126. Old Friends and Strange Places

Episode 126 February 12, 2025 02:16:20
126. Old Friends and Strange Places
Barely D&D
126. Old Friends and Strange Places

Feb 12 2025 | 02:16:20


Show Notes

Upon copper wings...

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. [00:00:08] Speaker B: Hey, welcome back to Barely dnd. I don't know if you caught that, but Abby just said that she is a sad, fat Irish man. [00:00:16] Speaker A: It's sad Irish man. Okay. Wow. What an important. My bad. [00:00:20] Speaker B: I was confused as crazy. We're gonna. We're gonna do another. [00:00:23] Speaker A: What a very important take. [00:00:24] Speaker B: All right. Okay. All right. [00:00:25] Speaker C: Oh, I like this intro. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Someone do. Can someone do the Craig. Now recording voice. [00:00:31] Speaker C: Now recording. [00:00:33] Speaker A: All right. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Welcome back to Barely D and D. This is Landon. I definitely didn't say the wrong thing a few minutes ago. That was really embarrassing. Which may or may not have been left in the cut. I don't know. I'll see how I feel when I edit. But this is Barely D and D. This is your favorite Sword of Dungeons and Dragons podcast. [00:00:47] Speaker C: Meow. [00:00:48] Speaker D: Question for today is if your character could have three people. It's the dinner table question. I love the dinner table question. If your character could have three people at the dinner table, they can be famous, they can be dead, they can be alive. It could be someone fancy. It could be the king, it could be your best friend. Who would it be? [00:01:07] Speaker C: Are we keeping it within Yalabran people? [00:01:10] Speaker D: No. Whatever. [00:01:11] Speaker C: Whoever. Well, I like. I like it, but. Okay. [00:01:15] Speaker D: Okay. It is within yellowbron. I just. [00:01:18] Speaker A: I like Becky going. Are we keeping it in world? No. Well, I want it in world. [00:01:24] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [00:01:25] Speaker A: Who do you guys. No, it's fine. Who do you guys want for Dimenapuka? [00:01:30] Speaker D: I kind of want to. Zach, I want to know what you. I want you to be the npc, and I want to know what you personally. Who, out of all of you, as the DM at your dinner table. [00:01:43] Speaker C: He's not. Do you have a pencil stuck in your head, Abby. Oh, okay. [00:01:49] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. Okay. So did you pull that forward out of your hair? And it looked like you pulled a needle out of your head. That was terrifying. What were you asking me while I was responding to my wife? [00:01:59] Speaker D: I think that the DM and PC should be you, and I think that you should tell us who. Hi. [00:02:07] Speaker A: There'S Hoffa. Hi, Hoffa. Oh. Oh, Hoffa. Show him, Recham. You learned Reckham for Texas Tech? Yep. [00:02:14] Speaker C: Nice. [00:02:15] Speaker A: She doesn't point the gun away from other people. She points it at people when she says it. We're trying very hard to correct that, but she's insistent on it. [00:02:23] Speaker D: I think that. [00:02:25] Speaker C: Yeah, and you should tell us who. [00:02:27] Speaker D: Your dinner table within yellowbrain would be. [00:02:30] Speaker A: Okay. I am the dmnpc. [00:02:31] Speaker D: Fair enough. [00:02:32] Speaker A: Well, since it's your Birthday, Abby. Okay, let's start with. [00:02:38] Speaker C: It's your birthday. [00:02:40] Speaker B: The question is, who would your character have at their dinner table? Is that what you're saying? [00:02:44] Speaker A: There are three people your character would. [00:02:45] Speaker C: Be alive or dead. [00:02:47] Speaker D: Cool enough. Anybody, Literally. [00:02:50] Speaker B: We're not sticking to Yalabran. It can be anybody. [00:02:52] Speaker D: No, we are. [00:02:54] Speaker B: Are sticking to you. Okay? [00:02:58] Speaker D: These are the rules. [00:02:59] Speaker A: Well, now I want to hear your character's answer for Yalabran and not Yellowbrin. But neither here nor there. [00:03:04] Speaker D: I didn't make the rules. I'm just. [00:03:06] Speaker C: Yeah, the next. The next episode can be not Yellowbrin. [00:03:10] Speaker A: You know what? I like that. I like that especially because that helps us know what the next thing is. Okay, so let's start with Rose. [00:03:22] Speaker C: I knew you were gonna pick me. At Rose dinner table, she would pick. I'm not including any party members because we eat dinner together every night. So Row would pick Ravina. [00:03:42] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [00:03:44] Speaker C: Because I just think that would be interesting. Okay. Ravina Valak. And. [00:03:58] Speaker B: Your dad. Not your dad. Okay. [00:04:00] Speaker C: I was kind of thinking maybe my dad, but that's a weird. Actually, no, that would be a really cool name. [00:04:05] Speaker B: My mom's old flame and my father. How are y'all doing this evening? [00:04:07] Speaker C: Okay, but that's three bars. [00:04:09] Speaker A: Yeah, no, actually, I really. I really want to see this dinner table. [00:04:12] Speaker C: Hold on. It's three bards and an instrument maker, so we're going with that. [00:04:16] Speaker A: Mom. Imagine the sheer drama between four bards who are all either romantically interconnected or the product of romantic interconnections. That's wild. That. What a dinner table that would be. That would be incredible. You pay tickets to be at that dinner table? [00:04:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I'd want to be a fly on the wall for sure. That's also who I would pick. Fun fact. [00:04:43] Speaker A: Jackie says we talked real world. In the real world, I want the npc' okay. Greep Gar. Who would your. Who would your three be? [00:04:53] Speaker D: Would be Walter, Kesha. [00:05:04] Speaker C: And Lashla. I'm just kidding. [00:05:07] Speaker D: Hello. Oh, I know that we're not supposed to choose party members, but I feel like Greta and tell are just like, besties, so she would want him. [00:05:18] Speaker C: Love it. [00:05:20] Speaker D: That's my dad's highball. [00:05:22] Speaker A: That's really cute, Blaz. Also, Landon, I like that you're wearing a hat that just says dad. [00:05:27] Speaker B: Yep, it's my favorite hat. It actually fits the best. Would for dinner at his table, the three people that are definitely from Yallow Brin. One would be Agatha Christie, because Megan Grund is part of the Universe. And there is an Agatha Christie character that Daniel has created. So I'm naming and claiming Megan Grund Agatha Christie at boss's dinner table. And imagine DMing for me, Jackie, Someone who acts like this. Zach laughed, but you couldn't hear it because he's muted. Just wanted to point that out. [00:06:07] Speaker A: Zach was muted, but he did not laugh. He laughed. [00:06:11] Speaker B: Okay, never mind. [00:06:13] Speaker D: Oh, poor Landon. [00:06:16] Speaker B: Then I would choose Hard day at the line. I don't know. [00:06:22] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:06:23] Speaker B: Trying to think of three memorable people from our campaign. Shouldn't be this hard. [00:06:26] Speaker A: But trying to think of literally any three characters. [00:06:31] Speaker B: Poop bucket lady from episode two. [00:06:36] Speaker C: Sorry. [00:06:36] Speaker A: I picked poop bucket lady. Poop bucket man. And next rich storytelling. [00:06:44] Speaker B: I would pick the emperor of the Kefkin people because that'd be so funny to see him with a poop lady. Right. That'd be hilarious. [00:06:58] Speaker A: What a dinner to have an emperor Asgon. Same table. Yeah. That'd be wild. [00:07:04] Speaker B: And Agatha Christie. So if someone gets murdered, you know you're gonna write a really good book about it. [00:07:11] Speaker A: Hey, quick but very embarrassing question about real life. Who is real life Agatha Christie? I don't. I don't know. [00:07:18] Speaker D: She's a mystery writer. [00:07:20] Speaker C: Yeah. An author. [00:07:23] Speaker D: What? I'm trying to think. She wrote the Murder in the Orient Express. [00:07:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:28] Speaker B: Yeah. The question you asked was very funny. [00:07:31] Speaker D: Tons of. [00:07:35] Speaker A: Wait. So Daniel wanted to make an NPC in his world who is a murdered novel writer, and so he made his NPC a murder novel writer. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Like he. [00:07:47] Speaker A: In his world. He made his. His made up writer. Stephen King, not Beavan Ging. [00:07:52] Speaker B: I think. I can't speak for him. I think he just wanted Agatha Christie in his world and therefore chose to have a murder novelist put in his world. [00:08:05] Speaker A: We had a one shot with her. It was wild. [00:08:09] Speaker B: I'm in one of her books now. [00:08:11] Speaker C: Murder, she Wrote. Wasn't that based off of a lot of Agatha Christie stories? The TV show could be wrong. I don't know. [00:08:22] Speaker B: Good question. [00:08:23] Speaker A: I think spongebob was. So do I have this correct that I am the DM npc? [00:08:28] Speaker C: The DM is the DM npc. [00:08:30] Speaker A: I don't understand. I really am an NPC in y'all stories. And there are people from the world I made up. [00:08:38] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Who would you. But it can't be from the party because you know. [00:08:42] Speaker A: Right, right. [00:08:43] Speaker C: Obviously you want to have dinner with the party because you can only have. [00:08:46] Speaker D: Three, and that would make. [00:08:48] Speaker A: That would hurt. [00:08:48] Speaker D: That would break some hearts. [00:08:49] Speaker C: Yeah. And I don't want you to break anyone's Heart. [00:08:52] Speaker A: This is really, really, really, really hard. I can think of a lot summer characters you don't even know. I. Okay, if we're sticking to characters y'all know, I would pick. I can think of many different interesting versions of this story. I can think of many different versions of this dinner table that I like. But I'll just go right off the head. And let's go with still alive Shista Shpagoober. [00:09:23] Speaker C: Oh, you mean like pre evil Shista? [00:09:27] Speaker A: Well, not undead alive Shista. [00:09:29] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Shpagoober and oh man, Ueg. This feels so self important to be listing characters I play, but this feels so arrogant. [00:09:47] Speaker C: But yeah, but we made you do it. [00:09:49] Speaker A: So if those characters were not me and they were their own people, I would really love talking to all three of them. And the thoughts that they, those three individuals would exchange at a table I think would be fascinating. Which again, sounds like I'm really tooting my own horn there. But those characters, not me. [00:10:05] Speaker D: It is Zach. I, I, I don't see it. [00:10:07] Speaker C: I think, yeah, I don't either. You created these characters, but you're saying like if they came to life and were their own, they weren't me. [00:10:13] Speaker A: Yeah, I like that. You guys see them that separately for me. I like that. [00:10:17] Speaker C: How did Abby not choose Nifty? [00:10:22] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:10:24] Speaker E: Anybody knows. [00:10:24] Speaker A: It's just provocative for the note taking words. [00:10:29] Speaker D: Why you didn't reunite Nifty with his dead buddy? [00:10:35] Speaker A: Because that's its own. I mean, this is my dinner, not his. And I want to know the conversation those three would have. This is why I didn't know his. Because if, if I did that, that would be the whole dinner. You know, it wouldn't even be a dinner. It would just be whatever that would be. And that's not what I'm going for. I'm going for interesting conversation. [00:10:50] Speaker C: Just real quick, can we talk about how each dinner really represents our, our personalities, our characters personalities like Greta's would be super calm and chill and maybe a little weird. Pauses would just be like, who knows what's gonna happen? [00:11:05] Speaker A: Absolute chaos. [00:11:06] Speaker C: Zach's would be like very intellectual and mine would be incredibly dramatic. Like the episode of A Bachelor. [00:11:13] Speaker A: That's wild. [00:11:15] Speaker D: This is why I love the Dennis question. It works for people. Go ask your friends who their dinner table would be. [00:11:21] Speaker A: This is the best letter to a question we've had in a while. This is great. [00:11:24] Speaker D: Everybody should have a dinner table. Everybody should have multiple. Have a dinner table for your favorite actors, your favorite Musicians, your favorite writers, your favorite scientists. Have. [00:11:32] Speaker A: I could. Oh my goodness. I could have a lot of conversations about that. [00:11:36] Speaker D: You can expand it to 5 to make it easier. You can have a question, Abby. [00:11:41] Speaker A: To answer your question, this is episode 126 of the Accidental Adventures for the note taking nerds. [00:11:46] Speaker C: That's me. [00:11:47] Speaker A: Episode 126 for those Nerds who note take. Old Friends and Strange Faces. Strange Places. Dang it. Crap. I pooped my own title. I don't want to talk about it. This is episode 126 of the Accidental Adventures. Old Friends and Strange Places. Dagnabbit. [00:12:09] Speaker C: Old friends and. Or in. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Okay, I want to acknowledge something really quickly. This has nothing to do with you guys. You guys are. You all are my real adult, real life friends. But now that I'm a teacher, I spend such a high density of my time with so many very sassy teenagers that like, I just have the urge to just sass back and there's. There's no reason for it. Forgive me. I wanted to be like, well, you're just gonna have to figure that out. And then that. That wasn't necessary. And I want to apologize for that. You're my real ad. And none of you guys asked me today, why are we even here? So it's Old Friends and Strange Places. I've had four students this week be like, why are we doing any of this? None of this matters. And it's like, it's okay. It's only all my time and effort. There's grace and mercy, understanding. They're in a different perspective. Episode 126, Old friends in strange places. This is a level 12 adventure. [00:13:09] Speaker C: 12.31. [00:13:11] Speaker A: You guys are so high level. The date is 3488 police butter. I sometimes I forget what that actually means. Kalilan 2121. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. [00:13:33] Speaker D: He's gone. He's gone again. [00:13:35] Speaker A: Okay, I don't want to delay this episode anymore, but I have something truly precious to share with you all. And I want this on recording forever. I've started keeping notes of the quotes of the insane things my students say. And I'm not going to read them all. That would be too much time. And I'm not going to read their names, but I'm just going to start reading some of their quotes. And we can do this every so often because it's incredible. So two students, they're all seniors, and two students were discussing scholarships and they were talking about Their interest in schools based off of the money they had been offered. And one student said, I was interested in MSU, but they only offered me three, as in, like, you know, like $3,000. And then another student responded, dollars. And then all of us looked at him like, okay. Another student said, I miss Pampers. One of my students was talking about, well, I'll just read the quote. I won't give context. One of the students said, I was the superior twin. I had more nutrients. [00:14:33] Speaker C: Did they eat their twin in the room? [00:14:35] Speaker A: Another student said, another one student asked another student, how do you fall? And the other student said, I don't know. Gravity. One of my students, and this one was famous, I wrote this on my class board, and everyone went around saying it. One of my students said, I couldn't get taller, so I grew wider. I asked one of my students, do you. You keep using that word? Do you know what a noun is? And I was being sassy. And then he barked back, I know what a noun is. A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y and day. When I read this quote back to my students, one of my students was like, so dumb. What is that a verb? And I was like, guys, about to enter the adult place. Another student said, I like crumpling my money. It adds texture. That's a fact. Yesterday, one of the other teachers, he's my best buddy on campus. So this was said very much in. In affection. But my best buddy on campus told me, I'm glad that you're finally embraced your uselessness. And then it was funny. Okay, well, that came off wrong. It was really funny when he said it. And then the best quote I've had so far the entire year is the best thing a student has said to me was that we weren't talking. There was nothing going on. He just looked at me. Suddenly. He went, Yo, Mr. Patton. And I went, huh? And he said, if I was there 200 years ago, they wouldn't have taken Texas from us. No other. No other context. He was just sitting there quietly. I laughed so hard I almost peed. It was incredible. Anyway, he was. He was just like, Mr. P, Mr. Pat, or whatever. They usually just call me Mr. And I was like, yeah. And he went, if I was there 200 years ago, they wouldn't have taken Texas from us. [00:16:28] Speaker D: That's crazy. [00:16:30] Speaker A: It's a wild thing to say that. [00:16:32] Speaker C: Wow. [00:16:34] Speaker A: Yeah. Anyhow, let's play some D and D. So. Yes. Okay. I appreciate that. I think some. If somebody is in the fridge, let me know. But I. I appreciate that baby. I love you. Okay, so we return to the Fungi. They have been. They have been floating. Is that playing? Yeah. [00:17:02] Speaker B: Yes, we can hear it. [00:17:03] Speaker A: Okay, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. And remember, you can always adjust those volumes uniquely by right clicking the Kenku bot and adjusting its volume manually on the left side of your screen. So, Fungies, you guys have been floating on Mr. Catawampus floating house for three days now. Just slowly rotating around the island. A quick update. Just a little bit of business. Ro is still bald. Now import. Oh, the telo illusions have worn off. Everyone looks like themselves. Ro, you started growing some peach fuzz. So you look like a freshly buzzed person. Are you keeping it bald or are you just letting it slowly grow back in? [00:17:54] Speaker C: Well, it's been. Craig is not here at the moment. He's passed out, I'm guessing. But now that it's been three days, the ring would have fully done Craig's stuff. So while Craig is passed out, Ro might have gone and slipped the ring off of his finger. [00:18:19] Speaker A: And so to not totally make a thing out of this, after Craig's scar is fully healed in a way that we talked about, where, you know, the scar tissue is healed, his skin is all leveled again. There's just a little bit of discoloration and some of the gold flecks left where it was, you guys. And one of his. The eye on this side has been. The iris is very, very, very, very slightly a lighter color. His. His pupil is. But you all. Or his nice pupil is iris. You all. As you were offered the ring. Ro, you have it on. You are now offered its regenerating magics. Could you roll a D6 for me? [00:18:54] Speaker C: Yes, I had it already. That's a one. [00:19:01] Speaker A: Okay, so nevermind. Rose hair is halfway back because that's how many days it takes to regrow something. So Ro just has like a bob cut right now, and it's halfway back to full length. Are you styling that in any particular way, Ro, or are you just letting it come in as it comes in? [00:19:22] Speaker C: Is this cute? Like, honest on a scale of what? Like. Wait, wait, hold on. I want to role play this. Hold on. I have the mirror out and I'm. I'm looking at it and like, what do the flowers look like with a bob cut? [00:19:42] Speaker A: They're just more heavily protruding. They grow instead of kind of like falling around your hair, like popping up in an intricately. They're just a little more like kind of. They grow into the grain of the hair more and follow its direction more, but they're still small and pink and I mean, you know, they're very small flowers. [00:20:01] Speaker C: Audible size. [00:20:02] Speaker A: They're still small and purple. And they don't, they don't, you know, they don't distract too much. [00:20:07] Speaker C: What, what do you guys think? Should I, should I keep the ring on, or are we liking this, this new look? [00:20:15] Speaker B: Honestly? [00:20:18] Speaker C: What do you say? No. [00:20:22] Speaker B: Yeah. You and Craig were like 20. [00:20:26] Speaker C: I didn't, like, I didn't have my flowers. [00:20:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:32] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:20:32] Speaker D: It looks great. Robot. If you keep it that length, then you have to keep cutting it. [00:20:35] Speaker C: And I guess I could just keep it like this for a while and let it grow. I think I'm gonna do that. It's, it's actually, it's a lot nicer. It's for after being bald for like a week and realizing that, like, a lot of hair is, like, really heavy and hot. Like, it's kind of nice to have. [00:20:55] Speaker A: This in this more tropical climate. Just like, leans over on the floor from where he is, like his little side eye and pulls out a little knife and he goes. [00:21:03] Speaker E: I've always wanted to do a pixie. [00:21:04] Speaker A: Cut, but I haven't yet. [00:21:06] Speaker C: Come on. [00:21:08] Speaker A: All sorts of interesting things. We could shave a slide. [00:21:11] Speaker E: Laser lines. [00:21:12] Speaker C: I'm liking them. I'm like, I, I, I get him to cut like, like short bangs and like a bob. And I think I'm gonna keep it this way. And she, like, slides the ring back on Craig's passed out body finger. [00:21:31] Speaker A: And Craig's passed out body receives the ring unwillingly. And you have a bob cut. And it's a little longer, you know, at the front than in the back. And the bangs are. Wow. Tello's, like, really good at this. Like, he's, he's quite the barber. He's amazing. But so there is that order of business. I think. The only other thing is, yeah. Four days later, Ro only has one day of violent gas left. So she has almost escaped this forever. [00:22:03] Speaker C: Still the day. Yeah. [00:22:05] Speaker A: Dude, you just keep rolling this. I don't, I don't know how you keep doing this. [00:22:08] Speaker C: I don't either. It's a 1 in 100 chance, and it keeps happening. [00:22:11] Speaker A: So it's happened to you so many times now. [00:22:15] Speaker C: I think it's actually, I think it's three times. Yeah. [00:22:20] Speaker A: Abby, were you here when we described your surroundings in this environment or. [00:22:23] Speaker C: Meow. [00:22:26] Speaker A: Okay, so you are. You and the fungi have been floating around in this little, like, this little. It's like a, like a, in its entire width. It's like a 25, 30 foot wide flying gazebo. Gazebo shaped house. So there are walls? Yeah, but it's like. It's that kind of like octagonal or hexagonal make. There's like little. A little door on the front and then the sides and every. Everything here is a smooth white texture. And the wood that's laid over it is painted a kind of terracotta red. There's terracotta tile roof going down. The eight pillars of the building are exposed as the ribs of the roof as well. There's a porch that makes up a couple feet of the perimeter of the floating little house in every direction with little white railings. All the furniture inside has smooth white frame and backing and structure. And there's a wooden floor interior. The home inside is all very cozy. One wall is a big bookshelf. Another is a tiny little cooking space. This little writing desk. There's some very small furniture in the middle. It is a very cramped space for all of you all. And everything in this space is made for the height of a three foot tall, sentient talking house cat. And it is all of the white material in the home, which is the vast majority. All of the structure. Everything is bone. Crushed bone, fragmented bone, polished bone, smoothed ground bone. Everything is bone here. Now. There is velvet material on things. There's wood paneling, there's terracotta roof. The floor is wood. The furniture has red dyed leather on it. But it's all. Thank you, baby. Love you too. No, it's okay. Ciao, Momozia. It's just there is a staggering amount of bone in this house. And you have learned that Mr. Catawampus, the little sentient cat man who runs this place, loves bone. And that is what he wants because that is what he makes everything out of. The little coffee cup he walks around with his bone. His pen is a bone with a sharp point that he dips in an inkwell. The inkwell is the bottom cap of a skull. Everything's bones around here. And did you Hear me describe Mr. Catawampus? [00:24:59] Speaker D: I think I did, actually. [00:25:01] Speaker A: Okay, then I will leave that. So you all have been floating around for three days in the home. And he has communicated when he intends. He says that you guys have two more days before you reach the tower at the center of the isle. So you guys should have a couple days before you get there. [00:25:20] Speaker B: I have to take the. The barrel back to Papa John's. [00:25:24] Speaker A: Absolutely. Do you want to make that a thing or you want to just say you've done that off screen? [00:25:28] Speaker B: Because it's up to you that I've done that. But also, like, is there anything anybody wants in port with Nissan? Like on the way back. [00:25:34] Speaker D: Wait, let me think. [00:25:35] Speaker C: I'm thinking I would like a bakery. Sweet, please. [00:25:40] Speaker D: Oh, my goodness. [00:25:42] Speaker C: Just anything sweet. I need sugar. [00:25:44] Speaker B: I don't need to role play that. I can just go pick up, deduct some money from my pocket if that would be easier for you. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Boz, how many do you get and how fancy do you want it? [00:25:56] Speaker B: I want them pretty nice, and I probably get like a dozen. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Are you going for bread? Are you going for pastries? Are you going for cakes? Are you going for something new and inventive? What are you looking for? [00:26:06] Speaker B: Going for cupcakes. [00:26:08] Speaker A: Okay, Boz, you return with with a dozen cupcakes. [00:26:18] Speaker C: Party time. [00:26:21] Speaker A: The lady who you guys introduced to the concept of cupcakes in a home cove is just really behind the times. And cupcakes have been a thing for a couple decades. In Port Aux Ben Nissan, things always start in unsen before and then they circulate to other cultures. It's just a hub of culture and community. So it gets popular there. So, Baz, you return with a dozen cupcakes. There are a couple chocolate ones. Now, it's simpler than we know cupcakes. There's no paper bottom. They're kind of in like little wicker holds. They're just conical. They don't really flare upward in a. They're just a cylinder. So they're not conical, they're cylindrical. They have a flat top. And the icing is much more kind of like a glazed cream rather than like what we would know as fluffy frosting. But there are a couple chocolate ones, a couple vanilla. There's a berry assortment. There's a dark moss cupcake. There is not like moss, but like the flavored dark moss cupcake. There is. Let's see. The cats are fighting each other. There is a sort of like pancake syrupy one. It's basically like kind of like a cupcake that's made out of pancake and then in the middle's been filled with syrup and then that's kind of like hardened and caramelized. [00:27:37] Speaker D: Sounds good. [00:27:40] Speaker A: It's just. It's phenomenal. There's one that's kind of like a cupcake material, and then it's got. It's not peanut butter because nobody's made peanut butter, but it's like a hazelnut like butter. Surprising to me, like swirled on top of it with a little bit of powdered. Sugar on it. It's a phenomenal confection for such fine treats bars. You have spent quite a bit of money. If you are fine with coming back something that's been that fancy, you've spent probably two silver. Yeah. Like a lot of money on it. Why'd you get me in the face, Jackie? [00:28:16] Speaker C: Cuz I don't know. I was looking at my money and I was like, two silver is not that bad for what we have. [00:28:23] Speaker A: Yeah, you're just. And this is true, filthy rich. $60 for a dozen cupcakes is a lot. [00:28:31] Speaker C: Yeah, no, that's right. That's true. [00:28:33] Speaker A: Just a reminder that a copper is essentially three bucks. Silver's kind of 30, a gold's kind of 300. And all throughout the campaign when boss was like, here's a platinum for your trouble, he was basically like being like, here's a three thousand dollar tip. The five or six times he did that in the campaign say, it's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. [00:28:49] Speaker C: Yeah, no, you're right. [00:28:51] Speaker D: Like a reputation for being particularly generous. [00:28:55] Speaker A: I mean, you're certainly getting one. And the thing is, it's not with important figures either. It's just some random schmuck you meet along the way who usually doesn't know who you are. [00:29:06] Speaker C: He's not a schmuck anymore. He's got a platinum. [00:29:13] Speaker A: Anyhow, so like you might. You also might not because people might not even know who's donating them. But you're certainly going around dropping coin. Yeah. So we're turning to the fungi. Mr. Catawampus's. Oh. And everywhere the house floats through the sky, bubbles appear behind it. Oh yeah. In the floating house with Mr. Catawampus, a couple days away from your destination, Boz has left his barrel and returned with a box of wooden cupcakes. Excuse me. A wooden box of 12 cupcakes of wood. And what's that party doing? [00:29:56] Speaker D: Are there a lot of trinkets in this house? [00:30:00] Speaker A: Quite a few. All fashioned from bone. [00:30:03] Speaker D: I am. What if I. Okay, so in the. [00:30:09] Speaker A: Do you want me to describe any of those trinkets or. [00:30:12] Speaker C: Nope. [00:30:12] Speaker D: On the first. Maybe later on the first day. [00:30:15] Speaker A: Kiss, ma'am. [00:30:16] Speaker D: Reda probably like tried to pick one up and like look at it. If the cat, if Mr. Catawampus sees her do this, what does he do? [00:30:26] Speaker A: When you picked one up? Mr. Catawampus. So you were. You like picked one off of a shelf. The one you picked up was. It was two, like little real bird, like Bones and then an actual bird like ribcage and skull. And the vast majority of bone in his house doesn't look like bone. You need to get close to it and examine it to. He's just fashioned it carefully into his home. But every once in a while there are little interest pieces that are just skeletal recreations. But it's like a little bird skeleton on a little platform, which is bone, except he's fashioned it so that the legs are straight up and down. And he's put bones like a little extra spine running down the end so it balances the weight a little. And he's run a rod through the legs and the hip that's smooth. And when there's a little, like skull cap resting on the other side of the plate with a little bit of fluid in it. And when you push the bird down, it like dips its head in the water and rocks back and forth and dips the head in the water, rocks back and forth. And it's that little thing, but out of a real bird skeleton. So when you go and pull that off the shelf and look at it, he's writing at his desk, not looking at you. His tail twitches his head. He just turns all the way around in his chair with just no audible cue or anything, and he looks at you, and with that unblinking cat face, just that dead cat expression, he goes, meow. [00:31:56] Speaker D: Okay, do we know that he would. I know if he understands common. [00:32:02] Speaker A: So far he has seemed to understand what you are saying, and he typically responds with meow. [00:32:07] Speaker C: Okay, we had. Wait, Greta, Just so you or Abby, just so you know, there was. When you were gone the last half of the last session, we couldn't. I couldn't understand him at all. So Zach made an auto, called an audible and said that you had cast tongues on us so that we could talk to him for a little bit. So just so you know. That's what I mean. So just so you know. That's because I know. Yeah, that's. [00:32:37] Speaker A: You have been informed that you have the tongue spell. So Mr. Catawampus turns around in his. [00:32:43] Speaker C: Chair and says, who's using it? [00:32:45] Speaker E: Meow. [00:32:46] Speaker D: Okay, I. I put it back. Okay, but I, I put it back. And then I look at it like this. [00:32:55] Speaker A: Okay, you start like dipping it and is. It rocks back and forth, forth. He starts looking at me. [00:32:59] Speaker D: Oh, I don't. I wouldn't. [00:33:00] Speaker A: And he puts his implements down and his tail flicks back and forth. He's walking on two legs, bipedally in his little red Silk vest and his little black. But he walks over and just stands next to you. He's only a bit shorter than you because you're so very, very short. And he just stands next to you. And his. His pupils are getting really big in his eyes. And his tail's just flicking back and forth as he watches it go back and forth. His ears are twitching as he watches it. [00:33:25] Speaker D: Cool, Cool. So that's probably what Greta's done. Greta, like, is assuming that she can't touch any of the trinkets, but anytime she's just like this, she's, like, looking at him. [00:33:36] Speaker A: Okay. Whenever it stops motion, he just turns. [00:33:39] Speaker E: To you and says, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. [00:33:46] Speaker A: And a little fuzzy cat paw just. [00:33:48] Speaker E: Rests on your shoulder and he goes, meow. [00:33:51] Speaker A: Then he turns around and pads silently back to his desk before, like, scooting the little chair up. And his arms are cat. There's no. It's. It's a cat. It's cat paws. He has a little weird fifth little kitty bean. That's. That's an opposable thumb which when he lays this way, it just looks like an extra wide paw. And then when he turns it that way, it's like, oh, that cat has thumbs. And he can do it back and forth. So he, like, pushes the chair in and he climbs up on it awkwardly because they're little cat limbs. And then he sits in the chair and starts going back to writing. [00:34:21] Speaker D: Okay. Wow. He's perfect. Love him. As Greta spends the three days looking at the trinkets, she asked boss for socks when he goes to port. Huh? [00:34:36] Speaker C: For socks. [00:34:38] Speaker D: I want socks. [00:34:39] Speaker C: Socks. Do we wear socks? [00:34:42] Speaker A: Old. Has Row not been wearing socks? [00:34:46] Speaker C: I don't know. Is the socks a common thing? [00:34:48] Speaker A: Our socks has been wearing socks? [00:34:51] Speaker C: I would say so. But is it like, is that weird that she is wearing socks? [00:34:56] Speaker A: Has Robin wearing socks? [00:34:57] Speaker C: Yes. [00:34:58] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Do you practice any language in this time row? Do you want to do. [00:35:09] Speaker C: Yes, yes, yes. [00:35:11] Speaker A: I know these players, man. I know these players. Okay, could you all roll me in three days of four days of flying? That's just slowly floating. That's quite a bit of spare time. I do. [00:35:26] Speaker D: I am. [00:35:30] Speaker A: Okay. Could I get 48 from either of you? I mean, that's a lot of time. Yeah, you could wait. Except it. Greta, are you splitting this time between Insinian or is it all Celestial? [00:35:46] Speaker D: Since Ro is here, I'll do all Celestial. I think I'm practicing Insinian, like at nights when I'm on top. [00:35:52] Speaker C: Are we doing whoever Gets the highest. And taking that like how we've been. [00:35:56] Speaker A: Doing, that's the way it's the assistance of the two. [00:35:59] Speaker C: Okay, I got 21 total. [00:36:07] Speaker A: Holy actual crap. [00:36:09] Speaker C: You said 48, right? [00:36:11] Speaker A: I did say 48. [00:36:12] Speaker C: Okay. I just realized I was like, I. [00:36:13] Speaker A: Rolled an opportunity for eight hours a day for four days. If that's just all you all do. And apparently it is. So with for 20. [00:36:24] Speaker C: She's not done. [00:36:26] Speaker A: Yeah, but I have to get my. We gotta work on this arithmetic thing. [00:36:33] Speaker D: It's a lot of numbers, dude. [00:36:36] Speaker E: It's not that many. [00:36:37] Speaker D: It is. And 25. [00:36:42] Speaker C: Seriously? Oh, my gosh. [00:36:45] Speaker A: And so doing very little as they float through the sky other than just honestly, the trinkets aren't getting that much attention. You guys are just doing celestial for four days. [00:36:55] Speaker D: Biggest regret. [00:36:56] Speaker A: The rest of you all are getting tired of hearing the rudiments of celestial disgust because there's so much. [00:37:03] Speaker C: So. [00:37:09] Speaker D: I think it's. No, no, It's. It's. [00:37:12] Speaker A: Yeah. 25 hours of that over four days. [00:37:15] Speaker C: You guys can add 25 hours on of 68 now. Is that correct? [00:37:19] Speaker A: Wow. [00:37:20] Speaker D: Well, I'm doing math. [00:37:22] Speaker C: Okay. [00:37:22] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I have. [00:37:24] Speaker C: Okay. [00:37:26] Speaker A: Is Boz doing anything these four days in particular? [00:37:28] Speaker B: Boz is doing things. Boz is trying to learn more about the cat and what he's doing in his whole deal story. [00:37:35] Speaker D: That's great. [00:37:36] Speaker C: I love that. [00:37:36] Speaker B: I just can't. I just no longer have the tongues ability from earlier. So as Greta's like, as, oh, good, I have it, then I go up to the cat and what is he doing? [00:37:49] Speaker A: Will say that as you approach him now, he's like, there's little stress fractures on his little tiny cat sized couch on the legs. Because Craig's been sitting in it. And it's just. It's designed for. Yes, thank you, Abby, for reminding me. Please roll a D100. And it's designed for a tiny cat to sit in it, but Craig sat in it a couple times and it's too much weight. So he is just sitting there holding up his little kitty cat paw, mending the little cat couch. And so he's just holding his. And whenever he casts magic, his. His pupils just dilate like a cat watching a toy. And he holds up his little paws and all of his toe beans light up and the. The little fracture points are just resealing. And that's what he's doing. [00:38:30] Speaker B: Nice. [00:38:35] Speaker A: What? [00:38:36] Speaker B: Oh, sorry, I didn't understand. I understand now. Okay. So I walk up to him and I'm like, so what are you gonna build with the bones? [00:38:46] Speaker A: Well, let me pull this up. Accidental Adventures sessions. I really should have thought of this. What am I even doing? [00:38:57] Speaker B: Can ask a different question. I can ask a different question. [00:39:00] Speaker A: No, no. I'm pulling up the thing for Abby's role, because who knows how it could influence what happens next. [00:39:06] Speaker C: Oh, God. Oh, no, I don't like. [00:39:12] Speaker A: Whatever you four for me, Abby. [00:39:14] Speaker D: I don't have that one. [00:39:16] Speaker C: I don't have that. [00:39:18] Speaker A: Oh, okay. So I. This is new. For every D and D session, having your character sheet and then all of your dice out is a good way to start. D4. You said four. Four. Okay. [00:39:31] Speaker D: What are you gonna do now about it? [00:39:34] Speaker A: My goodness. Okay, could you roll two D24? You roll. You rolled a three. So four total plus one. [00:39:42] Speaker D: Okay. [00:39:43] Speaker A: Okay. And then. And then could you roll two D20 for me? And then again, please? Always put these details in your channel so that you can keep track of it. Okay, so for the night, plus two. That's 16. For the next 16 hours, Greta, as you cast tongues on Boz, what does that look like? [00:40:04] Speaker D: It's probably pretty chill. I think she, like, mutters a little incantation and, like, the tattoo starting on her collarbone lights up and goes up her neck. And then as words come like letters and, like, text in a bunch of different languages come out of her mouth. But there's a lot of, like. [00:40:28] Speaker A: Boz as it washes over you and your consciousness. You check out of the corner of your eye as Greta kind of twitches a little bit, feels an intense pain in her joints. And then not her torso, not her head or her neck, but her legs and her arms both get longer by 3ft. Now, this is important. Her clothes don't. Her limbs just go and very gonzo in Pirates of the Caribbean or Pirates Muppet, Treasure Island Ro or Greta. Each of your limbs is, like three and a half feet long now. So you're just suddenly as tall as Boz, but your body's still tiny. For the next 16 hours, your dex score is increased by 1 and your movement is increased by 10ft. You're also real freaky looking. [00:41:19] Speaker C: Didn't this just happen to Boz? [00:41:23] Speaker B: Yes. [00:41:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:26] Speaker A: And then Boz disregards that and turns around and asks and asks what to Mr. Catawampus again? [00:41:33] Speaker B: So what are you gonna build with all that bone? [00:41:38] Speaker A: His ear twitches as you all hear boss say, meow, meow, meow. He turns around and he says, meow. [00:41:47] Speaker E: Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. [00:41:58] Speaker A: Pause. You hear back stuff in my house. Cool. Cool. [00:42:08] Speaker B: So how'd you. How'd you get out here with your house to begin with? It's very cool. That's all Baaz says. [00:42:18] Speaker A: Okay. [00:42:19] Speaker E: He says meow. [00:42:23] Speaker A: Boz, what you hear back is, I. [00:42:25] Speaker E: Am a creature of the fae, from the fey wilds. I am from the High Courts. There I lived for a long time, creating my home from bones. I like bones. But long ago, a dark shadow fell. A horrible creature made its way into the Feywilds, slaughtered many high beings. As one of the mightiest of my realm, I feared for my life and so fled here, taking my precious bones with. [00:43:03] Speaker B: What was this creature like? What do you mean? Like a dark creature like? What was it you hear? [00:43:11] Speaker E: He responds, meow. [00:43:14] Speaker A: What you understand, Boz, is I will. [00:43:16] Speaker E: Not say his name. But we all fear him. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Oh, can I do it? Can I try to see if. Is he talking about the bloodied one, or is he talking. [00:43:30] Speaker A: You can make an insight check. [00:43:32] Speaker B: This is insidey gonna make an insight check. [00:43:37] Speaker A: Abby. This involves a social interaction. I don't know what you want from me. Sometimes they're appropriate, sometimes they're not. [00:43:45] Speaker B: That was a bad rule. [00:43:49] Speaker A: First roll of the session. Wow. 11. [00:43:52] Speaker B: It's 11. [00:43:54] Speaker C: Well. [00:43:57] Speaker D: No, my liver is chopped. [00:44:00] Speaker C: Your liver? [00:44:01] Speaker A: What did you guys roll for? [00:44:02] Speaker D: Yeah, because I'm chopped liver. [00:44:04] Speaker C: Oh. We rolled for Celestial and Abby rolled for wild magic. Okay. [00:44:10] Speaker A: But it wasn't an ability check. Anyhoo. [00:44:13] Speaker D: It wasn't an insight check. [00:44:19] Speaker A: Audible sight. So, Boz, you put together that. That very much could be what he's talking about. [00:44:35] Speaker B: When? How long ago? How long ago did that happen? I was in the Feywild. And then I tell him how long ago I was in the Feywild for, and it seemed fine. [00:44:44] Speaker A: He responds. [00:44:46] Speaker E: Meow. You understand him to say the incursion was not long. It happened. Well, I don't really keep track. In your world, maybe more than a century ago, many of the High Flay. Many of the High Fae ran the Seelie Court, dispersed temporarily to hide from the Great beast. He killed a couple of their greatest emissaries, but they escaped. They have since returned, but I fear being a prominent target there. [00:45:22] Speaker B: Okay, okay. So this is something that happened a long time ago. And as the fae's been recovering from. You still don't feel comfortable returning back home. [00:45:31] Speaker A: He responds. [00:45:33] Speaker E: Meow. [00:45:35] Speaker A: What you hear to mean? [00:45:36] Speaker E: I am arguably the most important being in the universe. So it is Important that I protect myself. [00:45:46] Speaker B: I feel that. What do you. [00:45:49] Speaker A: What makes as he's having this conversation with you? He walks over to the little coffee table in front of his couch, and his little, like, bone coffee mug is on the side, and he just pushes it a little bit and then pushes it a little more and then pushes it off the side of the coffee. [00:46:05] Speaker B: And scares it out on the ground. Cats think they're the center of the universe. And that's. That's why he thinks that Boz realized. [00:46:10] Speaker A: To himself he's just staring at the. At the coffee cup on the ground. Then he looks back at you completely blankly. [00:46:15] Speaker E: Meow. [00:46:16] Speaker A: When he says that, just then, you understand him to say meow. [00:46:21] Speaker B: Got it. Okay. What would Elsa boss do? [00:46:31] Speaker A: What would also boss do? Next campaign, you guys will have a sudden, strange fight against also boss. [00:46:40] Speaker C: Oh, gosh, I do not want to fight Also Boz. I don't think that's what boss. [00:46:48] Speaker B: All right, that boss Boss just politely says goodbye, ends the conversation, and then he goes and lays down goodbye. [00:46:58] Speaker A: As you. As you go to end the conversation, he unexpectedly responds, walks up, puts a little kitty paw in your hand, and. [00:47:05] Speaker E: Says, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow. [00:47:16] Speaker A: You understand him to say, bye. And then he goes back to mending things, and he picks the coffee cup up and puts it on something. [00:47:24] Speaker D: All right, are there, like, scratch marks on the couch? [00:47:29] Speaker A: That's part of what he's mending. Every day. He, like, tears it up and then mends it and tears it up and then mends it. [00:47:36] Speaker D: Sometimes how I feel about my life. [00:47:45] Speaker A: But. Yeah. Anyway. [00:47:49] Speaker C: I have a question. [00:47:51] Speaker B: I. I have a question. [00:47:53] Speaker A: Okay. [00:47:56] Speaker C: Would you like to go first? Lant. [00:48:00] Speaker B: I'm fine. I know. [00:48:01] Speaker E: I'm good. [00:48:01] Speaker A: You're good. [00:48:03] Speaker C: I was wondering. Is. Is it k. Is it. What am I trying to say? My brain stopped working while we're moving. Like, how fast does this thing go? Like, can you go and, like, sit outside? [00:48:19] Speaker A: Here's the weird thing. [00:48:20] Speaker C: On the little porch, when you. [00:48:21] Speaker A: Oh, there's a. There's a huge wraparound patio. [00:48:24] Speaker C: And you can sit on it and not, like, be like, oh, it's so fast, I'm gonna fall. [00:48:28] Speaker A: And here's the thing. The railings for a three foot tall cat. So, like, when Boz and Tello go sit out there, if they sit down at the edge, when they sit the railings at, like, arm height for you guys, it's kind of awkwardly in between. It's a little too short but not quite. It's a little high. If you're sitting, the house doesn't look like it floats. It looks like it floats very slowly. But every time you walk away and come back, you've made up a crazy amount of distance, way faster than you would walking. [00:48:57] Speaker C: It's magical. Ah. I'm gonna say I'm like, one of the nights, maybe like the last night before we get to our destination, Ro's gonna go sit on the porch and. [00:49:23] Speaker A: Kind of like while everybody's asleep. [00:49:25] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:49:26] Speaker E: Okay. [00:49:27] Speaker C: Which I guess we don't have to do watch with a cat house, but could you. Oh, I thought you were putting on scary music. I was like, what did I do wrong? She's gonna. She's gonna do something. [00:49:49] Speaker A: What does that mean? [00:49:52] Speaker C: She's gonna. I'm so lost. What's happening? She's gonna do something. Something that she does every now and then, but that we haven't really discussed, but that I have decided that she does. She's gonna cast. Sending. And. And. Well, could I take the sending stone or do I need to cast. Sending. [00:50:24] Speaker A: Do you retrieve it from Craig's person? [00:50:27] Speaker C: Yeah. While he's asleep? Yeah, while he's. [00:50:30] Speaker A: Okay, well, make. While everyone slumbers, you wake up and then you're awake on the night at some point. Make an investigation check for me. [00:50:37] Speaker C: Invest. Oh, it's in his. [00:50:38] Speaker A: I'm Craig's person. We don't know that. [00:50:44] Speaker C: That's a 13. [00:50:46] Speaker A: Ro, as you look through his stuff like he did long ago. No, it's not in his bag. And you look over and there's this lump in his cheek while he's going. What do you do about that lump in his cheek? [00:51:03] Speaker C: I. [00:51:03] Speaker A: That's not the sentence I thought I was gonna say today. [00:51:07] Speaker C: I try to retrieve it without waking him up. [00:51:13] Speaker A: Give me a slight hand check. [00:51:14] Speaker C: Yeah, that's what I figured. [00:51:16] Speaker A: Does anybody know Craig's perception modifier? There's not a chance that his sheets in his channel. [00:51:20] Speaker C: He has a pretty good perception, if I remember correctly. [00:51:25] Speaker A: Is there. [00:51:26] Speaker E: Is he. [00:51:27] Speaker A: Is his sheet in his channel from when he was level nine? Yes. We're gonna assume it hasn't changed. Okay, five. That's a 15. So his passive perception is half. Hold on, hold on. Seconds at seven. [00:51:45] Speaker C: I got 17. [00:51:46] Speaker A: Okay, so, Ro, describe to me what it's like as you retrieve a stone from Craig's mouth while he unawareably sleeps. [00:51:57] Speaker C: I take Ro takes, like, part of her, like, her cloak or whatever and, like, grabs it with one part. Yeah. And, like, kind of Pries it open just a little bit and just reaches. [00:52:11] Speaker A: Okay. So as Craig sleeps, open up his mouth and you just nam a rock at me. He. He goes. And he bites at your hand a little bit as he sleeps. So you get your hand out and he goes. And then he goes back to sleeping and you have a very spitty rock in your hand. [00:52:27] Speaker C: Oh, God. [00:52:30] Speaker A: Very, very saliva. [00:52:33] Speaker C: At any other time she would press the digitate. But she knows better than impressive amount of saliva. Okay, she's gonna. Why would I say wipe it on her. She's gonna take. No, she's gonna take Craig's own shirt and wipe it. [00:52:56] Speaker A: Okay. [00:52:56] Speaker C: Not hers and wipe it off. [00:52:59] Speaker A: Okay. It smells a little weird, but it's not sticky anymore. [00:53:02] Speaker C: Oh, no. Oh, you're making me want to prestidigitate so bad. [00:53:07] Speaker A: You don't have to. It just smells. [00:53:09] Speaker C: I know. [00:53:09] Speaker A: Kind of like Craig's mouth. [00:53:10] Speaker C: No, stop it. [00:53:12] Speaker B: Imagine a growth on the stone for being in a mouth that long. The moist location. [00:53:17] Speaker A: No, it's not that bad. It just has a slight white film on it. Yeah, it's not a big deal. You just have to hold it in your hand and close to your face. [00:53:28] Speaker C: I'm gonna resist. Ro's seen a lot of gross stuff in her time. She can deal with this. [00:53:34] Speaker A: Everybody. Everybody takes 0.01 levels of experience. From Ro resisting to prestige. [00:53:41] Speaker B: That's pretty crazy. [00:53:43] Speaker C: That is crazy. [00:53:45] Speaker A: Abby just did character growth. Abby, now that you've passed the test, it's not quite so smooth. I don't know you all wonderful. [00:53:54] Speaker C: There. [00:53:56] Speaker A: There's 65 students now. I don't know who anyone is. Oh, gosh. [00:53:59] Speaker B: Oh my gosh. It's so many people. [00:54:02] Speaker C: She's gonna go sit on the porch and. [00:54:09] Speaker A: Abby, the most dubious. [00:54:13] Speaker D: Look, I had an error in my thing. [00:54:17] Speaker A: You're knitting, right? [00:54:18] Speaker C: And she's gonna. She's gonna send. Oh, that looks cool. She's gonna send to the lek. [00:54:27] Speaker A: Okay, so you hold the stone, you whisper into it. What do you say? [00:54:34] Speaker C: I'd like to think that this is maybe a little bit of a. [00:54:38] Speaker A: You know what? [00:54:39] Speaker C: Not like it's not a surprise. Oh, odd. [00:54:48] Speaker A: Okay, I need you to roll a D100 for me. [00:54:51] Speaker C: What? Why? [00:54:56] Speaker B: Cuz he's not on the material plane. You're trying to contact him on another planet dimension. [00:55:01] Speaker A: What? [00:55:03] Speaker D: Oh, I hope he's okay. [00:55:04] Speaker C: 77. [00:55:08] Speaker E: Let's. [00:55:12] Speaker C: Ta da da. [00:55:14] Speaker A: Wasn't expecting that. Okay, you feel a connection form. What do you say? [00:55:23] Speaker C: Well, I want it. I. As a player, I want to Say that it's not like it's a surprise call. I don't feel like. [00:55:29] Speaker A: I feel like you do every once in a while and you just haven't brought up to the other characters. Okay. [00:55:33] Speaker C: To. To kind of just a real boss to kind of talk about stuff because Ro can't be Bardi and tell everyone what's going on, so she's got to tell someone. [00:55:46] Speaker A: How many times would you say you've called Valak and told him about your adventures? [00:55:55] Speaker C: I'd say maybe ever since we left his place. I would say Ro has done it maybe 10 times. Is that too much? [00:56:10] Speaker A: Okay. [00:56:12] Speaker C: How long has it been since we saw him? [00:56:15] Speaker A: A lot. Months. [00:56:16] Speaker C: Months? Yeah. It's like 10 or 11 times. Yeah. [00:56:21] Speaker A: So a couple times. [00:56:23] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:56:26] Speaker A: Okay. So you call your acquaintance feel like the Amazing or No. Excuse me, Villac. [00:56:34] Speaker C: I was like the Amazing. I don't remember that. [00:56:37] Speaker A: Yeah, Amazing it is. [00:56:39] Speaker C: The Amazing. Oh, my bad. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Castalos Akash Vielec. The Amazing. [00:56:45] Speaker C: Oh, wow. [00:56:48] Speaker B: That's like a bard name. [00:56:50] Speaker C: Do I know what time it is in the Feywild? I mean, not in the Feywild, in. In the Lost Lands. Why did I say Feywild? [00:56:59] Speaker D: I know what time it is in the Fey. [00:57:01] Speaker C: Yeah, it's upside down and sideways past 3 in the Feywild. It's like it's in the middle of the night. [00:57:13] Speaker A: It's in the night. [00:57:14] Speaker C: Okay. I say. Hey there, Valak. It's. It's Ro. Are you. Are you available to talk at the moment? [00:57:31] Speaker A: There's a brief pause and you. You hear him? No, I never heard his voice. It's been a long time. [00:57:43] Speaker C: You never heard his voice. [00:57:44] Speaker E: He's been quite some time. I have not heard from you. Is there news? What is interesting and lore. [00:57:52] Speaker C: Yeah, well, we're currently in the Lost Lands. [00:58:01] Speaker E: That is a good time. [00:58:03] Speaker C: Yeah. It's been interesting having to remember not to cast when I don't need to. [00:58:10] Speaker E: I forgot about that. Yes. It turns into the funniest things. [00:58:17] Speaker C: Yeah. Currently our cleric has limbs three feet long. Yeah. I was just wanting to check in. It's been a minute, but things have been interesting. We have. Currently we're flying to a tower with a wonderful cat man. And also I met. Yeah, he's like a cat, but a man. But not like a Tabaxi. Like, he's just a cat. I think he's from the Feywilds. Yeah. Like, he doesn't talk anything. But they are. But it's been good. It's been good. We're we're close to maybe finding some new information we needed at a tower here. [00:59:13] Speaker E: Good for you all. [00:59:14] Speaker C: Yeah. And I. Yeah, dm, help me out here. [00:59:22] Speaker A: You know that the Bewildering Keep is called. [00:59:29] Speaker C: I relay that. [00:59:37] Speaker E: Oh, you're talking about Kirftenant alumni. Last, but. Yes. [00:59:42] Speaker C: Yes. [00:59:42] Speaker A: I've never been. [00:59:44] Speaker E: I've heard of it, but I've never been to it. [00:59:46] Speaker C: Yeah, we haven't. We haven't either, but. [00:59:49] Speaker A: Wow. [00:59:50] Speaker E: Good luck. [00:59:51] Speaker C: Thanks. I also. I also kind of met my friend Father. That was weird, but good. [01:00:02] Speaker E: That's. It's a big deal. [01:00:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:06] Speaker E: How was that? The plot thickens. You went, Father. [01:00:10] Speaker C: Yeah, no, it was good. He. Apparently, he. He makes some really incredible instruments. If you ever need someone to make you a new one. [01:00:20] Speaker A: I have. [01:00:21] Speaker C: I have a new one. [01:00:22] Speaker E: Had a mutual friend. [01:00:23] Speaker C: Yeah, I. I have a new one. It's called Song Splitter. And I can throw it. It's pretty. [01:00:30] Speaker E: What a dramatic name. [01:00:32] Speaker C: Dm, Is it possible to, like, play it over sending just so he can hear it a little bit? [01:00:38] Speaker A: Is that allowed? N. That's not quite how the spell works. [01:00:41] Speaker C: Okay. I didn't think so, but. But, yeah, it's just. Yeah, we're just trying to get along. [01:00:57] Speaker A: That you are. [01:00:58] Speaker E: Well, it's good. [01:00:59] Speaker C: Thank you. [01:00:59] Speaker E: I'm still waiting on that visit. And I threatened to come and hunt you then and kill you if you didn't come, so. Well, it's taking a long time for my house guest to return. [01:01:12] Speaker C: Ah, that's true. Yeah. I mean, if you. If you repair that, I would obviously reimburse you. If you wanted to get that teleportation circle. [01:01:25] Speaker F: Fixed up. [01:01:27] Speaker E: I'm not using. [01:01:28] Speaker C: I do have. I do remember the exact layout of it. I could. I could get us back there. Yeah. [01:01:36] Speaker E: Okay. I might like to have you all over for a visit. [01:01:40] Speaker C: I. I think. I think the rest would like that. [01:01:44] Speaker E: Perhaps it could become an arrangement. Give me a bit of time. I'm away from home right now, but. [01:01:50] Speaker C: Okay. [01:01:50] Speaker E: I could speak about having that done. It's complicated to. [01:01:55] Speaker C: Okay. [01:01:56] Speaker E: Changes to an incredibly secret layer, but. [01:01:59] Speaker C: Yeah, obviously. [01:02:00] Speaker A: So I could probably have it done. [01:02:03] Speaker C: Yeah, that'd be good. Yeah. Things are just, you know, going along. I just. [01:02:11] Speaker E: How was it meeting your father? [01:02:15] Speaker C: It was interesting. He was not at all what I expected, but. [01:02:23] Speaker E: What were you expecting? [01:02:24] Speaker C: I. I don't know. Just. He was very chill and caring and didn't know I existed, but he was a very warm, lovely person and. I don't know. [01:02:46] Speaker E: I. I'm glad to hear that. [01:02:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:02:50] Speaker E: Found families. Lovely. But your formed family is good too. [01:02:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it was nice to get a glimpse of where I came from, but. Yeah. [01:03:05] Speaker E: You know, Rome. [01:03:06] Speaker A: I liked you all when I first met you all. [01:03:08] Speaker E: But I'm really starting to like you all. I like our little chits. [01:03:13] Speaker C: I do too. Thanks. Thanks for them. You know, I like to. [01:03:18] Speaker E: I've actually been thinking. Your mother and I had a very brief relationship. Not to make it weird, but not to get all your mom on you. [01:03:30] Speaker A: But. [01:03:34] Speaker E: I've been thinking about how. I mean, you know, we're not related, we're just friends. But you lost. [01:03:46] Speaker A: I've lost. [01:03:48] Speaker E: I still like my retirement and I think I'm going to stay retired. [01:03:52] Speaker C: But. [01:03:53] Speaker A: Yeah, of course that doesn't mean that. [01:03:56] Speaker E: I need to be inactive with what goes on in the world. [01:04:04] Speaker C: What? What do you mean? [01:04:05] Speaker E: Do me a favor and scoot just a little bit to your left. [01:04:09] Speaker C: What? [01:04:11] Speaker A: And then like next to you there's just this of like green like bro. Like, like, like kind of brashes mist with sparkles. And he is just sitting there with his arms lounged over the railing of the edge of the house. [01:04:31] Speaker E: Quite some time. Hello. [01:04:34] Speaker C: Hi. [01:04:36] Speaker A: She leans over and gives you a big side hug. [01:04:38] Speaker C: And then she hugs him back. [01:04:39] Speaker A: Oh yeah. [01:04:40] Speaker E: Just us. No one else has to know. [01:04:42] Speaker C: What are you. What are you doing here? [01:04:45] Speaker E: Visiting a friend. Do I need a reason? [01:04:48] Speaker C: No, of course not. [01:04:50] Speaker A: Kind of an amazing friend like that. [01:04:52] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, obviously. Welcome to Mr. Catawampus's Porch. [01:04:58] Speaker E: That's weird. [01:04:59] Speaker A: He looks back over his shoulder at the house. Yeah. [01:05:01] Speaker C: It's all by. [01:05:02] Speaker A: He's really a cat. [01:05:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:05:04] Speaker A: It's all up like that. [01:05:06] Speaker C: Yeah. And it. Everything. Bone, bone, bone and more bone. [01:05:13] Speaker E: Fascinating. [01:05:16] Speaker C: Yeah. It's been a fun time. [01:05:18] Speaker E: I bet. I bet. Well, with what can I be helpful? [01:05:29] Speaker C: Wow. You're here. That's weird. I'm. [01:05:34] Speaker A: Fun. [01:05:35] Speaker E: Things often are. [01:05:36] Speaker C: Yeah, I. I don't know, you know, just I. I wish I, I. We've. We've been had a lot of risky situations lately and I just. Sometimes I just feel like I wish I could help, I don't know, protect my found family. As you say, a little better. But we're getting there, you know? And it's good to have allies, even if they are in retirement. But yeah, it's. It's. [01:06:18] Speaker E: Come with me. [01:06:20] Speaker A: And he stands up and just holds his hand out to you. [01:06:23] Speaker C: She kind of looks off the edge and she's like, okay. [01:06:29] Speaker E: Instrument. A bard should always be with her instrument. [01:06:34] Speaker C: She goes and gets song splitter which I feel like maybe she had it out there with her. And she shows it, takes a look. [01:06:41] Speaker A: At it for a second, then as you, you know, strap it back over your shoulder. If you take his hand, he just. He doesn't fully transform. He just. His, like, his dragon wings grow out of his back, and he, like, lifts you up by your arm and just starts gliding through the sky and glides you down to the land until you guys on the ground. [01:07:11] Speaker E: I didn't want to wake the others. [01:07:13] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:07:14] Speaker A: Walks into a rock and sits down. There's this large stone of crystals with fish swimming between them that you can see through the starlight. And the moonlight is catching in them and reflecting off on the fish. There's waterways flowing in between. [01:07:27] Speaker E: He says, I want to teach you a song. [01:07:33] Speaker A: He just hums a note with a really low tone and with misting smoke, F sharp. His cello. His. His copper cello. His copper plated cello appears, and he pulls out his. His bow. [01:07:54] Speaker E: And he says, follow. [01:07:57] Speaker A: Starts playing. Okay, this song, but in a cello. And he's just playing this song, but do those notes. Yeah, he just gives you a smile and pauses, Lets you take a few cracks at it. Would you give me a performance check? [01:08:20] Speaker C: Yeah, that's gonna be my. I knew that was gonna happen. A 19. [01:08:34] Speaker E: Wow. [01:08:39] Speaker A: Bro. You. You play through the. Through the notes. Well, except that it's on. It's on songs like a distorted guitar, which is really sick, and as you do, there's these little sparks of magic off of your finger. Oh, this is. This is a magical song. This is like a bard's spell. He smiles at you and nods, and he does it again. And he just. And now he starts making a little more complicated. He starts, like, putting vibrato is what I know. Back and forth in the notes, and he starts moving back up and down the scale, adding creative elements. Elements. And he wants you to follow along with him. [01:09:28] Speaker C: I do. [01:09:29] Speaker A: Give me another person. Performance check. [01:09:32] Speaker B: Persona check. [01:09:33] Speaker C: Persona. [01:09:34] Speaker A: Persona check. [01:09:35] Speaker C: Okay. That's going to be 24. [01:09:46] Speaker A: The DC increased. You needed that RO. What does it look and sound like as you follow along? [01:09:56] Speaker C: Well, it sounds like this, right? Yeah. [01:10:00] Speaker A: That destroyed guitar. [01:10:07] Speaker C: I think since he's taught it to me. It's like purple and gold and copper. Magic starts kind of, like, almost like. I kind of thought about it, and I think it'd be cool when I play song Splinter if, like, the magic kind of, like, sparked from rose fingers because it's kind of, like, distorted, so. [01:10:36] Speaker A: And so as you. It's funny. The magic Comes from the tactile moments. So as your fingers press this strings, as your left hand presses the strings and your right hand plucks them, every place your fingers make contact and press, there's a little of magic. And as they spark off, it's like they condense. And where the sparks of magic fall down, they start floating up and collecting around you until they gather on your cloak, move up your forehead, and they appear very briefly in this little cresting crown, this little of copper illusion. Like the two crested plates off of the side of Villec's head, just. And your hands light up for a moment. You watch some healing magic flash from them. And then all of a sudden you see a light from behind you, shining forward. As you look back over your shoulders. There are these two thin, like kind of airy, illusory copper dragon wings lifting from your shoulders and running back down your back and meeting at your tailbone. And then they just disappear. [01:11:45] Speaker E: He says, reproduce that to him. [01:11:50] Speaker A: Play it a couple times a day. [01:11:51] Speaker E: And you'll have a little piece of my magic. [01:11:58] Speaker A: And Ro, specifically, you gain the ability to cast cure wounds without expending a spell slot. Once prolonged rest or a number of times prolonged rest equal to your proficiency bonus. No long rest. And then a number of times prolonged rest equal to your proficiency bonus. You can make these wings appear and guard someone else, increasing their AC and making them harder to hit. When you, like, respond with that song. [01:12:29] Speaker E: I've just got all this magic to give. Somebody should get to use it. [01:12:35] Speaker C: Oh, it's incredible. For like. I mean, obviously. [01:12:40] Speaker A: He smiles this time less with joking smugness and more genuine appreciation for how beautiful this magic is. And he says the. [01:12:50] Speaker E: It is. [01:12:52] Speaker C: It's. It's an honor to carry on some of you a little piece of your magic. [01:12:59] Speaker E: Remember, all music is magical. It's only sometimes that people can see it. [01:13:07] Speaker C: True. Thank you. [01:13:14] Speaker E: Anything else on the mind or heart, kiddo? [01:13:20] Speaker C: I don't think so. Not for now. Just taking it one day a time at the. In the lost lands. [01:13:30] Speaker E: It's good not to do it. Would you like to return to the little house? [01:13:35] Speaker C: Yeah, that might be a good idea. They might wonder where I'm at. [01:13:38] Speaker A: He stands up in his. His cello just melts into smoke. He says, would you like a flyback? [01:13:46] Speaker C: Oh, I'd love that. Of course. [01:13:48] Speaker A: Picks you up, flies you up. And as you soar through the. Through the sky, he sets you down on the deck. [01:13:56] Speaker E: He says, I think I'll travel here for a bit. Let me know the next time you Want to talk? [01:14:05] Speaker C: Definitely. Thank you again. Grabs his hand. [01:14:10] Speaker A: He just politely, you know, kisses your hand and then. And he just. He's just the human man with the wings coming out of his back. But as he flies up higher into the air. Higher, higher, higher, higher. He gets up to a certain height. Then he just wraps the wings in himself and just drops, plummets from the sky until he gets close to the ground. And then there's this big burst of coppery green smoke. And from it this mass emerges which is just an ancient copper dragon flying over the aisle. And he just starts soaring around the space away from you all a different direction, just exploring. [01:14:52] Speaker C: That's so cool. [01:14:54] Speaker A: Andro, you officially have taken the feat gift of the metallic dragon. [01:14:58] Speaker C: Yeah. That was amazing. That was so cool. [01:15:03] Speaker D: That is so cool. [01:15:05] Speaker A: No, it's business, which is. [01:15:07] Speaker F: That's awesome. [01:15:08] Speaker A: It's very thematic. But I think it's my favorite of all of the Wizards of the coast expansions. I love his one so much. [01:15:14] Speaker C: Yeah, cool. I. I think roaches sits there the rest of like just not. Not the rest of the night, but just probably for another like 30 minutes or an hour. And just. Just kind of playing her loot. Not magically just playing it and just kind of. She's just kind of content in this moment. She has her family and she has her friends and it's just. It's really. It's like peaceful calm before a possible storm. [01:15:46] Speaker A: Your mind is pricked by the strangest of memories and you recall that there was this very incorrect rumor going around unson for a little bit that you could turn yourself into a dragon. Now it's just a little true from when you were in the house of Pain. You heard about it and you're like, oh, now I'm just a little. I can. [01:16:05] Speaker F: That's cool. [01:16:08] Speaker C: I love it. [01:16:09] Speaker A: And as one of Yin's mightiest bards learns a new trick and falls asleep, the next day comes. Are there any other really significant events that happen in the course of this travel? Anyone fooping or farping? No, not me. [01:16:28] Speaker D: Not me. I don't think if a. [01:16:30] Speaker A: If a character, if a player wants to foup. I'm not going to deny them that opportunity. Or even to farp. [01:16:35] Speaker C: Oomp. And I thump. [01:16:37] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:16:41] Speaker A: Sometimes you gotta hit him with a little bit of skimming. You all right, well, the party sails and the sales. Actually, I'm going to change the song. I disagree with my sales. Here we go. We're going to get a little classic with it. No No, I disagree with myself again. [01:17:02] Speaker D: Okay, double disagree. [01:17:04] Speaker A: The party flies and sails onward, moving through the sky. And at some point, Mr. Catawampus makes you all food while you're here. Oh, no, it's all. It's all in little bone bowls. And he keeps serving you kibble. Now, here's the thing. He magically summons the kibble, and it is edible. It doesn't smell like cat food, but it smells very fishy, and it's fish into it. [01:17:38] Speaker D: This is like a party for her. [01:17:40] Speaker A: He also doesn't give you utensils. He just brings you your bowl, magically summons the little fish kibble, puts it down on the ground, gets on all fours, and just starts eating it like a cat. [01:17:48] Speaker D: Bretto does the same. [01:17:52] Speaker A: Colton, if you're listening, this is what we need, the art of man. This is what we need, the art of. [01:17:58] Speaker C: Hey, she's respecting his culture. [01:18:02] Speaker A: That's going on the quote sheet. [01:18:06] Speaker D: Okay. She likes the fish. That's it. And it's so portable. Imagine if Greta could just have bags of this. It'd be like. It's like a granola bar, but made out of fish. It's. It's. It's fish granola. Okay? This is Greta's. This is what she's been waiting for. [01:18:25] Speaker A: I don't know what this says about granola, that we've had fish soda and fish granola on this podcast, but it has to be bad things. Could you give me a constitution? Saving throw what. [01:18:40] Speaker C: Hates it is the. [01:18:42] Speaker A: Last little bit works its way out of your system. [01:18:45] Speaker C: 14. [01:18:47] Speaker A: Okay. You don't startle anyone as the last little bit. Just kind of. And you feel the last of the magical farts leave your intestines as they calm down a little. [01:19:02] Speaker C: Oh, thank God. Thank the gods. [01:19:07] Speaker A: Ezra says that. Everybody else, it's bad against. It's bad round row right now. [01:19:13] Speaker C: No, guys, it's. It's okay. I think that's the last of it for now with. You know, unless it happens again with the magic and stuff, but. [01:19:24] Speaker A: Oh, good. [01:19:26] Speaker C: No, go ahead. [01:19:27] Speaker A: No, you. [01:19:27] Speaker C: I don't know what I was gonna say. I don't. I don't know what I was gonna say. [01:19:31] Speaker A: Do it. Execute. [01:19:34] Speaker C: I don't know. [01:19:39] Speaker A: Okay, well, as you all finish breakfast, at some point, Mr. Catawampus puts down his little top hat, his little. His magic cane appears, and he walks into the living room. Well, it's the only room. He stands very officiously in the middle of you all, interrupting whatever you're doing, and he says, meow. [01:19:55] Speaker E: Meow, meow, meow. [01:20:00] Speaker C: Do any of us know what he's. Are any of us. [01:20:04] Speaker A: You hear that? Well, do any of you all have meow as a language on your sheet? [01:20:11] Speaker C: Oh, man. We should have been learning meow. Abby. [01:20:16] Speaker D: Could have asked if he's a meow. [01:20:17] Speaker C: No, he could have. Ah, dang it. Do you have any books on the shelves? [01:20:22] Speaker A: Ton, but that didn't come up. So he has. He has walked in the middle of the room and said, meow, meow, meow, meow. [01:20:30] Speaker C: Did you say I? Remind me, does speak with animals work with him? I feel like you said it does. [01:20:38] Speaker A: I don't remember, so you could certainly try. [01:20:41] Speaker C: I thought you said it did, Zach. Because I thought you have a note. [01:20:45] Speaker A: That says I believe it. If you have a note here from. [01:20:50] Speaker B: La, you should know you should always get it in writing. [01:20:53] Speaker C: What? [01:20:53] Speaker B: I said, you're from la. You're in show business. You have. You always have to get it in writing. [01:20:59] Speaker A: Are you in the industry? [01:21:01] Speaker D: I don't get it. I've never been in the showbiz. [01:21:06] Speaker C: You're in the showbiz. [01:21:07] Speaker B: Isn't it classic? Like, always get it in writing. That's what the bad guy in the 90s movie says when he screws over. Endearing protagonist. [01:21:16] Speaker A: Oily. [01:21:16] Speaker C: No, you're right. [01:21:17] Speaker A: Oily bad guy. He does. [01:21:19] Speaker B: They always look a little oily. [01:21:21] Speaker C: I don't have it. Let me see. [01:21:27] Speaker A: Happy. Oh, man. [01:21:32] Speaker C: Dude, I do not have it in writing, but I'm 95 sure that I. [01:21:42] Speaker D: Said, Zach, you're looking a little oily. You are looking a little oily eyes. [01:21:49] Speaker C: No, no, I was. I will go back and listen to the episode after this. [01:21:56] Speaker A: Okay? [01:21:57] Speaker C: Odds are even and figure it out. Odds. Odds. Please, sir. [01:22:01] Speaker A: It you remember that it works. [01:22:04] Speaker C: Okay? Do I? [01:22:07] Speaker F: No. [01:22:07] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:22:08] Speaker A: I just D100. [01:22:12] Speaker B: It's not a spelling. [01:22:13] Speaker C: Yeah, if the wording is at will. [01:22:16] Speaker A: Well, it's the racial ability to cast. Right. [01:22:22] Speaker B: Be funny if you had to roll, though. [01:22:25] Speaker A: It's racial ability to cast a spell. So roll me a D on hundo, okay? I need this table for a reason. It's gonna be Landon. [01:22:38] Speaker C: That is a 53. [01:22:41] Speaker A: I remember what that does. [01:22:43] Speaker C: You do remember what that does. Does. I do. I fart again. I swear to God, bro. [01:22:51] Speaker A: What does it look like as you can't speak with animals. [01:23:00] Speaker C: That's so funny. Just add like, purple spills from my ears and gold spills from my mouth. [01:23:12] Speaker D: Oh, that's so cool. Awesome, Jack. [01:23:15] Speaker A: And as you play and that happens. You all watch is ro. Expertly begin speaking in meow. And as she does, you watch growing all over her face, a thick and full beard. Just. [01:23:25] Speaker C: I swear. [01:23:28] Speaker A: The beer is back, baby. It's crazy how much this world stuff you've gotten. [01:23:34] Speaker C: The world is really trying to play with my hair. And I don't like him. [01:23:42] Speaker A: Okay? [01:23:42] Speaker C: And I feel it. And I go, oh, no. Hello. We're gonna need to do some work later. [01:23:51] Speaker A: He goes, now hear me. [01:23:52] Speaker E: It could really work with your new look. [01:23:54] Speaker A: No, bro, as you. As you gain meow over yourself, what do you say to Mr. Catawampus? And I would first like you to say it meow. [01:24:02] Speaker E: If you could. [01:24:03] Speaker C: I say. I say to him, meow, meow, meow. And that is. Could you repeat that? [01:24:15] Speaker A: Okay, he takes one of those really, really slow blinks that cats go. He goes like. [01:24:24] Speaker E: And then he goes, meow, meow, meow, meow. You hear him say, we are reaching your destination. [01:24:34] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Okay. I relay that information. Is that an ice cream sandwich, Abby? That looks good. [01:24:43] Speaker A: Oh, man, I want that so bad. Grabs. [01:24:46] Speaker C: Ah, that looks good. [01:24:50] Speaker A: Little gremlin dance there. [01:24:54] Speaker C: Okay, cool, cool, cool. Any. Anything else you. You need from us before we part ways? She says, and it sounds like a question. [01:25:08] Speaker B: I have a question. [01:25:11] Speaker A: Do you have a way to access. [01:25:12] Speaker B: The feywild from your house? [01:25:17] Speaker A: Do you relay that, bro? [01:25:19] Speaker C: Yeah. Can he not understand it? Or he. [01:25:23] Speaker A: Oh, wait, that's right. He understands you guys. [01:25:25] Speaker C: When you speak. [01:25:27] Speaker A: He responds to you. [01:25:28] Speaker E: First row, and he says, meow, meow, meow, meow. [01:25:32] Speaker A: Which you hear back as well. [01:25:35] Speaker E: I don't need anything else. [01:25:36] Speaker A: Unless you have more bones. [01:25:39] Speaker C: I. I wish we did. I'm. I'm so sorry, but thank you so. [01:25:43] Speaker A: Much for your hospitality, little fuzzy paw meow. Then he turns to boss and he. [01:25:48] Speaker E: Says, meow, meow, meow, meow. [01:25:52] Speaker A: And bro, you understand it as. [01:25:54] Speaker E: Of course I do. It's in my hat. [01:25:58] Speaker C: Balls. It's in his hat. [01:26:01] Speaker B: That's super cool. [01:26:02] Speaker A: All right. [01:26:02] Speaker B: That's all I was curious about. [01:26:07] Speaker A: He just taps his little. His little cane on the house and it begins to tilt downward. And as it does, you all walk onto the deck for the first time that day. And you see that. Oh, I mean, it's been a lot of soaring and things have changed quite a bit. But you had not noticed that the landscape around you had changed pretty significantly. Shoot. You're at the top of the mountain. You've been going and going and going to days, and you've reached Kurvtanant Alamuloth's Central peak and. [01:26:48] Speaker E: Whoa. [01:26:50] Speaker A: So the, the top of this mountain is about a mile wide, the point it comes to and it just forms this immense like caldera, this huge crater lipped by what looks like kind of like rising stone. But instead of being very bowl shaped like a natural volcano, it rises its in and then it comes up like a tower kind of a little bit and leaves off in sharp jagged peaks. And here all of that sparse, kind of low canopied, bronze, twisted tree area. Baby. Did you have fun with your switch, Hoffa? Did you cross the animals? [01:27:28] Speaker D: What's she playing? So cool. [01:27:30] Speaker A: She's playing Animal Crossing. Always Animal crossing. [01:27:33] Speaker D: Did she play do you guys Stardew Valley and. [01:27:38] Speaker A: Well, first of all, Abby wants you. Wants you to play Stardew Valley. And second of all, they're very excited you're playing Animal Crossing. [01:27:44] Speaker D: Yeah, I am. Does you have. [01:27:50] Speaker A: Oh, Hoffa just finished the third acotar book, so we're way behind. Oh, you guys need to get reading. But those, those sparse trees grow very dense here and you all see huge growths of that clear crystal, like swathes of it in massive patches growing up the side of this strange mountain caldera. Yes, a lot. Well said, well said. [01:28:21] Speaker D: How big is the biggest fish swimming through one of those things? [01:28:25] Speaker A: It's far away. It's very far away. You all are seeing this from a distance, but you could see dark masses. [01:28:30] Speaker D: Huge dark masses, like bigger than me. [01:28:33] Speaker A: I mean, if you can see it at all from this distance, must be much bigger than you. [01:28:38] Speaker D: Wow, wow, wow. [01:28:40] Speaker C: Okay. [01:28:41] Speaker A: Some of the crystal growths out there look like they're bigger than buildings. And Mr. Catawampus Little House is just sitting down in the soil. So now you guys are kind of like in a forest layer of those low, broad, bronze, twisted, wide trees. And he just sets everyone down and he goes, meow. Ro. You understand him to say thank you. [01:29:03] Speaker E: Get out. [01:29:04] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, thank you again so much. Bye. Guys, Guys. He said get hired. [01:29:15] Speaker A: He turns to you. He, he does that cat face where they look surprised. His ears turn around backward and he just flicks his little cane and the door opens. I look at Ro and Ro, you just understand him to respond with no, you could not. And the little doors in the house flick open. [01:29:38] Speaker C: Okay, I'm. [01:29:40] Speaker A: You don't know what Greta said. Neither does she. [01:29:43] Speaker C: Bye. No, Bye. Okay, wait. I don't know what Greta said. Why not? Oh. Cause she's not an animal. [01:29:53] Speaker A: Wait, I didn't have a good reason. And then you gave me one. Yes, that's why. So Then the funk guys turn and walk down the little steps of his house and leave. And the door closes behind you. And then all the pebbles start rising, and the house just starts to float away. You all are in the forest before the caldera. That leads to curved and ontalumi Lost, Petrindid would assume. [01:30:18] Speaker C: I feel like we made a mistake not looking at the books. [01:30:24] Speaker B: Hey, there's no time to study, Celestial. So. [01:30:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm get. I think I'm getting pretty good at it. And she starts trying to, like, pronounce the words. [01:30:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:35] Speaker C: Ro says something that only Greta can understand. I say celestial, like, one little word. [01:30:43] Speaker D: I know. [01:30:44] Speaker C: I say red, and I say blue. [01:30:47] Speaker A: Hello. Tello nods and goes, that was right. You guys are getting really good at that. [01:30:53] Speaker C: No. [01:30:54] Speaker D: Do you know celestial? [01:30:55] Speaker A: And then he just starts walking toward the center. [01:30:59] Speaker B: As they're walking with him. [01:31:03] Speaker C: I scurry behind. Yeah. [01:31:05] Speaker D: I run up on a. And I piggyback. [01:31:10] Speaker A: Give me an attack roll that you're not proficient in because it's not a proficient attack. Well, you are grabuelita a proficient attack roll with your strength modifier. And then could you also give me. Well, you just have to beat his AC. [01:31:28] Speaker D: So proficiency bonus. [01:31:31] Speaker A: Yeah, proficiency bonus and strength. Mm. [01:31:35] Speaker D: Dirty 20. [01:31:37] Speaker E: Jeez. [01:31:39] Speaker A: So, Greta, as you just lash on him, he just. He, like, starts walking. [01:31:44] Speaker E: He goes, oh, it's you don't do that to me, you little weirdo. [01:31:47] Speaker A: And he, like, hoists you up a little bit, then just starts walking with you. And it's really fun because you get to piggyback on him. But also, your, like, eyes just barely see over his shoulder because you're so little. [01:31:57] Speaker E: He goes, do you want uppies instead? [01:32:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:32:01] Speaker A: And he picks you up by the shoulders and puts you on his shoulders. He has to squat down a little bit every once in a while as he walks, so you don't hit your head on a branch, but he does. And you guys are just hiking up the side of the mountain space. Man, I'm really building some quads here. And the party forges onward. The light kind of sifts in between the gaps of the dense trees, and. Yes. [01:32:23] Speaker D: Are we near the crystals? [01:32:27] Speaker A: I promise I will describe everything, but a good question. [01:32:29] Speaker D: I just want to see the light going through the crystals. That's so cool. The water filled with. [01:32:34] Speaker B: Wow. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Absolutely. So the light filters through the trees, and as you all hear, the water is pouring up from the ground in big springs and flowing in the mountain. This is the stuff that makes up the rills and stream streams further down the mountain pass you've been following. And as you work your way up higher, you emerge from the tree line. And that caldera slope is impossibly high angle and gigantic. It fills everything you can see in front of you until you look to either side. And as you go closer to it, it's all this dark blue gray stone. You can see the crystal growths. They burst up out of the ground in huge swaths and grow up into each other. Oh, holy crap. There's just like a city of crystal in different. I mean, these crystals are massive, all like pale pastel colors clear inside. And there are schools of tropical fish swimming between them. Some of these crystal towers rise up like 30ft high. And schools of fish are rising, rising up, and then disappearing beneath. In one of them, you look to your left and this like, strange. Somebody give me a nature check. [01:33:52] Speaker C: Can we all. [01:33:53] Speaker D: Or I lost my dice. Oh, that is not gonna be good. Someone else making it is not gonna be good for me. [01:34:02] Speaker B: I'm not rolling. Well, tonight. I got a 15, I got a. [01:34:05] Speaker C: 14, I got a 16. [01:34:10] Speaker A: So nobody knows what the creature that goes swimming by is. It's got this dome fluid top with these long tendrils of tissue waving around from it and these wrong kind of like really lace appendages. It's like a 30 foot long jellyfish. Just goes. [01:34:32] Speaker C: But we've never seen those anywhere. [01:34:35] Speaker A: You all haven't seen a jellyfish. You don't know what it is. And there's just life moving through these crystals. The light is shining down through them. And it's this weird thing because the light is catching in the crystals and it's picking up all over these creatures where silver mackerel are going swimming. They look like a thousand blades of silver dancing in the light. But even more interestingly, the crystals have edges so they're reflecting the light out to different angles. So some of these crystal waterways are filled with rainbows inside, refracting, and the fish are flowing through them. You all make your way further up the mountain a little bit. And for just a moment, this giant mike is here. This giant flexible, red, bendy appendage just reaches up from beneath the stonework, grabs onto the side of the crystal with, like suction cups and just on the. [01:35:27] Speaker C: Inside of the crystal, right? [01:35:28] Speaker A: Yeah. And then pulls down and disappears beneath the mountain. [01:35:31] Speaker D: It's so cool. It's like a giant aquarium. [01:35:35] Speaker C: I have a question on the, on the crystals, on the. Are there any crystals that are like around our height? [01:35:44] Speaker A: Every height. Short, big, small, weird. [01:35:47] Speaker C: At the top top, like at the ones that we can see that are around our height, are there, like, the tops are solid? [01:35:55] Speaker A: There's no. [01:35:56] Speaker C: There's no, like, open. [01:35:57] Speaker A: They are fully encased. Everywhere they're fully encased. [01:36:00] Speaker C: But can you tell when you look at the bottom? Did they go under, like, further? [01:36:07] Speaker A: I mean, the creatures keep disappearing beneath the basin. [01:36:11] Speaker C: Okay, okay. Oh, child, that's so cool. [01:36:17] Speaker A: Oh, hi. Does the party continue to trek upward? [01:36:22] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:36:22] Speaker B: Yes. [01:36:23] Speaker C: What time is it in the Feywild? [01:36:29] Speaker E: Time to do the free world. [01:36:31] Speaker A: It's 12:46pm or AM do you mean AM or fun? As you all trek up the stone, eventually you start to see these massive cracks, these breaks in the tree or in the stone. And you see these huge fissures in the caldera side that lead into dark passages through which you could walk. [01:37:05] Speaker D: I'm a little afraid. Do they look safe? [01:37:09] Speaker A: They look like dark fissures into the mountainous earth also. Maybe a thousand feet ahead, the angle of this caldera is changing from a very steep hike up into like an almost parabolic incline. [01:37:23] Speaker D: Okay. [01:37:23] Speaker C: So the only place to go is through another way. [01:37:28] Speaker A: Unless you can come up with another way. [01:37:30] Speaker C: Could fly or something. Yeah, we can fly, but like, is it. [01:37:37] Speaker D: Did we walk through the. Through the mountain? [01:37:41] Speaker A: Craig bumps his head on a crystal and suddenly gains lucidity. Oh, no, Micah. Micah said not. Doesn't want to speak into her mic. Never mind. [01:37:53] Speaker C: Just so I can get a sense of my time. Is it now Calon? Like 23? [01:38:06] Speaker A: It's a 20. 24. Yeah. It's the 23rd. [01:38:11] Speaker C: Okay. [01:38:11] Speaker D: It's the 24th today. [01:38:16] Speaker C: January. [01:38:17] Speaker F: You guys, I'm just curious. [01:38:20] Speaker C: You're very low. [01:38:22] Speaker A: We can hear you. Just quiet. Is your mic on? Have you flipped a little switch? [01:38:26] Speaker C: I just flipped the switch. [01:38:27] Speaker A: There's a kitty in the background. Okay. Yeah, you sound good. Your audio sounds clean. You just sound quiet. [01:38:38] Speaker D: From the gogginess. [01:38:40] Speaker E: That's weird. [01:38:43] Speaker A: I cannot go into the big hole in the earth. [01:38:47] Speaker B: F starts walking into the hole. F starts running into the hole. [01:38:50] Speaker C: I. I would like a nature check to see if these fissures look like they were naturally there or if, like they were man made. It was like a man made entry. [01:39:04] Speaker A: I thought you were about to ask one more time whether or not this landscape looked. Whether something would happen was natural or magical. But that is a valid question. Go ahead and make a nature check for me. I'm gonna call it D C6. But it's still. It's a reasonable check. [01:39:24] Speaker C: It's not reasonable if you Roll a one. [01:39:28] Speaker A: Okay. [01:39:28] Speaker C: Can I add on? Because if I added on, It'd be a 14. [01:39:34] Speaker A: No, it's in that one. So, Rose, you look up at it. [01:39:38] Speaker E: What could this be? [01:39:42] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:39:43] Speaker A: Craig, you look up, man. That sure is a fissure in the earth. And then Boz goes. And to be clear, as Boz jogs into it, he goes. [01:39:55] Speaker C: Okay, the beard is messing me up. [01:39:59] Speaker A: Follow Boss Tello's. Oh, yeah, you're still on his shoulders. [01:40:04] Speaker E: He goes, I know what to do. [01:40:05] Speaker A: He's walking down the dark passage. Do you all create any source of light as you walk into the dark fissure or. [01:40:11] Speaker B: I am the source of light. [01:40:12] Speaker F: I have a sword. I have a sword. [01:40:16] Speaker C: I am the source of life. [01:40:18] Speaker A: Okay, so as Boz goes jingling into the darkness, he lights up like a glow stick. Craig, do you also pull out star splinter? Okay, so then Craig also. Everywhere he's going is just in the armor, and it's echoing the stone walls. It's a narrow passage, but it goes up high. And as he pulls out his sword, the whole space is bathed in green and rainbow dazzling light as well as a brilliant cyan from Craig's sword. And the party goes marching into the darkness. [01:40:48] Speaker C: That's ominous sounding. [01:40:53] Speaker A: Micah. It's not a big deal. If you go to your settings and you go to voice and video, are you. You able to increase your input volume? [01:41:00] Speaker B: She's on a map. [01:41:01] Speaker F: Yeah, I did try. How about now? [01:41:03] Speaker B: How about now? [01:41:05] Speaker A: I mean, it's just good for me now. [01:41:07] Speaker B: That's good. [01:41:07] Speaker A: That's perfect. Keep it right. Right where it was. [01:41:09] Speaker F: What about now? How about now? [01:41:12] Speaker A: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Put a girl on. Put a girl on. I still hate that. So the party goes marching down the cragulous route. Stone reflects back off of light reflects off of the stonework. And the party marches, hikes downward, hikes downward. You hike. You hike. Maybe 25 minutes of walking in this dark space. I'm still checking. [01:41:37] Speaker C: What? What do we hear? Is there any water running or anything. [01:41:41] Speaker A: Echoing, bouncing of your footsteps everywhere? Oh, a strange thing happens. After about 20 minutes of jogging, Boz's light begins to reflect off of something up ahead as he gets closer. Have you guys seen the Prince of Egypt? [01:42:04] Speaker F: No, I don't feel like I have in my memory. [01:42:08] Speaker A: Wow. First of all, that's a travesty. Well, I'll explain what you say, and then you'll understand the analogy. You all walk down to a space where this fissure travels up. It stays about 10ft wide. But it travels up to about 90ft high. And as it comes up to this massive, sharp point in the earth, what looks like complete and total darkness on every side reveals itself to be 90 foot tall. Sheets of gemstone seem to go far above you and far below, clear and thin. As you walk by it, it looks like total darkness with a reflection reflective surface until you realize that your light is moving and catching and fluid beyond it. And a number of quick, dark shapes just swim through the gemstone. You all are. So I'm referencing that scene in Prince of Egypt where the sea gets split and the Hebrews are walking through, and as the ocean splits, they can see the fish on either side. Like, you guys are just walking through what must be the immense, dense, subterranean water world beneath this mountain. [01:43:10] Speaker D: You're just walking through it, world. [01:43:14] Speaker F: Guys, I feel like I blacked out for a little bit. How did we get here? [01:43:20] Speaker A: Craig? Craig says, and as he turns around without his helmet, he just has this huge welt mark on his forehead. [01:43:26] Speaker F: Oh, man. I just. I just have a sneaking suspicion that Ro took the sending stone out of my mouth while I was sleeping and that my regeneration finished and Val the copper dragon bard showed up and gave Rose some cool protective wings. Catman fed us kibble O got us super fancy cupcakes from Unson. [01:43:46] Speaker D: I just. [01:43:47] Speaker F: I feel like that's what's happened. [01:43:51] Speaker A: Craig says aloud to you all as you walk in between one of the most incredible natural and magical wonders of the entire world you've seen. So suddenly with a huge welt on his forehead. Man, I love this podcast and we're just not the same without you, Micah. [01:44:06] Speaker F: Thank you, Jackie, for sending that in the chat. [01:44:12] Speaker A: As you all walk further through these massive, towering gemstone sheets with the water on every side where you, you all are walking with the light. You're the only source of light down here. And you walk, watch many fish start to be attracted. Like looking huge schools of fish begin swimming near the gemstone. Like coming up and looking at it and sorry, Micah just said in the chat, we met a real life furry. Whoa. [01:44:40] Speaker F: This is a great moment. You keep describing it, Zach. [01:44:43] Speaker A: It's okay. That's okay. This is what. This is what Bailey DD is about. This is the accidental adventures. The fish are, like, coming and leaving the sources of light, which are also reflecting off of Craig's armor. And you're being investigated by many things, and it's just this ethereal, incredible, strange experience. And then after maybe another five minutes of walking, all of the fish swim away back into the darkness. [01:45:20] Speaker C: How thick is. Oh, never mind. Never mind. [01:45:25] Speaker F: Shark. [01:45:26] Speaker A: You all hear the sound of the water shift? [01:45:29] Speaker C: No. [01:45:33] Speaker F: I don't receive that. [01:45:34] Speaker A: And this dark shape, this dark mass, emerges from the dark darkness somewhere far off. You can just see its huge silhouette in the watery depths moving toward this source of light. [01:45:53] Speaker C: How thick is, like, the crystal, like the glass between. Can you tell? [01:46:00] Speaker A: Hard to tell. Micah, you can't come in this high. You can't come in hot like this. She just typed in the chat. It's Craig's ego. [01:46:12] Speaker C: I. I walk a. I. I face and walk a little. I pull Craig along with his light. If he lets me towards the. I'm like, oh, come over here. And so look at what's popping up. [01:46:29] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:30] Speaker F: Don't worry, bro. I'll protect you. [01:46:32] Speaker A: Thank you, guys. I mean, this hall of stone and gem you're walking through in darkness, you all are the only source. Before, behind, it's all just darkness ahead. And behind, it's 10ft wide. You're pulling him where, like a foot to the right? [01:46:46] Speaker C: Yeah, just more towards the shape that's coming up. [01:46:51] Speaker A: As you pull him closer to the stone surface, the light shines out. And the shape, like, moves a little closer and begins to pick up little dapples of light. [01:47:04] Speaker E: It is huge and darkly colored. [01:47:06] Speaker A: It is big. It's getting closer and closer and closer. [01:47:11] Speaker E: It's so big. [01:47:13] Speaker A: It's just moving toward you slowly. [01:47:15] Speaker C: Is it the Kua Toa? God, I'm just kidding. [01:47:20] Speaker A: That'd be bad. [01:47:21] Speaker C: That would be bad. [01:47:23] Speaker A: I haven't. [01:47:24] Speaker C: Yeah, let's not. [01:47:25] Speaker F: Guys, I could cast command on it, and then I could make it do flips. No, I'd have to understand me. [01:47:33] Speaker D: What's the party on you? Or speak with animals and then you can do that. [01:47:38] Speaker C: We don't know how thick this glass is. You guys. [01:47:41] Speaker D: I'm gonna sit and I'm gonna stand at the other side and look at the shape. [01:47:46] Speaker F: I'm just gonna watch it. [01:47:48] Speaker A: Does it have back up from it a little bit? [01:47:50] Speaker C: Eyes or anything? [01:47:53] Speaker A: Okay. As you all watch it get closer and closer and closer, you thought that it was approaching you, like, very closely, but as it gets closer, you start to realize that it's, like, so much bigger than you had ever expected. It begins to fill your vision at every side. And this, the size of it includes so much more of the darkness behind than the amount that begins to emerge in the light. The part that emerges in this light is this thickly shelled and scaled dark mass. It's the head of this thing that emerges from the darkness is maybe like 40, 50ft wide. Just begins to pick up out of the darkness inside the crystal, right? Yeah. All underneath this mountain in the darkness in the waters. And let's see, it's broad head has these massive plates. Each of them like four tower shields melded together in dark brown. [01:49:19] Speaker E: Scale. [01:49:21] Speaker A: Two massive crests come off of either brow into immense horns that pull off to the other side into two huge arcing brow plates off of its head. Eyes burn so far apart you can't see see from one another, but face forward, they're just orbs of burning yellow light. As they pick up what reflects, you can't even see slits behind them. This huge line is moving across its huge jaw. A mouth so wide it looks like it could just swallow all of you in a bite. It looks like it could envelop the entire poor bet is the mouth is closed. Huge spines and horns drift off to either side. And from below its chin, massive tentacles drift. And as they lift up, they all adhere to the gemstone, squeezing against the glass, each of them like the tentacle of a giant squid, just drifting off its lower head. Its immensely larger botter body just drifts in the darkness behind it, catching light. And as its face envelops almost all of what you can see. And you all are kind of pressed in this narrow part of the chamber up against the gemstone. I'd like everyone to make a wisdom saving throw for me. [01:50:41] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:50:47] Speaker A: Oh, spaghetti poops. [01:50:49] Speaker C: I got a 17. [01:51:00] Speaker F: I got it. Okay, I got a nat one, but I have a plus five, so. [01:51:10] Speaker A: Okay, so, so one. Everybody's forgetting how ones work recently. Recently. So one. Boss, would you get 28? [01:51:20] Speaker C: Oh my gosh, 28. [01:51:23] Speaker A: Greta, you got a 28? [01:51:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:51:26] Speaker A: Okay, 20. [01:51:28] Speaker F: 28. One away. [01:51:30] Speaker D: Oh, oh, sorry. [01:51:32] Speaker C: Because wisdom is yalls. That's your big thing. That's how big Wisdom. Wisdom is your. Your big, big power. Why can't it be charisma, little babies? [01:51:47] Speaker A: Okay, all right, well, we'll get back to Tello. [01:51:52] Speaker D: No, Tello got a. He got a four. [01:52:01] Speaker A: Craig and Tello, you all are seized by female just struggling to move before. [01:52:10] Speaker E: The immensity of this thing. [01:52:12] Speaker A: And granted, Boz, you might be ready to crap your pants, but you feel like you maintain some mental faculty as the creature, its head taking up all that you can see. And one half of its head is painted in green light, the other in blue. From where Craig's light is over here and Baz's light is over here, splitting either side of Its face. You all just hear in your mind. [01:52:38] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:52:39] Speaker F: It talks. [01:52:41] Speaker A: No. Does Craig say this out loud? One of the tentacles drifting off its chin pressed up against the gemstone. Just. I'm gonna slides against. [01:52:53] Speaker F: I'm gonna say, craig can't talk. [01:52:55] Speaker E: Okay. [01:52:56] Speaker F: That wouldn't make sense. He wouldn't be funny. [01:52:58] Speaker E: The. [01:52:59] Speaker A: It's just staring at you. The burning eyes. And where each of the eyes are in their sockets, they just sort of rotate a little bit. You watch from the bright yellow light. Black slits pierce down the side and focus on you all in the middle. [01:53:15] Speaker F: I say, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. [01:53:18] Speaker B: Okay, I don't say that. [01:53:19] Speaker F: Aura. I'm so sorry. I have aura of courage. One within 10 get scared. [01:53:27] Speaker A: No one's fright. Yo, Micah, you got inspiration because that's inspiration. [01:53:32] Speaker F: I can't even get scared. [01:53:34] Speaker B: Micah, wait. [01:53:36] Speaker F: I do say that. [01:53:38] Speaker C: This dude such a hero. He can't get scared. [01:53:42] Speaker A: Say that. I'm just kidding. [01:53:44] Speaker F: No, I'm just kidding. [01:53:49] Speaker A: Out. This thing can talk. You all row with your high passive perception. You notice out of the corner of the eye on the other side of the gemstone behind you, a mass in the darkness, long coiling shape drifts and twists up. It's like you assume it's another creature, a long bodied, like a great sea serpent, eel. Except you realize that there's five or six of it in the dark darkness. And it's more of this creature somewhere so big it's drifting below in the water around this tunnel, which must be kind of like a tunnel and lifting up on the other side. And a huge tendril just grazes against the gemstone. And all of your, all of you are like set on edge. And the hair raises. You have a mammalian mortal responses. It just slides against the gemstone. You feel the tunnel that you're in vibrate, just goes back to the darkness. And you hear the voice say it can talk. [01:54:56] Speaker D: I, I, I like. Bre's voice is probably like shaky. And I go, we are, we're travelers just passing through. [01:55:07] Speaker E: I have never seen what you are. Who are you? [01:55:16] Speaker B: For the fun guys. [01:55:17] Speaker E: What are you? [01:55:20] Speaker A: That's what we call ourselves. [01:55:22] Speaker B: I. It's a. You look amazing. [01:55:28] Speaker C: You look amazing. [01:55:31] Speaker A: The head gets even closer, closer to the. It's like feet away from you as the squid's neck. And you all can feel the power. And you're starting to. You guys are starting to get like a, like an ozone smell in the air. And you all watch little zaps of electricity are darting across Craig's armor and the voice comes again in your mouth, in your. The voice comes again in your mind. [01:56:15] Speaker E: Dang it. I am mighty. I am all that is here. These depths are mine. Who are you fun guys who come within it? [01:56:39] Speaker B: I. I. Sorry, Zach. [01:56:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I love the idea that that's how boss is talking. [01:56:48] Speaker B: Yeah, he probably is. We don't mean to trespass. We're trying to find the tower. [01:56:58] Speaker E: The eyes burn forward. I know of the tower. [01:57:05] Speaker A: The eyes kind of trace over you all. [01:57:09] Speaker E: You carry beautiful things. [01:57:15] Speaker B: Oh, what do you like? [01:57:18] Speaker E: I like. [01:57:20] Speaker A: And the tentacle wraps up again. This tentacle that's coming up on the other side of you all is. You can't see the starter end of it, but it's, like 20ft in diameter, and it's this. It looks kind of rubbery, but then when it touches the gemstone, it's so hard and strong. Touches the gemstone glass behind Craig, rubbing. [01:57:42] Speaker E: Down and says, everything that one wears is beautiful. [01:57:52] Speaker F: He's talking about my eyes, you guys. [01:57:56] Speaker E: I will take his armor. I will take what he holds. [01:58:03] Speaker F: Where are you gonna. What are you gonna use? What. What purpose does it serve for you, Craig? [01:58:11] Speaker A: Give me a persuasion check. [01:58:15] Speaker F: Yeah, I mean, like, how is it gonna fit on him, right? Like, what's he gonna wear it? [01:58:19] Speaker A: That's not what you're making check for, huh? That's not what you're making a persuasion check for? [01:58:27] Speaker F: No. But to keep it. [01:58:29] Speaker A: That's not what you're making persuasion check for, but go ahead and make a persuasion check for me. [01:58:37] Speaker F: Can I use my inspiration? [01:58:40] Speaker A: That's not a bad idea. [01:58:44] Speaker F: Did I mess up, guys? Hey, this would be a great time to cast guidance if y'all like or something or. Nope. Okay. [01:58:54] Speaker C: I can't cast guidance. But remember what happens when we cast. [01:58:59] Speaker F: Oh, yeah, that's a 15. And my eyes sparkle. [01:59:06] Speaker B: You know, you can cast guidance. [01:59:07] Speaker A: The burning yellow eyes turn toward you, Craig, and the voice booms in your mind. [01:59:15] Speaker E: Whatever I please. [01:59:18] Speaker A: And could everybody here make a dexterity saving throw for me? [01:59:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:59:23] Speaker A: Hey, guys. [01:59:29] Speaker D: 16 for me, and, oh, my goodness, 26 for tallow. [01:59:35] Speaker A: Holy crap. [01:59:37] Speaker B: I got a 15. [01:59:39] Speaker A: Okay. [01:59:41] Speaker F: I got a five. [01:59:44] Speaker C: Okay, 22. [01:59:47] Speaker A: Also, you should check this, Micah, because I'm not 100%, but. No, no, that's just stealth checks. Okay, I've corrected myself. So as the voice rumbles in your mind, the jaws open slightly, and you can see teeth the size of, like, ship masts just opening between each other slightly, and from them, there's just this flash of electricity and light, and everyone except Tello fails and everyone in this space, there's just this electricity shocks between all five of you. Just back and forth between the chamber and you all take. Tello's gonna take half. [02:00:39] Speaker C: I'm scared. [02:00:44] Speaker A: I need another G10. I guess it's the other side of using the random bucket. Okay. I rolled the D100 because I didn't have a 4D tenant. And I was like, oh no, I should use 7 instead of 77. 14? [02:01:00] Speaker C: Yes, please, 14. [02:01:02] Speaker A: What's 14 plus 9? 14 plus 9 is 23. 23. [02:01:06] Speaker C: 20. [02:01:07] Speaker A: 23 points of lightning damages. Electricity arcs back and forth. You tell. It kind of dodges out of the way, only takes half. The creature's just staring at you in the darkness. [02:01:19] Speaker B: 23, you said? [02:01:21] Speaker A: Yeah. 23 points of lightning damage. [02:01:24] Speaker E: I will. [02:01:27] Speaker A: Down on damage. Round down. [02:01:30] Speaker E: He says. I will take all the disputes. Beautiful. Which you have. [02:01:39] Speaker A: Tello from just over your shoulder. Greta just whispers in insignian. I think we need to get out of here. [02:01:46] Speaker E: This doesn't look good. [02:01:50] Speaker D: Okay, okay. I whisper back. Get out with. Oh, sorry. I'm say this quietly, but I have to talk. [02:02:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:02:01] Speaker D: Do you think we can get out without him like killing us? [02:02:04] Speaker A: I don't know. And then huge tentacles just touch the gemstone walls on every side. Oh, this thing looks like it's 4, 500ft long. This thing's huge. What's the party doing? [02:02:33] Speaker B: I'm thinking walk into here. [02:02:36] Speaker A: By the way, give me a survival or general intelligence check. [02:02:44] Speaker B: Oh, that's a NAT one, Boss isn't rolling very well today. [02:02:49] Speaker A: Boss, you're struck by the terror of this moment. There's a lot of now ones this session. [02:02:53] Speaker B: I'm not afraid cuz Craig's making me brave. [02:02:56] Speaker A: But you're not suffering the frightened condition. [02:02:59] Speaker C: Guys, I think we should run. [02:03:04] Speaker B: Yeah, Greta can run super fast cuz she has double limbs. [02:03:07] Speaker D: Oh my gosh. [02:03:08] Speaker C: Wait, does she still. [02:03:10] Speaker A: No, it's ended. [02:03:13] Speaker B: Oh, okay. All right. [02:03:15] Speaker F: I don't know. [02:03:16] Speaker C: I'm gonna row. Is going to also, you're aware that. [02:03:19] Speaker A: You are in a thin air tube with water all around you for a very long size. You don't know if it can reach you through the. I mean, it can clearly cast magic on you somehow. You don't know if it can reach you through this gemstone. You're also aware that if this gemstone. [02:03:32] Speaker F: Were to break, like it can break. [02:03:33] Speaker A: That would have consequences. Who knows? [02:03:35] Speaker C: There's an archway behind us right from where we came in. [02:03:38] Speaker A: I mean, you know. Yeah. Like 20 minutes ago. [02:03:43] Speaker F: There's Not a lot. [02:03:45] Speaker C: I don't mean. I don't. Sorry. I don't mean. [02:03:49] Speaker A: Who knows? [02:03:49] Speaker C: I don't mean. I don't mean archway to the outside. I mean kind of like an archway to this room. Ish. [02:03:56] Speaker A: You're not in a room. You're just in a lot. At some point, the stone tunnel spilled out into this, like, underground ocean space. And it's just continue. It could. It goes for some amount. That way you don't know. 20 minutes back that way you don't know. [02:04:09] Speaker C: Gotcha. [02:04:10] Speaker D: Okay, I am going to do something. [02:04:18] Speaker F: What is it? [02:04:26] Speaker D: Okay. Okay, I'm going to. [02:04:31] Speaker A: Don't you love when the other player goes, I'm gonna do something. [02:04:36] Speaker D: I'm gonna try and use my divine intervention to. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna, like. I'm not. She doesn't even put her hand to her chest because she doesn't want. In case it doesn't. So she's just gonna, like, in her head, like, whisper to Ioun and say, like, help us get to where we need to go without this guy taking all our stuff, please. [02:05:09] Speaker A: That's sick. Roll your D100. [02:05:11] Speaker D: Is that I'm. [02:05:13] Speaker A: Yes. What's up, Craig? [02:05:16] Speaker F: Is he wanting what's up? Not just my armor. Like, is he wanting star splinter? [02:05:24] Speaker C: He wants everything. [02:05:25] Speaker A: Go ahead and give me an inside check. Go ahead and give me an insight check, Craig. Oh, my goodness. We're gonna use divine intervention for the first time in the accidental adventures. [02:05:34] Speaker E: That's so exciting. [02:05:36] Speaker F: 15, Craig. [02:05:39] Speaker A: You get the feeling he's never seen anything shiny like this before. And he loves it and he wants all of it. Oh, he is not having staring of avarice. I love that Craig was like the eyes on the table, but not the sword. Sword. [02:05:53] Speaker F: You can have my armor, but you are not having my star splinter. [02:05:56] Speaker A: Abby, what'd you get? [02:05:58] Speaker D: I haven't rolled it, I'm afraid. [02:06:00] Speaker A: Okay. [02:06:02] Speaker D: I just did. Hey, I think it's. What does the zeros mean? What do the zeros mean? [02:06:12] Speaker C: He walked away. I don't like that. [02:06:15] Speaker D: No, I think that's good. [02:06:16] Speaker C: Wait, did you get double zeros? Huh? Like zero and zero? [02:06:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:06:21] Speaker C: What is that? [02:06:21] Speaker D: Is that just zero? [02:06:22] Speaker A: Guys, guys. That's zero. [02:06:24] Speaker C: Guys, that's zero. [02:06:26] Speaker D: I got a zero. It's a six. It's a six, but it's still within the. [02:06:31] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my God. [02:06:35] Speaker F: What does that mean? [02:06:36] Speaker C: Is that good or bad? [02:06:40] Speaker B: Zach didn't think it was gonna work. [02:06:43] Speaker A: Holy crap. Crap. Oh, my goodness. [02:06:48] Speaker F: I'm so glad I'm here right now. [02:06:50] Speaker A: Amazing. [02:06:52] Speaker C: Wow. [02:06:53] Speaker A: I. That's. I. I've. I've never even heard of a player getting divine intervention the first time they use it. I've never heard of it, bro. As a Kraken, the most powerful creature in all of Aquan Aquatic. D and D. Living in an ancient subterranean oceanic realm, isolated from all living humanoid creatures. Witnessing for the first time the treasures its ancient line would cause it to lust for desires, to take everything you have. Willing to collapse the chamber down on you, to strip your corpses of your treasures. And you reach out to Ioun. [02:07:33] Speaker E: What is it you say in your mind? [02:07:35] Speaker D: Ah. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna say, please help. Help us get to the tower that we need to go to without this scary monster taking all of our stuff. Or farming. Please. [02:07:51] Speaker A: As everyone readies their various abilities or freezes or thinks or ponders or darts, the eyes around you all begin. The creature kind of bright, brightens it's power heightening. It's. No. The light's coming from behind you, not in front. The blue and the green are overtaken by a bright sky blue. Just the other. The other tendrils. The f. The face gets closer and the mouth opens. [02:08:20] Speaker E: I want. [02:08:22] Speaker A: But then you all just hear. And you all feel intense energy. And as all of you all look to where. Toward where Greta is, you can't see her. As the light blinds all around you and Greta, as you're blinded by yourself, you feel a symbol on your chest overwhelms your neurosystem. And you feel like electricity is spreading around your chest, but not pain, just numbness. And you hear a voice in your head say I will. And the whole party just. And you all are gone. As Divine Intervention works on your first ever use, that is. That is. You guys are level 12. That's a 12% chance of working. 12%. And it worked on your first time. Most clerics go their whole campaign. Never having it work. Most players. [02:09:17] Speaker F: That is so Abby. [02:09:19] Speaker A: Never having this feature work. And it just worked on your first time ever. That's. That's. I don't know how. That's all the proof I need that you and Cara are the two luckiest players you've ever played. D and D. It worked for you on your first time. And in the five years Chara has played using ueg, Divine Intervention has worked for her twice. It's. This is incredible. And as you all. As you all are ripped through time and space, you just cross, disappear until you all land. You all look around you shutter your Eyes. It's not darkness, it's bright. You're just gone from that tunnel, Greta. You feel you, like, stumble back and forth and you, like, fall to a knee. Tello catches you and you feel feeble and tired, kind of like worn out from the effort of that power. Just your whole body tingles. You've never, ever. And you've felt some incredible magics. You've never felt magic like that course through your veins. You are tired and your heart is going. Your skin is tingling. You. And as you all look at Greta's cloaks, not the magical coat on the outside, but the cloaks beneath are a little burned around where the symbol is from the sheer power that coursed through it as it lays on the outside of her chest now. And as Greta looks up, the tattoos on the side of her face are dimming from the energy that was glowing through them. And you all have been transported from where you were in the earth to this massive inside of this caldera. A forest all around you. A forest encased in stone, with a hole in the stone sky bending golden light downward over the landscape. You all stand at the base of the caldera on a stone island, circular island in the middle of a subterranean inner caldera, lake of fresh water, the forest beyond its boundaries. So it's like caldera bowl inside forest, freshwater lake, island in the middle. [02:11:32] Speaker C: We're on the island, and you're on. [02:11:34] Speaker A: The island in the very middle. You look out to dark, forested landscape all around, huge stone walls. And up above you, a hole in the ceiling where you see the sky moving above as the golden light falls down. Ioun just whispers in your ear, greta. [02:11:53] Speaker E: You'Ve been faithful for a long time. I love to see cleverness. [02:12:02] Speaker A: The space around you is all bright except for the shadow that falls over only Craig, as he's the only one standing in the shadow on this smooth stone outcropping, surrounded by all the glassy blue. He's the only one standing in the shadow cast by the huge tower behind you. Yeah, not a shadow in a straight line, a shadow in a curve, because the leading tower, brown wooden tower, raises up and up and up and then twists. [02:12:37] Speaker D: Oh, cool. [02:12:38] Speaker A: And then twists and then leans and twists and leans and twists and leans. Impossibly, it is not circular, it is square, a massive. A massive cubicle, obelisk of wood filled with strange designs. You can't make out levels or doors or pillows or arches and windows. It looks like wood shaped like clay twisted upward, spun all still in a cube until it twists where it should crack and snap. And the top of it is literally leaning over it like a 30 degree angle. Just twisting up to a shot sharp point. And the shadow just hangs over the island and into the waters. [02:13:19] Speaker E: And it's still. [02:13:24] Speaker A: And that is where we'll end. Episode 126. Sorry. The boys of the well are in the 200s. Episode 126 of the Accidental Adventures. Old friends in strange places. [02:13:38] Speaker C: Wow. [02:13:39] Speaker D: Wow. Oh, my gosh. [02:13:41] Speaker A: Wow. [02:13:42] Speaker F: I came in at the perfect time. [02:13:44] Speaker A: Okay. You came in at the right time. Michael was like, okay, I haven't been here. What's that? A Kraken. Divine intervention. Good. [02:13:51] Speaker F: All is well. All is well. You're not scared? [02:13:55] Speaker B: If things went bad and that didn't work, I was gonna try to do a charm monster. I was gonna try to invoke my feet to get disability on wisdom saving throws and try to do a charm monster Hail Mary. [02:14:04] Speaker D: And that would have been cool. [02:14:07] Speaker A: Guys, Krakens are nuts. [02:14:09] Speaker F: I have so many questions about how you expected that might go. Like, what did you want us to do? What were we gonna do? [02:14:19] Speaker A: There's always options. [02:14:21] Speaker F: Like not taking my star splinter. I'm sorry. You can have my armor. You can have my journal. You are not taking my star spinner. I will go to death. I will go in. I will crawl inside of you to stab you. You can eat me. I will still kill you from the inside out with the star splinter. I'm just saying. [02:14:40] Speaker A: But, Micah, how do you feel about star splinter? Also, Abby, if you've ever not felt like a cleric before divine intervention on your first go, I've. I've. I don't know if I've ever heard of that. [02:14:51] Speaker D: That was incredible. [02:14:53] Speaker A: You seriously are cleric. That's wild. [02:14:56] Speaker D: I, like, couldn't find it in the player's handbook. I was like, I couldn't. I, like, took me a long time to find it. [02:15:02] Speaker A: When you held up the die and you said, what are the double zeros mean? Like, dude, that's great. [02:15:09] Speaker F: So how does that work? How do you calculate that? [02:15:11] Speaker A: If you roll. If you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [02:15:13] Speaker D: You have to. You have to roll below your. Your level. So we're level 12. [02:15:17] Speaker A: Your level or lower. Yeah. [02:15:20] Speaker D: So, like, it's out of 100. I have to roll, like 12 or lower. And I got a six. [02:15:28] Speaker A: Exactly half your level. Yeah. [02:15:30] Speaker D: Wow, that was so cool. [02:15:33] Speaker A: That's so mind blowing. I can't even. [02:15:39] Speaker D: No, I didn't think so. But I was like. I feel like. Because there was that whole section in in Zedge where there was. I was, like, communicating with. [02:15:49] Speaker A: Mind blowing. [02:15:51] Speaker D: Wow. [02:15:53] Speaker A: Okay. All right, listeners. Life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. Really cool stuff on the Patreon. I don't even know what to talk about now. Okay, we're coming back with the new episode in a second. Security, Watten, bottom.

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