Penny for your thoughts.
Support us on our Patreon to get access to the next episode early plus a ton of other goodies! :)
Jaci Butler: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok
Twitter: @barelydnd
Instagram: @barelydnd
Facebook: @barelydnd
TikTok: @barelydnd
DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is Mika Williams
Gretta is Abby Lesage
Bazz is Landon Williams
Row is Jaci Butler
Music Credits:
We don't talk about Bruno. Support us on our Patreon to get access to the next episode early, plus a ton of other goodies!...
The line between a great deal and robbery can be blurry sometimes. --> Butler: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok Twitter: @barelydnd Instagram: @barelydndTikTok: @barelydnd Our...
There's a bump in the night...