of the stalks and stems, with no clear pattern or purpose, swathes of vibrantly painted brush foliage. From the broad expanses between the trees grows many varieties of grasses. Some tower tall and plume into pale crowns of fluffy tails. Others are brightly stained, multi crowned with hue and shape of seed and awn, while others are still and thickly bunched and harshly shaped like tiny green brown fortresses of serration and rough material. Strange snaking paths of clear cool rills snake and interweave with each other like a tiny tiny stream the shape of no natural watershed, flowing smoothly downward from the slight descent of the island length with the dance of pristine fresh waters. Within them dance clouds of pastels, thousands and thousands and thousands of minuscule crustaceans that navigate the fluid highway in thunder. Thick schools of fairy shrimp over which darting streaks of sleek dragonflies and damselflies dart and weave. So this island is a long mountain ridge that curls up in this one concentric circle or one concentric spiral. And it's just this one really long, tall mountain chain. The top is not perfectly flat, but, like, sloped to either side and pretty flat. There's this, like, kind of magicy, lovely landscape growing off it. Sheer drops to either side, and the whole mountain ridge rises steadily upward to this far distant point. You can't see off in the distance, and there's ocean in between. [00:28:54] Speaker C: Kind of like a slowly rising ramp that, like, we could, like, walk up on elevation to. [00:28:58] Speaker A: Yeah, very much like a. Like a really long ramp, but just miles and miles and miles long. [00:29:03] Speaker C: We love accessibility in the lost lands. Okay. [00:29:12] Speaker E: Did we just. [00:29:13] Speaker C: Right. [00:29:14] Speaker E: Yeah, we just long rested, right? [00:29:16] Speaker A: You guys have just crashed. It's been minutes since then. You guys can very much say, like, hey, we're gonna chill and then long rest. That's fine. [00:29:25] Speaker D: Yeah, because that's what I. [00:29:27] Speaker E: Because I had. I had. [00:29:29] Speaker D: What does that do, Lynn? [00:29:33] Speaker E: But you probably don't want to cast right now. [00:29:36] Speaker C: Only good things happen to me. [00:29:40] Speaker A: He said an hour after being completely silenced. [00:29:44] Speaker D: Can I. Can I do, like an inside. [00:29:46] Speaker C: That was Jackie inspired. You know, that was a Jackie touch role. That's why it was bad. [00:29:53] Speaker D: I would like to do a perception check or an insight check to see if there's any bad guys or if there's any funky magic going on. I'm doing a bad job. [00:30:01] Speaker A: Well, an insight check is about social interactions. You can make a perception check for dangers, and you can do an arcana check for something specific about magic if you have a specific inquiry. [00:30:13] Speaker D: So do you remember that island where it was like, we landed on it and it was like, I'm gonna fight you. I would like to check for potential. [00:30:22] Speaker A: The virulence of the magic here. Yeah, I gotcha. The virulence. How feral and wild this magic is. A perception and an arcana nickel. You raised your hand. Did you have a question? [00:30:39] Speaker B: No, I didn't have. I wasn't raising my hand. I was blocking my mic because I keep hitting it with my headphones because I don't realize how big my head is with them on. I'm not going to lie. Fair enough. [00:30:49] Speaker A: To do your thing. [00:30:50] Speaker B: I. I am wondering, do we. We're gonna go up the mountain? Are we gonna go up the mountain? You guys want to up the mountain? We feeling. [00:31:00] Speaker E: Craig, I'd like to take It. I'd like to take a little. A little bit of a rest. [00:31:06] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I forgot you stopped working out. So your stamina is like. [00:31:11] Speaker C: Every once in a while, Craig. [00:31:12] Speaker E: Sounds Canadian. [00:31:15] Speaker B: Every once in a while. Yeah. I wasn't gonna talk to you about it, Ro, but I've. You thought I didn't notice you. [00:31:23] Speaker E: I have it here in my book. And she flips up into her book where she has. Has written the day she's worked out just like how I have on my sheet. [00:31:31] Speaker B: Ever since this, you know, magic stuff, I've been kind of distracted. I would stay focused. [00:31:39] Speaker E: I would like to. This is kind of random, but kind of not. But this is something that was brought up at the end of the last session and I just wanted to discuss it with DM and Craig because. Craig, are you. Are you wearing. Sorry, my brain is not working. Craig, do you or Micah. Does Craig have the Ring of Regeneration on? [00:32:08] Speaker B: Does he have it on? [00:32:09] Speaker A: Goodness, yes. Totally true about that, Jackie. You're completely right. [00:32:12] Speaker C: It has to be on for like. Like a week, right? [00:32:14] Speaker E: Like a few days. So you have to. For it to fully. For it to regrow something, you roll one D6 plus one and that's how many days it takes for it to fully grow. [00:32:28] Speaker C: I don't know if it's the same as the spell Zachary gave. Specific mechanics. [00:32:31] Speaker E: No, this is the ring of regeneration. [00:32:33] Speaker A: No, that's the ring. Yeah. The spell is like a week. She's talking about the ring. So, Micah, let's have you roll a. [00:32:40] Speaker E: D6 because how long has Craig been wearing it? [00:32:43] Speaker A: Four days. Craig's had it on for four days. [00:32:45] Speaker E: Because I was gonna ask Craig, after he used it, if I could use it to regrow my hair. [00:32:52] Speaker C: Regeneration typically does, like, physical things. Does it work on, like, magical effects, regrowing Craig's hair? [00:33:00] Speaker A: What did you get on the roll, Craig? [00:33:03] Speaker C: It was burned by fire. [00:33:05] Speaker B: A D6. A D6? [00:33:07] Speaker A: Yes. That's the Q1. [00:33:10] Speaker B: You said a D6. Oh, not a D6. I rolled a six. [00:33:14] Speaker A: You rolled a six. [00:33:16] Speaker B: That's what I meant to say. Yeah. [00:33:17] Speaker A: Your scar over the last four days has been. And you can't see your face. You plopped the ring on four days ago after Boz offered it to you with the intention of resolving your scar. And you've kind of forgotten about it. But what everyone else can notice is four days into this six day process, Craig's face, that Zuko scar covering like half his head, is really starting to, like, return and heal. And really all that's Left is Craig has this like area of discoloration with some like, kind of like fluid rivering pattern to the skin. But the pitted dips, the harsh color shift in skin discoloration, the lack of hair is all leaving. And what's more, it's much lower than skin regeneration. But Craig's hair is starting to grow in behind it. And so Craig is starting to look physically like the Craig that you met from the beginning of the venture. And he looks like. He's really close to looking almost just like he used to. [00:34:27] Speaker E: I. [00:34:32] Speaker A: Well said. [00:34:33] Speaker E: Sorry. Yeah, I was just gonna say I had asked about it at the end of last session and you said it would work. [00:34:48] Speaker A: Abby or Greta, what you got on your two checks? [00:34:52] Speaker D: I got a 14 on perception and I got a nat one on arcana with a total of 50. [00:35:02] Speaker A: Well, so nat one's a nat one, right? [00:35:05] Speaker D: Well, I don't know. [00:35:06] Speaker A: Yeah. So 14 with perception. Greta, you look around the landscape. It's awe inspiring, as your locales often are. It's beautiful and strange, but you're not seeing anything that looks like an immediate threat. [00:35:21] Speaker D: Okay, guys, no danger. [00:35:24] Speaker A: And then the magic. You're just still pretty intensely disoriented from. I'll tell you what, you're still. You're honestly just suffering from a little bit of vertigo. Every time you try and get your bearings, the world shifts around you because a very short time ago, you almost plummeted to your death from the sky. So you're like trying to focus on the magic and a headache just pierces you instead. You're having a really hard time making clarity of it. So you're really not sure about the virility of magic here. Okay, I'm going to check something with something, but you guys just role play and talk for a second, please. [00:36:00] Speaker E: I get out. Ro gets out her mirror when she notices Craig's scar and lets him look at it actually in the mirror. [00:36:08] Speaker B: I think while he's relieved, he also is like, he's relieved. He looks, he looks familiar, you know, but he's also with the familiar face. It brings back memories that are trickier to process. I think that unintentionally, I think that men whenever, like they make big changes to their style and then go back. At least I've noticed or observed that like sometimes having like a certain beard style will hold certain memories or like having certain hairstyles will hold certain memories because you had that hairstyle for that period of time. Yeah. So I think going back to that style or going back to like his Normal look, while he's relieved that he doesn't feel so disconnected with, like, his. His, like, history of, like, being like, a dwarf and having that style of beard that is so important to him, he also is remembering some things that, like, it's like, ah, it's bittersweet. [00:37:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:37:14] Speaker A: Craig, as you look into that imperfect, steely mirror, you are struck by. You are struck by the image of a man who existed before so many of the traumatizing just terrors you've experienced in the last almost year. And there's something very relieving to see that that man still exists, that he's still there. And it's a simple reminder. You've had so many other healing events recently, but to see that face makes you feel like he could still exist, he could still be there. And in the same way, the idea that the person you are that is challenged and growing is coming to fruition is challenged by seeing the face of the man who burned your life down, you know, is you. You see the Craig who forgot your wife and pushed out your son and ruined his own life and blamed everyone else for it. And you also see the face of the man who. You look at a face, it strikes you how much who this person will be is on you and how much this last year impacts and changes who that person might be. And that's all hitting you as you. As you look in this mirror. Man. Micah's good at D and D. [00:38:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:54] Speaker A: Happy birthday, Micah. I made you cry. [00:38:58] Speaker B: It's okay. [00:38:59] Speaker A: That's what I promised to get you all for your birthdays. [00:39:01] Speaker B: Just hit home. [00:39:04] Speaker A: Okay? And Craig, Does Craig feel tears well up in his eyes as he looks in the mirror? [00:39:12] Speaker B: Ah, I think at first. And then he came to a sense of, I'm gonna take back the face that used to hate my wife, and I'm gonna re. Own that in a different way. Like, I'm gonna take back who this man was, and I'm gonna make him new. When people see this man that I am, they will not see. They will not feel fear. They will feel a sense of security. And so he kind of like, I'm here to. I'm taking this back as an opportunity to redefine who I am. Yeah. [00:39:50] Speaker A: Craig, as you steel yourself, looking into the steel reflection. Yeah. You squint a little closer, and you notice that all of you all have inherited some amount of gold from. From the deep magic, from the experience you had with the Wellspring, the way it transmutes the world around you inexorably inescapably and all of you bear that. Greta has gold streaks and hues and highlights in her hair. I think we said Ro has gold rims at the edge of her eyes, and some of the flowers have turned that color. Boz. I mean, he's already a kaleidoscope of a person. He has the fragments of the heart of the mad prince dashed in him, but he also has those gold riverine tracks in his skin now. And Craig, where we had talked about those gold flecks being in the burn, as the burn's going away, you realize the flecks are not. And so those little flecks of, like, metallic hue are still there embedded in the skin, almost like the pores have been filled occasionally with flecks of gold. And as you steal yourself and make that determined decision, take that stand on the person you're going to become, you feel a little encouraged by the fact that, you know the treasures are still there. The. As the man who used to mine and knows that experience, you know, the. The gems of what you've come from are still there embedded in that. In that hardened face. And you all rest. Do you rest for an hour sitting. Do you rest until all the way through the night? Do you just start taking a sleep where you are? How does the party go about this? [00:41:44] Speaker D: I would like to long rest. [00:41:46] Speaker E: Yeah, I think I do. [00:41:47] Speaker C: Cast Druid Grove. [00:41:49] Speaker A: Okay, Sick. What does that casting look like? [00:41:52] Speaker C: Real quick. Sorry. Y'all say a little bit more stuff as I pull up this spell. [00:41:58] Speaker A: Okay. Tello takes a second looking around the landscape. He walks all the way to a cliff's edge. He walks like, 80ft away from you all. It's like the top of the cliff. It's even less than a half mile. It's like a thousand feet across the mountain top before the drops. Like, you know that the cross section. So he walks over and he looks down. So he, like, goes far enough away that you really can't hear him. He, like, puts his hands on his hips, looks over, he walks back and goes, yeah, that's. That's really far. These were really high up, guys. [00:42:31] Speaker B: Oh, don't slip. Craig goes like, oh, don't slip kind. [00:42:34] Speaker A: Of a thing while he's at the edge. [00:42:37] Speaker B: No, no, no. Like, I'm gonna sit. No, because he's not gonna grab him. No, no, I'm not doing that. [00:42:46] Speaker A: You. Micah, I'm asking you. [00:42:48] Speaker B: No, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't know he was like, no, no. I goes in his mind. Wouldn't it be funny if I did that. Good thing I know better. [00:43:01] Speaker A: What were you coming back to say? [00:43:03] Speaker C: Just to clarify, there's no trees around us, right? [00:43:06] Speaker A: No, no, there are. It's sparse, low woodland every so often here, so there's. There's no forest, but every like couple hundred feet or so. So some are 30ft apart, some are 125ft apart. There are these like kind of bronze colored, smooth bark, twisted trees that are like short, but have these really broad, low, thick green canopies under which like different kind of forbs and stuff are sprouting. So they're there. [00:43:32] Speaker C: All right. So I go to a kind of like patch where like some like sparse trees are and I start casting Druid grove. Takes about 10 minutes. [00:43:41] Speaker A: Okay. You sit down and concentrate on that. [00:43:44] Speaker C: Just kind of like sink my feet and hands into the ground and just kind of sit there and close my eyes until I finish it. Then slowly as it. Oh, sorry. I could describe it if you don't mind or I. [00:43:58] Speaker A: No, please, you. I only do it when I figure you're not going to. Please go for it. [00:44:03] Speaker C: For those who aren't aware of Druid Grove basically creates a patch of an area that takes advantage of the local, you know, fauna and flora to kind of create a safe zone magically. [00:44:13] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [00:44:13] Speaker C: What level are you? Six level. [00:44:16] Speaker D: That's awesome. [00:44:18] Speaker C: And so as I have my feet and hands sunk into the ground, vines or the grass or the leaves, the carniferous, you know, things around me start to kind of move in a way that they weren't before. Amount of fog starts to form around us. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Oh, sick. [00:44:40] Speaker C: The undergrowth gets thicker. I don't know if you call it undergrowth, but sure, sure. And the trees start to move and knots on them kind of of like look more like a face than they did before. They're not exactly like person like. And if you lay down, a bed kind of like naturally forms under where you lay. From the heck? Yeah, from the grass and leaves and stuff. [00:45:08] Speaker A: From where Boz's roots expand outward that those weird completely flowered. The flowers on these forbs aren't just at the top. They're ground to stem zenith. They're all the way down. They're weird. And as all those forbs are growing, they just thicken and thicken and become denser. They grow up around the base of the tree and in this like every so often ridge around the central base of this large, strange bronze twisting tree that Boz is casting the spell around. Many smaller trees, like saplings of it grow up Just and their branches and canopies split kind of into like strong arms. And there are these like half entish looking tree beings with faces that form and they just. They like solidify into resting positions that if you're not looking carefully, they just look like trees. But to you all who watch them grow, you're like, oh, those are kind of people. And they just create this circumference around you, guarding. And you guys sit under this pleasant shade. And like Landon said, a mist kind of rises out of the near water sources that are nearby. It's like the heat increases slightly around and this mist rises up and forms and obfuscates. And you guys are just in this little soft paradise. Boz, could you roll a D100 for me? And as always, you are muted. This is the way I rolled an. [00:46:28] Speaker C: 86 and an 87. [00:46:30] Speaker A: 86 and an 87. Let's talk. Wow, really? That's crazy. Are you rolling electronically? Yes. Okay. I was like, there's no way dice would give you a random roll like that. I mean, I guess it's possible. Okay, so you can either have something illusory happen or you can have a negative. A negative consequence informing like damage types occur. [00:46:58] Speaker C: Let's be illusory. [00:47:00] Speaker A: Okay. I'm just gonna tell you this because it's interesting. Last time also, don't forget, you still have it last time. You gained a resistance to thunder damage through the random rolls for the next three days. So you still have three days for it. You have three days of thunder resistance. If you had picked 87, you would have gotten a damage vulnerability. So you would have had a scenario where you had a resistance and a vulnerability for the the same time. [00:47:24] Speaker D: What does that do? Is that just neutral out. [00:47:29] Speaker A: The same type? But it probably would have been like resistance to thunder, vulnerability to necrotic or something. So that would have been really cool because vulnerability is the opposite of resistance. [00:47:38] Speaker D: It means he was a vulnerability to thunder. And I was like, would that just equal out? [00:47:45] Speaker A: It would cancel. It would cancel. But I mean, it would would be. It would be more likely he'd end up with two different. Which would be really cool. But any with. Yeah. Okay. This is awesome. So I need every party member to roll me a D20. [00:48:04] Speaker D: Is that real? [00:48:09] Speaker E: Just straight D20. [00:48:10] Speaker A: A D20. Even me got eight. Everybody? Yeah. Craig got an eight. Okay. Greta got a four, seven, got a six. That's in four, six, seven, eight. Nobody rolled higher. Could I also get a roll for Tello? [00:48:26] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, tello gets a 17. [00:48:32] Speaker B: Beautiful. [00:48:33] Speaker A: So as Boz finishes growing. Oh, and then Boz, could you roll 3d12 plus 12. [00:48:46] Speaker C: That is 24 total. [00:48:49] Speaker A: Okay. Wow, how poetic. For exactly the next 24 hours, Boz Kaskuri Grove, it all grows up. And as you guys sit there kind of relaxing in the peace of. Because boss has protected you with this once before. And you recognize the solace that you are gaining from the use of the spell. As you sit there and relax into it. You all like, take a deep breath and then look to your side and see Tello relaxing. And Tello and Tello and Tello and Tello. And there are five Tellos sitting in the grove. And Tello looks shocked and confused. And he looks over at Tello, who's also sitting there. And Tello is also sitting there. Also there. [00:49:33] Speaker C: Stand up, please. Stand up, stand up. The real teller inspiration. Okay, thank you. I love that when you see are. [00:49:40] Speaker A: They mirror like anytime everybody's telling. [00:49:44] Speaker E: Oh, you mean we're Tello. [00:49:46] Speaker A: Everybody looks like. [00:49:49] Speaker E: Oh, I thought, oh, I was so confused. [00:49:52] Speaker A: And everyone looks like Tello. [00:49:56] Speaker D: Wait, because he rolled the highest. [00:49:59] Speaker A: Yeah. Or is everyone looks like telling? [00:50:04] Speaker C: Well, is Jackie's Tello bald? [00:50:06] Speaker A: And as that Tello looks over at one of the telos where Jackie was and shouts. Boz's voice comes, sounds like Boz. And then you guys like, oh, that's Boz. So the perfect image of Tello turns around and says in Boz's voice, oh, you're no longer bald to a different, different Tella. [00:50:23] Speaker D: I look at Tella and I go, oh, wait, wait. [00:50:25] Speaker E: Haha, Baguette. [00:50:29] Speaker B: I am so good with women. [00:50:32] Speaker A: So what happens is Greta's voice comes out of Tello and looks at the wrong Tello and looks at you and says, and then Craig, you say that. And then apparently the real Teller goes, okay, first of all, I don't sound like that, so let's start there. [00:50:48] Speaker D: I don't sound like that. [00:50:50] Speaker E: Guys, how. How long do you think we're gonna look like tallow? [00:50:54] Speaker B: I basically speak in rose petals. [00:50:56] Speaker A: What you should be saying that is how long do we get to look like tallow? This is the best everyone here has. [00:51:01] Speaker D: Ever looked like fancy. I'm pretending to be French and fancy and stupid. [00:51:05] Speaker E: Wait, wait, hold on. Dm can I tell is this was this disgust guy self. [00:51:16] Speaker A: Why don't you give me an arcana check, okay? [00:51:20] Speaker E: Cuz I want to know if it's like, yeah, I. Yeah, yes, you can. [00:51:25] Speaker D: Roll this guy self not change your voice. [00:51:29] Speaker E: I don't think so. No, that's gonna be a 27. [00:51:36] Speaker A: Holy crap. It's a 27 RO. You know, well, the bardic arts in which you were originally studying were illusory. And so you know what this spell is, and it's above your pay grade. Oh, this is a. This is a spell of which you had heard it is unfinished in your mother's spell book. She never got to the point of casting it. It's one that you had thought of and heard about, dreamed of one day casting. It's called seeming. It's where you can take a whole group, a big old group of people and make them look like something for a long time. [00:52:14] Speaker E: Wait, no. I had. I had seeming for a little bit. [00:52:19] Speaker A: I remove my foot from my mouth, it tastes like foot. The DM takes three points of psychic damage. And what I said isn't true. But you are aware that this is seaming. [00:52:29] Speaker E: I. I have had seeming because that's what I used on us to escape or to get in the city. [00:52:39] Speaker A: Any who. [00:52:40] Speaker E: Yeah, I had it. And then when I changed bard colleges, I removed it from my repertoire. [00:52:48] Speaker A: Yeah, the spell seeming cool. [00:52:50] Speaker C: This is seeming like Zach should be embarrassed. [00:52:54] Speaker D: No, no. [00:52:58] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fine. [00:53:00] Speaker D: Cool. [00:53:01] Speaker A: So does the party just chill out and rest? [00:53:04] Speaker B: I. Yeah. [00:53:06] Speaker A: Okay. And the party unpacks and unwinds. And this landscape is idyllic and very. It's very still. This is a really, really, really, really long island. It could go on for quite some. It. I mean, there were large expanses of foo foomf that were similar, but you are. It strikes you that this is a. The island here. This place feels very empty. Feels peaceful and beautiful, but not much else to it. And the party has half the day. It's like mid afternoon. You have the whole afternoon and evening and a night. Does anybody do anything in particular? Do they just let it pass? Cause it's fine if they do. [00:53:50] Speaker B: Let it pass. [00:53:52] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm down to let it pass. I feel like Rose just sleeping. Yeah, sleeping his tello. [00:54:04] Speaker A: Sleeping his tello. Do we have dreams? [00:54:08] Speaker E: Tello dreams. [00:54:11] Speaker A: I want to leave this session title as only one because I think it'll make the most sense. But now I really want to rename the session to Oops All Telos. Oops. Oops. [00:54:21] Speaker B: All right, you got. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Telo'D. So the party rests and rests and sits. Tello plays a little Beggar's Hope with Tello. And the party rests and dreams and sleeps. [00:54:44] Speaker D: Oh, I would like. Sorry, I have a thing that I would like to do. [00:54:47] Speaker E: Oh, did you want to study Celestial. [00:54:49] Speaker D: Yes. Since we have some downtime, I would. [00:54:52] Speaker E: Like to do that. [00:54:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:54:54] Speaker D: What do we roll? [00:54:56] Speaker E: Don't we both. Don't we both roll and take the highest or. [00:55:02] Speaker D: 2D6? [00:55:04] Speaker E: Yeah. Do we both roll and take the highest? Is that what I thought we decided last time? [00:55:12] Speaker A: Yeah, we can do that again. [00:55:14] Speaker D: I got an eight. [00:55:19] Speaker E: I got a nine. [00:55:20] Speaker A: You guys gained nine hours. So not. So everyone sits down and starts resting, and then J. Tello and G. Tello just. Just commit to nine hours of Celestial. It's probably the sort of thing that would be really obnoxious if it wasn't something that the rest of the party members were very used to these two people doing, especially Greta. I mean, you guys spent months listening to her practice uncinian, and now it's just another language. And Tello. Tello. Telo kind of rests a little easier knowing that this isn't his thing right now. [00:56:00] Speaker E: And Greta, are we at or. Abby, are we at 34 according to yours? Because that's what I have. [00:56:06] Speaker B: But I want maybe. [00:56:10] Speaker E: Wait, maybe we were. [00:56:11] Speaker A: 34 is probably correct. [00:56:13] Speaker E: I had 25. [00:56:15] Speaker D: Okay. [00:56:16] Speaker E: And then I added the nine. 34. [00:56:20] Speaker D: I had 25 and then I had seven somewhere. And I'm not sure why the 17. [00:56:25] Speaker A: Okay. And so the party rests, and a day passes and a night as well. Our watch is taken or you guys just trust the Druid Grove? [00:56:37] Speaker D: I would like to. [00:56:40] Speaker C: Druid Grove provides some protections, but, you know, we're in the wild place, so I don't really know. Oh, the password is. Is fungus, by the way. I tell everybody that and I notify every. Everybody as. As friends in. In my group only. [00:56:53] Speaker A: It's so weird to hear Boz's voice come out of Tello as he tells you the password. [00:57:00] Speaker D: I would like to. I trust Drew Grove completely, but I would like to take watch. [00:57:07] Speaker A: Okay. Greta, you take first watch and you are left peering. Okay. Okay. Keep studying. [00:57:16] Speaker D: But I don't want to. So I'm doing review. [00:57:20] Speaker E: You can. I don't mind. [00:57:22] Speaker A: You could also do insinian. That's another language you have. [00:57:26] Speaker D: Oh, I could. Yeah. [00:57:28] Speaker A: A D4 for me. [00:57:31] Speaker E: Uhhuh. [00:57:37] Speaker A: Guys, I've been with the two snow days. I've been listening to a lot of. I'm almost caught up on critical role again. And I've been listening to it, and I've just been struck again and again and again by how much by how rare that kind of experience is. And I've just. I just kept thinking, like, man, I like the people I play D and D with. And. I don't know, that little moment of gooberiness just made me excited and thankful for it all over again. [00:58:03] Speaker D: Just the rare. [00:58:04] Speaker A: To have the opportunity to do this with people is. Yeah, really, really, really exceptional. I mean, I'm surrounded by people who've. Who played D and D, who will probably never get to have an experience like this. But anywho, you said you got how many. Greta, you get two hours of insinu. [00:58:24] Speaker D: I meant 200, which works out well. [00:58:26] Speaker A: 200, but I'm still in conversation. And Greta, you look up from time to time. The mist kind of obfuscates your vision a little bit in the dark, but. And the landscape is very unlit. It's just really, really quiet. You're struck by how little wind you hear. [00:58:46] Speaker D: There should be a lot of wind. [00:58:47] Speaker A: In the open ocean. You look up and the sky is blank. I mean, there are constellations, but there are. There are no clouds. Twilo and Twilight. Oh, shoot. You can only see Twilo this evening. Tomorrow you might see Twila, and you, like, strain your vision through the mist. Okay. They're on the far horizon. You can still barely see Twila, but they've really moved far apart now. And it's all the constellations to which you are used and to which you are accustomed, and it's just not eventful. Watch. Who do you wake up next, if anyone. I really should have peed before we started this session. [00:59:27] Speaker E: Go. Peace, Sis. [00:59:30] Speaker B: Yeah, why don't you. [00:59:32] Speaker A: Why don't you wake somebody up, role play with them, and then I'll come back because I got a pissy, pissy. [00:59:36] Speaker D: This guy pissy. I wake up. Tell. Just kidding. [00:59:40] Speaker B: That would be not productive. And then his whole body jerks, but not loud enough that it wakes up and anyone else, in case. Zach. Okay, what do you mean Craig's thinking? I can't wait till I. Because, you know, Catherine won't wake me up in the middle of the night to go stand out in our door just to watch and make sure no one kills us. We just go to bed. Someone else. No, I'm happy. I'm happy. This is a blessing. It's just. You never think about these things, huh? [01:00:27] Speaker D: I don't think. I've never been married, so. That's true. [01:00:33] Speaker B: That's true. The. [01:00:35] Speaker D: The hags did indeed wake me up, but I think it was kind of like a. Like a psychological trick. [01:00:43] Speaker E: What? [01:00:45] Speaker B: Who have, like, hag. Male. [01:00:50] Speaker E: Woman. [01:00:50] Speaker B: I. I don't know. I don't know if I want to no hag. No hag wanted to. Like. Did you ever get engaged? [01:00:58] Speaker D: No. I mean, they would wake me up in the middle of the night. But like I said, I think it's like. I think it was like a method to keep me so tired that I wouldn't resist. It was like a psychological structure kind of thing, but, you know. [01:01:13] Speaker B: Do you ever want to get married? [01:01:16] Speaker D: No, I never did. I had a really good friend for a long time, but, you know. [01:01:25] Speaker B: Yeah, you know. Hello, Single. [01:01:33] Speaker A: I feel like Tello's single. Says Craig Tello to Greta because again, everyone still looks like Tello. [01:01:42] Speaker D: I feel like Tello's a bit too young for me. [01:01:48] Speaker B: Age ages, you know. You know, one day we're all gonna. That kind of ground. So it's like, with some boundaries on. [01:02:02] Speaker A: That, jumping back to. Jumping back to when. With some boundaries on that, to when Craig said so. You know, it's a blessing. I love, like, I know that that's just Micah talking like Micah because her language is church laden, but I love. Yeah, you do, Landon. I love the idea that Craig's been a paladin for like a month and a half, and his language has gotten that much more religious. I love the idea that he's like a recent convert and he is going in so hard on the church language. [01:02:33] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:02:34] Speaker A: It's just a funny thought. [01:02:35] Speaker D: That is hilarious. [01:02:36] Speaker B: I didn't see any church language in what I said. I agree. [01:02:40] Speaker A: No, I mean, it's. It's not that much. It's just funny. It's just funny. So G. Tello lays down for sleep, and C. Tello, you're up. Anything particular Doing it on the Watcher. I love how much this can campaign. I don't want it to be obligatory, but I love how much value I. I love the. I love the idea that people are like, jumping on watches to be like, oh, I want to do some individual role play. It's cool. [01:03:05] Speaker B: I think Craig is gonna write up more letters to Catherine, kind of explaining the feeling that he had to her, like kind of writing it out, sort of journaling, sort of talking to her, just what he was feeling or earlier. And say he just kind of does some meditating, maybe talks to the maker a little bit more. Okay. If that is how that works. [01:03:36] Speaker A: Breaking down each of those moments a little bit. Craig, as you start pulling out your parchment sheets to write your letters, you are struck by a couple things. One is you open up your package and what does Craig keep his. I mean, he has that journal, but he keeps Tearing pages out of it. Is he writing in the journal, keeping them in there? But you often talk about pulling the pages out. [01:03:55] Speaker B: I don't remember saying that. I'd say he keeps it in there. [01:04:00] Speaker A: At the beginning of the campaign, you did since then. Is he writing them in the journal with the pages in there? [01:04:04] Speaker B: No, he's getting solidified. [01:04:06] Speaker A: Okay. [01:04:07] Speaker B: Maybe he realized that there's not offices in the. In the woods. [01:04:13] Speaker A: Okay, gotcha. Well, then, Craig, as you pull out the journal, first of all, you're struck by, like, how much of it you've written through. Like, you're struck by the fact that it's. You don't have a lot left. You have, like, 20, 30 pages left. And then you're gonna have filled the journal with all your thoughts. And so there's this part of you that's like, wow, don't know when you're gonna be back in society. Society. But you probably get another one of those. You're also struck by how beat up it is. You have some magical people in this group, and somebody here has mending. I think, if no one else does, but Goober does. So every single time you guys go back to the boat, sitting there like, okay, I think. I think that was real. Yeah. So every so often, she can, like, repair basic physical materials you guys have. It keeps your gear enduring as much as she pres. Digitates you. There are probably times we don't role play. Right. Like, everyone has to sit down and, like, Rose sits there and fixes the boots and fixes the pants and. Because things get so worn and heavily utilized. But you're struck by the fact that your journal. Your journal looks. It looks like it. It looks like it's been taken sailing, and it looks like it's been in battles, and it looks like. I mean, it's together. It's a journal. It's been mended a lot. But the magic can only do so much to help. That much wear and tear. And as you write about. About your self, reflections and the length of this journey, you are struck by how much the thing you're recording it in is reflective of all this time in this journey. Wow. This is such a good episode to have right before your birthday. This is cool, Micah. And then as you write this letter out to your wife, you're also struck by the fact that the last time you saw her, Twilo and Twila were on their way to go meet each other. And now they're so far apart in the sky, and at this hour, you can't See the other one. And there is this moment where your mind thinks about how much you, you were married for like 50 years and no more. Almost, yeah, more than 50 years. And the beginning of that marriage was so lovely. And there, there was a lot of growing and some drifting. And you are struck by how much of this growth has been without Kat. Because so much of it, the better and the worst, was with her. And now so much of it is without her. And you go back, if you're okay with me saying this about your roleplay, because it's your character. As you flip back through some of your older journal entries, you see that, that image of looking in your own reflection, those feelings are brought back to you because you look at some of your early letters and you can feel the character leaping off the pages. The letters written to Catherine, talking to her, ignoring any of the problems. The letters written to her, apologizing that were very bad, backhanded apologies, apologies with as much blame as apology in them. You can feel the fear and the egocentrism and the narcissism in these letters. And you, you as you flip through them during the long span of your watch, because you keep looking up, there's very little to see here. I mean, it's beautiful, exquisite, but there's not a lot going on in your tello hands. You, you, you flip the pages and you see the character and there are some very meaningful entries in here. There some big shifts in what you're writing about and how you write. Your writing takes a huge shift after Dolgoth's second attack. Your journal entries take a huge shift after seeing Catherine again. Your entries take a huge shift after reaching Zedge and the Wellspring in. And you're struck most by how much so many of the earlier entries were centered around just clearing this all up, just resolving the confusion, seeing her again, fixing it. And how after you did see her again, so much sooner you thought you were going to. The later entries become like this one you're writing now, more introspective. Because the gravity of how much the problems that arose were not just were like things you were doing had kind of hit you. And you see the intros, the entries become so much more introspective and, and self analyzing. [01:08:54] Speaker B: I think, I think Craig is now realizing that he can't control her forgiveness. He can't have any power over her forgiveness or her view of him. So I think in his experience with like the Maker, I think more than anything, I think his ignorance of how dynamic with the Maker Works. It's more of like a tool that he's using, like processing and giving things up, if that makes sense. He's releasing things to something that he's believing can do something. So I think that as it started as a letter to Catherine, it kind of forms into like a prayer. It forms into like a release. Like, I recognize I have no control or power over the situation and that all I can do is become a better person and of myself, Maker, if you can do anything, please mend my family. You know, something like that. Yeah, I think he's just going to kind of meditate on that for a second and. And it just. This grief just kind of like wells up in him. This, like, loss of something so beautiful that he could have had. But as he's also looking back at the pages, he sees how manipulative it was. And he. It's just like, you know, he's just filled with regret that that's the man she was married to. [01:10:41] Speaker A: This is the. We have a lot of session left and I want to get us to it. The funniest little thing here is Micah. I wrote when I got to college, I started writing this journal entry called Dear Bride. And it was. They were letters I was writing to whoever I was going to marry. And I wrote like, the shame is that when I married Hoffa, there were like 100 pages. And she was like, holy crap. But I was like, yeah, you don't have to read it all, just skip. But it was more about the personal journey, but I was doing that. And it is very interesting that it's obviously different because I wasn't a middle aged, half divorced dwarf, but I had an experience years later, looking back through them, reading the earlier entries, being like, wow, these are. Some of. These are less. There was a journey in reading them, like the one somewhat similar to one Craig's having. So I don't know, that's just interesting. But Craig, your watch passes feels eventful to you also? [01:11:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I did that when I was 13. And looking back at the, like, letters I did at 13, you know, it's like, it's completely different than where you are, you know, now. So I. I get that understanding of. [01:11:55] Speaker A: Like and the ability to cringe, but to be like, hey, that's part of the. There's no shame in this. This is part of the journey. [01:12:02] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:12:04] Speaker D: Anyways, Shout out to journaling. [01:12:08] Speaker B: Shout out to journaling. [01:12:09] Speaker E: Yes. [01:12:12] Speaker A: 124, only one parentheses. Oops. All tellos comma, journaling. [01:12:18] Speaker B: Huh. [01:12:20] Speaker A: Craig, which of the other tell do you wake up? [01:12:23] Speaker B: Oh, man. I don't know which one is which, so I just. [01:12:26] Speaker A: They're all tell. [01:12:27] Speaker B: Take a guess. Oh my gosh. You know what would be fun? If you numbered the people and I rolled the dice. [01:12:41] Speaker A: Excellent. Just did it. Roll a D4 for me. [01:12:43] Speaker D: No fun. [01:12:48] Speaker A: That's a man. That's a good idea. I have great players. I. I just haven't gotten her dice out yet. [01:12:55] Speaker B: No, they're purse. No, they spilled all in my purse and I just didn't. Okay, it's a four. [01:13:05] Speaker A: Oh, amazing. So Craig, you go find one of the toes and you push him awake. And. And Tello. Tello wakes up. Oh, it's the real one. [01:13:16] Speaker B: I'm good at this. [01:13:19] Speaker A: Okay. Correct. Thank you. Waking up. [01:13:21] Speaker C: Why don't you go back to the. [01:13:22] Speaker A: Because I got the watch. Okay. Is what you hear mumbled incoherently. He gets up. [01:13:28] Speaker B: Got this turtle. [01:13:30] Speaker A: He stands up, walks very suddenly in a direction, gets all the way to the edge of the grove, walks out outside of it. And you're like. And then he walks back in. And then he just sits down looking inward the wrong direction. And he's just blinking slowly. And this is very much the teller. And Craig, you fall asleep and. Yeah, the next morning everyone wakes up. Everybody still looks like Tello and you guys are awake. On curved onto Lomula. [01:14:04] Speaker E: What time is it that we wake up? [01:14:08] Speaker A: Well, if we're being honest, Ro and Craig, probably at this point, through this much training, your body is probably wake you up sometime like after six. [01:14:19] Speaker C: Okay. [01:14:19] Speaker A: You conditioned yourselves pretty hard on this. So you two wake up early. Do you work out? [01:14:25] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, sure. [01:14:26] Speaker A: Okay. [01:14:27] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [01:14:31] Speaker A: Craig, how long do you work out for? [01:14:38] Speaker B: Just wondering. You said it's a little before six. Is the sun. Is the sun up? When does the sun rise? [01:14:44] Speaker A: Normally at this time the horizon's getting warmer, but you guys are getting into winter or you're getting toward the end of fall. Now, an interesting point of. Of order anywhere else in the world it should. The days should be much shorter. But you've noticed ever since getting to the lost lands, seasons are funky because it's like they don't really feel as many seasons here. So the sky is heating up at the edge of the horizon, but the sun's not up yet. [01:15:14] Speaker B: Okay, I. I think I'll work out for like a solid hour. [01:15:18] Speaker A: Okay, Ro, you can put another hour on your sheet. How hard do you two work out? Kind of a light. Just keep it in the mood thing. You go hard? [01:15:30] Speaker B: I do today. [01:15:32] Speaker E: Lighter. [01:15:33] Speaker B: I Do lighter, too. I probably spend the last 10 minutes, 15 minutes, like, just stretching and then just looking at the sunrise. [01:15:44] Speaker D: Oh, pretty. [01:15:45] Speaker A: It's at the beginning. Craig suggests going lighter, and it's around his, like, fifth set of 50 push ups that you're like, okay, you're the worst. And Craig, interestingly, you still have a 20 in strength, so you're still ridiculously strong. But so much of this travel, it's taken this strength that is very much. I mean, some people are strong by genetics, some people are strong by training, and some people are strong by both. You have a ton of natch. You are just born strong. Then on top of that, you did a lot of hard work and a lot of your strength when you were young was like, move this big, heavy thing kind of strength. A lot of sheer power that hasn't gone much of anywhere, especially after the wellspring has made you feel kind of younger again. But a lot of this travel is starting to make you calisthenically stronger. And you find yourself, you know, your cardio ceiling's a lot higher. Um, you find your grip strength has improved a pretty significant amount. Um, you find that your reactions are a lot better than they have been in a long, long time. Uh, and you handle your body weight so much better than you used to, you know. Okay, you used to be capable of a lot of really explosive energy, but it tired out pretty fast, and you just, you have a lot more in you nowadays. Um, and also just ready for any. [01:17:01] Speaker B: Run, any competitive run. Competitive. [01:17:04] Speaker A: I'll win today. Because today all you see is Tello. But in recent weeks, you are really, you're starting to. After all this adventuring and traveling and doing, you're starting to look like a Craig you've never seen before. Your body doesn't look like young Craig anymore. It's starting to look like the Craig that never was. The Craig that kind of only eats lean and works out constantly. Like, I don't know, a couple weeks ago, at some point, changing Craig, you're like, oh, my goodness, Heather, are there lines on your stomach? I mean, you're not, you're not like, like, you don't look like, like a, like a Marvel paid actor. It's not all Brian ice and broccoli, but like, trim. I mean, you're, you're huge. But, I mean, you're starting to look pretty trim. So. [01:17:51] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. Remember when Thor was like video games and. And like, unhealthy for a hot second and then. Huh? [01:18:00] Speaker A: Yeah. Fat Thor is how you started this Campaign. [01:18:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:18:05] Speaker B: And. And now I. I'm just Thor. Yeah. Anyways. Anyways. [01:18:09] Speaker A: But anywho, the workout wraps up, everybody wakes up, and it's. It's another day in Kirfton onto Lomuloth. [01:18:18] Speaker D: I have a question. [01:18:19] Speaker A: I have an answer. [01:18:20] Speaker D: Do we have any warm drinks? [01:18:24] Speaker A: If you heat one, I can heat it. [01:18:27] Speaker D: I would like to heat a drink. Do I have any ghee? [01:18:33] Speaker A: It could be druid crafted for you if you wanted, but I don't know that I would say you don't. Only because you guys travel so much, I think you're very much out of provision. You guys have been traveling for weeks now, so I'd say if there are provisions you brought with you, they'll probably run out, so someone would need to do some spellcraft to supply you with more. [01:18:52] Speaker C: Can lay an egg. [01:18:53] Speaker A: Get. [01:18:54] Speaker D: Oh, no, I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm actually not in the mood for eggs. But I do appreciate. [01:19:00] Speaker E: We could go. We. We could go and search. I. I'm gonna say you maybe said something about. Yeah, we could go search for maybe some leaves to brew. [01:19:12] Speaker D: That's okay. I mean, I don't know anything about tea, but maybe we could do that next time we're in town. We could talk to, like, a tea guy. Oh, my God. Jonathan, are you there? Just kidding. [01:19:22] Speaker A: Somewhere out there, Jonathan is having, like a. Like a physical event. He just had a card moment, reacting. [01:19:30] Speaker B: But it's a physical event. [01:19:33] Speaker D: Physical event. [01:19:34] Speaker A: Jonathan just shot up in the middle of the night going oolong and oolong. [01:19:43] Speaker D: Okay, well, maybe next time. I just. I don't know. I just had a sudden craving for tea. [01:19:50] Speaker B: But I'm. [01:19:50] Speaker D: Thank you, Ro. [01:19:51] Speaker E: But I mean, you could. You could. You could test the. You could test the waves with my hair. Maybe you have some gnomish. Oh, wait. And she will. She like. It's like, oh, it's tello hair. [01:20:05] Speaker A: And I'll tell. Reach up to his own hair, run his fingers. This is where the illusion gets weird. This tello right now kind of has a low afro. And this Tello, our tello, runs his fingers through the afro, which is physically impossible. So that's trippy and rose. You just feel the squeaky smoothness of your bald head. [01:20:27] Speaker E: Wait. I start digging through my bag, and I find the pieces of hair of my own that I stuck in my bag, and I'm like, you could try and see if you have some gnomish resistance to the flowers and this. And she, like, wags a bunch of. [01:20:40] Speaker A: Bunch of hair is in front of you. [01:20:43] Speaker E: It's clean. I press the digitated every night. [01:20:46] Speaker D: I'm okay. I think you'll wait. [01:20:48] Speaker C: But I. [01:20:49] Speaker D: You're. [01:20:51] Speaker E: She's just kind of saying that. But, I mean, she did before magic was causing her trouble. Every night. But, like, on the ship, she would, like, prestidigitate herself before she went to bed at night. [01:21:02] Speaker A: You say every night. You mean not within the last. For, like, three weeks. [01:21:07] Speaker E: Yeah, because she's worried to do magic. [01:21:10] Speaker A: Some slightly greasy green hair with dead flowers in it is waved in front of you. Excuse me. Purple. [01:21:19] Speaker D: So I don't know how you would. How possibly you could mix up purple hair with green hair. I don't even know where you would get the idea. [01:21:26] Speaker E: Yeah, where did you get green hair come from? [01:21:32] Speaker D: I say, oh, thanks, Ro. That's so kind and generous of you, but I'm actually okay. I think I'll wait. But I appreciate you so much. [01:21:42] Speaker E: She stuffs it back into her bag. [01:21:45] Speaker A: Gets ready, and all five Tellos head off and start. [01:21:52] Speaker E: See the Tello? [01:21:55] Speaker A: More of the same. The. [01:21:58] Speaker E: Wait, where are we going? [01:22:00] Speaker A: Reddish dirt of the map. I'm going the island. Clearly, the island has only. You can only go up or down, forward or back. And it's not an intense incline at all. It's a very slight incline, but it goes up and up and up and up and up and up in that huge spiral for miles. So there's a very clear path forward to some far peak in the distance you can't see. And so you guys just continue walking forward. And those waterways, those tiny little thin rills increase, they start to grow into thicker streams. And every once in a while, they condense from those, like, streams into, like, full pond sources. And where they're like. If you guys get close to the water at any point, you see those thick clouds of, like, fairy shrimp, those tiny little, like, almost microscopic crustaceans. They're in all these thick pastel colors, and they're dragonflies darting over the water and grabbing them off the top and darting away. [01:23:00] Speaker D: They're in the pond, Steve. [01:23:02] Speaker A: Once. Well, they're in the streamways. Once you get to a pond, there's thicker clouds of them, but there's something far more noticeable as you get to these pond ways around the edges of the streams, especially at the points where they condense into broad, shallow ponds, grow thick stands of immense crystal, angular and unevenly geometric. These den. Well, hold onto that thought, Craig, because you might not feel that way in a second. These dense bunches of gemstones sprout upward around the perimeters of where curvedontalomuloths cool waters meet into their still pools, rising upward from the soils that they split in massive columns. Their shapes vary significantly but are no less than 6 inches thick at any point. So the thinnest of these is 6 inches thick, with some being more than 2ft at their widest cross section. [01:23:59] Speaker D: Wow. [01:24:02] Speaker A: Some rise only 2 inches out of the earth, while others are more than five feet in height. All of these crystals connect to each other in meandering patterns. None of them grow on their own. They're all growing right up next to each other, touching each other. And where they rise up, it's not random up and down. It's all like rising up in waves and spilling and rising and falling. And the strangest of all, the crystals seem completely hollow, Almost as they were only razor thin frames of perfectly clear gemstone. Only faintly tinged pastel hues that catch in the mildly reflecting light. Can I be helpful on molding Miya Vida? [01:24:44] Speaker D: Okay. [01:24:44] Speaker A: You're saying hi. Come here. [01:24:46] Speaker B: Hi. [01:24:46] Speaker A: There's Hoffa, everybody. [01:24:49] Speaker B: Hello. [01:24:54] Speaker A: They would seem impossibly empty were they not filled. Were they not filled with swimming fish? Oh, from lazily drifting. The crystals are from lazily drifting pearl dappled koi to flashing lines of silvery darters, all of which appear to live and traverse these columns of crystal, even disappearing beneath the soils and emerging in mineral formations distances away. As if the crystals are full of water and the fish live in them. [01:25:28] Speaker D: They're like hamsters in giant fish tanks. Very cool. [01:25:34] Speaker C: Can I spot any. Oh, man, where are my languages? Can I spot any Druidic? As we're walking up this area, like, I'm, like, looking to see for, like, hidden druid messages or give me an investigation. Just like, you know, like, Skunk Rat was here or something like that. [01:25:56] Speaker A: Give me an investigation. [01:25:58] Speaker D: I sure hope Skunk. [01:26:01] Speaker C: Oh, man, he used to be a really good guy. Investigation, you said that is a six. Plus guidance. [01:26:14] Speaker A: You don't find any on the sides of. [01:26:17] Speaker C: It's an eight. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Okay, okay. Eight. Excuse me. [01:26:21] Speaker D: Did you cast guidance? [01:26:22] Speaker C: If someone wants to bardic inspiration me. Someone's the bardic inspiration. [01:26:26] Speaker A: Well, we've already rolled guidance. Why don't we roll a D100 for me? [01:26:32] Speaker C: Oh, it's a. Oh, that's right. It's a spell, isn't it? [01:26:36] Speaker A: Now, to be clear, Landon is highly medicated today, so if he makes some Jackie kind of decisions, we know why. This is a 43. [01:26:42] Speaker C: I'm on Uppers and Downers. That's 43 and 56. 43 and 56. [01:26:51] Speaker A: 43 and 56. [01:26:52] Speaker C: 43 and 56. All right, now go crazy. I wrote it down. [01:26:55] Speaker E: Landon has to make. Landon has to be highly medicated, is what Zach is saying to make the decisions that I would make unmedicated. Let me just get that straight. What you're saying. [01:27:08] Speaker A: Don't say something like that about yourself. So with a 43 gate, boss gaslight girl. With 43, you can either gain the very weird benefits of a spell for a time or. You said the other one was 56, Lando. [01:27:25] Speaker C: Yes, 43. [01:27:27] Speaker A: Okay, so you can gain the weird benefits of the spell, or you can gain. So you can gain weird benefits of a spell that make you kind of like movie Movish. [01:27:42] Speaker E: Movish. [01:27:43] Speaker A: Or you can. You can gain the benefits of a spell that make you a little harder to hit, or you can gain the benefits of the spell that give you a movement bonus. [01:27:52] Speaker C: Take the movement bonus. [01:27:53] Speaker D: Do the weird one. [01:27:54] Speaker A: Could you roll a D6 for me, boss? [01:27:56] Speaker C: I will roll a D6 for me. [01:28:00] Speaker A: One for the next hour. You can levitate. [01:28:07] Speaker C: Oh. [01:28:10] Speaker B: I did very. So once. It wasn't that great. [01:28:15] Speaker A: Boz starts floating and Craig's just like, eh, whatever. Baz. As you look around the landscape, you do not find a lot of evidence of other Druidic markings. Aw, not a ton. [01:28:26] Speaker C: Well, that's how it do be sometimes. [01:28:29] Speaker A: Boz says, or, excuse me, Tello says, floating in the air with boss. In the course of all this walking, and you guys walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and walk. Half the day you can see that in the distance where there are increasingly elevated similar mountain ridges beyond you guys, as well as the deep navy ocean waters wrapping between the two. You also, as you peer outward, especially Ro, with your very, very keen eyes, you can see a very fine twinkling haze dappling through the air. So, like, as you look to the left, vast open ocean to the right, more wrapping mountain ridge higher up. Right? Because this is like all the way around the donut, and it's significantly higher in the distance. In between here and there, the air is hazy with kind of like a twinkling sparkling color over the ocean waters. [01:29:22] Speaker B: Yes. [01:29:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:29:24] Speaker A: What's up? [01:29:27] Speaker D: So it's wrapping like a donut. Are we in the first line of spiral? Like, is there a line of rock outside of us between us and the ocean? [01:29:38] Speaker A: It's just like huge mountain spine. Ocean, huge mountain spine. And the one out there is way higher. And you guys are like on the outer part of the donut. Working your way in. So it. It like. [01:29:47] Speaker D: Okay, so. [01:29:48] Speaker A: Wraps upward, inward. [01:29:50] Speaker D: Hold on. I'm going to give you an illustration because I don't think you're catching. [01:29:54] Speaker A: Are you. Are you asking if there are any other smaller island spaces in between? [01:29:58] Speaker D: No. Okay, so I drew a spiral. Are we here on this outside, or are we here and there's a one in between us and the ocean? [01:30:08] Speaker A: This is the ocean. [01:30:09] Speaker D: I understand that this is. Okay, so we're on this. This spiral. [01:30:14] Speaker A: Well, I mean, you don't see any island to the left. The left is open ocean. So you would assume there are no island rings further out than you, but you don't know how many more lie inward. [01:30:26] Speaker D: Okay. [01:30:26] Speaker E: Okay. [01:30:27] Speaker D: Do you guys like my diagram? [01:30:28] Speaker E: I love it. [01:30:29] Speaker A: It was incredible. Thanks. [01:30:32] Speaker E: How far away is maybe like a half mile? Twinkly. Okay, is it. When you say twinkly, are we talking, like, different color spot, like key waves. [01:30:42] Speaker A: With little bits of glitter dappled in them? [01:30:45] Speaker D: Okay, that could be bad. [01:30:47] Speaker A: They very slightly obfuscate the image of all that lies beyond, but only in the more concentric direction of the isle. So as you look out over to the left over the ocean, it's clear air. As you look out to the right to Moore island, further in, it's very dappley. [01:31:02] Speaker D: So, like, the ocean is hot. [01:31:04] Speaker E: Can I do it? [01:31:06] Speaker A: Only, I mean, when you look down at the ocean, you don't see it a lot. You look up at the other island source, you see it as if the air was cooking. [01:31:13] Speaker E: Can I do a either arcana check or nature check? [01:31:20] Speaker A: Of. Well, you can either make an arcana check with an unknown DC or a nature check with a DC of two. [01:31:26] Speaker E: Oh, okay. I'll do what. [01:31:29] Speaker A: Up to you. [01:31:33] Speaker E: I'm gonna. I think the right answer is to do arcana. Is that correct? Correct or no? [01:31:38] Speaker A: I don't know. You could certainly try. [01:31:42] Speaker E: I'm so confused. [01:31:43] Speaker C: Wouldn't it suck if you're trying to cast objurate and you cast obliterate instead? [01:31:50] Speaker A: Oh, that Alphabet. [01:31:52] Speaker C: They're right next to each other in the ostrich. [01:31:55] Speaker E: It's the dyslexic spellcaster's curse. [01:31:59] Speaker A: Dyslexic wizards are just lethal. [01:32:04] Speaker E: That's for arcana. That's gonna be May 21, 21 ROE. [01:32:18] Speaker A: It looks like. I mean, this whole area is filled with errant wild magic, but it looks like for some reason, the airspace in between the aisles, like. Like in between the length of the aisle over the ocean water it's like. It's more. It's like the magic is so virulent, it's in the air. And with the 21, there's a lot of guesswork here. You don't know what it would do, but you get the feeling that traveling through that space could incur the effects of wild magic. You don't even need to spell cast. Just like existing there could have it happen. [01:32:50] Speaker D: Okay. [01:32:51] Speaker E: And that's the air above the water. Correct. I. I point all this. I point all this observations out to my fellow telos. [01:33:03] Speaker C: Imagine catching a fish and having to pull it through that wild magic stuff. [01:33:09] Speaker E: And it's just a dragon and it looks like. [01:33:13] Speaker A: Or it has no hair. [01:33:14] Speaker C: What if it lost all its hair? That'd be hilarious. [01:33:16] Speaker D: They still have hair. [01:33:17] Speaker A: Silly potion sequence. It's the potion sequence from Emperor's New Groove. Coming up here. Fishing. [01:33:24] Speaker B: Rolling. [01:33:26] Speaker A: Turned into a cow. Can I call home? Okay. And do you guys continue to travel in there? [01:33:35] Speaker C: Yeah, some of my familiar and I have him kind of like fly above us as he's like. Like to keep a lookout and I. Heck yeah. [01:33:44] Speaker A: I think we had said. Because it's an. Is that associated with an item? I cannot remember. [01:33:51] Speaker C: It's an ability I have with my class. [01:33:56] Speaker A: Can you read the feature for me? I just want to clarify some language for myself. Yes, I know, you're right. I just want to clarify. [01:34:04] Speaker C: Let me see. It's from Tasha's. I think. [01:34:13] Speaker A: Well, all. Okay, how about I do it like this? Because I might be unclear right now. This is vague what I'm asking. I'll clarify. Does Boz need to cast a spell for this or is it just that he gets this benefit from the feature? [01:34:26] Speaker C: No, I expend a wild shape. [01:34:28] Speaker A: Oh, to cast. Phenomenal. [01:34:30] Speaker C: No, no, you expend a wild shape to cast find familiar. So does that mean that my wild shape is doing the heavy lifting or am I using it like a spell component? [01:34:38] Speaker A: I'm gonna. Because it's falling under the auspice of a wild shape. I going to say that it does not affect. I'm going to say you can cast them. So with no wild magic incurred Zarafax. What was this dragon guy's name? [01:34:54] Speaker C: Sounds great. [01:34:55] Speaker A: Xerxes. [01:34:56] Speaker B: Zaxby. [01:35:02] Speaker C: I like Zaxby's. His name's Zaxby. [01:35:04] Speaker A: No, he has a name. [01:35:05] Speaker E: I think it's zero facts. [01:35:08] Speaker A: No, because that's. It's close, but that's not it. Xerxes. Anyway, your snaky dragon boy gets summoned to the air and he's flying. And you send him up? [01:35:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I send him upward. Not into the weird mist. I tell him, hey, don't look at. Don't go to that mist. It's not above you. [01:35:23] Speaker A: It's not above you. It's just to the right, inward, toward the end. [01:35:26] Speaker C: Oh, you know what I do? So here's what I do. I have him fly up to where I can see farther in to see if anything weird happens as you send. [01:35:34] Speaker A: Him upward and your eyes roll back in your own head and your vision blurs. You look through his eyes and you see a great deal more landscape like it has been. The terrain gets a little more rockier. There are higher outcroppings of stone, but it's just more. It's just more of this. More streams, more paths, more trees, more stone. Open. Doesn't seem to change for a long, long ways. [01:35:56] Speaker C: I bring him back, call him back down. I just invite him to come travel with us as we go. [01:36:01] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Okay. He's just weaving and bobbing and twisting through the air along with you guys as if he's swimming through it. You good, Abby? What's happening over there? [01:36:09] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just having like. There's like, stuff in my head. [01:36:13] Speaker A: Oh, I'm sorry. [01:36:14] Speaker D: I just happened to loosen up my sight. [01:36:18] Speaker A: Okay, well. [01:36:19] Speaker B: Oh, you mean not in your mind, but, like in your face? [01:36:22] Speaker D: In my face? [01:36:23] Speaker C: Oh, I thought you said, like, something. Okay. Sorry, Zach. [01:36:26] Speaker A: Within hours of walking. [01:36:30] Speaker D: When boss does that, do I know that he does that based on the eyes rolling into his head? [01:36:34] Speaker A: And yes. You guys have seen him do this many times. [01:36:37] Speaker C: I'm hiding. Exactly. [01:36:39] Speaker B: Hey, boss, how long. [01:36:40] Speaker A: Put my hands over my face. [01:36:42] Speaker D: How long do you think it'll take us to get there? [01:36:46] Speaker C: Probably like three or four days. [01:36:47] Speaker E: Do we know where we're going? [01:36:49] Speaker D: Oh, wow. [01:36:51] Speaker E: We're going upro. [01:36:52] Speaker D: We're going. [01:36:53] Speaker E: We're going. Are we going to a tower? If I remember correctly. [01:36:55] Speaker C: Also, there was a bone dragon halfway through, but also a nice little pie shop. It looked like somebody had, like, a set up. [01:37:05] Speaker E: Are we supposed to be going to a tower or am I remembering something completely false? [01:37:11] Speaker D: Yes. [01:37:11] Speaker C: Power can mean many different things. [01:37:14] Speaker E: That's true. [01:37:18] Speaker B: Has he ever steered us wrong before? [01:37:20] Speaker E: So are we looking for a tower or we're just looking? Looking for something that's a place that might be holding some kind of book. [01:37:28] Speaker C: Something could be looking for us right now. You never know. [01:37:30] Speaker A: Balls a building out of the ground. Roll initiative. [01:37:36] Speaker E: Ro goes deep into her keen mind and asks the dm. [01:37:42] Speaker A: Abby Abby. Abby, take your initiative. Abby just messaged tower. I hardly know her. That's phenomenal. Abby, mark initiative. Mark inspiration, please. [01:38:02] Speaker E: I reached deep into my keen mind. [01:38:05] Speaker A: Okay. Yes, you reach into my keen mind. [01:38:07] Speaker E: What was it exactly that we were told again? [01:38:10] Speaker A: The Deep Root told you to head to Kirtan onto Lamulath, but didn't the Builder with the Bewildering Keep at the center? Because he told you that Kurten Ontalamula Patindid was at the center of Kurftan onto Lomuloth. And there the Bewildering Keep held the Book of Many Secrets. And it's. [01:38:24] Speaker B: And it's. [01:38:25] Speaker E: So the island isn't the Bewildering Keep? The Bewildering Keep is on the island. From what I gathered, the two have a different name. [01:38:35] Speaker A: One of them is Perfume onto Lamulath. [01:38:37] Speaker E: The other one's, we're just looking for something that looks like it's probably hiding something. [01:38:43] Speaker D: Maybe I would like to forgot that. I think I might have missed that session, but I would like to retroactively role play that. Greta has been sad about not being able to take notes, but she has been talking non stop about what could possibly be in the Book of Many Secrets. She is so excited, and that has been more than enough consolation for her not taking notes. Also, she would have done it anyway because she loves Boz and she respects Boz, but that's all I have. [01:39:15] Speaker E: I feel like. [01:39:16] Speaker C: Pause. Sorry. [01:39:17] Speaker A: Next. [01:39:17] Speaker C: You go first. [01:39:18] Speaker A: Me next. [01:39:18] Speaker E: I was just gonna say as Ro. Every time Greta, like, talks like this, she's like, yeah, I feel like. I feel like the Book of Secrets is like a gold mine for you. It's like. It's like going into like a rock. [01:39:33] Speaker D: A gold mine. [01:39:34] Speaker E: Literally going into a gold mine. Yeah. For real. [01:39:38] Speaker B: Craig nods his head. Greg just agrees. [01:39:44] Speaker D: I'm so excited. [01:39:44] Speaker A: I laughed really hard just then. And then one part of my whole screen turned blurry white in my reflection of my camera. I was like, what's that about? And I realized I spit a little on my camera, so I had to clean it off. [01:39:57] Speaker E: Landon. [01:40:00] Speaker C: I was gonna say that. Abby, I think not. [01:40:04] Speaker A: Abby. [01:40:04] Speaker C: I would be talking to Greta at some point during this adventure of going through everything. I probably would be like, I don't. I. I think I was a little stingy. I'm sorry. [01:40:16] Speaker D: It's okay. No, I totally understand. [01:40:21] Speaker C: I think I was a little scared about stuff getting here, but I don't think I can protect this place. I don't think it's my job. I Mean, like, don't. Like, if there's, like, a super dark secret, like, key to, like, my people. Like, it'd be cool if you didn't write it down, but if you want to, like, write down what. What you're seeing and doing, I think that's really cool. Like, do your thing. Like, I feel like I want you to enjoy it here, and I see the pain being good. [01:40:55] Speaker D: I definitely still enjoy it. I just. I don't know. I'll think about it. I just. [01:41:00] Speaker B: I agree. [01:41:00] Speaker D: I don't want to. This place is beautiful, and I don't want it to get in any kind of harm. [01:41:05] Speaker C: You know, there's a. In a long, faraway place, there was a group of people. When they found a really cool place, they. They called it Iceland. And then when they found an awful place, they named it Greenland. You could call this, I don't know, Zedge, if you want, or some other place you say I was traveling in. Zedge. [01:41:25] Speaker D: I could make up island, say, oh, I've never been to the lost. Look at these stuff that I found on. [01:41:32] Speaker C: I would just say I went to. Yeah, not even Southern Arches. [01:41:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:41:39] Speaker E: Or you could call them the found. The Found Waters. [01:41:43] Speaker C: I think that's. If there was a nose that'd be on it. That'd be on it. [01:41:46] Speaker E: You could call them the Found Waters. Ro thinks she's really done something. [01:41:51] Speaker C: I trust you guys. [01:41:52] Speaker A: Greta. Does everyone. Does everyone get, like, a little bit of eardrum damage from the sound of the speed bear, of the sound barrier being broken from Greta opening up her journal so fast? [01:42:04] Speaker D: No, I think. I think she. She's. She said, like, thank you, boss. I. I appreciate that. I'm. I'm gonna think about it. And I think she really does. Like, she's gonna think about whether or not it's a smart decision to take notes here. [01:42:19] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, like, she's probably down one for word. The book of many secrets. Like, I mean, it's in there if you want to copy, like, one. If there's, like, a secret you like. I mean, that sounds reasonable, right? I mean, you gotta share with somebody. You don't get to whisper them to somebody else. [01:42:40] Speaker D: But if everyone takes secret, then there's no secret. [01:42:43] Speaker A: I won't take Hashtag. [01:42:45] Speaker C: I won't take it. You can have mine. [01:42:48] Speaker D: Okay, I'll tell you. [01:42:49] Speaker B: I'll tell you my secrets, Greta. I'll tell you my secrets. [01:42:52] Speaker A: It's about this point in the conversation that everyone quits looking like Tello and starts to look like themselves. [01:42:58] Speaker E: Dang. [01:42:58] Speaker A: It. [01:42:59] Speaker D: That would mean it's night. [01:43:01] Speaker E: Yeah. What time is it? [01:43:02] Speaker A: I don't care that much about the math. It's midday. [01:43:06] Speaker C: We would play Star Valley in math. Who care? [01:43:09] Speaker D: I love. [01:43:13] Speaker A: Lando. Ro, could you make a survival check for me? [01:43:25] Speaker D: Can I assist? [01:43:26] Speaker A: Okay, guys, remember, survival checks, like about living or dying, that's not what they're for. [01:43:33] Speaker C: Until they are Zachary, Fail, you die. [01:43:36] Speaker E: That's gonna be. [01:43:37] Speaker A: Yes, sometimes. [01:43:38] Speaker D: But you fail, you die. [01:43:40] Speaker E: That's gonna be a nightmare. [01:43:42] Speaker A: You guys are just walking around and I'm like, could you roll a death save for me? In critical role campaign three, Travis Willingham is playing a character who's 400 years old. And a year ago, somebody made a joke like, dude, you're sold. You could die at any time. And since then, every single day in the campaign, whenever they wake up and a day has passed, at the beginning of. At the end of every long rest, he rolls a D100. Wow. He said some time ago what the number was. It's like. It's like five or lower or something. But basically, like, if he rolls it, something like that. I don't remember exactly what. But he said, like, he kept. So, like, if he. If he hits a certain number, he just says his character passes away in the night. What's up, baby? Oh, there's a fire truck outside. [01:44:29] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:44:30] Speaker A: Okay, well, tell me if you see smoke. Well, she seems excited about it. Not worried. [01:44:34] Speaker E: But when I lived in an apartment, there was stuff all the time that went down. Might be an oldest one, a 1919. Well, real. I was just. I just wanted to say a real quick thing because the fire truck made me think of it and Critical Role made me think of it. Critical role has. They are not playing this week, which they always play due to the fires because all of them had to relocate for now to get out of la. So I just wanted to give a quick shout out to. I've been like crying for the past few days. So I just want to give a quick shout out to Critical Role, but also to everyone in the Los Angeles area right now who's having to deal with that. And I just. We're all thinking of you and praying for you and I hope you are okay. And if an evacuation warning goes out, please evacuate. So that's all I wanted to say. Sorry. Made me think of it. [01:45:34] Speaker D: Second that. [01:45:35] Speaker E: Right? [01:45:35] Speaker D: Or seconded. [01:45:36] Speaker B: That's okay. [01:45:37] Speaker E: Sorry. Survival check. [01:45:39] Speaker A: Back to that. [01:45:39] Speaker B: Back to. [01:45:41] Speaker A: That was a survival check. Back to Goofy D and D. Ro, as you're walking around, you notice a Breeze picked up and you've just been keenly aware of the fact that one hasn't been here so far the whole time you've been here. But there is a breeze. You notice it because it's been persistently building and you guys are accustomed to so much open ocean life that you don't really think about it too much. But it's like it's picking up from the left and it dies down. Then from the right, from behind, it's like a different direction. [01:46:21] Speaker D: Wow. [01:46:23] Speaker E: Interesting. How bad is this getting? Am I having to like hold down, like my cloak? Like, is it blowing things around? [01:46:31] Speaker A: The people around you would need to have something seriously wrong with them to also not notice. [01:46:36] Speaker E: But that makes sense. Sorry. Okay. Yeah, I'm just gonna keep that. [01:46:44] Speaker A: I'll, I'll, I'll. [01:46:45] Speaker E: I'll point it out. I'll be like, guys, keep an eye on the air. It's being weird. She says in rose voice. [01:46:54] Speaker C: Real quick, guys. So weird stuff going on. We have a choice to make here. I can make a salt charm proof, but I'm gonna have to cast three spells to do it. [01:47:04] Speaker E: Yeah, is that. [01:47:05] Speaker C: Well, I could do. I could do. I could do it in one spell, but it would take a big old hefty chunk. [01:47:12] Speaker D: How do we want to be charmed? [01:47:14] Speaker C: Because who knows what's gonna happen? And Fay's charm, in my mind. [01:47:25] Speaker E: Interesting spells. [01:47:28] Speaker C: I could do it. [01:47:29] Speaker A: There's like a. There's like a big upwell of comes by and there's like a little wind that comes by. You all moves all your hair. [01:47:36] Speaker C: Is the mist over the ocean getting pushed into by. [01:47:40] Speaker A: No, it's, it's. It's. The weather is like middle of summer out here. Basically it just blows up from somewhere over the cliff, rushes by you all, and then moves back. Idyllic landscape. Still, for the most part, it's coming. [01:47:55] Speaker D: From all over, right? It's not coming from one direction. [01:47:59] Speaker E: I. I asked, sorry. [01:48:02] Speaker D: Did you notice it? Where are we? Did we just like come around a corner on the spiral? What are we? [01:48:11] Speaker A: Length and gradient of this land is so long, so big. There are no corners. There is only the ever inward winding path. But this thing is miles and miles and miles and miles long. There is no sharp corner. There is only the ever slowly inward turning, rising path. [01:48:27] Speaker D: I understand, but have we, since I asked, grow since the wind has picked up? Have we like, have you noticed this since we're on the north side? Because I know it's not sharp corners, but we're. If we're going in a circle. Like, the east is to our right, the north is to our right, the west is to our right. Is that. Is there any correlation there? I'm assuming. [01:48:51] Speaker A: Ro. Okay, here's the thing. Your keen mind actually works pretty well in the lost sciences we've discovered. But things are also funky out here. Yeah, I'll say. You still have it. You're very powerful, and Ogba is kind of centering you. You are aware that you are facing kind of northwesterly right now. But again, to emphasize the size of this isle, you haven't veered from north your whole time. In like, a day and a half. You've been walking. Now getting northwesterly, it is. This thing is immense. It's like you're walking an entire island or, like, mountain chain. I mean, it's so long. So it's not that much of a change. It must be much more a product of something happening in this moment. And it's around this time that the wind whips in from a couple different directions. And then you all watch, like, a couple, like, kind of pale clouds gather kind of from nowhere, a little in front of you, a little behind, but there's just some clouds starting to create some sort of weather event in the sky as the air is continuing to. I mean, it's nothing insane, but the weather is. The wind is starting to pick up a little more from each. [01:50:05] Speaker E: Are these clouds magical? Magical clouds. [01:50:09] Speaker A: Interesting. Zachary, you could. Yes, Lando. What's up? [01:50:14] Speaker C: I don't know how long we have to, like, ask questions and do things for, so I. I have something that I'd like to do. [01:50:19] Speaker A: Jack. Valid, valid, valid, valid. Especially in the Lost Lands. I feel it. [01:50:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:50:23] Speaker C: Sorry. They are definitely magical. Yeah, I just wanted to, like. [01:50:31] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:50:32] Speaker C: I completely forgot I was gonna do. Oh, my goodness. [01:50:34] Speaker A: Oh, buddy. [01:50:37] Speaker C: Okay. Nope, That's Boz. He forgets what he was gonna say. [01:50:44] Speaker A: If you want to check whether or not the suddenly erupting clouds are magical, you can give me a nature check. You're gonna D.C. of two. [01:50:52] Speaker D: I think it's magical, Jack. Yeah. [01:50:54] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:50:54] Speaker C: It's okay. It's okay. [01:50:55] Speaker A: What'd you get on your nature check? [01:50:57] Speaker C: I just. I forgot because I am on drugs. [01:50:59] Speaker E: 17 row. [01:51:02] Speaker A: It occurs to you that in your years of living, you've never seen clouds erupt out of thin air before. And these are probably magical. They tend to need to blow in slowly and accumulate in the atmosphere. And as the. I remember my question. [01:51:21] Speaker C: I remember my question. [01:51:22] Speaker A: What's up, Lando? What's up? [01:51:23] Speaker C: How far did it seem to go? Like total, like in the loop de loop spiral. When I looked at it from above, like was it making your dragon start running? [01:51:32] Speaker A: When you flew your dragon all the way up, you. You were not to the fly. The height you flew him up and looked, you weren't able to see the other side of the next length of the loop. You would estimate the length of this island to be miles and miles and miles and miles. It certainly seems like there's more, but like to put it this way, you don't even know if there's more than two loops to this island. Because the furthest distance he could see to the west was the height of the next mountain ridge. [01:52:01] Speaker D: Wow. [01:52:03] Speaker A: So you're not going to suddenly run to the top. You guys are. You guys are crossing one of the US's smaller states. Basically. This thing is real big. Well, the US's smallest state. [01:52:18] Speaker D: How far is it still like about like a yard. I'm sorry, not a yard. How far is it from end to end? Is it like 60ft is what you. [01:52:28] Speaker A: Said earlier when you say it. What might it be? [01:52:31] Speaker D: The chunk of circle that we're on. [01:52:34] Speaker A: The, the top where you can walk. [01:52:36] Speaker D: Yeah, the part that we're walking on now. How far is it from ocean to. [01:52:39] Speaker A: Ocean, from east to west? It's like a little under a thousand feet. [01:52:43] Speaker D: Okay, so there's a thousand. It's a thousand feet wide, the strip that we're walking. [01:52:49] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Not. Not too far from. I mean not quite, but it's. It's a couple football fields lined up next to each other. [01:52:57] Speaker D: Okay. [01:53:01] Speaker A: The clouds you realize now are starting to gather closer and closer and tighter and tighter. And they're coming to the point of making like you guys notice that like a quarter mile kind of circumference area just over near where you guys are is becoming cloudy sky, but nothing beyond it in any direction. And the wind is starting to pretty consistently the wind is picking up around you all and a lot of the grasses and forbs around you are swaying and whipping kind of hard and it's. There's certainly some sort of an inclements happening just where you are for some reason. [01:53:42] Speaker C: I boz looks around and he whispers the sylvan word for defense and casts formidable foliage on himself. [01:53:50] Speaker A: Heck yeah. Would you describe that casting to me? [01:53:55] Speaker C: Yes. So he's looking at the clouds and lightning and he looks at his little dragon friend who I believe it's probably not too windy for him to fly, but he's probably landed on him no, no, no. All right. [01:54:06] Speaker A: He is perched wrapped around you. [01:54:08] Speaker C: So I. I look at him. I give him like, a cautious look. And then I cast forgetable foliage. And I assume I. Not this music dice. Does anything weird happen. [01:54:19] Speaker A: We'll roll a D100 as you give. As you shoot him. The cautious look. The. It's cool because now the vines don't grow up out of the ground. It looks like they grow out of you because of the physical change you've undergone. It's like your veins, your capillaries push to the surface, but then turn into roots and thicken and grab them and all these thorns sharpen and rise off of you. Okay, 98 and 31. Okay, well, that's a spread. Let me do some scrolling 31. Something unexpected and transmutational will happen that is mostly positive. And then 98, a purely positive if un overwhelming thing will happen. [01:55:10] Speaker C: Unoverwhelming. [01:55:11] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Like if. If mundane. Excuse me. [01:55:14] Speaker C: Let's go with the other one then. No, no, no, no. Not transmutative. I'm gonna to go with 98. Let's go with mundane. [01:55:20] Speaker A: At this moment. Did you roll a D20 for me, boss? Also, please, whenever I give you these rolls, send them in your channel so that we have record. [01:55:26] Speaker D: I will. [01:55:27] Speaker C: A D20, you said? [01:55:29] Speaker A: Yes, sir. A D20. But for the next two days, you can use the tongue spell. [01:55:36] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. You said mundane. [01:55:39] Speaker E: I mean, that might be nice, what you do. [01:55:42] Speaker A: Greta. [01:55:45] Speaker D: I would like to cast spirit guardian. [01:55:52] Speaker A: Could you describe what spirit guardians looks for you? Because you haven't cast spirit guardians since you were a corrupted domain cleric. So what does it look like now with. With a knowledge domain cleric? [01:56:05] Speaker D: I am. I am. They look so cool. But I am going to. I'm casting it at fourth level. Just be know. [01:56:12] Speaker A: That's awesome. Yes, thank you. Thank you for telling me that. That's great players. [01:56:16] Speaker D: I would like them. So the symbol for knowledge domain for IUN is like a big eye. I want them to be giant eyes. [01:56:27] Speaker A: Like. [01:56:27] Speaker C: Oh, yes. [01:56:28] Speaker A: A cool thing to decide. [01:56:30] Speaker D: They look like. Like a type of biblically accurate angel. Like, they've got maybe like one big eye with like, lots of little eyes, different colors. [01:56:40] Speaker B: Like. [01:56:41] Speaker D: Like a rainbow array of eyes around it with, like, big wings. And they look like just giant circles. How many are there? [01:56:51] Speaker A: It's just. It's just a. No, they just. It's just a number. So you can pick a number that you like. That feels cool. [01:57:00] Speaker D: Maybe seven. Like the seven stars of Ioun. [01:57:03] Speaker A: Greta in the dopest. Motion. Seven stars of Salem. But great it is. Sorry. You grab the golden, like, aquamarine crystalline holy symbol around your neck, and as you cast one of the first cleric spells you've cast with your new domain, as you squeeze it, this dope thing happens where you guys. It girl. This is your thing. [01:57:28] Speaker D: I grab it, and I pull it out from under my shirt so that they can get out, and they, like. They, like, shoot out of it in, like, a bright ray of light. What color is I? [01:57:41] Speaker A: The. The cracks of light flash outward. We've been describing her as kind of like a. Like a. A very light gold and an aquamarine color. But last time, you started describing as. As something else. And please feel free. [01:57:53] Speaker D: I don't remember what I did last. I really like turquoise. I'm in a turquoise era, so maybe it's like. Maybe it's. It's like a turquoise, but, like, you know how the stone will have, like. Like brown or, like, dark in it? Maybe it's like. [01:58:07] Speaker A: It's got, like, those and those hues. Those hues make up the rings. Those. Those spiritually spectral, physically impermanent hues make the disks of rotating eyes with burning blue flames in their center that now rotate around Greta. And everybody's like, okay, that's kind of metal. And so those are orbiting Greta where everyone's standing. And you're sort of like, at the face of this clearing edge, more close to the westerly side of the cliff with the rock formations ahead. And Boz has surrounded himself with foliage armor. Greta has summoned spiritual guardians. Could you roll a D100 for me, Greta? [01:58:42] Speaker D: I would do 100, yes. Oh, I can never find that one. What does it look like? It looks like this. That is a 12. [01:58:56] Speaker A: Wow. Way down at the bottom with a 12. Could you roll a D20 for me, Greta? [01:59:07] Speaker D: It's a 10. [01:59:08] Speaker A: For the next 10 hours, you, Ro, and Craig have the benefits of the Feather fall spell. So please, please record that in your channel. [01:59:19] Speaker B: For how long? [01:59:22] Speaker A: 12 hours. You guys see the benefits of the feather fall spell? There's a lot of positive things on the table. There's a lot of negatives, a lot of positives, a lot of neutrals. Is anybody else doing anything right now? You don't need to be. Just ask. [01:59:36] Speaker E: I have a question. If I use the. The. What am I trying to call it? The charges on my loot on song splitter, do those count as, like, casting? Like, how does that work? Or does it count as, like, a magic item? Or. [01:59:56] Speaker A: So far, when magic items. Items use spells it's been a little more variable, you guys casting spells has incited it so far. And then whether or not the magic items doing spells imply something has been kind of 50, 50. You have a very high icon of modifier. I'll tell you. The thing you've noticed so far is that when magic items do spells, when the magic items cast strong spells, it seems to incur the effect when the magic items, something about them being a conduit for lower level spells doesn't seem to incite the wild magic items much as you all are contemplating and varying. I imagine the group's kind of naturally circling up around each other. Crello kind of puts like a hand on a dagger. There's the. The clouds gathering around you are kind of like swirling into a point. And then suddenly there's one. There's one. And with that sound, the mountain like shakes just a little from the proximity. You don't see any flash of light, but all of the clouds, like outward to in turn dark gray and start spreading. And there's like a storm. And all of a sudden the wind is picking up and it's getting loud and far off. You guys hear in this line of colored streets down on the side of the mountain, and there is so suddenly a storm above you. And it begins very softly like it's like sprinkling down over you all. And the area just where you are is getting dark and stormy. And everywhere further away is light. And the environment kind of shakes a little. And then from maybe 200ft in front of you, this pale white streak strikes the ground. And everybody needs to close their eyes and shudder backward. As you all open your eyes and look forward, there is a person in the field up ahead of you in between a bunch of stones. He's kneeling down with one knee up, one knee down, very much in the superhero landing pose. But instead of having one fist down, both are down and his head is bowed, but he's not on the ground. There's a blast crater underneath him about 15ft wide, but he's two feet off the ground levitating. Oh, and you guys are maybe 60ft away. We'll say in a group. And I'm actually, could you guys. We'll get to this in a second. He's blue. [02:02:40] Speaker E: He's blue. [02:02:41] Speaker A: Completely blue. The figure is wearing well. Okay, so the figure is folded up, and as he rises and stands up, he looks 8, 9ft tall from this distance, his head to toe bright electric blue. And as he stands up, his eyes are closed. The figure is bald no hair on the head, no hair on the eyes, no hair on the face. The figure is wearing a wrapped cloth sort of waist wrapping with a long central tunic band running down the center, in between the legs and over the back. So, like, his butt and like his flanks and his legs and his crotch are covered, but his legs are bare. There is no shirt. The figure is jacked. And just no other markings, no other symbology. And there's this, like, blue line, this thick blue line, kind of like tattooed on the forehead. And as he opens his eyes, they are just. No iris, no sclera, just blue light. And as he opens them, lightning flashes down further south behind you all. [02:04:00] Speaker C: Can I do something before. Before combat starts? [02:04:05] Speaker A: Well, who said there's going to be combat? [02:04:08] Speaker C: I want to use wild magic to, like, do tongues on myself. [02:04:12] Speaker A: Okay, sure. [02:04:14] Speaker C: And I want. Want to call out him. [02:04:16] Speaker A: You permanently have those benefits. The duression. You don't need to cast. [02:04:19] Speaker E: You just have. [02:04:21] Speaker A: Whenever the wild magic, like, gives you something, you've got it. It's like the spell is going the whole time, no matter what. [02:04:26] Speaker C: Got it, Got it. [02:04:27] Speaker A: It's not on you to have it. [02:04:28] Speaker C: I love that Jackie. She says, basically, it looks like Megamind, what I'm picturing. I say, are we trespassing right now? [02:04:39] Speaker A: The nice Landon. As you shout that out over the wind that's whipping around you and the rain that's falling all around, the figure begins walking toward you, but is walking in the air like a foot off the ground. And as they walk past the cradle, past the crater where they're walking over the ground, the cradle? [02:04:58] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:05:00] Speaker A: The grasses and forbs below their feet. Wherever they accidentally touch the feet and graze them, they catch fire and then wither scary and burn up a little bit until the rain puts them out. And as the figure's walking forward, you hear a booming voice, Carrie in common, responds to you and says, you could say that. No. [02:05:23] Speaker E: Oh, no. [02:05:24] Speaker A: And is continuing walking slowly but steadily toward you. All the figures continues, and says, you haven't taken right of land. I don't even know where we are, and I don't care. It's not a place you've taken from me, but you have stolen. And the figure's just walking slowly but steadily toward you across the air. [02:05:47] Speaker C: If I've taken something, I'd love to give it back to you. [02:05:50] Speaker D: You're muted, Micah. [02:05:51] Speaker A: No, no, he's not. He's. Oh. Micah's mute. [02:05:53] Speaker E: No. Micah. [02:05:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:05:56] Speaker B: Can I cast sanctuary? [02:05:59] Speaker E: Oh. [02:06:00] Speaker A: Describe what that looks like, Micah. Oh, My goodness. We're doing a paladin spell. [02:06:05] Speaker B: Cool. I say that there's like, ah, the blue that Craig still. Because I think. Was it Craig's magic blue? Was it. No, I think. Was it orange? [02:06:17] Speaker A: We talked about it being cyan and gold. But up to you. Like. Like a light blue. But it's up to you, Shane. Follow your dreams. [02:06:24] Speaker B: It's gonna be a light blue. No, because I want it to match. Like his water kind of like vibe on the mic. Yes, yeah, exactly that. So basically, it's gonna kind of like, start to, like. I don't know, it's gonna come out from his eyes and then, like, out from his hand. And as it, like, as his hand extends, it's gonna, like, shoot out in this light but almost watery type of. [02:06:51] Speaker A: Oh, sick. Micah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [02:06:53] Speaker B: And it's going to like. Like a wave is going to, like, explode. Like it's like hitting against a rock and it's going to cover us there. [02:07:00] Speaker C: Only one person. [02:07:01] Speaker B: Isn't that how that works? [02:07:02] Speaker C: It's only one creature. [02:07:04] Speaker B: No, no. The range is 30ft, but it's. [02:07:07] Speaker C: You target a creature, you target one person. [02:07:11] Speaker B: Oh. Oh, shoot. [02:07:14] Speaker C: And also, if the person attacks something, they lose sanctuary. But, hey, I think what you're doing fits right into what we're also doing. I just want to let you know about the spell. Because it's your first time using it. [02:07:26] Speaker B: Yeah, it's my first time using it. [02:07:27] Speaker C: I don't think it's a bad idea. I think it's a good idea. But I just letting you know that. Help you decide what to do. [02:07:36] Speaker B: I am. Gosh. Shoot. [02:07:40] Speaker E: Hold on. [02:07:40] Speaker B: I didn't think about this. Can I ask advice from the dm? [02:07:46] Speaker A: Yeah, sure, sure, sure. [02:07:48] Speaker B: What have I done this? I. I want to. I want to, like, protect who seems to be the most vulnerable out of all of us. [02:08:01] Speaker A: If you are trying to pick one person from the group, that's not a bad idea. Especially if you. If you think there's someone here who's going to not attack, you think there's someone here who's going to do other stuff. Sanctuary is a good pick for them because then it stays. So if you think there's someone in your group who strikes you as vulnerable, who's probably not going to turn around and hit somebody with something, it's not a bad pick for them. [02:08:25] Speaker D: And it doesn't include. No, it doesn't. [02:08:28] Speaker C: No, it does. If you make an attack that affects damage. [02:08:34] Speaker D: Okay. [02:08:35] Speaker A: Yeah. Until the spell ends. Any creature who targets the water Creature with an attack or harmful spell on a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or attack spell. If the warded creature makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends. So it would be smart to use this spell on a party member who you think is not going to hit them with a weapon and not going to attack a spell. Hit an enemy with a spell. But it's up to you. You. [02:08:57] Speaker B: There's going to be no one. That's going to be no one. [02:09:02] Speaker A: Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. There's a missed opportunity here. Craig, why don't you make a strategy check for me? And we don't get these a lot in the campaign, so why don't you make a strategy check for me? Strategies under intelligence. And I don't think you took proficiency in that. You took proficiency in immunity, I think, or one of the other constitutions. [02:09:19] Speaker E: So strategies, intelligence. [02:09:21] Speaker A: Yeah. What'd you get? One. [02:09:27] Speaker B: I have inspiration. I'm gonna use that. [02:09:31] Speaker E: Okay. [02:09:32] Speaker A: It's yours to use. [02:09:34] Speaker B: Okay. That One is a nat 20, which brings it down to a 19. [02:09:37] Speaker A: Oh, buddy, I'm so sorry. Craig. One of the only characters where I can write 19 and then parenthesis 20. Craig, it turned. It occurs to you this would be a really great spell to utilize on Roe. She frequently spends a ton of her time just buffing party members and healing you all and doing area of effect control spells. So this is actually a really useful spell on her because you basically be protecting her from harm, and it's very unlikely she'd break it. Can you target her with a spell? [02:10:14] Speaker B: I don't attack. I will. But. But Jackie, just know that you can break this whenever you want. Like, do. Do what your heart pleases. If you see an opportunity, go for it. [02:10:26] Speaker A: The dope casting occurs. Craig, in again. You need to reestablish the. The. The visual. Your scar is healing and your hair is coming back, but you still have the central go goatee beard and the battle hawk hair, which is awesome. You are in your full plate armor, your silvery full plate armor. And which of your swords do you pull out? Do you pull out minister or star splinter? [02:10:50] Speaker B: Oh, I'm going to say. I'm going to say. Oh, I really want to use star splinter. [02:10:58] Speaker A: Okay. As Craig pulls out star splinter, the platinum science or like, platinum lapis lazuli blade, he points it at Roe and that blue light flows out of his eyes, down his armor, through the cracks in his armor, out of the blade, and like Micah said, as it flashes outward over the ground like water made so dense, it's like light. Almost like the wellspring did the deep magic. It flows to the ground and crashes against Ro. That cyan wave flows over here. And Ro. You feel this aura of protection and energy. Craig, could you roll a D100 for me as you cast a spell? [02:11:33] Speaker B: Ah, that's a. Wait, hold. [02:11:35] Speaker A: Don't worry about it. It'll keep coming. [02:11:37] Speaker B: I never. I never roll that one. E100. What shape? [02:11:43] Speaker A: Those are the two diamonds. Those are the two diamonds. The ones that look the same. The two that look same. Also, I don't mean this sarcastically at all. It will be a good idea to have your dice out for combat. [02:11:53] Speaker B: You're right. You're right. And I have. [02:11:55] Speaker A: I just took up. So you'll roll the diamond, you'll roll the diamonds. Let me know what you get. [02:12:00] Speaker B: Is this the one that. [02:12:03] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:12:03] Speaker B: Or is that a. That's it. Okay. [02:12:05] Speaker A: And you can just roll it twice because technically it's two different ones, but that's fine. [02:12:09] Speaker B: So that's two and then rolling. [02:12:14] Speaker A: Well, you're supposed to have two of them. One of them is the hundreds place. One's the tens place. I don't care about that right now. You can roll the one twice. I know you got a two on the first one. What you got in your second? [02:12:23] Speaker B: Eight. [02:12:24] Speaker A: Okay, so we'll say you got a 28. Oh, buddy, why don't you roll a D4 for me? [02:12:33] Speaker B: Well, at least I have the one out already. Sure, I got a one. [02:12:41] Speaker A: That's. Oh, my goodness. That's so good. Micah. You undergo the effects of. Hold on. Listen to me. You undergo the effects of the blindness, deafness spell for the next one. D4 minus 1 hours. 0 hours. Craig, as the magic sizzles around you and you start to feel your senses fuzzy, the maker symbol somewhere in your armor flashes and it just dissipates and you are protected from the effect. You just cast a spell with no negative consequences. That was amazing. It really is. Michael, my frag. [02:13:14] Speaker C: So, Michael. [02:13:16] Speaker A: And as that figure, as you cast that magic on road, the figure continues to walk closer. And he says, you didn't take land from me, you shining man. Can't give it back to me. You didn't take it, but you. And the figure points out a long, muscular arm right at. Craig says, you have taken something from me again and again and again. [02:13:44] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [02:13:45] Speaker A: A name is precious. A name is valuable. And my mantle of greatness, of glory, you have stripped and stolen. You dare. And as he says, dare the. The thunder above him crashes and lightning connects with the ground as you all, like, shudder and shake. Dare appropriate my name, call yourself. I am the one and the only. There is no other. What do you have to say before I take that name back forever and the light flashes across his face? [02:14:26] Speaker B: Is. Is your name Craig? [02:14:33] Speaker A: Did you already use your inspiration? Take it back. Take your inspiration back. Take it back. [02:14:38] Speaker E: I'm writing that down. [02:14:39] Speaker C: Oz is shaking right now, and he looks like. Like looking back, like, what are you doing? [02:14:46] Speaker A: Like, loving that. [02:14:50] Speaker E: That's a boss question to ask a bad guy. [02:14:55] Speaker A: As you say, is your name Craig? He goes goes, no, Craig. [02:15:05] Speaker C: No me. [02:15:07] Speaker A: And then the ground, like, vibrates with energy and the air shakes. I'm the big Mike. I want all of you guys to roll initiative for me as you fight the big Mike. [02:15:19] Speaker B: No, you're kidding. [02:15:20] Speaker D: No, no. [02:15:21] Speaker B: You're kidding. [02:15:22] Speaker A: To roll initiative to me with me. Because you all are facing the big mic. I'm gonna turn on the battle. [02:15:27] Speaker E: Wait, can I. Can I write that down? [02:15:29] Speaker B: Wait, guys. Initiative is what, right? What is initiative? [02:15:33] Speaker E: Plus decks. [02:15:34] Speaker B: Plus decks. [02:15:35] Speaker D: I have to pee. I'll be back. I can't do this without. [02:15:38] Speaker A: Change the song from this away to another. [02:15:41] Speaker B: Oh, you guys, I'm so nervous. [02:15:48] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll start with this. Okay, first of all, can you guys see the map. [02:15:54] Speaker E: Direction? [02:15:56] Speaker A: Yo, Dang it. [02:15:57] Speaker B: Yeah, this is the wrong direction. There's only one direction. Oh, wonder. That's what makes you beautiful. [02:16:06] Speaker A: Can you guys see it now? That is okay. So beautiful. [02:16:09] Speaker E: Holy. [02:16:11] Speaker A: Daniel bought me a roll out dryer or wet erase map for Christmas so I can draw you guys battle. I'm not saying it can look like this every time because I was able to do this off, but. So everything on this side, that's the cliff face, and that's the cliff face where it falls off. And these are stones all around. These are the stones making up the landscape. Oh, my gosh. Who knows? [02:16:32] Speaker E: Someone could do this with. With wet erase markers. I didn't know that was possible. It looks 3D. [02:16:40] Speaker C: Wow. [02:16:40] Speaker A: Thank you. So these. These stones show you the different heights. So, like, this stone is the top of this stone mark, and this is the shadow from where they come. But then the scored edges are like the heights that go up. And I've written down the height of each. So if you get close to them and need to know things about them, I can tell you the information. [02:16:59] Speaker E: So where are we exactly? [02:17:01] Speaker A: Well, let's get to that. First of all, can you guys tell me so I Have yellow. And also, first of all, thank you. I worked very hard on the map. I appreciate yellow, orange, blue, red, green, purple. What does everyone want to be? [02:17:13] Speaker E: Purple. [02:17:14] Speaker A: Red for Boz. [02:17:15] Speaker B: Okay. [02:17:15] Speaker A: Red for boss. Craig will be. [02:17:18] Speaker E: I took a screenshot if we want to upload it for the Patreon members of the cool map. [02:17:24] Speaker A: That's a great idea. Ro. What did you say? [02:17:27] Speaker E: Purple. [02:17:28] Speaker A: Purple. We'll make Tello yellow because he always is. We can switch it if it doesn't come up well on camera. And then what are we using? Oh, that'll leave green for Greta, which is phonetically easy to remember. Okay, so give me just a second to. You guys, this would be a great time to strategize. Give me just a second to set things up. [02:17:54] Speaker C: All right, guys, he's obviously gonna attack us. We're gonna have to attack him, too. I think we should place a high priority on spells that are critical, because. Except for me, I'm gonna do whatever I want because I can do double rolls. [02:18:08] Speaker E: Except for me, I'm gonna do whatever I want. [02:18:12] Speaker D: Okay, Bobby. [02:18:14] Speaker C: I have some greater restoration, so maybe we can convince Zach to let us use that if someone turns into, like, a duck or something. [02:18:20] Speaker E: Nice. [02:18:23] Speaker D: Back, back. [02:18:25] Speaker E: I'm back. She's back. Abby, you're gonna be green, just so you know. And we're strategizing at the moment. [02:18:35] Speaker A: Also, if everyone could roll initiative. [02:18:39] Speaker C: 22. [02:18:40] Speaker A: A 22 boss down. I now get to roll Initiative for the Big Mike. [02:18:47] Speaker E: That's lovely. [02:18:48] Speaker A: Also, I want to be clear on being sarcastic. You're fighting the Big Mic. [02:18:53] Speaker B: I don't understand how that's possible. And how did he know that I'm the Big Mike? [02:19:01] Speaker D: Yeah, how did. Well, who's the Big Mike? [02:19:04] Speaker A: A Big Mike? [02:19:06] Speaker E: Micah, what did you get in Initiative? I'm writing it down. [02:19:10] Speaker B: I put it in the chat. [02:19:11] Speaker A: Micah, you're so responsible. What'd you get? Pause. [02:19:15] Speaker C: I. I got 22. [02:19:17] Speaker A: Oh, I already asked you. 13 for Craig, 18 for Greta. Do we have one for Tello? [02:19:29] Speaker E: I got a 10. [02:19:31] Speaker A: Okay, 10 for a row. Strategize a little more because I have to pee again. Holy cow. What's wrong? [02:19:37] Speaker E: I kind of have to pee as well, you guys, so. Oh, I just went e. I'm so sorry. [02:19:42] Speaker A: Do it like lightning speed. Go, go, go. And then everybody else strategize real quick. [02:19:45] Speaker E: Okay? [02:19:45] Speaker A: Okay, okay. [02:19:47] Speaker D: Tello got a six. What's our strategy? [02:19:57] Speaker B: Guys, I have a theory that. Okay, I. I have a theory that he's probably going to target you. He probably doesn't know that he. Wait a second. He is probably not going to be vulnerable to lightning damage at all or like, anything of that sort. He's probably actually going to be resistant to it. And most of my spells have to do with that. [02:20:22] Speaker D: So I have radiant damage, so I hope that. Or my spirit guardian. Spirit Guardians do radiant damage. [02:20:29] Speaker C: Well, I have a spell that makes things lose their resistance. Resistance to damage. But if he has immunity, I can't touch it. [02:20:36] Speaker D: Okay. [02:20:36] Speaker A: So. [02:20:37] Speaker B: Okay, that's good. Do you have that, though? [02:20:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:20:40] Speaker B: So I'm probably gonna stick to sword as much as I can. But if it's a radiant resistant or something like that. [02:20:48] Speaker C: Radiant is not lightning. I highly doubt he's resistant to radiant damage. If you're worried about him being resistant to radiant. Okay, please don't. I bet you he's fine. [02:20:57] Speaker D: I'm worrying much less left. [02:21:00] Speaker C: I have an AC of 20 now, by the way. [02:21:04] Speaker D: Wow. Wow. How'd you get that? [02:21:08] Speaker C: By accidentally min. Maxing. [02:21:10] Speaker A: He got it for Christmas. That's such a good way of putting it, cuz you did accidentally min. Max. [02:21:16] Speaker C: I did. [02:21:17] Speaker A: That's so true. Okay, who has Craig's concentrating on Sanctuary? [02:21:25] Speaker B: No, no, it's not a concentration spell. It's a. [02:21:30] Speaker A: Oh, it's not. [02:21:32] Speaker B: Wait, no, it's not. I don't see that on here at all. [02:21:34] Speaker C: And it's also. [02:21:35] Speaker A: Micah. Micah. Hold on. That's true. That's awesome. Who's concentrating? I know. Brett is. [02:21:43] Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, baby, I'm concentrating. [02:21:50] Speaker A: Okay. Phenomenal. Amazing. So you guys are fighting the Big Mic. We're back to comment. Okay, y'all watch out. Oh, I need to order Initiative. I'm so jazzed with energy right now. I'm so into it. Okay, Initiative boss is first. [02:22:13] Speaker D: What happens if we kill the base? Big Mic. [02:22:18] Speaker A: Questions here. [02:22:19] Speaker D: I don't want to kill the Big Mike. [02:22:21] Speaker B: I'm gonna say Craig has no idea what exactly. [02:22:23] Speaker C: If you let me know who's second. [02:22:25] Speaker A: Okay, so it's PA, first with a 22. Then it's Greta, second with a 18. Then it's Craig, 13. Most. Most DMS who are good at this just let combat play out, and then it reveals itself, but I can't do that. Then it's Big Mike. [02:22:49] Speaker C: And if you crank, it is roe. [02:22:51] Speaker A: And then it is, and. Well, that's what got you into this mess. Then it's roe, and then it's tough. [02:22:57] Speaker C: And my dragon thing goes after me. Right. Am I familiar? [02:23:01] Speaker A: Yes. Well, it goes, like, basically on your turn. After you. Yes. Okay, so first Initiative is in the pouring rain as this blue glowing figure calling himself the Big Mike yells at you. What are you doing? It's your turn. Initiative. [02:23:16] Speaker C: I would like. How far away is he? How far away is that? I'm red. It is. [02:23:21] Speaker A: Yes, you are red. So that's insane. [02:23:23] Speaker C: Sorry. [02:23:23] Speaker A: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. [02:23:27] Speaker C: 40, 45, 50, 50 empty feet away. Sorry. Give me a moment. I had to take another pain pill. I'm also having to find. I'm also having to accumulate all the spell books that have your homebrew spells in them. For some reason, I took one. [02:23:45] Speaker A: Mess in my campaigns, isn't it? It's a real mess. I. I make a complicated scenario for you guys. Do you. Would you rather someone else went ahead? Like, would you rather, like, someone went next? Just for the sake of. [02:24:03] Speaker B: Hey, wait. I have a question. If we want time. [02:24:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:24:06] Speaker B: What's up with Divine Sense? Would I be aware of if this guy is just straight evil or not? [02:24:13] Speaker A: If you use that feature, you can find out that information. [02:24:19] Speaker B: That'S in whole action, though. I don't think I want to do that. [02:24:22] Speaker A: And I'm not going to idea that's a bad idea right now. Yeah, yeah. [02:24:26] Speaker E: No, no. [02:24:27] Speaker B: Why is it. That's so stupid. It takes you a whole action to become aware if someone's evil or good. But you know what? Sanctuary. Oh, it's a bonus action. [02:24:36] Speaker A: I don't think that it's an action, but anyways. All right, blazzle. What are you doing? [02:24:46] Speaker C: All right. I'm going to cast Invested. You're a flame. You light up like the Human Torch. [02:24:53] Speaker A: Describe that for me. [02:24:57] Speaker C: I say, I have so many tabs up. [02:25:00] Speaker A: Holy cow. [02:25:01] Speaker C: I. After I realized, I realized, like, okay, like, you're not going to talk to us or like, we're not. One of us isn't leaving here, and it's going to be you and it's not going to be you, or no, one of us isn't leaving here. [02:25:14] Speaker A: And it's. Keep going, Landon. You're good. We get what you go for. [02:25:17] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. And it's gonna be the oxy talking. I'm sorry. And I throw up. Investiture of flame. [02:25:26] Speaker D: And I throw up. [02:25:27] Speaker E: I throw up. [02:25:32] Speaker C: As I jingle my little toes as I do it. [02:25:34] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. [02:25:37] Speaker C: And I rush and I throw a line of fire which is 15ft long and 5ft wide at him. And I fly up to him. [02:25:52] Speaker A: That's awesome. What level are you casting it at? [02:25:54] Speaker C: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Do I. Am I able to get as close to him as possible. [02:25:59] Speaker A: Do you want to get closer still? You can. [02:26:03] Speaker C: You asked like it's a bad idea. [02:26:05] Speaker A: You have five. I. That's not how this works. I. You. You have five more feet of movement. That's 25. You can make it five closer. Do you want to? [02:26:13] Speaker C: I have 40ft of movement. Oh, shoot with the slippers. [02:26:20] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. Yeah, you can get all the way to there. [02:26:25] Speaker C: So I fly up to him and this. And. Oh, this is my action. [02:26:31] Speaker A: So. [02:26:31] Speaker C: So I can't. I can't. I can't throw the line of fire, can I? Because I have to. It says use your action to create a line of fire. I just turn into the Human Torch, basically. [02:26:44] Speaker A: Believe so, yeah. [02:26:45] Speaker C: All right. So I turn to the Human Torch and I rush over to him. It says, any creature that is within five feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends his turn there takes 1d10 damage. Fire damage. When does that happen? [02:26:57] Speaker A: Happen? Okay, does it happen now? Now? Now. So, Boz, as you. As you grip, no staff, but just yourself, you're your own casting. [02:27:08] Speaker C: Oh, and Phantom is blazing behind me. It's like. Like I'm glowing red and white as I like. As I like fly towards you. [02:27:14] Speaker A: Well, Boz, as you spread the fire over you, the fire that laps up you is rainbow color. It keeps moving back and forth between red and blue and green and white because it's that. Like the deep magic is infused there. So you just burn up with first flame. And then as you pull Phantom out, the bladeless hilt, that black, twisted hilt, just all the white mist rushes out of the top. And as you fly forward, looking awesome, but also jingling like a cat toy, you get close and as you rush up to him, go ahead and roll a D10 of fire damage form. [02:27:50] Speaker C: Oh, wait, no, I think. Sorry, one second. Let me make sure. [02:27:54] Speaker A: It just says. It just says takes the damage. [02:27:56] Speaker C: Oh, gosh. Okay, that's a six level privilege right there. [02:28:01] Speaker A: I mean, it's a high level. [02:28:02] Speaker C: Wait, I think I do more. I do more damage. Or is it on melee attacks? All melee attacks. Okay, never mind. [02:28:11] Speaker A: Yeah, sorry. [02:28:13] Speaker C: At the same. [02:28:13] Speaker A: Yes. So go ahead and roll the D10 for me. It's a nine. He just takes it. Okay. Okay, that's a great roll for that as you are the first person to injure the Big Mike. [02:28:22] Speaker C: And then I use my bonus action to do the cantrip that I got. That's supposed to be Jackie's. I don't remember which one it is. [02:28:31] Speaker A: Okay. [02:28:32] Speaker C: Remember, it's the one that's like vivid mockery. Yes. [02:28:36] Speaker A: Mockery. Yes. How do you viciously mock him? [02:28:40] Speaker D: You want a cantrip. [02:28:42] Speaker C: You're not even real. [02:28:45] Speaker E: It's a pretty. It's a pretty cool cantrip. [02:28:50] Speaker A: Okay? You. You rush up to him in the flame, and as it burns up to him, it hits him. Burns him. Burns up a little bit of the clo of the cloak hanging down, like, near his, like, knees. Burns, like, just the fringes of it. But as it burns up his skin, it sizzles little. And he just doesn't even blink. And he just doesn't. He doesn't react at all. And as you say, you don't even exist. It. Does it. Tell me how much damage. How much damage? [02:29:17] Speaker C: It deals 3D4. Psychic damage. [02:29:21] Speaker A: 3D4. That's awesome, man. These slippers are incredible. [02:29:26] Speaker C: Oh, one, one, three. That's not good. [02:29:29] Speaker A: I mean, for a candle. [02:29:30] Speaker C: And it has to make a wisdom saving throw. [02:29:33] Speaker A: Yes. [02:29:33] Speaker C: No, no, it does that or it takes the damage. [02:29:36] Speaker A: If it. [02:29:36] Speaker C: If it fail, if it succeeds, then it doesn't. [02:29:40] Speaker A: Okay, he gets a 21 on the wisdom save. [02:29:44] Speaker C: That beats it. [02:29:46] Speaker A: Yeah, but he takes the damage. So. So you burn him with fire, and he doesn't react. And then you. You rush into his face and you go, you're not even real. And he goes, shut up. You seem to get into his head a little bit there. He winces. That was me. Next. Next initiative is. Greta. What are you doing, Greta? [02:30:08] Speaker C: That kind of question. I'm sorry, do I need to roll 100? [02:30:13] Speaker A: Oh, yes. For investiture of flame. This is gonna be a chaotic, chaotic fight. [02:30:20] Speaker C: That is. [02:30:21] Speaker A: Well, the fish is mockery came from your item, and it's low level, so you don't need for that. But you. [02:30:25] Speaker C: 12 for 21. [02:30:26] Speaker A: 12 and 21. On a 12. On a 12, you could get the benefits of. On the 12, you could get the benefits of a spell. You and a couple other creatures would. And then on a 21, something would happen with transmutation. [02:30:46] Speaker C: Oh, let's not do transmutation. [02:30:48] Speaker A: Okay. Could you roll a D20 for me and then take notes on it? [02:30:52] Speaker C: A D20. That's 18. [02:30:57] Speaker A: Okay. You tello and Ro. So now the whole party for the next. You three, for the next 18 hours have Featherfall. So now the whole party has featherfall for more than 10 hours. [02:31:06] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [02:31:08] Speaker C: For 10 hours, he said, yeah, yeah. [02:31:11] Speaker A: Everybody got it. [02:31:12] Speaker B: For like 12, we could jump off. [02:31:14] Speaker D: The cliff into the water. He would just. [02:31:19] Speaker C: Drowning, Greg. I love drowning. And Then my little dragon voice swoops down and does some attacks on it just for fun. [02:31:26] Speaker A: Sick. Yeah, tell me about it. [02:31:28] Speaker C: Oh, wait, he can cast spells. [02:31:32] Speaker A: Oh, man. [02:31:33] Speaker B: Stop. [02:31:33] Speaker C: Does somebody else want to go while this guy goes? While I look at my spirit dragon? [02:31:38] Speaker E: I have a question. [02:31:39] Speaker A: What's up? [02:31:40] Speaker E: You said I got. You said I got another 10 hours of feather fall. [02:31:45] Speaker A: Oh, then if you already had it, you can. Yeah, I already have the higher previous amount. Keep the higher previous number. [02:31:50] Speaker D: Oz got an 18, so I got a 10. [02:31:56] Speaker A: Okay. How about you go while Landon's figuring out the food stuff? [02:32:02] Speaker D: I would like to cast. I'm going to cast. Going to read it just to make sure. Everybody, I would like to cast guiding bolt at the third level against this little fellow. [02:32:20] Speaker A: I rolled a hit, actually, before you do anything. Yeah, because of the storm. I should have had Landon doing this, but I'll have it go for the rest of the time. Could you start by rolling a D20? [02:32:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:32:33] Speaker E: Is it the storm? [02:32:35] Speaker D: Do I add anything? [02:32:37] Speaker A: No, just a D20. [02:32:38] Speaker D: The 14. [02:32:40] Speaker A: Okay, understood. Keep going. [02:32:42] Speaker D: Okay, so I rolled a hit. [02:32:45] Speaker A: Yes. [02:32:49] Speaker D: Oh, there's a 24 hit. [02:32:52] Speaker A: A 24 will hit. Describe what that looks like for me, Greta. [02:32:58] Speaker D: A big bolt of lightning shoots out from around my. Comes out of the eye and my neck. [02:33:04] Speaker A: Oh. [02:33:04] Speaker D: So then my eyes like a green. Like a sickly green. And it shoots out of my eyes as well, and a bulk of, like, green lightning comes out, does a big arc, and then, like, zaps him right in the middle of his little ball. [02:33:19] Speaker A: That's dope. So, Gretchen, as you again, tell me if I'm taking this from you, but as you, like, start whispering the many tongued incantations, your holy symbol floats up in front of your eyes so that you're looking at him through the eyes of your holy symbol. And as your eyes light up, they flash through the symbol, the bolt, and you see him, like, look up to react, and it strikes him and he shudders with pain. You seem to hurt him a little there. Oh, cool. [02:33:46] Speaker D: Wait, I tell you how much? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Ooh, nice. [02:33:55] Speaker A: That's awesome, Greta. We're finally doing combat again. I'm so excited. [02:33:59] Speaker D: That's a 20. [02:34:00] Speaker A: 20. That's great. Damage. [02:34:03] Speaker D: 20. Radiant difference. [02:34:05] Speaker B: Yes. [02:34:05] Speaker A: Yes. As the light flashes through him, it, like, burns part of his face and it pushes him down to a knee and he stands back up at you, glaring. You look like you did a little damage to him because you cast a spell. [02:34:19] Speaker D: Yes. [02:34:20] Speaker A: He is going to use his feature slippery situation. [02:34:25] Speaker D: What the heck? [02:34:26] Speaker A: And so as he looks back up at you, his two eyes are still glowing, but that blue line on his forehead opens up and a blue eye, like illusory, like neon blue eye, just like an outline, abstractive one, lights up and it flashes. And I need you to give me a dexterity sacred. [02:34:45] Speaker E: What about Greta's spiritual guardians? [02:34:47] Speaker D: He's not within 15ft. [02:34:50] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. That's right. [02:34:51] Speaker D: It's a nat 20. [02:34:55] Speaker A: That's awesome. What's your total? [02:34:58] Speaker D: One of my. Oh, Dex, sorry. I was like 22. [02:35:02] Speaker A: One dimming the total. Okay, phenomenal. [02:35:06] Speaker D: And then I need to roll my D100. [02:35:09] Speaker A: No, you do not roll a D100. And for some reason, the wild magic appears not to spark with your spell, and you're not sure why, but once he flashes the eye, a 10 foot area around Greta. And since she's the green one, that's Craig, is the only other one caught in it. All of this grease lands around her feet so she stays upright. But there is now grease all around you. And so that is what happened from his reaction. Okay, Boz, are you using your fairy dragon now? [02:35:46] Speaker C: Yeah, I forget. Zachary, does he have a breath weapon? Does he have his fairy dragon breath weapon as a tiny one? I can't remember. [02:35:53] Speaker A: That would have been in the stats I gave you. I'm not sure off the top of my head. [02:35:56] Speaker C: I don't know if we ever had a formal stat block. We just talked about it and I should have written it down, but I'd never use him. But as for you ruling right now. [02:36:09] Speaker A: Let'S. Let's stick with this. The features, you know, he has. And I'll. I'll represent him by that little white token right there. [02:36:16] Speaker C: All right, so he. [02:36:21] Speaker A: Also. Remember you can click on the map to make it larger. [02:36:27] Speaker C: He casts mirror image. [02:36:30] Speaker A: Oh, sick. Okay, what is that? [02:36:34] Speaker C: Creates three duplicates of himself and he's flying above the creature. [02:36:40] Speaker A: Okay, phenomenal. So xerus. Xerxes. That's it. Xerusax like, raises up his hands and those little like fang teeth come forward. And as they rill his. His like hands flash a little and there's just two other or three other little xerxes floating around. And they're just worrying around the big mic. Could you roll a D20 for me, Lando? [02:37:04] Speaker C: They're innate. I don't know if it. Oh, a D20. Oh, sorry. [02:37:08] Speaker A: Still a spell. Still a spell? [02:37:10] Speaker C: Is it a spell? It's 11. [02:37:13] Speaker A: Okay. All right, understood. After Greta's turn, the Big Mike is going to use a legendary action. [02:37:24] Speaker E: Wait, a legendary action? [02:37:27] Speaker C: That's how it works. [02:37:28] Speaker A: After Greta's turn, you gotta use a legendary action. And he is going to use. He is going to use average Michael. So he is going to use a legendary action. [02:37:51] Speaker B: Okay. [02:37:52] Speaker A: And he is going to cast a spell. Third level or lower? Okay. Yeah. Okay, so he has to roll. Oh, that's not high. Oh, man. This is going to become so many details to keep track of. All right, that does nothing to the situation, so I'm going to ignore it. Okay, Craig, I need an intelligence saving throw from you as he just like all like this damage has. Has happened to him. But he doesn't look that bothered. He just stands up with the illusion illusory dragons swirling around him and Boz burning in front of him. He looks over Boz's shoulder at you, Craig. That blue eye on his forehead flashes, and his voice just kind of carries all the way out to you. And he says, let's see who's laughing now. And I need you to give me an intelligence saving throw up to the. [02:38:53] Speaker B: This is to me. Or wait, no, this is to gret. [02:38:57] Speaker A: What to you, Kreg. So C R A I G to him. [02:39:02] Speaker D: Sassy. Sassy. [02:39:05] Speaker A: I'm feeling it. I'm the big Mike. Well, this is the big. [02:39:09] Speaker B: No, but I thought the legendary action was against Greta. [02:39:13] Speaker A: Craig's turn. But it's against Craig. [02:39:18] Speaker C: Yes. [02:39:18] Speaker A: So you're gonna do. Oh, Wisdom saving throw. Excuse me? Wisdom saving throw. [02:39:21] Speaker B: I was reading the stats on Star Splinter. Okay. [02:39:28] Speaker A: Wisdom saving throw. [02:39:30] Speaker B: Wisdom saving throw. [02:39:31] Speaker C: Well, a D20. [02:39:39] Speaker B: I can't remember. I already used my inspiration. [02:39:42] Speaker C: I got another one from Zach. [02:39:43] Speaker A: I wouldn't use it on this. [02:39:44] Speaker C: Oh, don't use it on this. [02:39:46] Speaker A: And I really wouldn't use it now. [02:39:49] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:39:50] Speaker B: Ask me for tips, but I got a nat one. [02:39:53] Speaker A: Tips and trips. And so as he looks at you. As he looks at you, Craig, and says that in your mind, this sound incepts in the center and spreads outward and spreads and spreads and spreads. And initially it's soft, but as it builds and builds and builds, it's all you can hear. It starts small, and it grows into the sound of thousands of farts. And it's all you can hear. And you double overlapping as Tasha's hideous laughter is cast on you like your. Like your nifty's tome of jokes. And you are doubled over, prone on the ground, laughing. [02:40:30] Speaker D: I didn't know Tasha's hideous laughter could be farts. I thought it had to be like a mean Joke doesn't have to be. [02:40:36] Speaker E: Think it's anything that'll make you laugh. [02:40:38] Speaker A: Yeah, just anything that makes you laugh. So that's his legendary action. Next initiative is Craig. So now, Craig, you have to start your turn by making another wisdom saving throw or just be laughing about farts. [02:40:55] Speaker B: Okay, so that is 19. [02:41:05] Speaker A: Is all you're hearing on your head. And then you go, no, no, not the farts, the fight. And you stand back up. You've overcome the farts. [02:41:13] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna make shoot. I'm gonna make a ranged attack with the star splinter. [02:41:22] Speaker D: Nice. [02:41:22] Speaker A: Okay, now remember, that's an area of effect. And if you look at the map, boss is standing in between you and the Big Mike. So you can do that, but you're just gonna also definitely hit Boz. [02:41:32] Speaker B: I don't want to do that. Okay. [02:41:35] Speaker A: So I know it's probably a good idea right now. [02:41:37] Speaker B: Yeah, you're right. [02:41:39] Speaker A: You're standing in Greece. But moving somewhere is going to be a good idea. [02:41:45] Speaker B: So can I get to the guy or. [02:41:47] Speaker A: No, I mean, you can start moving. Let's see, you're. You're. [02:41:53] Speaker D: Can you explain the effects of Greece? [02:41:57] Speaker A: You are here. There's. There's 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. Between you and the Big Mike, what. [02:42:05] Speaker D: Are the effects of grease? [02:42:08] Speaker E: It covers the ground. [02:42:09] Speaker B: Guys, I'm trying to hear him. [02:42:11] Speaker D: Oh, sorry, sorry. [02:42:12] Speaker A: I'm desperately trying to explain the questions you're asking. So it makes a pool of grease. If you're standing or starting in the turn, you have to make a dexterity saving throw or fall prone. And so you can get back up. It just takes half your movement if you fall over. I made it his feature because it's funny. [02:42:30] Speaker C: Zach, I sent you a question in the chat. [02:42:33] Speaker A: Okay, I will check it, but can you. I certainly can, but not right now, Lando. But I'll get to that for sure. I'll update the document. So if you have it, I just start with the dexterity saving throw to get running. [02:42:52] Speaker B: Okay. This text. Okay, gotcha. [02:43:02] Speaker A: The green area is where the grease is. [02:43:05] Speaker B: Oh, that's an 11. [02:43:07] Speaker A: So Craig, you grip your blade. I'm gonna. And Craig just slips and bam. Hits his head on the ground. But now. So now, Craig, you can get back up with no other side effect. You just have half the movement. So with you no longer have your movement as a barbarian, you're back to 30ft of movement. So with your 15ft of movement, where would you like to go? Let me Know where? [02:43:37] Speaker B: Out of the grease. Out of the grease. [02:43:40] Speaker A: Okay. Do you want to. Do you want to move toward the big mic? [02:43:42] Speaker B: Do you want to move towards the big mic? [02:43:47] Speaker A: Okay. I've sent you an updated document, boss. [02:43:50] Speaker C: Thank you. [02:43:52] Speaker B: Is that my whole turn? [02:43:56] Speaker A: You can still use an action. You can use your movement. You still have an action. [02:44:02] Speaker C: Zach, do we need to pause for a second for you to finish your thing before we keep going? Cuz just to finish. I thought you were away from your laptop. I just want to make sure you. [02:44:11] Speaker A: Every time I step away, it's to manage the battle. [02:44:14] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, sorry. That's the opposite talking. [02:44:17] Speaker A: No, it's okay. Hey, man, you've got a lot of drugs. There will be no judgment. Greg, what's. What are you doing? I mean, it's okay if there's nothing clear to do. [02:44:31] Speaker B: I. I can't move closer anymore. Or can I move closer because it agrees? Yeah. Okay, well. [02:44:38] Speaker A: Oh, excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. You can action dash. So you could use another 30ft of movement right now. [02:44:50] Speaker B: I'd like to do something that does damage. [02:44:54] Speaker A: You're. Unless you have something ranged, you're not going to be able to hit him this round. You could get closer. What are your cantrips? [02:45:00] Speaker B: I can use a spell. [02:45:02] Speaker A: What are your cantrips? [02:45:06] Speaker B: Rest the digitation and told the dead. That's not gonna do anything. [02:45:10] Speaker A: Okay. Told the dead is a range damage cantrip. [02:45:14] Speaker B: I thought I had to. Wait, hold on. [02:45:18] Speaker A: So you'll. And not only is it a range 60ft so you can use it on him. So he would need to make a wisdom saving throw and then you can deal damage to him. It'll deal 3d12. So I'll make a wisdom saving throw. He's advantage because it's natural. That's a nat 20. But that just means he. He takes half damage. Oh, guys. Big Mike rolls well. Oh, spaghetti Zach. Yeah, what's up? [02:45:47] Speaker C: I think it's an all or nothing spell. [02:45:51] Speaker A: Is it? [02:45:52] Speaker C: Yes. [02:45:56] Speaker A: You are right. It is an all or nothing spell. So, Craig, as you grip your symbol and whisper in the many tongues, the cacophonous sound spreads around him and he just looks at you and whispers. Do you think that's gonna work on me? I'm the Big Mike. And does not occur. Next initiative is the Big Mike. So what's the Big Mike gonna do? What's the Big Mike gonna do? What's the Big Mike gonna do? He only did on himself. He'll just. We'll keep it. We'll keep it normal. For the first round. So he's gonna start by taking some attacks on you. Landed. Now, I warn you, he is the big one. He doesn't like your dragon. He finds that annoying. So he's gonna start by taking an attack on the dragon. What does mirror image do to that attack? [02:46:55] Speaker C: Each time a creature attacks, roll a D20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of the duplicates. [02:47:04] Speaker A: Okay. [02:47:05] Speaker C: Since it has. [02:47:06] Speaker A: Is that a D20 you're rolling or a D20 that I'm. [02:47:09] Speaker C: I don't know. [02:47:10] Speaker A: You can use your action dismiss the. Okay. Each time a creature attacks, roll D20. If you have three duplicates, you must roll a six or higher to change the attacks target to a duplicate. Oh, you can just. You can just change two duplicates. You must roll an eight. So you. So start by rolling a D. A D20. He's going to try and hit Xerxes. [02:47:26] Speaker C: All right, I rolled an eight. [02:47:28] Speaker A: Okay, so you can change it to one of the duplicates. Do you want to. [02:47:31] Speaker C: Yeah, he zaps one of the duplicates or whatever. I don't know. [02:47:33] Speaker A: Okay, he's annoyed. He's gonna do that again. He's gonna try and hit Xerxes again. Crap. Because he doesn't know what this dragon does. He's just concerned about. [02:47:42] Speaker C: Good. Yeah, you should be big ugly man. 17. Yeah, he's absolutely duplicate. [02:47:49] Speaker A: Okay, so. So the Big Mike turns and they are just there. He just like, like does this. He. He turns his arm and just flexes his bicep, then snaps his arm outward and he just shatters one of the little illusory versions, which is great. [02:48:03] Speaker C: It has to roll the hit. And the duplicates have an ac. So he has. If he misses, then it doesn't take it out. [02:48:10] Speaker A: Okay, well, the first One was a 28, and the second one was a 24. [02:48:15] Speaker C: The AC is 34, is it? No, it's not. They both. They both. [02:48:21] Speaker A: So both of the duplicates disappear. There's two Xerxes left, the real one. And the other one, he gets annoyed. So he just turns it to you Boz. And he goes, try that joke again. And then he's gonna try and hit you twice. [02:48:32] Speaker C: Why does he sound like Batman? [02:48:34] Speaker A: Cause he's the Big Mike. [02:48:35] Speaker B: He's the Big Mike. [02:48:37] Speaker A: So he's gonna hit with a 31. [02:48:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:48:41] Speaker A: And then the next one is a 30. [02:48:45] Speaker C: What kind of damage is it? [02:48:47] Speaker A: Well, buddy, I'll tell you. So let me roll the damage. 19. Oh, man, it's 19 plus. Okay, so he's gonna deal 27 points of bludgeoning damage as. Yeah, he's the big buck. So he's gonna. He's gonna take. He's gonna take a step towards. And as he lunges towards you, moving five feet closer, boss, all he does to step forward is he just takes a step forward. And when he plants his foot, he just like his foot crashes into the dirt, finally meeting ground. And he flexes his thigh. And before he hits you, he just flexes his extremely muscular thigh and just goes, I don't skip leg day. And he just looks down at his thigh and up at you and down at his thigh and up at you. And then he reaches out and grabs you by the shoulder and. And then he just punches you in the face twice. He just goes, oh. And as each hit, you're like. The first one cracks your nose, blood spurts out, and the second one hits your jaw and your world is ringing and spinning. So that's his turn. Quick. [02:49:57] Speaker C: Let me. Let me. Sorry. [02:50:01] Speaker A: No, you're good, dude. [02:50:02] Speaker C: Trying to figure out if I want to use my reaction do spiny shield. [02:50:05] Speaker A: You can. [02:50:06] Speaker C: I know. I just didn't have Humblewood open. I thought it was going to be something else. And so I. I thought. [02:50:12] Speaker A: Let me tell you, absolutely everything about this guy will be not what you're expecting. Okay, There's. This is a lot of goober in one scenario. Do you want any of the details for spiny shield? [02:50:26] Speaker C: I'm looking for it. [02:50:28] Speaker A: If I have it. Do you want me to read it to you? I have it. [02:50:30] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:50:31] Speaker A: Okay. One reaction self, one round. An ethereal barrier spikes made of magical force interposes itself. When you are hit by a melee attack, your barrier reduces the damage by 2d4 and deals it back to your attacker. It also increases a plus 2 bonus to AC for the length of the round. And for every level you cast it, there's another D4 of damage. [02:50:53] Speaker C: Which I want to reduce the one that ever did more damage. [02:50:57] Speaker A: Okay, dude, Absolutely. Absolutely. You could just take it from the top. [02:51:00] Speaker C: How much D4 is it? [02:51:03] Speaker A: Two D4 at the beginning and then a D4 for every level. [02:51:07] Speaker C: All right, let's. Let's do fourth level. Okay, so two D4 plus three basically, right? Two D4 plus two D4. [02:51:17] Speaker A: Five D4. Man, the spell is so strong. [02:51:20] Speaker C: That is 13. 13. [02:51:22] Speaker A: The rule we did is that it only applies to one attack around, right? [02:51:25] Speaker C: Yes. [02:51:26] Speaker A: Excellent. Which definitely works. 13. Excellent. Could you roll a D20 for me? [02:51:32] Speaker C: One second? Let me. [02:51:34] Speaker A: There's a lot going on. [02:51:36] Speaker C: Yeah. So 13 don't forget, 13 said D20. [02:51:40] Speaker A: You say I have not. I've already subtracted the damage. [02:51:42] Speaker C: All right. Oh, that's a one. [02:51:45] Speaker A: Okay, roll a D140. [02:51:50] Speaker C: That is 42. [02:51:52] Speaker A: 42. And. Okay, so Boz, the. The big mug punches Boz. As the second punch comes in, this. This illusory coating of, like, multicolored spikes just flare out and stab him, and he flinches a little bit before delivering the punch, reducing it. So Boz, you take 13 less damage, and he takes 13 points of piercing damage as it stabs into him. The blood that comes out of him is like. It's like a. Like a thin, white, clear color, and it looks carbonated. And as. As it, like, pops across his chest, Boz can't place this smell because he will never know this substance. But you smell Mountain Dew. [02:52:39] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [02:52:44] Speaker A: Boz. As that happens, the creature nearest to Boz Tello turns into a perfect mirror visual image of Boz Tello, where he's, like, readying his weapon, just suddenly looks like Boz. And the big Mike looks over and goes, now that's funky. Next up in Initiative, how much damage. [02:53:07] Speaker C: Did I take total, Zach? [02:53:09] Speaker A: 27. 13 minus reduced. It means you only took 14 points of damage. Next up in Initiative is Ro. What are you doing? Ro. [02:53:16] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. So I would like to use my little feature called. What's it called again? I forgot? Epic Ballad. Yeah, dude, that is a. One of my bard college. I haven't used it yet, so it's kind of cool. And I'm going with Epic Ballad. I'm gonna play that, you know, because it says something that your party members have heard before that, like, has inspired them before. So I'm gonna play that, and when I play that, it's gonna give Bardic inspiration to do Boz Tello, Greta and Craig. So everyone, every one of my party members has a D10 that they can add on to things. Cool. [02:54:11] Speaker D: Wait, can that be anything like damage and attack roll? [02:54:16] Speaker A: Can it be damage saving throws, ability checks, and attack rolls, but not damage? [02:54:21] Speaker D: That makes a lot of sense. [02:54:23] Speaker E: Tallow has it too. Abby, Just as a note. And then I have a question about that, Zach. Since I've never used it before, I just want to make sure I'm doing it correctly because it says it uses my remaining bardic inspirations. But I haven't. I haven't all the bardic inspiration you have. [02:54:43] Speaker A: You subtract it from your token. [02:54:44] Speaker E: I know, but I have one. I have have one left. So do I just keep that one to Give later. [02:54:50] Speaker A: That means you have one left. That means you have one more. [02:54:53] Speaker E: So it does work that way. Cool. [02:54:54] Speaker D: Wait, Jackie, can I Repeat? So it's Plus. We can use a Plus 10 to any saving throw. [02:54:59] Speaker A: A detail. You'd have to roll it. Not a flat 10. Bonus. That would be incredibly. [02:55:05] Speaker D: That would be great. [02:55:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:55:11] Speaker A: Yes. That's awesome. Thank you. That's freaking amazing. [02:55:15] Speaker E: Anything else? Yes, I'm gonna mark that off my little sheet and then. Well, my question is, does that count as spell casting? [02:55:28] Speaker A: A spell? No. [02:55:30] Speaker E: Okay. [02:55:30] Speaker A: You would need to. And I don't. This is gonna sound so sarcastic, but it isn't. You need to cast a spell for spell casting. So if it's just a feature, if it doesn't specify, you cast a spell, you have. [02:55:39] Speaker E: Cool. So the other thing I want to do, I feel really bad because I have sanctuary. [02:55:46] Speaker B: Well, okay. Do your thing. Do your thing. [02:55:48] Speaker E: Well, I'm going to use movement to go up by who's blue? [02:55:53] Speaker B: Me. [02:55:54] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah. I'm going to go up near Craig. And the way it's positioned is Boz and his dragon, like, blocking. Like, if I were to do any ranged thing, would that be blocking? [02:56:08] Speaker A: I'm currently blocking basically everything. [02:56:10] Speaker E: Okay. So then that's all I'm going to do then. I'm just going to. [02:56:13] Speaker A: You can move more this way. You can move more this way. [02:56:18] Speaker E: Yeah, I'll do that. I'll move a little bit. Catty corner. Yeah. [02:56:24] Speaker A: 30. [02:56:25] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:56:27] Speaker A: Okay, great. [02:56:28] Speaker B: Excellent. [02:56:29] Speaker A: At the end. Oh, go ahead. [02:56:30] Speaker E: Oh. What were you saying? [02:56:32] Speaker C: No, no. [02:56:32] Speaker A: If you have anything else in your turn. [02:56:34] Speaker E: Oh. I wanted to try and make a range attack with something I haven't ever done before. Yes. [02:56:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:56:45] Speaker E: I would like to take song Splinter because it's a bonus action, which is pretty cool. And throw it. And the range is 60ft on it. And I have all the stuff. Yeah. [02:57:01] Speaker A: That's awesome. [02:57:02] Speaker E: Do you add the attack bonus roll to hit. Help me out here with your. [02:57:07] Speaker A: So the weapon, it'll tell you what it is. So for you, it's gonna be efficiency plus tax. Yeah. It's your attack bonus. [02:57:12] Speaker C: Zach, does this trigger my blessing of the first flame that does the extra 2d4 fire damage? [02:57:18] Speaker A: Yup. [02:57:21] Speaker E: Is that a good thing? I'm hoping that's a good thing. Okay. [02:57:23] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. [02:57:25] Speaker C: Like, I, like, reached my hand up and, like, touch the tip of it. [02:57:27] Speaker A: As it, like, goes, like, so sick. It lights up. Awesome. [02:57:32] Speaker E: That's gonna be a 13 to hit. [02:57:35] Speaker A: So 13 will not hit. [02:57:37] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:57:37] Speaker A: So it doesn't trigger blessing. The first Lane, but hold on to that boss, because that's sick. So Ro, you play that and everybody, you all feel courage and confidence. Confidence well up in. You think you don't know who this guy is. Yeah, I see. [02:57:49] Speaker C: Oh, there's a cat on the map. [02:57:51] Speaker E: The dragon came down. [02:57:55] Speaker A: An ancient black dragon briefly flies to the field, pokes Craig and then Greta and then leaves. But Ro, you play the inspiring song. Everyone feels the upwell of courage as you're like, well, we don't know who this blue freak is, but we've beaten a lot of people. Ro runs forward like you. You stop. You confidently pull songsplitter off your back and you throw it and it just. [02:58:19] Speaker E: It produces a mellifluous note. [02:58:23] Speaker A: Excellent. [02:58:23] Speaker E: As I do that as you. [02:58:24] Speaker A: As it spirals through the air. It just. And the big Mike has Boz. By the. By the like the armor collar is just. Is like in the middle of punching him and the axe just goes. [02:58:38] Speaker E: Back around his head. [02:58:42] Speaker A: The ancient black dragon comes back for a second. There's gonna be a lot of that. So the ax flies by his head and Baz, you and the big bike both just. And then it flies back to your hand row. Phenomenal. [02:58:55] Speaker E: And Ro's like, haven't done that before, so maybe that's why it didn't hit. [02:59:00] Speaker A: Hey, new magic item. Who diss. So Ro, as you throw that at him. D20. Okay, he has to roll now. Oh, this is. I'm about to turn magic, wild magic off for this fight just because it's so much to keep track of. But hey, another completely inconsequential role. I get to ignore it. Excellent. That has nothing to do with this circumstance. Who cares? Okay, since he saw you throw an axe at his head, he's going to turn toward you and go, oh, you think that's funny, Stinker? Joke's on you. You're stinky. And the blue eye flashes over his forehead and he is going to use another legendary action to. He's gonna use the magical fruit and he is gonna cast stinking cloud on you. So Ro, as the blue light flashes from his forehead, you're still under the super farty period. And you feel your bowels roll violently as the wild magic affects you and out on you pours your own horrible, terrible fart. [03:00:20] Speaker E: Just no. [03:00:24] Speaker D: Dm. What was the name of that legendary feature? [03:00:27] Speaker A: The legendary action was the magical fruit. Beans. Beans. The magical fruit. The more you eat, the more you do. So, Ro, you are surrounded the black, ancient black. So your own noxious fart pours out around you, and on your turn, you need to make a constitution saving throw. We'll come back around to that. Next up, initiative is. Next up in initiative is. Tell them what's telling. [03:01:10] Speaker D: Okay. Rock and roll. Dm. Do you see the rock? That is. Here's. [03:01:16] Speaker A: Right there. Right there. That one that I'm pointing at. [03:01:20] Speaker D: Oh, hold on. I was. Yes. Maybe. Let me see. You can. We can move diagonally, correct? [03:01:32] Speaker A: Yes, you can. [03:01:33] Speaker D: Okay. Can I hide in that little crevice there? If I use Mask of the Wild. [03:01:40] Speaker A: Once, you remind me what Mask of the Wild is. [03:01:42] Speaker D: Mask of the Wild is a wood elf trait where you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. [03:01:52] Speaker A: That's absolutely. You can. Yes. [03:01:54] Speaker D: Cool. I'm gonna hide in that little. Wait, before I do that. Hold on, hold on. [03:02:00] Speaker B: One, two. [03:02:01] Speaker D: Wait, no, up here. To the left of that person in the circle. To the right. You're right. No, nope, nope. Do you see the person in the circle? The pink circle? Yes. Two squares over. I want to be right there. Can I hide in that crevice? Right. Nope, nope. One to the left. I need to be within 90ft of. [03:02:21] Speaker A: Yeah, you can be there. [03:02:23] Speaker D: All right. No, I don't want to be there. Yeah, I don't want to be there. [03:02:27] Speaker A: What? What happened? [03:02:28] Speaker C: She wants to be within 90ft of the guy. [03:02:30] Speaker A: You. Okay, so if you pick the spot you currently are, you'll be hidden, and you'll be in range nine. [03:02:38] Speaker C: Yes. [03:02:38] Speaker A: Yes. [03:02:39] Speaker C: You're good, Abby. You're good. [03:02:40] Speaker E: Okay. [03:02:40] Speaker D: Okay, okay. Okay. So then I am hidden. Correct. I would like to use Tasha's mind whip, and I would like magical ambush, which means he. He has a disadvantage on an intelligent saving throw. [03:02:58] Speaker A: Okay. Could you roll a D20 for me? [03:03:02] Speaker D: Yes. A D20. [03:03:04] Speaker E: The D20s are his magic table, aren't they? [03:03:08] Speaker A: Who knows? [03:03:09] Speaker E: Okay. [03:03:10] Speaker D: Do I add anything to it? [03:03:12] Speaker A: Nope. [03:03:13] Speaker D: Okay, that's gonna be a 17. Okay. [03:03:15] Speaker A: Don't worry about it. [03:03:16] Speaker D: Say I'm worried about it. [03:03:17] Speaker A: He gets a 15 on the intelligent saving throw. [03:03:20] Speaker D: Oh, my goodness. At disadvantage. [03:03:27] Speaker A: He has advantage on effects against magical. He has magical resistance. So it's just a straight roll. [03:03:33] Speaker D: Doesn't save. I mean, it does save. [03:03:37] Speaker A: So wait, what's your. [03:03:39] Speaker C: What's your spell? [03:03:40] Speaker D: Gabby for Tello? It's 13, I think. [03:03:43] Speaker C: Got it. Okay. [03:03:45] Speaker A: We haven't been specking into him very much. Or into the magic, at least. Does he. Is that an action? [03:03:50] Speaker D: To do what? It is an action. It is an action. But he does take. [03:03:56] Speaker B: He does. [03:03:56] Speaker D: On a failed save. No, on a successful save, he takes half as much damage. [03:04:01] Speaker A: So I roll the damage. [03:04:04] Speaker D: Have it. That's. So would that be a three? [03:04:15] Speaker A: Yes. [03:04:17] Speaker D: And then can I damage is damage. [03:04:20] Speaker A: You can bonus action. Hide. Yes, Tello. So as the rain is coming down and all these bizarre things are happening, Tello goes, oh, crap. Oh, crap. And he runs around the rock, slides to a halt, pulls out that little silvery spindle of metal. He reaches out, he says something in sylvan. And as he does, the big mike just like twitches his right eye a little bit, turns and looks at Tello, his eyes blue. Tello goes and just dives behind the rock again. [03:04:45] Speaker D: But he takes seven damage. No, three damage. [03:04:48] Speaker A: Yeah, you're good. I recorded it. Yeah. He looks uncomfortable for a moment. At the end of Tello's turn, he's going to use his last legendary action. [03:05:03] Speaker D: Sorry, I need to do wild magic. [03:05:06] Speaker A: You already the D20 roll. Oh, I see involved that he is going to use his last legendary action to use. You know what? He is going to use his last legendary action to use the average Michael again. And he's gonna cast one. He's gonna cast a third level or lower spell. He's gonna cast press digitation. She's gonna turn. He's gonna look at Ro and the blue eye is gonna flare on his forehead again. And he's just gonna go, I called you stinky. And Ro all of a sudden, all over you just like your clothes ruffle, your hair becomes a feel a little oniony smelling. Your skin gets a little greasy. Your teeth suddenly look like they need to be brushed. And I would say something about smell, but you already smell like overwhelming, nauseating farts. So that's what he's doing there. [03:06:07] Speaker E: I'm like our party Shrek right now. [03:06:10] Speaker A: Yep. Now we go back green and pinky. [03:06:13] Speaker E: And. [03:06:17] Speaker A: Going to the top initiative. And it's pause. What are you doing? Boss. [03:06:25] Speaker C: Is going to attack with phantom. [03:06:31] Speaker A: Okay. [03:06:32] Speaker C: And so. [03:06:34] Speaker A: Okay, roll the hit, right? Yes. Do you have multi attack with this weapon for any reason or. [03:06:41] Speaker C: No, I do not. [03:06:43] Speaker A: Okay. [03:06:46] Speaker C: I don't know why my dice roller went away. [03:06:52] Speaker A: If you want, I can roll a die for you. [03:06:56] Speaker C: So I rolled not Well, I rolled 15, but I think I'm gonna use my bardic inspiration. I can use that on attack roll, right? [03:07:06] Speaker A: You can, you can. [03:07:08] Speaker C: There's my bardic. [03:07:09] Speaker A: You have not any. You've not had any indication of it so far. [03:07:13] Speaker C: So that is an 18. [03:07:17] Speaker A: Okay. An 18 will miss. [03:07:21] Speaker C: Okay. [03:07:24] Speaker A: As you try to strike him with. [03:07:25] Speaker C: Phantom, his AC decreases by two, by the way. Does that make a difference? [03:07:30] Speaker A: It does. Why does he. Because of the blade. [03:07:34] Speaker C: 18 just hits. [03:07:35] Speaker A: Boss. 18 just hit. [03:07:36] Speaker C: Awesome. [03:07:37] Speaker A: Nice. That was sick. [03:07:41] Speaker C: Yeah, so I stab him with it and that's awesome. [03:07:45] Speaker A: Let me know What? [03:07:46] Speaker C: That he's not an elemental feature. The fire plane. [03:07:48] Speaker A: I mean. [03:07:49] Speaker C: I mean, he's weird. He's not. But I. [03:07:51] Speaker A: There's no extra damage for this guy. [03:07:53] Speaker C: All right, all right. [03:07:55] Speaker A: Later on. [03:07:56] Speaker C: But after this, 3D4 and then I have one charge, so I'm going to use it. So it's going to be 3. 3D 4 plus 1D 12. [03:08:03] Speaker A: Dude, sick. Pause. As he's grabbed you by the armor, you just take. You take that dark black hilt and the white mist over it, you plunge it into him. And as. I mean, no blade enters him, but as it hits him, the cold just over him and he. And then the cold spreads over him. He doesn't seem to resist the damage at all. And actually, Abby, I said the thing I said, but I was wrong. It did not seem like he was resistant to fire. Fire seemed like he did average damage to him. As the ice spreads across him, he goes, oh, that hurts. But not too much when you're this hot. And he just does a couple pecks. [03:08:38] Speaker B: Oh my gosh. [03:08:39] Speaker C: For some reason, it does fire damage too, but not that much. It only does 15. [03:08:44] Speaker A: Phantom. No, Boz, I was talking about the investiture of flame from before with fire. That had nothing to do with Phantom right now. No, no, but I do. [03:08:52] Speaker C: I do. I do fire damage as well. [03:08:55] Speaker A: Oh, with your investiture of flame? [03:08:57] Speaker C: No, no. With my blessing of the first flame. [03:09:00] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Sick. Okay. As it freezes to him, there is a flare of deep magic. And. Sorry. [03:09:09] Speaker C: He ended his turn next to me, so he has to take another detent of fire damage. [03:09:12] Speaker A: Dude. Yes. Phenomenal. Roll that for me too. The ice frosted across him, superheats into steam and burns him as well. So just let me know what our damage total is, cuz. 20. [03:09:23] Speaker C: Total. [03:09:24] Speaker A: 20 total. Phenomenal. [03:09:26] Speaker C: Low comparative to what it could be. [03:09:29] Speaker A: Hey, he is starting to look like you're hurting him. He's. He's starting to look a little hurt. He doesn't look like he's at death's door or anything, but he's. He's looking like he's feeling it. Okay, next. [03:09:44] Speaker C: Cautious. [03:09:46] Speaker A: Sorry. [03:09:46] Speaker C: Not talk, because I'm gonna do vicious mockery. [03:09:50] Speaker A: So, yeah, wisdom. Say he saves with more than 20, but go ahead. And roll for damage. [03:09:58] Speaker C: I think it's all or nothing. Yeah. [03:10:02] Speaker A: Yeah, it's all or nothing. I could be. Okay, okay. I thought it was the effect for all or nothing, but. All right. I thought it was the damage no matter what, but I could be wrong. [03:10:08] Speaker C: It says it must succeed or take damage and have disadvantage. [03:10:12] Speaker A: Okay, excellent. Gotcha. Well, you think I would know that, but that's okay. Okay, so that's the end of Boss's turn. [03:10:19] Speaker D: Does Boss's creature get a turn? [03:10:22] Speaker C: It does get a turn, and it's gonna fly down and smack him. [03:10:26] Speaker E: Okay. [03:10:28] Speaker C: Does he get advantage on the attack since he's. Since he's around? [03:10:32] Speaker A: Yes. He's flanking with you. He's advancing the attack. [03:10:35] Speaker C: So that is. Man, I have it open. [03:10:39] Speaker A: I'm just so hard. [03:10:42] Speaker C: Plus having a hit. [03:10:44] Speaker A: Holy kills. [03:10:44] Speaker C: One piercing damage. That's so hilarious. [03:10:48] Speaker A: What'd you get to hit? [03:10:51] Speaker C: To hit. He cleared all this dice. He got a 20. He got an unnatural 20. [03:11:00] Speaker B: Rough and roll. [03:11:01] Speaker C: Just hits and says he does one piercing damage and then seven fire damage. So that's eight damage total. [03:11:09] Speaker A: Eight damage. Okay, so Zeraxis just reaches down, and as he bites him, there's just this burst of fire from out of his mouth, which looks like it surprises Zeraxis, too. And the big mic just not even that good. [03:11:31] Speaker D: And then, given the guy from Napoleon dining. [03:11:36] Speaker A: How did. How did she turn the water? I left her with the sink, and Luna had turned the water. Okay. [03:11:45] Speaker E: He was like, I'm thirsty. [03:11:46] Speaker A: Okay, end of Boz's turn. The Big Mike is going to use some legendary actions. [03:11:53] Speaker C: Not done. [03:11:55] Speaker A: Oh, you have more, Lando? [03:11:57] Speaker C: I. I do. I would like to move away from him. Okay. [03:12:01] Speaker A: Sick. How far? [03:12:04] Speaker C: Maybe, like 40ft. Just directly away from him. [03:12:09] Speaker D: Does Xerox move with you? [03:12:11] Speaker C: No, he stays. [03:12:14] Speaker A: Did you just call him Xerox? That's amazing. So there's an opportunity attack there, Boss. [03:12:20] Speaker C: He has disadvantage. [03:12:23] Speaker A: I don't know why, but I do believe you. [03:12:25] Speaker C: Because of my boon abilities. [03:12:27] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. Dude, that's sick. 18 misses, right? [03:12:32] Speaker C: It does miss. [03:12:34] Speaker A: Okay, Boz, as you like, duck and step away. He, like, swings out a fist, and as it whooshes over your head, he goes. I meant to do that. At the end of your turn, he's going to use a legendary secondary action. [03:12:47] Speaker D: I thought he was out of wood. [03:12:50] Speaker A: We have started a new round of combat. He regains them. That is how it works. And he is going to. [03:13:02] Speaker C: Is he gonna cast Little Stinker? [03:13:04] Speaker A: No, he's going to spend Two legendary actions. What. [03:13:12] Speaker D: He'S not allowed to do that? [03:13:15] Speaker A: 60Ft. Yeah, that's everybody except for Greta and Tella. So he's going to. He's gonna spend two legendary actions to use Thunderbuns. So after you step away from him, Boz, he just turns around and he turns away from all of you all. He raises his arms to each side so his back muscles flex. He lowers himself down just a little bit into the splits so his legs not all the way, just like halfway down the splits. Then he turns his head over his shoulder and he goes buns and thighs. And he's going to flex his hamstring muscles so you can see all the striation. And then he's going to flex his butt muscles or he's going to flex his hamstrings so hard that the shock waves traveling up his leg briefly. I mean, this is all covered by a cloth, but his butt muscles briefly, like. Like get pushed apart from the shock wave. But then he flexes his butt so hard that his butt muscles thunderclap together. So it's just this. And as the shock wave flies out and shakes the ground around him, I need Ro, Greta, and Boz and Xerxes to make strength saving throws. [03:14:30] Speaker E: Oh, no, not strength. Remember, guys, y'all have. Some of y'all have bardic inspiration still. [03:14:36] Speaker D: I got a 19, baby. [03:14:38] Speaker A: That's amazing. [03:14:39] Speaker C: I got a four. And xericis got a. Derek says did a lot better than I did. Never mind. He has a minus four to strength. Holy cow. [03:14:53] Speaker A: A very small square snake, dude. [03:14:55] Speaker C: He got 11. [03:14:57] Speaker E: Okay, I. I got a nat 20, but I have a minus two, so it's an eight. [03:15:05] Speaker A: Oh, no. Ro, you save, Greta saves. Eric says fail. So Ro, you and Greta take half of 13 force damage. So you guys are going to take force damage. [03:15:21] Speaker E: Oh, I thought it's like a shockwave of force. [03:15:24] Speaker A: Well, he. It's reduced. Boz, you have a thing with force damage, right? Yes, I think you do with your necklace of blasting or something. [03:15:34] Speaker E: Yeah, I don't know. [03:15:35] Speaker C: You have to have it attuned, right? [03:15:37] Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [03:15:39] Speaker C: Not attuned. [03:15:42] Speaker A: So you take six. You and Greta Tate. [03:15:46] Speaker C: Force damage. Are you kidding me? [03:15:48] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [03:15:49] Speaker C: I said digest, by the way. That sounded gross. [03:15:51] Speaker E: The most random one. [03:15:53] Speaker A: That's a really strong argument. It's thunder damage, so. [03:15:58] Speaker E: Oh, wait, it's thunder. [03:16:00] Speaker A: That makes perfect. That makes perfect sense. That is an excellent argument, boss. It's okay. You take six. Thunder damage. Rowan, Greta, six thunder damage. I really have got to finish the Sentence. It would be so important if I could. How many hit points does Zerx Vox. [03:16:14] Speaker E: Has resistance to Thunder damage for nine days? [03:16:18] Speaker A: Yep, that's the thing I just said. So you three takes six. How many hit points does Xerxes have? [03:16:26] Speaker C: Xerxes has 14. [03:16:28] Speaker A: And the Black Dragon's back. He takes 13 points of 14. [03:16:32] Speaker C: Wow. So he has one hit point. He's hanging on by thread. [03:16:40] Speaker A: I mean, familiars always have short lived spans and fights. Every time she jumps on the table, I just go put her on the top of the bookshelf. And that keeps her busy for about 10 minutes. Okay, so that's Thunderbuns. Next up in the initiative reaction. [03:16:53] Speaker C: I cast absorb elements. [03:16:55] Speaker A: Awesome. To zero the damage. [03:16:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:16:59] Speaker A: Okay. Could you roll a D20 for me? [03:17:01] Speaker C: I will do that. And I'll probably pray hard. [03:17:08] Speaker B: Slots. [03:17:09] Speaker C: And I rolled a four. [03:17:11] Speaker A: Okay. Roll a D100 for me. [03:17:13] Speaker C: All right. I rolled a 42. [03:17:18] Speaker A: Remember, you can do this at advantage. [03:17:20] Speaker C: Oh, oh, yes. 42 or 63. [03:17:27] Speaker A: 42 is less harmless than. Is more harmless than 63. [03:17:34] Speaker C: I'll do that. I'll do the less harmless one. [03:17:36] Speaker A: Okay, so now Tella looks like Boz. But now Greta and Craig also look like Boz. And all four of the party members look like boss. So now this episode is almost. Oops. All Boz, everyone except for Ro looks like boss. Okay. Excellent. It's incredible how many harmless rolls you've gotten from this table. It's truly fascinating. Next initiative is. Greta, what are you doing? [03:18:02] Speaker D: Okay. Dm, if I move, does your guardians move with me? [03:18:08] Speaker A: Yes, it goes wherever you go. [03:18:10] Speaker D: Oh, cool. Oh, dude. Rock and roll. Okay, I would like to know is. [03:18:14] Speaker A: That you're like a. You're like a blender or a lawnmower. Wherever you go, damage goes with you. [03:18:18] Speaker D: Dude, I freaking love being a lawn lawnmower. I would like to move within 15ft of this big guy. Wait. Yes, I would like to do that. [03:18:29] Speaker A: Okay. [03:18:30] Speaker D: Okay. I have green. [03:18:37] Speaker A: And then you would be 5, 10, 15, 20. [03:18:40] Speaker D: I have only 25. [03:18:42] Speaker A: Excuse me. You could go 25ft forward and then you would be 35ft away from him. [03:18:50] Speaker D: Got it. [03:18:50] Speaker A: And that's assuming you succeed on your dexterity. Saving throw in Greece. [03:18:54] Speaker D: Freaking heck. [03:18:56] Speaker A: And it's a shame because spirit guardians is awesome. But you're so far away now. He might move at some point. He's probably gonna get melee with people at some point. [03:19:04] Speaker D: Yeah, I would like to move. I would like to attempt to move. [03:19:07] Speaker A: Okay, Start with the dexterity saving throw. [03:19:09] Speaker D: Cool. Oh my. Let Me do some thinking. Okay, Let me do some. Hold on, hold on. I'm doing. I'm trying so hard. [03:19:22] Speaker A: Can. Can anybody else hear the Stardew Valley theme right now? [03:19:25] Speaker D: Oh, my God, I love the Stardew Valley theme. I wish I could. Is half a plane. Stardew Valley. 50, 20, 25, 30, 45, 50, 55, 60. [03:19:45] Speaker A: Your dexterity saving throw was 55. [03:19:49] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. I am. I rolled it. I rolled a four. [03:19:58] Speaker A: Okay. So after Greta slips in the grease and falls over comically, I use half. [03:20:02] Speaker D: Of my movement to get up, which is what? Like, I want to get within. [03:20:06] Speaker B: You have. [03:20:07] Speaker A: Yeah. 5, 10, 15. That's how far forward you. [03:20:11] Speaker D: Okay. Am I within 60ft of him? [03:20:14] Speaker A: Yes, you of him. Did I. Yeah, that's what I said at the beginning of combat. But it's okay now. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. [03:20:24] Speaker D: Can I move between the blue one and the red one? Or do I not have enough movement? Cool. That's what I would like to do. So now my spirit guardians is around them. I realized that I was sitting here counting the squares, and I was counting in tens and not fives, so that's problematic. I would like to cast flame strike on him, and I would like metal. [03:20:50] Speaker A: That's awesome. [03:20:52] Speaker D: I would like to try and cast it so that it does not get. [03:20:57] Speaker A: Well, it is. You could put it down on the rock partially. [03:21:04] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do that on the walk. [03:21:05] Speaker A: You will then hit Xerxes. Okay. Is that a dictionary or constitution saving throw? [03:21:10] Speaker D: That's a dexterity saving. [03:21:12] Speaker A: This is a fifth level spell. That's awesome. What's your spell save using? [03:21:21] Speaker D: 17. [03:21:24] Speaker A: Okay, he saves, but that. That just means he takes half damage, right? [03:21:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:21:29] Speaker A: Okay, so roll 8D6 for me, Greta. [03:21:31] Speaker D: It's 46. Oh, yeah, yeah. [03:21:33] Speaker A: And 46. [03:21:34] Speaker D: I get it. [03:21:35] Speaker A: Okay, wait, I gotta do a lot of damage off. Does anyone have any, like, role playing thoughts as all of this is transpiring and Red is doing math? [03:21:54] Speaker B: Who even is the Big Mike? [03:21:56] Speaker A: Yes. Everybody's just like, I don't understand who is. [03:22:01] Speaker B: Is that what they're calling me? Is that what they're calling me? [03:22:05] Speaker D: My name's Craig. [03:22:06] Speaker A: A blue demigod just came out of the sky and slapped his butt cheeks together so hard. You guys all took damage and nobody knows what's happening. [03:22:14] Speaker D: I got a 21. So would half of that be 2010? [03:22:17] Speaker A: I mean, so that means half of 21 would just be 10. Yes. On 8D6, you rolled 21. Okay. [03:22:26] Speaker D: Yeah. Two, three, four, five, six. No, I only rolled. I only rolled six. I'm sorry. [03:22:33] Speaker A: Okay, I think you need two more there. [03:22:36] Speaker D: Five, six, seven, eight. [03:22:41] Speaker A: Wow. [03:22:42] Speaker D: That really helps. [03:22:43] Speaker A: Okay, total of 15 brings it down to. [03:22:45] Speaker D: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Two sixes. So 12. [03:22:49] Speaker A: Okay. Total of 12 takes six more damage. Okay, Greta, what does it look like as you cast flame strike. That's. Okay, Greta. I'm 100% sure. On the map, what does it look like as you. [03:23:02] Speaker D: As you played with Flamestrike, he hears the Stardew Valley theme song. [03:23:12] Speaker A: As you grip your symbol, part of the storm turns a different. Yeah, a different. A different part of the storm changes color to kind of like that cyan blue and then burns down in fire. And he points at Craig and he goes, when I'm done with you, you're gonna. And then you guys can't hear what he's saying for a second. And all you see is his black silhouette inside of. And as the fire pulls up, there's this scorch mark where he's standing, and he just goes. [03:23:41] Speaker B: Can I say that? [03:23:43] Speaker A: And he's burned head to toe. [03:23:45] Speaker D: Yeah, like a cartoon. Like, burned onto the rock. There's a symbol of an eye. [03:23:52] Speaker A: That's so stupid. Sick. And that's right there is the symbol of IUN is burned into the stone. That's awesome. That's so dope, Abby. That's so sick. Okay, at the end of Greta's turn, he is going to use another legendary action, and he's going to use the magical fruit. So, no, since you're just going cast a spell on him, I need you to do a con saving throw. [03:24:27] Speaker D: I don't have those. This can be a 13. [03:24:33] Speaker A: He just looks at you, and he goes, you. You. He's just coughing at smoking. He goes, you think. You think. Ow. That's. You're stupid. And then the eye flares on his forehead, and Greta just goes. [03:24:48] Speaker D: They go. [03:24:52] Speaker A: And everything smells horrible. And, Greta, since you placed yourself between boss and Greg, that means that all three of you guys have to make concierge saving throws. [03:25:04] Speaker B: Dang it. [03:25:07] Speaker A: What did you say? On. On your next turn. Turn, you will. Like, you just had your turn. On your next turn, you'll have to make the saving throw. But now, at the beginning of their turns, Craig and Boz will as well. Phenomenal. Excellent and wonderful. Next initiative is Craig. What are you doing, Craig? Well, first you're making custards. [03:25:30] Speaker B: And they got a 12. I got a 12. [03:25:34] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. So, Craig, you lose half your movement as you just. [03:25:45] Speaker B: No, you're Kidding. I'm so done with that. [03:25:48] Speaker A: Craig barfs a little bit before moving forward. But you still have half your movement and you could move 15ft forward and then do the ranged. The ranged attack with Star Spawn and you could hit him with a hit. [03:26:03] Speaker B: Okay, I'll do that. [03:26:06] Speaker A: Okay. [03:26:07] Speaker B: Oh, that completely changes what I was gonna do. That's okay. It's okay. I can roll with it. I can roll with it. I literally wrote out exactly what I was gonna do and it completely changed it. But that's okay. [03:26:16] Speaker A: Sorry. [03:26:16] Speaker B: It might be. [03:26:17] Speaker A: It might be useful. The Black Dragon back. [03:26:20] Speaker B: Now I have to recalculate just a little bit. I'm still going to use Star Splinter. I just have to use as the ranged. Do I not add a plus five? Do it at the end for a strength modifier. I was looking at the document. [03:26:33] Speaker A: Not for the ranged attack. Not for the ranged attack. [03:26:36] Speaker B: It just deals the damage. [03:26:38] Speaker A: The ideal is you're not. Yeah. You're not hitting them with it. It's just flying out and hitting. [03:26:44] Speaker B: But Star Splinter does offer the feature where I get a plus one to attack bonus. [03:26:49] Speaker A: Yes. [03:26:49] Speaker B: And I get a plus one to damage. [03:26:53] Speaker A: And so in this case it wouldn't add onto the roll to hit. Cuz he's just making a dexterity save, but it would. It would add on to the damage. So. Yes. [03:27:00] Speaker B: Okay, okay. So h. Hold on, hold on. I was so prepared. I was so prepared. Give me a second while I go back to the feature. I'm so grateful that you sent it in the Craig Dudley chat. I'm so grateful. It's very nice. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. [03:27:26] Speaker E: No. [03:27:30] Speaker B: I have a question about Divine Smite. Whenever. [03:27:34] Speaker A: Answer a question about Divine Smite. [03:27:36] Speaker B: Okay, so I have two things that show about Divine Smite. I have improved Divine Smite and I was wondering, can you only use that using the previous Divine Smite or can you just do it to where it's like a base level? It just adds on without casting a spell? Because Improved Divine smite adds an extra 1d8. But I don't know if that's to what I was using whenever I was casting the spell. [03:28:02] Speaker A: Because of that feature, anytime you use Divine Smite, you just have an extra one. It just means it's better. [03:28:07] Speaker B: Okay, so just when I use Divine. [03:28:09] Speaker A: Smite, you always have an extra D8. [03:28:11] Speaker B: So I have to cast it still. Okay. I thought I found a loophole, but I did not. Right. [03:28:23] Speaker A: I didn't put any language on Star Splinter that says when you use the ranged attack, you can't also use a Divine Smite. Holy crap. That. That's a lot of damage. Yep. That just works. Are you gonna do that? [03:28:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes. Yes, I'm going to do that. I'm just gonna do it at the first level. I'm also gonna write down, does he. [03:28:56] Speaker E: Look bloodied or not? I can't remember. [03:28:59] Speaker B: So I need a one. Cast it at a higher level if you'd like to. [03:29:07] Speaker A: So if you cast it a higher level, you'll deal more damage. [03:29:11] Speaker B: Okay. It's just so much to keep track of. Okay. [03:29:16] Speaker A: I'm gonna deal less damage because I don't want to keep track of the numbers. [03:29:22] Speaker B: It's so many. [03:29:24] Speaker A: We'll help you keep track of things. [03:29:26] Speaker B: Yeah, hold on. On, wait. [03:29:31] Speaker A: Okay, you're going to deal. You're going to deal. 66 plus 6. Slashing 6 plus 2 D6 radiant. Plus. What level are you casting Divine Smite at? [03:29:41] Speaker B: Let's go for crazy. Let's go level. I could do a level three. [03:29:49] Speaker A: Yep. [03:29:51] Speaker B: Okay, wait. Oh, my brain hurts. Hold on, guys. Hold on. [03:29:57] Speaker A: You're good. [03:29:58] Speaker B: So 2D8 plus 1D8 for a per higher level. I'm going to level four. It's 48. [03:30:06] Speaker A: Can I help you out here, Micah? [03:30:07] Speaker B: Yeah, please. [03:30:09] Speaker A: You are gonna do. You're gonna do 66 slashing plus 6.2D 6 radiant. [03:30:16] Speaker B: Let me write this down. Let me write this down. Hold on, hold on. [03:30:19] Speaker A: No, trust me. [03:30:23] Speaker C: And you don't have to do anything else. [03:30:25] Speaker A: That's all you have to do. 66 radiant. Or 66 radiant. Plus 48 radiant. But because he's not resistant to any of these damages, you can treat them like they're the same. So 8d6.4d8.8d6.4d8. Just need to roll 86 and 48, which is so much damage. That's crazy. [03:30:48] Speaker B: Did you take into consideration the one D8 that just gets added on? [03:30:52] Speaker A: I already did, but thank you for helping me keep track of it. [03:30:56] Speaker B: Okay, what level is a plus one? [03:30:59] Speaker A: Yes, yes, yes. 8648. One. Never. Let me take it from you, Micah. I love it. [03:31:08] Speaker B: Let's start with a 66. You guys, I'm going to call out the numbers. If someone can write it down. [03:31:13] Speaker A: Yes. Dude, I've got you. [03:31:14] Speaker B: Okay. [03:31:15] Speaker A: I've got you so hard. [03:31:18] Speaker B: Oh. To start, we got a one. Got a one. You know, every bit matters. Every bit matters. [03:31:23] Speaker A: Understood. Damage is damage. [03:31:25] Speaker B: Two is roll. Two is five. That's six. We'll just calculate at the end. [03:31:33] Speaker A: You can. You can just keep Going. I've got it. [03:31:35] Speaker B: Third roll is one. [03:31:37] Speaker A: Okay. [03:31:39] Speaker B: Fourth roll. Fourth roll is six. [03:31:42] Speaker A: Okay. [03:31:44] Speaker B: Fifth roll is two. [03:31:46] Speaker A: Okay. [03:31:47] Speaker B: So the roll is two. [03:31:50] Speaker A: Okay. [03:31:50] Speaker B: That's for the D6. [03:31:52] Speaker A: You have two more D6. [03:31:57] Speaker B: Oh, I do. I do. [03:31:58] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. [03:31:59] Speaker B: Seventh roll is one. We're not doing too hot right now, but that's okay. We're trying. [03:32:03] Speaker A: Damage rolls are rough. [03:32:05] Speaker B: Okay. And that's a four for the last. Oh, there you go. [03:32:09] Speaker A: This could have been so much fun. Okay, now roll 40. I've also already added on the plus one, so you're good there. [03:32:16] Speaker B: The eight is a four. Or the first roll for the eighth is a four. [03:32:20] Speaker A: Okay, got it. [03:32:22] Speaker B: Oh, I dropped that. Okay, the second roll for the eight is eight. [03:32:28] Speaker E: Okay. [03:32:29] Speaker D: Nice. [03:32:30] Speaker E: Nice. [03:32:32] Speaker B: Third roll is two. [03:32:34] Speaker A: Okay. [03:32:36] Speaker B: And then the last roll is seven. [03:32:40] Speaker A: Okay. 1730. You just dealt 44 points of damage. [03:32:48] Speaker B: You're kidding. You're kidding. 44. Wow. [03:32:54] Speaker A: And he rolled kind of low. That could have been so much higher. That's crazy. Craig. So, Craig, what does it look like is. [03:33:01] Speaker B: You do? [03:33:03] Speaker A: Yes, yes, please, please. [03:33:04] Speaker B: Okay, perfect. I'm gonna say. Oh, wait, can't I do that thing to where. Oh, wait, wait. I'm gonna be so cool. I'm gonna be so cool. Give me a second. Give me a second. I'm gonna be so cool. That's not the one that I. I want. There we go. So as an action, do I have another action left or reset both my actions? [03:33:25] Speaker A: You have a second attack. You have two attacks. [03:33:30] Speaker B: No, no, no, I don't. That one only goes for. That one takes up two attacks. [03:33:35] Speaker A: That's right, it does. Oh, my goodness. Micah. Inspiration for knowing that about yourself. Wait, do you already have inspiration? [03:33:41] Speaker B: I don't think so. So I appreciate it. [03:33:42] Speaker A: You used it earlier on something small. Yes. You have inspiration again. That's incredible. Way to keep me honest. That's correct. It takes up two attacks. Wow. Micah. Nice. You were doing your homework. [03:33:51] Speaker B: So I don't have two actions. I was going to do the thing to where it, like, lights up like the Sin Albanin. That's a command word that makes it light up. But anyways, basically, I do something almost like that that doesn't require an action where the sword lights up and it just, like, it starts to light up like a power come out of it. And I'm gonna say, oh, see, I don't know what a ranged attack looks like. Do I have to throw the weapon? Or. Like, is it. [03:34:22] Speaker A: No, no. With your. With your sword. When? Because you remember how your sword has that blade, and there's all those cracks. And the cracks in the silver adamantium blade are where the lapis lazulan is inlaid. [03:34:32] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [03:34:33] Speaker A: When you throw it, when you slash with it, the sword blade breaks apart and all the pieces fly out, cut someone, and then come back together. [03:34:40] Speaker D: So cool. [03:34:41] Speaker B: I'm gonna say that, like, as it starts to light up in power, he's like. Like, throwing it around. And like. And then black dragon, you got basically. Basically, like, throws it in the direction. And as the shards, like, break off of the sword, like a bright light, like a disco ball. Like, whenever you put a light on a disco ball, you know, it just like fractions light as it shoots out. And it. Like a. Like a swarm of bees without life. You know, like a swarm of bees. It just surrounds. Surrounds him, Cuts him as much as it can. And then as it's boomeranging back, it cuts him again. Oh, closer to it. [03:35:23] Speaker A: So, Craig, you pull out your sword and you just. You. You shout us outside. And as you fly the blade, there's just this flash, flash, like, and it's like. It's like watching shrapnel fired out of a cannon. All the blades fire forward, and as they do, they slice by him, across him, around him, just cutting him. And all this Mountain Dew is pouring. [03:35:42] Speaker B: Out of his boots. [03:35:44] Speaker A: And then half the pieces just embed behind him in the wall. And then as you pull the hilt back, they just pull back out of the rock wall. As they come back across and cut him, he just tumbles over to his knees and the blade reforms in your hand. You sit there shining from your blade and your armor, looking like a paladin. [03:36:04] Speaker D: So cool. [03:36:05] Speaker A: That was sick. Okay, it's his turn. He stands up. He's covered in deep gashes and wounds. Mountain Dew is pouring down from him at every angle. He is Mountain Dew. He looks Mountain Dew. And as he stands up, he goes. That didn't even. That didn't even hurt. Hurt. I'm the big Mike. And as he stands back up with all that, he is going. He's in bad straits, so he is going to spend his turn casting Polymorph on himself. [03:36:39] Speaker D: What the heck? Oh, no. [03:36:43] Speaker E: This man. [03:36:43] Speaker A: So long for this. And then an ancient black dragon flies back down to the mountain. [03:36:50] Speaker D: Listener. The ancient black dragon is one of Zach's adorable cats. [03:36:55] Speaker A: The maker has to keep getting her. Okay, so he's gonna keep sliding off on himself. Yep. What's up? [03:37:03] Speaker B: Really quick? Where can I find Nifty's twin jokes document? Do we have that or. [03:37:08] Speaker A: No, I've probably sent it to you. May I ask why? [03:37:13] Speaker B: Channel for it? [03:37:13] Speaker A: This is your. [03:37:14] Speaker C: I don't think you have it anymore, Micah. I think you sold it. [03:37:17] Speaker B: I don't have it anymore. You're right, I did. [03:37:19] Speaker C: Oh, no, I thought you got ready. [03:37:21] Speaker A: Oh, no, I think you're right. [03:37:22] Speaker B: I do think I. Yeah, I did. Thank you. Sorry. Anyways, go ahead. He was polymorphing. [03:37:29] Speaker A: Well, hold on. So the big mic. Nope, that's not what I wanted to almost send. Okay. Oh, I'm sorry, baby. So the Big Mike looks over Ace. He goes, I'm the big mic. He just goes, oh, Luna. He. He pulls his hands into fists, falls over and just slams into the ground on all fours. And then the blue eye flashes on his forehead and he just. And it turned into this huge braying call. And you all watch as his shoulder blades crack upward and all the light across him starts shining blue. And his neck expands. His chest and ribs fall down. All of his limbs elongate and thicken. His digits pull. Pull together into gravaportal bases. From his extremely marbled glutes starts to protrude this long beam of light. His head flattens and expands into a frill. His face forward curves into elongated sharpened beak. From the edges of his brow grow two massive horns. And what stands before you when it's done growing bigger and bigger is a massive, heavy scaled creature none of you all have ever seen before. I've sent an image in Lauren reference. As you all look at Ceratops, none of you all knows what a dinosaur. [03:39:12] Speaker E: Oh, that's not. [03:39:14] Speaker B: Did someone screenshot it and put it. [03:39:19] Speaker E: You want it? [03:39:20] Speaker A: Infinitely better. I'll just send the name and. Okay, I found it. It's kind of cute. As you all look down the face of a Nasutoceratops, which you've never seen. [03:39:32] Speaker C: Anyone have any lettuce. I think he eats lettuce. [03:39:38] Speaker D: Whoa, wait. [03:39:39] Speaker B: So it's just. I know that boy. [03:39:41] Speaker C: Let's all turn into birds. We'll be best friends with it. [03:39:43] Speaker A: It's like a triceratop drops, except a long horn. So it's got two big, broad, wide horns. And as he. As he slims down, he just. I'm gonna need Xerxes to make a dexterity saving throw for me as he transforms. [03:40:00] Speaker D: This guy. See what a Nasudo Ceratops is? [03:40:07] Speaker E: Okay. He's the big Mike. He knows. [03:40:10] Speaker A: F he's all knowing he's gonna spend his movement charging at you guys. [03:40:19] Speaker D: Charging it. [03:40:20] Speaker E: Charging. [03:40:21] Speaker D: Oh, goodness. [03:40:23] Speaker E: That's rude. [03:40:24] Speaker B: So I cast animal friendship into a. [03:40:27] Speaker A: Dinosaur, which none of you all have ever seen a dinosaur. He just. The ground is shaking as he is charging at you, and he's just braying angrily, roaring, and the huge horns are coming at you. That is his turn in his movement. He can't use any legendary actions, anything. Well, he's already used his action, so he can't actually hit you on his next turn. So the next initiative is. Ro. What are you doing, Ro? [03:40:57] Speaker E: Well, first, I got to make a con save, right? [03:41:00] Speaker A: Yes. [03:41:01] Speaker E: I got to make a con save. Yeah. [03:41:08] Speaker A: You do need to make a concept. [03:41:10] Speaker E: That's a. That's a 14 row. [03:41:14] Speaker A: You spend your entire turn retching and vomiting, gagging from the noxious fumes of your rancid farts. [03:41:21] Speaker E: A14. So I can't do anything. [03:41:27] Speaker A: And roll as you're retching. Every time you retch, the muscle squeeze is squeezing a little more fart out of you. So you're just. And just doubled over, gagging, bald, and farting. Next initiative is so mad. [03:41:45] Speaker E: I had a plan. I was like. I was like, micah. I had a whole plan. It can still work. [03:41:48] Speaker A: Next turn can still work. [03:41:51] Speaker D: Okay, I. This is so much chaos. [03:41:58] Speaker B: Chaos. [03:41:59] Speaker D: No. His name is Tello. I would like to move. [03:42:06] Speaker A: So the. The rock he's standing next to is 10ft tall. [03:42:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:42:09] Speaker A: Climb up on top of it and be hidden on top. [03:42:13] Speaker D: Okay, I'll do that. [03:42:14] Speaker A: As long as he shoots over the edge and lays back down. [03:42:17] Speaker D: I want to. Okay, well, okay, we'll see. I would like to try Tasha's mind. [03:42:22] Speaker A: Wait, you could do it again? [03:42:31] Speaker D: I would like to do that. [03:42:33] Speaker A: Okay. So. [03:42:37] Speaker D: Intelligence. Yes. Does he use his polymorph stats? [03:42:43] Speaker A: He uses his polymorphs stand. He fails with an unnatural one as Tello grips his. His mic. Because the pseudoceratops is a lot stupider than the big mic. So tell. Tell loops over the edge, and he goes, okay, I'm going. What is that? He just leans forward, he pulls the spindle out, and he goes. And he whispers in silver and gripping it. And this fog of color surrounds the Nasu right as it's about to gore boss with its horns, it just goes. Starts whipping its head around. The horns are just by yalls heads. It's terrifying. This thing is gigantic. [03:43:23] Speaker D: So this thing can't take a reaction until the end of its turn. Also, on its next turn, it must choose between a move and action. And a bonus action. It only gets one. [03:43:35] Speaker A: That's awesome. That's amazing. It Suffers all those conditions. Also, for reference, this thing's about like 5,6000 pounds. It's about 24ft long, and it's about 8ft at the shoulder. [03:43:53] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna roll now. So it's a 6 total of 10? Total of 13. [03:44:02] Speaker A: Okay. [03:44:03] Speaker D: Damn it. [03:44:03] Speaker A: Excellent. Then the Pseudoceratops starts to bleed a little from its eyes and nostrils and just. Is it blood or Mountain Dew Looks really harmed. [03:44:12] Speaker D: What is it blood or Mountain Dew? [03:44:16] Speaker A: The Nasutoceratops does not quite look bloodied yet. [03:44:19] Speaker D: No. Is it bleeding blood or is it. [03:44:21] Speaker A: It's blood. It's not Mountain Dew. It's blood. He's polymorphed where Tello is on the top of the rock. He goes, oh, my God. Goodness, my spell worked. And he just slips a little into his pocket and lays back down on the rock. [03:44:32] Speaker E: Go tell him. [03:44:33] Speaker B: Yes. [03:44:33] Speaker A: Top of initiative is Boz. What are you doing, boss? [03:44:37] Speaker C: I'm going to move behind it, trying to get advantage. [03:44:41] Speaker A: Gotcha. Absolutely. Yeah. [03:44:43] Speaker C: And I'm going to swing Phantom at it at its tail. [03:44:49] Speaker A: You most certainly can roll the hit for me. [03:44:54] Speaker C: Oh, thank goodness. That is another 18 that hits. [03:44:57] Speaker A: This one has a lower AC. That hits. Okay. What does it look like you stab it with Phantom. A lot of weird spreading you. [03:45:05] Speaker C: Okay, so because I passed absorb elements at the fifth level. Yes. [03:45:13] Speaker D: It just entered. It entered into my spirit guardians. I'm so sorry, I forgot. [03:45:17] Speaker A: And entered into your spirit guardian. [03:45:18] Speaker C: And it takes fire damage to me. [03:45:20] Speaker A: Greta, Greta, that will happen on your turn, okay. Or on its turn. [03:45:30] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. Yeah, yeah. [03:45:32] Speaker C: All right, boss. [03:45:33] Speaker A: Keep going with your thing. [03:45:34] Speaker C: So since I cast absorb elements at the fifth level, it. [03:45:38] Speaker D: Yes, Grotto, your guardian says when the creature enters the area for it. [03:45:46] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead and roll. Damage the wisdom saving throw. I'm sure it will fail. It does. It got a six. Go ahead and roll. Damage. [03:45:54] Speaker D: 3D8. I'm sorry to interrupt, Landon. [03:45:56] Speaker C: That's okay. [03:45:57] Speaker D: That's an eight. [03:45:58] Speaker A: I think you cast that at fourth level. [03:46:00] Speaker D: Oh, I did, didn't I? Oh, I did. So it's. Where's my sticky note? 4D8. Yes. [03:46:10] Speaker A: Okay, it's 3D8 to start. There's a third level spell. So it's 48. Yes. [03:46:17] Speaker D: Yeah. So 8 plus 215 right now. And then one more 17. [03:46:27] Speaker C: I don't know if you guys heard of one of these, but I got like this death calculator thing. If you push the numbers and then the. But the. [03:46:35] Speaker A: This. [03:46:35] Speaker C: This like cross looking button over here, you can do the. You can do like math like, it's like, look at that. Like, look. [03:46:41] Speaker A: That's so. [03:46:41] Speaker D: Like, I get joy from doing it in my head. Okay, what does it look like? [03:46:49] Speaker A: As the spirit guardians blast this thing and wound it terribly. [03:46:58] Speaker D: Their wings are, like, spinning, and so they just, like, dive towards it, and their wings, like, cut into it like razor blades. And each time they hit it like pulses. So it's like a bunch of little tiny hits. It's just swarming it as. [03:47:12] Speaker A: As the warring Blades of Light just. And they were rented. The Nasutoceratops looks freaked out. And it's always swinging its head at the wrong one. Another one bashes by, just cuts it. It's being laden with a thousand cuts as it just blows graze outward in pain. Terrified. Boss, back to your turn. This thing looks. Tell me about damage and hitting and all that stuff. Stuff. [03:47:34] Speaker E: Yeah. [03:47:35] Speaker C: So since Boz cast absorbed elements of the Five at the fifth level, he is going to do a lot of damage. [03:47:46] Speaker A: The one thing I will say, boss, is that this thing looks very badly wounded. It. If you control. When you expose this damage, you could hold on to it if you wanted. [03:47:56] Speaker C: Doesn't. What do you mean, doesn't? You hit something, that's polymorph, it sinks into the thing. Like, it doesn't just cap out. [03:48:03] Speaker A: That's true. That's true. That's true. [03:48:06] Speaker C: Right, so if we're going to damage it, we got to damage it, right? [03:48:09] Speaker A: That's true. Excuse. Hey, excuse me. That's a really good point. [03:48:11] Speaker C: All right. Not good on thunder damage. That's three ones of. Okay. And then 3D4 cold. And then 2D4 fire. I gotta reroll. I gotta reroll both those fire dice because they're ones. [03:48:37] Speaker A: Okay. [03:48:37] Speaker C: It's better. And another D10 of fire. So, no, I don't. I have to work so hard to do a fraction of what Craig can do. That is. [03:48:50] Speaker A: Well, that's the third. Paladins are just damage, damage, damage, damage. That's the thing they do. [03:48:54] Speaker C: And then I. It's 35 damage. [03:48:57] Speaker A: Holy crap. [03:48:59] Speaker C: It's like thunder and coals and fire. [03:49:03] Speaker A: Okay. [03:49:04] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [03:49:06] Speaker A: Nine. Okay, that's. Oh, this is so much math. Okay, 26. 26. It's gonna be. [03:49:16] Speaker C: I have some more to do if it doesn't. Totally. [03:49:19] Speaker A: I got there. No, no, I got there. It took me a long time, but I got there. Okay, so how do you want to do this? On the nuceritops, there's just like an. [03:49:27] Speaker C: Explosion of elemental fury on its tail, and it just kind of like, yeah, yeah. I feel like I separate the tail from the body, and just like the Mountain Dew, elemental energy pours out from this stomp as it unpoleybarfs it. That's what's happening. [03:49:43] Speaker A: That's awesome, Boz. As you whip the blade around, as you bring it down, it's like the frost coming off of it is superheating on the end. And the burning first flame coming up your arm, it's like searingly cold on the front and burning steam on the back. And as it cuts down at first, and then there's a burst of flame, the tail cuts off, blood sprays. The Nasutoceratops brays in pain as it goes to fall over. Not even getting to hit you guys for damage once, which is good. It deals a lot when it falls to the ground. A pool of Mountain Dew, it's like it melts into a huge pool of Mountain Dew just around. And the big Mike is left on all fours, prone where it was. [03:50:28] Speaker C: See, I have disadvantage on wisdom saves. Is that earlier because of what Tello did? [03:50:34] Speaker A: Well, he did in his previous form. When you. When you cast something on a polymorph creature, the conditions apply to the polymorphed creature, but I don't believe to the creature they turn back into. [03:50:44] Speaker C: Do I get a charge from doing that? [03:50:46] Speaker A: You do. You do gain a charge. Okay, so next initiative is. [03:50:53] Speaker C: I have one more thing I'm gonna do Vicious. So now he has to do a wisdom saving throw. Okay, Zach, here's a question. I was gonna do this. Can I do that on. Can I do that first on the tr. On the dinosaur? [03:51:11] Speaker A: We're pushing the action economy a little bit here. I'm gonna say we're gonna need to go with the series of vences we've. [03:51:17] Speaker C: Called I that mid. Sounds fair to me. [03:51:20] Speaker A: Yeah. But what do you say to the big Mike, who looks super mountain dude on all fours in front of me? [03:51:26] Speaker C: How does it feel to waste time? [03:51:31] Speaker A: Okay, well, he. He passed the saving throw, but go ahead and tell him you. Oh, he doesn't take damage. [03:51:35] Speaker C: No, he doesn't. [03:51:36] Speaker A: So he just. On all fours, he just goes. I've never wasted, like, so many push ups. And then he's gonna use legendary action at the end of that turn because he really, really needs it. [03:51:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:51:49] Speaker A: This is a new round of combat, so he needs to pull out some new rounds. Yeah, if you went. It has to be on top of the round. [03:51:59] Speaker C: On top of the round. [03:52:02] Speaker A: Let's get crazy. Yeah, yeah. He's going to do it okay, so the big mike on all four is just going to go. Knee is weak. Mom's spaghetti. There goes gravity. And the little eye on his forehead is going to flash. He saves it doesn't need to make the wild magic roll. And he's going to cast reverse gravity. And everyone within 50ft, which is the entire party, all of a sudden, all the gravity lifts, and the force holding you down leaves. As all the raindrops falling around you suspend in the air, begin flowing back upward. I need a dexterity saving throw from everybody. [03:52:55] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [03:52:57] Speaker D: You have featherfall. Does this affect us? [03:53:00] Speaker A: It certainly could if you fall dexterity. [03:53:05] Speaker C: How does my boon affect this? Because my, like, feeder and my roots are on the ground. [03:53:09] Speaker A: I'm gonna say that you can take the dexterity at dexterity taping throw at advantage. [03:53:14] Speaker C: I have a climbing speed. I don't know if that counts. [03:53:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll say. You know what, then, boss, that's a really good point. Instead of making a dexterity saving throw, make me a strength advantage. A strength saving throw at advantage like you're overpowering the spell to hold on. [03:53:33] Speaker C: I. I do much better at dexterity. [03:53:36] Speaker A: Then take the dexterity saving throw at advantage and treat it like it's your strength saving throw. [03:53:40] Speaker C: All right, that is 18. [03:53:43] Speaker B: I have a question. [03:53:44] Speaker A: Okay. What's up, Nicole? [03:53:47] Speaker B: Can we use Bardic inspiration on the saving throws? [03:53:51] Speaker A: Yes, you can. [03:53:52] Speaker E: Okay, I'm gonna roll a D10 with that. [03:53:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [03:53:59] Speaker A: Okay. So, boss, saved. What'd you get? [03:54:05] Speaker D: I got an 18. Oh, I gotta roll for Tella. Wait. [03:54:08] Speaker A: Okay, 10 for Craig. [03:54:11] Speaker B: 26 for Craig. [03:54:14] Speaker A: Excuse me. Wow. Holy crap. [03:54:19] Speaker B: I really want to make sure he doesn't. I want to do star splinter stuff. I really don't want to get lost in the sun. [03:54:28] Speaker A: What? Okay, Greta got 19. Craig got 26. What did tell get? [03:54:37] Speaker D: Tell? Got a 19. [03:54:40] Speaker A: Excellent. And row. [03:54:42] Speaker E: I got an 11. [03:54:45] Speaker A: Okay, so everyone saves except bro. So everyone grabs and holds on a stone as everyone shakes, and then ro just goes, oh, it just starts lifting up into the air. [03:54:59] Speaker E: So what. At what speed am I going? Like, what do I need to calculate? [03:55:05] Speaker A: Keep track of it. Okay. Flies 100ft up in the air. [03:55:12] Speaker E: 100Ft. [03:55:13] Speaker A: 100Ft up in the air, bro. [03:55:15] Speaker B: Can you change into an animal or something and come back down? [03:55:19] Speaker E: Not right now. I can't. [03:55:23] Speaker A: Phenomenal. Next is Greta's turn. [03:55:28] Speaker E: Am I stuck at 100ft? [03:55:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Or am I going. [03:55:32] Speaker E: Going constantly? Okay, okay. [03:55:36] Speaker A: What are you doing, Greta? [03:55:42] Speaker D: Oh, goodness gracious. [03:55:45] Speaker B: Goodness gracious. [03:55:49] Speaker A: I'm thinking and actually, as she thinks Ro to be specific, it's less that you drift and more that you're like yanked upward so hard forward that you're str. Stomach lurches. Could you give me a con saving throw? [03:56:01] Speaker E: This doesn't have to do with the. [03:56:02] Speaker A: Spot anymore, but just with your condition. [03:56:04] Speaker E: Of course. I love that. That's great. [03:56:08] Speaker A: Holy. What'd you get? I. [03:56:12] Speaker E: Not one. [03:56:13] Speaker A: Okay, so as you. As you're flung up in the air, as you're flung upwards, you fart so hard you cracked your pants. You get wrapped up when you. You crap your pants. As you pull up for 100ft in the sky, screaming. You can feel the poop moving around against your leg. [03:56:35] Speaker D: Ew. [03:56:36] Speaker E: Okay, I know this is like a gross question, but like, you don't have to ask the gross like this. All of the throw up and poop or whatever. Is that up there with her or did it fall? Fall? [03:56:51] Speaker A: There's none. There's none of that up there right now. [03:56:54] Speaker B: Oh, how would you ask that? Because I. Why would you want. You don't make that real, cuz I. [03:57:02] Speaker E: Want to know if it's supposed to be or not. [03:57:06] Speaker A: Okay. Abby, what's up with gr. [03:57:09] Speaker D: I'm going to cast Guiding Bolt again, this time at the fourth level. [03:57:13] Speaker E: Okay. [03:57:14] Speaker A: Holy crap. Robot ahead. [03:57:19] Speaker D: I'm so worried. Okay. It's okay. Have a big F. Oh, no. I can't use anything on an attack girl, right? I can't use inspiration. [03:57:31] Speaker A: Have you already used your baric inspiration? [03:57:33] Speaker D: I haven't used it. [03:57:35] Speaker A: You can use it here. [03:57:36] Speaker D: Can I use regular inspiration on an attack roll? [03:57:39] Speaker A: You can, yes. [03:57:40] Speaker D: Okay. [03:57:40] Speaker A: I'm going to use vibration on any T21. [03:57:45] Speaker D: Wow. Okay, that's better. [03:57:48] Speaker A: Let you use it on. Damage. [03:57:51] Speaker B: Really depends. [03:57:53] Speaker A: I don't know. [03:57:56] Speaker D: That's gonna be a 25. [03:57:59] Speaker A: That will hit. Yay. [03:58:02] Speaker D: So that is 76. Also, I didn't mention this last time, but the next attack roll made against the target before the end of my turn has advantage thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then. So he's a glittering naked next attack. [03:58:18] Speaker A: On him has advantage. [03:58:23] Speaker B: Maybe it's math. Heck yeah. Oh, heck yeah. [03:58:26] Speaker A: Do you want anyone to help you with this math or you just got it? [03:58:29] Speaker D: I enjoy doing it by myself. [03:58:31] Speaker E: I have a question while she does Matt math. [03:58:34] Speaker D: Yeah, that's like. It's going to take a lot. [03:58:36] Speaker E: No, I just. I was looking at the feather fall spell and it says we have the effects of the feather fall spell. So the feather fall spell is the Casting time is a reaction. So does that. Does that. [03:58:49] Speaker A: You don't need to cast it. You have the effects. If you fall, you have the effects. Yeah. [03:58:55] Speaker E: Okay, so I don't. Okay, I got it. I got at it. Okay. Which means that I can't get back down, though, right now. Once you do, you'll be chilling and poo. [03:59:09] Speaker B: I'm sorry, buddy. The title for the episode, Chilling and poop. Sorry, guys. [03:59:17] Speaker E: This is Worst Nightmare. [03:59:19] Speaker A: Only one parenthesis. Oops, all tello, parentheses, parentheses, chillin and poo parentheses. [03:59:29] Speaker E: I think Ro would rather take damage than be dirty. [03:59:33] Speaker A: Okay. Excellent. [03:59:37] Speaker D: Do I kill him? [03:59:38] Speaker E: Do I kill him? [03:59:40] Speaker A: The green bolt flies out again and strikes into him. Winces. He is burned down, his back covered in gashes. He looks badly beaten, and he just. Oh, that didn't even. Oh, Hurt. Oh, and he looks really badly hurt. Next initiative is preag. What are you doing, Craig? [04:00:03] Speaker E: Is it Baja Blast? It's not green, is it? It's like Baja. [04:00:08] Speaker B: Blah, blah, blah. Okay, okay, wait. I'm trying to see where the bro is on the map. [04:00:13] Speaker A: He's directly in front of you. [04:00:16] Speaker D: Right? [04:00:20] Speaker B: Okay, okay, okay, okay. I get to do what I was doing the earlier. Okay. Star splinter. Right? Right. Plus 11 to hit. Hold on. Okay, thank you. Boy, that was. I'm so. I'm so upset. Can I please, please use my inspiration? [04:00:43] Speaker A: You can. [04:00:44] Speaker B: Okay, okay. [04:00:56] Speaker A: No, no, hold on. Before you use. Before you use your inspiration, you know that you have advantage on this attack, right? [04:01:01] Speaker B: No, I know. So I'll tell you in a second. But I have to use my inspiration. So nine plus 11. That's including my attack bonus and my. My tattoo boon. It's 20. [04:01:17] Speaker A: Nice. Yeah. So that hits. [04:01:19] Speaker B: So, guys, I had a three, and then I did my advantage one, and it was a four, and then my. My. My inspiration one was a nine, so. [04:01:31] Speaker A: Okay, well, you hit with a 20. That'll just hit, and then you have another attack. You have a second attack, which, because he's prone, is also at advantage. [04:01:40] Speaker D: Why is he prone? [04:01:42] Speaker A: Because he was in a pseudoceratops and he fell forward. Now, if you would like him to not be prone and for Craig to not have advantage, we could do that, but I think we should. [04:01:49] Speaker D: He also has advantage because of my guiding bolt. [04:01:53] Speaker A: Well, that already happened. [04:01:54] Speaker B: My feet 20 just fell in the trash. [04:01:58] Speaker A: Are you baseball throwing these dice? What's happening? They're in your purse. They're in the trash. Like, are you putting them in your mouth and then spitting them onto the board? I don't understand how this Is happening. [04:02:07] Speaker E: That's how crap would do it. [04:02:09] Speaker A: That is. You know what? [04:02:10] Speaker B: To be fair, I'm so upset. [04:02:14] Speaker A: What'd you get, buddy? [04:02:16] Speaker B: I wish I knew. Hold on. Another dice. I can't. [04:02:25] Speaker A: You not have a dice tray. [04:02:28] Speaker B: Yeah, but I didn't get it out because I didn't think it was necessary, but now I realize it is. [04:02:33] Speaker A: This is neither here, but every D and D route. Every D and D game should start with a character sheet, dice, and a dice tray. It's the only three things you need. I don't want to hear it. I prepare sessions. [04:02:47] Speaker B: Okay. Okay, so it is going to be a 25 to hit. [04:02:51] Speaker A: 25 will hit. [04:02:52] Speaker B: Oh, no, no. It'd be a 24 to hit because I already used my tattoo boon. It'd be 24 to hit. Okay, okay, okay. So both hit, right? [04:02:59] Speaker A: You have two attacks. You have two attacks, and you can. Oh, yes. [04:03:04] Speaker B: No, you go ahead. You go ahead. You go ahead. [04:03:06] Speaker A: You have two attacks, and you can pump divine smites into one of them if you want. I just saw the Go piss girl. [04:03:15] Speaker D: Wait, it's changing. Hilarious. Jackie. [04:03:20] Speaker A: Please go ahead. Please go ahead. [04:03:22] Speaker B: Okay, okay, okay. So I have to do. He's not. He's not like. Okay, so it could be 2D6, 4D6, and then I'm gonna do the same thing I did last time. So it'll be 48 again, right? Right. [04:03:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:03:43] Speaker B: Right? [04:03:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:03:44] Speaker B: Okay, so this time it's 46 plus 48. Plus 6. [04:03:54] Speaker A: Let's go. Yes. Have you added your strength modifiers on in there? Hold on. I got you. I got you. I got you. [04:04:02] Speaker B: Wait, plus five. But that's plus ten, right? Because if I do. Strength modifier, Star Splinter. [04:04:07] Speaker A: Yeah, so it's. You have. You have two D6 plus four D6 plus now is third level, your highest level you can cast at? [04:04:18] Speaker B: I don't know. How do I know that? Well, that's as high as the spells that I have. [04:04:25] Speaker A: Okay, then. Yes, that is correct. That is correct. [04:04:27] Speaker B: That is correct. [04:04:27] Speaker A: Okay, so plus 48 and you're marking off spell slots, right? [04:04:31] Speaker B: Yeah. This would be my second of this level. [04:04:35] Speaker A: Plus 48. And then you have a plus one with star splinter. And since you're hitting twice, that's a plus 2. And then your strength modifier is 5, so it's also plus 10. So it's going to be 2D6, plus 4D6, plus 48, plus 12, which I'm going to help you keep track of. [04:04:53] Speaker B: It shouldn't be two D6. [04:04:56] Speaker A: It should one D6 plus two. D6 twice. That's two. D6 plus four. D6. [04:05:03] Speaker B: See, what you said makes sense, but it didn't to me. I bet it does make sense. [04:05:08] Speaker E: What you said made sense. [04:05:10] Speaker B: Tell me in a line of what. What I should do. I'm gonna write it down so I can do it in order. [04:05:14] Speaker A: You should roll 66. [04:05:16] Speaker B: Okay. [04:05:18] Speaker A: And then 48, and then add 12. [04:05:22] Speaker B: Okay. All right. All right, you guys, we're doing. We're doing a happy little thing today. I'm glad you could join me. Okay, 66. The first roll of the six is two. [04:05:40] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:42] Speaker B: Second is three. [04:05:44] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:45] Speaker B: Third is five. [04:05:47] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:49] Speaker B: Fourth is three. [04:05:51] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:54] Speaker B: Fifth is two. [04:05:56] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:57] Speaker B: And six is five. [04:05:59] Speaker A: Okay. Excellent. [04:06:01] Speaker B: That one's done. [04:06:02] Speaker A: All right, now you're 48. [04:06:03] Speaker E: Okay. [04:06:05] Speaker B: One is one. [04:06:07] Speaker A: Okay. [04:06:09] Speaker B: Two is five. [04:06:10] Speaker A: Okay. [04:06:12] Speaker B: Three is four. [04:06:14] Speaker A: Okay. [04:06:16] Speaker B: Four is four. [04:06:18] Speaker A: Okay. And then plus, you're gonna deal 46 points of damage. [04:06:27] Speaker B: Okay. [04:06:28] Speaker A: That's really good. Yeah. What does it look like is you go 46 points of damage. [04:06:33] Speaker B: Okay. So basically, you said he's on his knees, right? [04:06:40] Speaker A: No, he's on all fours in front of you. [04:06:42] Speaker B: He's on all fours. Okay, I'm going to. He doesn't have any hair. Wait, he doesn't have any hair, does he? [04:06:55] Speaker A: What does it look like? No, he's completely bald. What does it look like? You hit him twice with your sword. [04:07:02] Speaker B: He said he's prone, right? Okay, so I'm gonna grab him by the throat. I'm gonna, like. Because he's like, his head's probably down. I'm gonna grab him, like, under by, like. Like, here, like, grab my. The throat, kind of, like, choke him a tiny bit. And then I'm going to, like. And as he's, like, pop. This is gonna. I'm so good, guys. [04:07:26] Speaker A: Do it, do it, do it, do it. [04:07:27] Speaker B: Violent? Is it too violent? I don't know. [04:07:29] Speaker A: Do it. Do it. [04:07:30] Speaker B: As his mouth, like, slightly opens, like, trying to, like, gasp for air, I'm going to stab him through the throat. [04:07:38] Speaker A: That's not what I thought you were going to say. Oh, my go's watching Craig fight this guy. He pulls out the sword, and the big mic looks up and goes, you're not even the big Mike. And Craig reaches down, grabs his throat from underneath and just stabs him into the mouth. [04:07:58] Speaker B: And the bee goes. So violent. [04:08:00] Speaker A: Well, Micah. Micah, to help. Blood doesn't come out. Mountain Dew does. Mountain Dew. Just as you pull the sword out, Mountain Dew just sprays out of his throat like a fountain. And he's just crying. We'll make it funnier rather than horrible. That's incredible. Next in initiative is the big mic. And so since it started on his turn, he is going to take spirit guardian's damage. So go ahead and roll 48 for me, Greta. Okay. Or you can thumbs up and walk away with a cracker. That's also an option. [04:08:34] Speaker C: Wait, is he starting his turn? [04:08:36] Speaker E: What was it? [04:08:37] Speaker D: Wait, I haven't written down. [04:08:38] Speaker C: Oh, it means he also takes 10 fire damage. [04:08:41] Speaker A: Okay, roll a D. 10 of fire damage. [04:08:44] Speaker C: Seven. [04:08:44] Speaker D: Okay. [04:08:45] Speaker A: Okay. [04:08:47] Speaker B: Bro, how many hit points does this guy have? [04:08:50] Speaker A: A lot. He has a lot. [04:08:51] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. Wait, wait. Can Craig say something really quick? [04:09:00] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, absolutely, bro. [04:09:03] Speaker B: I'm not even the big mic. I don't even know why you came at us like that. [04:09:08] Speaker A: Take inspiration, Craig. Dude, I'm not even the big mic. Dude. [04:09:14] Speaker B: Who are you, bro? [04:09:15] Speaker A: 12 or 21? 21. This dude looks so awful from the things. And he looks up and he goes like he. He could not look closer to death. He's covered in gashes and burns, Mountain Dew pouring out of him on all fours. He just looks up and says. [04:09:35] Speaker E: All. [04:09:36] Speaker A: The dinosaurs feared the Big Mike and he going to use his last desperate option and he's going to cast Polymorph on himself one more time. Also, no. [04:09:48] Speaker B: I pulled my sword out, by the way, just to let you know it's not still in there. [04:09:55] Speaker E: Oh my gosh. What kind of dinosaur did he become, Zach? I don't like how big that thing is. No. [04:10:01] Speaker A: As he stands up, his legs widen, his body elongates, his arms retract into shorter two digit arms, his head elongates, and in a flash of light, standing at 40ft long, 20ft tall, there's a whole T. Rex in front of you. [04:10:24] Speaker B: That's his whole T. Rex Dungeons and Dinosaurs. [04:10:28] Speaker A: He's. He's a. He's a whole T. Rex. [04:10:30] Speaker E: Bro. [04:10:30] Speaker A: It's your turn. [04:10:31] Speaker E: No. How tall is he? How many feet? [04:10:33] Speaker A: 20Ft tall. [04:10:34] Speaker E: Okay, 20ft tall. So what can I do up there? Like, am I. Like, what do I fet away from. [04:10:39] Speaker A: Him floating at the top? [04:10:41] Speaker E: Wait, can I do something? [04:10:43] Speaker A: He loses concentration on the spell, which means you float back down to the ground. And so Ro. As he turns into a T. Rex, you just marry Poppins your way back down to the ground. [04:10:55] Speaker B: That would be the way that she falls to the ground. [04:10:57] Speaker A: So instead of taking 10d six points of fall damage, you just take none because you're feather fall. [04:11:02] Speaker E: Thank the Lord for feather fall. Okay. So now I'm like. Like, I can. I can cast normal. I can do things. [04:11:15] Speaker A: What are you doing? [04:11:16] Speaker E: I can do things. Okay, I'm gonna. I'm. Roe is angry. She doesn't like to be stinky. So she's gonna. I'm gonna flavor this. She's gonna look at the T. Rex. She's gonna turn. Look at the T. Rex. And she's gonna say, also, it's a whole T. Rex. [04:11:35] Speaker A: It's terrifying. And. Yeah. [04:11:36] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness. [04:11:37] Speaker A: Terrifying. [04:11:37] Speaker E: She doesn't know what this thing is. And she says, no one uses prestidigitation against me, Craig. And she cast. She's going to cast Cry of the Old Song at this T Rex because she's mad and she wants him to have a lot of psychic damage. [04:12:02] Speaker A: I failed. [04:12:05] Speaker E: Okay, so he's going to take 7D8 psychic damage, which I'm going to roll right now. [04:12:12] Speaker A: God. I promise. He has no other surprise tricks in his bag. [04:12:21] Speaker E: So that's going to be 9, 10, 11. [04:12:36] Speaker A: Change up that music. [04:12:39] Speaker E: That's gonna be 31 points of psychic damage. [04:12:43] Speaker A: 31 points of damage for Row Row. I think that's your new. [04:12:47] Speaker E: I think it might be, yeah. My new damage campaign record. Oh, and by the way, just. Just also converse. Just so you know, your allies are emboldened by the mighty song and become immune to the frightened and charmed conditions and are resistic to psychic damage for the next hour. You guys also all gain 3d8 temporary hit points. [04:13:13] Speaker A: Guys, no one can get frightened by the T Rex now. Wow. Because you guys were all about to. [04:13:20] Speaker E: Make saving throws is insane. [04:13:24] Speaker A: Also, I don't know. [04:13:25] Speaker B: I have. I have aura of courage, so everyone in 10 me feet can't get scared. [04:13:29] Speaker E: But you all gain 3d8 temporary hit points if you want to roll those. [04:13:33] Speaker A: Nice. [04:13:34] Speaker C: I got 16. [04:13:37] Speaker A: Okay. That's amazing. [04:13:39] Speaker D: Did I roll them now? I've never. [04:13:41] Speaker E: Roll them now. [04:13:42] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [04:13:44] Speaker A: Okay. That's awesome. Ro. There's no legendary actions in this form. Tello's up next. [04:13:48] Speaker E: Wait, can I do a bonus action? I'm sorry. [04:13:53] Speaker A: Yes, please do. [04:13:55] Speaker E: I would like to throw a song splinter at the T Rex's head. Or I guess not head, because that's far away. That's a nat 20. [04:14:10] Speaker C: Nice. [04:14:12] Speaker E: What do I add to that? I just got really excited and forgot how to. [04:14:15] Speaker A: Your attack bonus. [04:14:16] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, that's. So that's gonna be 25. [04:14:20] Speaker A: Okay, that's awesome. [04:14:22] Speaker E: So now roll for damage, I guess. [04:14:25] Speaker A: Yes. [04:14:27] Speaker B: Excuse me. [04:14:30] Speaker E: That's going to be five points of damage. So it's going to. Can I flavor it? I want to throw it after I say all that. And it. And I want, like, as it flies through the air, because this time it is going to hit. I want to. If it's okay with you, if I flavor it for when it does hit, it kind of has like. Like a gold and purple trail behind it. When we know it's, like, going to hit. And it just, like, slices. It's like, just right at its neck. [04:15:04] Speaker A: That's awesome. [04:15:05] Speaker E: As it does that, it makes like a. Like a. Like the eeriest note you can think of. [04:15:11] Speaker B: Of. [04:15:12] Speaker E: But it's also like. Of slicing. But it's like a distorted note. Like, it's really creepy. And then it's gonna come back to her. [04:15:24] Speaker C: Wow. [04:15:25] Speaker A: That was so cool, bro. The haunting melody that you play begins when you throw song. Splinter radiates outward. And as it invades the T Rex's mind, it turns towards somebody to just bite them in half. And then you see fear retract its pupils, and it just looks stunned. And blood just starts pouring out of its nose, gushing down its mouth. Then the. The axe come by and cuts its mouth, and it shakes, confused and in pain. That's incredible. [04:16:00] Speaker E: Wow, that was a fun turn. [04:16:03] Speaker A: That means you just dealt 36 damage in a turn. [04:16:06] Speaker E: Yeah. Which is pretty. I think that's. I don't know if that's the most. I know I've. I know I've done a lot of damage with shatter before, but. [04:16:14] Speaker A: Next it's Teller. You're muted, Abby. [04:16:21] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you. So just so that I know, rogues do not have an extra attack. [04:16:30] Speaker A: No, it's the one. Because sneak attack is so very strong. [04:16:33] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:16:34] Speaker A: And you wouldn't be hidden, except he has the Fae thing and it's raining, so. [04:16:39] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna pop out with my short bow. That's a 25 or a 12. I'm gonna use the 20. 25, if that's okay. So 1D4. Okay. [04:17:03] Speaker E: No. [04:17:06] Speaker D: Math time. This is creepy music. 2, 4, 6. Okay. 10, 10, 11, 31. [04:17:34] Speaker A: 31 points of damage. [04:17:38] Speaker D: And then he's gonna. Bonus action. [04:17:40] Speaker A: Okay, so Tello slips out from, like, from behind a rock, pulls out out the bow as it f. And we flavored it as a crossbow. I don't care. He pulls out the crossbow and fires the. The we row cut in the neck. He just breathes and steadies. When he releases the bolt just slips into the incision on the neck. And blood sprays out in the T. Rex and blood Soars down its neck. It looks bloodied. Next initiative is Rebecca to the top of boss. [04:18:16] Speaker C: So Boz is going to cast incinerate. [04:18:24] Speaker A: Okay. Whoa, buddy. [04:18:27] Speaker C: And he's gonna use his. He's gonna upcast it. He's gonna use his last fifth level spell slot to cast up. Cast it. So it can the T Rex make a deck saving throw for me? [04:18:39] Speaker A: It can. It's not good of them. Yep. It got like a five. [04:18:44] Speaker C: All right. So it's gonna take 11D6 fire damage. [04:18:48] Speaker D: Whoa. [04:18:50] Speaker E: Whoa. Let's go. [04:18:54] Speaker A: That's a lot of damage. [04:18:56] Speaker C: And I'm gonna re roll four of those dice. [04:19:01] Speaker D: Why are you we rolling my. [04:19:04] Speaker C: Holy cow. [04:19:04] Speaker A: That was worth. [04:19:05] Speaker C: Because I got five, six. Six and one. And so yeah, you see this ginormous. [04:19:15] Speaker A: It's. [04:19:15] Speaker C: It's not even really fire. Just like molten burning, oozing hot. I position it to where it's obviously not going to hit my allies. [04:19:26] Speaker A: Yeah, of course. I mean, it's huge. You can position it up in the. [04:19:29] Speaker C: Air and it then. And then it slowly starts dripping and then goopy bit by goopy bit, it just starts sliding down the scales and covers this entire T rex and deals 51 fire damage. [04:19:50] Speaker A: 51 fire damage. [04:19:52] Speaker C: And incredible. For the next spell casting modifier, I think it's six. For the next six turns, anytime he starts his turn there, he'll take 4d6 fire damage. And if he has any flammable materials, they'll catch fire too. [04:20:15] Speaker A: But it's a T Rex is not carrying any equipment. [04:20:18] Speaker E: How dare he. [04:20:19] Speaker A: Pause. As the Deep Magic bursts out from you. You create, you do not summon. Deep Magic is capable of creation. It is creation magic. So you can literally make you form atoms into stone. And as you speak in the many tongues and you shine with light, the stone superheats and just burns. And the T Rex roars. A deafening roar that makes yalls ears bleed and squeeze. And the. The lava, the magma burns down the T Rex's back, burning up tissue that sends the smell of burning flesh all around you into the air. And it's in horrible pain, blood pouring from it. It looks horrible. It looks like it's at death's door. [04:21:08] Speaker C: Then I say dumb this lizard and I cast vicious mockery. I have to make a wisdom saving throw. [04:21:14] Speaker E: Lizard. [04:21:17] Speaker B: That's so good. Oh my God. [04:21:21] Speaker C: With these slippers you roll an extra damage die. So it's 44. Actually, I was wrong earlier. That correct. [04:21:27] Speaker A: Okay. Stupid lizard. [04:21:34] Speaker C: That's nine damage. And he has disadvantage on his next attack. So total 60 damage. On my turn, I think kill do 1 60. [04:21:44] Speaker A: 60. Which is I. That's definitely your highest damage ever, boss. That's incredible. Then next initiative is Greta. What are you doing, Gregory? [04:22:04] Speaker D: The T Rex is still in front of me. [04:22:06] Speaker A: Yeah. It looks horrible. Like a living visage of power, death and terror, but it's there. [04:22:12] Speaker D: Okay. I'm gonna do a guiding bolt e at the first level. [04:22:21] Speaker A: Okay. Roll the hit. [04:22:24] Speaker D: Yes. [04:22:25] Speaker A: It's not hard to hit. It's gigantic. Does it feel good to be a paladin, Micah? [04:22:35] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's really good. Really good. That's a. [04:22:42] Speaker A: 13. Well, just giant lizard. It's not hard to hit him. Yeah. Jackie. I got tired of it, so I've quit checking it right now. [04:23:00] Speaker E: Okay. [04:23:01] Speaker A: Also, it's not a spotted by the old songs. Oh, wait. It is. Yeah. I don't know. I got tired of dealing with it. It was so much detail. [04:23:07] Speaker E: I just wanted to be honest because I thought about it a second ago and I was like, I feel the need to tell on myself. [04:23:12] Speaker A: I. I think part of what was making the combat so exhaustively long with just all the little rules as I got. I don't care. All right. [04:23:20] Speaker D: I'm thinking 11. [04:23:22] Speaker B: He's actually counting all the spells. And we're going to add it at the end. Yeah. [04:23:28] Speaker E: Roll 12 G100. [04:23:29] Speaker A: I'm going to multiply by 10, and then that's how much damage everybody takes. Okay. A bolt flies upward, burns across the T Rex's chest. As the green magic burns its chest. You watch the scales burn away and there's just rippling muscle, burned muscle left on the roof as it's roaring. It looks so close to death. It's bleeding and stomping and confused. Roaring. Next initiative is Craig. [04:23:59] Speaker B: I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Wait, so the T Rex is still. [04:24:08] Speaker A: In front of you? [04:24:09] Speaker B: Still vibing. [04:24:10] Speaker A: You can hit it. You guys are going to kill this thing before it gets an attack off. That's crazy. Which is good, cuz. [04:24:20] Speaker E: Don't say that. [04:24:21] Speaker B: Knock on wood. I'm. I'm going to cross. [04:24:24] Speaker C: It has disadvantage. [04:24:27] Speaker B: I have the option. [04:24:28] Speaker C: It's a T. Rex. [04:24:29] Speaker B: So, you know, I have the option of casting dispel magic or the option of killing it. I think I'm just gonna kill it. It would be fun though, because I could do spell magic. [04:24:42] Speaker E: It. [04:24:43] Speaker B: I know. But I could do that. [04:24:47] Speaker A: I'm not even sure. And even then, just because the big mic has low hip, you will get. [04:24:51] Speaker D: The chance to just go magic. [04:24:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:24:54] Speaker B: And Also okay, I'm gonna do the big mic. [04:24:57] Speaker A: Can do a lot of damage even with one hit point. He didn't use his biggest ouch feature. So. What? Yeah, I would deal all the damage you could. [04:25:09] Speaker B: I. And I like the range attack more than I like the melee, but that's okay. We're gonna do melee. We're gonna fight with melee. All right, So I gotta do attack roll to hit. All right, my D20 is in the trash, so we are gonna use. Use the blue one. [04:25:28] Speaker A: Both of these attacks have advantage. [04:25:31] Speaker B: Okay, that One is a plus 10. That's a 29. I'm going to roll. But that's like the first roll. So give me a second. [04:25:43] Speaker E: 29. [04:25:44] Speaker A: 29. [04:25:45] Speaker B: Yeah. So then. And then that one is a 20. 26. [04:25:54] Speaker A: Okay. [04:25:54] Speaker B: Yeah, that one's a 26. So they both hit and you. [04:25:59] Speaker A: You rolled them both at advantage, right? [04:26:01] Speaker B: Yes. And the first ones were higher than the second. [04:26:04] Speaker A: Okay. Just making sure for both rolls. Didn't want you to miss any potential crits. Okay. I appreciate you. [04:26:11] Speaker B: So I can go ahead and do 64.4d8 and then plus 12. [04:26:17] Speaker A: Well, I think you're out of third level spell slots. Do you have another third level spell slot? [04:26:22] Speaker B: I have a total of three. I've only used two. [04:26:25] Speaker A: You can use one more. Now you're not getting your extra damage from. From Star Splinter here. So this is going to be 46. 48 plus 12. 46. 48 plus 12. [04:26:37] Speaker B: That's what I wrote down from last time. I'll follow it. [04:26:40] Speaker A: You are good. [04:26:41] Speaker B: Okay. All right. I actually going to get my dice right out because I'm scared. [04:26:52] Speaker A: We're over here learning lessons and I appreciate that. Also, did you get your dice out of the trash? [04:26:56] Speaker E: Yeah. Don't forget and accidentally throw, like take out the trash and then you don't. [04:27:01] Speaker A: Have your D. As long as they're not the ones I bought for you. That's fine. Just I'm not. [04:27:09] Speaker B: It's dice. It matters. Here. This is. We see the mic matters. The trash is on the countertop. [04:27:16] Speaker A: Okay. [04:27:17] Speaker B: Okay. 48. I mean set 68. Nope. 66. We got it. [04:27:23] Speaker E: We're there. [04:27:24] Speaker A: 46 plus 48. 46 plus 48. 46 plus48. So roll 46. [04:27:29] Speaker B: You said last time it was 66 plus 48. [04:27:31] Speaker A: Why is the additional bonus this time is 46. [04:27:35] Speaker B: Okay. [04:27:36] Speaker A: 46. Trust me, I'm confident. [04:27:38] Speaker B: Four first rolls. Four second roll is two. [04:27:43] Speaker A: Okay. [04:27:43] Speaker B: Third roll is one. [04:27:45] Speaker A: Okay. [04:27:46] Speaker B: Fourth roll is also one. [04:27:48] Speaker A: Okay. Now you're 48. [04:27:50] Speaker B: Okay. This is. This is the D8. One is a five, two is a three. Four was cocked. Wait. No, wait. Three. Okay, wait, that one's a one. So that was three. Okay, so the third one's one, and the fourth one is one as well. That sucks. [04:28:09] Speaker A: Okay, Craig, how do you want to do this? [04:28:16] Speaker E: Wait, is it the. Is it the T Rex? [04:28:19] Speaker A: How do you want to do this? [04:28:24] Speaker B: It's really tall. My gosh, Zach. You know what? I'm gonna hand this one to you. It's not every day that you can kill a T. Rex, and I don't have any ideas. So we'll kill a T. Rex today. [04:28:35] Speaker A: Isn't that a wild. Isn't that a wild sentence? Also, Craig, you dealt 120 points of damage this combat. And so, as the Big Mike slays the Big Mike, Craig, the T. Rex, this thundering, horrifying, terrifying monster of a creature, something. It looks like what you thought a dragon would be if you hadn't already seen a dragon. You pull out your sword, and you just steel yourself and you. And as you cut across with star splinter, you sever the front of the leg of the T. Rex. And as its femur just slides or its carpal bone, the T Rex stumbles down to the ground. Greta, you jump out of the way, out of it. And as it slams down, it looks confused, and you just pull out your sword straight into its side and into the heart where blood bursts out. As you stab the sword down, the form melts down. Mountain Dew melting away the body. As the blue battered body of the Big Mike rests beneath you, your sword still in his heart, he looks up at you, and he just goes. Maybe. Maybe you're also the Big Mike. And as you. [04:29:50] Speaker B: I'm really not, bro. I don't know who that is. [04:29:52] Speaker A: Pull your sword out, Craig. He just melts away into Mountain Dew. And that is where we'll end episode 124. Sorry it ran so long, but that's. That's episode 124. The only one question before we say anything else. That's the end of the episode. Listener, thank you for listening. Life's an incredible adventure, Everybody. You're level 12. [04:30:19] Speaker E: What? [04:30:20] Speaker A: Yay. You're all level 12. That was. That was more than 0.3 levels. So you're gonna get all the way up to 12. [04:30:28] Speaker E: Wow. [04:30:29] Speaker A: The overage doesn't carry, of course, but you're level 12. [04:30:32] Speaker D: Wow. [04:30:33] Speaker A: Actually, wait on the math. There's a more important. So actually, you guys are now 12.28. [04:30:44] Speaker E: Holy crap. Wow.028. [04:30:49] Speaker A: 12.28, 12.28. Guys that you beat because you beat the Big Mike, who was a legendary creature, and you beat the Mercedes Heritops and you beat the T. Rex. I gave you CRS for all of them. You gain the XP for all of them. Also, boss, that means you gain two more charges into Phantom. [04:31:10] Speaker E: Holy crap. [04:31:12] Speaker A: And additionally, what was the last thing I was going to say? Oh, crap. I don't remember. I'm having the Landon moment from earlier. Well, yeah, you're level. Oh, yeah, I remember the last thing I was going to say. Polymorph works off of creatures you've seen. Now you've seen the Nasutoceratops and T. Rex. [04:31:35] Speaker D: Wow. [04:31:35] Speaker A: Wait, so wait, somebody. Well, you can wild shape up to a certain cr. Somebody sent me the reminder stat blocks for the Nasutoceratops and T Rex. They're real creatures, and you guys can wild shape into them or Polymorph into them. [04:31:52] Speaker D: That's wild. [04:31:53] Speaker B: Wait, you guys can be dinosaurs? [04:31:56] Speaker A: You guys. Can I Polymorph. You can. Druids can Polymorph. Oh. So, everybody, Life's an incredible adventure. You're an important part of them. Also, make sure that you're sending me that message. Okay? Yeah. Awesome. Life's an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. We'll see you next time.

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