104. First Fruits

Episode 104 July 17, 2024 01:52:24
104. First Fruits
Barely D&D
104. First Fruits

Jul 17 2024 | 01:52:24


Show Notes

Even seeds buried in the grave can bear sweet fruits (also Mika's back!!!)

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Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:12] Speaker A: Hi. Welcome back to the fairly D and D. This is your sort of dungeons and dragons. Hey, what is. Hey. Oh, I was over here. [00:00:22] Speaker B: Look over here. [00:00:23] Speaker C: Over here. [00:00:23] Speaker A: Immediately. [00:00:24] Speaker C: Fumble. [00:00:24] Speaker A: Oh, this is what I'm. Dungeons and Dragons podcast. I really got thrown off. I don't remember what to say. Coming back to accidental adventures. I'm so happy to be back, you guys. I'm so happy to be Craig again. It makes my heart so joyful. Someone else took it away. [00:00:46] Speaker C: There's a really good need to breathe song called child again. And now all I can think of is every lyric replaced with I'm a Craig again. But anyhow, yes, it is the accidental adventures. We are back with more, honestly, epic. More accidents, climax moments and accidents and. [00:01:09] Speaker A: Adventures and raccoons of all the types. [00:01:13] Speaker C: And an increased amount of raccoons. [00:01:15] Speaker D: So I make a note for all the listeners about raccoon. [00:01:21] Speaker C: Yes. [00:01:22] Speaker D: Okay. Um, someone was looking at the painting today, and they asked, is it? I had never realized that the raccoon was striped all the way up its body, and not just on the tail, which normal raccoons, I realized and put the dots today, are not striped all the way up their body. So she asked if the raccoon that I had in the campaign was also striped all the way up its body, and I said yes, out of instinct. I don't know if that makes it canon, but canon I. If not, I need to canon slightly. [00:01:56] Speaker C: Magical raccoon that the slightly magical raccoon you have accidentally adopted is all the way striped. Also, Micah, the. The part of him, more specifically, Greta, has a magical raccoon. Now, that's actually. [00:02:08] Speaker A: What's its name? [00:02:10] Speaker C: Jeremy, nobody knows. What's the name? [00:02:13] Speaker E: No. [00:02:17] Speaker A: It has to be named mmmdh. [00:02:19] Speaker C: You know, the amazing thing about that bit is that if someday it dies, which would be terrible, the dramatic moment would go. [00:02:30] Speaker E: You cut out. [00:02:31] Speaker C: Okay. Only I found that funny. [00:02:37] Speaker A: You cut out. [00:02:38] Speaker C: However you had to refer to the tragic death would have to involve. Mmm. So it has to be no. Or like, mmm. [00:02:48] Speaker A: Life isn't the same without. Mmm. [00:02:52] Speaker C: I'm picked on. [00:02:57] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:02:59] Speaker A: We're unionizing. [00:03:01] Speaker C: Going to. [00:03:02] Speaker B: We are unionizing. [00:03:03] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:03:04] Speaker E: I just want everyone to know we're unionizing. [00:03:07] Speaker B: Yeah. We're the high rollers. [00:03:09] Speaker C: What more could you demand? What more could you demand? I have lavished you. [00:03:12] Speaker B: We have no demands. We're just starting a union to make sure that our demands get listened to eventually. [00:03:17] Speaker E: I want healthcare for the fun guys. [00:03:19] Speaker B: But that's me, too, Zach. Get us healthcare. [00:03:22] Speaker C: You literally have magical abilities. Your wounds is our recently increased by my design and provision. But whatever. And I don't even remember healthcare couple patron shoutouts because we haven't done that in a while. We also have a limited number of patrons, so, you know, it's fine. But shout out to Denise. You are a patron. You do listen. This is a podcast. Good job. That is the patron joking. Thank you for supporting us and being a part of the community. Does anybody have a letter question? [00:04:08] Speaker E: I have an announcement. [00:04:13] Speaker C: What's up? [00:04:14] Speaker E: No, I just wanted to say to the listeners, this is my final episode in my apartment in Los Angeles for a while. [00:04:25] Speaker C: That's awesome. [00:04:26] Speaker E: My final episode. No, it's just my final episode on the west coast time zone for a while. I'm moving back to Texas for a year, so I am so excited to. [00:04:38] Speaker B: Have you be a little bit closer. [00:04:41] Speaker E: The campaign will now be in only two time zones instead of three. [00:04:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:45] Speaker A: Wow. [00:04:46] Speaker B: If Reagan was still playing, it'd be in four time zones. [00:04:51] Speaker E: Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm taking it in as my last time in my apartment playing D and. [00:04:58] Speaker B: D. So, Jackie, you should have done the intro. Okay, Jackie. Okay, rewind. Jackie, you do the. Do a Jackie intro right now. That's right. Oh, we do? [00:05:07] Speaker C: Yes. That is how it has gone. [00:05:10] Speaker E: Okay. [00:05:11] Speaker B: No. Okay, you got one more. [00:05:12] Speaker C: So crazy thought. When we reach fall, it'll be three years of this, which is insane, but anyhow. Okay, let's do this. [00:05:21] Speaker E: Wait. [00:05:21] Speaker C: Letter, letter to question. [00:05:24] Speaker E: Landon had one. [00:05:25] Speaker B: I have a letter question. If you. If your character was any other class, what class do you think they would have ended up? As if there was, like, a dummy choice. [00:05:39] Speaker D: I like it. [00:05:41] Speaker B: Micah. Go. [00:05:42] Speaker D: Micah. [00:05:47] Speaker A: Bard. [00:05:49] Speaker C: Oh, no, I'm just kidding. [00:05:53] Speaker E: I could see it. [00:05:54] Speaker B: I was feeling it as, like, a slam poet. Craig the slam poet with, like. Like, a bongo or something that he, like, hits as. He, like, does the stuff. [00:06:01] Speaker A: Yeah, I think I can see Craig as, like, a rogue. It's like the dark shadow version of Craig. Like, if when he got kicked out of, like, his home and, like, he, like, you know, left, he went from, like, embraced crime instead of working on himself. Yeah, he would have, like, embraced crime against the Kaepkins. Like. [00:06:22] Speaker B: Anger or malice. [00:06:23] Speaker C: Choose your poison. [00:06:26] Speaker A: Hey, he's proficient in both. [00:06:29] Speaker C: I'm still feeling barred because I'm just seeing Craig as a college of eloquence bard whose magic is stand up comedy. [00:06:35] Speaker E: Yeah, that's hilarious, Helen. Your mom jokes everyone. Yeah. [00:06:43] Speaker C: What about Greeb Gar? What would Greebgar's other class. Be sorry. [00:06:49] Speaker D: I think Greeb Gar's class, I think should be a druid. And I feel like that's not a hard question. Like, I think that dirt, for sure. I think that honest. Maybe druid or wizard. I think that if she chose when she was little, it would be a Druid. If she chose now, maybe wizard. [00:07:06] Speaker E: I could see both of those. [00:07:08] Speaker C: Circle of. I'm a circle of pockets. Druid. What? Behold. Wild shapes into a sweater. A cardigan flying around. [00:07:19] Speaker D: I'll show you later. [00:07:21] Speaker C: Okay. What about. What about raw? [00:07:24] Speaker E: I think you guys know it would be a cleric. [00:07:27] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:07:28] Speaker E: I mean, she kind of is already. [00:07:32] Speaker C: I think the fact that. I think the fact that every single one of us has, like, a defined answer where everyone's kind of like, yeah, that makes sense. Just speaks to how well rounded the characters are that, like, they have enough dimensions that assigning a second class is very easy. What about balls? Feel like I need. [00:07:48] Speaker B: I'm actually not like, I don't have a choice that I'm, like, going to. It's my question. I'm a failure. I know, but I said that as a joke. I don't think I'm a failure. Gosh. [00:07:59] Speaker A: Language. [00:08:00] Speaker B: No, that's awful. Okay. Um, boss, he would, if he wasn't a druid and he didn't love his bees, he would love. He would love books. He'd be a wizard. I don't know. [00:08:12] Speaker C: That's. No, that's exactly what I was thinking was wizard. Yeah, exactly. [00:08:15] Speaker D: Artificer Landon. [00:08:16] Speaker B: I don't think he wants to make stuff. He doesn't like making things. [00:08:20] Speaker C: I don't think he's techie, but he's very pragmatic and strategic and magically. [00:08:25] Speaker B: Yeah, maybe a sorcerer. Because I feel like he has, like, a quest for power and maybe doesn't want to read a whole lot. [00:08:31] Speaker D: I was thinking, me too. [00:08:34] Speaker E: I was thinking Warlock because I was too honest. [00:08:39] Speaker C: Warlock would be the other one that would make a lot of sense. [00:08:41] Speaker E: Was serving some kind of, like, higher power in a way, but maybe not necessarily a God. But also, you're definitely, like, battle druid y, so, like, yeah, you would have a lot of, like, melee stuff, but you would also have a few spells to do your fun little things. [00:08:57] Speaker B: I actually have a really cool idea for a warlock character that I'm going to do in our next one shot that Zachary does. So I'm excited for that. [00:09:06] Speaker E: I'm excited for that. [00:09:08] Speaker A: Me too, lan. [00:09:09] Speaker E: And play warlock. [00:09:12] Speaker C: Oh, CNNBC. [00:09:15] Speaker B: What about, what about. Okay. Okay. I have a suggestion. What about Nam? Because she was forced to be a rogue. But if she could have chosen to be any class, which one would she have preferred? [00:09:26] Speaker A: Yes. [00:09:27] Speaker E: Like, if she could have gone to any school. [00:09:30] Speaker B: Yeah. Like, if she could have learned to play the guitar or just read a lot of books, or, like, hugged a tree a million times. [00:09:34] Speaker C: Like, what would she have done if she'd had. I don't know. Cuz privileged Baker's not a class. Hmm. [00:09:45] Speaker A: I feel like. [00:09:45] Speaker C: Help me with this, guys. [00:09:47] Speaker D: Can't. Maybe this. You just choose to be a person. Artisan, you know? [00:09:54] Speaker C: Like. I mean, like, for sure. But we're specifically taking class. Yeah, cuz that's the question. I think. What? [00:10:04] Speaker B: Micah laughed at me. I'm glad about that. [00:10:07] Speaker A: That's a class. [00:10:08] Speaker C: What happened? [00:10:08] Speaker B: It's a class. Math? [00:10:11] Speaker A: No, I think she would be, like a barbarian or something. Because she's thinking barbarian physical. [00:10:19] Speaker E: Yeah. And she has. [00:10:22] Speaker C: She's very filled with rage, so. [00:10:25] Speaker E: So she could easily. And she could. She would love to be able to, like, make herself bigger than other people, you know? [00:10:31] Speaker C: Like, I was about to say if she was. If she was 200 more pounds of muscle and 5ft taller, I think she would be like. [00:10:39] Speaker B: I think bruises. If she was. [00:10:42] Speaker C: Yes. [00:10:43] Speaker B: Like, she would have hit us a lot more. [00:10:44] Speaker C: I don't think you guys would have initially caught her not alive. I think the size difference was an important part of how that interaction went, but. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Very fun. Very cool. Well, for the note taking nerds. Oh. Oh. [00:11:02] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. All right. I'm ready. [00:11:06] Speaker C: Okay. For the night. Taking this. This is the accidental adventures, episode 104. [00:11:11] Speaker E: Wow. [00:11:12] Speaker C: First fruits. [00:11:14] Speaker E: First fruit. [00:11:15] Speaker A: That's biblical. [00:11:20] Speaker C: Or is it, like, fruit? [00:11:24] Speaker B: Does anybody want some banana? [00:11:27] Speaker A: It was the first anyway. [00:11:31] Speaker C: And it is a level eleven adventure for the first time ever. Guys, that's crazy. You have passed the halfway level mark. You are officially an upper level party. [00:11:43] Speaker B: Maybe in three years we can be level 20. [00:11:46] Speaker C: For the record, most campaigns end at, like, around this level. And you guys are. You guys are running strong, so that's pretty cool. Good. [00:11:53] Speaker E: I want to be. And then the powerful, fun guys. [00:11:57] Speaker C: Do you want to say hi, Hoffa? Hi, Hoffa. Hi, Hoffa. [00:12:00] Speaker A: Hi, Hopper. [00:12:02] Speaker B: Good to see you. [00:12:04] Speaker C: They said. They said, good to see you. And they also said, bet you're not that buff. [00:12:10] Speaker B: Don't listen to him. [00:12:13] Speaker C: I know she's buff. You guys said that, but what was I saying? Oh, yeah. So, level eleven adventure. The date is 34 88 pb. And we're not exactly sure on the date yet. Because we're still in the Westwood. But we can get there. I have not fed Maya dinner. If you want to feed her. Okay. Otherwise, are we ready to get riggedy rolling? Yeah. [00:12:38] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:12:38] Speaker C: Ok. Ok. [00:12:40] Speaker D: Thank you, Ben. [00:12:41] Speaker C: My little thing going here. Let's go with. Yeah, we'll go with this one. Okay. Can you guys hear that? It's applying correctly. [00:12:58] Speaker D: Actually, no, I can't either. Say something in an australian boxing. [00:13:04] Speaker C: Let me see if I can. Why is that not playing here? I have it playing in. Do I need to know? That's not the issue. I have it playing in barely d and D general. Hmm. Hold on, hold on. I gotta revise this. Sorry about this, guys. [00:13:24] Speaker A: You know in veggie tales, when it's like this has been silly songs with Larry, I feel like I want that audio. But. And this has been technical difficulties with the d and D party. [00:13:35] Speaker D: That's funny. [00:13:36] Speaker C: That's not. It should be playing because it says Bailey D and D general. And that's the one we're in. [00:13:43] Speaker B: It's also deafened. Can you undefin it? [00:13:47] Speaker D: But then he can hear us. [00:13:50] Speaker B: No, the Kenku music app. [00:13:51] Speaker D: He's a Kenku. [00:13:52] Speaker C: So why is it so he can. [00:13:55] Speaker D: Teachers what we say? That's the only thing that he can repeat. [00:13:58] Speaker C: Deafen just means that you can't hear, but it doesn't mean you're muted. [00:14:02] Speaker D: Well, that's so that he doesn't repeat what we're saying, because otherwise he wouldn't be able to do his job. [00:14:07] Speaker C: Also, Hoffa ran in here to say that's what she said. I don't know what that connects to, but she's been watching. Well, I need to get this figured out because this is where our music comes from. Sorry. I'm just going to close this and reopen it again real quickly and see if it works better. Thank you for your patience, everyone. Does everyone want to vaguely summarize things for Micah so that I have a tail? Now I have a raccoon. [00:14:38] Speaker A: Tell me, tell me you don't. Tell me you don't actually have a tail. [00:14:41] Speaker C: There we go. [00:14:42] Speaker A: There we are. [00:14:43] Speaker B: It's going to grow bigger, but it's there. It's definitely there. [00:14:47] Speaker C: Every level of the tail gets a. [00:14:48] Speaker A: Foot long concern and. [00:14:50] Speaker C: Okay. Can you guys hear music? [00:14:54] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:14:54] Speaker A: Can you make it quieter? [00:14:56] Speaker B: Perhaps it's still deafened. [00:14:57] Speaker C: Uh, you can make it quieter, Micah, so you can right click click on it. [00:15:03] Speaker A: Yeah, if you right click I can make it quieter. [00:15:06] Speaker C: You can slide the power. [00:15:10] Speaker A: Okay, good. [00:15:12] Speaker C: There we are. Um. Okay. Welcome so fun. Guys, we are going to move backward in time. Uh, so you are arriving once again at the wellspring. And Craig, for an important so listener. We are going to do things in the way we do not usually do it. We're going to step backward and we're going to revisit a moment with Craig and then step a little more forward, but still behind where we are now. Have another moment with Craig and then we're going to resync everything. So, Craig, you all have ventured along the Westwood as you remember, and in a dark night each of the group members was separated by visions in the middle of the confusing, objuring westwood visions of characters, four unknown from past, with sentient voice, all of whom tested each member of the fungi less in a direct way and more in an internal search of purpose or identity in question. And as each person made peace with their various vision in their own way and fell asleep, they've all awoken in proximity to each other once again and, reuniting, have found themselves gazing forward in the distance at what would appear to be long at last, the center of the Westwood. A vast pool of golden white light in the middle of a clearing of trees at its center, where open sky for the first time in weeks is revealed above. What you see as you all are gathered maybe 20 or 30ft away from the edge, is it is not so bright as the noonday sun. It can be gazed upon, though it is a little challenging, but it is so bright that it is literally providing additional light to the forest around, competing with the sunlight, casting down through the only break in the Westwood you've seen so far, pointing toward the sky. And it is a. And it's big, it's like 400ft across. And it is this vast pool of dense white light, golden at every edge and perimeter and branching away from it, arching thin, wisping arms somewhere in between the plasma of electricity and the softness of a wisp of mist. And they are breaking off from the main pool of color and snapping outward in sudden movements that flash into rainbow tones and hues. And they are surrounded by the immense trees, much bigger than California redwoods at every side. And where this pool of light seems to overflow its banks and move through the forest floor around it, the base of trees are transmuted into different kinds of gemstone. Lapis lazuli crawls up the side of trees and lightning veins. Diamond replaces the bark surface on others, and flowers and forbs and grasses growing from what must have seemed the edge of the bank that the wellspring has now overflown, for whatever reason, are turned into thin crystalline statuettes, but still seemingly entirely living. And as you all approach, you found that all of your magic items were reacting powerfully to the wellspring. And in this moment, you all have paused, because it has dawned on you all that this is the point at which you are to complete the quest you have undertaken at such great labor to deliver old to this place. And the group has discussed it briefly, and you had asked for a moment alone with both old and the orb to make peace with everything this moment might signify. And so, as you tread a bit away from the group near this incredible supernatural phenomena for which, in a way, the group was formed and for which you have so long quested, you have a moment with the heavy glass orb and its dense, black, pulsing fluid in the middle of it, alone, standing a distance away. [00:19:33] Speaker A: I think Craig is just gonna, like, I mean, like, you know, he holds the orb, like, in his hand, you know, a lot, but this is different. He's like, I know it sounds weird, but he's almost, like, holding it to his chest and just like, like, the realization of what he's about to do and what this means is just weighing heavy on him. And, you know, Ola's become a good friend. He's become someone, you know, that is, he can lean on and go to and where everyone else seems to like. Sometimes doubt crag or people might look past him because of just, you know, doesn't know that much. Sometimes. He can be kind of ignorant of information. But I feel like old has never made Craig feel small, even as big as he is. So I think that Craig just, like, opens his mind to old and is like, well, here, I know you're probably eager to get where you want to go. [00:20:47] Speaker C: Since seeing the wellspring, since setting eyes on it, the fluid in the orb has been different than it ever has been before. It's like the orb is filled with more of it. It's always been a mass at the center, pulsing outward in tenderless arms, like extra iridescent venom ink or venomous or. I don't know what the term is from the Marvel comics, but it's like there's more fluid in the orb than usual. It's almost filling it, and it's in your hands and wherever. There's no features to the fluid in the middle, no face, no eye. But there's always been a sense that you've had its attention in the past, the tendrils pulsing in your direction, reacting to the movement of old's voice. But now they're all pressed against the side of the glass, away from you, toward the wellspring. And it's so hard to tell if it's a movement of attention or a literal attraction of forces. And as you say, that last line about, you know, desire to get where you're going, auld's voice comes in slowly and he says, yes, I'm eager. It's so close. It's beautiful, isn't it, Craig? [00:22:27] Speaker A: Yes, it really is. I can't believe that something like this exists. I feel like you've become a part of me and that you've been a part of me. And right now it feels like I'm about to lose a part of me. Um, and it's that kind of thing of like, you know, if you, you love them, you let them go. Know that this is where you need to be. But I want you to know how much you've meant to me. It meant so much to me. And I would say, you know, like, oh, we're gonna write letters, right? But you probably won't be able to be the pen pal type. [00:23:33] Speaker C: It's very distracting. No, you'll always be a chapter in the book I'm enjoying. But Craig, I've also been. I've been honest with you from the start. I like jalaprin. It's a fascinating book to walk around in. But I fear the end of that book. I have no desire to witness its great antagonist. I have always been honest about my desire for departure. And I have enjoyed the character that you play. And I would still be glad to read your pages. Like I said, I like you. I'll still be watching for what time I remain. And so long as I am here, I will talk with you gladly. But I do not intend to be here when the storm comes. You have done well, Craig. I'm very thankful. For what it is worth, I have seen countless lives come and go, one like another. I've enjoyed yours. I look at its many endings often, its many beginnings. It's many in the middles. But I'm headed to something stranger. And I. I have to keep watching, Craig. I have to keep watching the story unfold. If I remained here longer, I will never see again. [00:25:49] Speaker A: I care about you. I care about you a lot. Um. I don't understand you. I don't understand. You're pretty complex, pretty quirky and different. Old. Um, but it's like, because I care about you, I know that I need to let you go. I need. I need you to. You know, I need to okay with this. Um. Man, it's hard to say goodbye. It's hard to say goodbye to you. You, uh. You've believed in me, and, um, I don't think there's a ton of people that I can say have. And, um, thank you. Thank you for mentoring me, and thank you for giving me a chance. And I appreciate you. And, uh, you had an impact, and I know your impact isn't going to end. Um, so I just wanted to say goodbye. [00:26:53] Speaker C: So bright. Maybe, Craig, at the end of all of this, you can come where I am, where I'm from. And if you wish to survive, to observe the relationship that we have, I would take you with me. I like you. I would take you to that far place, and there your body could melt, your mind could expand. We could laugh at strange stories forever. I have to see. [00:27:36] Speaker A: Maybe one day I'll take you up on that. But I do kind of like my body right now. I think I've worked hard on it every morning, but I am interested in reserving our friendship and preserving it and. Yeah. Thank you. That's so kind. [00:27:55] Speaker C: Right. [00:27:57] Speaker A: All right, I see. Okay. All right. Whoo. Big strong man. Okay, let's go. And then Craig moves on. [00:28:11] Speaker C: Craig moves back toward the group. You all walk old the orb to the edge of the wellspring, as you did when we roleplayed. And Craig, as you go to set it down on the ground and roll it before it, as it falls off your fingers, before it reaches the ground, it just stops maybe a centimeter above the ground. And for a moment, it looks like it's floating until you realize that the massless light is just wrapping around the orb and pulling it toward itself. And it rolls and rotates very slowly, defying the forces as you understand them, until it seems to find some sort of a density and depth within the fluid and just rolls away into them. And there it remains submerged for some time before there's a particularly blue and green peel of light, sort of like branching away from the pool in a sudden arc and then a slower ascent before falling away into light. And then a moment after, the orb seems to float and on the light, back up to the edge, and it drifts in moseying circular patterns before rolling toward the edge where you are and eventually rolling out of the light and back across the grass. And it is the old the orb as you've done it before. But the outside of the glass has been ever so slightly frosted, and it looks less like an effect of glass making and more like a slight coating of a denser, more precious crystal, even. And the fluid inside is entirely changed. No longer black and inky, it's like only the iridescence of an oil slick was left with the oil pulled away. And it's like, it's more full of fluid, rainbow like and swirling. And the fluid fills the orbital, but moves much more slowly now in one constantly shifting, massive pattern. And the orb just rolls toward you before it stops in front of you. [00:30:20] Speaker A: Is that what it looks like when it's empty? It's not empty, but like, lacking of. [00:30:26] Speaker C: I mean, you know that old asked you to bring it here and fill it with the power of the deep magic and then throw it in the ocean. But other than that, everything else is unknown. [00:30:41] Speaker A: Well, I'm gonna say Craig picks it back up. [00:30:49] Speaker B: Did he pass his saving throws? [00:30:52] Speaker C: When you pick it up, Craig, it is heavier than you remember it. Kind of heavy now. And you're holding it, and after a moment, it doesn't disappear. Get a feeling it's gonna need to be physically transported. [00:31:11] Speaker A: You know that wolf peck song? It's like, put it in my pocket. Put it in my pocket. My bag pocket. Put it in my pocket. In my pocket. In my back pocket. I'm so proud of you. That's, that's that. [00:31:21] Speaker C: If this was a love serious moment, I imagine Craig laying it up into one of Greta's pockets. [00:31:25] Speaker B: But it would have been so funny if he just rolled in there, failed his throw, and just died, and just. [00:31:31] Speaker C: Come up as a cross. We haven't gotten to that yet, but yes. What do you do with the orb? [00:31:37] Speaker A: Hey, what? Put it in my pocket. Put it in my pocket. My back pocket. Put it in. [00:31:42] Speaker C: Okay, in one of your. So not in one of Greta's magical pockets, but like, in a satchel or something on YouTube. [00:31:46] Speaker A: Well, if it's okay, how heavy is it? Because it might be weighing on me, so I'm gonna, I think for comfortability sake, I'll put it in one of Gripa's. [00:31:55] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, the saturated far seed is now in your inventory. Please record that somewhere, okay? Otherwise, Craig, you are more than welcome to roleplay that moment out if you'd like to. But if nothing, in the following moments, what happens? That boz goes curious of the edge of the wellspring, reaches out and touches it, the light suddenly lashes out in energy. And as that wave of light pours out to everyone else, each member of the party begins slowly falling unconscious in front of you. And you know what? I explained the saving throw to you. But I feel like it's only fitting that if a player is at the table, they should roll it. So why don't you roll the con save? I mean, the party's got a diamond on them. Let's keep it zesty. [00:32:52] Speaker A: Okay, we'll do it. [00:32:54] Speaker D: This is why we union. [00:32:56] Speaker B: That's right. [00:32:57] Speaker A: Zachary down for the union diamond. [00:33:01] Speaker C: Is. [00:33:01] Speaker A: Are you. [00:33:02] Speaker E: It's our lp. [00:33:02] Speaker C: I think you guys should all go play with another DM for a little bit and then see how you feel about unions. [00:33:08] Speaker A: I am lucky, I am blessed, I am happy with this arrangement dress. So I rolled the D 20. [00:33:21] Speaker C: It's gonna be a con saving time. [00:33:24] Speaker D: Craig has a crazy constitution problem, so he'll probably be. [00:33:32] Speaker A: That's a. That's, uh, reverse guidance. 14. [00:33:38] Speaker C: Okay. [00:33:39] Speaker A: 14. I remember what it was. [00:33:42] Speaker B: I can't remember what it was either. [00:33:44] Speaker A: It wasn't 15. [00:33:46] Speaker C: Um. Okay. Moving forward, as each member of the party collapse, so does Craig. And Craig, your world just smears into bright light and colors before. And as your body falls down and your heavy and your heavy mass pulls you forward with it, your entire vision and world rotates very suddenly and heavily into a darkness that you fall into. And we're just going to continue with the micah palooza here because everyone else has already had their vision, so it's just going to be Micah clock here. [00:34:22] Speaker A: Thank you. Patience. [00:34:24] Speaker C: Um, is how Craig, you fall not into ground, but into void, into a lack of clarity, until you very much feel not the impact of surface, but the density of something hard below you. Yes. [00:34:51] Speaker A: Is it similar to the experience he had when he first encountered old? [00:34:58] Speaker C: As you feel this density, your body feels heavy, but senses are returning to you. And as you blink yourself slowly awake, you feel a cool surface below you, hard. And your fingers slide not across a strange alien fluid, but across stone, the cool, smooth surface of stone. Before passing and rolling over some pebbles and smaller rocks. Dust builds up and accumulates at the edge of your fingers as you blink hard and awake a little more. You find yourself in none of your dwarven armor for which you set out on your journeys. No weapons at your side, no gear. You have one blade still on you. Minister is still strapped over your back in a sheath, but otherwise you are just in regular traveling clothes. And you, um. You blink hard as you look around and find yourself in a cragulous, fractured, stony landscape. Not dork, not hellish and alien, but familiar. You are at the side of a bjasten mountain. The bjasten mountains you know best. You stand along the great razor peak backs of Koshnikov some distance, or skonikov, whichever one. Your home is bordering the outside of your home. And the day is late in a winter month, and light is slowly and unexcitedly draining away from the horizon. And the air is growing colder and there is a slight wind brushing your beard to either side. Your. Your beard. You have a beard again, and you have hair on your head, and you. You still have a burn on one side of your face, but your hair is very much returned to you. You feel as though you are all at once the person you have set out to be after all this time, but also the person you very much were. Both. Both characteristics are present. And as you look down at this scaling landscape pouring away from you into the broader valleys of Beostan steppe landscape and open valley sages, beostan sages to either side of you are softly rustling branches against each other and whipping slightly in the not intense but moving. So whipping's too strong a verb, but shaking. And you just find yourself here on a mountainside. Landon just typed Craig dead in the chat. That's it. [00:38:07] Speaker E: Don't tell me that he said rip, though. [00:38:10] Speaker C: So, rip, what you doing, Craig? [00:38:14] Speaker A: Um. Think Craig is gonna. I mean, is he aware that where he was, there, where he just was? Or is it kind of like. I don't know. I think he's gonna call out, like, hello. [00:38:36] Speaker C: Hello, hello. Down the side of the mountainous is not any near voice of a person, but instead, far in the distance, you hear a heavy, thunderous peal, a crack of thunder. Did that come through, that sound effect? Okay, no, I'm gonna go lower my mic sensitivity more. Let's give that one more try here. Say you get. Hello. Did that come through? [00:39:11] Speaker B: No. [00:39:12] Speaker C: Okay. Micah's nodding yes, and Landon's shaking. [00:39:14] Speaker A: No, I heard the first part. [00:39:16] Speaker B: Yeah, it's being cut out. It's getting cut out. [00:39:19] Speaker C: Yeah, well, you live in yellow. We have certain, you know, we lose things and we gain things with discord, not the highest audio fidelity. We move on. It sounds real thundery. You want to hear good lightning sound effects, go back to previous sessions. We've got him. But just listen to lightning roiling in the distance. There is a veil of shadow slowly building on the horizon. Looks like storm clouds, but they are black, not dark gray, not dark like night. And indeed, you think it is early night coming to you until you realize that it is just a wall of cloud building over far peaks and nearing the darkest, heaviest storm you've ever seen is building in the distance as the wind begins picking up on the mountainside. A hot wind, strange for biasta, dry and heavy. As you try desperately to focus on this important seen and not the things people are posting, what is your reaction? [00:40:33] Speaker A: You know, when like you, I don't know, you had your guard down and you were comfortable and then all of a sudden, like, the possibility of danger comes on your radar and you just like, your body starts to react like chills and like this, this gut wrenching feeling of, oh my gosh, what is this mean for me? Just like my mind, my heartbeat is like. I would say that Craig's just experiencing a lot of physical concern and stress and he begins to, almost out of his instinct, try and get away from the storm and try and get away from the darkness to find cover and flee. [00:41:18] Speaker C: Greg, you know this mountainside quite well. And you know that if you begin racing up its side, you will find the highway that leads into your home, into the city of Skonnokov, which I'm just gonna call it and hope that's right. And so you know where you can turn and flee. And the clouds, which seem so far, are growing so much nearer. As the storm moves fast and it again rolls further toward. [00:41:55] Speaker A: I'd imagine this is like a dream where like, you're running, but your running is slower and like, you know the danger, just you. [00:42:04] Speaker C: Find yourself feeling that sensation and you realize it is simply the rapidity of the storm. You are racing up the mountainside, feet pushing through heavy rock, dislodging loose stones. But the storm is growing nearer and nearer. And as you move ever so quickly up the mountainside, you finally crest its sharp, inward biting teeth that lead down to the canyon highway. As you begin moving down the switchback pathway that leads down to the lower elevation. Right before you go over, the edge of heavy wind rushes by you and you're almost knocked off your feet before you right yourself and move down lower. And then there is one loud, deafening, a crack of thunder that deafens you for a moment as lightning contacts somewhere out of your vision, but within a mile certainly strikes the ground. And as it does, the entire light of the world around you, dimming and growing less clear, is replaced by one deep crimson flash of light before you're sort of like blink hard and then find yourself readjusting to the light of the world. As you race all the faster down the path and then down the highway, you can feel the storm nearing much closer. Your heart is pounding to the point where the blood moving at great pressure past your ears is giving you that sensation as your feet pound down the road. And you can feel the sweat building on your brow from this hot storm. And there's one more peal of thunder, or one more roll of it going, but the end of it resolves not into an echoing disappearance sound, but instead of deep growl. And if that audio didn't come through, it was zorgomy growl. I hope I'm not undercutting myself here. Carries over the wind, okay, Hoffa's hand signaling me. But a deep growl carries over the wind, and you can see the great stone door entrance to Shkonikov up ahead of you. As you race forward. [00:44:29] Speaker A: I think, I mean, he sees, like, that light of hope, of, like, okay, like, the stone door is right there, I can make it. I can't make it. And he's, I would like to say, all of his, all of his fear. It's like. It's uncanny how I'd say that this terror in fear is just like, coming over him, like this panic sensation that. I mean, he's encountered, like, countless scary situations, like, terrifying. But this one is like, just because of a storm, it's just present. And I feel like it's coming out in every single step he takes. Every, like, to the ground is like this, this exertion of, like, all of his fear and his just terror, as he's, like, trying to just reach and grasp for that stone door. [00:45:32] Speaker C: Each of your footfalls is growing louder in your own ear to the ground. As it does, another peal of thunder nearby syncs with your footsteps, and you have trouble distinguishing the two. And you can feel the sweat pouring heavy and thick down your brow, matting your hair. No, that's. No, it's rain. Rain is falling down on you, and you can see the dark streak of it flashing across your vision and starting to paint the stone around you darker. But the rain is warm. Not cold, cold like the storm. As you look at the landscape around you, the stone is not. It's darkened, so you find it to be the dark tone of water. But you start realizing that the stone's not taking on a sheen of water. As you feel one of the dark veins of fluid roll down your face and down the bridge of your prominent nose. You wipe it away with your finger as you sprint, and you look down to see your hand covered in blood, as blood in the rain falls across the canyon and the highway, and the storm rolls over, and as you move furiously toward the massive stone doors, 10ft across, each 20ft tall, you run up to them closed, but the heavy handles are in front of you, and you grab them with your powerful hands. I'd like you to give me a strength saving throw to open them up. [00:46:56] Speaker A: Um, I'm going to, uh. I'm gonna use my inspiration on that one. [00:47:08] Speaker C: Okay. [00:47:11] Speaker A: I got the same rule. [00:47:15] Speaker B: Can I cast guidance? [00:47:16] Speaker C: Okay. [00:47:18] Speaker A: 14. [00:47:23] Speaker C: Craig is you slamming. Oh, my gosh. [00:47:27] Speaker A: Wait, wait, wait. I have advantage on strength checks, so I don't use my inspiration, just my. Never mind. He's smart. He got it. [00:47:36] Speaker C: Range is a bonus action. We say that the terror motivates you to rage in your dream. So you can. You can roll a third time if you like. [00:47:43] Speaker A: Open the door. Yeah. Okay. Rule 13. Time. [00:47:53] Speaker C: No Hoffa's doing things. What'd you get, dude? [00:47:58] Speaker A: I got it now. No. Can I go back to my other one? [00:48:06] Speaker C: As Craig slams on the doors. Well, they were a failure anyway, so we'll just flavor. As you slam and rattle the doors with great force, the heavy stone groans and aches at your force until the storm rolling over has a greater flash of. And this pillar of red light that obfuscates all that you can see and perceive crashes down over you. And you are filled with blinding pain as you are struck with immense force. As the lightning strikes you directly, charring the doors, caving the front of the entrance of your city and over you. And as the stone crashes down on you, your vision is occluded in the black in your world, crushed. Boz, I've decided I'm going to change the structure of the session. Bozeman, you are awake. You are awake. Let's go with this one. This is a good song. Yeah. You are awake at the edge of the wellspring. Just sit up slowly. Take a breath. No, wrong song. I changed my mind. I like this one. Yeah, but it's not quite the right tone I'm going for. Let's go with this one. You awake at the edge of the wellspring where you did a moment ago, and you find yourself breathing and thrumming with power like we established at the end of last session. And I've just decided we're just going to go right back to where we were in time. And, boss, as you wake up and take some breaths, you watch the golden light pulse and dance around you, the wellspring, you start to realize that it's like burning in motion and color. As you look at it more closely, you realize that the edges of the wellspring are igniting into first flame spouts that are just burning up in golden white. Light and then flaring into hues of rainbow tones at the end. And as you watch them dance around you and you lift up your arm where your sleeve falls down your arm, you see all those mini emerald cuts in your skin. And instead of just reflecting back green, many of them are reflecting gold. And as you look at them, you realize now that the gemstones in your skin are no longer uniformly green, that many of them are gold, others white, others a sapphire blue, others a painite reduced. And the gems, the tiny gem fragments, the dust embedded in your skin, looks now like rainbow tone in hue color. And you feel incredibly invigorated and empowered. And it's a moment after that, Greta, you take a shutter and sit up at the edge of the light, filled with energy and force. Unnamed raccoon, 60ft away, just staring at you sitting down. And a moment later, Ro stirs and takes a sharp breath and sits up. And Tello, who kind of went out face down, sort of like hits a push up position and pushes himself up onto his knees. And everybody's breathing hard. And each of you is different somehow. As you all look at each other, taking in the incredible experience around you, you all realize that Tello looks very much like he did before, except that if you didn't know better, you would say that some of the dark black freckles on his face are very, very dark brown, kind of like twinkle with just a little bit light when he turns his head in reflection to the wellspring, just ever so slightly. And Greta, as you look at Ro, you notice that Ro looks like she always has, except that the flowers blooming in her hair now have a gold fringe to the edge of their petals. And at the edge of her purple eyes is a gold tint, and the gold, like, almost shines. And as you all look at Greta, who is so very old, she looks just ever so slightly younger. And there's like, just a little bit of, like, at her graying hair, and it's dark browns. There's like, a little bit of, like a gold base at the roots across her forehead. And each of you is awake at the edge of the wellspring. [00:52:49] Speaker A: What about. [00:52:53] Speaker E: Is he, like, laying down? [00:52:54] Speaker C: You all see that nearby, Craig is laying face down. [00:52:59] Speaker A: I'm gonna go. [00:53:01] Speaker C: And I go. [00:53:03] Speaker B: Yeah. I walk over to him and everyone. [00:53:06] Speaker C: Greta rushes, a boz walks. Each member slowly gathers around him. And as you guys shake him a little bit, trying to wake him up from the immense power of the wellspring, there's, there's not a reaction from him. [00:53:17] Speaker E: Can I, can I check if he's breathing? Like, can I put my hand in front of his face? [00:53:21] Speaker B: He doesn't breathe. [00:53:22] Speaker C: As, as two of you have to work together to roll him over, you roll him on his back and wrote, put your finger in his nose before you go. Wait. [00:53:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:53:30] Speaker C: Okay, but you can give me a medicine check. [00:53:33] Speaker B: Okay, I do one as well. [00:53:36] Speaker C: Yeah, you can both. [00:53:40] Speaker E: Yeah. That was bad. That's a ten. [00:53:46] Speaker C: Pause. [00:53:47] Speaker B: 1 second. Sorry, Madison, I got a 16. [00:53:52] Speaker A: Okay. I was gonna say, not only is Craig dead, but no one can tell that he's dead. [00:53:58] Speaker C: He's sleeping, ro. You lift up his arm and man, that's a heavy arm. And you push down his gauntlet a little bit and roll back the thick sleeve. As you press your thumb to his wrist, you're not feeling any pulse, but you're also having to push, push through, like, an inch of just wrist muscle at every side. You're just like, okay. And as each of you is both reeling from the life changing experiences you had moments ago and the incredible power you can feel pulsing through you, you're also trying to both gain accurate medical understanding of what's happening to your friend and also trying to hedge that knowledge with the understanding that his body is a bizarre car wreck of power and confusion. And you can't tell what's going on. But as you do, Boz, it occurs to you. You open an eyelid, and as light pours into the eye, the pupil doesn't dilate at all, doesn't constrict, doesn't expand. And you put your fingers a little more closely to the base of his neck, past his. His, like, goatee beard, braided either side. You push, you count, and you feel no pulse. And it occurs to you that Craig is dead. What do you say, boss? [00:55:34] Speaker B: I don't think Boz. Let's out. I let out a very long breath, and I don't say. I don't say anything, but I don't even take my fingers off of his neck. But I pull out a diamond from my pocket, and I just. I am squeezing it so hard, and I squeeze it until there's nothing left. And. [00:56:08] Speaker C: Golden green light starts pouring out from Boz's fingers as he crushes the diamond in his hand. I. [00:56:19] Speaker B: Start crying a little bit, and I kind of hold the back of Craig's head. And as much as I can, I just kind of try to hold him as I pass the spell. And I don't think Boz has ever prayed before, but he definitely. I start praying to the maker who I just met, who said they wanted to be my friend, and I asked him to help me bring my friend back, and I cast rivify. [00:57:12] Speaker C: And as you all take in the gravity of what's happening by interpreting Baaz's actions, which one of you has to explain to tello, because he's not as casting adept, the most incredible thing happens, that as Baaz praised this prayer, it is not Boz's voice uttering from his lips, but a hundred voices you don't recognize, all whispering in tones over each other, speaking a language none of you can identify and all of you can understand, just like you've heard Janice do in the past, as he does, little tongues of golden white fire escaping his mouth and all those gems on his body, a light white gold. Greg, as the world collapses and caves around you. I love you so much, Hoffa. I'm trying so hard to have the dramatic pinnacle of Hoffa. Okay, I love you. She's being funny. Greg, you awake? Weak, buried under stone, crushed under weight, and everything is dark around you. [00:58:36] Speaker A: I think this is the first time Craig's felt powerless physically and in a long time. It's like an uncomfortable feeling when you kind of like, want to shake off and just. Oh, I don't like that. You know, he just feels so small, so powerless, helpless. And is he like, awakened, conscious now, like in reality? [00:59:05] Speaker C: Well, Craig, for a moment you have trouble telling because everything is so dark. But as you take a couple heavy blinks, you realize that the darkness and your unconscious mind and the darkness of the world around you are perfect matches. And as you go to shift your body in reaction to the sensations inside, you realize that the sensations. I'm gonna change this one. You realize that the sensations around you match those within you and that you are. You are experiencing a very equivocal amount of external pain to the internal fear. You know, as you feel like the life is being slowly pressed out of you, as your lungs are compressed under the weight of, of easily 200 pounds of rocks above you, crushing down on you, you are trapped under dark stone. [01:00:12] Speaker A: I don't even know what he can do with that. [01:00:16] Speaker C: What do you do with that player? [01:00:21] Speaker A: I think it's just this feeling of, like, being alone. He can't even call out to old. He can't even. There's no one, there's nothing. There is no help. He's. I'm gonna say it's like, you know, when, um. It's like you're crying out, like in a nightmare, and you're like trying to like, just scream. And, and probably someone from the outside would just like hear, like, you know, like something like that. It's like with all of his might, with everything he has left, he's trying to cry out for help, saying things like, help, how did I get here? Help. And just things like that. And he can't get out. He can't. [01:01:07] Speaker C: And as your voice shouts outward, Craig, you find it muffled. It's the sound of your own voice being very close to you, like shouting into a cup. And you can feel the stone near you, compressing the voice back at you, reverberating in your ear. And the stone is so heavy and sharp, but it's pressing down into your face and cutting your cheek, and your neck is painfully pushed to a side. You are trapped under that stone. I mean, you could certainly attempt to free yourself, but you are compressed under it. And as you shout there alone, you feel warm fluid dripping down onto your forehead. And slowly blood is pouring into your eyes and over your forehead, trapped under the stone. As you realize that, you feel, you hear a distant rumble of thunder somewhere above you. You are trapped in a crater of the compacted stone and blood is slowly pouring down into it. And as it pours over your face, it flows in your nose and over your mouth slowly, very slowly. But as some of the thick, warm fluid travels into your respiratory system invasively and painfully, you choke a bit on it, spit it up, and then you realize you are breathing involuntarily, as you've been, you would surmise, separated from old's magics. And as it occurs to you once again, that breath is essential. I'm gonna change the music again anyway. I'm trying my best. As you had occurs to you again, that breath is essential. It dawns on you similarly that, oh, you can drowndehenkhe. And if you are not crushed beneath these stones, then you will drown beneath them. If you don't get out, what do you do, Craig? [01:03:10] Speaker A: His arms are pinned like there's nothing. [01:03:14] Speaker C: You feel like it. [01:03:19] Speaker A: Think. [01:03:22] Speaker C: You can attempt to shift the stone? [01:03:26] Speaker A: I think he's gonna try. [01:03:29] Speaker C: Yeah. Give me a strength saving throw. [01:03:37] Speaker A: Why are fives literally all I'm rolling? Other than ones that's gonna be a 14? [01:03:48] Speaker C: Craig, as you twist and shift with your great strength under the stone, one of them shifts and you feel movement. And as you twist your hips with all your strength and contract your powerful core and you get a grip on one of the stones to your left with your left hand, and you squeeze it and you rotate your powerful chest and begin moving your knee up to shift your hips over, trying to gain leverage. There is a shift in the rock, and a rock you hadn't felt somewhere up higher in the pile between two of your legs shifts in between them and falls down into the middle of your leg and with one loud crack snaps your femur and you are flooded with blinding pain. And as you do, the give you feel in your body is reciprocated by the ground below until the ground beneath you caves in likewise, and you fall tumbling into a deeper layer of earth and then roll painfully down some sort of a rock slide. And you are deafened by crashing all around until you take a couple hard blinks and you don't see anything. And what you feel are two sensations. Well, three, shock. A dull pain, managing to bleed through it, pulsing, consuming your body from your right leg, the heat of your own blood or the blood raining down, you're not sure. And then you see total darkness, but you feel movement in your limbs. It's as though you've dropped down into a deeper cave layer. And as you look up, you can see a dim sliver of gray light through which small thin shadows are passing blood in the rain pouring down on the rocks from above. And you fall into some sort of an unlit chamber many feet below, surrounded by the crushed rocks above you. You feel mortally wounded and your leg is broken and you're here in the darkness. [01:06:09] Speaker A: He's still, is he still pinned? [01:06:12] Speaker C: No, you're not pinned now. You're at an uncomfortable angle. What you've landed on is a hard stone slope. And you feel you have endured so much physical trauma that your body is not in a lot of pain. Your body is very much in shock. And as you right yourself with gravity, you attempt to put weight on your leg and your whole body collapse over it. But as you struggle with it, if you limp very painfully, you can move in a direction. It's just shocking pain every time. And you are in complete darkness, unable to see, but aware that you are at least in a cave. [01:06:49] Speaker A: I think he's just gonna try and sit up. That's it. He's not gonna try and move his legs, he's just gonna try and sit up. [01:06:59] Speaker C: Painfully. You press your palms below you, squeeze in your core, and as every, every movement of your body hurts just a little bit, but every brush of your leg against stone is an excruciating shock. And you are in almost complete shock, unable to feel anything except for those dull pings of pain. Until you get a sudden shock from your leg, which jolts you back awake and then back to dullness. And as you slowly rut yourself with gaps and gasps and yelp of hurt, you can hear the sound of yourself breathing. Breathing again, involuntarily in the dark, just. And another stone shifts from somewhere above and seals up the last bit of that hole leading up to where you could see light from the highway. You are submerged in complete dark and perfect quiet other than your ragged breathing. And you are weighed upon by the knowledge that if you remain in this place, you will die. [01:08:04] Speaker A: Do I have a choice? Um. I don't even know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know. I don't know. Cuz he can't move. He can't move. [01:08:28] Speaker C: You can move. You can move. It's very painful and difficult and excruciating, but you can move, you can. You can raggedly and ineffectively limp. [01:08:40] Speaker A: I think he's gonna try and do that. Maybe he's, he's gonna try and take out his sword and use it as like a crutch of some sort. [01:08:52] Speaker C: You reach up, he just can't trip. [01:08:54] Speaker A: And fall on it. [01:08:56] Speaker C: You reach up and harshly unclasp the leather strip that rounds and holds minister to your back. And as you unclip it and it slides along the floor, you pick it up and struggle painfully upward. And every other step is just. I won't pretend to describe it, it's terrible, but you are able to painfully move forward. And you lose your balance for a moment, slipping on someone's blood, before righting yourself again. You bump into a wall. Slowly but surely, you are moving somewhere in the complete dark, limping painfully forward as you way through the cave. The only sound, the echoing back of your own faltering, feebled movement. You eventually run into a wall that you can trim the edge of. And you can hope that this might lead somewhere, but you feel yourself descending at a gentle incline into the deeper stomach of the mountain. Cold and harsh and uncaring. [01:10:19] Speaker A: Can Craig use his ability to like he's, he's traveled through tunnels and like he's used to the mines? Is this similar? [01:10:32] Speaker C: It feels like it. You recognize the hard, smooth stone of Koshnikov, but Skolnikov. But um. But you don't recognize this tunnel. And that's saying a lot, because there are many in the mountain you could feel your way through in the dark. This one's foreign to you, Craig. As you wander there in the dark boss, you sit above Craig's body at the edge of the pool of light. And if you'll remember, in our campaign, reviving magics are not automatic. There is a ability check to be made with it. Let me scroll back up to where our rule listing is. Where am I pinned? Messages. Okay, okay. This is a really awkward stilt in the flow of the story, but I have to pull this up now. Okay. Accidental adventures. Miscellaneous. If anyone can find me the rules, that would be great. Wherever I have posted them. [01:11:57] Speaker B: I don't think you have a specific checklisted. You just say that we have to do one in the homebrew section. [01:12:02] Speaker C: I have it just in my notes. That's great. Okay. Okay. I have found it. Good. Excellent. Okay. So fun, guys. [01:12:12] Speaker B: Oh, wait. [01:12:12] Speaker C: No, no. [01:12:13] Speaker B: It's five. The DC. These checks equals five the first time creatures be revived. It increases by five for every death. [01:12:19] Speaker C: No, it starts by five for every death. It does not begin at five. [01:12:25] Speaker B: Oh, it says the DC of these checks equals five the first time a creature must be revived and increases by five for every death. [01:12:34] Speaker C: Then I've revived that. I've revised that at some point. Anyway, I know the DC. I have found it in my personal notes. It does increase by five with every death. But I am aware of the DC. So fun, guys, you stand around Craig's body and Baz has cast revivify. So those of you who are either arcanely able or who would attempt to call out two forces that might sway the course of Craig's soul or might attempt to reach out to it itself, each of you may, if he chooses, contribute to the ability check to revive him. [01:13:15] Speaker E: Then would it be able to, or. Go ahead. [01:13:21] Speaker C: Sorry. Yeah, 1 second. Jackie, that's very unfair of me because I gave you the floor. But, Bozeman, with the roleplay you just provided, I would like you to make me either a persuasion or religion check. Okay. One of the two. [01:13:44] Speaker B: For persuasion, that is 27. [01:13:51] Speaker C: Holy actual crap. [01:13:54] Speaker B: I have a plus nine. [01:13:55] Speaker E: I'm gonna use my inspiration. [01:13:58] Speaker C: Does any of that feature come from the previous subclass? [01:14:02] Speaker B: It does not. I checked before we started. [01:14:04] Speaker C: Okay. Sick man. You're the best. Ro, do you take any sort of an action? [01:14:08] Speaker E: Uh, what do I. I do an ability check. Right, but what do I add as a model? [01:14:15] Speaker C: You'll tell me what you'd like to do with roleplay. [01:14:17] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [01:14:18] Speaker C: We'll figure out what sort of a check that is. [01:14:20] Speaker E: Okay, so I. [01:14:23] Speaker C: On your defense, we've only done this once. [01:14:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I wanted to like the hand that boz, like, crushed the diamond in. If he'll let me, I want to, like, grab his hand as well. And I think I'd like to. I was gonna bardically inspire Boz and play the chaotic mage just kind of real quietly as the bardic inspiration for that. [01:15:04] Speaker C: Well, then I'll tell you what, boss. I'll either let you. Hmm. Yeah. You have to contribute as an ability check. So let's call this. I mean, Boz, you have bardic inspiration. That's awesome. But let's call this. I mean, you just have it d ten. Okay, but, ro, let's call this. I'll let you pick between performance or Arcana. [01:15:36] Speaker E: I'm gonna do Arcana because I have a little bit higher. [01:15:43] Speaker C: Greta, is there an action you attempt to take in this? [01:15:47] Speaker D: Do I know what I'm a little confused on the mechanics? Is Boz gonna make, like, a wisdom. [01:15:56] Speaker C: Check or, like, a, like, he has made a check. Jackie has made a check. You may choose whether or not Greta will contribute with a check. [01:16:07] Speaker D: What kind of check is it? Is it just, I'm absolutely, you're gonna. [01:16:12] Speaker C: Give me something that Greta does in role play to try and guide the forces controlling the threads of fate and the course of Craig's soul and in his body. And however, you would see that Greta would attempt to help preserve his life, because the idea in our campaign is that the threads of fate in the course of a living being are hard to move magically. And that casting reviving spell is not enough. You have to try and move them. And so you just give me the roleplay equivalent, and if, you know, a check that lines up well, I'm sure I'll agree to it, but I will also supply one if you like. [01:16:47] Speaker A: Okay. [01:16:50] Speaker D: I'd like to cast guidance on Bozeman, and then I think I'll also, I'll just go over and, like, kind of kneel by Craig's head, and maybe I brought tella with me and, like, just kind of, like, I think I'll take my symbol of ayoon out and kind of hold it and the symbol, I'll take the symbol of the maker and the symbol of ayun and kind of, like, hold them in the same hand against my chest and then, like, just kind of stroke Craig's hair or, I don't know, just, like, he has a. [01:17:23] Speaker C: Mohawk in the middle. There is a mohawk you can stroke. Yeah. [01:17:26] Speaker D: Comforting. Like, comforting pets and maybe, like, switching between him and teller. Just, I'll probably, I'm probably very quietly. [01:17:38] Speaker C: Explaining, did you give me a. [01:17:40] Speaker D: So he's. [01:17:40] Speaker C: You give me a religion check. [01:17:43] Speaker A: Zack, I. [01:17:45] Speaker B: Yes, with spartic inspiration and guidance, I actually rolled a 38. [01:17:57] Speaker A: Is that the new DC? [01:17:59] Speaker C: Okay, so here's. Here's the rub. Those shouldn't apply to this. To this kind of a check. However, I would rather get punched in the face by Eddie hall than deny you have a 38 as a roll. So that's a really big bodybuilder who would kill me if he punched me. But. So here's what I'm gonna say. Mathematically, for the course of Craig's future, the 27 was what counts, but I'm also very much recording 38 as a roll for you. Cause that is. Holy crap. The new record. That's insane. [01:18:38] Speaker E: What was the old record? I don't remember. Was it, like, a 34? 34. So that's four points. [01:18:44] Speaker C: I don't know the next time you guys are going to break that, but that's insane. That's. That's the fifth highest roll I've ever seen in five e, so that's nuts. Nice. Um. Um, what'd you get? [01:18:55] Speaker E: I got a 27. [01:18:57] Speaker C: Okay. [01:19:00] Speaker D: Okay, Greta, I got a dirty 20. Okay, I'm also going to cast. [01:19:08] Speaker A: Okay, Craig got 100. [01:19:11] Speaker C: Greta, you cast guidance on a dead body. [01:19:14] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [01:19:15] Speaker C: And you find that the spell does not seem to purchase in any way. In fact, as you hold your symbol and whisper and the pale magic flows over, you find it just sort of dusts off the body instead of adhering to it as you're always used to it. And Tello is just kind of stunned by everything that happened only moments before, gripping Craig's hand and just muttering something to himself that you can't make out. And as each of you beseeches his soul or his body or the threads of fate, you wait with bated breath by his side as Craig, you wander through a dark chamber. I don't even know you're in a dark light was hole of a cave. Yeah. Welcome to Unclear storytelling. [01:20:21] Speaker A: I mean, I have no, like, magical, like. Okay. Old left, all the magical stuff gone. Bye. [01:20:31] Speaker C: It certainly seems like you don't anything. What are you doing in the dark, lightless tunnel with your broken leg limping around in your Zord? [01:20:42] Speaker A: I mean, he doesn't have Star splinter, so he can't use that as light. [01:20:48] Speaker C: Yeah, you're just in the dark. [01:20:51] Speaker A: Um, can dizzy have favors clasp? [01:20:59] Speaker B: Magical. [01:21:01] Speaker C: That would be an incredible moment to suddenly bring your familiar up again. But no, you find that you have no other belongings or items on you. [01:21:11] Speaker A: Be my eyes. That's correct. [01:21:13] Speaker C: You find you're not even wearing your wedding ring. [01:21:20] Speaker A: This is a new level of feeling alone for Craig. This is. This is what, Craig? [01:21:27] Speaker C: As you stumble down this dark shaft of a chamber, you think of the bear skin on your finger. How naked it feels exposed in the space like you are. And you recall the sound of Catherine's voice. No. You hear the sound of Katherine's voice. This memory whispers out at you, Craig, from somewhere ahead of you in the darkness. [01:22:01] Speaker A: It's like a light of hope. It's like Katherine. Kat, are you there? Hello? Where are you, Greg? Hello? [01:22:13] Speaker C: I just. I don't know. I don't know. You just. I needed you and I'm here. I'm here. Yeah, but you weren't there. You know, I just. As that voice breathes out, there's a. That last sigh echoes out in the chamber around you. [01:22:45] Speaker A: I think he's just. He's gonna cry out, please forgive me. He's just gonna begin, like, weeping. Like, he's, like, I'm gonna say, you know, because he's holding the sword up, like, not holding. He's holding onto the sword like a crutch. And he's just gonna, like, pull it to the front of him and kind of, like, lean over it like the hilt. And, like, the handle of the sword is, like, pushing into, like, his rib cages. He's just leaned over it, just weeping and crying and mumbling and, like, whispering and muttering what he wishes he could say. And just what was hope for a second now feels like a stab to the gut and just another wound. [01:23:41] Speaker C: Um. Craig, you find yourself alone in the dark. And have you continued to walk down this chamber or have you stopped? [01:23:52] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna say he's gonna continue to walk after that moment. [01:24:03] Speaker C: As you limp in every sense of the word, further down the hall, it's constricting. It's getting tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter until you've got maybe a couple inches on each side from your shoulders moving through the dark hallway. You're feeling it tighten around you, but you can continue to travel forward. [01:24:34] Speaker A: It's only hope. [01:24:43] Speaker C: Wait, I'm sorry. What did you say? [01:24:45] Speaker A: It's his only hope. Moving forward. [01:24:50] Speaker C: Um. As you continue to limb through the space, Craig, you take a step forward with your left foot just above where you've placed the tip of the hard sheath silvered at its edge at the end of the floor. And your foot doesn't meet resistance and ground, but instead just open space, recoverable when you have two working feet. But I'd like you to make me a dexterity saving throw at disadvantage with one leg to try and right yourself and not fall into whatever this slight difference of height is. [01:25:30] Speaker A: Okay? It's gonna be a. Oh, wait. Disadvantage. Disadvantage. Ha ha. Life is stinky. That's a ten. [01:25:50] Speaker C: Could someone record that quote? Okay, sorry. I'm typing out a response real quick. Give me just a second. [01:26:08] Speaker A: Originally had a 17, but you know we're not going to talk about that. [01:26:19] Speaker C: Give me just a moment, because this is an important thing he's bringing up in chat. One moment. Um. As your foot missteps, you just. And fall, not for a moment, but for a series of moments, into what was apparently a cavernous edge in this walkway, invisible in the dark. And there is no dreamlike transition. There is no confusing, vague response. There is the definite and crushing impact of a hard reality as you tumble forward, doing two full rotations of your body before slamming into hard rock below. Still dark where you are, it's still harsh. But whatever greater depth you've descended to, you swear that maybe both your legs are broken. Now you're in too much pain to make sense of above or below. As you grope around in the darkness, your body touches something. I'm gonna choose a different song. Your body touches something smooth, but lighter than the stone around you. As you touch, it moves slightly. And in your trembling and pain, as you touch something near you, you recognize the dull, smooth grooves and slight fenestrations of bone mixed in with the rock around you. As you could swear, you put your hand around a rib, and you're left now at some greater depth, seemingly immobilized. [01:28:43] Speaker A: Push himself away to a wall. [01:28:47] Speaker C: Craig. You push yourself backward, shifting through the stone. You. Your world is swimming. You are having a hard time making up and down and left and right. But as you push your palms along the ground, making sense of your physical body, if nothing else in your life, you push yourself up to a back hard wall. Neither of your legs are responding when you attempt to move them. It seems that at the very least, both are broken, if not more. And where you are just feels cold and dark and hard. [01:29:25] Speaker A: I think right now he's just wishing that the rocks had killed him the first time. There's not, like, his only hope. His only, like, feelings of motivation and ability, and, like, hope is just crushed. So he's just. He's like, his head. He's. I think he's so scared because of the bones that he's scared to talk out loud. Now, I think in his head, he's just going like, why didn't I. Why couldn't I have died when I was first hit? Now I'm gonna have to die of starvation and slow, painful death. And I just. Why? This is what I deserve. Did I earn this? Did I earn this? Was she right? And he just kind of continues to cry against the wall. [01:30:41] Speaker C: Greg. There is a warm, hot wetness on your face, but clearly you're on tears now, streaking through a thicker stickiness of that dried blood from the storm. And it is hot and heavy, painful. As you begin to be crushed under so many different weights, there is a sudden surprise at the edge of your cheek as one of the tears is wiped away from under your right eye. You felt a finger just reach out and wipe one of the tears. [01:31:27] Speaker A: He immediately goes to grab onto the hand, not in a self defense, but just a desire. [01:31:36] Speaker C: You reach out and find nothing as your hand swipes through the air and lands on your chest. And you hear a voice say. [01:31:47] Speaker A: If. [01:31:47] Speaker C: There is one thing you have ever been, Craig, it's not alone. Get up, Craig. [01:32:05] Speaker A: Do I recognize the voice? [01:32:09] Speaker C: It's new to you, but it just says, stand up. [01:32:16] Speaker A: He goes, oh, my gosh. I can't believe I'm, like, crying over this. Huh? What the heck, Zach? [01:32:33] Speaker C: Storytelling. [01:32:36] Speaker A: Can he feel his legs? [01:32:40] Speaker C: No. [01:32:45] Speaker A: I can't move. I can't move. I want to, but I can't. I can't move. [01:32:55] Speaker C: Stand up, Craig. [01:33:00] Speaker A: Craig tries to, like, use his arms to lift himself up and to try and get up. [01:33:07] Speaker C: And as you rotate around, shifting on your hips, catching yourself with your left arm, you pull against the leg that isn't responding. And with great pain, it heaves and it shifts under you and your right knee catches and the voice just says, again, stand up. [01:33:32] Speaker A: I mean, I think that he's gonna, he's gonna try and obey the voice. [01:33:39] Speaker C: You shift and push, and your muscles strain, not against an immovable force or a great weight, but simply against their own weakness. And as you lift yourself up onto the left leg that suddenly has some structure but is shocked with pain, it falters and you begin to fall again. And hands catch you by your shoulder and lift you up to standing, and you're stood up alone in the dark chamber. [01:34:10] Speaker A: Who are you? Who are you? [01:34:18] Speaker C: You feel each of your palms lifted up and turned, or the back of your hands lifted so that your palms are faced up in front of you. And then you feel the weight and the smooth fabric of the hilt of a minister placed in your hands. And the voice says, unsheath the blade, Craig. [01:34:47] Speaker A: Okay? And he goes to unsheathe blade. [01:34:52] Speaker C: He holds you grab the hilt in you. [01:34:54] Speaker A: Shakily. [01:34:57] Speaker C: You grab the hilt and you pull it out. And as you do, as you pull it out, the blade is glowing. The silver is glowing with like a pale white light. And the light, it's not bright, but it is more than you have been surrounded by. It lights the small stone chamber around you. It's tight and confined. It's like the bottom of a pit, maybe only 20ft across. And where there's broken stone all around you at one side, you see no other figure in the space. But there is a collapsed skeleton at one side, broken, and it's etched with deep cracks and grooves. And the blade is, it is reflecting only as much light as you would get from a heavily sheen to metal, with a light reflected onto it. So almost, not even quite enough to, like, read by, but enough to make out the environment. You see there no other figure in the space. But the voice comes again and says, what is dead is not gone from me. I am the author of Life. And when I choose to renew a story, it has not ended. Use your blade and bring back to life what once was dead. And the tip of the sword glows in the direction of the broken skeleton on the ground in front of you. [01:36:33] Speaker A: Craig tries to, like, limp towards it. [01:36:39] Speaker C: Limp, okay. Your steps are shaky and weak, but you manage to tread forward toward it, having to catch yourself on the stone wall with your left hand, the blade in your right. [01:36:56] Speaker A: When he gets to it, he's gonna just lightly touch it with the blade to see what happens. [01:37:04] Speaker C: You reach upward and you tap the pale, fenestrated organic mineral with the blade as it does, there's just sort of like a single sheen of. It's less like a pulse of light and more just like for a moment, you mistake almost if from the sourceless light, maybe just the rotation of the blade in your hand glinted light down its blade. But as it does, the shock of light sort of seems to almost reflect on the rest of the skeleton really quickly too. And it remains motionless until there's a shift in the whole skeleton. It seems random and it shifts slightly, but it's like, it's like the disparate pieces were controlled all by one central being again. And some of the bones begin to move back toward each other. And the voice just says, I am the one who counts your tears. And you watch as several of the vertebrae, long, desiccated and disconnected to the spine, reconnect and some of the ribs realign against nothing but more bone. And the voice says again, I am the one who chose that. You should be very honest. And the head shifts again, slightly, and you watch as some of the carpal bones connect in the wrist. You realize that thin strips of white tissue sinew has reached out, grown from someone clear source, and begun knitting the different joints together. And the hand suddenly pulses and flexes together and the voice says, I am the one who chose that. You should have a very authentic sense of humorous. It pleases me deeply. And the skeleton shifts a leg and you can see cracks in the femur, both femurs of the skeleton that are sewing themselves together, and you start to see deep, thick, red tissue coiling along them. The skeleton is like growing flesh. And the voice says, I am the one who takes pleasure in the unions you have chosen and the ones for which you have been born. And the body rights itself over. And there's an almost. It is both. It is grotesquely beautiful as organs wrap themselves and clothe themselves slowly over the skeleton, and the skeleton convulses, but moves itself over to its chest down and its back up, starting to push itself off, off the ground. And the voice continues and says, I am yechala. I am the maker. I am the one who has written your story, but I am the one who is interested in where it is going. And as the body slowly writes itself all the way up to the standing position, there's a heaving breath, and you look at your own naked body standing up in front of you, reflected in the light of the sword, and it looks like you. It has the deep wound in its right side, it has the burned half of the face. But in each of those gaps and divots of skin, in each of those scar and wound edges, there are little streaks of gold, like a kitsune bowl. And it's hard to tell whether or not it's metal reflecting the light that the sword is or if it's light itself at a dim luminosity. And the you that stands up and looks you in your eyes is calm. And the voice says, I am the one who is always intended that you would exist and that your verse would be in the narrative. And if you will choose it, Craig, I am not done bringing what is dead to life. I am interested in more than completion, but in union in its continuation. And I have chosen that you will be an important instrument in the narrative of redemption. [01:42:18] Speaker E: I feel like. [01:42:19] Speaker A: I feel like Craig is just, even though he's in pain, I think that his only response is to fall to his knees, even though that's gonna hurt a lot. I think he just falls down and he's like, yes. [01:42:36] Speaker C: And as you fall down on your knees, Craig, your knees impact not with hard stone, but with soft sand. And as you utter breath breathlessly, yes. And then open your eyes, you look outward at stretched cosmic colors. A thousand points, a billion, a trillion points of silver above you and a deep, black, blue infinite sea to your left and a shore to your right. And the voice says, and you feel your wounds recovered as you pant there, blade still at your side, the voice says, you have always been mine. But Craig, will you be my paladin? [01:43:36] Speaker B: Yes. [01:43:38] Speaker A: Yes. [01:43:38] Speaker C: Yes. [01:43:40] Speaker A: Yes. [01:43:46] Speaker C: Fun, guys. You huddle over your comrade, waiting in the moments after your spell casting that feel like they are stretching on far longer than they could. And after the powerful displays of magic, you can't fathom why the spell isn't working until Craig's eyes flash open and there's like a pulse in his chest and he comes to life underneath you. And Craig, you are staring up with light around you, sky above you, trees around your friends all huddled around you, looking weirdly concerned about you. And you see them and everyone. Craig is breathing and moving and breathing, breathing a lot heavily. His mustache hairs are shaking under his heavy breaths. [01:44:33] Speaker B: Oh, thank goodness you're alive. Oh, my goodness. [01:44:36] Speaker E: I throw my. Or ro throws her arms around his neck and hugs him. [01:44:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:44:41] Speaker E: Oh, it's like dog pile. [01:44:43] Speaker A: I think. I think he's just shaking and like, like, you know, you see him from, like a dead face, like no expression, no life, to all of this emotion that just starts seeping out of him. And his lip is trembling and like, his eyes are filling with water and just tears and, and he's snotty and gross and he just begins to. [01:45:13] Speaker C: And. [01:45:13] Speaker A: Just starts, like, wailing and, like, crying and, like, hugging you guys. [01:45:18] Speaker B: I still have his head in my hands and I, like, I just pull him close as much as I can. Hundreds of pound dwarf just up to me, just like holding him and just crying as well. [01:45:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:45:30] Speaker E: Yeah. I like to think we're all, like, in, you know, at the end of like a family movie and everyone's like, in a big family hug, and it hurts, but I feel like it's like that we're all just, like, latching onto them. [01:45:45] Speaker C: And Craig, as you cry there heavily, you all look at Craig, who looks like Craig, except in his very yellow blonde, slightly graying hair. There are streaks of just straight up what look like metal gold. As if some of his hair is like straight up gold fiber. Now. And as you all look, the side of Craig's face that has burned from the scar, the eye on that side, the rim of it is gold on one side. And at the very base of each of those scarmuks, if you sit there and really closely, Pier is like what looks like gold metal just in the deepest parts of the groove. And Micah, as you know, you have access to deep magic, deep magic subclasses. Now, you're level eleven, so everyone can welcome the 11th level paladin to the table. But, Micah, there are a couple other housekeeping points to attend to that I haven't told you about. One of them is that I'd like you to roll four d four for me. Me? [01:46:56] Speaker A: Okay. [01:46:58] Speaker E: Mike is like, can I stop rolling now? [01:47:04] Speaker C: This is the amount of times you die. [01:47:06] Speaker E: Now, four d four. Dear. [01:47:10] Speaker C: A lot of deaths. [01:47:15] Speaker A: Just 1 second. I gotta pull it out. Hey. Why'd you make me cry so much? Just wondering. Just wondering. Why'd you make me cry so much? 44. 3326. That'd be eight. [01:47:32] Speaker C: Eight. [01:47:32] Speaker A: And then four. Eight plus four is twelve. [01:47:36] Speaker C: Oh, nice, Greg. As a. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm a big kid. No. Anybody know what damage dice Paladin or hit dice paladins have? I think it's 1010. [01:47:52] Speaker A: I wrote it down. [01:47:53] Speaker C: Okay, excellent. Whoo. Girl knows. Well, as 11th level Paladin, I'd like you to roll a d ten and then add on your con modifier. I'm Mike, I'm really ambushing you here. That is a d eight. Looks like a top. [01:48:13] Speaker B: It's the one that has ten sides. [01:48:16] Speaker E: You stink, Landon. [01:48:18] Speaker D: So hopeful, Landon. I'll remember that for next. [01:48:24] Speaker B: Wait till you hear about the d eight. [01:48:30] Speaker C: Let me know what you get on the roll. [01:48:33] Speaker A: We're gonna use the oldie. I got a three. [01:48:38] Speaker C: Okay, so then three plus your con modifier, which is four. So seven more hit points is added to your total. Except the twelve is added on two. So you gain 19 more hit points than you have right now as your permanent. Let's go. [01:48:57] Speaker A: Add 19. [01:48:59] Speaker C: Add 19 to your hit point total as the wellspring literally infuses your botanical. [01:49:10] Speaker A: 19 plus 19 is 38. 38. I had it right. So it's 138. [01:49:19] Speaker C: Craig has 138 hit points. [01:49:22] Speaker E: Let's freakin go. [01:49:24] Speaker A: He started 119. And you told me just to transfer. [01:49:28] Speaker C: One more piece of business here, Micah. [01:49:31] Speaker A: Business? [01:49:33] Speaker C: You gain an ability score increase from the wellspring. I do. So you gain a go points. You could certainly put them in charisma if you like. But I don't know, I just feel like, you know, these ability score points are not constrained by the 20 max. So you could either spread these around to build up other things, or you could give yourself a strengthen of 22. Now that's really sick. [01:50:02] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:50:02] Speaker C: But you are now a charisma caster with a charisma of, like, twelve, so that's also a good idea. [01:50:06] Speaker E: Plus, wait, paladins are charisma? Why didn't I know that? [01:50:10] Speaker A: That's why. [01:50:11] Speaker C: A lot of new stuff to learn. [01:50:15] Speaker A: So I can go up by two? [01:50:18] Speaker C: Yeah, you can take your ability score and increase it to 14. It's like, wait, what? Which gives you a plus two as the modifier now. But we can also go over that at break if you want to. And with all of those benefits gained for my note taking nerds, at the end of this session, everybody is 11.02. You gain 11.020.02 levels. [01:50:41] Speaker E: Oh, snow. [01:50:42] Speaker C: 0.02 levels. And with that, that is the end of episode 104 of the accidental adventures. [01:50:50] Speaker E: I didn't get to eat any fruit. There were no fruit. [01:50:54] Speaker A: Hey, I just want to say in. [01:50:55] Speaker C: Episode 105, Jackie will discover metaphor. What's up? [01:50:59] Speaker A: Sorry. I, like, I mean sorry. Not sorry, but like, I know that y'all just sat through a lot of Craig. [01:51:06] Speaker D: Not sorry. [01:51:07] Speaker E: Yeah, don't be. I'm not sorry. That was a beautiful. [01:51:12] Speaker A: So that was. [01:51:15] Speaker D: I love Craig scene. [01:51:19] Speaker E: The whole time. And that. And that in that. [01:51:24] Speaker C: That ending with a now fully 11th level party, and now with a paladin in the party. That's where we're gonna end episode 100. Yes, Greta, I do have one question. [01:51:40] Speaker D: What level is the raccoon? [01:51:43] Speaker B: Eleven. [01:51:43] Speaker C: So that I can just not have a class. [01:51:46] Speaker E: The raccoon is in the level eleven. Cutie patootie. [01:51:52] Speaker C: Patootie. [01:51:53] Speaker D: You're so welcome, level eleven. Cutie patootie. [01:51:56] Speaker C: Thank you, listener, for listening to another episode of Accidental Adventures. Check out the Patreon. It's got all sorts of unique, cool stuff on it, but we'll just. We'll just. We'll get right to it on this one. Life's an incredible adventure. You are a very important part of it. We've got a lot more coming. Skewity Wapamdada. [01:52:13] Speaker D: Let's give it a it.

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