121. Long Lost

Episode 121 January 14, 2025 02:37:07
121. Long Lost
Barely D&D
121. Long Lost

Jan 14 2025 | 02:37:07


Show Notes

The one where the party reads books.


Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. [00:00:05] Speaker B: Welcome back to Barely D and D, our beloved Barely DND listeners. My name is Abby, and if Greta was thrust unexpectedly into a TV show. [00:00:14] Speaker A: Wait, hold on, hold on. What's. Abby. What's happening here, buddy? Sorry. She was so excited. [00:00:21] Speaker B: I just wanted to go. I really wanted to make sure that nobody else took my answer. [00:00:25] Speaker C: I didn't even hear your answer. [00:00:26] Speaker D: Wait, I didn't even hear the intro. Yeah. [00:00:33] Speaker A: So anyway. Okay, okay, all right, fair enough. We did this. [00:00:44] Speaker D: Dungeons and Dragons podcast. [00:00:47] Speaker A: Yes. We're going straight to the letter question, I guess. And the letter question shall be, if your character was in. Was awkwardly a part of a TV show, a show they would not fit in, what would it be? [00:01:07] Speaker B: I know, I know. [00:01:08] Speaker A: Yes, Abby, what's yours? [00:01:10] Speaker B: Wow, this is a hard one. But I think that Greta's would probably be Succession. [00:01:15] Speaker A: I do have to admit, that is an excellent answer. She would be really weird in succession. That'd be strange. [00:01:22] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:01:26] Speaker C: All right, I'm gonna go. [00:01:29] Speaker A: Yes, please. [00:01:30] Speaker C: I think that Craig would be in Doc Makes Duffins. [00:01:34] Speaker A: Oh, my God. That'd be weird. [00:01:39] Speaker D: Burn. [00:01:40] Speaker C: And, like, Beard and Hammer and, you know, like dramas. [00:01:46] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:01:47] Speaker A: I think this is not the question, but I think Craig would crush it in Bluey. I think he'd belong there. But that's neither here nor there. Yeah. Yeah. [00:01:56] Speaker C: Learning lessons. [00:01:58] Speaker A: What about not teaching them? Learning them. What about Boz? [00:02:02] Speaker E: Boz would be in Nirvana. The band. [00:02:04] Speaker A: The show. Okay. Is that a show? [00:02:08] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:02:08] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:02:09] Speaker E: You never heard of them before? They do the Wii U, the Wii Shop Channel song, Super Mario RPG, Sonic 3. [00:02:22] Speaker D: Not a real Thing, King's Night. [00:02:24] Speaker E: Dig Dug, Chumin Food. [00:02:30] Speaker C: And that's the sound of copyright. [00:02:33] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:02:34] Speaker D: It is a real show. [00:02:37] Speaker A: This has gotten weird. Pennsylvania. [00:02:40] Speaker E: Fatal Fury Ninja, Jajumaru Khan, Actraiser, Blazing Lasers, Bases Loaded, Mega Turacon, Cyber Nader, Rolling Thunder, Dynastic Hero, Bubble Bobble, Double Dribble, Double Dragon, F0F 0X, and Donkey Kong. [00:02:59] Speaker A: It's an important part of the Landing. [00:03:01] Speaker D: Brand. [00:03:04] Speaker A: At some point in Episode where he drops some highly esoteric knowledge and then goes, what? You guys didn't know about that? You should know about that. And just all of us being like, that can't be the case. And he's like, well, I specifically learned this to prove to you it's the case. And all of us being like, well, I can't guess that's the case. [00:03:20] Speaker C: No Brain rot. [00:03:22] Speaker E: You never heard of Nikki Nikki Nine Door? So I'll do that one next. [00:03:25] Speaker D: No. [00:03:27] Speaker A: What's your show? [00:03:29] Speaker D: I think Ro would really, really, really not fit in Game of Thrones. No, I'm just kidding. Not Game of Thrones. Would not fit in. Too many orphans. She'd feel right at home. She'd be like, oh, you're an orphan. Me too. King. King. Hello. [00:03:48] Speaker A: It's just a reality dating show for Ro. That's it. It's a different show. [00:03:54] Speaker D: No, the Office. Oh, my goodness. [00:03:57] Speaker A: Yes. [00:03:58] Speaker D: Ro walks into the Office and it's just like. No, No. I don't think she would enjoy it at all. [00:04:08] Speaker A: Dwight's the only one who thinks she's really magical. [00:04:11] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:12] Speaker A: Andy's flirting with her and she doesn't like it. [00:04:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:15] Speaker A: Kevin thinks she's pretty and follows her around. Angela hates her. [00:04:19] Speaker D: She can't do. The only one she would bond with is. Is Aaron, because they're both horizons. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Oh, no. Okay. [00:04:29] Speaker D: I was thinking personality or something, and then she would. She would just really not like the mundane ness of a 9 to 5. It would really freak her out. [00:04:41] Speaker C: I think her and Andy would fall in love. [00:04:44] Speaker D: No, no, she would not fall in love with Andy. Andy would fall in love with her, fall in love with her, and she would try to get away from him. [00:04:56] Speaker A: Okay, look, I'm just saying. Sounds a lot like a certain sirloin. I know. So who's to say it's not written in the stars? Sirloin crotch. You know, Anyhow, together. Who's the dmnpc? [00:05:10] Speaker D: Totally be a secret. Kev the DM Goober. Oh. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Yeah. I'm gonna search for goober in Game of Thrones. [00:05:25] Speaker B: Wait, okay. Okay. [00:05:27] Speaker D: Yeah. I think it'd be like. [00:05:29] Speaker B: It'd be very funny to see F Moon Kai as that guy from House. [00:05:36] Speaker D: You mean House, like house in House. Yeah. [00:05:40] Speaker B: I don't think that it's a direct comparison, but I do think that the two are like. There's kind of a. [00:05:46] Speaker A: And. But I wouldn't. I wouldn't want F Moon Kai to replace House because that wouldn't work. He'd be. It'd be the same flat delivery, but he'd be too kind. I'd love to see. Eh, munkai with House in House. That would be like. That sounds really funny because. Yeah, it would just be both of them being very flat, but, like, being much nicer but also more abrasive at the same time. I feel it. I smell you're stepping in. All right, well, without further ado. Note taking. Ne. That's Abby's surprise. Every time. It's a tradition. Note taking. Nerds. This is a level 11 adventure. The date is 3488pb. Color on 11th. The time is 7:13am Or FOOM. And the episode is adventure 100. It was a second Cody quote. Episode 121 of the accidental adventures. Long lost. [00:06:46] Speaker D: We are Din. Lost. [00:06:52] Speaker A: So. [00:06:56] Speaker D: It'S kind of like we're in lost. We flew to an island. [00:06:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:07:00] Speaker D: And kind of crash landed. [00:07:02] Speaker A: Oh, you're back. [00:07:03] Speaker D: I've been watching. [00:07:05] Speaker A: What? No. Oh, get a Micah. Even funnier because. Micah. Yes, yes. Go now, Landon, go. Do it. [00:07:17] Speaker E: Hey, Craig, before you fall asleep again. [00:07:23] Speaker A: Boss says in the morning you want your beard back. [00:07:26] Speaker C: Did you take it? [00:07:29] Speaker E: Do you want your beard back? No, like the full thing? [00:07:36] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:38] Speaker E: I hand him the ring of Regeneration. I say just wear this for a few days. It should help. [00:07:48] Speaker C: I don't understand. But boss, I trust you. [00:07:52] Speaker E: I forgot. I forgot I had this in my pocket. [00:07:54] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [00:07:55] Speaker C: Pick a finger. [00:07:59] Speaker D: Don't pull it. [00:08:02] Speaker A: I just put it on the ro Con saving throw. [00:08:08] Speaker E: That's all. Give it a few days. [00:08:12] Speaker D: Eight. [00:08:13] Speaker A: Okay. So Rogos. Don't pull it. Craig. Micah, quick check in. Lando is just totally right. If you wear this ring, it will all come back. Are you. That is obviously a positive. Craig, are you the player also okay with that visual about Craig changing about his whole beard and all his hair coming back or you like. No, I want to keep that as like. Like. Do you like that? Because that will definitely happen. I want to make sure you understand that. [00:08:44] Speaker C: Personally, as much as I love the rugged look, I do think that disconnecting for him as a dwarf. [00:08:55] Speaker E: Sure. [00:08:56] Speaker C: Having that. So. Yes. [00:09:00] Speaker A: Okay, I understand. So, Craig, you are handed the ring, the gorgeous ring. And you slip it on a finger, middle one. [00:09:07] Speaker C: And gotta be prepared. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Okay. Middle finger. All right. Gotta wear it for a few days and thanks, man. Okay, so, Craig, you have the ring on nobody. Let me forget about that. Boss. That was awesome. Lando, take inspiration. What's up, Micah? [00:09:22] Speaker E: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I have it wrong. No. [00:09:26] Speaker C: What? [00:09:27] Speaker E: After two minutes, you just get it back. [00:09:30] Speaker A: What? [00:09:31] Speaker D: Two minutes? [00:09:33] Speaker E: Yeah, that's what regenerate. Does the spell. Oh, wait, no. It's Ring of Regenerate. It's a effect. Yes, the regeneration. The regenerate spell. [00:09:42] Speaker A: As in a couple of minutes. [00:09:44] Speaker E: Different thing. [00:09:44] Speaker A: Different thing. [00:09:46] Speaker C: Two minutes. [00:09:47] Speaker D: No, hero. [00:09:48] Speaker A: Days. Days. Two days, days, days. It's okay. It's confusing. Okay, yes, but Craig, you have it on. Somebody remind me of that so that we bring that back up. But. Right. [00:10:01] Speaker E: How many days it'll take well, or. [00:10:03] Speaker A: Or we could just let it happen. But I mean, if you want to, you can. Cuz this isn't growing back two fingers or a whole arm. This is a beard. We just let it happen. But anywho, awesome, Landon, take inspiration if you've. Yeah, you lost it on your. I lay an egg. So, Craig, you're given a ring and you're like, okay, Ro. Craig, morning workout. Ro, add another day to your thing. Craig, this is like all the morning workouts, except much more percussive. Yeah, Ro has become a wind instrument throughout the entire exercise. But I like having you around for so many reasons. But if no other reason that someone else laughs at every fart joke with me. I appreciate you, Micah. I appreciate you. Never change. Stay golden, boy. What are you guys doing as you set off for the day? I mean, their breakfast is had. You guys gather implements, put on. [00:11:11] Speaker E: Aren't we chilling until Roe stops farting? [00:11:13] Speaker A: Oh, yes. I'm sorry, what are you guys doing? [00:11:17] Speaker B: I want to go explore and just like, look at the rocks. [00:11:21] Speaker A: Does the party want a second to discuss with each other before they start doing. [00:11:24] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. [00:11:26] Speaker A: No, it's okay. The party is gathered around having breakfast. [00:11:30] Speaker E: I'm just gonna hang out. [00:11:31] Speaker D: What did. You haven't been to this island, right? Or you have? [00:11:37] Speaker E: No, I have. [00:11:38] Speaker D: Yeah, you have. Is there anything else? Is there anything you know of to do on this island besides look for father figures? [00:11:48] Speaker E: Uh, dm. Boz's brain reaches deep into his recesses of his little brain creases and he goes, hmm. [00:12:03] Speaker A: Give me a rumors check, Boz, and if you're not proficient, you will be proficient for this check. [00:12:11] Speaker E: I forgot I had it written down, but I. [00:12:14] Speaker A: Let me see your charisma modifier. [00:12:17] Speaker E: Okay, proficient. [00:12:18] Speaker A: You said yes for this one. Get him, Jackie. [00:12:25] Speaker E: Well. Going to hate me for this, but it is a seven, boss. [00:12:37] Speaker A: You came here for the bees and all you really. I mean, you know that this is a peaceful land, but people come here for the shrooms. You guys haven't interacted with those a ton, so. [00:12:49] Speaker E: I mean, people come here to get high. They go. They just lay. They lay around and just take. Eat the shrooms. [00:12:59] Speaker D: They don't eat the little guys, right? No, they eat the ones that aren't little guys. [00:13:04] Speaker E: Pirate who Fell down the Mountain. [00:13:05] Speaker A: You guys comprehend the difference between the microins and the mushrooms? [00:13:09] Speaker E: You okay? [00:13:10] Speaker D: Me? No. [00:13:11] Speaker E: Did you hit your head in the mountain? [00:13:13] Speaker D: No, I didn't hit my head, but the constant flatulence that's coming out of me and me not Being able to prestidigitate it away. The smell has really gotten to me, boss. [00:13:28] Speaker E: I think you should just start prestidigitating every single one. [00:13:31] Speaker D: No, no, because then what if I add on more, more. More flatulence time and I'm just. [00:13:39] Speaker E: Listen, I'm on vacation right now. [00:13:41] Speaker D: Or just a longer vacation again. I might zap away again. [00:13:45] Speaker E: You were fine the first time. [00:13:48] Speaker D: Barely. Barely, boss. [00:13:51] Speaker E: You're still here, though. [00:13:53] Speaker D: Does boss have his bees on him right now? I can't remember. Or did you leave them with your friend? [00:14:00] Speaker A: Can you help me remember? I don't remember. Did you leave them at your parents? Or did you. [00:14:03] Speaker D: Why did I feel like you left him with your friend? I don't remember. [00:14:07] Speaker E: No, I would have taken him with me. [00:14:09] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. I don't remember, so. [00:14:12] Speaker E: Especially the ones that were at my house are no longer there. That was their hive. I'm not gonna leave them there, boss. [00:14:19] Speaker D: Oh, have you checked on, like, did they feel. Are they getting any vibes here? You know, since this was like a wellspring or whatever? [00:14:30] Speaker E: I don't know. Probably should check on him. [00:14:34] Speaker A: I just. [00:14:37] Speaker E: I don't think anything's gonna help him until we fix the root cause of everything going wrong. [00:14:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:14:46] Speaker C: Maybe reconnecting with your dad will fix everything. [00:14:50] Speaker D: Maybe. [00:14:50] Speaker C: Like, he's got information that we don't have. [00:14:54] Speaker D: True, that would be really cool. But we don't even know if he's like a good guy, a bad guy, a live guy. She kind of stares for a little bit. [00:15:10] Speaker C: Was she avoidant attachment? You know, Is she like, a few. [00:15:14] Speaker E: Novels I saw written about them in. [00:15:15] Speaker A: A couple of stories. [00:15:17] Speaker D: Well, we've met like, we met like two people that have gone on dates with her already. So. I mean, I don't. I don't really. I mean, I know as well what. [00:15:29] Speaker C: Is your type, you know, like, was. [00:15:33] Speaker D: I don't know. Craig, you know, like Rose. [00:15:36] Speaker E: Dad, it was that guy at the beach. [00:15:38] Speaker D: That was not my father. I better not be. [00:15:42] Speaker E: That was your dad, though. [00:15:43] Speaker D: I don't think we didn't look anything alike sometimes. And I'm not. I'm not half elven. [00:15:51] Speaker E: It could be. [00:15:52] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:15:54] Speaker D: I mean, that'd be the maple. [00:15:55] Speaker E: Works in mysterious ways, bro. [00:15:58] Speaker D: Yeah. But I. I do believe, you know when, like. What's that word? It's. It sounds from a distant land. I heard it's called genetics or DNA. [00:16:10] Speaker E: This is the lost land. You tried to press your farts and you got sent to the Shadow Fell. And I'm Sorry. [00:16:18] Speaker A: Tello is halfway through putting his armor on, and he goes, so, are we, like, going for your dad, or are we staying, chilling, or. What's the deal with all I, I. [00:16:26] Speaker D: I mean, would you want to go meet your dad for the first time and accidentally fart in the middle of saying hello? [00:16:33] Speaker E: No, no. We're on vacation, Tello. Pick a seat, hang out. [00:16:38] Speaker A: No, no, no. He starts taking army. Back off. Sounds good to me. And he starts just, like, stretching and lounging again. [00:16:43] Speaker D: I mean, boss, had you ever heard. No, you hadn't heard of this guy? It's just like, I don't know, Craig. You say, like, he may have information, but, I mean, he lives on an island by himself in the middle of nowhere. [00:17:00] Speaker E: What if he's on shrooms and, like, you start farting, and then he thinks maybe that's why. [00:17:05] Speaker D: Maybe that's why he moved here. I don't know. [00:17:10] Speaker E: The only reason people are here is to do drugs. I don't know what that means about your dad, but. [00:17:14] Speaker D: So my mother, really introverted, left me at a young age, and my father left to go live on an island with shrooms. [00:17:25] Speaker E: He basically did Burning man. Permanently. [00:17:30] Speaker D: Cool. [00:17:32] Speaker C: Maybe your dad's nifty. [00:17:34] Speaker D: I don't think. I mean, that would be cool, but I don't think. I don't think so we met nifty. I think he might. [00:17:46] Speaker C: I think he. [00:17:47] Speaker B: I think that I feel like I don't have. [00:17:50] Speaker D: I don't have a hankering for beans all the time, so I don't think he's my father. [00:17:56] Speaker C: Anchoring for beans, hankering for family, you know? [00:18:01] Speaker A: Tello just looks at Craig real confused, and he starts doing that thing where he's, like, trying to match his fingers up, and he's like. [00:18:10] Speaker D: Like, looking off into the distance, like, kind of laughing, but kind of like, this is horrible. [00:18:19] Speaker C: Let's zero in, you know? Let's zero in on the issue at hand. You can't stop farting, so let's. [00:18:27] Speaker A: Let's. [00:18:28] Speaker C: Have you tried, like, laying? [00:18:31] Speaker B: What's your idea, Buzz? [00:18:33] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [00:18:34] Speaker D: Wait. [00:18:34] Speaker E: Hold on for your turn. [00:18:36] Speaker D: I'm sorry. [00:18:37] Speaker E: Cut out for me, Mike. I didn't hear you. [00:18:39] Speaker C: Rocks, right? They have uses. Why. Why don't you, like, lay on your stomach and put a rock, like, underneath your stomach to try and, like, get the air to go out, you know? [00:18:53] Speaker D: Like, as much as I appreciate that, Craig, I'm getting the vibe with my little, you know, tingly sense of magic and the fancy. I think it might be. I think it might Be a little magic trick, for lack of a better word. That's happening to me right now. [00:19:13] Speaker A: The big bike. [00:19:15] Speaker D: Okay, well, that's not. I mean, I do know that all of a sudden, I just started farting a bunch after I casted a spell. Can I do an arch to see. [00:19:27] Speaker A: If it's just divination? [00:19:28] Speaker D: Magical fart. [00:19:29] Speaker A: It's just. I mean, you know it's magical, but you don't know its duration. [00:19:31] Speaker D: Okay, I just. I didn't say. I didn't say my duration. I just said I'm. I don't think that. I don't think that trying to, like, take a gas X for it. [00:19:44] Speaker A: Yes. Probably not. [00:19:45] Speaker D: Is going to get rid of this. It's going to spend a lot of. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Money on that brain. [00:19:50] Speaker E: We don't know when this is going to stop. [00:19:51] Speaker D: Same. [00:19:52] Speaker E: We have this location saved. Why don't we go to the old boss and tome for a couple of days and then just, like, come back when the farting's done? What's more embarrassing? Going to the opalescent tone with farts or staying here with farts? [00:20:08] Speaker D: I don't want to even zap in front of the opalescent home. If we. [00:20:14] Speaker E: It would be hard to sneak around Kafkins if you were farting around all of them. That is true. [00:20:18] Speaker D: Yeah. And if I. If I. If we had a. [00:20:21] Speaker A: And biscuits in the distance and he goes and, like, looks suddenly in her direction. [00:20:28] Speaker D: If we had a. If we had a teleportation circle nearby, I could get us to the opalescent tome. But unfortunately, like, I could. I could zap into the opalescent home and no one would be the wiser. [00:20:48] Speaker B: How long is it? Don't you just need a bunch of gems to make a ton. Teleportation circle Sigils. [00:20:55] Speaker E: You got to draw the sigils. [00:20:56] Speaker D: But I. We don't have those gems. I mean, I have the. I have the tr. [00:21:01] Speaker E: Why don't we try making one right here? [00:21:04] Speaker D: I don't have the gyms. [00:21:05] Speaker B: There's a bunch of gems under the ground. [00:21:08] Speaker E: Yeah, true. There is. Down there. [00:21:11] Speaker C: There's a bunch of gyms. [00:21:12] Speaker D: You guys want to make a teleportation circle on this island? [00:21:15] Speaker B: That would be so stinky. [00:21:17] Speaker C: Do you think that y'all have spells? [00:21:22] Speaker D: We can. It's just. It's just a gamble. [00:21:28] Speaker E: Yeah, it's just consequence. [00:21:29] Speaker C: I think that this would be, like, counterintuitive to the problem at hand of. Hey, you're probably. [00:21:35] Speaker E: We have, like, four days here. [00:21:39] Speaker D: Well, you don't. You don't know but like three. [00:21:41] Speaker C: I don't know that like what if. What if you turn into a shark and how can't help but make shark noises and you had to be in water water all the time. [00:21:49] Speaker D: That's true. How about we go what if we rokos. [00:21:56] Speaker A: I don't think that's right. [00:21:58] Speaker D: Isn't it right? How about we go explore a little bit and how about we sneak around and see if we can find, you know, this mystery dad's home maybe and just look and see if like, you know, there's smoke coming out of the chimney or something. [00:22:17] Speaker E: He's going to see you. [00:22:18] Speaker D: Do you think in that hole you're going to fall? [00:22:22] Speaker C: You going to smell magical Old ancient. [00:22:25] Speaker E: Druid living on the hospital. [00:22:28] Speaker B: We don't know. [00:22:29] Speaker D: We don't know he's magical. [00:22:31] Speaker B: We don't know if he's a druid. [00:22:33] Speaker D: He may not be magical. He may not know how to do magic. [00:22:37] Speaker C: Magic island where shrooms are. I think he may or may not. [00:22:40] Speaker D: That doesn't mean he did. [00:22:41] Speaker E: Most people here are inherently. I really think it's funny you're telling me what it is like in my. [00:22:47] Speaker D: Home, but it's my father boss Roses. [00:22:52] Speaker E: All right, Ro. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Yes, thank you Jackie, for clarifying your character said what you said. [00:22:59] Speaker D: Balls. Are you saying that like everyone you know, everyone that lives in your town is like does magic? [00:23:06] Speaker E: There's like exceptions but like did your wife do magic? More people than what we met out in like regular Phil. [00:23:13] Speaker D: Did your wife do magic? [00:23:17] Speaker E: A little bit. Like I wasn't. I wasn't incredibly magical until I met yell at to not like I could like wild shape and do some basic stuff but like I. I didn't I know for someone to live out here. [00:23:27] Speaker D: Does your sister your magic not very okay. [00:23:32] Speaker E: I mean we can all do like half dryad stuff. Like there's like a certain level of magic you can get from that. But you know what those are like. [00:23:40] Speaker D: Yeah, I know what those are. I know what those are like. [00:23:43] Speaker E: Craig like hidey fight Unless. [00:23:46] Speaker D: Oh, that makes sense. [00:23:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:23:48] Speaker D: Hey, I'm different now. [00:23:51] Speaker E: Craig pre pal. [00:23:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:53] Speaker E: Pre pal. [00:23:53] Speaker C: Prepal Craig pre pal. [00:23:55] Speaker D: Craig. [00:23:57] Speaker C: Pal. [00:23:59] Speaker D: You know I'm okay. [00:24:09] Speaker E: Run into him if we go exploring. [00:24:10] Speaker D: I just want to know that is true. But Greta really wanted to explore something. [00:24:16] Speaker B: No, no, no. It's okay. I just. I forgot that I didn't. I didn't think it through. I don't like we could hunt for. [00:24:24] Speaker D: I. [00:24:28] Speaker C: Go look at some fish. [00:24:30] Speaker B: We could just hang out. [00:24:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:24:33] Speaker C: Go look at some fish and some crab. [00:24:36] Speaker D: All right, Where? [00:24:38] Speaker B: Craig, I think it's a long walk to get on a mountain. [00:24:44] Speaker A: Craig, you did spend the last day and a half traveling to this location. [00:24:54] Speaker C: I miss fly. [00:24:55] Speaker D: I mean, I'm sure Boz could. I'm sure boss could wild shape into a fish. And you could look at him. [00:25:01] Speaker E: Yeah, I can suffocate for, like, 30 seconds. [00:25:04] Speaker C: I don't really want to see anyone eat that. [00:25:08] Speaker E: Babies. [00:25:10] Speaker D: Well, you would have babies. [00:25:13] Speaker E: How would I have children? [00:25:15] Speaker A: Tello leans over to Bosnia because of the egg. [00:25:19] Speaker E: You think fish eggs are the same thing as bird eggs? [00:25:23] Speaker A: Craig, I think it just. [00:25:24] Speaker C: Frank, I mind rocks for a living. I don't ever have to deal with eggs. But I know your tendencies. [00:25:36] Speaker E: Right? I know what you ate. You're supposed to be smarter. Right now, I think it's hard enough to know what an egg is. [00:25:46] Speaker A: Well, that wore off. But, you know, never mind. [00:25:48] Speaker E: That explains it. Okay, wait. [00:25:52] Speaker C: You just see, like, Craig goes, like, chomps on you. [00:25:55] Speaker E: Get another one. [00:25:56] Speaker A: The one. [00:25:56] Speaker C: He goes, yeah, yeah. And he goes, oh, I still don't get it. [00:26:07] Speaker D: Are we at the top of the mountain? Like, are we at the top? [00:26:09] Speaker A: No, you're just halfway up. It's like North Eastern face. [00:26:15] Speaker C: Y'all want to go throw rocks at the sunrise? [00:26:19] Speaker D: No. How's that? [00:26:21] Speaker A: That's the first time I've ever heard that. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Craig, is that something that you do in your hometown? [00:26:26] Speaker C: I don't ever see the sunrise. [00:26:28] Speaker A: Okay, so quick player, check in. [00:26:30] Speaker E: Quick player, check in. [00:26:32] Speaker A: The party is. There's no right or wrong. I'm just clarifying. The party is settling on. Yes. We want the farts to go away. We're just chilling. [00:26:39] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:26:40] Speaker A: Okay. [00:26:40] Speaker D: Excellent. [00:26:43] Speaker A: Oh. [00:26:45] Speaker D: I don't like when he does that. I was just going to say, how far up is the peak? Because I was going to hike to the peak and see if I could see a house from there. [00:26:53] Speaker A: Remember, this is a dramatically. This is like a very, like, magically. It's not like a normal mountain. It's like dramatically. It gets, like, parabolic toward the top. You could certainly try to ascend. But it's not just hiking a mountain. It is very intense. Toward the top, it gets magically narrow and vertical. [00:27:15] Speaker D: My cat could climb it. [00:27:16] Speaker A: Oh, could certainly try. Maybe you could try in Wild Shape or Polymorph. I mean, there are options, but they come with offsets. [00:27:28] Speaker D: I'm gonna. [00:27:32] Speaker C: Don't do it. [00:27:34] Speaker D: Well, I can get paper out. I think I can get paper out. [00:27:38] Speaker E: I think you should. [00:27:41] Speaker D: I think you should Weld shape. [00:27:44] Speaker E: I can do that easily. Is there. Are you jealous? [00:27:50] Speaker A: Second session. [00:27:52] Speaker E: Landon is spicy, so they made fun of my egg. [00:27:57] Speaker A: I take it personally, and I took that personally. [00:28:01] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:03] Speaker D: I'm just trying to tello. [00:28:04] Speaker C: He took that personally. [00:28:06] Speaker D: Okay. As a player, I'm just trying to give because I don't want. I'm just a full stop. I don't want to hold up things. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Yeah. So here's. Here's the skinny part. You guys can come up with roleplay for those days, or we can just say you let three days pass, and we can focus on some key moments. If that's what the party's doing, we can do that. I can cooperate with you guys a little bit. As dm, I don't do with anything. [00:28:33] Speaker D: You think the farts are funny, and so I don't want to take that. [00:28:36] Speaker A: Away from you, Jackie. You have. You all have been very patient with me as I insert farts into your game. The last episode was called Blue and Farty. If you want to not be farty when you meet the most important NPC in your story, perhaps that's fine. What you want is also important. [00:28:57] Speaker C: You know, in the end, you don't have to be farty. But I can. [00:29:01] Speaker A: So true. [00:29:03] Speaker C: There's still a little bit for Zach there. [00:29:05] Speaker A: Craig can always supply that if need be. [00:29:08] Speaker C: Can always supply that you're not. [00:29:09] Speaker A: Literally all he has to do is cast presiding, and then boom. Farts. Yeah. [00:29:14] Speaker D: What? What did you say? [00:29:18] Speaker A: What? [00:29:18] Speaker D: What did Landon say? [00:29:19] Speaker A: What? So does the party want to do the time skip option? [00:29:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:29:26] Speaker A: Okay. And then three days passes in a quick montage. Fun way. What do you guys do in those three days? Any. Any key moments you want to focus. [00:29:35] Speaker C: On or not so many. [00:29:38] Speaker B: I'm gonna say. [00:29:39] Speaker A: Have you all. Have you all brought one book? [00:29:42] Speaker D: So many bulbs. Yes. [00:29:44] Speaker B: I'm gonna get rid of, like, what's kind of distracted. I'm gonna take it for a minute, and then I'll give it back. Credit was for distracted. I love that confidence from the. She was so distracted by her new notebook and, like, taking all the notes. She, like, kind of completely forgot that we had the celestial book until she has been deprived of her. Of her notebook, which has been driving her bonkers. Maybe this is a good exercise for her to, like, not. Not so obsessively to document things. She does not see it that way. She's quite upset about it. She sees no potential for growth, so she decides to switch her obsession after, like, we'll say like the middle, like, mid morning. On like the day, like mid morning of this morning that we're role playing, like, because she was bored playing cards with Tello, not like. You know what I mean? [00:30:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:30:45] Speaker B: So like mid morning, she like pulls out the book and she's like, ro, do you wanna. Do you wanna. And she like invites Tello over and do you guys want to learn this with me? [00:30:55] Speaker D: I think because Ro and her had like, like said they would learn it together and all. I think she's really excited. And also I think she. I think it's kind of a similar thing for Ro because she's so used to being able to just do magic all the time and she's having a real hard time not focusing on that. Like, yeah, like she. She like is always doing magic for no reason even. And so she's having issues. So she's like, yeah, let's. Let's focus down on a book and not think about our issues at hand. [00:31:33] Speaker A: I'm writing two obsessive girlies down. I hope that. [00:31:38] Speaker D: That. [00:31:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:42] Speaker A: Okay, so you all sit down the book. Tello looks at it and goes, I would partake, but I think I need to practice my Uncinian. And he just goes on a small walk. But you guys, how long do you practice celestial for? You have three days. [00:31:59] Speaker B: So I'll go as long as Rollish. [00:32:04] Speaker A: Well, then on both of your sheets following the same rules as the Uncinian. Also, Greta, where are you at with your insignian? We should check in with that real quick. [00:32:13] Speaker B: Let me see. I'm checking my narrow. [00:32:16] Speaker A: Girl, we had our whole break. You didn't go get your character? [00:32:19] Speaker D: No, no, no. [00:32:20] Speaker B: I. I record it on. [00:32:22] Speaker D: I got. [00:32:22] Speaker A: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [00:32:25] Speaker B: No, you're good. I record it electronically. [00:32:28] Speaker A: I judged. Too gassy. That's on me. [00:32:34] Speaker B: I have 164 hours of Uncinian. [00:32:39] Speaker A: And how much did we say it was to In. To fluency? We wrote it down originally on your sheet. [00:32:48] Speaker B: I believe. Let me check. [00:32:50] Speaker A: I believe I can fly. [00:32:52] Speaker B: I was thinking. We'll see. [00:33:04] Speaker A: Okay, well, while we're working on this. Yeah. What's Craig doing? Oh, never mind. My Abby got there. [00:33:15] Speaker B: So this is compounding 50 hours basics, 75 native. So that would be like 50 plus 75, right? And then that plus 100 is fluent native speaker. [00:33:34] Speaker D: So 50 plus 75 plus 125. [00:33:39] Speaker A: 225. So 225 hours. You had 164. Okay, but we haven't counted any of your hours in like a couple months. [00:33:50] Speaker B: This is true. [00:33:51] Speaker A: So why don't you go ahead and roll 3d20 for me? You're speaking with Tello all the time in New Insignian City is drastically improving. [00:34:01] Speaker B: That's a 12. [00:34:03] Speaker A: It's honestly a 7. Unrealistic time frame for fluently speaking language, but, you know, Here we are. [00:34:07] Speaker B: And 14. [00:34:09] Speaker A: Okay. 12 plus 14 is 26. Plus 17. Landon, help me. Is 43. 43. So, Greta, add 43 onto 164, which is 207. You have 207 hours of insignian. [00:34:26] Speaker D: So close. [00:34:27] Speaker B: Getting so close. [00:34:28] Speaker A: Holy crap, dude. [00:34:30] Speaker B: 207. 207, baby. Let's go. [00:34:33] Speaker D: You're. [00:34:34] Speaker A: What does that make you? 18 hours away from being fluent in Synian. [00:34:38] Speaker B: That's so cool. [00:34:39] Speaker A: In 18 hours of practice, you can just write uncinian down on your sheet. [00:34:43] Speaker D: Wow. [00:34:43] Speaker B: I'm so excited. Nice. [00:34:45] Speaker A: Holy crap, dude. [00:34:46] Speaker B: That's the real campaign for Celestial. [00:34:49] Speaker A: Well, over the three days. Why don't you guys go ahead? You're very rapacious. Now we're gonna roll different dice for the. The Celestial. Because here's the thing. So you and Ro break out the Celestial book. [00:35:01] Speaker B: Oh, can I make a note? So the numbers that I gave you were based on, like. That's doing it with Celeste, someone who's a native speaker. I don't have the numbers for what the hours would be without a native speaker. [00:35:17] Speaker A: Yes. So. Oh, that's true. Let's push it to. Without a native speaker helping you, let's push it to. You know what? We're just going to. Here's how we're going to do it. We're going to three halves, everything. So give me a second here. Are you ready to record this? Yeah. [00:35:41] Speaker D: Ab. [00:35:41] Speaker A: The best. Always doing the grabby. Okay. Three divided by 2.5. Well, duh. 1.5. Okay. It's 75 hours to basic comprehension. [00:35:57] Speaker B: Okay. [00:35:58] Speaker A: Let me know when you're ready for more. [00:36:01] Speaker D: Okay. [00:36:02] Speaker B: And that's hours with the book. Okay. Got it. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Then 112 hours to, like, verbal. [00:36:15] Speaker B: I had conversational. [00:36:17] Speaker A: Conversational. Thank you. And then 150 hours to fluent. [00:36:26] Speaker B: Got it. And those compounds. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Yes. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:29] Speaker A: And here is the important * on 150. [00:36:33] Speaker D: Because it's just 1.5 times 150 more. So like 75 and then 112 more. So all of those need to add up. [00:36:40] Speaker A: Yes. Now here be the bonky squirtle of it all. The important asterisks on all of this is because it is all from the book. You can Comprehend it and you can learn it and you can speak it. But pronunciation you will be completely lacking in without example. So you can learn to speak the language, but even if you get all the way to fluency, if you do not have a verbal reference, you might learn to speak the language like that, saying everything real wrong. You know what I mean? [00:37:11] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. [00:37:12] Speaker A: And listener, if you speak exactly like that. Forgive me. [00:37:17] Speaker D: 337 hours total. Okay, just wanted to make sure. [00:37:24] Speaker A: Which suddenly reminds me of the Can I get a trend? And I'm sorry for that, but I said I was sorry, Abby. So as you guys, the Celestial text, remember, it is archaic and old and heavily bound. And the pages are like stiff and brittle. You have to turn them very carefully. And the hours as you study this book, previously, it was about understanding the language, but this is about deciphering the text. Like so many of these additional hours, especially for Celestial, are coming from like grasping the language. It's hard. You are learning Latin, except you're not learning Latin from a book because we speak a Romance based Latin language. You're learning Mandarin from a book. And it is so complicated and just foreign alien to you, given this whole different dialect. And the book translates, it compares, but it's not simple. So why don't you guys go ahead and roll 3d6 for me and you guys will just always keep an equal counter on this, assuming you're practicing with each other. [00:38:33] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. [00:38:38] Speaker A: And Krieg, what are you guys. Scaputin. [00:38:42] Speaker B: I have a question. DM. Yes, sorry. Is one of us rolling a D6 since we're equal? [00:38:47] Speaker A: Yes, one of you guys would do it. But actually, here's the thing. You guys will roll together. And as long as you're practicing with each other, here's how this is gonna work. You're both gonna roll and you're gonna take the higher of the two rolls and we're gonna treat this like you guys helping each other. [00:39:02] Speaker B: Awesome. [00:39:03] Speaker D: Cool. Okay. [00:39:05] Speaker A: So Glaz and What you doing? [00:39:09] Speaker D: Okay, I got nine. [00:39:12] Speaker A: You guys get nine hours. [00:39:13] Speaker D: I rolled. I rolled three threes. [00:39:17] Speaker B: We're rolling a D6. [00:39:19] Speaker D: Three D6. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Oh, three D6. Okay, sorry. So six plus six. [00:39:26] Speaker A: Holy crap. Plus five. That's ridiculous. You guys get 17 hours. [00:39:33] Speaker B: Awesome. [00:39:34] Speaker D: Thank you, Ro. [00:39:36] Speaker A: You're into it, but holy crap, Greta's a nerd. What were you doing? [00:39:41] Speaker E: Boz does some reading. I feel like while they're all doing stuff, he kind of finds a little a shade tree to lay under. I don't know if you all have heard of this good song, but he has a. He starts reading like Death Song, Blood Song, the final orders of Gua. [00:40:01] Speaker A: The. [00:40:01] Speaker E: Final testaments of Arch Prestus Telly, the oath God, and the surviving entries of Hunden's journal. [00:40:08] Speaker A: Landon, I swore I was gonna quit doing this, but please take double inspiration, because holy crap, I have waited so long. Okay, which one do you read from? [00:40:25] Speaker E: Sorry, one second. Come right down. Double inspiration. [00:40:28] Speaker A: Do it. [00:40:29] Speaker E: I know he reads Blood Song first. Death Song. Death Song. [00:40:34] Speaker A: Sorry. Bless you, sweet child. But wait, where's. [00:40:39] Speaker D: Wait, where are these from? When did we get the. Or when did you get these? [00:40:43] Speaker A: I mean, these are from the temple. The books you got from the temple that you never, ever read. Well, I have. [00:40:52] Speaker D: I'm not upset about it in my inventory. [00:40:56] Speaker A: Okay, let's keep plop open. [00:41:02] Speaker D: I took Death Song and Bethrin Tellis journal. [00:41:06] Speaker A: So blez as you read, we'll get a little bit of lore going here. Let's change the music for some lore. Oh, I am so pleased this is happening, Landon. Just from the bottom of my DM heart. Thank you. Also, I'm gonna keep sending those daily osmondryacon spells, so remind me to do that. Okay, so brace yourselves. Note taking nerds. Quill him them peniths. [00:41:42] Speaker D: Don't we have this, like. Don't we have a document of this? You do have it printed out, but. [00:41:47] Speaker A: I ain't nobody reading it, so. [00:41:50] Speaker D: I did read it. [00:41:51] Speaker A: I'm not taking shots. What are you talking about? So, flowers. Oh, I need to turn that down. That's a little too lard, Craig or Boz, you break out the text. Are you reading it aloud or are. [00:42:06] Speaker E: You a. I'm reading it to myself as they're, like, doing their studies. I don't want to, like, bother them. [00:42:12] Speaker A: Okay. Also, Craig, while this is going on, what are you doing very briefly? [00:42:17] Speaker C: Calling my family. [00:42:20] Speaker A: What? [00:42:22] Speaker C: Calling my family. [00:42:24] Speaker A: Following your family. [00:42:26] Speaker E: Calling the family. [00:42:27] Speaker D: Calling his family. [00:42:28] Speaker C: I'm doing the. [00:42:29] Speaker A: On the sending stone. [00:42:32] Speaker C: It's. I'm going to say I do this weekly. I'm going to say I tried to do this weekly. Weekly where I just call in and just try. [00:42:40] Speaker A: Okay, so don't let me forget about that, because that means we definitely need to come back to that. But absolutely. Let's talk about that in a second. Don't let me forget. Geez, guys, way to make use of your days. Okay, so Death Song pause. You open the text. It is thick, it is filled with many things, but this is the section. You open to the section I've written and it goes as follows. Also, the author, I believe, is unlisted. Unless I get it, does not say. Yeah, but I think I know who it is. You know? Well, you know it's from the period of the Hatefall, but you don't know by whom it is written. So it says that it is just titled. And in fact, it looks like. It looks like this is like a catalog of accounts from the Hate Fall, as you guys have known in its day was called the Skyfires. And this, like, section of the book, it looks like one of the only surviving sections, like, much of the book is ruined and charred and stained, but this section survives, and it is entitled Death Song. And it says, I hear now the song. Its cacophony calls to me, dolorous and patient from every side. Yalabin is a fire pit, iron and smoldering. I'm gonna change the music back. No, we'll go with this one. Yeah. No, this one. Dolorous and smolder. No, iron and smoldering. Where what looked like smoke from far nations has lost its veil and revealed loose tinder at the edge of our dried coals. They come now there will be no stone shirred, keeps no sound foundations. Our notions of fortification have decayed to reveal the roots of our childish arrogance through the spoils of which the Deathsingers tread now across the skies and under earth. We are none of us safe from these monsters that we've made of ourselves. What is this? Veragris Girdala is as silent as her grave. Even their crypts have been raised. The dead are not safe from this bloodshed. Zondash is ash, indiscernible from the skies above. What have we made of our world that even still silent slain are devoured by our desperation? How much death will we drink? Will the flight of more than 100 Zegvari and I have not traveled with the flight of more than 100 Zari and I have not traveled more than a stride from the nearest tide of blood and tears. These have not even graves. The luxury lost in the crown falls decadent ruin. Gold and crimson filled the last of the sarcophagi, and we trembled over the notion of our threatened nations and our radical future. How small our fears were, our nightmares, inaccurate premonitions of the violence we had truly been gestating. The towers of Pelar are smokestacks billowing the black fetid smog of 10 billion incinerated voices. The black stream of lifting death reaped from 10 million lives fallen silent. Empty silence hangs as calcified storm clouds roiling in agony, never weeping. Maritaph is gone. It is gone. I reach to grasp the destruction, but my grasp slips away from an object to grand and too grand and terrible for me. We labored with such faithful fervor, mining for what lay beneath and beyond mortality. And we have hewn immortal terrors. We learned to walk the skies, to preserve life indefinitely, to breathe oceans and shape the world. And this, the final fruit of our labors. We annihilate peoples with single, seething choices. How could this happen? What is this? I feel the wall between metaphor and meaning degrading, the thinning barrier, forming echoes I cannot discern. Terror and truth are held apart by a liminal membrane, reality's failing organs. I fail to fathom what my witness of this death may mean, where the burning edges of forever feel ever more fractal in inward folding, we who have dredged the depths of violence sculpted form for ruin. We never imagined what end could wait for us. At the periphery of my every waking moment, the silence of the world we burned down whispers nothings to me, haunting me not with superstitions, but with what is true. Give me one second. My voice is failing. [00:48:17] Speaker D: You want me to take over for you? I have it here if you'd like me to. If your voice is. I understand if you want to read it. I just. If your voice hurts. [00:48:27] Speaker A: Please go. I. My voice needs a break. [00:48:35] Speaker D: Its noteless song rings in the hollowed chambers of my inward being, the mausoleum of what should be alive. I am a resonant instrument now, a mechanism multiplying the meaningless, soundless intimacies of its quiet. The beating of my heart is rhythmless. My blood flow has no path, no direction. Sight describes color and shape, but I make no understanding from its cruel depictions, only the vague facsimile of what may yet burn. Maybe the sky is ablaze. We work. Why can't I say words? We work exponentially towards concurrent calamities. Perhaps. Perhaps they are right. In centuries I could not have cared less for the gods, save that I am so very certain of the depths so deep, the sum of these thousand sums of unmarked graves to which I hate them. My stomach turns with the nausea of finding philosophical unity with that genocidal monster. But the world swims in the sea of my melted Constance. I find purchase alone in torrents which batter me over the solidified reality of suffering. Nakedness strips away my uncertainties, not to be laid bare in the stark light of realization, but to find nothing of love or meaning at the foundations which have been exposed by the washing away of this bleeding deluge. The monster is right. Right of this one solitary thing that those gods we sing of with contentment's rich melodies who so gladly listened to the reverberating validation of their names. And the carved halls and vaulted ceilings we crafted for them have been so perfectly silent as Kilgan glows with the dancing slaughter of so many incinerated souls. I have not heard one prophecy shake the sky in protest of their ruined riches. No booming proclamation of defense to all that has been robbed of them. I hope the sound of burning families curdles in their holy ears with some fraction of the poison with which has filled mine. I don't know. Gonna say this. [00:51:02] Speaker A: I can hop back in here, Jackie, because it's gonna get into a bunch of specific names. [00:51:06] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:51:06] Speaker A: And boss, you can keep this to yourself. You can also find a break in. In these days to read this to them if you want to be sharing these specific lores. But up to you. [00:51:16] Speaker D: Just real quick. I don't mean to break it up, but I have specifically in my notes that I have Death Song and that we had a. A. That I. I didn't take the book. That I copied it into my songbook because we had a big discussion that we shouldn't take it so that I copied it out of my song. [00:51:39] Speaker A: Flip the glorp. This becomes a group reading. [00:51:42] Speaker D: I. I just wanted to make sure I didn't know. [00:51:44] Speaker E: Girl. [00:51:45] Speaker A: So schniz that schnauz. The next paragraph begins with Speak Tyr, and that is spelled T Y R. A name with which you all are not familiar. Except Greta can roll me a rumors check. Oh, snap. Because she's from Hashas and from Hash. And it's said like a. Like a commanding proclamation. [00:52:16] Speaker B: A rumors check. [00:52:17] Speaker A: A rumors check. [00:52:23] Speaker B: Okay. I don't have inspiration. That is a 12. [00:52:31] Speaker A: You are not familiar with this name? Greta. So it says, speak tier, rattle my bones and kill one last Yalabrinian. That your name should not be detested. Did you foresee these atrocities, O wise Ioun? Have your acolytes been saved for their faithfulness? Or is the smoke of their piled bodies a pleasing incense to you? The soft cool healing promised from your soft light feels strangely like the licking of biting flame. O kind Selune, have your gleaming stars been snuffed? Brave Bahamut. That is another name with which you all are not familiar. Perhaps too few faithful dragons poured their lives out in the defense of your precious maker. And where this is written in the Text. It is written as Yahala. Oh, how ill I have grown on the renewing waters of your grave gracious peace. Our loving Eldath. And you, Great Maker, what have you for me? Where is the thunder of your humbling rebuke? Would you litigate your pious position? Your comforts are absent. Perhaps you will bring me your wrath instead. Perhaps those thousands of thousands of noble warriors of yours misplaced their faith. Surely dashed to pieces, torn to shreds, was not the fruit of your promise. What are you, liar? Of your faithfulness? Or deceiver? Of all that you had in store for us? Which crime is worse, O glorious Yahla? The cities which the hateful ones leveled, or the cries which you've left unanswered from within them? Perhaps the Sakharids are right. Perhaps we abused your wells and these screaming choirs were always your propitiation. Perhaps you always meant Yalabin for yourself and we were just the byproduct of your apathetic children. Does it sicken you, Maker? Do you want some corner of your world to be unsoiled with tears, unspoiled by violence? I should care if even a painting I had made were flaking from the smoke of an overstoked fire. Are we so much less worthy in artwork than this? Here is my prayer, O Great Maker, that this fire would find boundaries. Muster yourself to the fragment of interest, you loveless thief of 1000 million lives. Keep the skies of Top Pask from the pitch starless veil of dayless night. Will these fires reach Zedjok's forest? Will you not be satiated until your hands are warmed by the eminence of Megan Grund set ablaze? I feel our impending ruin as one feels the warming veils of a morning sky whisper of the coming day. I drown in hatred. Perhaps he shall be deity after all, for he has won even my heart to hate. And I do hate him. I hate him and his murderous followers. But at least his character may be known. We may be certain that he will not be sated until all have burned, consumed either with zeal or flame. I feel almost as though I can hear him, as though his promises become prophecy in the breaking of walls and cracking of shields. I am losing the sound of all else. It is cacophony or void. My mind screams, echoes nested and born within echoes. As all the world grows ever more still silent, my grip wavers at the faultless precipice of uncertainty. Where I have dared to look over the lightless liminality in its descent. Here I have found not a fall, but a door which I can discern is neither life nor death. I know not if it is even my hand which turns the handle before me. The barrier I touch is thermal, but I am unsure of heat or cold. The whining, droning call of crying hinges pushes me forward, repeating into noteless noises, formless repetitions. My heart is shuttered. Even as I step into everything beyond all that we are. I dare not gain gaze into that last final portal in this last decision paused in whatever this is, wherever I am, whatever is left for us, of us. I hear it. And that's where it seems to trail off with no further connection. [00:57:46] Speaker D: Ah. [00:57:51] Speaker B: That made me feel very afraid for the world. [00:58:01] Speaker C: It feels like uncovering a part of history that's just so untouched by other people. Like, it's just so special. [00:58:15] Speaker D: The author knew all the gods. [00:58:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:58:19] Speaker D: Even ones. [00:58:20] Speaker B: Even ones that we didn't know. [00:58:22] Speaker D: Yeah. That's what I mean. [00:58:28] Speaker C: We are so lucky to have found this. [00:58:31] Speaker A: Bless you. [00:58:32] Speaker C: Like, so lucky. Also, thank you so much, Zach, for. For, like, writing this. I kind of forgot for a second that this isn't just a book. Like, I. Sometimes I have a hard time, like, not. I'm like, yeah, no, this is just a book that was written. You know, a book that you just pick off your shelf. Like, no, I know the person that wrote this. [00:58:56] Speaker A: Thank you, buddy. [00:58:58] Speaker B: Scary to hear, like, someone. It's like a compelling argument, which is scary because it's a terrible argument, or it's like a really. You know what I mean? A horrific, violent argument. But it's like, oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, fair enough. Which is fine. [00:59:18] Speaker D: Like, I. I get it. I feel bad. [00:59:21] Speaker B: I'm, like, horrified that I get it, you know? [00:59:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:59:25] Speaker C: It's like when you read. [00:59:27] Speaker A: Oh, sorry, go. [00:59:28] Speaker C: Just that when you read a story and you're, like, assuming that you're going to be in agreement with it, then you realize, oh, wait, no, this is the enemy. Like, this is I with this. Like, but you're, like, coming at it with like a. Oh, yeah, I'm probably gonna. Like, this is the person on my side. [00:59:46] Speaker B: Yeah, it's not. [00:59:50] Speaker A: And all of you hear this in character. [00:59:54] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:59:55] Speaker D: I didn't mean to take that away from you, Boz. If you wanted to. Like, I didn't know if you had grabbed the book or if you wanted to take my journal or. I don't mind. Like, if you wanted to read it to yourself. [01:00:13] Speaker E: I just wanted to make sure it got read. [01:00:16] Speaker A: And it can just be like, oop, dang. But if you guys want to have an in character discussion, you can. You really don't have to. Just. You have the opportunity. But it. [01:00:24] Speaker D: It. [01:00:24] Speaker A: You don't have to. We can just mod straight up. [01:00:25] Speaker E: You might have copied and his own journal with Pumhunden though, maybe. [01:00:32] Speaker D: No, I just. I just went back and looked at my notes and I remember and saw that we had like a big conversation about not taking the books and that. So I copied them. So I have written these were the ones that I copied down in my songbook for us to have. So it doesn't matter if you copied them as well. I just wanted to let that be known that we didn't that those books. [01:01:03] Speaker E: Bye. [01:01:04] Speaker A: Do whatever you gotta do, Micah. Love you. Talk to you guys a lot. Bye. If you're sleepy, slurp your sleepy slurp. Bye, stinky poopy pants. All right, love you, Micah. [01:01:14] Speaker D: Bye. [01:01:14] Speaker A: Bye. Bye. [01:01:15] Speaker B: Love you, Mike. [01:01:18] Speaker D: But that those. Those books are still in the temple. [01:01:26] Speaker E: After boss reads that one, he cracks open. Let's see, he starts reading some of the other ones. He reads Oath, the Old guard. [01:01:38] Speaker A: Let's. Oh, could we hold oath of the Old guard for when Micah's back? Just because that's literally about paladins of. [01:01:46] Speaker E: Okay. Yeah. [01:01:46] Speaker A: The maker. You had no ways of knowing that. [01:01:49] Speaker E: Some of these are actually kind of long. [01:01:52] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:53] Speaker E: And I say that with all respect of somebody who spent the time writing and fleshing that out. [01:01:58] Speaker A: They be long. Yeah, yeah. [01:02:02] Speaker E: Boz reads the rest of the books basically that we. That we had copied down from the temple. [01:02:07] Speaker D: I wrote in. In my channel, Zach, just so you know, which ones Ro copied down into her songbook that I have in my notes. [01:02:19] Speaker A: Swiggity swirl. [01:02:20] Speaker D: So that's an important record. [01:02:21] Speaker A: No, I appreciate it. I appreciate it. So the party takes time. Oh, we'll come back to Craig calling his family sometime. That's important. [01:02:31] Speaker E: Boz has Death Song, Blood Song, Final orders of Gwalna and Darling, Final testaments of Archpriestess, Telly, Othield Guard, and the surviving inches of Hyuna's journal. And during the time on vacation, he reads through all of them. [01:02:45] Speaker A: Okay, sick. We can come back to at some point. Maybe we'll make a bonus Patreon content. Who knows? [01:02:50] Speaker B: I would like that. [01:02:51] Speaker D: Yeah, that'd be cool. [01:02:53] Speaker A: But kitten caboodle, fart near the poodle. [01:02:58] Speaker D: Don't fart near my door. [01:03:06] Speaker A: Near the. Near the poodle. Not on him. That's Ro's business. But at some point in these three days, R.O. [01:03:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:03:15] Speaker A: Oh my goodness. The farts have dissipated. [01:03:17] Speaker D: Yay. [01:03:18] Speaker A: And now on Klon the 14th. You find yourself fart free but maybe filled with mortal terror from Death Song. Who knows. And also a little more some basic ruminations of Celestial. What a fascinating way. [01:03:38] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [01:03:41] Speaker A: So what that party? [01:03:45] Speaker D: So it's Kalilan 1414. Excuse me for the hiccup. [01:03:51] Speaker A: I will never forgive you. Don't ever let it. So what that party to do? What that party do? [01:04:04] Speaker D: Guys, I'm feeling a bit cleared up. [01:04:10] Speaker E: Guys, I think I'm sick. I think I've got. I think I've got ogbitis. [01:04:18] Speaker D: I don't think that's a real thing. [01:04:25] Speaker E: Can we take like a couple more days? [01:04:27] Speaker D: Well, we have a cleric. She could probably fix you up. [01:04:33] Speaker E: Are you proficient with Fae magic medicine? [01:04:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:37] Speaker D: Just take some mushrooms. Balls. [01:04:40] Speaker E: I don't do drugs, Jackie. That's your department. [01:04:46] Speaker B: Dang. [01:04:47] Speaker A: Again. Second session. [01:04:51] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:04:52] Speaker E: I'm sorry Jackie. [01:04:53] Speaker A: A little breeze goes by your ear. [01:04:56] Speaker D: For the listeners that. I don't do drugs, Jackie. [01:04:59] Speaker A: No one thinks you do. [01:05:00] Speaker D: Because I'm a musician. [01:05:02] Speaker A: Anyway. [01:05:03] Speaker E: That's a bad stereotype because I knew that you wouldn't like it if I said that. Because that was a whole. [01:05:08] Speaker A: So what that party. Also at some point I want to. [01:05:12] Speaker D: Sure what that part is. [01:05:18] Speaker E: Oz does go to Rose dad at fifth level. [01:05:22] Speaker D: No. What I. I'm gonna say. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna say. Okay. I think I'd like to see if we can see the house. So she's gonna. She's gonna call Faber out. [01:05:37] Speaker A: Okay. Now a quick reminder before you do remember. [01:05:42] Speaker D: It's odds or evens. [01:05:44] Speaker A: You can telepathically communicate to him out to 100ft. And you can see through his eyes out to 1000. This idea of calling Faber works if you are within 1,000ft of the home. It is a large island. It might be worth searching for the home physically first. That is some common sense you could probably sort out. [01:06:00] Speaker D: I was just going to see what he saw at the top of the peak. [01:06:04] Speaker A: Remember you're like. You're like a quarter mile up the mountain. It is a magically parabolic mountain that reaches an incredibly thin point. You would probably need to fly to get up it. [01:06:16] Speaker D: You're right. You're right. [01:06:17] Speaker A: No, it's okay. [01:06:18] Speaker D: Never mind. [01:06:18] Speaker A: A lot going on. [01:06:19] Speaker E: Jackie, I think you should do it actually. This is landed talking up, boss. [01:06:25] Speaker D: Okay. Should we. Do we need to go around the mountain? Balls. [01:06:28] Speaker E: I'm about to cast a spell just to make Something happen. [01:06:31] Speaker A: Are aware that you should now be on the correct side of the mountain to which Terrance the Flumph directed you. [01:06:38] Speaker D: Oh, we are on the right side of the correct side of the mountain. [01:06:42] Speaker A: When you went through the mountain to the other side, you got to the correct side. [01:06:45] Speaker D: Oh, I was so confused. Thank you for a lot has been happening. [01:06:49] Speaker A: Boz almost died two sessions ago. I feel ya. It's been a lot. Okay, we have clarified. What's up, Boz? What's up, Boz? [01:06:59] Speaker E: Do I have any lingering effects doing that? Like did I have like a connection with the well thing or not like a. I'm not asking for like a. [01:07:06] Speaker D: What lingering happen? [01:07:09] Speaker E: Did I like see anything? [01:07:10] Speaker D: Or like did I see. [01:07:12] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:07:12] Speaker E: I touched a physical manifestation of the grave of a Wellspring. I'm just. I'm just wondering if I saw anything. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Yeah, when I. You saw an early grave and then skitton caboodle by it, I didn't hear. [01:07:25] Speaker E: Like an ominous voice of the Rock Lord or. [01:07:28] Speaker A: I would feel like when you're flirting with that, you're getting into the incomprehensible and that's kind of the psychic damage you took. [01:07:36] Speaker E: Incomprehensible? [01:07:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. You had incomprehensible mental experience that when you try to recall is just kind of befuddling. I mean it almost feeble minded you. [01:07:46] Speaker E: So I love that. [01:07:47] Speaker B: That would have been a really long, but less fun vacation. [01:07:51] Speaker E: You can get rid of a great restoration. It's not that bad. Come on. I have three pouches of diamond for restoration. We're fine. [01:07:59] Speaker B: Who would cast it? [01:08:00] Speaker C: Huh? [01:08:01] Speaker E: You, cleric you? [01:08:03] Speaker A: And that's when Abby said, joke's on you. [01:08:08] Speaker D: I wouldn't cast it. [01:08:10] Speaker B: I actually decided to not be a cleric again. [01:08:13] Speaker E: Okay. [01:08:14] Speaker A: I'm a barbarian now. [01:08:16] Speaker E: I've got all the knowledge I need. Thank you. [01:08:23] Speaker B: I'm going anti intellectual. Thought it was. [01:08:29] Speaker A: In the misinformation era. Yes. [01:08:31] Speaker D: What's up, DM boy? Can you remind me what Slump Man Bubble said? How far away? [01:08:39] Speaker A: Yes. You would remember very clearly that he said it's about a day's walk, which was like of travel like 3/4 of a day ago. And he said you follow the waterfall to its precipice. So somewhere around here, a bunch of water flows must connect into a large river which must flow off a cliff of some sort. [01:08:59] Speaker B: A shame that I don't know what the word precipice means. [01:09:03] Speaker E: Are you sure about it? [01:09:04] Speaker A: I guess. [01:09:07] Speaker D: I would like to do an investigation, check for some Water I should follow to a source. [01:09:14] Speaker A: Why don't you give me a survival check about that? [01:09:17] Speaker B: I'm also. I'm also looking. [01:09:20] Speaker D: So we're. I'm gonna get helped. [01:09:25] Speaker B: What? [01:09:26] Speaker D: What? You have the help. [01:09:28] Speaker A: Action. [01:09:29] Speaker D: Thank you. That's gonna be a 19. [01:09:37] Speaker A: A 19. I take notes on our sessions as we do them, and I just wrote down for myself. Party looking for Jeff in parenthesis. Poots gone. [01:09:48] Speaker D: Who's John? [01:09:50] Speaker A: You guys? [01:09:51] Speaker D: Possibly my father. [01:09:53] Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry. [01:09:54] Speaker A: No, it's all good. You guys said on the way. And what you all put together, the thing that starts leading you guys in the right direction as you start noticing. [01:10:04] Speaker E: What I just thought Jath and Rowena's couple name would either be Joina or Wrath. [01:10:12] Speaker A: Joina. [01:10:13] Speaker D: Wait, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on. It would have been Ravina. Ravina. [01:10:19] Speaker E: Rav. [01:10:21] Speaker A: Something. According to Joe. We'll talk about it later. No, no, because her name is Ravina. But anyway. [01:10:27] Speaker E: Parts. Joe. [01:10:28] Speaker D: It's funny parts. [01:10:29] Speaker E: That's the funny part, Jovina. [01:10:30] Speaker D: But it's. But Ro is not in a relationship with her father. [01:10:34] Speaker A: And before we have absolutely any more of this conversation. [01:10:40] Speaker D: Not Game of Thrones. [01:10:45] Speaker E: Still Joe, though. It's still Jovina. No, no, it's Jovina. You're right. I'm tired. [01:10:51] Speaker A: And we should stop there. But before we think about it too much more. But so, Rav, what you all begin realizing as you walk around the mountain, as you walk around the. You realize that the mist condensates on the bare rock face quite often inside the trees, and begins moving into small tributaries, and these form themselves into rills, and there's this slow watershed effect on the side of the mountain. And it is indeed Greta's help which is so instrumental here, because her. Oh. And in response to that, Abby has done a little dance, Honestly, kind of a big dance, but all of that Hilalian survivalist. I mean, truth be told. [01:11:34] Speaker B: Naked. Yeah. [01:11:38] Speaker A: You guys are traveling with, like, Bear Gryll's two younger cousins here. I mean, both Greta and Boz are like serious survivalists to their native terrains. So it's kind of hard not to find important evidence of what you're looking for. Ro. And both of these individuals help point out to you that this watershed eventually forms into a larger river. And the coolest thing about the river is that it is cool and it smells sweet. But as you guys travel along it, as it moves through the rocky landscape at kind of a quick pace, at a steep incline, passing by the many trees of Foo. Foomph. That or foofumf. The water is sort of like extra refractive. So the way that water forms prismatic molecules that spray off rainbows, it's like this wellspring light water is like extra reflective and produces rainbow colors and tones more often. And as you all pass by it, it's forming a larger and larger river. So you imagine you are probably headed in the correct direction to that party be Dagon Dorgon. Some things I'm looking. Okay, somebody give me a. Oh, do. [01:12:54] Speaker B: You want to do it, Rose? [01:12:54] Speaker A: Abby's grabbing for stuff. [01:12:56] Speaker B: Can I do it? [01:12:57] Speaker D: Oh, you can. You want to do it? [01:12:59] Speaker A: Abby said you want to do it? I want to do it. [01:13:01] Speaker B: No, Jackie, I feel like you should do it. [01:13:04] Speaker D: No. You can. It's up to you. No, no, no. [01:13:07] Speaker B: I have a gut feeling that you should do it. I got a 19 better than I would have gotten. [01:13:13] Speaker D: That's not true. You roll really well. [01:13:16] Speaker A: Before we get into a no, you're pretty conversation, you guys, you're smart with a 19 graw. That's two 19s in a row. Honestly, I do these sound names so often, I'm not really even sure who's who anymore. But Ro, as you look up above, what you notice as your two survivalist friends are looking at natural paths and all sorts of key details are two things. One, as you look at that swath of leaf leather scale mail, you recognize that the leaves around you are starting to match the same substance. The second is you start to notice carvings in the trees as your friends are looking for key details along the ground and along the riverbeds and things a tracker should be looking for. With your ignorance to these important details, you instead happenstantially pick up human factors. You know, the humanoid, so to speak, the evidence of just person. And you see little like basic whittled beliefs. Very abstract, but very lovely in a lot of the kind of like on the edge of dead branches and where limbs have been shorn and grown into knotted stumps at the sides of trees. There's just a lot of carvings and many of them are sort of like abstract expressions of people. Some of things you can't quite make out, but they're lovely. [01:15:02] Speaker D: Don't anyone look. Oh, sorry. Go ahead, finish your. [01:15:07] Speaker A: You take this to mean evidence of a person. Certainly. [01:15:11] Speaker D: Do any of them look like the stuff that I've seen? Boz, do a little. Do a little markings when we've walked. [01:15:20] Speaker A: That's interesting. Ro. They do some of this. Some of this looks like it's got similar scritch scratches as some of the ones Boz does. [01:15:28] Speaker D: I kind of tap Boz. And just because I think Rose, like, getting kind of quiet because she's getting nervous, and she kind of taps. Taps boss. And just kind of points to one of them that looks similar to his and goes balls. And points it out to him Boz. [01:15:49] Speaker A: As you look at the tree there, there are these abstract carvings, very unique. You don't make anything of them. But below are carvings like. Sort of like very basic text inscriptions in Druidic. And you can read them. [01:16:05] Speaker E: I do read them. [01:16:05] Speaker A: And they're all sort of like single phrases that seem to be poetically descriptive of what's carved above, but not in the way of, like, a label or an explanation. Just like. Like, in one, there's a vague carving of a humanoid figure. And below, it says something like. Just like a verb or a noun that must have evoked, like, the. Basically, like a. Like a word representative of the artwork carved into the tree. So very much not a label, just, like a part of the art for whoever this individual is. [01:16:51] Speaker B: Like a title. Like a title of a poem. How it's like, excellent. [01:16:55] Speaker A: Excellent. Excellent. Yeah. So, like, one could be. Not this, but one could be, like, Senescence below, but it's Druidic, so they're much more, like, conceptual and vague. So Baj you witness these? [01:17:09] Speaker E: Okay. I'm having a little trouble understanding what you're trying to convey. I'm sorry. [01:17:20] Speaker A: Not important to the moment. So. [01:17:24] Speaker E: All right. [01:17:25] Speaker A: The person drew a smiley face, and then they wrote happy beneath. [01:17:28] Speaker E: Oh, it's. [01:17:29] Speaker A: And then the next one, they drew a waffle, and below that they wrote yum. [01:17:33] Speaker E: Okay, so somebody's just drawing pictures because they're bored. Or maybe hi. I don't know. [01:17:39] Speaker D: Hi. Okay. [01:17:43] Speaker E: Yeah. I think it's because they're high. [01:17:53] Speaker D: Sorry, I was looking at. [01:17:55] Speaker E: Just trying to say you're the one. Well, I'm not gonna go meet your dad first. You gotta go first. [01:18:00] Speaker D: Why not? Balls. What if he's mean and I need. [01:18:05] Speaker E: You to fight him for me? I can camp. I'm down to camp out, grill out, you know, like, we're good. [01:18:12] Speaker A: She's like, I'm moving here. [01:18:14] Speaker D: Let's just keep. Let's keep following the. The Druid. The Druid Brick road. [01:18:22] Speaker E: This is from your dad. He's a bad artist. I just want to say. [01:18:27] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [01:18:29] Speaker E: I meant that as a joke, but I. I see that was the wrong thing to say, and I'm sorry. [01:18:33] Speaker A: Tell, tell. Just, like, looks boss in the eye and Just does like the. The knob across his has million things. [01:18:42] Speaker E: To say about waffles. Visionary, truly. [01:18:47] Speaker A: You all pass further along the river. It broadens and deepens. It's an interesting river because it's thin and it's very fast. It's like a white water rapid. The whole thing is just a cascading sort of white noise of roar because it's not massive. But it's just traveling down this highly sloped mountain. So it's like all down its length. It has no real calm sections. And you all trek down four or five hours of downward hiking until the trees begin to open into a clearing. And it's just an open clearing of stone with trees bordering the sudden mouth created. And the waterfall does not come to a specific point, but it scatters over this open gape of compressed stone that must have burst off of this cliff face. And as you all get nearer to it, oh, that's a huge drop. A couple hundred feet. And the waterfall does not fall down in this one stream but just explodes and sprays over the side of the cliff where it just sort of rains down far. Mist. And you see more forest below. [01:19:58] Speaker D: Is there like. Okay, let me see if I understand this correctly. So where the waterfall is, is there like, where's the backside of the waterfall? Is it. [01:20:10] Speaker A: So where the waterfall meets the lip, it's just like sort of this open, like the rock. It looks like some large. Some large object came down the mountainside and just broke this part of the mountain. And so there's this big, like, indention. And so the river very suddenly spills, sprays to either side and just explodes the edge of the cliff, which must seem to indicate that the cliff recedes backward. There's no sheer surface for it to adhere to and fall straight down. [01:20:42] Speaker D: Can I do, like, can I do a nature check to see if this, like, is this natural or does this look like it's been, like, messed with? [01:20:52] Speaker A: You hear a voice in your ear softly whisper, okay, this is the big mic. Don't focus on this. [01:20:57] Speaker D: Okay. Okay, I guess I go. But you said there's like a clearing. Where's the clearing? [01:21:07] Speaker A: In all around you all before you. It's maybe 200ft across. Open stone to either side of the river mouth. And then the forest resumes. [01:21:14] Speaker E: Guys. [01:21:14] Speaker A: But it's all just rock, very little soil. [01:21:17] Speaker E: I call this the series finale effect. Jackie will watch all 12 seasons of a TV show and then not watch the last episode of the TV show until five months after. Because if she doesn't Watch the last episode, then it's not over. She did this with every single show that we watched When I live. [01:21:38] Speaker D: Why is this relevant? [01:21:40] Speaker E: Because you are delaying. [01:21:42] Speaker D: No, I'm not. I'm. No, I'm. I, I, I would, I would totally be honest with you if I was, but I'm truly trying because in my head, the way he described it, I was thinking the waterfall was different and that maybe it was like doing something magical and I needed to go through it. I was literally thinking, I need to walk through that waterfall. [01:22:02] Speaker E: Listener. I'm completely wrong. This is. This, this is not. [01:22:05] Speaker A: Could you give me pause? Could you give me an investigation check? [01:22:09] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm going to give an investigation check. That is an 8, which is weird. [01:22:12] Speaker A: Because that's usually something very intentional, but it'll make sense when I say it. [01:22:15] Speaker E: I have a plus one to investigation, I think. Let me see. Investigation. Yeah, that's a 19 with a plus one. Zachary. [01:22:25] Speaker D: Good roll. [01:22:26] Speaker E: I know my island. Zachary. I've been to this waterfall before. [01:22:29] Speaker A: I like the idea that, you know, this is very much a part of him understanding the landscape. So you guys are looking around. You're like, okay, well, this is just a big clearing, maybe wrong waterfall. There must be a lot on this mountain. And as you all look around, Boz, one of the widest trees here, one of those ones where all the limbs are barren, is a very wide trunk, maybe almost like six feet across. And you notice that the way it twists together and wraps, there's kind of like a big fissure groove in the middle of it, like the tree has been wrapped in on itself. You are aware, given your familiarity with the way homes have been described previously in this landscape, that they're often made into nature rather than out of structures. A very skilled druid could open that door up and close it and open it and close it. That tree probably. Probably twists open. [01:23:15] Speaker E: I pointed the tree. [01:23:16] Speaker A: That's his house. [01:23:17] Speaker E: That's where he lives. [01:23:23] Speaker D: How do you know? Balls. [01:23:25] Speaker E: It's a tree. [01:23:26] Speaker D: Oh, there's a lot of trees. [01:23:29] Speaker E: You know what I mean? Look at it. It's different. [01:23:31] Speaker D: I know what you mean. Roll walks. [01:23:35] Speaker E: We can come back tomorrow. [01:23:37] Speaker D: No, no, no, no. [01:23:39] Speaker E: Okay. [01:23:42] Speaker D: We're not gonna let you be right about my series. I was nervous the first time I. [01:23:46] Speaker E: Met my dad too. [01:23:51] Speaker D: Anyway, is there any, like thing outside the tree? [01:24:00] Speaker A: I'm sorry, wait, what? We don't usually have people here. Comes from over yalls shoulders in sylvan. So row you hear. And you two here. I'm sorry, we don't usually have visitors here. [01:24:27] Speaker D: I turn around, though, because I hear a voice I don't know. [01:24:30] Speaker A: And as the three of you all turn around, you see a person not particularly tall, though certainly tall to three of you. The individual is about 5:3, which is still quite tall to Greta, Craig and Ro, but fairly short to Boz and Tello. The individual is a man with. He's wearing sort of like. Like a tunic made out of long, broad strips of like many. It's like leaf turned into pulp, repressed and stretched out into a fabric or woven into it somehow, very like something you need magic to do. But it's in these long strips of leaf leather that sort of cross across his body and then around his hips. It doesn't cover over the sides of him at all, so his ribs and his underarms are exposed. And it sort of stops at the shoulders. So it's like a big cutoff sort of shirt. And then it goes up into like a high collar around the neck that crosses there as well. There's like a brown, like bark leather belt across that and then some thin pants that go down just kind of like below the knee and then sort of taper off in either direction. The individual's not wearing shoes. There are some wooden bracelets, beaded, look quite a bit like Boz's original. One on his left wrist, a couple of wooden rings. Two on the left hand, one on the ring finger, one on the pointing finger, index finger, and then on his right hand there's one on the middle finger, one on the thumb. All just wooden rings. The individual has a very, very, very light green skin, much lighter than rose, sort of like two shades lighter than my kermature. And he has around his neck is this sort of like a long cylindrical bead necklace that comes down into hanging like the pendant in the center of the necklace. It's not a specific symbol, but just sort of like a chunk of roughly carved wood. And it has a series of little awkward holes punched into it or carved into it, somehow drilled into it. Maybe the individual also, he has. His face is like very. And the way you have seen a lot around a lot of dryads, very exaggerated. A tall, long face where, like, the cheekbones are very high and then the. Like closer to his eyes than cheekbones would typically be for a person. And then the distance between his cheekbones and his chin is very long. Like, the face gets very narrow toward the front, so there's a strong jawline, but it's like exaggerated and pulled forward, the exaggerated features of a dryad. And the nose is like very tall and very thin, tapering toward the middle. And his eyes are kind of like. Like a purple, so deep it's almost black. And then this individual, his hair is like sort of like thick braids of like, dark green moss that come off the back of his head and spill around his shoulders. He has like, foot long hair in every direction, and it's like braided together and then loose at the ends. And his beard is like moss, but it's just at like, the edges of his jawline. And then where it comes to his chin, it gathers up in this kind of thick goatee around his mouth. And from the moss beard are sprouting all these very small purple flowers. They look like they're tiny. They're much smaller than rose. They're like four petaled. And they. They just look like. Like the tiny flowers you find growing in grasses, a very light purple, like a. Like a lilac almost. And they're just dotted around his beard. And then a couple near where his beard meets his hair. And the individual just kind of stands like, with one foot up on a rock, one foot down, looking at you all, just kind of waiting in the pause. [01:28:47] Speaker D: I look at Boz and go ahead. [01:28:51] Speaker E: Boz, I respond, back in sylvan. And I say, hi, my name is Boz. I'm from Akba. I introduce everybody. And then I get to Ro, and I look at her and I. I say in common, I say, what would you like. What would you like me to introduce you as? [01:29:24] Speaker D: What did he say, boss? [01:29:26] Speaker E: He just travelers around here. [01:29:30] Speaker A: The guy gets a kind of funny look and goes, we can. We can. We can do common if you need to. It's just. It's just a little rusty for me. [01:29:45] Speaker D: Hello. [01:29:47] Speaker A: Hi. Who are y'all? [01:29:53] Speaker D: I let everyone else introduce themselves. I gotta stay quiet for a second. [01:29:58] Speaker A: He just said everyone's names but yours. [01:30:01] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [01:30:02] Speaker A: Is. Is this. I. I don't. I don't. Like I said, I don't get a lot of visitors or. Y'all here for a trade or you just stumbled by? Usually people stay on the shroom side of the island. [01:30:22] Speaker D: Are you. Are you Jath? [01:30:30] Speaker A: Yep. Have y'all come to trade? No. Nobody ever knows my name. [01:30:37] Speaker D: No. Sorry. [01:30:38] Speaker A: Y'all looking for an instrument or what's. How could I. [01:30:43] Speaker D: Are you a bard? [01:30:46] Speaker A: No, not classically. I mean, I like to play, but I don't know if so technically trained. [01:30:54] Speaker D: A friend of Boz's told us you were here. [01:31:01] Speaker A: Okay. [01:31:03] Speaker D: My name is Enro, kind of Looks to her, the rest of her party members, and she kind of like. I give her a nod, stutters with it. My name is Rowena Greenbottle. [01:31:22] Speaker A: Okay. It's good to meet you. [01:31:27] Speaker D: Nice to meet you, too. [01:31:30] Speaker A: Are you the one who's looking to trade something or. [01:31:36] Speaker D: No, I was, actually. And she realizes. And she starts looking through her bag and everything, and she pulls out the leaf and just kind of furls it out. [01:31:50] Speaker A: And he's like 20ft away from you. He walks down to you at this point. That's kind of close. As he gets about like 10 or 15ft away, he kind of eyes everyone again, especially Craig, the guy in the armor with all the big weapons. And as everybody. Because he doesn't know who you all are. And for a second he's like, what is this? But as nobody moves or reacts, and I'm just going to say, for Micah, Craig is giving a weirdly emotional face. Like. [01:32:16] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:32:17] Speaker A: And he's just kind of confused by that. But as nobody's making any moves, he just kind of gets right up to you, Ro. And he gets like 10 inches away from you. Augbins stand closer than many other people. And as he gets right up in front of you, he just smiles at you. Very tall to you and likely would have been very tall to your mom, even though he's not particularly tall. And so he just looks down and takes it from you. And then he gets a quick quizzical look and he goes, wow. Okay, that's. I. I haven't seen any of that in a while. So y'all are looking for the order or directions to it. If you're looking for that, you probably want to go back in the direction of Agba. I mean, I feel like you would have known about that. [01:33:01] Speaker D: Is this yours? [01:33:06] Speaker A: Gets a puzzled looks and, like, holds in his hand, feels his finger around it. I mean, it could be. I have a set. Anyone from our group does. Were you looking for me in specific? [01:33:22] Speaker D: Yes. [01:33:23] Speaker A: And he hands it back to you. [01:33:25] Speaker D: My mother, I believe, left me this. And she takes a deep breath. [01:33:34] Speaker A: Are you from Ogda or. [01:33:37] Speaker D: No, I'm. I'm. I'm from Zedge. My mother is. Was Ravina Green bottle. [01:33:53] Speaker A: Takes a couple hard blinks, and his head tilts back a. And he steps a pace or two back from you. And he looks at you really hard. And then he looks away from you for a second at the tree behind you. And then his eyes kind of drift right to the waterfall. [01:34:27] Speaker D: I'm. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for us to, like, you know, I know you live here, and we just kind of stumbled in on your home here and all, and. [01:34:39] Speaker A: Then all of a sudden, you watch and he looks at your skin and your hair and he goes, oh, ug. Oh, you look like her. [01:35:04] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what everyone says. [01:35:06] Speaker A: He slips back into Sylvan and goes, so you don't understand Ro, but you also get the feeling that he's just kind of shocked. And in Sylvan, he softly says, and like me, he blinks hard again, and he goes, so you're Man, I didn't know when she left. She didn't. Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting this. [01:35:55] Speaker D: No, yeah, I'm, I'm sorry. They don't really have, like a handbook on, you know, how to daughter do this. I mean, I didn't really know. I just, I just got your name, like, a few weeks ago. I didn't ever know who. But I mean, standing face to face, I'm guessing maybe that's probably right. [01:36:34] Speaker A: Okay. Oh, you're my daughter. [01:36:38] Speaker D: I, I, I don't, I don't, I, I didn't come here to like and ask for anything or closes the distance. [01:36:49] Speaker A: Again and gets like, maybe eight inches from you. Now he picks up one of your hands and he goes, I'm sorry. You're my daughter. [01:37:01] Speaker D: It appears. Yes. Yes. [01:37:12] Speaker A: Hi. [01:37:14] Speaker D: Hi. [01:37:16] Speaker A: I'm Jeff. [01:37:19] Speaker D: Rowena. You can call me Ro. [01:37:23] Speaker A: He looks very directly in your eyes, looking down at you. Rowan. He says, hi, Ro. Wow. Washed up on my shore, just like your mom. And he just very awkwardly puts a hand on your shoulder. He squeezes it just a little bit before just kind of wrapping his arms all the way around you and just pressing your face into him. He puts a hand on the back of your head, puts his chin on the top of your head, and you just squeeze real hard, like it almost hurts. And Ro, you can't see this, but everyone else can see. Jath is just making a really confused face at the tree past her, but just looking lost and hugging hard. [01:38:29] Speaker D: I, I think after like, like a, a second, I, I, Ro puts her arms around him too, but it, like, it was like an awkward pause before she did that. [01:38:42] Speaker A: And he just sits there hugging you. And it's like 30 seconds before he lets go. And it feels like days, Ro, as he lets go and steps you back, he, like, he steps back five or six inches from you now, but he keeps his hand on your shoulders. Oh, oh, Rowena. Rowena, Rowena. [01:39:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:39:17] Speaker A: Oh, but girl. And then he gets a curious look, and he looks over your shoulder. His mouth falls open. He says, I'm sorry. May I? And he reaches for your lute. [01:39:31] Speaker D: Yeah, of course. [01:39:32] Speaker A: So he pulls it up over your shoulder and over your neck, and he holds it. It broke. Oh. He looks at the back, and he sees all the amethyst inlay. And then at the front. How'd you do this? [01:39:48] Speaker D: Um, well, it. It broke during a weird time of learning a bunch of things we didn't know about the world. And then it got fixed next. The next time we did. [01:40:10] Speaker A: Okay. Magic. [01:40:12] Speaker D: A wellspring. And. Well, kind of a lot. And she just points at the. It's a lot. And she just points at the maker symbol. [01:40:22] Speaker A: He looks at it, too. Wow. Wow. Better than. I made it. [01:40:36] Speaker D: You. [01:40:37] Speaker A: You have her loot. He hands it back to you. [01:40:41] Speaker D: You made this? [01:40:43] Speaker A: That was my parting gift for your mom. She lost hers. It had been lost in the waters when she drowned, when she washed up on my shores. And when we ran into each other, she didn't have anything. And all she talked about was for loot. Half of all. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, you're my daughter. Okay. [01:41:14] Speaker D: Sorry. [01:41:15] Speaker A: Hello, friends. And he looks back at everyone else again. [01:41:20] Speaker D: Yeah, this is. [01:41:22] Speaker A: Hi, I'm Jeff. Yeah, this is. [01:41:24] Speaker D: These are my friends. We. We've been traveling together for how long now, guys? For a while. Long, long time. [01:41:34] Speaker A: Then he just walks around to everyone doing a thing that Boz, you're immediately familiar with. And everyone else, you're like, oh, that's weird. Where he just walks up and he does this thing where he grabs either side of your red. Of your right elbow and like, shakes it a little and looks you guys in your eye. Eyes. Baz, you're familiar with this. This is a. A much less common Ogbin greeting, but one much more like, sort of like regional and specific. But he's going around doing that, and he's just going around going, jath. Jath. He gets weirded out by Craig again, as Craig is making. Craig's, like, almost crying, and Jath's just like, all right. Comes back to Ro. Well, are you wanting in, or do you want to stay out here? Are you trying to talk? What? [01:42:23] Speaker D: I don't. I don't want to intrude. [01:42:29] Speaker A: I have a daughter. I think it is as intruded as it'll be. Goodness, how old are you? [01:42:37] Speaker D: But Buzz is boss. I. I'm. I'm. She knows immediately. Yes. [01:42:44] Speaker A: There's no pause as you recount your age. [01:42:47] Speaker D: I'm 51. [01:42:50] Speaker A: You are 51, aren't you? I had no idea your mom was pregnant. [01:43:01] Speaker D: Um, did you ever hear from her after? [01:43:05] Speaker A: No. How is she? I hadn't talked to her in forever. I'm never again. Really? [01:43:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:43:14] Speaker A: Blow into my life and back out. [01:43:19] Speaker D: Well, two, it's a big day for you. Sorry. [01:43:27] Speaker A: Both of us. [01:43:28] Speaker D: This is, this was kind of the last place that most people think she was. Not sure. Like, like obviously she wasn't because she had me. I, I grew up in In Zedge. I, I, I. [01:43:57] Speaker A: Okay. [01:43:58] Speaker D: She, she, she left me with. At a temple of Celine in, In Zedge with the loot and, and apparently the leaf. And I, I, I grew up. I, I, it was, it was, it was good. But I never knew her. Yeah. [01:44:23] Speaker A: Okay. [01:44:25] Speaker D: But that's pretty much all I know of her for the most part is what the rest of the world knew of her. [01:44:34] Speaker A: Okay. [01:44:36] Speaker D: And I've run into some of her friends when you met her or newer. [01:44:52] Speaker A: Is it okay if I sit down? [01:44:54] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. I'm so sorry. [01:44:56] Speaker A: And he just walks a little stunned, and sits down on a nearby rock and just kind of gestures for each of you all to sit. The rocks are crag ghosts all over, so it's easy to find a spot. And each of you sits down and he just keeps listening to you. [01:45:13] Speaker D: No, I, I knew she was. I, I know she was a bard. Pretty famous one. Half the people I tell that she was my mother believe me because of our looks. And the other half think I'm joking. [01:45:31] Speaker A: She always said she was a big deal. [01:45:37] Speaker D: But no one knows exactly what happened to her. [01:45:48] Speaker A: She passed? [01:46:00] Speaker D: Yes. Is far as I know. From what I've been told, she's. She's no longer with us. [01:46:19] Speaker A: Okay. Oh. [01:46:29] Speaker D: Um. [01:46:35] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [01:46:50] Speaker D: But, but she, she, yeah, she loved me with some really good people. [01:46:55] Speaker A: He reaches out a hand, he has to lean forward far on his rock. And he just holds yours real quickly, like wrapping his arm over awkwardly. And he just goes. I'm glad you're here. Even if she's not. [01:47:21] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you. I, I am too. [01:47:24] Speaker A: Let's go your hand and sit back up. Wow. Do you play? [01:47:39] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. I learned. Learned several of her songs and I've written some myself as well. [01:47:54] Speaker A: You have? [01:47:55] Speaker D: I have. I have this. And she takes out the songbook that was Ravena's announcement. [01:48:03] Speaker A: Wow. [01:48:06] Speaker D: I've added to it. [01:48:09] Speaker A: Can I. Oh, can I see it? [01:48:13] Speaker D: Yeah, of course. [01:48:15] Speaker A: Thank you. He takes it from you and he just flips it open and he goes wow. Goodness. We worked on that one together. And he points at the chaos mage and he goes. I didn't know who that nefty was, but we played around with the tune. [01:48:52] Speaker D: Yeah, it was probably the most popular one out there. [01:48:58] Speaker A: Well, of course I helped. [01:49:08] Speaker D: I. I apologize again for. [01:49:11] Speaker A: Why would you apologize? [01:49:13] Speaker D: I mean, you know, it's never a good time to. To. To tell someone a life changing information, but to just. You know. [01:49:24] Speaker A: I think. I'm glad. [01:49:25] Speaker D: Bring some stuff on you. [01:49:30] Speaker A: I'm sorry. This might be a lot. Ogden's emotional. You're erroneous daughter. You're my daughter. And I have a daughter. Oh. You look like her. Oh, you've got my flowers. Oh, they're different. [01:50:05] Speaker D: Yeah, I. I noticed that. [01:50:08] Speaker A: I'm sorry. You're a lot to take in. Goodness. You just turned out gorgeous, didn't you? I'm sorry. I just. This is a lot. I don't know if you talked this much. [01:50:32] Speaker D: I don't usually talk this little. [01:50:37] Speaker A: Your mom could talk. She never ever quit talking. That's why she liked me. I was usually pretty. Shut up. [01:50:49] Speaker D: That sounds right. [01:50:55] Speaker A: Rowena, you said you like to be called Ro? [01:50:58] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:50:59] Speaker A: Ro. [01:50:59] Speaker D: Ro's fine. Either one. They all call me Ro. [01:51:03] Speaker A: I'm glad you found me. [01:51:06] Speaker D: I am too. How. How long have you been here, kiddo? [01:51:15] Speaker A: I don't know. Long time. Since far before your mom came. [01:51:22] Speaker D: Wow. [01:51:23] Speaker A: She washed up out of a. Out of a low tide. Washed up on the shore. [01:51:32] Speaker D: No. No ship or anything. [01:51:36] Speaker A: She lost that. Oh, yeah. That's a long time ago. When she came here. She was running. She was trying to leave the lost lands and it didn't go right. She wound back up here. She had come from the mainland on some quest. And you watch his face. He keeps describing something. And then you see a wash of memory. And he keeps pausing in his story as if his story is hitting him as he says it all over again. Chews on that a bit more. And then says she. She had just done her big. She was taking something from the ocean to the ocean. And she needed to get to the. To the. To like you. Wellspring. And when she washed up here, she said she thought she'd all but died. The only reason she talked to me is cause I had food. And then she wound up just spending a couple months. [01:53:11] Speaker D: A couple months? [01:53:13] Speaker A: Yeah. Good months. [01:53:17] Speaker D: Did she the. Did she go to the. Was she looking for the Worldspring here? [01:53:26] Speaker A: No. No. How do you know about that? You met the mechanoids. [01:53:32] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Balls. Groovy. Fellas no, but not really anymore. We kind of bols, kind of lead them. We helped them out a little bit. Okay. [01:53:50] Speaker A: Well, anywho. No, I've been one year in ages. No mainland Ogba. [01:53:55] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [01:53:58] Speaker A: Had to get some farsit or something to it. So she a far seed. [01:54:08] Speaker D: Like an orange. [01:54:10] Speaker A: My common's not great. I mean, clearly it's not that bad. But she. Yeah, I don't know. Sorry, bro. Been more than 50 years, but she had to get it. And she had some. I don't know. She. She pissed somebody off underwater. Somebody didn't like somebody or something and they were coming after. On her way back, and she was sure she died, and instead she washed up here. And so I just. I mean, foof's a good place to wash up if you're in a bad place. So she just had a good time here. After a couple trips she didn't mean to take, but she, you know, recovered and ate well and drank well and then happened running to me. Weather aside, I think she was running from a storm. She found some shelter and we just became friends and then more. And, I mean, it was clear she was never staying. I learned she was a bard without a loot, so. And I make. And he holds up his necklace. Stuff instruments among them. I made her that new loot, and she told me about all our performances. I made sure it could make all those different sounds. And she set back off with it after a couple months. I was sad to see her go. [01:56:09] Speaker D: But, you know, how did she leave? [01:56:16] Speaker A: Oh, he takes the songbook back and he flips to a page. That one. And he points to Polymorph and he goes. I wasn't. She knew more magic than I did. She closes the book and hands back to you. But she turned some on there. I don't know. Real sk. Bard, I guess. I don't know much about bards, but. Yeah. And she. And she. She. Well, I guess she went to Z. Wow. I was not expecting this. And I'm sorry, Rose. Friends, y'all need something to eat? Something to drink? [01:57:16] Speaker E: Okay. I laid an egg earlier and ate that. [01:57:22] Speaker A: All right. You. Yeah, you should try and stay away from those mushrooms. Some of them aren't safe, but all right. It's good if you don't need something because I don't have a lot, but some of the berries around here are safe to eat. Not. [01:57:40] Speaker D: Yeah, we had some berries. [01:57:41] Speaker B: Some. [01:57:41] Speaker D: Well, well berries. Right, boss. Well, well berries. [01:57:45] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. You said you're ogman. You're native. All right. Excellent. [01:57:52] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. This actually Balls is the. Is the first person I ever met that looked anything like me. [01:58:01] Speaker A: We don't tend to be. Not here. [01:58:04] Speaker D: No, I. It was. It was an unson. And we ran into each other and I. [01:58:10] Speaker A: What were you doing out in. And he looks at Boss a lot of things. [01:58:16] Speaker E: The bees are dying, so I was trying to figure out why that's happening. [01:58:20] Speaker A: Okay. All right. Wait. Oh, that can't be good. [01:58:29] Speaker E: Yeah, it's not. We're figuring it out. [01:58:35] Speaker A: So you must be with Sir Vistial. [01:58:40] Speaker E: Yes. [01:58:41] Speaker A: You're with the Roots. Okay. Yes. All right, cool. [01:58:47] Speaker D: You said you were with an order. [01:58:50] Speaker A: Yes. We don't have to worry about the Sylvan. But he'd know it. The. He keeps the bees and cares for frog by herself. We keep the song, we keep the. The history, the truths of our people. Or at least I used to be. Long time ago. I'm not. Not. But I'm retired, so to speak. A good retirement. [01:59:24] Speaker D: It sounds like to me. Maybe not in the technical term, but it sounds like a bar to me. [01:59:31] Speaker A: Sure. Others of our people do the playing and the singing. I do the supplying. Somebody's got to have an instrument. I don't mean to be obtuse, but your dad was kind of the best at making instruments. So. Any points of your loot? [01:59:54] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, it's definitely stood the test of time. [01:59:59] Speaker A: I hope. It's my best. What, so you're. Yeah. You came here just to. [02:00:13] Speaker D: Yeah, we. Yeah, yeah, we. We came to the. To the Lost Lands and in general to. To catch up with. With Boz's family. He hasn't been home and. How long? [02:00:26] Speaker E: Balls, like, long time. [02:00:30] Speaker D: Yeah, a while since we've all been traveling together, I guess. And we were talking with some different people about the bees and what all we've learned out there. And I had an inkling that the leaf probably meant somewhere here in the Lost Lands, but I didn't really have any other leads. Sharp. [02:00:55] Speaker A: Like your mom. [02:00:57] Speaker D: Boz's friend mentioned you, and so we. [02:01:01] Speaker A: Somebody knew me. Well, I guess. [02:01:07] Speaker D: Boz. What. What was his name? [02:01:11] Speaker A: Oh, it's. Let's both be honest with each other. I don't even know all of them. The Roots visit every couple decades. You'll tell me and I won't remember. [02:01:21] Speaker D: Are you the only one on the. On the island or. I mean, we ran into a guy. [02:01:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know his name. That poor. [02:01:29] Speaker D: He was. He was chilled. He was fermenting a lot of the mushrooms. [02:01:36] Speaker A: He doesn't know Me, I've seen him. He does some wandering in states at times. [02:01:42] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah, that. That seems. [02:01:45] Speaker A: I've talked with the flumps about him a couple times. He's. [02:01:48] Speaker D: Yeah, the plums were very nice. They pointed me in the right direction. [02:01:52] Speaker A: One of the real is watching after him and so. [02:01:56] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:01:56] Speaker D: Yeah. I feel like he finally spoke to him. They were chill. They may travel together or something. [02:02:02] Speaker A: That's weird. [02:02:03] Speaker D: Okay. [02:02:04] Speaker A: Yeah. No, otherwise. I mean, people come through here, but I gotta be honest, it's a big island. I haven't been over all of it, so there might be a couple other people here, but just me kind of. [02:02:18] Speaker D: Wow. [02:02:19] Speaker A: Good night. Lando with Jeff is also your dad. [02:02:26] Speaker E: Congrats on finding your dad. [02:02:28] Speaker A: Thanks, Lance. Glad you find your dad. [02:02:31] Speaker D: Bye, buddy. [02:02:33] Speaker B: Bye, buddy. [02:02:34] Speaker A: And then there were three. [02:02:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:02:45] Speaker A: I have to stretch my shoulders. Okay, Abby, thank you. [02:02:48] Speaker B: I have to switch my shoulders. [02:02:50] Speaker A: I pushed a minivan for a quarter mile this week, so. [02:02:54] Speaker D: Why would you do that? [02:02:55] Speaker A: It was broken down in an intersection, but any hoodle. [02:02:59] Speaker D: That's good. I mean, not good that it broke down. [02:03:02] Speaker B: It's good that you felt 40 chairs from IKEA. [02:03:06] Speaker A: And honestly, the greater effort. [02:03:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:03:11] Speaker A: Any hood of. What were we poodling before? Abby was making fun of me for stretching my shoulders. [02:03:20] Speaker B: About the people on the island in the free film. [02:03:24] Speaker A: See all are just passing through. [02:03:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess. [02:03:31] Speaker A: I don't mean to pressure you with the sudden revelation of your dad. [02:03:42] Speaker D: Wow. [02:03:42] Speaker A: Okay. What? Nomnim. You're aware that's him, like saying, what a Thursday CU the day of the week? [02:03:55] Speaker D: Yeah. So it. [02:03:57] Speaker A: I didn't know the calendar for your mom. Ogbunds don't really use it, but man, was she focused on time. And she taught it to me rigorously. I just kept it out of habit ever since. [02:04:16] Speaker D: Yeah, I guess maybe I got that from her. [02:04:21] Speaker A: You didn't get it for me. [02:04:23] Speaker D: They get annoyed with me. I'm always telling them what time of day it is and which direction we're heading and. [02:04:31] Speaker A: Well, I can confirm you're related to her. [02:04:33] Speaker D: And if they say a name wrong, I can remember it and tell them they're wrong. Yes, but. [02:04:43] Speaker A: Wow. [02:04:49] Speaker D: Yes. Sorry, I. I guess I. I don't really know what to say. Um. [02:05:00] Speaker A: You've said a lot already. Uh, I don't. I don't. I don't have to pressure you. I mean, you can. You can come in, you can stay out. I mean, I would love to see more of you, but whatever you need. No, I need. [02:05:28] Speaker D: I'd love to see and Know more about you. And. [02:05:38] Speaker A: How long are y'all staying for? [02:05:41] Speaker D: We don't really have a time frame. We didn't even know if we would find you here, so we've just been making our way across the island. We kind of crashed here. Like, once we got yes here. It kind of took out our. Our. Our flying carpet leaf thing. [02:06:04] Speaker A: The deep magical. It's hard to fly through that. That mad. [02:06:11] Speaker D: It's also been. I. I will say it's. It's been hard. I have not been able to. To cast anything in the past few days without something else happening. [02:06:24] Speaker A: Capes. It take you get away from Ogbo and the magic gets. [02:06:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I spent. [02:06:31] Speaker A: Messed with. [02:06:32] Speaker D: I spent a few hours in the. In the shadow fell a few days ago. [02:06:35] Speaker A: Okay. I don't know what that is, but very. That's great for you. Not really, but you spend a couple decades working on it, you'll figure out how to spell cast around here without stuff getting messed up. [02:06:47] Speaker D: Do you spell Spell cast? Do you? [02:06:50] Speaker A: A little. Not like. Not like your mom did, but a little. Yeah. More like a turn into a squirrel kind of guy. [02:07:05] Speaker D: Balls. Does. I. I can do it a little bit. Not exactly how y'all do it, I don't think, but I definitely can. I have that Druidic touch, I guess. [02:07:25] Speaker A: I see. So you're. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to press it, but y'all. Y'all are hanging around or you're moving on? [02:07:33] Speaker D: No. Yeah. She kind of looks to the. To the rest of the group. Yeah, we can. We can play a while. I'd like to. [02:07:43] Speaker B: We can. Yeah. [02:07:46] Speaker A: Okay. [02:07:46] Speaker D: I just don't want to impose. [02:07:51] Speaker A: All right. Okay. [02:07:59] Speaker D: I mean, we can. We can. I, I. We don't need to impose on your. On your home. We can. We. We're good at camping. [02:08:06] Speaker A: You are very welcome. And it cannot fit you. It barely fits me. Your mom and I didn't spend half our time inside of it, but you're welcome in. It's just small. All Okay. I. Would you like a little time? This has been a lot. [02:08:37] Speaker D: If. If you need time. I. I completely understand that. [02:08:46] Speaker A: And I match the berries sometimes. Let me be right back. [02:08:51] Speaker D: Okay. [02:08:52] Speaker A: Let me right back. And he like, he goes in the direction of the home, and when he gets to the water, he just walks across it and then he gets to the other side and he walks up to the tree and he does. He pull. He lifts that. Like that sort of like carved hunk of wood at his neck and he blows into it and it Does. It's like a. It's like an ocarina. It hits a couple specific notes, like a. And then the tree just opens up and he walks down into it. He's just gone for a bit. [02:09:22] Speaker B: So cool. [02:09:24] Speaker A: And then Craig goes, ro. And then he says a bunch of stuff. And then Boz goes, non sequitur. And then Teller goes, oui, oui. And then you're left with only Greta to role play with. [02:09:37] Speaker B: I just go up to Ro and I, like, give her a little side hug, like, pat her arm. Pat, pat, pat. How you doing? [02:09:47] Speaker D: I. I think I'm good. He. [02:09:50] Speaker B: He seems. [02:09:51] Speaker D: He seems chill. [02:09:53] Speaker B: He seems super chill. He seems so nice. Yeah, he seems really happy. Happy to have you here. [02:10:02] Speaker D: It's. It's weird. I, I didn't know what to expect, but I. Part of me just figured that. I know this sounds bad, but part of me just figured that he wasn't going to be here. Wasn't going to be, like, here, you know, like her. But I, I mean, I, I, I don't know. I, I don't know how to tell someone, hey, I'm your daughter. You know. [02:10:38] Speaker B: I don't think there's a right. There's not a good time. You know what I mean? [02:10:44] Speaker D: I think you're. [02:10:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I think. [02:10:48] Speaker B: I think you did really well. I don't think there's a good or a bad way to do this, you know? Yeah, you did it. And I think that's the big thing. And he seems so happy about it. [02:10:59] Speaker D: Really want to learn. Sullivan Gretel. [02:11:02] Speaker B: Oh, I can teach you. [02:11:05] Speaker D: I'm tired of everyone I know speaking it. [02:11:09] Speaker B: Well, Bob and I both know it. [02:11:12] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:11:12] Speaker B: And so we can totally teach you how to do it. [02:11:15] Speaker A: I think Tello does as well. [02:11:17] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:11:19] Speaker D: He didn't know. [02:11:22] Speaker A: He didn't know. [02:11:23] Speaker D: He kind of stares off and he. He didn't know that she was dead. [02:11:30] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Yeah. [02:11:36] Speaker D: Do you think old knew her? Do you think it was. Do you think it was old? [02:11:47] Speaker B: I think what was old? [02:11:49] Speaker D: Well, he said far seed. He said a far seed. [02:11:52] Speaker B: I don't know what else that could be. I don't. Maybe. [02:11:55] Speaker D: I don't know how many olds are floating around Yalabrand, do you? Well, I never really asked them. [02:12:03] Speaker B: I don't know how many of them, like, live in the ocean. You know what I mean? Like, he said that she had pissed someone off under the wave. [02:12:15] Speaker A: Ro, could you make me a Rememory check? [02:12:18] Speaker D: Remember mine? [02:12:22] Speaker A: Remember me Also, Craig farts. [02:12:27] Speaker D: That would be. Did you fart? Oh, Craig farts. I thought you said those were great farts. And I was like, what? Who farted? [02:12:37] Speaker A: What'd you get on your history check. [02:12:44] Speaker D: 17. [02:12:45] Speaker A: I'll react to math in a very different way. You do remember when you were in more contact with old, when Craig had the orb, that when you had your own farseet that he had mentioned that he had multiple farseeds, that he had many eyes that had been dispersed to the world and that different people had attempted, failed, succeeded to return them to him. [02:13:06] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:13:06] Speaker A: That yours was relationship he had emulated multiple times. [02:13:10] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. [02:13:23] Speaker B: So, I don't know. How are you feeling. [02:13:33] Speaker D: Lots of things? I'm feeling lots of things. [02:13:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [02:13:43] Speaker D: That's weird. I, I don't know. He seems really lovely. [02:13:53] Speaker B: I think so too. [02:13:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:13:56] Speaker D: I, I don't. I, I don't know. I. Yeah. This is uncharted territory for anyone. [02:14:25] Speaker B: Yeah. He seems, I don't know, he seems really happy. [02:14:34] Speaker D: Yeah. And I, I, I guess I was worried that, like, how do I know? Like a team. But I, I feel like, I mean, obviously there's like, the facts of the time and. [02:14:53] Speaker A: Okay, so it could be kind of bad. And he's walking back up out of the tree. Truth be told, I kind of only make it for me now. And he's got like a real energy to him now. And he sort of like jogs across the stream and he hands you guys like three wooden bowls. And it's just got like berry mash and there's just stick rods, smooth rods. And he goes, just dip it in and you lick. It's an Ogwen thing. I don't know. I get a little bit of honey in it. It's good Nicks. [02:15:24] Speaker D: It falls. And she's like. Even though Buzz isn't here, she's like. [02:15:28] Speaker A: Boss has a stick in his mouth. [02:15:30] Speaker D: This makes sense now. The stick, the stick people. [02:15:36] Speaker A: Weird. And he goes back to dipping and looking. Greta, when you try it. Oh, that's good. It's just a lot of different sweets on all over each other. It's really good. [02:15:48] Speaker D: What does it take? Like, does it taste like good berry or anything? Or does it taste like nothing you've had? [02:15:53] Speaker A: It's like. Well, no, I mean, it's those, well, berries you've had. Oh. But mixed with honey. So it's like a more glazed, caramelized, well, berry. It tastes real good. A little more saccharine, a little more. A little more overly sweet, but not too much. It's real good. It's very much like, dessert territory. [02:16:11] Speaker D: Ro probably thinks it's, like, one of the best things. Like, Ro has such a sweet tooth. [02:16:16] Speaker A: Like, perhaps the sweet tooth is from bed. And, Ro, there's a weirdly calming effect about having some sugar right now. I mean, obviously it doesn't just fix everything, but you're like, oh, okay. Okay, now we're going to step out of character for a moment and go above table for a second. This can be. [02:16:40] Speaker D: What do you mean, above table? [02:16:44] Speaker B: We were below the table. [02:16:45] Speaker D: We were below the table. We were on the table. We were on the table, Abby. [02:16:51] Speaker B: Above the table. This is the longest he's ever frozen. [02:16:57] Speaker A: This could be, like, a whole thing for us. Like, we could spend the rest of the rest of the session doing this, and then we could go into next time. This could be the whole next session. If. So if. Jackie, if you want. I know Stone a lot at you, but if you want this to be like a. Yeah, no, I really want to, like, be here and role play with my dad a ton, then that can be, like, half of next time. But also if you're like, well, I've discovered him, and, like, let's montage a little bit, have a little bit more role play, and then maybe, like, tag a little extra on next time and then keep moving. That's an option as well. This is a big part in your story, but it's also very unstructured. So I want to hear you on what you might be interested in getting from it, and we can plan around that. [02:17:38] Speaker D: I. [02:17:41] Speaker A: Well said. [02:17:42] Speaker D: I would kind of like. I think it would be fun. And this may be me being, like, selfish, but I think. [02:17:49] Speaker A: No, I'm asking you. [02:17:50] Speaker D: No, no, no, no. I think you would be fun. [02:17:52] Speaker A: This is explicitly the question. I'm asking you for the reasons I previously said. [02:17:56] Speaker D: I think it would be fun to have some good role play and interaction with the whole party with him. Just because I think even stepping away from the fact that he's Ro's dad, which means a lot to me, I also think that he's a really interesting NPC that I would like everyone to be able to meet, basically. [02:18:18] Speaker B: I agree. [02:18:22] Speaker D: So, yeah, I would. I would like to have next session a little bit with. With them as well. I am fine with either way, depending on how y'all are feeling or whatever of how long you want. [02:18:36] Speaker A: I'm just asking you. And then how you want it is how it'll go. Every once in all things are about you, Jackie. Okay. So understand. And that's what's gonna happen. So now there's a follow up question. How long in simplest terms does the party spend here? And it can change next time a little. [02:18:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:18:56] Speaker A: But like, are they like, we hang out for eight hours. You're like, no, no, we spent a couple days here. Just give me that leglorg and then we'll work from there. [02:19:04] Speaker D: I would. I think it would be cool to do a couple days. [02:19:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:19:08] Speaker A: Excellent. So big lag. What we're going to do is we're not going to focus on the details here so much. What we're going to do is we're going to the party is going to spend a couple days here and there's plenty more lost lands to head to. But this is kind of big deal. So the 14th continues. And just the party camp outside of his home. Is it like a little too weird to be in there or is it like. No, no, no, Ro stays in there or. [02:19:46] Speaker D: I think. I think we would because it's not very much room. I think we would camp outside. But I would like to see the inside. Like I would like to go in and have like tea in there. But I would say we set up camp outside to not. [02:20:04] Speaker A: So this is what we're gonna end 121 on. Okay, you guys, like, he just talks with y'all and he does a lot of listening, which is both very true of the character I've written for him and also highly conducive to how we're doing this right now. So he just starts asking you guys about stuff and listens to all of y'all, but kind of can't quit looking at Ro. And after some point, if Ro, you're like, can I see your house, dad? Or whatever you call him. Of course, no pressure, but. So at some point as the rest of the group is setting up their camp. And I'll just plan on next time being half of this because sessions are long. And then again, unless we want way more, which we can have halfway through next time it can be moving on to the next island perhaps. We'll see. But at some point you go into his home. So Ro, it's just kind of you and him. And he opens up the tree again. He can just open it and close it, open it and close it. And you notice that when he walks across the water and calls to the tree, you don't recognize any direct spells. You see their facets, you see their relations. But it feels much more like woogly, boogly, dryad. Like, more like vague. Like this is just something inherent to him. This Is something about being Ogbon less about him being like, oh, he's that caster doing this spell. So at some point you travel down the tree and his home is like hewn from inside the rock. So it's like a home from like where rocks were pushed aside and there's like gaps through it. And so there is a sway and a flow to the home. But the structure and the definitions are not clear. And the floor is just smooth stone. It's like a pure rock stone, which is interesting because it's filled with wood. Small tables are wood and chairs are wood. He is clearly a carpenter and wow, he's a good one. A lot of smooth, long, sleek designs. Your loot is actually very out outside of most of his work and its style. So you get the feeling that maybe it was like a specific. Maybe your mom had a lot of input on the taste perhaps. And from the moment you get in his home, you could hear the waterfall very loudly outside, but you continue to hear it inside. His home is like four or five small rooms interconnected through narrow hallways. He sleeps in a small space with a simple bed. He eats and stores food in a small space, simple space. The only space that has any like real size and dimension to it is like his workspace. And it's just this big like carving shop. Everything in here, everything in here has a place. And clearly it's like the, the organized chaos of it all. But everything's very well worn, very well used. I mean this stuff looks like it's like these tools look like they're decades, if not a couple centuries of use. And when you get into the shop portion, it is. There's just every instrument. I mean, you recognize six different, you know, in two to five of each of those, some in their very initial stages of carving, some in their finals. And there are seven or eight instruments you do not recognize. Ogbin's Ogborn originals you don't know or understand. And also when you went into his room briefly, it's the loudest space because there's just a huge gap in the stone that just looks out over the 2 or 300 foot drop into the rest of the landscape. So it's this incredible drop vista where you can see the waterfall spraying by and you go, oh yeah, the weather never really changes around here. So it's not like a storm's going to come through the window. But anywho. So he's showing you around all the small details proudly and you're just shown around the space. And he's a little Awkward, but very excited. And it's just like he doesn't know what to do with you, but he's very excited you're there. He's showing you everything. But he lingers with you a moment in the, in the, the instrument space. And he says, I work on quite a few things and I've been here so long. A lot of these I just make. And I used to make them for our various druids and bards and storytellers. But there's less of that to do now. And based on what you've said so far, you sound like Ravenna, like your mom. I figure it's as good in your hands as anybody's. And he goes to the back of the room and he flips open this, like, wide chest you assumed was full of more instruments, and instead it's just filled with padded, like leaf leather. And he flips some of it up and you see this like, thin flute that's like, laced with silver and this like dos mandolin. But he pulls out of the middle another lute and he clips it shut and he turns around and he just shows it to you. And I'm gonna describe it. It is a powerful instrument. Okay. Excuse me. It is an onyx stained pinewood lute. A lot more vague instrumentation here. Let me keep going. The ornate instrument's short neck is threaded with magical flexible cords of silver. So the cords of the lute are flexible silver. A silver trim graces the edges of the neck in small spiraling filigrees, reminiscent of the sprawling fingers of a flourishing vine. The head of the lute's neck splits into two sharp points. So the head splits up at either side at different inward curving lengths, the left rising slightly higher than that of the right into sharp, elegant points of wood trimmed with silver. So, like the wood splits up into a bow and the edges of it are literally silver blades that come up to the top. The lute's thin, magically fortified neck leads down to the body of an instrument. A magically thin bass lacking in the resonant chamber necessary for the music of a lute enchanted with. So there's no body. There's no body to the lute where the sound should reverberate. It's just like a flat bass. So the lute is like. It's like a guitar with only the fret and almost no body. And like, the chords are able to produce the sound through magic rather than the physics of a lute. So instead it has like just the neck and then the head turns into an axe is what's at the top, an axe head, a wooden axe head with silver blades on either side. The flattened base of the same dark stained wood is an odd shape with a narrow side facing its wielder and a broad side facing away from the artist who holds it. The deeply stained wood of either side of the body is laced with silver inlay of leaf, divine designs, thin and live and lovely. On the bottom edge of the instrument, a curved metal blade of pure silver has been set into its bizarrely flat body. So you have the small axe head at one end and then down on the bottom on the low side, there's just a hole, whole blade like an even larger axe blade on one side. Curved and elegant and all silver. Very elvenish in design from Lord of the Rings, but thick and heavy. This long, bright contrast to the rest of the loop shimmers when light dances across its razor sharp edge. And a weapon's blade almost seems to hum with the vibrations when you play across it. When viewed as a whole entity. He refers to the lute. He says he named it Song Splitter. And it appears to be a bizarre hybrid between an unorthodox instrument and an impractical hand axe. And in the hand of artists less capable, it would be just as much. But he describes it as this sort of intersection of the two. And he goes, I made this 30 years ago and I haven't had anyone to give it to, but. And I know I'm rushing some things here, but, well, here. And he like just starts walking back out of the home, up the stairwell, up the tree with. [02:29:07] Speaker D: Does he have the loot? Yeah, he's taking it with, yeah, I follow. [02:29:11] Speaker A: Okay, so you get up, tree opens, he walks outside. Everybody looks back at him. He goes, sorry, folks, we'll be right back. And he just walks you over to the edge of the cliff with him and he goes here. And he leans the ax backward and just hurls it off the edge of the cliff, just. And then as it's flying away, he whistles sharply and the axe and like comes back to his hand like Thor's hammer. Like Thor's hammer. [02:29:36] Speaker D: Holy cool. [02:29:39] Speaker A: He just smiles at you, I mean, and it just. And he lets it get like halfway down the cliff face. Then he whistles again and just back to his hand. Oh, cool. I figure if for anybody, that's incredible. No pressure, but I'm all excited now. And he just hands it in your direction. [02:30:13] Speaker D: Ro. She kind of like holds it out at first, not wanting to. Is this when you have something that's worried about. [02:30:25] Speaker A: It's too much. I don't. [02:30:28] Speaker D: No, I'm. [02:30:30] Speaker A: It's okay. Good. [02:30:33] Speaker D: Wow. [02:30:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:30:38] Speaker D: Wow. May I. Can I try or. [02:30:49] Speaker A: And Ro, as you focus on it, you find it attunes weirdly quickly to you. Instead of having the 10 minutes, you just kind of look at it for a minute and all of a sudden you feel its vibration. Do you have an open attunement slot? [02:31:00] Speaker D: Let me see. Let me say I am worried. I don't know. My loot. My loot doesn't require attunement, does it? [02:31:11] Speaker A: Is that the case? I believe you, but does it? Is it the case? Because I don't know about that. [02:31:15] Speaker D: I don't. Well, I didn't think it did, but then when we had added the symbol of the maker, we said because it was now in the loot, that it did require attunement. [02:31:25] Speaker A: To me, I think that sounds correct. [02:31:27] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:31:27] Speaker A: What are you attuned to? [02:31:30] Speaker D: I am attuned to my tattoo favor's clasp. The. The symbol of the maker that's on the loot and the amulet of proof and detection. So can you unattune to the tattoo and it just not use it? No, not work. [02:31:49] Speaker A: You're always attuned to the tattoo. [02:31:52] Speaker D: I'll unattune to Faber's clasp for now to do that. [02:31:57] Speaker A: So you focus on the clasp and just kind of let go of the connection for a little bit. You can always reconnect it because y'all. What's y'all's proficiency bonus right now? [02:32:06] Speaker D: Four plus four. But I think it's going up soon. Right? [02:32:10] Speaker A: You know, but any hoodle. So Jackie, just put song splitter in your inventory. You can put it in your inventory and you're now attuned to it. [02:32:22] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh. I keep breaking my pencil. I'm so. I'm shaky. It broke off twice. [02:32:32] Speaker A: So if you want to. If we want to make it the last thing of the session, you could woodly doodle and skip the boodle and take a look at it real quick. Are you fine with me reading deets or do you want to keep them super secret from Abby? [02:32:43] Speaker D: I'm fine. Abby can know. I won't do that to Abby. [02:32:49] Speaker A: Okay. Songsplitter is both a magical loot of epic proportions as well as reinforced melee weapon. When turned. Give me a second. When turned upside down and grasped as a melee weapon, Songsplitter acts as a one hand axe. If you're a bard, you're proficient with it craft and Enchanted to be wielded by the nimble hands of a bard, Songsplitter uses dexterity as its ability modifier rather than strength. While attuned to Songsplitter, you gain expertise in the performance skill. This is a benefit of the weapon, so it's a one hand axe Dex instead of strength. If you're attuned to it, you have expertise and performance. When thrown, you may produce a mellifluous note as a bonus action and summon the weapon back to your grasp within a range of 60ft. If another creature is holding Song Splitter when you summon it in this way, they must make an athletics check opposed to a charisma saving throw. Yada yada. More rules for that. Finally, Song Splitter's magical boon to your bardic performance increases the encouraging potency of your bardic inspirations, providing a plus one to all roles produced by uses of your bardic inspiration while wielding the weapon. So if you bartically inspire someone with Song Splitter, whatever they roll has a plus one on it from their bardic inspiration. [02:34:08] Speaker D: Oh, wow. [02:34:12] Speaker A: Requirements for attuning to Song Splitter, you meet them all. Song Splitter also grants you the ability to cast spells magically enchanted into its woodwork. The Magical Loot has five charges, regaining one D4 plus one charges each day at dawn, you may use an action to expend one or more of the spells. Yada yada. All the usual. So friends is one charge, Heroism is two. Calm emotions is two, Enthrall is three. Magic Mouth is three, Pyrotechnics is three, Fear is four. And Charm Monster is five. [02:34:50] Speaker D: Holy moly. I am so. [02:34:55] Speaker A: It's a. It's a boodle spadoodle. [02:34:57] Speaker D: I'm at a loss for words. [02:35:01] Speaker A: This is a one of the stronger bardic instruments in the world. [02:35:05] Speaker D: Wow. [02:35:10] Speaker A: And is Ro stunned by the instrument because this has been an insane ending. That's where episode 121 wound. And with whatever that means, we will end there. [02:35:32] Speaker B: I'm so excited. [02:35:33] Speaker D: I'm shook. [02:35:34] Speaker A: Ro has Song Splitter. [02:35:40] Speaker B: Jackie, I'm so excited to hang out with your dad next session. I am too the whole party to hang out. Oh, I can't wait. [02:35:52] Speaker A: Because you all met Rose. Freaking dad. You gained 0.04 levels. Wow. So what's our total right now? [02:36:00] Speaker D: My pencil's not working. Okay, 0.04, so. Oh my God. Guys, I can't write with a pencil. Apparently I've broken this pencil 20 times. [02:36:12] Speaker A: Frustration. [02:36:13] Speaker D: That's gonna be fatherhood. Fatherhood. That's gonna be 11.833. [02:36:21] Speaker B: Wow. [02:36:23] Speaker D: Wow. [02:36:24] Speaker B: They are getting up there. [02:36:30] Speaker A: So this leaves you with some toughy attunement choices. But yeah, big spagoodle fart for even further away from the poodle. But excellent session everyone. Nut stuff. Everyone's exhausted. We'll just drop it at that. Listeners. Life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. Going to be a lot more jath next time. Skippy, Wap and Dada. I guess. [02:36:57] Speaker D: Yike.

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