127. The Bewildering Keep

Episode 127 February 19, 2025 02:49:58
127. The Bewildering Keep
Barely D&D
127. The Bewildering Keep

Feb 19 2025 | 02:49:58


Show Notes

"What doesn't kill you..."
-Specifically the Joker

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
Instagram: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Hi, welcome back to Barely DND your Sword of Dungeons and Dragons podcast. This happened so fast. I asked to do the intro, and then suddenly I was. So here I am. Here you are. [00:00:18] Speaker B: And I hit record. [00:00:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:00:20] Speaker B: I mean, those must think at some point that it's like a gimmick, the way that, like, every time we start laughing. But I just. It's funny. Like. [00:00:32] Speaker C: You guys now recording. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Now recording. [00:00:37] Speaker D: Friends at work. She also does a podcast, and they also use Craigbot. And I was, like, talking about it, and I was now recording, and she was like, yeah, yes, that's the thing. [00:00:47] Speaker A: She did the thing. [00:00:50] Speaker C: But, yeah, very niche. [00:00:53] Speaker B: Good. But, yeah. So now the question's real world people. [00:01:00] Speaker D: Yes. If your characters could have. [00:01:03] Speaker C: Yeah, refer. [00:01:05] Speaker D: Sorry, the question. The letter to question is if your character could have. Could have. If your character could have dinner with three people, anyone in the world, it can be alive, dead, family member, famous person, your best friend. Yes. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Stop. Micah, stop. [00:01:30] Speaker D: Anywho, who would your character in the real world have dinner? [00:01:36] Speaker B: Because last session we did, y'all have been people. So now it's gotta be real world people. And then ask question, who is the dmnpc? [00:01:46] Speaker C: I think tello for this is. I'm just feeling like I want it to be someone close to us, but I don't know. [00:01:53] Speaker B: That's funny. [00:01:53] Speaker A: I agree. [00:01:54] Speaker B: You made the DMNPC last time. Me. So I was thinking of answers for that, and I was like, they won't expect me to. I won't. They won't expect me to expect them to do it again. And then you didn't. And now that was. I didn't get you guys at all. [00:02:06] Speaker A: It was a silly thought. [00:02:07] Speaker C: You're a lot like Tallow. [00:02:09] Speaker D: You can do your dinner. [00:02:10] Speaker B: But he doesn't want to talk to Aaron Stone of my epic. [00:02:16] Speaker D: Table. I can't. [00:02:17] Speaker B: I can't start with Boz Boss's Three World people. [00:02:22] Speaker E: I got the Christie, but the real person is. [00:02:26] Speaker C: Wait, we can't hear. Landon, your mic is way over there. [00:02:32] Speaker B: His mic was two feet behind, and he just turned around. He was like Agatha Christie. But. [00:02:39] Speaker E: Yeah, I would get the real world. I get the Christie this time. [00:02:43] Speaker B: That was so fun. Just la. Going. I want that as an isolated audio clip. Oh, my goodness. I want that to be the text notification sound that comes up. [00:03:00] Speaker E: I'm sorry. [00:03:02] Speaker B: Don't. Don't apologize. That's hilarious. I thought y'all were laughing at first. [00:03:06] Speaker E: Because it was really funny. And then I quickly realized something important was missing. I was like, they're laughing really hard for this. [00:03:12] Speaker B: Like, wow. My joke was good. [00:03:15] Speaker E: Yeah. From people in the real world, right? [00:03:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:22] Speaker E: All right. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:03:23] Speaker E: So he would have Agatha Christie and I don't know, man. This guy at Starbucks named Jim that I see sometimes, he'd have him either at the table. [00:03:40] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:03:42] Speaker E: Jim's sick. And he would have. He would invite, I don't know, O. Clinton. That's the first name that came to my head. [00:03:58] Speaker B: My only response to that is, huh. [00:04:03] Speaker A: Could actually learn about money. Wow. [00:04:06] Speaker B: Let's be honest. One of those three somehow feel like a boss move. Just being like, yeah, that feels like. [00:04:14] Speaker D: My guy from Starbucks. My guy, the president. [00:04:21] Speaker B: I just heard a fan on. Can you guys hear it? Is it picking up volume or. [00:04:24] Speaker D: Yeah, it's really loud. [00:04:25] Speaker C: I cannot Hear it. [00:04:27] Speaker A: Yeah. NPCs don't have classes. [00:04:32] Speaker E: That's why they never graduate college. All right, let's get this session started. [00:04:37] Speaker D: Have you been playing for long enough? I don't know. [00:04:39] Speaker A: I haven't. [00:04:40] Speaker B: Abby, you haven't. You haven't bought a mic and you're far. And all we heard just then for the last seconds was all we heard. All we heard was. But you were so confident. You were looking at the camera just like. [00:04:58] Speaker A: I heard her. Okay, but she needs to be louder. [00:05:03] Speaker B: Okay. Craig. What are Craig's three or Craig's three? [00:05:07] Speaker A: This isn't. I. I just realized now this isn't a real person. This is a fictional character. But Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls. Okay, Luke Danes from Gilmore Girls. [00:05:21] Speaker C: Why? [00:05:23] Speaker A: Because I feel like Craig is Luke. I'm not gonna lie. [00:05:27] Speaker C: A little bit. A little bit. [00:05:29] Speaker A: So they'd relate on a lot. Also because I love Gilmore was. And. Oh, my. Oh, my gosh. Fiona Apple. [00:05:46] Speaker B: Man. This is Fiona Apple behavior from Abby right now. [00:05:51] Speaker A: Do you guys know Fiona Apple? [00:05:53] Speaker C: Yes. [00:05:53] Speaker B: Yes. The 12th president. [00:05:56] Speaker A: Feel like. [00:05:59] Speaker C: She'S a wonderful songwriter. Yes. [00:06:03] Speaker A: And I feel like, oh, my mom. [00:06:12] Speaker C: I love that. [00:06:14] Speaker A: Maybe this was just my table through Craig. [00:06:17] Speaker D: I love it. [00:06:20] Speaker A: This might have been my table through Craig. [00:06:22] Speaker B: Have dinner with my mom. Your mom's awesome. But just. [00:06:26] Speaker A: I lost my mom. [00:06:27] Speaker C: I love seeing Craig sit down with your mom. I think that would be an interesting conversation. Yeah. [00:06:35] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:06:36] Speaker A: It'd be very healing. [00:06:37] Speaker B: I think there's something hilarious in the fact that at this point in the campaign, obviously it would be a beautiful thing. But beginning Craig from the campaign, you would have constructed a character where a middle aged man you made up would have been flirting with your mom. And that's a wild scenario. Tell me he wouldn't have beginning. Oh, my gosh. [00:06:55] Speaker C: No. [00:06:55] Speaker A: You know what she would do? You know what she'd do? She'd be like, there's this program called Region generation. It changed my life to change so many people, you know, in my life. And then Craig would go to region. [00:07:04] Speaker B: I have the ring. [00:07:05] Speaker A: He would have gone to recovery. [00:07:06] Speaker B: So who are Abby, Her, Greta's three? [00:07:11] Speaker D: I don't know. I don't know. I think I might know. [00:07:19] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:07:21] Speaker D: I think Jackie, Fleabag from Fleabag. [00:07:28] Speaker C: You guys are doing fictional characters. [00:07:32] Speaker B: Who from the real world would your character hang out with? Batman and then Garfield and then. [00:07:37] Speaker C: Okay, no, it's fine. Do it. It's fine. I'm gonna put in a fictional character now. [00:07:45] Speaker B: It's how Abby feels about Fleabag. It's just never become clear. [00:07:49] Speaker D: I just. If you've seen the first episode, that is so Greta. Fleabag is so Greta. Even Arc is so Greta. Except maybe not so bad John Green, because I like them. [00:08:00] Speaker B: Greta would like John Green. That's true. [00:08:02] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:08:03] Speaker D: I think that Fleabag is, like, chaotic. Like broken. Like crazy girl. Like tag girl. Part of Greta. And I think that John Green would be really healing for Greta. And then I think maybe Reagan say that sometimes I think in high school. [00:08:22] Speaker A: Glad that you have at least one real person in there. [00:08:29] Speaker B: All right, who are. Who are Rose 3? We just got to keep this movie. [00:08:33] Speaker C: Okay. Ro would pick Shakespeare because she would want to have a conversation on why in the world were you called the Bard? Because. Oh, what? No. And she would just want to argue with him. [00:08:51] Speaker B: She's not there to pick the brain of one of the greatest authors of all time. She's there to go, hey, that's a technicality. And you're wrong. [00:08:58] Speaker C: Yes. [00:08:58] Speaker B: Okay, that feels like rough. [00:09:01] Speaker C: This is a really me answer, and I feel like you guys are gonna make fun of me for it. I'm gonna pick myself. [00:09:08] Speaker B: Oh, my goodness. I am gonna make fun of you for that. You were right. I am gonna make fun of you. You're correct. I'm gonna make fun of you for that. You are right. [00:09:15] Speaker D: So true. I think that that's so true of Ro. [00:09:22] Speaker B: I am going to make fun of you for that. [00:09:23] Speaker C: And since you guys. Since you guys picked a fictional character, I'm going to go with a fictional character because I'm going to go with Rowena from I'm the Green bottle. Oh, my gosh. You guys, I'm going with Rowena from Supernatural because she is Ro's namesake, and she is the most powerful witch that were Ever to live. [00:09:49] Speaker B: Okay, so your answer for who Ro would have dinner with is Ro yourself. Okay. All right, Tello, who would tell? My mind's blank after those last three answers. I don't even have thoughts anymore. [00:10:08] Speaker A: Why do I get Andrew Garfield for me. [00:10:13] Speaker C: Hook us up. [00:10:14] Speaker B: Yes. Tello would talk with Andrew Garfield or Amelia Day. [00:10:20] Speaker A: Or is that her name? Last name? [00:10:22] Speaker B: Amelia Day? [00:10:23] Speaker D: No, tell us your real answer, Zach. [00:10:26] Speaker A: I'm just kidding. Go ahead. [00:10:30] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't. I'm no longer ready. Tello would hang out with Josh Johnson, then Andrew Garfield and Amelia Day. I have no more thoughts. This melted my brain, honestly. If we're going to go the whole route, we're going. One of the people would probably be Abby because Teller would get along really well with Abby. I think so. Josh Johnson, Abby and Andrew Garfield. All right, for the note. [00:11:08] Speaker D: And Tello. [00:11:10] Speaker B: Real second episode energy. Okay, so for the note taking nerds. Oh, okay. This is episode. Actually, hold on. I really need to get it started. But I wanted to say this before. And then we got off track and it got goofy. And this is gonna sound corny because it's like I waited for us to record to say this, but I wanted to say this record. I really love that session and I'm just very thankful to play D and D with you guys. And I really feel like I say it a lot, but I want to say it more. That's it. Okay. This is episode 127 of the Accidental Adventures, the Bewildering Keep. Oh, we made it. So many episodes all leading up to this episode 127, the Rewilding Keep. Well, don't cringe. [00:11:58] Speaker A: I'm just afraid. [00:12:00] Speaker B: It's a level 12 adventure. It's 3488 PB Colelan. 20. I mean, you survived a sudden Kraken encounter, so. Oh, this isn't the song I want, but this, this will do to start. We'll go standard. Also, before we get going. [00:12:25] Speaker C: Oh, nice. [00:12:26] Speaker D: Delish. [00:12:28] Speaker B: I never get tired of that sound. Okay, I got it all over my dice tray. That's what I get for trying to be snazzy fun. Guys, you are on the circular stone aisle in the middle of the underwater lake inside of the caldera at the top of the mountain, on the magical swirling island underneath the true mountain in the middle of the edge reaches of the lost Lands. You are staring up at the dark spindling wood tower. As you get as you're closer to it now and the shadow looms over you, you can see that the tower like the wood. It truly looks like someone took wood and grew it with their fingers and twisted it up like a sculpture and then bent it over impossibly, as if someone made wood flexible like clay, played with it, and then left it. The wood grains blend and swirl. It's like a massive bark system built in on itself. There are no clear pillars, no levels for floors, no windows, no doors. Just a tower of wood. [00:13:32] Speaker D: What that, I think Greta, is there. Are we. Where Are we near the grass or are we near the. Are we near the. [00:13:39] Speaker B: You are on. You on a circular stone island in the middle of the freshwater lake with forest beyond there is just stone. It's just flat stone. [00:13:47] Speaker C: How big is the lake? Like, between us and the foresty area? Like, how much? [00:13:52] Speaker B: I want to say like 4 or 500ft of water. So, okay, well, if it's like a lake. [00:14:02] Speaker D: We like smack in the middle of the lake. [00:14:05] Speaker B: No, if it's like a lake, it'd be like a thousand ish feet between you and the shoreline of the forested area beyond. [00:14:14] Speaker C: If I look like over, do I see any fishes or do I see the bottom of the. [00:14:20] Speaker B: You see a lot of water? [00:14:22] Speaker C: No bottom. Do I see the bottom? [00:14:25] Speaker B: Have you been to a lake? [00:14:27] Speaker A: What about the bikini bottle? [00:14:28] Speaker C: It's a shallow lake. [00:14:31] Speaker B: Have you ever been to a lake? Looked in and gone. Ah, the fish is in the bottom. [00:14:35] Speaker C: Off the shore. You might see the bottom. [00:14:38] Speaker A: How bad is pollution? [00:14:39] Speaker C: The lake, but there's a shore from an island. [00:14:45] Speaker A: No, I don't think we should get stuck on this. I. I feel like there are important. [00:14:50] Speaker B: Planning I've done here. Is not about the shoreline on the edge of the stone aisle. I swear to you. [00:14:56] Speaker C: I think sounds like a missed opportunity. [00:15:08] Speaker B: Inspiration for hurting me. That was carbonated. [00:15:18] Speaker D: And walk to the edge of the. The stone island and just kind of like sit with her under her, on her knees, almost in like a child's pose position and just like, sit like that. Or maybe she'd like, sit and like, put her hands in the water. She's just like sitting with her eyes closed for just like taking deep breaths, maybe shaking a little bit. [00:15:41] Speaker B: And Greta, as you cool and meditate there, you still feel that thrum of energy. Incredibly powerful event that just happened to you. The most powerful conduit of magic you've ever been. That the best way I know how to put it is if touching the Wellspring was the closest you've ever come to the divine. This was like a. I mean, I'd call it a Toned down version of that. And it is. It is less exposed, magical, raw power. But it's like comparing a bucket or an SUV to an ant. It's all big, you know, like, so it is an overwhelming level of arcana. You could really only compare to that experience of having experienced the Wellspring, but just focused and controlled and momentary, rather than being this whole experience. [00:16:31] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. [00:16:33] Speaker B: So it's just. You're like. I'm sure your mind and your heart are having experiences, but right now you're just trying to calm down your nervous system. Yeah, there's a lot. [00:16:41] Speaker D: I think she probably feels like, you know, I'm like, you go on a roller coaster and you're like, whole body is like buzzing afterwards. I think she feels like that, but she feels like the adrenaline rush and like the wanting of, like, more adrenaline. Like, it's shocking and it's so overwhelming. And she. All she can do is like, sit and take deep breaths. But there's like a craving for. And like that. [00:17:01] Speaker B: Greta, there's this moment where that deep part of you that you've run from for a long time, that part of you that craves magic, craves experience and craves wonder in the same way that it was with the Wellspring in the Westwood. It's like it gets fed for the first time in a long time. But positively, that part of you that burned your whole life up when you were in the. When you were in Vithlyi, it gets another hit in a healthy way. And it just. Yeah, yeah. It's overwhelming. [00:17:35] Speaker D: Cool. Yeah. She just sits there probably until the party moves somewhere else. [00:17:42] Speaker B: Cute. Stanley. Micah. [00:17:47] Speaker A: I resent it, but don't tell Luke's mom anyways. I'm just kidding. That was a joke. That was. [00:17:57] Speaker B: What's the rest of the party doing? [00:17:58] Speaker A: I actually obsessed with it. [00:18:00] Speaker C: I would like to touch the water, put my hand in it, and maybe wash my face off. [00:18:11] Speaker B: Okay. [00:18:11] Speaker C: Oh, God, I have a beard. [00:18:15] Speaker B: Stop. I can't write these quotes down this fast. Stop. But don't. That's funny, Mom. [00:18:24] Speaker A: No. Goodness gracious. [00:18:27] Speaker B: If you say something funny, I'm gonna write it down. Those are the rules. And then somebody else say something in role play because I have to write down, oh, God, I have a beard. [00:18:36] Speaker C: Hey, Tallow, I'm talking to the one person that can't talk. [00:18:42] Speaker A: I. I really want. I'm like kind of looking around. I'm like, why are people going to the water? There's literally a giant tower, like, right there. [00:18:50] Speaker B: Okay. [00:18:50] Speaker C: And then like the tower. [00:18:51] Speaker B: Craig huh, Ro? As you go to the ground, you kneel down, you put your hand in the water, and it's cool and still. You don't feel a lot of movement. And as you pick it up and wash it on your face, it's smooth and, you know, you feel some of the layer of oil cleaned away that you haven't been able to prestige recently. Feels refreshing as you run it through your hair and through your silky, smooth full beard. [00:19:18] Speaker D: How long is the beard? [00:19:19] Speaker B: Wash your face. It. You know what? Just for the sake of simplicity, it looks a lot like mine. It's short to the face. Just enough. Yeah. In fact, canon Rose beard looks exactly like mine. Bob cutting a beard. Episode 127. So, Craig, are you doing anything in particular? As Greta comes down off the high meditating and Ro washes herself. [00:19:45] Speaker A: So we're. I'm in the shadow of the tower. [00:19:49] Speaker B: Huge wooden tower. Yeah. [00:19:51] Speaker A: Why are we not wiring up like 60ft? Everybody's decisions with their actions are valid. However, I'm gonna go explore the tower. [00:20:00] Speaker E: Of the tower, waiting for the people to come back to go inside, as. [00:20:04] Speaker B: Is the way of this campaign. Everyone's role playing in boss. Like. Yeah, I'm on the objective. Tello's double through the water heavily. [00:20:13] Speaker D: Oh, the tower's on the island, right? [00:20:14] Speaker E: What a great question. [00:20:16] Speaker C: The tower's on the island. [00:20:19] Speaker A: I'm standing in the shadow of it. [00:20:22] Speaker C: I legitimately drew a. I thought. Okay, listen, I thought that I drew a diagram from what you said last time, and I thought it was us on the island, water surrounding us, forest. And the tower was in the forest part, and it was so tall that it was casting a shadow on Craig. That's why I was so obsessed with the water. I was so far. I'm so sorry. [00:20:49] Speaker B: No, it's okay. It's okay. The DM cast. So, anyway, at the fourth level. And Craig, as you walk up to the tall spiraling. [00:20:58] Speaker E: Takes a lot more than that, Zach, to get past. [00:21:04] Speaker B: All right, guys, that. That's an alley oop right there. That was a one, two. That was good. Craig, as you walk up to the wooden tower, where Boz already is, you're having trouble locating a front. It's all just flat wooden sides with rolling texture and twisting pattern. Could you guys give me. You can either give me two different investigation checks, or one of you can give me one at advantage receiving help from the other one and tell me how you're role playing that. How you're going about searching for a door on this investigation. [00:21:36] Speaker A: I have A negative one. So I'm not really. [00:21:39] Speaker E: That's exactly how bosses looking for a door. This is all wood, right? So Boz kind of puts his hand on the wall of the tower and using kind of like the vines from the crooked and mad prince. And he's like feeling across the front of it, trying to feel if like the vine, like the. When visages connect anywhere in the tower a little bit or catch on to an. That's what he's doing. [00:22:01] Speaker A: Craig picks up a rock and tosses it in its direction and just hopes for the best. [00:22:06] Speaker B: Okay, Boz, you do not have advantage. That's not action. So go ahead and make your investigation check. Micah, you specified I throw a rock at it and it's funny. You can be funny. Doesn't have to all be mechanics. It could be funny. [00:22:21] Speaker E: That is 15. [00:22:26] Speaker B: Okay, boz as so Craig, you watch Boz put his hands on it, close his eyes, and these little tendrils of wood spread out from his fingertips. It disappear into the tower. Boz, as you touch it, as you connect out to the vasculature of this tower, first of all, you experience something you haven't in a long time. Your brain gets a little fuzzy. Things go numb. You have that wash of sensations, and you get the feeling you used to have when the crook of the mad prince was around. And you would touch it and look at it. You hear the. Like your mind and you have to focus up a little bit. But as you touch the tower, it's the wrong shape on the inside. From the outside. Like, the inside doesn't feel at all like the outside. And you're having trouble connecting with it as you might have expected. But as the texture reaches around, you can see that on the side opposite to you, you can feel something that isn't wood. [00:23:30] Speaker A: Oh, we're just on the wrong side. [00:23:33] Speaker E: Say that one more time. I don't think I understand. [00:23:35] Speaker B: You can feel something through your wood grain senses on the other side of the tower that isn't wood. It isn't the homogenous structure of the rest of the tower. [00:23:45] Speaker E: Oh, I start looking for a doorknob. [00:23:47] Speaker B: Okay. As you walk around to the other side, no doorknob. More flat, wooden tower. But as your eyes scan it, you look up and you can see that there's inscription carved into it. And it's been inlaid with something white. It's hard to tell what. Maybe a plaster or an ivory. It gleams. And there's text above the door. It is a lot of it. Long lines of it. That wrap around a high layer about 10ft off the ground. And it's sylvan. And I think three of you speak sylvan. No, Rose. I do. [00:24:32] Speaker E: I speak sylvan. [00:24:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Tell me, Greta Boz. Greta speak sylvan. Yeah. And it's surprising every time it comes up. As you guys look up, the three of you all can read the following text. I'm just gonna copy and paste it into Lauren reference. [00:24:53] Speaker D: Cool. [00:24:56] Speaker B: Because I'm. I don't want to have to. I don't want to confuse y'all. So you all read the following inscribed somewhere on the wall. A friend who greets you, a foe who halts you. A pair who part or one alone, whether of wood or steel or stone, pushed or pulled in or out. I am the portal between those who home would call. I am the binding between them. All is written in sylvan, high up on the wall. [00:25:36] Speaker D: Does it look like a riddle? [00:25:41] Speaker B: Give me. There is an intention from someone who is inscribed this here. [00:25:45] Speaker D: Okay. [00:25:45] Speaker B: You could try and give me an insight check here if you want. Or an intelligence check, and I'll just tell you what the. Oh, you know what? You could give me an investigation check. No, give me an intelligence check or an insight check. The insight check is a higher D.C. oh, that's hard. [00:26:06] Speaker D: I don't think I'm gonna make it either way. Intelligence or in insight. [00:26:12] Speaker B: Yeah, sorry, I made that really confusing. [00:26:14] Speaker D: Okay, 10. [00:26:21] Speaker B: For intelligence. [00:26:23] Speaker D: Yeah, right. [00:26:25] Speaker B: Okay. Making a note section there. Okay. It's unclear. It certainly could. It doesn't strike you that it isn't, but you're not certain that it is. Certainly could be. Could be a riddle. [00:26:43] Speaker D: Got it. Okay. Thank you. [00:26:46] Speaker B: So you all look up and see that text. A friend who greets you, a foe who halts you. A pair who part or one alone, whether of wood or steel or stone, pushed or pulled in or out. I am the portal between those who home would call. I am the binding between them all. And all five party members just stand there staring up at the inscription. [00:27:10] Speaker D: Okay, so I think it's a door. I say this to the party. I say I think it's a metaphor or a riddle for a door. [00:27:18] Speaker B: And as Greta says that out loud from behind her in the wall, the wood cracks and then swing in. [00:27:29] Speaker D: I feel so useful. [00:27:32] Speaker B: And you all can see past Greta's shoulders as she turns around and looks. All five of you stare inward to this massive, empty, white stone room. [00:27:46] Speaker D: I give the party like a. Yeah. [00:27:48] Speaker A: I want to do a little checkout. Like a little no trap. Thing search. [00:27:54] Speaker C: That probably be a good idea. [00:27:57] Speaker A: I don't know how to do that, but I. I bet one of y'all know how to do that. [00:28:01] Speaker E: I actually don't know how to do that, unfortunately. I wish I did. [00:28:05] Speaker D: Gosh, I think it's probably okay. [00:28:08] Speaker A: No, I'm just. [00:28:09] Speaker C: Wouldn't it be like. I mean, obviously I don't have the. The spell to check for traps, but wouldn't it just be either an investigation or strategy check? Or maybe not strategy. [00:28:24] Speaker B: It is an investigation check to look for them. [00:28:28] Speaker C: I would like to look for them. [00:28:30] Speaker B: Okay, give me an investigation check. What does it look like as you look for traps? How do you do? [00:28:33] Speaker D: So can I help? [00:28:36] Speaker B: Yes, you have. You have the help action. You have advantage. [00:28:39] Speaker C: Yeah, because Craig said to look. I. I get really close to like the archway of the doors, and I use my keen eyes to just really look around. And we've done a lot of adventuring and maybe I'll find something. [00:29:04] Speaker A: Hey, guys. [00:29:07] Speaker C: He killed that total 25. [00:29:12] Speaker B: Okay. What's up, Micah? What's up? [00:29:15] Speaker A: I have detect evil and good. If that doesn't work, but I bet. [00:29:19] Speaker B: It will if there are any good or evil people around here you could know. [00:29:22] Speaker A: Remember, that only applies to people. [00:29:25] Speaker B: It does only apply. Well, it applies to creatures. [00:29:29] Speaker A: Okay, never mind. [00:29:32] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll go ahead. But hey. Learning the features. Roe. You trim the edge of the door. You look at its structure. You investigate its hinge connection. You peer through the space. You carefully consider. Looks like doors swinging into an open stone room. There is a sourceless white light covering every object all around. [00:29:55] Speaker C: Interesting. I peek my head in through the doorway and look up to look for a light source of some kind. [00:30:02] Speaker B: White stone ceiling. Sourceless white light everywhere. [00:30:05] Speaker C: Interesting. I take the first step in. Since I was my checking, I feel like I should be the one to if something bad happens, you take a. [00:30:14] Speaker B: Cautious step in and your foot on the stone. White stone room. Another step, another step. Empty white stone room. Interesting. [00:30:27] Speaker C: There's not like a staircase or anything. [00:30:30] Speaker B: You see a white stone room that's empty. [00:30:34] Speaker C: Okay. [00:30:34] Speaker B: It's about what kind of stone? 40ft wide, 10ft wide. Greg, give me a stone count. [00:30:40] Speaker A: The white kind. [00:30:41] Speaker C: How far up? [00:30:43] Speaker B: 10Ft high. [00:30:44] Speaker C: Oh, 10ft high. [00:30:48] Speaker D: Is it circular or square? [00:30:51] Speaker B: It's a square. Guys, I just said a square. White stone room. 40ft wide, 10ft tall. [00:30:57] Speaker C: Need to know the details. [00:30:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I said him twice. [00:31:00] Speaker C: Is it like a beige white or like an off white? I'm just kidding. [00:31:04] Speaker B: It takes a point of psychic damage. Craig with it, with 14, you don't recognize it. It's either stone you've never seen or stone not from Yalabun. [00:31:16] Speaker D: What is that supposed to mean? [00:31:18] Speaker C: Whoa. [00:31:21] Speaker B: So does the party just kind of think about the room, observe it, stare down at the desk? [00:31:26] Speaker C: Inside the room, I go along the. [00:31:29] Speaker B: Wall and touch not to sass, but I can't DM if you guys don't do things. So Ro walks in and starts touching the walls. [00:31:36] Speaker C: I try and find something, like a lever or something. [00:31:42] Speaker E: Okay. I'm looking for any Druidic as well, like on, like the walls or little symbols or messages on the tree. And also as I'm going inside the. [00:31:50] Speaker B: White room, as the whole party enters Tello, following the doors close behind. The room is still lit with light as you all stop and pause and look around for different details. In the very center of the room, this blue orb of burning, flickering light about 3ft off the ground, just burning there in the center of the room. [00:32:24] Speaker C: Can I do an arcana check? See if I know what kind of magic it is. [00:32:31] Speaker B: From what? Yes, you may. It's going to be a really high DC because you're working off of so little information, but sure. Okay, you may. I mean, you are a very powerful caster. [00:32:48] Speaker C: It's a 23. [00:32:51] Speaker B: Okay, you are not sure. [00:32:52] Speaker C: Okay. [00:32:54] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, you have suspicions and premonitions, but it's just so unknown. [00:33:00] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay. Is it. Does it give off warmth? [00:33:09] Speaker B: Not from the distance. You are away from it. You're maybe 10 or 15ft away. [00:33:13] Speaker D: Did the door close behind us? Like, I know it closed behind us, but did it. Did it disappear? [00:33:20] Speaker B: And as it's sealed, you no longer see it? [00:33:23] Speaker E: Okay, I'm going to walk up and reach towards the blue orb. [00:33:28] Speaker B: Okay, now that feels like Bob's. You walk up, you to the center of the room, and you reach your hand up toward it. Do you continue until you touch it or. I mean, okay, that was unfair of me. You reach up and you feel no sensation, no heat, just kind of like an energy coming off of it and it doesn't react, it doesn't move. I didn't give you any description. I was just like, do you keep doing it and it burns and flickers there in the middle, just unmoving as you reach your hand up toward it? [00:33:56] Speaker E: Yeah, I touch it. [00:33:58] Speaker B: Okay. Baz reaches out and as his finger grazes the edge of the energy, he just disappears. Oh, and Baz is gone. [00:34:08] Speaker D: Yeah, I do that too. [00:34:09] Speaker A: I do that too. [00:34:12] Speaker B: Greta, without talking, walks up and disappears and Then kind of goes. And Teller just goes, I mean, I hope we're not all dead. And he walks up and just pokes it. [00:34:25] Speaker C: Ro goes and touches it, I guess. [00:34:31] Speaker B: And the whole party without a thought or question or just all. They all just. Okay, I need everybody. Also, Abby, a thing. It's probably a good idea to have both character sheets also aimed at no one in particular. Dyson, character sheets are a great way to start session. Could everybody roll me a D4? [00:34:50] Speaker C: No. [00:34:52] Speaker D: Just a flat D4. [00:34:55] Speaker A: I got three. [00:34:56] Speaker E: Okay, got three. [00:34:59] Speaker B: Great. Craig and Boz got three. Ro got a one. [00:35:03] Speaker D: Would you get Greta two for Tello, three for me. [00:35:10] Speaker B: Fascinating. [00:35:12] Speaker C: I don't like that reaction. [00:35:18] Speaker B: I want the result to be different because I don't want an NPC to get an interesting room the players don't get. [00:35:26] Speaker D: You can switch to Lunai if you want. [00:35:29] Speaker B: I'm going to, just because I didn't think that through. I don't want an NPC to get a cool room that a player doesn't get. That. That wasn't a good sense. [00:35:39] Speaker E: Room three is bad is what you're saying. Room three is bad. [00:35:43] Speaker B: Well, okay, Ro. [00:35:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:35:50] Speaker B: You are standing in a great chamber sculpted from pure polished iron. Stands nearly 50ft in width, height and length. One great looming window of towering glass is 50ft tall. Runs the entire height and length of the chamber from floor to ceiling. 10ft wide, not the full width. Stands in the center of each of the chamber's walls. So like cardinal in each direction, it's stained glass. Just kind of depicts general artistry, beauty, nothing specific. The long spaces between these windows are painted with the shadow by the distance between the natural light provided by each opaque site. So modeled in their finish that they allow light but not a clear visage through the dark. Iron space has no other structural features in its walls, save for an intricate array of thousands upon thousands of glyphs. It's so incredibly fitting that you're in here. That cover the room from floor to ceiling of the stone chamber. Intricate glyph work in the exact center of the room. Dangling from a 30 foot high iron chain is a little iron key hanging from the chain. It hangs exactly 20ft off the ground from the high ceiling around the space are scattered 30 iron cubes each. The hollow inside metal frame on the outside. About 2 square feet in every dimension. There are no other objects in the space. [00:37:41] Speaker C: Okay, okay, say the last part again. 30 iron cubes and hollow iron cubes. [00:37:49] Speaker B: Kind of like metal hollow dice. [00:37:52] Speaker C: Okay, and how big are they again? [00:37:54] Speaker B: Two square Feet. [00:37:56] Speaker C: Okay, interesting. And there's no like. I mean, this is probably an obvious question, but no doors or anything. [00:38:04] Speaker B: Okay, valid. This is a weird situation. Yeah, no, that's it. [00:38:09] Speaker C: The first thing Ro would do is yell. And since she's alone, like for Boz. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Yeah, Roz. Roz, that's your own name. Greta. Just bounces back off the walls. Empty space. [00:38:23] Speaker C: And I don't hear anything. [00:38:24] Speaker B: I'm alone and the space is still. Your voice echoes off the walls. Okay, Greta. [00:38:30] Speaker D: Okay. [00:38:32] Speaker B: And I'll say Tello's in there with you, because I don't know, it's just a more interesting split up. You know what? From now on, whatever you roll, Tello rolls. And if too many people get the same room, I'm gonna make somebody reroll Greta. You and Tello appear into an imposing space. A perfectly cylindrical room, 80ft in diameter, 30ft high. The room appears to be perfectly hewn from a pale black clean stone, like a slate, with four simple chandeliers, massive metal cylinders of dark black iron hanging from great chains 20ft above the chamber floor, whose 2ft tall slits on each of the cardinal direction. In their cylindrical light spills ominous waves of orange hot light. So big cylindrical, dark stone, room four. Metal, cylindrical, like hanging lights of metal like frame. There's slits in them and hot orange light is pulsing out of them, creating an eerie lighting all over the chamber, where some of the sections of the room are well lit and some are in shadow. In the center of the room is an elevated circular platform one foot off of the floor with a three foot tall pedestal in its center. Carved into the center of the pedestal is a stone bowl. [00:39:57] Speaker D: Okay, I go look at the bowl. [00:39:59] Speaker B: Okay, you walk across the space and tell her, goes, okay, we're just going straight for it. He walks with you. [00:40:06] Speaker D: Can I do like investigation check for traps? [00:40:12] Speaker B: Yeah. Are you carefully checking as you go along? You just kind of looking around? If you're looking around, its perception. Okay, give me an investigation check. Tello's assisting. He's very nervous, so. And then we'll get to Craig and Boz. [00:40:23] Speaker D: Advantage. [00:40:25] Speaker B: Yes, you have advantage on the chat also. Forgive me, guys, there's no way around the fact that I'm gonna have to bounce back in in between you guys, so. [00:40:34] Speaker D: Oh, good. This is. [00:40:35] Speaker B: I hope it does not get boring. [00:40:36] Speaker D: This is awesome. Okay, so investigation 26. [00:40:40] Speaker B: Holy crap. I forget how smart your character is. I didn't know you're proficient. Investigation. It is surprisingly stark and bare, just empty, smooth stone. You walk up to the raised center disk. And as you stand on it, you walk up to the three foot tall. Oh, good thing you're in here with Tello. He picks you up so that you could look inside the bowl because you weren't tall enough. [00:41:07] Speaker D: That's his assisting. [00:41:09] Speaker B: There you go. In the center of the stone bowl is a minute hole like a pinprick in the bottom of the basin next to the bowl on the ground next to the pedestal, you could see this from a ways away is a brass amphora. A metal jar with a narrow base, wide body, narrow neck, two handles. So like those Greek vases with two handles on each side, a brass amp covered in spiraling scrawling carvings that adorn its smooth polished surface. The amphora is filled with. With. As you peer in and squint with your eye a thick red sand which smokes and mists with a pale gray smoke that smells like cinders. If you move the amphora at all, it emanates slowly in motion from the fine mineral. [00:41:57] Speaker D: Okay, Craig, okay. [00:42:02] Speaker B: You and Bazaar. Ah, this is. This couldn't have gone better. This. I. Man, everybody went to the right room. That's so satisfying. You two appear in an ornate chamber of great size stretches out before you. The space is. Well, yes, we. [00:42:26] Speaker A: Well, I got three, Landon got three and then Abby got three. [00:42:30] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm moved. One of you. So somebody was in it more. [00:42:34] Speaker A: Okay, okay, okay, I got you. No problem. [00:42:36] Speaker C: I'm happy. [00:42:37] Speaker B: The space is. Thank you. The space is well dressed in reaching gothic masonry hewn from cool gray stone, masterfully crafted and lovely to the sight. The room is massive, 60ft in length, 80 in width. An imposing space like a. Like a chapel or a temple, marked only with great stone arches, each 12ft tall that skirt the walls in an arcade arrangement with beautiful sprawling stained glass windows framed in every arch, alighting every side. These windows display abstract imagery of cool and warm colors depicting some far bitter landscape filled with alien scenes opposing the kaleidoscope like shadow shift of light from the glass portals. A roaring fireplace on the northern wall contrasts the dreamlike colors with a very tangible orange brightness of great heat. The fireplace is more than 10ft across and 8ft tall with a small iron gate. Man, I was really into my heights and widths in this. Not all this matters. With a small iron gate holding a pile of crackling coals and logs with their licking dancing flames. On the other side of the room in the middle of the southern wall, dressed in the shadows, draping the Olin baron, the only one there's a wall on the other side that's not windows is a foreboding figure. Eight feet tall, the figure has dark burgundy skin, sheathing a tall, lean humanoid whose wrists and ankles are closely chained to the stone wall behind them by heavy iron manacles. Two large leathery wings of charcoal colored flesh stretch between bony frames as they sprout backward from his shoulders, rising behind him in parallel to the two recurved horns that branch out of his hanging, forlorn brow. His arms hang limply above his head with dark black blood stains streaked down his sinuous, muscular forearms. With tight bindings at his wrists, he kneels on recurved knees with clawed, almost draconic feet doubled up behind him. A dark thin tail is wrapped about his circumference with a sharp spade like tip that lies limply on the floor before him. Long jet black hair, thickly stranded with what is hard to determine between blood or oil, hangs down over his face, draping his visage from between the strands. Well, we'll get to that. In the center of the room, laying in the middle of the floor, regally carved and designed, is a 6 inch long key of pure gold. That's the room you're in, Ro. [00:45:37] Speaker C: Hello? Okay, so with these cubes, did you say they're kind of randomly spread around the room or they're just scattered around the space? [00:45:49] Speaker B: Scattered around the floor. Each side is full of similar swirling patterns. Like they don't seem to be like sided like a die. [00:46:00] Speaker C: Do they also have glyphs on them or is it just patterns? [00:46:06] Speaker B: Just looks like patterns. The floor and the wall are glyphs, but you don't see a magical makeup. [00:46:11] Speaker C: To this, to the glyphs or to the boxes? The cubes. [00:46:17] Speaker B: The cubes. [00:46:20] Speaker C: Okay, do I recognize. [00:46:22] Speaker B: I'm sending you a reference image, Micah. It's obviously a different position and not holding a weapon, but it's a reference image of the individual before you with some visual variation. Did you say I hate it? [00:46:35] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:46:35] Speaker B: I appreciate it. Thanks. I hate it. [00:46:38] Speaker A: Appreciate it. [00:46:41] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:46:42] Speaker C: I hate it. [00:46:44] Speaker B: Okay. [00:46:47] Speaker C: So I have some ideas, but I want to first do a check of some sort to see if I recognize any of the glyphs around or. [00:46:57] Speaker B: Give me an arcana check. That is a very valid arcana check, Micah. Texas. Oh, Michael. And then she put a response with a little asterisk. [00:47:09] Speaker C: Gosh, that's a 29. [00:47:13] Speaker A: I have nails. Oh my gosh. 29. 29. [00:47:19] Speaker B: You guys do that? [00:47:20] Speaker C: Guys, I want that to be my birthday birthday cake this year. Just Schmidt saying 29. Sorry. [00:47:25] Speaker B: As you look at it carefully and rub your fingers along the glyphs. Oh, shoot. [00:47:31] Speaker C: Uh oh. [00:47:32] Speaker B: This takes a lot of your arcane knowledge to piece together, but you have seen, deciphered, and read quite a few glyphs at this point. You're becoming a very knowledgeable caster. Very naturally skilled, but very knowledgeable. These cover a lot of different schools of magic. Oh, the recurring and recursive. These are cancellation glyphs. Oh, you bet. Magic doesn't work in here. [00:47:56] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:48:01] Speaker B: Man, when I tell you everybody went to the right room. That couldn't have turned out better. [00:48:09] Speaker C: That key up there, it's 20ft off the ground. Correct. [00:48:13] Speaker B: Hanging from a chain. [00:48:14] Speaker C: What do I see about the key? Like what color? Like what material is it? Is there any glyphs on it? From what I can tell you, it. [00:48:21] Speaker B: Looks like an indistinct dark iron key from here. If you got closer, you might be able to gather more information. [00:48:25] Speaker C: I grab one of the cubes and try to pick it up, see what happens. [00:48:30] Speaker B: They're very good for holding because there's enough space between the swirling patterns and their hollow frame that you can wrap your fingers in as you wrap it. [00:48:36] Speaker C: And lift, hold or heavy. [00:48:39] Speaker B: That's heavy. Why don't you give me an athlete? [00:48:42] Speaker C: You said they were hollow. They are, but their iron. Oh, and ro is a weak. Did you say athletics? Could we make that acrobatics? No, I'm just kidding. That's gonna be a 14. [00:49:03] Speaker B: Row. You get it up off the ground. Months and months and months and months of exercise culminate in the tightness that hinges your hamstrings up behind your leg. That your glutes are literally quivering. You feel your forearms like it's pushing on your fingers from the weight down. But you lift it. Oh, you can hoist this. You can hoist this. And you put it down beneath the key. Some sweat is perspiring on your forehead, but you can move it. And you look up at that key. Oh, it looks high up there now. [00:49:39] Speaker C: Yeah. So I did the maths. I would need. I just need 10 of the cubes. [00:49:49] Speaker B: You need 10 of the cubes to make a tower straight up to it. [00:49:52] Speaker C: That's the problem. [00:49:52] Speaker B: If you're gonna have enough room to stand and build. [00:49:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:55] Speaker B: You need about 24 of them. [00:49:57] Speaker C: Oh, that's true. Because I'm going to have to kind of make it a staircase like thing. [00:50:02] Speaker B: Yeah, A pyramid. Ish. [00:50:03] Speaker C: Yeah. So she's going to do that, and she's going to get the ones that are the closest to her in the room to. I know it's going to take a while for little baby Ro. [00:50:18] Speaker B: Ro. Give me. Give me strength. Give me six. Six strength. Give me. Oh, my goodness. I can't talk this evening. Give me six athletics checks, and we're going to average them. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Okay, Here we go. [00:50:36] Speaker B: This is my present to Jackie. A lot of checks with a lot of dice. [00:50:42] Speaker C: I'm gonna write these down. Okay. The first one is gonna be 15. [00:50:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:50:49] Speaker C: Oh, no. The second one is two. [00:50:53] Speaker B: Oh. [00:50:58] Speaker C: The third one is. How many am I doing? [00:51:02] Speaker B: Six. [00:51:03] Speaker C: The third one is six. [00:51:07] Speaker B: You can lando. Okay. [00:51:11] Speaker C: The fourth one is 16. [00:51:15] Speaker B: Okay. [00:51:19] Speaker C: May I use my inspiration on one of them? [00:51:23] Speaker B: You may. [00:51:24] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, that's much better. I got another 15. [00:51:31] Speaker B: Great. [00:51:32] Speaker C: Six, three, four, five. Yeah. One more. And the final one is going to be 10. Not the greatest, but not the worst. [00:51:46] Speaker B: I guess that averages to 11. Ro, you lifted that first block in about a minute of effort. You are scraping and heaving and pushing and lifting, and it's more than. It's more than moving the blocks, it's lifting them. You realize that there are emotions here that you haven't built a lot of muscle in your. Your legs have gotten stronger and you've built your arms a little bit, but as you have to heave them up this way, there's no rear. You don't have much Rear Delt strength. You haven't lifted weights. It's all been body weight, and there are motions for that, but you haven't been practicing it. So as you lift it, you have to. You find yourself having to, like, lift with your knee and push your hands under it and push up. And I need you to make three strength saving throws for me. We're going to come back to the 11, I promise. [00:52:38] Speaker C: Okay? Oh, no. Okay. Well, one of them is zero because I have minus two and I rolled a two. The next one is 12. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Okay. [00:52:58] Speaker C: Oh, do I need to be writing these down? [00:53:00] Speaker B: No, I've got you. [00:53:01] Speaker C: Okay. And the third one is gonna be seven. Yikes. [00:53:09] Speaker B: Divided by three, that's a six. Yikes average. And this effort is prolonged and pained by the fact that you have. You drop them four or five times, some of them from great heights. One of them on yourself, and you take. [00:53:31] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:53:34] Speaker B: I roll two ones. You take six points of. Look at how rugged these dice are. It's so fun. I love my weird random dice bucket. [00:53:42] Speaker C: It is cool. [00:53:43] Speaker B: You take two points of bludgeoning damage, and it is quick movement from your agile body. That keeps your tibia from being broken. [00:53:53] Speaker C: Wonderful. [00:53:55] Speaker B: And I mean, it's just. And you do this for about half an hour. You work at this. One of them falls and the chamber, you work, you sweat. You cut yourself on some of the edges that aren't that sharp, but it's just the pressure. You're bleeding. I need you to give me. I need you to give me an endurance check. [00:54:21] Speaker C: Yes, sir. [00:54:26] Speaker B: Man, everybody ended up in the right room. This is amazing. [00:54:33] Speaker C: I got a one. I rolled a one. [00:54:38] Speaker B: After half an exhausting hour, you make your tower. You are sitting at the bottom of it, covered in sweat, heaving your pet, your. Your chest, panting. You are drenched in sweat. You feel like you're close to pulling a muscle, and you definitely have a point of exhaustion. [00:54:55] Speaker C: Okay. [00:54:56] Speaker B: But your tower is made. And if you climb up to the top and get up on your tiptoes, you can touch that key. I need you to do something different for me. [00:55:05] Speaker C: Okay? [00:55:06] Speaker B: I need you to roll a D12 plus one. [00:55:15] Speaker C: D12 plus one. That's gonna be 10. [00:55:24] Speaker B: Add that to your workout hours. You didn't do 10 hours of workout, but you put in more effort than you ever have physically. [00:55:32] Speaker C: And that's fun. [00:55:34] Speaker B: Not only that, you overcame this. Part of these hours are physical, but part of them are personal and mental. [00:55:41] Speaker C: Nice. [00:55:43] Speaker B: And you stand there panting, exhausted, looking up at that key at the top of your tower. [00:55:47] Speaker C: I'm looking at my tower going, man, I wish Craig was here to see this. Greta. [00:55:56] Speaker D: Yes. [00:55:56] Speaker B: We'll come back to you. Ro. Greta. [00:55:59] Speaker D: Yes. [00:55:59] Speaker B: You are in the massive cylindrical room. You stand in front of the stone bowl, and you have the amphora next to it. [00:56:10] Speaker D: Okay. So there's a stone bowl with a little pinprick in the middle. Right. Can I see inside the pinprick? [00:56:22] Speaker B: It's very small. Not trying to be sassy, but it's very, very small. You can't see into it. [00:56:30] Speaker D: And can you describe the lanterns at the top of the room again? [00:56:33] Speaker B: Yeah, they're hanging pretty high up. You can't reach them. They're basically like black metal chains leaning down to big metal wrapped cylinders with some heat source inside. I do a lot of talking at work. A lot of heat source inside that have these slits that orange hot light is pouring out of, making some of the space lit, and especially the areas where they overlap. And then some space is dark, so the space has missing gaps of light, and they're just hanging there softly swaying. [00:57:02] Speaker D: Okay. And then I have the jar. [00:57:06] Speaker B: Yeah, the jar, yes. [00:57:08] Speaker D: Is there any writing on the jar? Is there any writing at all in the room? [00:57:12] Speaker B: It looks decorative. And the rest of the room appears pretty barren. [00:57:15] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna try and pour just a little bit of the substance from the jar into the bowl. [00:57:28] Speaker B: Okay. You pick up the amphora and you lift it and tilt it. It's heavy, it's got weight to it, but you're a strong old lady. And as you sifted it just a little bit. Okay. And some of the sand. The sand is like grayish and it. And some smoke lifts off and. Oh, excuse me. It's reddish, so. Sorry. It's reddish. And as you pour it into the bowl, it like pours down to the middle, gathers at the base, and then some of it begins to pour into the pinprick until it finally drains. And as it sits there at the bottom of the bowl, it seems to almost heat a little bit. Like the sand gets brighter, smokes a little more, and then disappears. [00:58:16] Speaker D: Okay. Do the lamps change at all? [00:58:19] Speaker B: No. [00:58:21] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna try casting light on my fingertips and see what happens. [00:58:29] Speaker B: Okay. You utter the familiar incantation. Lights appear at your fingertips. [00:58:38] Speaker D: Okay. Do I need to roll? Wild magic. [00:58:43] Speaker B: You cast it on your fingertips and you feel no spark of energy. [00:58:47] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. But nothing changes. [00:58:54] Speaker B: No. [00:58:58] Speaker D: And nothing changes with the light. [00:59:01] Speaker B: No. [00:59:04] Speaker D: And there's. There's nothing else in the room, Right? [00:59:06] Speaker B: Nothing you can see. [00:59:09] Speaker D: Can I check for other things? [00:59:11] Speaker B: Give me an investigation check. Tella will assist. She's just following around, helping you with things. And the whole time he's talking to you in insignian Fun. [00:59:21] Speaker D: Sometimes I have to like, ask him what something means. I ask him what the name of this, the specific name of the jar is. [00:59:27] Speaker B: He looks at you and he goes, um, Thora, I'm going to level with you. I don't. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is in common. I just heard you say it. [00:59:40] Speaker D: Yeah, it's a 23. [00:59:43] Speaker B: Greta. You scour the space and do not find any additional objects. [00:59:47] Speaker D: I'm gonna put the. The jar in the bowl, but not pour it in. I'm gonna put the M4. Like I'm gonna set it interesting. [00:59:54] Speaker B: You set it down. No reaction. [00:59:58] Speaker D: Okay. [00:59:59] Speaker B: It smokes a little more, but. [01:00:03] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna pour some of the stuff into my hand or I'm gonna have teleport into my hand a little bit over the bowl. So I'm gonna go like jello. [01:00:09] Speaker B: Picks up the amphora and tilts it enough, fills in your hand. The amount that goes past your hand. And lands in the bowl. Heats up a little bit, moves to the middle, slowly drains into the hole. The amount that rests in your hand. The red sand lands there, but after it's been in your hand for a moment, it, like, turns a dull gray and just disintegrates into dust. And the amphora he's holding refills with red sand. [01:00:38] Speaker D: Okay, okay. [01:00:38] Speaker B: Comes out of it. [01:00:39] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to pour the sand or have Telo pour the sand into the bowl. [01:00:44] Speaker B: Okay, the bowl. And as he empties the amphora, it fills up to the full height of the bowl and begins heating and draining from the middle. It drains and drains and drains and drains. And then moments after you read a bunch of notes here, the smoke is thickening more off of this sand, and it's heating up more and more. The four chandeliers in the room begin to burn more brightly. The hot orange light grows. It almost starts to flicker with an audible intensity to the heat. You can feel it a little bit from here, creating more contrasting shadows and their overlapping elucidation. And suddenly, bright red symbols appear on the walls. Large numbers. They glow to life. Each more than 5ft tall, a deep crimson color halfway up the wall's height. Each of them are numbers, and they all say 50 on them. And so. Excuse me. So to be clear, it's like all around the room. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 1 to 50 is in a giant circular pattern around the room. And they're in bright light, okay? And they're glowing. And the sand is just going down. They're shining. And the 50 disappears. [01:02:20] Speaker D: Okay? [01:02:21] Speaker B: And then the 49 disappears. And the chandeliers burn brighter. And the 48 disappears. And the chandelier layers start to get so bright that the shadows are getting thinner. The 47 disappears. [01:02:46] Speaker D: Okay, okay, okay. [01:02:49] Speaker B: The 46 disappears. Chandeliers get brighter. The shadows are only behind the pillars. [01:02:56] Speaker D: Now I'm gonna start scooping this stuff out of the. No, I'm not gonna do that. [01:03:01] Speaker B: That. [01:03:01] Speaker D: I'm not gonna do that. [01:03:03] Speaker B: Okay. You reach your hands up toward the sand. Kind of confusedly, Tello just pulls out his crossbow and goes. I really don't know what this is good for right now. [01:03:11] Speaker D: I'm going to place it. One of the. I'm gonna try and create water on one of the lantern. [01:03:18] Speaker B: Okay, Go ahead and expand the spell slot. How much water do you create? [01:03:25] Speaker D: I'm looking at the spell. It doesn't have to be the full thing, right? [01:03:32] Speaker B: Doesn't have to be okay, I'm gonna. [01:03:34] Speaker D: Put, like, five gallons over top of wood. [01:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe for a lesser cleric, but you're incredibly. You have a lot of control over your power. You hold your symbol, you utter. The tattoo at the side of your mouth lights up. And as your eyes flare and that little illusory light eye appears above your forehead, the water just. And as it rains down on the chandelier, it burns up in hot steam, and the light dims for a second. The 42 disappears and then burns back hotter. It's not. The room's not getting too much hotter, but the light is growing brighter. The 41. [01:04:12] Speaker D: Okay. [01:04:14] Speaker B: Tello's just kind of running around the room, scanning things, looking at the base of the pillars, tracing his eyes. He tries touching one of the numbers on the wall. [01:04:22] Speaker D: How long does identify? Identify is too long, too late for that incident. [01:04:26] Speaker B: What's the casting time? [01:04:28] Speaker D: I'm looking. Give me just a second. I'm sorry. I know. I'm going. [01:04:31] Speaker B: This is stressful. Kind of intentionally. [01:04:37] Speaker D: Instantaneous. On the stuff in the. In the. In the. I'm an attack. I'm gonna cast identify on the red sand symbol. [01:04:50] Speaker B: Okay. You grab your symbol. What does it look like as you cast identify? [01:04:54] Speaker D: I just take it in my hand and close my eyes. And then, like, my fingers. Her fingers are kind of like. Her eyes are closed, and maybe she's. Her, like, head is twitching a little bit, and her hands are, like. Her fingers are, like, twitching. And she's not trying to do anything fancy. She's just trying to focus on the magic. [01:05:09] Speaker B: And as you focus, your eyes flare with light and you look back at the sand, it washes over them. The 37 disappears. You look at the sand, and information floods into your mind as the 35 disappears. And you just become instantaneously aware that that's aromatic sand. It is unmagical aromatic sand. [01:05:35] Speaker D: What is aromatic sand? [01:05:37] Speaker B: That has an aroma and often sublimates at a certain temperature so that it creates a scented mist or scented dust. [01:05:47] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [01:05:48] Speaker B: The 33 disappears under the sand. [01:05:50] Speaker D: And put my finger over the hole. I'm gonna, like, reach for the hole. [01:05:53] Speaker B: The lanterns are growing brighter. You reach your hand that's hot, but you push your finger pass down into the hole, and you cover it. The sand is really hot in the bowl. You take a point of fire damage as your hand. You burn your hand a little bit. As you wince and press your finger, it quits flowing. The sand stops. And the number on the wall, the 31, flickers a little and stops and holds Tello goes, okay, okay. [01:06:20] Speaker D: I'm gonna say, tello, give me a piece of cloth. [01:06:25] Speaker B: He looks around the space. Then he just pulls out a knife and cuts part of his cloak. And he goes, okay, go to Mistet. And he runs over and hands it to you. [01:06:32] Speaker D: I'm gonna ball it up into a little ball. [01:06:36] Speaker B: Okay. [01:06:37] Speaker D: And I'm gonna try and reach back in and shove that over the hole. [01:06:43] Speaker B: Okay. You take your finger out, push it down, and for a moment, the sand begins to fall back down, but then you push it back in. You take another point of fire. Damage is you stick your hand back in the sand and the 31 disappears. But the 30 doesn't. It just stops. [01:06:58] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [01:07:00] Speaker B: You pull your hand out. [01:07:01] Speaker D: Yes. [01:07:03] Speaker B: The cloth appears to be holding. [01:07:05] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [01:07:12] Speaker B: Craig. [01:07:15] Speaker A: Yes. Me. [01:07:16] Speaker B: I love this dungeon. [01:07:25] Speaker A: We had dragons last time. [01:07:27] Speaker B: This the dungeon cross. [01:07:28] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. Dungeons and Dragons in one night. [01:07:32] Speaker B: We're playing tnt. Guys. Craig. [01:07:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:07:37] Speaker B: You and Boz are in, first of all, the big stone gothic room. [01:07:41] Speaker A: Is he dead? [01:07:44] Speaker B: He's not moving. There's blood all over him. Also, feel free to go. You're both there. You can give me a medicine check if you want, but you're going to need to get close to inspect. [01:07:57] Speaker E: Yes, Craig. [01:08:01] Speaker A: Pause. [01:08:02] Speaker B: Okay. [01:08:02] Speaker E: I cast object myself. [01:08:05] Speaker B: Oh, he's sick. Describe that for me. My guy. That's awesome. [01:08:11] Speaker E: And Craig. And Craig. [01:08:12] Speaker B: And Craig. Awesome. [01:08:16] Speaker A: Wait, what did you cast? [01:08:18] Speaker B: I do. [01:08:19] Speaker E: I do the bro slap on Craig's shoulder, and it leaves like a handprint on his armor, but it's there. [01:08:27] Speaker B: And as you lift it off, there's this sparkle of magic, and it washes over your forehead and over Craig's. And both of you all are shielded from your minds from Charming magics. Boz, as the powerful magic flows out of you and you prepare for the influx of ma. Of wild magic, you feel no spark of energy. [01:08:48] Speaker E: Sick. [01:08:49] Speaker B: We. [01:08:49] Speaker E: I could do magic, Craig, and it's not going to hurt me. [01:08:51] Speaker B: Sick, bro. So. [01:08:55] Speaker E: I want to look at the. [01:08:56] Speaker A: Guy I want to go check out. Okay. [01:08:59] Speaker B: Like. [01:09:00] Speaker A: Okay. [01:09:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:03] Speaker A: So do you want. Do you want some protective. I can do some. Like, can I. Sanctuary. [01:09:11] Speaker B: That certainly can be. [01:09:13] Speaker A: Assistant. Would that help? [01:09:14] Speaker E: Oh, here's what I want to do, Zachary. Here's what I want to do. Does he look injured? He looks injured, right? [01:09:22] Speaker B: This isn't the right music. I'm going to keep playing with this. I'll just keep going with this. Yeah, he looks badly injured now. Not in the way of, like. He's not covered in wounds. His joints just look bruised like his knees where he's been on the floor. And his ankles and wrists are covered in blood. The injuries of long presence here. What are you two doing? [01:10:00] Speaker E: And he's chained to a big. [01:10:02] Speaker B: Yes, a wall. And I did a bunch of visual description, but to be clear, Fireplace on this side, him on the other. Gold key in the middle on the floor. Chains on his wrists and ankles. [01:10:14] Speaker A: Gold key. [01:10:15] Speaker B: Gold key. 6 inch gold key in the middle of the floor. Fine. And Phil agreed. You guys are like, in between the fireplace and the key. [01:10:29] Speaker A: Would you like some safety? [01:10:32] Speaker E: What do you mean? [01:10:34] Speaker A: Like, remember that one time we were fighting that guy that wanted to be Big Mike, but he could be big Mike. Anyways, I was able to kind of like, protect Ro for a little bit from attacks. So if he has like a magical thing. But you're pretty powerful, so maybe you don't need my. My silly little. [01:10:55] Speaker E: I got this. Boss is gonna. Is gonna, like, cast freedom of movement as well on himself. [01:11:01] Speaker B: Okay. [01:11:02] Speaker E: I don't know. [01:11:03] Speaker B: And the vines pulse around you, and you feel an energy cover you. [01:11:07] Speaker E: And I'm gonna walk over to the guy. [01:11:10] Speaker B: Okay. You just tread across the room, past the key, over. It's a large space. It's a long walk over to him. As you tread over, you get closer. His head is just bowed. All of the heavy hair looks like there's a mix of blood and like, sort of like sweat and oil in it. It's just matted over his head. He's just hanging limply, which the bad. [01:11:34] Speaker E: Guys are always slightly oily. I said that beginning of the last episode. Watch this guy be a bad guy. Boss is gonna. [01:11:45] Speaker B: Craig, do you go with him or are you just standing on the other side of the room? [01:11:51] Speaker A: I. I'm gonna go with him because my. My attacks are best up close. [01:11:56] Speaker B: As Craig walks with you. Dude, the armor, the figure hanging before you face. Also not a big deal, but we've talked about how there have been gunshots in my area lately. And today we were at an event with the college, and a balloon popped, and I spun around so fast, and I like, kind of got my hands up and all my students died laughing. And then the rest of the day, they walked around going pull a Patton. And they thought that was the funniest thing in the universe. You were just being prepared. I mean, it was funny, but no, it's. Guys, it's fine. That's life. But I don't know. He like, bursts awaken where he's hanging. He's just looking wildly at both of you all. From between the hair, the dark hair, you can see these burning orange eyes with these. The pupils are like sort of circular, but also slightly slitted, as if they're in between a reptile and a mammal's. And he just. [01:13:01] Speaker E: What? What happened? [01:13:06] Speaker B: Just sort of. His eyes dart around the space. You're here. Hi. [01:13:18] Speaker A: How long have you been here? [01:13:20] Speaker B: Hi. Voices. I missed voices. Hello, friends. Hello. Hi. I'm trapped. And he like pulls his arms against the chains, shifts them into like on his. I go, I'm trapped. But you can get me out. I'm trapped here. I'm trapped here and you all can get me out. Hello. Please. And he like looks in between your shoulders. The key. The key. Go get the key and unlock me. Please unlock me. And we can all leave here. And he gives you this like frantic, like, really uncanny smile. Like he's attempting to mimic a facial expression he hasn't used in front of a person in so long. Just. Yeah. [01:14:23] Speaker A: Who did this to you? [01:14:26] Speaker B: I don't remember. I don't know. I would like to leave. Could I leave? Let just leave. I've been here a long time. I don't know how it's. [01:14:40] Speaker D: You. [01:14:41] Speaker B: You want to go? You be stuck here. Let's leave. We should leave. You guys can role play if you want. I want to do. [01:14:54] Speaker E: I'm trying to figure out what this guy looks like. Does he look like a humanoid? Does he look like some. [01:14:59] Speaker B: He looks like the. The picture sent in Lauren reference. His hair. His horns don't go out to the side so much. They're more inward and narrow. His hair is longer. He doesn't have the goatee. He's a bit more red and burgundy, but very much the picture. Is that Lauren reference. [01:15:14] Speaker E: Oh, so like a devil. [01:15:16] Speaker B: I mean, Boz doesn't know what that is, but yeah. [01:15:23] Speaker A: He looks a lot. [01:15:23] Speaker B: Like a 5e horned devil. But nobody knows what that is. Here. [01:15:31] Speaker E: Craig. [01:15:32] Speaker B: Yeah, Craig got a little hawk. That's a beautiful name. Craig. [01:15:40] Speaker A: Your means rock. [01:15:42] Speaker B: He's gorge. A rock. [01:15:45] Speaker A: What's your name? [01:15:51] Speaker B: I don't know. [01:15:53] Speaker A: You don't know your name? [01:15:55] Speaker B: I don't remember. [01:15:56] Speaker A: Do you want a new one? [01:16:00] Speaker B: Sure. Craig. What do you want to call me? Please let me know. He bites his lip, like really hard. Sharp canines pierce his lip a little. He starts bleeding down his chin. Stefan. And as he. As he like smiles way too wide and pulls his teeth back out of his lip. They're bleeding now. And he goes. I love Stefan. Stefan. And Craig. He looks at you, boss. Wide Eyed. [01:16:32] Speaker E: All right. [01:16:34] Speaker B: And you, what's your name? Other person is gonna let me out. [01:16:38] Speaker E: Don't you have the. The thing? [01:16:41] Speaker A: Huh? [01:16:43] Speaker E: The thing you said earlier you wanted to do. [01:16:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Okay. Doing that. Yes, I do that now. And so I. I like his tail. [01:16:52] Speaker B: Starts, like, whipping around on the floor back and forth. [01:16:55] Speaker A: Craig's like, face like lights. Oh, that landed. That only works if I don't see it. Like, it's only to locate and to know that it's there. [01:17:05] Speaker B: Oh, girl, your features. [01:17:09] Speaker D: What are you doing? [01:17:09] Speaker A: That's what I've been reading. I mean, I have that pulled up, but I didn't. Yeah, let's do that. I mean, I just didn't think it was applicable or helpful. Yeah, we can do that. Wait, did I misread? [01:17:34] Speaker B: Is a paladin feature. [01:17:39] Speaker A: It is a concentration up to 10 minutes. It is a action you're trying to. [01:17:45] Speaker B: Use, Detect good and evil. So as a paladin, you can reach out and locate one of those types of creatures if they're nearby, and you can know if they're in range. [01:17:54] Speaker A: Okay. Can I. I do that look like, correct. [01:17:58] Speaker B: I mean, mark up the spell slot. But what does that spell casting look like? [01:18:02] Speaker A: I. I kind of, like, close my eyes, but for some reason, it's like when I close my eyes, they're still open. Like, I physically close my eyes, but I don't feel it. [01:18:17] Speaker B: Like, you can still see. Oh, sick. [01:18:18] Speaker A: And it's like the magic. The specks of, like, the specs that I have in my face. And, like, you know, it just. It just, like, kind of lights up, and it, like, goes to my eyes. And then when my eyes open, they're, like, just blue. There's no pupils. It's just blue. And I can see whether it's good or evil. [01:18:41] Speaker B: Craig, as you look at him, you see him as you did before, but now he's tinged in, like, a harsh red light. And here's the thing. You don't know what a fiend is, but he identifies as a creature you've never identified before. And it feels. The feeling you get from him is you just have a deep sense of unease. Maybe not necessarily about him as an individual, but about that aura of light around him. And he responds and goes, what a talented mage. Please let me go. Please. The key, Greg, the key. Please go get the key and unlock the chains and we can all leave. I would like to leave. My arms hurt. And then you will long time. I would like to go. Okay. [01:19:48] Speaker A: Craig from evil and good. [01:19:52] Speaker B: What? [01:19:53] Speaker E: Craig, what did you see, I. [01:19:57] Speaker A: Pause. I, I, like, Craig doesn't say anything, but he just kind of like, looks, looks at Boz and like, tries to be very subtle, but, like, clearly communicating with Boz, like with his eyes, that something's not right. [01:20:22] Speaker E: Okay, how about this? [01:20:23] Speaker B: Let me go. [01:20:25] Speaker E: I, I know the guy that actually comes here all the time. I'm gonna go talk to him about you. Because if I let you go by myself, then my. I, I might get in trouble. [01:20:34] Speaker B: I, I need you to get the key and let me, okay? Cuz I've been here a long time. Could you please, friend, get the keys and unlock the chains? [01:20:45] Speaker E: Zach, is there a door in this room? [01:20:49] Speaker B: There's a fireplace, There's a key. There's the fellow chained to the wall. Oh, please get the key. You could pick up the key and come over here with it and unlock me. That would. [01:21:03] Speaker E: Look at the fireplace. [01:21:05] Speaker B: Okay. Boz just turns around and walks away. You pass by the key there, it rests on the floor. You walk over the other side of the room. And as you walk, like, he, like, looks kind of confused. He's, he's never not uncomfortably smiling. Like it's the thing he remembers to do, and the smile's too big, so he's just kind of baring his teeth at you, like, and he goes, he has the key. The key, the key. And as you go walk by the key, he goes, no, no, no, no. You walk past him, you get over to the fireplace. It's very Gothic, like a big mouth. The stonework pillars rise up to the side. The fire inside is unremarkable, hot and orange. There's an iron grid holding its coals in logs. It's burning hot as if it's been burning for a very long time, but little ash below it. And as you walk past the key, he gets frustrated. And you get close to the fire, he goes, there's nothing helpful over there. I need the key, friend. The key. Craig, were you saying something? [01:22:07] Speaker A: Can I cast Zone of Truth? Let's go. [01:22:12] Speaker D: My God. [01:22:13] Speaker B: Describe what that looks like for me, Greg. [01:22:15] Speaker A: I think Craig is gonna, like, describe. [01:22:18] Speaker B: What that looks like. And I need to go get a book. I'll come right back. [01:22:21] Speaker A: Okay. He puts his hands together, like in not a praying motion. I mean, like, not directly in that symbolism, but in that style. And it kind of like collapsed together. And then as he spreads his hands away and back out, there's like this, ah, what's it called? It's like he's creating a circle with his hands, like as he Goes like this, and it creates a circle around the man, or whatever he is. The devil, with his hands. Like there's like this blue circle around him that just lights up and then fades away into the. The floor. [01:23:05] Speaker D: Awesome. [01:23:05] Speaker B: That's awesome. What kind of a saving throw is that for me? [01:23:10] Speaker A: Let me look it up. I just look up. Saving throw. That's not what I meant to say. Zone of Truth. [01:23:18] Speaker B: Charisma or wisdom? I mean, probably wisdom, because everything in 5e is wisdom, but. [01:23:26] Speaker A: So the saving throw is a charisma. [01:23:32] Speaker B: Oh, wow. That mixes it up. [01:23:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:23:35] Speaker B: What's your spell? Save? [01:23:40] Speaker A: Six. Wait, no, no. Oh. Fifteen. [01:23:45] Speaker B: Craig. As you look up at him, that blue aura washes over him and he. His face kind of dulls for a second and he blinks hard. What was that? What was that, Greg? I don't know what that was. [01:24:04] Speaker A: What's your name? [01:24:07] Speaker B: I don't remember. I don't remember. I'd love if you would go get the key. [01:24:11] Speaker A: Okay. Stefan. Yeah. Yeah, Stefan. [01:24:14] Speaker B: Stefan's my name. Stefan's my name. Stefan. [01:24:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. What you. [01:24:20] Speaker B: Well, you told me my name is Stefan. [01:24:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I was just. [01:24:23] Speaker B: You get the feeling the Zone of Truth worked? [01:24:28] Speaker A: Oh, okay. So do you know how you got here? [01:24:36] Speaker B: I don't. I don't know. I don't remember, but I'd like to. [01:24:39] Speaker A: What are you. [01:24:42] Speaker B: I'm. I'm. I don't remember. I'm. [01:24:50] Speaker A: Okay. [01:24:52] Speaker B: He just kind of stares hollowly at the floor. I'm supposed to be looking. I don't know. I'm supposed to find. I. We need to find a way out. I need to get out. Please get the key. Are you over there looking king at the fireplace? Oh, well, no, we'll go back to Craig. He pulls against the chains. Blood on his wrist. I'm stuck here. Could you get me out, please? The key. Get the key, Greg. Get the key. Get the key. The key. That's all I need is for you to get the key. Boz, did you do anything else with the fireplace that you looking at? You're muted. [01:25:45] Speaker A: This is muted. You're muted. This is the wife. [01:25:48] Speaker E: Are there like, any tools, like, to manage the fireplace? I got poker or something nearby. [01:25:52] Speaker B: Fireplace. [01:26:00] Speaker E: I'm going to take one of the do daggers I got from do Goth. And I'm going to use Jack and. [01:26:06] Speaker B: I have the same face at the same time. [01:26:08] Speaker E: Push around. What do they look like, by the way? Zachary? [01:26:10] Speaker B: Do you remember? Do you remember? [01:26:11] Speaker E: Those look like. [01:26:12] Speaker B: I'm just joking. The face, so. Well, they look like they look like. They look like Kefkin iron hilt, the blade of which is human bone, carved sharply with like an iron polymer serrating the edge as if to keep its structure. [01:26:33] Speaker D: We should give it to Catman if we see him again. [01:26:39] Speaker B: Boz, you pull one of them out and you poke the logs around. Fire flickers in response. Nothing in particular about it. He looks past Craig. There's nothing helpful in the fire. I need the key. Please, friend. Could you go get the key? [01:26:58] Speaker E: I. I go grab the key and I toss it in the fire. [01:27:02] Speaker B: Okay. Boz stands up and walks back across the room. He picks up the key and Stefan goes, yes. No, friend. Friend. As you're walking back away, he goes, friend. That's the. And he takes the key and pulls on the cor. He starts shaking into the chains and he's cutting himself and blood is running down his arm. Into the fire. Into the fire. You pick up the key. You walk past a room, and as you toss it in, it reaches the fire and the key just burns up in a moment. And in the middle of the room, the little blue orb. Stefan goes, I'm stuck here. And his eyes look at you. Craig. [01:28:02] Speaker A: I didn't do it. [01:28:03] Speaker B: Stopped him. I'll be studying here forever now. And he's just playing. It's the chains. They're like straining but not buckling. They flash with a little sigil. And you, as his arms burn. I'll stick your forever fanged hisses at you. His tail whips back and forth on the floor. Blood is streaking down his arm and his eyes just burn hot orange. He looks at you, Boz, and he says, I will get out and I will give you what you've given me. And he just starts sobbing, moving back and forth between laughter, pulling on the chains, bleeding all over the floor, hissing at you. Jackie. Yeah, what's up, bud? [01:29:23] Speaker A: Look like he's been. Does he look like he's starving? Because he look fit. Does he look like healthy? [01:29:31] Speaker B: Other than this? Severe injuries on his ankles and wrist, he looks fine. [01:29:37] Speaker A: He's been here so long you can't remember his name, but he's like, not great. [01:29:44] Speaker E: Yeah, if he was really stuck here, he wouldn't be eating that well. Something's got to be up. He's got to like, live here or something. [01:29:57] Speaker A: Well, Oz, I don't know what to do now. [01:30:02] Speaker C: Aria. [01:30:03] Speaker B: Ready, Craig. [01:30:07] Speaker A: I'm sorry. And I wish you the best. And then I, like, go with boss. [01:30:11] Speaker B: Looks back up from the hair and he goes, no, but you will be. You will be. [01:30:21] Speaker C: What? [01:30:21] Speaker B: Thanks, Craig. [01:30:23] Speaker D: Oh. [01:30:26] Speaker B: You guys just walk back across the room. Okay. You guys both touch the blue orb row. [01:30:37] Speaker C: Yeah. I. [01:30:43] Speaker B: You've been dancing for five minutes. Your heartbeat's coming down. [01:30:48] Speaker C: I'm laying on the top block, like. [01:30:51] Speaker B: The keys floating a couple feet above you. [01:31:00] Speaker C: I. I reach up and. Well, what does the key look like now that I'm closer to it? Any little glitch. [01:31:09] Speaker B: A very nondescript key looks very common. [01:31:14] Speaker C: I tentatively grab it and take it or attempt to. [01:31:21] Speaker B: As you reach up and grab it, it pulls off the iron ring carefully, which shakes back and forth. And as you hold the key up in your hand, it just. Into dust. And then a little blue ball of fire appears in front of you, floating in the middle. [01:31:40] Speaker C: Right. Right in front of me. [01:31:41] Speaker B: No, it's back down the thing. Okay. There's a blue ball of fire flying in the room. [01:31:47] Speaker C: It would kind of be fun to, like, jump into that, but never mind, since it's not right in front of me. But. Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna walk down and be like. And. And go. [01:32:03] Speaker B: Exhaust. [01:32:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:32:05] Speaker B: And sweaty. You walk up, and you disappear into the blue light. Greta. [01:32:19] Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Yes. [01:32:23] Speaker B: The sand has stopped. The 30th red figure is paused on the wall left in the space. [01:32:30] Speaker D: Hello, Good Teller. [01:32:32] Speaker B: I love this dungeon. [01:32:33] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:32:34] Speaker B: Expected you. [01:32:37] Speaker D: I'm gonna say what it is. [01:32:38] Speaker B: Guys, this is dnd. I don't know what to tell you. [01:32:45] Speaker D: Should do. [01:32:48] Speaker B: I. That's a great question, Cleric of the Goddess of Knowledge. [01:32:53] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:32:54] Speaker B: Okay. I'm sorry. That wasn't helpful. I'm sorry. Hey, you're every kind of smart, but point being, I don't know what to do here. [01:33:02] Speaker D: You think we should let the timer run out? [01:33:05] Speaker B: I don't know. We could. Everything is getting brighter. Do we behold. Like it? [01:33:15] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to cast. Can I cast guiding bolt on one of the lamps? [01:33:30] Speaker B: Okay, there's. I mean, it's a lamp. You hit it, you grasp your symbol, and what level do you cast it at first? [01:33:39] Speaker D: Just the first level. [01:33:40] Speaker B: Okay. Mark off the spell slot as this. Like, what's the color? You said topaz or. [01:33:49] Speaker D: It's still like a. Like a green and a gold, I think, but sometimes it. [01:33:53] Speaker B: Oh, I thought a couple weeks ago you said it was like a light blue. Okay. A green. The green. The green and gold bolt of fire burns out and strikes the chandelier, which shakes back and forth. It looks scorched on the side, but it's hanging still. I mean, if you did a ton of those. You might be able to break it, but it's still burning with light. Also, I didn't hear anything you just said. If you spoke. [01:34:20] Speaker D: I know it. [01:34:21] Speaker B: Okay. [01:34:26] Speaker D: Okay. So I'm thinking we could let the sand run out and see what happens. I could pull water down there and see, that's also an option. But if I try and pour water down there, then the sand will. [01:34:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:34:52] Speaker D: Do you know if I could. Do you know if I could place. If I could create food and water within. [01:35:02] Speaker B: That flying space? [01:35:04] Speaker D: If I could. Yeah. Or if I could. If I'm. [01:35:07] Speaker B: Based on the area casting requirement of the spell, I'm going to say that you couldn't. The only other reason I'm going to say that is that one time I let Kira do that once, and then she was like, well, technically, if I can put it inside of any space capable of holding it, then I can fill people's lungs with water and assassinate anyone because everything's a container. And I went, no, that's dumb. And also, what's up with you, you psychopath? And she was like, his rules is written. It fits. And I was like, yes, but it's also dumb. And then we've argued about it ever since. We're going on three years now, so. [01:35:39] Speaker D: Yeah, got it. [01:35:40] Speaker B: You need the space to cast the thing. It also needs to not be in someone's lungs. [01:35:47] Speaker D: Okay. [01:35:48] Speaker B: I cast embolism. [01:35:52] Speaker D: What you doing? What you doing? [01:36:00] Speaker B: You could just live there. [01:36:05] Speaker C: I know. [01:36:09] Speaker B: What do you do, Greta? Could you give me a perception check? Greta? Abby, Is she frozen? She's frozen. [01:36:27] Speaker C: Oh, okay. I was like, she just really sting. [01:36:30] Speaker A: She's so focused. [01:36:31] Speaker B: Interrupts the narrative. Can somebody message her or learn how to hop in or out? That's how intense stuff we need. I know. I really wanted to keep this energy of everybody rotating and going a floor at a time. It's very much how it was designed. Oh, she's back. Okay, great. What are you doing, Greta? [01:36:50] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to reach in and remove the cloth. [01:36:57] Speaker B: Okay. Point of fire. You pull the cloth out. The sand begins filtering back down. 29. The red numbers are getting brighter and larger. 28. The orange light is growing. The chamber is getting very slightly warmer, but not much. 25. [01:37:23] Speaker D: I'm gonna let it get to the kind of nervous. [01:37:25] Speaker B: He's tapping his foot. Okay. Sand gets lower and lower and lower. The light gets brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter. The room isn't getting much warmer, but that it's getting almost kind of bright. You have to look away from the lanterns a little bit. And the symbols on the wall. The 10 disappears. [01:37:41] Speaker D: It's not getting much warmer. [01:37:43] Speaker B: It's not getting much warmer. [01:37:45] Speaker D: I don't look at Tello. I'm gonna be like tell. [01:37:47] Speaker B: It goes. Got a lot of it in you, buddy. [01:37:50] Speaker D: I don't know. [01:37:52] Speaker B: Seven disappears. [01:37:53] Speaker D: I'm gonna let it run out. [01:37:57] Speaker B: Five, four. The lights flare. Three, two, one. And all the light in the room need to get flinch. Open your eyes. All the chandeliers have cooled back down in temperature. They've grown dimmer. The lights around the room are gone. And there's a little blue orb of fire floating over the wall. Yes. [01:38:33] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. [01:38:35] Speaker B: Teller goes, wow, that was so funny. [01:38:40] Speaker A: So mean. [01:38:43] Speaker D: Okay, okay, well, onward, I guess. Onward and upward. [01:38:49] Speaker B: Well, I hate this place. And he pokes the fire disappears and Greta disappears. I need everyone to roll D4s for me. And then just as a little heads up, cuz I know people get sleppy. This is. We'll do this floor and then we'll call that for the episode. [01:39:08] Speaker E: I got a three again. [01:39:10] Speaker A: I got a three again. [01:39:13] Speaker C: I got it. Two. [01:39:18] Speaker B: Okay, three. Three, two. [01:39:21] Speaker D: The same as me. [01:39:23] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm just gonna keep tell. Well, we'll see. [01:39:27] Speaker A: This is so funny. [01:39:30] Speaker B: Craig, could you reroll for me just to keep things interesting? [01:39:32] Speaker E: What? [01:39:33] Speaker B: You're going to take away my buddy. [01:39:34] Speaker E: When they have three? They have three in one group and. [01:39:37] Speaker B: You'Re taking my buddy? [01:39:38] Speaker C: I did it by myself last night. [01:39:39] Speaker E: What about the buddy rules? [01:39:40] Speaker C: Ackery little baby Ro with her little weak arms build the pyramids. [01:39:49] Speaker B: You go ahead and reroll for me. [01:39:51] Speaker A: Yeah, keep. I'm not even joking. [01:39:57] Speaker B: All right, understood. [01:39:59] Speaker C: You want me to reroll? I don't mind rerolling. I will reroll. [01:40:04] Speaker E: I rolled a three last time. [01:40:08] Speaker B: I'm not going to force you guys to. You guys can hang out. I'm. I'm not going to for you. [01:40:11] Speaker A: He's my buddy. [01:40:12] Speaker B: He's my buddy. I got another three. [01:40:14] Speaker E: I rolled and I got it. [01:40:15] Speaker C: I got another three. [01:40:17] Speaker A: Stop fighting the universe together. [01:40:20] Speaker E: Try there's a cool room he wants to show us. [01:40:25] Speaker C: I rerolled a one if you want. [01:40:27] Speaker B: You appear suddenly in the same room as a very, very, very sweaty row. [01:40:32] Speaker C: Okay. [01:40:35] Speaker B: She looks exhausted. [01:40:36] Speaker C: I'm laying on the ground. [01:40:39] Speaker B: I doubt Greta's back. And she's also got a bit of sweat on her forehead from stress. Tello's also there. Tello's also there going, okay, and you two are in. I have to go to a Separate set of nose for this. [01:40:59] Speaker D: Oh. Set the set of nodes. [01:41:06] Speaker B: Full time job. And I have to write in between things at work. You all appear in a pentagonal room. [01:41:15] Speaker D: Pentagon. [01:41:16] Speaker B: It is rigid, hewn from a dark sandstone. Guys, I wish you could see the chat that happens during these sessions. It's amazing. [01:41:27] Speaker A: It's awesome. [01:41:29] Speaker B: That's great. That was great, Jackie. Apart from dark sandstone, and it spans an equidistant diameter of 35ft along any of its five corners. Five pentagonal pillars stand at the midway point between the room's corners and its center. So, pentagonal room. Five pentagonal pillars. Kind of like the room, but smaller. Like miniature, filled, constricted reflections of the larger space. Running down the length of each pillar are these conical metal brazier torches that have a thin white flame burning in them. They're not super bright. They cast maybe 20ft of bright light, 20ft of dim light from each one, but the space is pretty fairly well lit. Between them, in the center of the room, roughly 10ft across, is an elevated dais with a three step stairwell on each side. If you look upward, you don't see a ceiling. You just see the walls raise, the pillars raise, and darkness above in the space in front of you, in the center of the dais is a stone pillar. Resting on the top of it is a metal box that appears to be affixed to the pillar. It's a metal cube. All of the sides, except for the one facing you are blank. And on that side, there are four keyholes hanging from tiny chains. Beneath each keyhole, connected by the chain hanging, there are four keys. Each of the keys is simple, but very differently shaped at its teeth. One key has 10 teeth, the next key has 11. The next key has nine. The last key has eight. So they're keys with a lot of teeth on them, intricate and shape. [01:43:33] Speaker D: So 10, 11, 9, 8. [01:43:36] Speaker B: 10, 11, 9, 8. And then I need to direct you all to Lore and reference. Give me a second as I copy a lot of things. The symbol over the. Oh, okay. Please let me copy the image. Great. The symbol over the first keyhole is the one I've put in chat, which I will describe. The symbol over the second keyhole is the second one I sent in chat. You can see where this is going. [01:44:08] Speaker C: Yeah. What? [01:44:11] Speaker B: It's so funny. You can't just do that. The third one is the third one I've sent and the fourth is the fourth one that I've sent. Those are the four symbols. So the first one is, is like a circle with a Cross point through it and two points blearing away from it at either side. The second one is kind of like an abstract representation of an eye. The third is like a V with a line through it and a bar across it. And the last. [01:44:42] Speaker A: Or it's a long one with a mustache. [01:44:46] Speaker B: Mustache. The last one is like an upside down U with curls at either edge. These are above the four keys. You find no other remarkable items or objects in the space. [01:44:56] Speaker C: Fate brought Greta and Ro to this room. [01:44:58] Speaker D: Do I recognize any of those symbols? [01:45:01] Speaker C: Same religion. Check. [01:45:04] Speaker B: Before we do that, stand in a strange room into which you are suddenly thrust by conjuration. Shallow and empty, with half paneled wooden walls and heavily whorled like swirled wood plank floors above the walls. Half paneling is plastered, a gaudy leaf design, forest green wallpaper, which leads to a crown molding trim around the square ceiling. The nearly claustrophobic room has little space for those who stand in it and is sparsely filled. Thank you, Jackie. With the only notable descriptors being a delicate side table on the left wall that has a well lit candelabra painting the space in warm light. And then on the. On the wall opposite to that, a wooden door in the center of the forward facing wall. This door is ornate. A rich cherrywood darkly stained with three lipped trims running its ovular perimeter. The carving of the door lowers into three depths in its verticality. Symmetrically designed in a complex carving of a bearded, merry face lies at its center. The door bears no handle, keyhole, or sign of passage. That's the space you all are in. So y'all in a wood room. There's a side table with a candelabra. There's a wooden door. The door has a face carved on it. [01:46:31] Speaker A: Are we staying here or are you switching back over? [01:46:34] Speaker E: I go pick up the candelabra. [01:46:36] Speaker B: Okay. Boz walks over to the side table and you pick up the candelabra. It's light. The candles flicker. Yeah, yeah, the candles are lit. They're what's lighting the space. It's a little dim, but it's bright enough. The candles flicker a little bit and as you pull them up through the. [01:46:51] Speaker E: Air, I want to go hold it in front of the face. [01:46:54] Speaker B: Okay. You walk over and as you move the candelabra toward the face, you get maybe a foot away, six inches away with the candelabra. And as it gets close and begins to light up the face in greater detail, all of the wood cracks and pushes against itself and moves. And the face Grimaces and upturns its face and goes, oh, heavens not fire, you dullard. And it's all very wooden, but the eyes open to wooden. The eyelids open to wooden eyes. The mouth opens to wooden teeth. It's all very, like, animated almost. And it says, that's positively dreadful. I mean, I like it visually, but it's going to burn me. Please put it back down. [01:47:42] Speaker E: Okay, I'm sorry I said it. [01:47:45] Speaker B: Goodness. Is it much to ask? And you set it down. Well, hello. Who are you all? I don't get company a lot. [01:47:57] Speaker E: This is Craig. What do you know about Stefan? [01:48:00] Speaker A: I. I'm Craig. [01:48:02] Speaker B: Okay, well, you're not much for a conversationalist. Hello, Craig. Your armor is fabulous. You look amazing. [01:48:10] Speaker A: He doesn't know anything. [01:48:12] Speaker B: Is that in the wooden face? Blinks. Is that in your face? [01:48:17] Speaker A: Appreciate that. You also look amazing. [01:48:22] Speaker B: The. The eyes, like, roll a little bit and it goes. [01:48:25] Speaker A: Yeah. You know what? I think that. [01:48:33] Speaker B: Well, don't think too hard. Oh, Micah, your audio is coming out. [01:48:36] Speaker A: I honestly, I looked at this door and I was like, wow, the golden light. Compliments. [01:48:44] Speaker D: Huh? [01:48:47] Speaker B: Okay, you have to stop. [01:48:49] Speaker A: Because flattery absolutely works with at the highest level. [01:48:54] Speaker B: Stop. [01:48:55] Speaker A: Am I. Am I cutting in and out? [01:48:57] Speaker B: You are a lot. You might try either turning the mic on and off or. Or moving the cord a little bit. [01:49:04] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. You know what? The. Like, the color. Gosh. [01:49:11] Speaker E: Makes Craig sound a little drunk, a little bit. [01:49:15] Speaker B: Hammered. And how about you? [01:49:20] Speaker A: How about you message back and forth with my working? [01:49:24] Speaker B: Yes, Micah. Micah. Try leaving and rejoining the call. Try leaving and rejoining the call. Okay. She got it. Perhaps. Okay. I hear her budding. Oh, my God. [01:49:41] Speaker E: You're okay. I'm doing just fine. [01:49:43] Speaker B: Okay. [01:49:44] Speaker D: Okay. [01:49:44] Speaker B: Hi. Here, you know. Great. Yeah. [01:49:47] Speaker A: Okay. I go. Oh, my gosh. The color of your wood paneling matches so well with, you know, the door. Everything just looks so great. Oh, my gosh. Is. [01:49:59] Speaker B: You're not wrong, but I know, but I understand. I look fabulous. Who are you all? What are you doing here? How long will you be staying? Hello. [01:50:09] Speaker A: Oh, no. [01:50:15] Speaker B: Okay, Bars. See names. That's not so bad, right? [01:50:20] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:50:21] Speaker B: I'm Woodford. [01:50:21] Speaker A: Good to meet you, Woodford. Oh, that's so cool. So obviously, I mean, they wouldn't put such a fabulous person in the door, you know? Like, what do you do? You are the door. That makes sense. That makes sense. [01:50:38] Speaker B: Let me tell you. I stare at that candelabra a lot. That's what I do. [01:50:42] Speaker A: Oh, I got you. I got you. [01:50:45] Speaker B: Okay. I don't like that balls guy. [01:50:48] Speaker A: I'm sorry, how does this store like? Because I obviously see there's no handle. So, like, as a door. [01:50:56] Speaker B: Okay, okay. Charming and handsome. Let's back that up a bit. Let's back that up a bit because. Okay, I get it. You want to go through the door, right? Everyone wants to go. [01:51:07] Speaker A: I'm okay in this room. [01:51:08] Speaker B: But do you know what happens after you go through the door? [01:51:10] Speaker A: What happens? [01:51:11] Speaker B: I'm left here as the door. So what if. Hear me out. I know this is not the first choice. What if. Okay, we stayed here for a while. I just think some good conversation could be pretty great for all of us. [01:51:28] Speaker A: What kind of conversations do you like. [01:51:33] Speaker B: Any of them? Okay, probably not whatever that boss guy's going to say, but something good. [01:51:39] Speaker A: Sometimes it's just kind of. [01:51:42] Speaker B: I feel like I've been harsh on you, boss guy. You're sparkly. What's your deal? You look magnificent. [01:51:50] Speaker E: Thank you. You look good, too. [01:51:55] Speaker B: All right, just drop that one. What's going on? What's new for you? We do have to walk through. [01:52:02] Speaker E: We do have to walk through, if we can. [01:52:06] Speaker B: Okay. All right. The boss guy's out again. All right, Craig. And then we're going to switch back to Greta and Roe. [01:52:14] Speaker D: Okay. Can I do a check to see if I can face Lantern, figure out. [01:52:21] Speaker B: You guys can both give me arcana checks. [01:52:24] Speaker D: Can I do a history check, a legend check? [01:52:28] Speaker B: If you want to make the wrong check, you can. [01:52:31] Speaker C: Five. [01:52:32] Speaker D: I want my history check. [01:52:34] Speaker B: Okay, you got a five row. [01:52:36] Speaker C: No, I said okay. Fine. The arcana check. [01:52:44] Speaker B: Jackie, for this, for these sessions, you have almost. You have almost everyone else's number of checks combined. [01:52:50] Speaker C: Oh, 25. [01:52:53] Speaker B: Same. A lot of them are related to the water. 50. [01:52:56] Speaker C: We got 50 together. [01:53:01] Speaker B: With a DC of 10. Both of you all immediately recognize, you know, both of these, like, you guys just smile at each other wordlessly and. [01:53:09] Speaker C: You know, Ro is on the floor. [01:53:14] Speaker B: The first symbol is the symbol for evocation. You know it immediately. Okay, what? The second symbol is the symbol for illusion. The third? Conjuration and the last. Necromancy. You know these all day long. [01:53:31] Speaker D: Okay. [01:53:32] Speaker B: Okay, that's weird. [01:53:33] Speaker D: Can I go look at the box? [01:53:36] Speaker B: Okay, you walk up to the top. [01:53:37] Speaker C: Wait, what was the third one? [01:53:38] Speaker B: Dark iron. It goes evocation. Illusion, conjuration. Conjuration, necromancy. Okay, Greta, you walk up to the box and you inspect it. It's very flush, well made. Not a lot of scalding marks or the seams don't look heavily melted. It has very little other fixture. It's. It looks connected to the stone pedestal it's standing on. And it's got those four keyholes with the four symbols and the four keys hanging from it. [01:54:14] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, I'm tired. [01:54:19] Speaker D: Oh, I'm sorry. [01:54:21] Speaker C: I lifted so many boxes. So, with schools of magic. [01:54:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:54:31] Speaker C: Do they have anything like. Like numbers involved? Like. Like, does illusion have a certain amount of something that would equal the key? [01:54:44] Speaker B: Something funny, Lando? [01:54:49] Speaker D: Before we do that, I'm gonna cast. Oh, wait, hold on. Let me double check. Give me just a second. I'm sorry. Go ahead, bro. [01:54:57] Speaker B: As you all are talking, your passive perception is high. And you notice that the pale frame flames in the braziers are getting a little brighter. Just very slightly. [01:55:09] Speaker C: Those are on the. The torches on the pillars? [01:55:12] Speaker B: Yeah, the torches on the pillars. [01:55:13] Speaker C: Can I look up and see if it's any lighter or darker up there? [01:55:18] Speaker B: More spaces illuminated up. The very height of the ceiling is still dark. You can't see it, but the light is beginning to pick up on things. Above you. You see it reflecting off of metal. [01:55:28] Speaker C: Oh, wait. [01:55:30] Speaker B: You watch as the flames get very slightly brighter. [01:55:33] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:55:36] Speaker B: It looks like carvings. There's metal iron hanging from the ceiling at different points. Some of it looks sharp, some of it doesn't. But there's iron above you. You can see it flickering slightly. The flames are getting a little brighter. [01:55:52] Speaker C: It doesn't look like the metal up there is getting closer or something, right? [01:55:57] Speaker B: No, no, no. As the light's getting brighter, it's illuminating more of the ceiling. And there's metal up like some sort of weird sculpture. It's hard to see. It's like more than 40ft up. [01:56:09] Speaker D: I'm going to cast greater restoration on Roe to help her exhaustion. [01:56:13] Speaker B: Sick. Thank you for work on the spell component. And as the magic flows over you, the green and gold magic, your muscles feel a wash of lactic acid fallout. Your breath finds itself. Your sympathetic nervous system re fires. And you feel so much better. You feel like you had an experience. You're still very sweaty, but you feel a lot better. [01:56:38] Speaker C: I gave Greta a hug. [01:56:40] Speaker B: Okay. [01:56:42] Speaker C: Sorry for the sweaty hug. [01:56:44] Speaker D: It's okay. It's okay. Let's figure this out. [01:56:46] Speaker C: Okay. Maybe we have to use each kind of magic to insert the key or. [01:56:55] Speaker B: The white flames get a little brighter. And you can see now in some detail. Yeah, there's like hanging, 5, 8, 11 iron things hanging from the ceiling. They look kind of like weird abstract sculptures. [01:57:12] Speaker D: Ish. [01:57:12] Speaker B: And they're hanging from iron rods that disappear into the black darkness 11 above you in a circle, kind of matching. [01:57:17] Speaker C: The floor below I pointed out to Tello and Greta. [01:57:21] Speaker B: Yeah, that's all I'm in this. [01:57:24] Speaker D: Yeah. So the keys are chained to the box. [01:57:30] Speaker B: Mm. [01:57:31] Speaker D: Hanging from it's a keyhole in the buck. [01:57:34] Speaker B: So, like, four keyholes, four keys below them, hanging loosely by chains. [01:57:39] Speaker D: Okay. If I pick up the key, can I reach it and put it in the keyhole? [01:57:43] Speaker B: Okay, you pick up one of the keys. There's slack. There's slack on the line. There's slack on the line. And it looks like it could be very easily inserted. [01:57:54] Speaker C: The only distinguishing factors between these keys are the number of teeth. There's no other thing on the keys. [01:58:00] Speaker B: Appears to be. So that's a. Okay, Lando, we could finish up with stuff in here. We could even leave it on a fun cliffhanger, and we could cut it out early if you need to. Okay. Night. Night, Lando. [01:58:14] Speaker C: Thank you, Lando. [01:58:15] Speaker B: Night. Night. [01:58:17] Speaker D: Night. [01:58:17] Speaker A: Do you think that. Do you think that because it was my room too, that maybe I could also go to bed and we kind of. [01:58:24] Speaker B: I'm sleepy players. Get out of here, dude. [01:58:27] Speaker A: I'm sorry. Love you guys. Though. [01:58:29] Speaker B: Micah, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Guilt is a big thing around here. You should feel bad. I'm going to be upset about this next time. I'll hold it against you forever. I need more apologies. [01:58:40] Speaker A: At least I can know. I know there's something dependable and consistent. Just kidding. [01:58:44] Speaker D: Just kidding. [01:58:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:58:48] Speaker A: Bye. Bye, you guys. Bye. [01:58:51] Speaker C: Love you, too. [01:58:53] Speaker B: I did. Everyone went to the right rooms. Every time, sleepy people in the other one from either side, all of the white flames burst brighter. And all of a sudden, the ceiling above you is relieved. In sudden detail. With the light finally reaching 50ft, the full height of the ceiling. The ceiling above you looks like the ceiling below. All the way up at the top, there's more braziers kind of upside down on the pillars. There is a raised dais coming down. Eleven rods raising, like, kind of hanging downward toward the floor. Weird upside down sculptures on them. And then like a metal symbol with. Okay, that's the evocation symbol carved up there. And as the flyers get brighter, all. [01:59:41] Speaker C: Of a sudden, only the evocation symbol. [01:59:44] Speaker B: All of a sudden, there's a sudden shift in your stomachs, and I'm gonna need a dexterity saving throw from both of you. [01:59:50] Speaker C: Are we gonna flippity floppity? [01:59:54] Speaker A: That is. [02:00:00] Speaker D: 19 for Tello and great. Oh, goodness gracious. Six for me, man. [02:00:09] Speaker B: I love this dungeon. [02:00:10] Speaker C: 14 for me. [02:00:13] Speaker B: Okay, hold on. Okay, how much for you, Greta? EK6. Okay, that makes more sense. And then row. [02:00:32] Speaker C: 14. [02:00:33] Speaker B: 14. This is so fitting. Okay, you guys are there and all of a sudden you all just like. Your hair lifts up and you. And you grab for things and you go flying upward. As the faint. The fire extinguishes in the bracers, lights on all the braziers on the other side and gravity just reverses. The room doesn't spin up, is just suddenly down. You all go tumbling around and you. You just. Just barely fail to DC both of you. Tello successfully grabs onto the pillar and holds onto and squeezes himself to it as all the keys just go the other way. And as he's suddenly just inexplicably upside down. The vertigo of it all being the worst part. You all fall 50ft. And so it's okay. There's one thing that's true about D and D, one thing at all. It's that fall damage is physically inactive. That is the truest thing in all of D and D, I feel. So you're only going to take 9, 13, 16 points of bludgeoning damage as you all. It's. Your lives are saved by the magics you possess. Greta, as you reach the ground, some of your body is like shielded by that. That green magic that cushions and breaks half your fall row. Something cool happens. And as you guys hit the ground, you just both to the floor. [02:02:13] Speaker D: Okay. [02:02:14] Speaker B: And Tello is now hanging upside down. [02:02:16] Speaker C: 50Ft. [02:02:18] Speaker B: Guys, guys, guys. I don't want to be here. [02:02:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I. I don't know how long this gonna last, but I think you. [02:02:28] Speaker D: Should put the evocation key in the flames. [02:02:31] Speaker B: The flames on all the pillars are dimly white now, flickering slowly. [02:02:36] Speaker D: Okay, okay. [02:02:37] Speaker C: Okay, guys. [02:02:38] Speaker B: And also you can't see Tella well now because he's shrouded in the darkness. So from up in the darkness, he goes. It's dark. And then I'm. And I'm scared. You want me to put one of the keys in the box? [02:02:48] Speaker C: I don't know. [02:02:48] Speaker D: Ro, what do you think? [02:02:49] Speaker C: If evocation is right now, then that means gravity. Okay, next is gonna be illusion. So we. Okay, I guess. But how do we know which is the right key? [02:03:02] Speaker B: I love this die. It's so cool looking at this dice. [02:03:06] Speaker C: Wait, Tello, can you see the keys or is it too dark? [02:03:12] Speaker B: I kind of can. It's like my vision does well in the dark. [02:03:15] Speaker C: Is there any key that's like lighting up or looks different than the other three Right now. [02:03:23] Speaker B: Oh, you've got different symbols above them. [02:03:28] Speaker D: Wait, bro, I think it's. I think it might be the letter. The number of letters. [02:03:34] Speaker B: To interrupt you all really quickly, I need to describe the space you're now standing in as you all are covered in some of your own blood. [02:03:39] Speaker D: It's the letter. So nine is evocation. Ten is. [02:03:44] Speaker B: You all are standing in a space with. Here the dais is raised. And there is the symbol of evocation carved in metal in the middle of the floor. Around you stand 11 iron pillars. @ the top of each pillar is a different metal carving. I'm going to give you a lot, so just. I can repeat this list to you. You can try and write it down, but don't worry about it. The first is a metal carving of a flame. The second, a snowflake. The third a lightning bolt. The fourth is a cloud. Are roiling clouds. The fifth is a cloud parting with rays of light coming out. Very abstract, but well done. Whoever did this did a really good job. The sixth is a human skull. Seventh looks kind of like a pool of liquid with fumes coming off of it. The eighth is a rather crude depiction of a brain. The ninth is just a conical beam. The tenth is a metal vial with a little skull on the front. They're large sculptures, each kind of about the same size. A foot in cubic diameter. And the 11th is a sword and hammer. You all can make another arcana check if you'd like. Yeah, I would be making you guys talk about this, but you're so very proficient in magic that I can't not give you guys there. Oh, where is my T20? [02:05:26] Speaker D: It's an 18 for me. [02:05:28] Speaker C: Okay, that is going to be May, not 32. [02:05:41] Speaker B: Oh, well, that might be the highest role of the campaign. Campaign? [02:05:46] Speaker C: I rolled a 19 and I have a plus 13. [02:05:50] Speaker B: That might be the highest roll of yalls. Campaign. Holy crap. Except for all those NAT ones. Greta, as you look around. Fire. Fire. Those aren't as simple as magic. There are different things you could evoke. Row. Evocation. Evocation. These are the different kinds of damage a spell could impart on a physical creature. [02:06:08] Speaker D: Oh. [02:06:10] Speaker B: Fire. Coal, Thunder, Lightning. Radiant necrotic acid. Psychic force. Poison. You get it? The last one's kind of like bludgeoning, slashing, piercing. You get it? [02:06:19] Speaker C: I relay all of that to both. [02:06:21] Speaker B: Okay, Obviously, pillows on the ceiling. Just going. I'm real upside down. And the white flames are starting to grow a little brighter. [02:06:31] Speaker D: Well, I think that tello should put the. [02:06:34] Speaker B: You can see the top of his afro. [02:06:35] Speaker D: Now, the one with. With nine. Because this is evocation, right? [02:06:39] Speaker C: Yeah, I know. I think you're right. I think we're trying. [02:06:43] Speaker D: Is that the right one, guys? [02:06:45] Speaker B: That sounds awesome. I'm upside down. [02:06:49] Speaker C: Hold on. What? There's 11 pillars up here, though, Greta. [02:06:53] Speaker B: My hands are kind of occupied holding on to this pillar. [02:06:57] Speaker D: The magic that made us go upside down, is that what magic is? [02:07:01] Speaker C: That's. That's evocation. [02:07:03] Speaker D: Okay, so then I think with a. [02:07:05] Speaker B: 32, you can know that. I don't know how you would. I don't know how you would know that of your own, but if you're right, you can know that with a 32. So I'll let it slide. So it's kind of metagamey, but. [02:07:18] Speaker C: I'm sorry, what'd you say? [02:07:20] Speaker D: Abby, I think he needs to put. What do you think, bro? [02:07:24] Speaker C: Well, there's 11. But there's 11 pillars up here. [02:07:28] Speaker B: That's rushing to my head. [02:07:30] Speaker D: Okay, teleport the key with 11. [02:07:32] Speaker C: Oh, I could be wrong, though. [02:07:34] Speaker B: I really don't know how else to say this. I'm upside down. I can't let go of the pillar to move the key or I'm gonna fall. [02:07:43] Speaker C: Okay, okay, what if I. Okay, I'm gonna. [02:07:47] Speaker D: Can you use mage? [02:07:47] Speaker B: The white flames are getting brighter. [02:07:49] Speaker C: I don't have mage hand. But what if I turn into a bat and row. [02:07:53] Speaker B: Turn. [02:07:53] Speaker C: Turns into a bag? [02:07:55] Speaker B: Okay, Ro doesn't think about it. Just bing, bing, bing. And then purple smoke. Ro. Starts flying upward. The white flames are growing brighter. And the 11 statues, the 11 pillars stand around you. [02:08:08] Speaker C: So I heard Greta say it should be nine. I'm gonna trust Greta. [02:08:13] Speaker D: God. [02:08:14] Speaker C: And I'm gonna put the nine teeth key in the evocation one. Well, with my little mouth. [02:08:22] Speaker B: Let's talk about that. [02:08:23] Speaker C: Okay. [02:08:24] Speaker B: See, you're a bat. Now, here are the things that are. [02:08:29] Speaker C: Going for you're the things. [02:08:32] Speaker B: Here's the things that are going for you. You're a large bat, so the key is not too heavy for you at all. The other thing going for you is the bats are very capable of a quantity. Acquiring small objects and handling them with their mouth. They do it with fruit all the time. The flip side is you don't got no thumbs. And here's the other part about Polymorph. It's different than wild. Than a wild shape. [02:08:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:08:58] Speaker B: You don't retain your stats, so you are now only a little smarter than a bat. So bro turns into a bat, mark off your spell, and up to the top. She Floats up. Tyler goes, oh, good. Oh, there's a bat. Oh, it's wrong. It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong. I see that now. Man, I'm getting dizzy. Could you give me a con saving throw or an endurance check for Tello? Oh, for. [02:09:25] Speaker C: Well, do I know Rhett? [02:09:28] Speaker B: Okay, as you fly up, you're up. Tello. Do you know Tello? And then there's the box. Okay, the box. You're here for the box. Keys. Four keys. Four. Four. Give me an intelligence saving throw, bro. [02:09:47] Speaker D: What'd you get? Like, I don't know which one to do. [02:09:51] Speaker B: What he got on his saving throw. [02:09:53] Speaker D: He got a six, and he got an eight. [02:09:56] Speaker B: And it is precisely at the moment that bro, he goes rat. And then he plummets downward. [02:10:07] Speaker C: I'm looking for that stat. [02:10:09] Speaker B: He falls his. He breaks his fall as well as he can, but Tello takes. Oof. Hold on. 12, 17, 18. Takes 22 points of bludgeoning damage as he. He, like, throws himself toward a pillar, slides down it, but he still hits the floor, and he goes, my leg. [02:10:27] Speaker D: You said 32. 22. 22. [02:10:30] Speaker B: 22 points of bludgeoning damage. What'd you get on an intelligence saving throw? [02:10:34] Speaker C: Well, I got a Nat 20. Great. But do I use the bat? I'm. [02:10:41] Speaker B: I'm looking at stats. Use the bat stuff. [02:10:43] Speaker C: But I'm. But this says tiny beast. [02:10:46] Speaker B: Sure. Do you want me to just pick a number? [02:10:49] Speaker C: I don't know. It's okay. I get it. [02:10:52] Speaker B: You should go with the one in. [02:10:52] Speaker C: The book I get. Well, okay. I didn't know if it was a different kind. [02:10:56] Speaker B: Jackie, let me give you a huge intelligence modifier for the Batson, Okay? That's a big minus. [02:11:03] Speaker C: Yeah, that's why I was concerned. [02:11:07] Speaker B: But, hey, you got an at 20. That's a good time for it, really. Recovering from the first half of the session. Rat is. You're up there. Nine. Nine. The number you needed was nine. You need to do something with a key that had nine teeth. You see it? It's that key. That's the key. You know the key. [02:11:28] Speaker C: Okay, I take it in. [02:11:36] Speaker B: My back. [02:11:38] Speaker D: Hello. Wait, I'm gonna look around. Is there anything other than. There's. There's no keys in this. [02:11:43] Speaker B: There's 11 pillars on this one. 11 pillars surrounding this evocation center in the center of the floor. Greta, could you give me an insight check or. No, give me a strategies or intelligence check. Might be the same. Tell's rolling around on his back on the floor, and he goes. I Think I broke my baguette. What? You get on your. On your second intelligence check, Rat. [02:12:12] Speaker C: I covered up my dice tray. [02:12:18] Speaker B: I love this dungeon. [02:12:20] Speaker C: Ah, I got a 19, which means it's a minus 4. [02:12:26] Speaker B: 15. [02:12:27] Speaker C: 15. [02:12:28] Speaker B: Still doing well. Still doing well. You're the keyhole. The keyhole. You're supposed to put the key with nine teeth into. What of the four keyholes? You remember? You remember. [02:12:43] Speaker C: Okay, I do. The nine teeth in the. Do I know the. [02:12:49] Speaker B: Oh, shoot. Those shapes. The squiggly shapes. Give me one more intelligence saving throw to try and remember what those were. Greta, would you get on your another 15? Oh, my goodness. That's incredible. Your luck is wild. Would you get on your check, Greta? [02:13:05] Speaker D: Eighteen. [02:13:08] Speaker B: You look around. Oh, this one's a puzzle too. You could probably solve this too. Evocation. That's what Rose said before she went up. These are all the different kinds of damage that could result from an evocation spell. You're looking around at the pillars. [02:13:25] Speaker D: Okay. [02:13:26] Speaker B: Ro. Rat. Oh, my goodness. You get it. You see it? You guess. Nine for evocation. The evocation symbol upside down. Do you remember the evokey? And there's the key with 19th. You're supposed to put it there. You remembered that. You remembered that key. [02:13:43] Speaker C: Okay, so I. I go and try to get it in there. [02:13:49] Speaker B: Now here's where it really comes down to. [02:13:52] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:13:53] Speaker B: Let's get a dex check from Rat. [02:13:55] Speaker C: Okay, let me look at the decks. [02:13:59] Speaker B: Greta, back on your level. What are you doing? [02:14:01] Speaker D: So I'm gonna go stand on the symbol for bludgeoning damage. [02:14:06] Speaker B: Okay, so there's an evocation symbol in the middle of the floor. And there are 11 iron rods around the space. And at the top of them are 11 different sculptures, each of them representing a different kind of damage. [02:14:18] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna go up to the one for bludgeoning. [02:14:22] Speaker B: Okay. [02:14:23] Speaker D: Do I see anything? [02:14:25] Speaker B: It looks like a sculpture. [02:14:27] Speaker D: Can I move it? [02:14:28] Speaker B: Of a sword and a hammer. You put your hands on it and you twist it. It doesn't budge. It's fixed in there. It's harsh. [02:14:36] Speaker C: I got a 16. [02:14:39] Speaker B: You are rolling. So lucky. But that's not gonna do it. Your sharp bat teeth grab. You grip the key sufficiently. But Greta, you look up every once in a while to this wildly sight of this huge purple fruit bat just flying flantically around the box, trying to get purches slipping off. Trying to just. The keys just ting, ding, ding, ding, ding on the outside of the box. [02:15:13] Speaker C: So I'm not getting it. So not right. Need to. [02:15:18] Speaker B: What are you doing? [02:15:21] Speaker D: There's nothing. [02:15:22] Speaker B: Flames are getting brighter. You could certainly keep trying things. The things you have tried so far have not worked. There might be other solutions. There are. [02:15:32] Speaker D: Okay, so I. I touched a rod, and I can't do anything with the rod on the sculpture. [02:15:38] Speaker B: It doesn't seem to move. [02:15:39] Speaker D: How high off the ground is the sculpture? [02:15:42] Speaker B: It's within reach. It's like three feet up. Each of them is a handful of feet apart. [02:15:49] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna go look at the evocation symbol. It's just a big evocation symbol, right? [02:15:54] Speaker B: Just a big evocation symbol in the middle of the floor. [02:15:59] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna go back over to the bludgeoning one, and I'm gonna try, like, pulling on the handle on the sword and the handle. [02:16:07] Speaker B: They. They. You don't even need to try. They look very clearly affixed. It doesn't look like you can pull them off. They're like a sculpture together. [02:16:14] Speaker D: There's a bunch of sculptures. [02:16:15] Speaker B: All the sculptures here are a little. [02:16:16] Speaker D: Abstract education magic and all the different types of damage that it can do. [02:16:23] Speaker B: I'm so pleased with this dungeon. I worked for so many months on this, and it's so worth it. [02:16:29] Speaker D: I'm going to. [02:16:34] Speaker C: Has anyone ever played this dungeon? Just out of curiosity? [02:16:37] Speaker B: Every. Every dungeon in Yaladin gets played once. [02:16:40] Speaker C: Oh, that's cool. [02:16:43] Speaker B: Work for one play. [02:16:44] Speaker C: Oh, that's crazy. It's great, but it's crazy. It's amazing. [02:16:49] Speaker B: This is the third dungeon to be played in yellow. [02:16:54] Speaker D: I'm gonna go over to the acid one and do. It wouldn't be alphabetical. [02:16:59] Speaker B: What are you doing? I mean, you can. No, no, you. You can tell. You. You figured it out. You can tell which one is which. You look at that pool with, like, little steam. Liquid. It's clearly the acid one. What are you doing? [02:17:08] Speaker D: I'm thinking that they wouldn't be alphabetical, but I'm gonna go over and touch that one. [02:17:13] Speaker B: Okay, you touch it. It's an iron statue. It's cool to the touch. Rat. Are you trying anything new? [02:17:22] Speaker A: Things are growing brighter. [02:17:23] Speaker B: You're starting to be able to see Rat in a fair amount of detail. Almost see the ceiling above her. [02:17:29] Speaker C: Can I try, like, gripping it different with your mouth. [02:17:36] Speaker B: You know what? Yes. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. There's a rule for this. Yes, you can. You can repeat a check. The DC will increase. [02:17:41] Speaker C: Yeah, it'll increase. [02:17:42] Speaker B: You can repeat the check you want if you want. You can go ahead and try. Dex isn't a bad stat for a Bat. [02:17:49] Speaker D: Okay. [02:17:56] Speaker B: Come on. [02:17:58] Speaker C: What did I roll last time? [02:18:00] Speaker B: 16. [02:18:02] Speaker C: Rolled a 16 again. [02:18:06] Speaker B: It's not going in there. It tastes pretty good, though. I, I. Greta, could you give me a strategies check? [02:18:15] Speaker C: Yeah, can I, can I. May I try something else? [02:18:20] Speaker B: Girl, y'all. [02:18:21] Speaker C: Okay. Is there. Is there okay, where I'm at, Didn't you say there was, like, railing around the, around the pillar with the box? [02:18:33] Speaker B: No, I didn't. [02:18:34] Speaker C: No, no, the box. Okay, the box. Is there, like, anywhere to grab on the pit pillar that's holding the box? Like the little stand? [02:18:49] Speaker B: Not particularly. It's a smooth. [02:18:50] Speaker C: Okay, well, there's the chain. That's the. [02:18:53] Speaker B: That's true key. Right now, I want to be clear. This is a fine iron chain, and you're a big old fruit bat. You could hang. It's probably strong enough to hang from you, but it's not going to be like you're gonna be swinging all over the place. But it's like with a nat one, you slip on Tello, bunk your head. You don't have any new ideas. [02:19:11] Speaker C: It looks like you're back on Tello. Oh, cuz Tell. [02:19:16] Speaker B: Just goes my back yet. [02:19:26] Speaker C: Hold on. [02:19:30] Speaker B: The bright white flames flare, and all of your stomachs turn, and you dexterity saving throw throws not from rat, but from YouTube, from Greta and Tello. No Happy, what's going on, buddy? That face. [02:19:48] Speaker D: Greta's is gonna be a four. [02:19:55] Speaker B: Wait till I get. [02:19:58] Speaker D: I was almost a 28, but it's gonna be a 20. [02:20:02] Speaker B: Cheese. [02:20:06] Speaker C: What. [02:20:08] Speaker B: I was about to say. I'm just gonna write a number. Okay, cool. Tello saves. So he's. So Tell reaches out and grabs onto one of the iron rods. Oh, no, not again. But he. He grabs. He grabs Cat upside down now. So he's not hanging upside down. Greta, you're not holding on to anything. You just go flying. You collide a little with rats, so that helps break your fall, but you still take 16. You take 18 points of bludgeoning damage. You just. You, You. You hit something soft, breaks your fall on the way down, and it's rat. But after you hit her, you bam into the floor, and you just. [02:20:48] Speaker C: I. I un polymorph. As soon as we're back right side. [02:20:54] Speaker B: Up, you two are both standing there. Tell us. Hanging for the ceiling. Guys, I don't like this anymore. [02:21:01] Speaker D: Do you think. I don't know if it's evocation or. Or conjuration. [02:21:07] Speaker C: It's evocation. [02:21:08] Speaker D: Okay, okay. [02:21:09] Speaker C: Okay. [02:21:09] Speaker D: Yeah, nice. [02:21:10] Speaker C: But it's okay. Or is it 11 because. Because it was 11 pillars. [02:21:15] Speaker D: No, it's gotta be. [02:21:16] Speaker C: It's gotta be the nine key in the evocation. [02:21:20] Speaker B: And you turn it, and there's this click. [02:21:24] Speaker C: Good click, bad click. [02:21:25] Speaker B: And it seems affixed. No negative consequence follows. [02:21:29] Speaker C: Okay, what's next, guys? [02:21:32] Speaker B: And then all the white flames in the room. Your guts turn. Set of dexterity. Saving throws. [02:21:40] Speaker C: Oh, my gosh. Rude. [02:21:45] Speaker D: What about Fratella? [02:21:46] Speaker C: Oh, that's so bad. [02:21:48] Speaker B: He's fine. He's on the ceiling. [02:21:52] Speaker C: That's an eight. [02:21:54] Speaker D: I got a 11. [02:21:57] Speaker B: Okay, you both fail. [02:21:59] Speaker C: We know our magic, but we are clumsy. [02:22:04] Speaker B: You've just been hit in the head too many times. [02:22:07] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. [02:22:08] Speaker B: Guys, so high on these. 11, 16, 20. No, 23 points of you guys both hit Tello. [02:22:20] Speaker C: Oh, I'm not doing well. [02:22:23] Speaker B: You can't heal each other. [02:22:25] Speaker C: 23 points. [02:22:26] Speaker B: 23 points of bludgeoning. [02:22:30] Speaker D: I'm gonna. I have to. I have to heal myself. I have one hit point. [02:22:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm like, very bloody great. [02:22:36] Speaker B: Is stumbling. You know what? Tello's going to. Can you make a strategy check for Tello, Greta? [02:22:42] Speaker D: Yeah. Wait, I have to. [02:22:49] Speaker C: Well, over bloodied. [02:22:52] Speaker B: Over bloodied. [02:22:53] Speaker C: I'm over bloodied to cook steak. Ooh, I'm going to. [02:23:01] Speaker B: They. [02:23:01] Speaker C: May I have a question. With my new feet, when I cast cure wounds without a spell slot. [02:23:11] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a great question. I'm gonna say you can cast it, like, at first. You can cast the spell. [02:23:19] Speaker C: Okay, I'll allow it. [02:23:21] Speaker B: You can. Okay. Basically, you just. Like you're slapping somebody with an emergency D8. [02:23:26] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [02:23:29] Speaker B: Okay. Starts to have a good idea, but then just blinks hard from his concussions and doesn't think anything. [02:23:39] Speaker C: I'm gonna use. I'm gonna use a spell slot and cast it at third level on my side. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [02:23:51] Speaker D: I'm gonna. I'm gonna catch. [02:23:55] Speaker C: Wait. [02:23:55] Speaker D: I don't know which one is strong. [02:23:57] Speaker B: It's cure is the strongest healing words. D4. Cure wins D8. [02:24:08] Speaker D: And it goes up. [02:24:09] Speaker B: If I do it every level, you get another D8. Fifth level. Five D8. Fourth level. 48. [02:24:17] Speaker C: I got 21 points of healing. [02:24:19] Speaker B: Great. [02:24:20] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:24:22] Speaker D: I'm gonna do it at the third level. [02:24:26] Speaker B: Okay. 3D8, plus your wisdom modifier. [02:24:29] Speaker C: And I'm gonna go ahead. When I cure myself, I'm gonna use that non spell slot one and Pat Greta and. And give her another D8. Or I need to roll that. [02:24:39] Speaker B: You should roll for it. You should roll for it because it's plus your modifier. [02:24:43] Speaker C: Okay, Greta. [02:24:45] Speaker D: One. [02:24:48] Speaker C: Greta, you get another 11 points of healing. [02:24:51] Speaker D: Oh, my gosh. There's so much math, girl. [02:24:55] Speaker B: I. Abby, you're not ready for this. You're not ready to hear this, and it's gonna hurt to hear. You can buy this little plastic box that you can punch numbers into that will tell you. [02:25:07] Speaker C: I use my phone to calculate, and. [02:25:09] Speaker B: You can just do it, Abby. You can. Can just use it. [02:25:12] Speaker D: I have 21 hit points. I cannot survive another fall. [02:25:20] Speaker B: The. The flames are low, and you all see that there's a puzzle around you here at this height too. [02:25:25] Speaker C: Okay, what's going on? [02:25:26] Speaker B: It looks like making progress at the top one flips the room. [02:25:31] Speaker C: What do you mean? [02:25:31] Speaker B: Making progress at this one too? When you. When you got that key right, the room flipped and. [02:25:36] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. [02:25:37] Speaker D: So we're just gonna fall every time. That's. Okay. [02:25:41] Speaker B: So you guys can surmise at this point, it looks like you fall by timer or at getting a step right, it flips again. [02:25:48] Speaker C: Okay, so what's going on in this puzzle? [02:25:52] Speaker B: You have the 11 iron rods, the symbols? [02:25:55] Speaker C: Oh, there's 11 again. [02:25:57] Speaker B: 11 iron rods. It's the same one. There's 11 iron rods and. Yeah. Go pee real fast, Abby. Go pee so fast, but go real fast. Go. [02:26:07] Speaker C: So I'll be thinking abs. So the same. The same. The same stuff. [02:26:15] Speaker B: Mm. [02:26:17] Speaker C: Okay. [02:26:18] Speaker B: Eleven symbols, one for each type of magical damage. Stay on the iron rod. There's an evocation symbol in the middle of the room. You can make a strategies check for me if you want. [02:26:26] Speaker C: Yes, I would love to do that. That sounded sarcastic, but it's really fun. [02:26:31] Speaker B: Playing D and D with people who are so excited about D and D. That's. [02:26:35] Speaker C: That's gonna be a 17. Wait. Yeah. Yeah. 17. [02:26:43] Speaker B: Yes. All of a sudden, Ro, it dawns on you, each of these pillars is kind of equidistant from the symbol in the middle. Like, you have enough range to hit them. [02:27:00] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [02:27:04] Speaker B: I mean, it's not perfect, but it's almost kind of like a enough range to hit a little firing range around from the middle at the different points. [02:27:16] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Let me look at my spell slouch. My spell thingies. Can I cast. I would like to cast. [02:27:37] Speaker B: That is, I think, too high of a level spell for you. [02:27:41] Speaker C: Can I cast shatter at the lightning bolt? [02:27:49] Speaker D: I don't think it has to do anything. Sorry. [02:27:52] Speaker C: No, he. I did a strategies check, and he said you realize that it's from the center. Each of the pillars is equidistant. Like, it's like a firing range. [02:28:08] Speaker D: But. [02:28:08] Speaker C: Maybe it has to be one of the four. That's the key. So is what Rose says in her voice. [02:28:13] Speaker B: And then it dawns on you that the symbol on the floor is evocation. [02:28:17] Speaker C: So we're still on evocation. Oh, it's wanting us to do an evocation spell. Which one's evocation? Can I do an arcana? Or do I know? Because I. What do you mean? Was your Arcana modifier plus 13? [02:28:39] Speaker B: Okay. [02:28:39] Speaker D: Okay. [02:28:40] Speaker B: With a plus one, you would have understood that evocation's the one that does damage to stuff. [02:28:47] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna. [02:28:48] Speaker D: Okay. [02:28:51] Speaker C: What do I shoot it at? [02:28:53] Speaker D: Is there one for radiant? What's the radiant one? [02:28:56] Speaker B: There is a cloud with rays of light coming out of it. [02:28:59] Speaker D: Okay, I'm gonna cast. Do I have the spell? Okay, I'm gonna cast a guiding bolt. [02:29:07] Speaker B: Okay. [02:29:08] Speaker D: At that. [02:29:09] Speaker B: As you fire the guiding bolt at it. You hit it. It's a still object. You're a powerful caster who's very experienced. Go ahead and roll damage for me and expel the spell slot and all that. Expend. Not expel. Don't expel the spell slot. Keep it inside. [02:29:30] Speaker D: Sorry. I'm thinking really slow, but I'm doing my best. [02:29:33] Speaker B: It's okay, big buddy. [02:29:35] Speaker D: I am a big buddy. 4D6. That's a lot. [02:29:42] Speaker B: It is a lot. [02:29:43] Speaker D: Okay, so four plus four, which is eight, plus three, which is 11, plus three, which is 14. [02:29:55] Speaker B: As the fire. As the bolt of fire rushes out and hits the statue, you watch as the top of the statue lights up with white light. You look like you've solved a part of this. [02:30:08] Speaker D: Okay. Okay. [02:30:10] Speaker C: Does that symbol. [02:30:14] Speaker B: The braziers flare? [02:30:15] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:30:15] Speaker B: I need dexterity. Saving throws from everybody. [02:30:21] Speaker C: Can I use a reaction to this? [02:30:26] Speaker B: Yeah. Yes, you can. Totally. Yeah. This is reaction territory. Trying to cast Featherfall. [02:30:33] Speaker C: No, I don't have featherfall. [02:30:35] Speaker B: That's a shame. [02:30:36] Speaker C: I was just going to cast. I was going to do little protective wings around Greta as we fell to make it hard. [02:30:45] Speaker B: Harder for things to hit her. [02:30:47] Speaker C: Yes. [02:30:48] Speaker B: It raises the AC Creature. Right. [02:30:50] Speaker C: Oh, that's right. It's not gonna help me. [02:30:52] Speaker D: I'm getting different. [02:30:53] Speaker C: My dice fell. [02:30:57] Speaker B: Abby's getting different dice. [02:31:00] Speaker A: Okay. [02:31:01] Speaker C: My headphones fell out to grab my dice. Oh. Oh, Buddy. To myself. A nine. [02:31:17] Speaker B: Okay. Start rolling some damage. This is lower. Much lower. Okay. 12 points of bludgeoning as everybody plummets to the ground. And everybody takes 12 points of bludgeoning. There is blood splattered on both levels from where you guys have been striking into the ground. [02:31:51] Speaker D: This Is so hard. Okay. [02:31:56] Speaker B: From the force of the stone striking Greta on the other side. Could you have her make a strategies check as her. As an idea is smacked into her head? Possibly. [02:32:09] Speaker D: I lost my Greta D20 and now I've died. I just. I had it and now it's gone and I. [02:32:16] Speaker B: It's. [02:32:16] Speaker D: My desk is like the hottest mess that you've ever seen. No, I'm gonna find them. Wait, no, not those. I don't use them Greta anymore because they're evil. I use these. [02:32:28] Speaker B: Oh, right. [02:32:29] Speaker D: Still have my Eagle gr. But I upgraded. But I still have Girl. [02:32:34] Speaker B: It's all good. I do this thing where I keep my dice in a designated location at all times so that I don't mean that sarcastically like I keep them in a container. Next. I don't mean sarcastically. I keep in a container next to me and I can pull it from there and makes it hard for them to lose. Sounds better. [02:32:49] Speaker D: What was the strategies check? Strategies check. Check. Spanish check. It's an 18. [02:33:00] Speaker B: Greta, as the world swims around you and you try to maintain consciousness from all the blood force blunt force trauma, it occurs to you. Oh, man. Not that there's an easy way that if you tied yourself to something every time the rune flipped, you wouldn't go flying at the other side. Now there are some great options here, but if every single time you get something right, the room flips. Tying yourself to a side of the room would really help. [02:33:32] Speaker D: Every time we got something right, the room flips. [02:33:37] Speaker B: If you tied yourself to something, you wouldn't go flying at the other side of the room every time you got something right. [02:33:43] Speaker D: I'm just not comprehending it. [02:33:46] Speaker B: You. You think. Your mind think if you tie rope around you and around other thing, that would be good. [02:33:55] Speaker C: It would be a less. It would be a less fall too. Like we could kind of jump to the next. [02:34:02] Speaker B: Greta, it occurs to you not hitting the ground on the other side would be really good. [02:34:08] Speaker D: I understand. So I guess I myself to the box. [02:34:12] Speaker B: You don't gotta. I'm just saying that's. That's an idea you have. [02:34:15] Speaker D: I tie myself to the box. [02:34:17] Speaker B: Okay. Greta pulls out her adventuring rope everyone has. She starts tying herself and goes, oh, my goodness. I feel like that's the sort of idea I should have had earlier. He pulls up the rope, starts tying it around himself, starts tying it to the box. Now the box just kind of hangs over the pillar. So there are these really precarious knots where you're having. You're having to tie them around the tension of that overhang space. But you get it on there. Yeah, I don't. It's okay. Road. Do you also tie yourself to something or not? [02:34:44] Speaker C: I. I just. I just. [02:34:55] Speaker B: I think I've struck my players in point. [02:34:57] Speaker C: I'm sorry, can I tie. Can I just hold on to Tello? [02:35:05] Speaker B: Absolutely. I love that reckless decision. What's the party doing next? [02:35:09] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, Greta, you said it was by letters. So what if we do illusion next and put the eight teeth key in the illusion slot? [02:35:22] Speaker D: But what's the illusion? There's no illusion. We need. [02:35:26] Speaker B: I don't think, Jackie, you may need to face the fact that Abby's mind might be degrading at this time of night. [02:35:31] Speaker C: There's no. There's. There's not illusions. That's. I thought that each. Each thing that happened would be a different kind of magic, and it's not. And so row without. Because she knows Greta's having a hard time. She just takes the chance. She grabs Tell's hand, grab my hand, and she sticks the eight teeth key in the illusion. [02:35:52] Speaker D: I grab Rs other. I grab her arm, hold on to her. [02:35:56] Speaker B: As you. As you stick the key in and click it. There's no harmful effect. It seems to be correct. And then the braziers versus white light in the room flips. So here's the deal. I just. I need dexterity saving throws from. But they're much lower TC because now you're not making a dexterity saving throw to grab onto something and not fall. You're making a dexterity saving throw to not fall down and hit each other. Like, because you all tied onto the same object, you're just trying not to. [02:36:27] Speaker C: Hold on to each other. [02:36:28] Speaker B: Okay, you're. [02:36:30] Speaker C: You're making my hand. And I had telos hand. We fell together. [02:36:38] Speaker B: I'm very confident in these physics. Why didn't you guys give me a much lower DC saving throw? It's less damage. [02:36:48] Speaker C: I have to. Okay. Okay. 18 for me. [02:36:52] Speaker B: 18 for Ro. That's great. What? You go, Greta. [02:37:00] Speaker C: Hey. As we fall, Ro goes and she bartically inspires Greta. [02:37:10] Speaker B: Don't you have inspiration? [02:37:17] Speaker C: Sings, screams a really cool note. And it bartically inspires Greta. [02:37:22] Speaker B: And then it occurs to her to not do that because of that one's in that one. [02:37:26] Speaker C: No, I just mean for general purposes. [02:37:28] Speaker B: Okay. As you hear. As you hear. As you hear going by, you feel particly inspired. You are prettier than that. [02:37:37] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like. [02:37:39] Speaker B: Well, tell her rolled good. So let's average. Okay, Greta, you're a complete mess. But tell her catch you and you don't go flying into each other. And you all just. It's uncomfortable. But you're all just hanging there by the ropes. So there's just a 40 foot drop underneath you guys. You're hanging there until it goes. Oh, we did it. What do we do now? [02:38:01] Speaker C: What's going on? [02:38:02] Speaker B: What's the symbol? [02:38:04] Speaker C: What's the symbol below you? What are you. The symbol on the floor now, Is it still evocation? It's still evocation. [02:38:15] Speaker B: Why? [02:38:15] Speaker D: Jackie, I'm gonna. [02:38:19] Speaker B: What's amazing. What's amazing is that Abby has figured out the bottom puzzle and Ro has figured out the top puzzle. And both of you guys understood it at a time, and you've forgotten the other one. So now one of you is correctly arguing one of the puzzle, incorrectly arguing the other one. And one of you is doing the same, but opposite. It's incredible. [02:38:37] Speaker C: Okay, wait. I cast shatter. I'm gonna cast shatter. It shatter gives off thunder damage. So I'm gonna cast on the thunder. No, not at the lightning bolt, but at that cloud rumbling. Right? That's thunder. Right? [02:38:50] Speaker B: Go ahead and roll damage for me, bro. [02:38:51] Speaker C: Okay. [02:38:53] Speaker B: It's a statue. It fails. [02:38:55] Speaker C: Okay, I don't know my damage because I don't know how many damages. [02:39:00] Speaker B: It's 48, I think. [02:39:02] Speaker C: I thought so too. [02:39:08] Speaker B: Slowly melting. Awesome. You know what's crazy? When we come back next time it's just gonna be Boz and Craig talking to a door. That's it. Just having a conversation. [02:39:17] Speaker C: I think 22. [02:39:19] Speaker B: If you guys meet up in another room later, like, it's gonna be boss being like, wow, that door was a little persnickety. And then Greta just bleeding from every orifice. [02:39:29] Speaker D: I'm gonna heal myself. [02:39:31] Speaker B: That's a good idea, Greta. You can do that. Pluck your strings. There's this thundering around the statue, and the thundercloud lights up with bright light just like that other one that Greta hit with. And there's this from the braziers and the room. Okay. Make another set of dexterity saving throws. But it's like it. It's a very low DC because you're falling like 10ft. And you're all helping each other. [02:40:10] Speaker C: Seven man. [02:40:13] Speaker B: Us. Well, nice thing is you have Tello on your side and he's gonna get. Okay. You guys are fine. [02:40:22] Speaker D: He's taking away my. [02:40:27] Speaker B: Do you want. Do you want to go back to rolling cuz that wasn't going so hot for you. [02:40:34] Speaker D: It's okay. [02:40:35] Speaker B: Okay. We'll come back to it, you guys. Please don't take any bludgeoning damage. Tello mainly catches you guys and sets you down. The room has flipped. There are two exposed holes in the box. And tt goes, wait, Greta, can you make a strategies check for Tello? Funniest thing in the world. [02:40:57] Speaker D: Not funny. [02:40:59] Speaker B: Oh, okay. No, it's not. I don't. I don't think this is going to be funny. What do you get? 46. Oh. 14. He picks up one of the keys and he goes, wait, what is stopping us from putting in two at the same time? [02:41:20] Speaker C: Idea. Good idea. [02:41:22] Speaker B: Okay, everyone's faces. [02:41:27] Speaker C: I'll take necromancy. Except goes with 10 and. And then you take the other one. Conjuration should be 11. 11 on the count of 3. [02:41:42] Speaker B: 1. [02:41:43] Speaker C: 1, 2, 3. Twist. [02:41:51] Speaker B: Everybody grabs you guys flip again. Just one dexterity. Saving that from whoever's feeling lucky to save the mask. [02:41:57] Speaker C: I'll do it. I'll do it. [02:41:59] Speaker B: Abby went, no, I got a 15. Abby, reach backward to that incredible high you were feeling at the end of the last session when you got your. When you got your divine intervention. Nobody hits each other and the box is fully solved and you guys are just hanging 10 or 40ft up from the. The. The firing range below. [02:42:27] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, I have. I have a problem though. I don't. I only have like a few evocation spells, I think. [02:42:34] Speaker E: So, like, how does this work? [02:42:36] Speaker C: Okay, do you have any spells? [02:42:41] Speaker B: What are each of them? [02:42:43] Speaker C: Well, we got snowflake, lightning bolt, cold damage. Yeah, so cold damage, lightning. [02:42:50] Speaker B: He pulls out an arrow it. And fires it at the hammer and. And sword one. And then it lights up. [02:42:57] Speaker A: Oh my God. [02:42:58] Speaker C: Wait, so we can just throw anything at it and then. [02:43:07] Speaker B: The bridges flare, the room flips. You land back on the other side, goes, okay, now we just got to shoot at the ceiling. [02:43:13] Speaker D: Okay, how far is it? How far is it? Okay. [02:43:20] Speaker B: Goes uppies. And he puts you on his shoulder so you're closer. [02:43:24] Speaker D: Hello. Do you think that if. If you. If when we're upside down and you pass poison spray, it would float down? It would float because of the gravity onto it. [02:43:35] Speaker B: That could work. [02:43:36] Speaker D: How do we get the room to flip again? We have to get something right. But you just. [02:43:40] Speaker B: That he just suggested to put two in and he goes. I didn't think about that. [02:43:46] Speaker D: Like, could it float all the way. [02:43:48] Speaker C: Down there, you think. [02:43:51] Speaker B: Float up? [02:43:52] Speaker D: No. If we were. If we were. [02:43:55] Speaker B: No. How are we getting upside down again? [02:43:58] Speaker D: I don't know. [02:43:59] Speaker C: If we get it right, we gotta shoot at it. How Far away. Is it. [02:44:05] Speaker B: Tello turns and looks at the camera, the fourth wall camera. He just fully jims the. The nodding this. And fourth wall camera. He looks at the patron listener and he goes back to looking at Rowan. Greta. [02:44:18] Speaker C: Okay, do we take a key out? [02:44:20] Speaker D: No. [02:44:23] Speaker C: Oh. [02:44:25] Speaker B: Oh, no. [02:44:28] Speaker D: I've got this. I have got. [02:44:31] Speaker B: I love this episode. Tello looks up with light in his eyes. He holds up his casting focus and he goes, wait. I've never brought this up until now, but I can cast spends. [02:44:49] Speaker D: Stop, stop. [02:44:50] Speaker B: What was that, Greta? [02:44:51] Speaker C: I saw him cast grease one time. [02:44:53] Speaker D: Hello, cast. And hurl a 4 inch diameter spear of energy at the cold snowflake. [02:45:05] Speaker B: Okay. He goes, oui, oui. And he loads his finger like a crossbow. It's scientific lightning. He goes, baguette. [02:45:14] Speaker D: Greta's rolling her eyes and the blood is everywhere. [02:45:19] Speaker B: The orb flies up, hits the symbol. Could you roll damage for me? [02:45:24] Speaker D: No. [02:45:26] Speaker B: Okay, I'll roll it. [02:45:27] Speaker D: No, one go seven. [02:45:32] Speaker B: Four. [02:45:32] Speaker D: That's a four, five total. Five plus five is ten. [02:45:38] Speaker B: That was. Dude, what just happened to your math? One plus four? Seven. Okay. This symbol lights up and the braziers burst with white light. And then they calm down and in the middle of the room a little blue orb appears. Yeah, and I starting to think. You always will be. But you solved the puzzle. Well, to be very clear, one of you solved half the puzzle and then the other. Let's finish the episode and then we can. The little blue orb has appeared in the middle of the room. [02:46:18] Speaker D: My tummy hurts. [02:46:22] Speaker B: This is episode 127. My tummy hurts. Tello's just like bleeding and panting. [02:46:29] Speaker E: Wow, so bad. [02:46:31] Speaker D: Guys. [02:46:34] Speaker B: It'S. It's buzzes like yada to chant. Guy who did this. [02:46:39] Speaker D: I hate that guy. [02:46:41] Speaker B: He sucks. That guy sucks. [02:46:44] Speaker D: So dm, I have a question. [02:46:47] Speaker B: And then Tello looks at a wall where no one is again. He goes. I feel like we need to finish this session. And he looks back to the middle. What's up? What's up? What's up, Gravity? What's up? [02:46:57] Speaker D: Did we just. Did it just end? We didn't get all 11. [02:47:03] Speaker B: You got it. [02:47:04] Speaker C: But we didn't do all 11. I don't understand. [02:47:07] Speaker B: If you want to go back, I can make you do the other six, which I don't think you even have enough spells for and types you don't know. What if. What if we finish the session and then I explained it to you? [02:47:18] Speaker C: Okay. [02:47:20] Speaker B: I bet that'd be really good. Okay, Abby, I know this isn't the time, but just then you looked like Cillian Murphy. You sucked your chance in just right, and then you looked like Killian Murphy. You didn't do it the first time, but just then you did. Okay, so in this last moment of the session, what the party do? [02:47:37] Speaker D: I lay on the floor. I want to take a short rest. [02:47:41] Speaker C: I grab. I grab. [02:47:42] Speaker B: The party does not touch the orb. And that's where we end the session. [02:47:46] Speaker C: No, no. I grab Greta's hand and touch the orb while she's laying down. [02:47:51] Speaker D: I touched the orb. [02:47:53] Speaker B: Teller goes, oh, here we go again. And that is where we will end. Episode 127. Okay, so first of all, you guys solved. You guys solved 1, 2, 3. We didn't do that one. 4. You solved four rooms. We did. And then you. You. 0.02. Okay, you guys gain 0.06 levels. Wow, that's a lot. You. Because you gain XP for every room yourself. [02:48:41] Speaker C: We are at 12.42. You guys, how are we already almost halfway through level 12? [02:48:47] Speaker B: Dungeons come with a lot of XP. They're tough, but they come with a lot. If you want a dragon, I can do that too. [02:48:54] Speaker C: No, thank you. We had a very nice one. Very pleasant one. Last episode. [02:48:59] Speaker B: Okay, do you guys want me to explain the thing on recording? Okay. All right. Yes, ma'am. [02:49:05] Speaker C: The listener. Not for me, but for the listener, I obviously know, but the listener doesn't. [02:49:11] Speaker B: Listen for a second. [02:49:14] Speaker D: They can. They can type about it on the Patreon. [02:49:19] Speaker B: You know what? Patrons comment what you think was up with that trap and explain it back to us. [02:49:24] Speaker C: Other people may never know. [02:49:26] Speaker D: I think you can also comment on Spotify. [02:49:29] Speaker B: So that's true. It's true. Everyone can comment. So whoever you are, listener comment what? How you think that last trap worked. And I'll respond if you were right, except I make no guarantee on Spotify because I don't know how that works. Okay, without a further ado, life is an incredible adventure, and you are an important part of it. Listeners. Skibidy wop.

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