110. Familiar Haunts

Episode 110 September 12, 2024 02:27:36
110. Familiar Haunts
Barely D&D
110. Familiar Haunts

Sep 12 2024 | 02:27:36


Show Notes

We re-recorded a super important part of the last missing episode!

--> www.patreon.com/barelydnd

Jaci Butler: YouTubeInstagramTikTok

Twitter: @barelydnd 
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TikTok: @barelydnd

Our DM is Zachary Patton
Craig is played by Mika Williams
Gretta is played by Abby Lesage
Bazz is played by Landon Williams
Row is played by Jaci Butler

Music Credits:

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome back to barely D and D, everybody. This is your sort of dungeons and Dragons podcast. The lovely day. Way too hot in Texas. Maybe temperate in Maryland. I don't know. [00:00:15] Speaker B: Oh, it's perfect in Maryland. It's so amazing outside right now. [00:00:18] Speaker C: Rub it in our face. Rude. [00:00:19] Speaker D: Rude. [00:00:21] Speaker A: Not that Lennon lives there. I feel like Landon could live anywhere. [00:00:25] Speaker C: That's true. [00:00:26] Speaker A: It's such a small state. Landon, I don't want to reveal your location. [00:00:29] Speaker B: It's the line state. [00:00:31] Speaker A: The line state. Wow. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Yeah, because the only war that was almost fought between states, other than the Civil War, of course, was between Maryland and Pennsylvania, because they both kept moving the line state. You know, the Mason Dixon line, Lewis and Clark. That's the north border of Maryland, baby. It's controversy central. Okay, that's really lame. [00:00:51] Speaker C: War. [00:00:57] Speaker A: Before I. Will I. Do we have any other announcements? [00:01:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I have an announcement. [00:01:03] Speaker A: Okay, what's your announcement? [00:01:04] Speaker B: My announcement is. I thought I was gonna have one, but I'm sorry. [00:01:10] Speaker A: Okay, I have an announcement. [00:01:13] Speaker E: I have an announcement. Oh, no, you go ahead. No, you go. No, you go. [00:01:17] Speaker B: Okay, I'll go. My announcement is that we're doing a patreon giveaway, and I'm putting it together right now, and I'll have more information later. That's my announcement. [00:01:29] Speaker D: Sick. [00:01:30] Speaker E: My. My announcement is that I'm sitting next to Abby, and she's in my home, and I fed her hot dogs, and we're going to have sparkling grape juice later and a sleepover, and she's my childhood best friend, and I love her, and. And she's sitting right next to me. That's it. And we're really making. [00:01:49] Speaker C: That's so cute. [00:01:50] Speaker E: Okay, your turn, Abe. [00:01:52] Speaker A: I feel like my question kind of fits in with that. Jackie, did you have an announcement? [00:01:56] Speaker D: I did, but it was like a shameless self plug, and I feel bad about that. [00:02:00] Speaker C: Plug it. Do the plug. [00:02:02] Speaker A: If you don't do anything out. [00:02:04] Speaker D: September 25. What's it called? [00:02:08] Speaker A: Where can we find it? [00:02:10] Speaker D: It's called dumpster. You can pre save it. It's chill. It's literally. It's trash. It's literal trash. [00:02:17] Speaker C: It's fine. [00:02:18] Speaker D: No, not demure. [00:02:23] Speaker A: Not demure. [00:02:25] Speaker C: Not thoughtful. Also, another real announcement. Wait, Layman, should I talk about the one shot? [00:02:30] Speaker B: Yeah, of course. [00:02:31] Speaker C: Another real. Another real announcement. We are finally doing the patron one shot, so I'm going to set it up. [00:02:38] Speaker A: That was my reaction, to record a. [00:02:40] Speaker C: One shot with the patrons, which with the patrons in a certain tier who have signed up for it. So that's going to be really fun. So look out for that. I guess. [00:02:50] Speaker B: I mean, Zach planning it and the plan might change, but the one he mentioned doing was actually a really sentimental one. I think the first time we ever sat down and played at the table. It's a very good one. [00:03:02] Speaker C: Yeah, we're going to, we're going to play our first one shot again with the patrons and we're still flip flopping on whether or not we'll record because maybe it'd be fun, but maybe they wouldn't like that. You know, we'll talk it out. Okay, so we are going to record. So then it's really fun. [00:03:19] Speaker B: It's like we don't have to record. [00:03:21] Speaker C: I'm with it. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Whatever the. [00:03:22] Speaker C: We have yet to decide. We've yet to decide. But if we do, that'd be really fun because then the first one shot would finally be on recording again. [00:03:30] Speaker B: You're right. [00:03:33] Speaker C: So those are, those are the announcements and they are very fun. And without a further ado, grabby, what's your Leduta question? [00:03:45] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. My letter to question is why are you laughing? What is something that your character would have laughed at when they were younger but they really appreciate now. [00:04:00] Speaker C: That's a great question. [00:04:02] Speaker D: Oh, wow. [00:04:03] Speaker C: Is that from Craig's book of 3000 questions? [00:04:07] Speaker A: No, that's from my brain. [00:04:09] Speaker E: I wish. [00:04:10] Speaker D: I don't even know. [00:04:12] Speaker B: Laughed at, but now really appreciates. [00:04:14] Speaker C: That's something we missed in the summary. Craig bought a book of big questions. Questions. [00:04:17] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Big book question. [00:04:20] Speaker D: No, that was my answer. I don't have mine. [00:04:27] Speaker C: Am I answering or a different. [00:04:30] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:31] Speaker C: Okay. [00:04:32] Speaker E: Can I say mine? [00:04:36] Speaker C: No. Okay. [00:04:39] Speaker E: Okay. [00:04:41] Speaker D: That's good. [00:04:44] Speaker B: Or deodorant. One of those two things. [00:04:46] Speaker E: Oh, gosh. [00:04:48] Speaker B: You think they have deodorant? The lost land. You are. [00:04:50] Speaker C: No, I'm not. Because that has to be lost. All right, Craig, pick me. [00:04:57] Speaker E: Choose me. Okay. So I think for Craig's, it's either like emotional conversation or like religion. He would have. [00:05:08] Speaker C: I mean, those are both fair. [00:05:09] Speaker B: We literally discussed that on the third watch we did yesterday, was religion. [00:05:13] Speaker E: And Craig, you should probably listen to that. Listen, because if you're listening, then you probably should be listening to something also, which is the third watch. [00:05:21] Speaker D: I'm sad I wasn't there. [00:05:25] Speaker E: Miss Jill, too, but basically probably just like emotional, deep conversations or religion as a whole. Yeah. Oh, and women. [00:05:44] Speaker D: Yikes. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Gretas is also religion. Craig totally stole my answer. Greta is also religion, I think. [00:05:56] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, that's a. Yeah, those are good. [00:05:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:00] Speaker C: We really have accidentally made a campaign out of conversion, the concept. Jackie, what's. What's Rose? [00:06:10] Speaker D: I don't know. Can you guys think of something? I really. I'm really at a loss on this one. [00:06:16] Speaker B: Maybe it's an instrument that she didn't like growing up, but she, like, started to appreciate now, like, a pants loop. [00:06:24] Speaker C: I mean, a lot of the important aspects of ro have been very consistent her whole life. She has a person in her, like, terms of, like, philosophies and perspectives has changed a lot in the, like, almost year of the campaign, you know, in world. So what? I don't know. Like, what's one of those? What's a perspective she used to have that she's taken very seriously? [00:06:44] Speaker D: I don't know. I think maybe she would have laughed at the fact of, like, ever finding, like. Cause I think her thought process was that she was just gonna travel forever and kind of be alone. So I think maybe she would have laughed at the fact of, like, if anyone was like, oh, you're gonna have a family one day, or whatever. And even though it's not the sense of a family of, like, oh, she got married and has kids, it's a family is, like, a found family. And so I think that's something she. She never thought she would, like, be traveling with people and stuff like that. She was always like, I'm gonna be alone, like, always. And then she was like. [00:07:19] Speaker C: And maybe even that sort of, like, edgy teenager. Like, I don't even really want people. I don't need people. [00:07:23] Speaker D: I'm cool. [00:07:23] Speaker C: I'm good on my own. [00:07:25] Speaker D: Definitely ro. Like, I travel alone. Like. [00:07:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:07:29] Speaker D: Yeah, I think so. [00:07:30] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, Landon. And then, well, I see Aldenor kind of sounded like this, right? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. He's a gecko dude. Regularly, in his speech, he would stop so that his tongue could lick his eyeball. And I'm gonna say probably also, like, Bob's money. When he was a child, he kind of thought, that's not really that important. And now he knows, really important source of minerals, so I think he sees it differently now. [00:08:05] Speaker D: I wish Abby would have gotten to meet him. [00:08:09] Speaker C: I know Abby. You would love him. I mean, you guys, you can travel in trees any time now. You could always just leave, get some money, and come back. I mean, that's true. Yeah. We can have more Aldenor in the future. Yeah. All right, well, then, without further adoop, trusting that you guys can survive the emojis. Cause I really don't know. Might lose you to listener. What you can't see is that they've discovered on discord that you can put little emojis in the center of the screen. And DND is good, but emojis, moving emojis, we like both hard to compete. Okay, are we ready? [00:08:50] Speaker A: Okay. [00:08:51] Speaker D: Aye aye, captain. [00:08:52] Speaker C: I'll keep your secret mandae, then. All right. Also, important context, listener. We have. We. I mean, you already know about 108 and 109. Oopsie poopsie, troopsy. But we recorded the summaries. But Lando was saying, which is a very good point. That, and I agree with. Anyway, we are doing that. We felt the Meese core bit that was lost was like, really? Not just like, oh, that's a shame, but like, oh, that's important to the story. So we're just going to redo it. And what we're going to do is we're going to move back in time a little bit, and we're going to give context, and we're just going to recapture the moment that led to it, and we're going to re roleplay that moment. And the way Lando, just for a heads up, is, obviously the events leading in will be the same, and I assume they will follow the same course. Like, not a massive shift, but we are going to redo it. So. [00:09:48] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:09:49] Speaker C: If, like, I mean, I'm not going to say that it's just going to, like, totally flip, but basically what I mean to say is that, like, if you do it a little different, it can go a little different. Cause I think that keeps it more impactful than trying to replicate it. And it can still move along its. You know, it's. It's core focus and structure. I just think it's important to the story. So then, without further doopsy poops. Oh, first of all, are you okay with that? I'm not just telling you, I'm asking. [00:10:15] Speaker B: Oh, no, that sounds great to me. [00:10:16] Speaker C: Okay, dope. So without a further oopsie poop, sir, we go back to Boz, who is music. You all are in the warm hearth. And you all have. The party has been out shopping all day. They've gotten their tattoos. Everyone is freshly tattooed. But the magical tattoos heal faster listeners. You can't see the whole party having a full dance party. Oh, the party. And you just return to the warm heart in the late evening, exhausted from your days. And Craig and Ro have just met a group of aspiring adventurers called the Webmakers. And they have been immediately ousted as the fun guys. And the new heroes were just fangirling over them. 5 seconds. Craig accidentally name dropped the maker. And then Ro tried very hard to clean that situation up, and then when finally given the opportunity to have the final word, just went, okay, so here's who the maker is. And I did not do that. [00:11:31] Speaker D: That's not true. [00:11:33] Speaker C: However, you gotta feel about it. And so they have perfectly changed the course of. [00:11:37] Speaker B: Did I read my notes real quick of what I wrote down when we. When we met them about the maker? So here's what I wrote down when we found out about the maker, however many episodes ago. The hand is the symbol of the maker. Do not share this information with anyone. Very important. In all caps. [00:11:55] Speaker C: And 86 episodes later. [00:11:58] Speaker D: So I just gave them a little push. They have. They have directions now. [00:12:04] Speaker C: After permanently changing the course of their lives, everyone got very excited. Greta purchased an obscene amount of honey bread, ate a lot of it, made herself violently ill. Sorry, go ahead, Abby. [00:12:16] Speaker A: It did. I was there. That's what I did. [00:12:21] Speaker C: And after throwing up and being led to the room, everyone has gone back, and everyone is in that original room that the party first stayed in there. And everybody's sleeping a bit close quarters, but the only person still awake is Bozeman with a silver chalice inlaid on the inside with black dragon eggshell from. And this is a fun tidbit. Xerex's eggshell from. So this was sold by Tellaje. It's a part of that eggshell. So with that chalice encrusted with the eggshell with some finely purchased mead or, excuse me, whiskey. Just sort of catching a little bit of the last candlelight. And it's amber fluids in the glass as well. Not a glass chalice. As boss sits there at the edge of his bed, everyone else soundly sleeping. What is it that you do, Bozzafford? [00:13:17] Speaker B: I cast divination of the mad prince. And the question that I propose is, are the fungis strong enough to defeat Madame Meeschor in her shop? [00:13:29] Speaker C: Okay, now, could you describe that spellcasting for us a little bit and the function. Cause this is the listener's first reintroduction to this. [00:13:37] Speaker B: Absolutely. So divination of the mad prince is a homebrew spell that Zachary has created. The probably pivotal spell component is a silver chalice inlaid with dragon shell. Dragon eggshell, I guess. Yeah. [00:13:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:13:52] Speaker B: And the way that the spell works mechanically is that you roll a D 100. And depending on how high you roll, you either get a visage of random information to just simply chaos, to, you know, a specific answer to a question. And in this section, I rolled pretty well and well enough to get a specific answer to the question. So Zach said he's not gonna roll again, which I'm thankful for. [00:14:17] Speaker C: Sticking with the results. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Okay. As I come swirling it around, as you know, the chaos of this spell crafted for the mad prince is kind of meeting and tinging with the magic of my new subclass with the maker. I'll let Zack go into the details, because he knows those things instead. [00:14:36] Speaker C: Now, Boz is your magic is completely different now. But this one spell evokes some of the older magics you held. And so, as you whisper it instead, in the druidic nonsense you learned. And now, in the many tongues of the deepest speech, your eyes turn gold, but they still roll back and they kind of swirl with rainbows across their shape. Even the many tongues uttering from you seem to bleed and mix a little bit, like a little bit of that. That chaotic magic is forming from the deep magic as you cast it. And as you swirl the liquid around in the glass in erratic patterns, that to someone entirely uneducated, would look random. But to someone who knows, you're literally drawing the glyphic shapes in the air with the chalice. As you bring the fluid to your lips and drink, it's warm down your throat. And as it passes down your throat, so does a wave of knowledge over you and has a bunch of mixed imagery and muddled colors, and it's very abstract. But as you finish the last draught of the chalice, you sort of choke on the fluid a little bit. And as you cough a bit and some of the whiskey comes burning through your nose, the images resolve in your mind into an image of Misko's body broken at the bottom of the shop with Craig's blade in the back of her. Very abstract. And as you blink hard and blink out of it, there, an inch away from your face, is taking up half all of the unoccupied section of the room, for the beds have been pushed close together to fit everyone. There's just the entire mad prince. Yelich Tinanth is in the room in front of you, his gigantic face almost the size of a lion, an inch away from yours. [00:16:20] Speaker F: And he just says, yes. [00:16:23] Speaker C: And you, like, blink. And you sit back, he's gone. And you hear his voice in your. [00:16:27] Speaker F: Ears say, you are able. She knows this and she fears it. [00:16:40] Speaker C: And the spell ends. [00:16:49] Speaker B: Alright. Okay. And then I down the chalice, try to get the last drop of whiskey, and there's always one more drop to get. [00:17:01] Speaker C: Of course it's good whiskey. You're not going to waste it, right? [00:17:04] Speaker B: And there's a whole silver. I mean, come on, it's expensive. [00:17:07] Speaker C: And boss has whiskey a lot less often than we do. It's, it's a real treat. [00:17:12] Speaker B: I laid, I laid down feeling pretty good, feeling in a good spot in a room with the same friends that I started this journey out with around me. Even though Craig can breathe now, there's still just the same amount of snores coming from him, which is nice, yes. [00:17:32] Speaker C: But now that he's a paladin, every once in a while the snores just very briefly harmonize, and then they dissolve back in. [00:17:39] Speaker B: Harmonize with what? He's one voice, I guess, maybe the maker. [00:17:42] Speaker C: He can produce the many voices. [00:17:44] Speaker D: Does he harmonize his snores with his farts? [00:17:49] Speaker C: Jackie, for the second time, in a very brief amount of episodes, I say the words, why have you done that to yourself? And we'll revisit that movie. So. Because they do now, but anywho. And Boz falls asleep, and everyone is lulled into a deep and comfortable sleep at the place where so much of this began. And Boz, at some point you do wake up, but you wake up not to the result of a good night's sleep, but you wake up to a stiffness in the low back and a dripping sound. Not, not regular, like a single, a single drip, an impact. And it is a very soft, dull, like a. Is it? I don't even know if that picked up on the mic, but it's, it's very, it's very hollow and dull. Okay. Excellent. And where you wake up, your eyes flutter open and you are staring up at a soft, shadowy void. You're looking up into the center of something slowly rotating, a solitary chandelier affixed to nothing. It's a dull, rustic metal of a couple concentric rings, and above the lazily moving decoration is nothing but lighter shade. And to either side of the narrow space rise cluttered, precariously stacked shelves that consume the peripheries of your vision. Along the shelves around you are crammed, heavily worn, uneven tomes, stained and cracked with time and traveled hands from between their diagonal crevices sprout uneven leather pouches and hastily stashed miscellanea. Occluded jars house brackish mixtures in which occasionally bob unclear masses of organic nature outward. Poking items hang from the edges of shelves, their identities obscured by aesthetically incongruent clothing haphazardly flung over them. The cluttered atmosphere of inanimate objects. Objects crowd the narrow space, drinking in the sparing light of the few floating candles on those three rotating chandeliers affixed to nothing. And across their surfaces, they drink in that little bit of light to produce a menagerie of odd shadows, all playing across each other. Chests lay toppled over, and you find yourself laying down on your back, looking up into the shadowy dark within a familiar narrow shop. [00:21:12] Speaker B: There is one thing that I think Boz would have done when this happened that I did not do, and I think this will be the one thing that I do differently. [00:21:19] Speaker C: Zachary Landon, to be fair, you can do a handful of things different if you want, but go ahead. [00:21:25] Speaker B: I think Boz would do some sort of instinct. I. Yes. [00:21:28] Speaker C: I'm so sorry about this. I think I hear Hoffa coughing. I'm gonna go check on her. I'll be right back. [00:21:32] Speaker B: Everybody talk for just to kind of recap what originally happened. Oh, no. We should probably just let it play out, guys. Okay, so brainstorm. What should I do? Should I do anything? What should I do? [00:21:43] Speaker E: I think insights. Really good. Think of all the things that you could do to get more information that you couldn't do before. [00:21:49] Speaker D: I thought you were trying to do just exactly what you did last time. [00:21:52] Speaker B: Zack opened a door. So it's okay. [00:21:56] Speaker C: This can go a little different. [00:21:57] Speaker B: So what I. What I would do is, as I'm looking up in the darkness and the chandelier hung attached to nothing, I want to do some type of insight or arcana check to see, like, are we in the Shadowfell right now or. Because I've been there. Does it feel like that? Because I can imagine it would have felt different, but I'm just trying to see if that's even something. Boswell. [00:22:19] Speaker C: It's not gonna be the easiest DC because it requires a great deal of intuition. But I'm gonna say that you can make an arcana check. You're proficient now. [00:22:34] Speaker B: Okay, that's a ten. [00:22:35] Speaker F: Fortunately. Okay. [00:22:38] Speaker C: You're unsure, but as you write yourself slightly and sit up, you look down that narrowing corridor of shelves. Maybe 30ft away from you is that tiny little sort of lowered table desk that, like, wooden stand, a bit like a centerpiece, dresser. There's no real legs. It just goes straight down to the floor, and it's oddly close to the ground. It really comes only, like a foot and a half up off the ground. And behind it, you can see the. All of the light of Madame Yiscour's shop is gathered toward the entrance, as it always has been. And in that same way, it's so hard to tell how far back the shop goes, because based on its architecture, it really shouldn't be too much further than you can see. But it all just fades into black shadow, and even darkvision really only gets you up to seeing, like it only relieves Madame Yiscore a little better. And there she is, huddled behind the desk, sort of like a very darkly stained burlap cloak hanging over her, frayed all along her face, framing only her pointed chin and its slight physical malformations. And stringy hair is falling down around and her limbs, her hands, sort of poke out meekly from the front of the coat or cloak, really. And you know better now, Baaz, as you have found out from the past, that the height sitting up at her shoulders is not her shoulders, but her forward, folded knees as she crouches down to so much less than her full height, because you've seen that height revealed. But right now you are given for the first time in months, in months and months and months. As we meet this figure again, you're reminded how from far away, she can look like an old lady and how you were confused about that for the first time for a bit when you met her. And there she is at the back of the shop. And as you set up, her voice just barely audibly says meekly, oh, baz. [00:24:49] Speaker F: I've been meaning to talk to you. How are you? [00:24:58] Speaker C: And Landon? As always, you're muted. [00:25:02] Speaker B: I feel like I was struggle to say something at first. Okay. I stand fully up. I could have brushed the shop dirt off my shoulders. And I start walking. [00:25:14] Speaker C: There is a good film of dust on the floor. [00:25:18] Speaker B: There's like an imprint of Boz just like this on the floor where he was. [00:25:21] Speaker C: No boss will be spending a. He could, he could work for an hour and not get all the dirt off his butt. But as he, as he sits up and stands up, you stand to your full height. And now as you stand up, though you know her to truly be much taller, you look down at her where she is bundled up behind her desk across the room. [00:25:38] Speaker B: Now I'm, I'm walking towards her, but I am also looking, observing the things. This is a small shop, so I'm looking at the things left and right to me, items of just anything, trying to take in information as a talking suddenly, mostly with my eyes, less with my neck. And I'm saying things like, I've been better. Doing all right, though. How's business been, boss? [00:26:09] Speaker C: As you walk forward, your eyes take in things you recognize. You have a good memory. You recognize the like frayed ropes that makes a noose, just a loose cut noose with only like a foot or two of length hanging off one of the shelves. It was here last time. You see a cane made out of a human spine with a skull at the top, the skull upturned to make, like the pommel, an obtuse cane, but it rests against magically held together somehow. It rests against one of the cases. You recognize many tomes, but there are new items. There's a bowler hat I with like a hole in the, like, kind of like space right here at the front. There's all sorts of small new additions. And as you walk forward, posing your question, she says. [00:27:02] Speaker F: Business isn't bad, but I think, you know, I have brought you here. Yeah, it's cut to it. [00:27:15] Speaker C: And her hand reaches out past the cloak, and as it does, the light naturally gradiates at the back of the room where it just doesn't have enough force to reach. But you swear, as she puts her hand forward, it's like it crosses this, like, threshold, and all of a sudden light reaches it and there's color. And you can see her skin could very be very easily mistaken for just jaundice and age and liver spots. But knowing her better now, you recognize some of the yellow streaks and how the veins are a little bit too dark and all the fingers are a little too long. And she reaches out and taps on the table. It's uncomfortable because her middle finger is a little too dexterous. Like as she moves, it doesn't, none of the other fingers move with it. It just moves very independently. As you look at it, you notice in the middle there's just one extra joint that folds with it as articulates. And taps the table two or three. [00:28:04] Speaker F: Times, she says, come and sit down, dear. Let's talk about how you're going to kill me. [00:28:13] Speaker B: I walk over. I don't say anything in response. I pull out the chair. I sit down. Now, as I'm walking over, I know that I naturally kind of like you. [00:28:21] Speaker C: Just have to sit on the floor. [00:28:23] Speaker B: Oh, sit on the floor. Is she sitting on the floor? [00:28:26] Speaker C: She's sitting on the floor, yeah, I mean, you know her to be crouching, but it looks like she's sitting okay as you sit down. It's just a little wet. [00:28:36] Speaker B: Okay, fine. The last person here must have peed or something. Makes sense. I'm naturally, you know, I naturally am like a little glowy. I feel like as he was laying in the shop, like, puffed out his sparkle a little bit. You know, like, as he's walking, to, like, illuminate more as he's going up, you know, just like. [00:28:57] Speaker C: And it's never looked quite so ethereal, boz, because the light in here is very dim and partial, too. And the part that really. You watch her eyes glint and follow you kind of for a moment, those eyes. So where her face is high, is hanging below the tapetum lucidum. Like, everything from, like, her cheekbones up is really hidden by shadow, but her eyes reflect just very slightly like the tapedum museum of a cat, the light that comes from further on in the shop. And as you. As you sit down, you watch very magically, some of the light sparkling off of you reflect in her eyes. And you watch her eyes, like, hungrily drink it in and watch you. And as you sit down, the incredible magical power within you, not only from the crystal, but also of the deep magic. Now, it, like, not only do you shine a little bit like, you produce a little bit of brighter light. And as you sit down, you're actually at this far length of the shop, the brightest thing here. As you sit down, she looks at you up and down, and her mouth hangs open a little bit. And you watch her tongue, just very softly, licks some of her incisors in the front. [00:30:07] Speaker F: She says, tell me, boss, how have you thought about it? How do you intend on killing me? [00:30:18] Speaker B: Well, um, first of all, I highly doubt we're going to kill you, but if we tried to be right here. I have thought about you a lot. Not in that way. [00:30:38] Speaker C: I've thought about you. I couldn't see you. [00:30:44] Speaker F: Made that harder. But you stepped a little far away from your friend tonight, and that helped. [00:30:50] Speaker B: I was mad at you for a long time as you took advantage of us. Me? I was stupid. I was so stupid. [00:31:01] Speaker F: Oh, boss, let's not get stuck. [00:31:09] Speaker B: I. We. You're not. The way that you tricked us is not the worst way that we've been betrayed or hurt or stabbed. [00:31:21] Speaker C: Nor. [00:31:23] Speaker B: I. A long time. The only thing that I wanted was retribution. Um, but I honestly don't care as much anymore. [00:31:41] Speaker F: But, Buzz, I'm glad to hear that you've been on your own little journey. Look at you. [00:31:48] Speaker C: And her hand reaches up, and she kind of reaches out toward her. Your face. Do you let her touch you? [00:31:54] Speaker B: I pull back. Just a minute, just. Just like an inch. Not long. [00:31:58] Speaker C: As you pull back and her hands get toward your face, her hand stops short of you, and her fingers extended their full length, and they're just far enough to touch you. And her fingers touch her face so softly. Just rub some of your cheek. And as her pinky finger easily the proportional it's not shorter than the others like a pinky should be. It's full length. And as it reaches up and rubs your lip, the nail is just long enough to get inside your mouth a little bit and rub one of your teeth. And as she rubs down face, she. [00:32:29] Speaker F: Says, you're all grown up, buzz. You're right. I did trick you. When you came to me, you were a little lump of coal. But I saw diamonds. Honeydeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh I gave you such special things. And look where you are now. I mean, of course it would be silly to say that I pulled on the strings. Who could do that? But did I give you a push and I put you in the right direction? Let's be frank. I need you. I need someone to go get me that rock. And I was depending on greta, but it turns out that she's not what I was hoping she was. Maybe a little smaller than I thought she could be. But you, boz, you've got this edge. Like a tool waiting to be sharpened. And I see how it can be used. You have clarity. Greta's on her own little journey. Craig's gonna fix his marriage. And ro was a little mommy issue. When you understand that the world needs to go on. And so it's you I call. It's you whose hair I keep. It's you whose sister I watch. I keep the taste of your family on my tongue. I keep your future in my sight. [00:34:37] Speaker C: Because I need link. [00:34:42] Speaker F: And no one's brought it to me yet. Buzz, baba Yaga promised you your little wish. And God Reaga just threatens you, right? Sorry, 1 second half is playing with plastic bags. [00:35:08] Speaker B: Zach, you're awesome. [00:35:15] Speaker C: She's funny, but where was. Oh God. [00:35:21] Speaker F: Riaga just has to believe. [00:35:24] Speaker C: But boz, you're not fine. No. [00:35:34] Speaker F: She continues and says, but I'm your real friend. I know that I can't be as scary. [00:35:43] Speaker C: She does her fingers like claws, and as they do, it's a very mocking gesture. But as her fingers pulse forward, all of the skin at the top of her fingers cracks slightly. And her sharpened nails do genuinely protrude forward a little bit from her fingers with a little bit of like a sound. And then they pull back in and. [00:36:00] Speaker F: She goes, I know I'm not as scary as the bloodied one. How could I be? But that's the perspective I need. Baaz, bring me the rock. Cause Baba Yaga, she promised you the wish and Godfrey promises you death. But I'm your only chance at surviving all of this. My scale led you to Alondra. My scale led you to the truth. You would still be a little party of idiots futzing about on the quest given to you by a tyrannical sociopath to kill yourselves and be betrayed if you hadn't stopped in here. So, Paz, listen again. I see the future like a stained glass window. It's not clear, but I see its shape. Bring me the rock. Because all of the worrying from your pretty little secret mages and all of your questing with your friends, it's not going to change what happens to you in the end. It's not going to change what kills your sister. It's not going to change anything. So bring me the rock, Buzz. [00:37:42] Speaker B: I'll think about it. Just stop hunting us. Stop sending nightmares. Please. [00:37:50] Speaker F: Just saying hi. [00:37:55] Speaker B: Or something. I don't know. But, I mean, thank you for giving us the scale, as awful as that was for a moment. I mean, you're right. You're right, that's. You did all that. Like, the reason we got all these things in Metalondra and found out that Tella was working for a madman is because of you. Thank you. You're right. [00:38:20] Speaker F: Thank you. Where's my rock? Where's the rock Greta said she'd bring? [00:38:33] Speaker B: Can I do a memory check, Zachary, to see if Greta said she was gonna bring that? Cause I thought. She didn't say that on purpose. [00:38:39] Speaker C: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. Give me an intelligence check. [00:38:42] Speaker B: He's not very intelligent. That was cocked. [00:38:45] Speaker C: It also. Wouldn't be the first time meescourse lied. [00:38:47] Speaker B: So, intelligence. Intelligence plus one, that is ten. If you're just straight intelligence, that's ten. [00:38:55] Speaker C: Okay, she might have, she might not have. [00:39:02] Speaker F: She says, I want my rock. Let's use the carrot, Boz. Let's keep everyone alive. Let's keep everyone from dying with the bloodied one. [00:39:17] Speaker C: Because I've always got this stink. [00:39:19] Speaker B: Baba yaga will kill me, Buzz, you don't understand. [00:39:25] Speaker F: Baba yaga will kill you. I'll dig the insides of your sister and put her on the outside. You've got your priorities wrong. Nobody can hurt you like someone who knows you. Nobody can hurt you like someone who knows where your mother sleeps. [00:39:51] Speaker B: If you've been watching us, you know who I've become, what I'm doing. [00:39:57] Speaker C: I can't watch you. [00:39:59] Speaker F: But I can smell the magic on you. [00:40:02] Speaker B: I think that you've got me pegged wrong. [00:40:08] Speaker F: Oh, tell me, Boz. Tell me how much you've grown. Tell me how much you've changed. I'd love to hear who's the biggest druid. [00:40:24] Speaker B: None of this matters. We don't matter. I don't matter. If I die, my sister died, if my mom died, it doesn't matter. [00:40:36] Speaker C: I should kill her. [00:40:38] Speaker B: I know you're trying to mess with me, but if you did that, you. [00:40:42] Speaker C: Would lose your lipid. [00:40:44] Speaker B: You need that stone more than you want me. So if you think that's gonna help you get the stone, then do it. I know that you don't want to. [00:40:53] Speaker C: You want me to? [00:40:54] Speaker B: No. I said I know you don't want to. If you leave your leverage, your chances of getting that stone are gone. [00:41:03] Speaker F: Bonsai. Have a lot of leverage. [00:41:06] Speaker B: Bet you do. [00:41:08] Speaker C: Craig's got a wife. [00:41:12] Speaker F: Greta's got you all. And Ro's got so many little kids who all think she's so amazing, how. [00:41:23] Speaker B: Fast does it take to crush a bone. [00:41:28] Speaker C: Mars? And one of her hands reaches up and touches a shelf, then another one on the other side, and she gets up a little higher, just up to your eye height now, but as she does, each of her hands have let up, are now like seven or 8ft long. [00:41:39] Speaker F: And she goes, are you being scary? [00:41:42] Speaker C: And all of the shadows grow in the shop. [00:41:44] Speaker F: And she says, are you stimulating me, boss? [00:41:47] Speaker C: And she stands up a little taller until she's kind of looking down at you, nine or 8ft now. And as she does, her mouth opens and her tongue reaches down, licks her chin and licks down under her own neck about four or six inches, and then pulls back up in her mouth and she goes, but I'm just the. [00:42:02] Speaker F: One in the nightmares. You make show me, Boz, how scary you can be. Where's your stick? [00:42:09] Speaker C: And she just looms over you, smiling genuine joy, just rapturing her face. And she's drooling now down her chin. [00:42:18] Speaker F: And she says, show me the big strong druid. [00:42:23] Speaker B: I don't have the stick anymore. [00:42:26] Speaker F: Where's my suffering? [00:42:31] Speaker C: And baas, as you wake up in your bed, you're choking on blood and you take seven points of psychic damage. As you wake up in the middle of the night in the room with not like a cup of blood in your mouth, but just a little bit at the back of your throat, your head's throbbing a little bit. And a voice just whispers in your ear. [00:42:57] Speaker F: I'll tell you, I'll tell you who has the heart I'll give you your wish I'll save your life. Oh, we can see just how many walls I can paint with what used to be inside the people you love. Your choice, Bozeman. I missed a conversations. [00:43:23] Speaker C: And as the voice dissipates from the edge of your ear, you can just feel just barely, a damp little moistness trickle up the side of your cheek like a tongue very gently licking you. [00:43:40] Speaker E: It was Craig. It was Craig. I'm sorry. [00:43:42] Speaker C: It was Craig and Craig. You turn. Bodies turned inside. There's Craig. No, Craig's over there on his bed harmonizing farts and snores. [00:43:54] Speaker A: That we've ever. [00:43:55] Speaker C: Abby, you're muted. [00:43:56] Speaker A: Is this the first time that we've heard about Oz's sister? [00:44:02] Speaker B: No, she was in a vision that I had a while back. [00:44:04] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:44:05] Speaker D: She was hanging out like a pond. [00:44:07] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think I was there for that. But I'm so sad that she's in damage. [00:44:11] Speaker B: It was really. [00:44:12] Speaker A: Maybe I was there. [00:44:13] Speaker B: It was. It was during those vision where I got sucked away. Here in this room was the last time. [00:44:18] Speaker A: Oh, true. [00:44:19] Speaker D: I don't ever think of your sister, Boz. Wow. [00:44:23] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. That's so sad. [00:44:27] Speaker E: That's so sad. [00:44:29] Speaker C: That's so someone's message that says, boss, go on a first date with me. Score. Tech nabbit. Guys, bring me the rock. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Why? Why do you shipping everybody with me, every single person with two to me. [00:44:40] Speaker A: When I want to get married? Bring me the rock. [00:44:49] Speaker C: Anyway, Oz, you slept. Shallow, sudden breaths. [00:44:55] Speaker B: Is it in the middle of the night? [00:44:57] Speaker C: Yes. Where you sit up? Actually, it's. It's like way, way, way, way into morning. And you're just sat up in the room like, it's like in a few hours, you bet it'll be sunlight. [00:45:17] Speaker B: Okay. I don't go back to sleep. [00:45:21] Speaker C: Okay. [00:45:22] Speaker B: If that gives me exhaustion, let me know. But he definitely doesn't go back to sleep. [00:45:26] Speaker C: No, no, no. I mean, you got. I don't care. You slept. You're good. [00:45:35] Speaker B: Oh, I can't catch the photo, can I? [00:45:39] Speaker F: No. [00:45:39] Speaker C: I'm so sorry, buddy. [00:45:41] Speaker B: I used to be able to do that. [00:45:42] Speaker F: I know, I know. [00:45:44] Speaker C: I'm really sorry. [00:45:47] Speaker F: Yep. [00:45:48] Speaker C: But Spider man, that's also cool. [00:45:50] Speaker B: That is cool. Hey, it all can't be flowers and roses. Okay. [00:45:59] Speaker C: She's doing bless. [00:46:01] Speaker B: Are we gonna go to the next place we're at? Because are we gonna like. [00:46:04] Speaker C: Okay, yeah, sure. We're in the street. It's the next day at like 03:37 p.m. on level eleven Adventure 3488 pb. Caladron 32, not ten. The note taking nerds. Also the note taking nerds I totally forgot. This is adventure 110 of the accidental or episode 110 of the Accidental Adventures. Familiar haunts. [00:46:29] Speaker D: Familiar, familiar what? [00:46:32] Speaker C: Episode 110. Familiar haunts. [00:46:35] Speaker B: I love that title. Good job. [00:46:37] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:46:40] Speaker D: I'm gonna draw a girl. [00:46:44] Speaker C: I did put a girl on little girl. She was just talking to you. [00:46:51] Speaker A: And I have an action item. [00:46:53] Speaker B: Oh, real quick. Oh, sorry. I have an action item as well. But I will go below the queue of Abb. [00:46:58] Speaker A: No, that's okay. [00:47:00] Speaker B: I was gonna say a quick shout out before we go into the actual comments of the episode. Shout out to our patrons. I was going to name every single one. So let's get going. Drew, Jonathan, Michelle, Charla, Dakota, Denise, Emma Emeril, Noah Burren Pro, and Jolynn Hoffa. Thank you guys so much for being patrons and supporting the podcast. [00:47:26] Speaker A: We love you guys. You guys are. [00:47:28] Speaker C: And Rowan Atkinson, thank you for your support and donations. [00:47:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And Robert Downey junior. All of y'all are so appreciated for the monthly things that you'd give to support. [00:47:37] Speaker C: Paul Rudd. Thank you. Mm hmm. [00:47:40] Speaker B: Jesus Christ. [00:47:40] Speaker A: Dwayne the Rock Johnson. [00:47:42] Speaker C: Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Thank you, Amy Poehler. [00:47:48] Speaker B: Thank you, Amy. [00:47:49] Speaker C: Donation. [00:47:49] Speaker B: Amy Poehler. Thank you. [00:47:52] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:47:53] Speaker B: And Kinku music bot, you as well. But all the real patrons, thank you, guys the most. Okay, now we can get. [00:48:02] Speaker C: Okay, number is it 110? Episode 110. Familiar haunts. Familiar haunts. [00:48:10] Speaker D: What's the day now? [00:48:11] Speaker C: It's Paladron 32 nottem, which is essentially Tuesday. [00:48:17] Speaker E: But are we. [00:48:17] Speaker D: I thought it was after that. [00:48:20] Speaker C: Nope. [00:48:20] Speaker D: Oh. [00:48:23] Speaker C: And if it is, it's not. [00:48:26] Speaker D: Okay, well, Kaladron 32 is when we went to that shop with the little. [00:48:31] Speaker C: Guy turned 32 is your mom. [00:48:34] Speaker D: So it's the last day of summer. [00:48:40] Speaker C: Man. I like my friends. Okay, so y'all strolling through the street, and specifically, Craig's going, clink, clank, clonk, because he is now walking around in gorgeous silver armor. Also, for the patrons, we're gonna put a picture of what that armor looks like on Patreon because I described it in the episode, but it took a really long time, so the armor is really gorgeous. And the reference imagery is going to be on Patreon. [00:49:03] Speaker B: Also, I put on the brooch of shielding, and I attuned to it. [00:49:08] Speaker C: Okay, excellent. But Craig has on, like, a polished steel armor, essentially, with some really cool accents and, like, a red sort of, like, crotch cape on the front because I don't know what it's called, and I don't know what it's called. And it is a fabric that hangs down over the groin. So we're gonna call it the crotch cape. [00:49:32] Speaker A: No, no. [00:49:34] Speaker C: And also, if you've gained any magical items in the episodes that we've lost as you use them, if it's new, please mention so and describe for the viewers does it need to be now just as they come up. Um, so the party is walking around port doing something I truly cannot guess next. What that party. [00:49:53] Speaker D: We. We went and got. I'm just gonna say we, after we came out of the place, we went and got Greta and she was no longer throwing up. [00:50:04] Speaker A: I'm totally no longer. [00:50:08] Speaker B: Not throwing up anymore, dude. [00:50:10] Speaker A: Me too. [00:50:11] Speaker B: Maybe you're honey. [00:50:15] Speaker A: What? [00:50:16] Speaker B: If you're honey intolerant? Maybe you can't eat honey or bread. Maybe you're gluten free. [00:50:20] Speaker C: Maybe. [00:50:21] Speaker A: Maybe I am gluten free. Um, can I say that Greta like, wakes up and she's like, she's like, still, like a little drowsy. [00:50:31] Speaker C: I mean, you can. It's like 337 but Greta walking around in the streets with you is going and tasting her mouth blinking. [00:50:39] Speaker A: She's been throwing up all day. So she's a little bit. [00:50:42] Speaker C: So never mind. As you guys have been walking around like every couple hours or so, Greta will just walk into an alley and just everywhere. [00:50:50] Speaker D: No, she was throwing up at the. [00:50:53] Speaker A: Yeah, I was throwing up there. [00:50:58] Speaker C: Okay. [00:50:59] Speaker A: So I grabbed. [00:51:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:51:01] Speaker A: Yes, yes. [00:51:02] Speaker D: We go and pick her up and I ask Greta, since she keeps going. [00:51:07] Speaker C: Over, you need a tallow's holding her hair back. [00:51:10] Speaker D: I asked Aggrando, would you like, would you like me to press the digitate your mouth for you? [00:51:17] Speaker A: Yes, I would like that rope. I can't believe that we made it this far, but I would like that. [00:51:21] Speaker D: Yeah, she does, guys. [00:51:25] Speaker B: This mouth like crazy, but I miss hardtack. [00:51:27] Speaker D: It smells like mint. I make it smell like a peppermint. [00:51:32] Speaker C: I disagree with you. All right. I don't know that I agree with you. You on that. I really like civilized food. That's pretty great. [00:51:38] Speaker D: I don't think I'll ever miss. Why did I. [00:51:41] Speaker B: Being here makes me miss, like, the call of adventure. We were first in the kitchen and bribing the kitchen for better food than hardtack. But I don't know, it just has like a ticket. Maybe it's the texture. Maybe it's the texture. I like the texture. [00:51:56] Speaker A: Greta like, her mouth smells like mint now. So she's still doing a. Yeah, but she's enjoying it now. And she's gonna say, guys, tello, you lived here for so long. Ro, you've lived here for so long. Please tell me where to find a library. [00:52:14] Speaker C: Well, really, it would be ridiculous if after almost a lifetime in the city, I couldn't direct you to one immediately. So as I ponder on that, honestly, I'm embarrassed that it took me so long to ask. Craig, could you prosodigitate Gretha's mouth? [00:52:32] Speaker E: Um, actually, tell, I've only figured out how to anti prestidigitate. I could try. [00:52:40] Speaker C: Yeah, go ahead. [00:52:42] Speaker E: Oh, I'll try. [00:52:45] Speaker C: Okay. [00:52:46] Speaker E: Craig tries to, closes her mouth. [00:52:48] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:52:48] Speaker E: Craig tries. [00:52:51] Speaker A: Craig goes. Greg, please don't. No, I saw the hang of. [00:52:56] Speaker E: And Craig anti precipitates. [00:52:59] Speaker A: Why would you do that? [00:53:04] Speaker C: You slap a metal gauntlet and you're like, ow. And as you do, Craig just squats down in the streets. His eyes shine, and you guys just hear from deep, echoing in the metal armor. You just hear. And then, uh, Craig, your butt gets a lot warmer because it's caught within the armor. And as he, as he does, it's got kind of like a reverberating sound on the armor. And, um, Greta, your mouth, uh, winds up kind of tasting like, what does it taste like? [00:53:35] Speaker E: You know when, you know when you're brushing your teeth and like, and, and you have that little, like, refreshed moment, and then it's like the toothpaste makes. [00:53:50] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, that's what your mouth tastes like at the order of your best friend. [00:53:57] Speaker A: The DM is punishing me for wanting to be literate. [00:54:04] Speaker C: I mean, honestly, I think this is. [00:54:05] Speaker A: Mainly Micah's anti literacy. Micah didn't have the, I'm gonna blame the DM. [00:54:11] Speaker E: You were the one that, you were. [00:54:13] Speaker D: The one that said, hey, tello wants to know if he can press the. [00:54:18] Speaker C: Digitate every once in a while. You gotta twist the mustache, y'all. Anyway, tello goes, oh, that's not what I meant at. Oh, Craig. Anyway, Greta, there is. Oh, Landon Williams staff account. We've got a business card. Now, that's a big deal. Okay, we don't have a business card. Landon looks offended, disgusted. And you know what? He's not even a staff accountant anymore, so. [00:54:41] Speaker B: Greg Prestoni, please. [00:54:43] Speaker D: Ro whistles and, and puts mint back in Greta's mouth. [00:54:52] Speaker A: Ro, you are a saint. And I can't believe I ever disliked you. [00:55:00] Speaker C: Sorry, what? [00:55:01] Speaker D: When did you just meet? [00:55:02] Speaker A: A long time ago. [00:55:03] Speaker D: Wait, where? [00:55:04] Speaker A: A long time ago. [00:55:05] Speaker C: Anyway, this way to the library. And does like a big kickstep turning around. [00:55:09] Speaker D: Wait, can I do, can ro try to cry on command? [00:55:13] Speaker C: No. Can you give me a perfect hug? [00:55:16] Speaker A: I give her a hug. I give her a hug, and I say, no. Ro, you used to press the digitate me without asking, and I really disliked that. That's what I am referring to. You are my best friend. [00:55:28] Speaker D: Now I got a 28. [00:55:33] Speaker C: Micah. Okay, Micah, I don't think the spell does. That doesn't actually. Micah, go ahead and give me. Go ahead. Go ahead and give me an arcana check. [00:55:49] Speaker E: Explain to the listeriners what happened. Basically, I just try to press into Ro's eyes. You said, what would I roll an arcana check? [00:56:03] Speaker C: Would you get on your performance check row? This is a real. This is a real city episode. Again, 28 Greta, as you say. What you say and apologize, and you watch as. I mean, bro starts weeping. They are subtle, bitter tears. I mean, they are some of those genuine. And try using occasional sobs. [00:56:28] Speaker A: No, please. [00:56:29] Speaker C: What'd you get? Craig? [00:56:29] Speaker A: I didn't mean it to you. [00:56:31] Speaker D: I thought you were my best friend. [00:56:32] Speaker E: Greta, when I'm. When I'm rolling for Arcana, do I have to, like, add different things to it because it's like a spell? Like what I. [00:56:42] Speaker C: You add. It's an arcana check. [00:56:47] Speaker E: Well, that's goody. I had the wrong. [00:56:50] Speaker D: What was that noise? [00:56:51] Speaker C: I don't know. Layman's going live during the session for a reason. [00:56:56] Speaker E: Oh, hey, that's not cool. [00:56:58] Speaker A: Why are we. How are we live? [00:57:01] Speaker D: Wait, no. [00:57:01] Speaker E: Because my armor affects my arcana, right? [00:57:04] Speaker C: Nope. What? [00:57:07] Speaker A: So what you're gonna do is you're. [00:57:08] Speaker C: Gonna roll a d 20, and then you're gonna add your arcana modifier onto it. [00:57:12] Speaker E: 13. Okay, I have a negative one to Arcana, you guys. A negative one. [00:57:20] Speaker C: As you're. As you're crying and. And Greta is pleading with you not to feel hurt. Craig just goes just nearby, and it echoes in the arm. It reverberates a little, and then Tello goes anyway to the library. Do you guys start walking down the street after tello? Yeah, please. Thank you. Okay. [00:57:45] Speaker E: Can I ask some questions? [00:57:48] Speaker C: Yeah. You guys are walking, so tell turns out and starts to ask Greta something, and then Craig starts in with, hey, you don't get that? [00:57:56] Speaker E: I got a book. [00:57:59] Speaker C: Yeah. You read me something. [00:58:00] Speaker E: I read from it. Do you want more? [00:58:02] Speaker C: Oh, wow. You. [00:58:05] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:58:06] Speaker E: Greg, let me swallow this rock real quick. [00:58:10] Speaker C: Okay. And Craig just. And you guys watched. You guys watched, like, a little, like. Like, lump go down Craig's throat in. [00:58:25] Speaker A: A conversation that he started. [00:58:29] Speaker C: In a conversation he started. Landon, what am I. What am I looking at? Why is sonic the hedgehog doing a catholic sacrament? Okay. [00:58:45] Speaker B: Okay. [00:58:45] Speaker E: The rock is swallowed. [00:58:47] Speaker C: Okay, so taylor just looks sad for a second. [00:58:53] Speaker E: Who was your first love? [00:58:57] Speaker D: Who would it. Rose. Ears perk up, and ro scuttles behind and goes. [00:59:04] Speaker A: She mocks teller's accent, and obviously it was. I can't think of anything else that was so good. [00:59:14] Speaker C: Craig, give me a persuasion check. [00:59:20] Speaker D: Can I assist? I start elbowing. [00:59:22] Speaker E: Oh, she assists me. She assists me. [00:59:24] Speaker C: Well, that depends on what she does. [00:59:26] Speaker D: I start elbowing Tello and go, yeah, tell us. Tell us. [00:59:33] Speaker C: It's almost enough to give you a disadvantage, but we'll just call it an even role as it is. 14, you said? [00:59:38] Speaker E: Okay, yeah. Can I cast guidance on myself? [00:59:43] Speaker C: You can. What do I roll? [00:59:50] Speaker E: Okay, it's now a 15. [01:00:00] Speaker C: So Craig goes, Craig, who is your first love? So then his eyes light up, and he touches his own chest, and his armor shines a little bit. And Tello just looks back and goes, all right. [01:00:15] Speaker F: Um. [01:00:18] Speaker C: It was, um. It was the. The guards we met in breast company. [01:00:26] Speaker E: Rose is what Craig did not say. [01:00:28] Speaker C: The crossbow. I was. [01:00:32] Speaker A: I. Insight, check. [01:00:35] Speaker C: Okay. [01:00:36] Speaker E: Reception, check. [01:00:40] Speaker C: Roll an inside check. Greta. [01:00:45] Speaker A: And I know him really well. [01:00:52] Speaker C: Till I got a six. [01:01:02] Speaker A: It's gonna be a 23. [01:01:04] Speaker C: Okay, Greta, you read very clearly, and that lines up both with what you know of Tello and with the experiences you've had with him in recent months. So he just says, I was honestly kind of shy when I was young, and then the whole circumstance where I lost one of my loved ones and then kind of lost a different one and then wound up deeply into the. The little brass company really pushed me, and I kind of found my charisma. And at a place where I was very lonely and then also learning how to put on a mask, like, I wasn't. I met her, and she was really. Well, right onto the library and starts walking a little faster, and he goes, wait, no, that's. [01:01:47] Speaker D: Wait, so what happened between you guys? [01:01:50] Speaker C: Tello ro, who was your first love, bro? Who's your most important love? What's the love worth mentioning in your life? [01:01:59] Speaker D: My most important love? Well, you guys, of course. [01:02:04] Speaker C: Aw. Yeah. That feels equal to what I divulged. [01:02:08] Speaker D: Okay. [01:02:09] Speaker C: Um, I. [01:02:11] Speaker D: There was somebody in, uh, in Vashtun that I, like, basically give you all sorts of information. I don't know. They. We were like. We might have been, like, maybe engaged. [01:02:37] Speaker C: Okay, so where you guys are walking, you're, like, making through crowds and pour as many salon like, in, like, the busy streets and tell, oh, hashem been walking kind of sideways, looking back, talking to you guys. And at this point, he turns fully around and starts walking backward with his mouth agape. And he's just, like, dodging people with his good perception. He goes, did you say engaged? [01:02:56] Speaker D: Yeah, I did. I mean, that's all there really is to it. Then we were engaged, and then we were. [01:03:03] Speaker C: That's not really the case. [01:03:05] Speaker D: I mean, I lived in bastion for. I lived in bastion for like, eight years, and we were together for like, four, and we were engaged, and then we weren't, and that's. [01:03:17] Speaker C: What's the person's name? Tell us something. [01:03:20] Speaker A: Uh. [01:03:23] Speaker C: You'Ve talked about your mom, like, 30 times or 300, and we've never heard about. [01:03:28] Speaker D: Well, because it's not. It's not, like, necessary information about me. Uh, they weren't a kingdom, tell you that. Um, their. Their name was, uh, sterling, and it was fine. And then it ended rather poorly. And that's when I moved to. Here to unsen. [01:03:57] Speaker F: Oh, that's crazy. [01:04:02] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:04:03] Speaker C: And they like a good portly or, like. [01:04:08] Speaker D: No. [01:04:09] Speaker C: Usually starting up. [01:04:12] Speaker D: Like, if, like, if I saw them again, there might be more than words. You know what I mean? Like, we fought, so we need to go. [01:04:24] Speaker C: We need to go find and punch Sterling, is what I'm learning from this. [01:04:28] Speaker D: I don't know. I don't know where they are or where they went or they might have. They might have gone on to be in the. She's, like, twiddling with her fingers and, like, twiddling with the loot. They might have gone on to be, like, in the. [01:04:55] Speaker C: Careful, he's plucking. The sound we're hearing right now is like, the song we're hearing is what Ro's plucking. [01:05:00] Speaker D: And she, like, mumbles. She goes, they might have been in, like, you know, they might have gone and joined, you know, the Kifkan army and moved away. And that might be why we broke up, bro. [01:05:12] Speaker C: That's crazy. [01:05:14] Speaker F: Was it Fizkit? [01:05:19] Speaker D: Ross immediately stops playing. No, it was not Fizkit. Hello? No whiskey? We had a difference of opinions, and those difference of opinions happened to be very political. [01:05:35] Speaker E: That's the name I did. [01:05:38] Speaker D: The name was Trace. [01:05:41] Speaker E: Right. [01:05:43] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [01:05:44] Speaker E: I was stuck on biscuit. I was so sure. [01:05:48] Speaker D: And that's it. That's it. Why did I tell you guys that? [01:05:53] Speaker C: Honestly? Hey, thanks for confiding in this and being honest. And then Tello turns straight toward Greta and says in unison, where only Greta can understand, he says, you have the goddess who knows everything. We need to look up. We need to ask her if she knows anything about any kafkin, any kafkins with any name Starling. We need to know if there's anyone named Starling in the cafe. Military. Get on that. You know how to do the magic stuff. [01:06:16] Speaker A: Greta, as Tela says that, pulls out her notebook and starts scribbling. And she says, of course, of course. I'm on it right now. [01:06:25] Speaker C: Except the thing. The thing is, though, you'll have it. [01:06:27] Speaker A: By end of day. [01:06:28] Speaker C: The thing is, Ro, is you watch like Greta and tell us. Start talking in often. But you hear. You hear Tello say sterling, sterling. And insignia is sterling. You listen to tell her going. [01:06:47] Speaker D: You know what, guys? Actually, I was. That was a joke. I was just joking about that. [01:06:52] Speaker C: Anyway, to the library. Okay, secreta, but I need to level you. We kind of have two libraries here. Well, there might be like six. I don't know. But there are two big options. There is a private library that's for, like, fancy wee wee people. And then there's also a large public library. Which one are you trying to add to? [01:07:16] Speaker A: I'm in a level. She says it in team. Well, what does Telusay it in, Colin? She says, I'm gonna level with you, bud. [01:07:27] Speaker C: Now that's good. [01:07:28] Speaker A: Hair in my mouth. [01:07:30] Speaker C: Oh, I'll get that for you. He's just. He reaches his hand toward you just like finger cross. [01:07:43] Speaker A: I am looking for information on ayoun. She whispers and, like, raises her eyebrows. She's like, mm. I don't know where I could find that. The best it costs to get into this. To the stinky private library. I'm not a fan of private library. [01:08:06] Speaker C: I think it literally costs money. [01:08:12] Speaker A: That's a shame. [01:08:13] Speaker D: How much money? [01:08:14] Speaker A: We'll go there. [01:08:15] Speaker C: I don't know. I'm not a big reader. I mean, I like it, but I feel you. It's not like a big thing for me. [01:08:23] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I lived here a year and I don't think I ever went to the library. [01:08:28] Speaker A: You guys are fools. You guys gotta support the arts. [01:08:32] Speaker D: I do. I'm quite literally a musician. [01:08:36] Speaker C: Greta, someone literally taught you the art of Vincennes, but whatever. And teller just kind of raises a finger and goes. Then to. I have to come up with a name right now. What do I call a really fancy library? Anyone want to name it right now, live. [01:09:00] Speaker A: We have a name from our lovely patrons. [01:09:04] Speaker C: Well, they're not here with us live, so they can't do that. [01:09:07] Speaker A: Do they? [01:09:08] Speaker D: Lindy sign la giddy Ligetti library. [01:09:12] Speaker C: I don't have a. I don't have. There's nowhere on. On Patreon where I say, give us library names. So I don't have that off the top of my head, but something with the gilded tome. But what was that, Micah? [01:09:27] Speaker E: Something with pages. Like, pages of, um. [01:09:31] Speaker D: Of, um, privileged, private pages. [01:09:35] Speaker C: The. The privileged pages. [01:09:37] Speaker D: Absolutely privileged pages. [01:09:40] Speaker C: Because privilege is a social concept, is not a well identified, uh, feature in this world at this time. So it would carry a certain language. Yeah, I mean, they. And would they not be the people not to pick up on it? So the privileged pages. And he says, off to the privileged pages, and you guys start marching through the streets. You even between a lot of people. Wait, baby, hold my finger. That's off his hand, everybody. Oh, okay. [01:10:07] Speaker A: Okay. [01:10:08] Speaker C: The snake's gonna get me. So he leads you toward the city. And eventually you guys start resuming an area that you know very well. And it's the financial district. And as you skirt around some high fenced, iron rod private neighborhoods, each of them has a small estate that's being patrolled by guards, which is each of the houses within the neighborhood. And all the cobblestones are. The edge of every stone is additionally carved and engraved. There are compounds. Every so often, each compound is another estate. And as you guys move past some of the wealthy neighborhoods, you move past the banking district and past a number of fine restaurants. And eventually he leads you toward a building. And actually, he has to stop and ask about two or three different people. And you all watch as tello. Like he takes on a very officious light. There's this obsequious quality, this, like, very well refined brown nosing that he starts doing with, like, the wealthy people. He stops and talk to something you haven't seen tello do in a long time. But he stops a couple times in un city. And you all watch us. He gets a little distance from you all each time as he does, not looking like someone moving with a band of adventurers, but just stopping and kind of holding his cape to his side. [01:11:37] Speaker F: And he says, hello, we are looking. [01:11:39] Speaker C: For the privileged pages. You seem well informed. Would you be able to tell us in what direction we might head? And he does that like, two or three times. Eventually gets an answer. And as he's directed through town, leading you all, he leads you toward this building that looks quite a bit like a bank. And it is this tall building with a sort of. It has. It has the sort of, like, triangular, like, sort of concentric gabling of like a Greco building. But then there's like, all this, like, this, like, sculpted guild and these, and these leaflets and leafing carved into stone. And it has some large stone pillars, not grooved like something greek, but just, you know, cylindrical stone pillars, four of them in the front. And in Unicinian, the only person who can read this is Greta. At the bottom of each one, like, at the. At the leftmost, there is a word in uncanny in which says sight, and then the next one says memory, and then the next one says truth, and then the last one says, like, tradition. And wrapping around the pillars very finely, like a cursive scrawl carved into them at sort of an angular pattern so they move down in, like, a swirling motion are the names of a ton of different authors, and they're all unicynian authors. And Greta, you recognize, like, one, and then all the others are foreign to you. And there are these large steps that lead up, and the whole building is like a grain stone with, like, splashes of red brick. And there are no windows on the outside, and the doors are heavy in stone. And there are guards at each side and someone with, like, a stone podium tilted to a side, like an attendant clerk working there. And as you all walk up the steps, tello goes, no, I've never been here, but I know you have to pay to get in and have access. And I've heard that extra coins grease. [01:13:39] Speaker F: Palms, but I don't know. [01:13:40] Speaker C: So I just know it's a private repository of information. Do you want us to go in with you or. [01:13:47] Speaker A: And Greta's gonna kind of, like, she's going to, like, kind of, like, mess with her hair and, like, straighten her cloaks a little bit. [01:13:57] Speaker C: Okay. I also, I want to say, sorry, Abby, I know I'm interrupting you, right when I gave you the reins. I want to say this really quickly. How much the phase of your all's lives, where you can go somewhere without making a scene, is just really behind you now. I mean, for a long time, you've looked like sellswords. You've looked like adventurers. You've looked like warriors, but, and you've always traveled with two people who look kind of fake, so you've always been head turners, but it's different now, and there's no going back. Each of you sparkles a little. Each of you has some gold in your eyes when you get close. Craig is now a fully full plate armor. And there are knights places. They're warriors places. But even though the star splinter would drop jaws to be seen out of its sheath, but even in its sheath, he's carrying this richest, ridiculously gorgeous blade. And then the war hammer on the back and then the javelins at a side. So he's this very well armored and very well adorned warrior with this huge burn scar and this warhawk. And then, like, his sick braided beard. And then Greta is this old woman in, like, fine trap robes with, like, dangling, like, items hanging from her. Tello is this well dressed, sort of, like, roguish character with, like, gold freckles in his face. And then there's Ro and Boz. Ro is green, is green with purple hair and all, like, growing flowers with a gold tinge to them. She sparkles a little. Her armor is that glamour studded armor. She carries the loot with crystal in it on her back. And then Boz is, you know, even worse. He's got it. He sparkles like Edward, but greenhouse, his hair has every color of the season coming out of it. And he has the, like, the bee, not atrium. Oh, my goodness. I forget the word every couple episodes anyway, apiary hanging at his side like, you guys are just ridiculously eye catching. And it finally starts happening that a block out from the bank, someone stops you and asks you all if you are the fun guys. And tello hops on it really quickly. And he says, like, the person gets really excited. Telos chooses him down and does a good job of like, yes, yes, it's us. Hello. Let's tell you something. He gives him some brief fact about the travels, and he says, we'd love it if we didn't draw a crowd. He slips like a silver into their hand and they pass on. And you guys are like, oh, like, attention grabbing is just kind of a part of this from now on. But so that's an important visual for the way you all look now. And as you all march up the stairs, Craig making a tremendous amount of noise. Cause not only is he walking around in full metal armor, but the sword is clanking against his side and the hammer and the javelins. [01:16:48] Speaker E: My parts also harmonize with the sounds in my armor. Just saying. [01:16:51] Speaker C: Okay, excellent. And every so often as he up the stairs, there's a up the stairs. And as you all get up to the front, Greta, you fix your hair part to the side, a little bun get up to the front of the group. And the guards on either side, they're both dwarven. And they have these tall, kind of ornamental looking, but also they look like they could be functional halberds. And both of them are wearing full plate, kind of like Craig looks in, but a little more standard, and. I'm sorry, Greta, what were you saying? I interrupted. [01:17:26] Speaker A: I was going to say that probably as we're approaching, or while we're on the steps, I think I would turn to every and be like, hey, guys, I just wanted to do some research for a little bit, but I don't want to. Like, we don't. If you guys don't want to go in, then we don't have to. I just thought I'd hang out for a little bit. [01:17:46] Speaker C: I'm good with staying outside. [01:17:49] Speaker D: I'll go in with you, Greta, if you don't mind me going in with you. [01:17:53] Speaker C: No, no. [01:17:53] Speaker A: I just. [01:17:53] Speaker D: If you'd rather be alone, I get it. [01:17:56] Speaker A: Not at all. Not at all. I just don't want to make everyone come in if they don't want to. No, that makes sense. If you. I would love to. Yeah. So she's. [01:18:09] Speaker E: I'm gonna climb in. [01:18:11] Speaker D: You're gonna climb. [01:18:12] Speaker E: I don't know. [01:18:13] Speaker A: We all don't know. [01:18:16] Speaker D: You're gonna try to break it through a window. [01:18:18] Speaker C: Has to know. Okay, so Micah's saying something that's not being said in character. Understood. Teller goes, all right, we'll wait out inside. Honestly, at this point, Kurt, I don't think you need me to translate anything. I think you're strong enough. So good luck. [01:18:32] Speaker F: Have a good time. [01:18:33] Speaker A: Oh, thanks. [01:18:36] Speaker F: Okay. [01:18:37] Speaker C: Buzz and Greg and I have a. [01:18:38] Speaker A: Bit of a meet up with you, I guess a Rowan. I will. [01:18:41] Speaker E: No, I'm gonna say that Craig goes in. [01:18:45] Speaker C: Okay, so Craig, without announcing, just starts following the two of you, and you're. As you all walk up, tello goes, I thought this was bros before, Rose, but that's fine. And as you all trod down the. [01:18:58] Speaker D: Steps. [01:19:01] Speaker C: Boz and Tello are just kind of chatting outside the building. And all three of you will follow up with Craig at the front or ro at the front, Greta at the front. And as the three of you walk up the steps, you get up, and at the podium, you have trouble seeing the figure, but you finally see them as, like, you get up past the podium, because that person is also a dwarf. And you see with, like, sort of, like, a tall palisadal face, pale, pallid skin, dark robes, like, kind of long, straight black hair that's got some streaks of gray in it with, like, a very pronounced, harsh nose. Not a handsome man. Ishpageverus, who's sitting there at the podium and goes, hello. [01:19:37] Speaker F: What can. [01:19:38] Speaker A: Oh, and don't make those noises. Those are abby noises. I'm sorry. Um, I'm like, oh, is he speaking common? [01:19:49] Speaker C: He is. [01:19:51] Speaker A: Okay. I say hello and uncini and say, oh, bonjour. And then I switch back to common. Um, it's been a long time since I've seen you. [01:19:57] Speaker C: Um, it is expensive to work in. [01:20:02] Speaker F: This part of the city. Sometimes people need a few jobs. [01:20:06] Speaker C: What may I do for you? [01:20:09] Speaker D: Wait, Greta, you know this man? [01:20:13] Speaker A: Yes, this is Mister Spaghettirus. He also works at a band. Spaghetti. Apologies. [01:20:25] Speaker D: Ro puts out her hand and in like, like a, like a poor uncinian accent, because she doesn't know uncinian. She goes, enchanted. [01:20:39] Speaker C: His hands are resting on either side of this very large label tome. He looks at and he goes, what may I do for you all today? [01:20:49] Speaker E: Hi, Spaghetti. I'm also here. [01:20:53] Speaker C: I remember you, mister Dunley. [01:20:59] Speaker D: Um, how's your name? Craig. [01:21:01] Speaker E: So I know that we had some finances that were put into this bank. [01:21:06] Speaker D: Craig. [01:21:08] Speaker E: Oh my gosh. [01:21:10] Speaker C: The two guards standing next to each other. Wait, no. Exchange confused glances. [01:21:18] Speaker E: No, no, avoid it. I void it. I void it. [01:21:25] Speaker C: Micah. And I want to be so clear about this, not even a little bit how that works. Spageverus continues and goes, I think you might not be the sort of folk for this establishment, sir. [01:21:37] Speaker D: Spaghetti, how much to get into the. She looks about the sign, the privileged pages. [01:21:47] Speaker C: To enter the building you don't even know the name of. It is a gold purpose. [01:21:54] Speaker D: Oh, wow. [01:21:57] Speaker A: Okay. [01:21:58] Speaker C: It has a rate of a silver. [01:22:01] Speaker F: Per hour to browse the tones. It is a fine collection. [01:22:11] Speaker A: Okay, absolutely, I will. I hand him regal. I hand him four golden and say, I should only need an hour, and. [01:22:25] Speaker C: If you now have ten. He pulls out a quill and dips it in some ink and scrawls on some paper. He drops, plinks them into a bag and he says, if you wish to examine any of the tomes in the restricted section, please contact an attendant. [01:22:43] Speaker E: I'm just gonna wait outside. [01:22:45] Speaker C: Sir, I think that would be for the best. If you are using his gold for the price, that means that you and your very colorful friend both have 10 hours access. [01:23:01] Speaker D: Okay, can we like use part of that now and like come back later. [01:23:06] Speaker C: And use the rest? [01:23:07] Speaker D: Okay, just. Okay, yeah, that's fine. We'll just donate the rest to the library, I guess, and just keep the. [01:23:14] Speaker A: Chain to you as a ship, if you would like. [01:23:17] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:23:19] Speaker C: Well, I would agree in front of the armed guards of my employers, but I think I'll decline. He just reaches up a hand and snaps and the two guards reach out. [01:23:29] Speaker F: And. [01:23:32] Speaker C: Pull open the really large stone doors which swing open as you all peek in. The doors, they only open them up like a. A couple feet, like enough for you all to pass in. And the guards are kind of looking around. Both of them look at Craig. One of them very like, I'm a steely eyed guard. And then the other one kind of looks at you quizzically like this dude thought this was a bank. And. [01:23:53] Speaker E: As the walk of shame and like, walks out. [01:23:56] Speaker C: Okay, Craig. As you hang your head. [01:24:00] Speaker B: Great library. [01:24:02] Speaker C: Down the steps, clomping and clanking and farting and walking down the steps, Craig, ro and Greta, you guys slip in between the doors and they close behind you at the bottom of the steps. Tel is just sitting there nodding his head, tapping his foot. Greg marches up behind you guys from all of the clanking metal and goes, what do we want to do with our guys? Afternoon. [01:24:37] Speaker E: I wanna forget what just happened. [01:24:42] Speaker C: Well, I'm not one for getting hammered, but I do. [01:24:47] Speaker E: Can we get lost in the beautiful view of the ocean? [01:24:52] Speaker B: I wanna go fight in maybe an underground fighting ring. [01:24:56] Speaker E: That sounds even better. [01:24:58] Speaker B: Let's go fight in an underground fighting ring. [01:25:02] Speaker C: Do we want the girls for that? Should we wait for them or. I mean, I know that Bozz said it's close before Rose, but I feel like we should give them an opportunity to participate. [01:25:15] Speaker B: Hey, I don't know, man. [01:25:18] Speaker C: But also I kind of want to break off and do something wild. [01:25:21] Speaker B: Why don't we just go and watch some fights? [01:25:26] Speaker E: Yeah, let's do some research of a good place. [01:25:28] Speaker B: Let's see if we can find it. [01:25:31] Speaker C: All right. I mean, I don't have a contact for that, so I guess we have to find it first. Where do you want to head to? [01:25:40] Speaker B: Let's ask one of the guards. Maybe they know where it is. I feel like they would know where the illegal fighting ring is because they're probably keeping eyes on it. [01:25:48] Speaker C: This is a high end private bookstore. [01:25:53] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Zachary, I'm saying this because I went to go to the little boz room earlier and I missed. You did? We're in the bookstore right now. [01:26:03] Speaker C: Well, I'm sorry. I said a bookstore. A book vaults, a private book vault. Like a book library? [01:26:07] Speaker D: Yeah. You're not in there. You're outside. [01:26:09] Speaker E: It's like a bank of books. [01:26:10] Speaker C: The three of you guys are outside. [01:26:11] Speaker D: We had to pay gold to get into this place. [01:26:14] Speaker C: Greta went in. Oh, we're outside because you're outside the. [01:26:18] Speaker A: Street in like DeWalt hours. At the bookstore. At the book library. [01:26:24] Speaker C: Tend to ten between ten for both of them. If they want to spend all ten, they could be done in one. [01:26:31] Speaker B: All right, I want to go try to find the underground fighting ring. [01:26:36] Speaker F: All right. [01:26:36] Speaker C: I mean, Craig, you have the stone. [01:26:38] Speaker F: Is that the one you swallowed? [01:26:39] Speaker C: Or. I mean, the sending stones and just. [01:26:51] Speaker D: Butt down to a new meaning. [01:26:53] Speaker C: I don't want to have to worry. Whispering to his belly to call someone. What do we do with this? [01:26:58] Speaker B: That's gonna end up in his colon. You're not gonna be whispering into his belly. I'm sorry. Let's go outside and do some scoping. I'll just find somebody that, like, outside of prying ear, you're not even here. What are you talking about? [01:27:19] Speaker C: Are you guys hearing that voice? [01:27:21] Speaker F: It's kind of hard. [01:27:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:27:24] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay, let's, uh. Well, we're certainly not going to find anyone who knows where to find it in this part of town. So, um, how does see to your areas? I mean, it's a big city. Let's start talking, and the three of you all head off now. Micah, I need to ask you a question, and this is a question only you can answer, and I want you to answer on your own. Um, have you swallowed the sending stone? Cause only you can answer this. No one else can answer this for you. [01:27:53] Speaker B: I will never forgive you. [01:27:55] Speaker C: None of you. No one else can answer this for you. This is only your choice. Have you or have you not swallowed the sending stone? We've established that Craig is often in position. We have established that it often trades possession around the group. It's been a running joke for a long time. It's often in his mouth. Now, Mike, I'm not calling. [01:28:12] Speaker E: How big is the sending stone? How big is ascending stone? [01:28:16] Speaker C: Well, first of all, if it's this big, it's never been in your mouth. It's about. It's about half the size of a golf ball. [01:28:25] Speaker B: It's small. [01:28:26] Speaker C: Real choking hazard. [01:28:30] Speaker E: I'm gonna say no. [01:28:32] Speaker C: Okay, excellent. So Craig swallowed a pebble he found somewhere in a very Aldenor move. And so the. The sending stone can just be in your possession, boz. Um, but, okay, the three of you all go trouncing off somewhere in the city, um, looking for whatever you're searching for. But, boz, you do have, uh. I mean, the setting stone is not in Craig's stomach, but it is a bit moist because it has been in his mouth not too long ago. Um, so back in the library. [01:29:00] Speaker B: Um, this is like a lozenge. [01:29:03] Speaker C: Yeah, kind of. Um, that's not what I wanted. Okay, ro and Greta. You guys walk into a ray white space, white stone. The walls are gray, but all of the floors are like a white marble with, like, thick gray streaking a different shade. And in the middle of the chamber, there's this one central pillar and this spiral floating staircase that goes up itself sides that leads up to a second floor, the landing of which you can't see, but you can see a white railing over the edge of it. And the whole building on the inside is kind of like a cylindrical shape. And there are. There's like, you're sort of like in a circular foyer with a couple of, like, very finely painted white, sort of like waiting tables with some trays on it and some fluted glasses that are empty. There's a couple paintings on the wall, very finely done. And the, at this side of the room, to the right, to the left and to the back, there are what look like incredibly fine, like, sort of like cells. So they're like. They're like broad rooms with shelves at each side and stacks. And they've got scrolls and a lot of tomes in them and even some sections that look like examinable artifacts at some places. But all of them have metal bars in front of them, like, fine metal bars, as if like, jail cell, library sections. And there are walking around the space attendants in, like, white robes, like, sort of edged and trimmed with silver. And all of them have their hair very finely braided and pulled back or in very sort of like, well trimmed dos. And there's a high elf lady and an older halfling woman. And then there's a green dragon born man who looks very old, his frills sort of like long and fraying. They're sort of like walking around the room, each of them carrying a tome. They have rings of keys that sort of, they pull out from the heavy, flowing sleeves of their cloaks, and they open a section, take some of the books in. And the old halfling woman, she has like a sort of. She has monolid eyes, heavily sagged all around her very round face. Her hair is like a dark black, but so streaked with gray that it's kind of like patterned all over in a pepperdeen. And it's very tightly pulled back into one ponytail that then braids straight down. It's a very harsh look. And she has dark brown skin. She's pretty short. And she has a rounded nose, just a little bit of lipstick on. And for incredibly nice as she looks, she has just a couple whiskers of hair, not plucked. And she walks up to you all with her arms folded into each sleeve, and she says, hello. Welcome to the privileged pejas. [01:32:14] Speaker F: What might I help you find here? [01:32:18] Speaker D: A question for the DM. [01:32:20] Speaker C: Are. [01:32:24] Speaker D: Like, are libraries common? Are we used to the concept of a library? [01:32:31] Speaker C: In this campaign, you all have visited three, I think, or two at the very minimum. But also, they're not common. Like, at this point in history, a library is something you only find in a big city. But that being said, you two here have metropolitan pasts, especially you, ro. So at this point in history, a library is a lot more like a museum. Like, it's not a fixture of every town. It's like, the big cities have them, and only a good one is in a really big city, and you're gonna pay to get in. It's kind of schmancy, but they exist and they can be utilized. They're just not common resources. [01:33:06] Speaker D: Okay. [01:33:06] Speaker C: Cause I didn't that common. [01:33:08] Speaker D: Yeah. Cause I knew, like, we had been in libraries and, like, the, like, the fancy ones that we were in, but I didn't know, like, cities. Okay, I got it. [01:33:16] Speaker C: Now. Neither of you is familiar with a private collection. This is your first time inside of him. [01:33:22] Speaker D: I look, I looked. Grab it. [01:33:24] Speaker A: Um. I'm in it. Sorry, sorry. I'm not gonna cough. I'm gonna try and say in, like, I'm. Okay. I'm gonna say, um, hello, good afternoon. I. This is my, this is our first time here, so I would love just, you know, kind of a, overview, but specifically, I'm not, I don't know what my companion I was looking for. I specifically have been recently heard some rumors or some stories, I guess is what I would call it, about some organizations out west, specifically in sandor. And I'm wondering if you had any books or stories about any about the. The people in Sandor. She's leaning into her old lady. She's like, maybe, like, hunched a little more than normal, and she's like, you're maybe talking. [01:34:24] Speaker C: She watches. The vibes match each other really well. And this lady watches. The lady doesn't look particularly interested in talking to the very brightly dressed young person, but she takes Greta in with warmth, and she says, fall out of your mouth just then. Okay? [01:34:42] Speaker A: The ladies, I don't think so, not to my knowledge. [01:34:45] Speaker C: I thought I saw some, but I guess I was wrong. The lady just says. [01:34:50] Speaker F: Well, our eastern wing holds world history and religions, our western legends, folk and myth, and our southern rings holds tales of domestic truths and histories, as well as policies in government. And their restricted floor is on the second of the stairwell past the landing. [01:35:20] Speaker D: What makes. Just out of curiosity, respectively, what is in the restricted section that makes a it restricted? [01:35:31] Speaker C: Rare and ancient first editions. [01:35:33] Speaker F: Primary sources acquired from all across the world. There are artifacts for historical examination and private collection. Items. Some items held here are not public, but instead are belongings of wealthy patrons of history and culture from across the world who house their collections. [01:35:55] Speaker C: Ear. [01:35:57] Speaker F: Oh, that's wonderful. [01:36:00] Speaker D: Yeah, I love that. [01:36:01] Speaker F: Very demure. [01:36:07] Speaker E: No way. No way. [01:36:09] Speaker C: May I open for you? [01:36:13] Speaker A: Ian? Can you tell me again, can you give me a speed run of the sections? [01:36:17] Speaker C: And she repeats the sections without messing up. And one of them was history and religion. Was world history and religion. Another was legend, tale, myth and folklore. And then another was, like, domestic cultures and government. [01:36:36] Speaker A: Okay. Okay, I'm gonna turn to Ro and I say, I can't decide between history and world religion and folklore and legends. Would you have a problem? [01:36:46] Speaker D: Well, I feel like what you might be looking for might be in. In world religions, but then, I don't know, maybe some stuff that would be interesting would be in the legends and folklore. So if you. We wanted to, like, split up and then tell each other if we find anything. Up to you. [01:37:03] Speaker A: Yeah. Do you want to go to. I just. I just realized that maybe that she stutters because she realizes she doesn't want Rowena for being a daughter of Ravenna, but she says maybe. Maybe you could find something cool in legends and folklore. [01:37:20] Speaker D: No, I definitely was. She's like. She's picking up what you're putting down. She's like, no, I definitely think that actually, is there anything in the legends and folklore section about any famous bards or anything that have. That have traveled around? [01:37:41] Speaker F: We. [01:37:44] Speaker D: Wonderful. I think. I think if I could go to the. That section, the legend section, and Greta, we can. Yeah. [01:38:01] Speaker C: Sorry, listener, what you can't hear is that Micah and Abby are playing footsies, and so. [01:38:07] Speaker A: It's not true. It's not true. Micah's lying. [01:38:11] Speaker C: Okay. [01:38:12] Speaker E: That's a personal problem. [01:38:17] Speaker A: I would love to investigate the world history and religion section, man. [01:38:23] Speaker F: Excellent. I will take you that way, and Mister Coptic will take you to the. [01:38:30] Speaker C: Legends and folklore, and Green Dragonbor fellow walks back in and goes, thank you, baby, for giving me all the drinks you don't finish. I appreciate that. Amo, the green dragon boar fellow, walks back in and goes, take you to see them. And he walks you to one side. Greta travels with the other lady to the other. And this is when we will smash cut back to the boys who are back in town. So, boys. Boys who are back in town, where do you go to search for a fighting ring? [01:39:18] Speaker E: Well, I'm not gonna make the same mistake that we made last time where we ask someone something and then I get a branding. [01:39:27] Speaker C: So, I mean, that's basically the only way in the city you could have done that. I really can't think of a different one. [01:39:35] Speaker E: So I think that I've learned personally don't know about them. I've learned my lesson. I'm having so much fun. I'm having so much fun. Annoying Abby with Toaddh. Anyways, do the boys do something? [01:39:53] Speaker B: Yeah. I feel like I start going to just a seedier part of town, and I give a lookout for someone who looks like they give up information freely. [01:40:02] Speaker C: And also knows tallow, knows the city well enough to tell you that at the southeast, things get less affluent. And after about an hour of walking, you guys leave the financial districts and many of the gated communities well behind. The roads widen and the deluge of people begins, varying widely. And eventually you make your way into a sort of which district would you head to? You head to a sort of, like, manufacturing and trades district, which is filled with many, like, shops and warehouses. And this area, actually, I take it back. This area, the market district, has all the shops. This is just like, there is a whole street that's nothing but stone refineries and sculpting. And then another is like, wholesale lumber. And then another. And so it's not seedy, but it is very, um, very blue collar and just, you know, like, very bohemian. Right? And as you're being led around Telugu's, this is not imagined where it would be, but probably where someone who might know. Might know. Jackie, why would you send that? Oh, man. Jackie just sent us a wikifeet with her own name and rating for four stars. [01:41:33] Speaker D: They were talking about toast. [01:41:34] Speaker B: Becky, why would you do that? [01:41:36] Speaker D: I didn't do anything. It says nice feet. Someone put it. Someone, someone. Someone did get deleted. So Jackie deleted it. It was not what I was. I was not trying to stir this conversation. [01:41:57] Speaker C: So the two people, the two people, Micah and Landon, who can, who have player characters in the scene, what do you do to try and find the fighting ring? [01:42:08] Speaker B: I stop somebody who's next to me and say, hey, I have a question. [01:42:12] Speaker C: Okay. There is this bugbear dude walking by. He's very short for a bugbear. So he's like an inch shorter than Boz because bug bear is very tall and large. He has long arms. He's very thick, just in every sense he's got a lot of muscle, but he's also very rounded. And he has this big old beer gut. And he's basically wearing a kilt. It's not that pattern, but it's just a skirt of a heavy leather fabric. And then he's got a work smock that's been undone so that it's only resting over one shoulder. And that's the shoulder that he's carrying two entire planks of lumber on. And he kind of smells a little. And his, like, as a bugbear. He's completely covered in fur. And that fur has been sort of shaped into, like, a heavy goatee around his face. He clearly, like, shaves it, like, cuts it down a little bit there. And he has these big pointed ears and this long mane of fur that goes down his head, but then, like, kind of mullets all the way down his back. And that darker hair continues all the way down his back to, like, below this, like, skirt line, sort of like a lion mane. And as he's a walking, he's barefoot and bare handed, and he's got a couple thick rings on. He's walking. And as you guys, like, you know, you walk up to him, Bozzi's carrying the wood. And he goes. [01:43:32] Speaker B: Hey, do you happen to know where an underground fighting ring is around here? [01:43:37] Speaker F: What? [01:43:39] Speaker B: I thought there was, like, some blood. It's not the blood. What is it? Tello. What's it called? [01:43:45] Speaker C: Tello just sort of, like, leans out from behind bosn, goes, dosa pain. And, like, sort of leans back behind boss House of chain. House of pain. Okay. And the guy carrying the boards goes. [01:44:02] Speaker F: Why do you think I would know? [01:44:04] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't. I. I don't know. Zero. So worst is, you just. You don't know as much as I do with look. [01:44:12] Speaker C: Yeah, that sounds like information you could get again. [01:44:16] Speaker F: Maybe. Kind of expensive. [01:44:18] Speaker C: I can't imagine why we'd have a conversation about it. I can't even start to walk away. [01:44:23] Speaker B: Do you need insurance? I can give you insurance. [01:44:25] Speaker C: And I, like, stops on a step, turns back towards you. [01:44:29] Speaker F: Insurance isn't cheap nowadays. [01:44:32] Speaker B: Oh, man. I have. How about this? [01:44:35] Speaker C: And he sets the wood down and just. And holds it next to him, leans on it. [01:44:41] Speaker B: I say, how about this? And I pull out my last pet stick. I say, I'll give you this. For what? You know. [01:44:55] Speaker F: Got it. That is a stick. [01:44:59] Speaker B: Pet stick. Okay. [01:45:01] Speaker C: I see he looked at the, like, eight foot piece of lumber next to him and goes, I think I've got one. [01:45:09] Speaker B: Boz legitimately chuckles at him. [01:45:11] Speaker C: Yeah. And he smiles and there's these very yellowed, like, sharp fang teeth. And he goes, yeah, I'm funny. [01:45:19] Speaker B: Okay, how about. How about I read your fortune? [01:45:33] Speaker C: Gotta go for that. This is the real money. [01:45:39] Speaker E: Do you see us right now? Do you think that we're from here right now? Do you think that we like our regular people? No. [01:45:49] Speaker C: Boss. Give me a persuasion check and use it. Advantage. As Craig is helping you, you have to help. Action. [01:45:56] Speaker B: Okay. [01:45:59] Speaker E: He sparkles. [01:46:00] Speaker B: That's a 24. [01:46:01] Speaker E: That's pretty featurey. [01:46:03] Speaker C: 24. The guy goes. [01:46:10] Speaker F: You look magical. [01:46:13] Speaker C: Okay, tell you what. I've got a date tonight. [01:46:18] Speaker F: You're gonna go good. [01:46:19] Speaker C: Is you gonna go bad? [01:46:22] Speaker B: Do you happen to have a flask on you? [01:46:28] Speaker C: You need it? [01:46:29] Speaker B: I need it for the thing. I promise. It's not. I'm not all right. [01:46:34] Speaker C: And he, like, picks the wood up and he walks it over to a building, sets it down next to it. Somebody, like, pulling, like, pushing a heavy, like, wheelbarrow full of, like, clay, like, grunts going by. And he reaches into his, like, kilt skirt thing, reaches his hand kind of down his pants and pulls out this metal flask, this small little flask. There you go. [01:46:56] Speaker B: All right. I pour a little bit in the cup of the mad prince as you. [01:47:00] Speaker C: As you put in your hand, boss, it's a little sweaty, but you sort of undo it a little in. Oh, it smells real strong and bad, and it's a very dark brown. As you pour it into the chalice, you, like, re cork it. And he, like, reaches back for it or, like, cap it, I guess. [01:47:17] Speaker B: Right, now, hold on to this with me. [01:47:23] Speaker C: And then I persuasion. It wouldn't be working. But he goes, and what you all see start to happen is, oh, this man is superstitious. He goes, yeah. And he sort of gets closer to you, squats down a little bit. He reaches out a hand and wraps it around the child's. And he does. He wraps his hand around you and he looks deep in your eyes. Oh, you've got a. This man in rapture. He's like. [01:47:44] Speaker B: And I start. I start doing my druidic nothings and I'm spinning it around. [01:47:49] Speaker C: And then I say, as you're doing that and swirling it with him, he, like, makes eye contact with someone down the street and he goes, oh, look at this. [01:47:55] Speaker F: Look at this. [01:47:56] Speaker C: He's looking with you looking at it. [01:47:58] Speaker B: And I'm like, I asked. He wanted me to ask if his date was gonna go well tonight, right? [01:48:02] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [01:48:03] Speaker B: And I say. I basically say, will this man's date go well tonight? And then. [01:48:09] Speaker C: And as Baaz does, his eyes flash with, like, a golden fire and like, a hundred different tongues come out. That in a language no one knows but everyone in the area can hear. And everyone goes. And it was turning and looking. The guy holding onto the glass with you goes. And he just raises his hand and starts shaking like. Like having a full on charismatic experience, even though you haven't prompted him to. And as you do buzz, you reached a back and take a draught of it. First of all. Oh, that. It's hard. And you haven't had it for long. But that might be the single worst alcohol. That is, like, home brewed beer. That's all. It's bathtub beer. Yeah, that's bathtub beer. And maybe bathtub beer. But as you take a swig, boss, and how nasty is. [01:48:58] Speaker B: Go ahead and roll, woven 81. [01:49:01] Speaker E: Oh. Oh, my gosh. [01:49:03] Speaker B: I'm trying to get him to see the mad prince by holding onto the cup with me. That's what I'm trying to get him to see. The video. [01:49:09] Speaker C: Incredible. Oz, you, like, you put the chalice back down, and as you do, everyone in the street is standing agape, looking at empty space where there is, like, mist swirling on the ground and a full sized illusion of this guy sitting down at a table, leaning over it, and sort of like a nebulous, shadowy figure across from him. Indistinct. And he's leaning forward, just going on and on and talking. And the feature across from him, like, the person, the smoky figure is, like, nebulous, but has, like, facial structure. So no features. Well, featureless features, if that makes sense. There's like a. Like an incredibly detailed mannequin sitting across from him, essentially. And so the figure is very indistinct, but you can see the figure in the chair, leaning back with arms folded, just kind of like, looking away, tapping a foot. And the vision of this guy, the smokey vision, is just going on and on, talking with the elbows on the table. And as the vision, like, falls away into mist, like he's looking amazed, the entire street has stopped conducting his business and is staring at what's happening. And, boz, you hear a voice in your ear go, he's gonna talk way too much. [01:50:23] Speaker F: Much. [01:50:27] Speaker B: So the vision dies down. And I look at him and say, talk less. Smile more. [01:50:47] Speaker F: Okay, but I mean, what do I do if I'm not talking? [01:50:55] Speaker B: Listen, ask questions. You know, you. The person's going out with you because they, like you. You don't have to impress them. [01:51:07] Speaker C: He's just standing there with, like, bewildered eyes. [01:51:10] Speaker E: Greg's listening intently. [01:51:12] Speaker C: I mean, he's learning. [01:51:13] Speaker F: That doesn't make any sense. [01:51:16] Speaker C: But trust me, you must be a sage. [01:51:20] Speaker F: Listen. Thank you, mysterious shiny man. [01:51:26] Speaker C: And he picks up the boards. [01:51:27] Speaker B: He starts to walk away from the place. [01:51:29] Speaker F: I'm sorry. [01:51:30] Speaker C: I was just so amazed. Um, yeah, I mean, the one I. [01:51:33] Speaker F: Know of in town is called the house of pain. [01:51:35] Speaker C: It's down in the warehouse district. [01:51:37] Speaker F: You're gonna need to go to where the buildings are abandoned. Go all the way down and you. [01:51:43] Speaker C: Won'T be able to. [01:51:44] Speaker F: Honestly, I've never been. I don't know what it looks like, but I know that it opens up when the sun goes down. [01:51:51] Speaker B: Hey. Right. Good luck tonight. I'm really. [01:51:55] Speaker E: We need to know what time it is. [01:51:56] Speaker F: Thank you. [01:51:58] Speaker C: And he's just walking away going ask questions. And he's just carrying the lumber along with him. I still have this world and it's many NPC's. [01:52:10] Speaker B: I still have his glass. I don't try to. If he just walks away, okay. [01:52:16] Speaker C: He just walks away, completely forgetting about it. So, Boz, you can put a crotch flask in your inventory. In parentheses next to it, please write a bathtub beer. [01:52:32] Speaker B: How much is the gold value worth on this item? [01:52:36] Speaker C: You'd have to probably get it appraised. Right. [01:52:38] Speaker B: I'm gonna go to. [01:52:39] Speaker C: You can find like, an antiques roadshow. So back to the library. [01:52:45] Speaker B: Crotch flats. Back to the library like we're crotch this episode. Zachary, what's up? [01:52:49] Speaker D: What's up with you and crotch? [01:52:51] Speaker B: Jack and feet? [01:52:52] Speaker C: So weird. Wiki feet. Anyway. [01:52:56] Speaker D: Why did we have to go back to that? [01:52:59] Speaker C: Make it something someone else did. Sure. So next episode will be episode 111, crotch toes. So. No. Oh. [01:53:17] Speaker F: Stop. [01:53:19] Speaker D: No. [01:53:22] Speaker E: Oh, Mandy. [01:53:24] Speaker C: Anywho. [01:53:27] Speaker B: Zachary. [01:53:31] Speaker C: Okay, so. [01:53:36] Speaker D: Landed. [01:53:38] Speaker C: Did a little meme that went on the screen. This is PG 13, actually. [01:53:41] Speaker D: I did that. [01:53:43] Speaker C: No, it was landed. Anywho, so Jackie looked at the screen. So she was like, uh, uh. So, um, I'm doing it right now. Yeah, Jackie, I'm just. Now she's doing it. But it was me before back in the privilege pages. Ro, you're being led around by the Dragonborn fellow who's going, and may I be helpful? And you're looking and searching and wanting to find for the books of charms. [01:54:15] Speaker D: Yes. [01:54:16] Speaker C: I heard her saying you wanted some sort of paradigm legende. What is it you're trying to find, young lady? This fault is a lot of options. [01:54:30] Speaker D: Awesome. I was wondering if there was anything on any previous. [01:54:36] Speaker C: You're going to have to speak up. [01:54:38] Speaker D: I was wondering, sir, if there was anything on them. [01:54:42] Speaker C: You're going to need to speak up. [01:54:47] Speaker D: Can't you do with Presta digitization? Can't you make things louder for a second? [01:54:51] Speaker C: Yeah, you can. Yeah. Sorry. [01:54:54] Speaker D: Oh, you're right. Presta digitation did it, too. [01:54:58] Speaker C: And he just kneels all the way down you and turns his, like, concave ear hole. Why? Because dragonborns have ears. I don't know. He just. He just turns his ear toward you and goes. [01:55:12] Speaker D: I was looking for maybe some. Some famous bards. Anything on some famous bards or even, like, legends of. Of previously famous bards. [01:55:23] Speaker C: He just stands up and says, I've just said so. He starts leading you through the book stacks back to Greta and her little. And her small lady. Greta, you're being led around, and she. [01:55:34] Speaker A: Says, my small lady, you said you. [01:55:36] Speaker F: Are looking for her descend already and order of. I. [01:55:44] Speaker A: Actually, I didn't say that, but I'm interested in anything. [01:55:49] Speaker F: Oh, then I definitely would not know that. I'm sorry. What was it you were looking for? [01:55:55] Speaker A: I am looking for information about the people of Sandor and in their history and any information about that. [01:56:08] Speaker F: Okay, give me a moment and I will find. [01:56:14] Speaker C: She peruses some things. She pulls out this interesting thing where you watch her. There's no titles on the shelves. There's titles in some of the books, but they're in all different languages, many of which you can't read. You recognize one, you can't read it all because you haven't studied it yet. But just from the. Just from the title on the side, you recognize it to be celestial based on the book you've purchased. But she's going around and realize that there are symbols carved below the books, like very sort of like dash numeric. And she's pulling out this little metal sliding device with, like, a central square structure and these little metal tabs she can slide. And she's matching it to eithers and checking them. And then as she goes back and forth, she eventually pulls one scroll out and then, like, in a metal tube casing, and then a second, and then comes back with a tome and she gives you the three, and she says. [01:57:06] Speaker F: You must review them in front of me so that we know that nothing is taken from the collection. But the first, she gestures to the. [01:57:13] Speaker C: Smallest, that little scroll in two. [01:57:14] Speaker F: But she says, is an account of the lineage of the founders of the order north in Sandar. The second is a trading route history agreement recovered for shipments sent to the order. And the third is a brief history of one traveler from two centuries ago accounting their voyages to western Jalabrin, which mentions a passage on Sundar briefly. [01:57:45] Speaker A: Oh, wow. When you say the order, what order is that? [01:57:53] Speaker F: There is an order of Aihon, as I understand it. A religious, sacred order interested in the amassing of information and magical knowledge that abides on the island as its major political structure. My knowledge does not go far beyond this. [01:58:10] Speaker A: Okay, thank you. Is it alright if I take notes on the material? [01:58:15] Speaker F: You may, but. [01:58:17] Speaker A: She pulls out her notebook. [01:58:18] Speaker F: I might have to check with his supervisor. [01:58:21] Speaker C: And she holds out a palm. Greta, you can give me an insight check. [01:58:33] Speaker A: Oh. [01:58:41] Speaker C: Or if you understand, you don't have to. [01:58:44] Speaker A: I don't want to. [01:58:46] Speaker C: Okay. Abby said I want to roll the math rocks. [01:58:51] Speaker A: I do. That's going to be a twelve. Okay, actually, that's going to be. Sorry, that's a 23. It's a 22. It's a 13. And I was like, nothing suspicious about. [01:59:07] Speaker C: That, so I'm sorry. It was DC eight. She's bribing you and she. Abby, I believe you. She's bribing you. And she just says, I made me to speak with. [01:59:27] Speaker A: Do I have a guess of what would be, I think in my head, what would Boz give her? Actually, I think what would tello give. [01:59:37] Speaker C: Her with a 22? It occurs to you that like, no one here is taking bribes in copper, but a gold's a lot. Maybe something in the silver range. Something around there. [01:59:47] Speaker A: Okay, that's a shame. I give her like five silver. [02:00:00] Speaker C: Okay. As you plot five silver in her hand, she looks at it, closes her. [02:00:03] Speaker F: Hand and she says, how come? To think of it, I guess I am the highest ranking person here right now. So I like this manager. [02:00:11] Speaker C: Thank you, ma'am. She slips a hand in the receiver. [02:00:13] Speaker F: And she says, please look all you like. [02:00:16] Speaker A: Okay, so I opened the books. And so one of them was a trade route. I'll like skim that one and take notes on anything I think is pertinent. I will probably read the first one pretty closely. You look the last one, you look. [02:00:35] Speaker C: Through it pretty clearly. Regretta. Yeah, I mean, you already knew where the island was on a map. You learned some things about some currents you can take with the ship, maybe. [02:00:42] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [02:00:43] Speaker C: You're not much of a navigator. You jot it down. [02:00:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:00:45] Speaker C: Get to the second one. [02:00:46] Speaker D: Wow. [02:00:46] Speaker C: The second one is banal. I mean like think numbers in the Bible, but times a thousand, it is literally just like lineage. Categorization history for the entire continental region that someone has, and also two thirds of it is them putting detailed notes down for the many lineage gaps they have and what they might be really not useful. The third. Okay, I will say that all this scanning and reading takes about, like, an hour and a half, and it's a lot to search through. Then you get to the third one. First of all, it's. You feel a deep and painful itch at the side of your brain because, I mean, like. Like, the crackhead energy is growing in Greta. You feel the need, the hunger, because it's just nothing. But, like, episodic venture travel reports that have. It's. This person was a you, but independently motivated, so not like. Like, this is their personal voyage. They've. They've. And it was so many centuries ago. You're like, oh, well, at this time, Zej was pretty well known and Nikistenec, kinda, but a lot of, like, hashas and the wildlands. The wildlands still aren't. I mean, like, Kraska is not well known, but Hashas was fairly disconnected. This person was like, I'm gonna learn about the west. And so this is their travel. So in some ways, it's very, like, fractured, and in some ways, like, it's like, very small clips. There's some interesting sections on Hishas as you read them. Like, fill in tiny little peripheries of your world you never knew, traveling through parts of the continent you never got to. But then also taking big swings and misses. Like, they elaborate on a section of time they spent in the Greywood, which is both nostalgic and kind of just ever so slightly trauma triggering for you. And then also some big misses on their theories as to, like, powers governing it, nature of it. Like, there's a lot of speculation that's just way off. [02:02:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Who's the. What's the name of the adventure? [02:03:02] Speaker C: Write this down for me. McGillicuth. [02:03:06] Speaker A: McGillicuddy. Mobile. [02:03:09] Speaker C: Yeah, no. McGillicuddy mobiles. Mobile would be tacky. [02:03:13] Speaker A: McGillic team. [02:03:16] Speaker C: Mobiles and mobiles is spelled M O B b l E s. [02:03:23] Speaker A: Megalikitty mobiles. Got it. Thank you. [02:03:30] Speaker E: Is that in reference to me? [02:03:36] Speaker C: I don't know how it is, but I guess it is. And also, Greta, could you give me an investigation check? I do call you McGillicuddy, so. Yes. [02:03:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:03:49] Speaker C: And after this, we'll look at where Ro's looking for, then we'll cut back to the boys looking for their thing, and then that'll be the end of the first episode. [02:03:58] Speaker A: What was the. What was it again? What was it? [02:04:01] Speaker C: Investigation. [02:04:02] Speaker A: Investigation for investigation. Investigation for investigation. That was a nat. 20. [02:04:08] Speaker C: Oh, my goodness. [02:04:12] Speaker A: 26. [02:04:14] Speaker C: Holy crap. Greta's scores so far this session are 23, 22, and 26 with one nat. 20. Greta, as you peruse through, you really spent some detail in this section. We're about to get to Sandor, but you spend some detail in this section, and you find something that corroborates something you already heard about. So there is a section of the Greywood at the far. I mean, the Greywood is like the northwestern ridge of. And at the furthest southwest point of it, it reaches the base of a mountainous where a bunch of rivers converge and they turn into a waterway that leads to the side of the ocean. But a mile in, it's just this big landlocked marsh that goes on for about 10 miles. It's the only part of the gray wood that the Hags didn't particularly go to or tell you about. And they told you a lot of secrets. There's a lot of secrets they didn't tell you about. And you heard varying accounts, positive together, different information. But it's always been a bit of a blank space. In your knowledge of the Greywood. You learn reading this text, that it's this person learned traveling. McGillicuddy learned traveling, that there were rumors of dragons in that marsh. Dragons in that marsh, too. The rumor purported that there was, like, a pair of dragons that lived in that swamp, and that that's why hag like. Well, McGillian doesn't particularly know about the hags, but why no one goes to it. Mm hmm. [02:05:58] Speaker A: And you said this was two centuries ago? [02:06:02] Speaker C: Well, actually, I guess I had that dated wrong about a century ago. [02:06:08] Speaker A: About. Cool. [02:06:11] Speaker C: We're not going to worry about how that doesn't totally make sense with people not having history of eschat, but whatever. [02:06:17] Speaker A: That's okay. [02:06:19] Speaker F: I'm doing my best. [02:06:23] Speaker C: Okay, so you put that together, Greta. Then when it gets to Sandoria, this section, it's an interesting section because mobile's traveled to Sandor and got passage there pretty easily, and they met a bunch of people at a couple interior towns. The island is home to two major organizational entities, but they don't live in seclusion. So there's, like, a couple towns on the island and a couple small, isolated cultures, and there's a basic shipping and trading industry, a couple of, like, regional industries. Nothing crazy, but mobiles was deeply interested both in the blades of Sandoria as well as the order of Ayoun. And when traveling to the order of Ayun was permitted some very limited access by contributing what she had learned. Mobile's I've just decided, as some lady what she had learned about his, but then couldn't get a lot further because she didn't have any other knowledge to offer the organization. And she found that the organization very much. They were rather secretive, and they traded in knowledge. And when her knowledge ran out, her understanding of it ran out, too. But that the order could be found to the southwest center, somewhere in the mountains, and that she met an emissary briefly, got some information out of them by trading some. Some info of her own, and then was rebuffed from there. And then I. When she speaks of the blades of Sandoria, they're in the northeast of the isle, and the largest sandor being the largest of the sandorian islands, therefore, they're named after it. And the blaze of Sandoria. [02:08:08] Speaker A: You said they were in the northeast. [02:08:10] Speaker C: Northeast. The locals could report that. But the locals would speak very sparingly of the blades of Sandoria and urged mobils not to inquire too much, saying that they were business and respectable, but they did not like being spoken of. And when mobiles attempted to inquire further, she very briefly met one representative who politely cautioned her to dig further and die. And she did learn from locals that they were essentially an organization of paid, paid muscle, but of the highest, most secret order. So, like, very skilled hitmen and, like. Like guards that you don't hire to escort you in public. Guards when you're like, hey, I think somebody's trying to kill me. And they just follow you around, killing whoever's trying to kill you. So, like, okay, assassins for money. [02:09:03] Speaker A: Awesome. [02:09:04] Speaker B: Cool. [02:09:04] Speaker C: Okay, well, I'm sorry. Go ahead. [02:09:07] Speaker A: No, that's it. That's it. [02:09:09] Speaker C: Okay. [02:09:09] Speaker A: Well, it's done. [02:09:10] Speaker C: You're over there with the old guy who goes, and he comes back with four different books. One is the second edition, like, the second ever print of Tales of the majestic company, a book you already have, but he brings you back one of the original prints. So it's a book you already own, but cool. [02:09:37] Speaker B: Wow. [02:09:37] Speaker C: You know that collector's edition. Wait, what is this? It's tales of Villec and the majestic company. [02:09:44] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [02:09:47] Speaker C: And then another tale is histories of famous bards all across Yellowdon. You leaf through it, and there's a very large section on Villek, and the second largest section is on Ravenna. And as you read it. Ah, you're familiar with that smell. That's the smell of speculation. You've seen it about you guys quite a bit, and you're like. Like, just based off the little you know about your mom, you're already like, yeah, okay, half of this doesn't make sense, but half of it. And then he brings you one that is an autobiographical text by someone named Nimnar. [02:10:22] Speaker D: Nimnar. [02:10:23] Speaker C: That's it. That's the whole name. Nimnar. Nimnar is writing about themselves being a great bardeen. It is really painful to read. The best way I know how to say it is. It's the book that, you know, inserts celebrity who is really never meant to write a book. Right. [02:10:40] Speaker A: Prince Harry. [02:10:42] Speaker C: Yeah, there you go. [02:10:44] Speaker D: Dang. [02:10:45] Speaker C: And it's just like. Like you're reading and you're like, okay, that's not interesting. [02:10:49] Speaker D: And then, wait, what kind of art was he like? Was he comedy? Was he music? [02:10:56] Speaker C: Yes, he went here. Now, the tale of a college of. Oh, what's that? What's the college where you can just speak? [02:11:08] Speaker D: Oh, I don't remember. [02:11:10] Speaker C: College of eloquence Bard, who was trying to start stand up comedy in Yalabad. And as it's left open, you can put together for the details. Failed hard, and so decided to write a book and try and turn it around. And that didn't go so well. [02:11:25] Speaker D: Poor guy. [02:11:26] Speaker C: And finally, one is simply like a regional tale of bards over the world. And it's not particularly helpful. Yeah, except only because you know what you're looking for. It has a passage on Ravina briefly visiting Zedge and how the last time she was seen from folks there, she said that she was gonna go find the lost lands. There's just a local unverified account of that. [02:11:58] Speaker F: Okay. [02:12:01] Speaker D: Very cool. [02:12:03] Speaker C: And in that case, just in the interest of time, because I know second session won't be too short. Smash cut. Back to the boys. [02:12:14] Speaker E: Hey, Boz. [02:12:15] Speaker C: Boys. Oh, sorry, I. Boz goes. Yeah, what's up, Craig? I'm always focused on paying attention. [02:12:23] Speaker E: Hey, Boz, I know you were thinking about going to the warehouse district. The warehouse district. However, I think it would be a good idea to pick the girls up from the library. We can, like, call them up, you know, they can just leave us there is the sun's location. [02:12:54] Speaker C: What are you just asking, Micah? [02:12:56] Speaker E: Oh, in the sky location. [02:12:58] Speaker C: It's like late afternoon. It's a. Like the sun's gonna start setting within the next half hour. [02:13:04] Speaker E: Okay, then the other communists there. Nevermind. I was thinking that we could kill some time. Bye. [02:13:08] Speaker C: Picking them up for whatever it's worth. They're like. They're pretty tough. I don't think that. [02:13:14] Speaker D: Yeah, I legitimately thought Craig was like, they shouldn't walk alone. [02:13:19] Speaker E: No, no. I just wanted to waste time if it was too early in the day. [02:13:24] Speaker C: I mean, Craig, if this party knows how to do anything, it's waste time. But then, I don't know. Let's just keep looking for the investigation check chamber. [02:13:36] Speaker E: Is that what it's called? [02:13:37] Speaker D: Right. [02:13:37] Speaker E: The pain chamber? [02:13:40] Speaker B: That's. That's exactly right. Actually, it's the pain chamber. [02:13:44] Speaker E: Okay, cool. Pain chamber. Oh. [02:13:53] Speaker C: Whichever of you wants to make an. [02:13:54] Speaker B: Investigation check, I will not get an investigating solid. Craig, do that. [02:13:59] Speaker E: Oh, no. [02:14:00] Speaker C: And tell. Oh, as you're searching, tell us, like, of the city to help you map it out so he gives you the help action so that you have advantage on the role so that you can roll it again until leans over to Boz and goes, you know, he could probably use all the help he could get. So you guys do that magic thing a bunch. [02:14:22] Speaker B: I said I cast guidance. Oh, my God. [02:14:24] Speaker C: Okay, cool. [02:14:26] Speaker E: If I can't locate the sun, boss, how are you think I'm gonna locate a destination? [02:14:34] Speaker C: So what was the result of that second role? With your investigation modified at our D four. So, Mikey, you're gonna take that D 20, you'll roll it, and then after that, you'll add your investigation modifier onto it. And then a d four. [02:14:52] Speaker E: No, because I got a two. [02:14:54] Speaker B: How many times did you roll it, Micah? [02:14:56] Speaker E: I rolled it twice. [02:14:58] Speaker B: And you got a two as your highest roll. [02:15:01] Speaker E: My highest roll is, like, five. [02:15:05] Speaker C: Okay, total five. Go ahead and add a d four on, I guess. Okay. For posterity. [02:15:11] Speaker E: Hey, it's an eight. Solid. [02:15:13] Speaker C: Okay. Craig leads you around for a long time, and eventually he's pretty sure he's got the directions right from somebody. Guys, you were passing, and eventually you are led to, like, basically just a really large store silo for manure. All right. [02:15:28] Speaker B: I sit next to it, and I wait for the girls to show up. [02:15:32] Speaker D: Did anyone call us? [02:15:34] Speaker B: I did. [02:15:34] Speaker C: Listening stuff. [02:15:36] Speaker D: Oh, you did? [02:15:37] Speaker E: Hey, boss, as confident as I am. [02:15:41] Speaker C: The girls have left, and they're on the other side of town. And. Girls, girls, you are walking through dark in the manufacturing district. Um, you do get a couple years and a couple unpleasant gentlemen walking toward you. Especially you, ro. And I'll take you roleplay one of those. What was that? [02:16:01] Speaker D: What'd you say? [02:16:04] Speaker C: Okay, um, influence at one point. [02:16:08] Speaker D: What? [02:16:08] Speaker C: Uh, as you all are moving by, um, this, like, very tall, leering gentleman walks by row and goes, I don't know, gorgeous. What are you doing? [02:16:22] Speaker D: Hold, please. No, just 1 second. [02:16:25] Speaker C: Hold on. No, that's not me. That's him. [02:16:27] Speaker D: Oh, no, I know that's not you. [02:16:30] Speaker C: Okay, good. [02:16:32] Speaker D: I know that's not that. [02:16:34] Speaker C: Micah looks lost, smiling into the camera. Just. [02:16:38] Speaker D: She cast. She casts suspicious mockery. [02:16:43] Speaker C: Okay, and wait, hold on. What is the casting? What's the casting? Like, like with your instrument and all that? [02:16:50] Speaker D: Yeah, she. He's like, like, oh, come on. So she kind of, like. She literally, instead of like saying a joke or anything, she literally just mocks him. She like, does it back to him. And she's like, oh, come on. Except in Rose. [02:17:05] Speaker C: And. And as you. As you. Oh, you do that thing where people play the chords that match the pitch of what's being said. And as you do that, like this, this burst of magic flows out and he goes, oh, God, I was trying to. And he just throws up all over the street and some blood comes out of his nose. He just runs off down the street. [02:17:26] Speaker D: Bye now. [02:17:28] Speaker C: Through a couple stone calls me. [02:17:32] Speaker D: Yeah, you can deal with that. We know Ro does not have a soft spot for men who are crappy. [02:17:40] Speaker C: The girls find their way to the guys and girls. You find Craig, Boz and Tello sitting next to a manure silo. Tello is like 30ft away, leaning against a different building. Hey, guys. [02:17:52] Speaker B: Craig says this is the building we're supposed to go to. [02:17:55] Speaker C: I can find it. [02:18:01] Speaker B: Greg says this is the building for the pet. The pain at the pain land. Pain place. [02:18:05] Speaker C: Pain place. Did you guys also. [02:18:07] Speaker D: Did you guys. [02:18:10] Speaker B: Did a fortune for somebody. They said it was over here. [02:18:14] Speaker D: Is there a door? [02:18:14] Speaker C: Huge rat half covered in horse crap crawls out from under the silo and just into a drain nearby. Okay, so, boss, you walk after it in Casper. Animals, it turns around and goes, rat, rat. And you all watch as the rat turns around, like, sits still. And you guys hear like a couple, like, okay, it won't pick up noises that high, but some rat squeaks. And Boz, you hear what you say? [02:18:43] Speaker B: Is that the house? [02:18:43] Speaker F: You talking to me? Everywhere is the house. [02:18:48] Speaker B: I'll give you food. [02:18:49] Speaker C: Vice. [02:18:50] Speaker F: What was that? [02:18:51] Speaker C: I'll give you food. Okay. [02:18:53] Speaker B: Is that the house of pain? [02:18:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:18:56] Speaker B: Cool. And I walk away. It was the food I cut off. [02:19:02] Speaker C: Sweet. [02:19:02] Speaker B: With animals. [02:19:03] Speaker C: And then you guys watch this little house of pain. This little rat covered in crap is just following Boswell, going, what do I. [02:19:11] Speaker D: Have to digitate the rat? Because it's covered in rats. [02:19:15] Speaker C: As you do it just sort of like turns all the fur puffs up, and it just squeals at you. [02:19:20] Speaker B: Grabby. Can I have some. Can I have some honey bread? [02:19:22] Speaker C: Just half a loaf. [02:19:25] Speaker A: I reach my hands into my pockets, and I pull out four loaves of. [02:19:28] Speaker B: Bread, and I place them on the road in front of the rat like. [02:19:32] Speaker C: I had already. [02:19:38] Speaker D: Pick all of. [02:19:39] Speaker A: I pick three of them up. I pick three of them up before the rat can get to them. [02:19:42] Speaker C: Can we get it? [02:19:43] Speaker B: Is that like an athletics check to see if. [02:19:47] Speaker C: Well, you put one down and the rat just dives onto it, eats the side. But, yeah, Greta, you definitely pick up three honeyloaf breads with a little bit of stuff, indiscriminate stuff on the bottom of them. [02:20:02] Speaker A: I offer them. These were for you guys, and I offer them to my compatriots. [02:20:10] Speaker D: Anymore pocket. Oh, no, Greta. [02:20:14] Speaker C: Why couldn't she press the digitate? [02:20:16] Speaker D: I could have. She put them in there, though. Now they're machine with all the others. [02:20:21] Speaker C: Greta, my mouth. [02:20:25] Speaker A: But you cannot press it. The inside of my pockets. [02:20:28] Speaker D: But I don't want to eat next. [02:20:29] Speaker C: To your inventory, Greta. Please write down three soiled loaves. Um, okay. So you guys stand there and tell her. Goes, well. [02:20:45] Speaker B: Tell me, this is the house of pain. So I say we go in there. [02:20:48] Speaker C: Is there a door possibility that's just a rat who doesn't know what's going on? [02:20:52] Speaker D: Yeah, very, very likely. [02:20:54] Speaker B: No. [02:20:55] Speaker D: Is there a door to the building that they were leaning against? [02:20:59] Speaker C: Yes, like about 4ft up, there's like a sliding wooden hatch that you can. To the side. [02:21:04] Speaker D: I knock on it. Nothing. Hello. [02:21:16] Speaker B: Can you pick a lock? [02:21:18] Speaker D: I open the thing. I open the thing. I reach up and I open the little, and I peek in. [02:21:26] Speaker F: It's so low. [02:21:30] Speaker C: Opens the side of the manure silo, and no. [02:21:34] Speaker D: Knock the door. That is not what I said. [02:21:38] Speaker C: Oh, Jackie. Oh, Jackie. I don't know how I could have been clearer. [02:21:43] Speaker D: You said there was a little door. You said there was a little door to peek out of. [02:21:48] Speaker C: I said, and I want to be clear about the fact that I was incredibly clear about my language. There was a wooden sliding hatch, and you can reach up and move it, like on a sideline. [02:21:59] Speaker D: I thought you meant like a face. [02:22:01] Speaker C: Cool. [02:22:02] Speaker D: Like where you get. [02:22:04] Speaker C: Ro. Reaches up and slides the hatch open, and then just, just like I'm gonna say, four or 500 pounds of dried manure comes flying out at rockles her in the well. No, because it's spread over the area. [02:22:21] Speaker D: Acrobatics check to jump out of the way. [02:22:23] Speaker B: Okay. [02:22:24] Speaker C: Give me a dexterity saving throw of, I don't know, like 20. [02:22:27] Speaker D: Okay, fine. [02:22:28] Speaker C: Or something. [02:22:28] Speaker A: Okay. [02:22:29] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. Guidance is a touch spell. [02:22:35] Speaker D: What? [02:22:36] Speaker B: I have my familiar fly over and touch her with guidance. [02:22:40] Speaker C: Okay. This is an instantaneous. That's not how guidance works. What'd you get, Ro? [02:22:45] Speaker D: 23. [02:22:46] Speaker C: Excellent. You get half covered. You mostly jump out of the way and get half covered in manure. And ro, you guys are standing next to a half emptied manure silo and you are half covered in crap. [02:23:04] Speaker D: Whistling so much. [02:23:06] Speaker E: I don't think this is not going. [02:23:08] Speaker D: To come off in just one whistle. [02:23:12] Speaker C: Tell us. Just walking around the street, looking around buildings, trying to find the correct path. [02:23:17] Speaker E: Hey, guys, I think I got it wrong. I'm sorry. That's my bad. [02:23:20] Speaker C: Oh, no worries. [02:23:21] Speaker B: Craig. Let's go look at another building. [02:23:22] Speaker D: No worries. [02:23:27] Speaker E: I just like somebody else. [02:23:29] Speaker C: It's not a high. [02:23:32] Speaker B: I got a four. [02:23:35] Speaker D: Can I. Can I go? [02:23:37] Speaker B: Guys, I really think it's the silo. I think if we dig through this, it'll get. We'll get to it. [02:23:44] Speaker C: Please get higher. Also, you can guide yourself. [02:23:47] Speaker D: 25. [02:23:48] Speaker C: Excellent. That's what I don't have. [02:23:51] Speaker D: Guidance. So, no, I cannot guide myself. [02:23:53] Speaker C: Ro. Fueled by the trauma of literal crap. You guys. You guys power through the streets and what you do, Roe, is rather clever. You start looking around at all of the buildings that are shutting down the most. Because if you needed a hitting fighting ring in the city, you'd want it where no one else was going. And as you get to a section that's like three streets of abandoned buildings with some seedy individuals slipping in out of them. Eventually you all move to this really large silo or, um, like barn, this store. Well, storage. What is it? Like a. Like a storage hanger, right? It's like 200ft long, maybe 40ft high. This huge building. It has this shingled roof that's like half caved in on a side. The walls are tall and stone up to about 20ft. And then wood slats up from that. There's this huge rollaway door. And as the night has grown dark, some torches are lit outside. And there's like a smattering of like, individuals gathered around, like, leaning over barrels. There's a fire out of. Out of like a, like a metal trash barrel on one side. People leaning over, warming their hands. And someone is standing over, like a wooden, like, spool for like. Like hay at one side, leaning over with like a bag next to them. And there's like five individuals with swords next to that person. And that person's leaning over talking to people who are exchanging coins with them. And the barn door is like, or like. It's like a barn sliding door. It's not a barn, but it's slid to a side and people are slipping in and you can hear noise from inside and like some very rough, not well produced music. And the individuals leaning over, speaking with. [02:25:26] Speaker D: People, I go up to them. [02:25:30] Speaker C: Okay, ro, you walk up to the front. The individual is a one eyed, a one eyed Eric Cochran. [02:25:40] Speaker D: One eyed, one person. [02:25:43] Speaker C: And they purple the great tail grackle from the Walmart parking lot like they're missing half their feathers. [02:25:49] Speaker D: I love them. [02:25:50] Speaker C: They're like half balding. And as you walk up, they just go, what do you want? [02:25:55] Speaker D: Uh, yes. Is this the, um, house of pain? [02:26:02] Speaker C: Yes. What are you paying to get in? [02:26:04] Speaker D: What is the payment to get in? [02:26:07] Speaker C: How much you want to pay to get in? [02:26:10] Speaker D: Well, there's, there's. [02:26:13] Speaker C: Look. Shiny. You look like you have the money. So do you want it or not? [02:26:18] Speaker D: Yeah, for all of us. Two gold. [02:26:22] Speaker C: She looks around with the eye patch over one eye over everything. I'll take it. She reaches out of hand excitedly. You drop in two gold. As she puts it away in the bag, she says, are you all competing? [02:26:35] Speaker B: Yes. [02:26:37] Speaker E: Oh, no. [02:26:38] Speaker C: Excellent. [02:26:41] Speaker D: That's undecided. We haven't yet. [02:26:47] Speaker C: I bet you'll figure it out. She waves her hand to the door. The party passes in, and that is where we will end. What does she mean, we'll figure it out? Okay. We will take the briefest of breaks and then we'll come back as Zach very rapidly sets up a lot of stuff he wasn't necessarily ready for, but he can because he's a big kid with a big butt. So, listeners, thank you for listening. This has been another episode of the accidental adventure. The Patreon is cool. There's obviously a lot of unique stuff on there, but we're going to just rack, crackle and pack this next episode. So life is an incredible adventure. You're an important part of it. We'll see you back here soon. [02:27:24] Speaker F: Skippity wop, skippity wapenna.

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