120. Blue and Farty

Episode 121 December 20, 2024 02:01:10
120. Blue and Farty
Barely D&D
120. Blue and Farty

Dec 20 2024 | 02:01:10


Show Notes

Row and her father may meet under interesting circumstances.

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. [00:00:07] Speaker B: Dungeons and Dragons podcast. [00:00:10] Speaker A: In honor of Micah, I'm going to say I'm your host. Well, we don't have hosts. I'm Zach. [00:00:16] Speaker C: I'm your D and D host. That's what you're saying. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Oh, hi, Hoffa. That's a good look for you guys. Can you see Hoffa and her mask? [00:00:26] Speaker D: Self care. Let's go. [00:00:28] Speaker C: That's why they call it mask era. [00:00:31] Speaker D: What? Oh, no. [00:00:32] Speaker A: That was Zach. I'm just a girl. Leander, are you okay? How many fingers are you holding up? I looked over your screen and you're just. [00:00:41] Speaker D: Yeah, we're going. I don't know what Zach is doing. [00:00:47] Speaker A: But anywho, this is back to the Accidental Adventures. It's the 120th episode. Holy cow. But before we do all that shnazz, we have a letter question, which is, what would your characters, before joining up with the funguys, what would your character's activity or place of respite be? Where do they go get rest, Which I think all of us could use. [00:01:11] Speaker E: Not me. I don't get sleepy. [00:01:14] Speaker A: As I was asking the question, almost everyone went to their eyes and yawn. [00:01:20] Speaker C: See, I'm remembering back to the episode where we saved Craig's son. Like, we rushed through so many details. Just like a. And like, I'm kind of wishing I could pick back from there, but we didn't have any. [00:01:36] Speaker D: Is there a tree there? There's no trees under rock ground, is there? [00:01:39] Speaker B: No. [00:01:42] Speaker C: Tie it in. No. [00:01:44] Speaker A: I mean, you guys could always go back. [00:01:46] Speaker E: You can make it up. [00:01:46] Speaker C: I want to. Desperately, I want to. [00:01:49] Speaker A: You could just canonize something right now, Micah. [00:01:54] Speaker C: Like a bagel shop. It sounds weird, but I feel like before the word tea kind of canonized that I think he would, like, pick up a bake. He would order the same thing. He's the regular that everyone hates but, like, knows, and he thinks that it's a flattering. You know, he's like, oh, they know my order. But, like, he's memorable because he's a bad customer. [00:02:16] Speaker E: That's hilarious. [00:02:18] Speaker C: So he thinks that he's, like, a regular favorite, but no, he's. He's the regular hated. But, like, it's his tradition to stop at this bagel shop and, like, read the newspaper and, like, take a breather before work. [00:02:32] Speaker A: I love. I love the idea of credit. That's so good. Especially for, like, early campaign. Craig being, like, real. Yeah. They, like, he goes to work and he's like, man, they love me there. And then he walks in and everyone's Just like. And he makes the same jokes and. [00:02:50] Speaker E: Can I ask why he's hated this? Do we know? [00:02:53] Speaker C: I'm gonna say any little reasons? Probably things like saying like, oh, I want the number, something. But then it's like. But not the meal. What the heck? You know? But, like, the number. [00:03:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:03:09] Speaker C: Anyways, things like that. Just small things. He's probably also really inconsiderate. The person's like, hi, how are you? He's like, I'll have it. This. Thanks. That's all? Things like that. [00:03:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:03:23] Speaker C: Like, he's just considerate and, like, not connecting to people. But also, I think that, like. Yeah, he just probably. [00:03:34] Speaker B: Oh, sorry. [00:03:35] Speaker A: God. [00:03:36] Speaker C: I mean, he's Craig at that. [00:03:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:03:41] Speaker E: Early. Early campaign. [00:03:43] Speaker D: Can we say that? Be. Austin. Bagels are kind of like. You know how they say New York bagels are the best because of the water? Like, I feel like the water running off, like, the rocks and beyond. Like, they're like, this makes our bagels taste better. And everyone's like, okay. But then, like, you go try them, and you're like, okay. They actually are better. [00:04:02] Speaker E: I've never heard that. It's the water that makes New York bagels good. [00:04:06] Speaker D: Yeah. My friend and, well, Landon's friend, too, our friend Sam. Shout out to Sam. She used to send me bagels all the. From New York, and they really were better. The water. The water, man. [00:04:17] Speaker E: Okay. Okay. [00:04:19] Speaker A: I have so many questions about that, too. Yeah. Well, now I'm just thinking about. [00:04:24] Speaker E: I feel like, yes, the bagels are better. The reason can't be the water. [00:04:30] Speaker D: It's the water. [00:04:31] Speaker A: New York's not known for having cleaner water. Unless. Unless pollution just makes bagels taste really bad. [00:04:38] Speaker D: That's what it is, man. [00:04:40] Speaker E: I've seen everything everywhere all at once. Okay, I. I would just eat the. [00:04:46] Speaker A: Bagel being, like, microplastics. [00:04:49] Speaker E: I don't think it's the bagels. [00:04:52] Speaker A: Now an entire scene is playing in my head of Craig and, like, a bagel shop. Early campaign Craig. Not now Craig. He's very reformed, but early campaign Craig. And the lady at the counter is like, and what else can I get you? And then he's like, I don't like your hair. She's like, what? And he goes. Anyway. So it just slips in an insult every once in a while. [00:05:09] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:05:12] Speaker A: What about. [00:05:12] Speaker C: Oh, you know what he does? He probably hands. Oh, I'm gonna. Well, nope. Y'all keep going. We probably need to move forward. I can keep coming up ideas. He hands them change. He hands them change. After he's Already, like, handed them cash, but it's the wrong change. [00:05:31] Speaker E: Yeah, that's annoying. [00:05:32] Speaker A: He hands him. He hands him a gold, and then he goes, never mind. I'm gonna pay you in copper. And he wants the gold back, and. Yep, yep, yep. [00:05:41] Speaker E: Anyways, grapes would not have. Like, she was either living with her nomadic family or she was living with her. She was, like, traveling with her little buddy. It's. So she's kind of just, like, always, like, around scenes, but I think that her activity would be sketching. [00:06:18] Speaker A: Yeah. I mean. Yeah, that adds up a lot. [00:06:20] Speaker D: And. [00:06:20] Speaker E: But, like. Like. Like, maybe not, like, because she sketched a lot, so I think maybe she would sketch different things than, like, the plants and stuff. Maybe she would just, like, do repeating patterns or, like, make something creative that, like, wasn't the same as, like, a plant sketch or a. Like, an animal sketch or landscape sketch or she'd, like, practice her lines. Stuff like that. [00:06:53] Speaker A: I like it. [00:06:53] Speaker B: I like it. [00:06:56] Speaker A: All right. What about Baz? [00:07:00] Speaker F: I feel like he would just go camping for a few days and then just come back home. [00:07:06] Speaker A: It's got to be pretty killer in Ogba. [00:07:08] Speaker D: Yeah, man. [00:07:11] Speaker A: Yeah, man. Guys, gotta go up to foo f. Dude. Raw. [00:07:21] Speaker D: Well, Ro grew up in an orphanage, so there's a lot of children around. Just kidding. [00:07:26] Speaker A: A whole life after you left. [00:07:28] Speaker D: I had to. I had to. I had to give that one to y'all. [00:07:33] Speaker A: Well, first. [00:07:36] Speaker D: I don't know, because she traveled a lot. I. I honestly think her biggest thing, like, at the. At the orphanage, I think she would have just gone to a room and, like, fiddled on her loot. But I think when she was, like, when she left and she was traveling all the time, I think in every spot that she traveled to, there's just something about. I know this sounds weird, but there's just something about a noisy, loud, divey tavern that she would just feel the most comfortable and at home in. And she would, like, sit at the bar, write her songs, study her spells. Like, she would just. That would be where she would, like, stay and rest. Kind of like how people go and work in a coffee shop. You know, she would do that in, like, a noisy, divey tavern and feel the most comfortable and at home there. [00:08:29] Speaker E: Yeah, I like that. [00:08:31] Speaker D: And just sip on her ale and stuff. [00:08:33] Speaker A: Jinx. Abby, you owe me a kidney. Oh, legally, Abby, I don't make them. [00:08:40] Speaker E: How about a soda? How about a soda? [00:08:44] Speaker A: Sorry. Kidneys doesn't have to be yours. So for you guys, voted nom. You know, there's a part of me that wants to keep Nam lore very secret. But there's also a part of me that knows good and well that you're not probably going to go to Nom's home at any point. So she's mentioned briefly that her, like a lot of the goblins in central. His shots. Greta would probably know vaguely about this. Live up in large treetops and, like, kind of like, like treehouse communities up there. And in her, like, home tree, she would whittle. She likes to carve and whittle with knives. And there's like, probably like a whole section of her little wood house part that was just filled with, like, whittlings and wood carvings and. [00:09:43] Speaker D: Yeah, nice. [00:09:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I like that. I like imagining her with, like, I don't know, in a tree. [00:09:50] Speaker E: It's kind of cute, like, making, like, kids toys or something. [00:09:54] Speaker A: There's a reason she likes being up high. She does it on the boat. [00:10:00] Speaker C: Remember this? You know that song that was like. Oh, my gosh. That one Bible story, I was like, oh, get down from that tree. Jack, was it Zacchaeus, the wee little. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Man, as your brother used to call me constantly. For years. That's all he called me because I'm not tall now, but I used to be quite short. Anywho, without further ado. Oh, my gosh. Not taking nerds. This is episode 120 of the Accidental Advent Curse. So this is episode 120, Apparent Parentage. Abby, how did you do that? To General. How did you. How did you do that? [00:10:52] Speaker D: Why are there. [00:10:52] Speaker C: What is she doing? I was wondering. [00:10:54] Speaker D: She said. No, wait. She said Abby time. I added. [00:10:58] Speaker A: Doing that. [00:10:59] Speaker D: I added the emoticons. [00:11:01] Speaker E: Wait, I forgot that I added that. Wait, I'll change. [00:11:05] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [00:11:07] Speaker A: You should put. [00:11:07] Speaker C: Grab your chat about the microphone. [00:11:11] Speaker A: DMD dime. That's so dumb. DMD dime. I'm writing that at the top of my sheet. And then the date. It's a level 11 adventure, and it's 3488 PB Kalilan 10. All right. Okay, let's do this. So, gang, music. [00:11:36] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:11:38] Speaker A: Now that's a sniff. So you guys. Is music playing? Yes. You guys are still in the. You're underneath the mountain. And basically we can smash cut out real fast. But there's just gonna be a choice. So you guys solved the issue with the micanoids, with the fungus people. Everybody has quit dancing. Boz has acquired his ridiculous looking magical, magical shoe slippers. Oh, I don't read that. Is that German? Landon, did you type? Zach, you are my dungeon master. [00:12:25] Speaker F: Maybe. [00:12:26] Speaker D: What are you talking about? [00:12:28] Speaker A: Dubious meister. That really threw me. So you guys are either still in that Crystal Tavern under the mountain. Now you guys can just have passed back out, and we can just. Next scene. But Greta was talking about Legend Loring there before you guys left. And you do not need to. I was just leaving that a possibility. If she so chose Legend Loring. Yes. [00:12:59] Speaker E: For a legend. The Lore dm. I would like to make an arcana check or an insight check or some kind of check. Maybe a. I don't have my character sheet. [00:13:11] Speaker A: Well, you're never gonna believe this, but that is actually an integral part of. [00:13:15] Speaker E: D and D. That's a bummer. [00:13:17] Speaker A: We think doctors recommend you have it. [00:13:19] Speaker D: You have it in your. In your thing. [00:13:22] Speaker A: Wait, like you don't have it? [00:13:24] Speaker F: You like to play with today? [00:13:26] Speaker E: No, it's in my. I'm in the upstairs of my house, and it's in the downstairs of my house. [00:13:31] Speaker F: Got it. [00:13:31] Speaker B: Got it. [00:13:32] Speaker D: It's in the thing. [00:13:34] Speaker E: Don't want that thing. You know that you can make these private so that only the player can see. It's been a sec. Yeah. I would like to do an insight check or an arcana check to see if I cast legend door on this area, is it gonna be very bad for me? Will I risk death or something bad? Just because I know that's like a Wellspring, and it's, like, in. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Okay. And I just want to make sure I understand the check you're trying to make. You're trying to check whether or not this is going to trigger more of the wild magic condition, or you're trying to figure out whether or not inevitably something bad will happen to you if you cast a spell. [00:14:16] Speaker E: So I'm trying. Not the first one. I'm trying to figure out if. Because I am aware that this has to do with the deep magic. [00:14:26] Speaker A: Right. [00:14:27] Speaker E: I want to be careful, and I want to. [00:14:31] Speaker A: Because you're in the evaporated chamber where the Wellspring once was. Is that intense? That extra level of magic is gonna make stuff extra funky here? Is that what you're saying? [00:14:39] Speaker E: I don't really. Yeah. I'm not asking about the wild magic. I just, like. We touch the Wellspring, and it, like, maybe makes us die. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Oh, I see what you're saying. [00:14:48] Speaker E: Something like that on this location would have, like, a dangerous magical effect. Does it make sense? [00:14:54] Speaker A: You have been very patient with me as I fumbled around with that. But I finally get where you're at. Could you give me an arcana check that is an arcana check. All day long. [00:15:02] Speaker D: You're an arcana check possessing the deep. [00:15:06] Speaker A: Magic, who's interacted with it quite a. [00:15:07] Speaker B: Bit at this point. Yes. [00:15:10] Speaker E: I made a bad check. I might use my advantage. I think I have it. Not advantage. [00:15:18] Speaker D: I'm just. Nah, I guess. I don't know. Yeah, I was gonna say I'm just strumming around, and maybe she's inspired by my beautiful mate. [00:15:28] Speaker A: That's what we call an internal check. [00:15:32] Speaker E: Goodness gracious. I got a worse rule. That's okay. Sometimes it. Sometimes it doesn't work out for you. That's okay. [00:15:38] Speaker C: You know why? [00:15:39] Speaker E: For our. [00:15:40] Speaker C: You know, you don't have your DND character sheet beside you, and that's your source of magic. Your roles are only good because of the character sheet. [00:15:54] Speaker A: All right, so what'd you get on the check, Grabby? [00:15:57] Speaker E: Oh, well, it doesn't matter. That'll be an 18. [00:16:02] Speaker A: Just. Just hearing a player say, oh, it doesn't matter. I have great stats. [00:16:06] Speaker E: Sorry. [00:16:08] Speaker A: Well, greta, with an 18, you can surm. I mean, you are very experienced with the deep Magic. You have interacted with it quite a bit. You are now filled with amounts of it. You put together that you're probably safe because the power of the deep magic has very much been spread out around this isle. And you're aware that that giant floating crystal at the center, that is the. I mean, it's definitely not the full power of the Wellspring, but that's. That calcified the mineralized remnant, crystallized deposit remnant. So the location is probably not necessarily so hazardous, so intense. And then on top of that, with your 18, you can also put together the divination. Magic is. It is definitively divination, so you don't need to. It is, by definition, mental, psychic. So you don't need to. You do not need to interact with that physical environment, so you're kind of protected in that way. [00:17:07] Speaker E: Okay, cool. Oh, boy. Okay, I am gonna go ahead and cast Legend. Lore. Legend. I'm looking up. [00:17:26] Speaker A: Do you have your components for that? [00:17:30] Speaker E: I do. I can double check. But I am. That I do. I will double check so I can take it out of my inventory. [00:17:35] Speaker A: Yes. How much does it cost you? [00:17:39] Speaker E: It costs. Oh, maybe not. Let me check for it. I'm sorry. Oh, I'm having a lot of. Somebody give me. [00:17:52] Speaker A: What is Ro doing in Roleplay at this moment? [00:17:57] Speaker D: I'm just looking at my arms and trying to remember as player. Jackie is trying to remember how long I'm supposed to be blue for. [00:18:07] Speaker C: How long? [00:18:08] Speaker E: My arm. [00:18:09] Speaker A: Well, surely you took notes on this. [00:18:11] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I'm looking at right now. That's why I was saying player me is looking through my eyes. [00:18:18] Speaker A: Is it not on your channel? [00:18:19] Speaker D: One day. One day. No, the blue part wasn't. It's 20, 24 hours from when it, when it happened. So one day, you know. [00:18:27] Speaker B: Gotcha. [00:18:29] Speaker D: And she's just looking at her arms and just kind of going, oh, at. [00:18:36] Speaker A: Least I don't have a beard. [00:18:37] Speaker D: And trying to also unfortunately hold in her farts, I guess. [00:18:48] Speaker A: Yes, we do still have. What is it, three days? [00:18:52] Speaker D: Can we say it? So when did that happen? [00:18:55] Speaker A: No, no, we took notes on it. [00:18:57] Speaker D: No, I know, I. It's five days is what I wrote. [00:19:00] Speaker A: Five days. For the next five days, your random uncontrollable farts. Hello, Luke on the camera. [00:19:05] Speaker D: Hi. So how does that work? Do you just. When it happens. Okay. [00:19:12] Speaker A: You'll certainly discover. [00:19:13] Speaker D: I didn't know if I needed to be like I farted. [00:19:16] Speaker E: Yes. [00:19:19] Speaker A: I didn't know if I need to be like I farted. What did you, what did you discover from your searching? [00:19:25] Speaker E: I do have enough. Excellent. [00:19:27] Speaker A: How much does it cost you? [00:19:30] Speaker E: It cost me 250 worth of incense and then 50 gold pieces worth of ivory strip. There's four of them. Wait, okay. [00:19:42] Speaker A: And so the ivory strips are not consumed. Right. It's the incense is consumed, not the ivory strips. [00:19:48] Speaker E: I don't have enough. Oh, you're right. Duh. I'm sorry. [00:19:51] Speaker A: No, you're okay. You're okay. So how much, how much incense do you have remaining? [00:20:00] Speaker E: I had 750. [00:20:03] Speaker A: So now you have 500 if you put that in your channel or mark it down. Okay, sorry. [00:20:12] Speaker E: So 500. [00:20:13] Speaker D: Cool. [00:20:14] Speaker A: 750 minus 250. 550. [00:20:17] Speaker E: 500. [00:20:19] Speaker A: What does it look like? As you cast legend lore. [00:20:27] Speaker E: So she's gonna like probably communicate to her team members that she's doing this because it takes a while. [00:20:34] Speaker A: Okay. [00:20:35] Speaker E: And so she's gonna like sit down cross legged. This is like, I think maybe the second time that she's done this. It's not a lot, but she's going to like set up her incense, get it all nice and smelly. She's probably gonna like, she bought some nice, like some new fancy. No, she didn't. Sorry. She's gonna like probably fiddle with her ivory strips and maybe like she's still in the dancing mood, like clack them together a little bit and maybe like sway. Remember the mushrooms. And probably as she's like as the time is, like, unfolding, like, in front of her eyes and in her mind, she's, like, dancing along to the music. So we don't know how long. She doesn't know how long the mushrooms will. She will soon. However, you know, it's. [00:21:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:34] Speaker A: I suddenly want to rename this episode episode120. Remember the mushrooms. [00:21:39] Speaker D: Remember the measure. [00:21:41] Speaker A: But so you all watch as Greta just goes full lady, full old lady Coachella. And so she lights a bowl of incense around her, in front of her as the steam starts coming up off of it. She's just swaying back and forth and just arrhythmically clacking ivory strips together, chanting. But her eyes turn golden blue, and she begins to be able to see the space around her. And as you do, Greta, what happens is that chamber so filled with different crystals that has the mother of pearl and the diamond along the walls, where the deep magic has just transmuted all the stone around it to you. The pearl in the middle, floating and rotating in the room, which has ceased being luminous, begins casting colors again, as if it's being moved backward in time. And where light dances off of it and catches the walls and the floors and the ceiling, it, like, bounces back and glares. And every time it glares in your eyes, time takes a step backward. So it's like a spin and a flash and a glare, and your vision is sort of, like, flashed into a time period long ago. And you see the chamber not long before your arrival. Maybe kind of hard to tell the distance and difference of time, really, because it's been in this perpetual state for so long. But back to millions of micanoids just grooving and jamming really hard. And then another glare, another flash, a different arrangement of micanoids, all grooving, all dancing, all flashing. But then another flash, and you see the myconoids all in the chamber but not dancing. Millions of them gathered around, and they're just. They're like. There's movement sometimes. Sometimes there's grouping, and you can hear that murmuring language from among them. But a lot of it is just sort of like stillness around the gem, and it is just rotating, shining around the chamber. And it looks like the myconoids are maybe growing in front of the light, is feeding them and growing them, or perhaps they're having some sort of reverence in front of the crystal. It's hard to tell. And you watch as you look out over this great congregation of them having some sort of interaction with that massive spinning crystal. You watch as Just a different figure enters the room. He is. I mean, he just could not be more transposed and dissimilar to them. His juxtaposition is intense and bizarre, even in the midst of such an otherworldly visual. It's this tall dragonborn, lanky, a green dragonborn, very lanky. The back is like protract forward hunched slightly, maybe with a little bit of scoliosis. The limbs are long and there's not a ton of muscle or tissue on it. A very thin dude. And the individual is wearing these thick purple wizard robes. Very classic Wizard 101, front of the COVID art, wizard robes. And there's this blue trim around them. And in between the two lines of blue trim, it's filled with, like, very blatant magical symbologies. Almost sort of looking like a, hey, look at me. This is a wizard. I'm a wizard robes. And the individual, the long neck that stoops forward with the frill coming up, is wearing like a straight up, like, wizard hat. Like a broad brimmed purple hat. The top pointy, but it bends and lean, leave limps to a side after so many years of loose. And on the edge of the hat, there's a little bell going ba bing, ba bing, boom, boom, boom, as the individual walks. And the individual has a thick cord wrapped around their thin waist and a bunch of baubles hanging from the side. And there is a green tail poking out the robe from behind them, swaying back and forth. And the micronoids are just moving out of the way of the individuals as they walk toward the crystal. And the individual is. Every once in a while, a leg will slip out from the robe and you all can see these ridiculous purple satin shoes. And at the front of it, it curves up into that ridiculous fairy tale elf tip. And then the bell at the top, very much the shoes Boz is now wearing. And the individual just kind of walks back and forth, rubbing their hands a little bit and just snickering to themselves. And then they stop. And the micronoids are paying some attention to the individual looking at them, but also mainly focusing on the stone. The angel stops, mutters, flares their hands, and the entire room just flashes with color. And the entire chamber begins just dazzling with lights reflecting off of every crystal and blaring in different colors. And all the myconoids begin looking away from the main crystal over to those just looking at the chamber in wonder. And the individual walks past all of them, walks up to the central floating crystal, and then begins pulling out all these little Stone disks with glyphs on them, very much resembling the ones that Boz removed. And the individual distributes them around the base of that sort of pedestal below the floating pearl. And before placing the last one down, gets out a piece of parchment, rips it off, scribbles something on it, puts it in the middle, takes off their own shoes, puts it in the middle, gives a weird little snicker, looks around at the myconoids, and then puts the last disc down. And then everything goes like black light, and all the micanoids just stop. Look at it start shimmying, and then start. And then everybody starts dancing. And for a second, they're kind of looking at each other, smiling. And the individual in the middle of the room just kind of does finger crossbows at everybody, smiles, and then it gets a little snicker and then snaps, and then just. Is just gone in a flash of light. [00:27:52] Speaker E: Cool. [00:27:54] Speaker A: And after you witness it, Greta, you just sort of. And as you come back to your vision, you realize that you're in a whole different part of the room. And you've been dancing with your ivory strips. You're kind of Little sweat beaded on your forehead. Wow. You've been going hard. The rest of you all have watched Greta just thrash. I mean, mostly crumping really hard in the chamber with some ivory strips in her hands for about six minutes. She's breathing hard. And you've witnessed the vision. [00:28:26] Speaker E: Was there anything before the figure, or was that it? [00:28:30] Speaker A: It was just series and visions of the myconoids dancing. And then the figure arrives and conducts that affair. [00:28:40] Speaker E: Okay. [00:28:45] Speaker C: So we're all present with her, right? [00:28:48] Speaker A: Yeah. You all just watched Greta go hard. [00:28:52] Speaker C: That is sick. [00:28:54] Speaker G: That's sick. [00:28:55] Speaker A: Okay, go on. I mean, you didn't see any of her vision. You just saw Greta. No, no. Greta get toasty on some of her incense, Dot. Yeah. Do some crumping. And now she's just breathing hard, panting, and she looks like she's come out of a vision. [00:29:09] Speaker E: Her face is, like, really red. Really red. [00:29:12] Speaker D: Interesting. [00:29:13] Speaker C: Wow, you're a true mushroom. [00:29:16] Speaker E: About how the giant pearl got there? [00:29:19] Speaker A: No. [00:29:20] Speaker E: Interesting. [00:29:21] Speaker A: Maybe that's not what the legend lore was focused on. Oh, you kind of pointed at a thing. [00:29:30] Speaker E: What do you mean? [00:29:31] Speaker A: Like, you don't necessarily cast. Anyway, like. Like when you cast Legend Lord the first time, you cast it on the crater and. [00:29:40] Speaker E: Okay. I thought I was casting it on that room, but it's okay. [00:29:46] Speaker A: I may have. [00:29:46] Speaker B: Oops. [00:29:49] Speaker A: Well, you saw Nesmit, so we'll. We'll. We'll work at that. [00:29:53] Speaker E: Okay. [00:29:55] Speaker D: Nice little mushroom guys. I like to picture the little mushroom dudes looking at the stone. Like how the. The little guys in Toy Story. [00:30:08] Speaker A: How did I know that's what you're gonna say? [00:30:09] Speaker D: That's crazy. [00:30:10] Speaker A: The clothes. [00:30:16] Speaker D: That's what I like to picture. [00:30:20] Speaker A: What happens next? [00:30:21] Speaker D: Players, I. Gretta, do you tell us that or no? Yeah, you just vibe. [00:30:28] Speaker E: It's fine. I'm like. When I come out of it, I'm like, so, yeah. Just thought I would dance, get some exercise, you know, pretty like, normal. I think. [00:30:49] Speaker A: Tello just walks up and pats your shoulder, gives you a little bit of water. [00:30:54] Speaker B: You were going hard there, buddy. [00:30:57] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm pretty good at dancing. [00:30:59] Speaker B: I think you are. You're the best. [00:31:02] Speaker E: Thanks. [00:31:03] Speaker B: Were you doing some magic? [00:31:05] Speaker A: Because your eyes lit up shiny and. [00:31:07] Speaker B: You lit that incense. [00:31:09] Speaker E: Yeah, I was trying to get more information about the crater and. Not the crater, this, like, this room and the history and all of that stuff. And then I relay what I found, what I saw. [00:31:21] Speaker D: Interesting. How long, how Rose accent is. What? That was supposed to be somebody else talking. [00:31:36] Speaker A: Okay, could you give me a constitution setting throw? [00:31:46] Speaker E: No. [00:31:47] Speaker C: Got high. Ro can't speak because she's having a stroke. Where's the party at? [00:31:57] Speaker E: Do I have to roll on the wilderness, too? [00:32:00] Speaker A: Oh, yes. Oh, my goodness. I almost forgot. Abby. Thank you, Ro. What'd you get? [00:32:06] Speaker D: A two. [00:32:07] Speaker A: Okay, so Greta describes your vision, and Taylor comforts her. And then Ro goes. Well, how did. And then Ro goes and bends over a little bit, and then it's just. And that goes on for, like, a while. It's like 30 seconds of it. [00:32:31] Speaker E: Is that rope or. [00:32:32] Speaker A: You feel that deep in the loins? But yeah. [00:32:35] Speaker D: I hate this so much. [00:32:37] Speaker C: Wait, I didn't even cast press, man. [00:32:44] Speaker A: It's funny. So, yes, that happens. And then, Greta, could you roll on. [00:32:49] Speaker B: The wild magic table? [00:32:51] Speaker E: And how do I do that? [00:32:53] Speaker A: D100. [00:32:54] Speaker E: And how do I do that? I don't think I have those dice. [00:32:57] Speaker A: You do. [00:32:58] Speaker D: Hopefully they were. [00:33:00] Speaker A: I bought some for you. So one would suspect it's the two diamonds. Now, what if I told you that every DND session, a character sheet and dice is kind of how you want to go in? [00:33:16] Speaker E: I'm gonna. [00:33:17] Speaker A: Okay, you can have a different player roll for you. [00:33:21] Speaker E: I got a 58. [00:33:22] Speaker C: I have. [00:33:23] Speaker A: Okay, so you did have your dice. [00:33:25] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:33:26] Speaker B: Okay, 58. [00:33:33] Speaker E: Perfect. [00:33:34] Speaker C: Oh, like what? You rolled two die, right? Like two different dices? [00:33:42] Speaker A: Yeah. You roll both diamonds and you add them together. [00:33:43] Speaker E: They look the same, but one of them has zeros. On it's the same dice, but one of them has zeros. [00:33:49] Speaker A: Well, could you roll a D8 for me? [00:33:54] Speaker E: I don't have that one either. [00:33:56] Speaker A: I feel like you probably do. [00:33:58] Speaker E: I don't have that one either. Seven. [00:34:04] Speaker B: Okay. [00:34:04] Speaker A: So for the next eight minutes. Wow. I really don't think this is going to come up, but this would have been incredible. In combat for the next eight minutes, the energy around Greta begins to sort of like. Or the air around Greta begins to like, like thrum with an energy. And the next 60ft around Greta. For the next eight minutes, any creature which suffers damage of a type takes an additional D20 force damage from the like, sort of energized arcana around here. You get force damage. [00:34:36] Speaker E: You said D24. [00:34:37] Speaker A: D20 force damage. They do not make a D24 to my knowledge. So if you guys were in combat, every single time you dealt damage, anyone within 60ft of you took damage, there would be another G20 force damage. But now it just means nothing. So you're fine. [00:34:53] Speaker D: That's insane, bro. [00:34:56] Speaker A: Wow. [00:34:56] Speaker E: I'm glad that didn't happen. That would be dangerous. Wow. [00:35:00] Speaker C: So glad we're not in combat right now because, you know. [00:35:03] Speaker A: Anyway, so roll initiative. Greta's just standing still. Just dex row. [00:35:15] Speaker D: Yeah, she did. [00:35:16] Speaker F: How did she roll? [00:35:19] Speaker E: 58. For the next eight minutes, everyone within my vibe space, I have an orange space. And anyone who takes damage takes an extra D20 because of my vibe. [00:35:35] Speaker A: Basically. Yeah. So we have successfully done the legend Lord. There doesn't need to be more here. You can interact with the environment additionally, but you could also just scoop, boop and loop out of the mountain and we can keep going with the other stuff that you guys got to do. [00:35:48] Speaker D: The mushroom men left, right. They hurried. [00:35:52] Speaker A: There are tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of myconoids people living here. So the dancing didn't stop and then they just. Just mass emigrated from their home. But they aren't. The rave has stopped and many of them have departed from the chamber. Many of them are still there. There are still myconoids all around you. [00:36:13] Speaker G: Can we take one home with us? [00:36:15] Speaker A: You could certainly try. [00:36:18] Speaker C: Ok. Can we take one home with us? [00:36:21] Speaker D: I mean, I don't know if they want to go with us. I think you'd need to ask Craig. [00:36:27] Speaker B: I'm not an expert, but I think those are people. [00:36:30] Speaker D: It's always nice to ask if they want to come along with us because we get into some pretty gnarly stuff. [00:36:38] Speaker C: Little guys. [00:36:41] Speaker D: Well, I don't know what that feels like. What Are you saying. What did you just say? [00:36:49] Speaker G: Dude? [00:36:49] Speaker A: What? [00:36:51] Speaker D: What did you just say? I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it. [00:36:57] Speaker C: Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Guys. [00:37:00] Speaker D: Somebody tell me what really interest. [00:37:03] Speaker C: I'm sorry. I had a flash. I, you know, nostalgia. But it became a little too real. [00:37:08] Speaker A: We're talking about early Craig, and it just, it got to me. [00:37:11] Speaker C: It just happened, you know? [00:37:13] Speaker A: Do you act on the myanoid friend thing, Craig, or. [00:37:16] Speaker C: No, no, no. Because no one else cares, you know? No one else wants to steal a little guy. [00:37:21] Speaker D: I, I, it just depends if we want to bring one. If they, I mean, if they want to go with us. Yeah, he could ride around. He could ride around on our raccoon pockets. Think he wants to hang out in your pockets, Craig? You really gotta ask him first you gotta ask consent. It's all about consent. [00:37:41] Speaker F: Craig trying to kidnap someone. [00:37:46] Speaker A: Tell just shifts his way to a hip, puts his hands on his hips and takes a deep sigh. [00:37:54] Speaker E: The to the micronoid caverns with us. [00:37:56] Speaker A: You are totally. You're totally correct. Tell is waiting outside. Oh, my goodness. [00:38:04] Speaker D: Did we come outside and then go back in and then go back out? [00:38:07] Speaker C: I still. [00:38:08] Speaker A: What are you guys doing? [00:38:09] Speaker D: End of last episode I'm pretty sure we went outside, but I won't, I won't be that person. [00:38:14] Speaker A: Jackie, everyone has already agreed. He was outside. Everyone's in. [00:38:18] Speaker B: What? [00:38:18] Speaker D: I said he was over on the bench. I was saying that we went outside at the end of the last episode. [00:38:25] Speaker A: No, we left it off at whether or not you guys were gonna do the legend more. [00:38:29] Speaker D: I know what I thought. We went back and. It doesn't matter. [00:38:35] Speaker E: Micah. I mean, Craig. You cannot take that little friend without asking him if he wants to be your little friend first. Classic friend rules. [00:38:44] Speaker C: My mommy said that your mommy said that we could hang out. You want to come home with me? I think that's a good. [00:38:51] Speaker D: Do you say this to a little guy? [00:38:54] Speaker E: I translate a dm. I translate into. [00:38:58] Speaker A: You are gonna need to recast comprehend languages or tongues, if you want to do that. The duration on tongues. [00:39:03] Speaker C: I was just kidding. I was doing a little kid. [00:39:07] Speaker A: For. [00:39:07] Speaker F: The next 18 hours. [00:39:09] Speaker A: So I still have comprehended languages. Allows you to understand anything, but not to speak anything. Thing. Tongues is what you need to say the thing. [00:39:16] Speaker C: Yes, exactly. [00:39:17] Speaker F: So if they're talking to her, I can understand. [00:39:19] Speaker D: I mean, I'm okay with. I'm okay with wasting a little time. Because if we're still looking for my father, I don't want to meet him. Blue and farty. [00:39:32] Speaker C: Did you say blue and party. [00:39:36] Speaker A: Man. Now I want this. I really wanna, really wanna. Guys, maybe we should rename this episode episode 120. Blue and Farty, bro. [00:39:45] Speaker D: Starts playing. I'm Blue and Farty. [00:39:51] Speaker C: Guys. She's a gassy smurf. [00:39:53] Speaker A: She's a ghastly smurf. Oh, my goodness. I'm ready. Made it in my notes. [00:40:01] Speaker D: I made. I made ro. What she looks like right now. It's in memes. [00:40:05] Speaker C: Let me see. Let me see. [00:40:09] Speaker A: Blue and Farty. [00:40:12] Speaker D: I mean, how long. Okay, that. That bubble. How long? How far away did he say it was? Guys. [00:40:24] Speaker B: I just looked at the meme. [00:40:26] Speaker C: Guys, Everyone's. [00:40:26] Speaker A: Are you guys trying to talk to a mushroom person or. [00:40:28] Speaker E: No, no, no. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Okay, excellent excuses. [00:40:31] Speaker E: I was the fun. [00:40:34] Speaker A: Well, hello, kitty cat. The fun or the flumph said that you guys were probably like. Like, it was like a day's walk and it's on the other side of the mountain and you're now in the mountain, so somewhere around there, sort of. [00:40:48] Speaker E: Okay, can I do a perception check to see if anybody has tried to take a mushroom person? [00:40:56] Speaker A: Any one of your compatriots? Yeah, make one. No, no. Let's do this. [00:41:03] Speaker D: I know what you're doing. [00:41:04] Speaker A: Get lost in the nonsense for a second. I mean, we're renaming this episode to Blue and Farty, so let's lean into this. I wrote it down in my notes. I'm gonna talk to Landon about this later. [00:41:17] Speaker D: You're welcome to share my beautiful drawing meme. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Or in the 21 in the Patreon characters, has anyone tried to steal a mushroom person? [00:41:28] Speaker D: No. [00:41:29] Speaker A: Okay, Greta, as you look. As you look around with confidence, doesn't look like anyone has done any kidnapping. [00:41:35] Speaker C: I will not. I will not steal without consent. I have to have consent. [00:41:39] Speaker A: Guys learned. I'll steal with consent. [00:41:47] Speaker C: Oh, didn't have to call me out on that, but. Oh. [00:41:56] Speaker A: What that party do. [00:41:57] Speaker D: I think we should go exit, I think. Wait, why Everyone's. [00:42:04] Speaker A: Everyone's head whiplashes violently and boom. You're outside the mountain. You walked outside. [00:42:07] Speaker D: What time is it? Is it, like, late now? [00:42:11] Speaker E: Yeah, he's like, it's time to sleep. [00:42:12] Speaker C: Right? I must rest. [00:42:17] Speaker A: It's 4:37. [00:42:20] Speaker D: Guys, should we. [00:42:22] Speaker F: We can just make camp and chill till you normal again. [00:42:25] Speaker B: We don't. [00:42:25] Speaker F: That's fine. [00:42:26] Speaker D: I would love. I would. Well, it's gonna take a while for. [00:42:29] Speaker C: The far stop, but the blue will do that. [00:42:32] Speaker A: Make a constitution saving throw for me. [00:42:37] Speaker F: Why don't we just camp then for like a Week. Just right here. Just wait for it to stop. [00:42:40] Speaker A: Snap. [00:42:41] Speaker D: I got a 17. Zachary Ro. [00:42:44] Speaker A: You say it's gonna take a while for the. No. How bad is this to subside? And you don't fart. You keep it in. [00:42:50] Speaker D: Oh, thank God. [00:42:52] Speaker F: You could just camp, like, a week if you want. [00:42:55] Speaker D: Like, there's no rush to camp for a week. [00:42:59] Speaker B: That's fine. [00:43:00] Speaker A: And that's where I'm. Back here. [00:43:02] Speaker F: I literally have a goodberry spell I can cast in the morning, and we can all eat. [00:43:06] Speaker D: Every time you cast it, something bad's gonna happen. [00:43:09] Speaker F: Maybe something good can happen. [00:43:11] Speaker B: Does time pass here at, like, a similar rate as ever? Do you know that? [00:43:15] Speaker F: Yeah, it does. [00:43:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:17] Speaker F: It's about the same. It's only when you go into another dimension that it changes. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:21] Speaker B: All right. [00:43:22] Speaker D: Can I do a. Can I do it? Can I do a. Can I do a. Can. Can I do. What is it? [00:43:30] Speaker A: I want the question. [00:43:31] Speaker D: I would like to do a make. Would it be sciences, or would it be. Well, you tell me. [00:43:40] Speaker A: Well, I don't know what it is yet, and we're really dancing around, so what might it be? [00:43:45] Speaker D: Can I do a check to see? Because I know the time, all the time, and I, like, I got keen minds, so I know how long a day feels like in normal world. Can I do a little checky check to see if I feel like the days and nights are quicker or slower? [00:44:02] Speaker A: I really hate how much sense that makes. No, we're gonna call this actually, like, a perception check for you. [00:44:08] Speaker D: Okay. [00:44:09] Speaker A: Because for you, it's really about, like, can you feel? [00:44:12] Speaker E: I'll allow it. [00:44:13] Speaker D: I'll allow it. Hey, I was just trying to use your checks, but I'm good with a perception check. [00:44:21] Speaker A: All right. [00:44:22] Speaker C: Do you want to prank call Schmidt, too? [00:44:25] Speaker D: What? [00:44:26] Speaker E: No, I don't want to. I want to crawl. [00:44:31] Speaker D: That would be an 8. You said perception, right. [00:44:35] Speaker A: With an 18, it feels like a very similar passage of time. [00:44:39] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. And then could I also do an arcon? Making checks doesn't set off the magic, right? No. Can I. [00:44:52] Speaker A: So far, but we can start. [00:44:54] Speaker D: No. Can I do an arcana check to see if there's any, like, I know magic pretty well. Is there anything I could do to get rid of. Get rid of the flatulence, like, to make that condition on me stop? I mean, granted, it would be. [00:45:18] Speaker A: Make a check. I'm gonna call this. I mean, this is you trying to surmise something off of magic so you understand very little. So we're gonna call this a ridiculously high D.C. i'm going to call this, like, DC. Like, 25. Figuring out a possible solution. [00:45:36] Speaker D: I mean, granted. Okay, I will. I, I. What I was going to say is I do know. I do know as, like, a player and, like, I feel like Ro would at least know this, that if I do cast something to try and counteract it, I do know that that could cause another reaction, obviously, but you good, Micah, wait. [00:45:57] Speaker A: I see the cat. [00:45:59] Speaker D: I'm gonna use. [00:46:00] Speaker A: Laughing so hard. [00:46:01] Speaker D: I'm gonna use my inspiration. [00:46:03] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [00:46:09] Speaker D: Okay, let's see what it. What did I get? Oh, my God. I just realized there was no need for me to use my inspiration. [00:46:20] Speaker A: Yeah, no, really shouldn't have. [00:46:22] Speaker D: No, I mean, no, I mean, because the first roll I did was a 16, and I have a plus 11 to arcana. [00:46:35] Speaker A: Okay. With a 27 row, you put together a powerful restorative spell, such as greater restoration. You've seen it cast once before. You are aware of it, and you recall it. Greater restoration might relieve the effects of wild magic condition at large. Generally speaking, there's some that might be exceptions, but it would probably solve your flatulence. [00:46:57] Speaker D: Okay, you have seen cast before. I've seen Boz Caster. Right. [00:47:03] Speaker A: And Epmont Kai, I think. [00:47:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:47:05] Speaker E: Becky, how much longer are you blue? [00:47:08] Speaker D: I'm blue for. I'm blue for, like, another maybe, like, I don't know, 12, 13 hours probably. But I'm gonna be. I'm gonna be thinking up the place for another four and a half days. [00:47:25] Speaker F: Guys, I love camping. Let's just pick out a good spot and hang out for a few days and just wait for it to pass. I don't mind. I'm in no rush at all. [00:47:34] Speaker D: Yeah, but I don't know if it's a good thing to, like, hang out here. Like, didn't you say these islands are, like. [00:47:41] Speaker C: Wait for it to pass. [00:47:46] Speaker B: Maybe. [00:47:46] Speaker F: I don't know. [00:47:47] Speaker D: Aren't these islands dangerous? Oh, my God. [00:47:50] Speaker F: I haven't encountered a whole lot of awful stuff. I mean, most everything here is peaceful. It's a very few specific islands that are dangerous. [00:48:01] Speaker D: Okay, so I think. [00:48:04] Speaker E: I think that this one's probably good. [00:48:06] Speaker F: Yeah, this one's fine. You want to make camp? [00:48:14] Speaker A: That was wrong. [00:48:14] Speaker D: I'm so sorry. [00:48:15] Speaker A: You guys can keep talking role playing. [00:48:17] Speaker F: No, I'm sorry that you're having to go through that. [00:48:20] Speaker D: It's not me. Not something that I ate. [00:48:24] Speaker F: Zach, I'm gonna start foraging for things to, like, make, like, makeshift lean tos and camping supplies. [00:48:30] Speaker D: I'm a little worried. I'M a little worried I, I, I can't press the digitated away or a other bad things could happen. [00:48:39] Speaker F: You guys, that is right. You cannot do that. I'm gonna be living off the land. [00:48:44] Speaker C: I'm gonna say it takes the smell away, like every time she falls. [00:48:49] Speaker F: Why would you do that? Why would you do that? She literally just said why she couldn't. [00:48:57] Speaker D: Do it as you do it the first time. [00:49:03] Speaker A: This is what I'm looking for in the lost lands. Craig, pick up that detail, that D100, and give me a little roll there, fella. Come on down the aisle. Wait, hold on. [00:49:13] Speaker E: Explain to her, Micah. Every time you cast something, you have to roll on the table. And that's where Micah gets. No, that's where, that's where Jackie gets her stinkiness and her blueness. [00:49:24] Speaker D: And how I went to the shadow. [00:49:26] Speaker C: Every time I roll something, I have to. [00:49:28] Speaker E: Anybody, anytime, anybody, but he passes. [00:49:32] Speaker C: I didn't know that she wasn't here for that episode. It was. I don't think I was. [00:49:38] Speaker E: That's true. [00:49:39] Speaker A: You'll do is you'll take the D10 and the D100 and you'll roll. [00:49:42] Speaker F: We all had to do this, Micah. [00:49:44] Speaker A: We'll find a D10. [00:49:47] Speaker C: And what were the dice? [00:49:49] Speaker A: D100. [00:49:50] Speaker C: 100. So D10. D100. [00:49:53] Speaker A: Roll them together, right? [00:49:54] Speaker C: Both of the, both of the, like, spiral lead. Kind of nice. [00:49:57] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:49:58] Speaker A: With the diamond ones, the only two that match. [00:50:00] Speaker C: So I have two zeros, which I'm assuming is a hundred. [00:50:04] Speaker A: No, that's zero. [00:50:06] Speaker C: No, that's just straight up zero. [00:50:08] Speaker F: Yeah, it doesn't matter. [00:50:09] Speaker C: And so it's a six. [00:50:11] Speaker B: Oh, man. [00:50:12] Speaker C: Okay, so it's a six. That's it. That's it, you guys. [00:50:16] Speaker D: At least it's not a 15. No one wants a 15. What did I roll? I don't know. [00:50:26] Speaker F: Well, what did you want? [00:50:27] Speaker E: A 58. [00:50:31] Speaker C: Hey, Zach, why are you making faces and laughing? What did I get? [00:50:35] Speaker D: It's not a 15. [00:50:36] Speaker C: Why are you cackling? Hey. Hey. Care to share? Jesus says to share. [00:50:42] Speaker A: First of all. First of all, Craig, roll me a D4. [00:50:46] Speaker C: Okay. Got a three. Okay, I'm rolling multiples of three. [00:50:57] Speaker A: Excellent. Okay, so here's what happens. So Ro is like, I'm so farty. And there's like a long fart, and she's all upset. And then Craig goes, oh, I've got your Ro. And then, like, does his little prestigation. There's a little puff of blue magic. And then, and then as rose, everyone, there's no Sound just. Everyone just. And like there's just like. There's no noise. There's just like a, like a dull sort of like almost, almost impactless sound. Just this. And everyone has to close their eyes, cover their faces and turn away from Craig as Craig just shines with 75ft of bright light and another 125ft of dim light. Craig just turns into a 4 foot tall LED strip just. And everyone has to look away just not to be blinded looking at him. Craig is a lighthouse beast standing in his light. [00:52:05] Speaker C: It's been light of mine. I'm going to shine. [00:52:09] Speaker A: You are an LED strip for three hours. [00:52:11] Speaker C: I'm an LED stripper for three hours. [00:52:15] Speaker A: Hey now, also here's a tiny tidbit. You guys don't know how long these durations are. The durations are for the players, not the characters. But anyway. [00:52:22] Speaker C: That's so true. [00:52:25] Speaker E: Well, that's very funny. [00:52:27] Speaker A: So Craig is rose blue and farty. Craig is shiny. [00:52:31] Speaker E: Craig, turn that off. [00:52:32] Speaker C: Turn that off. [00:52:33] Speaker E: Craig. [00:52:33] Speaker D: Craig, can you turn it? [00:52:36] Speaker A: I can't even see anything. [00:52:38] Speaker E: Craig, you're excited about. [00:52:43] Speaker A: I can't even look at. And even when you guys are turned away from Craig, it's like still like you have to like blinders yourself on either like your hands are on your head cuz it's so bright. [00:52:54] Speaker C: Can I have a question? [00:52:56] Speaker A: Yeah, what's up? [00:52:56] Speaker C: I'm raising my hand. So I go, I go. [00:52:58] Speaker A: Yeah, what's up? [00:52:59] Speaker C: My clothes. Do my clothes shine or is it just my body? [00:53:03] Speaker A: All of you, Everything. Your armor too. And remember, it's not closed. You're just walking around. A full plate armor. You are just one. You're just a tiny little sunspot on the side of the mountain. [00:53:13] Speaker D: If we, if I take like, if I, if I take like part of my cloak or whatever and try to wrap it around them, I'm gonna like, I'm gonna say Craig, stick out your arm and I'm gonna like take my cloak and wrap it around his arm and kind of try to look at the arm and see if it excellent as you do. [00:53:32] Speaker A: So bro, could you give me a constitution every throw? Not for the farts. Not for the farts. [00:53:38] Speaker C: No. [00:53:39] Speaker D: That's a 12. [00:53:41] Speaker A: Sorry. Wow, that's incredible. Are you, Are you what? Bro? You are not blinded. [00:53:48] Speaker D: Oh, thank God. [00:53:49] Speaker A: You are not blinded. But you just. [00:53:51] Speaker B: Oh, it burns. [00:53:52] Speaker A: And you put your cloak over. As you drape it over Craig, it. You get. It's what it looks like when you put your finger over a light and the light diffuses. Through your skin. So it's like the cloak is very lit up and bright, but it's no longer blinding to look at that part of Craig. But you still can't look at it long because all the rest of him is still blinding. [00:54:10] Speaker D: Okay, cool. I take it off. [00:54:12] Speaker A: It looks like this would be a solution. Yeah, I take it off. So Craig is just standing there, and everyone's standing in a circle, looking away from Craig, shouting at each other because he's so bright. [00:54:22] Speaker C: Greta's pockets for her. You can certainly try holding bag. [00:54:26] Speaker D: We've tried this before. [00:54:28] Speaker E: No, no, Craig, no. I take off one of the minutes. Can I get inside one of the many cloaks that I wear? And I throw it in Craig's direction without really, like, turning around. [00:54:40] Speaker A: Okay, so you're just throwing it blindly. [00:54:43] Speaker E: Yeah, in his general. [00:54:45] Speaker A: So, Greta, Craig, you watch us. And Craig, you're also, like. You're bright to you. So you're also having to kind of close and wince your eyes. You watch as Greta just kind of turns and just sort of like. And a vague shadow. You can't see the world around you much right now because you're so bright. A big shadow just sort of. [00:55:00] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:55:01] Speaker A: And lands on the ground next to you. You can try and search around for the blanket and try and get it on yourself, but you're gonna have to make an investigation check to find it next to how bright you are. [00:55:11] Speaker C: I'll do that. But you know Velma, whenever she's looking for her glasses, that's a good idea of what this looks like. [00:55:19] Speaker A: So go ahead and give me an investigation check, Craig. Oh, and that's gonna be a disadvantage because you're very bright and you're having trouble seeing. [00:55:29] Speaker C: That's okay because I rolled the same number twice. [00:55:32] Speaker A: Nice. [00:55:34] Speaker C: No, it's not. But that's okay. [00:55:37] Speaker A: I was gonna be happy. [00:55:38] Speaker C: I got an eight. [00:55:39] Speaker A: Okay, so, guys, here's what happens. So Ro goes, oh, no, I'm zosting. Can you meet my dad? And then Craig goes, I' help you. And then he. And then. And then bright light. And then everyone's like, oh, no, Craig, you're so bright. And then Ro covers the blanket, sees a solution. Greta turns, throws a cloak around, like, near him. It lands on the ground. Craig's like, I gotta find it. So, Craig, you get down on all fours, and you start groping the ground for the blanket, but it's too bright. Okay, okay. Grope is not just like a sexual verb. It also means to grasp for. So why don't you take your connotations. [00:56:15] Speaker D: And I like the word. [00:56:17] Speaker A: Craig is searching the ground with his fingers tug rope. And as he searches in the darkness, he's. Everything's too bright. And so, Craig, I need you to make a dexterity saving throw for me. You don't find the code. [00:56:31] Speaker D: The code coat. Oh, I was like, the code. What code? [00:56:39] Speaker C: 6:17. [00:56:41] Speaker E: That's a coat to my heart. [00:56:44] Speaker A: What'd you get, Craig? [00:56:46] Speaker C: I got a 17. [00:56:47] Speaker A: Okay, so Craig, as you search for the blanket, you just sort of like stumble over a lip of a rock nearby. And Craig starts to just in his full plate. So as he's searching around on the ground, it's just because of all his full plate armor. So then as he moves has to rock, he, like, stumbles over it. But even though you're bright and shiny, you just turn around and do a full front. Oh, no. Go ahead, Micah. [00:57:09] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead, go ahead. [00:57:11] Speaker A: Describe it. [00:57:12] Speaker C: Do my tears. Shrek quietly weeping. [00:57:20] Speaker B: What? [00:57:26] Speaker A: All we heard was my tears. Craig quietly weeping. That's all we heard. Guys, this session can no longer be apparent. Parent has to be named blue and Farty. Yes, your tears also shine. [00:57:43] Speaker C: Okay, so there's little drops of light as Craig is like, what do I do? [00:57:56] Speaker A: And then you. So you guys can't look at Craig, but you hear. And then. And then he falls down a rock and then does a perfect summer song to just land at the bottom and just turn. Oh, where's the cloak? [00:58:12] Speaker E: I'm gonna start helping. I'm gonna, like, shield my eyes with my own piece of fabric and. And then help Craig look for the cloak. That I found. [00:58:21] Speaker A: A great deal of effort. The 11th level party manages to cover their shiny paladin in a cloak, and Craig is now covered, and everyone's fine. Craig, you're not having a good time because now you can't see anything. You just have to hold your options. So everyone prepares camp while Craig sits there sad and shiny under a blanket. And eventually it wears off. And Craig, you're okay again. Micah. Looks like she's gonna die. She's laughing so hard. Anyway, so back to that thing boss was trying to do 15 minutes ago. Yeah. [00:58:56] Speaker F: Has boss ever seen an ostrich before? [00:59:03] Speaker A: There is a part of the world with ostriches, but also, I want you to have this. So odds or evens? [00:59:10] Speaker F: Odds. This feels like an otter role three. [00:59:13] Speaker A: You know what an ostrich is? One of the deep roots described it to you once. [00:59:18] Speaker F: You know, the druids turn into lots of animals. If I live in A community of Druids. There's a chance someone's turned into one before. [00:59:25] Speaker A: That is such a good justification. Yes, absolutely right. There'd be all sorts of non natives here that he would be familiar with because other people who went other places land and that's taken. Do you have inspiration right now? [00:59:36] Speaker F: I don't think I do. I think I used it a while back. [00:59:38] Speaker A: Give yourself inspiration. That's. I love that in Lore reasoning. That's so dope. Thank you. [00:59:43] Speaker F: Let's see if you love it if I try to use it to turn into a t. Rex. In 10 episodes, none of you guys. [00:59:49] Speaker A: Have seen a T. Rex. That's for sure. [00:59:50] Speaker F: I'm just joking. I want to try to turn into a female ostrich. [00:59:55] Speaker E: A female ostrich. [00:59:56] Speaker A: Wow, that was specific. Okay, so you succeed. You guys are talking as Craig is finally unshining and all of a sudden flourish of the leaves are now green ever since Boz's wellspring touch. But with golden green leaves there's just. And Boz folds into himself. His bottom legs extend, his body compresses, his neck elongates. And all of a sudden standing there from the leaf flutter is just this huge two legged. Wow, that's a big bird with a long neck. [01:00:28] Speaker F: I start roosting. I start using my big feet to push apart leaves. And all settled. [01:00:36] Speaker A: And Oz starts just pounding the or boss stretch, however you guys want to do it. Starts pounding the ground and shoving it aside and kicking with these huge toads. Clawed digits just starts digging out the ground and. And Bostrich just starts nesting very effectively. [01:00:57] Speaker F: Roosting. Is it roosting or nesting? I don't know. [01:01:00] Speaker A: Nesting here. A roost is elevated off the ground. [01:01:04] Speaker F: All right, I try to lay in. [01:01:05] Speaker B: There you go. [01:01:07] Speaker F: That's what I'm focused on for the next. However long. [01:01:21] Speaker D: This episode, I try to lay an egg. I'm writing that down. [01:01:27] Speaker A: Give me an ability check with your podcasting modifier. [01:01:36] Speaker F: I'm going to use my inspiration. My ostrich inspiration. [01:01:39] Speaker A: Oh no. [01:01:39] Speaker C: Is boss female? [01:01:42] Speaker E: Yeah, he said. He said specifically that he turned into a female ostrich. [01:01:46] Speaker A: I guess I just canonized the ability of druids to gender swap in wild shape. I didn't mean to, but Landon slipped that in there and I wasn't paying attention. And now it's dawning on me all the animal things that could happen with that. It's true. [01:01:58] Speaker F: It doesn't say you can't. [01:02:00] Speaker A: Doesn't say you can't. [01:02:02] Speaker F: 21. [01:02:04] Speaker C: 21. [01:02:05] Speaker A: Pause to wild shape is to change. To wild shape is to become something you are not while still being who you are. And your wild shapes have always been filled with incredible experiences. I mean, you were a druid long before meeting this party and experienced decades of wild shaping after you learned it. But even since meeting this party, I mean, you turned into a deep light and experienced what it's like to breathe through your entire body. You have flown as birds, as raptors. You have seen, well, the ground. I mean, you have experienced senses. You've run as a deer and had lung capacity. You couldn't fathom power in your legs. What you feel now is on the inside. Now, as an ostrich, you have a great deal less nervous connection. So this is truly an internal experience. Um, I, Zach the dm, have never been a female ostrich laying an egg. [01:03:15] Speaker D: You haven't? [01:03:17] Speaker A: All right, Jackie, that was good. But, Oz, what you experience, it can be best compared to a real intense bowel movement. But. But also not that, though. And so you have this intense experience somewhere between peeing and pooping. And it's strange, and it goes weird places, and then after a great deal of pressure, suddenly you feel a difference of weight from your body. [01:03:47] Speaker F: Nice. [01:03:49] Speaker D: Nice, nice. [01:03:53] Speaker A: So, Baz, in words that I never thought I would say as your dungeon Master, words I never thought anyone would make me say, Boz, you have laid an egg. [01:04:02] Speaker F: All right, I stand up. I give a good, like, bird noise. I unwild shape, and I say, okay, guys, dinner is served. [01:04:19] Speaker A: Dinner came from me, and it's hot and ready. [01:04:23] Speaker D: I have a question. Balls. [01:04:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Someone quotes this session. [01:04:27] Speaker D: Actually, I have so many questions, But. But what if, like, we incubated that? Would it. Would it. Would it be, like, if we took care of that, would it hatch a little bolt? [01:04:44] Speaker F: I know you're an orphan, but they. [01:04:45] Speaker D: Must have talked a little bit. But it's magical what you say. [01:04:52] Speaker C: What? What'd you say? [01:04:58] Speaker A: Holy. [01:04:58] Speaker C: Only Zach heard that, and now I want to know. [01:05:01] Speaker D: I know I don't know what he said. [01:05:03] Speaker A: Oh, pause. Said, I know you're an orphan, but you had to learn this somewhere. [01:05:09] Speaker D: Jeez. [01:05:11] Speaker A: And as Ro is taught the birds and the bees, she comprehends that that is an unfertilized egg. [01:05:17] Speaker D: But I thought because it's a magical egg. [01:05:23] Speaker A: For so many reasons, not the least of which logical. I'm going to say that it is an unfertilized leg egg that cannot turn into. [01:05:31] Speaker D: It'd be cool if it was a little pause. [01:05:36] Speaker A: Really disturbing. You don't want that Story. I don't want that experience. It's a Rick and Morty episode. You don't want to go there. Yeah. [01:05:46] Speaker F: Oh, I gotta. I gotta step away for a second, Jack. Yeah, I'll be right. [01:05:49] Speaker A: I don't know, Boz. You laid an egg. There's a little bit to go around for everybody here, but anyway, you're. [01:05:56] Speaker D: You'd rather us eat the egg that you just laid instead of it hatched into egg? [01:06:04] Speaker A: Eggs all the time don't come from friends. But anywho, back to my friends with. [01:06:13] Speaker F: The birds that lay my eggs. [01:06:15] Speaker D: What are you doing? [01:06:16] Speaker F: Not weird at all. [01:06:17] Speaker A: This is encountered. [01:06:20] Speaker F: I literally talk with that lay my eggs. They have favorite foods. They have, you know, I guess, seasons that they like. [01:06:32] Speaker D: I don't want to eat your egg balls. [01:06:35] Speaker C: No, thank you. [01:06:36] Speaker F: That's fine. I won't go then. [01:06:39] Speaker A: Or find other rations, boss. [01:06:42] Speaker E: Why not goodberry this time? [01:06:44] Speaker F: Because I can't cast spells. [01:06:47] Speaker D: The question. He walks, though. [01:06:54] Speaker A: I will not eat your egg. We have been through a lot together. [01:06:58] Speaker B: I will eat the egg with you. [01:07:00] Speaker F: No, thank you. [01:07:01] Speaker C: Don't eat the egg. [01:07:02] Speaker B: No, no, Craig, I have to do this. [01:07:07] Speaker C: I think to stop Tello from eating the egg, he's gonna try and get Teller to look at him. [01:07:13] Speaker A: Okay, and what does that consist of, Micah? [01:07:16] Speaker F: Anti egg or do you think eggs? [01:07:22] Speaker A: It's that we have the issue with. But Craig, what. What. What do you do? [01:07:28] Speaker C: Say that like Craig gets right up to Tello. [01:07:32] Speaker B: Oh, hey, Craig. This is weird. [01:07:36] Speaker C: Oh, so he's gonna, like, try and get eye to. [01:07:42] Speaker A: Craig. You look up at Tello because he's much taller than you. [01:07:46] Speaker E: Craig is glowing. [01:07:48] Speaker A: No, it wore off. [01:07:51] Speaker C: You feel it? [01:07:52] Speaker A: We've been. [01:07:54] Speaker D: We've been waiting on this egg. [01:07:56] Speaker A: Want to keep being blinded? You can, but I think the bit's going to wear off at some point. Some of the things on this table. [01:08:03] Speaker D: Are for fun spell casting. [01:08:05] Speaker C: Okay. [01:08:06] Speaker A: That is why it is not a spell. Okay, so, Craig, you look up a tone. [01:08:12] Speaker F: All right, Jackie, well, enjoy your egg. [01:08:17] Speaker C: Just know that it's really weird that you're doing this right now. [01:08:22] Speaker A: And then the group makes camp and some of them eat rabbits. The others eat the rest of the rations and a long rest is passed. No dramatic descriptions of the night sky. Oh, yep. What's up, bro? [01:08:39] Speaker D: I was gonna say, are any of the little mushroom guys near us while we're setting up camp? No, they're not. Oh, okay. Okay then. Nevermind. I wasn't gonna eat one, if that's what you were thinking. So what do you mean looking? [01:08:58] Speaker A: Didn't think you were going to kill Anita person. I didn't think that's where you were going. [01:09:08] Speaker D: Okay, good. The way you looked at me, I was worried that's what you thought. [01:09:14] Speaker A: This is definitely episode 120, Blue and Farty. Okay, now the party goes to sleep and it is a night's rest. Do you all do watches or. Nah. [01:09:31] Speaker D: Yes. [01:09:32] Speaker F: I don't. [01:09:33] Speaker A: I go to sleep. Okay. [01:09:36] Speaker F: However, as much does anyone, I try to find something that will eat it, like an animal or something so it. [01:09:42] Speaker A: Doesn'T go to waste. I mean, an ostrich egg is huge, but the two of. I mean, this is. This is an athletic lifestyle you lead. Yeah, it probably tastes amazing, actually. [01:09:53] Speaker F: I would have scrambled that thing. Try to find some way to make a rudimentary fire from the land. [01:09:58] Speaker A: No, no. Excuse me, Druid at the first flame. Heck no. You would so be able to make a fire. So be able to cook it. And given your druid craft, probably be able to season it well. So you're like, amazing be casting. [01:10:09] Speaker F: I wouldn't cast anything. I would find herbs or whatever things I could find from around. I would start off. [01:10:14] Speaker A: Okay, I can start. [01:10:15] Speaker F: I can start a fire. [01:10:16] Speaker A: Just Boz, because you can't force to do this for no reason. Why don't you give me a survival check? [01:10:21] Speaker F: I would love to, actually. [01:10:25] Speaker A: I'll make him do a check. [01:10:27] Speaker F: 17. [01:10:28] Speaker D: Sorry. If I can't press the digitate. [01:10:34] Speaker A: I'll never forgive you. [01:10:36] Speaker D: We can't start a fire. [01:10:38] Speaker A: If I suffer, you suffer magically. [01:10:42] Speaker E: If I suffer, I suffer more. No fun. [01:10:45] Speaker D: Because I can start a fire with prestidigitation and druid craft, but I can't pause. [01:10:51] Speaker A: You find the things you're looking for and you're fine. Professional. Professional traveler and camper. [01:10:57] Speaker F: This is what does when he like goes camping. He packs very light. He just wild shape into something. [01:11:04] Speaker A: This is what boss did for like 40 years. [01:11:06] Speaker F: Yeah. And then he would just cook it, season it from the land and then go to sleep. That's what he did. [01:11:11] Speaker D: Ro can't even make her bed. She doesn't carry a bed roll because she ma. This is. This is proving a lot about Ro that she relies heavily on magic. [01:11:22] Speaker A: Lo the dark mirror into which you gaze. So Boz goes to sleep after his hearty meal. Tello is quietly very ashamed of how much he enjoys the the bag. But thank you, Hoffa. I appreciate the care. As you guys have your watches. Does anyone do anything in particular? [01:11:59] Speaker E: Greta like pouts a little Bit because she can't, like, draw or take notes or do the normal things that she would do. So we've canonically, you know, proclaimed all the things that she does. She's, like, really itching from not having been able to use her sketchbook for the past, like, week that we've been here. So she maybe. Is Tello still awake? [01:12:28] Speaker B: Yes, Tello is awake. [01:12:30] Speaker A: You guys are reclining against a rock face, surrounded by those willowy weeping trees on the opposite side of the mountain to which you were before. Reclining night sky. [01:12:40] Speaker E: Playing a card game or something, if that's okay with Mr. Tellem. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys are just both awake. [01:12:46] Speaker B: There. [01:12:48] Speaker A: While everyone else sleeps. [01:12:49] Speaker B: Tello says, do you think. What do you think? Do you think Ro's dad is out there? [01:13:01] Speaker E: She, like, puts down her cards and, like, looks up at the guy for a little bit and she goes, I really hope so. I mean, I. I want Ro to meet her dad. I would like to meet him. I think. Yeah, I hope so. So what do you think? Do you have a hypothesis which is a word that she taught Tello? [01:13:24] Speaker A: Yes. He wouldn't have known it before, he says. [01:13:29] Speaker B: I mean, that would make him really old, Right? [01:13:34] Speaker E: Except the dragons. [01:13:35] Speaker A: Yeah, they don't. [01:13:36] Speaker B: They don't age fast. [01:13:38] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. I think he also. Ro's not that old. I think he'd be a normal normally. My dad, on the other hand, really old. Also not a half dryad or not a dryad, so. But, yeah, no, I. I think he's. I don't know how Dryad's age Thaz is really. Seems pretty useful. [01:14:00] Speaker B: What do you. [01:14:04] Speaker A: He kind of looks at where Rose sleeping. He lent Ro. Ro. He gave you his bedroll since you couldn't make yours. And he went. [01:14:14] Speaker B: What do we do if he's not here? [01:14:18] Speaker E: And I think we try and be good friends to Ro. [01:14:21] Speaker B: I mean, kind of specifically there. I mean, you know, that could be tough. [01:14:28] Speaker E: It could be. My instinct is, you know, to say, like, oh, well, we're your family now. You know, we're here for you. And we. But I think it might be good to just let her be sad about it, you know? I don't know what your first instinct is, but my first instinct is, like, make it better. Or at least try to. But I think that actually sometimes makes it worse. I think we just. Listen. [01:14:59] Speaker B: Lose a thing you never had. [01:15:02] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. [01:15:04] Speaker B: I hope he's here. [01:15:06] Speaker E: I do, too. Yeah. [01:15:09] Speaker B: This is. [01:15:10] Speaker A: How can. [01:15:12] Speaker B: It's weird how many things we've done together now. Like, sometimes we're fighting a monster. Sometimes we're meeting somebody's family. Yeah, I like Baz's family. [01:15:25] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. Very nice. [01:15:27] Speaker B: They were nice. [01:15:29] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah, it really is. It's nice to share something with people again, you know, I know what Greg. [01:15:40] Speaker B: Thinks, and I know what Baz thinks, and I know what Ro thinks. Do you think we're gonna make it through all these? [01:15:49] Speaker E: She's quiet for a little bit, you know, I don't know. I hope to, but I don't know. I've been doing this. Not this, but I've been doing the thing, you know. Life. [01:16:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:16] Speaker E: For a while. And I feel like I'm nearing the end of, you know, or at least I can. Starting to be able to see the end of my journey. But I don't know if that's the end of this journey. The end of my journey. You know what I mean? [01:16:45] Speaker A: Tell gives you a somber but accepting. [01:16:47] Speaker B: Face, and he just nods slowly. [01:16:49] Speaker A: And from here he begins speaking only Inian to you. [01:16:53] Speaker B: And he says, yes, I. I think I do understand. It's weird because this group's become my whole life, but I also can't imagine what my life would be like now without this group. Yeah, I've really. Like the thing I'm about to say, like, in a way, if this group doesn't persist, there's this little part of me inside that also kind of doesn't want to persist and not like, in the way it was before, you know, when things are bad, I just mean, like, what do I. I don't want to go back to my old life. [01:17:39] Speaker E: Yeah, that's what I. I know what you mean, and I feel the same way, but I. I always think of it. I don't know, I mean, I. I always think of the little house parsonage. And I've never. I've had a home with people so many times, you know, I've. I've really. The feeling of home is very familiar. But the only place I've called home was with the Hags. That was the only time I stayed in one place. And I don't know, I feel the same. I feel. You know, I really. I can't tell if I'm. If I'm feeling the end of my own journey and my own life coming or if I'm feeling the end of the fun guy's story, or maybe that's both, you know, that's the same thing. But I don't know. I hope at some time before the whole story's over to. I think I Want to end my story in one place and not on the road, you know? So I guess I hope. I don't know if I like, know that we're gonna make it out, but I hope that we make it out, you know? [01:19:10] Speaker A: Tello doesn't say anything that he just. [01:19:13] Speaker B: Nods and then puts his hand in. [01:19:15] Speaker A: Your hair and just kind of like scratches your head a little bit. And he just looks really pensive, and he looks out at the trees for a little bit. And as he sort of soaks in the very gentle quiet of the landscape around you as he can, as you camp, he says after a pause. [01:19:47] Speaker B: Still on CN I love you very much, Greta. [01:19:54] Speaker A: It's. [01:19:54] Speaker B: It's really. I didn't used to be able to say things like that, but obviously you guys have just changed everything about my life. You kind of are half my life now, in a way. It's kind of hard to imagine my life without you. But in a weird way, in the last few months is the first time I can. In a good way, you know? [01:20:29] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:20:31] Speaker A: Decided. [01:20:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Don't tell anyone else this, but I've decided that if we survive all this, and I think we won't, I don't think I will, but if we do, I'm struck by the fact that in a weird way, on this side of it all, I think my relationship with my dad is kind of the only thing that kept me alive. Because at first it was the guilt that drove me away from him, but it was the sense of obligation to not die some meaningless death that kind of drove me to this point. It was the desire to save him that kind of made me betray you all. But then it was being cared about by you all that made me go back and fight for him. And there's a part of me that still struggles to even understand what it would be like to repair that relationship. But I want to be a dad. And in some weird way, I feel like. I feel like it's kind of the only way that I could repay him. This is a love of the plan place. But if you live in Parage and you live in our house, which I kind of feel like should be your house. Well, I mean, think about it. Craig has his family, and if all goes right, he'll go back there. I don't think anything could die. Boss down. [01:22:11] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:22:12] Speaker B: I don't know what Ro will do, but I imagine she won't stop. Maybe a family here. Maybe Boss does have his family here. But if I want to make a family, can they come visit Grandma Greta. [01:22:29] Speaker E: Only If they call me Grandma Greta, you. I don't know. [01:22:32] Speaker A: I mean, they could call you Starry like that. [01:22:38] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:22:41] Speaker A: Sorry. [01:22:43] Speaker B: They should call you Abuelita. [01:22:44] Speaker A: That's true. [01:22:45] Speaker B: That's a word in Uncinian. [01:22:46] Speaker E: Ah, I see. I see. [01:22:50] Speaker B: It means many pocketed one. [01:22:53] Speaker E: She, like, pokes them. The house would be empty with just me. I don't know. I always thought that in my head. I always think I saw it as, like, you know, kind of like what you thought. Like, we're not sure where everyone will go, and more people are likely to go than, you know, but you guys are welcome to. I don't want the house. Just if you want to bring your family to the house and live there and I could, like, stay in the basement. [01:23:28] Speaker B: In a weird way, I think at this point in your life, you couldn't stay alone in the house long. You know what I mean? Like, if you were there, I feel like people. No, I feel like it wouldn't stay empty. [01:23:39] Speaker E: I hope not. [01:23:40] Speaker B: People would be attracted to it. I think if you lived there, people of parsage would always be in your home. [01:23:46] Speaker E: I would hope so. I would want to be a house that. I don't know. I mean, I'm a cleric, you know, clerics are known for people and being helpful, so. And I think that's something. I think I've done a lot. I think I've done a lot of harm in my life. And, you know, I know it's not like a. Like a. Like a transaction or like a. Like a scale or whatever, but I think after some time, like, it starts to do bad things, even if it's in the name of good things, you know, like, we've killed a lot of people as the fun guys. I'd like to do anything other than. [01:24:36] Speaker B: I think, with a seven on a constitution, sewing throw. [01:24:40] Speaker A: Greta, as you contemplate, you just heard nearby, just goes. [01:24:54] Speaker B: I think she can keep my bedroom. [01:24:58] Speaker E: I think. I think. I mean, with a high. Being a high enough cleric, I can just hate that. [01:25:02] Speaker C: Right? [01:25:03] Speaker A: You probably could eat something. [01:25:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:25:09] Speaker A: And at some point, Greta and Tello also go to sleep. [01:25:16] Speaker D: Do they wake someone up? [01:25:17] Speaker A: Ro, you are woken up. [01:25:20] Speaker D: I. [01:25:22] Speaker A: Okay. Greta, as you startle rowing. She. And. But she's up. [01:25:28] Speaker D: I offered. I offered Tello his bed roll back. [01:25:34] Speaker B: No, no, no. [01:25:34] Speaker A: I. I feel like you should have. [01:25:36] Speaker B: It since you can't have your. Your flower bed out here. You want to be well rested to meet your dad, you know? [01:25:44] Speaker D: Yeah, but if I'm gonna sit up. [01:25:45] Speaker A: No, no. [01:25:46] Speaker D: I feel like it's really important to you. [01:25:48] Speaker A: I feel like you really need that. And then he gets up and walks a little bit away and starts arranging some leashes. He just. He just like sits down. He like lays down on the edge of Boz's bedroll and he's just like. [01:26:02] Speaker B: I'm going to sleep here. [01:26:04] Speaker D: I hate that. [01:26:07] Speaker E: His feign death. So he doesn't notice the boss is just in a. [01:26:10] Speaker A: In a limb pile nearby. [01:26:13] Speaker E: Hello. [01:26:13] Speaker D: Just pushes him out. He doesn't wake up. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Ro, it's your watch. [01:26:19] Speaker D: Okay. I don't cast anything. Wait. Oh, oh, oh. [01:26:27] Speaker E: I do cast. [01:26:28] Speaker D: I do cast. No, I'm just kidding. If I get out favor, does that count as casting? [01:26:36] Speaker A: You could certainly try. [01:26:38] Speaker D: Would I? Can I arcana check to know. I'm gonna do an arcana check to know if getting out favor is. You could certainly as a 19 arcana check. [01:26:58] Speaker A: Well, you put together from your experience. [01:26:59] Speaker B: With the wild magic thus far in. [01:27:01] Speaker A: Your implementation of magic items that your magic item does implement a spell. But you haven't seen magic items utilizing spell affected so far. Now that doesn't mean they couldn't be. Maybe it depends on the size of the spell. Maybe it depends on how it affects an environment. It might be a gamble. Evidence leaning both ways. [01:27:19] Speaker D: I'm gonna gamble. I'm gonna get out. I'm gonna get off favor. [01:27:25] Speaker B: Okay, slow. You cautiously twist the ring. [01:27:29] Speaker A: The Gemma lights. Could you give me an odds or evens? [01:27:32] Speaker D: Odds. [01:27:35] Speaker A: It's a seven. There's just like a little of smoke. And your favor is sitting there in front of you. Just. [01:27:44] Speaker D: I just. I just sit there and I just. I kind of pat my leg. Like, come here, you know? [01:27:51] Speaker A: Faber hops up, the little black tail lifts straight up in the air and walks towards you and just curls up in your lap, lays down, puts his head on your knee. [01:28:01] Speaker D: I just sit there and pet him while I have my watch and just kind of hum softly to myself. I don't even use the loot. I'm just kind of watching and just thinking about the possibility that I may be meeting my dad soon and just kind of thinking about it a lot, but also trying not to think about it a lot and just kind of trying to just breathe deep and be there in the moment and look out over the beauty on this mountaintop. [01:28:39] Speaker A: Well, Ro, as you look down the mountainside with the trees all around you, you take a breath in. A breath in. And you do it so many times that it's kind of bound to match at some point. But during one of the breaths. The wind also. And as all the willow branches sway with you, as you breathe out. [01:28:58] Speaker B: They breathe with you. [01:29:00] Speaker A: This place. You can feel the deep magic in the air. The way that that constant mist over the isle is just that aerosolized, evaporated, just very partially condensated. Deep magic cycling through the island's ecosystem forever. And the thought passes through your mind just what might have drawn your mother here, what it must have been like for her to pass through this place, what she might have thought of it. [01:29:36] Speaker B: It's just a calm moment, Craig. [01:29:37] Speaker G: Go Joiner. [01:29:41] Speaker A: Give me on odds or evens on waking up right now. Actually, you know what? Let's do it this way, Rose. Let's start with the constitution saving throw. [01:29:48] Speaker D: Oh. [01:29:51] Speaker A: We'Ll just say Ron. [01:29:54] Speaker D: Six. [01:29:55] Speaker B: Okay. [01:29:56] Speaker D: The dice are really wanting this. [01:29:58] Speaker A: They're sleeping soundly and you a sound sleeper. But as Ro is looking out over. [01:30:04] Speaker B: The mountainside, thinking about so much for. [01:30:06] Speaker A: Life and legacies before she strokes favor and favor. [01:30:13] Speaker D: Your own cat. [01:30:17] Speaker A: I was going to describe you startling favor with a Maya who's laying down next to me as she joins jerked so hard in the chair, she tilted the whole chair over. You lived that dnd moment, Zach. [01:30:33] Speaker G: You just lived that moment. [01:30:34] Speaker A: She. But I just lived. Oh, my goodness. I am the dm. But bro, as you scare startle Fart, Favor lifts up and puts his head back down. Craig, you are also woken up to a familiar sound and smell. Now, you are not wearing any of your armor right now. It is doffed. So it's all like in an organized pile next to you and you're just in like clean robes laying in your bedroll. You wake up Craig. [01:31:06] Speaker G: I'm gonna like, kind of do some of my stretching. [01:31:10] Speaker A: Sorry. Please continue. [01:31:11] Speaker G: Just some short stretches as I kind of like walk over to where Ro is. Can I roll on vibe check? No, I'm just kidding. [01:31:22] Speaker B: That's weird. [01:31:24] Speaker G: Well, I just want to know like, is this a time where she wants to reflect by herself? [01:31:28] Speaker A: Craig, give me an insight check. Give me an insight check. Yeah, I'd say you could make that. You know this person very well. [01:31:41] Speaker B: Micah. [01:31:42] Speaker A: Smiling. Not a lot. No, it's not a good smile. Got a four, Craig. Of many things, but you know yourself a fart. And that fart smelled like an invitation. [01:32:05] Speaker C: I'm so sorry. I tried jackets. [01:32:08] Speaker A: God. [01:32:09] Speaker D: Fart smelled like an invitation. [01:32:13] Speaker G: I'm going to say that like, he goes and just quietly, like sits down the side row and at first he doesn't say much, just kind of exists as he's noticing, like, the beautiful landscape. But then I think he's going to say, like, and then you've got some big things coming ahead of you. Meeting, family, possibilities. I just want you to know, like, you're an amazing person. You are incredible. And if you meet this man who is your father, I just want you to know that no matter what happens, just know that we love you so much and you are deeply family with us. And I hope that this brings closure for you. In some ways, I hope that this brings peace to you. But if it doesn't, if it stirs something in you, I want you to know that we are all here for those hard times. We're here for it all. Whether this is good, whether this is rough. We love you. [01:33:49] Speaker D: I want to say Ro is quiet for. For a little bit. And she's just sitting there. She really hasn't even looked over at Craig while he's talked. And she's just still kind of petting Faber. And she finally just. She puts her hand on Craig's shoulder and just kind of grips it and says, thank. Thank you, Craig. I. I don't know what. I don't know what this encounter will bring. We may not even encounter him. He may not even be here. It may not be him. I don't really know. But I do know that I. No matter what, I do have a family, which is. Which is you all. So thank you. [01:35:17] Speaker B: Sleep. [01:35:20] Speaker G: So many bodily sounds. Oh, my gosh. What is up with this group? [01:35:25] Speaker D: Well, it's not my fault. Remember that. [01:35:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:35:29] Speaker G: And I. I'm one to talk. I'm the main sounder. [01:35:34] Speaker D: H. Very true. [01:35:38] Speaker G: Zach's laugh that's funny. [01:35:40] Speaker D: Craig, you're. You're the only one here that is. Is a dad that I. That I know of. I mean, we. We just found out that boss was married, so I don't really know. That's true. That could have been a kid. He's a mom, you know, like, um. But if. If. If Eren hadn't grown up with you, like, if you didn't. If you didn't know Eren, let's say, and he just came to you out of the blue one day and said he was yours, how would you feel? [01:36:28] Speaker G: Honestly? I think the feelings of the person is a reflection of their character rather than a reflection of that per, like Aaron's value. So, yeah, right now, in this state, open arms. [01:36:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:36:47] Speaker G: It would be a miracle. It would be blessing. I would embrace him and I would never let him go. I would never let him go. If you had asked me that several years ago, I would have sat down with him. I would have caught up, but probably would have, you know, continue to connect. But I didn't have the capacity to invest emotionally in someone because I didn't have the capacity to invest emotionally in myself. So if there's any disconnect, it is going to be on his half and that shows that his character is not fully formed. He might be. Been wondering where you are. He might not have known. There's no telling what the story is. But I am so excited that we get to be here with you through it. [01:37:55] Speaker D: I'm. I'm glad. I don't know if I could do it on my own. [01:38:05] Speaker G: We. I. I feel a little protective of you, to be honest, because I know that you haven't had. I'm sorry. Someone's coming upstairs. [01:38:23] Speaker C: Hold on. [01:38:27] Speaker D: You're creeping. [01:38:32] Speaker C: I got popcorn. Sorry, you guys. Sorry. [01:38:35] Speaker D: She's got popcorn, you guys. I got popcorn. I want Popcor porn. [01:38:41] Speaker C: Anyways. Sorry. Popcorn. [01:38:44] Speaker D: You're good. You're good. [01:38:47] Speaker C: So basically, what was I even saying? [01:38:51] Speaker G: I was so thrown off by popcorn. I felt protective of you. [01:38:57] Speaker C: And cuz I know that like, honestly, I think that we both come from places of families that are not divided and broken. [01:39:07] Speaker G: There's not connection, there's. There's division, there's. [01:39:11] Speaker C: I mean, in different ways, but still a lack of a family unit. I think in some ways. [01:39:19] Speaker G: I feel that need to protect you, be present with you. So I appreciate it. [01:39:29] Speaker D: Craig. I love you guys. [01:39:35] Speaker G: We love you so much. [01:39:42] Speaker E: I see. [01:39:44] Speaker D: And she just. She just kind of pats his shoulder again and just looks out into the. Into the night sky and just kind of takes some more deep breaths. And she probably just kind of sits in silence the rest of their watch, just kind of thinking about what Craig said and just kind of, kind of being there. [01:40:16] Speaker C: Yeah, Craig's going to get up and. [01:40:18] Speaker G: Give her some space, let her think and process. [01:40:21] Speaker C: Going to go back to sleep. [01:40:27] Speaker B: And Craig, as you fall back asleep. [01:40:32] Speaker A: Also Micah, take inspiration for that roleplay. [01:40:34] Speaker B: But as you fall back asleep. [01:40:43] Speaker A: Pondering that your own fatherhood was referenced. [01:40:47] Speaker B: And. [01:40:48] Speaker A: Considering all the things that you said, sometimes when revealing truths to another, hearing it more profoundly yourself. [01:40:58] Speaker B: Ro, you're left alone until the sky starts to warm up and light starts to come and the new day greets you. [01:41:10] Speaker A: And as the new day greets you, each of the party members is free to slowly rise to some breakfast that. [01:41:17] Speaker B: I won't make you find. [01:41:19] Speaker A: I'm going to pick a different song. You're 11th level adventurers, you're going to find breakfast. But as each of you all wake. [01:41:25] Speaker F: Up, see, this is what everybody looks for for breakfast. [01:41:28] Speaker A: Never mind. What do you guys do for breakfast? [01:41:32] Speaker D: Are there any more of the little mushroom guys? I. I do an investigation. Check for a little mushroom guy. [01:41:39] Speaker A: Why Ro give me an investigation. [01:41:41] Speaker D: I'll tell you why when I do the investigation. If I find him, I'll tell you. [01:41:51] Speaker A: I'm DMing with 20 best buds in the world with cats all around me. And I'm just a happy camper. 24. Man, I love DND. And man, I love y'all also. The whole time you guys were role playing, I was struggling not to laugh. It was an incredible scene full of emotion, power. But I just kept thinking about how much more profoundly the episode really should be titled Blue and Farty. Because it's not just that rose blue and farty. Like, the tone is blue and farty. And that's incredible. We pulled a Miles Davis. But anyway, so with a 24 row, you look around, and maybe 100ft north of camp, one of the little myconoid dudes is just sort of like schlorping up the side of a tree. [01:42:38] Speaker D: He's schlorping. [01:42:40] Speaker A: It's a little. It's a little like this one is dark black with a gildiridge surface all over. And the head is very. It's like that moral fungus, that sponge. And you can't even really tell where the eyes are in this one. And this one kind of has like three. Three arms and five legs. [01:43:00] Speaker B: And it's. [01:43:01] Speaker A: It's weird. It's more like alien spacey looking. It's just climbing up the side of a tree. [01:43:06] Speaker D: I go up to like, I, you know, run up. So it's not like too far up, is it, like. [01:43:12] Speaker A: No, it's maybe three feet up the tree. Takes a long time for it to okay to come back. [01:43:18] Speaker D: So it's like about eye level with R.A. yes, yes. [01:43:23] Speaker A: Convenient. [01:43:23] Speaker D: Honestly, Rogue goes up to it and she's like. It's like, she's not trying. She's not gonna cast anything to talk to it because she knows she can't cast, speak with, you know, anything or do any of that right now. So she's just like, hi, hi. [01:43:38] Speaker G: Hi there. [01:43:39] Speaker D: Hello, little guy. [01:43:40] Speaker C: Hello. [01:43:40] Speaker D: She's trying to get its attention. [01:43:42] Speaker A: Like waving turns to you. And when you listen for that, this one goes. [01:43:49] Speaker D: Oh, hi. You probably can't understand me, but Perry the Micanoid, I. I like start like, kind of like playing charades almost. I'm like, do you know food? Ah, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. [01:44:10] Speaker A: The fungus turns and looks at you, and two of the little, like. Like, spongy slits just open up, and out come about six eyes on each side. Actually, it's seven over here and five over here. Little black and baby. And then this little mouth opens up beneath the sort of fungal head, and then another one, and you just hear. [01:44:33] Speaker D: I love this little guy. I see. I see food. Ah, ah, ah. Where can you point me? Up there. Tree plants. Ah, yum, nom, nom, nom. [01:44:51] Speaker A: Okay, and then it starts back up. [01:44:55] Speaker D: Going up. [01:44:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:44:56] Speaker D: Can I. Can I look in the tree and do an investigation check for food, like berries or. Or a fruit on the tree? [01:45:05] Speaker A: Give me a perception check. [01:45:10] Speaker D: That would be 22. Sorry, Landon. 22. [01:45:18] Speaker A: Landon, you've been very patient this session, and I appreciate it. What's up, Abby? [01:45:22] Speaker E: I want to look and see if I recognize any plants or if I've heard about any plants here that are edible. Like, I want. Like a salad. [01:45:29] Speaker A: There is just absolutely no chance you've heard about plants on this island, but you can't give me an investigation check? As an incredibly seasoned tour RO with a 22 investigation check, you realize that this myconoid is leading you toward food. There is a decaying section of the branch, and as it gets close to it, it just starts growing into the branch and slowly dissolving fibers. And you're like, ah, yes. Different definitions of food. [01:45:56] Speaker D: That's right. That's funny. [01:45:59] Speaker A: You also put together that maybe it had no idea what you said and it was just on its way to eat. [01:46:04] Speaker E: So I got a 19. [01:46:07] Speaker A: Greta, with a 19, you begin foraging. You do not find an edible leafy green nearby, but you do find more of those whirling bushes. They're less common on the mountain face than they were in the open fields, but you remember that they're covered in those multicolored berries, and you are not certain the effects they may have, whether or not they're edible. But you do find the berries, they come in, like, four different shades of green, as well as three different shades of a light orange. And it looks like as they ripen, they go from orange to green, then weirdly to blue. There are many different shades along the way. [01:46:48] Speaker E: I pick a whole array of the colors. [01:46:51] Speaker A: Roll D100 for me. Not. Not the magic table. D100. A much more tame D123. Okay, roll it again. [01:47:14] Speaker E: 18. [01:47:15] Speaker A: Okay, you get 41. You get 41. Multicolored whorl berries. [01:47:24] Speaker E: Okay. I take them over to Boz, and I'm like, hey, Boz, can I eat these? [01:47:31] Speaker F: Yeah, technically, you can eat anything. [01:47:36] Speaker E: Okay. What will happen if I eat these. [01:47:38] Speaker F: Boss Zach, do I know these leaves? [01:47:42] Speaker A: Boz, give me a survival check. [01:47:46] Speaker F: That is 21. [01:47:48] Speaker A: 21. Boz, you do remember that these, like so many things in foofumph, are not only harmless, but salubrious. And these salubrious. These berries are a sort of relative of the good berry. Baz, you know that this in sylvan is called a well berry. And there's a bit of double entendre there. Heck, yeah. [01:48:17] Speaker F: Yeah, you can eat this. It's like, I always wonder why they call these well berries, but now it makes sense because of the deep well that used to be here, probably. [01:48:26] Speaker A: So that kind of fills a little. [01:48:28] Speaker F: Box in my head that was always missing. [01:48:34] Speaker E: I eat one of them just. Just to see what it does. [01:48:37] Speaker A: Okay. [01:48:37] Speaker E: Or, like, how it. I'm still cautious, you know? [01:48:41] Speaker A: Yes. You tell me how cautious you are as you pop one immediately in your mouth. [01:48:47] Speaker E: Well, I did pop five in my mouth. [01:48:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:48:51] Speaker A: Different definitions of caution. So, Greta, as you pop one in your mouth, have you. This is the most specific question I will have probably ever asked you, and I assume the answer is no. Have you ever had cat claw? Cat claw? Acacia leaves? [01:49:09] Speaker E: No. [01:49:10] Speaker A: Okay, well, there is a plant in Texas, a native plant, Cat claw acacia. I believe it's catclaw acacia. It's from the same family. I believe it is. And the leaves taste kind of minty, but when you eat them again, verify that before you go eating cat cl. Acacia leaves. But I believe that's correct. When you eat them, it's at first, like, kind of minty, but then it winds up like. Kind of like feeling a little bit like electricity on your tongue, and it, like, begins to numb it. And that is very much so. The berries taste sweet, but then after, there's. It's kind of the sensation of putting your tongue on a battery, which we've all definitely never done. And listeners don't do that. Seriously. But it's, like, sweet. And then it, like, buzzes on your tongue a little bit without sound, just by sensation, and then your tongue goes a little numb. And after eating a Wellberry. [01:50:08] Speaker D: Roll. [01:50:10] Speaker A: D6 for me. [01:50:12] Speaker E: D6. [01:50:13] Speaker A: D6. [01:50:15] Speaker E: That reminds me, there's a plant that grows in, like, Washington state. I got a four, and they call it Yerba Buena. And it's, like, minty, but it's, like, cute, like that reminds me of that. I got a spore. [01:50:34] Speaker A: Yes. Let me write something down really quick. But that was a cool fact. I sound unimpressed, but I'm just writing down details. Micah, you're just doing the love. You sign. [01:50:46] Speaker E: She has an idea. [01:50:47] Speaker B: Okay. [01:50:49] Speaker E: She might have been. I don't know. I wasn't watching. [01:50:51] Speaker D: I call. [01:50:52] Speaker C: Can I call next in line? [01:50:53] Speaker A: Yes, you can, dog. [01:50:55] Speaker C: I call a shotgun. [01:50:57] Speaker A: Also, Micah, this is another here. But thank you for coming in so hard on the session. I appreciate it. Greta, you got a four. [01:51:07] Speaker E: Yes. [01:51:08] Speaker A: Strength. Dexcon intelligence. For the next hour, you have a plus one to intelligence checks. Cool. Craig, what up? What up, bro nugget? [01:51:28] Speaker C: I'm going to everyone's like to ground onions so that my breath can just smell really bad and, like, horrible. [01:51:40] Speaker A: Give me a survival check. This is. This is fun. Like, I didn't move for wild magic to un magic the party, but it's really fun watching you guys rely on other skills. It's cool. [01:51:55] Speaker E: Kind of nice. Yeah. [01:51:56] Speaker C: Wait, so it's survival, right? You said survival. That's a natural 20. [01:52:04] Speaker A: What's the total? [01:52:07] Speaker C: An unnatural 20. [01:52:09] Speaker A: Okay, it's 20. Excellent. [01:52:12] Speaker B: Very cool. [01:52:12] Speaker A: Craig. Craig. Holy crap. Yeah, those. [01:52:19] Speaker B: You. You. [01:52:21] Speaker A: I mean, you're. Couldn't be further in the world, but that looks like wild onions. [01:52:26] Speaker C: I look like an onion. [01:52:28] Speaker B: Aha. [01:52:29] Speaker A: Okay, so, Craig, as you pick up a foreign plant from the ground and just stick it in the old mouth and start chewing. Oh, that's not an onion. It is another tuber relative, but it tastes kind of like bitter and savory in a really good way. It tastes excellent. It's lightly bitter and very savory, which is weird from a plant, but it's what it tastes like. It's got sort of like a dark green stem that fades into a very light with a slight reddish hue. And as you crunch on it. Yeah, that tastes excellent. [01:53:10] Speaker C: No side effect? No. I'm dead. [01:53:12] Speaker A: Why don't you roll a D4 for me? Okay. A 2. And then could you roll a D6 for me? [01:53:26] Speaker C: Yes, sir. That's a 4. [01:53:31] Speaker A: Okay. And then could you give me an odds or evens? [01:53:37] Speaker C: I'm gonna choose even. [01:53:41] Speaker A: That's a 16. [01:53:42] Speaker C: Even Schmevens. [01:53:45] Speaker A: As you ingest the fortune. The fortune bulb. As you ingest a fortune bulb. And chew on it and crunch. And it tastes excellent. These sort of desultory random vegetables which can either sharpen or dull senses. They work in your favor and they sharpen your mind. And for the next hour, your intelligence has plus Two to all intelligence checks. So they can have bigger effects than the well berries, but they can go good or bad. [01:54:22] Speaker C: Does my breath smell bad? [01:54:25] Speaker A: Yes, but not like onion bad. Like. Like kind of earthy and acidic. [01:54:34] Speaker C: You said we brush our teeth and intelligence check. [01:54:37] Speaker A: Let's not open that bag. [01:54:38] Speaker D: Okay. [01:54:40] Speaker A: Yes. Plus two intelligence checks for the next hour. Hour. But if you were to take some of these with you, you could just have a permanent little boost or neg. [01:54:50] Speaker C: I grab as many as I can. [01:54:53] Speaker A: Okay. With a Nat 20. Why don't you roll two D12 for me? [01:54:57] Speaker E: Oh. [01:55:02] Speaker D: Did. Did Boz say out loud what that does? What the wellberries do? Oh, I thought. [01:55:11] Speaker A: Sorry, I thought we were talking about the fudge of bulbs. Yes. [01:55:14] Speaker C: Okay. [01:55:18] Speaker D: When I. Or go ahead. [01:55:21] Speaker E: Well, I would like offer some. I have 40 now, so I would offer one to. To roll. [01:55:28] Speaker D: Yeah, I would say it didn't. It didn't work out with the little mushroom man over there. I tried talking to him about food and I don't think he quite understood what I needed. [01:55:42] Speaker C: Sixteen of these babies. [01:55:45] Speaker A: And Craig, put. Put 16 fortune bulbs in your inventory. [01:55:50] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [01:55:52] Speaker D: They. They don't do what Beostenberries do. Right? Right, Greta? [01:55:56] Speaker E: No, no, I feel climbing right now. We'll see later. [01:55:59] Speaker A: Y'all still have the beastenberries? [01:56:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm not gonna eat those. She eats one of the well berries. [01:56:06] Speaker B: Excellent. [01:56:06] Speaker A: Roll D6. And I'll tell you what, assuming this is shared around the party, why doesn't everybody roll me a D6? Ro, for the next hour, your strength scores have a plus one. [01:56:21] Speaker E: Oh, nice. [01:56:22] Speaker A: So if you're Craig, for the next hour, your con score has a plus one. Your con about a six dm. [01:56:30] Speaker E: Is it. It's any ability check that we make in that category. [01:56:34] Speaker B: Yes. [01:56:35] Speaker A: Boz, for the next hour, your charisma checks have plus one. Yay. [01:56:40] Speaker E: That's a cool way to use the D6DM. That's like really? [01:56:43] Speaker B: Thank you. [01:56:44] Speaker A: Plaino. For the next hour, your charisma checks have a plus one. It's a very brief effect, but it's cool that. [01:56:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna do. I feel just a tiny bit stronger. [01:57:03] Speaker A: Constantly. [01:57:07] Speaker D: Ro is gonna find a rock that's usually maybe a little bit. Bit heavier and try to lift it now. [01:57:13] Speaker A: Okay. So Ro, as you find a. Well, you're three feet tall. As you find a baseball sized rock. [01:57:19] Speaker D: No, I'm. I am exactly four foot. [01:57:22] Speaker B: Okay. Excuse me. [01:57:23] Speaker A: As you find a honeydew melon sized rock and try to lift it why don't you give me an athletics check? [01:57:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:57:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:57:33] Speaker D: Wait. [01:57:34] Speaker A: And why don't you associate that with a con saving throw? [01:57:36] Speaker D: Do I just add that? Do I just add a plus one, or do I add a plus one to what I have? [01:57:42] Speaker A: Just add a plus one to the check to what you roll. [01:57:45] Speaker D: Oh, that's a 15. [01:57:47] Speaker A: Oh, okay. And then give me the cont. [01:57:51] Speaker D: Oh, that's a 17. [01:57:54] Speaker A: Okay, so, Ro. And you guys watch as Ro. It's not a big rock, but it's a big rock to her as she pulls up the big rock row. The working out has been paying off. Not only that, but heating. Heating advice from Boz from back when you were in Zed. You clench your glutes as you do it, and you kick the farts in large muscle training and sphincter muscle training. We're getting. [01:58:19] Speaker D: Guys, look, look, look, look, guys. [01:58:22] Speaker A: Tello turns and goes. [01:58:24] Speaker B: You're not even farting. [01:58:29] Speaker A: Also, as Ro picks up the rock, all of the blue bleeds out of her skin, and she turns gree again. [01:58:38] Speaker D: Okay, so I can check that off the list. [01:58:41] Speaker A: As the party enjoys their breakfast and gathers their resources and jokes around. We'll end episode 120 there. So party. You guys gain. You gave a zero point. Huh? [01:59:01] Speaker F: Laid an egg. Make sure you factor that in. [01:59:03] Speaker A: You did lay it. You know what? I was gonna say you gained 0.03 levels, including the role play. [01:59:07] Speaker B: But you know what? [01:59:07] Speaker A: It's 0.031 because you did lay an egg. [01:59:12] Speaker F: So 0.0317-93793. [01:59:16] Speaker C: So what are we at now? [01:59:18] Speaker D: Yes. [01:59:19] Speaker F: Yes. 793. [01:59:24] Speaker A: Okay, listeners, wait. That was unexpected, but I would. Of all the things, it was. It was blue and it was farty. So thank you for listening to another episode. [01:59:33] Speaker D: Oh, I just. I just wanted to. To. To. To leave our listeners with just a couple of my favorite quotes today. I will not steal without consent. I want a salad. That Bart smelled like an invitation. I try to lay an egg. [01:59:53] Speaker A: My quotes for this. This. My quotes for this session are get it all nice and smelly. DMD dime, Boston bagels. I try to lay an egg. Okay, guys, dinner is served. That fart smelled like an invitation. Those are my quotes. A little overlapped. [02:00:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:00:17] Speaker F: With that, listeners, my favorite is that far smelled like an invitation. Why is boss so cool? And. [02:00:27] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just kidding. [02:00:29] Speaker F: Somebody did. Maybe it was Tello. [02:00:32] Speaker A: All right. Zach and his glutes are always clenched. But. [02:00:39] Speaker F: Something else. [02:00:41] Speaker A: Full hearts clench. Glutes can't lose. [02:00:43] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:00:44] Speaker A: As you shouted in the zejian waist. Excellent session. Very unexpected. And next time we'll find out whether or not we find out something. So, listeners, life is an incredible adventure. You are an important part of it.

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