Desperate Measures, Part 2

February 13, 2025 02:49:49
Desperate Measures, Part 2
Barely D&D
Desperate Measures, Part 2

Feb 13 2025 | 02:49:49


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Not all is lost to time.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign. We have the second part of Desperate Measures, which is definitely what I'm renaming this one shot to. [00:00:17] Speaker B: Or Oceanic Measures. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Well, got them. [00:00:21] Speaker C: Oceanic second half one five. [00:00:25] Speaker A: I mean your whole second half is on an island now, but sure. [00:00:29] Speaker C: So it was lost. [00:00:31] Speaker B: No. Wait a minute. Okay, our second part. Islander inmate 1 8. [00:00:36] Speaker A: Okay, so clearly we are back with Caleb and Daniel as guests. Jackie's main cast. [00:00:43] Speaker D: Hello. [00:00:45] Speaker A: That we're gonna be wrapping up our one shot. [00:00:48] Speaker B: Our little. [00:00:48] Speaker A: Our weird little one shot. That's gonna get. Well, they'll see. But it is still 2872 PB for the no taking nerds. But now it is KON 13. [00:01:00] Speaker E: And. [00:01:01] Speaker A: It'S sometime in the afternoon. So. [00:01:05] Speaker C: Because it's 9 in the afternoon. [00:01:09] Speaker D: Your eyes are the moon. What a great song. [00:01:14] Speaker C: Oh, so good. [00:01:15] Speaker D: Thanks rock band. [00:01:19] Speaker A: All right, well, you guys have just pulled yourself up on the sands of an island. What you did. Oh, well, I should probably do a lot of describing here. Civilian Infinite surf pulls behind you not into even waters. But the waters here are turbulent. On the shoreline, they're a beautiful blue far away. But closer to they turn into a dark brown mix. And you feel rocks on your feet as you kick in. Fezzik, you feel like you passed a reef face on the way in. There's probably quite a bit of reef around here, which would have made docking here on a ship very difficult. But the sand is thick and brown and it leads up for a fair distance until it meets a shore grass line before running into some fairly tall trees. And one second spray a cat. The. Did I get any water? No, we're fine. The trees are a strange mix of Neotropical mixed in with almost some conifers. A weird assemblage. But a really high diversity of plant life turns very quickly into a dense forest maybe 800ft away from the shoreline. Not far. What that party do? [00:02:53] Speaker C: I would like to do an investigation. Check for any sign of life. Like is there any like, you know, man made anything looking around here? [00:03:06] Speaker A: Go ahead and do it. Sorry. There's gonna be a lot of getting up and getting back down because I'm managing a kitten who furiously wants to destroy the table. [00:03:16] Speaker C: But I got a 19. [00:03:19] Speaker A: Okay, so close. In what way do you look for. [00:03:23] Speaker D: Things with your eyes? [00:03:27] Speaker A: What's investigation? So it's timely and careful involved. [00:03:33] Speaker C: I probably walk around quite a bit up up to the forest area. I get down and look like, like for any tracks in the. In the sand or anything. I don't know exactly like if there's any like foliage or rocks or anything. I kind of look underneath as you. [00:03:57] Speaker A: Carefully trace the area. Trying. [00:04:04] Speaker C: I pick up a boulder and I look manila. [00:04:08] Speaker A: As you carefully trace the area. It looks like a beach. A sign of structures. There are large stones. The beach is interspersed with these sort of porous, dark, sort of burgundy and gray stones and large structures. You imagine that further out this is probably what makes up the reef. In part the base of it at least. But on the sand of the beach it's just stones. There are large shells gathered on the beach. Some conical and wrapping. Some of the shells move when you get close to them. There's crabs inside. There are lower again sort of more near tropical broadleafed green bryophytes. Plants growing up out of the branches of others as you get closer to the forest line. And some broad sort of like elephant ear looking leaves down near the base of the forest. No signs of humanoid life. You do find some tracks with all your careful searching. The ones you find are gravoportal. Which means it's like a circular imprint with sort of toe indentions at the end. Like three or four pretty big. Like a foot across tracks. You find a path of them coming out of the forest and back in. And there are also some tracks that are three pronged. Like this kind of like bird feet on the shoreline. But pretty big. Maybe like a foot across. No, 4 inches across. [00:05:41] Speaker C: I was like what got up for. [00:05:42] Speaker A: But four inches. Four inches is still. That's still a wide pattern. Yeah. [00:05:46] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:05:46] Speaker A: These are all around the beach. But you're not finding any other evidence of life. We certainly not have sentient life. You all have escaped a watery grave and are on the island. What are the other two of you doing? [00:06:00] Speaker D: I've just untied myself and I'm just laying on the rocks of the water and just like. [00:06:07] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:06:13] Speaker B: I am looking for a coconut. [00:06:20] Speaker A: Give me an investigation check. [00:06:24] Speaker D: Apologies. Like all I've heard about beaches is that they have coconuts. And I'm gonna find one. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Give me an investigation check. [00:06:34] Speaker B: It's brown and it has a white inside. [00:06:39] Speaker A: I thought the roll on your check was brown. [00:06:44] Speaker B: Let's see Is good. It's a 13. [00:06:56] Speaker A: No coconuts. Dang. It doesn't look like that's a species here. [00:07:06] Speaker C: When we were floating out and we first saw this island. Right Large. Okay. [00:07:14] Speaker A: That's what I was gonna looks kind of mountainous further off. It looks huge. Looks like it stretches on for great distance. [00:07:21] Speaker C: Okay. So like we couldn't see the. [00:07:23] Speaker F: The end of it. [00:07:24] Speaker C: Gotcha. [00:07:24] Speaker A: No, I mean There were like edges on either side, but you couldn't tell if that's because this is a long archipelago at an end or because it's an island with definite. You could be on a point of a great continent. You could be at the edge of a sizable island. Hard to say at this point. [00:07:42] Speaker C: Okay, I'm going to pull my short sword and I'm going to follow the bird tracks. [00:07:54] Speaker E: Okay. [00:07:55] Speaker D: Are you letting us know that you're falling? [00:07:58] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna. I'm gonna call over to you guys. [00:08:04] Speaker F: And be like, I think there's tracks to animals this way. If you guys want to rest, I can go. I won't go too far into the jungle. I just want to check it out. [00:08:24] Speaker D: No, no, no, Nessie, we're not splitting up. That sounds like suicide. [00:08:36] Speaker A: Queldor just sprints off in a different direction. [00:08:42] Speaker D: Come on, Halsey. We're following Nessie. [00:08:44] Speaker F: I just thought maybe some animals could lead us to water or. [00:08:48] Speaker D: That's a great idea. I am very parched. [00:08:53] Speaker E: The three of you. [00:08:54] Speaker B: Sounds good to me. [00:08:56] Speaker E: Track into the dense forest, weaving your way through. [00:09:00] Speaker A: It's beautiful here. Very, very alive. The forest is thick. Thick with vegetation, thick with human moisture. In fact, water, Water. You guys pass streams 10ft in. In fact, it's gathered here in leaves. The mountain cover further away must bring in tidal rain clouds and cause often, often rainfall Here. You might be on one side of a. Of a mountain shadow where like a rain shadow where like the. Anyway, and as you guys get maybe a thousand feet further in. Yeah, it's humid here and there's fresh water caught in the base of leaves. There's just a lot of just drinking fresh water from all sorts of different sources until you all are sated and peace starts to flood back into your veins. [00:09:54] Speaker C: Did we bring. Oh, did we bring that water skin with us? [00:09:59] Speaker F: That wine skin you can have if. [00:10:02] Speaker A: You would like to. Yes. The furbolog's orange hair is frizzing and fraying in the human. But yes, you all can bring the large water skin with you. And you. [00:10:13] Speaker C: I also fill up the empty potion bottle with water. [00:10:17] Speaker A: I love it. I love is also thick with sound here. Thick with calls and coos and trills. Sounds from all around you. There's even like a. Like a really a sound that sounds like it comes from something large, like a. A deep baying from somewhere in the forest. This place is very, very alive. Insects are thick in the air. You move through clouds of gnats. Dragonflies harry them. This Place is very alive. Birds flutter in between the thick canopy. [00:11:08] Speaker E: All right. [00:11:11] Speaker A: Whatever keeps you guys invested, I guess. A thick mist moves through the air. Light suffuses through it as you all trek. [00:11:22] Speaker E: Where are you headed? What do you do? [00:11:24] Speaker D: What time of day is it? Is this morning probably like afternoon. [00:11:31] Speaker A: Maybe like mid afternoon. [00:11:34] Speaker F: Should we. Do you guys think we should, like, try to gather some, like, wood or something to make a fire or shelter and then go and stay on the beach? Ah, in case, like, someone found us or something? [00:12:00] Speaker D: I feel like making something on the beach might not be. [00:12:05] Speaker B: That might not be a good idea. [00:12:07] Speaker D: When the tide comes in and all that, perhaps it'll take us out. I do think finding shelter is our. [00:12:15] Speaker F: First objective, though, with these sounds and all. I don't know if it's a great idea to be stuck in the forest at night. [00:12:25] Speaker D: I agree. Perhaps a cave nearby. [00:12:33] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah. [00:12:33] Speaker B: That's our safe bet. [00:12:35] Speaker D: I don't know how far the mountain is away, though. [00:12:41] Speaker A: And it is very hard to tell from this point. You are locked into deep forest, so you know that the mountains were somewhere that way. But hard to see beyond the canopies now. But the nice thing is the topography. Very, very, very gently slopes. The mountains aren't far from the beach, so you feel like if you keep moving up the topography, you should move toward mountain range. [00:13:10] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:13:11] Speaker D: Sound good with everyone? [00:13:13] Speaker B: I like mountains. [00:13:16] Speaker D: Me too. Causing me to. [00:13:21] Speaker A: Why don't we get a group survival check to try and forge your way correctly in the direction of the mountains? It's not the highest DC ever. And we'll average three of you all. However, here's the thing. This is gonna be weird. I'm not taking the average. I'm taking the highest. You are working as a team. It's not like all of you guys are. You can rely on the best insights from everyone. Weird. [00:13:47] Speaker C: I got a 16. [00:13:50] Speaker A: That's really good. [00:13:53] Speaker B: I got a nice on the die for 19. [00:13:57] Speaker E: Oh, nice. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Quald. [00:13:59] Speaker D: I got a 10. [00:14:02] Speaker B: How dare you? [00:14:04] Speaker A: Just exhausted from pulling everyone to the beach. Quedle you find not only are you tracking upward in photography, in topography, which Nesarin is helping you with, you are finding streams of water. And you know well enough water runs down from mountains. If we follow the streams together, they will combine to original tributaries in the mountains and you can follow them all the way up. What's everyone's passive perceptions? [00:14:34] Speaker B: And 15. [00:14:36] Speaker C: 17. [00:14:38] Speaker E: Excellent. Of course. [00:14:41] Speaker A: Trekking. Oh, trekking. Long trekking. Hiking. It's tiring. You all are getting hungry again. But you have water and you're on land. As you try not to think too hard about all the events with you in this time. Physic. The object, whatever it is in your pocket, has not begun humming again. Still shines very dimly, but no humming once more. You can hear something. It sounds like running water far off. But there's an irregularity, an additional sound of water somewhere to your left, far left that also sounds like movement in water. And it's irregular, like something moving in a large body of water next to a sound of a constant din of running water. And it's very faint. Only Fezzik and just barely Neserin are picking it up. Excuse me. Other way around, Nesren. And only just barely Fezzik. Sounds like the body of water might be a fair distance away, hundreds of feet through the treeline. [00:15:54] Speaker C: I start, I. I share this information and I start kind of veering towards that noise. [00:16:08] Speaker F: Okay, the rest of the group wants to. [00:16:12] Speaker D: Do you think we should head, I guess heading towards the noises. Better than towards the mountain. [00:16:22] Speaker F: I mean it could be like a waterfall or something that could lead to a cave. [00:16:27] Speaker D: That's true, that's true. I'm not really feeling myself today, so I will let you all decide. [00:16:38] Speaker B: Well, normally if there's waterfall, there's creatures there that we could hunt for food. [00:16:46] Speaker D: Bring good, good points. Good. [00:16:55] Speaker F: I say we go forward. [00:16:57] Speaker A: The group turns and you begin to realize that what you're following is you move to where you can start to see more light infiltrating the tree. The topography actually banks back downward sharply, indicating where water has long eroded something. And you move your way back to an open sort of glade. And there is indeed a larger water, a body of wadi body of water. A short cliff face maybe 20ft high from a much larger cut of huge mountain or stone. Like a section of the mountain above breaks into a section and forms this impromptu waterfall. It also creates this very large fresh glade. The waterfall pours into this very large pool of clear, this little oasis in. [00:17:47] Speaker E: The middle of the forest. [00:17:48] Speaker A: That itself then at the end spills back down into a river which shatters. [00:17:52] Speaker E: Into a thousand tributaries of the forest. [00:17:54] Speaker A: But this clear water sits in the edge of all of these trees in a clearing maybe 2, 300ft across. And the waterfall pours over the edge of more dark porous rock and splashes in there. There are indeed creatures gathered here. Birds at the edge of the water. A couple tall deer like creature. But their horns are longer and thinner and sharper. They're a more orange color. It's like A kind of antelope, but no one here knows what that is. It's gathered and drinking at the pool on the side nearest to you. There are also three very large creatures at the edge of the water drinking. And their huge heads, they shift through the clear water. You realize that's what's making the sound. Their. Their huge heads shift and move to the water. In the water as they lift their heads up, like a gallon of additional water just falls off of their jaws. And they. You realize they weren't making the loud calling echoing bay, but they have this low bring. So they communicate back and forth to each other. And what stands before you now is the largest animal anyone here has ever seen. There's three of them. They are quadrupedal, four legged. They have massive heads. Their bodies are thick and round. Their tails long conical until coming to points. They are scaled front to back with gravoportal feet that end in slight toes, with heavy keratinized scaled knuckles at the end. Their heads fan into large crests and off of the top of their protruding brows are to either side large bovine like horns like that of a Texas longhorn. At the end of their reptilian faces are beaks. And going to set an image in lore in reference, greenish brown. Standing there at the edge of this glade, if you all would look. [00:20:00] Speaker C: Oh no. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Are three. You all have no idea what this is to be very clear, but three nasuda serra tops. As the three of you all look at what you have no idea are dinosaurs in Yalabran. [00:20:24] Speaker E: And the three of them just slowly. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Bay and grunt back to each other. As they reach their heavy heads back into the water and go back to drinking in big gulps. You all emerge from the edge of the forest. They both turn and look and regard you. There's a low grunt. Then they go back to drinking from the water. They're huge. Each of them is probably 22, 24ft long. They look like they weigh many tons, the size of giants. Bigger than giants could. [00:20:57] Speaker C: Just for reference. [00:20:59] Speaker A: Also, this is the official confirmation of dinosaurs in the open. But anyway, you can't see it listener, but Jackie is making very excited faces. I really needed Abby here for this, but that's okay. Sorry. [00:21:12] Speaker C: I like dinosaurs. [00:21:14] Speaker A: No, I know, but Abby would be going and then climbing. [00:21:17] Speaker C: She'd be making dinosaur noises. [00:21:20] Speaker B: I cast fireball on the dinosaurs. [00:21:23] Speaker A: Would you like to. I have staff. [00:21:25] Speaker B: No, I don't have that. [00:21:27] Speaker A: Okay, that's a good idea because they're. [00:21:29] Speaker C: Each really high ZR for reference. Would Fezic like be able to ride them as like a horse. [00:21:38] Speaker A: Like, size wise, were physic to try and ride these, it wouldn't be like riding a horse so much as riding a small tank. They are so very big. [00:21:47] Speaker C: Okay. I just wanted reference for size against physic. [00:21:50] Speaker A: Absolutely. This would. This would be the visual of physic riding. This would sort of be like a human riding a hippo. That's how big these are. [00:21:58] Speaker C: Yikers. [00:21:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:21:59] Speaker B: But he a thick boy. [00:22:00] Speaker E: He could do it. [00:22:01] Speaker A: I mean, he is. If he went to his large size class, it would look like. It would look like a person riding a hippo. How big? [00:22:08] Speaker B: Enlarge. [00:22:10] Speaker F: That's cool. [00:22:12] Speaker A: Certainly try and tame one. That would be super metal. I don't know. You have no idea the temperament of these creatures. But the three of you all see three giant quadrupedal reptiles with horns you've never fathomed or dreamed in your life. These might even be what dragons are. Who knows? They're drinking from the water's edge rather calmly. [00:22:28] Speaker C: But they acknowledged us and then just looked away. [00:22:31] Speaker A: One of them turned and looked him grunted at you and then went back to drinking the water. [00:22:36] Speaker C: I have never in my life of playing DnD wish I had speak to animals more than this very moment. Why are none of us druids? [00:22:53] Speaker A: This would have been a really great session. [00:22:54] Speaker B: Wait a minute. I have bees to whatever. Hold on. [00:22:58] Speaker D: I think it's. [00:23:00] Speaker A: I think it's small beasts for bulls. [00:23:05] Speaker B: It's leaf and beasts. Something. [00:23:09] Speaker A: What's the party doing? [00:23:13] Speaker C: My mouth is agape. [00:23:17] Speaker D: That's a big boy. I think my stepmom could ride that. [00:23:26] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness. Dang it. [00:23:28] Speaker A: That's such a good callback. Oh, man, that's such a good callback. What am I supposed to say to that? [00:23:38] Speaker E: That's so good. [00:23:40] Speaker A: I hate that. That was good. [00:23:42] Speaker E: Dang it. [00:23:43] Speaker A: Wow. I. I hate it so much. That was good. [00:23:48] Speaker B: I love it. Anyhow, do you think you could call your stepmom and. [00:23:55] Speaker D: I look. [00:23:57] Speaker A: Pulls out his iPhone 12. [00:23:59] Speaker D: I look towards Halsey and I'm like, I don't think we're on the same continent. [00:24:07] Speaker B: You could. Don't you have like a. Like a thing to message in someone's head? [00:24:13] Speaker D: No, that's. That's Nessie. Nessie messages people in head. [00:24:17] Speaker F: I. I can only. I can only contact people I know. And they have to be like within like a mile of me. [00:24:25] Speaker D: Like on the same continent maybe. That'd be interesting. [00:24:29] Speaker A: I love that Fezik doesn't have a strong Grasp of what a mile is feels very physic. [00:24:39] Speaker F: Have you. Do you guys know what those are? [00:24:48] Speaker B: No. [00:24:49] Speaker D: I think I've heard them called horned lizards. [00:24:55] Speaker F: Are they baby dragons? [00:25:01] Speaker B: Well, there's one way to find out. [00:25:05] Speaker A: Is there? [00:25:06] Speaker F: What's that? [00:25:07] Speaker B: Draconic. If it's a dragon, every dragon based person can speak draconic. Does anybody speak draconic? Do I speak draconic? [00:25:19] Speaker F: I don't speak draconic. [00:25:21] Speaker D: I do. [00:25:23] Speaker F: I guess you could try. [00:25:26] Speaker A: I'm one of them. Turns away from the pool of water and just starts walking toward the treeline. There's treeline all around. It's not toward you all, just past you very slowly. You get the feeling these guys don't worry about much. They're real big and they just kind of like look at you guys and pass by. The other two start following behind them. [00:25:50] Speaker D: I don't think those are dragons. I thought dragons had wings. Do not all dragons have wings? [00:25:56] Speaker F: I. I don't know. [00:25:58] Speaker D: They're all small. Dragon people. [00:26:00] Speaker F: Dragon. [00:26:01] Speaker B: I've seen dragons that's all tails without wings. [00:26:04] Speaker D: You've seen a dragon? [00:26:08] Speaker A: He's a big sticker. [00:26:10] Speaker B: Why not? [00:26:11] Speaker D: I. Now I don't believe you. Halsey. You had me until you said that. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Is it? [00:26:17] Speaker C: No. [00:26:17] Speaker B: Look, look. Okay. Does it count if I imagined it in my head? [00:26:22] Speaker D: No. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Okay then. Otherwise. [00:26:29] Speaker A: What about osmosis? Can I get it by osmosis? [00:26:33] Speaker B: Well, if I can't imagine it then I haven't seen one. But I would like to see one. [00:26:40] Speaker D: I mean possibly we may have just seen one. I don't really know. [00:26:46] Speaker A: It's just a cacophony of thudding and grunting. And then they slowly start leaving the clearing. There's a small tree in one of their paths and one of them just lowers a horn and just. And just pushes the sapling over as it walks through. Takes a bite out of one of the huge bundles of leaves. Just passes by. [00:27:03] Speaker C: Does my little glass of, of water in my potion go? [00:27:08] Speaker A: It shakes as you hold it. [00:27:10] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:27:11] Speaker A: Jurassic Park. [00:27:12] Speaker C: Fall back. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Yes. Thank you for explaining your reference. [00:27:15] Speaker C: You're welcome. I felt it needed to be done. Jurassic Park. [00:27:27] Speaker A: Okay. What's everybody doing? He just crawls out of the pond. [00:27:34] Speaker E: You know, life, life, life finds well away. [00:27:40] Speaker A: He's back into the waters. [00:27:45] Speaker C: Did the, did the other animals. Okay, there were. You said they were like antelope, like. [00:27:49] Speaker A: Things way out of the way. But none of them really reacted too much. [00:27:53] Speaker F: Okay. [00:27:54] Speaker A: I mean they, they moved, but. [00:27:56] Speaker F: Yeah, but not like. [00:27:58] Speaker A: Seemed like they were just a part of things around here. [00:28:01] Speaker C: They also. This is not. I can't say the party though. [00:28:06] Speaker D: Yeah, I think we should find a cave. [00:28:11] Speaker F: What if we live in caves? [00:28:16] Speaker D: I'm sorry, Halsey, you said why not follow them? And Nessie, you said what if they live in caves? I don't know if those creatures need to live in caves. Did you just see how they tore down a tree by looking at it? Why not follow them? [00:28:39] Speaker F: I mean, they gotta get out of the rain. [00:28:44] Speaker A: Just smash cut to a pseudoceratop. Sitting alone in a field, everybody hurts. And it's just raining. Everybody. [00:28:55] Speaker F: I mean. [00:29:01] Speaker C: I look past the waterfall and see if there's a cave right behind the waterfall. [00:29:06] Speaker A: You could get closer and try. You could like try and walk around the bank to the waterfall and see behind it. [00:29:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I would like to do that, please. [00:29:12] Speaker F: Thank you. [00:29:15] Speaker A: Breaks off from the group, walks around, walks on the body of water. As you see into it, it's pretty clear. It's stone beneath, not like dirt and mud. I mean, there's some leading into the bank of the edge of the water, but like a stone bottom. A little bit of plant life growing in it, but not a ton. You could see into the water for like five or six feet. As you walk around the edge. There is a great depression behind the waterfall which is broad, maybe 10ft wide. The waterfall is. And it goes back about 15, 20ft. But it doesn't look like a whole cave. It's just an indentation in the wall. So cover from rain, but not a lot more. [00:29:50] Speaker C: What's the floor look like? [00:29:52] Speaker A: Stone or stone. Rough, pitted, porous stone. [00:29:58] Speaker C: I call my friends over and then. [00:30:01] Speaker A: They see it and then they know. [00:30:04] Speaker F: I mean, what do you guys think about this for tonight or. [00:30:15] Speaker B: I think it should be fine. [00:30:18] Speaker D: We'll probably have to do watches, but it should be fine. [00:30:23] Speaker F: Definitely. [00:30:27] Speaker E: Okay. [00:30:28] Speaker A: I mean, we party resides to the space. You have a day of some amount. [00:30:33] Speaker E: Of rest and eventually it turns to night. The night is long and cool, pleasant. [00:30:44] Speaker A: There's water. You're still getting hungry, but it's pleasant enough. The night you watch the glade and many creatures come. Mammals, birds, see movement in the water at some point. Looks like there's fish in there. More large reptiles. At some point late in the evening, everyone is awoken to more heavy, lumbering movement. A group of 10 or 11. And there are soft grunts as they move by. These creatures are also quadrupedal. Not the same mass as the Nasutoceratops, but longer and taller. Their backs come up to points that end in little indented teeth like bones rising out of their back. Their forearms on the ground are shorter than their hind legs, which raise their hips up higher behind them. Under the pale moonlight, they're painted cool like browns and tans. Their heads are long and conical, widening into duct kind of shaped mouths. And their heads come up into long bone crests. When they rumble to each other, you hear them reverberate slightly to each other. You realize this is probably the call you were hearing earlier, as again, nobody has any name for this but 10 or 11 Parasaurolophus, each 20, 25ft long, 10ft tall at the shoulder, wade into the clearing, drink water. Some of them get into the water and swim. And they're there for three or four hours before departing. Party watches through the night, very late into the evening. A dinosaur for which you had no reference. It's maybe a little larger than somewhere between a chicken and a turkey. It is bipedal, bent over, with small arms. Its digits are clawed and the end of its toes have raised hooks on them. There's a long tail, a conical sharp face with small rows of teeth that glint out from its upper lip, feathers running down the crest of its head, its neck and its back. One of them sort of runs out to the water, drinks a little, two or three more behind it. Again, you all do not have reference for velociraptors, but they are there at the water's edge. We'll say that it's during physics Watch a couple of them get close to you, all sniffy. Your group get low. They're watching you from about 15ft away. [00:33:27] Speaker E: Physics. [00:33:28] Speaker A: You react in any way? [00:33:41] Speaker D: I think I just like, get ready to wake up everyone else if they attack. But I kind of like grab my axe and I just look at them, waiting for something to happen. [00:33:54] Speaker A: And half your watch is spent like this. They just stare at you. The edge of the bank. They circle around a couple times, get different vantages, but you're very big. And eventually they just move on, deciding, that's a very big organism. Good time to literally just be a big character. That was an optional combat on the sheet, but you're big enough that they just. They just literally went. Not that one literally. They don't have any comprehension of casters. If you'd been smaller, that would have been a combat. But they were just like, that thing's big. And they moved on. [00:34:29] Speaker B: Or did they? [00:34:30] Speaker A: Especially that there's three of you. [00:34:32] Speaker D: There's three of us. [00:34:34] Speaker A: The next morning comes and it's back to more Time in the forest. From here, the view up to the mountain is clearer. And there is a river running all the way that leads, not large, the smallest rivers, but really just sort of a stream running down the side of the mountain, but a large one that babbles and breaks down rock. And it leads to the fall that makes the water by this glade or pool. And you can lead it further up. And you imagine you start working your way up to the mountain to a good vantage soon. [00:35:06] Speaker B: Dm Is there any plant life near the river? [00:35:14] Speaker A: I've described quite a bit of plant life. There are tall wreaths, there are paths and great breaks of moss over the rock, especially near where they grow at the stream that runs down the side of the mountain. [00:35:25] Speaker B: Any herbs? [00:35:29] Speaker A: Hundreds. [00:35:31] Speaker B: Can I take just two? A little whatever. Looks colorful. I'm just gonna take it. [00:35:40] Speaker A: Okay, roll me a D.100. Just the level of you guys. [00:35:47] Speaker B: A thousand. [00:35:48] Speaker A: Many know if you get 17 or lower. [00:35:51] Speaker B: Oh, no, wait a minute. They got a minute. [00:35:56] Speaker D: Caleb's actually really good at rolling low numbers. He was terrific in Call of Cthulhu. It was awesome. [00:36:04] Speaker A: You collect a couple patches of forbs, you have plants, herbs. [00:36:12] Speaker C: Are there any berries anywhere? [00:36:15] Speaker A: You're still here. And you all are really starting to get hungry. [00:36:18] Speaker C: Yeah. Is there, I guess before we. I guess along the road of us or. You know what I mean, is the. [00:36:30] Speaker A: Party hiking up along the stream? [00:36:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Aren't we okay? [00:36:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:34] Speaker C: Do we see any berries or. And cream. Berries and cream? No. [00:36:42] Speaker A: No berries, no water. Burger dang forest. [00:36:47] Speaker C: Do we see any little animal. [00:36:53] Speaker B: Attracts? [00:36:56] Speaker A: Well, there. There is evidence of animal life everywhere. But as you get further away from the walk, from the singular water source, it's probably like a grouping stage at some point. Probably a point that collected quite a bit of animal life. As you move your way further at the mountain face, you find less. But at some point, you realize that the mountain on this side is kind of terraced. So after half a day of hiking and really starting to rumbly in your tumblies, their birds often far away, flying overhead, you get the feeling that there's kind of like there are some animals in the middle here. But a lot of the smaller animals are like, well, not getting anywhere near those big things. And a lot of the really big animals are sort of like, dude, I don't care. And you haven't seen those in a while, especially as you get further up the mountain. But as you all start to break up to a level of mountain that evens up, the trees are starting to get in they're starting to turn into rivers themselves. Strips of dense trees that break in between with rocks unevenly in behind. So like maybe like a thousand feet of tree here and then 600ft of stone and then 1,000ft of tree. And the trees are. The tropical trees are getting less common and that sort of more like deciduous tree variety is getting more dense further up the mountain. But you do come upon something. You do eventually see an animal. Well, something living large and brown and dense, like a mound of creature maybe 400ft up ahead of you in the path to the left. Hard to see in some detail. Looks large and kind of reptilian. Ish. From here. Maybe another one of those. Whatever these giant reptiles are here. You see it up to the left. [00:38:38] Speaker C: I get stealthy. I try to sneak up on it. [00:38:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:38:43] Speaker C: To see what it is. [00:38:44] Speaker A: The landscape fractures into uneven stone everywhere. Give me a stealth check. [00:38:50] Speaker F: Okay. [00:38:51] Speaker A: Is the party coming with you or are they staying at a distance? [00:38:54] Speaker C: I say I like. I go and hold back. [00:38:59] Speaker B: Has the eight hours been up? [00:39:02] Speaker A: Yes. That was a day ago. [00:39:05] Speaker C: I could do it again though. I feel like, can I retroactively does. [00:39:08] Speaker A: It again and just roll the die and we'll rock with it. [00:39:13] Speaker C: Five hours. [00:39:15] Speaker A: Five hours of mind. IPhone in a mile. [00:39:19] Speaker C: I got a 19. [00:39:22] Speaker E: Okay. [00:39:23] Speaker A: On stealth Nesarin, you sneak up the side of the mountain face. [00:39:28] Speaker E: You climb stone, you slip below ferns. You stay nearby tree lines. [00:39:35] Speaker A: Oh, it's another one of those Nasutoceratops. It appears to be sleeping. It's on its side with its head tilted. Its large crested head is hiding the back of its body. And it's just closed its eyes and its head is rested at an angle, its limbs tucked up around its head. And it's turned sideways around a rock. As you get closer, you notice that its torso is not rising and falling. And you take a quick movement around a large bank of stone to get a clearer view. And you realize that past the frill of its head, in fact further back than the shoulders, there is no, no Sudoceratops, or at least much, much less of one. There are front legs, there are shoulders, there's a neck and there's a head. And then you get like the bottom half of a spine, the lower set of ribs, some organs further inside. And everything back from that is just torn up viscera. About 40ft away, there's the back half of a tail and one lower foot. There is blood, blood sprayed everywhere on the stone bank that creeps away from it. Something ripped a Nasutoceratops apart. Here. [00:41:05] Speaker C: Do I see any sign of. Because there's so much blood and all. Do I see any sign of something, Tracks walking away from it? [00:41:19] Speaker A: Check. Survival or investigation. Are you communicating with your party members? [00:41:24] Speaker C: How far away are they from. [00:41:26] Speaker A: Not a mile. You. You're gonna have to. Right, you're gonna have to tell me. You get a mile away from each other, else I'm gonna assume you're definitely not, because that's. [00:41:34] Speaker C: Yeah, okay, I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm. I'm communicating everything I'm seeing through my head. [00:41:40] Speaker F: Okay. [00:41:41] Speaker D: You hear physic say, like, a full north of a continent. That's where, like, we could get there. [00:41:48] Speaker B: What? [00:41:49] Speaker D: We could get there. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Just no perspective on distance. Do you all join Nessa Rin or. [00:41:57] Speaker D: Stay back when she says that there's something eating it or like tearing it up. I would, like, start looking into the air because I feel like vultures or something must have started coming towards it. So I'm making sure nothing's going to come attack us from the air. [00:42:14] Speaker A: You look up and indeed you do see flying creatures further up. They look like birds. Yes, there are birds, but there are larger ones between maybe about the size of vultures, but there's wings in the front and then things sticking off the back. And the heads are long and thin. These are kinds of flying pterosaurs, though you wouldn't have reference for that. But it's not like, first of all, Jurassic Park's very fun, very silly movies. Most pterosaurs are not that aggressive or that large, but these are like, probably the size of like, half the size of vultures. Scavengers carry on feeders, circling the corpse but not approaching it yet. [00:43:04] Speaker D: Keep an eye on it as I come towards Nessie. [00:43:07] Speaker E: Okay. [00:43:08] Speaker C: I rolled an 11. [00:43:13] Speaker A: You do find blood trails. Like something picked up a very large portion of this creature and walked away with it. But they fall off pretty quickly. And tracking things in the wild is not exactly your forte. You don't find much after that. Moves into a treeline nearby and you see that as it moves into that treeline, one of the trees is just tilted over, part of its roots pulled up out of the soil. [00:43:45] Speaker C: In my head, not speaking out loud, I communicate. [00:43:51] Speaker F: I. Those things are really big. If someone or something killed it, that's not good for us. [00:44:14] Speaker A: Fezzik, just sitting there. Like, week ago I was on a boat. [00:44:20] Speaker B: Does it look magical? [00:44:24] Speaker A: Give me either an arcana or a nature check. Whatever you feel more. More appropriate. Quelled. [00:44:33] Speaker B: All survival. No, I'm kidding. [00:44:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:44:37] Speaker A: Too, if you want. Actually, that also applies. [00:44:40] Speaker B: Nope. Because of the plus zero. Okay, I will do arcana. [00:44:47] Speaker A: Okay. [00:44:52] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:44:54] Speaker A: What'd you get? [00:44:55] Speaker B: I got a seven. [00:44:57] Speaker E: Okay. [00:44:57] Speaker A: That's okay. The Arcana check was DC5. This looks physical. Appears to be not magical. [00:45:10] Speaker D: That's good. [00:45:12] Speaker B: Responding back to Nessie. I'll go. This seems pretty physical. So it's not a magic user. [00:45:27] Speaker A: Turn and look at the rip marks and the torn flesh and the bones with carrion still hanging on the. All scattered around. And you go. Yes, that does appear true. [00:45:39] Speaker B: No, cuz think about it. Like what hap. Think about what happened to us the other night with the boat. And that was magical and it ripped people apart. [00:45:48] Speaker A: The Pseudoceratops was also carrying one of the. [00:45:52] Speaker D: Yeah, I look for another. [00:45:56] Speaker B: It's all connected. That's all connected. [00:46:02] Speaker D: But could I look for tracks now. [00:46:05] Speaker A: That I give me a survival. Would you. Would you, Lulu, would you. [00:46:10] Speaker C: I point out the tree, kind of. [00:46:12] Speaker A: Absolutely. I'll just assume that once I've told it to one of you, you're communicating to the others. [00:46:17] Speaker D: I got an 11 as well. [00:46:19] Speaker A: So you do find tracks. You just aren't able to follow for two long. You do find them. Fek. [00:46:32] Speaker E: Well, that's. Yeah, that's a seven foot wide footprint. [00:46:44] Speaker C: Oh no. [00:46:47] Speaker A: Three very long digits coming back to meet a central point of the foot and one very, very large. And not only is it broad, it pushes like 8 inches down into the soil. [00:47:01] Speaker E: That's big. [00:47:03] Speaker D: Maybe we should. Yeah. I look at the huge footprint and I'm just like. I think there are giant versions of these things as well. And there were already giant versions of those other things. Perhaps we should stay clear of whatever the heck this is. [00:47:29] Speaker F: Yeah, I think we should go the other way perhaps. [00:47:33] Speaker D: Is this. This is towards the mountain that it went or is it on the mountain that it went? [00:47:38] Speaker A: The very, very brief trail looks like. [00:47:41] Speaker D: It'S leading up the mountain. [00:47:47] Speaker E: We go, not continues upwards track. [00:47:53] Speaker B: Yeah, that's our best diet. [00:47:56] Speaker D: We gotta kill something on the way. If we're following streams, are there any fish that are coming down those streams that we could try to like you all get to? [00:48:08] Speaker A: About another quarter mile up, the river briefly pools into a different stream and you do see something dark and moving in the water. This one's siltier, browner, it's harder to make out the shape. But there's something in the water maybe about a foot long. This pool is shallow, maybe 20ft wide, but 2ft deep at its deepest. [00:48:30] Speaker D: Could I have that dagger again. Nessie, I found a juicy looking fish. [00:48:37] Speaker F: Yeah, keep this one. I have like four more. [00:48:41] Speaker D: That's great. I only have an axe, so. [00:48:46] Speaker A: Are you throwing it at it? [00:48:48] Speaker D: The dagger at the fish? Yes, I would like to throw the dagger at the fish. [00:48:52] Speaker A: Give me. I mean barbarians are proficient with daggers. Yeah. [00:48:57] Speaker D: All weapons. [00:48:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Give me a roll to hit. [00:49:01] Speaker B: Not the weapon of the mind. [00:49:05] Speaker A: This is not going to be a low AC. I'm going to say that it has 21. Okay. [00:49:12] Speaker B: Barely hits. [00:49:17] Speaker A: It takes two or three shots. You have to like gotta go get it. It moves somewhere else because it's dark and silty. But finally you just. [00:49:25] Speaker D: Sure. [00:49:25] Speaker A: It doesn't have a lot of places to go. And when you stand in the middle of the water, you, you pin it down and you. And then there's just like a little movement in the water and then nothing as you go and pick it up. You do not pull a fish out of the water. You pull what looks like the world's longest frog. As this like 20 pound 2 foot long amphibian comes out of the water on the end of your knife. [00:49:47] Speaker C: I think we went back in time, you guys. [00:49:49] Speaker A: Blood is a dark blue and here you have it. And it is very on the knife. [00:49:58] Speaker C: The listeners get a scene in your face. [00:50:03] Speaker D: Would I have known that frogs sometimes are poisonous? Could I see if this is a poisonous. [00:50:08] Speaker A: And in fact this is probably your first time seeing a frog. [00:50:11] Speaker D: Never mind. [00:50:12] Speaker A: But Daniel in the real world can know that the vast majority are not. [00:50:19] Speaker D: I have food. [00:50:20] Speaker A: And then the party chops up and eats some sort of a prehistoric amphibian. It's cooked, it's eaten. Oh, that's weirdly the most delicious thing you've had so far. [00:50:31] Speaker D: You know, they should make something in the future called frog legs. These seem to be delicious. [00:50:36] Speaker A: And then the party treks further up the mountain. You guys are really starting to make it a good distance. By the time you reach this evening you get to another strip of those deep conifers. And this time the river moving next to you is shallow but quite broad, fast moving. A lot of tributaries must meet at the mountain. And you can see that in like another day's hike the mountain will reach a crest. And if you guys get to the top, you'll be able to survey quite a bit of the land from here. And at some point it's night and you guys are taking another watch. [00:51:09] Speaker D: Is this rock getting more hummy as we're walking towards any direction? [00:51:14] Speaker A: Would you like to check on it? [00:51:16] Speaker D: I would put My. I would first see if it gives off any heat because we established that it did give off some sort of heat sometimes. [00:51:26] Speaker A: Right, Physic. You touch it and there is the slightest bit of warmth, but not very. [00:51:31] Speaker D: Much, but warmer than it was on the ship. The wreckage of the ship. [00:51:39] Speaker A: Not much. And there is a very, very slight thrum, but not a lot. Do you inspect it in any way. [00:51:48] Speaker E: Or do you just leave it in the pocket? [00:51:50] Speaker D: I think at my watch. I'll inspect it. [00:51:53] Speaker A: Okay. Halfway up the mountain now, a pretty significant. A pretty severe slope. You guys are in a stand of trees. They're tall, thick around you, but not too close together. The rock is uneven and porous. You guys have found an encampment with a fair view. There's some trees blocking your view to one way. The river runs down below. And you pull out of your pocket the object which destroyed everyone's lives. As you undo the now very stained and dark fabric. It's not a rock. It's metal. Perhaps the most beautiful metal you've ever. [00:52:32] Speaker E: Seen in your life. [00:52:34] Speaker A: Like platinum, but brighter. And the way it shines under the. [00:52:39] Speaker E: Cloudless moons, it's pure white when it looks at you. [00:52:44] Speaker A: It's like a fragment, like part of a. As if there was a circle of metal and you cut away just a part of its edge, like part of a disk that was hollow in the middle. It's maybe again, small in your hand. It'd be half the width of mine, but it's almost half a marble in yours or a very large marble in yours. And it's carved very intricately around, and it's maybe 2 inches thick. Comes to a slick taper in its middle. It looks like it was part of something. And there is the finest filigree of tiny, intricate glyphs all over it that you've ever seen. The patterns themselves, making larger patterns, creating larger, interesting shapes. This is a very fine whatever it is, and it looks absolutely. It's broken at either edge, very severely broken, like it was snapped at each side. And a part of your mind assumes that it's from the initial event, but the rest of it looks very untouched. And it occurs to you that must have been broken at some point to have ever been this little piece in the box. Maybe there's more of it once. Maybe this is all of it. But you hold it here in your palm, the cloth around it, and it just hums very lightly. Yeah, they're pretty good. [00:54:13] Speaker B: They're pretty good. [00:54:17] Speaker E: Just there in your palm, glinting in the moonlight. [00:54:23] Speaker D: Caleb. [00:54:24] Speaker A: It Was in my head. It was playing in my head. It was crazy. [00:54:27] Speaker D: I think I'll just wrap it back up and be like, how can something so small have done something so terrible? But I move on wearing, holding or bearing the burden. [00:54:42] Speaker E: Okay. [00:54:48] Speaker A: Otherwise. [00:54:48] Speaker D: I think eventually though, like, I would like to talk to the party and be like, what are we doing? Like, you know, are. [00:54:58] Speaker A: Do you wake them up for some sort of a conversation or are you letting them sleep? [00:55:04] Speaker D: I'd like to say I looked at it like right when everyone was like bedding down. And then I would have liked to like talk right before. Yeah, yeah. And just be like, nessie, Halsey. Ah. [00:55:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:20] Speaker D: What are we doing here? Like, I know we're surviving and we're seeing amazing creatures and starving, but our job is gone. Thinks to something terrible happening. But what are we going somewhere? Are we just surviving right now and going to try to find a way off this island or. [00:55:58] Speaker F: I mean I. I'd like to get off the island. I. I just figured we'd try to survive through this and see what we can see from the top. [00:56:13] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, I get that. [00:56:16] Speaker B: I think we just. Well, seeing that a lot of people died, I think the mission now is to go back where we came from. [00:56:31] Speaker D: Yeah, Returning home is a good option. [00:56:35] Speaker F: Or I mean, I don't know what to do with that though. And she motions to the pocket that you're holding a thing in. [00:56:48] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't either. [00:56:53] Speaker F: I mean if we could they taking. [00:56:56] Speaker D: It to do, you know. [00:57:03] Speaker C: I feel like they told. [00:57:04] Speaker F: Well we were taking it to dorm. [00:57:08] Speaker C: But were we ever told to who? [00:57:11] Speaker E: No. [00:57:12] Speaker A: You were given no other information. [00:57:13] Speaker F: Okay. [00:57:14] Speaker B: Just protecting and stuff. [00:57:17] Speaker F: Like, I mean it. If we could get to like a major city somewhere, you know, depending on if we survive here. I mean, I guess we try to find someone really knowledgeable in, in. In magic or something. I. I don't know if we could find a school somewhere or. [00:57:43] Speaker A: Fez, can you roll me perception? [00:57:45] Speaker D: Sure. Talking 17, I think I would be like, well should we take it at warm. Should we gather the like finish the job? Should we go to a school like you're saying, and throw it at them and say take this horrible atrocity away. [00:58:07] Speaker B: From us or well, we don't. We know that it can do damage. [00:58:14] Speaker E: It's a soft Echo. [00:58:15] Speaker A: But 4 or 500ft down the mountain face, you hear a rock snap. [00:58:23] Speaker D: At the snap of the rock, I put out my hands and I'm like, hold on. I'd like to go towards the noise. Oh, do we still have Psychic connections. [00:58:35] Speaker C: I was gonna say when. [00:58:36] Speaker A: Just assume you do like. [00:58:39] Speaker C: I feel like as we hear the noise, she like does it. [00:58:43] Speaker A: Sick. Burgundy goes. Shark bait goes out. [00:58:48] Speaker C: We have four hours. [00:58:52] Speaker D: Stay within a continent. I'm going to check on the snap. Everyone be quiet. Okay. [00:59:03] Speaker A: Are you just running toward it? Are you being snucky? [00:59:06] Speaker D: I would like to be stealthy if I could. [00:59:08] Speaker A: Would hit me with the snack check. I. Oh, can we call stealth checks? Snack checks from now on. Oh, okay. 11 quo. What'd you say? [00:59:28] Speaker B: Seeing that he's saying hide. I would like to hide in a tree of. [00:59:33] Speaker A: I could. Sorry, I just rolled the craziest roll. That's wild. Okay, give me a very low D.C. athletics check, followed up by a survival check. And then no quell. And then Nesserin. What are you doing? Are you SC botton? [00:59:54] Speaker C: I. Is there like. I mean, where up the mountain. But is there like foliage and. And like bushes and stuff? [01:00:03] Speaker A: Trees all around you? [01:00:05] Speaker C: Okay, well, I'm not going to climb a tree, but I'm going to get in a bush and hide. Cuz I'm short and a rogue. [01:00:15] Speaker B: So you said athletics, right? And then it's followed. [01:00:19] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:20] Speaker B: So my athletics is a four. [01:00:23] Speaker A: Never mind about the stealth. You do not get up the tree. You just nen what you get on your stealth. [01:00:32] Speaker C: I. I got a 27. No, I'm 26. 26. [01:00:42] Speaker A: You get inside a bush, you melt into the darkness, and then you proceed to watch for the next 30 seconds as Queldal just tries about seven times to climb a tree and does not get up the tree. In fact, Queldal, as you fall the fourth time, you take one point of bludgeoning damage and then he's just there at the base of a tree, just going with a little blood on his furlong forehead. You guys look down around the base of trees, down the mountain, and Fezzik is like creeping along the rock rock. [01:01:16] Speaker E: And then. [01:01:20] Speaker A: Through the river and then out the other side. Okay, he's being kind of sneaky. Gets a little further down. This is the craziest moment ever. Wow. What a. What an incredible coincidence. So he gets a little further down and as he looks around through the forest, it's. It's a very unexpectedly dramatic moment because. [01:01:50] Speaker D: I'm sorry. [01:01:53] Speaker A: It'S too good as you. If we're laughing suddenly, listeners, it's the chat. But he's like lots of memes. Like the uneven ground stone is broken up leading to this lower section of this ship. Shallow broad river. Well, shallow broad stream. It's not A river size but as it moves down the topography there's these tall trees all around but distance between them. And where Fez is, he's just walking with that huge. What does your battle ax look like by the way, Fez? Double headed, one head. [01:02:26] Speaker D: Oh, definitely double headed. I'm sure there's like giant runes in each side of it but it's just like a very plain but beautiful like stonework made out of whatever the mountains are in Bosch. And it's elegant and clean and worthy. Like if no one knew what giant making of axes look like, they would assume it's like Dwarven made, you know, Right? [01:02:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:02:56] Speaker D: But it's long, slender, but it's got a real heft to it. [01:03:00] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:03:01] Speaker A: As he walks with it, his huge muscles reflecting the moonlight is clear on one side of him and then dappled filtering through branches on the other. And as he walks, you look along the stream, you look further down the mountain. You don't see anything. Fezzik Neserin. You want to make a perception check as you watch behind your friend. [01:03:20] Speaker C: I would love to. [01:03:22] Speaker D: Don't do it. It's a trap. [01:03:24] Speaker A: It's a trap. [01:03:27] Speaker C: That's going to be a 19. [01:03:33] Speaker A: That is so the number you you needed to say because Fek got 1 below. Well, Fek has a passive perception. That's 1 below or no, you have the 17. He's 3 below. You're 1 above. The stealth check eyeball which is incredible as you look down the way. It is a common misconception and even of the Jurassic park films that big things need to make a lot of. [01:04:04] Speaker E: Noise when they move. [01:04:06] Speaker A: Big things can be incredibly quiet. Ask people who live near elephants how quiet they can be until they get close. And as you look down the way you see nothing but stone and trees that Fezzik is passing by. Oh. [01:04:27] Speaker E: That'S not a tree. And you look up at what is now again the largest creature you have ever seen in your. [01:04:42] Speaker A: The shoulder is. [01:04:47] Speaker E: 14, 15ft in the air. [01:04:51] Speaker A: The top of the head. [01:04:57] Speaker E: 23, 24. [01:04:59] Speaker A: The highest crest. This creature is more than 40ft long. [01:05:05] Speaker E: Immense shoulders gift way to a broad back that comes down to a tapering tail. [01:05:13] Speaker A: But that taper is just tens and tens of feet of muscle. There is hide so thick it looks like stone covered in gashes. Arms carved like pillars of a great edifice or excuse me, legs come down to the ground and splay into immense broad feet. The neck is like the width of other creatures. It leads up to a head so comically, ridiculously Large, with a crest in the middle. Pitted face at the size of the immense muzzle. The jaws leading out to a width half that of the body. The head, in proportion to the body is almost half its size. [01:06:03] Speaker E: It's so big. [01:06:04] Speaker A: Huge lipped jowls that point down into immense fangs like short swords. Two small arms at the base of the shoulders with two fingers each. You have no names for a Tyrannosaurus rex. Down the side of one side of the face are huge claw marks that gave gouge one eye all the way out. That's folded in in a long scar. This thing is covered in marks, stabs and gouges. [01:06:36] Speaker E: It's old and successful. A long, successful life. [01:06:42] Speaker A: Fezzik is about 15ft in front of. [01:06:44] Speaker E: It has no idea. [01:06:46] Speaker A: And it's just standing there 20ft back. Not hiding behind something, just standing still in plain sight. So high above where you would look for something that it's just blended right into the trees and it's just stock. [01:07:00] Speaker E: Still staring down at him. [01:07:04] Speaker C: I am immediately everything scale on the moonlight. [01:07:07] Speaker A: I'm gonna go ahead and put up a battle map. [01:07:09] Speaker C: Okay, but. [01:07:11] Speaker A: But nobody has to roll initiative yet. You can have just this tiniest little smidgen of a moment while you talk to each other. But go ahead and preemptively roll some initiatives for me. [01:07:23] Speaker C: I'm gonna. I feel like. I would say. I would say in our heads, that's no moon. [01:07:33] Speaker F: I would say Fezzik. Don. [01:07:51] Speaker B: I could theory. I could polymorph it. [01:07:58] Speaker D: Hell yeah. [01:08:06] Speaker B: If not, I could charm it. [01:08:09] Speaker D: I don't think charming is the way to go. I like the polymorphism morphing, though. [01:08:13] Speaker C: Polymorph is cool. [01:08:15] Speaker B: No, but like, I could charm monster. It's a monster. Right? Right. [01:08:20] Speaker A: Okay. [01:08:21] Speaker C: Is it a monster? [01:08:24] Speaker B: It is. It has claw marks. [01:08:29] Speaker D: It's a beast. But I don't remember how charm monster works specifically. [01:08:34] Speaker B: Hold on, let me read it. I don't like reading, but I'll read it just. Just for you. [01:08:40] Speaker D: Thank you. I know you, so it's hard for you. [01:08:44] Speaker A: Okay, can y'all see the map clearly? Remember, you can click on it and enlarge it. Oh, let me see if I can turn screen log on. [01:08:54] Speaker B: Oh, it just says one creature. Yeah, it says moon feature, so I could do it. [01:09:09] Speaker A: Charm monster isn't very specifically for monsters. [01:09:16] Speaker B: No, it just says one creature. [01:09:20] Speaker A: Okay, that feels very wrong, but I trust you. Okay, so Fezik is the yellow. [01:09:28] Speaker F: Okay. [01:09:30] Speaker A: Nen is the purple. [01:09:32] Speaker C: Where is. [01:09:33] Speaker F: Where am I? [01:09:34] Speaker C: I don't even see me. [01:09:36] Speaker A: Oh, Dang. [01:09:36] Speaker D: It. [01:09:37] Speaker A: Sorry. Give me a second. [01:09:38] Speaker C: Oh, it's like I hid myself so well. [01:09:41] Speaker A: I can't find Yourself is so high you can't see. The giant plastic skull is representative of the Tyrannosaurus rex. Questions I've wanted to say forever. [01:09:57] Speaker C: Are those all trees? The other stuff? [01:10:00] Speaker A: Yes. All of the seasonings are trees. And then I love that the blue lines are the river, the shallow ride stream. [01:10:10] Speaker C: How deep is this? [01:10:11] Speaker F: Well, we don't know, do we? [01:10:13] Speaker A: That's bizarre. It does say a creature you can see within range. It doesn't specify what kind. That's weird. But let's roll with it. All right. So what? Everybody gets on initiatives. [01:10:31] Speaker B: Oh, right. That's what I was looking at. I got a nine of these. What are these? [01:10:41] Speaker A: You got a nine? [01:10:43] Speaker B: Yep. [01:10:48] Speaker A: What'd you get? Nesarin. [01:10:50] Speaker C: I got a 10. [01:10:58] Speaker D: I got a 16. [01:11:00] Speaker E: That's a better number. [01:11:02] Speaker A: Let's roll for a particular big handsome. Okay. No. [01:11:16] Speaker E: Okay. [01:11:16] Speaker A: Gonna write out some initiatives real quick. Don't worry about it, Fez. Again, for the slightest moment of roleplay, as you look up at. I mean, I would assume the worst side of your life. Correct me if I'm wrong. What is a momentary thought in his mind before we very much change the tone? [01:11:47] Speaker D: Don't pee, don't pee, don't pee, don't pee, don't pee. And then I realized that people can hear my thoughts. I'm like, crap. [01:11:58] Speaker A: But don't crap. All right, Fez. [01:12:06] Speaker E: What are you doing? [01:12:14] Speaker D: Are we. Is this. What are we doing in initiative? Okay, I would. [01:12:22] Speaker A: It's just still above you, just staring. And as you look up at it on the right side, there's no eye. But as you look up at that left eye, that tiny little pupil. I mean, the eye is half the size of your face, but on its head, that tiny pupil just glints in the moonlight. You can see it staring right at you. [01:12:41] Speaker E: And you. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Not even when you were drowning in the motion. This is the single most visceral moment of your life. Your stomach turns. You have no hairs, but you feel every capillary in your blood expand, expand. Every pupila of skin on your body raise your muscles, tighten. You feel your innards shift. You. This is the most primal moment of your life. As you have never felt so much like prey. [01:13:05] Speaker E: As it just stares at you. [01:13:09] Speaker A: Your first initiative. I need an answer quickly or it's we're going to the next say. [01:13:15] Speaker D: How about you take on someone your own size? I'm going to turn lots. I'm gonna rage and get into. Become large. [01:13:23] Speaker A: That's what I would like to throw you to. [01:13:25] Speaker D: I would like to attack it recklessly, because there's no way you want to. I don't think this thing's gonna hit me no matter what. [01:13:33] Speaker A: Okay. [01:13:34] Speaker C: No. [01:13:34] Speaker A: Okay. I'm sorry. Before you roll anything, Daniel, I'm gonna need all the details on how cool that looks. Sure. [01:13:39] Speaker D: Yeah. In the same way that, like, Hulk turns around and says, I'm always mad. [01:13:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:13:45] Speaker D: And then punches the guy. I think he would be like, how would you take on someone your own size? As I, like, run and, like, my legs turn bigger, my body cracks and bends, and my hack. And my ax turns into a big freaking axe. As I go straight for the leg on the side with. I'm sure it doesn't matter, but I see a weakness, and I'm like, I'm gonna stay on the side without the eyeball. [01:14:10] Speaker A: Understood. [01:14:11] Speaker D: And I go after his right leg, recklessly attacking. Oh, and if I hit, exciting things will happen. Actually, no. Okay, I'll say it now. And as the ax, like, as I rage, I, like, like, grasp my ax for just a second, which I haven't done so far, but seeing the immense terror of this being in my sight, that in. In my sight, the, like, axe turns from, like, what looks like a sharpened edge, as, like, this crackle of, like, thunder goes across the blade. And as I. As I hit it, perhaps something will also happen. [01:14:56] Speaker A: You do all the. All the giant runes on it light up with blue energy. [01:15:01] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, it got. I got a 24. [01:15:05] Speaker A: 24 will definitely hit. [01:15:08] Speaker D: And. Ah. A 27. [01:15:13] Speaker A: A 27 will also hit barely as. [01:15:18] Speaker D: I go recklessly attacking it. Instead of, like, lightning damage or, like, even, like a. Like, an axe cutting and, like, blood spilling out. And that sorts. Every time it hits it, a boom of thunder, like, claps the side of the body and kind of, like, rumbles to where I hit it. [01:15:39] Speaker A: That's. I'm also so dope. [01:15:41] Speaker D: I'm sure this doesn't matter, but I do have to make it. Make a strength saving throw. [01:15:46] Speaker A: Absolutely. [01:15:47] Speaker D: Sure. [01:15:48] Speaker A: Go ahead. [01:15:49] Speaker D: I mean, yeah, it's got to make a strength saving throw. It's not really that big a deal, but the DC is 16. [01:16:01] Speaker A: Okay. I rolled pretty low and got a 24. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:16:06] Speaker D: I still do the damage, so that's cool. [01:16:08] Speaker A: Sure, sure. Damage, dude. [01:16:11] Speaker D: That's really good damage, so. Plus 14. That is. Sheesh. [01:16:26] Speaker B: Four damage. [01:16:28] Speaker D: 53 points of damage. [01:16:30] Speaker A: I'm sorry, what were the words you just said? [01:16:32] Speaker D: 53 points of damage. [01:16:34] Speaker A: And you didn't crit. [01:16:36] Speaker D: No, that was two attacks. [01:16:40] Speaker A: I know. You're correct. Could you just break that down for me? [01:16:44] Speaker D: Sure. Oh, I left my D4 somewhere. [01:16:48] Speaker A: There it is. [01:16:50] Speaker D: So each of my attacks deal a D12 and a D6 of damage. Ooh, hold on. Maybe one D6 might come out of it. But I'm pretty sure it's every attack. It does it. [01:17:01] Speaker A: No, no. [01:17:04] Speaker D: I know, but now I have to make sure. [01:17:06] Speaker A: I think it's. [01:17:08] Speaker D: It doesn't say once per turn for this thing, right? [01:17:11] Speaker A: If I remember the details you sent me correctly, I don't think it does. [01:17:14] Speaker D: Yeah, okay. Yep. [01:17:15] Speaker A: It deals a very strong subclass. [01:17:18] Speaker D: It is, isn't it? So I have a great axe. So that's a D12 and then an extra D6 of thunder damage. And then we talked about the D4s because I'm large. And then an extra D6. [01:17:30] Speaker A: I did agree to that. [01:17:31] Speaker D: An extra D6 of force damage once per time I use the ability per turn, I think. So there was just a bunch of. [01:17:39] Speaker A: Extra bonus in that. [01:17:40] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. 53 points. [01:17:42] Speaker A: And then you rolled great, I assume. [01:17:44] Speaker D: Oh, I rolled, like, the lowest number I rolled was, like, a five. [01:17:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:17:51] Speaker E: Okay. [01:17:51] Speaker D: So. [01:17:52] Speaker A: Heck, yeah. How do you want to do it? No, I'm kidding. Okay. That's awesome. So that's so awesome. Dude, I'm changing the music. This doesn't work anymore, Fezik, as you just leap up off of the stone for you, and then your whole body grows. You just bring the axe down, and as it hits the side, it just. And the whole mountainside shakes you guys behind. The trees, like, shudder, and the tree just. And a bunch of leaves fall out of it, and birds scatter into the evening. This huge cracking shakes everything, and the creature, like, buckles slightly. Like, it shifts a foot, and as you come around on the other side, you watch the leg shift slightly and blood flies away not from the force of the cut, but from the force. Force of the wave traveling across the skin, collapsing on the other side and bursting the skin on the other side and the blood flow flying away. The creature just screams out into the night in pain and bears its teeth down on you. It looks hurt. That was an incredible amount of damage. It's bleeding down its leg. It staggers slightly. Amazing turn. Next initiative is Ness. This thing rolled horribly in initiative. [01:19:23] Speaker D: Oh, thank God. [01:19:24] Speaker A: I was so worried that that thing. [01:19:26] Speaker D: Was immediately gonna come and kill me. [01:19:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:31] Speaker C: I am going to sneak attack. [01:19:34] Speaker A: That's right. You are, Ro. That's right. You Are. [01:19:37] Speaker C: Hold on. Sorry, I'm having to. I'm having to turn down my music just a touch because it got loud. Okay, how many feet am I away? I'm 25ft away. Okay, six. So I'm going to sneak attack, and I'm going to use my psychic blades. [01:20:03] Speaker A: Oh. [01:20:07] Speaker C: So do you need me to read it for you, Zach? [01:20:11] Speaker A: Girl, just tell me what happens. [01:20:12] Speaker C: Okay. [01:20:14] Speaker D: Oh, shoot. [01:20:15] Speaker C: Stop it. Stop doing. Sorry, my camera's being weird. [01:20:21] Speaker F: So. Okay, Magic blade is simple. I'm just trying to know. [01:20:24] Speaker A: Okay. [01:20:25] Speaker F: It has a range of 60ft. [01:20:27] Speaker C: So basically, it's going to, like, appear in my hand, and it's this like. Like, there's kind of like smoke coming out of my hand, like, on the palm, and there's like this burgundy, blood red. Burgundy and blood red blade in my hand all of a sudden. And I'm going to throw it just right at Barney's head. [01:20:59] Speaker A: From the darkness, when you huck it from the shadows, it's all awesome because. Daniel. Yes, it's awesome because it doesn't go end over end like a blade you throw psychic. It's just a line, and it just flies in shadow. Go ahead and roll the hit for me. Guys, guys, so many things have gone right for you here. No, please. No, please. No. Wait, what do I add to that? [01:21:35] Speaker C: I got so excited. What do I. [01:21:39] Speaker D: Dexterity and proficiency. [01:21:41] Speaker A: And proficiency. [01:21:42] Speaker C: So that's gonna be a 27. [01:21:46] Speaker E: Awesome. [01:21:47] Speaker A: And then go ahead and roll damage. [01:21:50] Speaker C: So that's gonna be. [01:21:53] Speaker A: This thing's gonna take so much damage in one turn. [01:21:55] Speaker C: Okay, it's gonna be 1D6. [01:22:00] Speaker A: A lot of healers, but, man, you can do some boo boo. [01:22:03] Speaker C: Okay, so psychic damage, it's gonna take. The ability modifier I used for the attack roll was Dex. Right. So that's gonna be 8 psychic damage. [01:22:15] Speaker A: Okay. [01:22:16] Speaker D: Did you double the damage? Die. [01:22:18] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:22:20] Speaker A: To critic. [01:22:21] Speaker C: So 8 12. [01:22:27] Speaker A: Excellent. [01:22:28] Speaker C: Excellent psychic damage. And then. Because it's a sneak attack. [01:22:33] Speaker A: Huh? [01:22:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:22:35] Speaker A: This is gonna be cool. [01:22:35] Speaker D: Is that gonna be like 8 or 9D6? It's gonna be 8. [01:22:47] Speaker C: It's 4D6, but I double it. [01:22:49] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [01:22:51] Speaker A: 8D6. [01:22:53] Speaker D: Just a little mini fireball. [01:22:58] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. [01:22:59] Speaker B: More like metal ball. [01:23:05] Speaker C: 30. 30 points of damage? [01:23:08] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [01:23:09] Speaker A: Only on top of the 18. Right. So 48 in the turn. [01:23:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:23:16] Speaker A: But crazy. [01:23:18] Speaker C: But because of my. Because of those psychic bleeds, after I attack with that blade, I can make a second attack with a second psychic blade as a bonus action on the same turn. As long as my other hand is free. So I'm gonna do that. [01:23:36] Speaker A: Crazy. [01:23:37] Speaker D: Oh. [01:23:38] Speaker C: Oh, that's not. That's a. That's an eight total. Yeah. Total. [01:23:44] Speaker E: Nah, that won't do it. [01:23:46] Speaker A: So neserin you. The shadow just flies and just penetrates its mind, and the creature, like. The creature, like, rears up its head to bite Fezzik. And then as the blade hits it, it just shakes and blood pours out of its nose. You don't even see any, like, outside injury. But as the psychic damage invades, its mind just shakes and thrums. Blood falls down on you out of its nose. Fekin bathes you. This thing's having a rough time. Okay. Freaking awesome. And then, Ness, you're so excited, you're like, oh. And you just forgot to throw your other knife. Next initiative is quelled all this thing rolled horrible on the mission. [01:24:31] Speaker C: Oh, man. [01:24:32] Speaker B: Dang. Okay. [01:24:36] Speaker A: It's used to hunting other big things. It's not used to needing to attack all of a sudden on a little creature. So it didn't. [01:24:42] Speaker B: It didn't use the surprise. [01:24:44] Speaker A: Well. [01:24:47] Speaker B: Do I want to do it? [01:24:49] Speaker D: Yes. It's a T. Rex. Caleb, please. [01:24:54] Speaker A: Yeah, it's still gotta go here. [01:24:58] Speaker B: Oh, no. But. Okay, because I wanna. They're both Wisconsin. [01:25:05] Speaker A: I'm gonna need a thing from you, buddy. [01:25:07] Speaker B: Okay, I'm gonna. Here's my plan. I'm gonna cast charm monster on it. That needs to make a wisdom saving throw. Oh, wait a minute. It's not 30ft away. It's a 30 from me. [01:25:21] Speaker A: It is 30ft away from you. You could also just pop forward, cast it, pop back. The thing I'm going to say, though, is that you're fighting it, you've done damage to it. So it's going to make that save an advantage. Right? You want to still do it? [01:25:38] Speaker B: Yeah, let's try. [01:25:40] Speaker D: Let's try it. [01:25:41] Speaker A: Really hope this fails. This would be a very anticlimactic end. [01:25:44] Speaker E: To do this fight. [01:25:46] Speaker A: Okay. What does it look like? He's cast it in the creature. [01:25:49] Speaker B: So as I go, because I basically ran into a tree, I kind of look about it and I was like, please work. Please work, please work. [01:26:01] Speaker D: Hell yeah. [01:26:02] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't want to hit you. [01:26:05] Speaker A: You squeeze the gem and it flashes the creature. The T. Rex turns and looks at you bearing its fangs. What's your spell save? Dc14. I got a 13 on the die with a plus one. I got a 14. [01:26:27] Speaker B: Can I do the bend the luck thing? [01:26:30] Speaker D: What does that do? [01:26:32] Speaker C: What? [01:26:35] Speaker B: Let me. [01:26:38] Speaker A: That connects to the saving throw of a different creature. [01:26:43] Speaker B: Twist. When another creature you can see makes an attack on a village check or saving throw. You can use a reaction and spend two sources sorcery points to roll 1d4 and apply the number roll as a bonus or penalty to the creature's role. You can do so after the creature rolls, but before any effects of the roll occur. [01:27:01] Speaker A: Oh, an effect of the roll has. So you'd have to tell me before you knew the outcome. Sorry, buddy. But you know what you can do for me? You can roll a D20. [01:27:14] Speaker B: Yes, I can. [01:27:16] Speaker D: Please. [01:27:17] Speaker B: Low, low, low. Oh, I got a set. [01:27:23] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead and roll from that wild magic table, buddy. Potted plant. Potted plant. [01:27:29] Speaker D: Fireball. Fireball. [01:27:35] Speaker A: Five. [01:27:36] Speaker D: Oh, shoot. [01:27:37] Speaker A: What's that, buddy? [01:27:39] Speaker B: Oh, I should look. [01:27:41] Speaker D: Oh, shoot. [01:27:41] Speaker A: Yeah, probably. [01:27:42] Speaker D: I'm pretty sure that's a fireball. [01:27:45] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:27:47] Speaker D: I'm like. [01:27:51] Speaker B: Appears in an unoccupied space within five feet of you, then disappears one minute later. [01:27:56] Speaker A: A. [01:27:58] Speaker B: A mode drum. What's a modron. [01:28:01] Speaker D: Oh, crap. [01:28:02] Speaker A: That's not that. That's not the big one, right, guys? That's not the big one, right? [01:28:16] Speaker D: I don't think that's the biggest one. Like, what I'm thinking of any of. [01:28:21] Speaker A: The machine ones. [01:28:27] Speaker D: Where you got Monodrome. Is that gonna be close enough? I might have it in there. [01:28:34] Speaker A: It's the little robot guys. What? [01:28:37] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [01:28:38] Speaker A: So it's any of them? [01:28:40] Speaker C: Yeah, but it says DMs Choice. [01:28:44] Speaker B: It does say DMs Choice. [01:28:49] Speaker C: This is so silly. [01:28:52] Speaker A: Okay, roll a D6 for me, Cleaver. What'd you get? [01:29:07] Speaker B: Two. [01:29:08] Speaker D: No. Okay, duo drones. [01:29:11] Speaker A: Here's what happens. That light flashes. The T Rex shakes its head and bares its fangs. And then just there's this little of gas. And next to Queldal, this mechanic thing that's like two metal boxes stacked on top of each other with gears rotating and connecting between with thin spiry metal legs and thin arms. Little metal spear. Two comically tied tiny little feathered wings on the back. And two weirdly fleshy, hideous faces on the top and bottom boxes. Just appears. And Queldal, that's next to you, you have no idea what that is. Nesarin. That's a. That's in between you two. It just appears. And you guys, like, ha. And it's there. Crazy. Any movement or anything? [01:30:07] Speaker B: I'm gonna try and run up on that tree again. Can I just run into the tree? [01:30:16] Speaker A: That's so funny. Yeah, go ahead and. Go ahead and use your movement. Go ahead and use. I would call this a check, but go ahead and use your movement on this. It's the. The modron is represented by the. Or the duodrone is represented by the brown tile on the thing. Daniel, could you send a picture of a duodrone as visual reference? [01:30:30] Speaker B: Sure, yeah. I'm just gonna try and climb up in a tree. The tree that I previously go and. [01:30:36] Speaker A: Make me an athletics check. [01:30:38] Speaker B: Okay, great. Oh, not 20. [01:30:47] Speaker A: You've waited forever to hear this. You successfully climb 15ft into the tree. [01:30:54] Speaker B: Yeah. Let's go. [01:30:57] Speaker A: The duodron's just looking up at you going. Then it turns. Look at. Turns around and looks at the T Rex and goes. Just looks really freaked out. All right, so. Yeah. And that's a duodrone. Terrifying. [01:31:12] Speaker C: Oh, he cute. I like it. [01:31:15] Speaker A: Interpretation. Next initiative is the T Rex. [01:31:21] Speaker D: Who could have seen that coming? [01:31:24] Speaker A: It just. It just snarls and looks down at you. Fezic. And goes. And the huge jaws just open up going chop. [01:31:37] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:31:38] Speaker B: Oh, no. One. [01:31:40] Speaker A: Now one does a. Hold on. Do some math here. [01:31:46] Speaker D: Yes. [01:31:46] Speaker A: Does most likely a 32 hit. [01:31:49] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:31:52] Speaker E: Okay. [01:31:53] Speaker A: Give me a sec to roll some dice here. [01:31:56] Speaker B: He rolled the. He rolled the five. [01:31:59] Speaker A: The important thing is that you're. You're raging. [01:32:02] Speaker D: I'm a barbarian and I'm raging. [01:32:05] Speaker A: Oh, buddy. 20. [01:32:10] Speaker E: 29. [01:32:12] Speaker A: Oh, buddy. [01:32:21] Speaker E: 5. [01:32:25] Speaker A: It didn't crit. It didn't crit. And that's what matters. It didn't crit. You take and. Okay, you take 45 points of piercing damage. So that's halved. That's good. [01:32:43] Speaker D: Wait, 45 is halved? [01:32:45] Speaker A: No, no, no. [01:32:46] Speaker D: 45 total 22. [01:32:47] Speaker A: That halves. So the jaws just. And they. When they slam down around you, your world is thrust into darkness as the jaws. Yeah. [01:32:58] Speaker D: Could I use my reaction to Stone's endurance? [01:33:02] Speaker A: Yes, you can. And you should. [01:33:05] Speaker D: Good. [01:33:07] Speaker A: Because you know, Zach, he didn't just use a normal DND T Rex stat blocks. [01:33:12] Speaker E: He home brewed it. [01:33:13] Speaker D: So minus 14 to 22 is eight. [01:33:19] Speaker A: That's great. That's great. So the jaws close around you and just. They shatter your femurs. And then your ordinic magic refortifies you and reforms them. You're plunged into darkness, grappled and restrained. This is a variant T Rex. It is not a T Rex. It is a dominant age T Rex. So instead of using its second attack on a tail attack that no one's nearby for, it's gonna use its second attack on you. So since you're in its jaws, it is going to. To for this. It's not going to roll the hit. You have an opportunity right now to use. This is the trade off you can use. Have you already used your reaction this turn? [01:34:08] Speaker D: Yeah, I just used it. [01:34:10] Speaker A: Okay, so you're gonna need to wait till your your turn to try and break and get out. But it's gonna shake you now in its jaws, so it's just gonna take you where it's squeezing you. And you all watch as the T Rex all that. You guys see physics. Forearms are sticking out of each side of the jaw and his. His knees are sticking out of the back of the mouth. And the rest of physics is just in the jaws and blood is pouring down its face. And then as it raises it above, it goes and just shakes him back, back and forth violently. Fezik, you feel the teeth like sabers. Dig further into your flesh. It's just punctured in there. So now we're gonna take. Okay, okay. Not the worst roll in the universe. 12. Oh, I rolled super low on damage. 12 plus 5. What's that? [01:35:07] Speaker B: 17? [01:35:08] Speaker A: 17 plus 9 is 26. 26 points of bludgeoning damage, which. Also good time to be a barbarian. So you are grappled and restrained in its mouth. I'm gonna weirdly put a mo drone or do a drone in the combat order. Didn't see that coming. [01:35:34] Speaker D: No one expects the Duodrones. [01:35:35] Speaker A: No one expects the Duodrome. And encased in darkness, feeling mortal terror, an agony. It's your turn, buddy. What are you doing, Fek? [01:35:48] Speaker D: I mean, you are currently grappled and restrained. I'm going to attack it. It's going to be a. [01:35:55] Speaker A: What is the. Can you remind me the consequence for restrained on attack? [01:35:58] Speaker D: I have disadvantage. [01:36:00] Speaker A: Disadvantage. Okay. [01:36:03] Speaker D: Okay. So it'll be a normal. So two attacks coming out, coming at him. Oh, what a horrible time to roll that number. A 10 doesn't hit, does it? [01:36:15] Speaker A: Sorry, buddy. [01:36:17] Speaker D: That's okay. 26 hits though, right? [01:36:19] Speaker A: A 26 does. [01:36:21] Speaker D: That's good. That's good. I mean, could I get a strength saving throw from this guy? [01:36:30] Speaker A: Oh, yes. [01:36:32] Speaker B: Wait a minute. [01:36:33] Speaker A: You could, you could. [01:36:34] Speaker B: And it's not. [01:36:37] Speaker A: I could kill K level. [01:36:38] Speaker E: Why? [01:36:38] Speaker A: I rolled super low. What's the DC16? I rolled a 2 and got a 15. What happens? [01:36:51] Speaker D: Well, it's supposed to be pushed 10ft away from me. [01:36:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you're in its mouth. So we'll just say its head gets shook. Shaken really far to a side and it hurts extra. [01:37:04] Speaker D: You're right, you're right. 26 points of damage. [01:37:11] Speaker A: That's still great damage. [01:37:15] Speaker B: Wait, wait, can I. That's not At a higher level, that. [01:37:19] Speaker D: Is all I do as I inside its mouth grab my ax and I just start bashing the teeth in with my axe. Just. [01:37:26] Speaker A: And as you slip. Actually, it's even more. As you slam the axe against the side of the head, it's another one of those thunderboom. And you hit it on the side of the head where the eye is gone, and it just like shakes its head disoriented and muffled. That really hurt it. It's bleeding all around the side of the head. [01:37:44] Speaker E: 26. All right. [01:37:48] Speaker A: It's starting to look pretty hurt. Blood is streaming down the side of the head, down the leg. It. It looks pretty hurt. Okay, next initiative is. Ness. What are you doing, Ness? [01:38:00] Speaker C: I do the same thing I did last time. I'm gonna sneak attack with my little psychic blades and fireball. Yeah. So roll to hit. Do you want me me. Since I'm gonna do it as a bonus action anyways. Do you want me to roll both of them now to see if. [01:38:24] Speaker A: Okay, I'm fine with that. Oh. [01:38:29] Speaker C: That. [01:38:33] Speaker A: No, that's the math face. [01:38:35] Speaker C: Hold on, wait. I rolled a 19. But I'm just. All I'm adding is Dex, so. Right. [01:38:41] Speaker D: And proficiency. [01:38:42] Speaker A: And proficiency. And proficiency every time. [01:38:45] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [01:38:46] Speaker A: You always play caster. It's fine. [01:38:47] Speaker C: Yeah, that's gonna be a 26. [01:38:51] Speaker A: 26 will definitely hit. [01:38:54] Speaker C: And then the second hit, it won. [01:39:06] Speaker A: Yeah, you took the lucky feet. [01:39:10] Speaker C: No halfling luck. [01:39:11] Speaker A: Oh, halfling luck. [01:39:12] Speaker D: Yes. [01:39:12] Speaker A: You can reroll it if you want. [01:39:14] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [01:39:14] Speaker A: Or if he wants, you could leave it and something really funny could happen. Up to you. [01:39:19] Speaker D: Don't do it. Don't do it. [01:39:24] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe you should reroll. [01:39:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna. He's in his mouth. That's gonna be 21. [01:39:35] Speaker A: That will also hit. [01:39:37] Speaker C: Heck yeah. [01:39:38] Speaker A: I was just gonna have it hit the. You know what? I'll flavors that way anyway. [01:39:43] Speaker C: Okay, so. [01:39:46] Speaker A: Hit me with the demage. [01:39:48] Speaker C: For the psychic damage. That's gonna. [01:40:04] Speaker A: Guys, I've farted like 12 times this episode. [01:40:06] Speaker E: It's crazy. [01:40:07] Speaker C: It's gonna be 11 psychic damage. [01:40:11] Speaker A: Okay, great. [01:40:14] Speaker C: And then for my sneak attack damage. [01:40:23] Speaker B: 21. [01:40:25] Speaker C: 10. Oh, I didn't roll the greatest. Yeah. [01:40:32] Speaker A: Okay. Hey, you guys have done a crazy amount. This is a very high damage dealing party. So as your two dark blades from the shadows again, they strike into the mind. This creature looks like it's suffering. It's. It's like again, whipping back and forth with physic in its mouth, roaring. You can physic the worst. Well, the Worst part of all this is that you have seven short swords in your limbs and you feel like you're dying. But the second worst part is that it's roaring in pain with you in its mouth. So you're also being finned as. I mean, it's just like. Like being your head shoved into, like, a stinky. You're in too much pain and terror to really smell. Yes, it is stinky. The dark blades fly into its mouth. More blood pours out of its mouth and its nose. It's hard to tell which blood is its and physics, but the way we're going to flavor it is that the first blade flies out, and then the second one, you twist your foot on a rock with the nat one and you miss. And the blade just goes to the left and the modron sitting there going and raises its spear. And then the little shadow blade just goes into its head and goes. Falls over dead. And then you go and you throw the second knife in at the T Rex or the third knife in this funny thing. So the modron's dead because I don't want to deal with its stats or the deodrone. Next initiative is quell. What are you doing, Halsey? [01:41:53] Speaker D: I mean, Polymorph is a great option, Caleb, but I don't know if you have dreams. [01:41:59] Speaker B: I used my fourth level. That was the fourth level. [01:42:02] Speaker A: Wait, you had Polymorph use the fourth level charm? [01:42:06] Speaker D: Oh, that's sad. [01:42:08] Speaker B: I do what I want. [01:42:09] Speaker A: Okay. [01:42:14] Speaker B: I'm gonna cast grease. [01:42:16] Speaker D: No, Caleb, kill it. Don't do that. [01:42:21] Speaker A: Caleb said I take the stairs. No. [01:42:25] Speaker D: I'm gonna get so hurt. [01:42:28] Speaker A: Caleb, an important thing to note is that it is bloodied. I didn't say that, but it is bloodied after the word. Caleb, what are you doing? [01:42:38] Speaker B: Caleb, we respect grease on it so it can fall. [01:42:43] Speaker D: Grease. [01:42:46] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:42:46] Speaker C: Fatness. [01:42:47] Speaker A: Okay. [01:42:48] Speaker B: It's a duck saving throw. And then I would like to bend the luck, too. I'm just putting that out there. [01:43:01] Speaker A: Excellent. Go ahead and roll that for me. [01:43:06] Speaker B: 3 minus 3. [01:43:08] Speaker A: How many times can you bend luck? [01:43:10] Speaker B: Oh, I can use it as a reaction. [01:43:16] Speaker A: Okay, well, let. Read it and let me know if there's a thing. [01:43:20] Speaker D: I mean, most likely two to three times at this point, right? [01:43:25] Speaker A: Y. Well, just go ahead and describe to you what that. What? That's what that casting looks like. And I'll check the feature because I think I'll get there faster. [01:43:39] Speaker B: It kind of looks like as he's casting the grease, he's kind of like, okay, I need to put, like, the kind of like a tan sort of just like black to cut, like a tan black. And just like, you know how like sand kind of like when it washes is up and it's dirty? It's like brown at first. [01:43:57] Speaker A: Yes, it's kind of like that. [01:43:59] Speaker B: And it's like he's trying to do it in between, like, the toes and like. Like a little bit of like the ankle of the T. Rex. It kind of just like trying to put it there so it just falls. All right. Little there. [01:44:20] Speaker A: Quelled squeezes his amulet. And there's a flash of orange light and ness from nearby. You're like, ah, yes. Our powerful casting ally. And then at the T Rex's feet and it. It like stumbles in pain and steps on the rock. It slips. It fails. It slips on the grease and goes and just falls over on the ground prone. It takes a d6 of bludgeoning damage. 4. Starting to look pretty hurt. You're also gonna take a D6 of bludgeoning damage. Physic. Do you want me to roll or do you want you. [01:45:02] Speaker D: You can roll it. [01:45:04] Speaker A: Okay, two. You take two points, baby. Reduced to one. Amazing. And it's prone. Excellent, Cleveland. [01:45:15] Speaker D: But the thing is. Okay, is it easy for it to get back up? I mean, it has to be. I know, but. [01:45:23] Speaker B: Okay, I'm rolling my D20 because it was a. [01:45:26] Speaker A: That's because it was a level spell. Wow. Wow. That's. [01:45:31] Speaker B: I know what I'm doing. [01:45:36] Speaker D: That doesn't. [01:45:36] Speaker A: Right. What you. What'd you get? Eight. Eight? Did you just say eight? [01:45:42] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I rolled an eight. An eight. [01:45:48] Speaker A: Go ahead and roll 8D6 for me. That's a fireball. [01:45:59] Speaker D: He rolled an eight. [01:46:02] Speaker B: Yeah. For the. [01:46:03] Speaker A: Well, now you need to roll. [01:46:07] Speaker B: 56. My bad. [01:46:10] Speaker A: I'm just so concerned. 56. [01:46:15] Speaker D: Your hair falls out. [01:46:17] Speaker A: Okay, well. And here's the important thing to remember. Here's the important thing to remember. He's a Furbolg. [01:46:22] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:46:24] Speaker A: So his entire. You cast a spell, the T. Rex falls over. You go, yes. And then your entire body all at once goes. And you just become the first naked Furbolg in Yalabin. Just. And it all falls off. You look like you look like a 6 foot, 7 foot tall naked mole rat. [01:46:43] Speaker D: That's what I was about to send. [01:46:48] Speaker B: I'll tell. Tolatomically, I'm like, did it get cold. [01:46:56] Speaker A: Guys? I love DND so much. All right. I feel. I'm feeling. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Now it's the T. Rex. That's. Guys, wild okay, well, it has to use half of its movement to stand back up. So it lumbers, shakes its head on a leg. It is going to. You already grappled? Yeah. Did you already try and make the save on your turn? [01:47:34] Speaker D: Do I have to spend an action to do that? [01:47:36] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:47:38] Speaker D: Yeah. No. [01:47:40] Speaker A: Okay. Okay, Okay. I didn't want to take that from you if you. [01:47:44] Speaker E: Okay. [01:47:45] Speaker A: It's a high Dc that's probably not a bad idea. I mean, he's doable for you, but any who the damage was good. So bloodied and covered in wounds, it stands up. It is going to snap a rue on fezzic. So it bites hard, lifts its head and tosses fek up into the air. And it's going to bite again. [01:48:13] Speaker C: This to make like a dex save to catch it. [01:48:19] Speaker A: I'm just flavoring this next bite attack. [01:48:24] Speaker D: Is that crit? Yeah. [01:48:29] Speaker A: Oh, spaghettio. Okay. I don't feel good anymore. I don't like hurting Daniel. This. [01:48:40] Speaker D: You chose T Rex. A T. Rex. [01:48:43] Speaker A: That is. [01:48:47] Speaker D: Crazy. [01:48:48] Speaker A: So I'm rolling kind of low so far. I'm rolling really low so far. I've rolled two ones and a three so far. Along with some other numbers. Five and a seven. [01:49:04] Speaker E: Okay, 17. Last set. Well, that wasn't so low. [01:49:10] Speaker B: How many hit points do you have? [01:49:12] Speaker E: 23. [01:49:12] Speaker D: I'll let you know after this. [01:49:17] Speaker E: 34 double to 2 is 68 plus 9 is 75. [01:49:27] Speaker A: Fezic, you guys watch as the T Rex throws him up in the air. There's no roar. He just. He just tumbles up in the air. And as he comes back, the jaw, the jaws just make a very hard clapping sound around his body as he comes back down. And as he does, there's one little more like little toss and physic is swallowed. It can repeat the bite. [01:49:53] Speaker C: Did you just fart? [01:49:55] Speaker A: I did. Spark. Did I pick it up on the mic? I'm nervous. I don't like doing this to characters. [01:50:03] Speaker D: Don't crazy Rex in there. [01:50:07] Speaker A: Don't what? [01:50:08] Speaker D: Don't put a crazy T Rex in there. [01:50:10] Speaker A: Well, I mean, tell me you didn't want to come to the dinosaur island and fight the crazy T Rex. I got your secret message about the dinosaur island and the crazy T Rex. So that's. That's gonna be. I didn't plan on the crit. That's gonna be 76 points of piercing damage. [01:50:28] Speaker D: 75, right? [01:50:29] Speaker A: 75. 75 hat. [01:50:31] Speaker D: So that's 32. I'm down to 6. 4. [01:50:35] Speaker C: But you're in a T. Rex. [01:50:38] Speaker D: Yeah. And you said he's gonna repeat the attack. [01:50:42] Speaker A: No, he already does. He. He did it. He did it again. Okay, you've been swallowed. He can't hurt you anymore. [01:50:49] Speaker D: Okay. [01:50:51] Speaker A: Acid damage on your turn, but okay. [01:50:53] Speaker D: At the beginning of my turn. [01:50:55] Speaker A: Yes. Now, the upside is it has half its movement, so it can't get all the way to you guys. So after eating physic. [01:51:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:51:10] Speaker A: You guys look with your dead modrone at the T. Rex, and it just. No, but it sees. Qu. [01:51:24] Speaker D: Does it walk through the grease? [01:51:27] Speaker C: Yeah. What about the green? [01:51:28] Speaker A: Wait, does it. Does it need to repeat the saving throw if it tries to move? I don't know. [01:51:31] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:51:32] Speaker A: Somebody look up Greece. [01:51:33] Speaker D: I never look up Greece. [01:51:34] Speaker A: Determining your face here. [01:51:40] Speaker D: Like, I'm not gonna get there in time, but that's me. [01:51:42] Speaker C: It turns it into difficult terrain for the duration. [01:51:47] Speaker A: So even so, it has 10ft of movement. [01:51:50] Speaker B: Now, the creature that enters the area ends its turn there. [01:51:56] Speaker D: Enters the area or ends its turn. Okay. [01:52:01] Speaker B: But it is difficult terrain. Oh, what is the duration? Okay. [01:52:09] Speaker A: One minute inside of a T. Rex, and it gets. Which is a wild sentence. I didn't think I was gonna say tonight. Actually, maybe I knew I was gonna say tonight. And it moves 10ft in the direction of Ness and Quell, having no idea that Ness is there. So it's just coming after you. Quild all. And it only makes it 10ft because of your stuff. We go back to the top of initiative, and it is fez healing potion. [01:52:40] Speaker E: Is one of his. Yep. [01:52:43] Speaker A: All right. You drilled so much acid damage. Yeah, it's not that many, but I rolled real high. How does a 13 sound to you? [01:52:58] Speaker D: I descended inside its body. [01:53:02] Speaker A: Well, you're down. You're unconscious. You're unconscious. There's death saves. Don't you take those death saves from you. [01:53:09] Speaker D: I am down, physic. [01:53:11] Speaker A: In a dark, confined space, acids burn at your skin, and you fall unconscious. You want to roll some death saves? [01:53:20] Speaker D: I roll it on my next turn, right? Mm. [01:53:24] Speaker A: Not on this turn. Okay, Excellent. You're unconscious, guys. Yes. Next initiative is ness. We doing this? [01:53:37] Speaker C: Do I know, like. Well, psychic damage isn't gonna hurt my friend inside of them. Okay, I'm gonna do the. I'm gonna do the same old thing again. [01:53:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Hurt this thing. You need it real bad. [01:53:52] Speaker F: Okay, I'm rolling the. [01:53:54] Speaker C: The two attack rolls. So the first one is going to be 18. [01:54:08] Speaker A: 18 hits. And then it doesn't have a high AC. It's a big, giant kind of slow creature. [01:54:15] Speaker C: And then the second one's going to be. Be a 17. [01:54:18] Speaker A: 17 also hits sick. [01:54:24] Speaker C: So. [01:54:27] Speaker A: The Caleb, I have never so strongly recommended a damage spell on your next turn to your goodness. [01:54:33] Speaker B: Please no more grease enhance ability. [01:54:39] Speaker A: But it is still covered in grease from its last turn, so. [01:54:42] Speaker B: But it's not flammable. [01:54:45] Speaker A: Grease is famously flammable. Yep. Why did you doubt me that? [01:55:00] Speaker C: That's 13 points of psychic damage. [01:55:03] Speaker A: Excellent. It's starting to look totally hurt. Yep. [01:55:07] Speaker C: And then the sneak attack damage is gonna be your decks. [01:55:17] Speaker A: It's getting real hurt, Daniel. [01:55:20] Speaker C: 20. 20 points of. Of. [01:55:23] Speaker F: Is it what, piercing or. [01:55:26] Speaker A: Yes. [01:55:27] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, whatever. [01:55:28] Speaker A: It doesn't matter. Two more knives, and as they fly into its. It's cool because as you. As you throw them at its face, it moves up the snout of the T. Rex and into. Which is such an awesome thing to say. And it just disappears in smoke on its forehead. And it like, roars in pain from the. From the psychic damage entering its tiny, tiny brain. And blood pours down its face and out of its one good eye. But it's getting carve marks up its snout as if the smoke is burning it on the way up. Just nice. And it wars and hurts. It looks really, really rough. Next initiative is quelled. All quelled. All kind of make a good choice here, buddy. You got to make a good choice. No. [01:56:21] Speaker B: Pay out friend. No kidding. [01:56:28] Speaker D: Friends on something that cannot be your friend. [01:56:32] Speaker B: No, I will. I will cast fire bolt. [01:56:36] Speaker A: Okay, well, it's covered in grease from last time, so you'll get an extra D6 on it. [01:56:44] Speaker C: What if Fez burns up and cooks in there? [01:56:47] Speaker A: There's so much skin in between him and it. [01:56:51] Speaker B: I will type the chaos to gain. Gain advantage on this. [01:56:55] Speaker D: Oh, got him. Okay, Depending on the roll, I may die. [01:57:00] Speaker B: Level 13 hit. [01:57:03] Speaker A: A 13 does hit. It doesn't have a high AC. It's a giant wall of muscles. [01:57:09] Speaker D: It is a giant wall. [01:57:11] Speaker A: It's got a lot of hit points and it does a lot of damage, but its reactions aren't great and it doesn't have a high AC. Okay. [01:57:22] Speaker B: Non fire damage. [01:57:27] Speaker D: Man. [01:57:27] Speaker B: I rolled a 5 and a 4 on those. [01:57:30] Speaker D: And you rolled an extra D6 and. [01:57:31] Speaker A: You rolled the extra D6, right? [01:57:33] Speaker B: No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. An extra one. [01:57:42] Speaker A: It looks so very rough. As you. As you. As you squeeze your gem in the fireball, the bolt flies out. It burns up the side of the T. Rex, and the T. Rex with its stomach full of fezzik coming to try and kill you all sets on fire. The T Rex is burning. So an on fire T. Rex looms before you all roaring in pain, the fire burning up the side of your head. It looks like it has less than 10 hit points. It's so rough, blood is pouring away from its head, boiling where the fire's burning it. Fire is burning up its sides. This is perhaps the single most metal moment in all of Yaladin's history, except for maybe that time with Daniel's King barbarian and the dragon. That was incredible. Okay. Next initiative is the T. Rex. [01:58:40] Speaker B: Come get me. [01:58:43] Speaker D: Come and get me. Oh. He's like, oh, a duo drone. [01:58:53] Speaker A: And then he just stopped and just nibbles on it for a bit and gets distracted. As I moved the T. Rex head, I left the yellow tile behind it. It looks like the T. Rex pooped Fezzik out. [01:59:03] Speaker C: I watched it. [01:59:09] Speaker A: You roll another stealth check for me, Nesren, so that it can't use one of its attacks against you. [01:59:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Can I give it a Bjostin Berry so it'll poop my friend out? That is 21. [01:59:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Has no idea you're there. So all of the wrath is directed at Quelled Off. I rolled very, very low. Is your AC higher than a 16? [01:59:45] Speaker B: Can I cast? Oh, when did they cast shield as a reaction? [01:59:53] Speaker A: You have not expended your reaction. What was your. What was the feature you used before the bend chaos thing to give yourself? Is that a. Is that a bonus action or a reaction? [02:00:02] Speaker B: No, no, that's a reaction. [02:00:04] Speaker D: Tides of Chaos. [02:00:06] Speaker B: Tides of Chaos is a feature, so it's just. It can happen. It's kind of like sorcery points. [02:00:13] Speaker A: Yeah, they're all features, but okay. Yes. [02:00:15] Speaker E: Excellent. [02:00:16] Speaker A: Okay, so you still have your reaction you want to cast shield. [02:00:19] Speaker B: Yes. [02:00:24] Speaker D: Oh, it is. Yeah, it is. [02:00:26] Speaker B: It's a plus five. So come on. It is 17. It's 17. [02:00:34] Speaker A: So. So the. The on fire T Rex goes to buy Quelled off. And as it does Quilda, you just. You just hold your brooch and this. This little amber shield and the jaws shatter the shield around you, but you, as you sink further back in the tree, they just close in front of you and pull back. You don't die in the T. Rex's mouth. Now go ahead and roll that D20 for me. [02:00:58] Speaker B: Okay. [02:00:58] Speaker D: Okay. [02:00:59] Speaker A: Okay. [02:01:00] Speaker E: This is insane. [02:01:02] Speaker B: 5. [02:01:04] Speaker A: Okay, so now roll your D100. [02:01:07] Speaker B: I'm so excited. Okay, okay, okay. [02:01:11] Speaker A: Okay. [02:01:12] Speaker D: Rolling 8. [02:01:13] Speaker A: Roll in 8. Roll the 8. Roll the 8. [02:01:17] Speaker B: 37. I don't think it's a D. No. [02:01:22] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness. [02:01:25] Speaker B: What is? [02:01:27] Speaker A: From all around from all around Quell Doll, four Flumps FL appear. [02:01:39] Speaker B: And they. [02:01:39] Speaker A: They all, like, appear in peace. And then the burning alive T. Rex. And they all trying to get away. Teleport into the worst nightmare in yellow. [02:01:51] Speaker C: But poor Flumph. [02:01:53] Speaker A: All right, now for the T Rex's second attack. [02:01:58] Speaker C: Did they teleport from Flump Waffle Flomp? [02:02:02] Speaker A: Yeah. Now you can use the bite attack again. And it hasn't grappled you, so it's just going to spawn around and try and smack you with its tail. I rolled another three. This thing is rolling so low. That's a 16. Does that hit, Cleaver? [02:02:24] Speaker D: What? [02:02:25] Speaker C: What was that? [02:02:26] Speaker D: It's AC17. [02:02:29] Speaker A: Oh, you played with him for a long time. I thought you had to use SHIELD to get to him. 17. [02:02:34] Speaker D: Yeah, it stays for the whole round. [02:02:36] Speaker A: It does. [02:02:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:38] Speaker A: In incredible. [02:02:39] Speaker D: Shield stays until his next turn. [02:02:44] Speaker A: The shield reforms again. You slip within the tree away from the tail. You take no damage from the burning alive T. Rex. Incredible. Back to the top of Initiative. Fez, I need a death save. Well, you take acid damage. [02:03:01] Speaker D: I do fail one death save. [02:03:03] Speaker A: So that's a failed save. Go ahead and roll. [02:03:06] Speaker D: I have another failed death save. [02:03:11] Speaker A: Guys, this is the wire. All right, Ness, you are next in Initiative. There is a towering on fire T. Rex in front of you. [02:03:23] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm in a. I'm gonna get out of my bush, and I'm gonna look up at it, and I'm gonna throw my psychic sword right up into its chen and I'm gonna roll the hit. [02:03:36] Speaker A: Do it. Do it. [02:03:41] Speaker C: 15. [02:03:42] Speaker A: 15 both hit. [02:03:53] Speaker C: Heck yeah. [02:03:56] Speaker A: He uses his reaction. He pulls out his wizard hat. New boss music. You've entered the second stage. Caleb, why are we just looking at your ceiling? [02:04:05] Speaker D: Oh, sorry. I just felt like having you look at my ceiling real quick. Just no big deal. [02:04:15] Speaker C: That's 13 points of psychic damage. [02:04:18] Speaker A: Okay. [02:04:21] Speaker C: And then 10 points of regular damage. [02:04:37] Speaker A: Jackie, how do you want to do this? How do you want to do this? How do you want to kill a T. Rex? [02:04:51] Speaker C: Okay, so I shoot the. The first psychic blade. And I know that they're not supposed to, like, leave a mark, but with my sneak attack damage, I'm gonna say they do leave a mark, if that's okay. And so I want to say that the first one, like, goes straight through. It's like ch. Chin all the way straight through its head. And, like, you can see the light, like, go up. [02:05:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:05:13] Speaker C: And then the second. And then the second one goes up and it just kind of like cuts into its throat. And it starts like, bleeding. [02:05:26] Speaker A: And as the blood down onto the jaw and the throat, the T. Rex falls down on the ground between you all. Fezic can use movement to leave the T. Rex, but first he has to take one last death save. [02:05:48] Speaker D: Is the acid still going? Yeah, so that's permanent. [02:05:57] Speaker C: Can we not, can we not try and, like, cut him out first? [02:06:01] Speaker A: You certainly can. [02:06:03] Speaker E: But first physic dies, and Fezzik, inside of the T. Rex, expires. [02:06:15] Speaker A: You all have no idea about this. You're on the outside of the T. Rex. It's really weird to play music this somber after a burning T. Rex. But the T. Rex is dead. Your friend is nowhere to be found. [02:06:27] Speaker E: What are you doing? [02:06:30] Speaker C: I take, I, I, I yell and say. [02:06:49] Speaker F: He, he could still be in there. [02:06:52] Speaker C: And I take my short sword, I guess, because that's the biggest thing I have. [02:07:01] Speaker A: And then you all work. Yeah, and you work and you work. [02:07:09] Speaker E: And it is gruesome, long work. Twenty minutes later, you puncture the stomach. [02:07:20] Speaker A: And filling most of it. You pull out the very badly burned, horribly punctured and maimed body of Fezzik. [02:07:31] Speaker E: Not moving, the axe still shining. You have to wrestle him out. [02:07:39] Speaker A: It is gory and awful. [02:07:42] Speaker E: Doused in blood and bile. [02:07:47] Speaker A: You pull out your friend and you lay him out into the riverbed with the dark fluids. His and otherwise are washed off. [02:07:56] Speaker E: And the last two surviving members of the Ragan Moore stand over Fezzik. His body is being slowly washed clean by the stream in the middle of the night. [02:08:09] Speaker A: The still slightly burning corpse of the T. Rex behind you, expiring and bleeding everywhere. [02:08:19] Speaker C: I can, I, I mean, his, his great axe is like the size of me, right? [02:08:29] Speaker E: Yeah, it's really big. [02:08:32] Speaker D: More than. [02:08:35] Speaker C: I, I try to, like, pull it up onto the shore, kind of splash water on it so it's clean. [02:08:45] Speaker A: More belaboring effort, and you're caked in blood and sweat. Quel'dahl anything from you. [02:09:10] Speaker B: He'll just kind of look at the body and he'll turn to Nessie and kind of be and say, I liked him a lot. [02:09:35] Speaker F: I did too. [02:09:47] Speaker B: He was so wise. [02:09:55] Speaker F: I wish there was a way we could get his axe back to his family. [02:10:09] Speaker B: I don't think we can, but we can maybe try. [02:10:19] Speaker F: I don't even know if how we're gonna get back. [02:10:32] Speaker B: Well. [02:10:38] Speaker A: From. As the water moves by, the disintegrating acids wore away at a lot of his skin, peeling the color, exposing flesh. But they also wore away at some of his clothing from the pouch carried at his side. The water slips through it and pushes out of the weathered bottom a little piece of metal which lands lower in the stream, softly glowing, lightly thrumming. Each of you thinks about the 40 gold each promised for this venture. Eight you received at the beginning, 32 you were promised at the end. [02:11:25] Speaker E: And how now everyone is dead. [02:11:34] Speaker A: You look at that little piece of. [02:11:36] Speaker E: Metal so many people have died for. [02:11:51] Speaker C: I pick it up before it washes. [02:11:54] Speaker A: Down the stream, shines in the moonlight. [02:11:59] Speaker E: It's lighter than you expected. Big in your hands. [02:12:12] Speaker F: He was. He was worth more than this. They all were. [02:12:20] Speaker B: Yeah. I think that's sort of the dark side of magic, is that sometimes it can be fun and helpful and sometimes it's dark and destruction. Wow. [02:12:43] Speaker A: That was a really unexpected thematic tie. [02:12:46] Speaker E: In from the beginning. Dang, Caleb. [02:12:54] Speaker B: You know, I like to think about maybe there's a alternate timeline where the stone could maybe bring them back. [02:13:14] Speaker F: That be really cool. [02:13:25] Speaker B: Well, where would you like to go? [02:13:33] Speaker F: I don't know. I. [02:13:34] Speaker B: Where. [02:13:35] Speaker F: Where do we go from here? I. I guess we see what's on the other side of the mountain and see if we can find a way to some kind of civilization. [02:14:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:14:04] Speaker C: Daniel or dm during our two and a half weeks, was there anything that you like always carried on you besides like your act that you like always had or something in your pocket or anything like that on your person? [02:14:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:14:25] Speaker C: I mean that, like that we would have seen or you would have. [02:14:27] Speaker D: Talked about or something. It was the only other thing that it was in his possession. And he. He talked about it as his. What would they call it? His like for. He would call it a wetting stone, but it was crazy because it was a stick. And if. If you really listen to what he talked about, like he talked about how again, this weird fascination with the stepmom. But the like Southern parents. Yeah, they would, you know, go out and pick a switch or something like that. Those who are way more country than we ever expect to be. I think there's a similar thing where like it was him picking. They wouldn't say a switch or a stick or something. They would call it a wedding stone because like a wedding stone would be something that would make you into a better person. And so like he had a regular looking torch, but it was. It was very old and again, half his size. But to like a giant. It's just like a stick, you know. But it was like his basically his punishment whenever he did things that were wrong or bad and he like carried it with him to show other people, like how the Giants corrected behaviors that weren't there, you know, so he called it his wedding stone. And it would always draw people's attention because it was like, well, that's not a stone, you idiot. That's a stick. And so he. He probably would have told you a few stories where his. His stepmom would have used that to correct his behavior at not protecting his, you know, siblings or picking on them or like, different things that. One sec. Oh, no, he's still there. [02:16:41] Speaker A: What? [02:16:41] Speaker D: What left? [02:16:42] Speaker A: It was just the battle map. [02:16:43] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [02:16:45] Speaker D: Oh, the battle map. And so, yeah, that would be another thing that is lighter than his axe. If you would like to take. [02:16:54] Speaker C: Could you say that one of us could use it as a walking stick? Almost. [02:16:59] Speaker F: Absolutely. [02:17:01] Speaker A: And as you all pick it up. [02:17:02] Speaker C: Yeah, I would say we would try. [02:17:03] Speaker A: Indentations and its char marks. You recognize the implement of someone who died, but died surpassing all odds and against a very big T Rex on. [02:17:20] Speaker E: Fire, against the ocean, against starvation, against. [02:17:30] Speaker A: Some sort of an accursed relic magical object from a former age managed to keep everybody safe very much on the front lines. Someone who in every way succeeded his lineage. [02:17:47] Speaker E: You all look at the mountain, tattoos. [02:17:50] Speaker A: All over his chest. Look up at the amount of mountain. [02:17:54] Speaker E: You have left to climb. Pick up the stick. You hike upward. [02:18:01] Speaker A: Middle of the night resting seems redundant now. [02:18:07] Speaker E: You all climb higher, higher. Dang it, Caleb. [02:18:12] Speaker A: You guys climb further and further up the mountain. As you reach up toward its zenith, it is aching and pain. You guys feel it deep in your legs. Mortal terror pursued you not long ago. But as you reach high up to the ridge, you look back down and it is, over the last three or four days, quite a distance you traversed. The ridge is harsh, steeply inclined. You have to change your path three or four times to find an area where you actually can reach the summit. When you do, it's broader and flatter than you expected from some distance away, but still apical. It's not necessarily the peak of a mountain so much as the ridge along a long stream of mountains. When you stand up at its side, you see the sparse, drier vegetation there, the brilliant firmament above and spanning landscape. You look out under another clear sky in the light of twilo and twilight almost perfectly together now, almost eclipsing each other almost at the summer solstice. You look across the mountain range and. [02:19:38] Speaker E: You see so much more land. [02:19:44] Speaker A: You are not on an island. [02:19:46] Speaker E: It stretches on and on and on and on. This is a continent to which you've never ventured. [02:19:58] Speaker C: Nesserin thinks of as she thinks to herself. Oh this is a continent. She thinks to herself of Fez who was always talking about the distance of a continent. [02:20:16] Speaker E: Stand there looking at a space you would have no idea how to traverse. The belongings of destroyed and ruined crew. [02:20:32] Speaker A: And then. [02:20:35] Speaker E: And you all dwell here I assume, just looking. [02:20:41] Speaker A: I go to place as I need a rest, no idea where to go next. [02:20:45] Speaker E: And after about an hour. [02:20:49] Speaker A: There is. [02:20:50] Speaker E: A strange noise. [02:20:55] Speaker A: Just a little. [02:20:59] Speaker E: Sound from nearby like something moving, air suddenly changing something. And what's the right music for this? I guess I'll go with this. [02:21:21] Speaker A: This isn't even quite the right music, but I don't quite have the right music for this. [02:21:24] Speaker E: Just there's a noise and I assume. [02:21:29] Speaker A: Maybe even being woken up. [02:21:30] Speaker E: As you all look over there is. [02:21:34] Speaker A: Very suddenly standing on the top of. [02:21:36] Speaker E: The mountain with you appearing from nowhere as if from thin air. A woman. [02:21:43] Speaker A: She's drow taller. She is wearing a narrow slightly short, not short but halfway up the shins white dress, a functional tabard, almost like a sleeve that splits slightly at the legs so you can walk effectively in it. She has intricate long sleeves almost sort. [02:22:09] Speaker E: Of laced up her arms which are lean but a little muscular. [02:22:14] Speaker A: Her face is unremarkable but striking in its sternness. [02:22:21] Speaker E: She looks aged but not elderly, regal, important to her age. [02:22:27] Speaker A: She has black hair with silver streaks. [02:22:29] Speaker E: That come back in a tight bun. [02:22:32] Speaker A: A few fingers on her or a few rings on some fingers. [02:22:36] Speaker C: A few fingers on her hand, two, maybe three. [02:22:43] Speaker A: She turns into a giant T Rex. She eats one of you. She has a tight silver choker around her throat and captured there in the moonlight in what must be very very late morning, early morning. [02:23:00] Speaker E: She. [02:23:02] Speaker A: Looks around the landscape momentarily and then turns and looks and regards you both. [02:23:08] Speaker C: I immediately stand up and put my hand on the hilt of my sword or something and I just. [02:23:24] Speaker F: Where did you come from? Who are you? [02:23:32] Speaker E: Well, you have no way to know who I am, but I am the employer of your employer's employer. Clearly things have. [02:23:51] Speaker A: She looks momentarily at the two of you and then down at the side. [02:23:53] Speaker E: Of the mountain, gotten away from us. This is obviously not how this was intended to go, but here I am. You have managed, I see, to hold on to my delivery and she looks at your bag at your side. [02:24:30] Speaker C: Wait. Which one of us has it? Me? [02:24:32] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:24:34] Speaker B: I would assume you. [02:24:36] Speaker C: Okay. I look back and forth between her and you and I'm like. And I slowly like after like a few minutes, like not minutes but like after like 30 seconds. I slowly take it out and unwrap it and just kind of. [02:24:57] Speaker A: There's this deep relief on her face. [02:25:01] Speaker E: This long, appreciative sigh. Very good. I apologize for the unintended collateral. You have more than made up. Whatever it was I'm sure you were promised to do. And judging on the number left here, I imagine you're not going to be paid. That belongs to me. And I would like to have it. But I am certainly willing to pay you for your troubles. [02:26:05] Speaker B: What is it? [02:26:13] Speaker E: No. [02:26:16] Speaker A: It'S. [02:26:20] Speaker E: Piece of. A very important tool. I would be glad to pay you for the last little piece of your journey. It is much better for you than the alternative. [02:26:45] Speaker F: I don't know much about magic. [02:26:53] Speaker A: But. [02:26:57] Speaker F: Instead of payment, there's nothing you could do for another. A fallen friend, is there? [02:27:13] Speaker E: Are they here? [02:27:15] Speaker F: Or did they die on the ocean down the mountainside? [02:27:26] Speaker E: How long? [02:27:28] Speaker F: DM how long has it been? [02:27:32] Speaker E: Less than a day. [02:27:33] Speaker F: Okay. Not that long. [02:27:41] Speaker E: Yes, I could do this. Anything else? [02:27:56] Speaker B: A name? I think we are only that much. [02:28:05] Speaker E: Oh, no, you are not. [02:28:15] Speaker F: Where are we? [02:28:20] Speaker E: The names change, but I believe now they call it Signagon. [02:28:27] Speaker F: Do I know what that is? [02:28:31] Speaker A: Yes, Player. You are aware that that is a. It's like a Bermuda Triangle of the South. Wonderful. A land of. A land of every myth and every legend. It is a place people do not go. Said to be full of wonders and terrors. And now that looks a little true. [02:28:58] Speaker F: Um. [02:29:03] Speaker D: If. [02:29:04] Speaker F: I mean, I don't know about my friend, but I. I'm. No questions asked or anything. If you could just help. If you could just help him down there and point us in the right direction. [02:29:25] Speaker E: Yes. You have gone to quite the trouble. It is impressive that you are still in possession of it. [02:29:36] Speaker A: She just walks confidently straight toward you as she gets close. She's significantly taller than you, Neserin, and significantly shorter. Didn't quell Dahl. She just walks up and she holds out her hand. [02:29:50] Speaker F: I hand it to her. [02:29:51] Speaker E: Okay. [02:29:52] Speaker A: As you put it in her hand. [02:29:53] Speaker E: She runs her thumb across it. She just stares at it for 10 seconds. Smiles. [02:30:05] Speaker A: She mutters to herself softly. And her fingers spark with light. She casts a spell, but she does so by having her eyes flash gold. And then she mutters and many tongues. [02:30:18] Speaker E: Sound forth from her mouth. [02:30:20] Speaker A: You don't recognize the language, but you feel like you can understand it. And she just. And there's just this little. And this little ethereal chest appears in the air. She catches it in her hand, opens. [02:30:32] Speaker E: It with one, places the piece inside, closes it mutters again, and it disappears. [02:30:41] Speaker A: She reaches down to a very small pouch at her side. Looks like it couldn't contain much. She opens it. She slips her hand in, and she pulls out two diamonds. One sizable, one smaller. She hands you the smaller one and she says, and the smaller one is the size of a big marble. So, you know, like a. Like a 8, 7, 8,000 gold diamond worth more than. More than 20 times what you were promised for the job. She hands it to you. [02:31:20] Speaker E: She says, for your discretion. Again, better than the alternative. [02:31:30] Speaker A: And Nessa just nods. She just turns and starts walking down the mountain. Do you guys follow her? [02:31:42] Speaker C: Yes. [02:31:43] Speaker E: Okay. [02:31:44] Speaker A: She asks. [02:31:49] Speaker C: As we're walking. I. I slip. I slipped the diamonds in. In Halsey's hand. [02:31:58] Speaker A: Okay, Halsey. [02:32:02] Speaker B: I bite it. [02:32:03] Speaker A: Eat it. [02:32:04] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. [02:32:05] Speaker A: I was right. How was I right? [02:32:09] Speaker C: Why do we always have someone that wants to eat rocks in our. [02:32:12] Speaker A: I don't know what it is. [02:32:13] Speaker B: Make sure that it's real, Halsey. [02:32:16] Speaker A: It's very real. You can tell its authenticity with your tongue. As you guys start on the mountain and you guys direct where she's going, she just walks forward. And one of the little rings on her finger lights up and she starts walking with you. But not down the mountain, just through the air, levitating a certain distance off the ground because the terrain gets uneven. And you can see that her shoes aren't quite built for it. And it looks like she doesn't want to deal with that. So one of the fingers are not. Amazing flashes, and she starts tracing down the mountain. You all get closer, and as you take her to the ruined carcass of the T. Rex and the now increasingly dead looking body of Fezzik, she sees Fezzik, registers him, looks at his axe. And then she looks at the T. Rex and she's still. She's with you all. And she's floating like an inch off the ground, just never quite standing on it. And she just looks at the T. Rex for like five minutes in silence. Studies it, looks all over. She seems to be momentarily fascinated by it. She just looks back and forth across. You get the feeling it's something she's never seen. So she just looks at it carefully. Daniel, that's what she's wearing. She just looks at it carefully. Oh, that's amazing. [02:33:50] Speaker D: I've never seen Reno 91 1. [02:33:52] Speaker C: Yes, but what do you mean? That's what she's wearing. [02:33:55] Speaker D: You couldn't. [02:33:55] Speaker A: She couldn't walk through the dirt any way. And she pulls out that other diamond, slightly larger. And she doesn't pull out any holy symbol. She doesn't really hear any spell. She just. She reaches back into that small bag and pulls out, just barely fitting out of the front, a very strange object. It is a ring of shining silvery metal like platinum that has a framework lace going up to the top that meets in a small cup. There are glyphs covered over it, thousands. So small they just look like etchings. She places the diamond in the top of it. She reaches down and she places the circle on Fezzik's test. She whispers to it. [02:34:49] Speaker E: Her eyes flash gold. The many tongues and. [02:34:51] Speaker A: And then the whole lattice just lights up. And using an object instead of a spell, the diamond just like all the metal frames in between sort of get little golden beams of light in between them. They hit the diamond. The diamond just gets absorbed and then a little golden beam just down into Fezzik's chest. And his whole body pulses, like having a defibrillarate on it. She reaches down for the little device, collapses it. The metal rods fold it on each other and lay flat. She slips it back into her bag, steps back a distance, and you watch as she mutters something. And a little light appears in between her fingers. She puts it behind her back, you know, just a little bit to know she has a spell ready in case anything gets weird here. But Fezzik words I did not think I was going to say tonight. [02:35:54] Speaker E: You. [02:35:57] Speaker A: Draw in breath again. You feel awful, but you are alive. Looking around, startled, completely out of character. [02:36:16] Speaker C: Nesserin leans down and like hugs him and like, almost like a. Like a shriek out of her mouth because she's happy. [02:36:27] Speaker A: And I love these three. [02:36:32] Speaker D: I think Fezzik like realizing and like holding her, he like, does Nessie have long hair or short? [02:36:39] Speaker C: Oh, she has a. Yeah, it shows that braid thing. But it's probably real messy right now. That's gross. Right now. [02:36:48] Speaker A: Caked in blood and sweat. [02:36:52] Speaker D: I think he would kind of like. It's so funny because like the body proportions are so weird. Like it's a three foot person, like. [02:37:02] Speaker C: Like holding a doll. [02:37:04] Speaker D: Yeah, it's like a baby this is holding inside me. I like. I kind of like grab and like grab the back of your hair and then I just like kind of push you to my shoulder and I just say, what you. [02:37:29] Speaker F: You're back? [02:37:33] Speaker C: And she gets up and she looks to the floating lady and goes. [02:37:41] Speaker A: She's just looking at you both coolly, her hands still sort of folded behind her back. [02:37:48] Speaker C: And Nesarin kind of settles herself and. [02:37:52] Speaker F: Just kind of nods and thank you so much. [02:37:58] Speaker E: No, thank You. You are on Signagon. The closest landmass would be just a dwarm, but there are almost a thousand miles of ocean between that and this. So I imagine you live here now. I could get you away from here, but that sounds like another job. If you want time to think, that's fine. [02:38:58] Speaker D: So I was dead inside the T. Rex. [02:39:03] Speaker B: Yes. [02:39:03] Speaker D: And you brought me as I just acid falling out of my mouth. But you brought me back to life. I don't know your name. I'm Fezik. Root Smasher. [02:39:28] Speaker E: She just looks at you coolly. I can't tell you my name, but then I will have to kill you all. So that's your choice. [02:39:39] Speaker B: Because he got a weird magic deal. [02:39:44] Speaker E: She just stares at you coldly. [02:39:51] Speaker D: Could I get a nickname? I like nicknames. That is this guy I call Halsey. And it's not even close to his name. [02:40:00] Speaker A: Rajan. Check. Phil. Isaac. [02:40:06] Speaker C: We just brought you back to life and she's about to wipe us out. [02:40:11] Speaker A: She doesn't want to. She just spent the night. [02:40:15] Speaker D: I got a 19. I mean it's probably not enough, but bar to get 20, that's the highest I could get. [02:40:26] Speaker A: No, it's. [02:40:27] Speaker B: No. [02:40:32] Speaker E: She just smiles at you and she says you can call me Brilliant. [02:40:42] Speaker D: Brilliant. [02:40:44] Speaker E: Yes, that's what she says. [02:40:48] Speaker D: Could I call you Brilly? I really like the ending with an E. [02:40:56] Speaker B: I never noticed that before. That's so true. [02:41:01] Speaker C: So as they're having this conversation, I look to her and. [02:41:10] Speaker D: You. [02:41:12] Speaker F: You said that would be another job like that we would do take on in exchange. [02:41:25] Speaker E: If you so desire. [02:41:29] Speaker F: Would it be currying or the same kind of situation or. [02:41:36] Speaker E: I am looking for a few more of those pieces now. I'd love to have someone go find one. [02:41:48] Speaker D: Do they all explode? [02:41:53] Speaker E: No, that was unexpected. But again, encouraging. Something's we all still have a chance. If you agree to this, I will see that the three of you are much better prepared for your next venture. Much better prepared. You will go in with everything you need to know. Perhaps better equipment to do so. Maybe even some more skilled individuals to help you. But if you're gonna work with me, you'll never work with anyone else. You are in or you are out. [02:42:59] Speaker B: Can we just take like a moment maybe and like I just came back. [02:43:06] Speaker D: From the tranquin halls feasting with giants. [02:43:12] Speaker E: I have. She's not dead yet in the world. [02:43:16] Speaker A: And she smiles at you, turns and starts walking away. But away from the mountain, up in. [02:43:22] Speaker E: The air, just step by step. [02:43:26] Speaker D: I didn't thank her for shielding me. [02:43:31] Speaker F: I think she knows her. [02:43:33] Speaker D: And I say thank you for bringing me back to life. Really? [02:43:39] Speaker A: How? [02:43:39] Speaker B: Can we talk to you? [02:43:41] Speaker F: No, guys, I think she's gonna chill here. [02:43:45] Speaker A: She slips a hand in a bag in that same little white bag at her pocket and pulls out a little stone covered in carvings and just drops it away from her and it just to the stone below. She walks a little further in the air, turns around and looks at you all. And she says like from like 30ft away and up in the air now. [02:44:07] Speaker E: She just says, no one will ever believe you if you speak of me. And if they do know there was nothing on this island as unpleasant as I would be. [02:44:26] Speaker F: I grab the stone. [02:44:27] Speaker E: Okay, you pick it up. She says, don't call unless you have a decision. [02:44:36] Speaker A: And she just moves her hands apart in the way that skilled casters cast spells to them that are rudimentary. With little effort, she spreads across this very complex series of unfolding. It's like she pulls them and they summon themselves and unfurl. She just. Her eyes go gold. She speaks in the many tongues and she casts teleport as if it was a very familiar and simple spell. [02:45:01] Speaker E: And she just disappears from where she was in the sky. [02:45:10] Speaker D: She's like you, Halsey. [02:45:15] Speaker B: Lex, gambling. [02:45:17] Speaker A: And that is where we'll end the one shot. Desperate measures. I knew she was gonna move the end, but I didn't see that exact setup. That was a really interesting. [02:45:37] Speaker B: Well, magic sorcerer in real life, baby. [02:45:39] Speaker A: That's why. No, that's okay. All right. [02:45:46] Speaker C: You didn't see me trading Daniel's character's life. Because every time I play a one shot with Daniel, somehow he dies and I live. And I think he was like, that can't happen again. [02:45:58] Speaker A: It's like a weird like rule. Like, I don't know why. And I was like, in the northstorm, everybody died. [02:46:06] Speaker C: Jeez. Power, powerful. She can bring my friend back to life. [02:46:11] Speaker A: Oh, and you know what? [02:46:12] Speaker E: Into the woods. [02:46:13] Speaker A: You finally paid it back. Into the woods. You died. And he lives. [02:46:16] Speaker D: Into the woods. Was I. I survived? [02:46:19] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. [02:46:21] Speaker C: But I thought if anyone can do it, this lady that's. That was floating around with. [02:46:25] Speaker A: Because we've played a lot of fun light hearted one shots, but there's something about if. If Daniel and Jackie are playing together, it has to get grim and I don't know, someone has to die. I don't know what the rule is, but like, because we've played so many one shots that are like. And then. But it's when it's you too, it Always has to get grim. And I don't know why that's a. [02:46:43] Speaker C: Rule, but I'm so sorry. [02:46:45] Speaker B: One screen. One's red. [02:46:47] Speaker E: Oh. [02:46:48] Speaker C: It's opposite on the spectrum. It's like. [02:46:50] Speaker A: Yeah, there's too much dnd energy. That's what it. [02:46:53] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness, Caleb, you're so smart. [02:46:58] Speaker B: Like, it all ties in. [02:47:02] Speaker A: Thank you for being on barely d and d. It was fun to have you as a guest. [02:47:06] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:47:09] Speaker A: This is just a fun little tidbit. I wanted to say that Caleb and I were planning it and it didn't work out, and that was fine. But if Colton had not been the guest in episode 118 or whatever, Caleb would have been. Oh, wow. So we were coordinating that. Caleb, you also look surprised we talked. [02:47:29] Speaker B: About this because it's the word 18 again. [02:47:33] Speaker A: 18. [02:47:36] Speaker B: It's all coming together. [02:47:38] Speaker A: How is that your take? Twilight zone? [02:47:42] Speaker C: It's like in lost and the numbers keep coming up. [02:47:46] Speaker B: Yep. [02:47:49] Speaker A: Anywho, so numerology. Cleaver, thank you for finally being on. Daniel, thank you for guesting. I really loved. I loved everybody, but I really loved fezzik, and I am very glad that one of your lovable barbarians lived. And Sydney's dangerous, But you also just whooped the worst thing here. So maybe you guys could just live here happily. I don't know. [02:48:12] Speaker D: I don't think. I don't think I want to live on a place where I got transported here on ship where everyone died. [02:48:21] Speaker A: I died. I'm just saying. Train a couple of those nasuta ceratopsis mounts as friends ride around the island, become dinosaur king. This is. This is a dope storyline. [02:48:33] Speaker C: Or we can go on a little hunt for the lady that speaks in other languages in cast in gold. [02:48:41] Speaker A: Yeah, that's an option. You guys. You guys have some options. [02:48:46] Speaker B: Friends on her. That would have been great. [02:48:48] Speaker D: She would have failed, obviously. [02:48:50] Speaker A: No way she could have stopped disintegrated. She does have that spell, but. Anywho, before we get too off track, I really like this trio. I know the odds of them doing something again is low, but I don't know. I kind of want to see this trio and kind of this storyline again, like a little miniseries, like just two or three installments. I'm about to have so much time over Christmas break, so if you guys want to do this again. [02:49:22] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [02:49:23] Speaker A: Anywho. Anywho. Okay, listeners. [02:49:26] Speaker C: Life is. I. I did my sheet on a Christmas theme, so. [02:49:31] Speaker E: Oh, there you go. [02:49:32] Speaker C: Sorry. [02:49:33] Speaker A: Life is an incredible adventure. You are an important part of it. Thank you, everyone. For joining Skibidi Watten.

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