Into the Woods

January 24, 2025 04:49:48
Into the Woods
Barely D&D
Into the Woods

Jan 24 2025 | 04:49:48


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There's a bump in the night...

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[00:00:00] Speaker A: Welcome back to Bailey dnd. This is Zach your dungi on maester and we're doing a little surprise one shot today because lotno fell through. Surprise. Okay. And it's gonna be very, very guesty. Our only main cast member is Jake Quellen. All right, Colton, do you want to say something off the cuff and smart alec? [00:00:23] Speaker B: You know, I just wanted to let everyone out there know that, you know, sometimes you are the bad guy. [00:00:39] Speaker A: I really loved that. Anyway, okay, so clearly we have a lot of guests. Jackie from main cast but also Daniel and Colton who is on stone God one shot forever ago. Yeah. Is. Is joining us. And today we're going to mix it up and we're going to do a spoop session. It's going to be a little bit of non October spooping. What was that, Daniel? [00:01:01] Speaker C: I burped really softly and so I said excuse me. [00:01:05] Speaker A: Oh, I thought you said toot. I don't know why. Anyway, moving, moving on. We're going to do a little. Oh, Jackie has her spooky mug. [00:01:15] Speaker D: This is my everyday mug, but I mean, I'm spooky every day, so. [00:01:20] Speaker A: Oh, Colton also has a spooky thing. [00:01:25] Speaker D: Sponsor us, please, everybody. [00:01:27] Speaker C: I have a giant that's a really cool mini. [00:01:29] Speaker A: Holy cow. So we're, we're gonna, we're gonna do a kind of spooky one shot and for this one shot we are going to go way, way, way, way, way back. In the past, almost, almost all of our one shots have been historic, but they've all been historic within a few centuries. This one is going to take us back about 4,000 years. [00:01:53] Speaker D: Basically. No one we know is alive. [00:01:56] Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, no one you know is alive. Absolutely. By generations and orders magnitude. And so not even the hate king. Anyway. Well, okay, so you guys immediately came up with two examples. But moving on. We were going so back in time. We're going so far back in time that there is a different date scale and the pb, the post birth date scale that we use to refer to the modern campaign is after this event in time. So no more peanut butter is. You guys are going to have to chill it. I'm going to give a little bit of lore for the setting and then we're going to like the context and the time frame. Then we're going to do some lore for the one shot. And so what I'm going to say is if, if this might be a patron only one shot. So if it is, then this probably goes without saying, but if this ever gets put on Spotify, Spotify listeners, feel free to skip ahead a few minutes because this is just about to be lore. Lore, lore, lore, then some more lore. But for Jonathan and Drew and all of our regular patrons, I'm sure that this is going to be worth it. So we are going to talk about the Shade Agents. Yalaburin has been remade, metamorphosized by the bloodshed and the ruin of the almost centuries long your global conflict, known in its day as the Skyfires. This arduous, consuming war which enveloped nations, peoples and forces from across the realm, changed everything about the wondrous world, her horizons draped with the dark of ash and her oceans run red with the bleeding. A world of incredible arcane achievement, enduring peace and complex intersectionality was brought to its knees in this violent upheaval over the fate and purpose of Yellowbrin's fundamental resource and ultimate provision, the Deep Magic. This pure arcana which flows through Yalbedin at sources of unfathomed life, and which allowed the inhabitants of the Elder Age to build unprecedented cultures and form incredible innovations of thought and function, was the catalyst of Yalabin's formation and the source of her apocalyptic conflict. But this is not the Elder Age. And for the listener, I'm throwing out a lot of terms that I've had written down for forever, but I have said very little in the campaign. So the Elder Age refers to the time when the Old Ones were alive. In the centuries following the heights of those simply immortalized as the Old Ones, the Skyfires have been renamed as the Hateful, a ruinous turning point for all of history. From the smoldering rubble of those who came before, the enduring remnant of the once thriving populace has exhumed the sallow silhouette of the world they once knew, fighting to restabilize their lands and regain a semblance of prosperity. But from these ruins has crawled instead a Dark age, more than 2,000 years of strife and fear, in which the brutal and mutual annihilation of Yalden's great throngs of ascendant mages, mythic warriors and grand creatures of might have left behind a cold vacuum of power. And in a world shaped by magical power, the loss of those who champion the Deep Magic's use for preservation, commensalism and innovation has invited tyrants to flock the limping world. Excuse me, to flock to the limping world. And has even acted as a beacon to many of the lowest dregs across the realms. Foul denizens of the Shadowfell have slipped into the night. Brutal kings lord over the Huddled masses. And a world, once almost entirely exterminated of monsters has begun to regrow its stock of vicious and sometimes unnatural creatures. Yabren is not without all hope, but those who seek a better world struggle in these darkened generations, these deeply dimmed, ever stretching years, which would later be renamed by historians as the Shade Ages. The deep wells have been lost to secret. Their wellsprings are all but dried up and most of the once faithfully served pantheon forgotten. With few other places to turn, the citizens of this harrowing day depend heavily upon each other, cling desperately to what sources of hope remain, and look to a coming dawn. So that's the basic lore and setup for the context of this time period. I can just keep moving directly, but I've thrown a lot at you guys. So do any of the players have any questions about that? You don't have to. [00:06:27] Speaker D: I don't think so. [00:06:28] Speaker A: Okay. Keeping a movin. The lore of the one shot itself. It is within these disparaging days that our gathering of unfortunate bands of our fortunate sellswords find themselves. The Shade Ages were not without their small enclave of historical heroes. But our band of survivors find themselves in a far less noble and hopeful narrative than these epic stories which will precede and have preceded them. Instead, a week long struggle to survive has grown grimmer and grimmer for those who remain to see the beginning of our tale. With the great array of kingdoms and cultures which dominated the Elder Age almost perfectly decimated by the vague cataclysm of the hateful, what small pockets of civilization which remained were tasked with slowly fighting back the night. It is from one of these very few sources of hope for the future of Yaldin's peoples, A group of small nations from Yaladdin's relatively temperate and hospitable concentration of continents in the northeast recently lent the optimistic title the Earth in Bloom have formed the Narska Concord and begun to solidify a select assemblage of stable, well defended and economically viable governments. And from these growing bedrock of culture and increasing civility, the last two centuries have seen numerous ventures into the larger world launched. One such pilgrimage of hopeful souls saw the establishment of a new nation, Lefkoe, established in the resource rich but danger ridden continent of Unsent, once believed to have housed some of the greatest civilizations of the Elder Age. Lefkoe is hoped to gain an enduring foothold on the historically viable land and to use this grasp and the rung by which the Narska Concord may establish international trading partners and economic stability. So basically unsen's a land of the south. That's what people in this age are calling the continent. There's this group of nations in the north called the Narska Concord. They have established this other kingdom, Lefkoe, or it's not even a kingdom yet, but this other like colony nation to the south. And they want it to eventually grow up into its own nation to increase their reach. Economic partners Yada yada. The emphasis of this formation of communities has attracted the ambition of many daring entrepreneurs who have in turn gleaned innumerable professionals of the craft and study of violence to protect their investments. Former thieves of the exposed highway have been armored and employed as private muscle. Renowned bodyguards have been made from those who survived the dark wilderness before. And the arcanely inclined are a well rewarded resource in the fledgling age of the nation. A southward expedition to Lefkos southernmost colony, Palm Ghosh has been launched by the Northern Skillian Trading Co. Which has launched a small fleet of cargo vessels to see the delivery of vital supplies to the fragile township. This is where the, you know, the meat of our actual story begins. With a fleeting turn of luck the entire dispatch of galleys completed their two month voyage and delivered the supplies to a caravan awaiting the shipment along Lefkos southernmost shore. It was this caravan of valuable goods which traveled for almost two weeks along the Te highway and through the frightening pine forest which surrounds the southern half of the continent before finding the end of its good fortune. A sudden and violent storm saw a washout of the dirt road along a key bridge and the separation of three of the carts from the greater caravan which was which was forced to carry onward to Palm Ghosh. In the howling night winds these stranded vehicles attempted to ford a different route. But one was lost to a sudden mudslide in the three day deluge and another still broken down in the horrid conditions. The departing gale left the survivors with a gift of cold induced sickness which claimed the two surviving drivers and spoiled most of the remaining rations. Here, in the towering shade of the nameless pines, at the precipice of remaining rations and half frostbitten, three surviving sellswords, siblings of the original caravan, find hunger and fear begging to gnaw at the peripheries of their hearts. These few unfortunate souls are left to choose between hoping for rescue and venturing deeper into the merciless woods beyond them. I have said an incredible amount of words. Does anyone need clarification or are y'all like simple, easy breezy covergirl? [00:10:42] Speaker C: Maybe it's Maybelline. [00:10:44] Speaker A: Maybe it's if I'm a cell. Sword. [00:10:46] Speaker B: But I don't have a sword. Am I just a cell? [00:10:49] Speaker A: You are just a cell, yes. [00:10:51] Speaker B: Then that's mitochondria. [00:10:54] Speaker A: Dang it. Okay, so technically the one shot is over. Colton has won it and that is that. I have to acquiesce. These are the rules. [00:11:04] Speaker D: You said we were half frostbitten. [00:11:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:08] Speaker D: What's that? What does that do? I don't like that. [00:11:11] Speaker A: You guys are very. You guys are very far into the year and things are ending in fall and reaching winter. So you all are very cold and have been cold for days. Wood around you is wet, the ground is. Is moist, and it is almost frozen, but never snowing. It is just that bitter, wet cold before snow. And I'll tell you what, for the note taking nerds, I'll just go ahead and since we're kind of just starting to describe scenes, this is the one shot. Into the woods. Jackie, go ahead. [00:11:49] Speaker D: Into the woods House. [00:11:51] Speaker A: Excellent. She's gotten it out of her system forever. Now the one shot is called into the Woods. It is a level four adventure and the year is 1716 YBR years beyond reconstruction. [00:12:06] Speaker B: We're going to form America, everybody. [00:12:10] Speaker A: I really should have seen that coming too. And at this point in history, months are not being employed. They've been used in the past, they'll be used again in the future, but at this point in history, they are not being utilized. So it is just the 219th day of the 322 day year. [00:12:30] Speaker C: Would I find that this is. Am I a person of history to a point where I'm like, man, we should really be using months, or am I like now doing the days is better than the months? [00:12:42] Speaker A: Months basically need to be reinvented again. So used in the past and they've been forgotten and they are yet to be reinvented. [00:12:52] Speaker C: Okay, so I don't even know these things. Okay. [00:12:55] Speaker A: Yeah. The Shade Ages are also partially. They're called the Shade Ages by historians because they were so dangerous. But they're also called the Shade Ages in the same way that we call the time the Dark Ages in that a great wealth of knowledge and resour from the past was lost and cut off. And so many civilizations are having to like rebuild what they know there are. [00:13:16] Speaker B: Because no one was talking to each other. [00:13:19] Speaker C: I thought there were trees everywhere. [00:13:23] Speaker A: So with that, let me go ahead and start this up. [00:13:29] Speaker C: I just did. Remember, I have a familiar. And for my sake to always remember that I have a familiar, I'm gonna go Grab that familiar mini downstairs. [00:13:37] Speaker A: Oh, that's loud. That's really loud. [00:13:40] Speaker C: Extremely loud. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Okay, when I turn the volume down for you all, does it turn down for just me or for all of you? [00:13:47] Speaker D: I think just you. [00:13:49] Speaker A: So you all are going to need to go to the left hand. [00:13:51] Speaker D: I turned it down. [00:13:52] Speaker A: Right click on Kenku Music and then you can use the volume slider to decrease it. Were you able to do that successfully, Coltar? [00:14:05] Speaker B: No, but I can hear you. [00:14:08] Speaker A: I. I would love for you to have the better experience. On the left hand side under general can you see Kenku Music? [00:14:14] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:15] Speaker A: Can you take your mouse and scroll over it and then right click? [00:14:19] Speaker B: Yes. [00:14:20] Speaker A: Does it bring up a little menu that has user volume? [00:14:25] Speaker B: No, but I can't stress this enough about how much not of an issue it is for me. [00:14:30] Speaker A: Okay. All right. If you say so. You just. You just right click and it'll bring up the menu and then you can slide that. [00:14:36] Speaker B: I'm right clicking. Don't you worry about me, baby. [00:14:39] Speaker A: And there isn't a little blue bar under user volume. [00:14:42] Speaker B: I don't even have a user volume. [00:14:45] Speaker A: Okay, that's confused. That's weird. I don't know what that means. Are you sure? Do you need to left click? [00:14:52] Speaker B: I can hear everyone. [00:14:54] Speaker A: All right. It just really bugs me. But I'm going to quit being obsessive. So the Eversharps, correct? [00:15:04] Speaker C: Yes. [00:15:05] Speaker A: Eversharp Siblings. Things are not good. The last of the three carts separated from the caravans is broken down. It's rear axle split on a large stone. Because you guys have basically you've been off of the trail for days. A puppy. There's a dog. I'm so distracted. Anyway, focus, Zach. Doesn't help that Colton has a very cute dog. I mean all dogs are cute, but that's an extra cute dog. So you all had to take the cart a good ways off of the path and just tried to ford it through the forest. And a large stone hidden under leaf clutter broke the rear axle. And what's more, the horse that has been pulling you all died about six hours ago. [00:16:09] Speaker D: That's so rude of you. [00:16:12] Speaker A: You all are in. You all are in the Tigri Forest. [00:16:20] Speaker B: Which giggledy Forest. [00:16:24] Speaker A: I'm gonna need you guys to be less funny. That's gonna be important. [00:16:29] Speaker C: This is how we're dealing with our stress. [00:16:33] Speaker A: Write this down. [00:16:37] Speaker B: I like giggly movies. If that'd be. [00:16:39] Speaker A: I just saw how movie Castle. That is a great movie. So T R G R R I E And for our one insunian speaker and then our rough Insinian speaker. You guys can make an intelligence check. Actually wizard, you just know, but. [00:16:56] Speaker C: Okay, cool. [00:16:58] Speaker A: Thor, you can try and make your check. [00:17:02] Speaker D: I got an eight. [00:17:04] Speaker A: Okay, you don't know, but. Veit veit. Vit. Veit veit. You are aware that tehri means terror, of course. And the forest is huge. The trees are not particularly massive. I mean they can get to almost 3ft the width at their largest. But most of them are much closer to a foot or two in total width. But they are tall. They climb stories and stories upward. The shortest of them is probably 40ft tall, but some of them get to 60 or 70. They are densely packed and there are only splits in the trees that meet streams and gullies at which the night sky can be seen. Even when it is day here, it is not bright and it is dim and dark. You all rest now near the body of the dead horse by the broken cart with your water rations frozen in the back of the cart in a barrel. The grain has split as the water has expanded inside of it from the cold. And the meat that you all had spoiled in the day when it warmed and has frozen now on the edge of evening. And you guys are bedded down in a dip of stone and soft damp soils, largely leaf litter and pine with moss growing over the side of a large rock at which you're resting. [00:18:36] Speaker D: And you said we've. [00:18:37] Speaker A: Oh, sorry, we've been ask your questions. [00:18:39] Speaker D: Six days is how long we've been like stranded? [00:18:44] Speaker A: Yes. [00:18:45] Speaker D: Okay. [00:18:45] Speaker A: How long you've been. Been separated. [00:18:49] Speaker B: I would like to start harvesting what meat I can from the horse. [00:18:54] Speaker A: Give me a survival check. And before you do that, could the three of you describe your characters? Oh yeah, you can go ahead and roll your check if you want cold. [00:19:04] Speaker D: Can I assist? Can I assist? [00:19:06] Speaker A: Yes, you can. [00:19:09] Speaker D: So you can roll? Yeah. [00:19:10] Speaker B: So I roll twice or do you want roll as well? [00:19:12] Speaker D: You can roll twice or I don't. [00:19:15] Speaker B: Much better. Thank you, sister. That's a dirty 20. And looming over this horse is a four foot tall dwarf with a wide brim, flat top hat and robes that are tucked beneath a pretty well worn jacket. And he has a hand ax which he is trying his best to make do with because he's hungry, his siblings are hungry. And that was a good horse that lived a good life. He has a beard down to about his the bottom of his rib cage that comes to a clasp at the bottom. And it's pretty dark like a dark brown, but it's got streaks of Gray in it, starting to come in. Nothing like elderly, but he's. He's definitely getting there. Wrapped around his right hand is a. It's almost like a rosary of sorts with an emblem dangling from it. The emblem is a small set of scales, and he's just packing up that horse with a dirty 20. [00:20:34] Speaker A: And what is your character's name? [00:20:36] Speaker B: This is Karn. Karn Evershark. [00:20:42] Speaker A: Okay, Karn, you are the eldest, correct? [00:20:46] Speaker B: Yes. [00:20:46] Speaker A: I am the eldest of these three siblings. And for what it's worth, you all smell. You have been dirty for days. Each of you has lost about 12 pounds in whatever way that that impacts your different physiques. We can start all this off by saying you all have a point of exhaustion wherever you want to mark that down. And, oh, yeah, it's starting bad. And Karn, what does the hand axe look like that you're utilizing? [00:21:22] Speaker B: The hand axe is. It's honestly nothing special. It is absolutely nice. Brown, polished handle. Looks like a stick with a wedge shape on top. But on his back, he does have a shovel that has sharpened edges that he keeps pretty close to him because, you know. [00:21:49] Speaker A: Okay. As you grip the wood, the smooth wood of the hand axe in your hand, and you lift it up her head and bring it down quickly, and you just chop away the upper haunch of this animal, you are finding the terrible realization that the skin is already beginning to freeze. Your cutting is being impeded. And as you work very hard, some of the calluses on your hands are beginning to peel, even from the first few strikes, because though you are frigidly cold, you are constantly damp, and the dry temperatures that your calluses rely on to remain hard are sort of flaking. And you can fear, well, there where there will be blisters beneath them tomorrow. But you cut and you cut and you cut. And with a 20, what you glean is that there is very little harvestable of this horse. But you cut beneath the first few layers, and you cut out as much meat as you can. Go ahead and roll a D20 for me. [00:23:07] Speaker C: Question while he's rolling the D20, is it possible that if it is warmed up, it could be harvestable or not at. If I could do that. [00:23:19] Speaker A: Give me an intelligence check. [00:23:23] Speaker B: That's a two. [00:23:26] Speaker A: Okay. You gained two pounds of usable meat. But before you write that down, let's get the result of. Of Veit's rule. [00:23:36] Speaker C: And it is just intelligence, right? [00:23:48] Speaker A: Early attempts just sear skin and don't really effectively utilize the flesh in a way that would fought but as that is being reasoned through. Can you describe your character, Daniel, and what he's doing? Sure. [00:24:00] Speaker C: I think he's like over his brother's shoulder, looking down, trying to figure out if he should help at all. And he's on a log probably because he's 3 foot 5. So he's trying to get over his brother's shoulder because he does this often and he's just. He usually has this really nice brown beard that's like lighter than all the other guys. And it's usually like in like little cornrows all the way down his. But because we've been out here for so long, like, it's just gotten scraggly and like it's probably down to like where his chest is. And he's just kind of like on the log. Sitting? No, not sitting. He has to be standing. Kind of just like holding his arms, like the thinker pose. And he's just like the complete opposite of both of his siblings here. He's very prim. His clothing is like the clothing of the time. It's much more like used to be really clean. Like, he wasn't expecting to be all as dirty. So, like, it keeps on like there. He wasn't really prepared for, you know, going in super distressing conditions. It wasn't like he wasn't preparing for jackets and stuff. But he definitely, you know, brought the nicer jacket this time instead of like a extremely good jacket, you know. And so he's got on his shoulder with him a little Merlin hawk that he's constantly talking to. [00:25:33] Speaker A: And like, that's sick. [00:25:35] Speaker C: Packed away underneath his cloaks and stuff like this are like different quills and things. And a magical book that he's just like constantly like looking in, looking at his spells, flipping back to different pages, being like, will this be helpful to me tomorrow? Those kind of things. And he's overall not being very helpful with the manual labor stuff. But he's still. He still looks capable. It's like a guy who's toned, but he's not calloused anywhere. So he's a dwarf. He's got brown eyes, paler skin that's getting burned as he's being outside more and more these past few days. I guess the sun's not out too much. They're not too much burning. [00:26:23] Speaker A: Well, your pale skin can be taking on a really uncomfortable red tone. And you can be getting like even kind of like frost reddening in your cheeks. Nose. [00:26:34] Speaker C: Yeah. And he's got a quarter staff behind his back, but that's all the weapons he has. [00:26:42] Speaker A: Veit we. Where are you in the birth order for your siblings? [00:26:45] Speaker C: Oh, he's the youngest little guy. That's why he's the shortest. And the coloring in his hair is still there because everybody else is old, you know. [00:26:55] Speaker A: The only animal here doing well at all is your Merlin. Does it have a name? [00:27:02] Speaker C: I don't. He still hasn't come up with it, even though he's been for years. Who come. He kind of just calls it Merle sometimes, but that's about it. [00:27:12] Speaker A: Well, Merle is the only thing doing all right. He's adapted to the cooler climates, and he keeps flying off for a bit and coming back with small mice. Not enough to feed any of you, but your bird is kind of the only creature doing well. And Jackie, as all this is transpiring, what is your character doing and who are they and what they look like? [00:27:42] Speaker D: So while they're doing that, she's probably. Is there any, like. I know there's, like, we're in a forest, so there's, like, trees. [00:28:01] Speaker A: You could say there are nothing but trees. [00:28:03] Speaker D: Yeah, but I mean, like, did we have any, like, firewood or anything on us in our caravan or anything like that? [00:28:13] Speaker A: You did. You prepared and studied, and the days of rain have ren. Have rendered it essentially useless. [00:28:21] Speaker D: So would all the other trees be useless, I guess, because of all the rain. [00:28:27] Speaker A: Give me a survival check. [00:28:28] Speaker D: Okay. That's a. I rolled really bad. That's a nine. [00:28:40] Speaker A: I mean, the bark's wet, so, yeah, try cutting into one, but you don't know how productive it would be. [00:28:49] Speaker D: Okay. Well, I think she's. She's just. [00:28:51] Speaker A: She's. [00:28:51] Speaker D: She's just sitting back, looking at her weapon, thinking of what we could do for firewood. And I'll describe her. So Thorn is the middle child between the two brothers. And she's kind of. She's. She's quite different than her brothers. In a way. She looks like them in the genetic sense, but in the other senses, not so much. She has, like, dark brown hair, and it's all in these different braids. It's tied back. But she has a very, like, wild look about her. She wears, like, boots and a jacket that, like, maybe her brothers gave her. Like, it's definitely a hand me down. It's not, like, nice or anything, but. [00:29:37] Speaker A: It'S something Karn used to wear. [00:29:41] Speaker D: Yeah, like, it's. It's more of a hand me down. It's more like of a humanoid look, but the rest of her. I don't know if you guys Like, I'm thinking of in the show Disenchantment, and, like, in Teen Wolf, there's, like, selkies, and, you know, there's like, a mythology of selkies, like, people that wore, like, bear skins. She wears kind of, like, hides and, like, different stuff patched together of, like, bears. And she has a few rings on that, like, look like they were made out of bone. And she has, like, a partial, like, bear skull, like, kind of sometimes, like, around her neck, but sometimes she puts it over her head and she's, like, kind of like, sharpened her teeth to almost be, like, kind of like bear. Like, she's a little wild. [00:30:27] Speaker A: Oh. Oh, that sibling got it. [00:30:32] Speaker D: She's a little out there, but she has, like, dark brown hair like her. Like her brothers, and she has, like, these greenish, brownish, like, hazel eyes. She's about four foot one, and she's pretty muscular. Like, she's just kind of jacked for. For a dwarf and. Well, not for a dwarf, but she's a jacked little dwarf. [00:30:56] Speaker A: She's thick and strong. [00:30:58] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. And she has a battle ax that she's sitting there with, and it's, like, it looks very, like, rough, like, roughly cut and everything. And the handle is wood, and it has, like, animal hide, like, wrapped around the handle and, like, maybe even, like, a little strap hanging from it that have, like, some weird little, like, bone trinkets hanging off of it. [00:31:23] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:31:24] Speaker D: She's just very, very rough around the edges. [00:31:31] Speaker C: Like a thorn. [00:31:33] Speaker D: Yeah, like a thorn, exactly. I didn't even think of that. So, yeah, that's. That's. I think I have. Yeah, that's. That's thorn. She's just sitting there contemplating what to do about fire. [00:31:48] Speaker A: Ever sharp, siblings. You were tired four days ago. You were hungry yesterday. Your throats are tight, your noses burn up in your sinuses, but the ends of them, you don't feel anymore. Your tongues are parched, your legs hurt, your backs are sore, and things are strained, to say the least. In Karn, as you carve and carve, the. The height is rendering a minimal amount of practically usable flesh, but you've gained what you can. There's some meat. It is raw. It is still filled with blood, and it is rapidly growing colder. The night is getting darker, and the differences in temperature between night and day, never warm, but just cold and frigid, have created a sort of thick layer of dense fog that holds to the bottom of the forest floor. Not where anything's invisible, just that every 500 meters or so is just kind of thin and gray and hard to see past. And as you guys rest in this gully with the cart broken and the horse dead, what are the ever sharps doing? I think. [00:33:16] Speaker C: Oh, so sorry, Khan. Oh, yeah. I gotta be a Cockney guy. [00:33:20] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, That's. Doesn't matter. That's Irish. Cockney is very different than that. Now you can be Irish, live your dreams. [00:33:28] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:33:29] Speaker A: That's. [00:33:30] Speaker C: Anyway, so. [00:33:31] Speaker A: But go for it if you want. [00:33:32] Speaker C: Use this spell. Not in the throwing variety, but making the weapon. So I have ice knife. I was trying to think of, okay, making a knife out of it. And then I have this really cool ability that lets me change the damage type of my spells to other ones that I have prepared. And I have burning hands prepared. So I was wondering if, through magical stuff, I can create the ice knife. And then when I'm cutting the meat, it's also cooking a bit of it and trying to, like, slowly get enough for us to actually eat out of it. [00:34:06] Speaker A: Veidt, that's dope. Please describe what that. Visually what the casting looks like. And then give me. Give me an arcana check once you've described your casting to try and execute this effectively. Also, Jackie, your webcam battery's low. [00:34:23] Speaker D: Oh, sorry. I'm still here. One second. [00:34:28] Speaker C: No worries. Veidt is gonna. After he sees Karn, he's gonna come up to him, be like, do you mind if I looked at that real quick? I think I can do something real cool about it. Well, warm. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Sure. He's gonna hand you one of the hunks of me, sort of. [00:34:48] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:34:49] Speaker A: Slaps on your knee. [00:34:50] Speaker C: It is bloody. Yeah. I'm gonna put it onto the log and, like. [00:34:55] Speaker B: And it's up to his elbows. It's just horse, this blood. [00:34:59] Speaker A: It's awful. [00:35:01] Speaker C: I press the digitate all the blood away from hands, and it's like, what is fight's coloring of all this is gonna be. He's just tired. And so instead of it being, like, lively and cool, and he's not, like, trying to do anything, it's like this gray mist that kind of just flies everything away. And then he's gonna put it down, and he's gonna grab the spell book that he has. And it's got this weird, like, nickel design on it. You know, it's got somebody's face sick. Like. Like a portrait. [00:35:37] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:35:38] Speaker C: Somebody. Yeah, maybe. What he imagines one of the gods and goddesses would look like. Who's the knowledge goddess or God? And he's gonna like, talk to it for a second. He's like, I think this will work. You. You'll just have to see. Okay, let me see. He clips to the page, opens it up, grabs his spells components, grabs his book in one hand and like, starts muttering incantations and insignian because he feels like it's the cool way to talk to spells, and then rolls his eyes. [00:36:10] Speaker A: I also, I really like that near death, this is still a priority for Veid. I appreciate that. That's character. Character consistency. [00:36:19] Speaker C: And he's gonna like, begin casting the spell of ice knife. And as the spell comes, he like, looks at his book and flips a couple pages back to burning hands. And instead of like the icy touch of the knife, it's gonna like almost erupt in this red flame as he tries to sequence this and hope to not fail. Oh, thank God. 22. Way better rule as I'm gonna try to cut as much for the night that I think everyone needs to eat a little bit. [00:36:56] Speaker A: Thorn, the magic brothers are doing magic. Yeah. Realms and focus beyond you. Now, you are very intelligent. The education of your family wasn't lost on you. You just have other giftings in focus. So you're not some sort of an ingrate or a Neanderthal. But your brothers are the magically inclined and studied. They applied those gifts into those areas. And the youngest is carefully applying what he has studied hard and vite as the icy handle forms into your. Into your hands. And you flip the pages and you change the incantations you're muttering and focus on. On the. The visual gesticulation of alternative sigils, of evocation. The sort of hard ice handle forms, then warms and melts at his base in the mist at the top. Like the blade that should have turned into ice, like frigid point, sort of blends into a burning mist instead. And is it like from the end, it's like. It's like, you know, like pressure. Pressure water that can like cut stone. It's like that with hot mist through the flesh. It sears and you're having to like into thin strips. But what you're cutting away is cooked, gross, full of congealed fried blood or not fried, but like burned, seared, but edible. And this gamey, dense, like kind of like horse jerky is being cut in strips. And it needs to be eaten very quickly before it freezes so they can be distributed to the siblings. [00:38:40] Speaker C: Yeah, I immediately like after I loose the spell and I'm like, heck, yeah, it worked. I put the book back in the thing And I like, hurriedly give it to my brother and sister. [00:38:50] Speaker A: This is the first protein you guys have had in 37 hours. [00:38:54] Speaker D: Wow. [00:38:56] Speaker B: Card's going to make sure his siblings get it. He's not making a show about it. He's trying to be like, you know, he's just passing it out, but he's going to be making sure that they're both getting a fill and he's going to be taking whatever is, like, left. He's just, he's really keeping an eye on his siblings and he's, he's picking up on bad vibes because he's, he's worked with death and he's just recognizing it slowly encroaching on his family. And that's registering. [00:39:31] Speaker A: Absolutely. And you guys are just free to have role play for a bit if you so desire. [00:39:38] Speaker C: Oh, I didn't think that was gonna work, but it did. And then like, big, like jerky meat, like crunching. We gotta get seasonings one time. [00:39:58] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, that'd be nice. [00:40:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:02] Speaker D: I think Thorn's gonna, like, she's gonna, you know, like when a kid like, like not holds her nose to eat it, but like, you can tell she's just trying to like, eat it, like almost without chewing it, just like swallowing it down. And, and I, I think she's gonna, like, she's gonna look to her brothers because she's, you know, she's. It's not as much a thing of like to make sure they, you know, get enough, but like, it's more of like making sure that everyone got the equal amounts and all. And I think she's probably a little bit more as much as like, her vibe and look is a little more out out there. I think she's probably a little bit more quiet. Like, she doesn't talk as much. It's more like, especially right now, she's just, she's just getting through it and I think she's probably nervous and so she's just kind of nodding along to anything her brothers say right now. Okay, I'm still here. [00:41:18] Speaker A: I gotcha. [00:41:23] Speaker C: Invite anything. [00:41:24] Speaker A: It's fine if there isn't. Okay. [00:41:25] Speaker C: Don't. Don't forget to eat some. You know, I cut, I cut enough for everyone. Everyone gets X amount of pieces depending on how much I cut. [00:41:35] Speaker B: I will, I will. How are you feeling? You okay? [00:41:43] Speaker C: Well, in the sense of, am I not dead? That is true. In the sense of I'm enjoying life right now. Very untrue. But yeah, I don't really like being out in the woods as much As I kind of look to Thorn, thinking that she likes to be out in the woods. Maybe stereotyping her. Her a little bit, but being like. I don't think I like it as much as Thorn, but, I mean, I like. [00:42:21] Speaker D: I like being out in the woods, but not when it's this cold, you know? [00:42:24] Speaker C: Oh, well, that's fair. I'm always inside, so it's a bit different than before. And, you know, I don't eat this meat usually, but. Yeah. So are we going to Pauscum, or. I think that's. I don't remember how you say it. [00:42:46] Speaker A: Palm ghosh. [00:42:47] Speaker C: Palm gauge. Is that our objective? Are we making our way there? Are we trying to stay out here until maybe people get in? [00:43:00] Speaker B: Zach, do we know how far it is to the destination? When we got separated. [00:43:10] Speaker A: Give me a survival check. [00:43:12] Speaker D: Wait, I have. Because I'm in. Wait. I don't remember what it does exactly, but. Because I have the Outlander. Great. The. I have, like, the Wanderer thing. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Absolutely. And I know what that is, but just for the audience. [00:43:25] Speaker D: Hold on. I gotta. I gotta. [00:43:28] Speaker A: Is that where they call you, the Wanderer? [00:43:30] Speaker D: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography. [00:43:35] Speaker A: Sorry. Please continue, Jackie. [00:43:37] Speaker D: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself five others each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth. [00:43:51] Speaker A: How did you manage to do Keen mind again? [00:43:55] Speaker C: I did mine. [00:44:01] Speaker A: Thorn. Yeah, you are. You are very good. And I'll tell you what. You guys feel free to take this as you will or change this how you will. I don't want to just tell you guys your dynamic, but maybe tell me if I'm right in assuming that. Karn, you sort of, like, got into this business some years ago about protecting these travelers along this highway route they'd take every so many months. And then you invited Thorn into the business. And eventually, when Veidt was old and experienced enough, you know, he was brought into the fold. Could I say that narrative, or am I pushing something on you that feels right for me. Okay. And so, Thorn, I mean, you have always been physically imposing and capable, but the. The role you've increasingly taken among your brothers is to be. You're. You're just good in nature. And where the maps have failed, you have often been useful. You all are very far off the path. And the storm of the last three days, that has only broken this last day. Or actually, that broke three Days ago, I guess. But anyway, really confused things, but go ahead and give me your survival check for maintaining, like, your general whereabout in the forest and, like, using clues around. [00:45:18] Speaker B: You disadvantage because we're exhausted. [00:45:23] Speaker A: Thank you, Colton. [00:45:25] Speaker B: Yeah. If it's gonna suck, let's live in it. [00:45:27] Speaker D: Okay, well, that's gonna be a 10 at this advance. [00:45:37] Speaker A: Okay. You don't know where you are, but you do know the trick with moss. And as you gather which side of the tree it grows on, and you know you've been paying attention and, like, keeping a catalog in your head about where streams have been flowing, because you know that they flow, they congregate into rivers that move toward the coast. You've managed to keep the group moving in what you believed was a general course northeast. You know, palm ghosh is northeast. But where exactly? You'd be challenged to say, okay, it is getting dark, and it is getting colder again. Right now it's probably about 26 Fahrenheit in the forest, and it's dropping quickly. And hours are not something that you all are good at keeping track of in general. Except you have your brother. Never mind. Veit, you are immediately and intrinsically aware I cannot escape this awful, horrible curse. It's about 10:30 at night, and it looks like it's 2am but it is rapidly getting pitch black, and a sort of brisk wind sort of by and chills you all really quickly and shakes a lot of the pines, which is awful because you get some more artificial rain from the dude that's trapped up there that sort of just sprinkles down on you all. And you perceive that a mist is beginning to fall from the air again as more rain might be moving its way in. [00:47:15] Speaker D: I mean, I think we're headed in the right direction, but, I mean, it's getting quite late, isn't it, Veit? [00:47:26] Speaker C: I think I might need to set up my alarm again just to make sure nothing comes into our little area. Don't want any unfoul bears attacking me and eating my books. [00:47:42] Speaker D: Do we? Do we? Do we know, like, what kind of wildlife is in. In these woods? [00:47:51] Speaker A: There's no check necessary. It's your job. Dang, Colton, that was good. It's your job to ferry caravans through these woods along with four or five other people who were a part of the larger caravan to do so. And, Thorn, this is your expertise in the group. This is the role you play. There are very large elk here. There are a few species of deer. There's a great array of fowl There are many rodents and weasel relatives. There are a couple strange mammals that are in. In endemic to the region. But to the point of your question, you are aware that in the summer here there are a couple species of adders that can be a bit problematic if you're not paying attention to where you tread. There are very large vultures that congregate on kills that can become predatory but not like kill a person. Just like, you know, you got to stay away from carcasses the times of years that they're prevalent. And then there are. There are owl bears smattered in the woods, as well as two species of native bear. And there is an insinian wolf. So, um, those four are some problematic categories, the two bears. [00:49:12] Speaker D: But those. Wouldn't all those be hibernating pretty much in this? [00:49:19] Speaker A: Give me a nature check. [00:49:20] Speaker D: Okay. [00:49:20] Speaker A: Give me a nature check. [00:49:23] Speaker C: So do I need to destroy this carcass like with some burning hands? [00:49:32] Speaker D: Do I have to do that at disadvantage too? [00:49:36] Speaker C: Yeah. All checks. [00:49:38] Speaker D: Okay. [00:49:38] Speaker C: I didn't do that earlier, but I'm going to start doing that now because I forgot about it. [00:49:42] Speaker A: What'd you say, Thorn? [00:49:43] Speaker D: It's a seven then. [00:49:47] Speaker A: Not sure. Veidt, were you. Were you asking your siblings a question? [00:49:52] Speaker C: I. Thorn, what kind of animals do I need to look out for? As I put up my. As I'm like walking our little campfire or a little camp circle around with my little quill and my book, like writing out and jotting it onto the grass around me or the dead moist grass around me. [00:50:14] Speaker D: Well, I mean, I can't quite remember right now of when they all come out, but I know there's elk and bears and different kinds of deer rodent, all that good stuff. But I mean, it's really cold, so we're moving really slow. So I'd be thinking that they'd be moving really slow as well, but I don't quite know. [00:50:37] Speaker A: Jackie, this is not bad Cockney. I just wanted to say that real quick. Quickly. You should be proud of yourself. [00:50:41] Speaker D: My British accent used to be only Cockney until I started doing D and D and had to learn different British accents. So. [00:50:52] Speaker B: On that family, do we. I don't know about you, but I. I didn't wake up feeling refreshed or in a better place than when I went to bed last night. Do we. I don't. I think it's time. I don't think help's coming. [00:51:13] Speaker D: I don't either. [00:51:14] Speaker B: And I don't know how many more wake ups we get if we stay Here. [00:51:22] Speaker D: I mean, should we try and, and, and, and sleep a few hours and try to. I know you guys with your. Your magic or whatever. Do you guys need to, like, selves or whatever or. I mean, I don't know. [00:51:40] Speaker C: It does take a lot of brain power to do these. Let me tell you that right now. [00:51:45] Speaker D: These woods in the middle of the. [00:51:46] Speaker C: Night sounds like a very bad idea. Mainly because I don't want to keep trudging today. But again, as I'm like, continuing to do my little circle, I think sleep would be good. And then we head off in the morning. What do you think, Khan? You and Thorne. I guess this is your expertise more than. I just. Oh, my legs hurt so badly. [00:52:13] Speaker A: I already like veidt. [00:52:16] Speaker B: I'm not sleeping. I am waking up more tired than when we go down at this point. And I. I worry that if we put off leaving for too long, we won't get very far. But I'm just one of the three. [00:52:41] Speaker D: Vi. What about. Didn't. Didn't we have. You gave us some. We had. We each had one or something. Right? What's that? That little. That little bead or. Or something? Yeah. Isn't that supposed to help with feeling or. I. I don't really know. This. This magic stuff's yours thing. We'll see. [00:53:02] Speaker C: Well, I pull out my other book that's full of all my notes on how all magic items work that I have. It's a really cool book that I'm. [00:53:11] Speaker A: There's only one section. It's just the beads. [00:53:14] Speaker C: He's very excited, though, that he'll eventually get more magic things. [00:53:18] Speaker A: Right, right, right, right. [00:53:19] Speaker C: This spongy, flavorless galactic dissolves on your tongue and provides as much nourishment as one day of rations. It'll be definitely helpful tomorrow when we need nourishment. [00:53:37] Speaker D: That's true. So that's not going to help any with. With feeling tired, sleeping or anything? [00:53:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't think so. [00:53:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:53:48] Speaker C: This would probably be an apt time if I learned that sleep spell. My friends have been learning in college, but I didn't think it'd be helpful. But who knows? So, Khan, are you saying you want to continue to walk around right now? [00:54:10] Speaker B: I mean, we could at least hopefully find cover or some more shelter from these elements. Because right now I'm just. I'm waking up cold and crunchy every day. [00:54:23] Speaker C: That's fair. You have been for a while. [00:54:25] Speaker B: Things are aching. [00:54:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm don't. [00:54:29] Speaker B: I'm gonna tear a page out of that book if you're not careful. [00:54:32] Speaker C: Hey, hey, hey. [00:54:33] Speaker A: The. [00:54:34] Speaker C: The pages are alive and they care. Okay? You know, I have to burn and. [00:54:38] Speaker B: Keep us warm, too. [00:54:39] Speaker D: So are you saying. Are you saying your books are. They're magic, too? Do they need specifically my books for them? [00:54:50] Speaker C: Oh, no, no. They're not, you know, limited to our material shells. They just need me to write in them. But, yes, my book is alive. It's quite sentient. I don't know if you know that. And like, kind of straggling through my beard. And now I've stopped cast, like, trying to do that ritual. I'm like, okay, well, we can try, I guess, to find some shelter in the woods. Were you looking for, like, hills or caves or something? Dawn, what do you think? Or con. I. I don't venture out here. This is like my second or third time with you, so I don't even taste in my mouth. [00:55:34] Speaker D: And these woods, I don't really know if there's much caves around, but we could look. I mean, my. Okay, dm Tell me, is there like. Like the. The. The thing. It broke, right? The caravan or the cart or whatever? [00:55:55] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:55:56] Speaker D: And it's like. It's like. It's like frozen, right? Because it's been, like, rained on and now it's like. [00:56:02] Speaker A: No, only partially. It is damp and cold, but it is mostly wood. [00:56:10] Speaker D: How big is this thing? [00:56:12] Speaker A: Very big. [00:56:14] Speaker D: So could like, we could 10ft by 4ft. So could we, like, prop it up and use it as a shelter? [00:56:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:56:26] Speaker D: I hate this voice so much. [00:56:29] Speaker A: This is my natural speaking voice. Make a character with no. [00:56:41] Speaker B: Okay, how would you even. Hang on. If you actually wrote that as a note? How would you even describe that voice so that you would remember it later? Make character. [00:56:49] Speaker A: Character. Make character with that voice Jackie likes. [00:56:52] Speaker B: With sad Kermit voice. [00:56:54] Speaker D: Okay, then my. Then my camera. [00:56:56] Speaker A: You guys come back. You guys come back. And Bell, Andre has been hit in the head. [00:57:00] Speaker D: And this is what she sounds like. Character is going to be a valley girl if you use that voice. [00:57:06] Speaker A: Fair threat, I will stop Thorne. You reason that were you to turn this. This card over. I mean, it's far from a home and you have no source of heat, but it is better than the exposed elements. [00:57:23] Speaker D: Thorn, kind of. She's just standing kind of staring out in the space for a second while she thinks this whole thing through. And she goes, give me one second, guys. And she goes over and she starts, like, trying to lift it and with. [00:57:43] Speaker A: Her, give me an athletics check. [00:57:46] Speaker D: I don't usually get to make strength checks. That I. And athletics checks that I have maybe good sign of being. [00:57:53] Speaker A: That was a good sentence. What'd you get? [00:57:56] Speaker D: I'm a writer. Okay. So I even rolled a disadvantage and I rolled good. So I got an 18. [00:58:07] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [00:58:08] Speaker A: Oh, Thor. And it takes some effort. And Karn pitches in a little bit, I assume, but with your powerful legs, you press the whole cart over and some of the barrels, but you have a lean to. On your hands and. And you're even able, as you tilt it all the way over to get some barrels under it and you guys can kind of crawl under. And should it rain again, you're at least sheltered from that. [00:58:40] Speaker D: I'm gonna say she took some of. She keeps the jacket on that, like her brothers gave her because, like, when she has the jacket and boots on, if you look past it, she looks pretty normal. If she, like, keeps her mouth closed and doesn't say anything, it doesn't show up those teeth. [00:58:55] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, Let you keep doing this, this scene, but the moment you said she slightened some, she sharpened some of her teeth little bit. All I could think of was my dreams to blow up and then act like I don't know nobody. [00:59:10] Speaker D: In the totem. The totem barbarian thing. They're like, you should look a little bit like. And I was like, she's not going to be hairy. [00:59:18] Speaker A: And you chose the weirdest thing she could possibly do. Understood. Anyway, you've taken some of the skins off and put them down for dry bedding. Is that correct? [00:59:25] Speaker D: Okay, yes, that is correct. And I'm gonna look at Karn and I'm gonna say, con, you think you could. Could maybe get a little bit of sleep this way? I don't know why I haven't thought about this in the six days that we've been sitting here with this top. [00:59:40] Speaker B: But sitting in the rain going, this is life. [00:59:44] Speaker A: Everybody's shuddering on the fourth day. Just like, well, helps come at any time now. [00:59:52] Speaker D: But. Yeah, maybe you could get a few hours sleep loose, you know? [00:59:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, sure, we can. [01:00:02] Speaker A: We. [01:00:02] Speaker B: If, you know, 60% want to stay the night, we can stay the night. [01:00:07] Speaker D: I mean, I just. I just don't think we're going to find any other shelter that's as. As dry as this. You know, everything's going to be either wet or in the element, you know. [01:00:21] Speaker B: I mean, you're not wrong. [01:00:23] Speaker A: Rain starts in overhead. No thunder, no lightning, but great starts coming down in sheets. Okay. The three crawl under the shelter, and you all have. You are. You are relatively dry for the first time. In a long time, especially if veit chooses to prestigitate you each and huddled together. You're not warm, but you're not going to die of hypothermia tonight. And you don't win in my book. But the hunger has moved out of your mouths and out of your throats and back into your stomach. So something. And it's just sort of exhaustion that takes you each. [01:01:20] Speaker C: I will. If we are gonna sleep, I will put alarm around us just to absolutely be sure. [01:01:28] Speaker A: Understood. So you set up alarm and you all sleep for the evening. [01:01:37] Speaker D: I say I would have said something like. Like being the middle child of like Vi wanting to. Wanting to. Wanting to stay and Karn wanting to go. I think I would have said something like, but we should just get like a super early start and get like the move on to keep heading north, northeast of what, you know, we think is that. [01:01:59] Speaker A: What are each of your passive perceptions. [01:02:04] Speaker C: 13, 13, 13. [01:02:08] Speaker A: Are you kidding me? Okay. All three of you wake up at a similar hour. Not to. Not to bears. What sea bears bear under there going, they're eating the books. [01:02:30] Speaker B: Yes. [01:02:30] Speaker A: We get to the sound of. And a bear just going. Oh. You all wake up to a strange sound. It's sort of like this, like. And each of you all wakes up to pretty nearby a like, kind of scraping, pulling noise. [01:02:58] Speaker B: Well, I would like to open my eyes. [01:03:01] Speaker A: Yeah. All three of you wake up and it takes nothing but a moment before you all realize that just outside of the sort of overturned card under which you've been sleeping, there are a series of shadows and sort of like a. A dull noise of sort of like wings. And you all have enough experience in this forest to know that, um, a small flock of vultures have gathered and are working on the horse. And there's maybe like, I mean, you can hear them from under the shelter, and you just hear more of that, like, pulling. And then occasionally there's like a. And then more wing beating. [01:03:46] Speaker D: Is it still raining? [01:03:50] Speaker A: You sort of blink out. No, no, it's not raining today. [01:03:54] Speaker D: I think. I think Thorn would. Would. Would kind of shuffle her little bear skull, like, on top of her head and take her battle axe and kind of poke her head out and do like, a roar and try to scare and intimidate the vultures to go away. [01:04:15] Speaker A: Give me an intimidation check and feel free to use your strength modifier instead of your charisma. [01:04:23] Speaker D: Okay. Is this at disadvantage? Are we still at exhaustion? [01:04:28] Speaker A: Since dried, fed, warmed, you all lose a point of exhaustion. You wake up with something resembling Rest. [01:04:37] Speaker D: Heck, yeah. Okay, so you said use strength modifier. [01:04:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Barbarians can use strength modifier instead of their charisma when they roll intuitation checks if they like. [01:04:47] Speaker D: Well, it's the same. So that's gonna be a 13. [01:04:53] Speaker A: Okay. Thorn. You crawl out from underneath the shelter with axe in hand, and the vultures are consummately not looking at you before you just sort of roar out and like, swing the axe around and there's like a magnus and like, what were 13 vultures very suddenly take off. Yeah. [01:05:18] Speaker B: Sacred flame. [01:05:19] Speaker A: One of them roll the hit. Nat20karn Describe what it looks like. [01:05:32] Speaker B: He kind of like grips the amulet on the necklace that he holds, and he kind of does a little, like. [01:05:40] Speaker A: Oh. [01:05:40] Speaker B: He pushes it out so that it almost throws, but then it catches on the chain and swings out. But whenever the chain extends like a ball of smoke. [01:05:50] Speaker A: That's so cool. Inspiration, Colton. That is a sick description. So you take your arm and as you pulse the chain forward, you mutter something. And as the beads are like, fling at the exact moment that the chain flicks outward, your very experienced clerical practice finishes the phrase. And you grab it and pull it back. And where the chain pops off, it's like a little bit of smoke comes off the end. And then that billing smoke builds and builds and builds just. And it sort of has this tight spiral to its movement, and it has this, like, cost heat pattern to it. And the vultures away, I don't know. And as they get maybe 100ft out the that sort of ball smoke, and it hits one of the vultures, and there's just this impact of feathers, like, and the two wings go off to the side and a dense body sort of like spirals down to the ground. Smoking. [01:06:52] Speaker B: I would like to go get the body. [01:06:54] Speaker A: Okay. So you run it down. It's gross. It's covered in horse blood, and there's ligament and meniscal tissue all around the head. But the bird is. The back of it is cooked and there are sort of. It smells horrible because it smells like a vulture and then like a dead horse and then like burnt feathers. So it's a terrible cacophony of smell. And you are aware just by the virtue of your survival score that these creatures are very disease ridden. But you might be able to carve out the breast and just cook the crap out of it. Maybe it'd be edible. So you grab it and bring it back. [01:07:42] Speaker B: Hard times called for hard solutions. [01:07:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So you have the torso of a vulture that gets drugged back to camp. And then sleep slowly defeathered. And we'll say with some of Veid's sacred or burning hands, if you would say, you're able to carve out breast and have the worst foul breast anyone's ever eaten. It's awful. It's gamey and dense and tastes like. It tastes like chicken soaked in water. And the only flavor that doesn't make you gag is the burnt sort of crisp flavor from the fire. But you all have eaten. [01:08:28] Speaker C: Good catch, Khan. [01:08:32] Speaker B: Thanks. [01:08:33] Speaker D: Yeah, thank you. [01:08:40] Speaker A: Dude, your dog's so cute. [01:08:42] Speaker B: She's hopping her bed right now. [01:08:45] Speaker A: Well, we don't have to focus on that BLEEP anyway. [01:08:53] Speaker B: Yeah, sorry. [01:08:54] Speaker D: Is it, like. Is it, like, morning now, like? [01:08:59] Speaker A: It is. Yeah. There's light. It's thin and pale and gray, but it streams down through the trees. It's still overcast, so it's not, like, bright, but it's very easy to see. [01:09:10] Speaker D: I mean, oh, we've slept now and we've eaten. Shall we try to trek on? See what we could do, maybe? [01:09:21] Speaker C: Oh, trekking on's my middle name, but. [01:09:24] Speaker D: Thorn. [01:09:27] Speaker A: I love that. On the verge of starvation, Veidt is this upbeat. I love this character. [01:09:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I wanted him to be Florence. Someone doesn't know that. Khan. [01:09:39] Speaker D: I don't even know we had middle names. Mom gave me one. I thought. I thought all of our middle names were ever, and our last name was sharp. [01:09:55] Speaker C: Nothing gets passed on, Khan. [01:09:57] Speaker A: Nothing gets faster as the three siblings managed to maintain. Maintain some amount of joviality this morning. Karn, what is your constitution score, Puppy? Karn, what's your constitution score? [01:10:14] Speaker B: Oh, that's me. I forgot my name. It's a 16, Thorn. [01:10:19] Speaker A: Well, never mind. I know yours. Veit. [01:10:22] Speaker C: 16. [01:10:24] Speaker A: Shoot. Colton and Daniel. Rock, paper, scissors or boulder Parchment shears. [01:10:32] Speaker C: I will take the beating because I don't want to do rock, paper, scissors. [01:10:37] Speaker A: Okay, Daniel has lost. That's weird. Daniel, could you make a constitution saving throw for me? [01:10:45] Speaker C: Constitution saving throw. Those are my favorites with a 19. [01:10:53] Speaker A: Okay, so the group heads off in a direction, I assume. [01:11:00] Speaker C: Which direction is it to that one? Well, because I know north, and if I know which way the direction I need to go is, I can get. [01:11:10] Speaker D: Us to the other direction, I think is. Is. Is northeast. So if we can keep heading in that direction. [01:11:18] Speaker A: I had a small regime of skill checks planned for this that are just completely unnecessary because one of you took the Outlander feat, and then the other one took Keen Mind, so never mind. Just gonna throw those notes out real fast, and we're just Gonna skip all the mechanics that had planned there because you just featured your way out of them. [01:11:41] Speaker C: I just need the intelligence beef. [01:11:44] Speaker B: We're gonna get out of these woods on our own two feet, everybody. [01:11:47] Speaker A: That's just Karn. Your two younger siblings prove clever and useful as they ever have. And Thorn, it is by the continued reference of stream beds that you cross, that you've seen indicated conjecturally through maps and checked in through your. Very clever. You have an intelligent, natural mind. Maybe not in so many other spheres, but your. Your natural intelligence is high and referenced with Veidt's uncanny ability to maintain his cardinal direction. Internally, you all maintain a pretty steady course, treading over knolls and occasionally having to cut your way through thickets and working past brambles and surmounting logs. And the entire landscape still has, like, sort of a damp give everywhere you go, whether through pine leaf litter or through decaying sloths of many trees that have folded in on themselves. As you all trek and trek and trek throughout the day. You all have enough to feed on with the rest of the horse meat and whatever might remain of the vulture that you don't need any additional other food today. And this landscape has so little to offer right now but water. Water you have constantly passing rapid streams. This landscape is filled with fresh, potable water so that you're never in need of, though it is unpleasant to drink as it chills you. But the group treks. You all have a unanimous pass. A perception of 13. Okay, everybody, give me a perception check. [01:13:43] Speaker C: I am marginally good at this. 16, 19. [01:13:54] Speaker A: This is a good rolling session. Veidt and Thorn. It's in about the 10th hour of the day somewhere at about, like, 8pm both of your ears prick toward the back at a very far sound. Just a high, thin call. Really soft and very far, sort of like a. And you all know the tail end of a wolf howl. Very far away. [01:14:36] Speaker C: Are we talking, like, if I Send my bird 100ft back far away, or are we Talking, like, way 100ft is. [01:14:45] Speaker A: 100Ft is easy visual range. But you know what? Give me a. Give me a nature check fight. [01:14:54] Speaker D: Can I assist or no? [01:14:57] Speaker A: Yes. Yes, if you role play. [01:15:00] Speaker C: Thank you. Yes. I'm, like, looking back with my hawk on my shoulder being, like, how far. [01:15:07] Speaker D: You think that it was? [01:15:11] Speaker C: Well, if you judge it off the sound hitting the trees and then bouncing to our ears and then bouncing back away. You know, I think. And I'm giving all this really high jargon, you're asking a very simple question. [01:15:26] Speaker A: As fight depends upon physics that won't be discovered for another two years. [01:15:30] Speaker D: Yeah. How many trees back you think it is? [01:15:37] Speaker C: Oh, hello. Eighteen as well. [01:15:42] Speaker A: Eighteen. [01:15:43] Speaker C: Thanks to our friend. Otherwise it would have been eight. [01:15:46] Speaker A: If you had to guess, maybe like three or four miles. [01:15:50] Speaker C: Oh, is that something? Easily. [01:15:55] Speaker A: And with that nature check. That's a. That's about the range that wolves start picking up on trails maybe a little further back. And you also remember you did leave a dead horse behind some time ago. [01:16:11] Speaker D: But fight prestidigitated us so we don't smell like dead horse. Right. [01:16:17] Speaker A: Sure. [01:16:20] Speaker C: I immediately prestigitatus now thinking about the smells. [01:16:24] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:16:25] Speaker C: I'm like this is probably not. [01:16:27] Speaker A: Your two siblings have turned around and reacted and started chatting about something. [01:16:31] Speaker B: They're always doing that. [01:16:32] Speaker D: I'm walking if Khan. [01:16:38] Speaker B: Oh yeah. [01:16:40] Speaker D: I. [01:16:44] Speaker C: I think a wolf's following us. [01:16:46] Speaker D: Yeah. Should we. Yeah. She's like standing there like trying to decide wolves. I. I mean I'm not too worried about the wolves, but you know, that. [01:16:59] Speaker B: Might be good news. Fall into wolves sounds better than to fall into the elements. [01:17:04] Speaker A: It's quicker. [01:17:05] Speaker D: I don't particularly. Karn gets really grippy right now. Especially not to a wolf. [01:17:11] Speaker C: Khan, we just slept underneath a carriage last night. I think things are lurking more up for us than getting mauled to death by a wolf. [01:17:20] Speaker D: If the ever shops fall to a wolf, that's a sad day. [01:17:25] Speaker C: I guess we not been shot. You know, perhaps we could go thorn. Do you know of a way to like hide tracks or smells of things so that way the wolf won't try to follow us? I. We haven't been doing it all day and it's 8pm so it's not like. [01:17:45] Speaker A: Your survival check is. Your survival check is high enough. This is the thing you offer this group. This is what you do? [01:17:51] Speaker D: Okay. [01:17:52] Speaker A: Absolutely not. Wolves don't like follow tracks. They don't look for signs. It's all scent. [01:18:02] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean if there was a way for you to like mask our scent or something. I know, I know. [01:18:10] Speaker B: A couple times I cast thaumaturgy. [01:18:13] Speaker A: Okay. [01:18:14] Speaker B: And all of a sudden we smell a skunk for one second. [01:18:18] Speaker A: What does it look like? As you. As you guessed. Thur. [01:18:22] Speaker B: It's the same thing, only it's a nasty green gas seeps out of it. [01:18:27] Speaker A: It's just you flick your necklace and it goes. It smells terrible. [01:18:34] Speaker D: Oh, that's not good. [01:18:36] Speaker C: Oh, Warner fart con. Gosh. [01:18:43] Speaker B: Don't worry. It don't last long. [01:18:47] Speaker D: What if we like. Could we like roll in the mud or something. [01:18:53] Speaker B: I mean, you can if you want to. No one's gonna stop you. [01:18:57] Speaker C: Is there a particular smell that wolves don't like? Thorn, I could try to get us that smelling. [01:19:04] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't think they like, do I know people? [01:19:10] Speaker B: So if you could try to smell more like a. [01:19:12] Speaker A: Give me a nature check. This going to be a fairly high D.C. okay. [01:19:19] Speaker D: That'S going to be a 14. [01:19:24] Speaker A: Maybe. Lavender, you're not sure? [01:19:31] Speaker D: I don't know, something floral or something sweet. Is that closer? [01:19:39] Speaker A: A little bit to the wolves going. [01:19:42] Speaker B: You know what? I really do not like the way that flowers smell. [01:19:46] Speaker A: Is that lilac? I swear this is the wolf voice, by the way. This is what all wolves talk like. [01:19:57] Speaker D: Judy, why are you wearing that perfume again? [01:20:00] Speaker A: Yeah, anyway. [01:20:04] Speaker B: I, I, I think I heard that one. So. [01:20:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:20:10] Speaker C: Do you think we watch? [01:20:11] Speaker B: I feel like we should keep tracking on. [01:20:13] Speaker C: Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, but pops like washing us out. [01:20:16] Speaker A: And I assume you guys are walking and talking. [01:20:18] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:20:19] Speaker D: We're not just standing there. Like, when are they gonna get here? [01:20:22] Speaker C: I think for a little bit, but then they started walking and so vite had to catch up. Be like, guys, tell me when we have to start walking. [01:20:32] Speaker D: I know this might be cold, but what if like, we tried to walk in like the stream beds because it's like water, right? And they can't. It's like washing our feet as we go or something. [01:20:46] Speaker B: Zach, how cold is it exactly right now? [01:20:55] Speaker A: You guys are working into your second evening and it rained again yesterday, so I'd make it like, like 22 degrees. [01:21:03] Speaker B: I mean, we got boots, but depending on how, how, what if we that gets. [01:21:13] Speaker D: What if we tried to check them? [01:21:15] Speaker A: Just given your passive survival scores, it occurs to you all that that would be a very efficient way to expedite your journey toward hypothetical. [01:21:23] Speaker B: Well, hang on, hang on, brother. You can do something about wetness, can't you? [01:21:27] Speaker A: I like how you're getting increasingly Southern. More Southern woods does to a man. [01:21:35] Speaker C: I grab my book out again, look straight to the what it all does kind of thing. Very meticulous. [01:21:42] Speaker B: I did it to us last night. [01:21:44] Speaker C: I, I can warm you for an hour, it says. Or flavor. I can flavor food up. That's fun. I should have done that earlier when we were eating. [01:21:55] Speaker B: Fantastic. [01:21:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:21:56] Speaker D: Why didn't you do that when we were eating that horse? [01:21:59] Speaker C: Well, you know the one, I don't question everything you do when you learn new things. So I would really like if you didn't do that to me. You know, I just, I thought we talked about that right now by now. But I guess is a long time for you to remember things. It's okay. Nope. Yeah, not a big deal. [01:22:17] Speaker D: I just didn't. You know, that's fine. I get it. [01:22:25] Speaker A: I like the non confrontational nature of. [01:22:27] Speaker C: Thor and just an instance of something. I could try that. What. [01:22:36] Speaker D: What if we like tricked him though? Like, what if we like we got any more of that horse meat or whatever, we could like put it go in a different way and then we run the other way. [01:22:49] Speaker A: I mean, Ireland could fly. And so it is the member of your group with the highest survival score who suggests putting more meat somewhere behind you, baiting your trail. [01:23:06] Speaker D: Stay behind us. I sit on a different path. [01:23:09] Speaker A: Okay. [01:23:09] Speaker C: Like a Y formation. [01:23:11] Speaker A: Based on the nature check from earlier, you're aware that wolves tend to hunt in scales of miles. So unless that meat is going two or three miles away. [01:23:22] Speaker D: Yeah, but what if. Okay, but what if your little bird. [01:23:24] Speaker B: I can smell you coming back from the meat. [01:23:26] Speaker D: What if your little bird were to fly a bunch of dead meat around and confuse them? [01:23:34] Speaker C: Veid takes it in for a while bit because he knows Thorn is so well versed in nature. [01:23:41] Speaker D: But this cold's getting to her, man. [01:23:47] Speaker C: Perhaps we should just. Do you want to think we should try to hunt the wolves or just, you know, let me put up on again and hope that the wolves trick it before I die, you know. [01:23:58] Speaker D: Whoa. Look. [01:24:00] Speaker B: Oh, you know. How. How long does it take you to set up that alarm, brother? [01:24:07] Speaker C: One minute? [01:24:09] Speaker B: Yeah, brother might be worth setting up behind us while we walk. We can see about how far behind us they are. Since the time la. Maybe not. [01:24:23] Speaker A: That's. [01:24:24] Speaker C: I think that's all right. Again, Veik doesn't truly understand a lot of these things, but he's like, my brothers are telling me and sister are telling me things to do, so I might as well do it. I'll put it up right here and then we'll get heading. Keep on going in the direction we need to go, I guess. And hopefully they'll trip the 20 foot cube that. [01:24:50] Speaker B: I mean, I. I don't have an answer to us being hunted by wolves. I apologize. [01:24:54] Speaker A: You start at tracing out string bite and muttering incantations, however passive aggressively. And Karn, as you and Thorne survey the landscape ahead, you start noticing it rise just slightly in elevation. Very, very slightly. And Thorn, this is an immediate indication to you that you're headed in the right direction. Because you know that is at the top of sort of a higher set of landscape. It does this for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles and miles before the township. But this is a good indicator that you're moving in the right direction. [01:25:32] Speaker D: I mean, brothers, we're still. We're still going in the right direction here. I. I just don't know, you know, if these wolves keep getting closer, you know, one wolf I think we'd be fine taking. But if it's a whole pack of them, that worries me a little bit more, you know. [01:25:53] Speaker B: Are uncinian wolves different from a normal wolf? [01:25:59] Speaker A: Given how high the nature check was earlier? Yes, they're a little bigger. [01:26:04] Speaker D: Cool. Wonderful. [01:26:06] Speaker B: We ride them. [01:26:08] Speaker A: Not quite that well. You're dwarves. Not quite that big, but kind of close. [01:26:13] Speaker B: What if we could lash them all together? [01:26:15] Speaker A: Suppose two wolves carry them together. [01:26:20] Speaker C: We really should have brought that wheel thing and then hooked them to the wheel and then made a sled out of it. You know, I'm sure that will catch somewhere. You know, sled games and cold nature. [01:26:31] Speaker D: I don't know how far. How far. How far does. How far does speak with animals travel? [01:26:44] Speaker A: Jackie, don't come over here. We've been playing this game for about two and a half years. [01:26:50] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:26:50] Speaker A: And I want you to tell me whether or not you think speak with animals has a range of miles. [01:26:56] Speaker D: Well, it says range self, so if I can yell really loud. [01:27:01] Speaker A: That is true. You could certainly try. You could certainly try. [01:27:07] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. That's pretty bad. When I've been playing as a character that very much has speak with animals. [01:27:14] Speaker A: Would you like to try that thorn? [01:27:15] Speaker D: No, I would not like to try that at this time. I was just wondering for future references. [01:27:21] Speaker A: You know, as the three siblings waver between attempting to desperately strategize while they're cold and hungry and also trying to keep some jovial suggestions moving for the sake of having something to talk about and laugh about. Night is coming again. Quickly. Do you all attempt to bed down or do you keep moving? [01:27:42] Speaker D: Have we heard a wolf again? [01:27:44] Speaker A: Not in a. Not in a few hours. [01:27:47] Speaker C: Did they spring my trap? [01:27:50] Speaker D: Not yet. And how far back has still been raining? [01:27:57] Speaker A: Keen mind doesn't give you wayfinding track of the distance you travel. I don't think. Does it? I don't think that's a part of. [01:28:09] Speaker C: I don't mind being like it specifically says that, but. [01:28:13] Speaker A: So then I'll tell you what, outlander. Give me a survival check. [01:28:16] Speaker D: Okay. That's a 25. [01:28:30] Speaker A: Dang. You guys have moved another two miles. And the trap was like a mile and a half ago. [01:28:48] Speaker D: I mean, Don't. [01:28:51] Speaker B: Well. [01:28:52] Speaker D: Well, I guess we could bed down and we could take shifts of keeping watch. [01:28:57] Speaker B: Is it still too wet for a fire? [01:29:01] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. [01:29:02] Speaker C: Even if it's magically burned? [01:29:05] Speaker A: You could certainly try. [01:29:11] Speaker C: Do you want me to try to set a fire on some logs? [01:29:16] Speaker B: I mean, I could prepare my spells. There's a spell for that, but I don't know if that. That always feels a little metagamy for me, changing spells in the middle of a dying session. [01:29:27] Speaker A: I don't know about this, like, this circumstance. I'm fine with that. Because you've been out here for days. Like, a spell that would help you set a fire is totally the sort of thing that K would be consorting religious texts for. [01:29:43] Speaker B: So it creates no flame or no heat. Why would I want this? [01:29:47] Speaker A: Oh, well, this sucks. But point being. Point being that, like, if you want to pick up some spells for that right now in the middle of like this day, that doesn't feel metagamy at all to me. [01:29:55] Speaker B: Oh, I picked destroy. [01:30:01] Speaker A: Do we have any creator destroy wolves? [01:30:04] Speaker D: Do we have any torches on us? Anybody have any torches? [01:30:09] Speaker A: You have. [01:30:09] Speaker D: Would we have had. [01:30:10] Speaker A: They're wet. But you have them. [01:30:12] Speaker D: Couldn't you press to digitate it dry and then press to digitate light it? [01:30:17] Speaker C: I believe so. [01:30:21] Speaker D: I know my press. [01:30:24] Speaker C: I can instantly light or snuff out a candle, a torch or a small campfire. I can instantly clean or soil an object. I can show warm or flavor up. [01:30:34] Speaker A: Jackie is an expert in what this cantrip does. [01:30:38] Speaker D: I ro Dries herself all the time. She never gets wet in the rain because she's doing that thing like in Loki season one where he goes in the store and he goes. And he's dry. [01:30:48] Speaker A: Sure. As the group consults and considers, there's a familiar sonorous call somewhere in the distance. [01:30:58] Speaker D: Is this one closer? [01:31:01] Speaker B: I can't spare the dying on fight. [01:31:04] Speaker A: Okay. [01:31:07] Speaker C: I'm not dying yet, brother. [01:31:11] Speaker A: Just preparing. Okay. And yeah, it sounds like it's gaining a bit. [01:31:19] Speaker D: Does it sound like it's from a different direction? Like is it. Has it gone like around the track? Like, is it like coming out of this side of my ear instead of this side of my ear? [01:31:30] Speaker C: Sure. [01:31:30] Speaker D: Give me some survival. Yeah. [01:31:37] Speaker B: Man. Cleric spells are not for surviving in the wilderness. [01:31:40] Speaker A: No, there for everything else. Nope. Sounds like it's coming from behind you. [01:31:49] Speaker D: Okay. [01:31:49] Speaker A: Like it was earlier. [01:31:52] Speaker D: But it's gotta be more than two miles because of the trap, right? Or not necessarily. [01:32:00] Speaker A: Vite. As Thorne reasons this out loud, it occurs to you, wizarding mind Fight personally? Absolutely not. Like you suggested some time ago, the trap would require that the wolves would stride exactly where you had, and the odds of that is very low. But this is all internal monologue for Veidt. Thorn, you're still wondering these wolves might be. [01:32:21] Speaker B: I would like. Karn would like to crouch, and he's gonna reach into a small pouch that he keeps inside his jacket. [01:32:33] Speaker A: Okay. [01:32:33] Speaker B: He's gonna pull out some finger bones. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Okay. [01:32:37] Speaker D: Thorn goes noise. [01:32:39] Speaker B: And he's gonna cast them on the ground beneath him. [01:32:45] Speaker A: Jackie. Inspiration. [01:32:48] Speaker B: And he's gonna cast Augury. [01:32:51] Speaker A: I freaking love this spell. [01:32:54] Speaker B: And I'm trying to just, like, would it be better to keep. I guess it's a yes or no question. So it's a course of action that we plan to take. And so I'm gonna say, bedding down for the night. Would that be. Is that. Is that a wise path for us to take? And I'm gonna do a small prayer to Kelemvore. [01:33:22] Speaker C: Yeah, Kellenvore. [01:33:23] Speaker B: And I'm gonna read the bones. [01:33:25] Speaker A: I love Daniel. So, Karn, you mutter softly and cast the bones down on the ground. And they sort of like, as they lay out, one of them flips over a stick, and from so very little force, just cracks slightly, and you get the feeling of woe. And I'll tell you what, could you make. Let's call it a religion check? I'll tell you what, Colton, you tell me, do you feel like. Do you feel like a religion check or an insight check? Better reflects you reading into your own spell? You tell me. [01:34:09] Speaker B: I think it would be in. From what I know of the God that I follow. It's not that direct. [01:34:15] Speaker A: Okay. Give me an insight check. [01:34:19] Speaker C: Could I help him insight into his own stuff? Because I feel like I would be talking about how his spell works in the Gods and stuff. [01:34:26] Speaker A: Like, make this. Make this check. His advantage as fight reasons over it with you. [01:34:30] Speaker B: As he tries to explain to me my God's magic. [01:34:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:34:39] Speaker D: And Thorn's just, like, in awe. She's like, boom. And she, like, takes off her rings, and she's, like, tossing them around to see if she's getting any vibes. [01:34:49] Speaker A: That's a 19, dude. Karn is stared at one of those bones you've never had in all the times that you've cast Augury. It's always been arrangement. It's always been placement. You've never had one of the bones crack. Something feels bad. [01:35:14] Speaker B: Now we keep moving. I'm gonna scoop up my bones and the twig that it broke On. I'm gonna put them all in the pouch. That twig's part of my cast now. [01:35:25] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:35:28] Speaker C: I didn't say that. That's so frustrating. But I guess as we continue on with our damp legs, I'll punch him between. [01:35:40] Speaker A: As you complain. Karn walks up and just racks you. And you like it. Like you're sick of your stomach, and you feel like you're. You feel like you're 35, which is the dwarven equivalent of 9 again, and you're just like. Or no, maybe like 16. Anyway. [01:35:55] Speaker D: Point taken. Karn, Point taken. [01:35:59] Speaker A: All right, Daniel. Fine. All of you have inspiration. Daniel, take your inspiration, too. This. This is an amazing trio. [01:36:05] Speaker D: Thorn kind of laughs and just keeps going along. [01:36:09] Speaker A: Thorn's like, racking. I love doing that. [01:36:14] Speaker B: I have immunity. [01:36:19] Speaker A: And the night falls and it gets dark and it starts misting. What are you doing, Hoffa? Oh, okay, I'm sorry. [01:36:32] Speaker C: Half. [01:36:33] Speaker A: I had to focus. My wife walked in with her brother in law on. On FaceTime. [01:36:39] Speaker C: Hi, brother in law. [01:36:40] Speaker A: And I would tell him, but he doesn't speak English. So you all tread on. And it gets colder and colder, and that sort of sloughing sound of moisture in between leaf litter under your boots slowly starts turning into a sort of more brittle crunching sound as it freezes again and you all continue on for hours. Yes, sir. [01:37:09] Speaker C: I'm going to be alternating the one hour of warmth between each of us. Just like giving an hour of warmth to Thorn, then giving an hour of warmth to Karn, then giving an hour of warmth to me. And as many hours as we do this, I'm going to try to continue to do that little thing with prestidigitation. [01:37:23] Speaker A: Absolutely. Absolutely. That's sick. Could you guys give me Colton? Have we ever utilized my homebrew skills before? [01:37:36] Speaker B: I haven't, no. [01:37:38] Speaker A: Okay, we're gonna leave them alone then, because I. I like them a lot, and I want to utilize them, but they're foreign, I think. And I think Daniel's utilized them once or twice. But next time we do this, I'll put a document in because I have all these little made up skills I like, but let's get constitution saving throws from everybody. [01:37:54] Speaker D: Okay. [01:37:56] Speaker B: Hey, guidance on vite. I see him start to fade a bit because he's absolutely. And weak. [01:38:05] Speaker A: And like, I seems to fade sucks and. [01:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:38:12] Speaker D: Oh, no. [01:38:13] Speaker C: I got a 22, baby. [01:38:16] Speaker A: Oh. [01:38:20] Speaker B: 14. [01:38:22] Speaker C: I feel like Thor did not get. [01:38:23] Speaker A: A well one either. [01:38:25] Speaker D: I got a nine. I rolled a two. I have a plus seven, but I rolled a two. [01:38:31] Speaker C: You have inspiration. [01:38:34] Speaker D: Oh, wait, I'm gonna use it. Thank you for reminding me. I'll erase it. Okay, hold on. [01:38:41] Speaker A: I rolled another two. Thorns dying. It's so sad. I'll tell you. No, it's a horror. One shot. [01:38:51] Speaker B: That guy's the brother instead of the sister. [01:38:55] Speaker A: That's what you get for relying on stereotypes, Karn. [01:38:58] Speaker B: He's so weak and pathetic. [01:39:03] Speaker A: And indeed, Thorne. It's hours of having stopped back and helped fight over climbs and moving objects out of the way as you all move. Thorn starts to slow through this trek in the night. Haven't taken a point of exhaustion. And somewhere from far behind you there is a gaining and it's responded to with communication going on. [01:39:53] Speaker D: Or the other two closer to us. [01:39:59] Speaker A: Yeah, there's communication. [01:40:04] Speaker D: Can I do. Can I do the little. The little danger sense thingy? [01:40:13] Speaker A: Yeah, you can. You can have advantage on initiative roles if you like. I thought that's what that feature does. [01:40:22] Speaker D: Oh, that's right. [01:40:23] Speaker A: So if you want to force combat, you can. And you. [01:40:26] Speaker D: I don't. I don't. [01:40:30] Speaker A: I'll put you in the crotch, too. [01:40:32] Speaker D: I was. [01:40:33] Speaker A: I don't discriminate. [01:40:34] Speaker D: For some reason, I was thinking danger, since is kind of like that feature that Micah has, and I just wasn't. I wasn't thinking. Right. [01:40:42] Speaker A: That is the feature that Micah has also wrongly used to try and detect danger instead. [01:40:47] Speaker D: Maybe that's why it's the same one. [01:40:49] Speaker A: Yeah, because every combat Micah goes, wait, I have danger sense? And I go, yes. That's not what it does. You do have to read the feature, not just the title. [01:40:57] Speaker D: Well, they should have made something called danger sense that lets you sense danger within a 30 foot radius of you. [01:41:06] Speaker C: It's a weapon of warning. [01:41:08] Speaker A: I'll tell you what. Yeah, Thorn, do this. Go ahead and try and. Go ahead and try and reach out and sense the danger around you. [01:41:15] Speaker D: No. What? No. Just try. How do I try? [01:41:22] Speaker A: I don't know. Whatever check you would think is necessary. [01:41:24] Speaker D: I'm gonna start rolling and you're gonna be like, no, it doesn't work. [01:41:28] Speaker A: Jackie, come on. [01:41:29] Speaker D: I'm the only one. You do that. [01:41:31] Speaker A: Jack, I would like to think you have more faith in the survival check. [01:41:36] Speaker D: Then, is what I would say. [01:41:38] Speaker A: Go ahead and roll. Go ahead and roll. Yeah, there's danger. It's. There's wolves behind you. [01:41:44] Speaker D: I got a dirty 20, just so you know. [01:41:47] Speaker A: Okay, 20. It's. Yeah, there's danger. [01:41:52] Speaker B: Thank you, Thorn. [01:41:55] Speaker D: Yeah, you're welcome. I'm not feeling so bad as you're debating what to do. [01:41:58] Speaker A: Thorn's like panting and she goes, I think we're in danger. [01:42:02] Speaker D: I'm a little bit cold and a little bit out of it. So I think there's danger. Foot lads. [01:42:12] Speaker C: Dangerous. But I feel like someone should. Should make that a catchphrase for one of his, like, mystery novels. You know, I love a good mystery novel. [01:42:21] Speaker D: I think that'd be. The game is a foot mate. Now I'm. Why am I saying mate? And lads, who am I all of a sudden? [01:42:30] Speaker A: Could you give me. I like this. This thing we have building that one of the ways that Kilimfor connects with you is of this sort of divination connection. Go ahead and give me another. You know what? No, no. Check. You're feeling it again. You're feeling a grave sense of foreboding. [01:43:00] Speaker B: Okay. [01:43:00] Speaker A: I mean, you are being pursued by wolves. This is a deadly phenomena. But something feels worse about this. There's something. You are not safe. And that seems obvious, but there is. There is a deeper sense of dread underneath it. And the idea of. The idea of these wolves reaching you feels so mortal to you right now. [01:43:34] Speaker B: If we don't find something immediately, we. We definitely need to start thinking of a way of defending ourselves. We could try to climb or get something we could put our backs to. [01:43:51] Speaker D: What. What kind of. What kind of trees are these? [01:43:54] Speaker A: Dm like very tall, thin pine trees. Not very thin, just very tall pine trees. [01:44:00] Speaker B: The Christmas trees. [01:44:02] Speaker D: So, like, could they hold the weight of three little dwarves? [01:44:07] Speaker B: I mean, they did. [01:44:08] Speaker A: Absolutely. Their. Their feet across. They most certainly could. [01:44:12] Speaker B: But that's also. I mean, they're gonna gather at the base and we get. [01:44:15] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:44:16] Speaker B: Freed. [01:44:18] Speaker C: I can cast spells at them if they're at the base of the tree. [01:44:22] Speaker B: Yeah. We could do that. [01:44:25] Speaker C: Do you have a better. I don't. I. I don't. [01:44:34] Speaker B: I would like to do Eyes of the Grave. [01:44:37] Speaker A: Okay. [01:44:40] Speaker B: It's. [01:44:40] Speaker A: Describe what that looks like. [01:44:42] Speaker B: It's useful here. My. He's gonna kind of like the Undertaker. You know where he's standing there in his eyes and just roll back into his skull and it's nothing. [01:44:55] Speaker A: It's. [01:44:56] Speaker B: I hate how specific it is on what I can search. But I know the location of any undead within 60ft that isn't behind total cover or protected from divination magic. And. I know, but either the wolves are about to be honest immediately or there's something else else going on auditorily. [01:45:17] Speaker A: Auditorily. The wolves still sound a mile away. Easily. Or more. Yeah. [01:45:21] Speaker B: And I feel I got the heebie jeebies. And so I'm gonna start reaching out with whatever I can. [01:45:27] Speaker A: Karn, as you grasp your. Your sort of Kelemvore rosary, and your eyes roll back and your vision is replaced by a sight beyond sight. You see nothing. You detect nothing, defiling the veil of life and death in your proximity. But something about using this feature, in a moment, there is a shudder up your spine, and all the hairs on the back of your neck raise. There is a malignant, impending presence. But nothing. You see nothing. Nothing. Nothing in your vicinity. And there is again another. And they are getting closer. At a distance, they're still getting closer. [01:46:28] Speaker C: Could I send my hawk just to make sure that the noises that we're hearing aren't just like. Like, I want to make sure that they're not actually 500ft away or, like, you know, 100ft. [01:46:39] Speaker A: Is this a familiar? [01:46:40] Speaker C: This is my familiar, yes. [01:46:43] Speaker A: Veit. Please describe what it looks like as you enter the vision of your familiar. [01:46:47] Speaker C: Sure. Very much like, oh, the ward guy from Game of Thrones. I, like, grab on to probably Karn right now and kind of like, put my hand on him, like, hold on, I got to see. And like that. Again, very similar, but not like the eyes all the way open. My eyes roll back, but just, like half closed, and my eyes are rolling back up into my eyes to see through the hawk's vision as it's going around. And I'm gonna make sure within like, a. Let me see if I. I don't know if I can keep moving while this is happening, so I'm just gonna do as much as like, a few seconds. [01:47:28] Speaker B: I think you're blind and deaf, but I can, like, push you along. [01:47:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm like. I'm gonna look in a circle around us, and as I'm, like, kind of trancing into him, I'm gonna look through the eyes of the hawk as far as, like, not all the way up to the canopy, because obviously I'm not gonna see wolves all the way up there, but, like, at a distance to where I could see the hawk can see the ground and look for wolves around it. [01:47:52] Speaker A: The sleek falcon relative from your shoulder, this shining little gleaming jet of blue takes off as your eyes roll black. And Thorne, you look at your brothers and think, and I wonder if something happens when you roll your eyes back, but. Because things keep happening for them when they do it. But the bird takes off and Karn, this is something your brother has done before. [01:48:18] Speaker D: Actually, I can't. [01:48:19] Speaker A: You hold his hands on your shoulders and you walk with him and you all, yeah, the slowing down is uncomfortable. That set of that anxiety builds as your pace slows. But you know the value of this and fight as your, as your vision of the trees. The trees around you in your physical eyes like sort of start to melt into grays and flatten out into like a shadow until they sort of like suddenly reopen in the eyes of your bird, which is this much faster blearing vision as it circles high in the trees. It doesn't see anything. Do you start sending it backward to scout or do you keep it around? [01:48:55] Speaker C: You all still start heading in the direction of the wolves and seeing if they are closer than we, we imagine. [01:49:04] Speaker A: Merle flies and flies, flies, flies a couple thousand feet and then a thousand feet more. The forest blurring around him and eventually motion begins to pick up at the edge of his vision and there is a muffled until like sort of catching a blur of movement below him and circling. Banking back around a tree, Merle picks up this very large canine creature, a wolf. Just through the snow. It is this sort of dark silvery gray and it's big. That's like a, that's like a six foot long wolf just kicking up dirt behind it, tearing through moss and dead pine leaves. And then there's another from the right, from the left and then another, then another and then another, then another and another and another and another and another and another. And Merle sort of loops them a few times and you count about 20. [01:50:25] Speaker D: Oh no. [01:50:27] Speaker A: And they are very large and Merle is very fast. So then I assume you mentally command him back to you and then the bird and Vi, what is your, what's your wisdom score? [01:50:45] Speaker C: Sixteen. [01:50:47] Speaker A: What's your insight modifier look like? [01:50:50] Speaker C: Plus five. [01:50:55] Speaker A: You are, you're starving, alone in the woods and being preserved by wolves. This is a nightmare. But there's something else here. And this sense of dread sort of takes you a little bit as you see the wolves as Merle comes back to you, given more information, given more clarity in your scenario, you just feel worse. And eventually Karn, with your brother's hands on your shoulder shoulders, the bird like sort of you all pick him up audibly before you can see him. And the bird lands back on the shoulder. As night is starting to very much take the landscape again. It's getting very dark on this eighth day in the forest and you're starting to lose light. Your dwarvish darkvision is coming in very handy as the sky above you seems much clearer this evening. The overcast skies have moved on for a little bit Range is far off and though it is very cold, some moonlight is streaming through the trees so you can make out your direction as the bird returns invite you regain your vision. You relay the information you've seen. I'm sure, unless you want to role play that there's 20 of them. [01:52:05] Speaker C: Seems bad. Something else worse. I don't really know. I feel much more dread than I did a few minutes ago. [01:52:11] Speaker D: What you mean. What do you mean something else worse? What could be worse than 20 wolves? [01:52:15] Speaker A: And I assume you guys are like jogging, but carry on. [01:52:18] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, there's. [01:52:20] Speaker B: There's definitely something out here. That's. That's all I got though is it's not good and it feels like it's closer and I think it's worse than the wolves, but we can't stop because of them. [01:52:35] Speaker C: Okay. I. I think they will overtake us. I don't know. Did it. I don't know how much our speed is going to hamper their speed, you know, like. [01:52:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean we could. If y'all want, we. We can make a stand against them. I feel like they're almost. Y'all remember growing up how there were those shepherds and their sheep dogs that would just chase the sheep into the pens? I'm feeling something akin to that right now. [01:53:09] Speaker D: I never like those sheep. [01:53:13] Speaker B: They're all right. [01:53:15] Speaker C: You, you know, you did butt heads with them literally a lot. [01:53:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:53:20] Speaker C: Thorn, I don't. That could be. [01:53:24] Speaker A: This is not the first time in Yalls lives that Thorne has entirely, entirely missed the point of a metaphor you've illustrated. [01:53:36] Speaker C: If they get closer, do we want to climb trees? I'm not great at climbing, but I can try neither. [01:53:41] Speaker B: Neither am I. [01:53:43] Speaker D: But then like, how long? I mean, they could just circle the trees like Khorn said. And, and do you want to fight them though? [01:53:52] Speaker C: I don't know if I want to. [01:53:53] Speaker D: I won't fight them. But like, how long can we last in a tree? You know? [01:53:57] Speaker B: I think I want to fight him. [01:54:00] Speaker D: You won't fight. [01:54:01] Speaker A: Could you make a perception check for me? [01:54:02] Speaker C: I would love to make a perception check for you. Oh, 16. [01:54:17] Speaker A: On, pardon the pun. It is unintentional on the tail end of your vision. And Merle, as the bird circles back, it catches a glimpse of an aberration, a perversion of the visual landscape around you. And far ahead, there is a flicker of very, very dim orange. [01:54:42] Speaker D: Ahead in the direction that we're going. [01:54:46] Speaker A: Very far ahead, there is a very dim source of orange. [01:54:53] Speaker C: Like fire orange. Are we going towards. Do you see Us through Merle here. Such a great little guy. There seems to be a fire in his vision much further ahead. [01:55:09] Speaker D: How far ahead? [01:55:11] Speaker C: Oh, let's say quarter mile. Quarter mile away. [01:55:16] Speaker D: You guys think we can run towards it? You think it's friendly fire? [01:55:20] Speaker B: You should never run into friendly fire. [01:55:22] Speaker A: We should. [01:55:23] Speaker C: We always told you to turn friendly fire off Thorn. I don't. [01:55:25] Speaker A: Colton, I have no way to explain this, but the moment before you said it, I was like, it's weird that Colton didn't make a joke about that. Also, continue to role play your strategy as I take the fastest DM piss in the world. But keep talking. [01:55:39] Speaker B: Absolutely fantastic. [01:55:40] Speaker A: Playing a chat. J. Fire. [01:55:44] Speaker C: Do you think wolves afraid of fire? [01:55:48] Speaker B: I think most critters are. [01:55:50] Speaker D: Yeah. I'll say so. But like, if there's fire, then there's probably somebody else there, right? So they might can help us with these wolves problems if they're friendly. If they're not, then we running straight into another problem, you know? [01:56:05] Speaker C: But maybe the wolves will take care of that problem. [01:56:08] Speaker D: That's true. They could take care of themselves. We could just sit in a tree and rest. [01:56:12] Speaker C: I'm telling you, trees are our salvation here. I clearly think it. [01:56:21] Speaker D: I'll say we get closer to that fire, mate. I don't know why I'm calling you mates. You're my brothers. I'm exhausted. [01:56:29] Speaker C: Someone might say mesa affectionate word. You know, dad used it always with those business people or animals. I don't really know. [01:56:41] Speaker B: Business people and animals. [01:56:42] Speaker D: Business animals. [01:56:44] Speaker A: Those. Business people or animals. I don't. [01:56:48] Speaker B: What lore. [01:56:49] Speaker D: I don't know why, but I pictured little like mouse folk in business suits when you said that. [01:56:58] Speaker A: So bites either dumb or racist. It's no good options here. [01:57:06] Speaker B: You know, I don't think we could take 20 wolves. And if we're the head. [01:57:12] Speaker D: Yeah, maybe 15, but not 20. [01:57:15] Speaker B: Yeah, on a good day, maybe I could take five. [01:57:18] Speaker C: Did I remember to tell you that they were six feet long? Because I. I really think I forgot that point. [01:57:24] Speaker D: That's like taller than two of us put together in a trench. [01:57:27] Speaker A: We can ride them. [01:57:29] Speaker B: Let's go back 20 minutes. [01:57:31] Speaker A: Just have to lash them together. [01:57:35] Speaker B: If. If wood ahead is this horrible thing that we're feeling, maybe the wolves will feel that too, and they'll scamper off and we'll only have one threat instead of two. [01:57:47] Speaker C: That. [01:57:48] Speaker D: That's a good idea, brother. [01:57:50] Speaker A: And this whole conversation is happening as you all are jagging or jogging. So jagging. [01:57:55] Speaker C: No jagging, definitely. [01:57:57] Speaker A: And as you all jag, you all are discussing an out of breath. And for. For the record, you guys have been running on and off with stops for about six hours. So it's awful. Your lungs are on fire, your throats burn. You have that, that like, you know that headache you get in your ears when you run in the cold. Yeah. And all of this is happening. It happens as you all rise over a small crest. And you see what morel saw maybe 300ft ahead of you. Now 400, there is a small clearing, maybe 600ft across in total, where no trees are growing. Just a little too small to be a meadow. And in the center there is in the middle of the forest, a building. It looks like sort of a small homestead. A small log made homestead, insulated in thatch on the outside that extends up to the roof. And. And the back of it seems at this distance caved in. And there is a thin stone chimney, cobblestone set together with mortar that rises halfway up, twists slightly and then breaks off at the top. Part of its stones impacted and rolled off the side of the roof some time ago with deep ruts carved through the thatch. And this thin plume of smoke is just sort of slowly listing up into the sky. And this building looks kind of twisted and fallen in on a side. But you can see now the southeasterly facing window, a little light of orange. [01:59:45] Speaker D: Oh good. [01:59:47] Speaker B: A decrepit cabin in the woods. [01:59:50] Speaker D: Yeah, nothing can go wrong with that. [01:59:53] Speaker C: Definitely a witch, right? I'm not the only one thinking of it. I have a thing called witch pole. [01:59:58] Speaker D: Are you guys feeling you are a witch? [02:00:01] Speaker B: Man, like I don't even understand. [02:00:03] Speaker A: I want, I want so badly for this to be a rumors check, but not everyone at the table knows the custom features. So wait, let's just call this a history check for you all. I know, but the other people don't. So let's call this history check. [02:00:16] Speaker D: Okay. Oh, you brothers. Are you guys feeling any more dread like getting closer? Closer. [02:00:24] Speaker C: Oh, I dropped that so badly. Let's get another one. I don't like that die. [02:00:29] Speaker D: I have to do disadvantage, don't I? Dang it. Yeah, that's gonna be an 8 from me. [02:00:40] Speaker C: 18. [02:00:42] Speaker B: Yeah, look at us. We know our stuff. [02:00:44] Speaker A: Thorne, dear. Goodness. Shelter. I mean creepy. You're not an idiot. There's a cabin I middle of the woods that looks bad. But what, what both of you all know here. No mystery. I mean it's not a for sure thing, but it looks real haggish. And the DC on this was 10. It's not high because These are not strange, otherworldly, mythic, Shadow Fell beings in this world, in the Shade Ages. The Shade Ages. The age of the Hag. There are hags on every continent. And most like every hundred people, one person knows someone who knows someone who died to a hag. Every person knows a bad hag story. This is the reign of Hags in this age, it's likely across the world world. I mean, your characters aren't aware of this, but for the player knowledge, it's likely that at this time, there are a couple thousand across yellowbrood. They are dense at this point in history. [02:01:51] Speaker B: Colton loves this. [02:01:53] Speaker A: You all are very aware of their. Their rumor and legend. And so Thorn, in fact, Even with an 8, it occurs to you as what this could be. But Karn and Vite are the two who are thoroughly, thoroughly and immediately convicted and informed that sure being must reside here. And you all are currently jogging toward the structure. Do you stop? Do you break dance a little. What happens? [02:02:18] Speaker B: I think Karn would like for us to walk slow down at least, and. [02:02:23] Speaker A: It'S less of like a, oh, hey, let's slow down and sort of like stumbling to a stop and dry heaving, desperately breathing. This is. This has been the worst week of your lives, and this is maybe the worst hour of it. [02:02:37] Speaker B: When Matilda broke up with me at the. [02:02:40] Speaker A: All right. Okay, okay. [02:02:41] Speaker B: When I was. [02:02:44] Speaker A: Back in Nam. Anyway, so you guys are panting and heaving and looking at this house in the structure in the distance. [02:02:49] Speaker D: I never liked her. [02:02:50] Speaker C: Every time we talk about old ladies, you always want to bring Matilda up. [02:02:54] Speaker A: Is this, like, she was gonna be. [02:02:55] Speaker B: My old lady, man? [02:02:57] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [02:03:01] Speaker A: Oh. If you didn't already have inspiration. [02:03:07] Speaker C: What about Matilda? Tell us Con. [02:03:09] Speaker A: No, no, no. Let's. Let's go to the session. So what. What are you guys doing and saying as the story rises to a point and a focus? [02:03:19] Speaker D: Should we just knock on the door. [02:03:21] Speaker A: Or you guys are maybe 150ft away now? [02:03:25] Speaker B: I think beseeching and friendliness is always a good way to start any interaction. [02:03:33] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:03:34] Speaker B: Cordiality. [02:03:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:03:39] Speaker A: Are we all not trying to. In that house, not trying to push like. I am not trying to push you guys. I'm not a leading dm. I'm describing the events around you as you all tread slowly and trepidatiously toward what you believe to be a very dangerous building. In Resident, you hear for the first time very clearly. And you know what? Everybody give me their best howl. Oh, okay. It just cut out on everyone's mics, but listen. Imagine that. Okay. Cut out again for Jackie, everyone. Imagine the best how you can. And you all hear about 10 of them maybe a thousand feet away. Again, you all reason you have a minute to talk, but these wolves have gotten very close. [02:04:31] Speaker D: You said, you said. Wait, what's in that house besides fire? [02:04:36] Speaker B: Are we. Are we in agreement that this is probably not just a person. [02:04:43] Speaker D: I think I'd like. [02:04:44] Speaker C: It's a hag. We're going to a hag's house because meeting with a hag and maybe making a horrible deal with her seems better than dying to 20 wolves behind us, right? Not the only one. [02:04:55] Speaker A: You know what's in the house. [02:05:00] Speaker D: Like, she might be scary, but she might be friend, right? [02:05:05] Speaker B: Is that a pun on anise hag? [02:05:07] Speaker A: And as you all are walking closer and discussing and bantering even in the face of death, which is something the Eversharp siblings, I think we can establish at this point, too. The house is coming into closer detail. And the logs that make up the walls, you can see them exposed because some of the thatch has sloughed away. And the logs, like the bark, the bark is rotted away from the edges of them, which is strange because they should be very solid and very desiccated and dry even in the rain. And the back half of what was originally a fairly long homestead has caved in, so it's really only half of a building. And at that part, the thatch roof, mud and straw packed together has caved in on itself and it gives the house this weird slanting shape. And as you guys get closer, there is a very weird smell. It's sweet, a very sweet smell coming from this home. And you all can hear a low. [02:06:09] Speaker D: It's Hansel and Gretel. [02:06:14] Speaker A: Coming from one side of the house. [02:06:15] Speaker C: She's vacuuming the house. [02:06:18] Speaker A: And the window through which the orange light is pouring, you all can see, has two shutters that have. One is resting on the ground, broken in half, and the other is held on only by a slight hinge, now offset to a side. [02:06:31] Speaker B: Now, I don't. If things come worse to worse, we're going to be fighting one way or the other. I think we want to avoid that if we can. So I don't want to kick the door. Does anyone have a better idea than me knocking on it? [02:06:44] Speaker D: You know what I think? I think I should take this one. [02:06:49] Speaker A: And at the edge of the clearing, maybe 300ft away from you, I20 wolves come bolting out of the trees that like. Like cold, frosty air puffing out of their noses. They are Huge. And they are moving fast. [02:07:07] Speaker D: I'm running to the door. [02:07:09] Speaker A: Okay, quickly. [02:07:10] Speaker C: Not quickly. And open. [02:07:12] Speaker D: I, I, I am knocked if I'm the one there. [02:07:16] Speaker A: Your two siblings. Your two siblings dart ahead of you, and you sort of, like, begrudgingly, like, mutter something. [02:07:22] Speaker B: There's a real moment where he looks at the wolves and he's like. [02:07:28] Speaker A: And k. In that moment of tension, as you sort of like, no, this can't be. As you grumble over it, you make eye contact for just a moment with one of the wolves, and you have a deep shudder crawl up and down your spine. You feel a primal terror and why can I only play this one track I selected? It's very fresh. Okay, guys, it doesn't matter. This song works for the whole one shot. But okay, I had, I had four songs picked out, and it will only play this one. It's very frustrating. I know. Maybe it's not the superior bot. I don't know. I have to play around with it. I was so proud I paid money for this one, but. [02:08:16] Speaker C: That's right. [02:08:17] Speaker A: But Karn, as you look back for a moment and the wolf, as the pack of wolves are running toward you, you make eye contact with one of them for a moment. And the thing that unsettles you is you feel for an instant like it's not an animal looking at you. [02:08:33] Speaker D: Oh, no. [02:08:34] Speaker A: The eye contact feels more. And it's sort of that thing that pushes you to follow your siblings to the door. And as you all bolt to the door, you find it fully ajar. The large door is swung in. No, no, no. The door is open. The door is open. As you move around one side of the house, the door is open. And as you all sort of rush to it and pause kind of, you can't help it. For a moment, in front of you is this small, tightly packed home. The ceiling caved in to a corner on the left side, and the far way across, there is a wooden hearth sagging under the weight of the own home, sort of coming down slowly upon it, over which is burning a small iron grate and a series of small logs with a very small kettle. It's an iron pot, but you could hold it in your two hands cupped together, suspended by a crossbeam. And there's a very sweet smell coming from and the smoke rising up and to your right are swathes of shelves and packed cupboards with their doors sort of cracked and falling away from above you there hang different rods, pots and pans. It looks like the house is one big hoarder's. Nest of cooking implements. And to your left are just stacks and stacks of clay pots and leather straps. And there's three stools stacked up over on top of each other. And to the right of the fireplace there is a five foot tall, three foot wide. If you guys were aps, you would err, apiaris or I don't know, the multiple of that, you would guess maybe like 400 pound beehive. Just like a paper layer beehive with. [02:10:31] Speaker D: Noise wise. [02:10:33] Speaker A: Thousands of them moving across and crawling over the surface of the honeybees. And the back of the house collapses in such a strange way that it just sort of gradually comes down to a point and envelops into shadow. Because the only thing lighting this whole home is the fire in the center and no one else is present. And it smells phenomenally sweet in here. It smells excellent. And as you all stop suddenly at the door, the wolves continue to tread after you until like. And as you guys start to pass in, you like step into the home concernedly. The floor is all. There's no wooden floor, it's not stone, it's just packed dirt. And as you all step in and you like, I assume one of you closes the door. [02:11:15] Speaker D: Yeah, I'd say once Karna's in, I close the door. Is there like a lock on it or anything? [02:11:20] Speaker A: There is, there's a metal latch you can push across it. And as you do, you all stop and you look out that window and in the moment you all look, all of the wolves are stopped maybe 150ft away from the house. All just sort of like panting, wagging their tails and so slow whipping, frustrated motions. But they're all stopped staring at the house. And a couple of them sit down, a couple lay down and they're all heaving and breathing heavily and they are like staring at the window. And you all are in this home. [02:11:58] Speaker C: Do you, do, do you think that maybe the thanks for role playing being. [02:12:04] Speaker A: Out of breath sent. [02:12:07] Speaker C: Sent those wolves out to us. [02:12:16] Speaker A: Also? Karn, you're muted. If you're about to talk. I got you, bud. You're still muted. You have to. Okay, there you go. [02:12:26] Speaker B: Yes. [02:12:30] Speaker D: Oh, I know, I know that. You know those, those guys out there are like the number one concern. But well by. And she points to the giant buzzing thing in the corner. All about that. [02:12:50] Speaker B: Now do they look like bees? [02:12:53] Speaker A: Yeah, it's covered in bees. Thousands. [02:12:55] Speaker D: So we know it's bees. [02:12:56] Speaker A: Honeybees. They look like honeybees. It smells incredible in here. [02:12:59] Speaker B: If you try to be calm around them, I think these pick up on vibes. [02:13:05] Speaker A: I say something BS but given how high everyone's nature score area is, we'll say that these creatures are native to Unsen and a little documented. Yeah. Be chill around them. You'll be fine. [02:13:18] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [02:13:20] Speaker D: You think we could, like, wait, no. Are these animals? [02:13:27] Speaker B: Yes. [02:13:28] Speaker A: Yes. [02:13:29] Speaker C: Vi just freaks out in the laughter. What a, what a fun thing to say after being chased into here by wolves. [02:13:37] Speaker D: You think if, like, one of us could talk to him that we could sic those bees on the wolves? [02:13:45] Speaker B: I like, I like where your head's at. I think you saved that for the. [02:13:51] Speaker A: Metal lock you all slid on. The door slides back. [02:13:54] Speaker D: No, no. [02:13:56] Speaker A: And as you go to, as you go to put your hand up on it, Thorn. Before your hand can get there, the door just, it moves out and meets your hand. Do you try to close it or do you let it open? [02:14:08] Speaker D: I, I, I, I, I step back. [02:14:12] Speaker A: Okay. As you step back from it, the door just opens itself. And standing maybe six feet away from the threshold, not close enough to touch the door, is a small woman, maybe four, three, hunched over. She has deep green skin, an exaggerated jaw that comes down to a pointed, dimpled point. She has, she doesn't have a long, crooked nose. She has this shallow nose that's very upturned almost to the point of, like, exposing the flared nostrils out to the side. And she has these very solid eye sockets, these thin, long, like this sort of, like, forward sloping forehead that has eyebrows. But, like, each eyebrow has maybe 30 hairs, long and spindly and white. And she's this thick, deep, dark hair that you can't really tell the color of because it knots down around her head and thick strands. You couldn't call them dreads either. You can't. They look like, like they're the greasiest thing you've ever seen. So deep and knotted together and around her sort of thin shoulders and weary arms and this deep, layered, sort of just like, like, like four different gray sheets tied over themselves and back together past the exposed, like, sternum, up over her shoulders where this deep cloak is. You would wonder about the grease in her hair. But you can see the honey pouring down around her neck and her shoulders and over her chest because she has on her back this huge clay VAT, like maybe 2ft tall and a foot across, strapped with a leather strap over her chest. And you look to the corner now and you see all those stacked clay pots. They look like the same. And there's this leather cap lid on the top and the Honey is pouring out of the vat very slowly, like it's not fully, perfectly sealed. And it's just pouring down her neck like it doesn't deter her at all. And you realize after a moment that's what's caked in her hair and pouring off in thin globules. And her eyes catch some of the light reflecting like a tapetum lucidum. And she's come from a direction opposite the wolves. And the wolves are a distance back. You realize that they've sort of, like, spread out like a line around, like this entire. Like, this would be the southwestern side of the home, staring at you all. And she sort of, like, turns a head back at the wolves and scoots in a little nervously with a crooked smile. And then she looks at you all, she smiles at you, and she lifts up these long, bony fingers and waves kind of politely, and then just starts walking slowly into her home. Oh, the barefoot. [02:16:41] Speaker D: Hello, ma'am. So sorry to. To barge in here. [02:16:49] Speaker A: Hi. You have to admit, it is a strange thing to have fox walk into your home for you. [02:16:58] Speaker D: Yeah, definitely. [02:17:00] Speaker A: I have not had visitors in quite some time, so welcome. And she strides in the door. She just, like, picks the vat up. And she looks very small and thrill, but however heavy this pot must be, she, like, unstraps it and lifts it up over her head and sort of, like, sets it down on one of the counters. And she just, like, briefly looks at each of you, smiles really weirdly, just like, sort of not creepy, not friendly somewhere in the middle, just like. And then she picks a little bit of dried honey out from under one of her long, crooked nails and walks over and picks up a ladle from the edge of a fire and dips it into the burning pot above the fire. And as she lifts it up, you can see this caramel, like, deep black honey dripping off the spoon, burnt to the point of, like, a molasses. And she, like, sort of ladles it around, drops it back off the spoon, lets the excess on the spoon fall into the fire, sort of, like, sizzles and sweetens the scent in the room before she hangs it on the side of the brick or the wooden stone. Yeah, side of the fireplace. And she walks over, and she sort of takes an open place in the room. What are you all doing? As she just walks by and continues conducting her business. [02:18:15] Speaker D: I'm. I'm. I'm looking back and forth at my brother's like. Yeah. So. [02:18:28] Speaker C: Is it okay if we, like, sleep here tonight? You know, it's Quite late, I know this is. You're home. And Corn looks at him like, I don't need. We don't need any food or anything. We could sleep on the floor right here. It matters not. [02:18:41] Speaker D: Wait, I mean, those. Those wolves out there, are they. [02:18:47] Speaker A: She regards you out of the periphery of her eye and then looks out the window and she flicks her finger in. The door just closes in. The metal latch shuts. And she says she. [02:18:57] Speaker D: She smacks like. [02:18:58] Speaker A: You hungry? [02:19:02] Speaker D: Welcome. Thanks. I. I'm. I'm th. These are my brothers. [02:19:09] Speaker A: It's good to meet you. [02:19:11] Speaker D: I. [02:19:11] Speaker A: And what are your names, young gentlemen? [02:19:16] Speaker B: Phil Buckler. Good to meet you, ma'am. [02:19:19] Speaker A: Make a deception check. [02:19:23] Speaker C: You can call me Mr. Eversh. [02:19:28] Speaker B: 14. [02:19:31] Speaker A: She gives you like a strange look. You get the feeling that she saw right through that. And she looks over at fight and says, to meet you, Mr. Zhop. I'm losing her accent. Okay. And she says, well, I love the pleasure of company. I have missed it for some time. You are welcome to stay with me. You are a strange sort. Lost in the woods at night. I am Ben. What are three young dwarves doing? [02:20:16] Speaker B: Zach, did she just say what their name was? [02:20:18] Speaker A: Yes. Bezga. Bhz. Apostrophe G, A. And the E has the umlaut over it. That flat line. Bejka. And she says, what are three young dwarves doing chased by wolves and such terrible woods? It seems like a terrible place for you to be. [02:20:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah, it has been. Oh, we've been out here a few days. We've been out here a few days. [02:20:49] Speaker C: We were. [02:20:50] Speaker D: We were with a caravan going out to Palm Ghost Northeast, you know, and some. Some things happen. We. We're the only survivors of that. [02:21:04] Speaker A: They said that they were missing some. This makes sense. I met the rest of you, your group. Oh, lost on the for of the road. And I pointed them on their way to the township to find it safely. [02:21:18] Speaker D: Can I do an insight? [02:21:19] Speaker A: Absolutely. [02:21:21] Speaker C: May I also be kind of you? [02:21:24] Speaker A: Also, I have a standard rule at my table whether enacting deception or opposing. If someone ever initiates insight against you, whether dm, NPC or a character, you can roll against it with a persuasion or a deception. And you do not need to specify which form me so that it is unclear as to whether or not you were telling truths or lies. [02:21:48] Speaker D: That's a 13. [02:21:50] Speaker C: I got a 16. [02:21:53] Speaker A: Okay. She did not roll very high and both of you get a weirdly uncanny. She did not roll very high at all. And both of you guys get a strange sense that she Feels weirdly candid. I mean, inside is not divination. [02:22:16] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [02:22:18] Speaker A: It is not just reading the other person's mind. But her expression seems weirdly unguarded and non performative. Like that's actually what she did. She continues, and she says, you must be desperate to come into the home of a heck. [02:22:37] Speaker C: Oh, are you? [02:22:38] Speaker D: Oh, you guys all right? Weren't you? [02:22:41] Speaker A: And at your continued humor, she gets this really wide smile. And as she opens up her mouth, Karn, you can see these dark black, sugar rotted teeth that have broken at odd angles to form kind of sharp like, like pointed but blunt points. And she says, I like your humor. [02:23:00] Speaker D: Thorn smiles with her sharpened teeth. [02:23:04] Speaker A: And she turns and she smiles at you, Thorne, and she looks even more excited and she says, and I like your strangeness. The ever sharps. But unfortunate siblings in my home. I'm so glad to have you here. I get entertainment. Sorry, so rarely. And even better entertainment that is so desperate. [02:23:29] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [02:23:32] Speaker B: Well, we would, we would love to keep it. You know, we'd love to keep your favor as long as we are in your house. [02:23:38] Speaker A: You have it. You have it. It was rude to come into my house and request it, but we apologize. [02:23:44] Speaker B: Yeah, we were gonna knock. [02:23:47] Speaker A: You're in mortal danger. I understand. So what will it be? Have you come for my honey? Shall I offer you a fell deed? Shall I guide you out of the woods? Will you trust me with your fragile ride, with your fragile lives? What is this? Oh, come, come. I am fascinated to see how our story plays out. [02:24:14] Speaker B: Well. [02:24:16] Speaker A: As she smiles at you, she has this really unsettling mix of like sort of deep scowl and deep smile lines all over the edges of her face. She looks like an individual capable of great elation and wrath. [02:24:30] Speaker B: Karn's face does not hide his unease because he has a. Not a great charisma score, but I think he's a bit well spoken because he's a cleric. You know, these men are preaching, so he's gonna make a face that's very uncomfortable. And obviously, so as he's gonna be like, well, ma'am, we did not think that we, we were not so proud to think that we could beseech you. We were only hoping for a brief respite from the elements of the woods. And yes, we had not thought farther than that. [02:25:06] Speaker A: Young man. Young man, you're chased by Wallace. I understand. Yeah, I want to know what you want. Come, come, let us. I, I, I like the things in life that are sweet. I enjoy. [02:25:22] Speaker D: Yeah, I like sweet stuff, too. That's. That's good way to live. [02:25:27] Speaker A: I am not one for subtlety, so let us cut to chase. Tell me what you want. [02:25:35] Speaker D: Oh, I mean, I'd like to get where we're going, but that's just me. [02:25:43] Speaker A: Brothers out of Yalls peripheries. You can see out the window. The wolves are still there, waiting, staying a distance away from the home, pacing. And they pass by a window on the opposite side that is fully shuttered, but you can see, like, a little slit through. And the wolves are just maintaining a perimeter, pacing around the home. She just smiles at you excitedly. [02:26:01] Speaker C: I'd like to reach our destination alive, but I don't know if it is your job to do that. I think we would. Yeah, that's much rather be able to. Just as my brother so eloquently said, just sleep. A little respite, perhaps, hopefully waiting till the wolves leave. And then I have a very. [02:26:22] Speaker A: I would love to have you sleep here. Yeah? [02:26:25] Speaker B: Really? Yeah. [02:26:26] Speaker A: Yeah, we could. [02:26:28] Speaker B: We could stay up all night telling stories. [02:26:31] Speaker A: I would love that, too. [02:26:33] Speaker B: Yeah. You know, just brief company in these dark nights. [02:26:36] Speaker A: So if I understand correctly, you all would love my shelter and then my guidance and possibly my protection from your canine falls outside. Is that correct? [02:26:48] Speaker B: Before all of that, what would you. We wouldn't want to ask for anything that we couldn't repay. [02:26:58] Speaker D: Yes. [02:26:59] Speaker A: You. I like you, Karn. Yes. [02:27:01] Speaker B: Could we know what you would want in real. [02:27:03] Speaker A: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You will tell me. You will tell me what you give me. I have an idea. And it is sweet. But. But it is. It is sweet for me and bitter for you. [02:27:16] Speaker B: Zach. [02:27:17] Speaker A: First, I will give you opportunity. Beige got sweet. You all may tell me what it is you would give me. Something precious, something worth so much as to save your lives and deliver you to your destination. If you do not have an idea, I have a good one. But tell me first what you are thinking. [02:27:38] Speaker D: I were you. [02:27:43] Speaker A: Her dark tongue sort of traces her rotted teeth. [02:27:46] Speaker B: How's the green greenery outside? On the way here, Karn's gonna start racking his brain for what these bees have been harvesting to make their honey. [02:27:57] Speaker A: Doesn't make sense. You haven't seen a lot. You're also not an expert on the wildlife around here, but you haven't seen any flowers, but, like, no. [02:28:04] Speaker B: No big, colorful blossoms. [02:28:06] Speaker A: You haven't seen it. [02:28:09] Speaker D: I don't know if this is dumb or not, but can I. Is there a way to do, like, insight on the wolves? Like, are they. [02:28:22] Speaker A: No. No. [02:28:23] Speaker D: Well, I mean, like. Dang it. [02:28:26] Speaker A: No, continue. I'm sorry. [02:28:28] Speaker D: I just meant, like, could I do, like, an insider nature check or something? Even it, like, I don't know. [02:28:34] Speaker A: You know what? That wasn't fair of me to. What is it? [02:28:36] Speaker D: Are the wolves. Are the wolves, like. Are they afraid of this house, or are they, like, guarding the house? Like. [02:28:45] Speaker A: Yeah, give me. Give me an animal handling. Give me an animal handling check. [02:28:48] Speaker D: Am I. And then you're gonna say something. [02:28:50] Speaker A: No, I'm not doing the thing. No, I do the thing. When you're like, zach, do I just know the plot. That's when I do the thing. But. [02:28:58] Speaker D: Okay, so rolled a disadvantage. Scout's honor. [02:29:02] Speaker A: I always trust you guys. I always trust you. [02:29:04] Speaker D: That's. You said animal handling or nature. [02:29:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:29:08] Speaker D: Okay, so that's a 14. [02:29:13] Speaker A: They definitely look afraid of this home. I mean, she walked up. [02:29:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:29:20] Speaker A: While they were outside. You get the feeling they're scared of her? [02:29:22] Speaker D: Okay. I didn't know if they were, like, okay, okay. I get a. I get the. [02:29:27] Speaker A: She's the honey badger around here. Everything is staying out of her way. [02:29:30] Speaker B: Well, we are, though I'm sure not as powerful as you. But we do have skills. If there are some flattery. [02:29:43] Speaker A: I love it. You're sweet. I love sweet. [02:29:52] Speaker B: We could. We could offer specific of service. [02:29:56] Speaker A: Specific. Be specific. Offer me something. Tell me, what will you give me? [02:30:00] Speaker B: I will. [02:30:01] Speaker A: I have an idea. But you will not like it. So give me something. [02:30:03] Speaker B: I will scrub the floors and your latrine. [02:30:08] Speaker A: No. Something precious to you. [02:30:12] Speaker B: Give me something precious to me. Got candles. [02:30:18] Speaker A: She's just staring at you all Mrs. [02:30:21] Speaker C: Okay. Can I call you Mrs. She? I have a terrible young man. [02:30:28] Speaker A: Sure. [02:30:29] Speaker C: A terrible habit of making people. [02:30:31] Speaker A: Go ahead. Go ahead, young man. Speak your mind. I. I would like your voice. [02:30:36] Speaker C: Oh, so nice that you like it. I. For such a daunting and terrific task you would have us do. I would give you my. I pull out my spellbook. I'm like. I would give you my spell book so that you can. I know my magic is nothing to you, but. [02:30:57] Speaker A: No. [02:30:58] Speaker C: Something. A trinket. [02:30:59] Speaker A: No. [02:30:59] Speaker C: Perhaps a sweet. [02:31:01] Speaker A: This would be a loss. Years of your life given away. I love this. [02:31:09] Speaker D: Yes. [02:31:10] Speaker A: White. White. I will take your offer. What do each of your siblings offer? It must be this good or better. He has said they are so high. [02:31:20] Speaker C: So sorry. [02:31:22] Speaker D: Bye. [02:31:25] Speaker A: My offer. You all seem stammering. [02:31:28] Speaker C: No. [02:31:28] Speaker A: You choose one of the three of you to die. I eat them. But I am flexible. Like I said, I am reasonable and flexible. So Tell me. Oh, but if we do that one. You all must leave. But still be arranged to hear them die. I need that. But the book is a good start. Build. Build on it. [02:31:52] Speaker C: Build on my book. [02:31:53] Speaker D: Oh. [02:31:59] Speaker B: Well. Thorn, what would you like to offer to the kind lady? [02:32:04] Speaker A: And she's. She has gotten so excited. She's gotten very close to you all now. Like maybe maybe three feet away now, sort of standing in the middle of you all. And she's looking at you all like she could not seem happier and friendlier. Like she's been honest with the fact that she wants to do terrible things to you. But she is so excited about. By you all right now. She seems so happy and elated and she looks so awful and smells so good. She is just this terrible juxtaposition of sensations and behaviors. [02:32:32] Speaker D: I mean, I think Thorn looks to her brothers and she's. I mean, if. If they were. If they were promised. Safe travels. [02:32:50] Speaker A: Give me your hands. I'll give you my hand. Okay. And immediately Thorn just reaches out her hands. And as you put your hands in hers, her hands are warm and soft and sticky. And she turns your. She turns one of your palms over and looks at it and traces her finger across. And she says, you depend on these. I like this. This is. This is a thematic connection. Your brother gives me his book. I will take your hands. [02:33:19] Speaker D: Oh, well. [02:33:21] Speaker A: She pushes her hands back towards you. [02:33:23] Speaker D: If you were to take all of me. If I. If you took all of me with. Would. Would you save them? Yes. And get them to tie my initial offer. [02:33:32] Speaker A: This was my initial offer. I will take it. [02:33:34] Speaker C: This is something perhaps more of us should talk about, Thorn. Perhaps given some of your best weapons or strength. [02:33:42] Speaker A: Look, look, look. Ever sharps. Compromise. Let's start with our ideas. Let's develop. We have life's work. We have your hands. Yo, Karn. Tell me, what would you give me? Perhaps your sweet pottery. What else might you offer? [02:34:02] Speaker B: H. What if. And let me just ask. If this is on the table. What if we just. Are we allowed to walk and go see the wolves? [02:34:16] Speaker A: Why do you want to see the wolves? She looks back out the window and then back at you. [02:34:20] Speaker B: Man, you're very keen on seeing. I'm not. So you're. You've made it clear that your prices have lost. And I don't like losing. [02:34:33] Speaker A: That's why I like it. [02:34:35] Speaker B: Yes. So what if. And again, I'm not saying. I'm not trying to insult you. You've been very kind this far. [02:34:42] Speaker A: To the chase. To the chase. I love this easy point. [02:34:45] Speaker B: Could we not deal? [02:34:50] Speaker A: Sorry. [02:34:51] Speaker B: Could we just bid our farewell and thank you for the hospitality? [02:34:59] Speaker A: No, no, I. This is too good. I'm too excited. [02:35:01] Speaker B: Yeah. What if instead of losing, leaving one of us, what if you witnessed us harming each other to a point? [02:35:16] Speaker A: I love this idea. This is terrible. Each of you cut off another one's hand, and we will. [02:35:22] Speaker D: No. Oh, come on. Come on. Listen. [02:35:26] Speaker B: I mean, I know we're just brainstorming. We're brainstorming. [02:35:30] Speaker D: Yeah. And, brothers, I'm. I'm brainstorming here. That you two are. Mom always said that you two were very smart. I can't do nothing without my hands. Anyway, so she takes him. I'm. I'm. I'm. You know, I ain't. I ain't anything. And if. If. If Vi loses his thorn in the. [02:35:48] Speaker A: Worst part of all of this so far, in the middle of you talking without looking at you, one of her hands reaches back and takes one of her hands, and she just turns her head very suddenly around it. You enrapture with the light. And she says, that's what makes it so good. And then she turns back and looks at Karn and just keeps listening to you all. She's still holding your hand. It's very sticky. [02:36:07] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, guys, I. I've. I've lived in the nature of. I've. [02:36:14] Speaker A: I've. [02:36:14] Speaker D: I've been happy. You guys are so smart, and you could do things for the world that I just. I just hit things. It's fine. Mom always said you two were the smart ones. I. Seriously, you guys can go on. [02:36:29] Speaker C: Perhaps I could offer a. For my siblings. And, you know, my siblings don't like me offering things for them. But, you know, what is better than gaining more than you lose? So perhaps my brother could offer you his devotion, and then my sister could offer you a bit of her strength. Would that not be better than the things that they have offered? [02:36:50] Speaker A: No, no, no. I like your suffering. [02:36:55] Speaker C: You could drain it out of her in such a way that makes her suffer. And the brother could hate his life for the rest of time as he has to devote his all to you. [02:37:07] Speaker A: This is better. Yes. Okay. Okay. She starts thinking. And as there's this lull in conversation, K. And. And you're trapped in this desperate moment. The way that the siblings are positioned. Veidt standing with his back to the door, looking kind of toward the fire thorn, has her back to the window looking at the hag. And K, you're on that opposite left side. Kind of near the darkest corner where the beehive is maybe 4ft away or 8ft away from you. And you can see past the hag's shoulder. And as you look back out the window, K, this is a nightmare that somehow managed to get worse. So to pull you out of the moment would be hard, but you are just struck by an instant that as the wolves pace, one of them, that largest silver gray one, is still staring through the window at you, maintaining eye contact, just sitting there, looking at you. You feel cold for a moment as it looks at you, incredibly pulled out of this horrible discussion with the hag. And you just notice this as everyone speak. And so she pauses, waiting for you all to decide what horrible fate you want. Just smiling. [02:38:30] Speaker B: What if instead of killing the one that stays behind, you just keep them? Like, if I stay with you gone, not and, you know, help out around the house, tent the bees. [02:39:00] Speaker A: I like this. This is the best offer yet. [02:39:05] Speaker D: I, I, I would vol. I would volunteer as tribute for that. [02:39:08] Speaker B: I know you went those. [02:39:10] Speaker A: Oh, thank you. [02:39:10] Speaker B: That's why I appreciate you. [02:39:12] Speaker D: I'm strong. I can, I can chop down wood for you, you know, do all those things. [02:39:17] Speaker B: She might be able to, but she don't know no spells, though, ma'am. [02:39:21] Speaker D: Yeah, you got it covered. You're. You're quite as. You, you don't need any. [02:39:24] Speaker A: As you all are arguing over the hag's shoulder, you can see all the wolves are gone, and the edges of the clearing have filled with a deep mist that's moving slowly towards the house. Actually, excuse me. The wolves are still there. And where they all sit and stand, mist is rolling by them, moving toward the house, and they're all starting to turn into silhouettes and shades as the mist grows closer. Me detailed in the sun under the moonlight. But she's enraptured, listening to you all continuing to listen to the conversation. She says, how about this? I pick which one of you I want to keep, and the others I ferry out of here. Oh, you all seem to struggle to make the choice. I could still. I could still just kill two of you and keep the other one. [02:40:10] Speaker D: I mean, yeah, that's, that's an option. [02:40:14] Speaker C: But they're looking better and better as you speak, Mrs. G. Thank you. [02:40:19] Speaker A: I like you. Right. Maybe I should keep you. [02:40:21] Speaker D: No, he's young. He's, he's honestly, annoying. [02:40:25] Speaker B: No, but I barely want to keep. It would not be a loss if you kicked him. [02:40:30] Speaker D: You don't want. And then you need to. [02:40:33] Speaker A: It's about halfway through these words that the mist finally gets up over the windows and starts pouring in the home. [02:40:40] Speaker D: Is Karn the only one that was seeing this up until. Well, like it pouring. [02:40:43] Speaker A: It was up until right about this moment where through the other window now, Thorn. You can also see the mist come up over and veid. It starts to creep under the bottom of the door and past your heels. And now suddenly at this point in the conversation, everyone can see the mist pour into the room. And it's at this moment that all the like the that's been in the background at this point stops. And all at once, all of the bees land on the colony and climb back up under its paper sheet. Its paper folds and she sort of looks confused for a moment. And then the fire behind her goes out. [02:41:21] Speaker C: This is not the worst. [02:41:26] Speaker A: She looks very quiet and stunned. And my wife's pointing at her phone at the climax of this. And sorry, okay, focus act. She hafa yella. Sorry, guys. I'm very sorry. Focused. I'm dialed in to this. This thing we've been building for all this time. The is the mist pours over, the fire goes out and Bejka gets very still. And all of the joy and happiness washes out of her face. She kind of lifts her hands up and her palms close up into not fists, but like tight balls looking around. And in an instant, as that fire goes out, all the life, all the light leaves the home. And the home becomes almost nothing, but like different scales of shadow and gray with all the light from the moon outside. Not magical necessarily. I mean something very magical happening, but just the result of the change in light source. So there's now pale moonlight streaming in the windows and from nowhere else and through the crack in the door. And the temperature drops to about like 5 degrees Fahrenheit in a moment. And the mist just sort of washes over the floor and coils around your feet and. Rafael, I'm seriously asking you. I worked very hard on this one shot. Please let me focus. I love you. Okay? And as you Rafael, I squerda not the most popcorn. I scared a lot of them. Okay. It just gets very deathly quiet. And Bejka sort of like back slowly up to the opposite wall and just kind of stands there looking kind of stunned. And she looks down at the floor in the mist that's kind of wrapped up to about 6 inches off the ground. Her face comes back up with a completely different expression. And her pupils have constricted and her teeth have bared in anger and lines of sort of Rage traced over her face. And you all can see gathering at the edges of her eyes is like a thick layer of a viscous, slightly more rooted tear kind of thing starts streaming down over her cheek. [02:44:10] Speaker D: You brought him here? [02:44:16] Speaker A: She sort of backs up toward a wall and the room just gets really quiet. And she gets really still and quiet. [02:44:25] Speaker D: Owen looks at her brothers. [02:44:30] Speaker B: Yes, we did, ma'am. [02:44:36] Speaker A: Well, what? [02:44:37] Speaker D: We can't hear you, Zach. [02:44:39] Speaker C: You and all. Charbon Zach, Just so you know. [02:44:41] Speaker A: Yeah, so give me a second. [02:44:43] Speaker D: Oh, wait. [02:44:44] Speaker A: Hear anyone? [02:44:45] Speaker D: Can you hear us now? Okay, we can hear you better. [02:44:48] Speaker C: Hello? [02:44:49] Speaker D: Hear you. [02:44:50] Speaker A: Hello. [02:44:50] Speaker B: Google goobagobble. [02:44:52] Speaker D: Okay, are you better now? [02:44:53] Speaker A: Is there an echo when you guys talk? [02:44:55] Speaker B: No. [02:44:56] Speaker D: Okay, cool, then I'm just going to use the speakers. [02:44:58] Speaker A: Okay, I'm just going to use the speakers. So she is backed up to a corner and she is just standing there still and afraid. What are you all doing? [02:45:07] Speaker B: You've been an excellent host, ma'am. I think we're just going to leave now. [02:45:11] Speaker D: Oh. [02:45:14] Speaker A: She just stands terrified and still fighting. [02:45:18] Speaker B: Would you get the door? [02:45:21] Speaker C: I'm gonna slowly back out. Going for the door and thorn. [02:45:26] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, vite. As you get about a foot from the door, you hear. [02:45:34] Speaker D: Fight, fight. Get back from the door. Fight. [02:45:40] Speaker A: And Beshka's eyes just slowly lift to the door way. And she backs up all the way, kind of to the opposite wall. [02:45:48] Speaker D: I don't like that. Hag back, though. [02:45:51] Speaker A: And out of the mist, out of the mist, you all see one of the heads of the wolves appear just outside of the window. And it just like sort of lifts up its head and sits down there staring in the window. And then at one of the opposite windows, one of the wolves sits. And just they. They're like. And then like three or four. There's like four wolves outside of each window, just sitting there staring at you. Wall. The mist is thick and rising now so that it's about like 8ft up off the ground, past the height of the windows. And now it's just pale light streaming through it. And there's just silhouettes and shadows behind. [02:46:22] Speaker C: Oh, I'm not going to get the door now. [02:46:25] Speaker D: I'm going to leave it. House, ma'am, it's your house. You got to get the door. I think. I think it's only for l. As. [02:46:32] Speaker A: You all look at Bezga, she is staring at the door and she's trembling now and tears are streaming down her face. The anger is left. And she's just standing there shaking and stunned and terrified. Her mouth is agape, and a little bit of drool is falling down her chin. [02:46:49] Speaker B: Zach, you said the back of this house is caved in. Do we have a clear sight on how to get. Like, is there. Does it look like if we go that way, we might be able to just run? [02:47:00] Speaker D: Is there, like, a hole? [02:47:00] Speaker A: No, it's caved into the ground. The ceiling meets the ground. [02:47:03] Speaker B: Oh, okay. I thought it was, like, a gaping thing. [02:47:07] Speaker A: No. [02:47:07] Speaker B: Okay. [02:47:08] Speaker D: And there's not a. Like, a back door or a pet door? [02:47:11] Speaker A: You can make an investigation check if you want. I feel like you know the answer based on my response. [02:47:17] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [02:47:18] Speaker B: Zach, we're not strangers to this land. Is there any idea what this could be? [02:47:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:47:26] Speaker A: So rumors. I have to use it now. Is a homebrew skill belonging under charisma. It's like history, but gained through your ability to talk to people instead rather than your studied knowledge. It's one of the additional skills that I offer in my homebrew stuff. People can be proficient if they choose. It feels like a gimme to let you guys choose that now. So I'll just let you choose whether or not you feel like your character would be genuinely proficient in rumors, because they can be. It's up to you. I mean, each of you has cause for you lead people through this landscape. I'll just let that be your choice. [02:48:00] Speaker B: I mean, again, I don't want to be too metagaming. I feel like I've established Karn as a talker. [02:48:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I feel that. I'll say Karn can be proficient in rumors if he wants to be. But I'll tell you what, before I let you all make a check, let's just keep making choices. Let's keep this focused on the roleplay as you all stand there in the room. There is another from the door. [02:48:29] Speaker B: Ma'am. I think it might be in everyone's best interest if you share who you think that might be. [02:48:38] Speaker A: As you look back at her Bezgosh, she is seized and frozen in terror. She's just. And her stammering breaths are catching in clouds of frost outside of our mouths. Just. [02:48:54] Speaker B: Is there a peephole on the door? [02:48:57] Speaker A: Nope. Dang it. [02:49:00] Speaker B: One of those miracle Max little windows. [02:49:03] Speaker A: What are y'all doing? [02:49:04] Speaker D: What's the password? [02:49:05] Speaker A: That is a great reference window. [02:49:12] Speaker C: I think just because you said you might do something with it earlier with my little book, that I might have is do. If you remember that, no worries. But if not, it's not a big deal. Okay. Do I feel as if this might have been brought on because I brought a weird book in here. Could I, like, maybe try to go into my bag and touch my book and see if it's warm, hot, and evil? That kind of thing? [02:49:45] Speaker A: Oh, man. What a fascinating evil little brother. It could just be nothing. [02:49:55] Speaker C: I don't know. [02:49:57] Speaker A: As you. [02:49:58] Speaker C: No one knows. [02:49:59] Speaker A: As you. As you reach into your. Into your, like, sort of side satchel, you feel the book. It's this small, little black handheld journal all torn up and burned at the edges. And it's in there. Just feels like it always has. [02:50:23] Speaker B: Why are the wolves just watching, though? Like. [02:50:26] Speaker C: Okay, I'm just gonna. I'm gonna keep my hand on it, I think. Is Merle still with me? [02:50:34] Speaker A: Mm. Stock still. [02:50:37] Speaker B: Are these wolves. Are these windows glassed in, or are they just open rectangles? [02:50:43] Speaker A: Open rectangles. And the wolves are sitting outside. And the worst thing is the mist has gotten thick enough that you can't see the wolves anymore. You can just see their silhouette. And the mist is pouring in. [02:50:53] Speaker C: Can I try to. [02:50:53] Speaker A: Now it feels like ten has gathered each side. What was that? [02:50:56] Speaker C: Could I try to find. Oh, no. [02:51:00] Speaker A: Go ahead, Daniel. [02:51:01] Speaker C: Ten have gathered at each side. [02:51:03] Speaker A: Merle. [02:51:04] Speaker C: I would like to try to swim, Merle. Out the window to just get a glimpse, just a small little glimpse of the horrible figure that's probably in front of this door. That was not. I don't want to get detailed. I just want to see how huge and horrible. [02:51:15] Speaker A: As you stand there, Merle, as you stand there. Veidt. You let your eyes roll back, and the bird sort of, like, trembles a little bit out the window. And as the vision of the building melts away and your vision melts into his, Merle flies out of the mist, flies up, starts to see the trees, and you start to see through his vision. And then everything just disappears through Merle's sight. [02:51:42] Speaker B: I'd like to cast false life on myself. [02:51:46] Speaker A: Okay. Could you remind me what that does? [02:51:48] Speaker B: Gives me just a little bit of temporary hp. [02:51:52] Speaker A: Okay. Go ahead and roll that. Okay. [02:51:57] Speaker B: Seven. [02:51:59] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Halfway. [02:52:04] Speaker C: Is storm. So sorry. I just want to ask you real quick. [02:52:08] Speaker B: You go. We're brainstorming. I was gonna ask. Who's there? [02:52:13] Speaker D: Who's there? [02:52:14] Speaker B: He knows. [02:52:15] Speaker A: Right here. [02:52:16] Speaker D: I thought about that. [02:52:17] Speaker B: He knows we're here. [02:52:19] Speaker A: You see a lot. I mean, go ahead. [02:52:21] Speaker B: No, wait. He was gonna ask. [02:52:22] Speaker D: Yeah. Daniel was asking how far away him and I are from each other. [02:52:25] Speaker C: How. How far away is everyone from me? For my sake? [02:52:28] Speaker A: So you have the home. No one's. No one's more than 15ft away from each other. The home is small, and I assume everybody's kind of backed away from the door and everybody's kind of got their backs to the hearth now, so all pretty close. [02:52:46] Speaker C: I would like to shimmy to where I can be within 5ft of my brother and sister. And that's all I would like to do and let Colton do whatever the crappy wants. [02:52:52] Speaker A: Okay. [02:52:55] Speaker D: Okay. [02:52:59] Speaker B: This, this feels like a game changing decision. So I don't want to just. [02:53:02] Speaker D: I'm. I'm. I'm. Thorn. Hold on. Thorn, in her fear would like to rage, I think. [02:53:13] Speaker A: Okay, so Thorn, you tremble and sort of like, it's, it's your muscles tense and your veins pulsing, your neck. And your rage is one of fear of like. [02:53:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:53:26] Speaker A: And you feel Thorn start shaking and her muscles tense. Bezhka is just sitting there transfixed, staring at the door. [02:53:37] Speaker B: K, I, I know where I'm going. Who's there? I'll approach the door a little bit and I'll hail whatever's up. [02:53:46] Speaker C: Feet. [02:53:50] Speaker A: Across the door and you shout. There's no response, but after a moment, there's. [02:54:01] Speaker C: Oh. [02:54:05] Speaker B: I knock back. [02:54:09] Speaker C: Okay. [02:54:09] Speaker A: There's three knocks, and Karn is standing right in front of the door, having knocked on it. The two of you all are back at the hearth. Bejka's standing there transfixed in terror. Nothing's happened. [02:54:26] Speaker B: Maybe he's friendly. [02:54:29] Speaker D: Friendly people say hello. [02:54:31] Speaker B: Maybe he can't talk. Ableist. [02:54:38] Speaker C: The moment K starts going towards the doorknob, I'm casting a spell on Thorn. [02:54:44] Speaker A: Okay, what do you cast? [02:54:47] Speaker C: I'm going to be casting invisibility. Whenever Karn's like going for I would like to invisibility my sister, so maybe she gets out of here alive. [02:54:56] Speaker A: And Karn, as you stand in front of the door, Thorin goes and disappears. Karn, you stand in front of the door. What are you doing? [02:55:10] Speaker B: I think I want to poke my head out the window as far as it takes to get a glimpse of the door. [02:55:16] Speaker A: So, Karn, you tread to the side and as you start leaning toward the window, you hear from the mist in front of you. And like, do you. Do you start leaning your head out? Do you? [02:55:31] Speaker B: I think ever so slowly. I need to figure this out for my siblings. So, yes, I. [02:55:35] Speaker A: Your head out. [02:55:35] Speaker C: Merl died when he did that. Merle died when he did that. I just want. [02:55:38] Speaker A: Okay, okay, you get, you get your head out. [02:55:42] Speaker D: Thor, being invisible, is going to go to the door and, and open it. [02:55:47] Speaker A: Okay, Karn, before you can get your head out the the door for no apparent source goes and then she's gonna swings open and back up. Sure, sure. There's. There's just. The door opens because nobody can see you. And as you do so the only. [02:56:01] Speaker B: One who can see it is Vi. [02:56:03] Speaker A: This huge billow of. This huge billow of mist just into the room. And from that mist three wolves come and plant themselves in front of the door staring at you all. And I'll say from where you all are positioned in the room veidt out of your peripheries as Thorn stares at the door and you all start looking around for whatever's happened. It is out of the periphery of Karn invites eyes that you all look back at that caved in corner of the home where the most shadows are gathered and sort of not to the height of the ceiling, but where the ceiling starts to slope down above head height. There are two points of light now, two small circles like the reflective Tupedum lucidum of a mammalian predator catching the moonlight at the back of the room. And they're just floating there. The only points of light in the shadow staring out at you all is. [02:57:07] Speaker D: My back to this. [02:57:09] Speaker A: No, this is. [02:57:10] Speaker B: This is giving me. [02:57:11] Speaker A: Not that anyone can see that over. [02:57:12] Speaker B: The garden wall vibes. [02:57:14] Speaker A: Hey, over the garden wall. What a good show. Great you all have seen this. [02:57:27] Speaker B: Bezga, your guest is here. [02:57:29] Speaker A: Okay. And k. As you gesture, Bezga sort of like looks she's transfixed on the empty door. As she looks back to the corner she and she falls down to the floor on all fours and like crab pushes herself back against the room until she's against the opposite shelves and pushes herselves up and her arms extend out like 6 inches longer on each side. And she stands up about a foot taller, clearly making herself appear taller the shorter the whole time she stands at a about like five'five now and she pushes herself against the shelves and she just compresses herself as far back as she can against the wall. And she's trembling, frozen there. And those two points of light are just sitting there in the shadow staring out at you all. [02:58:09] Speaker D: I, I obviously turn around. [02:58:11] Speaker A: Absolutely. Yeah. [02:58:12] Speaker D: I'm like what you looking at? [02:58:15] Speaker A: And there is a. As two boots step out of a honey thickened floor and tread out from the shade into the dim silvery light of the room. And this person walks forward. He's about 6 foot 5 and his body is like one dark black shadow. Everything from the neck down to about 3 inches off the ground is one heavy Black sort of satin or velvet pitch cloak with a lapel lying mantle and silver trim on either side, vesting with silver buttons that tie them down to the broad, broad shoulders. The cloak unites in the front and the subtle gentle movement steps forward in such a way that it doesn't need to part to belay any of the figure beneath. Below the bottom of the cloak, where it stops before the floor, two long wide black boots step forward, coming to sharpened points. Not like sharp like a blade, just a pointed toe of the boot. And at the very bottom of them, at the sole of the boot itself, not garishly coming up onto the toe, but just at the bottom. There is a silver studded clasp on the front of each boot and from the neck up is a thick, wide eggshell pale neck that leads up to a jaw sharp enough to cut stone that comes to a point with tall, tall, palisaded strong cheekbones, a long pointed strong nose with dark midnight black eyebrows, thick, perfectly trimmed over these eyes so pale blue they're like. Like a morning sky like frost with long dark eyelashes. And pouring back over the dark black widow's peak, silky black straightened hair pouring over the shoulders with an almost comically handsome and unnerving man strides forward. As he looks forward, he smiles at all of you all and he sort of regards all of you all for a second before turning and looking directly at Beshka. [03:00:53] Speaker D: Or does he look at me? [03:00:56] Speaker A: He does. [03:00:57] Speaker D: Okay, he does look at you for a moment. That's what I figured. [03:01:01] Speaker A: As he looks at Bishka, he simply says, no, that was ruined. And the room is just stunned, uncomfortable, quiet. After a moment pause, he continues and he says, you interrupted me, Beshka. I take this privilege so rarely, and you cut it short. And Bezga, sort of trembling against that opposite wall, says, I did not know they were yours. I did not know this was yours. I regret what I have done and I am sorry. Forgive me, Antash, I would never do this intentionally. Forgive me. I beg your mercy. And at hearing that name, Antash. A N T A S H Antash Apostrophe. Over that second day, if you all like, you may make a rumors check. Each of you. [03:02:18] Speaker D: Wait, what was it? [03:02:19] Speaker A: A N T a S H A N T a S H on apostrophe. [03:02:25] Speaker B: Over the second day, I'm gonna use my inspiration. [03:02:28] Speaker A: Absolutely. [03:02:29] Speaker D: I'll do a rumors check. Why not? [03:02:31] Speaker B: And it's worse. [03:02:36] Speaker C: I got a five. [03:02:38] Speaker A: Okay. [03:02:41] Speaker B: Ain't no one talking about this guy. [03:02:43] Speaker D: I got a. I got a 13. [03:02:46] Speaker A: Okay. [03:02:48] Speaker B: Yeah, that's that's. I got a 12. [03:02:50] Speaker A: Okay. DC 10. This name is very well known. And indeed it is the youngest brother, late to join you all in this terrible land. Who is the only who does not know know. Thematically appropriate, Thorn, you and Karn know. Honestly, you started to put it together when he strode out. But the name, that name is a synonym. For all practical purposes, for all functional intents and purposes, that name might as well spell death. This is Antash the vampire King. Antash the Shade Lord. Antash, the Lord of Night. It was traded around fire stories that these woods so far south were his. But to even describe the boogeyman as living in one place felt silly. When you make up your scary stories around a fire at night, his is the last you tell. And the incarnation of a flesh dressed evil stands in front of you, addressing this hag. And as he continues, he says, bishka man, practice his voice for a month. And then I run out of my voice at the very end of the session. I'm going to make peace with it. What happens with my performance is fine. There's grace for the DM too. And even though I practiced this for Sal and I had it done. You continue. [03:04:41] Speaker B: Want me to take over, best guy? [03:04:43] Speaker C: There's no howdy there, partner. [03:04:45] Speaker A: I was wondering if I could drink some of your blood. I'm just in an article here. Oh, miss Bayish girl, no, he continues and he says, okay, right when I said that, Maya meowed behind me. [03:05:03] Speaker D: Okay, Maya is now the vampire king. [03:05:07] Speaker A: Well, she's always been the vampire king. But he continues, and he says, you are traitorous, are you not, Bishka? And she sort of like, yeah, trembling counter. She's pushed her feet up off the floor now so that she's like pushing herself up onto the counter. And there's no logic here, it's just fear. And she says, and he's sort of like, while talking to her, his eyes leave her eyes and trim down to kind of like the mid of her sternum below that cloak. And he says, you wear your deception. And one of her hands just kind of instinctively reaches up and grabs something like dense and solid below her cloak. And she just says, it is an heirloom. It is only a source of power. It means nothing to me. And Untash takes another step forward into the middle of the room. And he finally regards each of you. He looks first over at you way, okay. He looks over at you, Vi, towering down, looking down at you. And he just says, tell me, little dwarf, what do you know of the Shadowfell. [03:06:38] Speaker C: Do I know a lot about the Shadow Fall? [03:06:42] Speaker A: I'm not gonna make you make a whole check over it. I'll tell you what. It's a thing of myth and rumor. A well known myth and rumor. You know it is vaguely. As someone marginally educated, maybe the best of your cohort, I'll let you do with that what you will. I won't. I won't bog us down with a check. [03:06:58] Speaker C: Gotcha. I know it is not a place for people who wish to seek peace and comfort in their lives. [03:07:14] Speaker A: A sort of smile spreads across his face and it doesn't feel like it's meant to intimidate you or something. It seems gentle, genuine. As if you've amused him. And he says, you could say that. [03:07:32] Speaker C: I'm like staring down the whole time until he talks to me. And I look back up and he. [03:07:38] Speaker A: Looks to where you're standing. Invisibly. Thorne. Something no one else in the room knows. Well, Bishka has. Has true sight, but she's not. Anyway. Oh, she's not a night hack. She doesn't have it. He looks to where no one else in the room knows you are. And he just says. [03:07:56] Speaker D: I'd like to say. As he was talking, I was like slowly like. Like sliding towards my brothers just because I like want to be near where you are. [03:08:09] Speaker A: His eyes trace to you. So to you, Karn. And fight. It's really weird because he's looking in between both of you, not add anyone in particular. And he just continues and he says the Shadow Fell is. It's free. No one has dominion over it. No gods reign there. No kings. Just the freedom of everyone. And his eyes trace back up to Bezgarh. Who. Who's. Who's. She is getting more still. She doesn't look less afraid, but she's shaking now more. She's like becoming very still and this sort of horrible realization is washing over her face and she holds whatever's under her shirt tighter. She just says, I left them behind. I am not with them. [03:09:02] Speaker C: I. [03:09:04] Speaker A: Her deal is not my own. And he just takes another step forward walk into the center of the room. He's like a couple feet away from you all now and he just continues and he says. [03:09:17] Speaker D: Does he have his back to us? [03:09:19] Speaker A: No. [03:09:19] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [03:09:20] Speaker A: You all are kind of pushed up against a wall to his left. You all could easily scoot around him if you wanted. You could get behind him. Okay. Okay. You all three just sort of Scooby Doo scoot behind him and he just stays focused On Bishgan, he says, and. [03:09:35] Speaker D: I probably grabbed my brother, so they know where I'm at. [03:09:38] Speaker A: Absolutely. Two very strong hands are holding on to you all. And as he continues to Bej gah, he says, you dishonor me by interrupting my hunt. And you betray us all by wearing our chains. And Bishka is kind of trembling. And at this time he just turns around with one kind of half step. And as he does, the cloak sort of billows apart for a second. And you can see this broad, wide barrel chest. He is vampires, you all have heard through rumor are supernaturally strong. There's no reason for them to be physically imposing. But this is a massive individual. He is wearing loose clothes. Clothing. And you can see his chest push against the broad silk shirt with the silver trim. And his like these black slacks are revealed over his thighs, which push against them. He has a huge figure. And as he turns for a moment, the cloak sort of opens and then reseals. As he looks down at you all, he just says, tell me dorms. What should I do with a traitor? He looks back at Bezga. [03:10:57] Speaker D: I mean, traders. Traders aren't. Aren't cool. You know, it's. It's. It's. It's really. You know, my brothers, we. You know, we're halfway through speaking for. [03:11:10] Speaker A: Him, you know, he turns his head very quickly back toward all three of you. He doesn't move. His head just snaps back around. He makes eye contact with you. And I'd like all three of you all to make charisma saving throws for me. Okay? [03:11:20] Speaker C: Nikes. I'm going to use my inspiration. I know it's not going to help. I'm going to do it anyway. [03:11:34] Speaker D: I got a. A 13, not 6. [03:11:43] Speaker A: Buddy. [03:11:43] Speaker B: I think I'm fine. [03:11:44] Speaker C: Oh, that was cocked. [03:11:45] Speaker A: Hold on. [03:11:45] Speaker C: One more time. [03:11:46] Speaker A: Okay. [03:11:47] Speaker C: Five. [03:11:49] Speaker A: Oh, bud. All three of you all are frightened. Yeah. And you all still have control of your speech, but you cannot move. [03:12:02] Speaker C: That's fair. Could I interject after my sister is done and say, yeah, who. Who are we to tell a king of what he should do to those who betray his kill? [03:12:16] Speaker D: Yeah, that's fair. [03:12:21] Speaker A: Flattery will not work on me. Are you sure? [03:12:24] Speaker B: You're such a handsome man. [03:12:26] Speaker A: His. His eyes look directly at Yukon. Not aggressive, just flat and unemotion. Unemotional. And he just asks tell me all this, brother. And he steps close enough to you that he's like a foot away, just towering down over you. And he says, what should I do with her? [03:12:50] Speaker B: Well, she was going to kill my family. So I'd say kill her. [03:12:56] Speaker A: A smile kind of creeps across his face. From across the room. Bezgoz gaze finally breaks from him and looks at you, Karn, just like, mortified and shaking. And then his eyes pass to Veidt and he says, what about you, youngest? [03:13:20] Speaker C: Ah, I've been told that the wolves are hungry. And I'm sure her sweet flesh would be something appetizing to her. [03:13:32] Speaker A: And you, brave warrior. And he looks to where you're still invisible thorn. What say you for her judgment? [03:13:43] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm going great with my brothers on this one. [03:13:49] Speaker A: And she's just kind of trembling against the opposite wall. And her face kind of curls up into a snarl. And her palms. In a moment, she grabs the symbol of her chest and her right hand flashes with a black, malignant malaise of air. And she goes and she reaches out toward you, all you three, in sort of a moment of rage. And before she can finish the phrase, before she goes and she gets halfway through it, there's just this. This sound, this. And this blur of motion. And then a sudden crash. And it happens in a moment. And all three of you, like, flinch. And as you all, like, blink and return, Antash is no longer in front of you, and he's at the opposite side of the room. And Bezga has been pushed 2 inches back into the wall, breaking all the shelves behind her. Her right hand has been turned halfway around, the bones broken, and one of the fingers pushed all the way across to the other side of the palm as Antasha's left hand has broken her right arm, pushing it up into the wall in his right hand, his right, his left. His right hand has grabbed her. Her left hand that was on her symbol, pushing it into her chest. And he's pushed her against the wall. And just the sudden. And as she is pushed against the opposite wall, you all can see a little bit of smoke rising up over his shoulder. And specifically from where you're standing Veid as leftmost in this arrangement, you can see that wherever what was under her hand has come up and touched his hand, wherever that's touching his hand, it's burning his skin and. And smoke is rising off it. He's just holding that there. And you can hear him grab from the other side of the room. Or you can see you can hear him growl as he. As he gets so close to her and he whispers their verdict seems reasonable. And she just like. And you all can realize now that just from the force of him pushing her chest in, he's collapsing her sternum over her lungs. And she can't breathe. And she just chokes out, mercy. And as she begs that you will bite from the corner of his mouth, you can see his cheek move backward and what must be a smile. And you all just hear him say, mercy. And there's a snapping sound. And his hand compresses through her chest. And the phrase finishes and says, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. And as he turns back away from her and faces you all, his hand is left three inches into her concave chest. And he sort of closes his hand and just pulls it back out of her body. And her head lolls uncomfortably to a side. A bunch of deep green blood trickles down the side of her mouth. And then finally, a little emotion washes across his face. And he smiles. And for Yuan, he steps a little bit back toward the three of you. What will we do with you? And his hand is just covered in her dark green blood and a little bit of cracked bone is, like, congealed to the back of his finger. And he just lifts up a hand, his white silk arm with, like, kind of ruffles at the cuff, falling out of the cloak. And he just licks some of the green blood off of his finger and then lets the arm drop back down. What should be your judgment? [03:17:42] Speaker B: What crime have we committed? [03:17:50] Speaker A: Shall it be mercy for you, too? He just stands there looking over you all, anticipating. What are you all doing? You all can repeat your saving throws if you'd like. [03:18:21] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [03:18:22] Speaker C: Oh, sure. Yes. Holy frick. 1919. [03:18:31] Speaker B: Brothers. [03:18:33] Speaker D: 14. [03:18:36] Speaker A: Okay, everyone but Thorn. You are completely frightened, but you are no longer frightened, if you know what I mean. [03:18:55] Speaker B: No, I don't think that would give anyone in this room satisfaction. What were you doing to us? Initially, you said you were hunting us. [03:19:14] Speaker A: You are trespassers. No. [03:19:18] Speaker B: We're sorry. [03:19:19] Speaker A: All the world to the north is yours. This forest is mine. [03:19:25] Speaker B: Noted. We could. We could carry that message back. We could halt progress into this land. We were sent here by our betters and your lessers. And should they. [03:19:43] Speaker A: Like I said, flattery means a little to me. But reason. Reason I appreciate. What was your name? [03:19:54] Speaker B: I think you know it, but it's Karn. [03:19:57] Speaker A: I don't. I am not omniscient. I am not the proud and sterling gods. It is good to meet you, Karm. I like your suggestion. A message. A message sounds fair. Carry a message for me. You will have a choice as you come to share my land with me. I know mortals. I know the hearts of Ben. You all must Build and you must expand as Vampyr. It is not the Shadowfell that fills us with an endless hunger. It's the part of us that's still mortal. I know. You must eat of this world insatiably. So build. Build your town, build your city, build your kingdom. But don't bring your gods here. Don't cover yourself and he looks down at your wrist with the necklace hanging from it. He says, don't cover yourself in their shackles. Don't play their puppets. Understand that we can live together in a symbiosis. I will not lie. Sorry, he says, I will not lie about what I am if you do not lie about what you are. I am a wolf. You are a rabbit. The wolves need the rabbits to live. I would be a fool to kill you all. Live in symbiosis with me and avoid the pitfalls of the he just stares at you. [03:22:17] Speaker D: Orin is like slowly, like as much as she can't move, she's like just kind of slowly nodding her head and. [03:22:23] Speaker A: Enough time has elapsed. You may repeat your saving throw. Thorn Co do you say anything? Vite? [03:22:36] Speaker C: I think I'm going to acquiesce to Karn and just nod appreciatively, waiting for the dismissal or imminent death to rain down on me. [03:22:50] Speaker D: I got a 21. [03:22:53] Speaker A: You are scared out of your mind, but you're not frightened. Tell me what I want K. [03:23:05] Speaker B: We will pass that message on absolutely. But he's squeezing that necklace in his hand. [03:23:22] Speaker A: And as he, he like nods, says melsy turns around and takes a few steps away and as he gets like two or three feet away, he stops and he turns his head back toward Yukarn and he says, does your God love you, Karl? [03:23:48] Speaker B: I don't think he loves, but he. [03:23:51] Speaker A: Accepts, accepts and he walks all the way to the door frame and he stops for a moment and turns back one more time toward you all. And he says, how many does it take to deliver a message? [03:24:25] Speaker C: I'll say if you want to deliver to the whole north, I think three would be good. [03:24:30] Speaker D: Yeah, three is a good number. [03:24:34] Speaker C: Finally, north and northwest. [03:24:36] Speaker A: Real joy washes over his face. His smile gets big. And that blood of pool, that's that pool of blood that's flowing away from Bish guys getting really big on the floor, slicking half the room just smiles. And he says, run. [03:25:04] Speaker D: Is he in front? Front of the door? [03:25:06] Speaker A: He steps to the side of the door. [03:25:08] Speaker D: Okay, I, I, I grab my bro because I'm invisible so I grab, I tug on him and then I Run. [03:25:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:25:15] Speaker C: Okay. [03:25:17] Speaker A: Viton and Thorn, you run for the door. Okay. Thorn runs. [03:25:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [03:25:28] Speaker A: And as she across the floor, the main. Missed. Bill is behind her. [03:25:34] Speaker B: He's not fast. [03:25:35] Speaker A: What are you doing, Vite? [03:25:41] Speaker C: I. I am going to be like Khan. You're running as well? Yes. [03:25:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [03:25:51] Speaker C: Please go ahead. [03:25:52] Speaker A: Starts on. Starts slowly walking toward both of you. [03:25:57] Speaker B: We. [03:26:01] Speaker A: What do you all do? You have moments? [03:26:06] Speaker C: One moment. No. I will run after Thorn. [03:26:13] Speaker A: Okay. [03:26:14] Speaker C: And. Huh? [03:26:19] Speaker D: What? [03:26:20] Speaker A: Vite, as you finally. As mortal fear finally compels your legs and you out of the room. Karn, do you say any last things to your brother? It's fine if you don't. [03:26:34] Speaker B: I think I'm focused on the task. [03:26:36] Speaker A: Okay. Veidt runs out of the room, and Thorn, as you run out and you get out of the smoke, you see 20 wolves, 10 and 10 on each side, all six sitting, staring at you. And you run by all of them, and they don't move. Invite. [03:26:53] Speaker D: But do I. Do I notice that my brothers aren't. [03:26:56] Speaker A: By me, I mean, Vite's behind you after a moment. Right? Fight. Did I get that right? You're running. [03:27:01] Speaker D: Okay. [03:27:02] Speaker A: You all. You all. You all lap around the home and start heading north. And you're both sprinting. [03:27:07] Speaker D: I stop. [03:27:09] Speaker A: Okay. [03:27:10] Speaker D: And turn back and yell out for K. Okay. [03:27:17] Speaker A: And fight. You reach your sister. Both of you all are paused there. And all the wolves are watching you all. And the house is still wrapped in mist inside. Karn, you stand there alone with Antash. It's just. He gets all the way to you. He stops right in front of you, and he says, well. [03:27:42] Speaker B: I just really want to try to slow you down. And I'm going to punch him with my holy symbol. [03:27:49] Speaker A: Oh, heck, yeah. Roll the hit. [03:27:51] Speaker B: And can this be the spell? Inflict wounds? [03:27:54] Speaker A: It. It can and it should. And I need you to take inspiration. Thank you. And I need. I need all. I need all three of you. I need all three of you to roll in the initiative. [03:28:05] Speaker C: Oh, no. [03:28:06] Speaker B: I'm gonna use that inspiration immediately. [03:28:10] Speaker A: And I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to change the music. I'm gonna try. [03:28:16] Speaker D: Do I roll initiative at disadvantage? [03:28:20] Speaker C: At normal? Because you roll at advantage, right? [03:28:23] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [03:28:23] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Thank you. [03:28:29] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. And it's a 10 for advance. [03:28:34] Speaker B: All right. [03:28:34] Speaker A: At that initiative, would you get Vi? [03:28:39] Speaker C: 14. [03:28:42] Speaker A: Would you get Thorn? [03:28:44] Speaker D: I got 16. [03:28:48] Speaker A: Okay. Let's see what the vampire king gets. Oh, man, I'm way. Zach, wait. [03:28:59] Speaker D: Vite and Karn, what did y'all get? [03:29:04] Speaker C: 14. [03:29:04] Speaker A: And then the wolves get. Yeah. [03:29:10] Speaker C: So many wolves. [03:29:12] Speaker A: 13. Okay. Can you all hear the music? [03:29:15] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:29:16] Speaker C: Yes. Okay. [03:29:19] Speaker A: I just need to turn it up in my browser. I think think this song, is it dope? Yeah. Oh, it's perfect. And dope. Okay. Sick. So what'd you get on your roll to hit? It's the surprise thing that's kicking this all off. [03:29:35] Speaker B: 10. [03:29:37] Speaker A: Does he get advantage if you try inflict wounds? Oh, that's true. It's advantage because it's a surprise. [03:29:43] Speaker C: Oh. [03:29:44] Speaker B: I used the inspiration that you gave me to do it, so it's already kind of of buddy. [03:29:48] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. What does it look like as you spellcast and try to punch the vampire king with inflict wounds? [03:29:55] Speaker B: You know, I'm terrified of this guy and so I'm going to. I, I, I fumble a little bit and it's just a wide trying to commit to him. [03:30:06] Speaker A: But no, no, look like as you spellcast. What is, what does it look like? [03:30:09] Speaker B: Oh, it's the again. It's just I got the necklace in my fist and I'm clenching that amulet so hard that my hand's starting to bleed as it digs in and just trails of smoke are bleeding off my hand as I swing. And. [03:30:25] Speaker A: Okay. As the fist comes around trailing with smoke from behind. By the way, you made a sick character with maybe the coolest like, focus for a cleric I've ever seen. And as it whips around, his hand just reaches out and grabs it and freezes it in the air. Next initiative or to start initiative, we're gonna go with thorn. You're at the top. [03:30:48] Speaker D: How far away am I now from the house? [03:30:52] Speaker A: We're gonna theater of the mind this. So bear with me or Daniel, if you want to do your crazy stuff, you can. But no pressure. And because I feel confident in my ability to theater the mind, we'll say for the sake of simplicity, you're 120ft from the house. And vice, we can say you're 100ft away. [03:31:10] Speaker D: And how far away are the wolves from me? [03:31:13] Speaker A: 60. Let's, let's keep it simple. [03:31:17] Speaker D: Okay. I'm gonna, I'm gonna. [03:31:24] Speaker A: That's a bonus action. [03:31:26] Speaker D: Yeah. So am I still. Okay, wait, I'm not raging anymore because it's been long enough. Right. [03:31:32] Speaker A: But you have another rage. [03:31:34] Speaker D: Yeah, I know that. So I, Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and rage. [03:31:39] Speaker A: Mix. [03:31:39] Speaker D: Oh, am I still invisible? [03:31:42] Speaker A: You are still invisible. Okay. [03:31:44] Speaker C: Up to an hour. [03:31:46] Speaker D: Oh, sick. Okay. And then I am going to. [03:31:56] Speaker C: I'm. [03:31:56] Speaker D: Gonna, I'm gonna run back to, to the house that's freaking sick. [03:32:03] Speaker A: You know what? Why do I do this? Inspiration. That's awesome. And as you invisible, as you back to the through the dead grass, do you pull your axe out? [03:32:16] Speaker D: Yes, yes I do. [03:32:17] Speaker A: Okay, there are 20 wolves in front of you. What do you do? [03:32:22] Speaker D: I mean, are they in front of me? Are they between me me? [03:32:25] Speaker A: They're in between you and the house. Yeah. Yeah. [03:32:29] Speaker D: Cool. Love that. [03:32:32] Speaker A: You can try and run by them. [03:32:35] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. Since I have a speed of 25 against some Wolves, I guess I'll. Can I. [03:32:42] Speaker A: You're invisible. It's not impossible. I'm not calling. I'm not calling it a good idea. [03:32:47] Speaker D: Oh yeah, that's true. [03:32:48] Speaker A: Any attacks made at you would be made at disadvantage. [03:32:51] Speaker C: That's technically. They shouldn't be able to see them to attack her at all unless they have some special sight. [03:32:58] Speaker D: That's true. You know, what are they fancy wolves? [03:33:04] Speaker A: They do have. [03:33:05] Speaker C: They have fancy wolves powers. That's fine. I'm just need to know. [03:33:11] Speaker A: They just have a really high perception that's based in smell. But I'll tell you what, let's just do this. But, but hold on, hold on. Let's do this. Let's do this. Thorn, give me a stealth check and I'm just gonna make a perception check for the wolves. [03:33:23] Speaker D: Okay. [03:33:24] Speaker C: Also, Thorne, don't you have like. Oh, maybe you're not high enough level for the extra 10ft of movement? [03:33:30] Speaker A: I don't think so. [03:33:32] Speaker C: That's. [03:33:33] Speaker D: That's gonna be a 13 because I. Because I'm Thorn. [03:33:38] Speaker A: Thorn. [03:33:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:33:39] Speaker A: As you sprint by, you get all the way to the wolves and they've seemed to have taken no reaction to you yet by dashing, you're halfway to the home and you get the feeling you're gonna be able to go right by them, which is incredible. [03:33:53] Speaker D: That's beautiful. [03:34:01] Speaker A: Then next initiative, we go to Vice running. [03:34:05] Speaker C: How far away are the wolves from me? [03:34:11] Speaker A: 60Ft. Oh no. 40ft. [03:34:14] Speaker C: 40Ft. 40ft. Oh, that's a. That's a. An action to get to me, not an action at the whatchamacallit to get to me. How close is the closest wolf to each other? Like are. Are some of. [03:34:30] Speaker A: They're all in one big group. They're all in one big. [03:34:33] Speaker C: I love that so very much. They're probably amazing at the thing I'm about to do to them and I really want my sister to live. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You said they're half 40ft away from me. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to center this to where I can get as many wolves in the five foot radius. Yes. So what I'm trying, I'm trying to cast ice knife so that I can hit one wolf and then get as many wolves around as I can. I don't know how many you're gonna let me get. They're probably very good at the save they have to do. But it is damage and damage is damage. [03:35:27] Speaker A: So damage is damage girl. [03:35:30] Speaker C: So I'm going to try to hit one of those wolfie boys and again, whichever one has the most wolves around it within five feet of that wolf. That's what I'm going for. [03:35:40] Speaker A: Absolutely. I am. I am not going to sit here and punish you on the details for a map I don't have for you guys to see. Thank God. [03:35:49] Speaker C: That's a 22 to hit. [03:35:52] Speaker A: That'll hit. What level do you cast this at? [03:35:54] Speaker C: I'm casting. [03:35:55] Speaker A: I know I should ask you before but. [03:35:57] Speaker C: And I also. Fun times. I see cold wolves and like cold damage AKA nuts on these guys. How would we do force damage? So the knife is going to be like a sonic boom as I like channel a bit of my shatter into it instead of cool ice parts of it. Again. I, I've just. You really used ice knife the same way multiple times. But I, I throw it. I do damage to this one and then how many ever wolves need to make a dexterity saving throw? [03:36:32] Speaker A: Well, what's the radius? [03:36:35] Speaker C: Five feet around. [03:36:36] Speaker A: Okay, okay, okay. Then that's okay. What's your spell? [03:36:44] Speaker C: Safety C13. [03:36:46] Speaker A: They fail. [03:36:51] Speaker C: That's beautiful. The first wolf takes 12 points of damage from the. The knife itself. And then each of the wolves that fail are gonna take. Oh, not as impressive but seven points of force damage as each one gets hit with a bit of that spell. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to move 20ft back away from the wolves and hoping that they will follow after me. [03:37:28] Speaker A: On the first wolf. How do you want to do this? [03:37:34] Speaker C: That's really nice to hear. I. I'm gonna get it right in the. The head right there. And then like. Like a grenade popping off and destroying its face and hitting all the other people around it. I'm gonna be like. [03:37:50] Speaker A: And then so vi. You. You. You flip open your book and then you just close it. Trusting your instincts. You. What is your. What is your focus? [03:38:01] Speaker C: My focus is my book. I. [03:38:03] Speaker A: Never mind. You hold book closely focusing on his magical power and you mutter words. You lift up your hand. And it's like the wolves are getting up lazily and, like, starting to saunter toward you, you know, ready to chase down something. And as the knife spins in the air, it, like, this dark, spindly shard of ice forms. And then it fills with cracks as it's drumming with force. As you lift it up, you spin it in the air, and you launch it forward. And the wolf, like, kind of in the center of it all, like, sauntering forward. That big, gray, silver one flies, and it, like, flies forward, and the knife buries it right between the wolf. The wolf sort of like. And kind of like, falls limply down. And before it hits the ground, there's this. And the wolf just tears apart. And the fragments of its skull embed in the wolf next to it. And there's this, like, this shockwave, like. And all the wolves jump and scatter. And the eight immediately around it because they were tightly grouped, and that's how many you can fit around one square. All look bloodied as they fall to the ground, their ears bleeding, their bodies, like, limping. And the wolves scatter for a moment in terror. And then all regroup, the remaining 19 facing toward you. Next initiative is the wolves. You are now 60ft away from them. [03:39:23] Speaker C: 65. [03:39:24] Speaker A: They have a speed of 65, and they have a speed of 50. So they are all going to action dash. [03:39:33] Speaker C: That's fine. I did. [03:39:35] Speaker A: It's okay. 19 wolves descend on you. And a moment Vi. As you turn and start running, you hear. And you are surrounded, swarmed by wolves like a cartoon. Just. Yeah, yeah. Next initiative is Karn. Oh, Karn, what are you doing? Is your arm is held in one of Montage's hands. It's just flavoring, so we're not going to call you grappled. [03:40:05] Speaker B: Well, you know, now he's real. Yeah. I'm gonna feel like an idiot. [03:40:14] Speaker A: Go big or go. [03:40:15] Speaker B: I'm gonna try to do the exact same thing, and I'm gonna try to cast. [03:40:22] Speaker A: Inflict. [03:40:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Inflict wounds. There it is. Because it's just a touch. And so he's got my hand. He caught the wrist, and I'm gonna just squeeze higher, and my blood's gonna start to seep out onto his hand, and I'm gonna just try to channel. [03:40:39] Speaker A: All of that into it. Colton. Well, let's first roll the hit. Oh, that's a 12 total. [03:40:49] Speaker B: Yeah, dude, I rolled a seven. [03:40:50] Speaker A: You do have inspiration. [03:40:52] Speaker B: I do now, because. Okay, cool, cool, cool. Which die has not betrayed me yet. [03:40:58] Speaker D: All of them. [03:40:59] Speaker C: All of them. [03:41:00] Speaker B: It's worse. It's a 10. This is me in every combat, but that's Daniel Colton. [03:41:06] Speaker A: I'm thinking of a number between one and 10. What number am I thinking of? [03:41:11] Speaker B: You're thinking of eight. [03:41:14] Speaker A: I was thinking of seven. Okay. I was gonna give you double advantage. Just because you, like, squeeze your symbol in. The blue. Blood squeezes out from your fingers and trickles down your wrist. And as you do, Untash lifts you up by your arm, like, squeezes his hand around the symbol till his fingers are smoking and just licks the blood away from your hand and says, your God does not love you. You are right. Next initiative, we go to Untouch. [03:41:48] Speaker C: The. [03:41:48] Speaker A: The Vampire King. He is going to. [03:41:56] Speaker C: And I miss you. [03:42:04] Speaker A: He is going to. He's gonna make three unarmed attacks. [03:42:14] Speaker B: At who? [03:42:15] Speaker A: So at you. What's your AC? [03:42:19] Speaker D: At the wolves. [03:42:22] Speaker A: What's your AC? [03:42:24] Speaker B: My AC. It's going to be real hard. [03:42:26] Speaker A: It's a 12. Okay. With a 25, a 15, and a 30. He hits with all three, and he is gonna deal. [03:42:47] Speaker D: We're level four. This is terrifying. [03:42:53] Speaker B: Yeah, we weren't gonna outrun this. [03:42:54] Speaker A: I did not roll good on damage. Only 73.44points of bludgeoning damage, and he's the Vampire King. He's not a regular vampire. So, Karn, after licking the blood away from your hand and uttering that threat, he doesn't say another word. And Thorn, since you're at the top of initiative, we're just gonna go ahead and pair your movement. What happens next? For the sake of narrative purpose? So you both around the rest of the wolves, watching them descend on your other brother, and then. Actually, I'll tell you what. We're going to tie the two turns together. What choice do you make? Do you return for your younger brother, or do you rush to your older? [03:43:44] Speaker D: Can I see my older? [03:43:46] Speaker A: You know, he's in the house with the Vampire King, and, you know, 19 wolves just descended on your younger brother. What do you do? [03:43:55] Speaker D: I. I think I. Okay, what do you do? Thorn would. Thorn would go to her younger brother because she knows Karn would want her to go to her younger brother. [03:44:04] Speaker A: So you double back and you run toward Vite, and you do not see the Vampire King as he. And the first. The first attack, Karn, is just flavored as Untash. He just closes his fist, and he fully closes his fist with the force of his hand. He severs your hand from your. From your forearm, and he just. And. And you sort of, like, you fall down, and he can't fully. I mean, he can't incinerate the flesh with force. So what happens is, as he breaks the bones and severs the flesh, you fall down and you are caught by the remaining muscles in your forearm hanging there. And then the second attack is flavored as him grabbing your lower forearm, taking the hand and just pulling your hand off so that you, your holy symbol, is separated from you. And then he drops you to the ground, grabs you by the back of the neck, picks you up and just. And well, he swings you around and he brings your face through the fireplace, just scattering the stones onto the rest of the house. Breaking your nose, breaking your jaw, knocking most of the teeth out of your mouth. And as he pushes your head through, through and the broken rocks and blood splay forward, your world smears into colors. You forget where you are and what's happening. And he just tosses you through and throws you onto the floor five feet away and calmly walks toward you. Thorne, you've doubled back toward your brother Vi. As you run back toward him, you can catch up with the last wolves on the end. What do you do? Do? [03:45:43] Speaker D: I'm. I'm going. I'm. I'm going to. To reckless attack. Whatever. I mean, like, I don't know what wolves are like in front of me. So like. [03:45:54] Speaker A: Oh, wolves. [03:45:57] Speaker D: Yeah. So. Okay, so that gives me advantage on melee attack. Attack. Sorry, I'm like, I can't think. Okay, advantage on melee weapon attack. Rolls using strength. [03:46:12] Speaker A: You. You roll the hidden advantage. [03:46:14] Speaker D: Yeah. So how many am I? I'm just hitting like the one in front of me, I guess. [03:46:20] Speaker A: Like, do you have multi attack? [03:46:22] Speaker C: No, that's level five, baby. [03:46:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [03:46:28] Speaker D: Okay, I. [03:46:31] Speaker C: That. [03:46:35] Speaker A: I should have made you guys one level higher. [03:46:38] Speaker B: Oh yeah, that would have made all the difference. [03:46:40] Speaker D: Yeah. [03:46:41] Speaker A: A long time ago. [03:46:45] Speaker D: Wait, do I. Okay, sorry. I haven't played melee in a. In a while. Do I add anything to my role? [03:46:51] Speaker C: You add proficiency and strength modifier. [03:46:55] Speaker D: Oh, sick. [03:46:56] Speaker C: Okay, two plus whatever your strength. This. [03:47:01] Speaker D: 22. [03:47:03] Speaker A: That'll hit roll for damage. [03:47:06] Speaker D: Cool. Okay, so battle lacks. I'm swinging with. I'm using. I'm two handing it. [03:47:14] Speaker A: Phenomenal. [03:47:19] Speaker D: And so that's 1d10, right? [03:47:24] Speaker C: Possibly. I don't remember the battle accident on my head. [03:47:27] Speaker D: Yeah, versatile. 1d10 plus five. [03:47:29] Speaker C: Okay. [03:47:30] Speaker A: Yeah, 1d10. [03:47:31] Speaker D: That's 14 points. [03:47:33] Speaker C: Do you have your rage? Oh, never mind. You got it. [03:47:36] Speaker D: Oh yeah, I am raging. [03:47:37] Speaker C: But oh, it's like plus two to damage, so. [03:47:42] Speaker D: So technically it's 16, but I want to do it where vampire Hunters at this point. So we're wolf vampire hunters. And I'm just gonna go right swing the battle ax right through the wolf's neck. I'm vegan, okay? I love animals. [03:48:00] Speaker A: And as Thorn runs up and the wolves are piling toward Veith. Veith, as you turn around toward this pack of wolves descending on you, what you see is your is. Well, you don't see your sister. You turn around and you see a bunch of wolves. And then, like, all of a sudden, in a moment, you watch as, like, a point of reflective gray catches some of the moonlight. And as the ax lifts up, the invisibility falls off of Thorn rising into the air with the axe of her head until she brings it down and just lops just fully one of the heads off the wolf, which falls toward the ground as half the wolves turn back and turn their heads toward you. And just. Because. Why not Give me a religion check. [03:48:43] Speaker C: Me. [03:48:43] Speaker A: Give me a wisdom saving throw. No, no, no. Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me a religion check Thorn. [03:48:52] Speaker C: Oh, okay, perfect. [03:48:55] Speaker D: Oh, that was caught. [03:48:56] Speaker A: Sorry, I'm making this up by the seat of my nipples, so that's okay. [03:49:00] Speaker D: Technically, she wouldn't. [03:49:02] Speaker A: 19 thorns. Karn, as you're in the house and you're struggling on the floor, you, like, your vision blurs and you blink. And as you look over at your dismembered hand across the floor, you watch as the symbol at the end of it, the two scales held up by a skeletal forearm and hand light up and shine a dull gray for a moment, and then darken. And thorn where you are, you are. You feel like a sudden power pulse through your muscles, muscles. And for a moment, emblazoned, burning in a tattoo on your neck are two scales with a bone, wrist and hand. And for the next hour, you have multi attack. So go ahead and make your second. [03:49:45] Speaker C: Nice. [03:49:49] Speaker A: For the DM as you have a godly boon. [03:49:53] Speaker D: Okay, so that's gonna be. [03:49:59] Speaker A: Roll the hit. [03:50:01] Speaker D: 16 hits. Okay, well, for damage, it's gonna be. [03:50:12] Speaker A: Should be a D10 plus 5. [03:50:14] Speaker D: It's 14 again. [03:50:16] Speaker A: How do you want to do this? [03:50:19] Speaker D: I'm gonna do it again. I'm gonna swing it back around my head, and I'm gonna slice right through it. [03:50:29] Speaker A: This one doesn't get all the way through. It cuts the neck past the spine, so the head dismembers. And then held on by the tissue on this side, it just hits the shoulder on the other side, and the wolf collapses down. [03:50:40] Speaker D: Can I say for flavoring, when I do it that blood splashes on Thorn's face and so Vite can see a little, like, can see the outline. [03:50:50] Speaker A: Well, once you make an attack, the invisibility drops, but you are covered in blood. Okay, Next initiative is Vi. What are you doing? Two wolves have died. Three wolves have died. And your sister is here. [03:51:04] Speaker C: Hey. [03:51:05] Speaker A: Oh, how great. [03:51:07] Speaker C: Terrific. I love it. I love it. How about we all just. [03:51:10] Speaker A: What are you doing? [03:51:11] Speaker C: Warm up. I'm gonna cast burning hand hands. [03:51:17] Speaker A: Sick. [03:51:18] Speaker C: At second level again. I'm aiming towards the ones I hit with my knife. I think as many as I can get in a 15 foot cube in the direction. Yes, I'm doing at second level. Just so everyone knows. [03:51:36] Speaker A: Okay, Daniel, another failure. [03:51:42] Speaker C: Okay, how many? You got it, you got it. You can figure it out. Oh, sweet baby. [03:51:48] Speaker A: Raise as you roll the damage. I'm gonna pee crazy fast, huh? [03:51:51] Speaker C: I have 13 points of fire damage. [03:51:56] Speaker B: Baby rays. [03:51:57] Speaker C: Sweet baby raised barbecue sauce. [03:51:59] Speaker B: Sweet baby rays. We love that. Sweet baby rays. [03:52:02] Speaker C: When I. I watch this youtuber who plays magic and he says that like every time, like, the other opponent does something really crazy, he's like, sweet baby raised barbecue sauce. [03:52:11] Speaker D: They should sponsor him. [03:52:13] Speaker C: I know, I know. [03:52:15] Speaker D: Wait, so, so, so, Karn, how many. How many hit points did you. Did you have. [03:52:23] Speaker B: How many did I have? [03:52:25] Speaker D: Yeah, like total. [03:52:27] Speaker B: What was your total hit point at the time? It was a total of 4. 46 because I boosted myself prior to. [03:52:35] Speaker A: This fight. [03:52:38] Speaker B: So I'm alive. [03:52:39] Speaker D: So you have two hit points right. [03:52:40] Speaker B: Now of my deity. Yes, I do. [03:52:43] Speaker D: Okay, okay, okay. [03:52:47] Speaker C: 13 fire damage. Yes, sir. [03:52:49] Speaker A: It's a 15 foot cone. [03:52:50] Speaker C: Yes. [03:52:53] Speaker A: I have a little single map sheet I've drawn out for myself here to do the math. Perfect. Okay. They're all in one group. So that hits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Daniel, for seven wolves, how do you want to do this? [03:53:14] Speaker C: He brings out his book again. Seeing the securing or the success of his last attack, he's. He's growing momentum. He's only been a reading guy for so long and hasn't actually been able to cast these spells that do damage at people because that'd be rude. And so he's really taking in this adrenaline high. So he pulls out the book. He knows immediately where he's going. And with the book in hand, kind of like does a. Almost like a prayer. Like a prayer book. But out of his fingers, at the end of the book itself, all the fire erupts. [03:53:49] Speaker A: That's freaking sick, Daniel. [03:53:52] Speaker C: So as it just incinerates and ash. Kyle, some wolves. [03:53:56] Speaker A: You open the book. And as you read the words and your eyes glow with arcane light, you finish the phrase and you blow across the pages, and the tips of the paper sort of alight with embers. And then this tongue of fire spreads out like a waterfall forward. And the wolves just. And they are silhouetted black until as the fire burns away, there's just seven vaguely canine charred corpses burned down past the skin and the first two layers of flesh. And as they fall before you, the remaining wolves pack into a tight ball, facing you all at either side. Next initiative. Oh. Yep. [03:54:41] Speaker C: So sorry. I think I can do something with one of my spell things, but I'm not for sure, and I need to find my book that tells me what I can do with my spell things. [03:54:48] Speaker A: Then I'll tell you what. Let me know if it changes something. I'm gonna go ahead and go. [03:54:52] Speaker C: Hello. [03:54:52] Speaker A: There are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 remaining wolves. 5 are gonna begin with. [03:55:01] Speaker B: Y'all are these wolves. [03:55:02] Speaker A: Four are gonna. Well, he was always with them. But five are gonna attack Thorn, and four are gonna attack Fife. So for Vi, what's your AC? Vi? [03:55:12] Speaker C: 13. [03:55:14] Speaker A: Okay, 13. So that'll hit. Yeah, yeah, that'll hit. That'll hit. So that's gonna be six. Six plus seven is 13 plus seven is 20 points of piercing damage as four wolves, like, just rush over the bodies of the fallen compatriots and grab onto. And they grab your thighs. One grabs your forearm, another grabs your calf and just starts ripping and pulling and tearing. It's horrible. Thorn, what's your AC? [03:55:56] Speaker D: 17. [03:55:59] Speaker A: But okay, miss, miss. Hit. [03:56:05] Speaker D: Okay, but while I'm raging, I have resistance to all damage except psychic damage. [03:56:10] Speaker C: Yes, yes, yes. [03:56:12] Speaker A: Two hits. Okay, seven, five, 12. You take six points of piercing as Thorn, what does it look like as two wolves. Two wolves get through the throng and bite you. But what does it look as you successfully defend yourself from four of them? [03:56:33] Speaker D: I feel like as they're coming at me, I'm swinging the battle ax, and each time they try to, like, bite at me or whatever, I'm, like, blocking it with the battle ax. And they're like. And they're, like, biting on it. [03:56:49] Speaker A: Swinging around. And the speed and death of the blade is scaring some of the wolves away as they. And back up. And then others go to bite and are barked. Blocked by the hill, which. And then you push them away. And two get past the whole number and bite onto you. But it's sort of. I mean, it mars you and bites, but as you kick and Swing the axe. They have to keep falling backward. Next initiative is Karn. What are you doing, Karn? [03:57:15] Speaker B: You know, whatever it is, I'm not doing. Well, I. I just saw my holy symbol light up, which is, I think, the most interaction I've ever gotten from my deity. And as best as he can speak, because he's a wreck right now, he's going to kind of just stay on the floor, and he's gonna look, and he's like, it's not love, it's acceptance. And he's gonna try to cast guiding bolt. [03:57:58] Speaker A: But it's. [03:57:59] Speaker B: I want it to come from my dismembered hand holding the symbol. [03:58:03] Speaker A: I don't know, dude. [03:58:05] Speaker B: Like, mechanically. I don't want advantage or anything. [03:58:08] Speaker A: I have to stop doing this. This. I swear, this is the last one. Inspiration cards dying after this one. Well, yeah, maybe it's not much. [03:58:23] Speaker B: That makes it a dirty 20. [03:58:25] Speaker D: Oh. [03:58:28] Speaker A: I hit. I don't think that hits. Karn, what does it look like as you reach out and try and touch your symbol? [03:58:37] Speaker B: I don't think I do. I think my decapitated hand. [03:58:41] Speaker A: No, no. What does it look like as you try to connect with it? Oh, for you. As you ride there bleeding and your senses awash, your face. Honestly, terrifying. [03:58:53] Speaker B: I think Karn, like, after staring at that necklace and the hand that was glowing and he knows something happened, he's gonna look at the vampire king and he's just gonna feel pity because he knows this guy isn't gonna get to move on. You know, like, this is a temporal show. We're all passing this. It's a beautiful thing if you let it be sure. And his dismembered hand is just gonna twitch one last time and clench it. And then a beam of white light that trails that smoke that's been covering his magic is gonna pile much like the sacred flame from earlier, where it was just like a trail of smoke. But this one is. It's that heat that that smoke came from. It's going to fly. [03:59:50] Speaker A: Karn, as you look up at this creature that who you pity, you whisper one last incantation, and the hand twitches, and the symbol glows with like a gray white light. And all the flesh falls away from the hand like ash. And the bones hand grips like as it flexes outward, and these magical symbols appear on it. It closes, and there appears this spectral image of two scales hold from it, which gathers into light. And then, just like you described, that white flash of light with the smoke races out toward him. And as it does, it flies Toward Antash. And it's just the smallest little bend forward is a power past his head, and then blows out one side of the ceiling looking down at you. He just goes. And he keeps walking toward you. And on his turn, he's gonna bend all the way down toward you and over you. And he's going to just whisper. You see, Karm, I have always known men like you, men willing. You're not worth my words. Never mind. And he just reaches down and puts his hand on your forehead, presses it down, and he gets right down your ear and just whispers something in sylvan. And he casts power word pain on you. And your body is wracked with neurological suffering you've never fathomed, which is wild, given what you've just been through. As your entire body alights with electrical stimulus and you just sort of like, ball up and convulse what's left of you in terrible agony. And for the next. Okay, you are racked with crippling pain. Your speed can be no higher than 10ft. You have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. And if you cast a spell, you must succeed on a constitution, saving throw or fail. And the spell is wasted. So as you ride there on floor, on the floor, he reaches down and he picks you up by a heel. And then he just starts walking out of the building, dragging you behind him, him, as you flail and writhe on the floor as he drags you by one foot. And he walks toward the door and out of the building. Next initiative is thorn. What are you doing, Thorne? [04:02:30] Speaker D: So do I. I see this. [04:02:33] Speaker A: No, you're fighting wolves, okay? Unless you suddenly stop fighting the wolves and turn around, which you can do. [04:02:39] Speaker D: I mean, I don't hear anything, do I? Like, is Karn screaming. [04:02:43] Speaker A: What are you doing, Thorn? What are you doing? What are you doing? [04:02:45] Speaker D: Well, I'm just wondering. I just wanted to know if I noticed. [04:02:49] Speaker A: What are you doing as you mortally fight wolves for the life of your younger brother? [04:02:53] Speaker D: Okay, well, I'm gonna, you know, do the multi attack and. [04:03:00] Speaker C: Stuff. [04:03:02] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. In case you roll the hit twice. [04:03:04] Speaker D: Yeah. So that's gonna be. Oh, a 24 and a 19. [04:03:23] Speaker A: Those will hit. Go for damage. [04:03:30] Speaker D: Okay, so the. The first one is. [04:03:35] Speaker A: Eight. Karn, you're a stats for this session. Are incredible. Are amazing. Anyway, the. [04:03:44] Speaker D: The first one is eight and the second one is 14. [04:03:47] Speaker A: Okay, how do you want to do this on one and how do you want to mortally wound the other? [04:03:53] Speaker D: I'm going so on the first one that I Just mortally wound. I'm gonna swing, and when I swing, I guess I miss just a tiny bit at the neck where I was wanting to get, and I end up chopping off it at the legs. [04:04:08] Speaker A: The blade comes out, and there's this sick. [04:04:11] Speaker D: I know. [04:04:11] Speaker A: I hate this sound. And the wolf just collapses forward and. [04:04:15] Speaker D: Then the other one, the same way I've been doing. [04:04:18] Speaker A: Okay. So the blade takes it off by the wing, by the legs. And as you pick the blade up, you transfer it to the other hand and with one arm, bring it down and just behead it as the wolf just collapses. Vice. What are you doing? [04:04:32] Speaker D: Wait. And then. Can I. Where is. By. How far away is he from me? [04:04:40] Speaker A: He's. Well, now he's probably, like, 20ft in front of you. [04:04:45] Speaker D: I'm. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna run and stand in front of him. Can I do that or like. You can to, like. I don't. It's hard because I can't, like, see it. [04:04:57] Speaker A: So, like, what's your AC again? [04:04:59] Speaker D: 17. So I want to, like. I want to run. I want to run closer to him to, like, basically, like, as sister, I'm, like. I'm protecting. [04:05:09] Speaker A: Four hits and a crit. Opportunity attacks. [04:05:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:05:15] Speaker A: Okay. [04:05:17] Speaker C: You resist all damage for Jan, basically. 120 hit points. [04:05:24] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:05:24] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. 18 plus 8 is 26 plus 7 plus 6. 26 plus 7 is 33. 33 plus 6 is 39. 39 halves. Yeah, they rolled incredible. 39 halved. They almost all hit. That was highest I've ever rolled for a series of enemies. 19. You take 19 points of piercing damage as Byth, your sister runs past, being torn apart by wolves at every angle. Pulling away from them, they're like, pulling out like. Like flesh strips as she's pulling away from them. Just running toward you until she's by your side. [04:06:08] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Yeah. [04:06:10] Speaker A: Covered in blood. She's next to you. [04:06:13] Speaker D: I'm almost bloodied. [04:06:17] Speaker C: Insane. [04:06:19] Speaker A: What are you doing? [04:06:21] Speaker C: How many wolves are in five foot of me? [04:06:27] Speaker A: They're a little scattered now. There's three left. No, there's none directly in front of you because you burned 15ft of them in front of you. Okay, so all of them are 15ft away. There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 left. Okay. [04:06:44] Speaker C: And she. So eight wolves. [04:06:48] Speaker A: And you can think of it. You can think of it like. You can think of it like bear cone, then four wolves and four wolves. [04:06:54] Speaker C: Gotcha. [04:06:57] Speaker D: When I go in front of him and I like, do I. Do we see now oh, yeah. [04:07:03] Speaker A: And as you guys both turn around and face back, you can see on Tosh walking away from the building, carrying the writhing body of your brother by the ankle, dragging him on the ground behind you, walking toward you all. You also see that. What are you doing? [04:07:17] Speaker C: If I did cast a spell from where I am to do Burning Hands again, am I gonna get wolves or do I need to step, like, five or 10ft up to get wolves? [04:07:29] Speaker A: You could step 10ft up and hit all but the outermost four. Basically, you can. If you step 10ft forward and you go straight in front of you, you get. You'll get the two of each group of four in the middle. If you turn on one side, you can get all of one group of four. It's four kind of. No matter how you split it. [04:07:45] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. And then. But I'm not. If I do that, AM I within 5ft of all of them? Yes, you said that. [04:07:54] Speaker A: Well, so you're not like, one of them. There's five feet. Feet between you. If you step four, 10ft, you can hit four and still have five feet between all of you. [04:08:02] Speaker C: Okay. And then I could walk back behind my sister, maybe even a little bit further. [04:08:10] Speaker A: Absolutely, absolutely. [04:08:12] Speaker C: Is there one group or of the three. Four groups that I could hit? Is there any that look more hurt than the other two groups? Yeah, but, like. [04:08:20] Speaker A: Oh, one whole four. Four. No, actually, sadly. Sadly. One group has three at 11 and one at four, and the other one has three at 11 and one at three. So they are literally perfectly split. Sorry, I'll do the 4. [04:08:33] Speaker D: 1. [04:08:33] Speaker C: 11 and 4. So I need deck saves from them. Roll high for me. Roll high. [04:08:42] Speaker A: Failure. I'm just rolling it as a group to save time. Failure. [04:08:45] Speaker C: Thank you. 11 points of damage. Wow. [04:08:50] Speaker A: That was Daniel, how do you want to do it on four wolves? That's exactly their hit points. 11. [04:08:55] Speaker C: I know. You just told me again, instead of, like, holding it like it's a holy thing, I'm now seeing it as, like, the bloodiness that it is. And, like, even though adrenaline is still pumping me, like, I am very hurt. My sister's pretty hurt. My brother is dying at the hands of a vampire lord. I'm more like, like, putting out my book and flicking pages of fire at them, as if I just want to get this rid of and done. And then I'm moving back and being, like, talking to Thorin on the way. And I say, kill as many as you can, then run. And then I'm gonna make 15ft away from him. [04:09:33] Speaker A: You run forward and you flick the pages out, and as they burn forward, they just turn into little balls of fire that flourish out into this larger sweep of red flame, just incinerating the wolves, which dance and writhe in the heat until they're again just centers of burned carbon just falling to the ground. You run behind your sister. Next initiative are the Wolves. Four are gonna run up and attack. [04:10:01] Speaker D: Well, no danger to wolves. [04:10:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Two are gonna. Three of are going to attack Thorn in the front. One's going to attack Fife. Vi, what's your AC? [04:10:11] Speaker C: Thirteen. [04:10:12] Speaker A: Mrs. Thorn. [04:10:14] Speaker D: Seventeen. [04:10:16] Speaker A: Miss. Hit. Hit. Miss. No. Hit three. [04:10:24] Speaker D: I thought three were coming. [04:10:25] Speaker A: They're only three. There are only three. Miss. Two hits. Got it. Six, five, eleven. Five points of piercing. I'm already having it when I'm giving you the value, by the way, so more bites, more blocking. You're getting tired and desperate. Next initiative is Karn. Karn, you're writhing in pain. The world is swimming in colors. You are coming in and out of consciousness. What are you doing? [04:10:58] Speaker B: Well, I've got my shovel and shovel. And that shovel's a little special to me because, you know, that's part of the reason why I came out here was to help give funeral rights to the travelers that don't make it. You know, I may. I'm a man of the people. I am a. I'm trying to help them pass. And so this shovel is also. [04:11:27] Speaker A: Colton, why do you make your deepest, most profound characters for these One Shots, dude? [04:11:31] Speaker B: Like, because I love watching them die. [04:11:33] Speaker A: You show up to the campaigns, and I love your characters, but it's like, hi, this is Bimble Foods. HE farts. And then you show up to the One Shots, and you're like, yeah, I'm a retired professor who's made personal peace with my emotions, and I just want to care for the people around me. Like, it's just amazing. [04:11:49] Speaker B: Well, give me a third one, and I'll give you a Bimble toots next time, okay? [04:11:52] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [04:11:54] Speaker B: And I think just like, you know, it's. I. I can't even. I'm dying. You know, blood's pouring out of my wrist. Half my face is destroyed. I. I don't think it's even real at this point how much pain I'm. [04:12:10] Speaker A: In, and you almost kind of can't, like, perceive it. Like, you're not really feeling it anymore. It's just creating physical responses in you. [04:12:19] Speaker B: Yeah. So I would like to once again try to cast. Inflict wounds. And I want to swing my shovel. [04:12:31] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:12:32] Speaker B: At this man because you Know he ain't killed me yet. [04:12:39] Speaker A: Oh, wait, wait. What's the detail I have to read? Yes. If you would like to cast a spell, you must first make a constitution. Saving throw. [04:12:47] Speaker B: Okay, well, the first roll that I just did will be that. Because that's what should have happened in the order. So that's a 22. [04:12:57] Speaker A: That saves. Okay, Karn. Through throws of pain, in misery, confused, you reach back, and as your hand goes to grab your shovel, it misses just completely. And then this little puff of gray smoke pushes your hand toward the shovel, and you grab it successfully. And as you pull it out of its sheath, the sharpened spade is swung around and wrapped in gray mist. Go ahead and roll a spell attack. [04:13:28] Speaker B: 15. [04:13:30] Speaker A: And as you swing the shovel around, your shoulder pulses violently in agony. And the shovel just misses by. Natash doesn't even look. Sorry, bud. [04:13:43] Speaker B: Hey, man. It's the dancer. [04:13:46] Speaker A: Yeah. Next is Untash. Antash will spend his entire turn walking forward, dragging Karn. Getting about 30ft. Well, getting a total of, like, 40ft away from you all just dragging Karn behind him. Next initiative is Thorn. What are you doing? [04:14:11] Speaker D: I. First of all, she's. How many. How many wolves are left in front of us? [04:14:16] Speaker A: 4. [04:14:19] Speaker D: First of all, she screams out Karn. His name. Yeah. [04:14:26] Speaker A: And you're just. You're just watching him flail on the ground in agony behind. [04:14:30] Speaker D: And she. She's at this point, she. She's gonna. She's gonna multi attack on the. [04:14:40] Speaker A: On the. Hit twice. [04:14:41] Speaker D: Yeah, because she's gotta get rid of the wolves before she can do anything else, I guess, Because. Okay, so, Daniel, you're a trooper. The first one is 15 that'll hit. And. And the second one is nine that will not hit. Yeah. [04:15:06] Speaker C: Did you. Reckless. [04:15:06] Speaker A: Would you like to attack recklessly? [04:15:09] Speaker D: Yes. I was thinking. [04:15:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [04:15:13] Speaker D: Sorry. [04:15:14] Speaker A: It's br. Tired. Yeah, you shouldn't have done that roll again. [04:15:21] Speaker D: That's. That's an 18. [04:15:24] Speaker A: That'll hit. Okay, roll damage. [04:15:28] Speaker D: Okay, so first one. 15. [04:15:38] Speaker A: Okay. Second one. [04:15:40] Speaker D: And the second one is eight. [04:15:45] Speaker A: The two in front of you are the 11. The 11 and the three. So, Jackie, on both that you struck. How do you want to do this? [04:15:55] Speaker D: Thorn's. Thorn's really angry, and it's gonna be messy. It's not even. Not even like, what she was doing. Like, slice it. It's just, like. It's choppy, it's messy. She's screaming out her brother's name. [04:16:10] Speaker A: Consummate rage takes over you, Thorn. You just scream, God. And as you scream it, the first axe Blade comes down and swings toward the wolf that steps to the side. And as the axe misses down into the dirt. I'm just flavoring. You hit the wolf like lunges towards you and you bring it back up in rage. And as your arms pull upward, the bottom of the blade just bisects the jaw. Splitting it in half and getting halfway up through the next one. And you just pull it straight back out, splitting the face in half. Blood spraying back all over you. And as the second wolf lunges over you, you just bring the ax sideways and cut its face in half laterally cutting through the middle of the jaw and back half through the neck just. And another spray of blood and the wolf just falls down in front of of you. And you are seeing red in every sense. Vi, there are two remaining wolves. What do you do on your turn. [04:17:06] Speaker C: Guys? [04:17:07] Speaker A: It's always the spooky one shots. It's always the spooky one shots. [04:17:13] Speaker C: Are these the ones that are looking really rough or are these healthy ones? [04:17:18] Speaker A: These are two health O Boyos. Full hang you. [04:17:21] Speaker C: Dang. [04:17:22] Speaker A: Are you. I swear I have some very light hearted one shots written. We just never play them. [04:17:27] Speaker D: I like the spooky. [04:17:29] Speaker C: Gosh. [04:17:30] Speaker D: Hey, this is a great way to. [04:17:31] Speaker A: Get a crossturn trooper. [04:17:33] Speaker D: My, my, my birthday weekend, you guys. [04:17:36] Speaker A: That's true. That's true. [04:17:37] Speaker D: One shot. [04:17:39] Speaker C: Just question real quick, like how close is my sister to these wolves? [04:17:45] Speaker A: Five feet away. [04:17:46] Speaker C: Dang you, you. Dang you thorn. It makes sense. But all right, now I just. It's all good. I just gotta run up there and cast Burning Hands one last time. [04:17:55] Speaker A: Oh no, no. She killed the two on one side of her. So if you just, if you just step to the side, you don't need to leave the combat range of the one you're in. And you can cast the cone just right next to her and you won't hit her. [04:18:07] Speaker C: Okay, perfect. I'm gonna do that. [04:18:09] Speaker A: Burning Hands is awesome. [04:18:11] Speaker C: It. It has been a trooper, Daniel. [04:18:14] Speaker A: I crap you not A fourth failure of Burning Hands. [04:18:18] Speaker C: Oh, thank you. Thank you Lord Jesus. [04:18:20] Speaker A: That's wild. [04:18:22] Speaker C: 12 points of fire. [04:18:24] Speaker A: Daniel, how do you want to do this to the last two remaining wolves? [04:18:26] Speaker C: Oh my gosh. [04:18:27] Speaker A: You guys really did beat 20 wolves. [04:18:29] Speaker D: Yeah, we should have just taken the wolf. [04:18:32] Speaker A: He was always. [04:18:33] Speaker D: I know he was always with them in a rhythm. [04:18:38] Speaker C: Now seeing my brother's fate before me in a very like just in the method of just. I need to cast a spell and I need to run almost without emotion and determination at all. He just, he doesn't even grab his book. He just, like, puts it out like this and fires, firing both inflaming once more. And then I'm like, Zach, for just. Just a quick, quick little second. What is in my book that I know I have? [04:19:21] Speaker A: The Black Journal. [04:19:23] Speaker C: Yes. Is it something that a vampire might want? [04:19:26] Speaker A: The small black Journal was a booklet that you discovered in. So part of your. Part of your studies at your university involved traveling abroad. And you. You are a part of one of the few, like, really structured, civilized bastions in the world. And one of the ways that you all study is though the hate fall is in, its destruction and wake are regarded with great trepidation. One of the main ways to study and garner new magic is to visit its ruins, which are global at this point, and. And try and glean magical texts and sources from the time, because so much the world was washed away in it. And you found the text in the middle of just a ruined, decimated scene, there, strangely alive in the rubble. And it's this black little bucket, torn and burned at edges, covered in burn marks. Even has, like, a blade like point that's been pushed all the way through the center of the book. And it has all of these sections with pages ripped out, and each section is titled, like, Blood Song at the top with text, and then Blood Song at another. And there's just different poems. And you and all your. And all your compatriots were able to read that title, but you've not been able yet to decipher the language written on the rest of the pages. [04:20:43] Speaker C: Okay, well, then I can't know that you would want this at those moments. And so I. With tears streaming in my eyes, I yell, a thorn. Run. Please run. And I'm gonna start running. So I move my 25ft away, going northeast or whatever direction I need to go. [04:21:07] Speaker A: Okay, next Initiative. There are no more wolves. They are out of Initiative. K, it's your turn. What are you doing, buddy? Oh, you're muted, but you looked confident and sexy while you said it. [04:21:28] Speaker B: I'm going to drop the shovel. [04:21:31] Speaker A: Okay. Cuz you can even say you involuntarily drop the shovel. [04:21:36] Speaker B: No, I. Release it. [04:21:38] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [04:21:39] Speaker B: Because I think he's gonna have a moment where he's. This isn't working. That's not working. This isn't what he's meant to do in this moment. And it's about acceptance. And so I would like to get eyes on a thorn, and I would like to cast. Now, I've got cure wounds and I've got Healing word. I know healing is the only thing. [04:22:05] Speaker A: That'S going to get to her. [04:22:06] Speaker B: Absolutely. But I would like to. I would like to beseech my God, because I'm ready to go. I'm ready to go. And so if I just accept it and if I drop, I'm gonna say I'm going to try to heal my sister and I'm willing to let go to do it. So if that's still healing word, that's still healing word. But I'm going to do what I. [04:22:39] Speaker A: Can to heal my sister, make her. Cuz I can't touch this guy. [04:22:44] Speaker B: Religion check. Dope. That is a 22. [04:22:53] Speaker A: No, 21, Karn, as you accept what may be the ultimate tenet of your specific faith, and you face the reality of life, which is its end. Not running from it, not turning from it, but facing death as a door, accepting the steps, you honor Kelemvor in your final act. And you are granted one last great gift of arcana. Reaching outward, you convulse with your last remaining hand. And the symbol on Thorn's neck burned in lights up. And you cast heal, bringing Thor Thorn all the way back up to full hit points, every wound on her body knitting and mending back together. [04:23:51] Speaker C: Nice. Hell yeah. [04:23:54] Speaker A: And in the greatest act of graciousness in the middle of your suffering, that I am both unqualified by skill and unqualified by experience to describe the degree of your pain. There is a moment of mercy as your vision bleeds away from your sister and you look up into the. Into the starry night with two pale moons in the sky. A vague, thin apparition of a being appears in front of you. An entirely skeletal figure wrapped in dense black cloaks with two burning blue points of light in his eyes, reaches down and says, you are free from this place. And life passes away from you as your body grows still. And Karn dies. Goodbye, Colton. Thanks for playing. [04:24:58] Speaker C: Thanks for playing. [04:24:59] Speaker B: Thanks for having me. [04:25:00] Speaker D: I hope to play with you one day when you don't die. [04:25:07] Speaker B: Have a good one. Kill him. [04:25:11] Speaker C: Bye, Colton. [04:25:14] Speaker A: And as Colton leaves the game, Karn leaves. Yeah, you can just press the red X, Colton, and you'll. Yeah, there you go. And Thorn, as you see your brother cast one last desperate flailing magic. You feel an incredible wave of healing. And then watch his body grow still. Next initiative is Antash, who feels the body grow limp in his grasp, who sort of seethes his teeth in anger, not omniscient, but loosely grasping what has happened, what's been robbed from him. And he just squeezes his fist and he lobs Karn's body like 40ft toward you until it lands at your feet. Thorn. And then he just raises up his hands slightly up into the side and says, come give me your judgment, mortal. That's his turn, Thorin. It's yours. What are you doing? [04:26:51] Speaker D: And, and, and Vi has his vice. [04:26:55] Speaker A: Running the other way. What do you do? [04:27:11] Speaker D: There's like, okay, there's a bunch of like. [04:27:16] Speaker A: You'Re surrounded by burned wolves bodies and the honestly mutilated body of your eldest brother has been thrown at your feet. [04:27:25] Speaker D: Is there anything on him of like his holy symbol is no longer there right now. It was on his hands. [04:27:31] Speaker A: His sharpened shovel is behind on thush. [04:27:34] Speaker D: So there's nothing like, of like personal effects that I, I could grab? [04:27:41] Speaker A: I mean, sure, let's just like there is, there is a booklet of, of kelemvore prayers that he would read at funerals in his coat that has spilled out in front of your feet. [04:28:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I grabbed that and put that in my. In my pocket or whatever. [04:28:04] Speaker A: What do you do? What are you doing, Thorne? [04:28:09] Speaker D: I. I guess I. I'm like, okay, what would I do? What would Thorn do? A Thorn is what is thorn. And Thorn is angry. She's angry and she's, she's. She's gonna run towards them. [04:28:23] Speaker A: Actually. Hold on. I'm sorry. I. I hate to take back narrative. He doesn't raise his arms and say, come bring me your judgment. I couldn't think what to say. And then what he said instead is he throws the body to you and he doesn't raise his arms or anything. He just stares at you and he says, run again. And so in that moment of rage, you do run and you don't run away from him. [04:28:45] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:28:45] Speaker A: You run toward him. [04:28:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:28:49] Speaker A: You awesome hero. [04:28:50] Speaker D: Yeah. And I'm. I'm. I'm gonna do. Am I close enough to get them? I forgot how many feet you get there. [04:28:59] Speaker A: Roll to hit the vampire king. Okay, do I get multi attack for the next hour? [04:29:06] Speaker D: I said not 20. [04:29:09] Speaker A: Kill him. Four wheels it. [04:29:11] Speaker D: Okay, so. [04:29:12] Speaker A: Okay, roll for another one. Roll for another one. Roll for another one. [04:29:14] Speaker D: Okay, wait, I have inspiration. Okay, that one's gonna be 23. [04:29:27] Speaker A: Sick. Okay, roll for damage. [04:29:36] Speaker D: Okay. Oh, I just rolled a D100 by accident. Okay. I was like, I don't do 70 points of damage. Okay, so that's 14. Keep rolling those weird 14s. Okay. And okay, 15. [04:30:02] Speaker A: 14 and 15. That's a total of 29. Your weapon is not magical or silvered. Is it? [04:30:10] Speaker D: No. [04:30:12] Speaker A: What does it look like is you strike the Vampire King. [04:30:16] Speaker D: It's just. It's full on rage. Like, she's healed now, like, technically, but there's blood all over. Her hair's a mess. She has her. Her bear skull thing has, like fallen over her face kind of as she runs. And she's just like. Like, it's like. It's like, here's Johnny. Like, full on rage, like. Like to the point of like, psychotic. Like, like in the horror way, you know? [04:30:43] Speaker A: Absolutely. [04:30:45] Speaker D: So she just. Yeah, you can flavor it of where I hit him or whatever. [04:30:49] Speaker A: And one catches him across his front and tears through his clothes. And then another comes down across his leg and slashes across. And as you cut through, a gash forms his flesh, but no blood sprays. The flesh is just torn and then back across his thigh. Another deep gash, but no blood. There's red muscle underneath, but the. The muscle is like a pale red. And he just sort of. And as you slash in front of him. Well, Veit, it's your turn. [04:31:19] Speaker B: Oh. [04:31:22] Speaker C: Yeah. [04:31:23] Speaker A: You're running, I assume. [04:31:25] Speaker C: Yep. I see the actions of my brother and sister. Sister as the last form of defense for my lowly, cowardly life. And so Veidt is thinking that he has to do this for his brother's sake because he was the first one to do it. And if he doesn't hear his sister, he knows his sister's gone too. And slowly mourns them as he just starts running. Tears pouring down his eyes as he starts running. And, like, if he can, he'll, like, loop around to where he can get to the north, because I think I'm technically going south right now. [04:32:04] Speaker A: Oh, yes. No, you had from you guys looped at the very beginning. [04:32:09] Speaker C: Gotcha. Okay, then I'm just running. [04:32:14] Speaker A: Okay. Then on. On Thosh's turn, he's going to step five feet back so you can go ahead and take an opportunity attack if you like. Thorn. [04:32:29] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay, that's 23. [04:32:39] Speaker A: That'll hit. Roll for damage. [04:32:44] Speaker D: That's gonna be seven. [04:32:47] Speaker A: Okay. Is that halved or. [04:32:50] Speaker D: No, that's not. Ha. [04:32:52] Speaker A: Okay. [04:32:52] Speaker D: Sorry. I just rolled bad. [04:32:54] Speaker A: I'm sorry. Okay, so stepping back, receiving another gash from you. He just winces slightly, but handle settles it. And what does he say? He just. He just seethes down at you, bearing his white fangs, and he just. He just whispers with hatred. Your brother died for nothing. And he pulls his hands across each other, mutters something in sylvan as his fingers pull away. There's arcs of lightning between them. And he pulls his hands back and then launches them forward as his arms conduct electricity back and forth each other and forward. And he's gonna cast lightning bolt at eighth level. And I need a dexterity saving throw from you. [04:34:01] Speaker D: Yeah. Can I say, I know this is just like, silly flavoring, but when he bears his fangs, I definitely think she bears hers too. [04:34:08] Speaker A: Girl, that's. There's nothing silly about that. That's freaking sick. Okay. [04:34:13] Speaker D: It's a 13. [04:34:17] Speaker A: That fails. [04:34:18] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:34:20] Speaker A: And so, Vi. Vi. As you run, you hear from somewhere behind you in the. And thorn, you take 53 points of lightning damage as flash of searing white energy burns. No, that's full. [04:34:40] Speaker C: Oh, 26. [04:34:41] Speaker D: Do I take? Yeah, 26. [04:34:43] Speaker A: No, no, you didn't save. You didn't save. [04:34:46] Speaker C: Yeah, but she still takes half from being 18. [04:34:50] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. [04:34:52] Speaker C: She's totally 26. [04:34:54] Speaker A: You take half. So your body convulses violently, but for the sake of flavoring, you feel like that symbol on your neck is still protecting you. So, Thorn, it's your turn again. As you climb up from the ground, violently twitching the symbol on your neck, the burned scales of Kalimvor are shining white and gray now. [04:35:25] Speaker D: Sorry, I was writing down my hip. Math is tough. Yes. [04:35:28] Speaker A: Also, this is why people pick the subclass. It is the best one in the game. [04:35:31] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, there's. There's not much. Anything else I can do? [04:35:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know why I asked. I'm sorry. [04:35:40] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm just. I'm gonna back on him and swing for neck. [04:35:46] Speaker A: Okay. Roll the hit. [04:35:48] Speaker D: Oof. Okay, the first one does not hit because I rolled a two recklessly. Oh, yeah. [04:35:58] Speaker C: If you want. You don't have to. [04:36:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do. Although then doesn't. [04:36:03] Speaker A: You should. You should do it. [04:36:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:36:05] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't think. He's not hitting you. [04:36:07] Speaker D: Okay, well, the second one was a five, so that one's still not hitting. [04:36:12] Speaker A: Okay, but second attack. [04:36:13] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay, that's 19 misses. [04:36:27] Speaker A: So the next two swings are wild and sort of like, as your muscles twitch, the blade misses. And as. As the second one comes toward, like, the first one he, like, steps out of. He just steps backward and it. This is in front of him. And as you bring the second one down, forcing your muscles to work correctly even through their shocked state as it comes toward him, he lifts his forearm up and deflects the lead, the blade with his arm. Like, not the point of the blade, but the flat of the blade just knocks it away. He is impossibly strong. Not that you need more evidence of that. [04:36:57] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:36:59] Speaker A: At the end of your turn, he's gonna use a legendary action. [04:37:02] Speaker D: Of course she is. [04:37:05] Speaker A: And he is going to use a legendary action to make an unarmed strike on you. Okay. Yeah, that's like A. That's 28. That's 14 points of bludgeoning damage, so. Reduced to seven. So as he definitely flex the blade, an arm, just a lightning fast arm, just burns forward and strikes you in the nose. And you hear as your nose breaks and blood spins, spills down your face. It's fight's turn again. Fight runs, uses another legendary action to take another unarmed strike at you. At the end of fight's turn. [04:37:49] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:37:52] Speaker A: 25. [04:37:53] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:37:56] Speaker A: 20 points of bludgeoning damage reduced to 10. And after, after you're like stunned and grabbed and he punches you in the nose, his huge hand reaches backward over the back of your head and brings your face down toward his knee and you're like bounced backward off of his knee. It's his turn. [04:38:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:38:17] Speaker A: And he's gonna make three unarmed attacks. [04:38:20] Speaker D: Okay, what's your AC17? [04:38:24] Speaker A: First one misses. [04:38:25] Speaker D: Okay. [04:38:27] Speaker A: Okay, well, never mind. The first one misses. So the first one, he like swings outward at you and he just genuinely misses as you stumble backward, not accounting for your motion. But then with the second one, he. He like reaches forward and grabs you by the shoulders. And we're just gonna put the damage for both together into one flavoring because it's cool. That's gonna be 12 plus 17 is. What's that? That's 29. 28. [04:38:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [04:38:58] Speaker A: 29, 29. Which halves to 14. [04:39:01] Speaker D: I'm down. [04:39:03] Speaker A: And with the last strike. With the last strike, he reaches forward, grabs you by the face, his hand palming your head like a ball. Then he pulls you back and throws you over his head through the building next to him. You just go and crash through the wall. Thorn. [04:39:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:39:29] Speaker A: Your last fleeting moments of consciousness, blinking in and out. You watch as a tall, shadowy figure walks through the door. As he leans down over you, he just whispers, tell me, was it worth it? And you are. You're like coming in and out of consciousness. [04:39:58] Speaker D: Yeah. [04:39:58] Speaker A: What do you say, Thorn? [04:40:04] Speaker D: I think she's. She's going to look up Adam, like in her, you know, blinking. Yeah. [04:40:11] Speaker A: The. The bear skull is cracked and broken over the back of your head. [04:40:14] Speaker D: All the. [04:40:15] Speaker A: All the blood, all your bones are broken. [04:40:17] Speaker D: Run into from her broken nose, that's run into her mouth. She's gonna spit that in his face. I know. He's like. He's not that close, but she's gonna try. [04:40:24] Speaker A: Okay, girl, girl. This is flavor town. [04:40:29] Speaker D: She's gonna spit in his face. And she's on all the blood and everything, and then she's gonna, like, wipe off her face like this. And she's gonna say for. For. [04:40:48] Speaker C: For. [04:40:49] Speaker D: Can't invite anything. And she's gonna spit at him again. [04:40:56] Speaker A: Okay, blood spray. The first one misses, but the second one sprays in his face as he blinks his eyes back open with that striking blue. He just smiles and he says, I respect you, warrior. And he just means it genuinely. And he reaches down and puts his hand around your neck and then just closes your neck. [04:41:19] Speaker C: Neck. [04:41:20] Speaker A: Life fades out of you. And the battle of the clearing is over. Hold on. I thought I had a song for this, but I don't. So we're going to go back to this. Dang it. Okay, I can't do that one. I can do this one, though. Fight. You run. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Give me one second, Give me one second. There's a song I really want to get. Give me one moment. And this is ridiculous that I'm stopping the whole session for this. So, Veid, can you just. Can you just describe something for me for a moment? Can you just describe the way you're feeling? [04:42:14] Speaker C: Because I think it's showing out across his face and body language. It's not a practice sprint. It's not a good jogging run. There's no meticulousness to it. There's no elegance or discipline to it. It's just a mad sprint in a horror movie away from the monster. He's tripping over logs and different things, but getting back up and sprinting and sprinting and sprinting and running and running and running. It's not raining, but to him, everything below his chest is a soiled in his tears. It's not. As the one question that keeps going through his mind is. The last one the vampire asked him is, how many people does it take to take a message as he cries and cries, knowing that it's only one. Only one was ever going to leave this forest. [04:43:18] Speaker A: I. I want this sad song so bad, but it's gonna take me time. So I'm just gonna let the one we have play. And I shouldn't. I shouldn't have gotten so obsessed over. And I'm gonna let it go. I don't need to be in control. Fight your feet. Pound, pound, pound, pound through the dark wood and you run until you pass out. And then you get up the next Day. Do you run? [04:43:54] Speaker C: If my body is able, I will go as fast as I can. I don't think it is able to do sprints as it once did. [04:44:02] Speaker A: You sort of like half heartedly jog all day and you pass out. You wake up the next day. Do you continue? [04:44:11] Speaker C: I eat my bead and then I continue. [04:44:16] Speaker A: It's sort of like a walk through the day that somehow manages to feel like a run. Your feet are. Your shoes are wet from blood. You're. You honestly can't feel your feet anymore. All of your joints hurt, every last joint. You persist. You fall asleep. The fourth day, you struggle onward. And it is halfway through the fourth day. The 11th day since you departed from the caravan. Well, departed's the wrong word. But far in the distance, tall wooden pine pikes sit together, stabbing up out of the earth in a tall wall enclosing a half mile township Pomnggosh. You stumble along the highway, I assume, yeah, Moving closer and closer until you finally reach the gate. The doors open. The doors open 200ft before you get there. Two guards rush out in very basic armor, dull leathers topped with only the most important plates and iron, running with pikes. One sets a pike down and runs and grabs you. Soon enough a third guard is behind, rushing you, a water skin which gets put in your mouth. You sort of autonomically drink. And as your legs collapse under you, truly exhausted. And you collapse into the arms of this guard, the first with the pike just points it out of the forest, looking all around. The other two kneel down holding you. And one of them just says, what is it? Who are you? Where have you come from? Are you all right, sir? [04:46:34] Speaker C: I am the last of the ever shops. I stumble in different ways, probably in between both all the arms of the guards. And I say, I have a message for the king or leader or governor, whoever is the highest. [04:46:59] Speaker A: They just like, they keep trying to push you back to the ground. And they say, quiet, son, quiet. Just what is it? What is it? You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. [04:47:14] Speaker C: We must not go south, for that is an Ash's territory. [04:47:22] Speaker A: Two guards look at each other, as you say on Tasha. Well, I mean I'm not gonna break you over the coals for it. They look back, they look back at you and they, they just like one of them gives you a sad face and the other leans down and says, son, that's he's a myth. [04:47:44] Speaker C: I look him cold in the eyes and I say, death is a myth. He is all but real. He took my. [04:48:04] Speaker A: That's where we're going to end. Into the woods. All right, Daniel, thank you for playing. Yeah, of course. I don't know why you keep getting looped into the really dark and depressing one shots with Jackie. I don't know what that's about. [04:48:22] Speaker C: That's okay. I think this is the first one where I've only been the one survivor. [04:48:27] Speaker D: I was gonna say this is usually Daniel's the one that sacrifices himself. So this was. It was good that Daniel got to live on this one. [04:48:37] Speaker A: Sorry about the ever sharps. They were really great. [04:48:40] Speaker D: They were cool. I liked those a long time since. [04:48:43] Speaker A: I was so sad that a group of people died in the game. But I don't know. I'd have to make that clarification. Okay, I'm gonna shut up now. I sound like a handon. Listeners, thank you for listening. Everybody's tired. I'm gonna wrap this up. But there's a lot more to this world. Wonderful. [04:49:05] Speaker D: One shot. [04:49:06] Speaker A: Thank you for exploring it thoroughly. Thank you and thank you, listeners, for exploring it. If you feel like there is so much more to yellowbrunn. So much more. We have. We've only gotten a few chapters into this metaphorical book. Yeah, exactly. So I've got a lot more for you. We have a lot more for you. Thank you, Daniel and Colton, for guest starring. And life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it, listener.

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